Second Lesson Plan - Jacob Davol

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Lesson Plan Guide

Teacher Candidate: Jacob Davol Date: 06/30/2018

Grade and Topic: Grades 9-11 Mathematics Length of Lesson: 1 hour for 2 days
Mentor Teacher: Dr. Jennifer Townes School: University of Memphis – IDT 3600


● This lesson plan is part of a unit on the features and graphs of polynomial functions, including
exponential, linear, and quadratic functions.

 Given an initial quiz that displays 5 function types (linear, power, exponential, quadratic, and rational)
and their graphs out of order, the students will be able to match the functions to their graphs with a score
of 3 out of 4 on the rubric.
 Given a computer with web access, the students will research the given types of functions (linear,
power, exponential, quadratic, and rational) using the given website Math on Web and list the following
characteristics of the functions in a Word document table: form(s) of the equation, what the variables
represent in the equation, and a general graph of the equation with a score of 3 out of 4 on the rubric.
 Given a computer with access to the graphic organizer creation software Inspiration 9, the students will
be able to create a graphic organizer/flow chart with a heading for each function type (linear, power,
exponential, quadratic, and rational), an example graph for each function type, the form(s) the functions
equation may take, and at least 2 other characteristics with a score of 3 out of 4 on the rubric.

 TN Mathematics Standards
o Interpreting Functions (F.IF)
 B. Analyze functions using different representations.
 M3.F.IF.B.3
o Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the
graph, by hand and using technology.
 a. Graph linear and quadratic functions and show intercepts,
maxima, and minima
 c. Graph polynomial functions, identifying zeros when suitable
factorizations are available and showing end behavior.
 d. Graph exponential and logarithmic functions, showing
intercepts and end behavior.
 M3.F.IF.B.4
o Compare properties of two functions each represented in a different way
(algebraically, graphically, numerically in tables, or by verbal
 ISTE Standards
o Standards for Students
 1. Empowered Learner
 a. Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies
leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to
improve learning outcomes.
 3. Knowledge Constructor
 a. Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information
and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
 c. Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and
methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections
or conclusions.
 6. Creative Communicator
 a. Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired
objectives of their creation or communication.
 c. Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or
using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.

1. Printed matching quiz of function types and their graphs to be completed by students at the start of the
first lesson for this unit.
2. Note paper for evaluation quiz questions if needed.
3. Pencil or pen for the quiz and any note taking.
4. Computer
5. Internet access to:
a. Math on Web:
6. Access to Microsoft Word on the computer
7. Access to Inspiration 9 on the computer
8. Access to class Dropbox to upload their Inspiration 9 graphic organizer for grading.
 Students will use the website listed above as a resource to research the characteristics of the given
function types. They will note these characteristics in a Word document table. They will then use a
computer with Inspiration 9 software to create a graphic organizer/flow chart to demonstrate their
research. This graphic organizer will be exported as an image, and this and the Word document will be
uploaded to the class Dropbox for evaluation.


● Students will demonstrate the ability to recognize 5 types of functions from their equations and graphs
● Students will demonstrate the ability to utilize given mathematical websites to research further into the
characteristics of the given 5 function types.
● Students will demonstrate the ability to organize their research into a visual representation using the
Inspiration 9 graphic organization software.
● Academic language is not addressed in IDT 3600.
● This lesson is a continuation of TN Mathematics Standards M3.F.IF.B.3 and M3.F.IF.B.4.
● We will continue the concepts of this lesson at a later point by exploring further types of functions and
their graphs, including logarithmic and trigonometric functions.
● I am aware that the lesson will be differentiated for students who did not master the objectives and for
those ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of
this particular lesson.
 Introduction
o Begin by explaining the overarching plan for this unit, what the students will be looking at, and
how they will demonstrate their knowledge. Display a few examples of the functions the class
has recently covered (linear, power, exponential, quadratic, rational) and discuss with the class
some of the features of the functions (maxima, minima, intercepts).
o Display a verbal representation of a function based on a real-world concept. For example: You
put $1000 in a savings account that earns 1% yearly. What will this increase to over the course of
20 years? Have the students assist in creating a T-chart representing the new amounts in
increments of 5 years. Have a volunteer come to the board to graph the values.

 Procedures (Day 1)
o Prior to the computer (20 minutes)
 Teacher Procedures
1. Complete the introduction, then distribute the initial assessment matching quiz
listing 5 function equation examples (linear, power, exponential, quadratic,
rational) and their graphs in random order.
 Student Procedures
1. After the introduction, students will receive their initial assessment matching
quizzes and complete them in the time given before the class begins computer
use. They will then turn these quizzes into the teacher.
o At the computer (30 minutes)
 Teacher Procedures
1. Instruct the students to open an Internet browser and Microsoft Word.
2. Direct the students to
3. Direct the students to access the sections on the website explaining linear, power,
exponential, quadratic, and rational functions.
4. Direct the students to note down the form(s) of each function type, 2 other
identifying characteristics, and to save the example graphs from the website into
their Word document.
5. Monitor and assist as needed.

 Student Procedures
1. Open Microsoft Word and an Internet browser.
2. Left aligned, the students will type their name, go to a new line, and then type the
date into the Word document. Then, go to a new line, center the text, and type the
title “5 Types of Functions”.
3. Insert a 4x6 table into the Word document.
4. Label the columns as follows: Type, Form, Characteristics, Graph.
5. In the Type column, list the 5 types of equations covered in this lesson: Linear,
Power, Exponential, Quadratic, and Rational.
6. Go to and access the
sections corresponding with each of the given function types.
7. Read and research the different sections, placing the information gained into the
corresponding row and column in the Microsoft Word table, including a saved
image or screenshot of the sample graphs on the website.
8. When complete, double check for spelling, grammatical, and format errors. Then,
save the document as “Types of Function – Your Name” and upload it to the class
 Procedures (Day 2)
o Introduction
 Begin by providing a short review of what the students did in the last lesson.
 Display an example of a concept map created using Inspiration 9.

o Prior to the Computer (20 minutes)

 Teacher Procedures
1. After the introduction, go over some of the features of Inspiration 9, showing the
students how to insert topics, branches, and images.
2. Have the students create a simple hand drawn example of how they will begin to
lay out their concept map in Inspiration 9.
3. Answer questions as needed.

 Student Procedures
1. Students will observe the teacher explanation of Inspiration 9.
2. Students will take out a sheet of paper and create a simple starter for how they
will lay out their concept map. The map should have: a central topic, 5 subtopics
for each of the function types for this lesson.

o At the computer (30 minutes)

 Teacher Procedures
1. Have the students open their saved Word documents containing the function
tables they created the day before.
2. Have students open Inspiration 9.
3. Direct the students to begin creating their graphic organizer using the information
in their Word documents and the required sections listed.
4. Monitor and assist as needed.

 Student Procedures
1. Open your saved Microsoft Word from the lesson prior and Inspiration 9.
2. In the central topic bubble, input the title “Types of Functions.”
3. Create 5 subtopic bubbles and type in the name of the 5 function types for this
lesson: Power, Exponential, Quadratic, Linear, and Rational.
4. Create, at minimum, 4 subtopics for each function type for the equation form(s),
the graph example, and the minimum 2 characteristics.
5. Begin inputting your research information from your Word document into the
graphic organizer.
6. When needed, drag and drop the image of the graphs into the graphic organizer in
their corresponding subtopic. Be sure to adjust the size and position of the image.
7. When complete, feel free to adjust the look of your graphic organizer to
personalize, including changing the shape, color, and font of topic bubbles. You
may also insert any additional images you wish to customize the look.
8. Save your graphic organizer as a TIFF file with the title “Function Map – Your
Name,” then upload to the class Dropbox.
o After the computer (10 minutes)
 Teacher Procedures
1. Verify that all students have completed their concept maps and submitted them to
Dropbox in the correct file format and title.
2. Review and discuss the information from the lesson, asking students to reflect on
the knowledge gained and their experience with creating a graphic organizer.

 Student Procedures
1. Students will participate in the class discussion about the mathematical concepts
demonstrated in this lesson plan.
2. Students will openly discuss and reflect on their graphic organizers and the other
possible uses of this technology.
 Closure
o The teacher again verifies all assignments have been submitted correctly, provides another quick
review and reflection on the concepts covered in this lesson, and provides a short look at what
will be covered in the next unit.



Criteria 1 2 3 4
Initial Assessment The student The student The student The student
Quiz correctly matched 2 correctly matched 3 correctly matched 4 correctly matched
or less of the listed of the listed of the listed all of the listed
functions to their functions to their functions to their functions to their
graphs. graphs. graphs. graphs.
Research Word The student The student The student The student
document completed the completed the completed the complete 80-100%
equivalent of 40% equivalent of 40- equivalent of 70- of their Word
or less of their 70% of their Word 80% of their Word document function
Word document document function document function table with the
function table with table with the table with the correct information.
the correct correct information. correct information.
Graphic The student The student The student The student
Organizer completed 1 or completed 2 of the completed 3 of the completed 4 or all
none of the subtopics with the subtopics with the of the subtopics
subtopics with the required required with the required
required information. information. information.

 I am aware that modifications will be made for students who did not master the objectives and for those
ready for enrichment. However, modifications are not covered in this course and are not part of this
particular lesson.

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