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Copyright © 1989 ASM International®

ASM Handbook, Volume 17: Nondestructive Evaluation and Quality Control All rights reserved.
ASM Handbook Committee, p 52-56

Replication Microscopy Techniques

for NDE
A.R. Marder, Energy Research Center, Lehigh University

SURFACE REPLICATION is a well- oped corrosion or oxidation product or a

developed electron microscopy sample decarburized layer on the surface that must

preparation technique that can be used to be removed before replication. Coarse-
conduct in situ measurements of the micro- grinding equipment can be used as long as
structure of components. The in situ deter- the proper precautions are taken to prevent
mination of microstructural deterioration the introduction of artifacts into the struc- #
and damage of materials subjected to vari- ture due to overheating or plastic deforma-
ous environments is an objective of any tion. Sandblasting, wire wheels, flap
nondestructive evaluation (NDE) of struc- wheels, and abrasive disks have all been
tural components. The need to assess the used. After the initial preparation steps are
condition of power plant and petrochemical completed, standard mechanical polishing
~Etchingl Polishing Pitting
/ i~ ~,~ >1 ~
metallic components on a large scale recent- techniques can be used. Field equipment is
ly led to the application of surface replica- commercially available to help the metallog- Voltage
tion to the problem of determining remain- rapher reproduce the preparation steps nor-
ing life. The usual method of metallographic mally followed in the laboratory. Depending -,u©". 1 Current density-voltage curve for electropol-
investigation, which may involve cutting on the material, various silicon carbide
large pieces from the component so that abrasive disks of different grit size, together
laboratory preparation and examination can with polishing cloth disks with diamond
be performed, usually renders the compo- paste or alumina of varying grit size, can be can often be mistakenly identified as creep
nent unfit for service or necessitates a cost- used to prepare for the etching step. Final- voids.
ly repair. As a result, metallographic inves- ly, any appropriate etchant for the material Several portable electropolishing units
tigations are avoided, and important being examined can be applied to develop are commercially available. The most im-
microstructural information is not available the microstructure. For the proper identifi- portant variables (time, bath temperature,
for evaluating the component for satisfacto- cation of such microstructural features as electrolyte composition, and the current
ry performance. Therefore, an in situ or creep cavities, a maximum double or triple density-voltage relationship) have been in-
field microscopy examination is needed to etch-polish-etch procedure should be used vestigated for a selected group of electro-
aid in the proper determination of compo- (Ref 2). The etchants used for the various lytes (Ref 4). A direct comparison of elec-
nent life. materials investigated by the replication tropolishing units and the precautions
The replica technique for the examination technique are described in Volume 9 of the necessary for handling certain electrolytes
of surfaces has been extensively used for 9th Edition of Metals Handbook and in Ref are given in Ref 5.
studying the structure of polished-and-etched 3. It should be noted that there are areas in
specimens and for electron fractographic ex- Electrolytic Preparation Technique. Al- both fossil and nuclear plants in which
amination (see the article "Transmission though electrolytic polishing and etching neither acid etches nor electropolishing
Electron Microscopy" in Volume 12 of the techniques have often been employed as the methods and materials are allowed because
9th Edition of Metals Handbook for a discus- final mechanical polish step in sample prep- of the potential for intergranular stress-
sion of replication techniques in fractogra- aration, inherent problems still exist in this corrosion cracking. Stainless steel piping in
phy). Surface replication was the predomi- process. The electropolishing technique nuclear plants can be replicated to deter-
nant technique in electron microscopy prior uses an electrolytic reaction to remove ma- mine defects by manual polishing without
to being supplemented by thin-foil transmis- terial to produce a scratch-free surface. etchants. Generator retaining rings have
sion and scanning electron microscopy. Re- This is done by making the specimen the been replicated by manual polishing to re-
cently, the replication microscopy technique anode in an electrolytic cell. The cathode is solve NDE indications, because they are
has become an important NDE method for connected to the anode through the electro- extremely sensitive to stress-corrosion
microstructural analysis, and an American lyte in the cell. Specimens can be either cracking and no acids or caustics are al-
Society for Testing and Materials specifica- polished or etched, depending on the ap- lowed to be used (Ref 6).
tion has been written for its implementation plied voltage and current density, as seen in
(Ref 1). the fundamental electropolishing curve in
Fig. 1. However, the pitting region must be
Replication Techniques
Specimen Preparation avoided so that artifacts are not introduced
into the microstructure. It is virtually im-
Replication techniques can be classified
as either surface replication or extraction
Mechanical Polishing Methods. Compo- possible to prevent pitting without precise replication. Surface replicas provide an im-
nents in service usually have a well-devel- control of the polishing variables, and pits age of the surface topography of a speci-
Replication Microscopy Techniques for NDE / 53

Table 1 Comparison of r e p l i c a electron microscope, and the transmission Softenedacetatetape

techniques electron microscope, depending on the res-
olution required. As illustrated in Fig. 2, the / ~ Tapeappliedto
Type Advantages Disadvantages
plastic replica technique involves softening a surfaceanddried
Surface replicas plastic film in a solvent, applying it to the
Acetate ....... Excellentresolution Coatingrequired surface, and then allowing it to harden as the
Acrylic........ Direct viewing Adhesion solvent evaporates. After careful removal
Rubber........ Easy removal Resolution from the surface, the plastic film contains a
Extraction replicas negative image, or replica, of the microstruc-
Direct stripped ture that can be directly examined in the light
plastic ...... Easy preparation Particleretention microscope or, after some preparation, in \
Positive the electron microscope. Double-faced tape Polished-and- /
carbon ...... Excellent particle Coatingrequired is used to bond the replica to the glass slide etchedpart ~ [ ~
retention with
two-stage etching in order to obtain large, fiat, undistorted
Direct carbon.. Excellentresolution Not applicable to replica surfaces.
in situ studies There are some significant advantages of
the replica technique over the use of porta- Taperemoved
ble microscopes in the field (Ref 5): withnegative
men, while extraction replicas lift particles
from the specimen. The advantages and
* A permanent record of the specimen is surface
disadvantages of some typical replication
• Better resolution and higher magnifica-
techniques are given in Table 1.
5 u d a t e Replicas. Replication of a sur-
tion can be used Fig. 2 Schematicof the plastic replica technique
• Contamination of the polished surface is
face can involve either direct or indirect
methods. In the direct, or single-stage,
• Time spent in an unpleasant or hazardous
method, a replica is made of the specimen or gold can be applied at a shadow angle of
environment is minimized
surface and subsequently examined in the 45 ° to the front side of the replica after
• Scanning electron microscopy can be uti-
microscope, while in the indirect method, removal.
the final replica is taken from an earlier In the acrylic casting resin method, dams
primary replica of the specimen surface. Several materials, including acetate, are required because a powder is mixed
Only the direct method will be considered in acrylic resin, and rubber, can be used in the with a liquid on the surface to be replicated.
this article because it lends itself more fa- surface replica technique (Ref 5). The After hardening, the replica can be exam-
vorably to on-site preparation. The most choice of material depends on the geometry ined directly in an optical microscope with-
extensively used direct methods involve of the component and the microstructural out further processing. If adhesion is a
plastic, carbon, or oxide replica material. features to be examined. problem, a composite replica can be made
All direct methods except plastic methods In the acetate method, an acetate tape is of an initial layer of Parlodian lacquer be-
are destructive and therefore require further wetted with acetone and applied to the fore the acrylic layer is applied.
preparation of the specimen before making surface; other less volatile solvents, such as In the dental impression rubber method,
additional replicas. methyl acetate, can be used when large uncured liquid rubber material (for exam-
Plastic replicas lend themselves to in-plant areas are replicated. For improved, resolu- ple, GE RTV60 silicon rubber compound) is
nondestructive examination because of their tion, the back side of the replica can be poured onto the surface to be replicated and
relative simplicity and short preparation painted with any fast-drying black paint or is contained by a dam. After removal, the
time. Plastic replicas can be examined with ink prior to removal, or for the same effect, replica can be examined directly or can be
the light optical microscope, the scanning evaporated coatings of carbon, aluminum, coated for better resolution.


'---~u~ i,i - • - " "~" 'JJ'. ~./nc;usion~ °~ Firstetch/"

• \\. ®//. e
• (~ ~) ~ , /// ~) " Metal

(a) (b)

?~/J •"nL
,, ~ ~J
Carbon Carbon

(c) (d)
''ul¢|~" 3 Positivecarbon extraction replicationsteps, (a) Placementof plastic after the first etch. (b) After the secondetch. (c) After the depositionof carbon. (d) The positive
replica offer the plastic is dissolved
5 4 / M e t h o d s of N o n d e s t r u c t i v e Evaluation

(a) (b) j-


(c) (d)
=.===-.. 4 Propagation of different crock types. (a) Creep. (b) Fatigue• (c) Stress corrosion. (d) Intergranular

Extraction Replicas. Several different ex- nique, vacuum deposition of carbon onto
traction replica techniques can be used to the surface of the specimen is required, and
characterize small particles that are embed- therefore this replica method is not applica-
ded in a matrix, such as small second-phase ble to NDE. % ~,

particles in a steel (see the article "Analyt-

ical Transmission Electron Microscopy" in Microstructural A n a l y s i s
Volume 10 of the 9th Edition of Metals
Handbook). More detailed descriptions of Crack determination is important to help
the various extraction replica techniques establish the root cause of a potential failure • 20__.~m
can be found in Ref 7 and 8. in a component. After a preliminary evalu-
After careful preparation of the surface ation of the crack to assess crack shape and (b)
using normal polishing methods, the first length by using magnetic flux or dye pene-
step in producing an extraction replica is to trant, the replica method is then used on Surface crack in a boiler tube. Comparison
etch the alloy heavily to leave the particles unetched specimens to assist in the crack
Fig. 5 of the (a) actual microstructure and (b) the
replica of the crack
of interest in relief. In the positive carbon evaluation. Figure 4 schematically shows
extraction replica, as shown in Fig. 3, a the propagation of different types of cracks
piece of solvent-softened polymeric film in a steel structure (Ref 10). Each crack has turbine components. The replica method
(cellulose acetate tape) is pressed onto the its own characteristics, and it is often pos- reveals defects due to creep at a much
surface exposed by this first etch (Ref 5). sible to make a correct determination of earlier stage than other NDE techniques.
Once the solvent has evaporated, one of crack type. It is important to determine Creep defects begin as small holes or cav-
two steps can be taken. The tape can be whether the crack is the original defect or ities at grain boundaries or second phases.
carefully pulled from the specimen to pro- has been caused by service conditions or With time and stress, these holes or cavi-
duce a negative of the surface, or the spec- damage. Once the crack type is identified, ties can link up and form cracks that
imen can undergo a second etch to free the the proper corrective action, such as elim- eventually lead to failure of the component
particles exposed by the first etch (Fig. 3). inating a corrosive environment or reducing (Fig. 6). Creep cracks are usually very
In the second etch, the specimen can be stress levels, can be attempted. Figure 5 localized, and they form in welds, bends,
etched through the plastic; most plastics are shows the replication of surface cracks in a or other highly stressed regions. Determin-
quite permeable to etching solutions, and boiler tube. ing the remaining life of components nor-
the specimen etches almost as rapidly as Creep Damage. Creep defects cause the mally depends on assessments of regular
without the plastic film (Ref 9). Carbon is majority of failures in power plant compo- inspections, as indicated in Table 2. Figure
then evaporated in a vacuum onto the plas- nents operating under stress and thermal 7 shows a comparison of creep voids in a
tic replica. The carbon and plastic contain- load, and the replica method is especially surface replica and the corresponding bulk
ing the particles now make up the positive suitable for the detection of these defects. microstructure.
replica. The cellulose acetate is then dis- Therefore, the replica method has become Precipitate Analysis. The detection of
solved, and the positive carbon replica is an especially important tool in the deter- various deleterious precipitates in compo-
allowed to dry. It should be noted that for mination of remaining life in such compo- nents subjected to high temperature and
the negative carbon extraction replica tech- nents as boiler tubes, steam piping, and stress can lead to improved life assessment
Replication Microscopy Techniques for NDE / 55

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig, 6 Schematic of creep crock formation. Small cavities (a) link up over time (b) and form intergranulor crocks (c) and eventually macrocracks (d).

Table 2 Creep d a m a g e classification

Class Nature Action
1 ......................... No creep defects None
2 ......................... A few cavities Reinspection after 20 000 h of service
3 ......................... Coalescent cavities Reinspection after 15 000 h of service
4 ......................... Microscopic creep cracks Reinspection after 10 000 h of service
5 ......................... Macroscopic creep cracks Management must be informed immediately
Source: Ref 11


(a) (b)

F i g . 8 Comparisonof cT-phaseformationas seen in (a) a replica and (b) the actual microstructure

Sigma phase is a deleterious FeCr com- chemistry can be used to assist the estima-
pound that can form in some stainless tion of effective exposure temperature for
steels, and its presence can severely limit use in determining the remaining life of
remaining life. Extraction replicas have components (Ref 14). Figure 9 shows an
been used to determine the amount of (r example of precipitates extracted from a
phase in the microstructure (Ref 12), and 200 000-h exposed sample, together with
the amount of ~ phase has been directly the accompanying chemical analysis.
(b) related to the creep rate (Ref 13). Figure 8
shows an example of cr phase in an extrac-
Fig. 7 Comparison of creep voids in (a) a replica tion replica.
and (b) the actual microstructure
The composition of carbides, and their
stability with time and temperature of expo- ACKNOWLEDGMENT
analysis of these components. The extrac- sure, can indicate the remaining life of a The author would like to acknowledge the
tion replication technique is an excellent component. Extraction replicas have been contributions of his colleagues A.O. Ben-
nondestructive method of detecting these used to evaluate carbides, and it has been scoter, S.D. Holt, and T.S. Hahn in the
precipitates. suggested that changes in morphology and preparation of this article.
56 / Methods of Nondestructive Evaluation

(a) (b)

Fig. 9 Extractionreplica of the microstructure(a) and the precipitate microchemicalanalysis(b) from an extraction replica

REFERENCES Metallographic Examination of Fer- 12. F. Masuyama, K. Setoguchi, H.

rous and Non-Ferrous Components," Haneda, and F. Nanjo, Findings on
1. "Standard Practice for Production and Canadian Electrical Association, Nov Creep-Fatigue Damage in Pressure
Evaluation of Field Metallographic 1985 Parts of Long-Term Service-Exposed
Replicas," E 512-87, Annual Book of 6. J.F. DeLong, private communication Thermal Power Plants, in Residual Life
A S T M Standards, American Society 7. D. Kay, Ed., Techniques for Electron Assessment Nondestructive Examina-
for Testing and Materials Microscopy, Blackwell Scientific Publi- tion and Nuclear Heat Exchanger Ma-
2. A.M. Bissel, B.J. Cane, and J.F. De- cations, 1965 terials, PVP-Vol 98-1, Proceedings of
Long, "Remanent Life Assessment of 8. J.W. Edington, Practical Electron Mi- the Pressure Vessels and Piping Confer-
Seam Welded Pipework," Paper pre- croscopy in Materials Science, Van ence, American Society of Mechanical
sented at the ASME Pressure Vessel Nostrand Rheinhold, 1976 Engineers, 1985, p 79
and Piping Conference, American Soci- 9. G.N. Maniar and A. Szirmae, in Man- 13. T. Fushimi, "Life Evaluation of Long
ety of Mechanical Engineers, June 1988 ual on Electron Metallography Tech- Term Used Boiler Tubes," Paper pre-
3. G.F. Vander Voort, Metallography: niques, STP 547, American Society for sented at the Conference on Boiler
Principles and Practice, McGraw-Hill, Testing and Materials, 1973 Tube Failures in Fossil Plants (Atlanta),
1984 10. P.B. Ludwigsen, Non-Destructive Ex- Electric Power Research Institute, Nov
4. T.S. Hahn and A.R. Marder, Effect of amination, Structure, Sept 1987, p 3 1987
Electropolishing Variables on the Cur- 11. B. Neubauer and U. Wedel, NDT: Rep- 14. A. Afrouz, M.J. Collins, and R. Pilking-
rent Density--Voltage Relationship, lication Avoids Unnecessary Replace- ton, Microstructural Examination of
Metallography, Vol 21, 1988, p 365 ment of Power Plant Components, Pow- ICr-0.5Mo Steel During Creep, Met.
5. M. Clark and A. Cervoni, " I n Situ er Eng., May 1984, p 44 Technol., Vol 10, 1983, p 461

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