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Electromagnetic scattering and radiation by

surfaces of arbitrary shape in layered media, -
I: Theory

Article in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation · April 1990

DOI: 10.1109/8.52240 · Source: IEEE Xplore


610 110

2 authors:

Krzysztof Michalski Dalian Zheng

Texas A&M University Texas A&M University


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Electromagnetic Scattering and Radiation by

Surfaces of Arbitrary Shape in Layered
Media, Part I: Theory

Abstmct- An accurate and general procedure is developed for the surface current representation free of line or point charges at
analysis of electromagnetic radiation and scattering by perfectly con- subdomain boundaries. This technique also employs a testing
ducting objects of arbitrary shape embedded in a medium consisting of scheme where the derivatives of the scalar potential are in ef-
an arbitrary number of planar, dielectric layers. The key step in this pro-
cedure is the formulation of the so-called mixed-potential electric field
fect replaced by finite differences. More recently, Schaubert,
integral equation (MPIE) that is amenable to an existing advanced so- Wilton, and Glisson [9] extended this procedure to volume
lution technique developed for objects in free space, and which employs integral equations for penetrable bodies, which they modeled
the method of moments in conjunction with a triangular-patch model of in terms of tetrahedral elements.
the arbitrary surface. Hence, our goal is to immediately increase analy- The procedures described above were originally developed
sis capabilities in electromagnetics, yet remain compatible with the large
existing base of knowledge concerning the solution of surface integral
for antennas and scatterers residing in a homogeneous space.
equations. In this first part of a two-part paper, three alternative forms Although this restriction is not severe in some aerospace appli-
of the MPIE in plane-stratified media are developed and their proper- cations where the effect of the environment can be neglected,
ties are discussed. In the second part, one of the developed MPIEs is it does exclude many problems of practical interest where the
implemented to analyze scatterers and antennas of arbitrary shape that
proximity of the earth must be taken into account. Indeed, in
penetrate the interface between contiguous dielectric half-spaces.
many cases the influence of the ground or the ocean, which
often can be adequately represented by a model consisting of
I. INTRODUCTION one or more planar, dielectric layers, is the dominant effect in
the problem. Therefore, in this paper we seek to develop, for

S IMPLE AND EFFICIENT method of moments (MM) [ 13

procedures have been recently developed for the solution
of the electromagnetic scattering and radiation problems in-
arbitrarily shaped objects in layered media, an MPIE formu-
lation that is amenable to the MM procedures originated by
Wilton and his co-workers, which culminated in the develop-
volving objects of arbitrary shape in free space [2]-[6]. These ment of the triangle-patch code [ 5 ] , [ IO], [ 113 and its thin-wire
procedures are based on the so-called mixed-potential form of counterpart, MININEC [12]. Since a great amount of effort
the electric field integral equation (EF1E)- so named, because went into the development of these codes, which can currently
it involves both the vector and scalar potentials; the former handle only objects in free space or over a PEC ground, it
expressed in terms of the induced current, and the latter in is desirable to have a formulation that would allow one to
terms of the induced charge. In the case of perfectly elec- easily extend them to the case of bodies in stratified media.
trically conducting (PEC) objects, the EFIE is more general For simplicity’s sake, we limit attention to PEC objects and
than the magnetic field integral equation (MFIE) [7], since it surface integral equations, however, our formulation can, if
is applicable to both closed and open surfaces [8]. The mixed- desired, be easily extended to dielectric bodies in conjunction
potential EFIE (MPIE) is preferable to the several other possi- with either volume [9] or surface [6] integral equations.
ble variants of the EFIE because it requires only the potential Unlike in free space, or even in some complex environments
forms of the Green’s functions, which are less singular than with PEC boundaries, it is not a trivial task to formulate an
their derivatives needed in the other forms of the EFIE [4]. In MPIE for objects of arbitrary shape in a layered medium. This
the MM technique, originally developed by Rao, Wilton, and is due to the fact that in the layered medium the vector and
Glisson [ 5 ] , the surface of the PEC object is modeled in terms scalar potentials are not unique [ 131 and the scalar potentials of
of triangular patches and especially designed basis functions point charges associated with horizontal and vertical dipoles
defined on pairs of adjacent triangles are used, which yield a are not, in general, identical [ 141. Additional complications
arise when the objects penetrate one or more of the interfaces
Manuscript received March 4, 1988; revised February 3, 1989. This work between dielectric layers.
was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant ECS-8505678 The advantages of the MPIE over the other forms of the
and by the Office of Naval Research under Contract “14-87-K-0688.
K. A. Michalski is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Texas EFIE are even more pronounced in a layered medium than in
A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. free space. This is due to the fact that the Green’s functions
D. Zheng was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University in layered media comprise Sommerfeld-type integrals [ 151,
of Mississippi, University, MS. He is now with the Department of Electrical
Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. which are extremely laborious to evaluate. Since the MPIE
IEEE Log Number 8929654. only involves the potential forms of the Green’s functions,

0018-926X/90/0300-0335$01.OO 0 1990 IEEE


rather than the field forms, the Sommerfeld integrals it re- Z

quires converge faster than those present in any other form of
the EFIE [4].
Several researchers have previously recognized the advan-
tages of the mixed-potential formulation in solving antenna
problems in layered media. Mosig and Gardiol [ 161, [ 171 have
applied the MPIE in conjunction with Glisson and Wilton’s
[4] MM procedure to a rectangular microstrip antenna. John- 0

son [ 181 has used a similar approach to solve the problem of a 21-2
vertical cylinder penetrating the interface between contiguous
half-spaces. Wilton and Singh [19] have applied an MPIE to
analyze a periodic array of slots in a conducting screen backed
with a layered dielectric. Michalski, Smith, and Butler [ZO],
[21] have used an MPIE to solve the problem of a horizontal
two-element wire array above and on opposite sides of the in-
terface between two media. As was pointed out in [22], 1231, 0

the success of these efforts can be attributed to the fact that fn-i
the structures considered could only support either vertical or
horizontal components of the current. To our knowledge, an -n
MPIE for arbitrarily shaped objects in a layered medium was tLn+l,%
first published in [23]. However, it was assumed in that paper Fig. 1. Scatterer of arbitrary shape embedded in a layered dielectric
that the antenna or scatterer was confined to a single layer. medium.
In a two-dimensional case, an MPIE has been derived by Xu
t241. The main results are in Section 111, where we develop in de-
Numerous papers have been published on the subject of tail three alternative mixed-potential formulations for arbitrar-
antennas and scatterers in layered media, but- with the ex- ily shaped PEC objects in layered media. Some tedious de-
ception of the geophysics literature- most of them deal only tails concerning the derivation of the Green’s function for a
with planar geometries, such as microstrip antennas, transmis- stratified medium are relegated to Appendices I and 11. The
sion lines, etc. Since the emphasis here is on objects of arbi- discussion of the various formulations is given in Section IV,
trary shape, we reference only a few of these papers, to con- and the conclusion in Section V.
serve space. The problem of arbitrarily shaped thin wires that In Part I1 of this paper [30], one of the developed MPIEs
are near to or penetrate an interface between contiguous half- is implemented to analyze PEC scatterers and antennas of ar-
spaces has been solved by Burke and Miller [25]. However, bitrary shape that penetrate the interface between contiguous
their approach, which is implemented in the powerful Nu- dielectric half-spaces.
merical Electromagnetics Code (NEC) [26], is not easily ex-
tendable to arbitrary surfaces. From the many works devoted
to electromagnetic modeling of buried inhomogeneities in the Statement of the Problem
context of geophysical prospecting, we only mention the re- Consider a medium consisting of n + l dielectric layers sepa-
cent representative papers by Hohmann [27] and Wannamaker , rated by n planar interfaces parallel to the x y plane of a Carte-
Hohmann, and SanFilipo [28]. These authors use the vol- sian coordinate system and located at z = ZI,l = l , 2, . . . ,n ,
ume integral equation technique in conjunction with a rather as illustrated in Fig. 1. The medium of the ith layer is char-
crude- but entirely adequate in the quasi-static regime- MM acterized by permeability pi and permittivity ~ i ,which may
procedure employing piecewise constant current expansion be complex if the medium is lossy. Let the PEC object (or
and point-matching [ 11. To overcome the problems associated collection of objects) in Fig. 1 occupy p layers with indices
with the singular behavior of the electric Green’s function, 11,12, . . . ,1,, where 1 5 p 5 n + 1. For later convenience,
Hohmann [27] employed a mixed-potential formulation, but define the ordered set of indices L = {I 1,12, . . . , l p } in which
only to the primary (or whole-space) component of the ker- l k < l k + l . Let si denote the surface of the object(s) in the ith
nel; the part comprising the Sommerfeld integrals was left layer and let n; be a unit vector normal to S ; . The quantity
in the slowly convergent field form. Mention should also be of interest is the surface current density J(r) excited on the
made of the work by Karlsson and Kristensson [29], who em- object(s) by a given time-harmonic incident electric Einc.The
ployed the extended boundary condition integral equation in eJwttime variation is assumed and suppressed.
conjunction with the T-matrix approach to compute the field
scattered by obstacles buried in a stratified ground. However, Electric Field Integral Equation
this method is only applicable to closed, smooth bodies and The EFIE for the current density J on the surface S of the
is only practical for simple shapes. PEC object(s) embedded in a layered medium is obtained by
The outline of Part I of this paper is as follows. Section enforcing the boundary condition [311
I1 contains the statement of the problem and a general dis-
cussion of various forms of the EFIE in a layered medium. - nm x EL(r) = n, x E$(r), r on S , , m EL (1)

where r is the position vector defined with respect to a global of Gyi are less attractive for our purpose than (7) and (81,
coordinate origin, E',"' is the "incident" electric field (i.e., and are not considered here.
the field in the absence of the object) in the mth layer, and Substitution of ( 2 ) into (1) yields
ES, is the scattered field in the mth layer. For the structure
of Fig. 1, ES, and the scattered magnetic field HS, can be n, x ~ ~ o A " ( r+V4"(r)]
) = n, x EE(r),
expressed as itL

ronS,, m E L (9)
- ES,(r) = z L j w A " ( r ) + V+"(r)] (2)
itL which, by invoking (4) and (3,can be further transformed to
HS,(r) = -V x EA"(r) (3)
pm ;EL

where A" is the magnetic vector potential in the mth layer = n, x EF(r), r on S , , m E L . (10)
due to the current density J in the ith layer, and is given as This equation is referred to as vector-potential EFIE [33],
since it involves only the magnetic vector potential. Although
A"(r) = J,GT(rlr') . J(r')dS' (4) (10) has often been used in MM analyses of straight wire an-
tennas or planar scatterers, the presence of the mixed tangen-
and 4,;(r) is the corresponding scalar potential which is re- tial derivatives makes it less suitable for objects of arbitrary
lated to A"(r) through the Lorentz condition shape. By introducing the differential operator under the inte-
gral sign in (lo), we may obtain another form of the EFIE. in
jw which the dyadic kernel is the Green's function for the electric
+"(r) = -V . A"(r)
k2, field. However, this EFIE is not attractive because the kernel
is highly singular (a distributional interpretation of the kernel
where k$ = W ~ E ~ , In , , ,G?'
L L(4), . is the dyadic Green's func-
is required), which makes the evaluation of the integrals re-
tion which represents the magnetic vector potential in region
quired by the MM procedure difficult when the observation
m due to a unit-strength, arbitrarily oriented current dipole
point is within the integration interval [34]. Also, the required
in region i. can be found by solving the inhomogeneous
differentiation of the Sommerfeld-type integrals adversely af-
Helmholtz equation
fects their convergence. These difficulties can be avoided if
(0' k2,)GT(rlr') = -p,iS(r - r') (6)
only one of the operators nabla, the divergence, is introduced
inside the integral of (10) and then transferred, by a series
where I is the idemfactor, subject to the condition that the of transformations, to act on the current. The result is the
tangential component of ES, and HS, be continuous across the mixed-potential EFIE discussed below.
interfaces between dielectric layers. As is well known [15],
for a horizontal, say, x-directed dipole, two components of the Mixed -Poten tial EFIE (MPIE)
vector potential are required to satisfy the boundary conditions We note that (9) would be in the desired mixed-potential
at the interfaces. Traditionally [32], the z component has been form if the scalar potential were expressed in terms of the
selected in addition to the x component. The Green's function surface charge density q(r). With this goal in mind, we sub-
in this case takes the form [23] stitute (4) into (5) and introduce the operator nabla under the
integral signal (this step can be justified [35],[36]) to obtain
G:' = (XX jiji)G!?i + ZXG: + +
ZYG,",' ZZGE. ( 7 )
However, one may as well postulate the y component of the 4"(r) = $ i , p .C:'(rlr')] . J(r')dS'. (11)
vector potential to accompany the primary x component [ 131.
This strategy leads to an alternative form of the Green's func- Obviously, our objective would be achieved if we transferred
tion, the divergence operator to act on the current, in view of the
GI' = XkG,": + + + +
jijiGy; ( X j i jiX)G,": ZZGE. (8) equation of continuity, V . J = - j u g . It is shown below that
this can only be accomplished if a scalar function G r can be
We note that, except for G z , the corresponding components found, such that
in (7) and (8) are different, even though the same notation is
used. The entries of the dyadics in (7) and (8) in the Fourier
transform domain are listed in Appendix 11. Their inversion
in accord with Appendix I leads to improper integrals of the In a homogeneous medium, where C r may be interpreted as
Sommerfeld [ 151 type. the Green's function for the scalar potential, this is a quite
Still other Green's functions, in addition to those in (7) and trivial task. If the medium is stratified, however, G r satis-
(8), are possible. For example, one can obtain another form of fying (12) does not in general exist [23], which can be at-
G;' by postulating that the y and z components of the vector tributed to the fact that the scalar potentials of point charges
potential, instead of the x and z or x and y components, ac- associated with horizontal and vertical current dipoles in a
company an x-directed dipole. However, this and other forms layered medium are in general different [14]. Hence, in or-

der to achieve our goal, we follow the procedure proposed in

[22], [23], and introduce a scalar function K r i and a vector
function P“ according to

$V . Gzi(rlr’) = 7V’KTi(rlr’) +jwP”(r(r’). (13)
km JW
We note that (13) would have the desired form (12) if it were
not for the “correction term” comprising Pm’.However, it
is shown below that this term may be incorporated into the
vector potential kernel. We also note that the choice of K r
and Pmi in (13) is not unique, giving rise to many possible
formulations. Three particularly useful choices are discussed
in detail in Section 111.
Upon substituting (13) into (1 1) and using a vector identity
[37, p. 4871 and the Gauss theorem [37, p. 5031, we can
express the scalar potential as


+ j w i , P m i ( r l r ’ ) . J(r’)dS’

Fig. 2 , (a) Arbitrarily shaped surface penetrating two-adjacent interfaces.
(b) Detail of contour C , with unit vectors U,, 1, , and a,.
where C; and C;- 1 are the contours formed by the intersection
of the surface S; with the interfaces at z = z; and z = z;-I, commodate these terms. As a matter of fact, the “correction
respectively, and U; and U;_l are the unit vectors perpendic- term” VP” could also be handled in this manner, instead of
ular at r’ to C; and C;-l, respectively, in the planes tangent being incorporated into the vector potential kernel via (16).
to S; Fig. 2 . Substituting (14) into (9), we finally obtain
In this section we present three different mixed-potential
EFIEs for the problem of Fig. 1. Most of the derivations are
done in the Fourier transform domain, which greatly simplifies
the algebra. The Fourier transform pair employed is defined
in Appendix I. Some useful related formulas are also given
there. Our development necessarily begins with the vector
+5 KT’(r\r’)J(r’) . U; dC’ potential Green’s functions (7) or (8). The elements of these
Ju c,
dyadics are listed in Appendix 11, where only the outline of
the derivation is given.
- Kr(rlr’)J(r’) .U;-, dC’
As mentioned in Section 11, the decomposition embodied in
(13) is nonunique, which means that an infinite number of dif-
=am x Et(r), r on S,, m EL ferent MPIEs is possible. We observe, however, by referring
to (16), that the presence of the “correction” function P“
where we have introduced the dyadic kernel
has the undesirable effect of introducing new elements in the
dyadic kernel KT , in addition to those already present in GF .
KT(r/r’) = GT(r\r’) +Vpm’(rlr’).
Ideally, of course, Pm‘should be zero, which, unfortunately,
We note that (15) would be in the desired mixed-potential form is only possible in a few special cases [14]. Hence, the best
[4], [5] if it were not for the presence of the term contributed we can do is to develop MPIEs for which one or two of the
by the contour integrals, which occur when the object pene- components of P“ are zero. It is shown below that for the
trates one or more of the interfaces. In Section 111 we show vector Green’s functions (7) and (8) the x and y components
that with a proper choice of Gz’ and K r in (13) the contour of Pmi are not independent, thus leaving us, for each GT’,
integrals cancel out. We note, however, that even if a for- with only two degrees of freedom: either P,“‘ = P y ; = 0 and
mulation is chosen in which the contour integrals persist, the PFi # 0, or Pp’ # 0, Py”’ # 0, and PP; = 0. Of the four
MM procedures developed in [4], [5] can be extended to ac- possible “minimal” formulations, only three lead to distinct

MPIEs. These three are discussed in detail below, where they

are referred to as Formulations A, B, and C.

Formulation A
In this formulation, we employ the alternative form of Gir
given in (8). In the Fourier transform domain (see Appendix
I), the x , y , and z components of (13) become

Using (85)-(87) of Appendix I1 in (17) and (18), one finds

that p,"' and P,"' are related by
Finally, the Fourier inversion of Xr in (21) yields the
scalar potential kernel

In Formulation A, we choose P,"' = Py"i = 0, in which case

KTi can be interpreted as the scalar potential of a point charge
associated with a horizontal dipole [14]. Solving (17) or (18) We observe from (25) through (31) that in this formulation,
for K F ,one obtains when m # i , the effect of VPmi in (16) is to introduce two
new entries, K r ! and K,":, and to modify G$. However,
G V? when the object, is confined to a single layer ( m = i), we
Kmi = -jw>
+ kzm
2 ' (21) simply have ':K = e;',
so no modification of the Green's
function is required.
which can be substituted into (19) to yield A useful property of Formulation A is the cancellation
of the contour integrals in (15), which is the result of the
continuity with respect to the z' coordinate of the scalar
potential kernel at the ith interface: K Y ( z ' = zi 0) =
Km,i+l(z' = zi - 0). We note, however, that a similar con-
tinuity with respect to the z coordinate does not hold, i.e.,
+ +
K ~ ( =ZZ m 0 ) K;+'.'(Z = Z m - 0).
Formulation B
In this formulation, as in Formulation A, we employ the
in which the subscript q stands for e or h. In the above, the alternative
- . -
form (8) of Gy. However, rather than choosing

notation of Appendix I1 is employed. Observe that P,"' 0 P,"' = Py"' = 0 , we select P,"i = 0 in (17)-(19). In this case
when m = i . K Z can be interpreted as the scalar potential of a point charge
Substituting (84)-(87) of Appendix I1 and (22) into the associated with a vertical dipole [14]. From (19) and (84) of
Fourier domain counterpart of (16), and using the relations Appendix 11, we find
given in Appendix I, one obtains the dyadic kernel

which can be substituted into (17) to yield

p?' = wkX
P m E m - PiEi - v,
with the elements given by Gmi (33)
which, in view of (20), also specifies P,";.
Referring to (16) and proceeding as in Formulation A, we
obtain the dyadic kernel

iiT(rlr') = ZZH?~
+99~;;+2 % ~
+(xY + yX)KFJ + 2kKg + ZYKZ (34)

with the elements given by Formulation C

The point,of departure in this formulation is the traditional
Km; = G m i + d
-p,"i form of Gy
given in (7). Using it in (13), we obtain in the
xx xx
ax Fourier transform domain

2j w { k'So (&G2) + S O (G2)
From (43) and (44), and referring to (81)-(83) of Appendix
11, we find that (20) still holds. Since G!$ in the present case

- cos 2S;Sz [$ p2 }I);:."

is of the same as that in the "alternative" Green's function
(8), specifying 1°F = 0 results in an MPIE identical to that
in Formulation B. We therefore set PF. = P F = 0 in (43)
and (44), which yields the scalar potential kernel
Kmi =Gmi + d
XY ax i?
Ky = k: (G Vmi! - G V ?mi) . (46)


- 1 sin 2j;s2 From the above and (45), there results


Kg = -P,"' = cos S;&(R") (38)
Substituting (81)-(84) of Appendix I1 and (47) into the
d Fourier domain counterpart of (16), and using the relations
K ~=
J -py"i = sin s;~~(R"> (39)
dZ given in Appendix I, we obtain the dyadic kernel

KZ =GZ = *so(G',) (40)

,( Ir') = (rig + 99)~;' + r i i ~ +~j'i~y":
Jwci +ZriK$ + ZyK$ + 22KZ (48)
where Rmi is nonzero only for m # i and is given by
with the elements given by

rii 12
in which can be obtained from given in (23) by re-
placing in the latter the characteristic impedances Z: by their
K,ml' = gP? - L =

Finally, the Fourier inversion of I?Ti in (32) gives the scalar

potential kernel

We note that in Formulation B two new entries ( K Z and

5;). not present in e:', are introduced to the dyadic kernel
K, . Also, extra terms are added to GP', GT;, and G $ .
In the case where the object is confined to a single layer
( m = i ) , K, =
Formulation A.
, and Formulation B becomes identical to

The continuity properties of the scalar potential kernel in

K zmi, mi
= Gz, = --1 cos s;Sl

Formulation B are complementary to those in Formulation A;
that is, in the present case K r ( z ' = zi + 0) # KT"+'(z' =
zi - 0) and K T i ( z = zm 0) = KT+13i(z = zm - 0). As a
result, the contour integrals in (15) do exist when the objective
K$ = G $ = --1
sin {SI

penetrates one or more of the interfaces. (53)



Properties of Continuity of K r Contour Formulation

Form of Gl;' Choice of KF Form of Ky iiy for m = i at the interfaces integrals and authon

K r associated with p i ( z' = = p .1 + I ( ' = z,- ) Johnson [ I S ]
Alternative: (venical tube):
horizontal dipole:
p,"'=py"'= 0 K ~ ( z = z ; ) + K ~ " ~ ' ( z = z ~ ) No Michalski and Smith [211
PY#O (horizontal wires)

K r associated with K:(Z' = z : ) + K ? ' + ' ( z ' = z , - ) Michalski and Zheng [38]
vertical dipole: (thin wire)
P,"'+O, Pyml#O KT(z=z;)=K:+ q z = z m )

Traditional: C
Mosig and Gardiol [I61
(planar patch);
K T associated with q q z '= z , + ) = K 2 ' + 1 ( Z=' z , - ) Michalski [22, 231
honzontal dipole (single layer):
p,"', p y = 0 No Michalski et al. [201
G l GE G
: PY#O KT'(z= z ; ) = K " + q z = z , ) (horizontal wires);
Wilton and Singh [I91
(periodic planar slots)

the scalar potential kernel in the present case has the continuity
property that K,"'(z' = zi 0 ) = K m +
, , i + l (z' = z i - 0), which
causes the contour integrals in (15) to cancel. Formulation

C also shares with Formulation B the useful property that
Km' ( z = z m + ~ zm - 0).
0) = K ? + ' S ' (=

The properties of three MPIEs are summarized for easy
reference in Table I. Each of the three formulations, called
A, B or C, can be derived from either the alternative or the
traditional form of the dyadic Green's function for the vector
potential. These two dyadics are shown in matrix form in the
first column of Table I. We note that Formulation A is derived
from the alternative forms of Gz',Formulation C from the tra-
with j k i given in ( 2 3 ) . For notational simplicity, we have ditional form, and Formulation B from,either of the two (this
suppressed in (55) and (56) the superscripts e or h. We note is due to the fact that both forms of Gy
share the same GE).
that one can obtain WLi from @ki by replacing in the latter The distinguishing feature of each of the three formulations is
the characteristic impedances Zj by their reciprocals. the choice of the scalar potential kernel K F ,which also speci-
Finally, the Fourier inversion of (46) gives fies the "correction" vector Pm' according to (13). Although,
as the second column of Table I indicates, the scalar potential
kernel in Formulations A and C are both associated with a
horizontal dipole, they are different, because they correspond
to different vector potential Green's functions. In Formulation
As in Formulation A, this KTi may be interpreted as the scalar B, KT' is that associated with a vertical dipole. Actually, by
potential of a point charge associated with a horizontal dipole properly choosing K F , one can also derive Formulation A
[14]. However, these two potentials are not identical, since from the traditional form of e?',
and Formulation C from the
each corresponds to a different form of the vector potential alternative form.
Green's function. The forms of the dyadic vector potential kernel are shown
We observe from (49)-(54) that Formulation C introduces for each of the three formulations in column three. Comparing
two new entries (KT: and K $ ) , not present in GT', to the this column with column one, we observe that in all three for-
dyadic kernel. Also, extra terms are added to G Z . In contrast mulations two new entries, in addition to those already present
to Formulations A and B, these modifications occur even if in e;,' appear in Ky, which is of course undesirable. We
the object is confined to a single layer. As in Formulation A, note, however (column four), that in Formulations A and B

the number of entries in Ki Gy

is not increased over that in , APPENDIX
when the object is confined to a single layer ( m = i). We
should point out. that the correspondence between the number FOURIER
of entries in Ky and the number of distinct Sommerfeld-type Since the layered medium is invariant along the x and y
integrals that need be evaluated is not one-to-one. In fact, coordinates and all quantities depend on x - x’ and y - y’,
we can show by referring to Section 111 that in the general for example, GF(rlr’) = G F ( x - x ’ , y - y’, z , z’), it is
case only four distinct Sommerfeld integrals are required in convenient to introduce the “shifted” Fourier transform pair
all three formulations. When m = i, the number of distinct
S { f ( x - x ’ , Y - Y’)} = .f(kx9ky)
integrals in Formulations A and B reduces to three.
As mentioned at the end of Section 11, one may leave the
=[I[?(x - x ’ , Y - Y‘)
Pmi term as a part of the scalar potential (cf. ( 1 5 ) ) , thus
avoiding the modification of the vector potential kernel as in
(16). However, since this would constitute a departure from . ei[k,(X-X’)+k,(Y-Y’)]
d x dY ( 5 8 )
the standard form of the MPIE [ 4 ] ,[ 5 ] , we prefer to proceed 5 - ’ { . f ( k x , k y ) } = f ( x - x’, Y - Y’)
according to (16). Although in our formulations some of the
terms introduced to Ky by VP” in (16) become singular
when r and r’ coincide on an interface, they are no more
- q
(W2 -02 [>(kx, ky)

singular than the terms already present in Gy, and can be e-j[kx(x-x’)+k~(Y
-Y’)l dk, d k y . (59)
handled in a similar way as the latter.
By changing the polar coordinates in both the transform and
The continuity properties of the scalar potential kernels
space domains according to
across the interfaces are summarized in column five of Table
I. In formulations A and C, KTi is continuous with respect x - x ’ = t cos {, y - y ’ = t sin { (60)
to z’, which results in the cancellation of the undesirable con-
tour integrals in ( 1 5 ) (cf. column six). In Formulations B and kx = k , cos CY, k y = k , sin a (61)
C, KTi is continuous with respect to z , which results in con- where
siderable simplifications in the numerical procedure when the
object penetrates one or more interfaces. This last point can
t = ~ ( x - X ’ > 2 + ( y - - y ~ ) *(=arctan
, (x - x ’ )
Y -Y‘

be fully appreciated only after we have discussed the details

of the MM procedure in Part I1 [30].
We conclude from the above summary that when the object
is confined to a single layer, Formulations A and B become
k, = d-, CY = arctan (2) (62)

identical and are preferable to Formulation C, because they we can conveniently express various inverse Fourier integrals
have fewer terms in KF.In the general case, Formulation C that arise in terms of the Sommerfeld-type [15] integrals of
enjoys a clear advantage over Formulations A and B, because it the form
does not have contour integrals and because its scalar potential
kernel is continuous at the interfaces with respect to z , which
results in the simplifications mentioned above. If we had to
Sn[g(kp)l = -
2r siyg(k,)Jn(k,t)ka+’ dkp

where Jn is the Bessel function of order n, if we recognize

choose between Formulations A and B, we would prefer the that
latter, because the advantages of having the scalar potential
kernel continuous with respect to z more than compensate 5-l {g(kp)}= So[S(k,)l (65)
for the complications caused by the presence of the contour 5 - ’ { j k x g ( k P ) }= COS P l [ g ( k , ) l (66)
integrals. This point is further elaborated upon in Part I1 [30].
The previous works related to the mixed-potential EFIE and
reviewed in Section I can be classified as shown in the last
column of Table I.

In this paper, three particularly useful mixed-potential in- 5 - ’ { k ; g ( k p ) } = -{COS
2 +
2{Ss2[g(kp)l So[k:g(k,)]} (69)
tegral equations for PEC scatterers or antennas of arbitrary
shape embedded in a plane-stratified dielectric medium are 5 - ’ { k x k y g ( k , ) }= -- sin 2{&[g(kp)]. (70)
derived and their properties discussed. One of the three
MPIEs (Formulation C) is shown to be simpler than the others APPENDIX
in the case where the object penetrates one or more of the
interfaces, and appears to be especially well suited for the VECTOR
application of the numerical solution techniques developed in The Green’s functions for the layered medium of Fig. 1
[ 4 ] , [ 5 ] . The computer implementation of the MPIE for the are most easily determined in the Fourier transform domain,
case of a two-layer medium is discussed in Part I1 of this paper where the original problem is in effect reduced to that of solv-
1301. ing an equivalent transmission-line network along the z coor-


dinate [39], [40]. In this equivalent model, a uniform trans- and FLj in (7 1) are given by
mission line section corresponds to each layer of the medium.
It can be shown that in general two dual transmission-line T;
networks must be considered, one for the TE waves, and one
for the TM waves. In what follows, quantities pertaining to
the TE and TM transmission lines will be distinguished by
superscri ts h and e, respectively. and
Let Gmj( z , z’), where q stands for e or h , denote the volt-
age at a point z in section m due to a unit-strength current TZi
source at a point z’ in section i of the respective transmission
line network. Similarly, let G$;(z, z’) be the current at z in
the mth transmission line section due to a unit-strength voltage
source at z’ in the ith section. Then, the standard transmission Here, TL;(z)denotes the voltage transfer function between
line analysis shows that a point z in the mth section and the right terminal of the
source section i, where i > m. Similarly, T;;(z) is the voltage
transfer function between a point z in the mth section and the
left terminal of the source section i , where i < m.
The function G; are duals of the functions GLi and are
obtained by replacing in the latter all characteristic impedances
Z ; by their reciprocals, Y ; . (As a result of this operation,
all reflection coefficients change signs.) It turns out that G!,;
and G;; depend on k , and k , only through k , (cf. (63) of
Appendix I).
The electric and magnetic fields anywhere in the layered

+ rip
l e- j k z t 122, - I - ( z + z ’ ) l
medium can be easily found in terms of t k , transmission-
line Green’s functions. Hence, expressing E first in terms
of GL; and G;;, and then in terms of GTf given by either
+ cos [k,;(z - z’)]} (73)
(7) or (8), we can easily solve for the elements of the vector-
D;= 1 - F ; p ; - l e - j 2 * ~ , (74) potential Green’s function in both the traditional and alterna-
in which $; = kzid;, d; = zi-1 - z;. In (72), Z ; denotes the tive forms. In this manner, the elements of the “traditional”
characteristic impedance of the ith transmission line section Green’s function (7) are found in the Fourier transform do-
and is given as main as [41]

z e
k ’. or as
=Z z h = WCLi (75)
wq kzi
for the TM- and TE-type transmission lines, respectively,
where k:; = k? - k:, with Im(k,;) 5 0 and Re(k,;) 2 0.
For notational simplicity, in (71)-(74) and henceforth in this
Appendix we omit, where there is no danger of confusion,
the superscripts e and h. The-other quantities in (71)-(74) are
defined as follows. p k and r k are the reflection coefficients
looking to the right (i.e., in the +z direction) and to the left
at the kth interface, and are given by Similarly, the elements of the “alternative” Green’s function
in (8) have the Fourier domain counterparts

- -
with ro = rn+l= 0. Z k and z k are the total impedances

looking to the right and left, respectively, at the kth interface,

and are given by the recursion formulas

[I] R. F. Harrington, Field Computation by Moment Methods. New
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k=n-l,n-2,...,1 (78) [2] A. W . Glisson, “On the development of numerical techniques for treat-
ing arbitrarily-shaped surfaces,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elec. Eng.,
where tk = tan $k, 21 = Z I and 2, = z,+I. Finally, T L i Univ. Mississippi, University, 1978.

[31 D. R. Wilton, “Wire problems,” in Numerical and Asymptotic Tech- G. J. Burke, “The numerical electromagnetics code (NEC),” in Ap-
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Mittra, Eds., Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, NY, and Univ. Illinois, Ur- B. J. Strait, Ed. St. Cloud, FL: SCEEE Press, 1980, pp. 449-469.
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electric objects,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-34, pp. tation and results for contiguous half-spaces,” IEEE Trans. Antennas
758-766, June 1986. Propagat., pp. 345-352, this issue.
t71 J. J. H . Wang, “Numerical analysis of three-dimensional arbitrarily- R. F. Harrington, Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields. New
shaped conducting scatterers by trilatiral surface cell modelling,” Ra- York: McGraw-Hill, 1961.
dio Sci., vol. 13, pp. 947-952, Nov.-Dec. 1978. A. Banos, Dipole Radiation in the Presence of a Conducting Hau-
[81 A. J. Poggio and E. K. Miller, “Integral equation solutions of three- Space. New York: Pergamon, 1966.
dimensional scattering problems,” in Computer Techniques f o r Elec- B. D. Popovic, M. B. Dragovic, and A. R. Djordjevic, Analysis and
tromagnetics, R. Mittra, Ed. New York: Pergamon, 1973, pp. Synthesis of Wire Antennas. Chichester: Research Studies Press,
159-264. 1982.
[91 D. H. Schaubert, D. R. Wilton, and A. W. Glisson, “A tetrahedral M. Chiba, “Singularities of Green’s function in surface integral equa-
modeling method for electromagnetic scattering by arbitrarily shaped tions,” Electron. Commun. Japan, vol. 66-B, no. 11, pp. 85-93,
inhomogeneous dielectric bodies,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propa- 1983.
gat., vol. AP-32, pp. 77-85, Jan. 1984. 0. D. Kellogg, Foundations of Potential Theory. New York:
S . U. Hwu and D. R. Wilton, “Electromagnetic scattering and ra- Dover, 1953.
diation by arbitrary configurations of conducting bodies and wires,” J. G. Fikioris, “Electromagnetic field inside a current-carrying re-
Appl. Electromagn. Lab., Dept. Elec. Eng., Univ. Houston, Houston, gion,” J . Math. Phys., vol. 6, pp. 1617-1620, Nov. 1965.
TX, Tech. Rep. 87-17, Dec. 1987. J. Van Bladel, Electromagnetic Fields. Washington: Hemisphere,
W. A. Johnson, D. R. Wilton, and R. M. Sharpe, PATCH CODE 1985.
User’s Manual, Sandia National Lab., Albuquerque, NM, 1988. K. A. Michalski and D. Zheng, “Analysis of wire antennas of arbitrary
J. W. Rockway, J. C. Logan, D. W. S . Tam, and S . T. Li, The shape residing in contiguous half-spaces,” 5th Int. Conf. Antennas
MININEC System: Microcomputer Analysis of Wire Antennas. Propagat. (ICAP 87), York, UK, 1987, pp. 507-511.
Boston, MA: Artech House, 1988. J. R. Wait, Electromagnetic Waves in Stratified Media. Elmsford,
r131 A. Erteza and B. K. Park, “Nonuniqueness of resolution of Hertz NY: Pergamon, 1970.
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IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-17, pp. 376-378, May Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1973.
1969. D. Zheng, “Radiation, scattering and guidance of electromagnetic
r141 K. A. Michalski, “On the scalar potential of a point charge associ- fields by conducting objects of arbitrary shape in layered media,”
ated with a time-harmonic dipole in a layered medium,’’ IEEE Trans. Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elec. Eng., Univ. Mississippi, University,
Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-35, pp. 1299-1301, Nov. 1987. MS, Dec. 1988.
A. Sommerfeld, Partial Differential Equations. New York: Aca- Krzysztof A. Michalski (S’78-M’81-SM’88) was
demic, 1949. born in Poland. He received the M.S. degree from
J. R. Mosig and F. E. Gardiol, “A dynamical radiation model for the Technical University of Wroclaw , Wroclaw ,
microstrip structures,” in Advances in Electronics and Electron Poland, and the Ph.D. degree from the University
Physics, vol. 59, P. W. Hawkes, Ed. New York: Academic, 1982, of Kentucky, Lexington, both in electrical engineer-
139-237. ing, in 1974 and 1981, respectively.
J. R. Mosig and F. E. Gardiol, ‘‘General integral equation formulation From 1982 to 1986, he was Assistant Professor at
for microstrip antennas and scatterers,” Inst. Elec. Eng., Proc., vol. the University of Mississippi, University. In 1987,
132, pt. H, pp. 424-432, Dec. 1985. he joined Texas A&M University, College Station,
W. A. Johnson, “Analysis of vertical, tubular cylinder which pene- where he is currently an Associate Professor of
trates an air-dielectric interface and which is excited by an azimuthally Electrical Engineering. His current research inter-
symmetric source,” Radio Sri., vol. 18, pp. 1273-1281, Nov.-Dec. ests include analytical and numerical methods for the solution of boundary
1983. value problems of electromagnetics.
D. R. Wilton and S . Singh, “Analysis of an infinite periodic array Dr. Michalski is a member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE)
of slots with dielectric loading,” in 1985 IEEE Antennas Propagat. and of Commission B (Fields and Waves) of the International Union of Radio
Soc. Int. Symp. Dig., Vancouver, Canada, pp. 229-232. Science (URSI). He was a U.S..delegate to the URSI General Assembly in
K. A. Michalski, C. E. Smith, and C. M. Butler, “Analysis of a 1984. Also in 1984, he received the Best EMP Paper Award from the Summa
horizontal two-element array antenna above a dielectric halfspace,” Foundation and in 1986 he was awarded the Oliver Lodge Premium by the
IEE PIDC.,vol. 132, pt. H, pp. 335-338, Aug. 1985. IEE.
K. A. Michalski and C. E. Smith, “Analysis of parallel monopole
antennas residing in contiguous media,” in Nut. Radio Sci. Meet. Dalian Zheng (S’85-M’89) was born in Liaoning,
Dig., Boulder, CO, Jan. 13-16, 1986, p. 230. People’s Republic of China, in 1955. He received
K. A. Michalski, “On the dyadic Green’s function for a grounded the B.E. degree from the Beijing Institute of Aero-
dielectric slab,” in Nut. Radio Sci. Meet. Dig., Boston, MA, June nautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China, the M.Sc.
25-29, 1984, p. 93. degree from The Ohio State University, Columbus,
-, “The mixed-potential electr.ic field integral equation for objects and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Mis-
in layered media,” Arch. Elek. Ubertragung., vol. 39, pp. 317-322, sissippi, University, all in electrical engineering, in
Sept.-Oct. 1985. 1982, 1985, and 1988, respectively.
X. B. Xu, “Analysis of TM- and TE-excited cylinders in a region com- From 1985 to 1987, he was Graduate Research
prising two semi-infinite half-spaces separated by a planar interface,” Assistant at the University of Mississippi, and from
Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elec. Eng., Univ. Mississippi, University, 1987 to 1988 at Texas A&M University, College
1985. Station, where he is currently a Research Associate in the Department of
G. J. Burke and E. K. Miller, “Modeling antennas near to and pen- Electrical Engineering. His major research interests are electromagnetic the-
etrating a lossy interface,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. ory, numerical methods applied to scatterers and antennas of arbitrary shape
AP-32, pp. 1040-1049, Oct. 1984. in complex environments, and microstrip transmission lines.

Electromagnetic Scattering and Radiation by

Surfaces of Arbitrary Shape in Layered
Media, Part 11: Implementation and
Results for Contiguous

Abstract-In Part I of this paper three mixed-potential electric field
integral equations (MPIEs) have been formulated for conducting sur-
faces of arbitrary shape residing in plane-stratified dielectric media with
an arbitrary number of layers. One of the MPIEs (Formulation C ) was
found to be particularly well suited for the application of the method
of moments (MM). In Part 11 of this paper, Formulation C of Part 1
is specialized to the important case of a scatterer or antenna of arbi-
trary shape residing in contiguous half-spaces. This MPIE is solved by
the MM employing a triangle-patch model of the surface of the object.
Sample numerical results are presented for several cases of interest.


I" PART I OF THIS PAPER [l], three different mixed-

potential electric field integral equations (MP1Es)- called
Formulations A, B, and C- have been derived for perfectly
electrically conducting (PEC) antennas or scatterers residing Fig. 1. Triangle-patch model of an arbitrary surface penetrating the interface
in plane-stratified dielectric media with an arbitrary number between dissimilar media.
of layers. One of the alternative MPIEs- called Formulation
C- has been found to be particularly well suited for the appli- presented in Section V for several cases of interest involving
cation of the method of moments (MM) procedures originated PEC plates, cylinders and thin-wire antennas. Where possible,
by Wilton and his co-workers [ 2 ] , [3]. This formulation is ap- comparisons are made with measured data or with computed
plied in this Part I1 of a two-part paper to the important special results obtained by other researchers. Finally, in Section VI,
case of a PEC object of arbitrary shape penetrating the inter- we draw conclusions and make recommendations for future
face between contiguous half-spaces of dissimilar media (Fig. work.
The outline of the rest of this paper is as follows. In Section II. FORMULATION
11, we specialize the Formulation C of Part I to the half-space We consider a PEC surface of arbitrary shape which pen-
problem of Fig. 1. In Section 111, we briefly outline the pro- etrates an interface between contiguous dielectric half-spaces,
cedures for the computation of the Sommerfeld-type integrals as illustrated in Fig. 1. For simplicity, the interface is taken
that arise. In Section IV, the MPIE of Section I1 is subjected to be the x y plane of a Cartesian coordinate system. The up-
to the MM technique employing the triangle-patch model of per ( z > 0) half-space, which is characterized by € 1 and p l ,
the surface of the object and the basis functions and testing will be referred to as region 1, and the lower ( z < 0) half-
procedures developed in [3]. Sample numerical results are space, with parameters €2 and p 2 , as region 2. The parts of
the surface S of the object which are in regions 1 and 2 are
Manuscript received March 4 , 1988; revised February 3, 1989. This work denoted as S 1 and S2, respectively. In the solution procedure,
was supported in part by National Science Foundation Grant ECS-8505678 these surfaces are modeled in terms of triangular patches in
and by the Office of Naval Research under Contract N00014-87-K-0688.
K. A. Michalski is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Texas a manner suggested in Fig. 1. For a scattering problem, the
A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. structure is excited by a plane wave incident in region 1, and
D. Zheng was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University for an antenna problem by a suitably defined delta-gap genera-
of Mississippi, University, MS. He is now with the Department of Electrical
Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. tor. The quantity of interest is the surface current distribution
IEEE Log Number 8929655. on S, from which, if desired, other characteristics, such as

0018-926X/90/0300-0345$01.00 O 1990 IEEE


the far-field pattern or the radar cross section, can be readily

As was already mentioned, based on the analysis of Part I
[l], Formulation C has been selected for the problem of Fig.
1. Hence, upon specializing the MPIE of Part I to the present
case, one obtains
8, x x u w A m i ( r )+ V@’”(r)]= nm x E k ( r ) ,
r o n S m , m = 1 , 2 (1)
where, for notational simplicity, we have introduced
and r” = r’+2fz’. The indexp in (4)-( 10) assumes the values
1 or 2, but not equal to i (i.e., p = 1, 2 and p # i).
Ami(r)= / ” , K y ( r [ r ‘ .)J(r’)dS’ (2) When the source point is in region i and the observation
point in region m # i, one obtains
+“(r) = 1S,
Ky(rlr’)q(r’)dS’. (3)

The integrals (2) and (3) represent the modified potentials,

and should not be confused with the original potentials given
in (4) and (5) of Part I [l].
We note that the contour integrals encountered in (15) of
[ l ] are absent in ( l ) , which is characteristic of Formulation C .
The expressions for the elements of the kernels in (1) can be
written down by specializing the formulations given in Part I
to the two-layer case. Thus, when the source and observation
points are in the ith region (i = 1 , 2), one obtains

-~2 P p z y } (4)
PI +P2

with KTi = - ( P m / P j ) K y ‘ and K Z = -(Pm/Pj)K$, where

KY‘ is given by (13) with cos replaced by sin {. In these
equations, we have introduced the notation

-2 Ei(Pp - pi) zy +2 [“ + Pi(Ep - E i )

PpEi - PiEp €1 + €2 PpEi - PiEp

with K t x = - K t z and K & = -K“ where K;z is given
by (5) with cos replaced by sin In the above, we have
introduced the notation (cf. Appendix I of Part I [l])

Several comments are in order concerning the form of

the above expressions, which resulted- after a considerable
amount of manipulations- from the corresponding formulas
derived in Part I [l]. The chosen forms have the advantage
that most of the contribution to the value of a given kernel el-
ement comes from the closed form term, thus deemphasizing
the importance of the Sommerfeld-type integral. We also note
that for the given r and r’, only three distinct Sommerfeld
integrals are called for. Another advantage of this particular
formulation is that the Sommerfeld integrals are well behaved
even when r = r’ on the interface. Fig. 2. Local coordinates associated with an edge.

INTEGRALS associated with the nth edge, and is given as
The Sommerfeld-type integrals (8)-( 10) and (16)-( 18) are
evaluated by numerical integration along various paths in the
complex &-plane. The steepest descent path (SDP) appears r in T; (20)
to be the most efficient one to use [4]. However, since a
closed form expression for the SDP is not available when r otherwise
and r’ are in different layers, we employ, as a compromise,
four suboptimal paths, which are chosen depending on the in which I, is the length of the edge, A,’ is the area of triangle
relative values of = Ip - p’l and h = Iz I Jz’1, and on the T,: and p,‘ is the position vector, as shown in Fig. 2. The
parameters of the media. Space considerations do not allow us expansion of the surface charge density q, which is obtained
to discuss in detail the path selection criteria. Since the paths by using (19) in the equation of continuity, calls for the surface
employed, or similar ones, have been previously described in divergence off,, which is found as
the literature, we only list them below along with the relevant
1) One path is similar to that used by Franssens [ 5 ] , which
initially strays from the real axis to avoid the branch points at
kl and k2, then returns to and continues along the real axis. otherwise.
On this last part, the method of averages [6] is employed to
accelerate the rate of convergence. When the expansions for J and q are used in (1) and the
2) One path is similar to the above, however, it does not resulting equations tested with f,, an N x N system of linear
return to but continues parallel to the real axis [7]. equations is obtained, which may be written in matrix form
3) One path is the SDP for the exponential part of the as
integrand, which is similar in shape to the path above [8].
[zpnl[Znl = [Vpl (22)
4) One path is along the vertical branch cuts emanating
from k~ and k2 [9]. where the elements of Zp, and V , are given as
All the above paths are divided adaptively into a number
of subintervals on which a Gaussian quadrature is used until
a convergence criterion is satisfied.
Following the procedure described by Rao, Wilton, and
Glisson [3], the surface S of the object is modeled by triangu- wherep, n = 1, 2 , . . . , N , and
lar patches, as indicated in Fig. 1 . The surface current density
on S is then approximated as
J(r) =xZnfn(r) (19)

where N is the number of interior (nonboundary) edges and

f, is the vector basis function defined on the adjacent triangles

In the above, p c * is the vector between the free vertex and the
centroid of T$ with p i - directed toward and pif directed
away from the vertex, and rCp* is the vector from the coor-
dinate origin to the centroid of T: (Fig. 2). The meaning of
the indices m and i is as explained in Section 11.
It is worthwhile to elaborate on one aspect of the above
procedure, which is peculiar to the layered medium case. As
suggested in Fig. 1, the triangle-patch model of S must take
into account the position of the interface, since no triangular
patch is allowed to cross it. This arrangement ensures the
continuity of the current on S across the interface and allows
for the discontinuity of the charge there (cf. (20),(21)). A
typical triangle pair associated with edge p on the interface is
illustrated in Fig. 3. In testing (1) with f,, one should bear
in mind that T i and T i are in different layers. For example,
testing V4miin (1) with f, yields

iiV42i. f,' dS + LgV4li. fp dS

(28) (b)
Fig. 3. (a) Side view and (b) cross-sectional view of a triangle pair strad-
where use has been made of a Gauss theorem [ 10, p. 5031. We dling the interface between contiguous half-spaces.
observe the undesirable line integral in (28),which does not
occur for objects in homogeneous space. Even in the present lossless. In the former case, its permittivity is complex and is
case, however, this integral disappears for Formulations B given as €2 = foer - j u / w , where er and U are relative dielec-
and C (see Part I [l]) in view of the continuity of the scalar tric constant and the conductivity of the medium, respectively,
potential kernels as z crosses an interface and the fact that and w = 27rf. To facilitate the interpretation of the results,
: . fp' = -U; . fg on I , , which follows from (20).In For- we take in all cases f = 300 It&, which corresponds to free
mulation A, the line integrals contribute a contour integral at space wavelength A0 = 1 m. The results in Figs. 4-6 are for
the intersection of S with the interface, quite similar to that in the antennas driven by unit-strength &gap generators and the
(15) of Part I, which is present in Formulation B. However, results in Figs. 7-9 for scatterers illurinated by plane waves
due to the approximations made in the testing procedure [3], incident normally to the interface.
the latter is actually easier to handle than the former- hence
our statement in Part I regarding the superiority of Formula- Rectangular Loop Antenna
tion B over A. Formulation C implemented in Part I1 is, of The results in Fig. 4 are for a vertical, rectangular, loop
course, free of either of these contour integrals. antenna partially immersed in salt water, for which measured
It is worth noting that, apart from the presence of the Som- data are available [111. One observes that both the magnitude
merfield integrals, the only difference between (23)-(27) and (Fig. 4(a)) and the phase (Fig. 4(b)) of the computed current
their free space counterparts [3] is the dyadic character of distribution on the lower arm of the loop agree favorably with
the vector potential kernel in (25). The surface integrals in the measured results. In the numerical procedure, we have
(25), (26) can be efficiently evaluated in normalized area coor- employed the thin-wire approximation mentioned at the end
dinates and reused for different matrix elements, as described of Section IV. The antenna and its image in the PEC ground
in [3]. plane were modeled by 102 straight segments.
The above procedure can be easily specialized to the case
of a thin-wire of arbitrary shape, which is modeled by straight
segments. The basis and testing functions are in this case tri- Straight Wire Antenna
angles defined on adjacent segments and, as a result of the In Fig. 5 we present current distributions on a straight,
thin-wire approximation, surface integrals become line inte- inclined, thin-wire antenna partially buried in dry earth, for
grals. which data are available from the NEC [ 121. In the numerical
procedure, the wire was approximated by a flat, narrow strip
RESULTS of equivalent width 4a, where a is the wire radius, and was
In this section, we present sample numerical results for sev- modeled by 60 triangular patches. One observes a good agree-
eral partially buried antennas and scatterers (cf. Fig. 1). In ment between our and NEC results for the inclination angle
all cases, P I = p2 = PO and € 1 = EO, where P O and €0 are the a = 45" (Fig. 5(a)); a less favorable agreement is observed
parameters of free space. The lower medium may be lossy or for a = 80" (Fig. 5(b)).

thin wire (NEC)
%GROUND PLANE strip model
25.4cm- 0
0 f ' 2a = 6.35mm-r*i
J f=300MHz \ a = 45"
Q, I E
?I .o $
.d 4
i 5
8 cy

: -1 5
2N =0 lo = 23.3cm
0 I
(d = O i
E = 79, U = 1S/m
f = 300MHz

0.0 I I I I I I
-.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0 . 2 0 0.25
1 [ml

I - measured (Smith et al., 1984)

12.5 ,

-180 I I 1 I

0 5 10 15 20 25 -.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0 . 2 5

1 [cml 1 [ml
(b) (b)
Fig. 4. (a) Magnitude and (b) phase of the current J, on the lower arm of Fig. 5. Current distribution on a strip model of an inclined thin-wire antenna
a rectangular loop antenna penetrating the interface between air and salt partially buried in earth. (a) 01 = 45O. (b) 01 = 80'.
water. The current is normalized to its value at the point lo = 23.3 cm.

seen to perfectly agree with the data obtained in [13]. Since

Ground Stake Antenna our code can handle surfaces of arbitrary shape, it was a sim-
The results in Fig. 6 are for a relatively thick, vertical, ple matter to examine the effect of putting the end caps on the
cylindrical antenna which penetrates the interface between two hollow cylinder. The resulting current distributions are also
media. This so-called ground stake antenna was previously displayed in Fig. 6. One observes that, as expected, the caps
analyzed by Butler and Michalski [ 131. In the numerical pro- only affect the current near the ends of the cylinder surface.
cedure, the circular cylinder was approximated by a square
cylinder with the same circumference, and was modeled by Horizontal Cylinder
112 triangular patches. We show the axial current distribution The results in Fig. 7 are for a finite, hollow, horizontal
on the antenna for the cases where the lower medium is dry- cylinder
. which is partially buried in a dielectric medium. The
earth (Fig. 6(a)) and salt water (Fig. 6(b)). Our results are corresponding two-dimensional problem has been solved by


- infinite
cylinder (Xu, 1985)
finite cylinder ( 0 . 8 m long)
-triangle-patch model I




-.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 60 120 180 240 300 360
I [ml 9 [degrees]

-10 ' 1 I I I I I
-.05 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0 90 180 270 360
1 [ml cp [degrees]
(3) (b)
Fig. 6. Current distribution on an open-ended and closed vertical cylindrical
antenna partially buried in (a) dry earth and (b) salt water. Fig. 7. (a) Magnitude and (b) phase of the current J/on a horizontal tube
partially buried in a dielectric medium. The current is normalized to the
incident magnetic field at 'p = 90' on the surface of the tube.
Xu [ 141, who employed the magnetic field integral equation
formulation. One observes that both the magnitude (Fig. 7(a)) inant and transverse components of the current distribution on
and phase (Fig. 7(b)) of the normalized current distribution the plate are shown in Figs. 9(a) and 9(b), respectively. In
along the circumference and in the middle of the finite tube the triangle-patch model of the plate, 252 patches were em-
agree favorably with the corresponding results for the infi- ployed. The slight nonsymmetry with respect to the center line
nite cylinder. In the triangle-patch model of the cylinder, 288 of the plate observed in the transverse component of the cur-
patches were employed. rent is due to the fact that the symmetry of the plate was not
preserved in its triangle-patch model. In Fig. 8 we compare
Rectangular Plate the dominant component of the current distribution along the
Finally, in Figs. 8 and 9 we present results for a flat, rect- center line of the plate with the corresponding result for an
angular plate buried in dry earth. The magnitudes of the dom- infinite strip [ 141. One observes a reasonably good agreement

= 16
f = 300MH~

- infinite strip (Xu, 1985) i(;= 0.25111

rectangular plate (0.8m long) x = 0.4m
- triangle-patch model

-0.250 -0.125 0.000 0.125 0.250

1 [ml
(a) /I A A 5.0 Alm

x = 0.4m
Fig. 9. Magnitude of (a) the longitudinal and (b) the transverse component
of the current induced on the rectangular plate of Fig. 8 by a normally
incident plane wave with H i = 1 A h .

had to rely on the results of two-dimensional analyses. With a

few exceptions, the agreement between our results and those
obtained by others is shown to be excellent.
At the present, we can only speculate as the source of the
noticable discrepancies in the few cases where the agreement
is less favorable. In the case of Fig. 5(b), a possible expla-
-0.250 -0..125 0.000 0.125 0.250
nation of the slight disagreement of our and the NEC results
is the fact that in the NEC formulation a charge discontinuity
condition at the interface is enforced, which is strictly valid
only for the vertical antenna [ 121. Obviously, this condition
would affect the solution more for CY = 80" than for CY = 45".
The (rather small) discrepancy of the results in Fig. 8 can
perhaps be attributed to the fact that an infinite strip is not
between the two results, both in magnitude (Fig. 8(a)) and a very good model for the relatively short plate. We should
phase (Fig. 8(b)). point out, however, that this discrepancy increases for larger
inclination angles.
Heretofore the capability of analyzing the problems of VI. CONCLUSION
electromagnetic radiation and scattering by three-dimensional In Part I1 of this paper, we have described a computer im-
PEC surfaces of arbitrary shape in layered media does not ex- plementation of an MPIE (Formulation C of Part I [l]) for
ist, therefore the task of validating our results was a difficult a PEC surface of arbitrary shape penetrating a planar inter-
one. Data for comparison were available only for thin-wire face between contiguous half-spaces. The advantages of the
antennas and for the ground stake antenna. In other cases, we MPIE formulation have been discussed in detail in Part I. We

restate here only the most important of them, namely, that the Charles E. Smith and Xiao-bang Xu, and by Gerald J. Burke.
MPIE is amenable to the existing advanced MM procedures This paper was ably typed by Clifford D. Krumvieda.
[2], [3]. Thus, once the EFIE is put in the mixed potential
form (1) and a subroutine for the evaluation of the Sommer- REFERENCES
feld integrals is developed. It is a relatively simple task to K. A. Michalski and D. Zheng, “Electromagnetic scattering and radi-
ation by surfaces of arbitrary shape in layered media, Part I: Theory,”
adapt the triangle-patch code [3] to solve the problem of Fig. IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., pp. 335-344, this issue.
1. The sample results presented in Part I1 compare favor- A. W. Glisson and D. R. Wilton, “Simple and efficient numeri-
ably with a few available measured and numerical results, cal methods for problems of electromagnetic radiation and scattering
from surfaces,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-28, pp.
thus demonstrating- the authors believe- the validity of the 593-603, Sept. 1980.
approach advanced here. S. M. Rao, D. R. Wilton, and A. W. Glisson, “Electromagnetic scat-
We wish to point out that, at present, matrix fill time, not tering by surfaces of arbitrary shape,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Prop-
agat., vol. AP-30, pp. 409-418, May 1982.
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puts practical limits on the size of objects that can be ana- Sommerfield halfspace problem,” Inst. Elec. Eng. Proc., vol. 132,
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analytical approximations for the Sommerfeld integrals- and microstrip structures,’’ in Advances in Electronics and Electron
thus drastically reduced the computational expense- we have Physics, vol. 59, P. W. Hawkes, Ed. New York: Academic, 1982,
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ranges of applicability are usually not well-defined. Elertromagn., vol. 1, pp. 29-49, Jan.-Mar. 1981.
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grals arising in the ground stake antenna problem,” Inst. E x . Eng.
the analysis for objects embedded in a two-layer medium, we Proc., vol. 134, pt. H, pp. 93-97, Feb. 1987.
could almost as easily treat the n-layer case (n > 2), for which J. A. Fuller and J. R. Wait, “A pulsed dipole in the earth,” in
Transient Electromagnetic Fields, L. B. Felsen, F New York:
explicit MPIEs are given in Part I [l]. Also, the approach de-
Springer, 1976, pp. 237-269.
veloped here can be used to analyze arbitrary configurations of J. Van Bladel, Electromagnetic Fields. Washington: Hemisphere,
surfaces and wires. One could, for example, easily adapt the 1985.
C. E. Smith, C. M. Butler, C. A. Harrison, and K. A. Michalski, “An
JUNCTION code [15] for that purpose. As a special case, experimental investigation of antenna configurations which are near to
one could treat the problem of a microstrip antenna driven or pass through an air-water interface,” Final Rep. to Naval Ocean
by a coaxial cable with the inner conductor soldered to the Systems Center, San Diego, CA, Dept. Elec. Eng., Univ. Mississippi,
June 1984.
patch. Our method can also be directly used to calculate reso- G. J. Burke and E. K. Miller, “Modeling antennas near to and pen-
nant frequencies of microstrip antennas of arbitrary- possibly etrating a lossy interface,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propgat., vol.
exotic-shapes. One could also extend it to analyze infinite AP-32, pp. 1040-1049, Oct. 1984.
C. M. Butler and K. A. Michalski, “Analysis of a cylindrical antenna
arrays of mlxostrip antennas of arbitrary shape. residing in two contiguous half spaces,” presented at Nat. Radio Sci.
Future work in this area might involve dielectric bodies of Meet., Boulder, CO, Jan. 5-7, 1983.
arbitrary shape in layered media. For homogeneous bodies, X. B. Xu, “Analysis of TM- and TE- excited cylinders in a region
comprising two semi-infinite half-spaces separated by a planar inter-
one could apply the surface integral formulation in conjunc- face,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elec. Eng., Univ. Mississippi, 1985.
tion with the triangle-patch code [16] and for inhomogeneous S. U. Hwu and D. R. Wilton, “Electromagnetic scattering and ra-
objects, the volume integral approach in conjunction with the diation by arbitrary configurations of conducting bodies and wires,”
Appl. Electromagn. Lab., Dept. Elec. Eng., Univ. Houston, Tech.
tetrahedral element model [17]. These techniques can also be Rep. 87-17, Dec. 1987.
specialized to the analysis of dielectric waveguides consisting K. Umashankar, A. Taflove, and S. M. Rao, “Electromagnetic scat-
of infinite dielectric slabs of arbitrary cross section embedded tering by arbitrary shaped three-dimensional homogeneous lossy di-
electric objects,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-34, pp.
in layered media. 758-766, June 1986.
Finally, as was already mentioned, there is room for im- D. H. Schaubert, D. R. Wilton, and A. W. Glisson, “A tetrahedral
provements in the evaluation of the Sommerfeld-type integrals, modeling method for electromagnetic scattering by arbitrarily shaped
inhomogeneous dielectric bodies,” ZEEE Trans. Antennas Propa-
since most of the computational effort is spent on them. gat., vol. AP-32, pp. 77-85, Jan. 1984.
The authors are indebted to Prof. Donald R. Wilton for Krzysztof A. Michalski (S’78-M’81-SM’88), for a photograph and biogra-
many useful comments regarding this research and to Prof. phy please see page 344 of this issue.
AllFn W. Glisson, who made available to them his triangle-
patch code. The measured and computed data used for com- Dalian Zheng (S’85-M’89), for a photograph and biography please see page
parisons with our results were kindly provided by Professors 344 of this issue.

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