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Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley - Chavdar Zdravchev

Test A: Listening Comprehension

PART 1: Task 1

Directions: You will hear part of a television programme report, twice. Before you listen to it, read the
statements below in about 2 minutes. While listening for the first time, you can look at the statements
and the three choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you hear the whole recording, you
will have 8 minutes to circle the letter of the correct answer (A, B or C). Then, you will hear the
recording again and will have 1 minute to check your answers.

1 It can be very frustrating for young people to find a job for the first time.
A True
B False
C No information in the text

2 Getting experience is easy.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

3 Some companies have agreements with universities.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

4 Knowing what field you want to work in is the first step.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

5 Knowing what company you want to work for is the second step.
A True
B False
C No information in the text
6 Part-time jobs are not very useful when you are looking for a real job.
A True
B False
C No information in the text

7 Employers only hire people who do volunteer work.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

8 Volunteering in hospitals provides good experience.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

PART 1: Task 2

Directions: You will hear a telephone conversation, twice. Before you listen to it, read the questions
below in about 2 minutes. While listening for the first time, you can look at the questions and the four
choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you hear the whole recording, you will have 7
minutes to circle the letter of the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Then, you will hear the recording again
and will have 1 minute to check your answers.

9 The telephone conversation is about ...

A a gathering of some former classmates.
B a party on the occasion of Frank’s birthday.
C Barbara and Jane’s graduation party.
D Jane and Frank’s wedding reception.

10 According to the talk, Barbara and Lynn ...

A used to live in New Jersey.
B met each other two years ago.
C attended the same dance school.
D were colleagues at university.

11 The two women have not spoken to each other for ...
A more than eighteen years.
B exactly eighteen years.
C almost three years.
D about eight years.

12 Barbara is organising the party ...

A with both Jane and Frank.
B with Jane and Lynn’s help.
C assisted by Frank only.
D on her own.

13 Barbara did not contact everyone because ...

A she did not have enough time to do so.
B many people didn’t have mobile phones.
C she didn’t have certain people’s phone numbers
D some people had moved or changed phone numbers.

14 The party is ...

A in about 21 days.
B next Saturday.
C on 17th August.
D in about 3 days.

15 Lynn ... to the party.

A is definitely going
B refuses to go
C won’t be able to go
D will probably go

2 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test A: Reading Comprehension

PART 2: Task 1

Directions: Read the text below. Then, read the questions that follow it and circle the letter of the
correct answer (A, B, C or D).


Once there were millions of elephants roaming our continents. Unfortunately, their numbers have been reduced so
much that they are now in danger of extinction. The two species of elephants left on earth today are the African and the
Asian elephants. The African elephant is threatened and the Asian elephant is in serious danger.
Although some progress has been made over the past few years to protect the elephant, a lot more needs to be
done. A large number of male Asian elephants are being killed for their ivory tusks, but the biggest threat to the
survival of the elephant is the loss of their habitat.
One fifth of the earth’s human population live in Asia and their activities are squeezing elephants out. Today, there are
probably fewer than 35,000 elephants living in the wild in Asia. That may sound like a big number but in fact the reality is
that their future is not guaranteed. One of the reasons is that they are split into small, vulnerable groups, another is that,
as there are not enough males, reproduction rates are falling. In fact, Asian elephants are in so much danger that some
experts estimate that they could disappear in fewer than twenty years.
So what can be done to reverse this trend? Protecting the elephant will take a lot of work and determination from a lot
of different sources and, fortunately, certain players have taken steps in this direction. In May 1989, due to pressure from
conservationists and animal protectionists, the United States, Canada, Australia, the European Community and a few
other countries banned the commercial import of ivory. From 1990 onwards ivory, body parts and live elephants
(excluding zoo animals) cannot be imported or exported from or to these countries.
In another attempt to save the elephant, protectionists have started breeding elephants in captivity. Since 1990 for
example, Ringling Bros. Circus has bred 16 elephants and a total of 42 elephants have been bred in captivity in North
America. Circus elephants live longer than elephants in the wild; in captivity, they can live up to 60 or 70 years while
in the wild a female elephant lives to 50 years and a male elephant only to 30 years.
It is hoped that if more people see elephants in zoos and circuses, they will be more likely to protect them.

16 There are ... today. 20 There ... elephants in twenty years.

A lots of elephants alive A may be fewer
B millions of elephants alive B may be more danger to
C fewer elephants around C may no longer be any Asian
D more than two species of elephants on earth D may be more Asian

17 The biggest threat to elephants is ... 21 Today, only ... can be exported or imported.
A the loss of their tusks. A elephant tusks
B the destruction of their natural environment. B wild elephants
C the loss of their ivory. C dead elephants
D that male elephants are killing others. D zoo elephants

18 35,000 elephants is not a lot because ... 22 Since 1990 ... in North America.
A they live in the wild. A elephant life expectancy has increased
B they are not all found together. B a number of elephants have been born
C the females don’t reproduce. C male elephants have lived longer than females
D they are very vulnerable animals. D elephants have not lived in captivity

19 Reproduction is ... of male elephants. 23 By breeding elephants in North America

A declining because of a lack protectionists hope ...
B difficult in big numbers A that people will see more of them.
C difficult in vulnerable groups B awareness of the elephant’s situation will
D guaranteed by the abundance improve.
C there will be more zoos and circuses.
D elephants will live longer.
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3
PART 2: Task 2

Directions: Read the text below. Then, read the statements that follow it and circle the letter of the
correct answer (A, B or C).

Looking for a job? Tired of babysitting? Here are some interesting ideas you and your friends should
consider if you’d like to earn some extra money:
A cleaning service. Maybe you hate doing chores at home, but getting paid for doing them is
completely different! You can offer complete housecleaning services, or specialise in one or more
areas, such as attic, basement or garage cleanups.
A car-valeting business. With so many people having more than one job and leading such busy
lifestyles, very few people have the time to really take care of their cars. You could offer a weekly or
monthly service of washing, waxing, vacuuming, etc.
A pet-sitting service. Typically more of a summer business when people tend to go on holidays, but
you might be able to have a year-round business by offering pet walking, bathing or cleaning services.
A computer tutor/Web site development service. Are you a whiz with computers and the Web?
Well, many adults are not, and you could make a good business helping people learn to use computers
and develop Websites for their families, or for their businesses.
A catering service. Do you enjoy cooking or baking? In these busy times, if you can provide a
service that offers well-cooked meals, you could do quite well.
A painting service. If you have some experience, or there are a few of your friends that want to go
into business with you, you might consider a painting business. People are always renovating, and you
could paint exteriors in the nicer months and interiors during the colder months.
An errand, messenger, or delivery service. This idea works best in larger cities where there are more
people and public transportation, and there are many busy people who need help with all sorts of errands.
An educational tutoring service. If you have expertise in one or more areas such as music, a foreign
language, maths and science, or others, you could offer tutoring sessions to children, teens, and adults
in your neighbourhood.

24 Housecleaning services are limited. 28 A delivery service could only work in a rural
A True town.
B False A True
C No information in the text B False
C No information in the text
25 People do not work at more than one job
because they lead very busy lifestyles. 29 Only students who do well in all subjects could
A True start a tutoring service.
B False A True
C No information in the text B False
C No information in the text
26 Many adults are computer illiterate.
A True 30 Teenagers do not have time to cook anymore.
B False A True
C No information in the text B False
C No information in the text
27 A painting service would be a seasonal job.
A True
B False
C No information in the text
4 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE
Test A: Use of English

PART 3: Task 1

Cloze Test
Directions: Read the text and the sentences below. For each gap circle the letter (A, B, C or D) of the
word or phrase that best suits each space.

A Time and Place

Figuring out a time and a place to do your homework is so important. Once you have decided when to
do your homework, the 31) ............ is where to do it.
A good study area should have a desk or a table to spread out your books without 32) ............ being
piled up on top of each other. You don’t want to create a mess, but you want to have 33) ............ to work.
You should 34) ............ have lots of light. Ideally, you should sit near a window with an overhead light
and perhaps even a small reading lamp.
Most importantly, you need a place which is 35) ............ free from distractions. This means no TV on in
the room, no brothers or sisters running past you, no phone conversations to listen in on. 36) ............ or
not you listen to music while you are studying depends on your personal preference. You must ignore any
phone calls, and forget the urge to go and get a snack every fifteen minutes.
Depending on your home, you may be 37) ............ to find the kitchen, dining room table or your
bedroom the perfect place. If those areas don’t work out for you, maybe you can set aside a study space
in your basement. Some people 38) ............ their homes too busy, and prefer to study at their local library.
Wherever you choose to be, it is 39) ............ if you can study in the same place all the time. Your pens
and pencils, paper, erasers, stapler, calculator, and anything 40) ............ you often use can be kept
nearby, or you can keep them all in a bin or bag that can be pulled out whenever you need something.

31 A question B inquiry C point D subject

32 A they B them C they’re D theirs
33 A place B spot C room D site
34 A too B as well C also D besides
35 A relatively B approximately C roughly D moderately
36 A Despite B Whether C But D Although
37 A capable B knowledgeable C skilful D able
38 A think B find C discover D suppose
39 A comfortable B handy C cosy D best
40 A more B another C else D other

41 Would you please ... me a favour and help me 44 Our English teacher always wants us to guess
with my project in History? what the new words ... in Bulgarian.
A do C create A stand C mean
B make D produce B classify D define

42 We were walking along a quiet country ... 45 Tony was ... of having broken into a neighbour’s
when it suddenly started to rain in torrents. house to steal money and jewellery.
A route C alley A accused C charged
B lane D way B blamed D convicted

43 Jason usually leaves home early so as to ...

the heavy traffic jams in the morning.
A pass C escape
B prevent D avoid
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5
PART 3: Task 2

Sentence Completion
Directions: For each of the sentences below, circle the letter (A, B, C or D) of the word or phrase which
best completes its meaning.

46 Ron and I ... every morning when we were 51 Jake … his car in a busy street when a traffic
students at the University of Michigan. warden turned up unexpectedly.
A are used to going jogging A parked C was parking
B used to go jogging B has parked D was being parked
C used to going jogging
D got used to go jogging 52 Daniel can’t play computer games or surf the
Internet ... permission from his father.
47 John and Mary will not come to the cinema A unless he gets
tomorrow evening since they ... this film. B if he gets
A saw C have seen C unless he doesn’t get
B had seen D will have seen D provided he doesn’t get

48 My best friend’s parents almost always ... out 53 ... she apologised to Alex for having offended
late on Friday and Saturday evenings. him, he refused to talk with her.
A let her to stay C let her stay A In spite of C Since
B let her staying D let her stays B Despite D Although

49 The lights in Judith’s room are on. She … from 54 Helen and Bob spent three weeks ... on their
school earlier than she usually does. presentation and they won the first prize.
A must come back A to working C to be working
B must be coming B working D to work
C must have came back
D must have come back 55 Our neighbours made ... noise last night that
we couldn’t get a minute’s sleep.
50 The newly-elected mayor has promised that A so many C too much
there will be facilities for ... in our town. B such a much D so much
A such disabled C the disabled
B a disabled D so disabled

PART 3: Task 3

Sentence Transformations
Directions: Complete the second sentence so that it is as close as possible in meaning to the first one.

56 We all enjoyed ourselves a lot at Jimmy’s birthday 59 Ron and Vicky didn’t pass their final exams
party last Saturday. because they didn’t study hard.
We had .............................................................. If Ron and Vicky ...............................................
.......................................................................... . .......................................................................... .

57 You don’t have to accompany me to the hospital 60 People say that Angela and her brother are
if you don’t have time. very gifted children.
It ......................................................................... Angela and her brother are ..............................
.......................................................................... . .......................................................................... .

58 “I won’t give you any pudding until you have

eaten your supper,” said Brian’s mother.
Brian’s mother told him .....................................
.......................................................................... .
6 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE
Test A: Writing


Directions: Create a text of about 140-170 words on ONE of the following topics.

1 You are an advice columnist in a teenage fashion magazine. You receive the following letter from a

Dear Abby,
I am a 15-year-old schoolgirl. My parents still buy most of my clothes for me because I
don’t earn any money yet, but the problem is that I don’t like the choices they make.
When I choose my own clothes, they complain that they cost too much money and that
they don’t last me long enough because I’m still growing. My three younger brothers get
much nicer clothes.
How can I make my parents understand that I don’t feel good wearing the clothes that they
buy me? Please help.
Yours truly,

Write a reply, giving advice to the writer. Include the following points:

ñ size of family – expensive

ñ importance of feeling good – but don’t be fashion victim
ñ 3 younger brothers – have to share clothes?

2 Recently, there has been a lot of discussion about the use of mobile phones in certain places and
situations. You have been asked to write an article commenting on the following statement:

“The use of mobile phones in certain situations is not only rude, but can also be dangerous.”

Write an article in which you give your opinion. Include the following points:
ñ cars/planes
ñ places of entertainment
ñ schools/colleges
ñ work

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 7

Test B: Listening Comprehension

PART 1: Task 1

Directions: You will hear a report on sounds and silence, twice. Before you listen to it, read the
questions below in about 2 minutes. While listening for the first time, you can look at the statements
and the three choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you hear the whole recording, you
will have 9 minutes to circle the letter of the correct answer (A, B or C). Then, you will hear the
recording again and will have 1 minute to check your answers.

1 Parents always tell children to settle down.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

2 Some scientists think we should all be quieter.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

3 Natural sounds are unhealthy for our planet.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

4 According to the text, animals do not utilise sounds.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

5 Noise pollution is mostly found in the world’s major cities.

A True
B False
C No information in the text
6 Animals are much more aware of noise pollution than humans.
A True
B False
C No information in the text

7 People cut down trees for major industries.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

8 Chris Shaver believes people should be able to go to noise-free areas.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

9 There are many people smoking in parks.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

8 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE
PART 1: Task 2

Directions: You will hear an interview, twice. Before you listen to it, read the questions in about 2
minutes. While listening for the first time, you can look at the questions and the four choices, but you
are not allowed to take notes. When you hear the whole recording, you will have 6 minutes to circle
the letter of the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Then, you will hear the recording again and will have 1
minute to check your answers.

10 The first job Richard had was as ...

A a writer.
B a doctor.
C a surgeon.
D a teacher.

11 When he wasn’t writing, he used to ...

A go to the cinema.
B play cards.
C spend time with his family.
D go to eat with friends.

12 Richard was given encouragement by ...

A his family.
B his friends.
C his colleagues.
D no one.

13 He is most proud of ...

A his book Mortal Lessons.
B his book Letters to a Young Doctor.
C teaching others through his work.
D being a useful doctor.

14 How does Richard feel about his early books?

A He is generally satisfied with them.
B He is embarrassed by them.
C He is confused by them.
D He doesn’t remember them.

15 At the end of the interview, Richard says that ...

A he is happy with his success.
B he won’t write any more books.
C he wants to be a very good doctor.
D he is disappointed with his life.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 9

Test B: Reading Comprehension

PART 2: Task 1

Directions: Read the text below. Then, read the statements that follow it and circle the letter of the
correct answer (A, B or C).


After arriving at Skydive Southwest Florida you will fill out some paperwork, watch a short video, receive
about 20 minutes of instructions, and then go skydiving. It’s that easy.
Skydive Southwest Florida uses the tandem jump as your introduction to this great sport. A tandem jump is
where you are physically attached to the instructor for the entire jump. This gives you the peace of mind to
completely enjoy your jump without having to worry about a lot of mind-bending training. If you decide
skydiving is for you after your first jump, we offer complete instruction up to and beyond certification. You will
jump out of a plane from around 4,000 metres above ground and freefall for about a minute, and then descend
for 5 to 7 minutes under a large parachute designed for two. The landings will amaze you. Some are soft,
some are stand-ups, some are slides, and yes, sorry to say some are harder than normal!
You can have your skydive videotaped by a highly skilled freefall camera operator. They will actually jump
with you and capture the entire experience from training to landing. We can also mix your videotape to your
favourite music. We have a large selection of perfect skydiving music, but if you prefer your own, bring the CD
with you. The video and photo package is optional, but highly recommended. After landing, you’ll receive your
First Jump Certificate.

16 Before skydiving, people are required to read 21 The freefall is about 5-7 minutes long.
the instructions manual. A True
A True B False
B False C No information in the text
C No information in the text
22 There are many different types of landings.
17 In a tandem jump, the instructor is tied to the A True
jumper. B False
A True C No information in the text
B False
C No information in the text 23 You must use the large selection of music
provided by the company.
18 There is intensive training involved in a tandem A True
jump. B False
A True C No information in the text
B False
C No information in the text 24 The tape and pictures are not required.
A True
19 The plane used follows safety regulations. B False
A True C No information in the text
B False
C No information in the text

20 The height the jumper falls from is beyond that

required for certification.
A True
B False
C No information in the text
10 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE
PART 2: Task 2

Directions: Read the text below. Then, read the questions that follow it and circle the letter of the
correct answer (A, B, C or D).


Pull open the glass door, feel the rush of cool air, walk in, get in line, study the colour photographs
above the counter, place your order and hand over a few Euros. Watch teenagers in uniforms pushing
various buttons, and moments later take hold of a plastic tray full of food wrapped in coloured paper
and cardboard. The whole experience of buying fast food has become so routine that it is now taken
for granted, like brushing your teeth or stopping at a red light. It has become a social custom.
Over the past three decades, an industry that began with no more than a handful or so of hot dog
and hamburger stands in southern California has spread to almost every corner of the Earth. Fast food
is now served at restaurants, stadiums, airports, zoos, schools and universities, on cruise ships, trains
and aeroplanes, at supermarkets, petrol stations and even in hospital cafeterias. Americans now spend
more money on fast food than they do on higher education. They spend more on fast food than on
movies, books, magazines, newspapers, videos and recorded music – combined.
What people eat (or don’t eat) has always been determined by a complex mixture of social,
economic and technological forces. The early Roman Republic was fed by its citizen-farmers; the
Roman Empire, by its slaves. During a relatively brief period of time, the fast food industry has helped
transform not only our diet, but also the landscape, economy, workforce and popular culture. Fast
food and its consequences have become inescapable, regardless of whether you eat it twice a day or
have never taken a single bite. In some cases the fast food industry has been the cause of larger social
and economic changes. In other cases, such as making people overweight, fast food has played a
central role.
Hundreds of millions of people buy fast food every day of the week without giving it much thought,
unaware of the subtle and not so subtle consequences of their purchases. They rarely consider where
this food came from, how it was made, and what it is doing to the community around them. I think
people should know what lies behind the shiny, happy surface of every fast food sale. They should
know what really lies between those sesame-seed buns. As the old saying goes: You are what you eat.

25 Buying fast food is ... has become a tradition. 28 People’s ... three things.
A so common that it A diets consist of
B so expensive that making it B over consumption of fast food is due to
C not so good for you, and avoiding it C taste in food has been changed by more than
D mainly for teenagers, with whom it D eating habits have always depended on a
mixture of
26 The fast food industry started thirty years ago ...
A in Hamburg. 29 Fast food influences people’s lives ...
B on a street corner. A more than in the past.
C in a small way. B whether they eat it or not.
D in many parts of the world. C more than the Romans did.
D and musical taste.
27 Americans spend more on fast food than ...
A on anything else. 30 The effects of fast food consumption ...
B on many forms of entertainment. A may be either direct or indirect.
C the rest of the world. B are never good.
D on health care. C are far reaching.
D become apparent later in life.
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 11
Test B: Use of English

PART 3: Task 1

Cloze Test
Directions: Read the text and the sentences below and for each gap circle the letter (A, B, C or D) of
the word or phrase that best suits each space.

She knew something was wrong the moment she 31) ............ the room. It wasn’t as if anything was
missing or not in the usual 32) ............, but something was definitely not as it should be. She stopped and
looked 33) ............ again, this time more carefully. The cat was 34) ............ curled into a ball in front of the
fire, gently sleeping. Nothing unusual about that. Puzzled, she sat in her 35) ............ chair by the fire and
took a small sip of the coffee she had brought from the kitchen, absentmindedly rubbing the cat with her
foot as she did so. Her action 36) ............ the animal up. It yawned, stretched, and then 37) ............ asleep
again. Suddenly, she froze, her coffee halfway to her mouth. She had 38) ............ something when the cat
yawned and stretched itself. Normally, when it woke and saw her in the room, the cat would 39) ............
demanding to be fed. Her eyes went to the tank in the corner which had been 40) ............ to her three
valuable pet fish for the past five months. It was empty.

31 A entered B went C walked D opened

32 A post B area C place D site
33 A around B over C to D down
34 A laying B lying C placing D positioning
35 A common B usual C standard D typical
36 A brought B stirred C woke D called
37 A fell B felt C went D dropped
38 A comprehended B realised C revealed D appreciated
39 A open B start C initiate D end
40 A house B residence C home D address

41 Doctor Smith insists on ... my younger son, 44 This dress didn’t ... me last year but now that I
Tim, again next week. have lost some weight it’s OK.
A checking C examining A match C fit
B testing D inspecting B suit D go with

42 Jack’s parents always ... his decisions no 45 If you leave now, you will miss the ... to meet
matter whether they like them or not. my boyfriend, Chris.
A support C keep A occasion C possibility
B maintain D help B circumstance D opportunity

43 It is a long time since I last saw her so I’m not

quite sure whether I will ... her.
A acquaint C recognise
B distinguish D differentiate

12 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

PART 3: Task 2

Sentence Completion
Directions: For each of the sentences below, circle the letter (A, B, C or D) of the word or phrase which
best completes its meaning.

46 Very ... students took part in the school 52 If you had put on your warm pullover yesterday,
fundraiser. you ... ill in bed at the moment.
A few C a little A will not be lying
B little D a few B would have not been lying
C are not lying
47 You will never tell lies to your grandparents D would not be lying
again, ...?
A will you C do you 53 Please stop ... to your mother and father like
B won’t you D don’t you that because they don’t deserve it.
A to talk C to talking
48 Bob and Steve go to basketball practice three B talking D talk
times ... week.
A any C a 54 Take either your cardigan or jumper with you
B during D the just in case it ... cold in the evening.
A will get C got
49 I’d rather stay at home tonight than ... out with B would get D gets
Rose and her boyfriend.
A go C going 55 I was enjoying a quiet evening on the balcony
B to go D to going when I saw a man ... into her house.
A break C to break
50 ... we have dinner out this evening as I don’t B broke D to breaking
feel like cooking at home?
A Will C Ought
B Shall D Would

51 John’s new flat is twice as ... as the one he

used to live in up until last month.
A big C biggest
B bigger D more big

PART 3: Task 3

Sentence Transformations
Directions: Complete the second sentence so that it is as close as possible in meaning to the first one.

56 My father says that I am too young to drive our 59 There are only a few people who can afford to
new car. go on a two-week holiday nowadays.
My father says that I am not .............................. There aren’t .......................................................
.......................................................................... . .......................................................................... .

57 Sofia managed to finalise the project before 60 Whenever I visit Pamporovo, I remember the
she went on a business trip. day when I first met my girlfriend.
Sofia succeeded ............................................... Pamporovo ........................................................
.......................................................................... . .......................................................................... .

58 They haven’t mended my grandmother’s old

washing machine yet.
My grandmother’s .............................................
.......................................................................... .
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 13
Test B: Writing


Directions: Create a text of about 140-170 words on ONE of the following topics.

1 A waiter spilled sauce on your clothes while you were having dinner in a restaurant. Write to the
manager to complain about what happened and to arrange a meeting. Mention the following:

ñ designer jeans – very expensive

ñ washed jeans – sauce still there
ñ professional cleaning – sauce gone but colour changed
ñ new jeans – who pays

Begin your letter like this:

Dear Sir/Madam,

2 The generation gap: myth or reality? Do you think it is very difficult for teenagers to get along with their
parents nowadays? Include the following points:

ñ music ñ education/getting a job

ñ clothes ñ going out

14 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test C: Listening Comprehension

PART 1: Task 1

Directions: You will hear a restaurant review, twice. Before you listen to it, read the statements in
about 2 minutes. While listening for the first time, you can look at the statements and the three
choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you hear the whole text, you will have 5 minutes
to circle the letter of the correct answer (A, B or C). Then, you will hear the recording again and will
have 1 minute to check your answers.

1 The restaurant is in a busy place.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

2 Rico’s is very noisy.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

3 The owners work in the restaurant.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

4 The staff are very friendly and polite.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

5 The prices are reasonable.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 15

PART 1: Task 2

Directions: You will hear a text about Kensington Palace in London, twice. Before you listen to it, read
the statements in about 2 minutes. While listening for the first time, you can look at the statements
and the three choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you hear the whole text, you will
have 4 minutes to circle the letter of the correct answer (A, B or C). Then, you will hear the recording
again and will have 1 minute to check your answers.

6 There are eleven people in each group. 8 Visitors can ask questions at any time.
A True A True
B False B False
C No information in the text C No information in the text

7 Each group must have at least two adults. 9 It is OK to take photographs inside the place.
A True A True
B False B False
C No information in the text C No information in the text

PART 1: Task 3

Directions: You will hear an interview, twice. Before you listen to it, read the questions in about 2
minutes. While listening for the first time, you can look at the questions and the four choices, but you
are not allowed to take notes. When you hear the whole recording, you will have 6 minutes to circle
the letter of the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Then, you will hear the recording again and will have 1
minute to check your answers.

10 Joe Matthews has been sailing ... 13 Joe was saved because ...
A for less than twenty years. A he managed to make it to the shore.
B for over twenty years. B it didn’t take long for help to reach him.
C for exactly twenty years. C someone spotted him and sent help.
D since last year. D only half of his sails were damaged.

11 At first, Joe wanted to sail to ... 14 Joe’s brother told him ...
A Calais. A not to go sailing.
B La Hague. B to pay more attention to him.
C Cherbourg. C that there would be a storm.
D Dover. D to check the boat before leaving.

12 Joe had difficulties in the storm because ... 15 Joe says that in the future he will ...
A the weather changed so quickly. A be ready for anything.
B he couldn’t phone the coast guard. B no longer sail.
C he had mechanical problems. A take his brother with him.
D his radio had broken down. D only sail in good weather.

16 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test C: Reading Comprehension

PART 2: Task 1

Directions: Read the text below. Then, read the statements that follow it and circle the letter of the
correct answer (A, B or C).

A Documentary with a Difference

Touching the Void is a remarkable and powerful film. It is a documentary, which tells the true story of what
happens to two young men who find themselves in a terrifying situation, facing possible death.
In 1985, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates became the first men to climb the west face of the Siula Grande in the
Peruvian Andes. Their success was followed by a number of terrifying disasters, as the two were returning to their
base camp. The film takes its title from the best-selling book that Simpson wrote about the experiences he and
Yates had on the mountain. Oscar-winning director, Kevin Macdonald, says that he was so moved by the story that
he wanted to make the film even before Simpson had finished the book.
The result is a brilliant cinema experience. It is a mixture of recent interviews with the climbers and dramatic
reconstructions of what happened on the mountain nearly twenty years ago.
But the film is more than a suspense-filled account of the events. By using interviews instead of passages from
the book to tell the story, Macdonald succeeds in helping us understand what went through the two men’s minds
at the time. Both men speak honestly about what happened and the difficult decisions Yates had to make after
Simpson fell and broke his leg – decisions which no man should ever have to make.

16 The film Touching the Void is based on facts. 21 The film has won an Oscar.
A True A True
B False B False
C No information in the text C No information in the text

17 Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were close 22 The director of the film was impressed by the
friends. book.
A True A True
B False B False
C No information in the text C No information in the text

18 No one had successfully climbed the mountain 23 The film combines several types of directing
before Joe and Simon. techniques.
A True A True
B False B False
C No information in the text C No information in the text

19 An accident happened on the way down the 24 We don’t know what the climbers felt about the
mountain. situation.
A True A True
B False B False
C No information in the text C No information in the text

20 Simon Yates also put his experiences in writing. 25 Simon Yates found it very difficult to make
A True decisions.
B False A True
C No information in the text B False
C No information in the text

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 17

PART 2: Task 2

Directions: Read the text below. Then, read the questions that follow it and circle the letter of the
correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Claudia Schiffer: Supermodel

Claudia Schiffer is a famous supermodel. She first gained worldwide recognition by appearing in
advertisements in early 1989.
Born on August 25th, 1970, Claudia was raised in Düsseldorf. Claudia’s mother was a homemaker
and her father was a lawyer. As a child, Claudia had no plans to be a model; in fact, she wanted to be
a lawyer in her father’s law firm. Claudia’s ambition to become a lawyer changed one night when she
went to a nightclub in October 1987. A modelling agent, Michel Levaton, saw Claudia and was
impressed with her. Claudia flew off to Paris for her first test shoot and a star was born.
Claudia’s first big success came from the popular cover shot for Elle magazine. After that,
magazines all over Europe wanted Claudia on their front covers. Guess? Magazine made Claudia their
Guess? girl in a huge advertising campaign.
She has been on TV many times throughout her career on shows such as Larry King Live, The Tonight
Show and The Late Show. Besides her television appearances, Claudia has also starred in a number of
feature films dating back to 1994. Her most recent role was in the film Black & White.
Claudia is also a businesswoman. She is one of the founders of the trendy restaurant chain,
Fashion Café. She opened the restaurant with her fellow modeling friends in 1995. As for her hobbies,
Claudia likes riding horses, painting, playing tennis, reading, skiing and dancing. Claudia speaks many
languages including German, French and English.
Claudia is still one of the top supermodels in today’s modelling industry. She says that in the
future she wants to do more acting and she would like to have a large family.
From, Claudia Schiffer

26 Claudia Schiffer was discovered … 29 According to the text, Claudia Schiffer ...
A in 1987. A is not keen on sports.
B in 1970. B knows several languages.
C in 1994. C is no longer a renowned model.
D in 1990. D has no plans to act in the future.

27 When Claudia was young, she wanted to … 30 The text is about Claudia Schiffer’s …
A work as a model. A success.
B work with her father. B education.
C work in her home. C fitness.
D work in a nightclub. D personal life.

28 Claudia’s first big career break was ...

A taking part in the Guess? advertising
B playing a part in the film Black & White.
C being a co-founder of Fashion Café.
D posing for the famous Elle magazine.

18 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test C: Use of English

PART 3: Task 1

Cloze Test
Directions: Read the text and the sentences below. For each gap circle the letter (A, B, C or D) of the
word or phrase that best suits each space.

Working Students
Days are long for Elizabeth Meredith. As 31) ............ as studying for a medical degree, she works up to
20 hours a week as a waitress. “I wasn’t really expecting to have to work my 32) ............ through medical
school, but after the first year I owed 33) ............ of money to my bank so I started working,” says the
fourth-year student. “I don’t know how I would manage without the money I get from working. I could cut
34) ............ on some of the activities I do, but I try to live cheaply, bearing in mind I live in London.”
35) ............ long summer holidays are very rare for medical students, Elizabeth spent last summer
working as a healthcare assistant. “It was really a good experience, spending time with patients and
developing better communication skills,” she says.
Elizabeth’s work 36) ............ is fairly typical of today’s student workforce, which puts in an average 14
hours a week of paid 37) ............ during term-time.

31 A well B long C far D besides

32 A route B way C itinerary D course
33 A very B spot C a lot D much
34 A off B as well C down D in
35 A Despite B approximately C However D Although
36 A example B pattern C sample D outline
37 A job B knowledgeable C occupation D employment

38 The lady promised to give a ... to anyone who 42 Grandma insists I eat vegetables and fruit
could help find her pet dog. since they are ... in vitamins.
A bribe C tip A rich C full
B loan D reward B loaded D heavy

39 Your parcel from the United Kingdom will be ... 43 Foreigners buying property in Bulgaria prefer ...
by UPS tomorrow morning. areas to big cities and towns.
A serviced C provided A urban C public
B delivered D obtained B municipal D rural

40 This year’s competition in English will take ... 44 Joshua is planning to find a part-time job so
at the end of May in Shumen. that he can ... some extra money.
A place C venue A earn C profit
B part D site B win D return

41 Could you please call the airport and ask what 45 Our new sofa in the living room is so ... that I
time the plane for London ...? prefer it to the bed in my room.
A takes after C takes off A convenient C suitable
B takes up D takes on B comfortable D appropriate

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 19

PART 3: Task 2

Sentence Completion
Directions: For each of the sentences below, circle the letter (A, B, C or D) of the word or phrase which
best completes its meaning.

46 I will get Jim ... me clean my computer from all 51 You both must be hungry. Why don’t you help
the viruses it has. ... to a sandwich?
A helping C to helping A yours C you
B to help D help B yourself D yourselves

47 My mother and father wish Alexander and I ... 52 It was the first time my cousin, Angela, and her
smoking as soon as possible. boyfriend, Simon, ... a horse.
A give up C would give up A was riding C had ridden
B had given up D given up B were riding D would be riding

48 Ron will not take part in the conference to be 53 Daniel and Pamela ... when my wife and I told
held next Monday afternoon. ... them we would visit them in Paris.
A Neither will Mila. C So will Mila. A were surprised C were surprisingly
B Neither Mila will. D So Mila will. B were surprising D surprised

49 David and Peter ... the house by the time Mrs 54 Tim has been living here for about ten years
Stevenson comes back from work. and now he speaks Bulgarian ... .
A will tidy up C will have tidied up A fluent. C more fluent.
B will be tidying up D will be tidied up B fluently. D fluentlier.

50 Do you have any idea what’s wrong with Tina? 55 I am disappointed with Alex as she neither
She ... upset at the moment. phoned me nor ... me a text message.
A is looking C has looked A she sent C she was sent
B looks D was being looked B did she send D was she sent

PART 3: Task 3

Sentence Transformations
Directions: Complete the second sentence so that it is as close as possible in meaning to the first one.

56 The meal was so tasty that he asked the hostess 59 The worst time to drive a car in big cities such
if he could have some more. as Sofia is during the rush hour.
It was ................................................................. There isn’t a .......................................................
.......................................................................... . .......................................................................... .

57 It’s a long time since my parents, my sister and I 60 It would be a good idea to talk with Jake’s
went to the seaside. parents before we punish him so severely.
My parents, my sister and I ............................... We had .............................................................
.......................................................................... . .......................................................................... .

58 Andrew is going to visit us tomorrow; he has

not been here for weeks.
Andrew, .............................................................
.......................................................................... .

20 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test C: Writing


Directions: Create a text of about 140-170 words on ONE of the following topics.

1 A friend of yours is planning to move to your neighbourhood, but he/she needs some information
about the place. Write a letter to your friend describing your neighbourhood and pointing out the
advantages and the disadvantages of living there. In your letter, include information about: things that
make the place attractive and/or unattractive; different sorts of facilities to be found in your
neighbourhood; what the people are like; what one can do in their free time, etc.

2 You have decided to participate in a competition for the best short story entitled “A Disastrous Day of
Mine”. Write your story explaining what made your day disastrous. In your story, include information
about all or some of the following:
ñ how your day started
ñ things you did
ñ people you met
ñ things other people did
ñ places you visited
ñ places other people visited
ñ how your day ended

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 21

Test D: Listening Comprehension

PART 1: Task 1

Directions: You will hear an extract from Roald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, twice. Before
you listen to it, read the statements in about 2 minutes. While listening for the first time, you can look
at the statements and the three choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you hear the
whole text, you will have 5 minutes to circle the letter of the correct answer (A, B or C). Then, you will
hear the recording again and will have 1 minute to check your answers.

1 Charlie works for Mr Willy Wonka.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

2 Charlie’s grandfather doesn’t respect Wonka.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

3 What Wonka produces is unusual.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

4 Wonka invented more kinds of chocolates than any other factory.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

5 Everybody knows how Wonka makes his eggs.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

22 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE
PART 1: Task 2

Directions: You will hear a text about the Great Pyramid of Khufu, twice. Before you listen to it, read
the statements in about 2 minutes. While listening for the first time, you can look at the statements
and the three choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you hear the whole text, you will
have 4 minutes to circle the letter of the correct answer (A, B or C). Then, you will hear the recording
again and will have 1 minute to check your answers.

6 The Great Pyramid was built when Pharaoh 8 The Pyramid has become shorter over the
Khufu died. years.
A True A True
B False B False
C No information in the text C No information in the text

7 The Great Pyramid took nearly half a century 9 Scientists can prove why the Pyramids were
to construct. built.
A True A True
B False B False
C No information in the text C No information in the text

PART 1: Task 3

Directions: You will hear an interview, twice. Before you listen to it, read the questions in about 2
minutes. While listening for the first time, you can look at the questions and the four choices, but you
are not allowed to take notes. When you hear the whole recording, you will have 6 minutes to circle
the letter of the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Then, you will hear the recording again and will have 1
minute to check your answers.

10 Susan did not go to Australia because she ... 13 According to the presenter, Susan has ...
A was not interested in the food there. A chosen a bad time to publish her book.
B did not have enough time. B only recently become interested in the
C spent too long in Antarctica. world of cookery.
D could not really afford it. C written a book which is different from her
other books.
11 Susan travelled by ... D never written a cookery book before.
A ship.
B car. 14 Susan says that ...
C train. A she does not want to eat Mexican food again.
D plane. B she does not like staying in international
12 Susan says she had to go to the countries she C Mexican food is very similar to French food.
visited because she ... D food is an important part of different cultures.
A had been invited to stay in people’s homes.
B could not find any useful information on the 15 Rose omelette is ...
Net. A a dish Susan recommends for breakfast.
C wanted to eat food made from traditional B the most unusual dish Susan has ever eaten.
recipes. C not described in Susan’s new book.
D wanted to go to different restaurants. D the strangest food in the world.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 23

Test D: Reading Comprehension

PART 2: Task 1

Directions: Read the text below. Then, read the statements that follow it and circle the letter of the
correct answer (A, B or C).

Are Our Schools Safe?

Parents believe that their children are safe at school. In reality, however, this is far from the truth.
On 10 December last year, Paula Lewis was having a day off when a telephone call changed her life for ever.
Her son’s teachers wanted her to come to the school as soon as possible. There had been an accident. Harry,
Paula’s third child, was in ‘a bit of a mess’.
When Paula got to the school and saw her son, he was sitting down. At first she thought he was OK but then he
opened his mouth and blood poured out. She was shocked. Harry had fallen over in the playground and smashed
his teeth. She put Harry and his brother Dale into her car and set off on a nightmare journey through traffic.
Paula’s arrival at St Helier’s Hospital didn’t end her problems. They couldn’t do anything for Harry. Four of his
teeth needed to be taken out and there was damage to the mouth and gums. He was transferred across London,
ending up at St George’s Hospital, where he was operated on the next morning.
Like many parents, Paula thought nothing could happen to her kids when they were at school. But the fact is,
school is where children are most likely to have accidents. Here, the most common injuries result from simple ‘slip
and trip’ accidents, which are often seen as the injured child’s fault. So what is being done? Sadly, very little.
Meanwhile, Harry Lewis still can’t talk properly. “Because it happened at school,” says his mother, “nobody seems
to care. Of course, everybody would want to know how a child lost so many teeth if it had happened at home.”
Adapted from,
All Fall Down, March 2000

16 Paula was at work when the school phoned 21 Paula knew her children were in danger at
about Harry. school.
A True A True
B False B False
C No information in the text C No information in the text

17 Harry has brothers or sisters that are older 22 Paula believes school accidents are not
than him. considered important.
A True A True
B False B False
C No information in the text C No information in the text

18 Harry had been hit by a classmate. 23 The text looks at Paula’s daily routine.
A True A True
B False B False
C No information in the text C No information in the text

19 One of Harry’s teeth was gone.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

20 Harry was operated on at St George’s Hospital.

A True
B False
C No information in the text
24 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE
PART 2: Task 2

Directions: Read the text below. Then, read the questions that follow it and circle the letter of the
correct answer (A, B, C or D).

A Dog ’s Life
Buck lived in a big house in the Sunny Clara Valley, Judge Miller’s Place, it was called. It stood back
from the road, half hidden among trees. At the back, things were even more spacious than at the
front. There were large stables, rows of servants’ cottages, a neat line of outhouses, and wild fields.
And over this great area Buck lived. Here he was born, and here he had lived the four years of his
life. Of course, there were other dogs in such a big place, but they did not count. They came and went,
lived outside in the kennels, or lived indoors.
Inside the house, was Toots, the Japanese pug, and Ysabel, the Mexican hairless dog, strange
animals that rarely put their noses out of the doors. On the other hand, there were the fox terriers,
twenty of them at least, who barked at Toots and Ysabel looking out of the windows at them,
protected by the housemaids with their brooms and mops. But Buck wasn’t a house or a kennel dog.
The whole place was his. He dived into the swimming tank or went hunting with the Judge’s sons; he
went with Mollie and Alice, the Judge’s daughters, on long evening or early morning walks; on winter
nights he lay at the Judge’s feet in front of the roaring library fire; he carried the Judge’s grandsons on
his back, or rolled them in the grass.
The other dogs he totally ignored, for he was king, king over all the creeping, crawling, flying
things of the Judge Miller’s place, humans included.
Adapted from The Call of the Wild –

24 The dog, Buck, lived in ... 28 Buck considered his role in the Judge’s family
A the wild. to be that of ...
B a tiny house. A a working dog.
C the city. B a child-minder.
D the countryside. C a leader.
D an organiser.
25 According to the text ...
A Buck was older than the other two dogs. 29 The word ‘for’ in the last paragraph means ...
B the Judge owned too many dogs to count. A as.
C none of the dogs stayed for very long. B while.
D Buck had been raised at the Judge’s. C though.
D nevertheless.
26 The fragment states that…
A Ysabel hardly ever left the house. 30 The passage presents ...
B the fox terriers attacked the maids. A the skills of hunting dogs.
C the fox terriers lived in the house. B a beautiful landscape.
D Toots, the pug, was totally bad. C the Judge’s children.
D the life of a dog.
27 The Judge ...
A had two very young sons.
B had at least four children.
C often took Buck for walks.
D loved to play with Buck.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 25

Test D: Use of English

PART 3: Task 1

Cloze Test
Directions: Read the text and the sentences below and for each gap circle the letter (A, B, C or D) of
the word or phrase that best suits each space.

Take a Study Break

However strange or unusual it might 31) ............, travel and study breaks are what can only be
described as life-changing experiences – and many people are trying them 32) ............ . It’s not just the
mouthwatering food and drink that 33) ............ people to Florence, the heart of the Italian Renaissance.
People go there to study, too. And is there a better way to learn a language and 34) ............ the history of
a country than being there with people, experiencing the culture and life buzzing all around you? You are
sure to meet and 35) ............ new friends almost immediately. After your first day you have an ‘instant
family’ made 36) ............ of your fellow travellers and, of course, your fellow students. You study together,
you take the wrong bus together, you laugh and dine together and together you make silly mistakes when
37) ............ your meals. It really is a unique experience, getting hints and tips from the local people, not
just the travel guides. Schools and cultural institutes 38) ............ courses of study in Italian language, art
history and Italian culture. There are courses throughout the year 39) ............ from some which are as
short as three days to year-long examination courses in both the Italian language and the history of the art.
Accommodation is 40) ............ for you by the institutes’ accommodation advisers, and students can take
part in numerous social events such 41) ............ pizza evenings and conversation exchanges during their
stay. Florence is just a great place to be, to be seen, and to take in the culture and the language for just a
short time. Try it, if you are anything like me, then you won’t 42) ............ it.

31 A seem B look C stare D glance

32 A for B on C out D over
33 A appeal B attract C catch D draw
34 A invent B develop C devise D discover
35 A do B make C create D build
36 A out B away C up D over
37 A placing B serving C asking D ordering
38 A suggest B advise C offer D propose
39 A continue B proceeding C ranging D carrying on
40 A found B distributed C supplied D put up
41 A like B as C similar to D alike
42 A apologise B forgive C regret D disappoint

43 The meeting will be ... for half an hour as Victor 45 Do you have any ... where Mark and Harry
and Pat will be a bit late. could be at this time of night?
A postponed C terminated A opinion C thought
B cancelled D suspended B belief D idea

44 Helen is not very happy that both her son and

daughter ... her husband.
A take up C take after
B take down D take to
26 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE
PART 3: Task 2

Sentence Completion
Directions: For each of the sentences below, circle the letter (A, B, C or D) of the word or phrase which
best completes its meaning.

46 Whenever I am hesitant about something, I 51 Rose and George bought this second hand
always ask my elder brother for … car after they ... by a mechanic.
A an advice. C some advice. A have consulted C had been consulted
B the advice. D a few advice. B had consulted D were being consulted

47 The less you think about what happened to 52 Sam and I will have dinner with our family
you the other day, … you will feel. before we … to Derek’s place.
A the more good C the best A will go C have gone
B the more better D the better B went D go

48 “Will you come to the theatre with us 53 Stop it, Jason. I will have to phone your parents
tomorrow?” “I can’t because I … my sister.” because you … in my classes.
A will look after C looking after A always talk
B going to look after D am looking after B are always talking
C have always been talking
49 Jeremy, his wife, son and daughter … Spain, D had always been talking
Italy and France twice this year.
A have already visited 54 Teachers and nurses in Bulgaria should ... more
B are already visiting than they get at the moment.
C already visited A pay C be paid
D were already visiting B be paying D to be paid

50 Lily and Fred are used … a lie in on Saturday 55 Do you happen to know when … back from
and on Sunday morning. her business trip?
A to have C to having A Nina will come C is Nina coming
B having D to be having B will Nina come D Nina will came

PART 3: Task 3

Sentence Transformations
Directions: Complete the second sentence so that it is as close as possible in meaning to the first one.

56 You are not allowed to use the office telephone to 59 Both Sam and Andy dislike eating at Chinese
make personal phone calls. restaurants.
You .................................................................... Neither Sam ......................................................
.......................................................................... . .......................................................................... .

57 Derek and Alice had never attended such a 60 I’d rather you did not tell my girlfriend everything
pleasant house warming party before. I had shared with you.
This .................................................................... You ....................................................................
.......................................................................... . .......................................................................... .

58 “We are in a hurry as the performance starts in

less than 15 minutes,” Cindy said.
Cindy said that ..................................................
.......................................................................... .

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 27

Test D: Writing


Directions: Create a text of about 140-170 words on ONE of the following topics.

1 A magazine is holding a short story competition and you have made up your mind to participate. Your
story must end with the following sentence: Maria and Peter decided never to go for a walk in the forest
on their own again.

2 The editor of the magazine you work for has asked you to write a review of a book you have read
recently. In your review, give a summary of the plot and say why in your opinion this book is worth

28 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test E: Listening Comprehension

PART 1: Task 1

Directions: You will hear part of a radio programme, twice. Before you listen to it, read the questions
below in about 2 minutes. While listening for the first time, you can look at the questions and the four
choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you hear the whole recording, you will have 6
minutes to circle the letter of the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Then, you will hear the recording again
and will have 1 minute to check your answers.

1 The earthquake happened ...

A in the summer.
B after 4 pm.
C at the weekend.
D before 10 am.

2 While Todd was on his way home, he ...

A lost control of his car.
B went to pick up his wife.
C stopped to eat something.
D got stuck in a traffic jam.

3 Todd was sure there had been an earthquake when ...

A he saw cracks in the road.
B he noticed all the cars were out of control.
C his car began moving from side to side.
D his car fell into a crack in the road.

4 Todd’s wife ...

A called him because she was terrified.
B was knocked down by the earthquake.
C took the children to a safe place.
D told the children to come to the kitchen.

5 Todd thinks he was fortunate because ...

A his wife acted wisely.
B his family wasn’t upset by the experience.
C he managed to get over the bridge in time.
D his house had little damage.

6 The earthquake has made Todd ...

A start to worry about his family.
B panic about problems at work.
C worry about natural disasters.
D take little problems much less seriously.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 29

PART 1: Task 2

Directions: You will hear a text on how to cure insomnia (the inability to fall asleep), twice. Before you
listen to it, read the statements below in about 2 minutes. While listening for the first time, you can
look at the statements and the three choices, but you are not allowed to take notes. When you hear the
whole recording, you will have 9 minutes to circle the letter of the correct answer (A, B or C). Then,
you will hear the recording again and will have 1 minute to check your answers.

7 Inadequate sleep is more common in adolescents.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

8 People with insomnia often feel exhausted and find it difficult to focus.
A True
B False
C No information in the text

9 Insomnia can cause arthritis.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

10 Getting fired from your job can cause insomnia.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

11 Drinking coffee before going to bed can disrupt your sleep.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

12 One should avoid watching television in order to overcome insomnia.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

13 Working out in the daytime can help promote a good night’s sleep.
A True
B False
C No information in the text

14 Yoga tends to worsen sleep disorders.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

15 Many doctors prescribe herbal medicines to cure insomnia.

A True
B False
C No information in the text

30 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test E: Reading Comprehension

PART 2: Task 1

Directions: Read the text below. Then, read the statements that follow it and circle the letter of the
correct answer (A, B or C).

Disappearing snow
Can you imagine the world’s highest mountains without snow? Well, according to scientists, global
warming is changing the appearance of Africa’s most famous landmarks. The ice cap on Mount Kilimanjaro,
Africa’s highest mountain, is expected to disappear in the next twelve years.
Scientists have been saying for a long time that the first signs of global warming would appear in the high
altitude ice caps and glaciers of the world. The disappearance of the ice cap on Mount Kilimanjaro is the most
serious evidence of this. At least one third of the ice on Kilimanjaro has melted in the last twelve years.
Fifteen years ago, the mountain’s twin peaks, Kibo and Mawenzi, wore shiny ice caps but now Mawenzi is
completely bare, without any snow or ice on it at all. One local, who lives at the foot of Kilimanjaro, says that many
changes have taken place since he was a young boy. “When I was a child, the whole mountain was covered in
snow and the ice cap was very thick. The mountain used to be hidden in clouds for months”, he says.
“It’s gone, it’s all melted away,” says Joris Thiijseen, who works for Greenpeace. “This is the price we pay
because nothing is being done about global warming. Here in Africa, we will lose the ice caps and glaciers.”
Other researchers have seen similar ice losses around the world. The ice cap on Mount Kenya, for example, has
got much smaller since 1963. Two glaciers on top of the mountains in New Guinea are also disappearing. In
Venezuela there were six glaciers in 1972, now there are only two and scientists say that they will melt in the next ten
Perhaps Dr Guy Midgley of the National Botanical Institute sums up the problem best, “Ignoring global
warming will not make it go away!”

16 One of the highest mountains in the world is 21 A lot of money is being spent to prevent global
Mount Kilimanjaro. warming.
A True A True
B False B False
C No information in the text C No information in the text

17 Mount Kilimanjaro is a place where ice and 22 People in Africa will face many droughts and
snow can be seen from the Equator. floods.
A True A True
B False B False
C No information in the text C No information in the text

18 Scientists feel that melting ice caps are not 23 In the near future, there will be no glaciers in
proof of global warming. Venezuela.
A True A True
B False B False
C No information in the text C No information in the text

19 In recent years, all the ice on Kilimanjaro has 24 The text describes some effects of global
vanished. warming.
A True A True
B False B False
C No information in the text C No information in the text

20 At one time, thick clouds covered Kilimanjaro 25 The scientists from the text have a number of
all year round. solutions to fight global warming.
A True A True
B False B False
C No information in the text C No information in the text
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 31
PART 2: Task 2

Directions: Read the text below. Then, read the questions that follow it and circle the letter of the
correct answer (A, B, C or D).

Pollyanna lifted her head and listened. A dog had barked some distance ahead. A moment later he
came running towards her, still barking.
“Hullo, doggie – hullo!” She had seen the dog once before, she was sure. He had been with Mr John
Pendleton. She was looking now, hoping to see him, but he did not appear, so she returned her attention
toward the dog.
The dog was acting strangely. He continued barking – only now, they were short, erratic barks, as if he
was nervous. He was running backwards and forwards, too, in the side path ahead.
“That isn’t the way home,” laughed Pollyanna, keeping to the main path. The little dog seemed in a
panic now. Backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards between Pollyanna and the side path he
ran barking. At last Pollyanna understood and turned to follow him.
The little dog raced ahead madly, and it was not long before Pollyanna came upon the reason for it all:
there was a man lying on the ground a few metres from the side path.
The man turned his head. With a cry Pollyanna ran to his side.
“Mr Pendleton! Oh, are you hurt?”
“Hurt? Oh, no! I’m just taking a sleep in the sunshine,” said the man crossly. “See here, what can you
do? Have you got any sense?”
“Why, Mr Pendleton, I – I can’t do many things; but my aunt says I have real good sense. I heard her
say so one day – she didn’t know I heard, though.”
The man smiled a little.
“There, there, child. Now listen. Straight down the path there, about five minutes’ walk, is my house.
This key will open the side door. When you get into the house, go straight through the hall to the room at
the end. On the big desk in the middle of the room you’ll find a telephone. Do you know how to use a
“Oh, yes, sir!”
“Call Dr Chilton and tell him that John Pendleton is in Pendleton Woods with a broken leg, and to
come at once.”
“A broken leg? Oh, Mr Pendleton, how perfectly awful!” cried Pollyanna.

Adapted from Pollyanna by Eleanor H Porter

26 Pollyanna was familiar with ... 29 The text is about ...

A Mr John Pendleton. A a dog that can do tricks.
B the dog. B giving instructions to someone.
C Mr John Pendleton and the dog. C a young girl acting maturely.
D neither of them. D Pollyanna’s relationship with her aunt.

27 The dog was looking for Pollyanna to ... 30 From the text we can see that Pollyanna is ...
A play with him. A an only child.
B take him home with her. B a kind, sensitive girl.
C make her follow him. C easily frightened.
D show her the way home. D afraid of animals.

28 Mr Pendleton was ...

A taking a nap in the sunshine.
B looking for his pet dog in the park.
C was playing a joke on Pollyanna.
D needed Pollyanna to help him.

32 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test E: Use of English

PART 3: Task 1

Cloze Test
Directions: Read the text below and for each numbered gap circle the letter (A, B, C or D) of the word
or phrase that best suits each space.

Spanish Language
Many people 31) ............ that Spanish is the only language spoken in Spain but this is not true. In
32) ............, there are four recognised languages in this country, and these are: Castilian, Euskera
(more commonly known as Basque), Catalan and Galician.
The 33) ............ language of Spain is the Latin based Castilian, which used to be the language of
the royal court and was 34) ............ on the Spanish people in 1714 by King Felipe V. Today every
Spaniard knows, 35) ............ is supposed to know, the Castilian language.
The second most spoken language in Spain is Euskera. About 600,000 people speak this language
and they live mainly in the central 36) ............ of the country. This region is sometimes referred to as
the Basque country, the capital of 37) ............ is Bilbao. The region has its own culture, which it
38) ............ with a further 100,000 people just across the border in southwest France. This language
is very 39) ............ to other European languages and experts have long 40) ............ its origins. Some
maintain that it is an ancient form of an old Iberian language while others 41) ............ that it is a
Semitic language and many 42) ............ that it is related to languages of the Caucasus.
Catalan, which is spoken in the eastern part of Spain, in parts of Andorra, France and Sardinia, is
also Latin-based. It is 43) ............ as a first language by around 5 million people, and is understood
by most Castilian speakers.
Galician is in some ways similar to Portuguese and was traditionally the language of poetry. It is
spoken in northwest Spain which borders with Portugal. Three million Galician speakers live in Spain
but there are 44) ............ some living in Portugal and South America. In South America, Spaniards are
known as ‘Gallegos’ and their language and culture are widely 45) ............ by Casa de Galicia
(Gallicia Houses), which nurture the language and culture of this region.

31 A suppose B assume C pretend D presume

32 A turn B fact C addition D order
33 A official B lawful C enforced D real
34 A impressed B obliged C required D imposed
35 A moreover B or C or else D otherwise
36 A field B section C sector D area
37 A that B which C who D what
38 A parts B portions C divides D shares
39 A different B assorted C diverse D varied
40 A debated B agreed C believed D persuaded
41 A speak B talk C say D chat
42 A trust B believe C confide D convince
43 A announced B used C considered D read
44 A also B too C besides D as well
45 A ignored B promoted C advertised D forgotten

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 33

PART 3: Task 2

Sentence Completion
Directions: For each of the sentences below, circle the letter (A, B, C or D) of the word or phrase which
best completes its meaning.

46 “This bunch of tulips is for you.” “Thanks, ... 52 Grandpa ... the gardening since 9 o’clock and
are my favourite flowers.” now he is very tired.
A tulips C a tulips A was doing C did
B the tulips D the flowers tulips B has been doing D been doing

47 Neither John nor Mary go ... at the weekends. 53 There aren’t ... for everyone so fetch some
They always stay at home. from the kitchen, please.
A somewhere C everywhere A glasses enough C some glasses
B nowhere D anywhere B enough glasses D no glasses

48 If flats were cheaper nowadays, we ... one for 54 Mike and I will never forget ... week we spent
my son who is a student there. in Athens two years ago.
A buy C would buy A a C which
B will buy D would have bought B the D some

49 Your membership card has expired. It needs ... 55 There are a lot of people I know who like ... at
so that you can use the gym. the end of the winter season.
A to renew C be renewed A having their overcoats dry-clean
B renewing D to be renewing B to have their overcoats dry-cleaning
C having their overcoats be dry-cleaned
50 A knife is something people usually use ... D having their overcoats dry-cleaned
A for slicing C to be sliced
B in order to slicing D so as to slicing

51 Some students were having a rest in the yard;

... were in the classrooms.
A other C the other
B others D another

PART 3: Task 3

Sentence Transformations
Directions: Complete the second sentence so that it is as close as possible in meaning to the first one.

56 The moment I got to her house I remembered I 59 The school director is accusing Philip of
had forgotten to turn off the cooker. having offended his Biology teacher.
It was when ....................................................... Philip ..................................................................
.......................................................................... . .......................................................................... .

57 Mona regrets not consulting anyone before 60 Mike will probably try to find a well-paid job
buying a new DVD player. before he gets married to Kylie.
Mona wishes ..................................................... Mike is ...............................................................
.......................................................................... . .......................................................................... .

58 “How long has Dane been working for Billy’s

company?” he asked me.
He asked me .....................................................
.......................................................................... .
34 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE
Test E: Writing


Directions: Create a text of about 140-170 words on ONE of the following topics.

1 Write an article with a title ‘Life in Big Cities’. In your article, suggest ways in which people can make
big cities better places to live in. List the problems that big cities face nowadays and provide solutions
to the problems you have mentioned.

2 You saw this advertisement in a holiday magazine. You are interested in this holiday and decide to find
out more information.

Holidays with a difference!

Join us for one of the most exciting and rewarding holidays imaginable. We are looking
for people to join us at one of our many eco-holiday destinations. You can choose from a
wide variety of tours available across the globe, including Africa, India and South and
Central America. Stay as long as you wish – it all depends on how much time you have!

For more details, please write to:

John Smith, EcoTour, London

Write a letter to John Smith and tell him why you are interested in the holiday. In your letter, ask for
information about the following:

ñ cost ñ dates ñ English speaking guides

ñ food/accommodation ñ what to bring ñ type of tours

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 35

Further Matura Practice
Sentence Transformations
Directions: Complete the second sentence so that it is as close as possible in meaning to the first one.

1 She is too impatient to be a primary teacher. 12 Only homegrown vegetables were used in
She isn’t ............................................................ making these salads.
........................................................................... These salads were ............................................
2 They prefer drinking tea to coffee.
They’d ............................................................... 13 ‘I am sorry I was not able to attend your party,’
........................................................................... Vicky said.
Vicky .................................................................
3 ‘If you don’t tidy your room, I will not let you go ...........................................................................
out,’ Wendy said to Tim.
Wendy told Tim ................................................ 14 It’s unlikely that the plane will take off on time.
........................................................................... The plane is not ................................................
4 You can have a glass of wine and some
cheese for nothing. 15 I wouldn’t bother to water the plants today as it
It doesn’t ........................................................... is going to rain tomorrow.
It’s not ...............................................................
........................................................................... ...........................................................................
5 Mike’s new iPod is exactly the same as mine.
There’s .............................................................. 16 You must fill in this application form so as to
........................................................................... be able to participate in the event.
You are .............................................................
6 Ron was the only one in the office who didn’t ...........................................................................
congratulate me on my birthday.
Everyone ........................................................... 17 ‘It doesn’t matter what you do since I won’t
........................................................................... forgive you.’
‘It makes ...........................................................
7 We have always had a good relationship with ...........................................................................
our neighbours.
We have always got ......................................... 18 I advise you to take some days off work.
........................................................................... You ....................................................................
8 Bob’s friends do not like his new haircut.
Bob’s friends do not approve ........................... 19 There is no doubt she did not mean to offend
........................................................................... you.
There is no doubt she had ...............................
9 Peter hadn’t called me for over two weeks. ...........................................................................
It was more .......................................................
........................................................................... 20 Joshua asked me if he might borrow my bike.
Joshua asked me if I could ..............................
10 ‘We will miss the train if we do not make ...........................................................................
haste,’ said Catherine.
Catherine said that unless they ........................ 21 Rick does not usually get up early in the
........................................................................... mornings.
Rick isn’t ...........................................................
11 Many prices are not the same as they were ...........................................................................
last year.
Many prices have .............................................

36 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

22 Paul bought the least expensive watch since 34 Nowadays parking spaces are rarely found in
he did not have more money on him. the centre of Sofia.
Paul wouldn’t .................................................... Nowadays it ......................................................
........................................................................... ...........................................................................

23 They are going to renovate the old theatre next 35 Mr Horace is looking into the case at present.
year. The case ...................................... investigated
The old theatre ................................................. ...........................................................................
........................................................................... ...........................................................................

24 They need to find a solution to the problem as 36 He locked the gate to prevent his dog from
soon as possible. getting out.
They need to come .......................................... He locked the gate so ......................................
........................................................................... ...........................................................................

25 Ian and Tina helped me carry all of my luggage. 37 ‘What’s the depth of this lake?’ she asked.
Ian and Tina gave me ....................................... She wanted to know how .................................
........................................................................... ...........................................................................

26 It is a pity I did not visit Cambridge. 38 I expect you are pleased with your final exam
If only ................................................................ results.
........................................................................... I expect you must .............................................
27 Jim’s parents don’t allow him to stay out late
on weekdays. 39 It goes without saying that studying hard
Jim’s parents don’t let ...................................... before your exam is a must.
........................................................................... It goes without saying that it ............................
28 Jessica regrets going to the disco on Saturday.
Jessica wishes she ........................................... 40 It was a mistake for you to tell off your brother.
........................................................................... You ....................................................................
29 Mike spent about four hours doing the
translation. 41 They say the singer was discovered while
It ........................................................................ taking part in a music show.
........................................................................... The singer is .....................................................
30 Helen will contact me as soon as she comes
back from the trip. 42 There was no minced meat left at the
Helen will get .................................................... butcher’s.
........................................................................... The butcher’s had run ......................................
31 Gus is not capable of managing such a big
company. 43 The school performance was not attended by
Gus doesn’t ...................................................... many of the students’ parents.
........................................................................... Only a ...............................................................
32 Brian doesn’t have the energy to keep on
walking. 44 There is no chance of organising the seminar
Brian is .............................................................. within the next two weeks.
........................................................................... It won’t ..............................................................
33 No one blamed you for the fact that she did
not get the position. 45 ‘Why don’t we go on a picnic at the weekend,
No one said it ................................................... Pete?’ said Rita.
........................................................................... Rita suggested to Pete that they ......................
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 37
46 Rather than go out last night, we stayed at 58 The venue of the event isn’t close enough for
home. us to walk.
Instead .............................................................. The venue of the event is .................................
........................................................................... ...........................................................................

47 I’d prefer not to talk to her right now. 59 They are extending the restaurant into the
I don’t feel ......................................................... garden.
........................................................................... The restaurant ..................................................
48 Everyone expects that Philip and Sophia will
get married soon. 60 This box is so heavy that I can’t even lift it.
Philip and Sophia are ....................................... This is ................................................................
........................................................................... ...........................................................................

49 Derek advised me to go jogging regularly. 61 Despite her being cold, she did not want me to
‘If ....................................................................... give her something to put on.
......................................................,’ said Derek. Although ...........................................................
50 Ron did not spill the coffee.
It ........................................................................ 62 I always have difficulty in convincing her that
........................................................................... she is wrong.
I always find ......................................................
51 There might be enough snow for skiing so ...........................................................................
take your skis with you.
Take your skis with you in ................................ 63 There were very few students at school on
........................................................................... Friday.
Hardly ...............................................................
52 Do you happen to know why he shouted at ...........................................................................
Do you happen to know what .......................... 64 My parents made me become a doctor.
........................................................................... My parents insisted ..........................................
53 I have been here only once before.
This ................................................................... 65 She once worked as a waitress.
........................................................................... She used ...........................................................
54 The price of the DVD-ROM does not include
the cost of delivery. 66 You really don’t need to worry about him that
The cost of delivery .......................................... much.
........................................................................... There is no ........................................................
55 ‘Have you ever seen this film?’ she asked me.
She wanted to know ......................................... 67 Would you mind not playing the music so
........................................................................... loud?
I’d ......................................................................
56 Lily hasn’t seen her grandparents for a month. ...........................................................................
It has .................................................................
........................................................................... 68 The security guards didn’t let us speak to the
57 My aunt can’t cook traditional Bulgarian dishes The security guards stopped us ......................
very well. ...........................................................................
My aunt isn’t .....................................................
........................................................................... 69 Could you tell me how much the red shirt
I’d ......................................................................

38 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

70 You can do this without asking anyone for 82 They have never seen an interactive device
help. before.
You don’t .......................................................... It’s the ...............................................................
........................................................................... ...........................................................................

71 Patrick has got the same number of DVDs as 83 You should use this exit in case of an
me. emergency.
I have got .......................................................... This exit .............................................................
........................................................................... ...........................................................................

72 You need to stop eating sweets. 84 Cathy is on the verge of telling him the truth so
You should cut ................................................. call her immediately.
........................................................................... Cathy is just about ............................................
73 The woman we met last night proved to be
Jack’s mother. 85 Maria’s sister has been going to basketball
The woman we met last night turned ............... practice for five years.
........................................................................... Maria’s sister started ........................................
74 Jim lost his mobile so he had to buy another
one. 86 The film we saw yesterday wasn’t as boring as
Jim lost his mobile and as ................................ we had expected.
........................................................................... The film we saw yesterday was more ..............
75 Do you have any idea when they are leaving
for Berlin? 87 Do you feel like going to the theatre tonight?
Do you happen ................................................. Are you .............................................................
........................................................................... ...........................................................................

76 I am sure they have visited Greece before. 88 Although he is young, he always gives me
They must ......................................................... wise advice.
........................................................................... Despite ..............................................................
77 The tea is too sweet for me to drink.
The tea is so ..................................................... 89 You had better start doing the gardening now.
........................................................................... It’s about time ...................................................
78 I have never worked with such intelligent people.
These are .......................................................... 90 The last time I went to the cinema was a year
........................................................................... ago.
I have ................................................................
79 How long is it since you finished your ...........................................................................
secondary education?
How long ago ................................................... 91 Tell Alex to come to my office should you see
........................................................................... him.
If ........................................................................
80 Jenny is unaccustomed to going to work at 9 ...........................................................................
in the morning.
Jenny isn’t ........................................................ 92 It’s a pity Jane can’t join us tonight.
........................................................................... I wish .................................................................
81 You won’t be allowed to enter the building
because you need a special pass. 93 It’s possible that he has missed the bus.
Unless ............................................................... He may .............................................................
........................................................................... ...........................................................................

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 39

94 Mrs Brown is our new team leader; she’s a 98 Nick repaired my car two days ago.
very capable woman. I had Nick ..........................................................
Mrs Brown, ....................................................... .........................................................................
99 Riding a bike is easier than riding a horse.
95 George wants to study in London, but his Riding a horse isn’t as ......................................
parents won’t let him. ...........................................................................
If George’s ........................................................
........................................................................... 100 ‘Don’t touch the paint; it’s still wet,’ she said.
She told me ......................................................
96 Maria can’t use the Internet. Dave can’t use ...........................................................................
the Internet, either.
Neither Maria ....................................................

97 I called her name four times before she heard

She couldn’t hear me until ...............................

40 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Multiple Choice
Directions: Circle the letter of the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

1 Participants are required to pay a registration 12 I need to have a … with both Mike and Phil.
…. A word C dialogue
A price C fee B gossip D exchange
B cost D value
13 He is planning to make a … about her attitude.
2 The … in the manual say that you need to A protest C disapproval
restart the computer. B dissatisfaction D complaint
A instructions C rules
B orders D tips 14 I don’t trust her since she is always … stories.
A making out C making off
3 Mum will be … with your new position at the B making up D making over
A gratified C fulfilled 15 Whenever we go clubbing, we spend a great
B pleased D thankful … of money.
A deal C amount
4 At weddings, people usually dance … dances. B quantity D total
A traditional C habitual
B conventional D customary 16 They all liked the party and Jim was …
5 She can’t join us as her lunch … is only 30 A especially C mainly
minutes. B primarily D chiefly
A rest C break
B crack D pause 17 I couldn’t understand what to do so I asked
the teacher for … .
6 While in Africa, he was … on the leg by a snake. A assistance C cooperation
A chewed C tasted B support D collaboration
B nibbled D bitten
18 No one … she will fire John and Mike.
7 You will be given your boarding … when you A waits C considers
check in. B expects D guesses
A receipt C acceptance
B pass D slip 19 Helen has decided to … to our company for
the vacant position.
8 All sales people present will receive free … of A enrol C join
our new product. B register D apply
A samples C testers
B models D examples 20 We were … the village when it started raining
in torrents.
9 Bring me the cookery book to check what … A reaching C approaching
we need. B advancing D arriving
A features C ingredients
B components D constituents 21 I promise I will … the matter as soon as
10 My laptop battery needs to be … every day. A look for C look up
A renovated C refreshed B look in D look into
B renewed D recharged
22 Victoria is … to be one of the best university
11 I took a lot of pictures in Los Angeles but I professors.
haven’t … the film yet. A regarded C considered
A developed C processed B viewed D noticed
B practised D extended

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 41

23 People sometimes … her for your sister. 35 We would … appreciate all your feedback and
A confuse C bewilder comments.
B mistake D err A greatly C highly
B hugely D largely
24 Our flight was … due to bad weather
conditions. 36 She is considered to be the most … candidate
A stopped C cancelled for the position.
B interrupted D suspended A proper C correct
B suitable D accurate
25 The number of the … of the village is
decreasing. 37 He’s a difficult person; it’s difficult to … to an
A occupants C inhabitants agreement with him.
B dwellers D lodgers A reach C come
B arrive D achieve
26 The cabin … consists of two pilots and three
flight attendants. 38 The plane to Warsaw is about to … any
A staff C crew minute.
B team D personnel A take up C take after
B take off D take down
27 It was a terrible accident, but he had only a …
on his cheek. 39 Do you happen to have a … for a traditional
A spot C bruise Bulgarian dish?
B damage D stain A description C prescription
B recipe D method
28 We can’t afford to have interpreters as their …
are very expensive. 40 … your warm pullover because it is cold
A salaries C wages outside.
B fees D allowances A Put on C Dress
B Take off D Place
29 You must … the food before you put it into
your rucksack. 41 I don’t like your …; I suggest going for a walk
A pack C wrap instead.
B envelop D fold A opinion C view
B outlook D idea
30 Is it true that girls usually … after their fathers?
A take C emerge 42 … the heavy snow, we will continue our
B capture D appear journey.
A Besides C In spite of
31 How much money do teachers in your country B Although D Even though
A profit C take 43 They are planning to … a new office next
B earn D win month.
A recruit C borrow
32 Ben was … of writing graffiti on the school wall. B hire D rent
A excused C accused
B charged D blamed 44 If you buy at least 10 books, you will get a 15%
... .
33 The meeting has been … for Monday morning. A discount C refund
A programmed C appointed B tip D bargain
B scheduled D timed
45 Alan sustained a very serious … in the plane
34 They really can’t … to travel by plane. crash last week.
A afford C allow A pain C injury
B provide D spare B damage D harm

42 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

46 My landlady … while she was sleeping last 58 None of my classmates … in the play at the
night. end of the school year.
A passed away C passed out A staged C directed
B passed by D passed through B performed D produced

47 Doing yoga doesn’t … to me. 59 The newly-built school in our neighbourhood

A attract C appeal has a lot of sports … .
B like D please A facilities C conveniences
B resources D appliances
48 The publishing house … excellent after sales
services to its customers. 60 Onions are a common ingredient in Bulgarian
A provides C contributes ….
B presents D delivers A menu C consumption
B cuisine D kitchen
49 In order to see the Managing Director, one
needs to … an appointment. 61 Nowadays, more and more people are getting
A fix C take a flu … .
B give D make A immunisation C preparation
B vaccination D intoxication
50 He hopes that one day he will … his dream of
becoming a lawyer. 62 Getting enough exercise is an important part
A fulfil C succeed of a … lifestyle.
B perform D complete A healthy C balanced
B good D fit
51 My cousin … his driving test when he was 19
years old. 63 It is … that we eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
A took C received A urged C ordered
B obtained D went B recommended D insisted

52 It was her eloquence that really … my 64 Whenever I travel to a foreign country, I always
attention. visit … monuments.
A gripped C caught A historical C authentic
B snatched D seized B out-of-date D older

53 They are planning to … house next year. 65 She … money and property after he father
A move C shift died.
B transfer D displace A inherited C won
B received D gained
54 Hundreds of people took … in the festival last
month. 66 My brother has put on weight as he eats food
A up C after that is … in fat.
B part D place A tall C full
B high D strong
55 Athena would like to go on a … of the USA.
A journey C trip 67 The Town Hall was … down last year by a very
B tour D travel strong hurricane.
A destroyed C burnt
56 The students are setting … the bake sale tables B knocked D ruined
at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning.
A off C up 68 They … a lot of leaflets during their
B in D on promotional campaign.
A gave away C gave in
57 I think we must get … at the third bus stop, but B gave off D gave up
I am not quite sure.
A up C on
B in D off

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 43

69 In the …, my father was a heavy smoker but 80 The owner of the shop always gives a discount
now he hates cigarettes. to her … customers.
A period C history A normal C regular
B background D past B standard D common

70 The first … I met Anna, I did not find her 81 Teachers have to … a good example for their
friendly at all. students.
A opportunity C time A give C put
B occasion D moment B set D place

71 Jessica is … on windsurfing. 82 If I were you, I would stop … about the exams

A pleased C eager so much.
B fond D keen A bothering C worrying
B disturbing D annoying
72 Carol couldn’t utter a(n) … word the moment
she saw Dave. 83 This train crosses the … between Bulgaria and
A only C single Turkey.
B particular D peculiar A boundary C border
B line D edge
73 He tried really hard and he finally … to fit his
clothes into a small suitcase. 84 After struggling with his homework, he … all
A managed C succeeded the tasks successfully.
B resulted D achieved A completed C achieved
B ended D settled
74 Tim is very young so it won’t be difficult for him
to get … his illness. 85 Victor’s parents don’t … him go clubbing on
A on C out weekdays.
B over D up A allow C let
B permit D consent
75 Did Sue and Beatrice … you about their
amusing experience last week. 86 They have decided to … their wedding until
A say C explain next year.
B spoke D tell A postpone C cancel
B suspend D interrupt
76 Anyone can get a … for this ELT newspaper.
A contribution C subscription 87 Ben’s Biology teacher makes students learn all
B donation D payment their lessons by … .
A chance C sight
77 She can’t see the board well which … her to B heart D luck
squint and have headaches.
A brings C fetches 88 People who want to work abroad need a … .
B causes D makes A license C permit
B certificate D diploma
78 Catherine put a lot of … into her presentation
and it was very successful. 89 All our experts are working hard to find a way
A effort C labour to … with the problem.
B attempt D sweat A grasp C tackle
B deal D do
79 Both of them felt very … and empty after they
lost their dog. 90 Many teachers have a strong … on their
A sad C angry students’ lives.
B weak D tired A influence C effect
B guidance D persuasion

44 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

91 You should buy the latest … of this bilingual 96 You need to … your application forms to our
dictionary. head office.
A volume C copy A present C propose
B issue D edition B offer D submit

92 We … Plovdiv at about 9 o’clock in the evening. 97 I have been in such a situation and I know …
A arrived C got how you feel.
B reached D came A exactly C correctly
B essentially D distinctly
93 The school-leaving ceremony will take … on
22nd May. 98 How many years is your identity card … for?
A site C place A due C valid
B scene D venue B worthy D valued

94 It’s not a good idea to cook … food. 99 The school director liked the way I … with the
A frozen C freezing naughty students.
B icy D chilled A dealt C met
B faced D cared
95 Val has never been very … on skiing or diving.
A keen C willing 100 Does your son … believe that Santa Claus
B determined D enthusiastic exists?
A frankly C actually
B positively D fairly

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 45

Sentence Completion
Directions: Circle the letter of the correct answer (A, B, C or D).

1 ‘What time … to bed last night?’ ‘Around 11 10 There were … people in the room that we
o’clock.’ could hardly breathe.
A did you go C you went A so many C such many
B have you gone D were you going B such D so a lot of
2 Dad is keen on reading … Observer newspaper 11 It was … seminar that many people left before
every evening. it was over.
A an C a A so boring C so a boring
B - D the B such boring D such a boring
3 ‘What … when you got home today?’ ‘They 12 Molly and Brian … cartoons when they were
were playing in the garden.’ children.
A the children were doing A are used to watching
B the children did B get used to watching
C were the children doing C used to watch
D did the children do D are used to watch

4 ‘Is Oscar in the office?’ ‘Yes, he … from a 13 They … in Varna for seven years before they
business trip. moved to Sofia.
A comes back A have lived C have been living
B has just come back B would live D had been living
C is coming back
D just has come back 14 Valerie was watching TV when George … her a
5 Mum is very tired now because she … the A gave C was giving
housework all day long. B had given D is giving
A has done C is doing
B had done D has been doing 15 You … smoke in here. You had better find a
smoking area.
6 ‘Can I have … coffee, please?’ ‘Yes, sure.’ A must C don’t have to
A any C little B needn’t D can’t
B some D a few
16 I think your car is in much better shape …
7 Lesley sent me a text message after the plane mine.
… at the airport in Slovenia. A from C of
A lands C will land B than D the
B has landed D had landed
17 Mark was sweeping the floor while Kim … the
8 It’s time for her to get up. She … since 2 furniture.
o’clock. A has been dusting C had dusted
A is sleeping C has been sleeping B had been dusting D was dusting
B was sleeping D had been sleeping
18 Richard isn’t as … at English as Bob and
9 They … in the forest for two hours when it Vicky.
started raining. A better C good
A had been walking B the best D better than
B would be walking
C walked 19 Maria … to her favourite CD very often.
D would have been walking A is listening C listens
B will have listened D don’t listen

46 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

20 Alexander didn’t phone me … he didn’t want to 32 ‘Has she ever worked in an office before?’ ‘No,
bother me. but she is … to it.’
A while C as A used C getting used
B so D neither B using D got used

21 You … water the plants. I watered them 33 If I had finished work earlier, I … to the cinema
yesterday evening. with you.
A needn’t C mustn’t A will come C would come
B can’t D shan’t B would have come D had come

22 The film … by the time we got to the cinema. 34 By the time he gets to the railway station, the
A started C was starting train … .
B had been starting D had started A will be left C will be leaving
B will have left D will leave
23 Boris never … attend lectures when he was at
university. 35 This time next Monday they … their final exam
A didn’t use to C used to in English.
B uses to D was using to A will sit C will sitting
B will be sitting D will have been sitting
24 I hope Jenny and Joan … tomorrow morning.
A won’t oversleep 36 She said she … some days off to visit her
B won’t have overslept grandparents.
C won’t be oversleeping A will take C took
D are oversleeping B would take D has taken

25 If he … home early, I will tell him to phone you. 37 The mechanic … my car by next Wednesday.
A came C had come A will have repaired C will be repairing
B comes D will come B has repaired D is repairing

26 Tracey will join us … she finishes work. 38 Alison refused … me when Dan was leaving for
A as soon as C by Amsterdam.
B while D and A to tell C telling
B to have told D to be telling
27 They … to spend their summer vacation abroad.
A will C will be going 39 Amanda did not meet the requirements. …, they
B will be D are going still offered her the position of editor-in-chief.
A But C Moreover
28 If you keep your promise, I … you that new B Though D However
computer game.
A am buying C buy 40 More and more people … the Internet in the
B am going and buy D will buy near future.
A are using C used to use
29 You may … my laptop if you promise to handle B will be using D have been using
it carefully.
A to use C use 41 Susie suggested … on a picnic at the weekend.
B be use D used A go C to go
B going D went
30 Lucy … her accountant on Friday afternoon.
A is seen C is seeing 42 Georgia denied … Mr Simmons before.
B sees D has been seeing A having met C to have met
B to be meeting D having been met
31 Let’s make a decision before she … back.
A will come C comes 43 He said that he … thirsty and was going to buy
B is coming D will comes himself a large Coke.
A is C was
B had been D will be

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 47

44 My DVD player … by next Friday. 56 … the weather was bad, we decided to go for
A will not repair a walk.
B won’t have been repaired A In spite of C Despite
C will not be repairing B As a result D Although
D won’t be repair
57 Looking after a pet is not an easy thing. …,
45 Their teachers advised them … more grammar pets are great company for people living on
exercises. their own.
A to do C doing A While C On the other hand
B to doing D to have done B As well as D On that hand

46 Where did these flowers come …? 58 My twin brother has blue eyes … I have brown
A with C from eyes.
B by D of A despite C although
B whereas D nevertheless
47 Tim accused us of … all our classmates his
secret. 59 It was … beautiful cathedral that we all took
A telling C having been told pictures of it.
B to tell D having to tell A so C such a
B such D so a
48 The guide asked us … a lot of time shopping.
A to not spend C not spending 60 Jessica studied really hard. …, she didn’t pass
B not to spend D not to be spent all of her final exams.
A However C Despite
49 My parents didn’t let me … up till midnight last B Although D Even though
A to stay C stay 61 It snowed all day long. …, the outdoor events
B staying D to be stay were cancelled.
A As a result C Nevertheless
50 The curtains in the living room need … . B Moreover D In addition
A to wash C to have washing
B be washed D washing 62 My aunt Sheryl … paid for my trip to England,
but also gave me some pocket money.
51 Lori looks exactly … her mother. A as well C not only
A like C as B in addition D as well as
B after D for
63 “Why have you brought that many
52 Louisa works … an ELT consultant for a catalogues?” “… that there will be a lot of
publishing company. attendees at the seminar and we might run
A as C like out.”
B for D since A Because C For fear
B Since D In case
53 The older she gets, the … unfriendly she
becomes. 64 Mrs Connor has just cancelled her
A most C least appointment with you … the fact that there was
B more D – no one to look after her baby.
A due to C because
54 I saw Rob … the library fifteen minutes ago. B as D for the reason that
A enter C enters
B to enter D entered 65 ‘I don’t like staying at home on Saturday
evenings.’ ‘…’
55 … going swimming after school, Roy? A So do I. C Neither I do.
A How about C Let’s B Nor do I. D I don’t, too.
B Why don’t we D Shall we

48 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

66 My son always has trouble … up early in the 77 I should … Jenny out last night. She felt so
morning and he’s always late for school. lonely at home.
A to get C getting A ask C asked
B get D to be getting B have asked D had asked

67 Her new book is expected … in two weeks’ 78 … dictionaries can be used while the exam is
time. in progress.
A to have come out C come out A None C No
B comes out D to come out B None of D Not

68 I think you should try … a glass of milk with 79 When did you last …?
honey before going to sleep. It will help you. A have your teeth checked
A to be drinking C drink B have your teeth check
B drinking D to drinking C check your teeth
D got your teeth checked
69 Don’t be angry with her. I am sure she did not
mean … you. 80 ‘These cakes taste really delicious.’ ‘They were
A to offend C offending made … strawberries.’
B offend D to have offended A with the C by
B by the D with
70 ‘They spent their summer holidays at the
seaside last year.’ ‘…’ 81 … you need more information, do not hesitate
A So did we. C We did, either. to contact me.
B So we did. D Nor did we. A Would C Should
B Will D Had
71 ‘What’s that noise coming from the Browns’
flat?’ ‘Jill must … her birthday.’ 82 If you had kept a stiff upper lip yesterday, you
A have celebrated … now.
B celebrate A wouldn’t be sorry
C be celebrating B wouldn’t sorry
D have been celebrating C wouldn’t have been sorry
D won’t be sorry
72 Take off your shoes before entering the room,
…? 83 Victor said that he was going to deliver a talk
A will you C do you the … month.
B don’t you D shall you A last C following
B that D previous
73 Someone is calling my name, …?
A isn’t he C aren’t they 84 You can borrow my laptop … you bring it back
B are they D isn’t someone tomorrow afternoon.
A unless C if not
74 How often do you … your hair cut? B suppose D as long as
A do C gets
B have D did 85 The teacher told us that the Earth … around
the Sun.
75 Sheila prefers travelling by bus … travelling by A is revolving C revolve
train. B revolves D revolved
A than C rather
B to D rather to 86 If you go for a walk, … some vegetables from
the greengrocer’s.
76 When I was a student I learnt how to dance … A will buy C buy
tango. B bought D will buy you
A a C –
B an D the

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 49

87 Is the water in the swimming pool … for us to 94 Tommy …, Mum. I am fed up with him.
swim in? A is always yelling C yells always
A warm enough C too warm B always yelling D always is yelling
B very warm D enough warm
95 Although Bob and Maria … to Thessalonica
88 Is that the boy … took your bike without asking twice this year, they are going again next week.
you? A are going C have gone
A which C whom B did go D have been
B who D whose
96 The board of directors … a meeting at the
89 The stew … delicious. Who cooked it? moment.
A tastes C is tasted A has just had C is having
B is tasting D is being tasted B had had D are to have

90 Are you OK, Marie? You … pale at the moment. 97 These velvet jeans … very soft.
A are looking C looking A feel C feels
B looked D looks B are feeling D is feeling

91 These green dungarees … Ned perfectly. 98 This salad was made … tomatoes, cucumbers
A fit C fitting and onions.
B are fitting D are fitted A of C by
B with D via
92 Due to global warming the climate … hotter
and hotter. 99 Marie asked me … anybody her secret.
A gets C getting A to not tell C tell not
B is getting D get B not tell to D not to tell

93 I have a lot of shirts, none of … will fit you. 100 He denied that he … the vase.
A whom C they A breaking C having broken
B all D which B was broken D had broken

50 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Test A Test B
Part One Part One
Listening Comprehension Listening Comprehension

Task 1 Task 1
1 A 3 C 5 C 7 B 1 B 3 B 5 C 7 C 9 C
2 B 4 A 6 B 8 C 2 A 4 B 6 C 8 A

Task 2 Task 2
9 A 11 D 13 D 15 D 10 B 12 A 14 A
10 C 12 A 14 A 11 C 13 C 15 A

Part Two Part Two

Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension

Task 1 Task 1
16 C 18 B 20 C 22 B 16 C 18 B 20 C 22 A 24 A
17 B 19 A 21 D 23 B 17 A 19 C 21 B 23 B

Task 2 Task 2
24 C 26 A 28 B 30 C 25 A 27 B 29 B
25 B 27 B 29 B 26 C 28 D 30 A

Part Three Part Three

Use of English Use of English

Task 1: Cloze Test Task 1: Cloze Test

31 A 34 C 37 D 40 C 43 D 31 A 34 B 37 A 40 C 43 C
32 B 35 A 38 B 41 A 44 C 32 C 35 B 38 B 41 C 44 C
33 C 36 B 39 D 42 B 45 A 33 A 36 C 39 B 42 A 45 D

Task 2: Sentence Completion Task 2: Sentence Completion

46 B 48 C 50 C 52 A 54 B 46 A 48 C 50 B 52 D 54 D
47 C 49 D 51 C 53 D 55 D 47 A 49 A 51 A 53 B 55 A

Task 3 Three: Sentence Transformations Task 3 Three: Sentence Transformations

56 We had a wonderful time at Jimmy’s birthday 56 My father says that I am not old enough to drive
party last Saturday. our new car.
57 It is not necessary for you to accompany me to 57 Sofia succeeded in finalising the project before
the hospital if you don’t have time. she went on a business trip.
58 Brian’s mother told him she wouldn’t give him any 58 My grandmother’s old washing machine hasn’t
pudding until he had eaten his supper. been mended yet.
59 If Ron and Vicky had studied hard, they would 59 There aren’t many people who can afford to go on
have passed their final exams. a two-week holiday nowadays.
60 Angela and her brother are said to be very gifted 60 Pamporovo reminds me of the day when I first met
children. my girlfriend.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1


Test C Test D
Part One Part One
Listening Comprehension Listening Comprehension

Task 1 Task 1
1 A 3 A 5 A 1 C 3 A 5 B
2 B 4 C 2 B 4 C

Task 2 Task 2
6 B 8 B 6 C 8 A
7 C 9 A 7 B 9 A

Task 3 Task 3
10 B 12 C 14 D 10 B 12 C 14 D
11 A 13 B 15 A 11 D 13 C 15 B

Part Two Part Two

Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension

Task 1 Task 1
16 A 18 A 20 C 22 B 24 B 16 B 18 B 20 A 22 A
17 C 19 A 21 C 23 A 25 C 17 A 19 C 21 B 23 B

Task 2 Task 2
26 A 27 B 28 D 29 B 30 A 24 D 26 A 28 C 30 D
25 D 27 B 29 A
Part Three
Use of English Part Three
Use of English
Task 1: Cloze Test
31 A 34 C 37 D 40 A 43 A Task 1: Cloze Test
32 B 35 D 38 D 41 C 44 A 31 A 34 D 37 D 40 A 43 A
33 C 36 B 39 B 42 A 45 B 32 C 35 B 38 C 41 B 44 C
33 B 36 C 39 C 42 C 45 D
Task 2: Sentence Completion
46 B 48 A 50 B 52 C 54 B Task 2: Sentence Completion
47 C 49 C 51 D 53 A 55 B 46 C 48 D 50 C 52 D 54 C
47 D 49 A 51 C 53 B 55 A
Task 3 Three: Sentence Transformations
56 It was such a tasty meal that he asked the hostess Task 3 Three: Sentence Transformations
if he could have some more. 56 You can’t (mustn’t) use the office phone to make
57 My parents, my sister and I haven’t been to the personal calls.
seaside for a long time. 57 This was the first time Derek and Alice had
58 Andrew, who hasn’t been here for weeks, is going attended such a pleasant house warming party.
to visit us tomorrow. (This was the most pleasant house warming party
59 There isn’t a worse time to drive a car in big cities Derek and Alice had ever attended).
such as Sofia, than during the rush hour. 58 Cindy said that they were in a hurry since the
60 We had better talk with Jake’s parents before we performance started in less than 15 minutes.
punish him so severely.
2 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

59 Neither Sam nor Andy likes eating at Chinese 60 Mike is likely to try to find a well-paid job before he
restaurants. gets married to Kylie
60 You shouldn’t have told my girlfriend everything I
had shared with you. Further Matura Practice
Sentence Transformations
Test E
1 She isn’t patient enough to be a primary teacher.
Part One
2 They’d rather drink tea than coffee.
Listening Comprehension
3 Wendy told Tim that if he didn’t tidy his room, she
Task 1 would not let him go out.
1 B 3 A 5 C 4 It doesn’t cost anything to have a glass of wine
2 A 4 C 6 D and some cheese.
5 There’s no difference between Mike’s new iPod
Task 2 and mine.
7 B 9 B 11 A 13 A 15 C 6 Everyone in the office congratulated me on my
8 A 10 A 12 C 14 B birthday apart from (except for) Ron.
7 We have always got on well with our neighbours.
Part Two 8 Bob’s friends do not approve of his new haircut.
Reading Comprehension 9 It was more than two weeks since Peter (last)
called me.
Task 1
10 Catherine said that unless they made haste, they
16 A 18 B 20 B 22 C 24 A
would miss the train.
17 C 19 B 21 C 23 A 25 C
11 Many prices have changed since last year.
12 These salads were made using only homegrown
Task 2
26 C 27 C 28 D 29 C 30 B
13 Vicky apologised for not being able (for having not
been able)/for being unable (for having been
Part Three
unable) to attend my party.
Use of English
14 The plane is not likely to take off on time.
Task 1: Cloze Test 15 It’s not worth watering the plants today as it is
31 D 34 D 37 B 40 A 43 B going to rain tomorrow.
32 B 35 B 38 D 41 C 44 A 16 You are required to fill in this application form so
33 A 36 D 39 A 42 B 45 B as to be able to participate in the event.
17 ‘It makes no difference what you do since I won’t
Task 2: Sentence Completion forgive you.’
46 A 48 C 50 A 52 B 54 B 18 You had better take some days off work.
47 D 49 B 51 B 53 B 55 D 19 There is no doubt she had no intention of
offending you.
Task 3 Three: Sentence Transformations 20 Joshua asked me if I could lend him my bike.
56 It was when I got to her house that I remembered I 21 Rick isn’t used to getting up early in the mornings.
had forgotten to turn off the cooker. 22 Paul wouldn’t have bought the least expensive
57 Mona wishes she had consulted someone before watch if he had had more money on him.
buying a new DVD player. 23 The old theatre is going to be renovated next year.
58 He asked me how long Dane has been working 24 They need to come up with a solution to the
for Billy’s company. problem as soon as possible.
59 Philip is being accused by the school director of 25 Ian and Tina gave me a (helping) hand with all of
having offended his Biology teacher. my luggage.

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3


26 If only I had visited Cambridge. 55 She wanted to know if I had ever seen that film.
27 Jim’s parents don’t let him stay out late on 56 It has been a month since Lily last saw her
weekdays. granparents.
28 Jessica wishes she hadn’t gone to the disco on 57 My aunt isn’t very good at cooking traditional
Saturday. Bulgarian dishes.
29 It took Mike four hours to do the translation. 58 The venue of the event is too far away for us to walk.
30 Helen will get in touch with me as soon as she 59 The restaurant is being extended into the garden.
comes back from the trip. 60 This is such a heavy box that I can’t even lift it.
31 Gus doesn’t have the ability to manage such a big 61 Although she was cold, she did not want me to
company. give her something to put on.
32 Brian is too tired to keep on walking. 62 I always find it difficult to convince her that she is
33 No one said it was your fault that she didn’t get wrong.
the position. 63 Hardly anyone was/any students were at school
34 Nowadays it is rare to find parking spaces in the on Friday.
centre of Sofia. 64 My parents insisted on my becoming a doctor.
35 The case is being investigated by Mr Horace at 65 She used to work as a waitress.
present. 66 There is no point in worrying/no need to worry about
36 He locked the gate so that his dog couldn’t him that much.
(wouldn’t) get out. 67 I’d rather you didn’t play the music so loud.
37 She wanted to know how deep that lake was. 68 The security guards stopped us from speaking to
38 I expect you must be pleased with your final exam the champion.
results. 69 I’d like to know how much the red shirt costs.
39 It goes without saying that it is necessary (for you) 70 You don’t need to ask anyone for help to do this.
to study hard before your exam. 71 I have got as many DVDs as Patrick.
40 You should not have told off your brother. 72 You should cut down on (eating) sweets.
41 The singer is said to have been discovered while 73 The woman we met last night turned out to be
taking part in a music show. Jack’s mother.
42 The butcher’s had run out of minced meat. 74 Jim lost his mobile and as a result he bought
43 Only a few of the students’ parents attended the another one.
school performance. 75 Do you happen to know when they are leaving for
44 It won’t be possible to organise the seminar within Berlin?
the next two weeks. 76 They must have visited Greece before.
45 Rita suggested to Pete that they go on a picnic at 77 The tea is so sweet that I can’t drink it.
the weekend. 78 These are the most intelligent people I have ever
46 Instead of going out last night, we stayed at home. worked with.
47 I don’t feel like talking to her right now. 79 How long ago did you finish your secondary
48 Philip and Sophia are expected to get married soon. education?
49 ‘If I were you, I would go jogging regularly,’ Derek 80 Jenny isn’t used to going to work at 9 in the
said. morning.
50 It wasn’t Ron that (who) spilt the coffee. 81 Unless you have a special pass, you won’t be
51 Take your skis with you in case there is enough allowed to enter the building.
snow for skiing. 82 It’s the first time they have seen an interactive
52 Do you happen to know what made him shout at device.
Julia? 83 This exit should be used in case of an emergency.
53 This is the second time I have been here. 84 Cathy is just about to tell him the truth, so call her
54 The cost of delivery is not included in the price of immediately.
the DVD-ROM.

4 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

85 Maria’s sister started going to basketball practice Sentence Completion

five years ago. 1 A 21 A 41 B 61 A 81 C
86 The film we saw yesterday was more interesting 2 D 22 D 42 A 62 C 82 A
than we had expected. 3 C 23 C 43 C 63 C 83 C
87 Are you in the mood for going to the theatre tonight? 4 B 24 A 44 B 64 A 84 D
88 Despite being young (the fact that he is young), 5 D 25 B 45 A 65 B 85 B
he always gives me wise advice. 6 B 26 A 46 C 66 C 86 C
89 It’s about time you started doing the gardening. 7 D 27 D 47 A 67 D 87 A
90 I have not been to the cinema for a year. 8 C 28 D 48 B 68 B 88 B
91 If you see Alex, tell him to come to my office. 9 A 29 C 49 C 69 A 89 A
92 I wish Jane could join us tonight. 10 A 30 C 50 D 70 A 90 A
93 He may have missed the bus. 11 D 31 C 51 A 71 C 91 A
94 Mrs Brown, who is a very capable woman, is our 12 C 32 C 52 A 72 A 92 B
new team leader. 13 D 33 B 53 B 73 C 93 D
95 If George’s parents let him, he will/would study in 14 A 34 B 54 A 74 B 94 A
London. 15 D 35 B 55 A 75 B 95 D
96 Neither Maria nor Dave can use the Internet. 16 B 36 B 56 D 76 D 96 C
97 She couldn’t hear me until I had called her name 17 D 37 A 57 C 77 B 97 A
four times. 18 C 38 A 58 B 78 C 98 B
98 I had Nick repair my car two days ago. 19 C 39 D 59 C 79 A 99 D
99 Riding a horse isn’t as easy as riding a bike. 20 C 40 B 60 A 80 D 100 D
100 She told me not to touch the paint because it was
still wet.

Multiple Choice
1 C 21 D 41 D 61 B 81 B
2 A 22 C 42 C 62 A 82 C
3 B 23 B 43 D 63 B 83 C
4 A 24 C 44 A 64 A 84 A
5 C 25 C 45 C 65 A 85 C
6 D 26 C 46 A 66 B 86 A
7 B 27 C 47 C 67 B 87 B
8 A 28 B 48 A 68 A 88 C
9 C 29 C 49 D 69 D 89 B
10 D 30 A 50 A 70 C 90 A
11 A 31 B 51 A 71 D 91 D
12 A 32 C 52 C 72 C 92 B
13 D 33 B 53 A 73 A 93 C
14 B 34 A 54 B 74 B 94 A
15 A 35 C 55 B 75 D 95 A
16 A 36 B 56 C 76 C 96 D
17 A 37 C 57 D 77 B 97 A
18 B 38 B 58 B 78 A 98 C
19 D 39 B 59 A 79 A 99 A
20 C 40 A 60 B 80 C 100 C

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5

Test A Barbara: Wow, that long, huh? Time flies! Well, the
reason why I am calling you after 8 years is
Part One
because I’m organising a reunion … It’s
Task 1
been so long since we all graduated from
Hey, all you young people out there! If you’re between
ballet school and I thought it’s such a
21 and 28, you’ve probably just got out of school or
shame that most of us haven’t kept in
you’re still in University. Chances are, you’ve never
touch. So Jane, Frank and I are organising
had a full-time job and even if you’re working and
a barbecue at Frank’s house, and I think it
going to school right now, your job has nothing to do
would be great if you came!
with what you’d like to do in the future! Right?
Lynn: Wow! That’s wonderful! I haven’t seen
Well, finding your first job can be quite frustrating.
anyone for such a long time! It would be
People don’t want to hire you because you’ve got no
great to catch up on old times. How many
experience, but you can’t get experience without a job!
people are coming to this barbecue?
Sometimes you just feel there are no opportunities for
Barbara: Well, we’ve got about 25 people so far. We
people like you looking to enter the work force. But
couldn’t reach everyone. I guess a lot of
don’t give up! Many companies hire recent university
people may have moved or changed their
graduates with no experience.
phone numbers.
The first step to take if you’re looking for a job for the
Lynn: Yeah, that’s probably it. When’s the reunion?
first time is to decide what field you want to work in
Barbara: It’s on Saturday, 7 August. That’s in about
and what you need to learn to do so. You can do this
three weeks from today.
by reading about the field, talking to career
Lynn: Perfect! I don’t think I’ve got anything planned
counsellors, or simply asking someone in the field. Ask
… Count me in for now, and if anything
them which skills you need, how they started in their
happens, I’ll ring you and let you know.
career, and if they have any advice for you.
Barbara: That’s great! Here’s my phone number. Do
Don’t forget about your part-time jobs! Many
you have a pen and paper?
employers know that working part time, especially
Lynn: Yeah, just give me a second … OK, go ahead.
when attending school, is a big commitment and
Barbara: It’s 555-7231.
responsibility. Most companies look for candidates
Lynn: 555-7231, got it!
who have some kind of part-time experience.
Barbara: Well, I’ll be looking forward to seeing you at
Employers also look for candidates who have been
the party!
involved in community organisations, clubs or volunteer
Lynn: Me too! And thank you so much for the
activities. Don’t think that an experience is not worth
invitation, Barbara!
mentioning just because you didn’t get paid for it.
Barbara: Oh, it’s my pleasure! Have a good evening,
Part One
Lynn: Likewise. Bye!
Task 2
Lynn: Hello?
Test B
Barbara: Hi Lynn! It’s Barbara.
Lynn: Barbara ... I’m sorry, Barbara who? Part One
Barbara: Don’t you remember? It’s me, Barbara from Task 1
New York City Ballet. We went to ballet You already have to deal with teachers telling you to
school together for two years! settle down, your parents asking you to be quiet, and
Lynn: Oh my gosh! Barbara Taylor! Taylor, right? your big brothers and sisters telling you to go away.
Barbara: Yeah, that’s it! How are you? Now, some scientists are trying to get us all to be
Lynn: I’m fine, thanks. How are you? silent. They say that we may be surprised by what we
Barbara: Oh fine, thank you! I know it’s been a long hear when we stop and listen. Paying attention to
time since we spoke! natural sounds could also help us do a better job of
Lynn: My gosh, it’s been at least eight years! keeping our planet healthy.

6 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE


Chris Shaver of the National Park Service in Denver, Richard: Yes, I’m proud of the first three chapters of
Colorado, says that natural sounds are important. Animals Mortal Lessons. They are on reading lists
use sounds to communicate with one another, and, just in every medical school in the country,
as cutting down trees threatens the wilderness, so does and so is my book Letters to a Young
interrupting the natural sounds of the environment. Doctor. I’m proud of those, but what is the
Protecting the sounds of nature is a big part of what greatest reward is the fact that other
Chris Shaver does. As chief of the Air Resources Division people are learning from my work. That
of the National Park Service, she is leading a major effort makes me feel useful to society.
to study and preserve natural sounds. She believes that Interviewer: How do you feel when you look back on
there ought to be a place in every park where people your earlier works?
can go and hear natural sounds. Just like there are ‘no Richard: Sometimes I think, ‘Did that come out of
smoking’ zones, there should be ‘no noise’ zones. me?’. Sometimes I’m embarrassed, but
more often I’m pleased with the work. I
Part One can turn to a page and read part of an
Task 2 article and think, ‘You know, that’s not
Interviewer: Today we are talking to Dr Richard Selzer, bad – I wonder if I could still do that?’.
the writer. He is a retired doctor and teacher Interviewer: Do you feel people will read your books
and has written ten books and received in the future?
many awards. So Richard, how did you find Richard: People still read the books that I wrote 25
enough hours in a day to be a doctor, years ago. I think that, in all honesty,
teacher, writer, husband and father? some of my work will last. It has lasted for
Richard: I was a doctor but I always thought I 25 years, and I’m sure my next works will
wanted to be a surgeon and was studying last another 25. This pleases me a lot.
for this but when I was 40 I gave up and Interviewer: Do you have any advice for people who
began to write. Then my life changed. I want to write about medicine?
gave up almost everything except my Richard: Yes, become a doctor first because a
work as a doctor, my family and my writer can’t make a living – you have to
writing. I didn’t play cards, go to the support yourself and your family. But
movies or to dinner parties. I would finish writing is a very personal thing. It’s like
my work at the hospital, go home, talk to your fingerprint – no one else has exactly
my wife and kids, have dinner and then your style. A lucky writer will find his own
immediately go to bed around 7.30 or style but an unlucky one will always have
8.00. At 1 am, I would get up, make some to make himself write in an unnatural
tea and, while the rest of the world was writing style. When this happens, it’s
asleep, I wrote. After three or four years, uncomfortable: writing is painful.
people began to publish my articles. Abridged from Teen Ink, Interview with Doctor/Writer:
Interviewer: Did anyone encourage you? Richard Selzer by Sylvia K. – E. Setauket, NY
Richard: Well, none of my friends tried to encourage
me as they didn’t know I was trying to Test C
make it as a writer. Friends and colleagues
just thought I was busy working and Part One
simply wanted to stay at home in my free Task 1
time as I wasn’t very sociable. But, of Host: Welcome to “Where to Eat”. This week we
course, my wife and children supported sent our restaurant reviewer, Russ Barker, to
and helped me a lot. Rico’s Restaurant on New Street. So, Russ,
Interviewer: Are there any books or articles you are how was it?
proud of? Russ: Excellent. This little restaurant is a real find. It
seems like it should be on a quiet side street
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 7

in Rome rather than on a crowded high street Interviewer: Now … Joe we know that you’ve been a
in the middle of an English city. The décor is sailor for about twenty-five years now,
very traditional with small wooden tables and and yet last year you had an experience
chairs and beautiful pictures of the Italian that nearly cost you your life. What
countryside on the walls. The atmosphere is exactly happened?
great, too, so calm and peaceful with low JM: Well, I was sailing across the Channel
lighting and soft music. It is a family run from Dover to Calais, which is a very
restaurant and the owners greet everyone short distance, when I decided to change
personally. As for the food, it is fantastic. It’s course and cross to Cherbourg, instead.
all home made from traditional recipes and It is near La Hague, which is further
tastes delicious. I especially recommend the southwest on the French coast. It was a
minestrone soup and lasagna. It is not journey I had made several times before,
expensive either; a three-course meal with so I felt comfortable making the change
wine will cost about í20 per person. Overall, at the last moment. I’d checked the
great food, great atmosphere and great value. weather forecast that morning, so I didn’t
bother to check again on my radio. And
Part One that was my big mistake.
Task 2 Interviewer: Why?
Welcome to Kensington Palace. We hope that you will JM: Because there was a storm coming. I had
enjoy your visit and that it will be as interesting and sailed in storms before, but unfortunately,
informative as we can make it. this time the weather got worse very fast.
In order to do this, visitors will be divided into groups When I tried to start the engine on my
of ten and a qualified guide will take them on their tour. boat, nothing happened because the
Please stay with your guide at all times. He will explain battery was dead.
the palace history and discuss the paintings *that you Interviewer: So what did you do?
will see. Your guide will be delighted to answer any JM: Luckily, my radio was still working so I
questions you may have at the end of each stage of called for help. I told the coast guard that
the tour. my engine had failed and that I couldn’t
Highlights of your tour will include the State control the boat. Thankfully, I was already
Apartments, the Cupola Room and the King’s Gallery close to the French coast so the rescue
with its fine collection of 17th century paintings. We team arrived very quickly.
ask that you not touch any of the exhibits and to make Interviewer: And there was no way you could fight
sure that children do not shout or run about. Feel free your way through the storm?
to take photographs, but please be careful not to JM: Normally I could have, but the strong
disturb other visitors while doing so. wind tore one of the sails.
There is a gift shop where a wide range of gifts and Interviewer: Goodness, you were very unlucky!
souvenirs are available, next to the Orangery JM: To be honest, I think I was very careless.
restaurant, which is open for morning coffee, light My brother had told me to check the sails
lunches and afternoon tea. This is the only area where and the engine the day before I left. He
food is allowed, so please do not eat or drink anything had also warned me that the weather at
else in the palace. that time of the year could change very
From a leaflet on Kensington Palace quickly. I should have listened to his
advice. From now on I will certainly pay
Part One
more attention to him and be more careful.
Task 3
Interviewer: Had anything like that ever happened to
Interviewer: With me today is Joe Matthews, an
you before?
experienced yachtsman. Welcome, Joe.
JM: Thank you.

8 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE


JM: No, never. It reminded me I should People believe that the pyramid took over twenty years to
always check everything before I sail and build. First the site had to be prepared and then blocks of
always listen to my brother. You can’t stone were brought from far away. The pyramid is made
control the sea but you can be prepared of more than two million blocks of stone, each weighing
for problems. I never want to experience more than two tons. Although we do not really know how
anything like that again. the blocks were put in place, there are many theories.
Interviewer: I can certainly understand that, Joe! One theory suggests that the blocks were placed using
long levers. When it was first built, the Great Pyramid was
Test D nearly 146m high, but over the years, it has lost 10m off
its top. However, it was still the tallest structure on earth
Part One
for more than forty-three centuries. Of course nowadays,
Task 1
with our huge skyscrapers, this is no longer true.
One evening, when Charlie went in to see his
Today, the Great Pyramid, together with other pyramids
grandparents, he said to them, “Is it really true that
and The Great Sphinx of Giza, combine to create
Wonka’s Chocolate Factory is the biggest in the world?”
important tourist attractions. Also in the area is the
“True?” cried all four of them at once. “Of course it’s
museum where you can see the mysterious Sun Boat,
true! Good heavens, didn’t you know that? It’s about
discovered in 1954 near the south side of the Great
fifty times as big as any other!”
Pyramid. People believe that the Sun Boat was used to
“And is Mr Willy Wonka really the cleverest chocolate
carry the body of Pharaoh Khufu on his last journey
maker in the world?” asked Charlie.
before he was placed inside the Great Pyramid.
“Oh, what a man he is, this Mr Willy Wonka!” cried
People are always coming up with new ideas about why
Grandpa Joe. “Did you know, for example, that he has
the Pyramids were built: that aliens built them, for
himself invented more than two hundred new kinds of
example. But scientific and historic evidence still supports
chocolate bars, each with a different centre, each far
the belief that the Pyramids were built by the great Ancient
sweeter and creamier and more delicious than
Egyptian civilisation as tombs for their magnificent kings.
anything the other chocolate factories make?”
Grandpa Joe continued, “Mr Willy Wonka has created
Part One
marshmallows that taste of violets, and rich caramels that
Task 3
change colour every ten seconds as you suck them, and
Presenter: And now it’s time to introduce Susan
little feathery delights that melt away deliciously the
Parker who has just returned from a rather
moment you put them between your lips. He has
long journey collecting material for her new
chewing gum that never loses its taste, and sugar
cookery book. Susan, I understand you
balloons that you can blow up to enormous sizes before
travelled all around the world, is that right?
you pop them with a pin and chew them up. And by a
Susan: Not quite, Brian! I only managed three
most secret method, he has invented lovely blue birds’
continents in all. Let’s face it. There are not
eggs with black spots on them, and when you put one of
many traditional foods to be found in
these in your mouth, it gradually gets smaller and smaller
Antarctica, and I had to miss out Australia
until suddenly there is nothing left except a tiny little pink
and New Zealand, I’m afraid. I just couldn’t
sugary baby bird sitting on the tip of your tongue.”
fit them into my schedule, unfortunately. It
Adapted from Roald Dahl’s Charlie and
was very hectic all the way.
the Chocolate Factory, www.
Presenter: And you say that it was absolutely
necessary for you to visit all these
Part One
countries to get the information you
Task 2
wanted? Are you sure it wasn’t just an
The Great Pyramid of Khufu at Giza is the one and only
excuse to get away and enjoy yourself?
‘Wonder of the Ancient World’ that people can visit.
Susan: I would be the last one to say I didn’t enjoy
This is because, of all of the original Seven Ancient
myself! But it wasn’t a pleasure trip, you
Wonders, the Great Pyramid is the only that still exists.
know. All that flying is actually very tiring,
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 9

making sure you get to the airport on time Presenter: What was the most unusual dish you
and so on – I wasn’t sunbathing on the ever ate?
deck of a luxury cruise ship, you know! Susan: That’s a very difficult question, Brian!
Presenter: But surely, in these days of the Internet, People eat the strangest things – strange
you don’t actually need to visit countries to you and me, anyway. But rose
to collect recipes – just log on and there omelette is just one unusual recipe I
you are. There must be thousands of have included in my book. It makes a
sites on the Net where you could have marvellous difference to breakfast!
got the information you needed. Presenter: And if you want to find out how to make
Susan: That may be so, but you can’t actually a rose omelette and other exotic foods,
taste food on the Internet! And you have Susan Parker’s new book, A World of
no way of knowing how real the recipes Cooking, is available at … (fade)
are and so on. No, the only way to find
out whether a recipe will work is to go to Test E
a country and eat the same food as the
Part One
native people. Let’s face it, there are a lot
Task 1
of Chinese and Indian restaurants in this
Interviewer: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. In
country, but the food they serve is very
our studio today is Todd Ford to talk
different from what is actually served in
about the earthquake in San Francisco in
Chinese and Indian homes. Here, the
1989, the biggest earthquake since 1906.
recipes have been changed to make the
Tell us Todd, what exactly happened on
food more suited to our tastes, which is a
Tuesday 17th October 1989?
shame, I think.
Todd: Well, I would have to say that that evening
Presenter: Susan, I know you’ve been interested in
was the most terrifying time of my life. I
foods from different countries for quite
was actually on my way home from work
some time, but why do you think this is
when it happened and my wife and
the right time to write a book on the
children were at home waiting for me to
subject? It’s not like your other cookery
have supper. Suddenly, as I was driving
books, is it?
along I discovered that I couldn’t steer my
Susan: No, it isn’t. And there are several reasons,
car. The roads weren’t slippery but it felt
actually. First of all, I am horrified by the
as if my car was sliding from one side of
way fast food – burgers, fried chicken, that
the road to the other. When I got over the
sort of thing – seems to be taking over the
shock, I realised that the cars around me
planet. Food is an essential part of a
were all doing the same thing.
country’s culture ... It would be terrible if
Interviewer: Did it cross your mind that it was an
we all ate exactly the same things ... I hate
staying in hotels where they have what
Todd: Not at first. I thought there was
they call an ‘International’ menu ... I don’t
something wrong with my car, but when I
want to eat the same food in Mexico as I
saw the other cars on the road moving
do in France ... it makes me so angry to
the same way, I thought it might be an
see cultures being destroyed in this way. I
earthquake. Then, I saw the road actually
think a lot of people agree with me on this
opening up in spots and that confirmed
and that is why I think people want to
everything! There were great gaps in the
experiment with – try out – different dishes
highway and pieces of asphalt were
from around the world. And it’s getting
flying over the place. To this day I can’t
easier to find the ingredients you need,
understand how none of them hit my car.
too, so we can all enjoy the best dishes
Interviewer: What about your family, Todd?
the world has to offer.
10 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Todd: I was thinking about them the entire time. of a job or a loved one; environmental noise or
I knew my wife was alone with our three drinking things with caffeine and nicotine can all
children. When I finally got home she disrupt one’s sleep. One of the most common causes
told me that she had been in the kitchen of chronic insomnia, however, is depression.
cooking when she felt the floor shaking. When diagnosed with insomnia, you must first treat the
She said that bottles and tins had fallen medical or psychological problems that are causing it.
off the kitchen shelves, and the children You then must identify behaviours that may worsen
had run into the kitchen crying. insomnia and stop or reduce them.
Interviewer: Did anyone get hurt? Simple measures can be taken to overcome insomnia
Todd: No, thankfully. My wife was wise enough and encourage a good night’s sleep. First, stick to a
to pick up the children and run to the consistent sleep routine. Try going to bed at the same
roof. Even then, though, she was very time each night and getting up at the same time each
worried about me because she knew I day. Don’t consume caffeine, alcohol or smoke
had to cross over the bridge to get home. cigarettes close to bedtime. Exercise during the day
Interviewer: You are a very lucky man, Todd. Many and avoid daytime naps. End the day with a calming
people lost their lives on that bridge. pre-bed routine like reading a book, listening to
Todd: I know. The bridge collapsed about ten soothing music or doing a relaxation exercise such as
minutes after I passed over it. The yoga. Avoid eating a large late-night meal since
earthquake was a traumatic episode for indigestion can keep you up at night.
my family. It was a miracle that we all Finally, sleeping pills can be helpful for short-term
survived and that our house wasn’t insomnia, but are not helpful in curing long-term sleep
damaged. You know almost 4,000 people problems. They are also known to have negative side
were injured that day and over 12,000 effects and can be dangerous for people with certain
people were left homeless. illnesses. Sleeping pills should therefore only be used
Interviewer: How has this experience affected you? when all else fails. If insomnia is a serious problem for
Todd: Well, I appreciate what I have and no you, however, please consult a doctor.
longer worry about unimportant matters.
If I have a problem at work, then I keep
cool and deal with it. But now I am even
more concerned than I was about my
family. I’m sure another earthquake
could happen again soon but I can’t do
anything to stop it, can I? We just have to
live our lives from one day to the next.

Part One
Task 2
Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep,
and is the most common sleep disorder. Millions of
people are affected each year and, even though poor
sleep is more common in the elderly, anyone can
suffer from it. Insomnia can cause serious problems
with a person’s daily routine, such as difficulty
concentrating, lack of energy, fatigue and irritability.
Various psychological, social and environmental
factors can cause insomnia. Anxiety and stress; certain
illnesses like arthritis, heart and lung disease; the loss

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 11


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