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7.00-7.20 P. AWAL
20 m
7.20-7.40 MAIN BEBAS
20 m

7.40-7.50 AKT. (FK 2.1.3) Melakukan  Di akhir penngajaran, murid dapat  Guru mengadakan aktiviti permainan- tiru macam Aktiviti penerokaan.
10 m PEM pergerakan mengikut  mengikuti aktiviti permainan- tiru macam saya
arah saya  Guru meminta murid membuat beberapa Aktiviti kumpulan
(FK 2.1.5) Melakukan  membuat beberapa pergerakan seperti pergerakan seperti berjalan dalam kelajuan yang
pergerakan yang berjalan dalam kelajuan yang berbeza berbeza Pembelajaran
berbeza kelajuan - Perlahan - Perlahan Berpusatkan murid
- Laju sedikit - Laju sedikit
- laju - laju EMK
 Kelestarian Alam

Refleksi :

7.50-8.00 AKT. BI 1.1.1 Listen to and Objective :  Listen to and identify sounds likes claping, bell Radio/cd
10 m PEM identify common The end lesson, children able rings, knocking
sounds in the a. Identify sound according to the  Read the proper sounds of children’s name.
environment lesson  Match the noise maker with the sounds. E.g: bell
BI 1.1.2 Listen to and b. To match the sound with noise – ring
respond to stimulus maker such as
given: - Horn- car  Instruct children to either walk or stop upon
Environmental sounds hearing two different sounds.
Voice and sounds
Rhythm and rhyme
Refleksi :

8.00-8.30 P.ISLAM/ KM 1.1.3

30 m MORAL Menerangkan tentang Bercerita tentang kelebihan diri contoh  Bercerita tentang kelebihan diri contoh : Pendekatan
8.30-9.00 P.ISLAM/ salasilah keluarga : menyanyi, berlakon menyanyi, berlakon bertema
30 m MORAL sendiri  Murid membuat album keluarga  Murid membuat album keluarga (projek)
(projek) -Kumpul maklumat keluarga
KM 1.1.4 Menjelaskan -Kumpul maklumat keluarga -gambar ahli keluarga EMK
peranan dan -gambar ahli keluarga -gambar-gambar kenangan Bahasa
tanggungjawab -gambar-gambar kenangan -label nama ahli keluarga
anggota keluarga -label nama ahli keluarga -pekerjaan ahli keluarga
-pekerjaan ahli keluarga -mewarnakan gambar keluarga saya

Refleksi :

9.00-9.30 REHAT
30 m
9.30-10.10 AKT. SA 2.2.1 Membanding Di akhir pengajaran , murid dapat  Murid membuat aktiviti pengelasan pelbagai Bongkah huruf
40 m PEM dan membeza objek- a. mengasingkan bongkah kayu atau bongkah huruf yang terdiri daripada berlainan
objek mengikut satu alat mengukut warna warna,bentuk,tekstur.
2kriteria: b. mengasingkan alatan mengikut Belajar melalui
(i) warna bentuk bermain.
(ii) bentuk

(SA 2.2.2)
Membanding dan
membeza objek-objek
yang mempunyai dua
2kriteria yang sama.
Refleksi :

10.10-10.50 MATE MA 2.1.1 Menyebut Di akhir pengajaran , murid dapat  Murid membilang menggunakan jari tangan Pembelajaran
40 m nombor 1 hingga 10  membilang menggunakan jari kanan dan kiri. berpusatkan murid
mengikut urutan tangan kanan dan kiri..
MA 2.1.2  menyebut dan membilang nombor
Mengecam dan ikut urutan 1-10 EMK
menyebut nombor Teknologi Maklumat
secara rawak dan Komunikasi

Refleksi :





7.00-7.20 P. AWAL
20 m
7.20-7.40 MAIN BEBAS
20 m

7.40-7.50 AKT. BI 1.2.1 Listen to and OBJECTIVE:  Sing a song. Eg. “Good Morning Teacher” Pembelajaran
10 m PEM recite nursery rhymes. the end of the lesson students can understand  Sing a song Berpusatkan murid
7.50-8.00 AKT. a. concept based on the pronunciation of the - “Hello how do you do (birthday’s song
10 m PEM BI 1.2.2 Listen to and initial situation tune) EMK
sing songs. b. how to speak and greet well  Teacher introduce simple greetings  Kelestarian Alam
d. understand simple instructions depending - Good morning teacher Sekitar
BI 1.2.3 Listen to and on some situations such as asking permission  Listen to and repeat simple greeting such as
repeat greetings. to leave or go to the toilet good afternoon,good morning.
 Teacher asks children to follow simple
BI 1.2.4 Listen to and instructions.
follow instructions.


8.00-8.30 P.ISLAM/ (PM 1.1.1) OBJEKTIF:  Guru menunjukkan gambar ciptaan EMK
30 m MORAL Menyatakan ciptaan Di akhir pembelajaran , murid dapat tuhan dan rekaan manusia Nilai murni
8.30-9.00 P.ISLAM/ tuhan memahami  Murid membuat buku skrap (ciptaan
30 m MORAL (PM 1.1.2) Bercerita a. Perbezaan ciptaan manusia dan tuhan dan manusia) Kad gambar
tentang ciptaan Tuhan ciptaan tuhan Lembaran kerja
(PM 1.1.3) b. Menyenaraikan ciptaan manusia
Menunjukkan rasa c. Menyenaraikan tentang ciptaan
syukur terhadap tuhan
ciptaan Tuhan


9.00-9.30 REHAT
30 m
9.30-10.10 AKT. BI 1.3.1 Use simple In the end of lesson, children able to  Role play.
40 m PEM sentences to Role play.  Pupils respond to and repeat the simple Pendekatan bertema
participate in daily  respond to and repeat the simple conversations.
conversations with conversations. Eg: How are you ?
manners to: Eg: How are you ? I am fine. EMK
i) exchange I am fine. Bahasa
ii) show appreciation
iii) introduce oneself
iv) introduce oneself
v) make simple
Refleksi :

10.10-10.50 AKT. LS revision of activities from month 1, week 1-2 list of situable
40 m PEM BI 2.2.6 sentences and words
BI 2.2.7 awareness

Refleksi :

10.50-11.00 PENUTUP
10 m




7.00-7.20 P. AWAL
20 m
7.20-7.40 MAIN BEBAS
20 m

7.40-7.50 AKT. (BM 1.2.2) Mendengar dan Di akhir pengajaran , murid dapat  Murid menyanyikan lagu Pembelajaran
10 m PEM menyanyi lagu “ Kalau anda rasa gembira” Berpusatkan murid
7.50-8.00 AKT. - Memahami konsep rasa dan perasaan
10 m PEM (BM 1.2.3) Mendengar, - Mengenali situasi dan mengaitykan  Guru bersoaljawab dengan murid EMK
memahami dan memberi dengan amalan seharian mengenai adab seharian dan arahan yang  Kelestarian Alam
respons secara - Memberi ucapan bertatasusila mudah Sekitar
bertatasusila terhadap: - mendengar arahan serta memberi
(i) Ucap selamat respon kepada arahan yang diberikan Contoh : Buku cerita besar
(ii) Arahan yang - Selamat pagi murid
mudah - Sila beratur .
(BM 1.2.4) Mendengar dan - Susun kasut
memberi respons dengan - Senyap
bertatasusila terhadap: - Duduk
(i) Arahan - Berdiri
- Cuci tangan
- Baca doa makan
Guru membantu murid yang kurang faham dan
mengenalpasti murid yang tidak mendengar
Refleksi :

8.00-8.30 BM (BM 2.2.1) Mengenal Di akhir pengajaran, murid dapat

30 m pasti abjad a. Mempelajari tentang menunggu  Nyanyian lagu ABC Radio/CD/Video
giliran  Menyanyi sambil bertepuk tangan
(BM 2.2.2) Menyebut b. Mengenalpasti dan membanding  Guru menyediakan bongkah huruf kecil
dan membunyikan huruf beza huruf dan besar- murid cuba mengenal pasti Belajar melalui
vokal. dan mengambil bongkah huruf yang bermain
disebut oleh guru.
(BM2.2.3) Mengenal
pasti dan menyebut
huruf kecil dan besar.
Refleksi :
8.30-9.00 BM (BM 3.2.1) Menulis Di akhir pengajaran, murid dapat  Murid membuat aktiviti menulis huruf Pembelajaran
30 m huruf kecil dengan cara a. Kenalpasti huruf besar dan kecil kecil pada lembaran kerja Kontekstual
yang betul. b. Menulis huruf kecil mangikut  Guru kenalpasti murid yang belum mahir
urutan menulis huruf kecil
c. Memengag pensel dengan betul  Guru meminta murid membuat aktiviti
menulis di dalam buku tulis dengan cara
yang betul

Refleksi :

9.00-9.30 REHAT
30 m
9.30-10.10 AKT. FK 5.1.1 Menyatakan Diakhir pengajaran , murid dapat .  Guru menayangkan video pendek Video/CD
40 m PEM cara menjaga kebersihan a. mengenai kebersihan diri mengenai penjagaan kebersihan diri.
anggota tubuh dengan b. menyatakan kepentingan menjaga  Murid bercerita mengenai kebersihan diri Pendekatan Bertema
betul kebersihan diri dengan anggota  Murid membuat buku skrap kebersihan
FK 5.1.2 Bercerita badan diri
tentang kepentingan -murid membawa gambar-gambar
menjaga kebersihan: yang berkaitan dengan kebersihan diri Pembelajaran
(i) diri Berasaskan Projek
(ii) pakaian
(iii) peralatan
Refleksi :

10.10-10.50 AKT. MA 1.1.1 Memadankan Di akhir pengajaran, murid dapat  Murid memadankan pasangan kasut Bahan maujud
40 m PEM objek berpasangan yang Memadankan gambar alatan atau gambar rakan-rakan.
sama dengan padanan yang sesuai seperti  Murid memadankan pasangan objek yang Pembelajaran
MA 1.1.2 a. Sudu-garpu tidak sama berpusatkan murid
Memadankan objek b. Pinggan-mangkuk Contoh : sudu-garfu
berpasangan yang tidak c. Pen- buku : cawan – piring EMK
sama d. Kasut-stoking Sains dan Teknologi
Refleksi :

10.50-11.00 PENUTUP
10 m




7.00-7.20 P. AWAL
20 m
7.20-7.40 MAIN BEBAS
20 m

7.40-7.50 AKT. BI 1.2.1 Listen to and OBJECTIVE:  Sing a song. Eg. “Good Morning Teacher” Pembelajaran
10 m PEM recite nursery rhymes. the end of the lesson students can understand  Sing a song Berpusatkan murid
7.50-8.00 AKT. a. concept based on the pronunciation of the - “Hello how do you do (birthday’s song
10 m PEM BI 1.2.2 Listen to and initial situation tune) EMK
sing songs. b. how to speak and greet well  Teacher introduce simple greetings  Kelestarian Alam
d. understand simple instructions depending - Good morning teacher Sekitar
BI 1.2.3 Listen to and on some situations such as asking permission  Listen to and repeat simple greeting such as
repeat greetings. to leave or go to the toilet good afternoon,good morning.
 Teacher asks children to follow simple
BI 1.2.4 Listen to and instructions.
follow instructions.


8.00-8.30 BI OPENING (5 MINUTES)

30 m CERF BI 1.2.4 Listen to and Pupils be able to name four out for five name Pictures card
follow of the body from flashcard. Teacher sing My Body song.
Simple instructions. Children respon to the song.

1.Teacher show the flashcards.
2.Pupils name the flashcards parts of the body.
3.Teacher show the pictures and pupils name
4.Pupils watch the flashcard with the pictures
of the body.

Skills development:
- Listen,Identify

8.30-9.00 BI
30 m CEFR BI 1.2.4 At the end of the lesson,children be able to: - Teachers show the pictures card and Pictures card
Listen to and follow a) Cut and paste 3 out of 4 the correct repeat the name of families members.(
simple instruction pictures according teacher instruction. father,mother,brother,
Sister )
- Teachers explain about families tree.
- Children cut and paste the pictures
according teacher instruction. - Worksheet
( Families tree )
Pictures families
- Glue / scissors
Refleksi :

9.00-9.30 REHAT
30 m
9.30-10.10 AKT. BI CHILDREN ABLE TO, 1. Children listen to audio clips of animal SMART PHONIC
40 m PEM 1.1.1,1.1.2,1.1.3,1.2.2, - listen to audio clips of animal sounds and sounds and say the names of the PROGRAMME LEVEL
1.2.4,1.2.5,1.2.5,1.2.6, say the names of the animals (as a class, in animals (as a class, in group and 1
1.2.7 group and individual). individual). - Audio clips of
- cry out the sounds when their names are 2. Children are didived into 4 or 5 sounds of
mentioned in the story groups, with each anmed after animals
- children follow the action different animals - Audio clips of
3. Teachers say the story ‘GOOD-NIGHT, sounds of
OWL’ and groups cry out the sounds coomon things
when their names are mentioned in - ‘ GOOD –NOGHT
the story OWL’ story and
4. Play action songs ‘IF YOU ARE A KID’ props
and children follow the action - Song ‘ IF YOU
Refleksi :

10.10-10.50 AKT. PEM

40 m CEFR BI 3.2.4 At the end of the lesson,children be able to: - Teacher explain how to write the - worksheet
Copy familiar words in a) Copy 6 familiar words in legible print families members in legible print.
legible print - Children do the worksheet
Refleksi :

10.50-11.00 PENUTUP
10 m




7.00-7.20 P. AWAL
20 m
7.20-7.40 MAIN BEBAS
20 m

7.40-7.50 FIZ (FK 2.1.5) Melakukan Diakhir pengajaran , murid dapat  Guru meminta murid membuat beberapa Padang sekolah
10 m pergerakan yang - membuat beberapa pergerakan pergerakan seperti berjalan dalam kelajuan Aktiviti Fizikal
7.50-8.00 FIZ berbeza kelajuan seperti berjalan dalam kelajuan yang yang berbeza
10 m berbeza - Perlahan
- Perlahan - Laju sedikit
- Laju sedikit - laju
- laju
Refleksi ;

8.00-8.30 AKT. BI 1.1.1 Listen to and The end of lesson, chidren encourage to  Listen to and identify sounds likes claping,
30 m PEM identify common sounds - identify sounds likes claping, bell bell rings, knocking
in the environment rings, knocking  Read the proper sounds of children’s name.
- Match the noise maker with the  Match the noise maker with the sounds.
BI 1.1.2 Listen to and sounds. E.g: bell – ring E.g: bell – ring
respond to stimulus - walk or stop upon hearing two
given: different sounds.  Instruct children to either walk or stop
i. Environme upon hearing two different sounds.
ntal sounds
ii. Voice and E.g: Walk when the bell rings and
sounds stop at the sound of drum.
iii. Rhythm  Children identify the rimes in rhymes.
and rhyme
iv. Alliteration
Refleksi :

8.30-9.00 AKT. BI 1.2.1 Listen to and The end of lesson, children able to  Sing a song. Eg. “Good Morning Teacher”
30 m PEM recite nursery rhymes. - Say and great people with simple  Sing a song
greetings - “Hello how do you do (birthday’s song
BI 1.2.3 Listen to and - Good morning teacher tune)
repeat greetings. - Listen to and repeat simple greeting such  Teacher introduce simple greetings
as good afternoon,good morning. - Good morning teacher
BI 1.2.4 Listen to and - follow simple instructions.  Listen to and repeat simple greeting such as
follow instructions. - Please stand up good afternoon,good morning.
- Please sit down  Teacher asks children to follow simple
- Please stand up
- Please sit down

9.00-9.30 REHAT
30 m
9.30-10.10 AKT. BI 3.1.1 The end of lesson, children able to  Get children to hold an object similar to -plain paper
40 m PEM Demonstrate fine - hold an object similar to how they would how they would hold a writing using
motor control of hold a writing using pensil helps build grip pensil helps build grip strength.
hands and fingers by strength.  Encourage children to draw and paint
using writing - draw and paint about what they have about what they have done.
apparatus correctly done.
BI 3.1.2
Demonstrate correct
posture and pen hold
BI 3.1.3 Engage in
hand-eye coordination
through scribbling,
drawing lines and
Refleksi :

10.10-10.50 MATE BI 3.2.1 Write In the end of lesson, children able to (iii) Children draw lines inside bubble letters. -handout
40 m recognisable letters - draw lines inside bubble letters. (iv) Children copy write the letter in right
BI 3.2.2 Copy and - copy write the letter in right way. way.
write small letters
BI 3.2.3 Copy and
write capital letters

Refleksi :

10.50-11.00 PENUTUP
10 m


7.00-7.20 P. AWAL
20 m
7.20-7.40 MAIN BEBAS
20 m

7.40-7.50 AKT. BI 1.2.1 Listen to and OBJECTIVE:  Sing a song. Eg. “Good Morning Teacher” Pembelajaran
10 m PEM recite nursery rhymes. the end of the lesson students can understand  Sing a song Berpusatkan murid
7.50-8.00 AKT. a. concept based on the pronunciation of the - “Hello how do you do (birthday’s song
10 m PEM BI 1.2.2 Listen to and initial situation tune) EMK
sing songs. b. how to speak and greet well  Teacher introduce simple greetings  Kelestarian Alam
d. understand simple instructions depending - Good morning teacher Sekitar
BI 1.2.3 Listen to and on some situations such as asking permission  Listen to and repeat simple greeting such as
repeat greetings. to leave or go to the toilet good afternoon,good morning.
 Teacher asks children to follow simple
BI 1.2.4 Listen to and instructions.
follow instructions.

8.00-8.30 BI BI 2.2.1 Recognise In the end of lesson, children are able to:  Children match the initial sounds of their
30 m letters of the alphabet names with letters.
by their:  Join the dots activities  Join the dots activities
(i) shape  Sound out letters of the alphabet. -worksheet
(ii) name  point to alphabet letters and name it.  Sound out letters of the alphabet.
 make sound of alphabet shown.  Children point to alphabet letters and
BI 2.2.2 Recognise name it.
small letters of the  Children make sound of alphabet shown.
BI 2.2.3 Recognise
capital letters of the
BI 2.2.4 Name letters
of the alphabet

8.30-9.00 BI BI 3.1.1 Children are able to  Get children to hold an object similar to -plain paper
30 m Demonstrate fine  hold an object similar to how they would how they would hold a writing using
motor control of hold a writing using pensil helps build grip pensil helps build grip strength.
hands and fingers by strength.  Encourage children to draw and paint
using writing  draw and paint about what they have about what they have done.
apparatus correctly done.
BI 3.1.2
Demonstrate correct
posture and pen hold
BI 3.1.3 Engage in
hand-eye coordination
through scribbling,
drawing lines and
Refleksi :
9.00-9.30 REHAT
30 m
9.30-10.10 AKT. FK 5.1.1 DIi akhir pengajaran , murid boleh  Guru menayangkan video pendek Video/CD
40 m PEM Menyatakan cara  Menyenaraikan kepentingan menjaga mengenai penjagaan kebersihan diri.
menjaga kebersihan kebersihan diri.  Murid bercerita mengenai kebersihan diri Pendekatan Bertema
anggota tubuh dengan  bercerita mengenai kebersihan diri
betul dengan rutin seharian mereka di rumah.
Refleksi :
10.10-10.50 AKT. PEM MA 2.1.1 Menyebut Di akhir pengajaran, murid dapat  Murid membilang menggunakan jari Pembelajaran
40 m nombor 1 hingga 10 - membilang menggunakan jari tangan tangan kanan dan kiri. berpusatkan murid
mengikut urutan kanan dan kiri.
MA 2.1.2 - Meyenbut nombor secara rawak
Mengecam dan - Menyebut dan memadankan bilangan jari EMK
menyebut nombor dengan nombor Teknologi Maklumat
secara rawak dan Komunikasi

Refleksi :
10.50-11.00 PENUTUP
10 m




7.00-7.20 P. AWAL
20 m
7.20-7.40 MAIN BEBAS
20 m

7.40-7.50 FIZ
10 m
7.50-8.00 FIZ
10 m
8.00-8.30 AKT
30 m
8.30-9.00 AKT
30 m
9.00-9.30 REHAT
30 m
9.30-10.10 AKT.
40 m PEM
10.10-10.50 MATE
40 m
10.50-11.00 PENUTUP
10 m

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