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Professor: Atty. Peter-Joey Usita

A. DISCUSSION any family member who assumes the responsibility of head
of the family.
1. Define, then explain briefly the legal significance of
the following: (2016) A parental leave of not more than 7 working days every year
shall be given to a solo parent who has rendered service of
A. Wage distortion (2016, 2017) at least 1 year. This leave shall be non-cumulative.

Article 124 of the Labor Code defines wage distortion as E. Principle of aggravation
a situation where an increase in the prescribed wage rates
results in the elimination or severe contraction of SUGGESTED ANSWER:
intentional quantitative differences in wage or salary rates
between and among employee groups in an establishment
as to effectively obliterate the distinctions embodied in
such wage structure based on skills, length of service or
other logical bases of differentiation. 2. How is wage distortion fixed? (2017)

The employer and the union shall negotiate to correct the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
distortions. If there is no union, the employer and the Under Article 124 of the Labor Code, the employer and the
workers shall endeavor to correct such distortions. union shall negotiate to correct the distortions. Any dispute
arising therefrom should be resolved through grievance
B. Labor-only contracting procedure under their CBA. If the dispute remains
unresolved, it shall be resolved through voluntary arbitration.
Under Article 106 of the Labor Code, there is labor-only If there is no union, the employer and the workers shall
contracting when the person supplying workers to an endeavor to correct such distortions. Any dispute arising
employer does not have substantial capital or investment therefrom should be resolved through National Conciliation
and the workers recruited and placed by such person are and Mediation Board (NCMB). If it remains unresolved after
performing activities which are directly related to the 10 days, it shall be referred to the NLRC.

In labor-only contracting, the law creates an employer- The formula for resolving wage distortion is as follows:
employee relationship for a comprehensive purpose to
prevent the circumvention of labor laws. The principal is Existing Prescribed
treated as direct employer and becomes solidarily liable with Min. Wage = % x Wage = Distortion Adjustment
the contractor not only for unpaid wages but also for all the Actual Salary Increase
rightful claims of the employee under the law.

C. 24-hour duty doctrine 3. Discuss the benefits provided under the Limited
Portability Law. (2017)
Under the 24-hour duty doctrine, members of the national SUGGESTED ANSWER:
police by the nature of their functions are technically on duty R.A. 7699 of the Limited Portability Law applies to all
24 hours a day except when they are on vacation leave. worker-members of the SSS and/or GSIS who transfer from
Death arising from police service, although not in official line one sector to another and who wish to retain their
of duty is compensable. membership in both systems.
For the purpose of determining compensability of injury or The creditable services or contributions in both systems shall
death, soldiers and policemen and even firemen, by the be credited to their service or contribution record in each
nature of their work, may be considered on duty round-the- system, and totalized for the purposes of old-age disability,
clock. But this doctrine, while it relaxes the workplace factor, survivorship, and other benefits in case the covered member
does not dispense with the work-connection requisite. does not qualify for any benefits for SSS or GSIS benefits in
either or both systems without totalization.
D. Solo parent Benefits to be paid by the system shall be in proportion to
the number of contributions actually remitted to that system.
The term solo parent refers to a woman who gives birth as All contributions paid by such member personally, and those
a result of rape and other crimes against chastity; a parent that were paid by his employers to both systems (SSS and
left solo or alone with the responsibility of parenthood by GSIS) shall be considered in the processing of benefits
reason of death or incapacity of, or abandonment, by which he can claim from either or both systems.
spouse, annulment or declaration of nullity of their marriage,
or their legal separation; or any other person who solely
provides parental care and support to a child or children; or

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Professor: Atty. Peter-Joey Usita
4. What is “bonus”? When may it be legally employer by way of the exclusive or customary means
demandable? (2017) of ingress or egress.
(3) Special Errand Rule – where the employee is charged,
SUGGESTED ANSWER: while on his way to or from his place of employment or
at his home, or during his employment, with some duty
or special errand connected with his employment.
(4) Extra-premises Rule/The Shuttle Bus Rule – where
5. When is contracting or subcontracting considered the employer, as an incident to the employment,
legitimate under DOLE Administrative Order 18-A, provides the means of transportation to and from the
Series of 2011? (2013) place of employment.

*Under DOLE Administrative Order 174, Series of 2017, 8. Explain the “no double recovery rule” under the State
contracting or subcontracting shall only be allowed if ALL of Insurance Fund. (5pts.)
the following circumstances concur:
(1) The contactor or subcontractor is engaged in a distinct SUGGESTED ANSWER:*
and independent business and undertakes to perform The injured employee cannot claim payment twice for the
the job or work on its own responsibility, according to its same injury from both the third party and the GSIS or SSS,
own manner and method; as the case may be.
(2) The contractor or subcontractor has substantial capital
and/or investment Simultaneous recovery under the Labor Code and the Civil
(3) The contractor or subcontractor is free from control Code cannot be made. The action is selective and the
and/or direction of the principal in all matters employee may choose to file the claim under either. But
connected with the performance of the work except as once the election is made, the claimant cannot opt for the
to the results thereof; and other remedy.
(4) The Service Agreement ensures compliance with all the
rights and benefits for all the employees of the Note, however, that simultaneous recovery under the Labor
contractor or subcontractor under labor laws. Code and the SSS can now be made since PD 1921 has
lifted the ban on simultaneous recovery.
[*substantially the same as DOLE AO No. 18-A, except as to
#1 – previously “must be registered in accordance with the 9. What is compressed workweek? (2013)
Compressed Work Week (CWW) is an alternative
6. What is “compassionate visit”? (2013) arrangement whereby the normal workweek is reduced to
less than six (6) days but the total number of hours per week
SUGGESTED ANSWER: remains at 48 hours. The normal workday is increased to
When a migrant worker is hospitalized and has been more than 8 hours but not to exceed 12 hours without
confined for at least 7 consecutive days, he shall be corresponding overtime pay.
entitled to a compassionate visit by 1 family member or a
requested individual. To be valid, the CWW scheme must be expressly and
voluntarily supported by majority of the employees affected.
The insurance company shall pay for the transportation If the work is hazardous, a certification is needed that work
cost of the family member or requested individual to the beyond 8 hours is within the limits of exposure set by
major airport closest to the place of hospitalization of DOLE’s occupational safety and health standards. The
the worker. It is, however, the responsibility of the family DOLE must also be duly notify thereof.
member or requested individual to meet all visa and travel
document requirements.
10. a. Discuss the duty of the employer in connection
with the meal periods of his employees. (2013)
7. What is the “going and coming rule”? Give the
exceptions to the rule. (2013) SUGGESTED ANSWER:
Article 85 of the Labor Code provides that subject to such
SUGGESTED ANSWER: regulations as the Secretary of Labor may prescribe, it shall
As a general rule, in the absence of special circumstances, be the duty of every employer to give his employees not less
the injury sustained by an employee in, going to or coming than sixty minutes time-off for their regular meals.
from, his place of work is not compensable.
It is non-compensable except where during the meal
The exceptions, in which the injury is compensable, are: period, the laborers are required to standby for emergency
(1) When the injury is sustained when the employee is work, or said meal hour is not one of complete rest, such
proceeding to or from his work in the premises of the period is considered overtime hours worked.
(2) Ingress-Egress/Proximity Rule – where the employee
is about to enter or about to leave the premises of his

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Professor: Atty. Peter-Joey Usita
b. May the employer shorten the meal period to less SUGGESTED ANSWER:
than one (1) hour? Explain. (2013)

Yes. The employer may shorten the meal period to less than 5. Overtime pay from Premium pay (2013)
1 hour, but should not be less than 20 minutes and the
shortened mealtime must be with full pay, under the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
following instances: Overtime pay refers to the additional compensation required
(1) Where the work is non-manual work in nature and by law for work performed beyond eight hours a day.
does not involve strenuous physical exertion;
(2) Where the establishment regularly operates not On the other hand, premium pay refers to the additional
less than 16 hours a day; compensation required by law for work performed within
(3) In cases of actual or impending emergencies or eight hours on non-working days, such as rest days and
there is urgent work to be performed on regular and special holidays.
machineries, equipment or installations to avoid
serious loss which the employer would otherwise
suffer; or B. ENUMERATION
(4) Where the work is necessary to prevent serious
loss of perishable goods. 1. What are the benefits of a solo parent? (2017)

R.A. 8972 or the Solo Parents’ Welfare Act grants to a solo
B. DISTINGUISH BETWEEN: parent a parental leave of not more than 7 working days
1. Labor-only contracting and job contracting. (2017) every year, provided that the solo parent employee has
rendered service of at least 1 year.
It also provides for the prohibition on employers to
discriminate against any solo parent employee with respect
2. Paternity and Maternity Leave Benefits (2016) to terms and conditions of employment on account of his/her
Paternity leave benefits of 7 days with full pay are Moreover, the employers are also mandated to provide for
granted to every married male employee in the private flexible work schedule for solo parents, but the same
sector for the first four deliveries or miscarriages by his should not affect the individual and company productivity.
lawful spouse under such terms and conditions as provided
by law.
2. What are the benefits of a senior citizen? (2017)
On the other hand, maternity leave benefits of 60
days(normal delivery) or 78 days(caesarian delivery) with SUGGESTED ANSWER:
full pay are granted to a female employee for her first four
deliveries or miscarriages. To be entitled thereto, she need
not be legally married, and must have paid for at least 3
monthly contributions in the 12-month period immediately 3. Enumerate the benefits that may be enjoyed by a
preceding the semester of her childbirth or miscarriage. domestic worker under the new Kasambahay Law.
(2013, 2016, 2017)

3. Facilities and Supplements (2013, 2016) SUGGESTED ANSWER:

Under the new Kasambahay Law, a kasambahay is entitled
Facilities shall include items of expense necessary for the (1) Minimum wage
laborer and his family’s existence and subsistence. These (2) Other mandatory benefits such as Service Incentive
are part of the wages and are, therefore, deductible Leave (SIL) and 13th month pay
therefrom. (3) Basic necessities including board, lodging and medical
On the other hand, supplements are items which constitute (4) Coverage under SSS, PhilHealth and Pag-IBIG laws
extra remuneration or special privileges or benefits given to (5) Freedom from employer’s Interference in disposal of
or received by the laborer over and above his ordinary wages
earnings or wages. These are independent of the wage and (6) Right to exercise Religious beliefs and cultural
are, therefore, not deductible therefrom. practices
(7) Right to Privacy in all forms of communication and
personal effects
4. Workmen’s Compensation Act and Employees (8) Freedom from Abuse or any form of physical violence
Compensation Law (2016) or harassment or any act tending to degrade the dignity.

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Professor: Atty. Peter-Joey Usita
(9) Opportunity to finish Basic education and access to c. 1/12 of the 13th month pay due the employee; and
alternative learning systems. d. All other benefits that the employer and employee may
(10) Right to join a Labor organization of his own choosing agree upon
for mutual aid and collective negotiation.
(11) Access to Outside communication during free time, or Consequently, as established in Serrano v. Severino Santos
even during work time in case of emergency. Transit, the term one-half (½) month salary shall be
computed for 22.5 days for every year of service.

4. What are the liabilities of a principal in job

contracting? (2017) 4. Are learners paid 25% less than the minimum wage
while apprentices are paid 100%? (2017)

5. What are the legal grounds when the State Insurance

Fund may validly deny a claim for compensation made 5. A is residing in QC but works in Mendiola. While
by a covered employee or his dependents? (2013, 2016, waiting for a bus in Marilao, he got swiped by a taxi. Is
2017) the death/injury suffered by A compensable? (2017)


Art. 178 of the Labor Code provides that the State
Insurance Fund shall be liable for compensation to the
employee or his dependents, except when the disability or
death was occasioned by the employee’s: 6 A employed the services of B in his computer shop
(1) Intoxication, business. During the period of employment, A shot B. Is
(2) Willful intention to injure or kill himself or another, the death of B compensable? (2017)
(3) Notorious negligence, or
(4) Otherwise provided under Book 4, Title II of the Labor SUGGESTED ANSWER:

7. F, single and living-in with G (legally separated from
1. May the employer change of meal time from 1 hour his wife) is pregnant with her fifth child. She applied for
paid to 1 hour unpaid. (2017) maternity leave but her employer refused the application
because she is not married. Decide. (2016, 2017)
The employer may refuse F’s application for maternity leave,
but not on the ground that she is not married.
2. The labor union’s chief manager worked overtime to
“fix” wages. Employer said the overtime hours worked Maternity leave benefits of 60 days(normal delivery) or 78
are not compensable because he could have fixed it not days(caesarian delivery) with full pay are granted to a
at that time. (2017) female employee for her first four deliveries or miscarriages.
To be entitled thereto, she need not be legally married, and
SUGGESTED ANSWER: must have paid for at least 3 monthly contributions in the 12-
month period immediately preceding the semester of her
childbirth or miscarriage.

3. Did the Labor Code provisions on the retirement pay In the case at bar, F is pregnant with her fifth child. Since
expand the term “one half (1/2) month salary” because it maternity leave benefits are given only for the first four
means 15 days’ pay plus a full 13th month pay? (2016, deliveries or miscarriage, F is not entitled thereto and the
2017) employer may validly refuse her application therefor.

No. Article 287 of the Labor Code, as amended by R.A. 8. Marikina Shoe Company employs 20 laborers and 2
7641, expanded the concept of one-half month salary from supervisors. It also employed the services of carpenters
the usual one-month salary divided by 2 because the term and welders for the fixing of the roof of its building.
shall include:
a. 15 days salary of the employee based on his latest A. Who are covered by the SSS Law? (2017)
salary rate;
b. The cash equivalent of not more than 5 days of service SUGGESTED ANSWER:
incentive leave (SIL);

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Professor: Atty. Peter-Joey Usita
contract, in the same manner and extent that he is liable to
B. Who are entitled to 13th month pay? (2017) employees directly employed by him.

SUGGESTED ANSWER: The liability, however, does not extend to the payment of
P.D. 851 or the 13th Month Pay Law provides that, as a backwages and separation pay of employees who were
general rule, all rank-and-file employees regardless of the constructively or illegally dismissed by the contractor.
amount of basic salary that they receive in a month, if their
employers are not otherwise exempted from paying the 13th
month pay. Such employees are entitled to the 13th month 10. The projected bonus for the employees of H
pay regardless of their designation or employment status, Company was 30% of their monthly compensation.
and irrespective of the method by which their pages are Unfortunately, due to the slump in the business, the
paid, provided that they have worked for at least 1 month president unilaterally reduced the bonus to 5% of their
during a calendar year. compensation. (2016)

The said benefit under P.D. 851, however, does not apply to A. As counsel for the company, explain the legal
government employees, employees paid purely on justification(s) for the president’s action.
commission basis, and employees already receiving 13th

9. B, a building contractor, entered into a contract with B. As counsel for the employees, explain the legal
CDE Insurance Company for the construction of the ground(s) for your opposition to the president’s action.
latter’s new five-storey office building. In connection
with the aforesaid contract, B hired carpenters, masons SUGGESTED ANSWER:
and laborers. (2013, 2016)

A. What are the factors in determining whether CDE

Insurance Company may be considered an “indirect 11. J, a project worker, was being assigned by his
employer” of the workers of B? employer, K Builders Corporation, to Aparri, Cagayan. J
refused to comply with the transfer claiming that in
SUGGESTED ANSWER: effect, he was being constructively dismissed because it
For CDE to be considered as the indirect employer of the would take him away from his family and his usual work
workers of B, the following factors shall be considered: assignments in Metro Manila. The Labor Arbiter found
(1) Whether or not B is engaged in a distinct and that there was no constructive dismissal but ordered the
independent business and undertakes to perform the payment of separation pay due to strained relations
job or work on its own responsibility, according to its between the parties, plus attorney’s fees equivalent to
own manner and method; twenty percent (20%) of the value of J’s separation pay.
(2) Whether or not B has substantial capital and/or Is the award of attorney’s fees valid? Explain your
investment answer. (2016)
(3) Whether or not B is free from control and/or direction
of CDE in all matters connected with the performance of SUGGESTED ANSWER:
the work except as to the results thereof; and
(4) The Service Agreement ensures compliance with all the
rights and benefits for all the employees of B under
labor laws. 12. The DOLE Regional Director does not have
jurisdiction over money claims arising from employer-
If all the said considerations are answered in the affirmative, employee relationship if such claims exceed P5,000.00.
there is a legitimate job contracting or subcontracting and Do you agree? Explain. (2016)
consequently, CDE is considered as the indirect employer of
the workers of B. SUGGESTED ANSWER:

B. May CDE Insurance Company be held liable for

unpaid wages and other monetary claims of B’s 13. Y Company, which employs more than 100 workers
workers? Explain. in its vast car assembly plant in Laguna, has 15 foremen
and 15 supervisors, given the power to recommend the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: hiring, firing and suspension of warehouse employees.
We must distinguish. Article 106 of the Labor Code The ultimate power to hire, fire and suspend however is
provides that In the event that the contractor or vested to the plant personnel manager. Are the foremen
subcontractor fails to pay the wages of his employees in and supervisors considered managerial employees?
accordance with this Code, the employer shall be jointly and Explain. (2013)
severally liable with his contractor or subcontractor to such
employees to the extent of the work performed under the SUGGESTED ANSWER:

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Professor: Atty. Peter-Joey Usita
It depends. Under the Rules to Implement the Labor Code, proper dispostition. In the death of PO3 Tom Cruz work-
the following conditions must be present for an employee to connected and therefore, compensable? Why? (2013)
be considered as a managerial employee:
(1) Their primary duty consists of the management of the
establishment in which they are employed or of a
department or subdivision thereof;
(2) They customarily and regularly direct the work of two or
more employees therein; and
(3) They have the authority to hire or fire other employees
of lower rank; or their suggestions and
recommendations as to the hiring and firing, and as to
the promotion and other change of status of other
employees, are given particular weight.

In the case at bar, the foremen and supervisors are given

the power to recommend the hiring, firing and suspension of
employees. Should their recommendation are given weight
by the plant personnel manager, and if their primary duty
consists of the management of the establishment and they
customarily and regularly direct the work of two or more
employees therein, they are considered as managerial

Otherwise, if any of the conditions set forth by the

Implementing Rules is absent, then the foremen and
supervisors are not considered as managerial employees.

14. X, a nurse employed by the Ospital ng Maynila,

works for eight (8) hours a day, six (6) days a week. Is
she entitled to overtime pay? Explain. (2013)

No. X is not entitled to overtime pay. Health personnel in
government services are excluded from the coverage of
Arts. 82-96 of the Labor Code. Their employment benefits
are governed by R.A. 7305 or Magna Carta of Public
Health Workers.

Supposing, however, that X is within the coverage of the

Labor Code, Article 87 thereof provides that overtime pay is
paid for work performed beyond 8 hours a day. Since her
work does not exceed 8 hours a day, she is not entitled to
overtime pay.

15. During his employment as chief security officer of

Manila Diamond Hotel, Z was provided with meals,
water, electricity and lodging. Are these items deemed
facilities? (2013)


16. PO3 Tom Cruz, a member of the Quezon City Police

District, was shot to death by a Barangay Chairman in
front of the Manila City Hall. The fatal incident stemmed
from a stabbing incident a day earlier between the sons
of PO3 Tom Cruz and the Barangay Chairman. Although
he was supposed to be on duty at Camp Karingal in
Quezon City, PO3 Tom Cruz was accompanying his son
to the Office of Mayor Alfredo Lim for interview and

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