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() (PASC een LUA (eee CONT een Lg TPIMHNIAO ETE THMONIKO HEPLOAIKO [1A TH MEAETH THE @PHYKEYTIKOTHTAL The Divided Colours of Religion TA BIAKPITA XPOMATA THE OPHEKEIAE nce ert pacer eo anc) Ca rake OPpHE! IOAOTIA — IEPA/BEBHAA RELIGIOUS ~ SACRED/PROFANE, Toyraio emormnovix neptodu6 ya ty wedéry THE Oonoxevtizdrytag ntific Quarterly for the Study of Religiosity ISSN: 1108-8605 Tetxos 3/Anpidtos - Lowes 2002 Issue 3/April - June 2002 yup 9 € www, e-mail: XPONIKA THE @PHEKEIOAOFIAE | ANNALS OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES TiQPrOE TEIANTHE, H Atarhowi HOwig xen Tolurwaiig orm Zxéy tow Lwvnoser 7 GIORGOS TSLANTES, The Counterpoint between Ethic and Politics according to Socrates NIKOAAOE KPIOAPAE, Ognoxeia zou Téxvy om Lvéyn tov Nixdhaov Aotéagr 23 NIKOLAOS KRITHARAS, Religion and Art in the Thought of Nikolaos Louvaris NIKOAAOS AOYBAPIS, H Ovola mg Ognoxeias 33 NIKOLAOS LOUVARES, The Essence of Religion HAPAAOSIAKA ©PHEKEYMATA / TRADITIONAL RELIGIONS. AGISILAOS BOLETSIS, Divine Kingship in Hawai 41 ATH3IAAOZ MIOAETIHY, H lepoGandeia ory Xe6en XPHETOE TEPEZHE - FIQPTOE YEKIAHY, To @onoxevtr2s Erowyeio otov Hodwhetto wa 0 Xpiowa- vuouds 37 CHRISTOS TEREZES - GEORGOS FYSKILES, The Religious Element in the Philosophy of Heraclitus and the Christian approach MANQAHE BAPAHY, Toopntég Moogés tov 190u auiva 77 MANOLES WARDES, Prophetic Figures of 19th century in Greece A@MIEPQMA: PATETEMOE - TA ALAKPITA XPQMATA THE OPHEKEIAL / RACISM - DIVIDED COLOURS OF RELIGION BAZIAH AAPAXTAZ, Moriéa Paroouoi orov Meraguchwoaxs Tovdatous $9 VASSILES ADRACHTAS, Patterns of Racism in Post-captivated Judaism TloayKaprioz KAPAMOYZHE, EOvoguienoudés xar Ouomenouds omy Opbddoey Exxdnoia. 109 POLYKARPOS KARAMOUZES, Nationalism and Ecumenism in Orthodox Church TEPAZIMOE MAKPHE, Iola war Patoonde 123 GERASIMOS MAKRES, Islam and Racism EYPXPONEE EKAHAQEEIZ TOY IEPOY / MODERN MANIFESTATIONS OF THE SACRED AHMHTPHE MIEKPIAAKHE, Avwdipyeig yu to @dvero aro New Age 153 DEMETRES BEKRIDAKES, Approaches on Death in the New Age Movement AHMHTPHE OYAHZ, Op8d¢ Adyor xau Avapamionéc — Axopationds zat Eoxatohoyia 171 DEMETRES OULES, Rationalism and Enlightenment ~ Apophatism and Eschatology BAZIAHE AAPANTAZ, Ovitéam Teainus. H Mvowxi Avdyvwon ts TMaouboovaxits ‘bdooogiag (uégos y) 185 VASSILES ADRACHTAS, William James. Mystic Reading of Traditional Philosophy (part 3) CHRYSOSTOM SELAHVARZI, The Fundamentalist Response, Ayatollah Khomeini as a Paradigm of Is- lamic Fundamentalism 201 XPYSOETOMOE SEAAXBAPTZI, H ovtaievtadiorws) Aréxoion, O Ayetoiddy Xojeivi wg rag dere lokawrxot dovrapevtedsopot EEAIAEE AIAAOPOY - HAPOYEIAZEIE BIBAION / PAGES OF DIALOGUE- BOOK REVIEWS AHMHTPHE MAFPITIAHS, Eivat 9 @onoxeia Attia TMoiguov, 223 DEMETRES MAGRIPLES, Can Religion be a Cause of War? NIKOAAGY MATROYKAY, H Eoyatohoyxi Auéoraon tou Xowotamowot 228 NIKOLAOS MATSOUKAS, The Eschatological Dimension of Christianity JULIAN OF NORWICH, Amoxahiyets Oxiov ‘Equtos 230 JULIAN OF NORWICH, Revelations of Divine Love ANTONHE Tlnapizox, H BheuOegie Emamoy tov Oavirov 234 ANTONES PAPARIZOS, Freedom in front of Death TIOPTOE PKOTEHE, Oonozeia, Newrepusryta var Léyzoovn Mokurioway Tavréryte 236 GEORGOS GoTSIS, Religion, Modemity and Cultural Identit KATPIN KAEMAN - TZOYAIA KPIETEBA, @ijav wax Teod 238 KATHERINE CLEMENT, JULIA KRISTEVA Ohe Feminine and the Sacred Racisi DIVIDED COLOURS of Religion TT. 3o Teiyos Tov GIB xvopoRiOnKe oF Eva ¥AiNa ToOWOhaYvE!UC, EVE Hip MOV AVQOdOTI- Onne and Tig aaioteutes Mcortxds axdves THs Llyg Zextepdgiov 2001. ‘Onws névra, ot wro1es aepurtboRg mokhEs ovtyrijoers yivoveat, apéronta wOVooUweVa aepiivovTaL var aLogov- tau vat aeteignig negvoodtepee ageEnyijonts juévow adievaimotes... H peydhn xdeymgia tov nowor -evde x0Woi Ragadedopévo cvev ogiwy xa avev Gow OTIC EvxOES aMAYTiOEIS TOV TON cegdigovy Ta Adéons @ucews media- Zatavdrwoe ra axdua pila poy eweres: H «xaxip» Avatohs} evdvtia oTHY «ayabip Avon, to «ayiovad» lohdn evavua ors avdgomonnés dakicgr tov yoiowanxods xohttiopévor zdopoul Mrgoatd at téroLe¢ avOaigetes yewxetoets, ROGGE axdwa exrantrzdteoy 1 aveeyen ve avoikeL y OvtiTHON OxeTUAé WE Ty BEN xa TOY pdlo THE BoNOxeIAS pod CTO Thain Tov GOOHoxoU —vAOTIBETaL— WETaLOVTEQMOKOD, Me TO Tetlyos TOV KOATATE OTA ZEA as, ] GUYTAXTIAI EmITQOM| Tov GIB emzerpel va ovpbdider OOS THY xaretdwvoy avn}, nooseyyitovtac, xa agydc, to AQHYA TOU gaTOLOHO’, xaL ot ovvéxea avtd THE ox€ong aviqicod oT OoHoxeia var ty bia. H BeyaTLAy Too RaQdvEOS agepauatés vaayogetmHe ev AOdOIc xoL aNd Evaw G)A0, EgiGOV ONLAVTXG AGO: Toy yaga- xTMpLONG Tov 2001 ex pépous TOV OHE. we deOvois Etove xaTd Tou gataopot. H Agnoxcio- Roya} Nooaeyyioy AOV eynamdterar edd) Oa owvexiatet xar oto aeprgpwpa tov |exdjevou (4ov) wixors, Soxpdtorras va anzvetor nic evdexnnéc ovyyéveres aviiicod oto legs xaL orn Gia. Exei, axpevdg tev 1) nq0omTwa} Oa sive yevmsdtepn, agetépov de ot avadioes Oa e’var 600 to dwardy mo eEavehntuis, Tra «Xoowxd me Conoxs.odoyiagy pu.ozevome ovo zeiueva ws GSoo Tig. To ApdTO civen apteqmnévo ora 2.400 xodvia and tov Odvaro rou Sungdmy, evds wpogaveraxot jaiom, tov orolov, wordoo, Oedijoape va zgoveyyiooupe Ywoig Ta ibeohoytad paroyudhed xdTOLAE cigxaondatiag i ehrvolatoiug — 1600 avyviig, dvotuyde, ous péyec Has. To debteg0 xeiuevo ivan agtep@Livo Ta capavtE YOSNG GO Tov Bdvato Tov ApWTONSQON ‘ENJaVa BpnOxeoGLLO- odpou Nixoidov AotSagt. H tehevtaia avtiy enérevos eivat, aorta, dur, aod ovariater je ra eGdojTa YOdMa ad THY dQvOy TE AEdTHS OoNOXOhOYNiG AavemoTEHi\s Egag oTY Eikdda, pe xadmyym} tov Aocbag. Tro tia «llapabooand Opyoveiyare Snwoncvovte, petods Gow, we weydday yood vet ovyzivnon Eva axd Ta xeijeva TOV ayaMNTOS auvadepou ‘Aynoiaoy Maokéton, 0 onoiog Svat pic Was aqnae TpdWEE x. avaRdvTeya. O Aynaiaos cige Sha Ta nQOGSYTA aL Tg ToOiTOBEELS yu pid ehaLdopoa EMoTHLOVER! xagAOPogiC” y Srodieven Tow xeyrivou tov as exAnpOc! os pla chégrom évdek ayderyg xan Extiynons ya 10 aQ60WHS TOV. To oivrono «Agiepapco Tov nagdvtos Tetyous emyerped ver amyvetiac portoroTnd poti6a ong TweXs peyddec jovodeiotHec cagadéoeIs. Diyouga, o gatos avadeixOyAe WS ovyZOOT- pévy Weohoyia a6 THY YEwTEOUAl) GuvEIOyON, ALTO, GHwE, DEY anMAiVEL OTL aAOVGLou dyers Tov qraivonsrou oF moo-weUTEE mohrMOHEA xm OpnoxevrEd oyuontsueva. Aveés ants ug Syeig gaiverar va ajonowi y quietiai, mQoxaTdinym Tov avabudvel TOUS xaIgotg Has, Coty npoardOerde TIE ve eneVdtoeL LETaMuOL THE mOAIAOdOEES voL aTdvOpuMES EMoYES THE. Atavowrat, Siw, va xdver xém TErOLO, M’ dda Lone, vadgyet oTovs jovodeToLotc xQd0;~OR0 daqgor a THY ZabiLEpyeA TOV oaToLO}Ot}; To rAapdv axpiEowja opLOHetE: Eva AEdtO Ahalolo andvmong ota egwTipara avr. Kheivovrac, Oe ijray magdheym va yy expodoomte vic ethizgwveig pag evyagiaties mp0s Shove wove Gihovg zai oUVEQYGTES TOU AEQLOdZOG, OL OCI HE TEOLOT ELMLGTOGIVH ZAL yervaodogia ToooPEOAZAY va GVVdgtOvY OTHY VLOAOINON Tow RapSyTOS TedYous xaL OvvEZi- Cour va ompitowy rowmorpsawe tv xoooAded jas, BAZIAHS AAPAXTAS AHMHTPHE MITEKPIAAKHE AHMHTPHE OYAHE XPONIKA THD OPHEKEIOAOTIA> ANNALS OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES Tlo1a Horn; ria Toroys Toarrex; H Atanaoks Herkuz kat Toarrikns 2TH SKEWH TOY LOKPATH Ey, dvdges AGnvaion ous exTIN ex ons exyaes, aihd Oa uxaxoton orov bed xat byt o€ oas, Kat 600 avaerviw 201 prope, dev Ba aye va gHooogK xaL ve cag orpbouieio xan ve vovdercd oxovovdiprore axé ag twzaives xa06 good va wave. Aéyortés tov aura axpt6iic ov ovvii®ita va iE “This eoi, ayarré jor, dvrag AOyvaios, xohitng tIg m0 peydng nau tye 110 pnyrouérys yea. ty oopia THE xat ty divas) INE AGhns, dev YTGEAEOM va GooveibeES ta ter yoriera,, xaig Ber axoxnjoris aegwoostepa, xat yrat ty 5dEa neu nig Tye, xan va pnY Evduagégco Otte va vordZeou yet ty GosvmaN HAL THY aie HaL THY idan TIAATONOS, Aroloyia Ywxodrous! H odin) oxeym tow Swxepdry zapaxtmoicera oe Eva giro €- inedo and jee Beuehuay ceveiqpaon, Agevdc patverat va oOxoE VEL Thy ecroy até Ta vowvd, yer ycion TE EMxEvTOWONE THY ExitELEN THE TooowAUg apeniig. ApetépoU axoncAintETEN we WuGTUAT OUU- peroyy ate mpdyuata THE 76ANS, OS OUI TOILTWEH} Aap uG«CON, nablig auth axprGic n Ove avdertvéy TOV aTéou-nohitn Eyer ws rehixd anodéytn aiuraod Thy din. H wéoquva, EouES TOU Zeo- pdm Wa THY avToywwoia x04 THY 196080 OTHY [ETOXT TOU aya- G08 Evie exdotov tw xoltT@V Sev xaTaijyet OTOV OxETIROUG aU Tov uToxeievtons (Sawe OTHY AEoiTTWOH Twv Soguotay), aAdc avridera avadexviera o¢ Eoyatn péoyiva a te Hod, Me Tov T6710 auté 0 psaopos yiveTat 0 ododetxtNS sTQ0¢ To «yaOd, TH avyig papos me chiles wa tous oyeoaites tow. Fiverau mca daywyds THE avenig, dcoxahos tov diqov, n yonYooOvoa ovvEi- 1. Bi. Taran, Aroioyia Xunpdirors, 29 dee (croary, wipe, on. Hictoa Avbgedi= by, Réxros, Abriva 1992, 59) 8 4,10 xau Aca- Tio. W.K.C. Guruete, Secrates, Cam- bridge University Press 1971 (@dxpuxi Exd00y Bumocrns, ntgo. Taaos Nexohaidye, Mopqurend ‘ope EOwveiig Toarétns, ABiva 191%, 139-148) 2. Bh Tuse:S, d 4 OPHEKEIOAONA - HOIA HOIKH: PIA OIOYS NOAITES: dno ts Aolutelag. H mowtoxogtaxt totty duatkoxr) nOvxig Hau od TUAjg TOV avyveierae ary oxéyn tou Swxodry dagéoer axd nig avriatorzes Oéoeig Tw aQoowxpaTIMY PODS UY xe xoCy- paroroue! 10 diya 00g THY avddvan Tov EhevBipws oxeMTELEvOU uToxeytevon ws eveoyou aapdyovta TE AOhuTUAtis. H ateopy c- 0} 700s THY avOpwnohoyua} emxévIowOH TIE AOMTUAIIC Sev Euet- ve, @€ yrwoTdr, dizwx ovvéneES ja THY AoOOWAUA Lan} TOU jE- ydov AOnvatov guLcadgov... Toy Tiseroy Ta1axti Awdaxtoga ioaogiag (Havemonyuto AOnyev) owaa mov xatd@eoaY UE THY AAQOVOIE xaL TO Foo TOVS Va opiobenjcouy to Yedvo xaL va ZaTAGTOLY Ta (La onpai- ‘Yovtes door Tov — «ogdantan. Eto yuo THE @LAOcagiag o Zuxod- ‘mys (470 1) 469-399 aX.) dev umoee avapqi6oha o AQETOg PLAd- oogos mov entGahhe Towés oTHY axéyn. Me avtov Guws aivetar Oui ya mOdTH Pood ouverdyroon}Onxe y AEoig~HUN xarTG Krxéowver «xGQodos THs plLodowiug ard Tov aveavd (oT Yn)» («philosophia de caclo devocata»)’, mote éxtote va eivat dedouévy y avapogd v¢ ordon, Oa eEnyjooute apeows to 26yo. O Yaxodtg magapéver Eva qyuydg anodinzd ov». Agevdg nati 1 unoéuevy cevtipaon omy atdon Tov oxertad je doa SyAGvovtaL ex ELE To omV A- noloyice. «Ey, avdges Abqvaiot, ous extyuth xa oag aya, «- Aa Oa urazaiow otov Ocd vt dyt oe oas.o»!? zor otov Koitwve. &H én eivat 1 copia cov, Hote dev Eyer naradaber 6ti Zar a- 6M ETEQA ZaL aNd TOV nETEgA xaL aT’ dhovE TOVs GLOLS TQ0- yovous 10 mo AOLUTILO, To 210 oebAOTS, TO MLO Ayo Aa TO mo oxovdaio ayaO6 ivan 1 narpida xa xate tors Oxovs xar zac Tous ywwottotig avgdmous, wat Ou mpETEL ve OeBSaoTe THY ma Taide, ver wrcoNpe oF AUTH) ZaL va. TH PooVEiCOUpE, STAY To zoe Leto, aegicadtego and tov aaréga jas; Kat 1} va Hy weiBoue Tlaxatijon, Abiwa yx. 124 28h, RK. SiseLArR, Anpio- xpariaa 200 orguerogi) ony apyaice Abia, wee. E. Top 6axn, Kagdapitoa, ABAva 1997, Tie jer vorogee 10 -yorrh ary éxvour tov xeiiry, 6). CLAUDE Mossé, La citoyen dans ta Grece An- que (GBmpeh bb00m O:x0- Alrys ony Agxaia Eiddda, nego. lodvve Marexavore- vrivou, ZaG6dhas, ABiva 1996, 64 ak, 124 22). 9, Bd. Kopnnaios Kazroria- ale, To npdsisua me Bg xqariag omweoa, 6, 111 Brea Ba, axernd: W.K.C, Gurmmr, 6%, 17 22% Tei. exiong ANNE BAUDoRT, Socrate et Jesus, Le Pom- rmier-Fayard, 1999 (Aqyve Exdooy Sanpcins xa Inpoig ~ Ole roug xaipiboun, dia our EviwoUy, wage. Meigs Karowivons didorug, AB ye 2001, 20-31), 1 Bi Prarror Apamarzit, 0 Zaongdrtns an 9 Amjo= gatia, E ~ Torooeni, Tes 306 86, 7 Towviow 2001, 24- 27. 12, 4... 9 dren Gott sy ni Sone wayoiueven iio ‘od drxaiov, xa ei weber Shiyav 96vo% wDiocaBat, iduotesery Gari je, OHO ‘tciew, ITnatasoz, Anaio- la Sanpdirous, 314-322, 65, 1H vroyediaiton doe yas. 13, Tlaaroxos, Anohoyier Sangdérons, 29d. lomrxcionona 14, Taarunos, Koiran, 51 ab (aa, jpg of). drioho- {pei ondiba Keeton, Kéberos, Adyva 1994, 137. H uno- soy bac wag). Ac ete José yao x00 0 Eancei- 1K, MOTOS ato QO TOW Ux, Ativan aabizy», omer rove Oeowois ms Ain, ut ‘vovtas paar ibuaitegn «- ‘yaqogd army swaozeeswon areevong» ov axcogéet a 6 ny aaodogi TS UT tas Tow cag nodity «.. ite hag arives orow nédeyo ae ve isryooe ¥ ye axow- Gothic, apéaet va vmaxorE, 22 Et civ 10 TS Ha St waanogetiyoune Ty orgie on 3 a eto agoie vo H- otaxtose» (621, 516) 15, Bi. Pepaxiwar ZeNotaN EANTAS, WO Sangetyg wa 0 ‘tO. 1 ADifvaze, otoY t6- jo Socrates ~ Philosophy in Plato's Early Dialogues, Routledge and Kegan Paul Lid, 1979 (Gans éxdoon; Sargeirns — drdooopin or01¢ mangoes edisyoU tow Tie rave, jg. Adapen Boxy, Exon Todnucta, Adiva 1997, 17-111) 16, TlaaTaNor, Anoioyia Sargxirous, 33 ab, bx. 69 (y exquto,djs). T cations. ARNE BAUDORE, 6.1, 105-111 onan (7 EE HOIA HOIKH; FIA MOIOYE IOAITES, Fi ver xdvoupe 6,10 ooordcer wou ve naBaivoyse 6,11 emréooeL a dtapapriontns' wxopet jie ovoTmratuA MOazAGeIa va. xaTAVO- nei na var vaegbaBei —daws anédeike oe oxetwx usher tov o Te- pdoutos Lavtac'®, Agerépou pari 0 idios wat avr eiven, wand TH WGI Has, eV TOOZEILEVO To xpiGILO ONeiO~ dev angLOBiyTEt, add ovvenoet noldayiis we Tuc mpdEEIC x0 TO EpyO Tov TOV ava- yeaio «inno xdpo» we TO U6ve axapaitHTo mato exdbaons xa avértving Tov dynoxpariZz0t Weddovs, Avts emtvyydvetat, AOGTOY, [OW THE EMOYAE Tov Ver pV «Otczyew> HaONTEs Le 6éon THY Zatayoyi, Tov Motto ¥ THY Waka wan THE BEANOKE TOU va eiven aavorgtéc» oF Ghovs (WAMwate ey dev vmigza AoTE d4oxa- hog wavevds, Ki ay xdao1og Stay wihéo vou Stay héw Tor Bix4 wou em@upotoe va we azote, eite vedtepos eivat cite peyakiitegos, dev 10 apviOrnza noré oF navevav. Odte jhdw povdya étay rain yotmara, zou étav dev aigv dev Whdw, add TQoBGEOOKAL TO ido xa oe mhovoovs zat ae prozoiis [..] Kar av zétovos toxu- pitetan dri and euéva sore cite éuabe eire dxovoe xin Wietéows, nov dev To ézxovoay zat diot ot dAdot, va Eépere wakd dn dev AE et THY ariGetem)!®, Aetepov, jéow plas ooTOUENE EMOYIIE avd hoyou «rpdzow» (jie05d0v), chAG zvging «téxow» diaoxariac. O Lwxodme dyad} dy ovo «tadzyetam apdowro pos TE6dO- RO [le TOUS oULTOMites TOU (Sytas o euAvEVOTiig-GepehteaTiig THE Ota Devwuailg za pouevtai weO6S0v), ahd eméyer ws «rd» ovve- vijons patti Tove aviv mg ayoods 1 TwY yuRVAOTPLOY, xdQOVS AOU Ot AxO}Ao’» napadooazd ovvevgiozovtar Zar d.a6LOV oT. ahaiove tg ZaOmuEoWwotTas, ZaL dy xno UE9Os ezTE TOY O- plow Hg Tews, Laxord and Ta pata THE ZoWIIS ywaynE TO Pus TOV HOV. Aev eiver Ghhwote tuzaio Su o fdto¢ xpoowmnd bev Spvae zojuck exionun «Ezoksp» yw va nagoworioet 1} vo xeeh- hegyiiaer Tig qudoooguzés TOV axeyeIg Hh aNdWeig —evégyera moU tows Bax Tov avéryaate ev Tov agaypétay vo aroxdelact cex’ avery de ROLLE TOU SEV LHaVOrOLOKOAY Ta ZOLTH|OLE ELORYWIAIE TOVS, Yo Ta prideryia vaTé to pétOO, woidels &yewpErOH IOS eloita, THE Ta tuvnig Axadnuiag. Oheg or yruorés «wxgarmés Eyorég» (Me- your), Hivo-Egetows}, Kuwuni, Kugnvatai) eivar dntougyiuarter twy entyovow H HaOHTEY Tou (Evxdeidy, baidwova, Avtiodévy-Aio- yer au Agionxroy avtiororya). Epdooy Rovtév 0 Soxodiryg 6- #1 novo Sev aupiobnte’ alad ovaaorixd axxodéyerai TOY zupado- O1er1d «SOLO yeioO» we THY KaBEAVTS «IOAITIKH oxnvip», 1) 6a ovaj ward thy evriinyn) wag mpoiindDeon Bewehioons Tov «ro- MIOIA HOIKH: TIA MOIOYE NOAITES; Avtixot» (62. CIOAITIKHE dyuoxoatiacy) wavorovetrat, Tig &1- voohoyeitar tite 1 avornor Rodd Pos ZoLTHA TOV anévartTE atous «atohhotc», ory judta, ato had, aad xan oe EEEZOVOES T00- owmadrmres (Meowhiig, Qeuoroxdig, Kiway, Muocuadyg) te o1- Hoxeanxiis A@ivac!?; Mow aeodooune omy eketaon avtod tov e- Qwriatos, to omoio oxeriteta dyeoa we TOY evgitego ako TOU as dayoowpevou zat THY Tehni} €% Wéoous Tov emGeGai@en TOU agymocdyyxot mgotiz0U Tou «avOgdmov-nohith», ag jas Em Toure! pa wxo} Magéx6aoy mov apogd omy Zoxoatix!] avtio- AOyNON awtiig THs idTuAMs «aMOZAIG Tov axd Ta HOW, HYOUY omy exixiyon tov aegignnon «apovioun. Qeto kai H Toarrixn: TA OEMEAIA Toy Laxratikoy Heoyz SQKPATHE EMIKAAEITAL EADHE MIA MYZTHPIQAH @QNH, KATI @EIO Hat daipdwo ov Tov anotpéreL ax THY «EVaoYSIAON WE THY TOAITIKH». «lows houtoy va. oag qaivetan magizevom déer o idiog amohoyovpevos «a10v, evd) Taryvevdytas cavawedk aug ads avpGov- eto Wuartepws nar pd ya TOMAG AQaypaTa, dora dev toh hd va avébo oro Siva Hor whdytag oto mhijdos va oupbouiet- ow THY a6hn, Attia auTot Tov aodyyaros eiven exeivo TOU xo;- és poves 1I5y xa o& oid don pe éxete axotoe va héw, ott v- dozer wéoa you weir Oetzd xen Sado, pee Peovi (wr jor Oeidy t zal Saydmoy ylyverar povi), avtd mov Eypoupe xan oTyY xa- tayyehia tov daxwpwddyvtas to o Médntos. Ze péva howdy av- TO Gaye va umdeyet and Tote TOV Hwovva mardi, eivar pa Peviy Tov axobw, 1 omoia, dnote THY axolw advToTE We cMTOTPETEL a- 16 vat mow mednertar va zdva, xaL MOTE dev He MOOTEEREL OE Ti- nora, Auti} eiva ou pe eusroditer va aoyohnte we TY TIOALTIKH. Kat pov gaivera oxi zdver ada n0ht xadd aov pe eurodice (vor Eowy 6 pol Evavtiobrar Ta moAruxd aodrteLy, zal mayzdhws Ye Hoi doxet évaytota0aL)»'*, To onpavixd Sums aov TiBeTaL ev O- vewévw eivar nati o Zuxodrys, ovvSéer avn} my «diotump, d- TUS THY OvoUcOAHE, «anOZy TOV axd Ta Koc pe THY ExidnON auto tov «ayoviow»'”, Hpdxerrat, xard my Growl was, ya & vee gtiexd epcirnec, nov vaegbaiver apevds Ta empEoous EowTH- hora ya TH ox€on tov Twoxedm pe to aaoshoyo, MY atom tov 17, Bi. my, Maatanos, Koi » Abxibedne A, 110d-111a, Fogyias, 5036-1, S1Sd-5173. 18, Maatoxox, Azoloyia Zunpdtore, 31 cod, 6.2, 63+ 65 (n wxoyodauuom Sox wes) Bi ciong, avo tuo 40 ae wat obi. Haatasos, Hoireia, 496 ed xan Eveigoa, 3b, 19, TTp6i. «to yrywuewr joe dainoviovy (Peairipros, 15a), «td Soyidner te Xai 1 cig onion» (aidoos, 242b), «td 10 Oeod amciow» (Aroioyéa Sempattovs, 40b), std rivds onion x0 dead sos, 272¢), ‘daypdimov» (ALA Gucibng A, 1O3a), «td deayso- Moy anptiov» (Hodteia, 496) muexcionons - [crx EIS 20. Bi. oxettxa W.K.C. Geri, 6x, 119-127, 211 226, 21, BL ANNE Bauporr, 6 22, BL. W.K.C. Gumi, 6, 121, 212 23. Maataox, Axoloyia Zuxpdrous, 300-3 1a 24, HrAKAETTOn, axéonaqia. 119 (H. Diets, W. Kranz, Fragmente der Vorsa- Zarich 1966" 25. B). KIT. MIxAvialaH, Ot Mocorngnrt%, Imago, Adi va 1984, 185, 26, Bh, Evarreso Porzzar, Hodxaeerog (Nepk Drioewe), Tanadiy, AdHva 199 19 27. BL. @poninae Beakos, Oh Teoocneparix0k, Opyeeonds Exdboons dubevzxvein BuGi- uy, ABjva 1985, 92 oovuxononn HIOIA HOIKH; FIA IOIOYS HOAITES: omy alavaoia mg Wuxtis Hor wetaBavdma toi} xa Hs ev ye vet Ognoxeutnés Tow aexorOijoets, now moretouse du petaky Gh- deov éxer cevtmpetwmioes emctvyds o Guthrie” xu apetéoov tus ev- pttepes avahtoeis ya THY oyéoy To je Tov Xootd HT duvaTd- THTa jas ovyzortuaig Egevvac, AOU Sev Oa eurimrer o€ avteEM- ommronxoris avayoonapots tinow «Laxodme O mp0 Xprotow Xot- ord», TVs onoiong xatapeovel, la Tagdberyua, vor axOpEyeL 1 Anne Baudort om oer, npdoqaty pecker tyg7!, Méoa enone- wus aad THY UAGEXT Svoxokia TON va peTapgdoer xaveis Tig So noanixts avapopés oto daysdvio, ot0 Veixd oneio, atovs Beovs nar xvgiag otov Bed we tov éva «Bed» ¥ THY axodozi tov yeyo- wét0g dt 0 {dog «exiateve oe pia eLduai} xe Gyicon oxéoy TO e- avtod tov ye uc Oeivés Suvdwergy, 10 6aomd eodrmia aagapé- vet: moog Ty avayxcudtyta exizinong Tov «eiov Scpoviown ret THY autioSynon jag «zabagé MOAITIKHE» otdans; Kou mig wx0- get auti va ovoyeniobel Getic (ovis SndadH va aevtoavangeirat) ne toelg adhendddahes Smkdoetg tov Soxodry Sow 0 iSto¢ Aagov- ardterar ovaraorind ws «reryuevos» and Tov Ged ve Gotoxeran xovede orny 26k; (npo0xelpevov Th xdhet tnd TOD Oeod [..] 6 Beds Eue TH mOhet aQooreOryxEvan [..] Sud! Eva Twyydve dy ToLodtos los b16 Tod Geod TH zdhet Sedd00at »).77 H down was advw oto xaigo avt6 epdtyna civon du. y Sanootim) ordoy meol istuans «anops axd ta xowd», ov atodoyeitan uEow THs aveupoodc oto «Beixd Sayidvoy xa tavrdyoovn «Akixi axaitnorp ‘yu jue exons Sidpopqn «ouypetoyy ota void dev urdxertan OF xayec oVOLa- aux avtipaon (naga novo oe expaverant), utd THY moOiiNnGOE- on bu xarevoetra oro obvokd THs ws N fea xoL eMac: TIOAITIKH (#at Goa HEIKH) ordon nov emdudxer va Stapoppader xa va. d1a- Typrjoet péxor TEAOVS o Swxocrns. Moos tt ums -exavahap6davou- Le, HaOds TO EodTHAG MaQGPEVE— auTr} 1 KouTAip» Geta) emixda on (TOV «dayroviown xan Tow «Bcotn) ya TauTexaovN Kamoxp> Kat «oupetoxyy ata xoivd; Nopitoune, dt ay umgée xdztowog mov Oa viotetotce caréhuta —do0 Tovhdyvotoy xa o evonynTis THS— THY Hoaxieitera gion «iOos dvOodaw daijtwv* avtdc Oa atay 0 Ze- nodes, Bite suas deyroiwe Ty ovviOn, veoreowza} jetepoaon Tow axoomdonatos («O yagantioas tow avOpdmav eivar y poiga tour), eite To agjooune ovoiotin «apeTapoaaton («to HOOC otov dvOowao daipwry), cite emdrdgoupe jue aegLoadteoo aw Gevtuni zor ceddnvuaip agoaeypo TOV («a TedAOK ya Toy dvoowmo eivan 0 Oedcr?’, « Gvowmog dtapéver, xa0doov eiven évOowmoc, TIOIA HOIKH: FIA TIOIOYE ITOAITES: omy eyyorTa tov Heo¥» i «cy [ovvAONC] dtaMLOVA) eiva ya TOV dv GowAO to avoryts medio droU O Hed [10 a-obvNNec] EoyETaL oTHV ragovoiay), to axopaciotix6 oTHY EQUNVEid TOU aOaMoLATOS eivat 1 HETATEMON TOU ZévTQOU GdgoUs ad TOV «BEd» OTOV «v= Gowxo». Avté yiveteu tow THE OK AAOEONE [Las OVLAOTIAIS e VOTITAS WeTAED Bsion xa avOgdmven aroLzEiov, ZaBde xaL Ta O10 ovppetéyouv Tov «Zoot déyoun””. TV’ avté axpr6d¢ 1 er}on TOU Hocxherrow ovviora tehtxd Expoaay TE avOodmung Edevdepias Hen UTELOUVETITTAS, EMPGOOY 1) THAN EvdS avOpdzTOV —y «qLOIQG ToU— dev ekagtéTar ma and cEwregLds, uMEQpamés xaL avAaigeTes E- EGdiO8IG 1} Beles duvdpers (cdaipwy» ev yével), add A216 10 «B09» Tov, THY tHtaiTEQN PON Tov —tov «faQaXTIQE Tov ya TH dLA- LGoPADY Tov onoioU Eze Evdivn Hat jAOQE’, we Eva. 6aOK6, va TO edéyEe”. O «daivwrn eivar Syradiy 2d «xaHaed moooWMLxdy, He Ghy THY Evvora Tov dgov, OV onpaiver ote dev AapayageitaL aamhiis ond xcrcOLe ELEN, CAAA aLdyoxaBogitera omy TaLi- Toi] TOU HE TO «Bog», EPdOV «Ypuziy oixNTOLOV daijtovocy.*! Av Loutdy to «Pog» eivar aut Tov «apovitern** tov cévOowr0, ToTE Toy Gétel nat avayAnY evddmoy THs ehevBepiac (ws anodoy THE douyiovianziign-Belag tow (pions), adhd xau THs umEvOuvETHTAC (noW AQo'MOBETEL TH Gvvévwor averyxaLdTTAS xaL Ehevdepiac). Avadet- xvbeTaL ETOL 1 OSLPUTH Le TO avOgdmtvO iva («i Poor) «gaja- TROTHTo, pe TH OUT Evo THE SoaoTxdTYTAC HAL TOAST Tac mov evéyet 0 690¢°, Exouevac, 6tav 0 Lwxoctyns emxaheitar TO «ayisvio» Hf 10 MES» La va. aUTIOOYHaEL jue aMORITOS TIOAITIKH “at HOIKH otéoy dev To xevet ye vo oTNOIEEL «BEO- Roya (weTapVOLXd) TO Cho HEE, MOOKEEVO var asCO@iyEL Ty dompeLoiae THE ZOLTUXIIC aLPLOGI MONS ~AAg' Sho TOW 1 avapoN 0 aun THY ogodoyia, 1 omoia unEQ6aiver mpoqawig THY «xOLVH Joyuaip tov TOG, evvoet xatagyV je TétOLE VAGOEON, ANAC To xdver yl va Oepehidoet ovtohoyixd ua eviaia HOIKH xa JIOAITIKH otdon exdvw oTo «Bos» (ws «toxov» moda «diqyLo~ ‘Vin xan Ererta wg «rpdr0U Loriign i eogtoaxthoa»)™ xou @aive- Tat Gt enediwxe va diapoggedoet Le ovveTeLA Exo téROVG. Ent AQOOHETUK, SAWS MagAdexeTaL o diag o Loxodrys, to AEo!@N}LO «Oaup6viov» xoré dev LevTovgyOwoE ToOTOEMTAG, AKG MéyTOTE a ROTPEATIXG GE OYE Ue [La EVSEZSUEVN MOGEY (CPaVA TIS ‘nyvonévy, iy Stay yevytay, dei axotpEnEL pé TOTO 6 tty HEAAW Torte, MoOTeETEL bE odrOTEN)**, Todyuce OV oNjaiver dui Gxt HGvo ovoia GAG xaL TomOIg 0 AQWTEDUY QdhOS (1 ELELMEDIG THE cornextionona 28, BR Manny Heipeccen, Emorols) ra tov aANOpuant- edn Brief ber den «Huma nismuse, diypao00n tab. e1., Hepes oT. Engoraidns, Pods, Adjve 1987, 149 [385] van 153 [386] eveioroegee 29. BO. oxetuxi Bx091A02 Bunko, 6.2 30. BA KUT. Mixanaians, 62, 330 31. AMMORPTTOE, axGaxeouet 171 32. BA Tharroy 1. Taavma, Axpavia, Xpdvos, “HOog — Purooogeei) xQoaey0m tov xoobLitos Twov Yapxet ivy 64 174, 33. Bh. Kaztaz AzeA0:, O Hodettog 3a 9 guiooogt- 4, jer. Anguptons Anumigu- ‘ong, E&avtus, Athives 1986, 247 x & MoS exioms Paar. roy I. TSANTH, 6.x., 172+ 174, éxow xan negertign 6 Guoryoagents, naparowrés. 3M. BR ogee H. Lippe R. Scorr, A. KanTanriNt 0%, Meyer Aetioiv rg ER iid Tole, Ads 438 35. Maaroxar, Arodoyia Sumpdtrous, 31. 6 36, BL oyewwde FLaaronas, Aroioyia Zuxpdrors, 246: Sacer giv doin 0% 16 vious deag@cigovea. nai Beats obs nds vou of ‘onijorn, Eco be dnp sev, HQ. Evipoan, 2e- 3b 37. Tip6h. ogerucd WC. Guna, x, 94 38. Mo. oxetvei CLAUDE Mosst, 6x, 74-84 39, © 6905 «avegys olin ‘ip ooqiooueiten edi 190- ‘gaming marrrzomatd, eyo W agyaioddyvei OTe: (rovhdgaray exer 1a iow ow ov «uiver 2X.) 0 jut exolatua tow nedatine ive avey) xo8cavty, Bypads| C% “img pioRsig THE, HeVERYIOD, Giduog dew voritan y eapEi, tHE ohwodtdrov. Fg6) CLaupe Mosse, é.2., 90.97, @PHEKEIOAONA - HIOIA HOIKH; FIA TIOIOYS MOAITES: andpaors Ze y OUVAXGLOVAN Evdvy THE TOdENs) aviyeEL xaTa- AV otoy pATTOVTA, EV TO «Bei ONLY? 7 «aILS VIO stEOLO- oitetan ory ex Twv votEowy emGeGaiwon (F} wy) WEES HON] EVAN HEME —tovAdpotoy oF Eva aQdTO exinedo— aTdqpaans. Aev gai- vera, ONAGdH, va oymperézer oTH DtaLdgGaon «cuTr|g xaDeaUTHIE? TIS axdqaons, herTovgyavtag ceQLdsTEDO aURGOUREVTIA w 1 «pO THE H@IKHE ovveidnonc». And thy dxoyn aut, 1 evox Han Zatadien Tow Taxodm wv emxevtowdOnxe zvaiws oTHY w0- TIME WEY] €% LEPOVE TOU VAOVeWEVLON THs HonoKEias Har HOIKHE THs margidac tov", xau SevtEpEvovEWE OTIC aaVTONHOXOATIRES THOEIS ag dtdaoxahiag tov»'”, sivar oto odvoRd THE GdtAn. Tati o Zw- nodtng dev etattyer zat’ ovoicy «véous Oeotc», xaBd¢ OL cvampo- 8 1600 Oto «Ewxpatzd daysvior Goo xan oto «Bed» yivovtat a6 toy idto ev oxéoet We THY eVatTEOH «MOAITIKH tow dpaaty- CLSTHTEY (OidaoKriA pe dicLOYO wE TOROS OLOLATIAIE GUHE- TORS OTA ZoLvd) oTO xEvTO THE AdLEWE, EmeGaudvetaL Err oTHY TOdEN, tron Eoyw var Gye AOYO, O RATELY «rohZdsy xaoa- RUHOGS THE GOXaLoEhAnvUnjs Honoxeiac™. Aev oxetiCovta, or cavarpogés autéc, We KcATOLA UOTHOLEER AaToEia jMev@Y TLOTaVY Gozety He TH dopi} xaL hevtougyia THs AGAyg, xd MOV dey jLTO- ei var yiver ouvohixd anod_xt6 nag& jGvo 6idCovtas EoUnvEeUTI- HG THY ovoid Tow apZMoedANVZON ONMOWOL. Kaw H xaKidg xe veig dev umoged ev TéheL vor cemPTEEL AEOe ad TH OIG TOwY xOL 0 Lwxpdrng Gaiverar Gu tray and avtovs aow owte to 1Oehav ote 10 EmdiaEay. Ooov apood Tic «av TdnMoxoaTUAés TéoEGY THs didacxadiag Tov i pla havBavousd cavTOmHOZaTZdTYTEY zOv vacotiderat dtazvée to Evo xaL TH Kan} TOU, cxtds ToY dowy HON Eoune vroompiéer (axodoy xa ovvTijonon Tov xagadoo.ax0t «dTRGOLOY YAO» WE THE ZADEAUTO «TIOAITIKHE oxnviign, Oee- Rion THE duakextA}¢ WeBddOU ws eve SnLoxoarAd atoroL~oU atQérown didaoxahiac) ZaL To OnoicL, LATE THY cevTiAMYPH Jac, c4O- HOWY Yuet VO. AMOQoIPOLY EVeAY TETOLO LOYLOLONG, jLTOQOI[E EmLTAE- oY va avagegoupe dvo.yagaxTNQLOTIZG yooia TOV avaderZviovv To A600 TEAM pevderiyoapH uMIPEE y ev Aoyw «aoyp Tov a- AG THY MOAITIKH tw qRLEQdY Tov. Tedtoy, oro ZT Bishio TE Tarawa Moluteiac, 0 Suxodrng avagégeta omy avayxaud- TTA aNoZig Tov axd Ta xoIva. Oewpei AWE 1 EUTAOZH TOU oTY «eveoyo TOAITIKH»®” Gat eivan avixpedn yea tov tdvo xaL Tove Gh hove, apot «Oa xaOei Gdixa aQLY va AQODGEE Hay exXdOUKEV- on Ofte oT AaTOIda TOV OTE OTOLE Gikoug Ton. TagaTHoEt OxE- HOIA HOIKH: FIA IOIOYS ITOAITES; rune « [..] Eton v1 avtds, eve 6hémer Tous dkhoug Zatayepope- vous axé THY avonia, jtéver evzapiommpevos av onwodijrtote tyjoet © avid tov zdon0 Zabapds and advzies xan adore Foye xa Byer and avn tH Co pe xakiyy ehalba, thapdc xa xahdnapdoc, ALG be Bdrave pixp6 to xaTdpBepc tov, av éByawve Err ad m Lori. Ore Gpws xe n0dG peydho, agot dev Eryze va Boe juct woduteia ztov tov tailgate pati oc jua rérove x 0 idi0s Ba pxogotoe va det rok m0 yndrepa xan va odoet dy 16v0 tov Eavts Tov adc xan THY xoduteicor™, Avté onnaiver dui y évvour tov «avkhoyxo%, 11 onoiat artortedel 690 €% TOY wv ovx aver Tov «xohruxob», veg Gaivovtas omouaidijtote «iSudtevor> # cetojtzotes —averpecey Gh Jaore— exiterEy tig evtyyiag, aagapever pa tov Laxpérn ro xe- vrpu2d oneio tg atox00eoiug tov. Aoxeta 4x6 To kay vxd to 64- 005 Twv mEgLoTéaewy embddIeta norhEs Poss adheyy} exyeeoous AMIOAITIKHE jteBodohoyiagy. Aeitepov, omy Aroroyic, 0 Sangé- cng efnyel yuati tehxd Exguve Su Exgere va nagaryei a6 TY aajoup, dxwg TY ovondter, ngaxta} Tov xodhay («ti jadi £v 1H) bie Od Hovziay Hiyov, G12 apehijoac dviteg ot nohoi»), tov EYAELtOL Ot0 HUVITYL TOV AUTON ZaL THY OLKOVOLLAdY GL}LEPES- veuv, otic dmpidours ceyogevoets, Tig ohuTIaEs oUjperyieg Hen Te GAC ceicrede, Oewgovoe, houTsy, Gut jurogowoe va. xéve Zan Kat TeQ0 axd THY HET aUTdY TOY TodxO EnitELrEY THE TQOGWRUAIE TOU sEaopeihiong («iynodpevos énavtdy tH Svte Emevéotegoy elvat f Gore cic tadt idvta agteaBar) “4 Eror atopiaLae Va [LW «aLOxO- AnOei pe ta Zowvd, adhd myyaivovtas of xé0e évay modiTy Yo0- olotd emizeigovoe va tov zeicet aver yn Poovtioel yer xapLé GAN vad0eo! Tov mOW Goovtioe To EaUTS Tov, mig Ber yiver dmPadi) yakitepog vat avverdtegos, ovte yuo Tig UTOMEoKIC THE ASINs, aAACk yee yy idia Ty adh, xe ye Ghee tee Lee vee Qoovtitel [te a- rOv tov Todr0"!, H «atdhign, SyLadH, OL eAOhiteg» THE (Goce Za y «MOAITIKH») dev éxtenpay roté Vv anotehow GyLaTH AQOTEQLE- ‘ita ya tov Swxodtm, zai ye aves owpibidg modhég Pooks ex TOV mpaypatay avayxdteta va AQO6el GE AVOTHOH) ZoLTUA!| Tw TOA Hav, ode nai TOW dyLOKoaTIAdY NYETAY TOUS. 7 40, «ibe, ye, eLaow, va He ‘nora, \th twp mon teins ooarpoiing Ev 80 1000 xo¥on aitds ve NadROV a Fioeran xa penis tay idieow 1 zo0vit ooein, TLAATEANGE, Tohsreia, 4%6A-197a (708, Evdyychog Naxavoiroos, c49.. urge, 078). Iodevwns, Teurions, Tos B, Zayas ovhos, ABiNe it, 457, 11% noyesnuon Sex, jas). tig 6Enot0s Hal Goows- rar0s footto, wire Tay Ti dies, ABV AVTIE Tig XO ows, nanv we GD ofa tia toe eavtiv todaow Exe- rio», FLaatonos, Araio: pia Soxpcirorg, 36 be, 6x, 77. exoypdq jen de was. OPHEXEIONONA 18 42. Maatoxor, Ant Zaxpdeors, 30, 43. Zo ideo, 28e. xara {yg noixbe 8 Beds, ob tore, vai Ey foun. ey» ity tuitow dye yevéoBa fv 6) ip Ey vi Oo fay «ove 46. «Oive x yormuttur fier, shveran, 63" & agers xo¥ arc aci it fe Gy Toe ebgsinons Gexavve 2 ‘ai brooig, oto id10, 302% $b (H exeyediuon due pas) 47, dev civ done rvyaio du 0 tog ovyngoderrt 15 00 He Tong norris we 14.9 venga tan Agyvow- ov to 406 KX, dra ext danfOnee wer Soen-awodic Tw wena aur, 0 von je tows Teta T- eriveos v0 403 aX, Stay ‘agvifie va ovwuvdae a0 Scverto athe noasra, 2x0 ino, 32 2-¢ ‘erezxtionona - [itra] TIOIA HOIKH; FIA MOIOYE OAITES: H AIAPKHE ITAPOYSIA TOY ZOKPATH: H HOIKH THE MOAITIKHE KAI O POAOS TON AIANOOYMENON STH AIAMOP®Q3H THE YTO OMOS MOY ANAAEIKNYEI TIEFISSOTEPO THN «ITOAITIKH» AEI- Tougyia tov Laxodr| Zar Tov ido ApOOWMUAG we TO agYAL0- EVES NQSTURO Tov caVOQdrOL-TOhiTyp eivaL o eYbTEOS Q6- Rog Tov ws diavoorpevor ato Thaioio THE ASANE, Ya TOV oAoi0 — Smug cidape- Oewgel dui civen tayévos AAS tov Oe6. Tegryedipo- vtag 0 {810g avTSV Tov Q6ko oT AzoLoyie magopoudite To eav- TS TOU WE KaoYonUya (Lary) Tov EuMVée ite TOV “oLTLAS TOV 16 Yo T] WaBoH xaL «c-Loyn» mEhy, Tawrdygove jig diver var évav gtd Tov Stavootevon xov Keke éxtore va. peiver xaoowds: «Nopiter Str oav téxova [ahoyduvya] pe ger badder omy 6hy 0 Orde, Va [eH OTHLLTA Gy TH LQG Va Ag EvAVe, va Gas eID Hal Tov ZaBEVe YaroT& vee emtxpivw TeLyupICovTas Aavtob»?, HL doaorygiemra cut avvdéera 6é6aic ad tov idio we THY avei- OTOLY] KEVTORIp> TOV OEOd yi juLd Col] OW TaUTiteraL jie TH GL Rooowpiet we «TOD 88 OOD TérTOVtOS [..] PACGOPOIVTE jie deiv GV vai eerétovee Gucvtdv vai toig WAovg»)”, «wg tétouet, Tov ejit0- diker var catoyonyBei» we Ig TEEZOVOES «MOTLxEs» UAODEaEIg a La Hal Re TH OWMOYEVELaNE Tov MQOBAT LATE, BoLoxdpevos —Smwg dée yapartygLoTind— oe «pobepi, Prdxern vaNgeTdveas tov be- 6» (OX ev mevier wuoia eipi bid THY Tod Beod Latgeiav), H «- MEDIC» TOV LAILOTE GUTH TQS TOV Hed yagaxmpitetaL and tov isiov ws To queyahitego ayabS» av exer norE UNagEeL yra THY Oh ZOL ToVg MOhitTES THE. Ket EENYavTAS MEpULTEOW To Pdho TOL magatyoei: ati repupépojcn juny névovtag tixota ddho axd x0 va meiOw Tovg vedtegovs xaL TOVg MLO MALZLOpEVOUS avépEo6 OAS Va NY PQovTIEovY ovte ye Ta OdPaTE TOULS OTE YLA Te ZOHO Té Tous Pe T00 mABos, RaQ pOvo ya THY Yupi TOUS, mag Oa yi- vet xalitegy, hyovtds tog Ou agen Sev yivera and ta x0%)- pata, cdhé Ta xorpara xa dha ta chia avlpdava ayabé, xa ta ewrind Hou ta Syiou, até THY agerip™’. Xenoyoxovdvrag Eva otryyQ0v0 690 —chc eEioov mage mynpévo p avidy tow «arvev- uTLZ0d Ver Oa Leyape 6uu o Loxparng umipge Evag «orea- TeYEvos bavooipevogy, Tov onpaiver «xatezopiy duavoowpevosy. «Xtparenpévosy dx oe ja exyégous NOAITIKH ¥] xoppatuxy pe- gida"”, adda omy cumngeoicor Hg AGhyg oto otvoAd Ty, HOU atorg monites tH, H mdhic atoredel TY worxoyEveron tov Swxoeery TIOIA. HOIKH; FIA. MOIOYE HOAITES: wat or mohives eiven co caveudued» a 1 «abégqua» tov. Pa 10 260 avid 6. Usvo magapEhei Ta RQCCwALAé TOV oYnpPeoOVTE, akc mpO- oryyitovtas yegioté x0e Evay and tos xohites agoonabel va ‘Tous meivet vo pegIuvI}oOUY ya MY apETH («cteiDovta EmedetoBan gerigy), M PSvHON Ha THY aAiPeLa xaL ya To mide Ba. yiver xe Liteon 1) WuxH tous («poovizaewe BE xa dIBeiag nai Tig wus Smug tog Gedtiorn Eorcew»)"®, Ken dye yuce to XoHpara, Us THES xe ty Boke, nabds exeivos nov eLavthel my eveoyyundtHTa Tov oro AVVITVL TOU YOHHatTOs dev jlegyivd AQAYaTLZd OTE La TOV ecLUTS Tov, dOdTE Sid Tet OYETAE [Le TOV EAUTS TOU [EW.. To Ode TOV], adie ua TOGA TOU anéyouy TOMI mo paxOUTEDE aTd TH t- dua tov [..] Apa obte © yonmationig dev aoyodettan je te LdUA tov odypatan”?. O Doxgdrg irav 66a aguera «geahorijgn jnat va Eyer ovveiyon tow YeyovGtog 6u jut TerOLe «aXooTOhI»», 1 oxoia xpoodiopi£etat ws jue eviaica NOAITIKH xat HOIKH otd- an, unegbaiver tov «E00 dgon mg xowrig hoyuaiig tow sodady, TY avté Ghware Sev border va THY ovoRdoE EyEowS AhyV OMPLDE adeixip, epdoov «od ya GWOpwzive gover”. O Doxodrye eivat ahora o¢ této1 Gaus tavtiopévos jx avT} THY aTOOTOR| OU bev jexoge’ va pavtaatel Tov eautd TOU va. URdgzeL SaqopETtHd, naire 0 wéeveZéraotog biog oF 6uwtdg avOgdmwW»*!. Ki dmg ya- gaxmmpionucd héet 0 idios, dy jedvo Siddoxer we dvOoaro yupis yoipara, adhd ematdéov «Ba rdsjguver evyaoiotwg, av xézT0105 H- Bede va y axovoe®?. As dope djimg -ovvowitovrag doc avaupégOrxay— Tt meoauté- ow paoged ver onaaiver 1 ovyxexoylevoroinon aUTi|g THE ETOOTO- hijg tow Loxgciey ws tow axaeteEoysiv dtavootipevown. Kataozac, So0v apogd oto KOeiZd» yapaxTIIA THE aNOOTONIg, aVTds Eyer var xéver aupevdg we TyY unepbaay THE KoWIIS LoyWAi|g MOU ama tei 1) 096i ov dap nau xareaveyor} THE, aupeTEooU aL wUpiIE [LE TY dtapSgpaon evds avOgwrtivon «i|Povgr ws THY azcagaitryTy To0- Yixd0eon onoLaodijtoTe FIOAITIKHE ¥ HOIKHE («ios avOpGry Saipwvn), Aetrepov, 0 aaxohimnd>» yaoaxTioas, we xevTOIZd —6~ mag vopitoue- otoiyeio avrg Tyg anootohig, avaderzvietan [We TY nagédJaphay Béor, TOV evgstegoU eQwTHpEITOs «uaTa MoLOV TSO mpémet va. Cet naveig; (6vtwve yoi) TadAOV Liv)», dnhadH we THY TeV Tdx00WN) avaderéy TOV «HOIKOY>. Ki ed6 0 Loxodrys, oto didnu- ht mov avartiooetar, averynderar ve MeOxZeEoel, aTOopiTOVTAS TOV ToSMO YM@QNA M' AYTA, H «AYOENTIKH TIOAITIKH» Toy LeKpaTH mooiirobErel [tice TOLAA} (ovtoAoyue!}, yvwoiohoyuey) xc HOIKH) Oepehwor 1 vioroina} tg vvéotarar a Aéyape- oto babes exireving avniig te Ocpehiwong. H ovtoloytr) Oejeediwon tov 20- Jurizod éynertar ommy AQOUNdVeoy THE waevUTdVETHE agiE TOU a- yaBou» (eneidi o Twxodryg dev Lyra xoré jue tous Aoyous tov va eVyapLOToR, IAG aToGhEmer mévTOTE TQ0g TO aLyaS)*, to onoLo o08ii¢ 0 Thérav npoodidgioe zarémw we wénéxetva Tig obalugn®®. H yromohoywa} Geuediwon Tov tohinixod éyuerrat natagyiy ony TpOUTsBEO THE «aLUTOYVOHIAgy, HTOL OrHY avakfTHON Tov xavpévn -ovoroma pe tov AqeLaporTépvo xoUpOQI- ond» tag exopiie~ dove 1 «cdJoroiwon» we Eye aver xaiodnte ewozwgioe. ory & teat ovorann Hat Ty SoU ng yhdoous, cenis 00 tie vrote weigie vo evbunitmu ov Eivann, 66. Bh. oxerved Marrn Hepecce, Te riven 9 guo- oogia; / Was ist das die Rhilosophic, co, Wee, 672- Bayyeang Mairouigns, (O4- hooan &d.), Ayea, Adina 1986, 31 67. 0 6905 aayadss x00- Gondicogase, nees exo@vyi, xageEnyiiorwy, yonotyo- eueivan 68) je aveiorpogo venue tHE Aapadoouaric, capyrtvaic womarcodornguinns, enrirxtionona - [IEPA TIOIA HOIKH; TIA NOIOYE OAITES: avaryévrnon TOV avahoyLxON, «Ws AQoiiTdHEON YL Tov EXaveToOO- dtoptoKs Tov «avOevtrxd AOhMxObM. To diyouge eivan Gt dev Oa ratébatve vroyrplos we xéoa cad Ta heyOueva enGppara egow- oiagy éu dey Oe aoxohoivtay exions We TY «emZoLvaVLaRt, TIOAITIKH», BeMEdVTAS THY cE [IE BOOP THE KOOqLOTIAT|s ENTO- oiniicn Ms EMoxiIs Tow dey Oa «aoxohoLvTay» aay WE THY TIOAITIKH, yrati «dev mpémEL va cayohobpaoten qe TY TIOAITIKH ws XOUTY, we A}QMON TOV dmoLoV eketOeQov xedvov 1 ws xahu- {pny edajgovomrxdd dxxaia Tyg AaTooyoniig GovievTuaig Edac Ov iows guewve “evi. Aev agénet dydadi «va aoyohotuaoter® we THY TIOAITIKH, ytati 1) TOAITIKH dey elvan xctt ov 6oloxera ew a- x6 THY avOdiA Gion, CAG, dma axoriic xan y PLoooPia, TAL titetat pati ths. Lopainter —yia va aga~edooupe toy Heidegger — «ye ty kyEagym) moKEN yevvjoews TS AQCOW- mus Was wotogiacy. Tote, 6é6aua, o udves edhog aOV Oa Tov é- [eve MoaypaTizd Vv aoxijoet (touhdxLotoy xaTag;Y, Zpis oiyouga ya eivar o wovaduds ov Oa eEavtotoe Thy dag NOo-nOhtAT Tow mapovoia) dev eiven di.Aog ad awtdy tov «ayabot meoGoxc- toow’’, tow pdvou iows odhov mov Hege avéxaley va «naiter, [le Toayay WédoTa emtuzia zou ovvereia péxor Téhous, ‘ovo Xiigo ts Agate zeiions tov deCregov ovataxo} roH (dyAadi} Tow «podondvoga» ‘0 tov «eyederon mE Eovoiagy), EUBGHOvTAE eV RoSHEYEWW Va avaBeTEOWE 6x1 ware en wxodnpaires n Poon eHOROTe TOV pA provoke (RpCHAs, eee, AAD eexouow ve Haves HA) oF OvOETIGNS je To eTwS ORR TOV EmErOY aayasy" ign Eras TErO10s «cxgoGaxicropag» planer EF opOHO’ naraniyeny waxévaveDr THE CEovoias. O avparvouuivos 600s, now woBetectat Ex ydpows jas vatapyry Oto waivohéw Tou, dev civar dards was, aha avigzer orov Atovion TaG6Srowiia vax gOdgreren ad verona oevErTErEs| rou, tig anole SuoreRie puts Speyer 0 coals YOO xa YOVOS UU VUE RAGCETEHYOL- le. Enaitooue Spi 0 idios var Eyer Suverrseegn poigay men woion, bore ve woye ey Eee dapoyovmoer— OPHSKEIA KAI TEXNH STH 2KEWH toy Nixoaaoy AoyBapr O Nixonaor Aovéapts (1887-1961) Oewpeitae o oxasavéas twv Oon- oxeiowuyohoyxdy amouddy atny Edadda. Tevvneévos atny Tijvo, aaogoirnae até ty Pkdgewo Exxdnoeatiea) Zxohij (1900-1904) wat ev avvezeia anotisaoe Oeohoyia ato Tavematiyuo AOyvev (1904-1908). To 1911 ehaGe vrotpogia até to Teod ‘Tdguua Tij- vou xau jteté6y atv Tequavia ja anovdés Oeodoyiac, pukooopias, mavdaywyxav xa Sonoxeodoyiac oto Tlavemoniquo THs Aeupiac. Me mv exévood tov omy Edkdoa vanpétyce dtadoyxxd ato Ap- adixe10 Adaoxcdsio AOyvaiy, oto Aibaoxadeio Onpedv Kéoxvoac zat oro Adaoxadsto Apoévwy Osaoadovizns ws xabryntiig Tov Maidaywyady. Karémy dtetéheor dtevduvniig tov EXauxou Tuj- patos tg Tnadunic Syolijs Ocooahovizns wéyor to 1925. Thy tdi yoovusl mepiodo vmjoke devOuvtrie Tov xegtodiz0b «Tpnydn.s O Tlodeyicien, eves ovvéua idpvoe 2a dievOvve to pULoLOYx6 sEQL0- 6146 «Avy» xan To PUoooPAd TEpLOSIZ6 «Koopobewpia» (1936). Eng 25 Oxtw6oiov 1971 cvayopeitnze diddxtopac tng Oeoloyiac, eve) téovepa yooua apydtega ekeléyn mapynpet taxnxds xaOy- amis mz Evoaywyig xc Eopnveiaes tye xeaviig Atadipa amy Oco- Joya} Sxohi tov Maverompiov AOqiv. Aad ty ory exeivy va éxetra: avértuge évtovy emotniovixi Spaotypistyta ws zave- motyuaxds déoxehos, 1600 atny ElAdba da0 xa oto eEwregt- x6, Mapdhdnia, onpaveaxés vrjoSav ot napeédoes tov omy dy- nda Ear} tg ydoas, 1600 pow rns aplpoypaqpias tov orov 1 Heproto Tito ts Exoyis, 600 xen Sic THE EvaOYSANOTiS TOV We THY 4 1. Tray ti we 10 fy0 tov ‘oiigt 6. M. Maxea. Ht, Evoarywryiy amy piooo- ier 195 Oononrtas, ADE 1988, 4302, Toy Lsiov,Joro- eke mp5 ong 19: Opn oxtias, Abia 1993, M oniuc qed oo0y ovia nye Opnoxcia, Athiva 1996, 19-26, M. Sia Tu, Noxitnos 1 Anwteat, A~ Give 1968, Arowrrens: Era eomtonAne (ex), NAL Ania 06, OacroSpec, O pions. © Exdxrye, Apuioun, ADit ws 1981 ornnaionona OPHEKEIA KAI TEXNH 3TH XKEWH TOY NIKOAAOY AGYBAPI rohit}, Awréheor dv0 popés Tevixds Tpapparéas xa Svo pooes Yeroupyds oro Yaougyeio EOwerig MauSeias xae Opnoxeudrtary. E- fairiag tHe ommetoyris tov arny xatoxun xvééovnon tov lody- vn Péddn quhaxiornee, aod mocita anaihdyOne and va waver orucaé tov xadijnovta, to 1944, Meté and aeveaerh puidra- on Exavadiopiotnxe THY Epa Tov xaL To 1959 E&eheyy TaxTIZd uéhog Te Axadnuias AOyvéy, Ato yoda apyétepa o N. AotGa- tc néOave o€ nluxia eGdopujvter ét evcv, Me THY agoguar} THE oU- [thijowons oapavea yoovav até tay Exdnia tou, To OPHEKEIO- AOTIA/IEPA-BEBHAA gihokevel agevos jua obvtoK ApoOEyytoN omy oxéyn tov AowGagt, oxet} We TH Suethoxi} Oonoxeiag nat TE nig zat agetépou Eva diuz6 Tov xeijievo axe pe THY OvOIa TOU Opnoxevtixz08 pawvoyévov. Toy Nikosaoy Kpieapa Merantujaxod orrnti Oonoxerhoyiag (Mavemorijito A@vav) POTONOPOE AIANOHTHE STO XQPO TON @PHEKEIOAOTIKAN ME- hetdy om yGpa jas, o Nzdhaog Aovbapis cepnoe aiow tov dzWhoyo avEvertind EgyO, oF aTdhuto ovvdvaoyd He THY EMOTHOVUAH ZaL KOLVwVA!] TOV SgaoTHIdTHTA, EgyaLdpeEVOg G- oxva ue Gadixatd tov xivytoo Thy Oonoxevtini alom zaL THY ‘Yam Tov Ages TOY cvVOQuAO, adraxgitws PiAoV, eOVOTITAS, TH- Ens xar pooqwonc!. Toto quivetar evapyéotata oto emtoTmovi- 26 Tov EgYO, to oroio dlaTvéeTaL ard 6aOd OonaxeLTUAdTHTA Ha arya QO Tov OUvavOQuTO. Qc BeOAGyOs, GuvOwate aioTH HAL E+ motovxdryta Idtaiteon ayGamy eixe MOOG Tis BonOZELOYL{OKO- ynaic pehetes, Tov onoiwy vmiigge xa o EvPeguog evonyNTii oT Edkdda. Burvevonic, wouriig xa mewtordgos omy xa0EowaN THs Wuyohoyiag mE Opnaxeiac om Gcokoywaj Lyoki tov Tavemory- niov AOnviv, ave.aGe THy edoa tg Kawi AtaOiyzng, enrhouti- Covtag my egunvertua ueBododoyic: tow LaBipLerTos b1a THE eto swayiig THE Oonoxerodoyniig j1e06d0u. Enttdéov, drote tov aQo0pe- oStay 1 EveUgia, NaQEddE LAOIpLeETA PRODOGIag THE OoNoveias. Médtota, 0 idiog Litotoe exijova my tixagen avtotehovs onc, 1600 Yi to LAE ME WUZohoyiag THE Opnoxeias, boo za yo OPHIKEIA KAI TEXNH STH 3KEWH TOY NIKOAAOY AOYBAPL Ta padipiara Tyg wrooias twv Oonoxeypdray at ms qLhOoOGpiag tng Oonoxetas, Tlapahinp.a we v0 bidaxnx6 tov eyo, 0 AovBagtg nagovoicce extetayévo Zou akdhoyo avyyougixé éoyo”. H mokinevgn ovyyea- ue} Tov xordeon aroreeivar and mAnPboa avtotehdy Eoyor: Geonoynay (dna ta Opyaxeia xa Ocodoyia, Yaouvmua eg Ty soc Kohaooatic exiatohiy xa Eoayeyi} ei tac aeot Maviov ortovddic), Oonovewhoywmdy (H PaAooogia ths Oonaxeias ev tw z0- odvn, Ovoia, avtoréhera xu aisiOere THe Oonoxeias, H Oonoxete a6 aétoloyuaic arépews, Puyohoyia ths Oonoxeias xa xoaxrval} autiig oniaoia, H Wuxodoyia mg Oonaxeiac xae year auttis AQOS THY Geohoyiay), pooogtedy (lotopia THE PAoao@iac), xaL- dcywyndy zat Royotexmamdv. Me THY meiga mov Toy diéxoWve eixE GMdhuTa vaTavoROEL Gt OTHY AOdYL ExEivN Pan TOU EMoTH}LO- Mxob Hiddov TE Woyohoyia THs Oonoxeiag, dev ‘ray e~pLAT vo. UmagEet OmoLAdYTOTE TOGOd0¢ ety ABOHYOULEVWS Ta dLeOVH EI- ommpmovsd emurevypata dev aeagoveaotoiy om veoekiyvon axa- Sqwatey zowdtnra. Moog Ty zotedOuvon ave ouvebade we dvA’s Tou petapodoeis Eevoyhuoowy eyyetoudioy ayxetixc je TH L000 gia vou TH poyohoyia Ts Oonoxeias (Etoaywy) etc Ty pikooo- gice tHe Ognoxeiag tov P. Kalweit (1936), H Wuyvey ITnyrh ms Opnoxeiag tow Nog6nyos Emtexézov F. Berggray zat O Tuaite xa at petagvomai aroxedsypers tov E. Spranger). Eyzawia he TOV TsO AUT, LIA TQCATABELA dtaTOTLOWLATIE eMxoLeVvi- ag o¢ emorniovws eninedo, mov axooxomotoe oryy avertuEN a- Eraxdv mpotinany, 1a onic jtogaty va oys6drkovy ory Srv via mas avdhorns emormnoveaiis tavedrytas Zwgis, WTO, ver eEodenitow uc eOviaes Aohitiopxés tiartegdtmres, H xvxhopo- pia Tov EoywY tov Aosbagi Za 1 S1dSo0% tous oro veorhiyv- 276 Hows moOG: GEE ARIS eoeOopGTuy ye wa. véa Bedonon TOY EMOTHLOVLZaY dEd0LEVWY OTO YAQO THY OonoxELOWzohoymdy oxovduy. Evvéuc, ovvetéAcce oT dyjiovoyla evds xbxhov véw anOgdawy OV eMd6Opay OTHY KakhEoyELG Tov whddov, aote- Ravtag Eva PUTaQLO HoNnOXELoGtLoaa@1xod oToZAoRod oTyY Eh- idda. Aviovtag omy evodtegn Aagddooy THE WeahtotuAtig ~p2000- giac, o N. Aovéagis étoege wtaiteoy ccyes xoL evdvapéooy ya. Ty Téyvy, Oewoovoe Ou y Tehevtaice ouMDexeTaL doonHTa We THY Oonovevtstmra, xadiic euqavicovy xowéryte oxoMOd: THY avi- 28 2, Keetaloyos tw avtowchaiy égyoy, www emormponrniy igOqeor xan. tor weapon ay tov NAowGape vadoxt. ato M, ETH, 6, 116-123 ceruzxeionona. 3. MoGk.N. Aovmars, Syn 10v Ooiwy, ojos BY, 116= 417 ‘ereizxciononn - [lara] OPHEKEIA KAI TEXNH ETH EKEWH TOY NIKOAAQY AOYBAPL yoor TE avoodmune poysig otov xacI96 Hea earyopévo xboj10 Tov Yaesanxou, Kat ot S60 autés Seis tow xverpatixot Biow v- Yovowv Tov dvOguino oF Evav aviitepo xdaL0 anathdooovtts TOV, 600 eivar duvets, and THY Alcon THE AQaYLaTUASTHTaS xaL ELoE- Yovtde Tov, awvepia, oe vies energies ov dtevpivorv ToUG AVEL- Hanxotig tov ogitovees. H réxyy xonoylever wg pdco ekwrepizev- ONE TY OghoxErtixdy Gumpertov, xareirar ver exepodoet TIS VPI Léc eunvetoeis ts Oonoxeias, H pion tow Taare —tov oxoio Oari- [uae ratitepa o AovBagic— tt 0 dvOow.t05 elvan SquLoUgytxds OTO 6aOiS ov siver Aonoxevmxd ov, Tov E6gLoxe adivTa ovuwvo. Tigéypan, yo tov peydho "ENava davonn}, nadaurexvxi éusveu- 07, xa Sytoveyla pztopel ve vadgker udvO e@doov wmigxeL oT adm yur} © A6Q0¢ yaa AitowON, 1) Vootayia mo0C TO Aud Mo, 10 Azeigo, Egdooy unéozet owvaiaton ms aduvequiag Tov ave Ogdnou evimioy ty @eiag mavtodvvapias, eviimov Tov oAbtELA diapogerzot, tov Ayio, H axékvTy onuacia avtay Tw ovvat- odmudtwy, xov OdnyObY, xaTd Tov AoSbapL, OF [La OTéoEG LeETA- pvower Geddonon tg Lurig, dexvder Tuc 6aOitaTeS EmpooéC TOV a6 THY Oewoia Tw aEtdy, nov d.apdE;PHOAY ot VEoHAAVTLAVO! THE OYO- dais ms Bédns. H pXooopra) avn} téon umipse y 6aowsy «ome xi} yovia wx6 THY onoia 0 AowBagic avteridmite t600 TH OOH, oxsia 600 xa Thy téxvn. H Bonoweia wou 4 téxvi) BEV axoTedoi HSVO onavtUAd MaLvdjeva Tov aVvEypaTiZOs Giov xc AOlATOWOX, dé, eivat, ovviqa, avtotedeig meploxés ota onoia budvovtar ot akiec tov Ayiov za tov Qoaiov, avtiororya Kae akia apotino- Ere éva Giapa. Me To Giwpicr, Gidwore, Aabaveror meige Ts a vriorouzns akiag. Mati jue 1m Ognoxeia za yy én, 1) NOV HOU 11 pHooogia axagtitow éva ewaio obuaheyya now cagaxtypiter zat diaxoriter xi0e noditons, Elva xaQohud gpauvopeva tHe ovOgurdtytas exeidi eivan averyxaia akohoywad pawvopeve THE evOpdauns yueis’, H xaQokxdmyta tay aedi@y tov moALTOHOL, 1a oxola arorehoty exipodacis Hau moayuaTonOLiORIS tiatTEpwY a&tdy, owvodeterat ad Ty WeTaEs Tos evOtHTa, AioTELE 0 Ao’ 6agis, ‘Oray avn 9 evdryTa dtaoaheverar, TOtE yiveTaL mOGEEVOS neyding xalons otmy xowavia zat otov tohtTtLd. © xadoguods Tyg tdtoturias Tov Ayiow xat 1 oxéoy TOU HE TIS wadhowtes akies Rooxdéheoe To évtOVO EvoUEPEOOV Tw VeoxaVTLA- viby @udood pay, a6 ToVs onoioUs eEGoTHOE TM OEY TOV 0 Ao’ Gagic. H evaoxdhnoy we To ovyxexomiévo Lima, noowéhece e- OPHSKEIA KAI TEXNH STH EKEWH TOY NIKOAAOY AOYBAPL yin momdia avwaqpewy' elvan xagaaTnpLoTAd To yeyovds mos sna mohhots exagoodtous ms Badixijg oohiIg, to Ayo, av xan jay oapids ja aktohoyusi xatyyogia, wordoo dev anotehoboe uot akia dike org dike Oewgeixo negLaddtepe wg 1 EvoTHTTA TOUS, 1 aréauTy cutia omy onoia avagégovtay o1 Gres aBies: tow A- InBovs, tow Ayadot xat tov Qoaiov’, Zto onpeio avtd o Aovéa- Otc vioPeTotioe juice ELAPOLiC diaGopETUA etOyN, Bewgdivras ™ Oen- oxeia (to Gimpa THE aEiac Tov Lepod) ws aUTOTEAH TEQLOZ), Eve, nagdhinna, Exctve AGyo xe Ya TH dudorcon THE EVSTHTAS THs Gen- oxeiac we thy TéQN, THY EMLOTIN HAL THY PrROGOGIa, TOV ExLOV- véGy Hate Tove xOSVOUS THE AvayEevrHONs. EmMyeHOnve, wddvota, va avzetaotade: 1 Onoxeia and THY Téxvn, hetTOUOYdYTAS ws vxoxardotats Tyg. Mic Tero cdAnPoueTdBeon aL aspsTwON THY avevnateady edie THs Ognoxeiag xa tHE TEx eivaL Ya TOY AowGagi dvev vorpatos. Ta ororzeia avid tow AOMMOWO’, SapE- ow petakd Tous Zaté TH Pbon, To avtxeiWEVO AL TOY GxONS, Axé Ty otty TOU Gewpoivtar aUTdvoRA ZaTEZovTUS aUTOTEN G- a, dev svar Suvatdy y Téxyn va juFoQsaEL VoL eevTLA@TAOTOEL TH Oonoxeia xau to avtiotpoqo. Erm oxEyn Tov Aowaot, 1600 4 Gon- oxeia Goor Hat 1 TEx aTOTEDOLW 6udjETa dvapogeMAGY xaL aD- rortehdy dey nov tavonoLody diapogettass avérynes Hat KELTOUD- yies®. ' “Eva onpavex6 onueio avvdpetag tw dio aveypotuxdy pe- yeOay, mg texyg zor tng Ognaxelag eivat, xaTa tov Aoiéugl, 0 cexadytixdcy yaganripas tous. To ovyxexoutéve, to Giwpa me akias tov Qpaiov xa tov Ayiov, dev rgoxaheitaL and tov dv- Qowzo. Aey noofozetat and THY xagé Gaon, tow avOodrov, za- Aide dev anatet Sodon, evéoyera. To Qoaio zat r Ayo ory owé- yn tow AowGagr eiver avtixemewenc peyéOy ta onoia axattoiv udvo TH owvépyeta tov avOgdiov, to dvourna THE *ugiis To no0s aura, Tlagd terse, o ovouddars drapopés weTaEs ts Ognoweias xa ang Tépyng eiven dedouErES TO OgnoxeLTIX Glopar eer vTEQbaTI- x6 yoouunjga, zat ADOZWge! TEpG a6 TH dedonEvn o*paioa Te eYAOOLWY GPALVOLEVOY, dIELDdIOVTAS ato GABog ZaL oro EDwTELL- x6 mepieZspevo tors, To aodyTx6 Giwpa, ad TY dhhn, Taga- péver ekagTmévo ad ta parwopeva, evduateiGovtas oTmy Oéa tov uddOve Tous, EmTiéov, To OonoxevTU4d Giana svar To Gime wos a&iag nov avyjedvax eivar ZaL je ToynaTIZGTITE Qs did, 10 4. T1p6), M. MaKpaniaz, faro- or r5 ooogas 75 Bore ‘osciag, Abia 1995, 97.98 5. Hosa N, Aovaarrs, 6.x, 118-122 6, Tho), M. Maxpaxi, 6.x. 95-96 PHiexeiOnOnA 7. Tio6i N. AovBAriE, 6.2, 122 8 Sto ido 122-123, 9. Exo ido 38-36, M. Ma. weaKie, Wyyoioa te Bon- exes ADjiva 1993, 96.97, 100-103, E. BERGoRAY, We -xo=h spa es Apnoea brgo. N. Aotagis, ABive 1946, 13 rickeionona IA KAT TEXNH 2TH 2KEVH TOY NIKOAAOY AOYBAPI Avo 6udvetar avtmemevad ws uct xQayporxdmyTa HaL ebd el Yat mov to BonoxerTIxd Giajia ogeiher HV peyGhy Ex’Spao} TOV dw omy avOgcimy uy, Lovéqa, eb ogetheran xan y S10 go- gonoinay, tov axd to aodyTIxd Biape, to Biapa mE akiag tov @- gaiov. To mobyt6 Giana, xaré tov Aoibagi, dey ekapté mY o- Vrohoyea} tou onraoia axd my apayeruxdmyta Tow avtixee- vou tov. Aev éyet iiaitegn anjcoia ye my xaddure yma akia, m3, evds éxOVs H} AOLaros va eLaxorbadel y woroandtyTa Tw T00- GM Kat Tov yeYovoTeY xoV avagegovEal oF «VT. H tézvH Ov- veidita odtyei THY avOgdawy pup} oF Eva ThaoRCEHRS xe poe vruor2d xdon0, ywpis var eyeiget akuboers yun THY aiQeLa tov a= veuemtévon te’. © Aoiéagis, doov apogd omy wuzohoyesi erveihvon tov Oon- oxeveixor 6idparos, exngedotmxe and Tov vat 1) «ERE, Exowv weteyyoucpet over TQOidvEEL THE Bon- ouevtenig Téyyg, ta onoia. azorehoby upline eevoaprboeicy tov Sgyoxevriz08 ouvaiodiicros xe Gudpcrtos. Avvé ta Eover téxvNE, He H o8igd OVE, AQoXaRODY yonteice Hau EEN, eEaIrias tov x) ove xat ms aguoviag tovg awvépic, eivar Have va TQOKGMEDOW déog oF do0Us Ta xpOTEYYTODY, Moyo THE EMBATIASTHTAS Hea THE neyadonpénerds tous. Eivan yagererngtowa 1 egunveidt tow tg Yv- pwSryras Tov dqwtougymaroy mg vaoonayg agyendeyeas, Ta yv- Nd ociaTa THs whaaounis vEcyms Oewget mg oréxovTaL «as QO- oeuis Har evgaguorits 905 10 Ord jéoa orous vais ts axes crag, H yonvérta. tng Einvusiis aoouniis tops dev ogelie~ Tat HovaXa oTIg ModNTiAts ToOTINORS THY apzaicy, nN owsé- OVTAL LE THY AQOOTAWOH TOs OTHY ala TOV AgKOVED kil netoou. Maodkanda, 1 yunvoryta aunt} owvdéeran He to avedua Ts Ognoveviniis hargeiac. To ido xie Aa toy evoitego 4690 THs vaihiregniig Omwougyias. Eivat, a1. ywwors ou n doxaice Eady vx, Toaywoia, aut to obvOeto eidog TENE mat avevparuriig oy- jovoyiac, ovvdestay dueoa je THY WuoTHLEEAT) OonoxEia Tov ALo- vioou"!, Karé 10610 avdkoyo, 0 Xpuotueviopss, and Hy Exoyi THE EM 2 10, Tlo6. N. Aovsarm, Zv- sexéovoy Oview, énos BY 3 répos A, 140 @PHEXEIOAONA 12. To6i. N. Aovnarts paxdov0v Ooianv, xa Mt ‘epuzceionon - [itPa] 30 OPHEKEIA KAl TEXNH ETH SKEWH TOY NIKOAAGY AOYBAPI Gawoiig Tov, Sywoveynoe véa AVevpaTid dedopéva, mQ0éahhe OMY avOgordtHTA véous aTSzoUg Hat aveed, Edwoe vées ehai- dec wat ogdpata zor TQOAEPEQE VéEs UAOOZEoELs Yr TH dXTQWON, Tov avdgdinov. Yrd my exidgaon tov Xootiavizod wvebwatos by- ouoyiiOrpeay vées pogpés téxvns. Ev xooxeyévw, xagaxtygiot- x& evan ot ceveupogés tov Aovbagt o€ oinrés, tov omolwv To ave He wat to tpog eiven Staxtotiopévo ad TH Yhedooa mg Ayiag Toa iis, Omg o Advens, o Pxative 1 0 BiRep. Magdidaia, to éoyo xa ot ovihippers peyahow twyodpwv, dmws o Nrigee xa 0 Ootoxd- movhos, Got agépevay avepurivevta,, yogis THY en6dOuvan oto von poms Ayiag Foapis xa yaoig m ywdan tuv dunyiioedy me xan Tov ovvdhov Tou TEgiEZonEVOU THs. To ido toxver ya ZogVPAIOYS Hovaxous Syutovgyois, dxws 0 Béyxveo, we tov omoioy aoxoki= Onze edad 0 AowGagic. Bébaa, eivar yeyovds mwe uéoa and TIC cyagooés Tov AovGagt otoY Xootamous xaTaderxvietaL areoi- PoOcoTa ovyxexoytévy MooTINaY Tov TQ0¢ THY OgOSdOEN mapd- doom, Exo evobtego ahaiod ms, 0 AovGagic toxobete’ tus oxéperc Hal Ts avampooés Tov Oto LijTHc Tw xEcEWV TOU XooTIANOLOL we my téxvn!?, Tyureoaonanad, Oa jroQovoane va cagaTygrooUHe du, oT oxéyn TOU N. Aowagt, n Ognoweia zor y téxvy eiver jeyeOy av- Tote} Zar axohitws daxgrtd, pohovent oteveg oxerttouever jue- Takb Tous. KeiGe eve and ta mvewratund avté edi emvreRei pret Wiaiteon Aettovoyia oto ogyaNxd do nov axotehei o avevpaT- 26¢ Glos, Tia to Aéyov avtév, dev [utogei va avxataataBe’ to é- va ard to dio, zag nugeyZenopds Evds avEyLatZod AedioN, OULTEOLLANGAVOLENNS THE NPLAiig xaL THE qLOGiag, Gx orpaLvE o)€Oguer Sicctagayp} tov vaio avevpatz0d Biow xau aOhIMORON. Avridera, 1] ahyheridgaon xa 1) aporaia oxéon Oonoxeiag xan TEKIN APOKyet Tov avOQdAIV TOMITIONS aTO aivOKs TOV. AV Ti Qa xdzto10s Oc Hehe va orabel nord Evavtt TOY ayTIAi}Yeov Tov Aov6agr ya us ox€oers Oonoxeias xau téxvyG, 8a LTOOOKOE Vex t- oxvquore’ Gut or avmdiwers autéc PéQovy Gad xaoaywEvy ence yw Tovs THY etidoaon Tov veoxayTLaVLOLOE THE OxoAr|g ME Bae ons narté ovveree, Exouy AEOV eZOGehLOTE! GTO AERIODQLO THE Oty ZOOVIE OHEYNE, Zag Vea PROOOGLAE getpaTa supavioTAY, UTd THY exidoaoy to VEwY ZoWUMMdY ovvOrdiv xen tH EELENE TOU osyLoovon TexAoU AOMTIOLOL, Zuveqic, Oa jixogowaE va heyGei, SUN POOOPLA TQO’RdEDH Tov AOBGapL evaquoviteraL jE TH OPHEKEIA KAI TEXNH 3TH SKEWH TOY NIKOAAOY AOYBAPI due} nex eypboue toy ME axadMpains oxéyns THs eoyiis. Tho OVyAEXQULEVa, ZQLOTAVZA) OXEWN EMOTOATELOE TO PLRoOOBPLAS ovoTNNG THY veoxaytIavdy “na va avthijoe. emzererata, ory nooandded THs Ya avTet@mioe tis auTdoets evavtiov tov Xet- otaMoLot, Tov AOEeYovTAY xUpiws aNd ToUvs ExmpOOdTOUS TIS wak.otuais prooogiac xa tapdowy Guy adetotudy peyd- Tw, Smug 0 vAaQELoNSs ¥ 0 |Ndeviouds. O veoxavTaviaRds Em- yeroowoe va xaTOLVEdOEL jETAPOLHd, O& GVECPORE LE LL cLvdiyTE- on vaegsaTzi) evdtyTa, Ts akies Tow Ayiou, tov Qoaiov, tou A- ya0o! Zai Tov AdnBoiic, watéoo, dev jTOpOtGE va AAgaxOhOUD}- oat Tic vedtEges LoTogLAts, zoWwwUEés xa mvEyLaTUAEs EEE, c- Ae @VTOMOZOLVGTAY AEELOOSTEO OTOY XaQUdoOLAxG OALTLOLG, O Tehevtaiog, ExT GG TO AVEHLEL TOV KOLVOTLOOG TOU TOV dIEXOL- ve, cize Eva PETAqPLOLXG ONE. cLvAPORKE Ze VorLTOdSTHANS TOU latixod xapadoo.ax08 Giov, je jeTAPVOLE ZOOLOBEMpLd, dic EO Tg onoiac EQNIVEXovTaY Ta PaLvopeva aivOhE THE MOAYWATHAG- ttac. Méoa oto aia. tov cagadoo.0d Biov, t600 1 Oonoxei« 600 vax 1 Tégn SieBetay ovAXoyUA) dettoupyomTa ZaL auTOTe- howoay expodoets yeund anodextiy aku. “Eva deéteoo anjeio apogée oryy ax6 wévoug tov AovGapt 06- Tay TH Oeohoyiag orny jehémH THE BonoxeLodoyiag, To peyddo ev- dtapépov tov Htav va cladye nat va avamrizeL tow Opnaxe.oho- nd oroyaayd omy ElAGda, jie THY TQGOTTWA), Sua, aUTdE ve ekumnpenjoet m Oeohoyray oxéipy xat THY oyaveLel tHE Ex olac. To evdiapégov tov Aoibagt ya tig Ognoxeles rtay doonzte ovvdedepévo pe THY TeMO{MnoH Epi THE aVOTEQdTHTAS Tov XoLoTLe- vow vat m LekETH Tov Parvopévon ts Ognoxeiac ovvébarhe, veered THY doy tow, omy aroxdhuyn auniis axoibds ms avotepsty- ras, Todper o idtoc: «Ava ths ovoyerioews taitms twv xoLowav- nov adydeudy moog Tas hounds Oonoxeias exedivEa my 6aBuré- pay day TE ovoiug Tow yoLoTIAaVIOKON, THE EEGQONS THE vAE- ooxtis Tov, THY druovoyiay exgutégon avevpaixod opitovta es THY puny tov waOntdy pour!’ Ot nagandvw emonucvoers oyeticovtan cyeoa, apevds pe THY emuzgatoton xveyatiAi aTROaPAIG THE ENOZS, cupeTEoOV ILE TIS woiartegStnTEs HaL TIS cEveeyxeS Tg EMavuaiig xowvaviag tov aedtow tto08 Tow 2008 cudvor we xavéva. TEGO waTEaO, dev weLdVvOUY THY mpoopood tov Nizdhcov Aov6cagL oTHY aveuTVEN THE eMaTHANS Twv Agnoxeudv OTOY TOA HAC: HTaY avapgrobiTyTaA o MoWToMd~ 13. BLN. Aovnari, Avrodio- ‘youpéa, ovo Aunorrrns Sta onovaot (ex, NIL Aotéa: 0%, O cerodrpnts, Qos, O Exéixing, Agaioaic, Adi. ve 1981, 11 ‘ortizxcionona - [fer] ‘eraaxtionona 2 OPHSKEIA KAI TEXNH STH 2KE WH TOY NIKOAAOY AOYBAPT 005 TaV OgHoxeoyryohoyudy oxovdav, 0 axadnpaixds exsivos ddoxahog now pe To xipos tov agodiOyoe THY xaAduggyela THE e- moring wv Opnoxeuiv avo Tavenvoviyo’ xagdddyha, ray o evaiobitos pehenyTig twy jLeyahov xoupTey Zar o eyvevopEvos jionyg tov Geiov xdhhous. BASIAHS AAPAXTAS @ ZHT@YMEN® Or «anodeizerc» megi THs vadgkews Tov Ocod «@PHKEIOAOTIA — IEPA/BEBHAA» KENTPIKH AIAQEXH - ESANTAY EKAOTIKH AE. Atbdtow 57 - 10681 A@iva - Typ. 3804885 - Fax: 3813065 e-mail: exandas H OysiIA THE OPHEKEIAS (®OPOX TIMHE ZTON NIKOAAO AOYBAPI) Era TAAIIA THE ExeTEUMAig avagopdc TaV AEQLOdHOE yas ATO Ni- xélao AotGapt, THY XoWToroQLEHAA AUTH oper} Tw Bonaxe.oda- ytadv onowddv omy Eiidida, avadmuoetowe ed éva abvtouo reiuevé Tov oxeTHa We THY Ova THE DonoxetEs ws wuzodoyuON Gawvouevou, 10 o7i0 Oewooiwie evdexTxd Tov Kpous HaL THE E- motmovusiic oxtwajc tov Aotbag. To xeiuevo mov axohovdel Goi- axerai oto 6i6Aio Syadaoy Ooiwy (téu0s BY, 26-31) juce avkdo- Vij HeEvwv Tov Aotbagl, mov ExddOnxe wetc tov OdvaTs Tov (1964), Aammajoaue ty atiéy xau tHv opBoyoapia tow xeyevou. OPHEKEIA KAI Q2 ETOINEION TOY ANTIKEIMENIKOY TINEYMATOS, TOY H TONTIORO’, aati dag OTOIZETOY TOD EowTEELAOD Was Z6OKOL, das Evoouujos xatdotaars Tod toxeysevo, elven qparvdytevov Ha- Goluxdv zai. GvibheOoov, ‘Qe toottov bé damordve aitd tdoov i) EvoROYia, Saov zai fy iorooia zat H Wrzohoyia, Ode atitoi oi Aaadrar Tig GOetas xai ot ztovaes Tod Oavetou tod Ocod elven tic 14 éowteoG 64On Tov EEvor MEd: ait, Aud ToHTo Enpavito- yraw dig perencn ai ouzvat deve ToUs aldvas éwaparrouevae Q0- ardbeun, mode Eapenow Tig Oonoxelas dard tov yxy Hai avev- naxdy dpitovta tig dvOowndtTos, #] mods devtxatdiotaoyy THs Gard vi Emaviyny, Ty TEEWYy THY HOY. Awoywot xai oagxa- onoi, nod} bia vai pioos, Exipover dvtihoyot Tig Vonotapyias, Emrfepiara tod Oetiaronod, xeoupodynats nal deyvonors obddhas ioxvoay évavtioy tig Oonaxeiag, Mere xd¥e Exvsiideoy xai xGBe vezgohoyiay tg, torteon ead 240 wAjQuypa, Od Gvarpyehier vis Tous avWodaore Toy Adyatoy Tod Brod, iy Ognoeia zai i} rious Eaxolovoty ve tot, i} aviovavean cig veav Loiy equandtegan, avpuigxoioc tay yuzdy, Ragoboa. xati Sodoe., Té véqmy, 14 Sota ‘ernzetionona 34H OYSIA THY OPHEKEIAT oxoritovy tév obgavdy tng, Staonopnitovrar 248 Goody dnd TV Gaiymtov adBov Tis ewanivys yuxis aQds 16 dndhutoy, ods 16 inepavodytSy, pds Ev aidnov vena TO! zdoHOV, &% Tod moiow pockaubdver dia zai nepteysuevov jy magoduA juts mages. TS GvaheOgov aid tig Oonozetag wagwvoei Sui, Snows iy TEN Hal Pun, éyeteier xai atey péow mg xéroLey ceverynendTyTa, Sut ém- tehei néctoia dettoupyiav, dveryxaiay Sid Tv ovvTiignowy Tod yu e108 nai averuariaod dpyanopo’, du. elvan zoaypaToRoinots [cig dag, was dpiorys diag, } dxoia onoté tiv odGiay THE, %- Bork city airorehés pawvopevoy évtds tod yuynod nai TOhL- nowx0i biow zai Beuehdver ny adsiPerdey THE, nage yov9K cig aT uiy abtarddetttv, ny airobeuehi@ory éxeivny, Tihy Oxoie data vidpey xal cig Wa xa0ohxé nal dveheoa qawvopeva 108 avev- RaTixod xdonov, Tiy Bway, SyAady} zai Thy texvny. 'H Opnoxeia &xorehet avaytigoiitos garvouevoy Tod avEuLa- THx08 Giow TEv éWodran, aroxzeiov Tod évOwaivou xodtTLOHOD aagé vy Emotiyny, Thy ten, Thy HOwiiy. Aid Totto Eorodepn avéxaQey i Epevva vai nods adtiyy zal éxeyeionoe va siodton eic iy éowreoiy ms tepyy, ve xa¥ogion Ti obalay mg xal va oud 1a6y 16 vonad tg. Ai cexavrioes, al dxoia E40noaY Ste kéoOU Tov aiddvow eis 16 Eodepe TodTO, elvan movida, Katé 16 mhetotov éxavtiodn 4 Oonoxeia weds Ty yoo, zai Sf THY HeTagvorEiyy. ‘Qs roratieny Eedionoev ainiy iy OetoruAit quhooopia, xngitaoa citi Hl apeoov yoow rod Geo’, brady} yvdouy tH GonBeia. Tg Exohaowwa) vari Exerra 6 doDokornouds, ¥ due cov yvbaw Toi iaepGanx0d, yor armokopévmy éxi tod Gudpia- 105, Tiig bratoijoeus H Evogdoews, ds oi juarioi, Hy oxarTvaa} oxo}, 6 Jacobi i) 6 Dilthey, Ts aité inter nat dg apdc tiv navOeion- ay priooopiay, (bia THy éyediaviiy, 4 dnoia Exonoyoroinoe 065 ty oxoxdy Todt Ty duahextaxiy hoywaiy nai OOdWOLOE THY Ognoxeiay das aitoovverdyotay tod O, Beauty, attraction and power were the component of the constantly active and highly effective politics of sex, or rather of procreation. Given that chief was"... an individual who is able to trace a genealogical relationship to a reigning king ... through an ancestor [of the maternal or the paternal side] lying within the tenth ascendant generation ...”*, there was also an avid concern for the genealogy. Every noble man had to secure the rank of his lineage, especially of his progeny, by making right marriages to the right people, i.e. women of high rank, since this was defined bilaterally”. ‘Appraising the general character of the Hawaiian society and culture in a way reminiscent of the formulations of Sahlins on the ‘open’ structures, Valeri ascertains “the process never seems to stop at a point where a complete structure, to be replicated in identical form in successive generations, is achieved; it continues down to the present and thus invites its further continuation by the invention of new in- stitutions and practices”. In the midst of such a ‘quick sand’, the kings managed to survive and cherish their divine aura. The strate- gies employed were partially exclusive to them —such the performance of the high sacrifice for god Ku and partially shared by a larger number of other people, notably the chiefs. It is in relation to this wider access to means of legitimacy that some features of Hawaiian divine kingship must be seen and this will happen presently. ‘OPEN’ STRUCTURES, ‘PARADIGMATIC’ ACTIONS AND THE MAKING OF DIVINITY. 1, THE Pouitics or MANA It couldn’t be exaggerating to assert that thi logic of political organization the Hawaiian ‘politi as well as the logic of the overall native culture. Tracing a royal descent in a time span of ten generations was something that many people could do. As if this was not enough to perplex the condition, mana, the substantial basis of rank as “divine potency”, could be obtained from many sources and by many means. “[Mana is] acquired through descent from the gods, who are the ultimate ancestors. But mana may also be directly given by the gods to a person they elect, ‘or it may be obtained by ritual, priestly mediated means. However 23, Sasitins, 1985:17 24. Wats, 1985:157 2. ibid. 157 26, Vari V., Constitutive rative in the legitimation of the Hawaiian kingship. in led.) thropological Approaches, Stanford UP, 1990:173 ornexconon [eA EN 48 27. VALERL, 1990: 167-68 28, Sains, 1985: 20, see alsoch3 29, VaLeni, 1985: 157 30, ibid. 159 @FHIKEIORONA - DIVINE KINGSHIP IN HAWAL obtained, god-given mana is the true source of legitimacy and its presence is demonstrated, in the last analysis, by the success of a person’s endeavours. Therefore, Hawaiians treated as divinely legiti- mate, indeed as divine, not only the highest ranking nobles, but also those who, however low born, conquered the kingdom”? ‘The last strategy was not only ‘efficacious’, but was also one of the possibilities that the local cosmology ~as paradigm for action— was offering. It will be remembered that civilization had come from across the sea —Kahiki— by a host of foreigners. These had defeated the local, native chief and usurped the land, while their leader had married the chief's daughter becoming ‘indigenous’. Hence the Ha- waiian saying “every chief acts as a conqueror when he is installed”, In the light of such a centrality of the myth as a model of and for action, what Sahlins calls “Mytho-Praxis”, one could infer that usur- pation was legitimated a priori, making the political ground very ‘slippery’ for any king. Beyond crude force, however, there was the imperative of rank. So that “the actual relationships of subordination and political alliance tend to be more important, in the long run at least, than the genealogical relationships. The ideological predomi- nance of the genealogical principle is demonstrated, however, by the necessity of transforming power into rank””’. At this point emerges the importance of the ‘legitimacy constructing’ strategi iven also that “there are no clear or automatic rules of succession; in addition, the system of transmission of rank is such that it creates a number of pretenders with equal or near-equal claims”™", From what has been already said, | come to conclude that the basic feature of the Hawaiian divine kingship could be summarized in the axiom: to be [king] means/is to become [king], a becoming process relying on ways of inventing or inverting, creating or nullifying, augmenting or diminishing one’s rank, i.e. mana-divine potency. Here are some. 2. THE PoLitics OF MANA Genealogy relates a particular person to a group of people, a series of persons and/or epochs, going back to the origins, to the founding ancestor, the “patriarch’. In Hawaii this feature acquired extraordi- nary importance since the ancestors were gods, and, according to the local genealogical patterns, “differential temporal closeness to the DIVINE KINGSHIP IN HAWAT founding ancestors implies differential power to, metonymically, stand for him and thus for the lineage generated and symbolized by him”*!. According to the same author the situation that prevailed in pre-colonial Hawaii made impossible the tracking of any ‘legitimate’ order and position in the genealogies of the chiefs, “kingship bilateral, consaguineal unions ... polyandry and polygyny coexist . even the order of birth looses much of its meaning ... within this entanglement of relationships”. Hence, anyone interested in legitimizing his power as king, or aspiring to the throne, had to form his genealogy in the face of simi- lar claims from his rivals. This was pursued through two genres of the oral tradition: the chants and the narrations in prose. Here I will insist on the role of the first and their relations to the overall cultural context as outlined earlier. Among the different sorts of royal chants [mele] the most important were the “chanted panegyrics” [mele coihonua}*’. In them the royal pedigree was presented as a unilinear process that through a series of male ancestors was leading to the person praised in the chant. Reality, however, was neverso simple and unequivocal. Except from the factors already mentioned, this linear genealogy was belied by the fact that women —and their lineages— had an indispensable position in the continuation of the line and in the [bilateral] condition of each person’s rank. Yet “genealogical chant include women mostly as appendages of their male spouses, very rarely as sources of relations”. Along with them were also muted the marital alliances of the royal lineage to other lineages, the ‘wife- givers’, in other words, its dependence on others outside from itself for its existence. This was consisted with the notion of the sacred-akua as independent, autonomous and self-generating**. Whenever this myth was implemented as action, it was taking the form of the ince: tuous marriage between brother and sister, a union thought to provide the ultimate degree of mana, replicating as well the primordial cosmogonic union. In contrast to such a logic, the prose narrations “depict succession as a complex social process which ... ta variety of forms that cannot be reduced to a single rule’ 3. HawallaNn Pouitics AND AESTHETICS Additionally to their ‘ideological’ content, the mele were deemed powerful due to their form that was seen as having and exerting magical influence. Firstly, they were putting their ‘spell’ over those 49 31. VALE, 1990: 159 32. ibid, 159 AB. ibid. 165 34. ibid. 167 3S. VaLEw, 1985: 31M. 36. VaLERI, 1990: 174 ‘orttexEiononA 37. ibid, 173 39. Samuins, 1985: 17 40, Fora Melanesian case that presents interesting similari- ties, see Harrison §., The Mask of War, Vialence, Risual and the Self in Metanesia, Manchester U.P: 1993: 120. 25 41. Duptey, 1990: 7 42, VaLent, 1985:4 -emnzxcionon -[itPa] INGSHIP IN HAWAL who were hearing/watching them performed. They were supposed to exert such an attraction that the audience was led to confirm the chant’s content independently of its veracity; “the basic factabout the genealogical chants is that they are chants-compositions powerful because of their formal qualities ...”°7. The aesthetic value of the mele was inherently connected with political power since “the magical forces of the chants depends on the reaction it elicits in its audience and ... this force is all the more powerful the more numerous the audience is”**, This mele induced a public validation of the king’s [or chief’s] rank. This has been interpreted as “validation by consensus”, yet a more proper term for itis, | think, “validation by capture”. This is related to the Polynesian concept of the ability of aesthetic forms to dominate those who experience them, conquering almost their consciousness*”: remember also the *kapu/noa’ nexus.*°, Another aspect of the magical power of the royal mele had to do with their connections to the cosmic processes. It will be remembered that cosmology laid down a pattern for the unfolding of history in many levels. The multitude of levels in Mytho-Praxis was matched. by the multitude of meanings in the words of the chants. As elsewhere, in Hawaii the words did not have a “monolithic’ meaning. Addition- ally, their role was not simply ‘expressive’ but also ‘instrumental’. In this case, we could characterize the mele as a kind of ‘speech act’. It is here that the semantic virtues of the Hawaiian language were fully actualized. “Since words with multiple meanings are frequently used in the great chants, many passages have several layers of meanings ... through use of words with multiple meanings, carefully worded passages tell, or make reference to, three, four or five stories at one time”! Hence the native interpretation of the royal chant Kumulipo, the ‘archive’ of cosmogony discussed in the first part of this essay, “at once as the description of the origins of the cosmos, of the life of an ali’i from infaney to maturity, and of the formation of a new dy- nasty"? Returning to the issue of the legitimization via genealogies, the chants did not simply affirmed the position of the royal or chiefly offspring ina chain of persons. Actually, they constituted such a chain ad hoc. This could be called false tradition, since for our criteria, the works have only an expressive task, and thus the whole issue is the accurate correspondence of words to facts. In the Hawaiian cosmol- ogy -and grammar words make facts, and this is the essence and locus of their magical power. In the mele, legitimacy was secured by DIVINE KINGSHIP IN HAWAL the reciting of the ancestors’ names in the right order. This meant that they were evoked, summoned as witnesses and guarantors of the right order of things and persons. Their consensus was elicited, as in the case of the living audience, through aesthetic form with magical potency. “The names of the ancestors must be recited to call them, so that they can witness the birth of the new offshoot of their line and convey their potency to it. The ancestors’ acceptance is what really makes the new-born a [royal] descendant”? . Under the light of these notions it makes perfect sense why the ali’i referred in the mele, were seen as the exclusive owners of them**, The fact that the mana/rank of the king could be affected by his or others’ chants is not irrelevant, | think, to the cosmological prin- ciple that sees god and their representatives~ as depended on the humans for the recognition/actualization of their power: “... man can control divine power ... by means of symbols™® . It is also consist- ent to the notion of mana as “... a sort of ... life giving power in the speech”® , Finally, the “charging of the divine chief with mana through .... the omnipotence of names™” , alludes to the property of the royal Self as a “super-encompassing entity’ , as will be seen in the next part of the essay. 4. THE KING AS [REJCREATOR AND THE ‘HIERARCHICAL SOLIDARITY” ‘The last term was coined by Sablins in order to describe and interpret some fundamental features of the “heroic history’“*. According to him, “... the coherence of the members or subgroups [of a ‘heroic’ society] is not so much due to their similarity (mechanical solidarity), or to their complementarity (organic society), as to their common submission to the ruling power™”. This was an implication of the perception of the king as beyond social order, transcending it, and, despite it or because of it, sustaining it. Power —in the Weberian sense- was a manifestation of his superb qualities, a part of the to- tal, rather than the crude reality underneath the cloak of mystification. “At once encompassing and transcending the society, the divine king is able to mediate its relations to the cosmos =which thus also re- sponds, in its own natural way, to his sovereign power”, “... such heroic figures are structuring simply by being, insofar as the exist- ence of the other people is defined by theirs”*'. This was also achieved st 43, VaLext, 1990: 179 44, ibid 48. VaLERI, 1985:7 46. ibid. 99 47. Wate 48, Samavs, 1985:32-73 49. ibid. 45 50. ibid. 34 SIL ibid. 48) ‘emeirxeionona 1990:178 52, VaLEKE, 1985:109 553. ibid, 158) 4. VALERI, 1985:156 55. ibid. 146 536, ibid. 148 onexconons- (ea IEEY 2 DIVINE KINGSHIP IN HAWAL by means of certain rites [sacrifices especially], in which the presup- position of their performance was the maintenance of the social hi- erarchy**, In this way “the king ... establishes ... the boundaries of the ramage that encompasses the nobles of his realm. Moreover ... S the order of the commoners who are under each the veritable creator of the society as a coherent whole, By cteating society, the king’s actions are the conditions of all other actions, and therefore ideally contain them. It is this factor that makes him a visible personalization of the human species...”53, Another direct exemplification of this quality was the act of the newly installed king to distribute his domain. His overall character was also recognized in the first-fruit offer- ings, “This form... springs from the idea that the entire land, indeed all of the nature used by man, is produced by the gods and, hence, ultimately belongs to them ... The king is their closest representa- tive’4, We have already referred to the fact that the element that unified the multiple manifestations of the sacred, was the human species. The king, standing as the offspring of gods and the ruler of the humans, could mediate their relations by being in a between and betwiat position. Actually, he could manipulate both sides to estab- lish his power, his mana. “Each king produces the cosmos in hid person and secures the correspondence between the human and the natural order” deally, a perfect realization of the species in the individual”**; and it should be remembered that the individual recapitulated his own species, while the mankind recapitu- lated the whole nature. Atop this pyramid of symbolism’s and permu- tations the king could posture as another ‘axis mundi’, the axis of the world, His role as such was explicitly manifest, in fact actualized, in the performance of rites, among which the most important was the one of sacrifice. 6. SACRIFICE AND KinGsHip “The king is recognized as divine by virtue of the successful perform- ance of certain sacrificial rituals. But the ability to perform them successfully depends on turn on ‘pragm: “political” actions Conceptually, ‘pragmatic’ and ‘ritual’ actions are not related to se] rate dom each with its own autonomous values and content. Rather they differ in the degree to which they realize the same values DIVINE KINGSHIP IN HAWAT ... practically, every important pragmatic action is associated with and regulated by a ritual counterpart”’”. The role that sacrifice used to play in the Hawaiian kingship alludes not only to the ontological distinction of the divine king, but also raises the theoretical problem of the instrumentality of the rituals. In this part I will insist on the first fold of the issue, As it was mentioned earlier, the ‘patron’ god of the Hawaiian king was the ferocious and belligerent Ku, From the rites related to his worship the most important was the annual inauguration of his great temple —‘Iuakini’ temple. This celebration was accompanied by @ human sacrifice, that was considered as the highest offering. In the performance of this ritual four persons were involved as the ‘perso- nae dramatis’: the king as sacrifier, the priest as sacrificer, the ‘kahoalii’, and the victim. King’s centrality, and divinity, was mani- fest in that he was intimately related with the three other persons engaged in the offering, encompassing thus the whole action in him- self, A. THE KING AS SACRIFIER Valeri assumed the terminology formulated by Hubert and Mauss, for the analysis of the Hawaiian sacrifices, particularly in order to cir- cumscribe the king’s role n those decisive moments, when gods and humans approach each other in a perilous condition”, The Hawai- ian king was on the one hand the sacrifier, the person for whom the sacrifice was offered, but in an other level he was a mediating person -sacrificer— relatively to his subjects, The king offered sacrifices on behalf of his people, his land, the whole nature; “The king is the supreme mediator between men and gods. Direct contact with the most important gods of the society is possible only for the king and his chaplains ... The king's sacrifice implicates society as a whole ... ‘Thus ... as a sacrifier, the king is also the sacrificer for society"”!. In this role the king actualized his own divinity, especially in his relation with Ku, that was pre-eminent “...because it is the necessary presupposition of his connection with other gods”. this relation went so far that “,,,in many cases the name Ku is automatically given to aking ... the custom of naming kings after their gods attests to the belief that the king is a manifestation of his gods and is therefore himself a god relative to all other men™®, Besides being a peer or a representative of the gods, the king was also the person who ‘be- 87. Vater, 1985:154 58. For a brief review of the instrumentality” question sce BELL C., Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice, Oxford UP. 1992, Keni). & Karan M, History Structure and Ritual, in Annual Review of Anthro- pology. vol. 19, 1990: 122: 29, VALenl, 1985: 340-48 59, Vateni, 1985: 140M. 60. ibid, 130-31 61. ibid. 140 62. ibid. 142 63. ibid, 143 ‘pHrxttoaona - [igPA 64. ibid. 104, 1990; 109-115 -f, Dudley 6S. VALERE, 1985:136 66, ibid, 67. ibid. 140 (68. ibid. 134 (69. ibid. 1234f,, 133 70. Sass, 1985: 20 Thes, Vateny, 1985:135 72. Sanus, 1981: 20 enicxcionona - [icra EIEN DIVINE KINGSHIP IN HAWAL stowed" mana to them, through the rituals of their worship: "thus the king, as a supreme sacrifier, is addressed in a chant by saying ... ‘you give life to a multitude of gods’. B. THE PRIEST AS SACRIFICER In pagan Hawaii there was an established, developed and internally diversified priesthood. There were various classes of priests on the basis of he gods they were related with, their functions sacred and secular. As in the local pantheon Ku was the supreme god, likewise the top of the priestly hierarchy was occupied by his functionary, called ‘kahuna nui’ -the high priest. He had a special relation to the king being the royal chaplain, he was also an ali’i himself. His role was not a simple ritual performance for “the recognition of the king’s legitimacy depends largely upon him, since he has an essential role in rituals where this legitimacy is established, The king, however, being the “true head of the cult ®... can delegate certain aspects of his mediating function to priests”. comparatively then “the kahuna [priest] is defined above all by his knowledge, by his expertise, by his connection with a particular deity: the ali’i is defined by his belong- ing to a superior state of being, embodied by a whole group of gods or level of the divine™®*. like the chiefs, the priests were akua/sacred, their life being regulated in details like food and sex, from their early childhood® . C. THE ‘KAHOALI ‘The term has been translated as “the companion of the king””, *kanu’ meaning ‘keeper, guardian’, a title related often to priests’! His presence was related with the human sacrifices offered to god Ku, hence his nicknames: “fearful [kaukalia] and ‘the death is near? [kokokakamake]. His role in the rite was this: standing by the altars of Ku, where the victim was consecrated and left to rot, he swallowed ‘one of the eyes of the victim along with the eyes of a bonito fish”, Sahlins interpreted this action as related to vision as an action of subordination, in the context of the aesthetics of power or the soci- ology of vision and/or the kapu/noa nexus of hierarchy [see early sections]. Beyond this, I come to see the presence of the ‘kahoalii’ as being necessary, due to a contradiction inherent in the king's divinity. On DIVINE KINGSHIP IN HAWAL the one hand, human sacrifice established the king, “... it is this privilege/duty, saben! than a special title, that sets him apart from the rest of he nobility””*, On the other hand, the very presence of the human victim, alive or dead, with the shedding of blood or the pol- lution of the corpse, induced a major impurity to the participants in the rite”*.In this point kahoalii intervened as the ritual ‘double’ of the king, acting as a ‘shield’ against the inevitable impurity of the mo- ment. It seems to me that he condensed as well the negative, threat- ening aspects of the royal power, manifesting them apart from the king’s person, purifying him both ritually and morally in the eyes of his subjects. D. THE VICTIM It could be arguable that in the case of the [human] victim there is an other ‘double’ of the king. The victim does something more than being the king’s substitute in the exchange between this world and the realm of the sacred: he stands on the same ontological level with him, both being in a liminal position. First of all, approaching divinity ~always seen as dangerously ambiguous— implies a certain degree of ri by saerificing to the gods the king always rans the risk of being their victim", On the other hand, the victim was closely associated with the king due to his qualities, for as victims were offered people who had committed grave sins, had violated royal taboos or had made a serious crime —categories that overlapped in the local penal system”® Inthis way they had transgressed not only the moral/legal margins of theirsociety, they had also violated the cosmic hierarchy, since the two levels were interconnected in a common encompassing whole. The transgressor, by defying the royal taboos and their cosmological corollaries, was raised to a position beyond and above the common people, the ‘kanakas”, Thus he was becoming the symmetrical oppo- site of the king, his negative reflection. Hence his sacred (‘Ia'a’) character. The difference was that the victim, having improperly entered the area of the sacred things and persons, could dwell in that condition for a short time, until his sacrifice. The king on the contrary, being ad initio and ex officio immersed in the sacred, could remain as such, as long as it was permitted by the political ces” Given the wider implications of the victim’s transgress king must reproduce his kingship by neutralizing his negative, de- structive equivalents or ‘doubles’ ... The s ¢ of a transgressor 55 ‘73, WaLeRt, 1985: 14 74. ibid, and pp. 8311. 75, Vatuni, 1985: 140 Th for an interesting correlation ‘of the positions of the king and the victim vis-2-vis the social body ¢-also Gran R, 1977, ‘ernaxzionona - [isa] 7B. VALERl, 1985; 165 56 79.;bid. 157, see also pp.134 ePHaxtionona aa DIVINE RINGSHIP IN HAWAL does not simply purify the king by reproducing the distinctions be- tween his status and that of the transgre: it also makes it possi- ble for him to realize a given end by estal 1g contact with the divine””*. By consecrating the victim of the gods, the king was get- ting rid of a negative peer and, at the same time, incorporated him to the proper order of the cosmos, whose he was the guarantor and manifestation. “This is the reason the king is often presented as a devourer; the devourer of the transgressors and ... of the land which he must encompass in order to be complete and therefore perfect, divine”), Thus the purity of the entire universe was accomplished through successive circles of purification’s, ending in the ‘making’ of the royal divinity as well as its [re-]assertion in the face of adver- siaries. Epitocue Ending this review of the Hawaiian kingship does not mean complet- ing it. Hence it is impossible to infer a major induction. Through the successive parts of this essay emerged the picture, through incomplete and dim, of the precolonial Hawaii. A society organized with an admirable flexibility in mental and political structures, so as to sur- vive the turmoil this flexibility entailed, and to incorporate it as its dynamics. It appears as a structure ‘fed’ by the conflicts born inside it. This could be readily dismissed as a structural-functionalist myth. However, how can we deal with the features of a radically ‘other’ culture with our own cognitive instruments, without simultaneously [de}forming it —at least partially— according to our presuppositions and principles. Returning to the maritime allegories of the introduc- tion, it is almost impossible to sail without a map, as it is inevitable that this map will, somehow, distort reality. The issue at stake is to have always in mind this divergence; otherwise the whole attempt to sail across the ocean of time may end in a wreck. TO OPHSKEYTIKO ZTOIXEIO STON HPAKAEITO KAI o XPIETIANIZMOE H avd yeioac wehéry emyerpet va eketdoer to xorrd aé00v optope vec Oonoxevrixes nar ev wéper Oeoioyieés azdyerc tou Epéoou quio- adpou Hodiietrov puropovv va Geadot utd x0 meioue THs XoI- anavuais bidaoxchlas 1} va avveSeraodoty aki ns 0” Eve 01S Bewpncrand maine. Apooq xcu x77) Twv moove ioe rs eivae 10 6:6rio Tow K. Agehob O Hoéeeertog 2a 1 Dthooompier! Hau - duatitepe to xepdhaio «OL axdupvpec TéheTOUpyies nat haTpeLeor” efagyiic ot ovyyoageic Aau6dvouy uToYqY Tous Gui Exo cetEva~ vei tous Sto dagoperwd Oewontixd jeyéOn xu Gt ot droES av yoiocic rou enzewoivee, zavowvrae aTyY Ego} ToL evdeZouevor zat tov avareéymou Mapa ratra, morevow du, axdun wie v- 16 THY ontval tov mBaveov nae eEwrepvaiv mpooeyyioedy TOVs, eivea vouuin epeuvyrrend juc této1a andé H televtaia emyeroei va amyvetoe uxd oigue ovormianns, -epdoov Geaiwc avader- vera ota ovyzouvdueva xeievar To id10 Ea THY tnagsn xd- OW ZOU TOMUDY, Cota nai Ud duagpogenizés modiinahE aes zat aooontinés duactumapiéver, Koiveran exutdcoy aveynaio ve onpiev- Oct woayayind bu n pede eqpood xvpias orig Opnoxe veins xa zhaoodvos ous deohoyxés Béoers tov Hpdhetrou wat tov Xpuottct- novos. Or xpdbres avaupegoveen ots harpeuTinée-reherovoyinis &- véoyetes onic omolee moobaiver Oonoxevteey) avveidjon arrow ih ovdoyizd, eve o1 devTEpEC oTOV Ged, xo GUMaTE THY aNyHh HCL Thy EustvEvon Too ev Adyw eveoyetdy, BEbaLce n onoyLorOInOH, O& opiguéva onieia, Kat Tov Oeohoyxo8 xa Tov OonoxeuTuot atol- yeiov, eivae xd to avaadgevxto. Ton Xpustoy A. Terezit Kadnyyn} Odooogiag (avemoriyio Maroy) Teoprioy Er, byskiaK Yaoyngion Addxtoga DUooogiag (Havemoripto TMarodr) 1, Bh. K. AzEaor, O Hodi= xhertos xai 1) ddooopia, wo. Angutton Ampex, Exiveac, Atjiva 1974 58 ‘erkzkeionona TO @PHSKEYTIKO STOIXEIO STON HPAKAEITO KAI O XPISTIANISMOE H Hpakacireta Keirik THE OPHEKEIAS H AIAAEKTIKH @IAOZOOIA TOY HPAKAEITOY EXEI QE ANTIKEIMENA A- vapogds THE TH (PON Kat TO aVEKUG, TOY GvOowNO xa TOV xdoN0, TOY GTOZAOLS ZaL TO VRA_XTS OO OLVORG TOV. AoxOLti- Tal, AOUTY, xa pe avOQWOLOYUKG ZOL WE KOOMOROYLLG CHT: Ta Hat we GrexxorTE peyEON xa KeRLe TH WETCEL Tove ovvdperc. Th Aapdver, dyad}, 10 «Ghovy, 1600 oTV evOTHTE TOV 600 HAL OTIS dtaxoioeg Tov, Zto equyverta~d v1 xhaiow, 1» ohétTa bev a= aoredel 10 xctontg0 ¥ THY avtavéxdaon THE OeSTITUG, AAA 7 Oe- Orta, ay dev evurdgye ot mains THE ws oe xT. yeMAGTEDO, rovidgotoy tavtiterar pati ys. Exot, o HodxAettoc wooabido- ytag autiy THY Epler} didotaan oto Aeio to oOGeYyiteL éoa ato Thaino THE OULRaEHATYTAS Tov, OTIC NOELEVveC, SHAAd!, ad TH aogiat toi mvgds —toV xaigLon ororgeiou THE ZoOLOROYias TOU GvY- Owes, xov dtatnoowy téd0 TH atyxoOVvON Goo ZaL THY apLoLGcnd- TG TY ayNBETwY oTOZIDY joa OTHY oAdTHTa. TagdiANHA, © AOS eyRiTTE avEHTEXG xa xoLTLAE Ove OVYXEXOULEVE EpaIL- vouevar THE Oonoxevtanic twig THE EXONS ToL, THodvTaE jue oTdON emiderva eu oxertimowar. Evyxexoytéva, aoxei HeYYO OMY xa- Teorey -eite VOLE eite Oéoe-— Oonozeia, xdw nov d.aaiverat Ota aroondouata row axohovoty, Ta aoorcoparta avTé eivat Tot UM’ Quy. 5, 127, 128, 96 xau ex@odtouv ty avribean tov H- odertov axévave orig xaGeqwpévec ayatnoés Bvois Teg T- iy Tov Oedy, xaBd¢ xa THY dovnoH Tow ver dexBei THY avOQW- moMOo PLA PEHQHON Tov Giov, dtapovoRaLO‘yEVOC, ETO, ANd [Lv- Godoyrec nerdhowa. «Ka®aigovtan 5 déékw aipertt jcuvdytevor oiov BL TAG ei sp.GV eNGdc med amovitoLto. Maiveddat d° av doxoin, €L IC GUTSY avBodiawy exupodoaTo ovtw noLEovta. KaL ToIg a yaipao d¢ touréovory eiyovtat. Oxoiov et ttc dépotor heaynves- otto, ov T yryiboxwy Bek: ovd' Howas oitwvés eLoix(am. 5). [Ke- Bapitovrar prcnvopevor je GAO aij, xaTc Tov TedxO TOV HANOLOE, eve) Eyer toyworoet om Adorn, emyetpet vor aAVOei We Adon, AV ndiora évac Gog dvOgw0s tov éBlene va eveoyei zat’ avtév Tov To470, Ba Tov xapaxn}aite oc davvdgtnto. Kat mooaesyovtat evdtov avtay TOY ayakydtwv xaTd TOV Tod AOU a Pvaovoe 2ETOLWS OTO OAIT TOV, | Ywwoiovtas AOIOL eivat Deol vat OLOL Howes]. Extdc wv Aww, emanuaiverar edi 1 eowteguey avti Gaon oTHY onOIa Eve citoHO propel ve OSMYHDE:, StaY dev ExeL AOR eqUTVEUTIAG ZoLTIQA arévaVTL OTH EEWTEQLA TOV ADAY- TO @PHZKEYTIKO XTOIXEIO ETON HPAKAEITO KAI 0 XPIXTIANIZMOS parwényta, Stay dev Eyer zaTavor}oe THY ovoUdbn BudexpLay ave cod oto petacpvaus EzelOev zat oto eumeigu.6 EveevOer, 9 onoia toxéet nagd THY enowwnar oxéon Tors. Todt xav’ exéuraoy obryel o€ odes and tig onoieg axovardter axdum va 0 oToLyEN- dng opBoroyouids woL GEUMoNSE xa MORK sceQLGD6TEQO OMOLADd}- OTe aVAOTOZMOTUA NOCOTTUZ}. Thy aveupertez) oupmepupogd tov avOgdaey anévavtt ora Ogn- oxevtizd Lyniporee extonuaiver o Hyévsertos zat oto axdox. 127, Gx0v MooTaooe E% VEOU ZaL TO BENG THE aVTATéxOLONE anEVaVTL oe 61 Moayuarved ombaiver: «O Hodxdertos eine ovovg Atyuati- ove: atv elvan Geoi, ypari tovs Opnveite; Ker av tous Oonveite ny tov Oewpeite ma Oeovcy. Exions, xagampdvras tous “EMnvec yar TQ0oPEQOW dia ators LOIS, xaL wLOTA EOC TIC dywyES exoniotinéc 1 yhuntés avamtapaotéaers tous, eine: «Exe OUV 700 oeuyés ote ceydianatter THY Bed TOV bev TOUS cco‘, WKLY Vor JLTTO gowoay vet tous axovoovy, atovs Geos Tov dev exavoobivouy Ti- nore, Smug vou TinoTa dev aTaLTOW (an. 128), Kat ta ola avwréow axoondouata déxoveat and eve. avet ner xgrtenig yuce Teg ayporrypés Ovoies Qos Tove Bevis xaOKe xaL spa va aydiyiater ov Tov erxovitovv. Tho owyzexoméva, 0 Hod wAettog emuti0eta evavtioy mE axils amdotuis OonoxevTUAs EX- Godong 2a yt yeresd evavtioy tng Bonoweiac, THY oAoiA OLOLT- ota dev Oéret Ew and THY ogbohoyes otdon Twr avOpdman xaL ax TH PvoLoroytmi hettovgyia THE Cos. To Cima, dyady, Tov edd tov araozokei dev evar ot Geol, ovte y dxageN Hh Wy tarageN Tou HeTapuaxod ZAoNOU, UAé 0 TEdMOs avaPOgKE TOV avOodAOD Ap0g jua mpayaTdtyTa TOV Bewgel dt. To unegGaive.. O Egé- aiog prAGoorpos carente’ pita OonoxevTLAt] avaKpooc Tow dev Ba xa- tahver Tovs avorngotg Havdves THE avOodtuvNE aELomoéTELaS HAL nov eypeoa Oa diaoddker Ha To wigos Tu Geddy, ToURGAOTOY ws avbevundy ovtohoyind mpoodateny, av dx wg MYaY To EoxaTOV Ody xavormoniroy, za avetdoryta ard Ty VLLaTUAI) 1] OAL xagéu6aor tous. ; Ero axdon. 5, padre, xatududter anepipodata we eowre- peak aveupeennxés tig auparygés Ovoies, axpov to ater —tpogavidg Hapagtia— Sev eivar Svvatdy ver Eemudet we aijua, drug y héory, bev civen Suvardy var xaBagiodel we Léom. H averywyi| oF dhe raOaprurés weBddous mpobddherat we averynaia, wore va exéhOet qPEmOvpM) petaxoiyon, Exurdéov, Oo héyaue Sty hétomy zortL~ oxevitterar and veod nor Opa vat Stl EOL ane ye AON AT) TO 9 ‘oPHExEIONONA 0 2. Hea) now ebsd agoteive ‘at Sev civ agoidy ofuba- ong oie ReteioUei exc mtuabraas. Ary even vr xpoi6y avvieuas ove yu ovrrngntu2i ovdion antiwar cova xathepuquiva, Fodertan ‘pet fa eoonaarei, nec, Rov evtd000 10 apo ‘6 NOGA NA oo exincbo ‘ow ven cravat ewy, und To HoLRFQKO Eve uephatohoyen wo HaINEVON, A eIQQEAOKS oS ovwnodnnaninds axodtytes was ong epUTToEHis a Hogdanes. H vojporya TIS udev nBvetg xen 0 ava orozaonss avacpapex pe Yous Tpsmore ov enryerpeitan et ngeaTek avederzvio- rat Roerdy edi og wong gordon, ‘erazxcionona - TO OPHEKEYTIKO STOIXEIO STON HPAKAEITO KAI O XPISTIANISMOZ Oops TV TOV GvOTIATS: Tov, He axoréeouer va UNV ivan dv- varGy var eEayvioet tov évoxO, To aQdowAO TOU advvatei ver ov- vroviobei He THY Up} THE OhOTHTES. “Enpeoa, dyradi, mQObAALE- Tat Gut Yl THY AQAYHETWGH EVs OTSyoU mOETEL var eMAEéyETAL TO ué00 1} to doyavo exivo Tov avvupaiverar atevée [le TO mEQIEYS- Wev6 Tov. Tuvencic, a6oo0 Tov ev R6yw aNoordomatos Fivet 1 axpoxdurTy diapagTugia TOV gLLoDdpoU evavTiOY HéGE ayceTH- Og Ouoias nQOg TOUS Beoris, we WY MOdILAtOGoNs We THY MVE LaTAH AQOPAVEiC dLoovoTHOia Tov. MIdzerten yur. ter xerecryyehioe TOV eivaL OLEPA] [LE TOE ZAVEVES TOV opBOE Aéyou, Hag ex- poder wer Oepehicidy yOeA} zou Bonovevttzr apy, nov, uddore, duaUHONZE ZaTd MY LoTOQLAR EEEALEN EmeLTa cINd crysdves HOA 90 owaLnonc EEavoQaTOdLLOE THY TQWTORIQaY TOW LOLVOMAGY € MaVaOTdOEWV, THY OROIMY Evag ANd TOVE atSyoUE jitaV 1) RETA dixy THC deLotdaysoviac? . Zta axon. 127 zor 128 Oa progotope va vrootnpiEouse 6- TW avahop6évetar wa TodoRdBELA CTs Tov Hodxherto vor xeiaet TOUS OUUTOAITES TOU —oTO rgCiTO [LdAtOTA jLE TH pogpr, avaoto- POCTAGY EQMTIDEON— La THY avEMEyLEVZSTH|TO TOY ZpLTLEDY TO TOBETICeGY TOU arévaVT of Oonorevtixd Cyripura peiLovos av- Sowmohowaig onpasiag. To ovyzexoyiéva, xatyyoget t600 tov Todo emzorvviag sroV éyouw WoBETIoE ot MOTO! avert aTOUS Beoic, 600 et THY ELdw@AOLATOLA HOO~PY OV TVs EXOUV QOGdddoE1, agod Tove anerxovitovy jie aydhpara. Kat exrofeder ty xamyo- ofa TOU, ened} AaTE THY eXTiNOH TOW ot Beoi dey déxovran ceva- Grate ovte xoL avtanodibovy TixoTE, axpod dev cLoBGvovtaL IS avOpdawves ojupooée. Toobéietar #8 ua 1ovei axpaia umep- Sormémta. # anootasoRoinoy Tov Belov, o¢ Cyriptecra Buaiis Corie Hou TeaeTWAs oUTEQUPpogdc. Katé xéo10 Tedx0 to Beio naga HEvet OTN WaxAQLSTYTE TOV, aTooREONEVO cexd THY xaALEOLWH CAV Godan Sodan xii to xQOGAIpaTs tye. H dxoyn, 6c, aun} eivar avtiBery 905 doa evonyiOnxe 9 yorotavan} Geodoyia, ya ‘IW onola 0 XpLatés eivet o Evouguaiivos Adyos tov Grow, xov OdNYHONZE exoVOlWG GtOY otavELd Bévato, noOZEIPEVOU vaL Obb- GEL TOUS AVAQTOLE ANS THY ayLagtia. Exo oMTYQLOAGYLAS UTS sdaiow, Bewgetta dtt 0 Oe6¢ moBdveran xa vaTavoed xdBe av- Oocrivy ExxA HOH, UE THY xQOL;RdBEay ui elven eauoWIE nL TE newt Hau ue HareBiverar and THY aoZ} THE avaPOoUETS emLKOL- vovazdtytas. Era xeipever tov Egéaiov grhoodpou, dws, Sev a vadewxvierar wie TéroLe Q0OMTWA}, "Eot, Oa UAogotoE va. wO- TO @PHEKEYTIKO XTOIXEIO STON HPAKAEITO KAI O XPISTIANIEMOE ommpiter xdzo10¢ tHe 9 oxéyn Tow odnyeitaL oF xeza8aguEvE a- 16 coxaTohOYKES xa oMTOLOYLxES TQOOHIEELC EXimEdA 09BOLO- yuuiig AQoaéyytone Tov Oeiou, ahha axprbdig hoyw averig THE Op Gohoyuzommtac zaBiotaTa wrEgGohLd rpcyRCTOTUA Za py CAVE OZOLVOLEVY OTOV HVOTXS ZL ETLAOLVOVLARS yapeEETHIQG THE BON- oxeiac’. Smyv ragovoa, névrws, Aepatiai ovvaqera we Cytoope- vo avadtetat to xaté A600v 0 Hyséxhertag Br woBeTo‘oe THY i aey ZaL THY MagéLGaoy THs Oeias mPSvoLas, 1 oroia GvVUpA- VETaL oteVa ZO WE TY VPI} TOV Ba TQOOIGEL 1 AvOgUTOROYia. Tyraveva}, wordoo, eiver 1 aagarignon tov Expéaiou oopor, 6u ot Beoi dev déyovear avaOiata. Kar THY extipnoy tow cueiy orpiter wddAov ato Gti dev Exo Tig avOguadpogges ’iitHTES mov Tous arodidowy ot MoToi HL EOL dev MQOGaivoU OTIC GLVi- Gers ckwhoyzés Siaxgiveic. EEdALOU, Oon tow eiver drt oTHY a- veihmyn Tove ta mévta iver Zane xeu dixcva (axtéor. 102), To e9- jnvevtizd avtd mhaioto dev eivar Evo xQ0g TH yoLoTANAH, avti- Iain regi Oeo¥. O youotiavads Oe6¢ oryy andkutm xavéorao;H Tov eivar expodonig THE avBevTUAIE NOLAg —i Tw EoyaTw NOL- nov xavowroriTav— vat dev avtyietwomiter tig nOusic akieg ud THY GovnTuA} exdoyi Tovs. To dovyTAG cUVata exteom} jrn TOO. otduitovoa pe To axdkvto. Mage taita, tay 0 Oed¢ akodoyet tis avOpdmvec modkec, moo6aiver oe daxgioeig aviyteou oto Oi- AMO YUL OTO GOLAO, OTO HAs vaL OTO %OH6, VTS ToUs 6goUg TOL diemOUW pte VYMABY NOdV araLMjoewV Zowuvier ZaL je cHvBE- vtua emtzotvawvier tov ExeiQev jie to Evteidey, Me 6éon ddvova awtés Tig dktohoyijacig tov Oa mg06ei oO pELJOv, O10 TRaicw THE eoyatohoyidg, o€ [ta ZorTIA —UM ToVs gOVE TOV o idLOS Exel E- méke— ent tHE avOodauvys ovsmegupoodc’. Ovotaotz6te9, worsoo, 1 AQOGhNLATUA GTO EV dy oNLELO avdpeoa ong dio exdoyés Tov OZOH TOGTTEL ZaL TOU GELOROY- vou Cynitos nov ovyzortind ovvekerdtouue 6oloxetat oto e&f\c: Ga uxogovsape ver vroatygizZoute ui, wa tov Hodxderto, 0 Orbs waréyer vou ehéyyet To %ahS var to xox; Av xat To eodTmpEL ei- vat avorygd OeoLoyin6, Oo dietumdaoyue THY axd).oVBy yews a OATHONON: otc xEiieva Tov ~PLLoodpou ragoVvoLitetaL oapws TO 4006 va umeguoyter TOV Haro, dix WOvov HABECLTS GAG HAL WS Og THY mQooRTUAI, Aettougyics ToVs, UTS Tous doous THE avti- oTeOpPIE avahoyiag tovs. To dettego ovpSdAIe wow ME at9- OUig Tov orn Owvéxion Tov AQdTOV, Katt waTOL T9dx0 TO ZA- 26 letrougyed os avaryzaioryta Ya THY Za0LEQWON TOU 20}08, 6- o 3. Tia ng proto dunordioeis ron Xpousmauoe, 6. cvba- senexct V. Lossky, H javorext) Gcohoyia tng Avro Ex- ints (ugg. ZT, Geoosteviny 1973 4. Tia ty gona cope ovia, 6. evdeunnée P. EV poKIMov, H Opdodosia (utqo. Ay. Moupr{droviov), B. Prppénoviog, @roouhoviza, 1972, 00, 407-466 eomrirxeionona - [era] ‘omiexeionona - [icra IS TO ©PHSKEYTIKO STOINEIO: STON HPAKAEITO KAI 0 XPIE WANISMOZ 2 Gnas OTHY AEQLOY! TOV O£0% -o oToi0g eiveL Oluxt EévOS Eva~ YU Tov KaKoK aA OF OUT Tov avOodmov. Edd Ba ray yor- OWL Va GEOYME TTEOS atryxQIGH TOV yoLoTLAVS Qoxyévy xa TH OE- woia THs anoxatéoraorg. Tue tov Xowotianions, xévtws, 10 xa- 46 dwSaoxeETaL a6 Tov Oxd, eve) To xaxd amd Tov dici60d0. Ave- EdoryTa, worded, a6 to av LoxCow Ta avwTEpW zE—L NOMDV a- Eudv toy Hodxdetto, té00 otov i610 600 xa tov XowoTLaVOKS vadigyer Evag xowds doves avapoods xan xoutuAe. Kat curds eiven 1 arSo oui THE EdwoKATOIAG, OE Exited0 LoyLA|E TOOOEYYONE naw cEWOYAIE aTOTiENONS, xaL 1 ceXdTELVA zatcoYHOTE THE, OF exixedo modng, He eahotixd emyeriyiata. cvtamozoWopeVE T6090 OTOY HOWVG YOU Goo Kat OTHY UH, TOU BEwpettaL StL moEREL vO é- yet 0 petapvordc xdoN0s. AvohGyws 905 Ta avwTéow opitovtaL nat ot Ognoxevtizés tehetéc. Thy emOervei ovdon tow 0 Eqéotoc aopds axévaver omy wa- Oegamuévn Opnoxeia ovveyiter xar oto amdox. 96; «NExxEC yao %0- roiwv ex6knttepor». [Ta modpata evan noreEORIV ya axdoot- yn). Exovtag toxobernbei amakwonxd anévavts one amotnoss Ovoies zat ota ayaauaTa moog TyLY TwY Gedy, MOOEXTEIVEL THY HOLTLAI} TOROBETHOH] TOV xa amEVaTL OTH Orton TOO ToLs YEXOOKE. H andgoryn, dyadi, Tov aryadydtay tov odyyed cvayzaotxd oTHV ax6gouyn THs akiag TwW vexodv cwpétwv, aod xoWwd oToLyeo zat tov dto elven TO OTL iva vEZOd, OTEQOKMEVE aIy}OWS TOV a- sitwa duvetonitwy, tov expouotuzdy Tov mupés, ‘Erol, xoox- RIEL TO Guuinégaopa, StL dev GEICO va TKdVTEL, ADO de uitowy tinota axé to Low zat Gdoyo ov mov ovowdtera avOow- noc. Karrét xcst010 T9620 e66 1] AVEULETASTTE TOU avOodnov ov- vagtéTa We TH duiguELA THE GlohoyAiiE avTOyI}s tov xaL We THY EVEQYS HAL E|LAELOLNE dLaMoTOWEV TAOVOLA ToY davonTAaY doaampON|TwY tov. Axévavn omy avoréow dztorpn vag yootuavég Bar Starpusvovoe ‘na. dbo LG yous. Fgdtov, to yeyouds 61 o Hodwdettog dev moretiet omy cEia Tov TIKdY AQOE Ta veXOe OdjLATA dev avVadeL Je TE avBguaohoymés avttaiqyers tov Xotortaviopos. Eiveu ywworés e- Ed JarpEvTIUZoN Hat AeLTOVEYAOG mEdION, ot yoLoTIAVLAES netabaviites pec zou TeheTés TOW yivovtat oTy [VHA TwY Be- OEOTWEVOY HS ZEXOULNLEVWN, Ya TOUS oMolovs UROOTpICeTaL 6- 11 didryouw vay véo io, veysatuaig ThEoV gIig. AewteQOY, TO ye- yovds étt 0 Epéotog aopds axopginter ta vexod odpata dev o- eideta VOY oto Su caxei ue SoyLitaTy xoITAK OTIS TOéZOU- Ov, e 64 5. Tia tay tvvena tow yiyre- Ba. roy Eipéow 09, 2. Bru, Hodielerros, wrqo. ‘Ausudvey, Tx090%, Adve. 1987, 28-38, énov dabatou- he oH qUooogint tov Hoi ‘Beco daspiges U6 tov €- eamigué o10 6 dev edu 21 na6Siow ve bcsqogions 10 ivan a6 0 py ci, gos ia otoy eysine avngirwani- ow to fa 10 Jo ya ve emnjoowy ny aguovic, ros ahOrs. THE oROAE OL Sowa ‘ernaxtionona - [ier] TO ®PHYKEYTIKO STOIXEIO STON HPAKAEITO KAI O XPISTIANIEMOE o8g Oonoxeutixéc avtajyers. To Cima dev avéyeran ariohoy- AG OTOV LoTOOLAS OYETEAONS, CAG Eyer EPArT}OIA xoOLoBEWON- THE HEL OVOTLATHAE. ATS To GyL@POGLSLEVA NOW jas eEMopari- Cov @Aa anoondowatd tov (6).. 1.4. 26, 62, 88) motetoune du xéett TETOLO TQOHIATTEL, EAELDH OEE VEL azTOOOAWEL THY AKSAUTH EX Sop} Tov Oaverton, Eotw zor Hate Tic EMYLEQOUE EXPAVEELE TOV OTH vexod odpata. TMpo6édAovtac, dyad, to duyvexés yiyveoBar tov odjiNaVTOS we ZOQUOhONAS vavGva axogginTeL TH oTaDWdTHTa TOU AQOZAAEi 1 LoLOLATELA} aNodoyZ Tov Oavétou. Av auTés 0 ov- oxeTIOSs Oavétou-cTasSTHTAS ZaTUOTel GAOdEXTdE WE 1) TOWY- hatinon|ta tov umdoxety, eiver MBavev va atwheabel 1) ovverdy- Tonoinon THe aLwWdTHTAS, 1) OTOia exTWhiodETEL GE aVvOWrO)LO- yd eninedo dinventic wou axd THY evoTTA Het TH dLAdOZLZ6- THTE Tov aTOWwV zoL THY yevedv. ANG yooTIavUAie dons, «- ar600, dy WGvov dev vpioTaTaL vIETEQLUVLATLZG EvaE ZooLOhoYL- OS ETEQOMOODDdIOQLONEE TOU ZoLWUMAOR YiyvEOBaL zat THE avOQd- sUvg BvvEdnoNE —ApaynaTZSENTES TOV BewoowvraL StL diajLo9- PHVOVTAL a6 GovkyTUAG, NOOBeOLURE zeu RVEYLATUX oTOLXe\C— AG eaL averyvapiterar n aidi6TyTa, we widryta THE #6BE TO0- owauniig tmaging oe dvo duadoywed enineda Giov. Oa jrogovoaye Routéy va uMoaTHpIEOUE Jt 0 devTEOS AGyOE URE OOLO}EVOUS VoO- Tuomas petaoynuaiowods dev eivan andhura EEvor mp0g tov Xot- oMAWoNs, agvei va Beworoouje 6u 0 Bdveros anotedei weTdbe- on THs 4GBe NQOGWMUA}E tnaENE o' Eva vEo Eninedo Giow xa dev gotagyel éxor THY noORTUAH THE aUOVIdTHTAC®. To yoLoTIAx6 cov Goomohoy4s epadrijon névtus Fiver SiapoENAS ad avtd tov HodeAerrow xa deonevtixd yer tug ovyzpiaeis ov Oot emrzergiooute. THy oUt Tov 0 Hodwertog axévaves atyy xa0LeQaptevn On- oxeia corel zou we Ta aRooR. 14 xaw 15, Edi voradixdter dec luc owathies joTpiwy, payeias nox aMoxoUPIOLON nabds xaL TOUS pogeis tous : «Tio dy pavtetetar Hodedettog o Egéows; Nuxn- néhols, UayoIS, Géxyore, Mijvans, jiotaic, Totrots arteihet ta pete Gavarow, tovtorg pavtedeta to vg. Ta yuo vowitopevee xa’ av- Oocirovg tvoTH}ga amtegworti pwetvran. [Le novus agocpyterier o- Hodshertog 0 Eqéowg, Ye vuxté6.ove, ahijtes, payous, baxxovs, nawddes zat iotes, Tous ameriet pe pict jetalavdniee tyigict, tous moowpnreter TH pioTid. Meeti ota pvoTjptee ta xatepapever cex6 Tous aWOpioug 1 pinoy yivercn jte aviego to6x0] (ax. 14). «EL ey yao Aoviow ojiniv exotodvto xa tpwwy Gone aiSoiow, avowdéotata sigyaar ay wutds de Aidyg xan Arovuoos, Sete aivovran zat Jaye TO OPHEKEYTIKO STOIXEIO STON HPAKABITO KAI Q XPISTIANIEMOE yaitovow». [ati av dev tehoboay xopm) ya Tov Awvuco xa Sev yuvotoay pe dona Ta aidoia, Oa Toav avandéotata doa teLotw. Eivat to idto nodyya o Adng uot © Atévvo0g, oto dvo[LA TOV O- oiov xar Guxyevowy] (ax. 15). Eounvevovtac ta avwréow, Oa progovcae va uroorngizoue WE O10 andor. 14 0 HodxAertos aoxei xgrtuni oF Gaove LaToes- ow tov Atévuao, atovg tegeis Hat OTIC KEELES TOU enovopetope- you Béxxou, Za0d¢ zou OTOVs LAYOUS TOV GupMopetovten pati tovs, Apooun, xooqawic, yc THY avUTéow avtTAEBEDN cZOTELEE 1 nor Tov dt 1 GedtyTa eiven CULTaVTUA! xan Sev Loge! vee OV- yeenouevorouitar we Ts tegotedcoties, eyzhw6itouern owe da- duaoies Tos ZaL OTOV avOQUAOZEVTOLORG ToUs. Apveitar dyActdH} va d&ohoyioet GeTu amovateuTiXés xaL exdaixeupéves OonoxeD- unig e€euducevoes. Kata tHy extijoy tov, 0 deopdc mov evever TOUS aVOOGAMOVE Ue TOVE Beows srOENEL ver Fiver évac deoNEE TOU ouvdéet zat dev ouvdéel, eEaapadiLoveac étor Srttds —KaL WE Ep weve) wou we veeo6ar6 todxo- TH Beta] ounavexdtyta. Dove- mide, Oto ado. 14 0 PLAGOOPOS ExLyELOEi Va EMAQLGOE FOTW HOU aovyruzd— Ty dtakextwah ov€ym Tov xeol Too ovpmavtxos 2086- ov avapoored we ja emyéoove Socomodmta, NE GaxxuHé Le- potedeotice var Ta ovvap Bgnoxevtexc eB. AU cuniig mE &- Gaquoyig zatavootpe exiong, St n yevZt BewontL doz; TOU dev magapever omY cepnonpévn datimwor} THE, COAG avatyted TE eEewdunetoete THE oT ovyzeZzoyLvo, ol OnOieC, Sus, eivar averyzatio va éxouv avoTngé éhhoyo yaoax niga. “Evay yaoaxnioa nov Oa mooodiogitetar za and percpuorzés moodiayoUgES, UAE THY EV Your THY aVvEdRoioTav ZaBohdY zavovmotiyte. To exyséoous pEAEL vo OUVIOTE YvHOIE avtaveH).aoy Tov vaBSRoL, eddIAUE dV xoivetar déto yuu Get} anorijnoy, Anévavtt oto meQLeZ6uLeVO TOU avatéow anoardopatog 0 Xoiotranoyds Oa ragovoiate ogvope- veg diacpogonoripoerc. Kat tovro, did déyerat, 66a, du n oy8- on Oxov-cvOodrow eiven jue axon adyOrvh, 67, SOs, ke THY av- oTpST|Ta THs Svadujg oTUA|E MOV auVBéel nal dev aUVEEEL, TOO- zelévov va ekaopadioe tH Oeixa) oyimayizdtyta. O Xownav- ouds eEvpeiver ty Siarextuny xivnon mE ayderns, 9 ortoia. xc6t- orét To avOgamvo apSowst0 avOEVTAS Hat ohoZ)a|OWWEVD, OA OAS Ug zadypeowés oupbatimdrytes. Kau Syitougyed 1 ev hoya deae- 2A avagoguaryta Evav yuo deojd avéyieau otoV vou 2a orov Ged, vnd tov 6go bébaa Gut teheitar avaywyud: We v- Regbanzd xox exoraTixd Todo. AdMWOTE, 0 Hovadizds Ox6s OV 6. Pec typ duce tow H- einiercou, 6h. K. Konatoy, sellggodhertos, Hegel en dua- extent, 010 Audet, EGE, Abijye 1988, 48-59, rou duabacouue: oH testa, rou Hocaitov avvioreran v0 inoiaoyas Tw ome av nov ovviiog Giexoxpe Empoound mar crrtnueve. H ngobobi ms xeduas bea bora fx axORG YX EvO- -rouion ta aveiera. H bea aia dev ago. 3 ee 16 now diva, ahi! ard ow adver: va oumapt cv to heuoius 15 bio venders venus, ernzxcronona - [lira] 7. Tia ug purus agotino- Béong xe tov teholoyd gaxriiga rms. Xotowiave Bodndias, 6. Ae. Pew, H Bwodnawioyie rov Axo- otdiow Maviov xcrd tov Ie 06 Xovodioroyo, end, «Ka. Tomdon, Adkiva 1989, 8. Bi. evdeumnd, Trurorioy TIAAAMA, epi Beiwov evep- Th, Xeierou), ' Geooa).ovien, 1966, 96,1-13632. oPHtrKcionona - TO @PHEKEYTIRO STOINEIO STON HPAKAEITO KAI O XPISTIANISMOS ageobever n YoLoTIAaIA) mioTH Sey daKaTE ETAL axd POGOUS ad Retas THE OYAAAYTIAETHTAS, CEPOL OL MOTOL az KOLVO! aTOTELO‘Y 10 ode TE Exxinoiac, ov ompiter xa draxtved ayxoopiog 1s Tapep6coets tov’. Oc ToEEL, COTOO, VEL ONLELOOUME GtL xa KATE TH yotoTIaviA!, Ddaoxcria. dev iver Suva} n aaTShvTH oxéon Oi ov-avOgunivon. To Oeio, extés and eupevés, eivar zai vmEQ6aTHXO, dud TOV ooo widprtos daTHQE!TaL Ge gICLAH| OVTOAOYLAI| CATd~ Otay a6 tov xdoH0 tHE euAEIgiac. Th’ avtd edd xémoLES avaho- yiec uetak) Hodwierrov xa Xootraviopon dev xpemer ver amtowher- oflowv. Kar orig dio mepurtuaets, 0 Oxdg Od THE aGOTAOKE TOV diaoditer Tov avGevnxd yapaxTi}ga THs Ovoias tov, Xoritet, mévtw, Emtoivans T Gt atov Xovottavioud 0 Oeds xatd THY ovoia Tow TaQaUEVeL TAHQWS aTodoTOS ATS To eERELQLAE GvTE KL EMHOL- voovei oti tous pévov pe Ts evégyetés Tov®. Mia této1et dudzoL0N, Geiac ovoiac-Heiwy eveoyeudy dev eivar eupaviic otov Hodxderto. Qor600, 1 ev AGyw ageeTi}oHoy agieTa [VOY at To yhwooxXd VEG TOV HEE VOW TOU xaL YW GUTS eivaL avaryxaia y adrELOA mos EQMIVEDTLAIC anoXwdUXoRO:NOIIE TOV, EvtEhds tagevoeTtZd, Exoupe va. oevcooupe dtr 0 Adyos % 0 OxGg Oty aE Tov H- odxerron civer nou uneQGaTIKds xaL ENPEVIIE WE MOOS THY OvtO- hoyzi Aagovoia tov. To Lymer eye eEetaoer wdiartégws 7Q00e- und 0 A. Jeanniere omy eoaywyi xov xpoétake oto Gi6hi0 Heraclite, «La philosophie en poche», Paris 1977 nau edvee oc o&), 47-58. H ovve$éraoy tow Hodxdetrou zau Xowotuamopod ava- Pood je To eV AGyw LijtmKa Oa aoTEhowoE jue akLmtGTH 6éon YG TOV TQOGdLOQLOLG TwV avaOYWiV TOUS GE ETiMEdO OVTOLOYL- 26. Miytws urohavOdver omy oxéym tow Epéavov ooqor ya p0- TiMMON Ya EowTEDA dLaxQLON Tov AdyOU avdyE0G THY OVGIA wat os evegyeLEs Tov; ADAG ue TEroLc TOM} Oa ApOOIdiAte oTHY aytianpi tov xegi ohoTITAG, "H Tov Fray poOpUAIIE LeL OWA U- meQGariASTyTA XL wie OhvAi} elpE vera; H zouwva} tov Hyddertov axévave. ova oyeriZopeva we tow Aub- yoo ouveyitetan xat oto ardor. 15. Katagydc onieudveran dnt xa- Ta HATOLO TOMO daLohoyeiTaL y EEPoEVN wat evBovataotUAi) ha- Toeia Tov Atovioov. O idtog o pUsaapos Toviter nus Ba Hoay e- vrehig avoudéatates ot TodEEIg Ta mLOTAY, ev dev avvodetovtay ced Wwvovs Tov ev AGyw O€6. Thy avwtégw Bon rooaTGO}OE var eoxtoe 0 veomhatwvnds Idp6iryos, toviLovtag ta axd.oude ra onoid OvVdEoVTaL He a owTHQLOLOYLA} EQUNVE!a: wy" aUTEV TOY Léyo, SuM@Oohoyrpévar 0 Hodhertos ovipicae tig tehetés TOV jLv- 70 @PHSKEYTIKO STOIXEIO STON HPAKAEITO KAL 0 XPISTIANIEMOS ompiwy Laromé, exeidi| no00piLovtay va LaTeEpoUY Ig dvoTUzies ua VE AUTEGOOLY Tig Wuxés ANG Ta HaXG ROV mQOMINTOW a6 mm yevnonn(Teoi Muotnpiy, 1 11D, B 68). Téga and ic dhe orACOOLOYHOEIC TOUS, Ta cETOOT. 14 He 15 eMduixOVY vO EXPO cow TO OgnoxeUTHxd yokos Va TEhOGVTA Ta jLOTT}QLA HE EVIABELU. Avni 1) Taxtuei, aoteet jue MOGYATX6TITA Oto Taio THE — oA6d0ENS xuging— xoLOTLaWAIE mioTE KaL Cunig, xaBKg TH LU oro TeoGVTEL oro doquaTIAS REdio THY hatoEVTEAGY duAdLKA- uy pe Thigh evhdGeLa Kar aeprépwon ex wEQOVS Tw LeEWY xa Twv MOTGY ji OTOLS vaoik. Lixpova je tov HoGxheLto, vad Tov Eeyyo Tov GxaTEOTaTOL oUVELOOMLaTIAOR MéBOUS xaL TOL WeU= dove evdovoraopod ¥ THE eximraoTC Oui} RoOBOAI;C, 0 mMoTds yaver THY evxaigia va emxowavijoet ovomoTixd We TH OEGTHTOL, ‘Erol, dey xatopOdver tehixd ve yrugiaet tov id. tov Oxd —ed%d ovyzexpytévar Tov At6vyoo— 0 omoiog eviiver duahexTIXG oto EOW- eos TOV TH Cor} zat To OdevaTo. Eto anpteio auTd, Gas, xoror- Ho efven va avapegOei Gt. xaTd TH ZoLoTAMAI) Stbaoxcia o Yo- vadixds Oed¢ Ldwoe TH Con} otoVs avOodrous we oMeKov Wiener zat Edhoyn Evégyerdt Tov, Eva o Bévertoc eiven dvd Tovs axoxit- Tict wg PBOQE, TQDEOYSHEY EX TY NOLAdY EMAOYKY TOUS, THE V- magetcniis avbevixdmtac’. Em ovvéyeta, mavtws, Oa dramotd- oe mux 0 Hodxiertos dev eEavthei To oxeTTXS Tov Ge AUTO Tov eidous TIC EMONaVOEIC, ahAd ovvexiter vi aoxei xorTUAA xa Yue Tov TOMO TéheONE Tw OTIC THs EX_voivas ATNTeas. TiGetat, wordoo, to egdtyra: o Hocxdartog tehtxd déyevaL cxogoiatet evtehtis xdzt010 vidos oxéons zat EmLzoLvwviUs TOU GY- Opdimov te TOV Ged pou axd TH dadixaoia téheons Tw LOT} oie; Tyy andévtmon extyerpet vor dchoet o lep6hrxos, avaqpepovtas Ta. eEFig yl TH dtapood avepEeoa ae pic TQOKEXWONEYN AvEYLC- Tad La GE ja TOaTSYOVN LOopH} Bvoias: “Ooo yr TIS Ovoies d1a~- 2givw dio eidn: exeives xov mooapiQoVTaL a6 avOodTOUs OhoxAN- qutzd nexaBagnévous zat Tov TQ6TO TOU aVTS jLtOEL Wa YivEL 2ar eEaigeon pévov 0 Eva whione, dws TO vAoOTHQICEL 0 Hod- HeLTOs, H} aNd LeEpLZOUE ELayoTOLS avOodtOLG. Ot dike BvoiEs sivat vivzég» (Hepi Mvarmpioy, V, 15 D., B 69). Zwventic, a6 10 0/60 tov Neom.atenzot @aoodpov mooxinter ws 0 Hydxhertog déxetaL Eva eid0g weTaMVoLAi|s aXEONE, TOV AOQOHY VoL OUVEApOLY OOLOREVOL cUBEVTEXO! OTO HOE, GmENLOL ROLOTUAG HAL OUVELSNTOTOL- nu vor dvBouroL. Mahiora jet téxa1e axoyy eivat, THOOYHEVOV TOY avahoyidy, andhuta oiepary je tov Xovotravons, xadKd 9. Tia to Geiyor tusi-Bdvartos, roy Hoisrt0, 6 J. BUR se, H ery re Eas Priooogias, urge. Ax, Baye ‘ei Avrywuoribag, 148-150, av babaoxye: WAV 10 Jonaigs xen 0 yeyuirwas civen ft nan avnagetyorta cv ‘teaouvat vo iv ax 10 do ne tyy avai demon, 10 Mo cin tt Ca en yx 10 Oiiato», OrHrKEOACNA

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