Self Esteem

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Self Esteem


Self-Esteem Definitions

Random House Dictionary:

 1. a realistic respect for or favorable impression of oneself; self-respect.
 2. an inordinately or exaggeratedly favorable impression of oneself.

NASE (National Association for Self-Esteem) believes self esteem is:

“The experience of being capable of meeting life’s challenges and
being worthy of happiness.” We also believe in personal responsibility
and accountability. This implies not only being worthy of respect, but also
as having the basic skills and competencies required to be successful in
Too Much Self-Esteem?
Why Self-Esteem Is Important:

You have a chronic case of feeling good.

 1. You are generally not thinking about yourself and do not analyze yourself.
 2. You feel good most of the time. When you feel bad, it doesn’t last
long. You are resilient in the face of diversity.
 3. You smile a lot. You have positive belief systems about your self, your
family and society as a whole.
 4. You have lots of energy. You are able to set and accomplish most of your
 5. You are friendly. You enjoy meeting and being with others.
Why Self-Esteem Is Important (cont.):

 6. You draw people to you. You make long-term friendships.

 7. You look others in the eye. You are trustworthy and able
to be intimate and affectionate.
 8. You take risks. You are independent and autonomous.
 9. You have positive effects. You have behavioral and
academic success in school.
 10. Things others cannot observe include: You talk to
yourself positively, tell the truth, keep your word, are grateful
to be alive, forgive yourself and others. You are empathetic,
compassionate and you have a conscience
Be Positive! It’s sometimes OK to fail:
Self Esteem Self-Evaluation/Quiz

___ Always
___ Sometimes
___ Never
Self-Esteem Self Evaluation:

1. How I feel about myself depends on what others think of me:

2. When I am criticized I berate myself for being stupid:
3. I easily ask for and accept help from others:
4. I easily accept compliments:
5. When I look in the mirror, I see flaws in my appearance:
6. I make time in my schedule for activities that support my health and well-
7. I am uncomfortable expressing my opinion and feelings in my personal
8. I am anxious to admit that I don't know or understand something:
Self-Esteem Self Evaluation:

9. In a restaurant, when I receive food that doesn't match my order, I

say nothing and eat it anyway:
10.I believe that I am confident and value myself:
11.I openly express my opinions at work:
12.I envy others:
13.I believe my life would be better if I were more attractive:
14.No matter what I do, I always find something wrong with the result:
15.I believe I will never really be happy:
Review The Tip Sheet Daily!

Review the tip sheet daily to

make it a daily exercise to
improve your self-esteem!

 Susyn Reeve & Joan Breiner, M. Ed. (2016) How to Build Your Self Esteem
 National Association for Self-Esteem. (2016)
 Susyn Reeve, M.Ed. & Joan Breiner, M.Ed. (2016) http://www.Self-Esteem-
 Diane Mastrofmarino. (2003) The Girls Guide to Loving Yourself. Blue
Mountain Press, Boulder CO.

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