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Information & Communication Technology – Part II

Answer sheet and marks allocated.

(1). (I) (a) Agro climatic information communication

(b) Communication of market information.
(c) Internet facilities to agricultural experimentation
(d) To update land registry information.
1 mark x2=2

(II) DVD, Blu-ray disk, Pen Drive

1 mark x2=2
(III) MRI Scanner
CT Scanner
CAT Scanner
1 mark x2=2

(IV) Accumulated age= 110002

Saman’s age =178 = 11112
Sister’s age = 110002


Sister’s age in binary form,

2 marks
(V) (a) Steps to follow in solving a problem,
1 marks
(b) i. flow chart - (graphic)
ii. Pseudo Code -(Text type)

0.5 mark x2=1


(VI) (a) Google Chrome

(b) Safari
(c) Mozilla Firefox
For three correct answers 2 marks
For two correct answers 1 mark

(VII) Simplification as follows

2 marks
a. Possibility to establish a new computer based information system in a short time.
b. The users’ eagerness for implementing new systems.
c. Ability to increase efficiency of school cooperative shop.
d. Ability to curtail number of employees.
1 mark x2=2

A B C (A+B) (A+C) (A+B)(A+C) A B C (B.C) A+BC
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

(A+B)(A+C) = A+BC
2 marks

(X) Remote controller of TV

Mobile telephones
Wireless computer networks

2 marks

2 (I)
Set x=0
While x<=13
Call new Applicant
If pass AL=TRUE then
Print “You are selected”
Print “You are not selected”
End if
End while

(II) (a) A =No

(b) B=YES
(c) C=YES
(d) D=20
(e) E=NO
(f) F =YES

(03). (I) Text Editors/ Object Editors / WYSIWYG Editors

use of web authoring software packages.
2 marks

(II ) Index. html,

Index. htm,
Index. php,
Default.php, ( For one correct answer 1 mark )


****************SELF LEARNING

<TD>ENGLISH</TD> 4 marks
<A HREF="ABC.HTML">Goto:Schoolnet

4 marks

( IV) <a href => Goto:Schoolnet </a>

2 marks

(V ) (a) Use of background colors

(b) Use of Animations .
(c) Use of Photographs and Video clips
0.5 mark x2=1

(04) (I) = C2 – B2 1 mark

(II) = C3 – B3 1 mark
(III) = D2 – 14 1 mark
(IV) = E2 * 5 1 mark
(V) = Sum (F2:F4) 1 mark x2=2
(VI) = if (E2>30, “ Red”, “ Blue”) 1 mark x2=2
(VII) bar chart , Column chart 1 mark x2=2

(05) MLK346 curd 24 sale2 208CS

(I) a.
MLK456 butter 24 sale1 205CS

GRN201 rice 32 measure 110MS

OTR302 dried chilies 32 measure 110MS

2 marks

b. Wastage of computer memory, more space is necessary to store data,

wastage of time in re-entering data
0.5 mark x2=1
(II) item code
1 mark
(III) employee number Text
name Text
date of birth Date/ Time
designation Text
appointment date Date/ Time

2 marks for correct 5/ 4 answers.

1 mark for 2 or 3 correct answers.

(IV) a. Employee number

1 mark
b. Ability to connect tables as user requirements.
Easy updatability because of the ability to use small tables in a database .
Ability to select data according to user needs
Less data redundancy
1 mark x2=2
(V) Report
1 mark

6. (1) Credit Card ,ATM Card

1 mark x2=2
(11) CAL,CAD,WBT, LMS , Use internet for educational information.
1 mark x2=2
(111) Use of software for garment designing-CAD.
Online marketing.
Video conference.
1 mark x2=2
(1V) Booking air-tickets.
Booking seats.
Reservation of vehicles from air port to residence.
1 mark x2=2
(V) Video Conference/ Chat
1 mark x2=2

7. (1) Tele-medicine 1 mark

(11) Ability to use resources efficiently
Ability to access to medical facilities by people in remote areas
Ability to get instructions and services for emergency units quickly
Increased protection for patients.
1 mark x2=2
(111) (a) Validity of the accountability of the doctor and lack of reliability on the doctor
by the patient.
(b) Cost is high
(c) Initial cost is high
(d)High cost in information communication
(e) Problems may occur in payments ( Usability of visa card/credit card )
1 mark x3=3
(1V) Neck strain, Carpel tunnel syndromes, Back pain, Weakening eye sight, Mental
stress ,RSI
1 mark x2=2
(V) Change eye direction in every 20 minutes for 5 to 8 seconds.
Change of posture in every 20 minutes
Correct seating posture
Exercising. (hands, neck, head)
1 mark x2=2

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