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Emily Kesler

EDU 280
March 2, 2018
Final Project

Lesson Plan
Grade Level: Fourth Grade
Topic: Foods from Around the World

Goal of Lesson: Make students more aware of diversity and of different food

Materials: Accompanying Power Point, map of the world

Lesson Plan: 1. Begin the lesson with asking the students what they had for
breakfast this morning, dinner last night, and what they are
having for lunch today. Make a chart on the board divided
into breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Label this part of the chart
“United States.”
2. Next, pull down a map of the world and ask students if they
can name any of the countries on the map. Following their
answers, ask the students if any of them know what a typical
breakfast lunch and dinner is in Mexico. Allow the students to
respond and then tell them the traditional meals. Allow this
to pop up in the power point
3. Ask the students if they know the traditional meals had in
China. Allow them to answer and then show the answer in the
pop up on PowerPoint.
4. Repeat this process with the countries Italy and Brazil.
5. Explain at the end how each country examined was from a
different continent on Earth. Discuss the similarities and
differences of the newly learned countries meals with the
answers from the students in the chart about their own
6. Discuss the importance of diversity and culture.
7. Homework. Write a brief paragraph about why you believe
diversity is important. Please also research and write about a
traditional dinner from a country we did not talk about today.

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