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Measurement of Serum Uric Acid, Urea and Creatinine in Pregnant Women

Measurement of Serum Uric Acid, Urea and Creatinine in Pregnant

Isra’a H .AL-Hamdani
Department of Basic Science, College of Dentistry, University of Mosul, Mosul, Iraq

Serum uric acid ,urea and creatinine were assessed in normal pregnant women in
order to identify the association between these biochemical parameters and gestational
periods (first and third trimester) compared to those of normal non- pregnant women as a
control group. The study has been done on (53) normal pregnant women, but only (38)
continued the follow up through out to third trimester, and a comparison was done with (37)
normal non-pregnant women as a control group. The mean of serum uric acid, urea and
creatinine showed a significant lower values in pregnant group during the 1st trimester of
pregnancy than the control group. While the mean values of serum uric acid, urea and
creatinine show a non significant decrease through out the 3rd trimester compared to the
control group. There was a significant difference in serum uric acid and creatinine between
the 1st and 3rd trimester which were higher in the 3rd trimester than the 1st trimester of
pregnancy, but no significant difference in serum urea between the 1st and 3rd trimester.

Introduction pregnancy (1). In human, uric acid is the

Pregnancy is a normal major product of catabolism of the purine,
physiological condition which show many nucleosides, adenosine and guanosine (8).
changes in the maternal environment (1) The reference intervals using an enzymatic
.Adaptation to pregnancy in humans method is 155 – 357 µmol/l (2.6 – 6
involves anatomic, physiologic and mg/dl) for females (9). Plasma urea and
metabolic changes in the mother to creatinine concentrations depend on the
support and provide her with nutritional balance between their production and
and metabolic needs and those of growing excretion (10). Urea is the major nitrogen-
conceptus (2). Almost all maternal containing metabolic product of protein
physiological system under go adjustment catabolism in human, the reference
as a result of pregnancy, but perhaps the intervals using an enzymatic about 2.5 –
greatest upheaval is caused to the renal 7.5 mmol/l (15 – 45 mg/dl) (9). The
system (3). Many changes in renal function measurement of plasma or serum urea
occur in normal pregnancy, without a concentration is widely regarded as a test
proper understanding of these changes, of renal function but not a good guide to
routine clinical investigations may be renal function as it varies with protein
easily misinterpreted (4) such as serum uric intake, liver metabolic capacity and renal
acid, urea and creatinine .Renal function is perfusion (11) so measurement of serum
affected by the changes in other systems creatinine is a more reliable guide as it is
particularly by those that occur in produced from muscle at a constant rate
hemodynamic control (5). The systemic and almost completely filtered at the
hemodynamic profile of pregnancy is glomerulus. As very little creatinine is
characterized by an increase in secreted by tubular cells, the creatinine
intravascular volume ,cardiac output and clearance provides a reasonable
heart rate with marked fall in vascular approximation of the glomerular filtration
resistance and tendency toward a decrease rate. If muscle mass remains constant,
in a mean blood pressure in association changes in creatinine concentration reflect
with an increase in renal plasma flow changes in GFR (9), (11). Plasma creatinine
(RPF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is mostly derived from endogenous source
(6), (7)
. The increase in GFR has important by tissue creatine breakdown .The
clinical implications ,such as serum level reference intervals for serum or plasma
of uric acid, urea and creatinine during creatinine, measured by jaffe methods is
Measurement of Serum Uric Acid, Urea and Creatinine in Pregnant Women

53 – 97 µmol/l (0.6 – 1.1mg/dl) in women France) (13). Determination of serum

. The present study was designed to creatinine was based upon the colorimetric
investigate the effect of pregnancy on method with deproteinisation using kit
serum uric acid, urea and creatinine during (Syrbio / France) (14).
the 1st & 3rd trimester of gestation.
Statistical Analysis
Materials And Methods Data were analyzed using
The subjects involved in this study unpaired t-test .The results were expressed
included (53) healthy pregnant women as mean ± standard deviation & p<0.05,
from alkansa hospital their ages were p<0.01 was considered as statistically
between (20-39) years with a mean of significant (15).
(28) years. The control group was (37)
healthy non-pregnant women their ages Results
were between (23-40) years with a mean Table (1): Show a comparison of
of (30) years. A complete history of biochemical parameters (serum uric acid
every pregnant woman was obtained ,urea and creatinine) between the control
including name, age, weight, occupation, & pregnant group during the 1st trimester.
gravity, parity ,history of previous Serum uric acid decreased significantly
pregnancies ,family history and any drug (p<0.05) as compared to control group
intake all subjects had no renal disease or ,while serum urea and creatinine show
any other disease. The pregnant women high significant decrease in their level
were followed up in the 1st and 3rd (p<0.01)during the 1st trimester as
trimester. During the study, (53) pregnant compared to control group.
women were seen in the 1st trimester (6- Table(2): Show a comparison of the
13 weeks) but only (38) pregnant women biochemical parameters (serum uric acid,
continued the follow up through out to 3rd urea and creatinine) between the control &
trimester (26-38 weeks). Approximately pregnant group during the 3rd trimester
(5) ml of the venous blood was placed in a .Serum uric acid, urea and creatinine show
plain tube ,then the blood samples were a non significant decrease during the 3rd
left on the bench at room temperature for trimester compared with control group.
30 minutes to allow the blood to clot, Table(3): Show a comparison of
serum samples were obtained by biochemical parameters (serum uric acid,
centrifugation at 3000 rpm for 10 minutes. urea and creatinine) between the 1st & 3rd
The serum was collected into other clean trimester of pregnancy. Serum uric acid
plain tube for the following tests: serum and creatinine increased significant
uric acid, urea and creatinine .Serum uric (p<0.05) during the 3rd trimester of
acid was determined by an enzymatic gestation as compared to 1st trimester of
method (Uricase) using kit (biomerieux / pregnancy while there was no significant
France) (12). Serum urea was estimated by difference in serum urea.
an enzymatic method (Urease-modified
Berthelot reaction) using kit (biomerieux /

Table (1): A comparison of the biochemical parameters (mean ± SD) between the control &
pregnant group in the 1st trimester.
Parameters Mean ± SD T- P-
Control Group 1st Trimester value value
(n=37) (n=53)
Serum Uric Acid (µmol/l) 275.2±53.7 249.7±47.9 2.37 <0.05
Serum Urea (mmol/l) 4.99±1.36 4.24±1.23 2.76 <0.01
Serum Creatinine (µmol/l) 70.4±12.5 63.85±8.40 3.00 <0.01
P<0.05 =Significant Difference, p<0.01 =High Significant Difference.
Measurement of Serum Uric Acid, Urea and Creatinine in Pregnant Women

Table (2): A comparison of the biochemical parameters (mean ±SD) between the control &
pregnant group in the 3rd trimester.

Parameters Mean ± SD T- P-
Control 3rd Trimester value value
Group (n=37) (n=38)
Serum Uric Acid (µmol/l) 275.2±53.7 275.0±56.9 0.01 NS
Serum Urea (mmol/l) 4.99±1.36 4.49±1.31 1.63 NS
Serum Creatinine (µmol/l) 70.4±12.5 67.26±6.83 1.37 NS
NS =No significant difference.

Table (3): A comparison of the biochemical parameters (mean ±SD) between the 1st & 3rd
trimester of pregnancy.

Parameters Mean ± SD T- P-
1st trimester 3rd trimester value value
(n=53) (n=38)
Serum Uric Acid (µmol/l) 249.7±47.9 275.0±56.9 - 2.30 <0.05
Serum Urea (mmol/l) 4.24±1.23 4.49±1.31 - 0.96 NS
Serum Creatinine 63.85±8.40 67.26±6.83 - 2.06 <0.05
P<0.05 =Significant difference, NS =No significant difference.

265 3rd control
trimester 1st trimester
250 3rd trimester

Fig (1): Serum uric acid concentration in control and pregnant groups.

Serum urea

4.6 control
4.4 1st trimester

4.2 3rd trimester


Fig (2): Serum urea concentration in control and pregnant groups.

Measurement of Serum Uric Acid, Urea and Creatinine in Pregnant Women


Serum creatinine

68 control

66 1st trimester
3rd trimester



Control 1st 3rd

group trimester trimester
Fig (3): Serum creatinine concentration in control and pregnant groups.

Discussion the secretary site ,which leads to decrease

The present results showed that the secretion of uric acid from proximal
the serum uric acid, urea and creatinine in and more distal parts of tubule (16). This
the 1st trimester of pregnancy were reflects the increase of serum uric acid in
significantly lower in pregnant group than late pregnancy. The differences between
control group ;Figure (1). From the results the trimester in serum uric acid and
shown in table (2), it appears that the results creatinine were statistically significant
of serum uric acid ,urea and creatinine between the 1st & 3rd trimester .While the
during the 3rd trimester are found to be difference between the 1st & 3rd trimester
increased but still lower than the control in serum urea was not significant; Figure
group although the decrease statistically . It concluded that the serum uric acid,
not significant in comparison with control urea and creatinine are affected by
group; Figure (2). The results were in an pregnancy in the 1st trimester more than
agreement with Dunlop and Davison (16), the 3rd trimester.
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