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Delta Green: Case File #3

Fort Meade – NSA HQ

 Javier, Jason, and Pamela are at a US Intelligence counter-terrorism summit on technology.

 Assistant Director Gardenhire of the FBI passes by Pamela and surreptitiously passes her a note.
Shortly after, Marine Corps Military Police quickly enter the conference area and arrest AD
Gardenhire and take him away. The heads of the agencies at the summit are shocked and end
the summit to leave back towards their respective areas of work.
 Pamela and Jason read the note, find that Delta Green has a new task for them to assemble
their cell. Coordinates are given for a rendezvous. Since Pamela has no formal relationship, she
also stealthily gives the note to Javier near the CIA's assigned area.
 The various agencies leave Fort Meade, and the players set off towards the coordinates.

Washington D.C. – Fairmont Hotel

 The coordinates lead towards the Fairmont in D.C. and the players arrive and meeting up within
the lobby. They find a cache waiting for them which includes supplies such as clothes, cash, a
burner phone and a few tools.
 Calling the number, Pamela reaches Case Officer Henry Dodge. As their handler, he assigns them
their task, to investigate Daniel Byers in Baltimore. Byers was able to somehow contact a Delta
Green cell and promise information that they might find useful, but was cut off. He was found
dead three days later.
 Case Officer Dodge tells them to check his apartment to see if he has any material relevant to
them and if there is a case present.

Baltimore – Daniel Byers' Apartment

 Players drive to Baltimore and find Byers' apartment. Though they are unsure if it is under
surveillance, they enter and find it is in disarray and has already been searched – by the local PD
or others.
 They find that Byers was part of a Special Operations Group during Vietnam, and that he was
part of a squad that conducted covert missions. They find a picture of his old group and
documents that show Byers inexplicably retired in 1972 to pursue a civilian life. The squad lists
Byers, Hazzard, Knick, Oates, and Na.
 However, they find a hidden footlocker with his uniform, covert mission patches, reel tapes, and
redacted documents of old mission files. There is also a sealed document that turns out to be a
burn list of a Delta Green cell, showing contact information for several agents.
 They requisition equipment and watch the reel tapes, finding that these are recordings of
interrogations and torture of North Vietnamese soldiers. Byers is seen within the tapes, along
with each member of his SOG. They also see an unfamiliar person taking notes and directing the
 The last reel tape is something far more shocking. A recording of a squad of marines, the
unknown man, and Byers on the camera shows them trekking through a heavy jungle area.
There is no VC resistance, but everyone is on edge. When they find a mound of dirt, Byers is
heard remarking that he will no longer participate in the mission, and the unknown man orders
the marine squad to dig it up, pulling rank. Byers drops the camera and can be heard running
away, and the unknown man picks it up, continuing to record. There is an unearthly shriek from
the mound, and suddenly it collapses in on itself. The marines are suddenly pulled into the area,
and begin to be tossed up by an invisible or unseen force, and are savagely ripped apart. As the
squad screams, the camera moves back and can be seen running away before cutting out.
 Players decide to look into Byers' old squad and have two leads, and go to New York to find
Oates. They confirm with Dodge that there is a case, and Dodge provides a number for
requisitions and subsequently disconnects the number.

Queens – Carlisle Oates' Home

 Having driven to NYC and rested, they go towards Oates' residence in Queens to find more
information. They surveil the area and find no one.
 Jason notices a cleaning van for 'Fancy Cleaners', the same van he had seen in Baltimore at
Byers' apartment after it was ransacked. Players go on alert and see that the van is completely
 Javier and Pamela carefully go around the back of the townhouse but are ambushed! An
assailant burst fires a few silenced shots at Javier, knocking him down. Pamela rushes closer but
just in time Javier is able to fire back, disabling the attacker. Javier's body armor saved him from
getting killed, and he suffered only bruises and a contusion.
 The attacker was not so lucky, Pamela tried to keep him alive but knew he would bleed out
soon. Players were only able to determine that there was no one else within the townhome and
the attacker was alone. They found the van keys, a silenced M41A, and that the attacker was ex-
Army Ranger special forces.
 Inside the residence, they found Oates was dead. Further investigation revealed a syringe, and a
set of hidden documents Oates had kept away, perhaps what the attacker was after. The
documents insinuated that Oates or the SOG had relationships with the CIA.
 Inside the van, players found heavy surveillance equipment and recordings of Oates and Byers
dating back a week. They found that the attacker quickly disabled Oates and injected something
into him through his big toe to replicate symptoms of a heart attack. Players determined that
Byers, too, must have been taken out the same way.
 Players decide to move quickly towards the last living member of the SOG, Ving Na. They
requisition firearms, body armor, first aid, forensic kits, RF jamming devices, and a new vehicle
in Houston.
Houston – Ving Na's Penthouse

 At the Entrana Luxury Tower, players gain access to Ving Na's residence and persuade him to
talk about his old activities, and they his life may be in danger.
 Ving covered the role of native translator and sniper operations in the Special Operations Group.
He worked with Byers, Oates, Hazzard, and Knicks undertaking covert missions such as high-
level assassinations or frequency tapping. In 1972, they were tapped by the CIA and taken out of
active duty to continue covert missions for their handler, known only as 'Spook'.
 Spook would give Byers the missions, and Byers, as the squad leader, would lead the squad
through them. However, in late 1972, they were tasked to interrogate and torture information
out of Viet Cong POWs.
 The CIA was running a covert project near VC territory and it was captured and moved to an
unknown location. The SOG was successful in retrieving the information and took along a squad
of marines to recover the project. Spook, Byers, and the marine squad went ahead to recover,
and Ving said he was providing recon support while Hazzard and Knick were on transport.
 He heard screaming and shooting on the radio for a while, but was too scared to go forward and
held his location. Later, only Byers and Spook returned from the area, and Spook was seen
carrying a highly magnetic box. It interfered with driving and pulled in loose ammunition and
their dog tags were floating towards it.
 Since then, he worked for the CIA but never again for Spook since he was shipped out of country
immediately after Hazzard and Knick were KIA.
 Players decide to take Ving into Witness Protection for his safety and begin to move away from
the area. Ving packs a few items and they almost exit the penthouse, but are able to see the
elevator open onto the penthouse floor. Four spec-ops soldiers come out of the elevator, in
black uniforms, body armor, and night-vision gear, all wielding silenced M41A's. The lights
suddenly go out on the entire floor and green targeting lasers can be seen powering on,
sweeping the hallway and moving towards them.

Houston – Ving Na's Penthouse (Session 2)

 Players can engage or move away from the spec-ops soldiers. Ving becomes quite anxious and
indecisive. He remarks he has an old grenade in his room and a panic room entrance in the
hallway. The grenade will have a Luck Roll to explode since it is nearly 40 years old. The panic
room has an access staircase into a lower floor with another elevator shaft. It leads towards the
back of the building and into the parking garage where the players can take their vehicle.
o The spec-ops soldiers will breach the door. They are not initially aware of the panic
room unless they find clues left by the players. If taking fire they will be suppressed, and
if the grenade goes off, they will be momentarily stunned.
 Ving remarks he has a few places where he can stay – his niece's home, his gulf property, or
another home he owns in Arkansas. All can be compromised. Taking him to the FBI office in
Houston is the best bet.
 As he is being processed, he remarks that the SOG operated as a PMC under Air America, a
branch of General Electric that colluded with the CIA. GE would be used as a cover to gain access
to many operations around the world for sabotage or recon.
 Air America is now defunct but research will reveal that it was last owned by Veritux, a shell
corporation for Johns Hopkins Medical Group. There is a Johns Hopkins hospital nearby in Dallas
which may not reveal anything other than a room in the basement that holds confidential files
or various surveillance operations and orders to move a 'Project MK-SUPER' to 'Base CO-4'.
o They will have to find documents on Air America in archives of the US Intelligence
community by any means necessary. It corroborates Ving's story, but says that the
company and the PMC branch of GE was shut down after the fall of Saigon. There was a
news report on the companies that remained in Vietnam by a reporter named Sally
Fielding that is also linked in the Air America file. She was marked for surveillance in
1982, and was marked out of surveillance in 1983. Sally lives in Dallas and is pretty old.
Talking to her, she remarks that it was an uninteresting story as a whole but one day,
the FBI came to her office and seized all of her materials on her Vietnam
correspondences. She managed to hide a few documents sent to her by an ex-marine
that she was hoping to do a story on detailing the government's use of PMCs in Vietnam
and Cambodia, and she says that she still has them.
o Aged, yellowed papers that are not yet redacted but are in code are in a shoebox that
she has in her basement. She says she was sent these papers in early 1982 by an
unknown marine and she didn't know what to make of them.
o The papers are coded encryptions in a now-cracked NSA cipher that can be learned by
going on the net and looking up public files on MK-ULTRA. They use the same code.
They detail that the Air America was removed from the General Electric group and sold.
o Veritux files can be found by going through public records from the 1980's and seeing it
was rebranded and sold to Johns Hopkins.
 In Dallas, the hospital has another secret entrance that can be gained by using a keycard
recovered from the spec-ops in Houston as well, or through the fingerprints recovered in
Baltimore. Going inside, it is shown that it is mostly empty, with many hallways and locked
doors. A main elevator goes to sub-levels 1-4, 4 being the deepest, and requires passcodes for
1-3. The fourth sub-level can be gained without a passcode. Players can see through the
elevator's front doors (which are bulletproof glass) operations with special forces mercenaries
moving crates, supplies, ammunition, weapons, and heavy machinery as well as medical
equipment. A large insignia of the Department of Defense can be seen on the wall, and a smaller
collection of "MJ-12" identifiers are sprinkled throughout the complex.
 Sub-level four has a few rooms which look like medical and research laboratories, all shielded
against surveillance and a few at work. Scientists in full hazmat or radiation or clean suits are
working on gene therapy, magnetism, radiation, and high-tech superconductors. Players can see
one laboratory is mostly empty save for an elderly scientist and a grey-haired man wearing a
shirt with rolled up sleeves and a black tie.
 He recognizes the players and smiles if questioned, noting that they have been thorns in his side
for quite a while. He has an audio clip of the party discussing their plans in Baltimore and the
plane to Houston, and remarks he is surprised they got away from his team there. He has an ID
card that identifies him as a "James Forrestal". A bureaucracy check reveals that Forrestal was
the 1st Sec. Defense of the U.S. He acknowledges that he is Spook and answers a few questions
on Project " MK-SUPER".
 Built out of the early failures of MK-ULTRA, the SUPER project was bolstered by a technique that
harnessed extreme trauma into a kinetic force. This technique was learned by examining an
object found in Vietnam codenamed 'Poltergiest-1'. A highly magnetic metallic sphere, it
seemed to capture the emotional drain of the people it was nearby and unleashed it by
consuming a host body. Spook saw it in action and decided to test it out but it was captured by
the VC who intended to bury it forever.
 Spook says that higher ups in the DOD and CIA wanted to shut down the program and move it
stateside, and years of research finally broke through into making it an actionable weapon. He
remarks that the players should let sleeping monsters lie and walk away. The scientist is
appalled and says that years of research and the lives sacrificed would have been for nothing.
He is Dr. Edgar Morene, and has directed the project since it was handed over to the joint
operation by Johns Hopkins and the government splinter faction known as Majestic-12.


 The players can choose several endings here. If they decide to kill Spook and Edgar (only Spook
is capable of fighting back), and destroy Poltergiest-1, they can do so, and write the report and
take it to the dead drop for Delta Green in Central Park. They will find documents on Spook that
link him to the Pentagon and a person codenamed 'Supercarrier' that directed Project MK-
SUPER and several others. They are not listed, but it looks like that the Delta Green cell that
Byers had contacted was a plant given to him, and it was to lure out other members of Delta
Green. The fates of the first cell's agents are unknown.
 Letting the project continue will have no other consequences other than not being able to
follow up on the case anymore. As they drive to the airport, a truck rams into them, knocking
them into a ditch. Spec-ops can be seen coming out of the back, and very quickly everything
fades into a final darkness.

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