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How To Convert Numbers To Year/Month/Day Or Date In Excel?
We can easily count the days between two dates in Excel, but how to display the number of days as year/month/day, such as "1 year
4 months 25days"? And what if converting a number yyyymmdd to a normal date? This article is talking about converting numbers to
year/month/day or dates in Excel.

Convert numbers (days) to year/month/day

Convert general numbers to dates

Convert general numbers to date with custom date formatting 

Convert number yyyymmdd to date 

One Click To Convert Multiple Non-Standard Formatting Dates/Numbers/Text To Normal Dates

In Excel

Kutools for Excel's Convert to Date (/product/kutools-for-excel/excel-convert-text-to-date.html) utility can help you easily
identify and convert non-standard dates or numbers (yyyymmdd) or text to normal dates with only one click in Excel. Click for 60-
day free trial! (


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Kutools for Excel: 200 new features for Excel, make Excel much easy and powerful, increase productivity immediately.
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 Convert Numbers (Days) To Year/Month/Day

This method will introduce a formula to convert the number of days to year/month/day such as "1 year 4 months 25days" in Excel.
Please do as follows:
Select a blank cell you will output the conversion result, and enter the formula =DATEDIF(0,A2,"y")&" years "
&DATEDIF(0,A2,"ym")&" months "&DATEDIF(0,A2,"md")&" days" (A2 is the cell with number of days that you will convert to
year/month/day) into it, and press the Enter key.

Formula is too complicated to remember? Save the formula as an Auto Text entry for reusing with only one click in future!
Read more… (/product/kutools-for-excel/excel-auto-text.html#a3) Free trial

Keep selecting the cell of conversion result, and drag its Fill Handle to the range as you need. And then you will see all numbers
are converted to year/month/day. See screenshot:

Note: Only one click to remove formulas but keep calculated values from multiple cells with Kutools for Excel's To Actual
(/product/kutools-for-excel/excel-replace-formula-with-value-result.html) utility!
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 Convert General Numbers To Date

Sometimes, you type or paste dates into Excel, but the dates show as 5-digits of general numbers. In this case, you can easily
convert 5-digits of general numbers to dates with following methods:

Convert general numbers to date of default date formatting

Select the 5-digits numbers, and click Home > Number Format box > Short Date. See screenshot:

And then you will see all selected 5-digits numbers are converted to dates with default date formatting as below screenshot shown:

Convert General Numbers To Date With Custom Date Formatting

Kutools for Excel's Apply Date Formatting utility can help you quickly convert 5-digits numbers to dates with custom date

Kutools for Excel - Combines More Than 120 Advanced Functions and Tools for Microsoft Excel

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Free Trial 60 days (

PayPal / MyCommerce (/order/kutools-for-excel.html)

1. Select the 5-digits of numbers, and click Kutools > Format > Apply Date Formatting.
2. In the opening Apply Date Formatting dialog box, select the specified date formatting you will use in the Date formatting box,
and click the Ok button. And then you will see all numbers are converted to dates with specified date formatting. See screenshot:

Free Trial Kutools for Excel Now (

 One Click To Convert Number Yyyymmdd To Date

Sometimes, you may get some special numbers of yyyymmdd, such as 20151215. This section will show you an easy way with one
click to convert these numbers of yyyymmdd to normal dates by the Convert to Date utility of Kutools for Excel.

Kutools for Excel - Combines More Than 120 Advanced Functions and Tools for Microsoft Excel

Go to Download
Free Trial 60 days (

PayPal / MyCommerce (/order/kutools-for-excel.html)

Select the cells with special numbers of yyyymmdd, and click Kutools > Content > Convert to Date. See screenshot:
And then you will see all selected numbers are concerted to normal dates. See screenshot:

Please click the Close button to close the Convert to Date dialog box.

Free Trial Kutools for Excel Now (

Demo: Convert Numbers To Date In Excel

How to convert numbers to year/month/…

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Tip: In this Video, Kutools tab and Enterprise tab are added by Kutools for Excel. If you need it, please click here
( to have a 60-day free trial without limitation!

Related Articles:

How to convert date to weekday name or month name in Excel? (/documents/excel/821-excel-convert-date-to-weekday-month-


How to add / subtract days / months / years to date in Excel? (/documents/excel/1333-excel-add-subtract-months-days-years-to-


How to count / calculate weeks / months / years between two dates in Excel? (/documents/excel/1685-excel-calculate-weeks-

Recommended Productivity Tools

Office Tab (/Product/Office-Tab.Html)

Bring handy tabs to Excel and other Office software, just like Chrome, Firefox and new Internet Explorer.

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Say something here...

Mahmud Parvez Uzzal · 7 months ago

=CONCATENATE(IF(INT(A2/365)>0,CONCATENATE(INT(A2/365)," Years "),""),CONCATEN ATE(IF(INT(MOD( A2,365)/30)>0,C

ONCATENATE(INT( MOD(A2,365)/30) ," Months "),""),CONCATEN ATE(IF(MOD(MOD( A2,365),30)>0,C ONCATENATE(MOD(
MOD(A2,365),30) ," Days "),""),)))

My formula is ok, When you will copy the formula it will contain some space in word CONCATENATE
Like C ONCATENATE/CONCATEN ATE. Please correct the word concatenate. Then i think it will work.
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Omer Yousif · 7 months ago

hello, thanks for the feedback but it's still not working, can you please send me your email so i can show you the table am doing ?! maybe
some mistake is there. my email is now my final table will contain number of days, like for example after the
calculations the result will be (123) which is number of days so i want to convert it into ( year , month , days ). or if you have a formula to
calculate the defferance between two dates and show the results as ( x year , x month , x days ) that would be super. waiting for your feedback
and thanks.
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Raven momo · 3 months ago

And what table is that ,that you say your doing?

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SUM1 · 7 months ago

To remove "0 years", "0 months" and "0 days":

=IF(DATEDIF(C9,D9,"y")=0,"",DATEDIF(C9,D9,"y")&" year"&IF(DATEDIF(C9,D9,"y")1,"s",""))&" "&IF(DATEDIF(C9,D9,"ym")=0,"",

DATEDIF(C9,D9,"ym")&" month"&IF(DATEDIF(C9,D9,"ym")1,"s",""))&" "&IF(DATEDIF(C9,D9,"md")=0,"", DATEDIF(C9,D9,"md")&"
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Omer Yousif · 7 months ago

hello , i tried all those but still it's not working and showing formula error . please help i want to convert number of days to year, month , day (
like 365 days ) to ( 1 year , 0 month , 0 days ).
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Omer Yousif · 7 months ago

hkj.jh.jjli hh;o;yuy piyhkjhliji iuoi;io;oioio uh;oiio;oiij; iuj'oij;oij;pijioj'ioj'oijioj;iooj;o

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