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SEPTEMBER 15, 2011



October 24-30 ˙ PAGE 3

Jehovah Is My Share

October 31–November 6 ˙ PAGE 9

Are You Letting Jehovah

Be Your Share?

November 7-13 ˙ PAGE 15

Run the Race With Endurance


November 14-20 ˙ PAGE 21

Run That You May Attain the Prize


November 21-27 ˙ PAGE 27

Are You Known by Jehovah?

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SEPTEMBER 15, 2011

The purpose of this magazine, The Watchtower, is to honor Jehovah God, the Supreme This publication is not for sale.
It is provided as part of a worldwide
Ruler of the universe. Just as watchtowers in ancient times enabled a person to Bible educational work supported
observe developments from afar, so this magazine shows us the significance of world by voluntary donations.
events in the light of Bible prophecies. It comforts people with the good news that Unless otherwise indicated,
Scripture quotations are from
God’s Kingdom, which is a real government in heaven, will soon bring an end to the modern-language New World
all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise. It promotes faith in Jesus Translation of the Holy Scriptures
—With References.
Christ, who died so that we might gain everlasting life and who is now ruling as
King of God’s Kingdom. This magazine has been published by Jehovah’s Witnesses “Some Words Explained” are
contextual explanations of words
continuously since 1879 and is nonpolitical. It adheres to the Bible as its authority. used within an article.


When Jehovah told the Levites: “I am your share,” what did he
mean? (Numbers 18:20) Were the Levites the only ones who
had Jehovah as their share? Can we today have Jehovah as
our share? If we can, how? These two study articles will
answer these questions.


These articles talk about the race that Christians run.
The prize is everlasting life. What examples can encourage
us to continue running in this race? What could stop us from
running? And what will help us to finish the race and win the


Jehovah’s faithful servants are known and approved by
him. What qualities can help us to continue to be his friends?
This article will help each of us to think about his own
friendship with God.

The Watchtower (ISSN 0043-1087) is published semimonthly by Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc.; M. H. Larson, President; G. F. Simonis,
Secretary-Treasurer; 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483, and by Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada, PO Box 4100, Georgetown, ON
L7G 4Y4. Periodicals Postage Paid at Brooklyn, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Watchtower, 1000 Red Mills Road,
Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. 5 2011 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada.
Vol. 132, No. 18 Semimonthly ENGLISH

Jehovah Is My Share
A FTER the Israelites had conquered
much of the Promised Land, Josh-
ua, High Priest Eleazar, and the leaders
your share, whether you
hope to live in heaven or
in a paradise on earth.

of the tribes divided the land into por- “I am your share and your
JEHOVAH TOOK CARE inheritance in the midst of
tions, or parts. These portions were the
OF THE LEVITES the sons of Israel.”
tribes’ share of the land. (Numbers 34:
3 Before Jehovah gave
13-29) Jehovah gave all the tribes a share —NUMBERS 18:20.
of the land, but the Levites did not get the Law to Israel, fami-
a share. (Joshua 14:1-5) Why did the Le- ly heads served as priests
vites not receive a territory, or share, of for their own families. But
the Promised Land? Were they forgot- when Jehovah gave the Law to Israel,
he chose some from the tribe of Levi to
2 The answer is in what Jehovah told
serve as priests and assistants. How did
this happen? Jehovah said that when he
the Levites. Jehovah promised not to
destroyed the firstborn sons of the Egyp-
abandon them. He said: “I am your
tians, he “sanctified” for himself every
share and your inheritance in the midst
firstborn son of the Israelites. This
of the sons of Israel.” (Numbers 18:20) means that they belonged to him for his
When Jehovah said: “I am your share,” service. But then Jehovah decided that
he made a wonderful promise to the Le- “in place of all the firstborn among the
vites. How would you feel if Jehovah sons of Israel,” he wanted to use the Le-
said that to you? At first, you might ask, vites for his service. Because the other
“Would Jehovah promise that to some- tribes of Israel had more firstborn sons
one like me?” You might also ask, “Can than there were Levites, Jehovah told
Jehovah really be the share of any im- the other Israelites to pay a price in ex-
perfect Christian today?” These are im- change for those who were “in excess of
portant questions because they involve the Levites.” (Numbers 3:11-13, 41, 46,
you and the people you love. So we will 47) So the Levites could now start their
look at what it means for someone to service to the God of Israel.
have Jehovah as his share. That will help 4 When Jehovah chose the Levites

us understand how Jehovah can be the for his service, how did he become
share of Christians today. More specif- their share? Instead of giving them
ically, we will understand how he can be
3. How did it happen that God chose the Le-
1, 2. (a) What was the situation of the Le- vites for his service?
vites when Jehovah gave a share of the land to 4, 5. (a) What did it mean for the Levites to
all the other tribes of Israel? (b) What was Je- have God as their share? (b) How did God take
hovah’s promise to the Levites? care of the Levites?

SOME WORDS a land inheritance, Jeho- produced and of the increase of the do-
EXPLAINED vah gave them something mestic animals. Then the Levites con-
precious, a very impor- tributed a tenth part of what they re-
ˇ Material things: tant work to do. “The ceived, “of the very best of it,” for the
Things such as money, priesthood of Jehovah” needs of the priests.1 (See footnote.)
food, and clothes was their inheritance, or (Numbers 18:25-29) The priests also re-
ˇ Sanctuary: share. (Joshua 18:7) Num- ceived “all the holy contributions” that
A place of worship bers chapter 18 helps us the sons of Israel brought to God at his
ˇ Assignment of work: to understand that they place of worship. So the priests could
A specific work some- would still have the ma- trust Jehovah to take care of their needs.
5 Some believe that the Israelites gave
one gives you to do terial things that they
needed. (Read Numbers a second tithe. Israelite families used it
18:19, 21, 24.) The Levites for food, drink, and enjoyment during
got “every tenth part in Is- the holy conventions each year. (Deu-
rael as an inheritance in return for their
1 To learn more about how Jehovah took care
service.” This means that they received of the needs of the priests, see Insight on the
a tithe, or one tenth, of what the land Scriptures, Volume 2, page 684.

How was
Jehovah the
share of the
priests and

teronomy 14:22-27) But there was anoth- pened in the time of Nehemiah. As a
er use for this tithe. The Israelites cele- result, the Levites had to work in the
brated a Sabbath year every seven years. fields and could not do their work as
At the end of every third and sixth year ministers. (Read Nehemiah 13:10.) The
of this period of seven years, the Isra- Levites could have what they needed
elites used this tithe to help the poor to sustain them only when the nation
and also the Levites. Why were the Le- obeyed Jehovah’s Law. And the priests
vites included in this law? Because they and Levites needed faith in Jehovah and
had “no share or inheritance” in Israel. in the ways that Jehovah used to take
—Deuteronomy 14:28, 29. care of their needs.
6 If the Levites had no share of the
land, where did they live? God took care HAD JEHOVAH AS THEIR SHARE
of them. He gave the Levites 48 cities 8 The Levites as a tribe had Jehovah
along with the fields around these cit- as their share. But some individual Le-
ies. These cities included the six cities vites also used the words “Jehovah is
of refuge. (Numbers 35:6-8) So the Le- my share” when they spoke about their
vites had a place to live when they were own friendship with God and their trust
not serving at the sanctuary of God. Je- in him. (Lamentations 3:24) For exam-
hovah took very good care of the needs ple, the Bible talks about a Levite sing-
er and composer who spoke of Jehovah
Jehovah as his share. We will call him Asaph,
though he could have been a member
cared for the of the family of Asaph, the main singer
needs of the Levites from the Levites in the time of King Da-
vid. (1 Chronicles 6:31-43) We read in
Psalm 73 that this Asaph became jeal-
ous of the wicked and could not under-
of those who gave themselves to his ser- stand why they seemed to have a good
vice. So how could the Levites show that life. He even said: “Surely it is in vain
Jehovah was their share? By trusting that I have cleansed my heart and that
that Jehovah had the power to give them I wash my hands in innocence itself.” It
what they needed and that he wanted seems that Asaph forgot for a while that
to take care of them. the work Jehovah had given him to do
7 There was no punishment in the was very special. He forgot that Jehovah
Law for an Israelite who did not give was his share. He was troubled until he
the tithe. But when the people did not “proceeded to come into the grand sanc-
obey Jehovah’s law about the tithe, the tuary of God.”—Psalm 73:2, 3, 12, 13, 17.
9 At the sanctuary, Asaph began to
priests and Levites suffered. That hap-
change his way of thinking. Maybe
6. Even though the tribe of Levi did not have a
share of the land, where did they live? 8. What troubled the Levite Asaph?
7. What did the Levites need to have for Jeho- 9, 10. Why could Asaph say that God was his
vah to be their share? “share to time indefinite”?

something like that has happened to his share. (Read Psalm 73:26.) Asaph
you. Maybe you too forgot for a while wrote: “My organism and my heart have
how special your service to Jehovah is failed.” But he continued, saying that
and began to think about the materi- God was his “share to time indefinite.”
al things you could have. But by study- He knew that Jehovah would remember
ing the Bible and by going to Christian him as a friend forever and would not
meetings, you again started to think the forget his faithful service. (Ecclesiastes
way Jehovah thinks. Asaph understood 7:1) This must have been very comfort-
what would finally happen to the wick- ing to Asaph. He sang: “As for me, the
ed. He thought about the good things drawing near to God is good for me.
that he had as one of God’s servants. He In the Sovereign Lord Jehovah I have
said that Jehovah would hold his right placed my refuge.”—Psalm 73:28.
hand and lead him. And he could say 10 So when Asaph said that God was

to Jehovah: “Besides you I do have no his share, he was not talking about
other delight on the earth.” (Psalm 73: just the material things he received as
23, 25) Then he said that Jehovah was a Levite. He was mainly talking about

What helped
Asaph to
continue to
have Jehovah
as his share?

his service to Jehovah and the friend- to their heavenly Father, but they had
ship that he had with the Most High. become so bad that Jehovah had to de-
(James 2:21-23) To continue to be Jeho- stroy Jerusalem and Judah. That made
vah’s friend, Asaph had to keep his faith Jeremiah feel hurt, even though he had
in Jehovah and trust in him. He had to done what was right. Even in that time
be sure that Jehovah would reward him
with a happy future if he obeyed Jeho- Asaph and Jeremiah
vah. You can be sure that Jehovah will
do the same for you. trusted that Jehovah
11 Another Levite who said that Jeho-
would act
vah was his share was the prophet Jer-
emiah. Let us talk about what he meant
when he said that. He lived in Ana-
thoth, a Levite city near Jerusalem. (Jer- of sadness, Jeremiah said: “We have not
emiah 1:1) There was a time when Jere- come to our finish.” He said about Je-
miah too asked Jehovah why the wicked hovah’s mercies: “They are new each
had a good life but those who did morning.” It was then that Jeremiah said
what was right suffered. (Jeremiah 12:1) the words: “Jehovah is my share.” He
When he saw what was happening in still had something very special. It was
Jerusalem and Judah, he made a com- his work as Jehovah’s prophet.—Read
plaint to Jehovah. Jeremiah knew that Lamentations 3:22-24.
13 For 70 years, the homeland of the
Jehovah is righteous. Jehovah answered
Jeremiah’s question by telling him to Israelites would be empty and ruined.
preach a message of destruction, and (Jeremiah 25:11) But Jeremiah’s words
then Jehovah made this prophecy come “Jehovah is my share” showed that he
true. Those who obeyed Jehovah sur- trusted in Jehovah. And his trust in God
vived, but the wicked did not pay atten- gave him reason to show “a waiting at-
tion to the warning and died.—Jeremi- titude,” that is, to wait patiently for Je-
ah 21:9. hovah to act. All the tribes of Israel had
12 Later, when Jeremiah looked at his lost their inheritance, so they needed
to show the same attitude as Jeremiah.
homeland and saw how empty and ru-
Jehovah was their only hope. After 70
ined it was, he felt as if he were walk-
years, they returned to their homeland
ing in darkness. It was as if Jehovah
and had the opportunity of serving Je-
had made him “sit like men dead for a
hovah there.—2 Chronicles 36:20-23.
long time.” (Lamentations 1:1, 16; 3:6)
Jeremiah had told the Israelites to return OTHERS COULD HAVE
11. What question did Jeremiah ask Jehovah?
14 Both Asaph and Jeremiah were of
How did Jehovah answer his question?
12, 13. (a) What made Jeremiah say: “Jeho- the tribe of Levi, but it was not only the
vah is my share”? What attitude did he show?
(b) Why did all the tribes of Israel need to have 14, 15. Other than the Levites, who else had
the same “waiting attitude” as Jeremiah? Jehovah as his share? Why?

WHAT IS Levites who could be tion, would you have felt responsible?
YOUR ANSWER? privileged to serve Jeho- To make things even more difficult, Da-
vah. Young David, the fu- vid had no rest because Saul continued
ˇ In what way was ture king of Israel, called to chase him.
Jehovah the share God his “share in the land 17 Soon after what happened to Ahim-
of the Levites? of the living ones.” (Read elech, the prophet Samuel died. He was
ˇ What did Asaph, Psalm 142:1, 5.) When the one who had anointed David to be
Jeremiah, and David David wrote this psalm, the future king. (1 Samuel 25:1) That
do that shows that he was not in a palace or could have made David feel alone, as if
Jehovah was their even in a house. He was he had no one to help him. But he knew
share? hiding from his enemies
ˇ What quality do you in a cave. At least two
David trusted
need to have God as times, David had to hide
your share? in caves. One time it was in God
near Adullam and the
other time it was in the
wilderness of En-gedi. It that Jehovah would help him. He did
is possible that he wrote Psalm 142 in not have the same special work that the
one of those caves. Levites had, but he had been anointed
15 If David wrote this psalm in a
to do another kind of special service. He
cave, it is because he was hiding from was going to become the king of God’s
King Saul. Saul wanted to kill David, so people. (1 Samuel 16:1, 13) So David
David escaped to a cave that was hard talked to Jehovah about all his thoughts
to get to. (1 Samuel 22:1, 4) In that iso- and feelings and continued to trust in Je-
lated place, David probably felt that he hovah. You too can have Jehovah as your
had no friend to protect him. (Psalm share. You can trust in him while you
142:4) That was when David asked God continue to do your best in his service.
for help. 18 For the servants of Jehovah whom
16 Before David wrote Psalm 142, he
we have talked about in this article,
might have heard about what had hap- what did it mean to have Jehovah as
pened to High Priest Ahimelech. With- their share? It meant that they all re-
out knowing that David was escaping ceived an assignment of work in his
from Saul, Ahimelech had helped Da- service. They also trusted that Jehovah
vid. Jealous King Saul ordered the death would take care of them. The Levites
of Ahimelech and his family. (1 Sam- and those of other tribes, such as Da-
uel 22:11, 18, 19) David felt responsi- vid, could have God as their share. How
ble for their deaths. It was as if he can we be like them and have Jehovah
had killed the priest who had helped as our share? We will talk about that in
him. If you had been in David’s situa- our next article.
16, 17. (a) Why could David have felt that he 18. How did the ones we talked about in this
had no one to help him? (b) Whom could Da- article show that they had Jehovah as their
vid ask for help? share?

Are You Letting

Jehovah Be Your Share?
W HEN you read the name Israel
in the Bible, what do you think
of? Do you think of Isaac’s son Jacob,
vice to Jehovah in heav-
en, where they will be
kings and priests with

who was later named Israel? Or do you Jesus Christ.—Ezekiel “If anyone wants to
think of his descendants, the ancient 44:28. come after me, let him
nation of Israel? The Bible also talks 4 While on earth, the disown himself and pick
about spiritual Israel, or “the Israel of up his torture stake and
anointed live in a way
continually follow me.”
God.” They are the 144,000, who are that shows that Jehovah
—MATTHEW 16:24.
anointed with holy spirit to become is their share. Their ser-
kings and priests in heaven. (Galatians vice to God is the most
6:16; Revelation 7:4; 21:12) But there is important thing to them.
another special use of the name Isra- The apostle Peter said: “Do your ut-
el. We read about it at Matthew 19:28. most to make the calling and choosing
2 Jesus said: “In the re-creation,
of you sure for yourselves.” (2 Peter 1:
when the Son of man sits down upon 10) Those anointed do this by putting
his glorious throne, you who have fol- faith in Christ’s ransom sacrifice and
lowed me will also yourselves sit upon following him continually. They have
twelve thrones, judging the twelve different abilities and different situa-
tribes of Israel.” In this verse, “the tions in life, but they do not use their
twelve tribes of Israel” are those who limitations as an excuse to do little in
will live forever in Paradise on earth. God’s service. Just the opposite, they
The 144,000 will serve as judges and put God’s service first in their lives
priests for them. and do all they can. Clearly, they are
3 Like the priests and Levites in the
an example for those who hope to live
past, the anointed today think of their on earth.
service to Jehovah as very precious. 5 Jesus said that every Christian,

(Numbers 18:20) The anointed do not whether he hopes to live in heaven or

expect to get some territory or place on earth, must “disown himself and
on earth. Instead, Revelation 4:10, 11 pick up his torture stake” and follow
shows that they will continue their ser- him continually. (Matthew 16:24) Mil-
lions of people who hope to live in Par-
1, 2. (a) Who are “the Israel of God” whom
we read about at Galatians 6:16? (b) Who are adise on earth are worshipping God
“the twelve tribes of Israel” whom we read and following Christ in that way. They
about at Matthew 19:28?
3, 4. What fine example have faithful anoint- 5. How can all Christians have Jehovah as
ed ones set? their share? Why may that be difficult?

SOME WORDS are not content to do just the same. (Ecclesiastes 7:1, footnote.)
EXPLAINED a little in God’s service Just like Asaph, David knew that be-
if they know that they ing a friend of Jehovah was the most
ˇ Secular work: important thing in life. It made David
can do more. Many have
A job or employment
made their life simpler happy. In our time, many Christians
ˇ Literal: and have become regular have shown that their service to Jeho-
Something that you pioneers. Others make vah is more important to them than
can see and touch the effort to pioneer their secular work. They show that Je-
is literal hovah is their share.
some months each year.
7 Jean-Claude, in the Central Afri-
Still others, not able to
pioneer, work hard in can Republic, is a married elder with
the ministry. They are like Mary, who three children. It is hard to find a job
poured perfumed oil on Jesus. Jesus in that land, and most people will do
said: “She did a fine deed toward me. almost anything to keep their job. One
. . . She did what she could.” (Mark 14: day, the production manager told Jean-
6-8) We live in a world controlled by Claude to begin working nights. Work
Satan, so it may be difficult to do all would start at 6:30 in the evening, sev-
we can. We need to work hard and put en days a week. Jean-Claude told him
our trust in Jehovah. We will now look that he not only had to care for the ma-
at four ways in which we can do that. terial needs of his family but also had
to help them have a good relationship
SEEK FIRST with God. He also said that he had
6 Jesus taught his followers to seek Jehovah becomes
first the Kingdom and God’s righ-
teousness. People in the world usually our share when
seek what is best for themselves. The we put his service
Bible speaks of them as “men of this
system of things, whose share is in this
first in our life
life.” (Read Psalm 17:1, 13-15.) These
people do not care about Jehovah.
Many care only about having a com- to help the congregation. The man-
fortable life, raising a family, and leav- ager told him: “If you are fortunate
ing an inheritance for their children. enough to have a job, you must forget
Their share is in this life only. David all other things, including your wife,
was different. He wanted to have “a your children, and your problems. You
good name” with Jehovah. His son Sol- must devote your life to nothing but
omon later said that we should all do your work. Make your choice: your re-
ligion or your work.” What would you
6. (a) How do people in the world show that
their share is in this life only? (b) Why is it bet- 7. What blessing did one brother receive for
ter to imitate David? putting the Kingdom first?

have done? Jean-Claude knew that if SEEK FIRST

he lost his job, God would take care of GOD’S RIGHTEOUSNESS
him. He would still have a lot to do in 10Jesus also told his disciples to
God’s service, and Jehovah would care seek first God’s righteousness. (Mat-
for the material needs of his family. thew 6:33) This means that we fol-
So he went to the next meeting. After low what Jehovah thinks is right and
that, he got ready to go to work even what is wrong and not what humans
though he did not know if he still had think. (Read Isaiah 55:8, 9.) Some
a job. Just then, he got a phone call. people grew tobacco or sold tobac-
The manager had been dismissed from co products, trained others in war, or
his job, but our brother still had his.
8 Some of you may have been in a

similar situation. You may have wor-

Our service
ried about how you would take care of to God is more
your family if you lost your job. (1 Tim- important than
othy 5:8) But whether that happened
to you or not, you probably know from our secular
your own experience that God never work
disappoints those who have him as
their share and put his service first in
their lives. When Jesus told his disci-
made and sold weapons of war be-
ples to keep on “seeking first the king-
fore they became Christians. But af-
dom,” he promised them that God
ter they learned the truth, most chose
would give them all other things, such
to change their work and qualify for
as what to eat, drink, or wear.—Mat-
baptism.—Isaiah 2:4; 2 Corinthians 7:1;
thew 6:33.
9 Think of the Levites, who did not
Galatians 5:14.
11 Andrew is an example of someone
receive a land inheritance. Because
who did that. When he and his wife
their work was to lead the nation in learned about Jehovah, they decided
pure worship, they had to trust that Je- to serve him. Andrew liked his job
hovah was their share and would take very much but left it. Why? Because
care of their material needs. (Numbers the organization he worked for was in-
18:20) Even though we are not serving volved in war, and he wanted to do
at a literal temple as the priests and Le- what Jehovah says is right. When An-
vites were, we can have the same trust drew left his job, he had two chil-
in Jehovah. As we get closer to the end, dren and enough money to last just
it becomes more and more important a few months. It seemed that, like
that we trust in God to take care of us. the Levites, he had no inheritance. He
—Revelation 13:17.
10, 11. How have some shown that they trust
8, 9. In what way can we be like the priests in God when they choose work? Give an ex-
and Levites and have Jehovah as our share? ample.

trusted in God and looked for a job. speak with others in the congregation.
Now when they think about that time, Their experiences about how Jehovah
Andrew and his family can say that helped them will certainly make your
these words are true: “The hand of Je- faith stronger.
hovah has not become too short.” (Isa-
iah 59:1) Because they kept their life
simple, Andrew and his wife have 13 If you treasure serving Jehovah,
you can be sure that he will give you
Do you trust in everything you need, just as he did for
Jehovah when there the Levites. Think about David. Even
though he was hiding in a cave, he
is a change in the was sure that God would help him.
way we understand We too can trust in Jehovah even when
a Bible truth? it seems that no one can help us. Re-
member that when Asaph came “into
the grand sanctuary of God,” he was
better able to understand what trou-
even been able to pioneer. He says that bled him. (Psalm 73:17) In the same
at times they have been anxious about way, we must trust in Jehovah to give
money, a place to live, their health, us what we need to keep our friend-
and just the fact that they are getting ship with him. This will show that we
older. But Jehovah has always helped value our service to Jehovah no matter
them. They can say without any doubt what our situation may be. We will let
that serving Jehovah is rewarding and Jehovah be our share.
that it is the greatest honor a hu- 14 Do you trust in Jehovah when

man can have.1 (See footnote.)—Eccle- he helps us to understand “the deep

siastes 12:13. things of God” that are in the Bi-
12 Jesus told his disciples: “If you
ble? (1 Corinthians 2:10-13) The apos-
have faith the size of a mustard grain, tle Peter was an excellent example of
you will say to this mountain, ‘Transfer someone who did that. Jesus told the
from here to there,’ and it will trans- Jews: “Unless you eat the flesh of
fer, and nothing will be impossible for the Son of man and drink his blood,
you.” (Matthew 17:20) Would you still you have no life in yourselves.” Many
seek first God’s righteousness if that disciples thought that Jesus was talk-
would cause you difficulties? If you are ing about literal flesh and blood. They
not sure whether you could do that, said: “This speech is shocking; who

1 See Awake! November 2009, pages 12-14. 13. When we work hard in serving Jehovah,
what trust must we have?
12. What quality do we need to seek first 14, 15. What should we do when there is
God’s righteousness? Give examples from the a change in the way we understand certain
area where you live. scriptures? Why?

God’s people

can listen to it?” They “went off to the a Bible truth today, do you try to un-
things behind.” But Peter said: “Lord, derstand the reasons for the change?
whom shall we go away to? You have (Proverbs 4:18) The Beroeans in the
sayings of everlasting life.”—John 6:53, first century “received the word with
60, 66, 68. the greatest eagerness of mind, care-
15 Peter did not completely under- fully examining the Scriptures daily.”
stand Jesus’ words. But he trusted that (Acts 17:11) If you follow their exam-
Jehovah was using Jesus to help peo- ple, you will value your service to God
ple understand the truth. When there even more. You will be truly grateful to
is a change in the way we understand have Jehovah as your share.

WHAT IS YOUR MARRY ONLY that her daughter had a good job, was
ANSWER? IN THE LORD taking care of herself, and was happy,
16Another way in she stopped talking so much about it.
ˇ How can you show This sister feels lonely sometimes. She
which Christians keep
that you trust in says: “I try to make Jehovah my con-
God’s purposes in mind
Jehovah by seeking
is by obeying the Bible’s fidence. He never forsakes me.” What
first God’s Kingdom
command to marry “only has helped her to trust in Jehovah? She
and his righteousness?
in the Lord.” (1 Corinthi- answers: “Prayer helps me sense that
ˇ How can you show ans 7:39) Many decide to God is real and that I am never alone.
that you are grateful stay single rather than to The Most High of the universe is lis-
for what Jehovah disobey this command. tening, so how could I not feel digni-
gives you? God takes good care of fied and joyful?” She trusts what the
ˇ How can you prove those who do that. What Bible says: “There is more happiness
that you trust did David do when he
in God by obeying felt lonely and as if he
his command
We obey the
had no one to help him?
to marry “only He asked Jehovah for Bible’s command
in the Lord”? help. David said: “Before to marry “only
him I kept pouring out
my concern; before him in the Lord”
I continued to tell about my own dis-
tress, when my spirit fainted away
within me.” (Psalm 142:1-3) Jeremiah in giving than there is in receiving.” So
served God faithfully for many years as she tries to help others without expect-
a single person. He too may have felt ing anything in return. She continues:
lonely. You can study his example in “When I am thinking, ‘What can I do
chapter 8 of the book God’s Word for to help this person?’ I have joy.” (Acts
Us Through Jeremiah. 20:35) She has Jehovah as her share,
17 A sister in the United States said
and she is happy in his service.
that she has never made the decision 18 No matter what your situation is,
to stay single. She wants to get mar- you can let God be your share. If you
ried when she meets the right person. do, you can be among his happy peo-
Her mother, who is not a Witness, did ple. (2 Corinthians 6:16, 17) You can
not care whom her daughter married. then become Jehovah’s share, as oth-
She just really wanted her to get mar- er servants of God did in the past.
ried. The sister asked her mother if (Read Deuteronomy 32:9, 10.) Just as
she wanted to be responsible for a bad Israel became God’s share among the
marriage. But when the mother saw nations, he can choose you to be his
16. How can single Christians let God be their share and lovingly care for you.—Psalm
share, according to 1 Corinthians 7:39? 17:8.
17. What does one single sister do when she
feels lonely? 18. How can you become Jehovah’s share?

Run the Race With Endurance

E ACH year many people around So when Paul said
the world run in marathon races. that only one receives SCRIPTURE
Some who run in these races are very the prize, did he mean
good runners, and they want to win. that only one Christian “Let us run with endurance
But most of the other runners know would receive the prize the race that is set before
of life? No. He was talk- us.”—HEBREWS 12:1.
that they cannot win the race. The
most important thing to them is just to ing about the reason why
finish the race. the runners in races ran.
2 The Bible also talks about a race. The Christians in Corinth knew that
all the runners in a race were deter-
It explains that the life of true Chris-
mined to win, even though only one
tians is like a race that has a prize.
runner received the prize. That is why
Those who make the effort to live like
all runners trained very well and ran in
Christians and to remain loyal to Jeho-
the best way they could. They all made
vah are like runners who want to finish great efforts to win. Paul wanted his
the race. The apostle Paul wrote about brothers to make every effort to remain
this type of race in his first letter to loyal to Jehovah and finish the race.
the Christians in ancient Corinth. He All Christians who do this can win the
prize of everlasting life.
4 Those words are encouraging to us,
Christians who
but they also make us think serious-
remain loyal ly about how we are living. If we live
to Jehovah are in a way that pleases Jehovah, we have
a wonderful hope of living forever ei-
like runners who ther in heaven or in Paradise on earth.
finish a race But life as a Christian is like running
a very long race on a road with many
dangers. There are many things that
could slow us down in Jehovah’s ser-
wrote: “Do you not know that the run-
vice or even stop us from serving Je-
ners in a race all run, but only one re-
hovah. (Matthew 7:13, 14) This has
ceives the prize? Run in such a way already happened to some servants
that you may attain it.”—1 Corinthians
9:24. 3. What did Paul mean when he said that only
one receives the prize?
1, 2. What does the Bible say is similar to the 4. What do we need to know about the race
life of true Christians? that Christians run?

SOME WORDS of Jehovah. What traps cost of the year 33. These leaders at-
EXPLAINED and dangers are there in tacked the Christians many times to
the race for life? How can try to stop them from preaching. So
ˇ Cloud of witnesses: you avoid them? What life was very difficult for faithful Chris-
The many servants can you do to finish and tians.—Acts 4:1-3; 5:17, 18; 6:8-12; 7:59;
of God in the past
win the race? 8:1, 3.
who showed faith.
7 Another reason why those Chris-
Paul said that they TO WIN
were a large “cloud.” WE MUST ENDURE tians lived in a very difficult time was
There were so many that the destruction of Jerusalem was
When Paul wrote to
that they could not near. Jesus had warned them that Je-
the Hebrew Christians
be counted rusalem was going to be destroyed. He
in Jerusalem and Ju-
told them what would happen just be-
ˇ Endurance: dea, he again talked
When someone has about runners in a race. fore this destruction, and he also told
endurance, he re- (Read Hebrews 12:1.) them exactly what they should do to
mains loyal to God He explained why Chris- stay alive. (Read Luke 21:20-22.) Jesus
even in difficult tians should continue to warned them: “Pay attention to your-
situations run their race and also selves that your hearts never become
what they must do to fin- weighed down with overeating and
ish the race. First we will heavy drinking and anxieties of life,
talk about why Paul wrote this letter and suddenly that day be instantly
to the Hebrews and what he wanted upon you.”—Luke 21:34.
8 Paul wrote to the Hebrew Chris-
them to do. Then we will talk about
what we can learn from what he wrote tians nearly 30 years after Jesus said
to them. those words. What happened to these
6 The Christians in the first centu- Christians during those 30 years? Be-
ry lived during a very difficult time. cause of problems or because they be-
This was especially true of the Hebrew came worried about their daily needs,
Christians in Jerusalem and Judea be- some did not continue to learn about
cause the Jewish religious leaders tried Jehovah and keep their friendship with
to force people to obey them. Earli- him strong. (Hebrews 5:11-14) Some
er, they had even made people believe Christians probably thought that it
that Jesus Christ was against the gov- would be easier to live like the Jews
ernment and was a criminal who de- around them. They might have thought
served to die. These religious leaders that this was not wrong because the
had killed Jesus Christ, and now they Jews still believed in God and obeyed
wanted to stop those who were preach- most of the Law of Moses. Also, there
ing about him. In the book of Acts, we were some people in the congregations
can read what happened after Pente-
7. What made the time that those Christians
5. What did Paul explain at Hebrews 12:1? lived in very difficult?
6. What did the religious leaders try to do to 8. What might have caused some Christians
Christians? to slow down in serving Jehovah or even stop?

who were trying to force others to obey age. He mentioned many men and
the Law of Moses and Jewish tradi- women who in the past had remained
tions. Some Christians believed them, loyal to Jehovah even in very dif-
and others listened to them because ficult situations. Their example would
they were afraid. What did Paul say help the Hebrew Christians to endure
to encourage his Christian brothers to in difficult situations. After mention-
continue living like Christians and to ing the acts of faith of all these ser-
remain loyal to Jehovah? vants of Jehovah, Paul told the Hebrew
9 Jehovah inspired Paul to write this Christians: “Because we have so great a
letter of encouragement to the Hebrew cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let
Christians. In chapter 10, he first ex- us also put off every weight and the sin
plained to them that the Law of Moses that easily entangles us, and let us run
was “a shadow of the good things to with endurance the race that is set be-
come” and that only through the sacri- fore us.”—Hebrews 12:1.
fice of Jesus could their sins be forgiv- “A CLOUD OF WITNESSES”
en. At the end of chapter 10, Paul told 11 Paul said that the servants of Je-
them that to benefit from this sacrifice,
hovah who lived before the Christian
they needed endurance. He said: “You
time were a great “cloud of witnesses
have need of endurance, in order that, surrounding us.” They had remained
after you have done the will of God, loyal to Jehovah to the end of their
you may receive the fulfillment of the lives, and their example shows that it
promise. For yet ‘a very little while,’
and ‘he who is coming will arrive and
will not delay.’ ”—Hebrews 10:1, 36, 37. Noah had faith
10 In Hebrews chapter 11, Paul ex-
in what Jehovah
plained what true faith in God is. He
did so by writing about the things that
promised to do and
people with true faith did. In chap- endured in the work
ter 12, he again encouraged Christians that he had to do
to endure and told them to “run with
endurance the race” that was before
them. Why did he talk about faith be-
fore he again talked about endurance? is possible for Christians to remain loy-
Because he wanted those Christians to al to Jehovah even in very difficult sit-
know that to show true faith in Jeho- uations. The “cloud of witnesses” were
like experienced runners who had fin-
vah, they needed endurance and cour-
ished their race. Their example would
9, 10. (a) At the end of Hebrews chapter 10, encourage others to continue to run
what did Paul say the Hebrew Christians
needed to do? (b) Why did Paul write about 11. When we think of the example of the
the acts of faith of servants of Jehovah in the great “cloud of witnesses,” what should we re-
past? member?

the race. If we were in a race and knew WHAT HELPED THEM TO

that very good runners were watch- FINISH THE RACE?
ing us and encouraging us to continue 13 What helped these servants of Je-
running, then we would do our best to hovah to endure in the race and finish
finish the race. So the Hebrew Chris- it? Note what Paul wrote about Noah.
tians needed to think about the exam- (Read Hebrews 11:7.) Noah had nev-
ple of those servants of Jehovah in the er seen a flood that destroyed all peo-
past. Their example could give them ple and animals. (Genesis 6:17) A flood
courage and remind them that it was had never happened before. But Noah
possible for them to “run with endur- did not think that a flood was impos-
ance” and finish their race. And it is sible. Why? Because he had faith that
possible for us too.
12 We can learn from the faith of the Abraham and Sarah
people that Paul talked about because had strong faith
many of them were in situations like
ours. For example, Noah lived just be- in God and obeyed
fore Jehovah destroyed the world of him even in difficult
that time in a flood. And we are liv-
ing just before Jehovah destroys Sa-
tan’s world. Jehovah asked Abraham
and Sarah to leave their home. He
promised to make from them a nation Jehovah always does what he says. So
to serve him, and they waited for him Noah did not think that it was too dif-
to fulfill that promise. Jehovah asks us ficult to obey Jehovah. He did exact-
to stop living for ourselves and to live ly what Jehovah commanded him. The
for him. He promises us that if we do Bible says: “He did just so.” (Gene-
that, he will be our friend and will sis 6:22) Noah had many things to do.
reward us. Moses walked a long way He needed to build the ark, gather the
animals, store food for his family and
through a dangerous land to go to the
for the animals, warn the people about
Promised Land. We live in a wicked
the Flood, and help his family to have
world and wait for the new world that
strong faith in Jehovah. It was not al-
Jehovah has promised us. It is impor-
ways easy for Noah to do everything
tant for us to think about the life of that Jehovah commanded him. But he
these faithful people. We can imitate had faith in Jehovah, so he endured in
the things they did to please Jehovah the work that he had to do. And Jeho-
and learn from the things that did not vah saved him and his family and gave
please him.—Romans 15:4; 1 Corinthi- them many blessings.
ans 10:11.
13. Why was Noah’s situation difficult? What
12. What can we learn from the faith of the helped him to do everything that Jehovah told
people Paul talked about? him to do?

Abraham and
Sarah were
willing to leave
behind the
comforts of Ur

14Paul mentioned Abraham and Sa- many sacrifices for Jehovah. (Romans
rah as part of the “cloud of witness- 4:11) The Hebrew Christians already
es surrounding us.” Their life changed knew about the life of Abraham and
when God told them to leave their his family, so Paul mentioned only
home in Ur. They did not know what some of their acts of faith. But these
would happen to them. But they had were enough to show how strong their
strong faith in Jehovah and obeyed faith was. Paul said about them: “In
him even in difficult situations. The faith all these died, although they did
Bible calls Abraham “the father of all not get the fulfillment of the promis-
those having faith” because he made es, but they saw them afar off and
welcomed them and publicly declared
14. In what situations did Abraham and Sarah
show faith in God? What can we learn from that they were strangers and tempo-
their example? rary residents in the land.” (Hebrews

CAN YOU 11:13) Their faith in God but you will not go there into the land
EXPLAIN? and their friendship with that I am giving to the sons of Israel.”
him helped them to en- Because they acted improperly at the
ˇ Why did Paul write dure in the race. waters of Meribah, Moses and Aaron
about the acts of faith 15 Moses is another
did not enter the Promised Land. They
of witnesses in the
servant of Jehovah who allowed the rebellious people to make
is part of the “cloud of them very angry, so they acted in a way
ˇ How does the ex- witnesses.” Moses left that did not honor God. (Deuterono-
ample of the great his home just as Abra- my 32:51, 52) Moses did not give up
“cloud of witnesses ham did. Moses left the because he could not enter the Prom-
surrounding us” help glory and the riches of
us to endure in the ised Land. He did not think that what
the king’s palace. He God decided was unjust. We know this
chose “to be ill-treated because he asked Jehovah to bless the
ˇ What have you with the people of God.” people of Israel. His last words to them
learned from the Why did he choose to were: “Happy you are, O Israel! Who
examples of Noah, do this? Paul answered:
Abraham, Sarah, is there like you, a people enjoying sal-
“He looked intently to- vation in Jehovah, the shield of your
and Moses? ward the payment of the help, and the One who is your eminent
reward.” Paul also said sword?”—Deuteronomy 33:29.
about Moses: “He con-
tinued steadfast as seeing the One who SOME LESSONS FOR US
is invisible.” (Read Hebrews 11:24-27.) 17 We learned from the life of some
Moses knew that there was some- of those who are part of the “cloud of
thing more important than “the tempo- witnesses surrounding us” that to fin-
rary enjoyment of sin.” God was real ish the race, we must have strong faith
to him, and he knew that all of God’s in God and in his promises. (Hebrews
promises would come true. That is 11:6) This faith must affect the way we
what helped him to act with great live our life now. We know that there is
courage and to endure in difficult situ- a better future that God has promised
ations. And it helped him to work hard
us. We are able to see “the One who is
to lead the Israelites out of Egypt to the
invisible.” God is real to us, so we run
Promised Land.
16 Abraham and Moses died before
the race with endurance.—2 Corinthi-
ans 5:7.
God’s promises to them came true. 18 The race that Christians run is not
Just before the Israelites entered
easy. But we can finish the race. In the
the Promised Land, God told Moses:
“From a distance you will see the land, next article, we will talk about some
other things that can help us to finish
15. Why did Moses choose to live the way he the race.
16. How do we know that Moses did not give 17, 18. (a) What can we learn from the “cloud
up because he could not enter the Promised of witnesses”? (b) What will we talk about in
Land? the next article?

Run That You

May Attain the Prize
T HE apostle Paul used an illustra-
tion of a race to encourage the He-
brew Christians. In the letter he wrote
they would be deter-
mined to finish the race.
2 In the previous arti-

to them, he said that they were like run- cle, we talked about the “Run in such a way
ners in a race. But he reminded them example of some of those that you may attain it.”
that they were not alone in that race. loyal servants of Jehovah. —1 CORINTHIANS 9:24.
There were many loyal servants of Je- Their strong faith in God
hovah in the past who had already fin- helped them to remain
ished the race. Paul said that these ones loyal to him to the end of their life. They
were like a great “cloud of witnesses” continued running the race to the end.
surrounding them. If the Hebrew Chris- How can we too finish the race, just as
tians always remembered the acts of they did? Paul said: “Let us also put off
faith and the efforts of those loyal ones, every weight and the sin that easily en-
tangles us, and let us run with endur-
1, 2. (a) What did Paul use to encourage the
Hebrew Christians? (b) What did Paul say that ance the race that is set before us.”—He-
we must do? brews 12:1.

SOME WORDS 3 Why did Paul say to tion to the race and from doing every-
EXPLAINED “put off every weight”? thing we can to finish it. What are
A book that talks about some of those things that could be like
ˇ Attain: Christians in the time a weight? Jesus helps us to understand
To work hard to get of Paul explains the way this. He spoke about the time of Noah.
something. To attain the runners of his time
the prize means to ran. (Backgrounds of Early
win the prize
Christianity) It says: “The
We should remove
ˇ Entangle: Greeks exercised and anything from our life
Clothing that entan- competed in the nude.”1
gles a runner wraps
that could stop us from
(See footnote.) To run in
around his legs and this way may not seem finishing the race
makes him fall. If we right today. But the run-
allow the thinking of ners ran without clothes
the world to make us because they did not
lose faith, we will fall Jesus explained: “Just as it occurred in
want anything to stop the days of Noah, so it will be also in
and we will not be them from winning the
able to finish our race the days of the Son of man.” (Luke 17:
prize. So when Paul told
26) It is true that the world of our time
the Hebrew Christians to
will end just as the world of Noah’s time
“put off every weight,” he
ended. But Jesus was explaining that
meant that they should try to remove
the way people live now would be sim-
anything from their lives that could stop
ilar to the way people lived before the
them from winning the prize of everlast-
Flood of Noah’s time. (Read Matthew
ing life. This was good advice for the He-
brew Christians, and it is good advice 24:37-39.) Most people in Noah’s time
for us too. What things in our lives could did not want to learn about God, and
be like a weight and make it difficult for they did not want to live in a way that
us to finish the race? pleased him. What were they doing?
Eating, drinking, and marrying. These
“PUT OFF EVERY WEIGHT” were just the normal things of life. But
Paul said to “put off every weight.”
4 doing these things was more important
This weight includes anything that to the people than listening to God’s
could stop us from giving our full atten- message. Jesus said that they “took no
1 The ancient Jews thought that this was very 5 Like Noah and his family, we have
shocking. The apocryphal book of 2 Macca-
bees says that many Jews were angry when much to do every day. We need to
apostate High Priest Jason wanted to have a work to earn money, and we need to
gymnasium in Jerusalem just as the Greeks
had.—2 Maccabees 4:7-17.
take care of ourselves and our family.
This can use a lot of our time and ener-
3. What can Christians learn from what Paul gy. And if we have money problems, we
said about running in the Greek games?
4. What were the people in Noah’s time do- 5. What can help us to run the race to the
ing? end?

could become anxious about how to get So Jesus told us not to be anxious even
the things we need every day. Also, be- about the things we need. Otherwise,
cause we have dedicated our lives to Je- we would be like the nations who are
hovah, we have other important respon- “eagerly pursuing” these things. Why is
sibilities. We preach, we prepare for it dangerous to become anxious about
our meetings and attend them, and we our needs? Jesus said: “Pay attention
study the Bible with our family and do to yourselves that your hearts never be-
our personal study. Noah also had much come weighed down with overeating
to do to serve God, but “he did just so.” and heavy drinking and anxieties of life,
He did everything Jehovah asked him and suddenly that day be instantly upon
to do. (Genesis 6:22) It is very impor- you as a snare.”—Luke 21:34, 35.
8 It is as if we can see the finish line.
tant that we do not carry any weight that
would make it difficult for us to run the So we do not want to allow anything
race to the end. to make it difficult for us to finish the
6 What did Paul mean when he said to race. That is why we must “put off every
“put off every weight”? He did not mean weight.” We must be content to have
to remove every responsibility from our the things we need. This was the advice
lives. Some responsibilities are neces- the apostle Paul gave when he told us
sary. But remember what Jesus said to have “godly devotion along with self-
about the necessary things of life: “Nev- sufficiency.” (1 Timothy 6:6) If we listen
er be anxious and say, ‘What are we to Paul’s advice, it will be easier to con-
to eat?’ or, ‘What are we to drink?’ or, tinue running and win the prize.
‘What are we to put on?’ For all these are “THE SIN THAT EASILY
the things the nations are eagerly pursu- ENTANGLES US”
ing. For your heavenly Father knows you 9 Paul mentioned something else that
need all these things.” (Matthew 6:31,
we must put off. He said that we must
32) Jesus was helping us to understand
put off “the sin that easily entangles us.”
that even the necessary things of life,
The Greek word that is translated “eas-
like food and clothing, could become
ily entangles” appears only once in the
like a weight if they are the most impor-
Bible, in this verse. One Bible scholar
tant things in our lives. They could stop
named Albert Barnes said that a run-
us from running the race.
7 Do not forget that Jesus said: “Your
ner of that time was careful not to wear
clothing that could wrap around his legs
heavenly Father knows you need all and make it difficult for him to run. And
these things.” These words show us that he said that in the same way, a Christian
our Father, Jehovah, will take care of should not allow anything to make it dif-
our needs. Of course, to have “all these ficult for him to run his race. A Christian
things” does not mean that we have
everything that we would like to have. 8. Why should we “put off every weight” now?
9, 10. (a) What is the sin that could easily en-
6, 7. What words of Jesus should we always tangle us? (b) What can happen to the faith of
remember? a Christian?

should not allow anything to entangle often warned us to choose carefully

him, that is, to weaken his faith or even what we watch and what we listen to be-
cause him to lose his faith. How does a cause these things affect how we think
Christian lose his faith? and what we desire. The faithful and
10 A Christian does not lose his faith discreet slave has also warned us about
suddenly. This might happen gradual- the danger of always wanting more
ly, and he may not even realize that his money and more things. If we love
faith is becoming weaker and weaker. the entertainment of this world or want
Earlier in his letter to the Hebrew Chris- to have every new gadget, we could be
tians, Paul warned them about this dan- so busy with these things that we do not
ger. He said that they should be care- have time for more important things. It
ful never to “drift away” from the faith could be dangerous to reject these warn-
and never to develop “a wicked heart ings because we think that they are too
lacking faith.” (Hebrews 2:1; 3:12) If strict. And we should not think that be-
the clothing of a runner wraps around cause we have strong faith, these warn-
his legs, he usually falls. So a runner ings are for others and not for us. Sa-
must realize that if he chooses to run tan uses the thinking and desires of the
in the wrong kind of clothing, he could world to make us ignore the warnings.
fall. What might cause a runner to ig- He does not want us to finish the race.
nore this danger? Maybe he is careless, Some have lost their faith because they
that is, he does not pay attention when
someone warns him. Maybe he is over-
confident, that is, he thinks that he is We have a choice.
strong and could never fall. Or may- We can decide if we will
be he is distracted, that is, he is busy
thinking about other things. What can
allow the thinking of the
we learn from all of Paul’s advice? world to affect us
11 We must remember that if a Chris-

tian loses his faith, it is because of

things he has chosen to do. Another
became careless, overconfident, or dis-
scholar talked about “the sin that easi-
tracted by things in the world. If this
ly entangles us.” He explained that the
happens to us, we are in danger of los-
circumstances we are in, the people we
ing the prize of everlasting life.—1 John
associate with, and our wrong desires
can all have a very powerful effect on 2:15-17.
13 Every day, people in Satan’s world
us. These things could weaken our faith
or even cause us to lose our faith.—Mat- try to make us think like them. They
thew 13:3-9. want us to consider important the
12 The faithful and discreet slave has things they consider important. And
they want us to want to do the same
11. What might cause us to lose our faith?
12. What warnings are important to obey if 13. What must we do to avoid thinking like
we do not want to lose our faith? the people in the world?
things that they do. (Read Ephesians elders from Ephesus for the last time, What is “the
2:1, 2.) But we have a choice. We can he said: “I do not make my soul of any sin that easily
decide if we will allow the thinking of account as dear to me, if only I may fin- entangles us”?
the world to affect us. Paul said that ish my course and the ministry that I re- How might it
the thinking of people in the world is ceived of the Lord Jesus.” (Acts 20:24) entangle us?
like the air that is all around us. But this So Paul was willing to sacrifice every-
thinking is like poisonous air. So just as thing, even his life, to finish the race.
we would not want to breathe poison- Paul had worked very hard to preach the
ous air, we must never allow the way good news. But he said that all that ef-
people in the world think to affect the fort would have been for nothing if he
way we think. What can help us to con- did not finish the race. He knew that
tinue running in the race? The exam- he had to continue working hard to the
ple of Jesus. He is the best example of end. He did not think that he had al-
someone who ran the race to the end, ready won the prize. (Read Philippians
and we can imitate him. (Hebrews 12:2) 3:12, 13.) However, not long before he
And we also have the example of the died, he was able to say: “I have fought
apostle Paul. He ran the race, and he en- the fine fight, I have run the course to
couraged his brothers to imitate his ex- the finish, I have observed the faith.”
ample.—1 Corinthians 11:1; Philippians —2 Timothy 4:7.
15 Paul wanted his brothers to finish
the race. He encouraged the Christians
HOW “YOU MAY in Philippi to work hard for their own
ATTAIN” THE PRIZE salvation. He reminded them to keep
14How important was it for Paul to “a tight grip on the word of life.” He
finish the race? When he spoke to the also told them why this was important
14. How important was it for Paul to finish the 15. What did Paul encourage his brothers
race? to do?

DO YOU to him: “That I may have How were they able to do this? The
REMEMBER? cause for exultation in things that God had promised were
Christ’s day, that I did real to them. “They saw them afar
ˇ How can we put off not run in vain or work off.” Moses rejected “the temporary en-
“every weight”?
hard in vain.” (Philippi- joyment of sin” and “the treasures of
ˇ What might cause a ans 2:16) He also encour- Egypt.” How did he have the faith and
Christian to lose his aged the Christians in strength to do this? He “looked intent-
faith? Corinth to continue run- ly toward the payment of the reward.”
ˇ Why must the prize ning to win the prize. He (Hebrews 11:8-13, 24-26) Paul said that
be real to us? said: “Run in such a way each of these people acted “by faith.”
that you may attain it.” They had strong faith, so the prize was
—1 Corinthians 9:24. always real to them. They did not allow
16 A runner in a long
any difficult situation to make them for-
race does not see the finish line un- get the prize. They knew that God was
til the end. But he is always thinking helping them then, and they knew that
about the finish line and knows that it his promises for the future would come
is getting closer. And when he knows true.
that the end of the race is near, he is 18 We can think deeply about the

even more determined to finish. The faithful men and women of Hebrews
race that Christians run is similar. The chapter 11, and we can imitate their
prize must be real to us. This will help example. This can help us to build up
our faith and put off “the sin that eas-
If we have strong faith, ily entangles us.” (Hebrews 12:1) Also,
by meeting together with our brothers
the prize will be real who are trying to build up their own
to us even in difficult faith, we can “consider one another
situations to incite to love and fine works.”—He-
brews 10:24.
19 We are near the end of our race,

and it is as if we can see the fin-

us to be determined to finish the race ish line. Because Jehovah will help us
and win the prize. and because we have strong faith in
17 Paul wrote: “Faith is the assured
him, it is possible for us to “put off
expectation of things hoped for, the ev- every weight and the sin that easily en-
ident demonstration of realities though tangles us.” We can continue running
not beheld.” (Hebrews 11:1) Abraham and attain the prize that our Father, Je-
and Sarah were willing to leave a com- hovah, promises us.
fortable home and live as “strangers
and temporary residents in the land.” 18. What should we do to avoid not finishing
the race?
16. Why should the prize be real to us? 19. Why is it important to continue running
17. How does faith make the prize real to us? the race now?

Are You Known by Jehovah?

O NE day a Pharisee asked Jesus:
“Which is the greatest command-
ment in the Law?” Jesus answered: “You
(1 Samuel 16:7) Think
about this: Why are you
reading this magazine?

must love Jehovah your God with your Why are you trying hard “Jehovah knows those
whole heart and with your whole soul to serve Jehovah with who belong to him.”
and with your whole mind.” (Matthew your whole heart, soul, —2 TIMOTHY 2:19.
22:35-37) Jesus had great love for Jeho- mind, and strength? If
vah. The way he lived showed that he you dedicated your life to
really cared about what Jehovah thought Jehovah and got baptized, why did you
of him. That is why Jesus, just before he do it? The Bible says that Jehovah knows
died, could talk about his faithful obe- hearts and that he finds the people who
dience to God, saying: “I have observed are “desirable” to him. He then “draws”
the commandments of the Father and them, or invites them, to be his friends.
remain in his love.”—John 15:10. (Read Haggai 2:7; John 6:44.) So you
2 Many people today say that they love
can be sure that you are serving Jehovah
God. Of course, we say that too. But because he wants you to. He will never
there are some important questions that leave those he invited to be his friends if
we need to think about: What does Je-
hovah think of me? Can I say that Jeho-
vah “knows” me or that I have Jehovah’s We need faith
approval? Does Jehovah think of me as and humility to
someone who belongs to him? (2 Timo-
thy 2:19) It is wonderful to think that we be friends of God
can have such a close friendship with the
most important person in the universe!
3 But it is hard even for some who
they continue to be faithful to him. They
love Jehovah to think that they can be are precious to God, and he loves them
friends with God. Some believe that very much.—Psalm 94:14.
they are not worth anything. Because 4 Now that Jehovah has drawn us,
of that, they think that they cannot be- we need to keep ourselves in the love
long to Jehovah. It is so good to know of God. (Read Jude 20, 21.) Remem-
that Jehovah sees us in a different way.
ber, the Bible shows that it is possible
1, 2. (a) What did Jesus care about? (b) What to drift away or draw away from God
questions should we think about? and no longer be his friend. (Hebrews
3. Why is it hard for some to believe that they
can belong to Jehovah? What can help them 4. Why should we always think about how
change this way of thinking? precious our friendship with Jehovah is?

SOME WORDS 2:1; 3:12, 13) For exam- all those having faith.” (Genesis 15:6;
EXPLAINED ple, just before the words Romans 4:11) Because he had faith,
at 2 Timothy 2:19, the Abraham was willing to leave his home,
ˇ Kohathite Levite: apostle Paul talked about his friends, his work, and things he
Levite who served at Hymenaeus and Philetus. owned to go to a distant land. (Gen-
the tabernacle. The It seems that these two esis 12:1-4; Hebrews 11:8-10) Abraham
Kohathites had the men served Jehovah at kept his faith strong. One proof of
responsibility of carry- one time, but they later
ing the ark of the that was that many years later he was
left the truth. (2 Timothy
2:16-18) Some in the con-
ˇ Meek: gregations in Galatia also If we wait for
A meek person is gen- left the truth. They did Jehovah to act,
tle and patient. He not stay in the truth. (Ga-
accepts instructions latians 4:9) We should al-
he will reward us
and waits for Jehovah ways remember how pre-
to act. He does not cious our friendship with
get angry easily Jehovah is. ready to obey Jehovah’s command and
ˇ Being known by 5 There are some qual-
offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice to
Jehovah: Having ities we need if we want Jehovah. (Hebrews 11:17-19) Abraham
Jehovah’s approval to be known by Jeho- showed faith in Jehovah’s promises,
ˇ Tabernacle: vah. (Psalm 15:1-5; 1 Pe- and that made him special to God. Je-
The tent used for wor- ter 3:4) Two of them are hovah really knew Abraham. (Read
ship in Israel. It was faith and humility. We Genesis 18:19.) This means that Jeho-
taken from place to will talk about the exam- vah not only knew that Abraham exist-
place when the nation ples of two men who were ed but also loved him as a friend.
moved loved by Jehovah because —James 2:22, 23.
they showed these quali- 7 Jehovah promised Abraham that his

ties. We will also look at descendants would “take possession of

a man who was proud and the gate” of their enemies and be-
because of that was rejected by God. We come “like the grains of sand that
can learn important lessons from these are on the seashore.” (Genesis 22:17,
examples. 18) Even though these promises did not
come true during Abraham’s life, he
OF THOSE HAVING FAITH continued to have strong faith in Jeho-
vah. He knew that God’s promises al-
6 Abraham was a man who “put faith ways come true, and he showed this
in Jehovah.” He is called “the father of faith in the way he lived his life. (Read
5. (a) To be known by God, what qualities do Hebrews 11:13.) Does Jehovah know
we need? (b) What examples will we now talk us as people who have faith like Abra-
about? ham’s?
6. (a) Because he had faith in Jehovah’s prom-
ises, what did Abraham do? (b) In what way 7. What did Abraham know about Jehovah’s
did Jehovah really know Abraham? promises? How did he show his faith?


8 There may be things

that we want very much,

such as getting married,
having children, and hav-
ing good health. There
is nothing wrong with
wanting these things. But
many of us may not get
what we want. If there is
something that we want
very much but that we
cannot have now, what
will we do? The way we
act in this situation may
show how strong our
faith is.
9 It would be foolish to

go against God’s guidance

Like Abraham,
to try to get what we want.
do we have faith
This could damage our
that Jehovah’s
friendship with Jehovah.
promises always
For example, some have
come true?
chosen forms of health
care that go against Bible principles. life? What if he had decided to make a
Others have accepted work that leaves famous name for himself instead of wait-
them no time for their families or for ing for Jehovah to act? (Compare Gene-
congregation meetings. Some start a ro- sis 11:4.) Would Jehovah have continued
mantic relationship with someone who to think of him as his friend?
does not serve Jehovah. If a Christian 10 What are the things that you want
does that, is he really trying to be known very much? Do you have enough faith to
by Jehovah? Imagine if Abraham had be-
wait for Jehovah to give them to you? He
come impatient about God’s promises.
promises to satisfy “the desire of every
How would Jehovah have felt? What if
Abraham had done things his own way living thing.” (Psalm 145:16) Some of Je-
and had tried to have a very comfortable hovah’s promises may not come true as
soon as we would like. But if we contin-
8. What are some things that most people ue to live in a way that shows that we
want very much? have faith like Abraham’s, Jehovah will
9, 10. (a) What have some done to get what
they want? (b) What do you think about Jeho- not forget about us. He will reward us.
vah’s promises coming true in your life? —Hebrews 11:6.

ONE EXAMPLE OF HUMILITY that he had been loyal to Jehovah for

AND ONE EXAMPLE OF PRIDE many years, and because of that, many
11 We will look at the examples of two in Israel respected him.
12 But on the way to the Promised
men who acted in opposite ways, Mo-
ses and Korah. What they did helps us Land, Korah thought that there was
understand that what Jehovah thinks of something wrong with the way Jehovah
us depends on how much respect we was leading the nation. He wanted to
show for his decisions and way of do- make changes. Then 250 other men in
the nation joined Korah. They were sure
ing things. Korah was a Kohathite Le-
that Jehovah knew them and that they
vite. Probably he had the opportunity
had his approval. They told Moses: “That
to see what Jehovah had done to free
is enough of you, because the whole as-
the Israelites through the Red Sea. He sembly are all of them holy and Jehovah
may also have had a part in Jehovah’s is in their midst.” (Numbers 16:1-3) This
judgment against disobedient Israelites was a very proud way of thinking and
at Mount Sinai, and he may have helped acting. They trusted too much in their
Korah was not to carry the ark of the covenant. (Exodus own way of doing things. Moses told
humble and 32:26-29; Numbers 3:30, 31) It seems
willing to follow 12. What happened to Korah’s friendship
directions 11. What had Korah done for many years? with God because of his pride?

them: “Jehovah will make known who 14 Moses showed that he was humble

belongs to him.” (Read Numbers 16:5.) even when he had reasons to be dis-
By the end of the next day, Korah and appointed. For example, when the peo-
all those who had joined him were dead. ple complained that they had no wa-
—Numbers 16:31-35. ter, Moses got very angry with them
13 Moses was the opposite of Korah.
and did not give glory to Jehovah. Be-
He was “by far the meekest of all the cause of that, Jehovah told Moses that
men who were upon the surface of the he would not be allowed to lead the peo-
ground.” (Numbers 12:3) He showed ple into the Promised Land. (Numbers
that he was meek and humble by do- 20:2-12) Moses and Aaron had suffered
ing exactly what Jehovah had command- for many years, listening to the Israel-
ed him. (Exodus 7:6; 40:16) We do not ites complaining. And now, because of
read in the Bible that Moses was always
disagreeing with Jehovah’s way of doing
things or that he got angry because he Like Moses,
had to follow instructions from Jehovah. we should humbly
For example, Jehovah gave very specif-
ic instructions about how to build the accept instructions
tabernacle. These instructions included
the color of the thread and the num-
ber of loops the Israelites should use to
that one mistake, Moses was not going
make the tent cloths. (Exodus 26:1-6) If
to get what he had expected for so long!
an overseer in God’s organization gives
What did Moses do? He was of course
you very specific instructions about
things, you may sometimes feel discour- disappointed. But he was humble and
aged. But Jehovah is a perfect overseer. accepted Jehovah’s decision. He knew
He gives his servants work to do, and he that Jehovah is a righteous God “with
trusts that they will do it well. When he whom there is no injustice.” (Deuteron-
gives many details, there is a good rea- omy 3:25-27; 32:4) Today, when we think
son for it. Moses did not get angry with of Moses, we think of someone who was
Jehovah or think that Jehovah was not known by Jehovah.—Read Exodus 33:
showing him respect because he gave 12, 13.
him many detailed instructions. Moses
did not think that Jehovah was taking
away his freedom. Moses told the work-
ers to do exactly as Jehovah had com-
15We can have Jehovah’s approv-
manded them. (Exodus 39:32) This was al only if we accept adjustments that
a humble way of thinking and acting. are made. And we need to show re-
Moses knew that it was Jehovah’s work spect for those Jehovah uses to lead
and that Jehovah was simply using him the congregation. What do we do when
to do it. these men make decisions or change

13, 14. In what ways did Moses show that he 15. What can we learn from what proud Ko-
was humble? rah did?
DO YOU the way we do things in gation. To wait for Jehovah to act and to
REMEMBER? the congregation? Be- obey those Jehovah uses to lead the con-
cause they trusted their gregation, we must be humble. Do we
ˇ What does it mean own way of doing things, show that we are as humble and meek
to be known by Korah and his followers as Moses was? Do we understand and
Jehovah? could no longer be God’s accept that Jehovah uses those who lead
ˇ How can you imitate friends. They were proud the congregation? Do we obey their in-
the faith of Abraham? and showed little faith. structions? Do we control our feelings
ˇ What lessons can we Korah thought that Moses when we get disappointed? If we do
learn from Korah and was just an old man mak- these things, we will have Jehovah’s ap-
Moses? ing his own decisions, but proval. If we are humble and obedient,
he forgot that it was real- we will be precious to him.
ly Jehovah who was guid-
ing the nation. As a re- JEHOVAH KNOWS
sult, Korah did not show loyalty to those THOSE WHO BELONG TO HIM
God was using. Korah should have wait- 17 It is good for us to think about the
ed for Jehovah to act. Jehovah could examples of those whom Jehovah loved
have helped him understand why things and invited to be his friends. Abra-
were the way they were or could have ham and Moses were imperfect and
changed things if needed. Because Ko- had problems, just like us. But Jehovah
rah acted like that, today we never think thought of them as friends, as people
of Korah’s years of loyal service to Jeho- who belonged to him. The opposite is
vah. We usually think of him as some- what happened to Korah. His example
one who disobeyed Jehovah because of shows how it could be possible for us to
Are you known his pride.
draw away from Jehovah and no longer
by Jehovah as 16 What happened to Korah is a warn-
be his friends. Each of us should think
someone who ing for elders and others in the congre-
about questions like: What does Jeho-
is humble and
vah think of me? What can I learn from
obedient? 16. How can Moses’ humble example help us?
these Bible examples?
18 Jehovah thinks of his faithful ser-

vants as people who belong to him. This

is a great comfort to us. So continue
to make an effort to show such quali-
ties as faith and humility. They will make
you even more precious to our wonder-
ful God. It is an honor to be known
by Jehovah. Those who have his ap-
proval have a happy life now and will
have wonderful blessings in the future.
—Psalm 37:18.

17, 18. What can help us to continue to have

Jehovah’s approval? ws11 09/15-E

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