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Location/site: Grade/age Level:  Service

Duration of project: SIX WEEKS Facilitator:  Experiential

Project Description Students will create a business of their own contained

Summary of the issue,
challenge, investigation,
scenario, or problem

Driving Question or
Learning Objective(s)

Content Area(s)  Science (Environmental Studies, Biology, Physics)  Healthy Living (Nutrition, Fitness)
(Check all that apply. Indicate  Social Studies (History, Geography, Law, Government, Cultural Studies)  Math (Budgeting, Statistics)
one primary area with a *.)
 Technology (Digital Media, Graphic Design, Video Production)  Literacy (Reading, Writing)
 Arts (Fine Art, Music, Dance, Drama)  Engineering
 Career Exploration/Entrepreneurship  College Preparation
 Relationship/Life Skills (Leadership, Independent Living)  Other: __________________
 Civic Engagement/Community Service

Academic Standards is a resource
for linking projects to standards

21st Century Skills  Collaboration  Adaptability DHS OST Indicators

& DHS Indicators  Communication  Creativity  Goal Setting
(Check all that apply.)
 Critical Thinking/Problem-solving  Work Ethic  Personal Accountability
 Leadership  Persistence  Active Learning & Engagement
 Civic Engagement  Technology Skills  Other: ____________________

Culminating Students will host a food fair to display their Materials Needed: Culmination Audience
Product(s) business and seek investors. Ipads  Parents
 School
 Community
 Experts
Debriefing Method(s) Paint  Web
(Ex. Debriefing form,
discussion, journal, etc.)  Other:_________
Day One Date Component: S T E A M
SWBAT outline the basic history of food trucks. The students will begin by looking at two pictures from different time eras and filling out a Venn diagram
reflecting their thoughts. After viewing a short PowerPoint presentation, students will create a timeline and present from a time era. This lesson is to help
students understand the history of food trucks and how they have evolved over time.  

The goal of this lesson is to have the students have an understanding of how food trucks began and how they have lead to what they are today. 

Students will complete a Venn Diagram. 
Day Two Date Component: S T E A M
SWBAT identify what they learned the previous lecture.

Powerpoint Lecture  

Pass out the blank Food Truck History Timeline Template and Rubric for Timeline to each student.  

1.Let them know they will need to draw a picture or a few sentences explaining what happened in that year.  

2. Show students the Food Truck History PowerPoint. Notes for each slide are embedded on the note preview section of the PowerPoint, or in the separate PDF Notes
Day Three Date Component: S T E A M
SWBAT relate their timeline from the previous lesson to the short History Channel- Food truck History clip.

-They will be able to add any additional information to their timeline that they were missing. 

-previous sheet (timeline sheet)

Day Four Date Component: S T E A M
SWABT to discuss the short clip they watched the pervious lesson.

-By using a quick quiz Kahoot

Students can play individually or as a team in this online quiz! You must be able to project the website on a screen or projector, and they must have a smart phone or computer
access to play.

1. Go to the following link and project the web page on the screen:

2. Press "Play."

3. The Quiz should be called "Food Truck History." If this is it, select "Start Now."

4. You can now decide if you want the quiz to be in "Classic" (students play individually) or "Team Mode." (I usually use Classic.)

5. On their smart phone or computer, have students go to the URL and type in the Game Pindisplayed up on your screen.Then, they have to come up
with their name or nickname.

6. When everyone is logged in, you can start the quiz by selecting Start. The quiz will start automatically! Hit Next after each question has been answered by the
students. A scoreboard will show the results for each question.

7. There are four multiple choice questions for them to answer. Once the quiz is over, select End.

If you can't use Kahoot in your classroom, here is the quiz. You can ask students verbally:

1. What was the name of the first food truck? (pushcarts)

2. What is know as the field kitchens? (US Army Canteen Kitchen)

3. In 2004, the Street Vendor Project create what award? (Venty Award)

4. What was the first website to provide coverage of the mobile food industry nationally? (mobile cuisine)

5. In 2014, what movie was released about a chef who started a food truck? (Chef)

 quiz sheet is available with key sheet

Day Five Date Component: S T E A M

SWBAT sketch out a food truck design.

-Students will get a template of a food truck where they can be creative.

- Printed image provided

Day Six Date Component: S T E A M

SWBAT get into groups and modify their overall food truck design.

-Students will get to show what they came up with and as a group choose the one they like the most or create one
incorporating all their designs.

-Use printed image from before

Day Seven Date Component: S T E A M

SWBAT construct their menu.

-The students will start off with what type of foods they like and if they can come up with a unique one of their own.

-The students will make sure their menus have four entrees, two sides with creative/unique names and a name of their food truck.)

-Menu sheets provided

Day Eight Date Component: S T E A M

SWBAT examine the inside of a food truck.

-Students will sketch out what they think goes in the inside of a food truck.

In this hook, you will have students draw a mock inside of a food truck.

1. Have them use an entire 8x11 sheet of paper. Give them three minutes to do their best to think of everything they would need instead.

2. Things to consider:
 Where a window would be for them to serve their food?
 What type of food would they be serving?
 Do you need an oven? A fryer? A fridge?
 What about preparing food?
 Also, think about walkway for home to move.

3. Next, have students pull out a piece of paper and explain to them they will be watching a short YouTube video on an inside of a truck and they
need to write down everything they see.

4. Show the video, Inside a Food Truck. After the film, have a discussion on what they saw and write down on a white board.


 Back up camera
 Grills
 Windows
 Assembly area

When you have a list, ask students what type of foods would be used for this food truck?

 Ex: hamburgers
 Grill cheese
 Sandwiches
 You most likely wouldn't use it for an ice cream truck or coffee shop.
 What were they missing in their original food truck?

-Students will watch a short clip on History Channel-Inside of a Food Truck and go threw a power-point afterwards.

-sheet is provided
Day Nine Date Component: S T E A M
SWBAT compare their sketches with their group members and create their 3D model.

-sketch it out first

-sheet provided
Day Ten Date Component: S T E A M
SWBAT plan their food trucks Alternatives

-business cards -the outside

-flyers -the menus

-coupons -the inside

-sheets are provided

Day Twelve Date Component: S T E A M

SWBAT to revise their work

-make sure they have everything

-everybody has a part

- have the materials they need

-Food Trucks War Sheet provided

Day Thirteen Date Component: S T E A M
SWBAT design their food truck

Provide students with the Design Your Own Food Truck Instructions.

 Option 1: Students will design a Food Truck using the Food Truck Paper Template below.
 Option 2: Students will draw their own template of a Food Truck.
 Option 3: Students will have an opportunity to use any materials they would like to design their unique food truck. (Example: cereal boxes,
Styrofoam cups...)


1. Be Creative & Unique

2. Must place window/where the food will be served out of

3. Display menu (be creative)

Other considerations:

 What city will they be located in? Why did you choose that city?
 What is their logo?
 What is their slogan?
 What is their hashtag?

Possible Extensions:

1. Design how food will be carried out

2. Create a t-shirt design

3. Attached is an in-depth "Food Truck Wars" project. Example: The students are asked to do research about the city their regulations and policy
for food truck. Use the Food Truck Wars Instruction handout.

4. If you are teaching a culinary arts class, ask the students to make one of their menu items.

Suggestions for Materials:

 Cereal boxes
 Shoe boxes
 Soda cans
 Styrofoam cups
 Construction paper

-Instruction sheet provided

Day Fourteen Date Component: S T E A M

SWBAT design their food trucks


Day Fifteen Date Component: S T E A M

SWBAT present

 Other student will ask question


 What's the name of your food truck?

 How did you come up with this name?
 Explain the design of your food truck.
 What will your food truck serve?
 What city would your food truck be located in?
 What's your hashtag?
 What's your slogan?

At the end students will:

Each student should be taking notes for each food truck and voting on their favorite at the end. (Voting Sheets attached)

Exploration Extensions: After presentation, students can display their Food Truck Model and have a blank piece of paper next to it, known as a "graffiti wall."
Students can then be given time to walk around and write positive feed back of each students "graffiti wall."
Day Fourteen Date Component: S T E A M
SWBAT Present

 Cont’
 Voting sheet
 Grading rubric

Day Fifteen Date Component: S T E A M

SWBAT Present

 Cont’
 Voting sheet
 Grading rubric

Day Sixteen Date Component: S T E A M

 Students will select one truck to write a review.

Students may select any business that can operate out of truck, pet grooming, hair and nails salon, etc… Instead of
creating a food menu they would create a menu of services.

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