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Medical knowledge is constantly changing. Standard safety precautions must be
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To our wives, Lucy Melzack and Mary Wall,
with love and gratitude for all their encouragement and support.

Commissioning Editor: Michael J Houston

Project Development Manager: Aoibhe O’Shea, Glenys Norquay
Project Manager: Camilla Rockwood
Illustration Manager: Mick Ruddy
Designer: Sarah Russell
Illustrator: Marion Tasker
Contributors List

Robert M Bennett MD Eduardo Bruera MD

Department of Medicine Chair, Palliative Care and Rehabilitation Medicine
Oregon Health Sciences University UT/MD Anderson Cancer Centre
Portland, OR Houston, TX

Charles B Berde MD PhD Kay Brune MD PhD

Pain Treatment Service Professor and Chairman
Boston Children’s Hospital Department of Experimental and Clinical
Boston, MA Pharmacology
USA University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Aleksandar Berić MD DSc Germany
Associate Professor of Neurology
Department of Neurology Arthur L Burnett MD
Hospital for Joint Diseases Department of Urology
New York, NY Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
USA Baltimore, MD
Karen J Berkley PhD
Department of Psychology Nathan I Cherny MB BS FRACD MD
Florida State University Director, Cancer Pain and Palliative Care
Tallahassee, FL Department of Medical Oncology
USA Shaare Zedek Medical Center
Laurence M Blendis MD FRCP FRCP(C) Israel
Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University of
Toronto Manon Choinière PhD
Visiting Professor, Sackler School of Medicine, Institut de Cardiologie
Tel-Aviv University de Montréal
Institute of Gastroenterology Centre de Recherche
Sourasky Tel-Aviv Medical Center Montreal, Quebec
Tel-Aviv Canada
Jörgen Boivie MD PhD Pain Fellow
Department of Neurology St Bartholomew’s and
University Hospital Whipps Cross University Hospitals
Linköping London
Sweden UK

William Breitbart MD John J Collins MB BS PhD FRACP

Chief, Psychiatry Service Head, Pain and Palliative Care Service
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Children’s Hospital at Westmead
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Westmead, NSW
New York, NY Australia
USA vii

Michael Cousins AM MBBS MD Jan M Gybels MD PhD

Pain Management and Research Centre Professor Emeritus of Neurosurgery
University of Sydney Department Neurosciences and Psychiatry
St Leonards, NSW Belgium
Scott Haldeman DC MD PhD FRCPC
Paul Creamer MD MRCP Clinical Professor, Department of Neurology
Consultant Rheumatologist University of California, Irvine
Department of Rheumatology Santa Ana, CA
Southmead Hospital USA
UK Per Hansson MD PhD DDS
Professor of Clinical Pain Research
Shreelata Datta BSc Specialist in Neurology and Pain Medicine
Cambridge Department of Surgical Sciences
UK Karolinska Hospital/Institute
Barbara de Lateur MD MS Stockholm
Professor, Director and Lawrence Cardinal Shehan Sweden
Chair Raymond George Hill BPharm PhD
Department of Physical Medicine and Executive Director of Pharmacology, The
Rehabilitation Neuroscience
Johns Hopkins University Research Centre and Visiting Industrial
Baltimore, MD Professor of Pharmacology,
USA University of Bristol.
David Dubuisson MD PhD Essex
Clinical Associate Professor of Surgery, UK
University of South Carolina Anita Holdcroft MB ChB MD FRCA
Columbia, SC Reader in Anaesthesia and Honorary Consultant
USA Anaesthetist
Howard L Fields MD PhD Magill Department of Anesthesia
Professor of Neurology and Physiology Imperial College London
Department of Neurology Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
University of California London
San Francisco, CA UK
USA Paul D Hooper DC MPH
Lucia Gagliese PhD Chair, Department of Principles and Practice
Assistant Professor Southern California University of Health Sciences
School of Kinesiology and Health Science, York Whittier, CA
University USA
Department of Anesthesia, University Health Malcolm IV Jayson MD FRCP
Network Emeritus Professor of Rheumatology
Toronto, Ontario University of Manchester
Canada Salford
Vivienne X Gallegos PhD UK
Registered Psychologist Troels Staehelin Jensen MD PhD
West Vancouver, British Columbia Professor of Experimental and Clinical Pain
Canada Research
Danish Pain Research Center
Ann Gamsa PhD
Aarhus University Hospital
Director of Psychological Pain Services
McGill University Health Centre
Montreal General Hospital Pain Centre
Montreal, Quebec
viii Canada

Julie A Jolin MD Henry McQuay DM FRCA FRCP(Ed)

Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology Professor of Pain Relief and Research Director
UCLA Medical Center Pain Relief Unit
Los Angeles, CA Churchill Hospital
USA Oxford
Justus F Lehmann MD
Professor and Chair, Retired Ronald Melzack OC FRSC PhD
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine Department of Psychology
University of Washington School of Medicine McGill University
Seattle, WA Montreal, Quebec
USA Canada
Donlin M Long MD PhD Harold Merskey DM FRCP FRCPC FRCPsych
Distinguished Service Professor Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry
Department of Neurosurgery London, Ontario
Johns Hopkins Hospital Canada
Baltimore, MD
Kerry R Mills PhD MB FRCP
Professor of Clinical Neurophysiology
Thomas Lundeberg MD PhD Academic Neuroscience Centre
Professor, Department of Physiology and King’s College Hospital
Pharmacology London
Karolinska Institute UK
Stockholm Richard Monks MDCM FRCP(C)
Sweden Clinical Associate Professor
Marco Maresca MD Department of Psychiatry
Researcher University of British Columbia
Dipartimento di Area Critica Medico Chirurgica Canada
Università di Firenze Andrew Moore DSc DPhil
Florence Pain Relief Unit
Italy Churchill Hospital
Bruce Masek PhD
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Division of Child Psychiatry Rajesh Munglani MD
Massachusetts General Hospital Dept of Anaesthetic & Pain Clinic
Boston, MA West Suffolk Hospital
USA Bury St Edmonds
John S McDonald MD UK
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Chair, Department of Anesthesiology Dianne J Newham PhD MCSP
Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Professor of Physiotherapy
Torrance, CA GKT School of Biomedical Sciences
USA King’s College London
Robert F McLain MD UK
Director, Spine Surgery Fellowship
Director, Spine Research Laboratory Lone Nikolajsen MD PhD
Associate Professor, Ohio State University School Consultant, Derpartment of Anaesthesia
of Medicine Viborg Sygehus
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Viborg
The Cleveland Clinic Denmark
Cleveland, OH

Carl R Noback MD Peter S Sándor MD

Los Angeles, CA Neurology Department
USA University Hospital
Akiko Okifuji PhD Zürich
Associate Professor Switzerland
Dept of Anesthesiology Cicely Saunders FRCP
Pain Research and Management Center Founder, St Christopher’s Hospice
Salt Lake City, UT London
Stephen D Passik PhD John W Scadding MD FRCP
Director, Symptom Management and Palliative Consultant Neurologist
Care The National Hospital for Neurology and
Associate Professor of Medicine and Behavioral Neurosurgery
Sciences London
University of Kentucky – Markey Cancer Center UK
Lexington, KY
USA Jean Schoenen MD PhD
Professor of Neuroanatomy and Consultant
Michael Platt Neurologist
Consultant Anaesthetist Headache Research Unit
St Mary’s Hospital Department of Neuroanatomy and Neurology
London University of Liege
UK Belgium
Yair Sharav DMD MS
Professor of Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain
Medicine Professor of Oral Medicine
Royal Infirmary Hebrew University - Haddassah
Little France Jerusalem
Edinburgh Israel
UK Anders E Sola MD MS
Paolo Procacci MD Seattle, WA
Professor of Internal Medicine USA
The Pain Centre
Erik Spangfort MD PhD
University of Florence
Late Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Former Chief Orthopaedic Surgeon and Head of
Andrea J Rapkin MD Spinal Unit
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology Huddinge University Hospital
University of California, Los Angeles Karolinska Institute
Los Angeles, CA Stockholm
USA Sweden
Barry D Rosenfeld PhD
Catherine Sweeney MB BCh BAO
Associate Professor of Psychology, Fordham
Research Officer
Marymount Hospice
Clinical Associate Professor of Psychology,
St Patrick’s Hospital
New York University School of Medicine
New York, NY
Bo Salén MD Ron R Tasker MD MA FRCS(C)
Orthopaedic Surgeon and Physician Division of Neurosurgery
Northwest Orthopaedics Toronto Western Hospital
Åre Toronto, Ontario
x Sweden Canada

Dennis C Turk PhD Joanna Zakrzewska MD FDSRCS FFDRCSI

John & Emma Bonica Professor of Anesthesiology Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant
& Pain Research Department of Oral Medicine
Department of Anesthesiology St Bartholomew’s and the Royal London School of
University of Washington Medicine and Dentistry
Seattle, WA London
Patrick D Wall FRS DM FRCP Hanns Ulrich Zeilhofer MD
(deceased) Professor of Pharmacology
Division of Physiology University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
St Thomas’ Hospital Erlangen
London Germany
Massimo Zoppi MD
James N Weinstein DO MS Professor of Rheumatology
Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center Dipartimento di Medicina Interna
Lebanon, NH Università di Firenze
USA Florence
Ursula Wesselmann MD PhD
Associate Professor of Neurology, Neurological
Surgery and Biomedical Engineering
Department of Neurology
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD

Introduction: the pain revolution
Ronald Melzack

The explosive growth of our knowledge of every The field of pain has undergone a major
aspect of pain in recent years has produced major revolution and this volume reflects these exciting
advances in the classification and management of advances. We now possess new concepts of pain
the varieties of pain. An indication of our progress and an array of recently developed approaches to
is the steady increase in size of successive editions pain management. There are several overlapping
of handbooks and textbooks. For example, the 4th facets to the pain revolution.
edition of the Textbook of Pain (Wall and Melzack
1999) exceeds 1500 pages. Although its contents are
outstanding, its bulk makes it difficult to handle The revolution in pain theory:
when it is urgently needed in a clinical setting. This
handbook, therefore, is a ‘clinical companion’ to
the dominant role of the brain
our Textbook of Pain—an accessible summary of our The revolution began with a radical change in
current knowledge of clinical pain states and their theory. The traditional view of pain is that injury or
management. other somatic pathology activates pain receptors
To produce this Handbook of Pain Management, and fibres that transmit their messages directly up
authors of chapters of the Textbook of Pain—who the spinal cord to the brain where they are per-
are acclaimed authorities on pain diagnosis and ceived (Fig. 1). This concept explicitly assumes that
therapy—were invited to contribute a shorter, pain perception always has an underlying physical
updated version of their chapters. Sadly, my long- cause—injury, infection, or some disease process.
time colleague and friend Patrick Wall died on Pain in the absence of such a cause is usually
August 8, 2001, a few months after we invited the attributed to psychological illness or malingering.
contributors to take part in this project. Fortunately, To replace this traditional approach to pain,
the authors affirmed their enthusiasm for a shorter we proposed the gate control theory (Melzack and
handbook and contributed outstanding chapters. Wall 1965), which states that spinal transmission is
This book fulfils two aims Pat and I have always continuously modulated by the relative activity in
shared: to advance the frontiers of knowledge large and small fibres and by descending messages
about pain, and to make the new ideas and facts as from the brain. The gate theory’s emphasis on the
widely available as possible. dynamic role of the brain in pain processes had a 1

The impact of phantom limb pain

A major discovery that forces us to recognize the
powerful role of the brain in pain perception is
the evidence that a cordectomy—total removal of
several segments of spinal cord so that there is no
possible route for peripheral sensory information
from the legs to arrive at the brain—does not stop
intense pain in the phantom half of the body
(Melzack and Loeser 1978, Gybels and Sweet 1989).
Terrible pain is perceived in the phantom legs
despite the obliteration of sensory input. The
dominant role of the brain in our perception of the
body is further supported by strong evidence that
vivid phantom limbs are felt by people born
without one or more limbs (Melzack et al 1997,
Brugger et al 2000), indicating that the neural
Fig. 1 Descartes’ concept of the pain pathway. He writes:
networks for perception of the body as well as the
‘If for example fire (A) comes near the foot (B), the qualities of pain we feel in it are genetically built
minute particles of this fire, which as you know move into the brain. Another built-in quality is the sense
with great velocity, have the power to set in motion the of ‘self’; people with lesions of the posterior
spot of the skin of the foot which they touch, and by this
parietal cortex often deny that the contralateral half
means pulling upon the delicate thread (cc) which is
attached to the spot of the skin, they open up at the of their body is their own even when it is painfully
same instant the pore (d e) against which the delicate stimulated (Sandifer 1946, Melzack 1989).
thread ends, just as by pulling at one end of a rope one These remarkable observations refute the
makes to strike at the same instant a bell which hangs at classical theory that attributes the qualities of
the other end.’
experience to specific peripheral receptors and
nerve fibres. It seems common sense to talk about
powerful scientific and clinical impact (Melzack ‘pain pathways’ to the brain. However, pain is not
and Wall 1996). Psychological factors, which were injury; the qualities of pain experience must not be
previously dismissed as ‘reactions to pain’, are confused with the physical event of injuring skin or
now seen to be an integral part of pain processing, bone. There are no receptor equivalents to stinging,
thereby opening new avenues for pain manage- smarting, rasping, and itchy. The perceptual
ment by psychological therapies. Similarly, the qualities are produced by built-in neural networks
concept of spinal sensory modulation provides a in the brain—in the ‘central pain matrix’ described
physiological rationale for physical therapists and above—which compose what I have called the
other health-care professionals who use transcu- ‘body-self neuromatrix’ (Melzack 1990, 1995).
taneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and We tend to assume that sensations are always
other stimulation techniques to treat pain. produced by stimuli and that perceptions in the
The frontiers of pain theory have advanced still absence of stimuli are psychologically abnormal.
further into the brain. We now know that special- Yet the extraordinary reality of painful phantom
ized parallel processing systems in the brain are limbs indicates that this notion is wrong. The brain
selectively associated with the sensory-discrimina- does more than detect and analyse sensory inputs;
tive, affective-motivational, and cognitive-evaluative it creates perceptual experience even in the absence
dimensions of subjective pain experience (Melzack of external inputs. We do not need a body to feel a
and Casey 1968, Melzack and Wall 1996). The brain body or a physical injury to feel pain.
structures involved in pain include somatosensory Descartes’ depiction of pain as a simple, straight-
projection areas, the anterior cingulate cortex and through neural transmission system, shown in
other limbic system structures, the prefrontal and Fig. 1, requires further consideration (Lott 1986).
posterior parietal cortex, the insula, hypothalamus These early events after injury, in fact, represent
and midbrain periaquaductal grey area, portions only Stage 1—the transmission of messages to the
of the thalamus, and extensive interconnecting brain—of Descartes’ larger conceptual scheme for
pathways (Ingvar and Hsieh 1999, Bushnell et al pain. Stage 2 is the much more extraordinary trans-
2000). These brain areas compose a ‘central pain formation of the nerve messages into conscious
2 matrix’ (Ingvar and Hsieh 1999). experience within the brain. Descartes, in the 1600s,

ascribed the transformation to a non-physical mind (Melzack 1999). Many autoimmune diseases such
(or soul) that resides in the central part of the brain. as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and scleroderma are
In the twenty-first century, the challenge to also pain syndromes. Furthermore, more women
scientists is to discover what happens in the brain than men suffer from autoimmune diseases as well
during Stage 2. How are nerve impulses trans- as from chronic pain syndromes (Chap. 39). These
formed into the conscious experience of pain? The relationships among stress, gender, the immune
pain revolution has advanced from Stage 1 skin-to- system, and chronic pain syndromes reveal the need
brain transmission mechanisms to Stage 2: the to study pain in a biological context far broader
creative transformation by the brain of patterns than a ‘pain pathway’.
of nerve impulses into the perceptual qualities,
emotions, and meanings that compose the stream
of subjective experience. The revolution in defining pain:
from reflexes to subjective
The role of stress experience
By recognizing the dominant role of the brain, The focus on reflexes in twentieth-century physio-
which generates our subjective experiences and logy and psychology led to definitions of pain in
activates our defense systems, we are now able to terms of innate and conditioned reflex responses to
appreciate the intimate relationship between pain noxious stimulation: escape, avoidance, and other
and stress. We are so accustomed to considering ‘aversive behaviours’. Subjective experience was
pain as a sensory phenomenon that we have long deemed to be unscientific. In the 1940s, however,
ignored the fact that injury does more than produce WK Livingston (1943, 1998) argued that ‘nothing
pain; it also disrupts the brain’s homeostatic can properly be called pain unless it is consciously
regulation systems, thereby producing ‘stress’ and perceived as such’. In short, pain is not a form of
initiating complex programs to reinstate homeostasis. behaviour; it is what we feel. The definition of
The stress system vastly expands the puzzle of pain pain as a subjective experience—and only that—
and provides valuable clues in our quest to under- was finally established by Harold Merskey and his
stand chronic pain (Melzack 1998, 1999). colleagues. Merskey (1979) presided over a Com-
Hans Selye (1956), who founded the field of mittee of the International Association for the Study
stress research, observed that stress is produced by of Pain that provided a definition now widely
psychological threat and insult to the body-self accepted: ‘Pain is an unpleasant sensory and
as well as by physical injury and disease. The emotional experience associated with actual or
disruption of homeostasis by psychological and potential tissue damage, or described in terms of
physical stress activates programmes of neural, such damage.’ Merskey’s report goes on to say:
hormonal, immunological, and behavioural activity
Pain is always subjective. Each individual
selected from a genetically determined repertoire
learns the application of the word through
(Chrousos and Gold 1992, Sapolsky 1994). The
experience related to injury in early life. . . . It is
release of cortisol and noradrenaline (nor-
unquestionably a sensation in a part of the
epinephrine) set the stage for the body’s response
body but it is also always unpleasant and
to injury or other threats. Cortisol is an essential
therefore also an emotional experience. . . .
hormone for survival because it is responsible for
Many people report pain in the absence of
producing and maintaining high levels of glucose
tissue damage or any likely pathophysiological
necessary for the response to stress. However, it is
cause . . . If they regard their experience as pain
potentially destructive because, to ensure a high
and if they report it in the same ways as pain
level of glucose, it breaks down the protein in
caused by tissue damage, it should be accepted
muscle and inhibits the ongoing replacement of
as pain. This definition avoids tying pain to the
calcium in bone. Sustained stress and cortisol
release, therefore, can produce myopathy, weak-
ness, fatigue, and decalcification of bone (Sapolsky Scientific research on pain experience requires
1994) and thereby contribute to the development of measurement instruments, and several valid, reliable
fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, and chronic instruments are available (Melzack and Katz 1999).
fatigue syndrome (Chrousos and Gold 1992). The most widely used is the McGill Pain Question-
Prolonged cortisol release, moreover, also naire (MPQ; Melzack 1975), which comprises 20
suppresses the immune system, providing a link sets of verbal descriptors to measure the sensory,
between pain and some of the autoimmune diseases affective (emotional), and cognitive dimensions 3


Ronald Melzack

PATIENTS NAME: ................................................. DATE: ..............................


THROBBING 0) 1) 2) 3)

SHOOTING 0) 1) 2) 3)

STABBING 0) 1) 2) 3)

SHARP 0) 1) 2) 3)

CRAMPING 0) 1) 2) 3)

GNAWING 0) 1) 2) 3)

HOT-BURNING 0) 1) 2) 3)

ACHING 0) 1) 2) 3)

HEAVY 0) 1) 2) 3)

TENDER 0) 1) 2) 3)

SPLITTING 0) 1) 2) 3)


SICKENING 0) 1) 2) 3)

FEARFUL 0) 1) 2) 3)


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Fig. 2 The short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire. Descriptors 1–11 represent the sensory dimension of
pain experience and 12–15 represent the affective dimension. Each descriptor is ranked on an intensity scale of 0 =
none, 1 = mild, 2 = moderate, 3 = severe. The Present Pain Intensity (PPI) of the standard long-form McGill Pain
Questionnaire and the visual analogue numerical scale (VANS) are also included to provide overall pain intensity scores.

of pain experience. The questionnaire provides The change in the definition of pain from an
numerical scores for each subjective quality of ex- injury-produced response to a multidimensional
perience. A short-form MPQ is now used frequently subjective experience opens the door to new
for clinical practice and research trials (Melzack forms of pain management. Peripheral and spinal
4 1987; Fig. 2). mechanisms are obviously important and need to

be fully investigated, but they are only part of the The second type of chronic pain is usually out of
story of pain. Many people suffer severe chronic proportion to an injury or other pathology and may
pain in the absence of discernible physical causes. persist long after healing is complete, its causes
Our ignorance of the causes of many pain states often being a mystery. Trigeminal and postherpetic
forces us toward the brain, where subjective neuralgia (Chaps. 14, 17), pelvic and urogenital
experience occurs. pain (Chaps. 10, 12), most back pains and headaches
(Chaps. 5, 15), and ‘myofascial pains’ (Chaps. 6, 7)
are some of the kinds of chronic pain that are
The revolution in pain difficult to control. In recent years, however, major
management: from blocking a advances have been made in our understanding
‘pain pathway’ to multiple and management of almost all of these pain states
(Chaps. 5–18).
interacting approaches
The revolution in pain theory and definition has
taken us from the concept of a specific, dedicated
pathway as the exclusive source of pain to brain
The new pharmacology of pain
mechanisms that integrate inputs from parallel Impressive advances have been made in pharma-
sensory, emotional, and cognitive systems. These cology. New antipyretic (non-narcotic) analgesics
systems generate output patterns that are trans- (Chap. 22) and recently developed opioids and
formed into the subjective experience of pain as novel delivery systems (Chap. 24) have helped
well as strategies of homeostatic and behavioural countless people. So too, advances in the use of
responses to stop the pain and return to optimal local anaesthetics and epidurals (Chap. 25) and
health. The concept of a body-self neuromatrix atypical analgesic drugs and sympathetic blockers
provides us with a model to describe the inputs (Chap. 26) have brought relief to many patients.
that impinge on the widespread integrative neural The most extraordinary drugs, however, are the
network (Fig. 3) and also provides guidelines for new arrivals often labelled as ‘adjuncts’. Developed
ways to modulate the network’s output patterns to originally to combat depression and epilepsy,
diminish or abolish pain. Implicit in this concept is they are unexpected sources of major relief for
the assumption that, in addition to sensory influences many severe, previously intractable, chronic pains
on the synaptic architecture of the neuromatrix, (Chap. 23). These drugs are now the first line of
genetic determinants may predispose toward the attack against a wide variety of chronic pains. In
development of chronic pain syndromes. addition to antidepressant and antiepilepsy drugs,
The management of pain depends, of course, on neuroleptics and possibly lithium are effective
the kind of pain. Brief, acute pains, usually after an for some kinds of pain (Chap. 24). Furthermore,
injury or infection, have genuine survival value. clonidine, tramadol, mexiletine, and possibly canna-
They may prevent or minimize serious damage to binoids relieve some types of pain in some people
the body and are important for learning to avoid (Chaps. 22–26). These drugs, which relieve some of
future encounters. Continuing pain during healing the most terrible, debilitating pains, are not mere
may also prevent reinjury (Chap. 1). ‘adjuncts’; they are the ‘new generation analgesics’.
In contrast, chronic pain is destructive and We need a new classification system and a new
serves no useful purpose. One form of chronic pain nomenclature for antipain drugs.
is associated with unremitting diseases such as These advances in the pharmacology of pain did
cancer (Chaps. 42–45) and arthritis (Chaps. 2, 3) not come from Stage 1 research on the pain trans-
that destroy body tissue. Chronic pain may also be mission pathways. They came instead from hunches
caused by protruding discs in the spine (Chaps. 5, and fortuitous discoveries made by observant
19), insufficient blood supply to heart tissue (Chap. clinicians who had the courage to publish articles
9), severe burns (Chap. 41), and a variety of other and letters in medical journals to propose that anti-
pathologies of the body’s functions. Attempts epilepsy, antidepressant, antipsychotic, and other
to relieve these pains often work. Cancer pain, for drugs that act on brain functions are also antipain
example, can be greatly diminished, sometimes drugs.
abolished entirely, by appropriate doses of mor- Stress presents a wide-open field for pharma-
phine or other opioid drugs (Chaps. 24, 42–45). cology. Stress reactions are part-and-parcel of pain-
Yet despite the best efforts in hospitals with out- producing events—accidents, disease, day-to-day
standing facilities, 5–10% of patients with cancer threats and challenges, childhood or marital phy-
continue to have moderate to high levels of pain. sical abuse. These stresses trigger programmes 5

of brain activities to correct the disruptions by every available means. We owe a tremendous debt
activating the endocrine, sympathetic, immune, to John Bonica and Cicely Saunders for fighting
and behavioural systems. Sometimes these ‘good against the pressures to maintain the status quo.
programmes’ may run amok and create conditions They instituted a profound sense of caring for the
that produce pain rather than ameliorate it. Steroids individual human’s welfare. The challenge ahead is
are sometimes used effectively for these pain to extend this revolution to the poor in Western
problems, but they must be used cautiously. countries and the 80% of humanity who live in the
Pharmacological research is urgently needed to find third-world countries in Africa, Asia, and South
new, safe steroids or other stress-related compounds. America.
Despite the impressive advances and optimistic
outlook, many chronic pains remain intractable.
Consider phantom limb pain (Chap. 16). About
The rapid rise of non-drug therapies
60–70% of amputees suffer terrible pain. The pain The pain revolution has had a tremendous impact
may be relieved in some patients by local anaesthetic on the development of new non-drug therapies.
injections or some combination of drugs. However, Psychological therapies, which were generally used
tragically, the cause of the pain is poorly under- as a last resort when drugs or neurosurgery failed,
stood and no widely effective treatment has yet are now an integral part of pain management
been found. Similarly many people who suffer strategies. The recognition that pain is the result of
headaches, backaches, and other forms of chronic multiple contributions (Fig. 3) gave rise to a rich
pain are helped by several therapies now available, variety of psychological approaches: relaxation
but many are not. For example, we have excellent techniques, hypnotic suggestion, and ingenious
new drugs for some kinds of headache, but not for methods of cognitive and behavioural therapy
all (Chap. 15). Our understanding of headache has (Chaps. 33–36). So too, TENS and physical therapy
advanced substantially in recent years, but the procedures have evolved rapidly, bringing striking
continued suffering by countless people indicates pain relief to large numbers of people (Chaps.
we still have a long way to go. 30–32). At the same time, techniques for electrical
stimulation of the spinal cord and brain have been
evolving and show promise for the relief of selec-
Multidisciplinary pain clinics; hospice tive kinds of pain (Simpson 1999, and see Chap. 20).
An important feature of the development of these
and palliative care services psychological and physical procedures was the care-
Another major feature of the revolution is the ful assessment and evaluation of all the variables
development by John Bonica of the concept of the relevant to pain (Turk and Melzack 2001).
multidisciplinary pain clinic (see Bonica 1990),
and the establishment by Cicely Saunders of St.
Christopher’s Hospice and associated palliative The revolution in science: from a
care services (Saunders 1976, Mount 1984). These closed pain pathway to an open
events in the 1950s and 1960s mark an extra-
ordinary breakthrough in the field of pain.
biological system
Pain, classically a symptom of injury, is now The pain revolution has taken us from a specific
recognized as a major problem of challenging pain pathway to an open biological system that
complexity. No longer merely a symptom, chronic comprises multiple sensory inputs, memories of
pain states now often require several specialized past experiences, personal and social expectations,
therapists to examine, classify, and attempt to treat genetic contributions, gender, ageing, and stress
the pain. So too, terminally ill people with intense patterns involving the endocrine, autonomic, and
pain need more than aspirin or acetaminophen. immune systems. Pain has become a major
Every bit of the armamentarium must be used to challenge to medicine, psychology, and all the other
battle against pain—especially the opiates in the health sciences and professions. Every aspect of
doses needed, on a fixed schedule to prevent life, from birth to dying, has characteristic pain
the return of pain, and as long as needed. A wide problems. Genetics, until recently, was rarely con-
range of therapists and other caregivers are enlisted sidered relevant to understanding pain; yet sophis-
to provide palliative care. Patient-controlled anal- ticated laboratory studies (Mogil et al 2000) and
gesia (PCA) and transdermal patches are reliable clinical observations (see Melzack 1999) have
delivery systems for people in severe pain established genetic predispositions related to pain
6 (Chaps. 24, 41–45). Pain is an evil to be abolished by as an essential component of the field. The study

of pain, therefore, now incorporates research in War. Mitchell (1872) investigated phantom limb
epidemiology and medical genetics as well as socio- pain and causalgia, and recognized that both kinds
logical and cultural studies. The field of pain has of pain are strikingly out of proportion to injury.
broadened in other exciting ways. Dworkin (1997) Excruciating phantom limb pains are reported by
and Linton (2002) have searched for and found people whose stump and surrounding tissues have
significant relationships between some chronic healed perfectly. Similarly, the horrible burning
pain states and several features of prior acute pain pain of causalgia is often associated with minor
or physical and sexual abuse. The elucidation of nerve injuries. Livingston (1943), after confirming
these relationships could lead to the prevention of Mitchell’s observations in a civilian population,
serious pain syndromes. then searched for the causes of such intense,
The basic sciences are also pushing into exciting prolonged pain and was forced to shift his search
new territory. At the forefront of basic research in for abnormal mechanisms from peripheral nerves to
pain is the discovery that glial cells in the spinal the spinal cord. This ‘top-down’ stream in the
cord—traditionally thought to simply maintain the history of pain continued to evolve with the reports
metabolism of neurons—release immune products by Beecher (1959) of high levels of pain relief by
(cytokines) after peripheral nerve or spinal root placebos (Chap. 33), and the astonishing fact that
injury (Colburn and DeLeo 1999, Watkins et al 2001). little or no pain is felt by soldiers after major inju-
Cytokines produce spinal inflammation, which ries at the battlefront—a fact confirmed in a civilian
could contribute to spinal and neuropathic pains. If population (Melzack et al 1982). These observations
glial cells in selected regions of the brain have the are a convincing refutation of the concept that pain
same immune-inflammatory effects as in the cord, is a specific sensation produced by injury (see
the implications for understanding pain could be Melzack and Wall 1996).
enormous. By 1965 both streams were powerful but differ-
The impact of the pain revolution is revealed by ent from each other. One started with the stimula-
the contents of this handbook. The further we move tion of peripheral tissues and searched for the
from a stimulus-driven concept of pain, the better routes upward; the other started with subjective
we recognize the validity of baffling pain syndromes reports and explored downward. The power of the
that often have no obvious pathology to explain gate control theory, I believe, is that it brought both
the presence of pain or its terrible intensity. They streams together by adding ‘central control’—that
include neuropathic pains, backache, fibromyalgia, is, psychological processes in the brain such as
pelvic, urogenital, and other pains (Chaps. 5–18), past experience, suggestion, and attention that act
which become increasingly comprehensible when down on spinal gates and modulate pain-signalling
we extend our diagnostic search to consider transmission. The ‘hybrid vigour’ of the conjoined
multiple causal mechanisms. conceptual streams produced the revolution that
ensued and the explosion in research.
Fortunately, a remarkable technology that holds
A new historical perspective and great promise for a new creative period in pain
research and therapy has evolved. PET and fMRI
some predictions imaging techniques are being used increasingly to
Two streams of research have evolved since study pain-associated physiological events in the
Descartes’ concept of pain (Fig. 1). The first stream brains of human beings who can simultaneously
derives from Descartes’ mechanistic Stage 1 report their subjective experiences (Bushnell et al
transmission system from skin to brain. Stream 1 2000, Ingvar and Hsieh 1999). These techniques
research begins with the stimulation of sensory have confirmed pain-related activity in somato-
receptors and follows inputs up to the brain, but sensory projection areas, limbic structures, frontal
shows little interest in subjective perception: the and posterior parietal cortex, and related integrative
brain simply produces sensation that passively structures. Lesions of these areas in humans also
reflects the sensory input. This ‘bottom-up’ approach reveal selective disruption of the sensory, affective,
to pain physiology continues to be the defining and cognitive dimensions of pain experience
feature of Stream 1 research. (Bouckoms 1994, Melzack and Wall 1996, Ingvar
The second stream of research begins with and Hsieh 1999). These widely distributed, highly
people’s descriptions of their pain, followed by a interconnected areas provide powerful supporting
search for mechanisms. This ‘top-down’ approach evidence for the concept of a body-self neuromatrix
to pain has its origins in S. Weir Mitchell’s studies with multiple inputs and outputs as shown in
of nerve-injury pain during the American Civil Fig. 3. 7

Inputs to body-self Outputs to brain areas

neuromatrix from: that produce:
Cognitive related brain
neuromatrix Pain perception
areas; memories of past
Sensory, affective, and
experience, attention,
cognitive diagnosis
meaning, anxiety
Sensory signalling C Action programmes
systems Involuntary and
Cutaneous, visceral, voluntary
musculoskeletal inputs action patterns
Emotion-related brain Stress regulation
areas programmes
Limbic system and Cortisol, noradrenaline,
associated homeostatic/ and endorphin levels
stress mechanisms immune system activity

Time Time

Fig. 3 Factors that contribute to the patterns of activity generated by the body-self neuromatrix, which comprises
parallel, interacting sensory (S), affective (A), and cognitive (C) neuromodules. The output patterns from the
neuromatrix project to other brain areas that produce the multiple dimensions of pain experience as well as concurrent
homeostatic and behavioural responses.

I believe that this rapidly growing focus on the The pain mission of the health
brain together with the exciting developments in
imaging and other neuroscience techniques will
again produce the hybrid vigour that characterized This volume is testimony to the recent advances in
the impact of the gate control theory. Hopefully, diagnosing and managing clinical pain states. The
animal models of human chronic pain syndromes, contributors describe procedures and strategies to
particularly neuropathic pain (Mao 2002), will allow combat a wide range of acute and chronic pains.
parallel imaging studies of human brain activity Unfortunately, many people suffering various
during pain experience and microelectrode studies forms of pain are not helped because we lack the
of brain activity in animals. Parallel studies such as necessary knowledge. Still worse, many people
these will provide essential information about brain suffer even though we have the knowledge but our
function. educational, health care, or other social systems
By using these parallel methods to study drug have failed.
effects on brain activity, the new pharmacology will We have a mission—all of us—to rectify the
continue to flourish. Still more, the use of computer existing situation, for cancer pain as well as post-
modelling and systems analysis as guides to explore surgical pain, for pain in adults and in children, and
the brain should reveal how multiple inputs are for any kind of severe pain that can be helped by
integrated in parallel, widely distributed networks, sensible administration of drugs and other pain
how the ‘language’ of the brain—temporal and therapies. In addition to educating one another
spatial patterns of nerve impulses—produces in current pain research and therapy, as we do in
output patterns that contain information about journals and congresses, we must promote educa-
sensory, emotional, and cognitive dimensions, and tion on the management of pain for medical
how the continuous stream of that language is students and all health professionals. We must also
transformed into the pains we feel. This knowl- teach patients to communicate better about their
edge, together with the study of psychological pro- pain, and inform them that they have a right to
cedures, such as relaxation (Chap. 34) and hypnosis freedom from pain, that each suffering human
(Chap. 35), whose effects on the brain can be being deserves the best that the health professions
followed in real time (Bushnell et al 2000), will have to offer. We must also get our message to those
8 contribute to the control of chronic pain. in government that pain is a major plague that saps

the strength of society, that funds for research and Melzack R 1989 Phantom limbs, the self and the brain. Canadian
Psychology 30: 1–16
therapy are urgently needed, that regulations
Melzack R 1990 Phantom limbs and the concept of a neuromatrix.
regarding the supply of drugs must be modified to Trends in Neurosciences 13: 88–92
reflect the needs of people in pain, not just the Melzack R 1995 Phantom limb pain and the brain. In: Bromm B,
misdeeds of street addicts. If we can pursue these Desmedt JE (eds) Pain and the brain. Raven Press, New York,
goals together—as scientists and therapists, as pp 73–82
Melzack R 1998 Pain and stress: clues toward understanding
members of the full range of scientific and health chronic pain. In: Sabourin M, Craik F, Robert M (eds) Advances
professions—we can hope to meet the goal we all in psychological science, vol 2, Biological and cognitive aspects.
strive for: to help our fellow human beings who Psychology Press, Hove, pp 63–85
suffer pain. Melzack R 1999 Pain and stress: a new perspective. In: Gatchel RJ,
Turk DC (eds) Psychosocial factors in pain. Guilford Press, New
York, pp 89–106
Melzack R, Casey KL 1968 Sensory, motivational, and central
References control determinants. In: Kenshalo D (ed) The skin senses.
Beecher HK 1959 Measurement of subjective response. Oxford Thomas, Springield IL, pp 423–443
University Press, New York Melzack R, Katz J 1999 Pain measurement in persons in pain. In:
Bonica JJ (ed) 1990 The management of pain, 2nd edn. Lea and Wall PD, Melzack R (eds) Textbook of pain, 4th edn. Churchill
Febiger, Philadelphia Livingston, Edinburgh, pp 409–426
Bouckoms AJ 1994 Limbic surgery for pain. In: Wall PD, Melzack R Melzack R, Loeser JD 1978 Phantom body pain in paraplegics:
(eds) Textbook of pain, 3rd edn. Churchill Livingstone, evidence for a central pattern generating mechanism for pain.
Edinburgh, pp 1171–1187 Pain 4: 195–210
Brugger P, Kollias SS, Müri RM, Crelier G, Hepp-Reymond MC, Melzack R, Wall PD 1965 Pain mechanisms: a new theory. Science
Regard M 2000 Beyond re-membering: phantom sensations of 150: 971–979
congenitally absent limbs. Proceedings of the National Melzack R, Wall PD 1996 Challenge of pain (updated 2nd edn).
Academy of Sciences 97: 6167–6172 Penguin Books, London
Bushnell MC, Duncan GH, Ha B, Chen J-I, Olausson H 2000 Melzack R, Wall PD, Ty TC 1982 Acute pain in an emergency clinic:
Non-invasive brain imaging during experimental and clinical latency of onset and descriptor patterns related to different
pain. In: Eevor M, Rowbotham MC, Weisenfeld-Hallin Z (eds) injuries. Pain 14: 33–43
Progress in pain research and management, vol 16. IASP Press, Melzack R, Israel R, Lacroix R, Schultz G 1997 Phantom limbs in
Seattle, pp 485–495 people with congenital limb deficiency or amputation in early
Chrousos GP, Gold PW 1992 The concept of stress and stress system childhood. Brain 120: 1603–1620
disorders. Journal of the American Medical Association Merskey H, IASP Subcommittee on Taxonomy 1979 Pain terms: a
267: 1244–1252 list with definitions and notes on usage. Pain 6: 249–252
Colburn RW, DeLeo JA 1999 The effect of perineural colchicine on Mitchell SW 1872 Injuries of nerves and their consequences.
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pain behavior. Brain Research Bulletin 49: 419–427 Mogil JS, Yu L, Basbaum AI 2000 Pain genes? Annual Review of
Dworkin RH 1997 Which individuals with acute pain are most likely Neuroscience 23: 777–811
to develop a chronic pain syndrome? Pain Forum 6: 127–136 Mount BM 1984 Psychological and social aspects of cancer pain. In:
Gybels JM, Sweet WH 1989 Neurosurgical treatment of persistent Wall PD, Melzack R (eds) Textbook of pain, 1st edn. Churchill
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Ingvar M, Hsieh J-C 1999 The image of pain. In: Wall PD, Melzack Sandifer PH 1946 Anosognosia and disorders of the body scheme.
R (eds) Textbook of pain, 4th edn. Churchill Livingston, Brain 69: 122–137
Edinburgh, pp 215–233 Sapolsky RM 1994 Why zebras don’t get ulcers: a guide to stress,
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physical abuse on back pain. Pain 96: 347–351 Saunders C 1976 Care of the dying. Nursing Times 72: 3–24
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Livingston WK 1998 Pain and suffering. IASP Press, Seattle Simpson BA 1999 Spinal cord and brain stimulation. In: Wall PD,
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Soft tissue, joints and bones


Acute and postoperative pain
Michael Cousins and Ian Power

Introduction which include a person’s emotional and behav-

ioural responses, must always be considered to be
Acute pain usually signals impending or actual an important component in the perception and
tissue damage and thus permits the individual to expression of acute pain.
avoid further injury. It may also prevent harmful The biological processes involved in our per-
movement, for example, in the case of a fracture. ception of acute pain are no longer viewed as a
Reduced mobility associated with acute pain simple ‘hard-wired’ system with a pure ‘stimulus–
may therefore aid healing. However, the organism response’ relationship. Trauma to any part of the
benefits only briefly from this effect and its pro- body, and nerve damage in particular, can lead to
longation results in an adverse outcome (Bonica changes within other regions of the nervous system,
1985, Cousins and Phillips 1986, Kehlet 1988). Pain which influence subsequent responses to sensory
also initiates complex neurohumoral responses that input. There is increasing recognition that long-term
help initially to maintain homeostasis in the face changes occur within the peripheral and central
of an acute disease or injury; if these changes are nervous system following noxious input. This
excessive or unduly prolonged, they may cause ‘plasticity’ of the nervous system then alters the
morbidity or mortality (Cousins and Phillips 1986, body’s response to further peripheral sensory
Kehlet 1988). Psychological responses to acute pain input.
may initially be helpful in coping with the physical
insult; however, if excessively severe or prolonged, Peripheral sensitization
they may become deleterious. The complexity of Surgical trauma or other noxious stimuli associated
acute pain requires an understanding of safe and with acute pain are associated with an injury
effective principles to treat it (Box 1.1). response or ‘inflammatory response’. Part of the
inflammatory response is the release of intracellular
contents from damaged cells and inflammatory
Acute pain mechanisms cells such as macrophages, lymphocytes, and mast
The perception of acute pain is a complex inter- cells. Nociceptive stimulation also results in a neuro-
action that involves sensory, emotional, and behav- genic inflammatory response and the eventual
ioural factors. The role of psychological factors, release of chemicals that sensitize high-threshold 13
Clinical pain states

matory response (Merry and Power 1995, Walker

BOX 1.1 1995). Agents such as aspirin and other NSAIDs
Principles of safe and effective acute pain provide their anti-inflammatory action by blocking
management. (Adapted from NHMRC 1999) the cyclooxygenase pathway. Cyclooxygenase
• Adverse physiological and psychological effects exists in two forms, COX1 and COX2. While COX1
result from unrelieved severe pain. is always present in tissues, including the gastric
• Proper assessment and control of pain require mucosa, COX2 is induced by inflammation (Seibert
patient involvement. et al 1994). This presents an opportunity for the
• Effective pain relief requires flexibility and development of agents that have a selective anti-
tailoring of treatment to an individual rather inflammatory effect without gastric side effects.
than rigid application of formulae and Selective COX2 inhibitor drugs (e.g. rofecoxib, cele-
prescriptions. coxib) that may offer analgesia with no antiplatelet
• Pain is best treated early, because established,
effect and less gastrointestinal toxicity than
severe pain is more difficult to treat (Bach et al
1988, Katz et al 1996).
NSAIDs have been developed; renal toxicity, effects
• While it is not possible or always desirable to in aspirin-sensitive asthmatic individuals, and long
completely alleviate all pain in the term cardiovascular effects are as yet unclear (Kam
postoperative period, it should be possible to and Power 2000). Besides the peripheral action of
reduce pain to a tolerable or comfortable level. NSAIDs, there is increasing evidence that they exert
• Postoperative analgesia should be planned their analgesic effect through central mechanisms
preoperatively, with consideration given to the (Urquhart 1993, Walker 1995).
type of surgery, medical condition of the
patient, perioperative use of analgesics, and Peripheral action of opioids
regional anaesthetic techniques.
Opioids have traditionally been viewed as centrally
• Ultimate responsibility for pain management
should be assigned to those most experienced
acting drugs. However, there is now evidence
in its administration and not to the most junior for the action of endogenous opioids on peripheral
staff members. sites following tissue damage (Stein et al 1989, Stein
Safe and effective analgesia also depends on: 1993). Opioid receptors are manufactured in the
• Frequent assessment and reassessment of pain cell body (dorsal root ganglion) and transported
intensity and charting of analgesia. toward the central terminal in the dorsal horn and
• Adequate education of all involved in pain toward the periphery. These peripheral receptors
management, including the patient. then become active following local tissue damage.
• Formal programmes, protocols, and guidelines This occurs with unmasking of opioid receptors and
covering acute pain management relevant to
the arrival of immunocompetent cells that possess
the institution.
• Formal quality assurance programmes to
opioid receptors and have the ability to synthesize
regularly evaluate the effectiveness of pain opioid peptides. This has led to an interest in the
management. peripheral administration of opioids, such as intra-
articular administration following knee surgery
or arthroscopy (Haynes et al 1994, Stein 1995) or
topical administration of morphine (Tennant et al
nociceptors, resulting in the phenomenon of 1993). Despite initial enthusiasm with this tech-
peripheral sensitization. nique, some workers have expressed doubt about
Following sensitization, low-intensity mechan- the usefulness and cost-benefit of intra-articular
ical stimuli which would not normally cause pain morphine, particularly following arthroscopy or
are now perceived as painful. There is also an minor knee surgery (Aasbo et al 1996). However,
increased responsiveness to thermal stimuli at the opioids with physicochemical properties favouring
site of injury. This zone of ‘primary hyperalgesia’ peripheral action are under development and, if
surrounding the site of injury is caused by periph- successful, such drugs may be useful for regional
eral changes and is a feature commonly observed application (Binder et al 2001). Medium-sized
following surgery and other forms of trauma (see peptides are under development with a view to a
Levine and Reichling 1999, Raja et al 1999). localized action, thus avoiding systemic uptake.

NSAIDs Peripheral nerve injury

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) Recent studies have demonstrated that section of,
are commonly used for ‘peripheral’ analgesia and or damage to, a peripheral nerve results in a number
14 one of their actions is a reduction in the inflam- of biochemical, physiological, and morphological
changes that act as a focus of pain in themselves
Acute and postoperative pain

occur in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord follow-

(see Ollat and Cesaro 1995, Devor and Seltzer 1999). ing injury (Bennett et al 1989). This is the pheno-
Neuroplasticity changes that maintain sensory menon of central sensitization (Doubell et al 1999).
input may occur at peripheral and/or spinal levels. Several changes have been noted to occur in the
In the postsurgery or post-trauma patient, neuro- dorsal horn with central sensitization (Dubner and
pathic pain may have an early onset within the first Ren 1994). Firstly, there is an expansion in receptive
24 hours; this is contrary to classic teaching. There field size so that a spinal neuron will respond to
may also be a delayed onset on the order of 10 days. stimuli that would normally be outside the region
Agents used for the management of peripheral that responds to nociceptive stimuli. Secondly, there
neuropathic pain are described in Chaps. 22–26. is an increase in the magnitude and duration of the
response to stimuli that are above threshold in
Sympathetic nervous system strength. Lastly, there is a reduction in threshold so
The sympathetic nervous system also has an that stimuli that are not normally noxious activate
important role in the generation and maintenance neurons that normally transmit nociceptive infor-
of acute pain states (McMahon 1991, Jänig and mation. These changes may be important both in
McLachlan 1994, Jänig 1996). Inflammation can acute pain states such as postoperative pain and in
result in the sensitization of primary nociceptive the development of chronic pain (Wilcox 1991).
afferent fibres by prostanoids that are released from
sympathetic fibres (Levine et al 1993). Following Modulation at a spinal level
nerve injury, sympathetic nerve stimulation or the Transmission of nociceptive information is subject
administration of noradrenaline (norepinephrine) to modulation at several levels of the neuraxis in-
can excite primary afferent fibres via an action at cluding the dorsal horn. Afferent impulses arriving
α-adrenoceptors; also there is innervation of the in the dorsal horn initiate inhibitory mechanisms,
dorsal root ganglion by sympathetic terminals which limit the effect of subsequent impulses. Inhi-
(McLachlan et al 1993). This means that activity in bition occurs through the effect of local inhibitory
sympathetic efferent fibres can lead to abnormal interneurons and descending pathways from the
activity or responsiveness of the primary afferent brain. In the dorsal horn, incoming nociceptive
fibre. messages are modulated by endogenous and exo-
genous agents that act on opioid, α-adreno-, GABA,
and glycine receptors located at pre- and post-
Dorsal horn mechanisms of synaptic sites.
Opioids are widely used and generally effica-
importance to acute pain cious in the management of pain. Opioid receptors
The dorsal horn is the site of termination of primary are found both pre- and postsynaptically in the
afferents, and there is a complex interaction among dorsal horn, although the majority (about 75%) are
afferent fibres, local intrinsic spinal neurons and located presynaptically (Besse et al 1990). Activa-
the endings of descending fibres from the brain. tion of presynaptic opioid receptors results in a
Moreover, pharmacological studies have identified reduction in the release of neurotransmitters from
the many neurotransmitters and neuromodulators the nociceptive primary afferent (Hori et al 1992).
involved in pain processing in the dorsal horn However, the changes that occur with inflammation
(Wilcox 1991, Doubell et al 1999). and neuropathy can produce significant changes
in opioid sensitivity that involve a number of
Central sensitization mechanisms (see Yaksh 1999).
The changes that occur in the periphery following Activation of α-adrenoceptors in the spinal cord
trauma lead to the phenomenon of ‘peripheral has an analgesic effect either by endogenous release
sensitization’ and primary hyperalgesia. The sensi- of noradrenaline (norepinephrine) by descending
tization that occurs, however, can only be partly pathways from the brainstem or by exogenous
explained by the changes in the periphery. Follow- spinal administration of agents such as clonidine
ing injury, there is an increased responsiveness to (Yaksh and Reddy 1981). Furthermore, α-adreno-
normally innocuous mechanical stimuli (allodynia) ceptor agonists appear to have a synergistic effect
in a zone of ‘secondary hyperalgesia’ in uninjured with opioid agonists (Meert and De Kock 1994).
tissue surrounding the site of injury. In contrast There are a number of α-adrenoceptor subtypes,
to the zone of primary hyperalgesia, there is no and the development of selective α-adrenoceptor
change in the threshold to thermal stimuli. These subtype agonists has the potential to provide effec-
changes are believed to be a result of processes that tive new analgesic agents with reduced side effects. 15
Clinical pain states

Both GABA and glycine are involved in tonic somatic pain and has other unique features (Table
inhibition of nociceptive input, and loss of their 1.1). The convergence of visceral and somatic
inhibitory action can result in features of neuro- afferents has been proven and this helps to explain
pathic pain such as allodynia (Sivilotti and Woolf referred pain. Also important viscerosomatic
1994). reflexes have been identified.
Descending inhibition involves the action of The relief of visceral pain requires blockade of
endogenous opioid peptides as well as other neuro- visceral nociceptive fibres that travel to the spinal
transmitters, including serotonin and noradrenaline cord by way of the sympathetic chain. The viscera
(norepinephrine) and GABA (for review see and the spinal cord segments associated with their
Fields and Basbaum 1994). Many of the traditional visceral nociceptor afferents are shown in Table 1.2.
strategies available in acute pain management such Visceral pain is ‘referred’ to the body surface areas,
as the use of opioids act via these inhibitory as shown in Fig. 1.1. It should be noted that there is
mechanisms. The elucidation of inhibitory mechan- considerable overlap for the various organs. Thus it
isms has resulted in the use of new techniques that is not surprising that there is a substantial error rate
aim to stimulate these inhibitory pathways. It in the diagnosis of visceral pain. Also, there are
has also provided a clearer rationale for techniques important viscerosomatic and somaticovisceral
already in use, such as transcutaneous electrical reflexes that may make diagnosis and treatment
nerve stimulation, and epidural/intrathecal opioid difficult.
and non-opioid drug administration. The temporary relief of visceral pain by block-
ade of the somatic referred area poses potential
problems of interpretation of ‘diagnostic’ local
Aetiology and features of acute anaesthetic nerve blocks. It appears that the pro-
cesses of peripheral and central sensitization that
pain have been described previously in this chapter
Acute pain may arise from cutaneous, deep soma- may be shared by somatic and visceral structures.
tic, or visceral structures. Careful mapping of the This may account for the heightened response of
principal superficial dermatomes is important for visceral structures to a relatively benign stimulus
the effective use of neural blockade techniques. following inflammation or tissue damage (‘visceral
Visceral pain is much more vaguely localized than hyperalgesia’).


(T3 and T4)

Oesophagus Stomach
(T4 and T5) (T8)

Liver and
gall bladder
Colon (T10)
Bladder and testis
(T11–L1) (T10–L1)

Fig. 1.1 Viscerotomes. Approximate superficial areas to which visceral pain is referred, with related dermatomes in
brackets. The dark areas are those most commonly associated with pain in each viscus. The grey areas indicate
16 approximately the larger area that may be associated with pain in that viscus. (Reproduced from Cousins 1987.)
Table 1.1 Visceral pain compared with somatic paina
Acute and postoperative pain
Factors Somatic: well localized Visceral: poorly localized

Radiation May follow distribution of somatic nerve Diffuse

Character Sharp and definite Dull and vague (may be colicky, cramping,
squeezing, etc.)

Relation to stimulus Hurts where the stimulus is associated with May be ‘referred’ to another area; associated
external factors with internal factors

Time relations Often constant (sometimes periodic) Often periodic and builds to peaks (sometimes

Associated symptoms Nausea usually only with deep somatic pain Often nausea, vomiting, sickening feeling
owing to bone involvement
Reproduced from Cousins and Bridenbaugh (1998) with permission.

Table 1.2 Viscera and their segmental nociceptive nerve

Facial grimaces and signs of increased autonomic
activity and other potentially harmful effects
Viscus Spinal segments of visceral
nociceptive afferentsb
may be evident: for example, hypertension, tachy-
cardia, vasoconstriction, sweating, increased rate
Heart T1–T5 and decreased depth of respiration, skeletal muscle
Lungs T2–T4 spasm, increased gastrointestinal secretions, de-
creased intestinal motility and increased sphincter
Oesophagus T5–T6 tone, urinary retention, venous stasis and potential
Stomach T6–T10 for thrombosis, and possible pulmonary embolism,
anxiety, confusion, and delirium. Also, the pain
Liver and gallbladder T6–T10
usually ceases when the wound heals or the medical
Pancreas and spleen T6–T10 condition improves. Patients are usually aware that
the pain will improve as they recover, and thus an
Small intestine T9–T10
end is in sight. This may not be so if patients are ill
Large intestine T11–T12 prepared and poorly informed.
Some patients with chronic pain may have
Kidney and ureter T10–L2
superimposed acute pain (e.g., when they require
Adrenal glands T8–L1 further surgery or develop a bone fracture owing
Testis, ovary T10–T11
to metastatic cancer) (Foley 1985). Such patients
may not have an intact nervous system and may
Urinary bladder T11–L2 have marked pre-existing psychological problems,
Prostate gland T11–L1 opioid tolerance, and other problems.
Extensive somatic and sympathetic blockade
Uterus T10–L1 may be required to relieve acute pain associated
Reproduced from Cousins & Bridenbaugh (1998) with permission with some types of major surgery. For example, the
These travel with sympathetic fibres and pass by way of
following may be required for pain after thoraco-
sympathetic ganglia to the spinal cord. However, they are not
sympathetic (efferent) fibres. They are best referred to as visceral abdominal oesophagogastrectomy with cervical
nociceptive afferents. Note: Parasympathetic afferent fibres may be anastomosis: C3–C4 and T2–T12 sensory nerves
important in upper abdominal pain (vagal fibres, coeliac plexus).
(somatic structures in neck, thorax, and abdomen);
cervicothoracic sympathetic chain and coeliac
plexus (intrathoracic and abdominal viscera); C3,
Features of acute pain C4 phrenic nerve sensory afferents (pain from
There are important differences between most incision in central diaphragm referred to shoulder
types of acute pain and chronic pain. In acute tip).
pain the nervous system is usually intact; the pain Segmental and suprasegmental reflex responses
is caused by trauma, surgery, acute ‘medical’ to acute pain result in muscle spasm, immobility,
conditions, or a physiological process (e.g., labour). vasospasm, and other adverse effects, as described 17
Clinical pain states

above. This may intensify the pain by way of various minimize spinal cord changes and thereby lead to
vicious cycles, which include increased sensitivity reduced pain postoperatively and in the long term.
of peripheral nociceptors. Acute pain that is un- However, it is still not known what duration or
relieved results in anxiety and sleeplessness, which degree of noxious input is required before these
in turn increase pain. Also anxiety and a feeling of long-term changes occur.
helplessness, before as well as after surgery, This concept has led to an increasing interest
increase pain. Their prevention and relief are in the use of pre-emptive analgesia. Many trials
valuable adjuncts to other treatments. Psycholo- have purported to show that pre-emptive analgesia
gical journals contain much of relevance to acute results in reduced postoperative pain, decreased
pain. After major surgery, or severe trauma, or analgesic requirements, improved morbidity, and
painful medical conditions (e.g., pancreatitis), acute decreased hospital stay (for reviews see Dahl
pain may persist for more than 10 days (Bonica and Kehlet 1993, Woolf and Chong 1993). However,
1985). In such situations the pain and its sequelae despite studies that appear to indicate the advan-
become similar to chronic pain. It is not uncommon tages of pre-emptive analgesia, Dahl and Kehlet
for such patients to show anger, depression, and (1993) and Woolf and Chong (1993) conclude that
other characteristics of chronic pain (Bonica 1985, further trials are necessary before a definitive
Cousins and Phillips 1986). Thus one should be statement can be made for acute pain.
wary of drawing too sharp a distinction between
acute and chronic pain: as acute pain persists, more
emphasis may need to be placed on psychological Acute pain and multimodal
in addition to physical and pharmacological
approaches to treatment. An increasingly important
role of acute pain services is to identify patients There is excellent evidence that patients benefit
with emerging chronic pain problems. In many from the use of multimodal, or balanced, analgesia
situations such patients can be identified by 2–3 after surgery (Table 1.3). NSAIDs, paracetamol,
weeks postsurgery or -trauma. However, a clear local anaesthetics, other non-opioid analgesics, and
diagnosis may require assessment of the relative opioids are employed in combination to improve
roles of physical, psychological, and environmental pain relief (Kehlet and Dahl 1993a, b). Multimodal
factors. analgesia employs a variety of drugs, given perhaps
by different routes, to achieve analgesia, with a re-
duction in the incidence and severity of side effects
(Kehlet 1989, 1997). For example, the addition of
Pain management: clinical issues regular postoperative injections of the NSAID
ketorolac to a regimen previously based on inter-
Spinal administration of agents costal nerve blocks and patient-controlled (PCA)
The elucidation of the types of receptors present morphine significantly improved analgesia after
pre- and postsynaptically around nociceptive thoracotomy (Power et al 1994). Non-opioid
transmission neurons in the dorsal horn has led analgesics contribute significantly to multimodal
to the use of spinal drug administration as a pain analgesia and postoperative recovery of the patient
management technique. The application of rela- by minimizing opioid side effects including the
tively low doses of agents acting at specific receptor inevitable opioid-induced gastrointestinal stasis
types within the spinal cord with the relative avoid- that delays the resumption of normal enteral nutri-
ance of side effects has been a major advance in the tion after surgery. After bowel surgery multimodal
management of some pain problems. analgesia comprising epidural analgesia using a
mixture of local anaesthetics and low-dose opioids
provides excellent analgesia and hastens the rate of
Pre-emptive analgesia recovery of gastrointestinal function after surgery
The discovery of the changes associated with the of the colon, especially if systemic NSAIDs are used
phenomenon of central sensitization has led to to avoid the need for opioid administration after
attempts to prevent these changes occurring. It has the epidural has been ceased (Liu et al 1995a).
been demonstrated that early postoperative pain is It is possible to eliminate pain after surgery
a significant predictor of long-term pain (Katz et al using multimodal analgesia with a significant
1996). It was hoped that steps that would reduce reduction in total opioid consumption (Schulze et
or abolish noxious input to the spinal cord during al 1988, Dahl et al 1990). However, the effect on
18 a painful event such as surgery would reduce or morbidity and mortality has been disappointing in
Acute and postoperative pain

Table 1.3 Scientific evidence for pharmacological interventions to manage postoperative pain in adultsa
Intervention Level of evidence Comments


Oral (alone) I Effective for mild to moderate pain. Relatively contraindicated in

patients with renal disease and risk of or actual coagulopathy. Risk
of coagulopathy, gastrointestinal bleeding, and other risk factors
should be carefully sought.

Oral (adjunct to opioid) I Potentiating effect resulting in opioid sparing. Cautions as above.

Parenteral (ketorolac) I Effective for moderate to severe pain. Useful where opioids
contraindicated or to produce ‘opioid sparing’, especially to
minimize respiratory depression, sedation, and gastrointestinal
stasis. Best used as part of a multimodal analgesia regimen.


Oral IV As effective as parenteral in appropriate doses. Use as soon as oral

medication tolerated.

Route of choice.b

Intramuscular I Has been the standard parenteral route, but injections painful and
absorption unreliable. Hence, avoid this route when possible.b

Subcutaneous I Preferable to intramuscular because of patient comfort and a

reduced risk of needlestick injury.b

Intravenous I Parenteral route of choice after major surgery. Suitable for titrated
bolus or continuous administration. Significant risk of respiratory
depression with inappropriate dosing.b

PCA (systemic) I Intravenous or subcutaneous routes recommended. Good steady

level of analgesia. Popular with patients but requires special infusion
pumps and staff education. See cautions about opioids above.b

Epidural and intrathecal I When suitable, provides good analgesia. Risk of respiratory
depression (as with opioids by other routes), but sometimes delayed
in onset. Requires careful monitoring. Use of infusion pumps
requires additional equipment and staff education. Expensive if
infusion pumps are employed.b

Local anaesthetics

Epidural and intrathecal I Indications in particular settings. Effective regional analgesia. May
blunt ‘stress response’ and aid recovery. Opioid sparing. Addition of
opioid to local anaesthetic may improve analgesia. Risks of hypotension,
weakness, numbness. Requires careful monitoring. Use of infusion pump
requires additional equipment and staff education. Expensive if infusion
pumps are employed.b

Peripheral nerve block I Plexus block, peripheral nerve block and infitration. Effective regional
analgesia. Opioid sparing.
Adapted from NHMRC (1999).
The administration of opioids by any route requires monitoring.

some studies (Moiniche et al 1994a), demonstrating (Brodner et al 1998). Kehlet has proposed that the
that very good pain control is not automatically ‘pain-free state’ should be employed as a funda-
associated with an improvement in outcome. mental component of an aggressive regimen of
Recent research has suggested, however, that the postoperative mobilization and early oral feeding
use of multimodal analgesia after major surgery in a process of acute rehabilitation after surgery
may improve recovery and thus reduce costs (Kehlet and Dahl 1993a). Clearly, multimodal 19
Clinical pain states

analgesia employing non-opioids to minimize death and general anxiety about bodily well-being
opioid requirements has the particular advantage are associated with acute postoperative pain,
over unimodal systemic opioid administration of trauma pain, and other situations of acute pain.
providing excellent pain relief upon movement, Some important implications for treatment have
allowing early mobilization. In addition, by using arisen from knowledge of the psychological factors
non-opioids as part of a balanced analgesic plan, affecting the acute pain response:
the patient can return to normal enteral nutrition
1. Measures to reduce anxiety levels have an
much more quickly by avoiding the undesirable
opioid problems of gastrointestinal stasis and nausea important bearing on the acute pain
and vomiting (Moiniche et al 1994a, b; Bardram experienced by patients and their need for pain
et al 1995). treatment (Egbert et al 1964, Fortin and Kirovac
1976, Chapman and Cox 1977, Peck 1986).
2. Approaches that give patients more control are
Psychological factors and acute likely to be successful in reducing anxiety and
pain decreasing the requirement for pain and
medication. Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA)
Psychological response is a highly successful example.
3. The relief of acute pain is likely to reduce the
Severe pain can cause a number of changes in
risks of unwanted psychological sequelae, such
an individual’s behaviour, including increased self
as depression, poor motivation to return to
absorption and withdrawal from interpersonal
normal activities, antipathy towards further
contact. Fear and anxiety are the major emotional
surgical procedures, and, in some situations,
concomitants of acute pain and are especially pro-
psychotic reactions.
nounced when associated with fear of death. Severe
acute pain that remains unrelieved for days on end Psychological methods for reducing pain are
may lead to depression and helplessness as a result discussed in Chaps. 33–36.
of patients experiencing a loss of control over their
environment. It is now generally agreed that un-
relieved severe acute pain exacerbates premorbid Pathophysiology and
tendencies for anxiety, hostility, depression, or pre-
occupation with health. In a few cases, the inability
complications of unrelieved
to cope with pain may create an acute psychotic acute pain
reaction (Peck 1986). Acute pain is one of the In general, severe acute pain results in abnormally
important factors contributing to the development enhanced versions of the physiological and psycho-
of delirium in intensive care units (Cousins and logical responses. Treatment should therefore be
Phillips 1986). instituted before or during the period of functional
impairment resulting from the pathophysiology of
acute severe pain.
Psychological factors affecting the
acute pain response
Large individual differences in responsiveness to
Respiratory system
noxious stimuli are well documented. Clinical ob- After surgery or trauma to the chest or abdominal
servations by Beecher (1946) of wounded soldiers region, respiratory dysfunction is the most common
were the first clear description of individual differ- and most important result of the pain associated
ences in pain response to acute injury. He reported with such situations. Involuntary spinal reflex
that 65% of soldiers who were severely wounded in responses to the noxious input from the injured
battle felt little or no pain. In a study of patients in area result in reflex muscle spasm in the immediate
an emergency unit, 30% did not feel pain at the time region of the tissue injury, as well as in muscle
of injury and some experienced delays of up to 9 groups cephalad and caudad to the injury site.
hours before the onset of pain. Melzack et al (1982) This is not surprising when one considers that
concluded ‘Clearly the link between injury and nociceptive afferents commonly travel two to three
pain is highly variable: injury may occur without segments above or below their site of entry into
pain and pain without injury’. Peck (1986) observes the dorsal horn. Pain may also result in voluntary
that anxiety is the psychological variable that is reduction of muscle movement in the thorax and
20 most reliably related to high levels of pain. Fear of abdominal area. The end result is often described
in the clinical setting as ‘muscle splinting’, which
Acute and postoperative pain

diaphragm, with changes in amplitude and pattern

means muscle contraction on either side of the of diaphragm activity in response to noxious
injured area in an attempt to ‘splint’ the area to visceral stimuli. This can be blocked by epidural
prevent movement, comparable to the way one bupivacaine (Mankikian et al 1988).
would apply an external splint to a fractured bone. The classic clinical picture of the patient with
This splinting is often associated with partial unrelieved severe pain and impending respiratory
closure of the glottis, which produces a ‘grunting’ failure is as follows: obvious splinting of abdominal
sound during breathing. The glottic closure is and thoracic muscles; grunting on expiration, and
probably part of a primitive response that permits small tidal volume and very rapid respiratory rate.
an increase in intra-abdominal and intrathoracic Unfortunately, this is a very inefficient and energy-
pressure, associated with muscle spasm, to brace consuming method of respiration and may result
the individual against an impending injury. in a high oxygen consumption that is not matched
Such a response needs to be effectively treated. by an increase in cardiac output. This may cause
In addition to decreased tidal volume, there are excessive desaturation of mixed venous blood
decreases in vital capacity, functional residual which will contribute to hypoxaemia (Bowler et al
capacity (FRC), and alveolar ventilation. FRC may 1986). Impressive correction of the majority of
become less than the volume at which small airway these abnormalities in pulmonary function can be
closure occurs. The potential for this problem is in obtained with effective pain relief associated with
elderly patients, smokers, and those with respira- epidural block (Bowler et al 1986, Scott 1988).
tory disease. This situation progresses to regional The cumulative evidence of many clinical trials,
lung collapse (atelectasis), associated with consid- when subjected to meta-analysis, has confirmed
erable impairment of pulmonary gas exchange as the superiority of epidural over systemic opioid
a result of alteration of the relationship between administration in minimizing postoperative
ventilation and perfusion of the lung (V/Q inequa- pulmonary morbidity.
lity) leading to hypoxaemia. The low volume of
ventilation also causes hypercarbia and contributes
to the hypoxaemia. As a result of the muscle
splinting, the patient is unable to cough and clear
Cardiovascular system
secretions, and this contributes to lobular or lobar It is generally agreed that severe acute pain results
collapse (Craig 1981). Infection often follows in sympathetic overactivity with increases in
this situation, leading to pneumonia. Inability to co- heart rate, peripheral resistance, blood pressure,
operate with chest physiotherapy further compli- and cardiac output. The end result is an increase in
cates treatment and greatly prolongs the course cardiac work and myocardial oxygen consumption.
of pulmonary complications and in turn prolongs Because heart rate is greatly increased, diastolic
hospital stay. filling time is decreased and this may result in
It is not commonly recognized that elderly reduced oxygen delivery to the myocardium. Thus
patients and those in poor general condition may an imbalance results between myocardial oxygen
suffer pulmonary complications following lower demand and oxygen supply, with a resultant risk of
abdominal and peripheral limb surgery, as a result hypoxaemia. Also, it is now known that α-receptors
of unrelieved severe pain that causes them to in the coronary vasculature may respond to intense
become immobile, resulting in a hypostatic pneu- sympathetic stimulation by producing coronary
monia, initially at the base of the lung. This was vasoconstriction. The end result of this pathophy-
demonstrated by Modig (1976), who reported on siology may be myocardial ischaemia associated
a group of elderly patients following total hip with anginal pain and even myocardial infarction.
replacement. Those patients who were managed The potential for this situation is increased in
with routine intramuscular opioids had low tidal patients with pre-existing coronary artery disease
volumes and high respiratory rates associated with (Bowler et al 1986, Scott 1988). Anginal pain is
hypoxaemia. It seemed likely that the hypoxaemia associated with increased anxiety, further increases
was due to immobility and other adverse reflexes in circulating catecholamines, and further potential
resulting from pain, because patients who were for coronary artery constriction.
managed with epidural analgesia, and were com- The effects of postoperative pain on cardio-
pletely pain free, did not show these abnormalities vascular variables have been demonstrated by
in pulmonary function. Sjögren and Wright (1972). That the cardiovascular
Recent basic and clinical studies have demon- changes were predominantly due to noxious stimuli
strated a ‘viscerosomatic’ reflex involving the is illustrated by the effect of epidural analgesia in 21
Clinical pain states

preventing and reversing these abnormalities to reduce renal blood flow and also hepatic blood
(Sjögren and Wright 1972, Hoar and Hickey 1976, flow, data documenting such changes in patients
Kumar and Hibbert 1984). There is impressive with pain have not been obtained.
evidence from animal studies that noxious stimula-
tion results in coronary artery vasoconstriction and
Musculoskeletal system
potential for myocardial ischaemia.
Prevention of these noxious stimuli with thora- As noted above, segmental and suprasegmental
cic epidural analgesia greatly improves the oxygen motor activity in response to pain results in muscle
supply to the myocardium and reduces the myo- spasm that may further increase pain, thus setting
cardial ischaemic insult (Vik-Mo et al 1978, Klassen up a vicious circle. This vicious circle may also
et al 1980). Epidural blocks also decrease the inci- activate marked increases in sympathetic activity,
dence of myocardial ischaemic episodes intra- which further increases the sensitivity of peripheral
operatively (Reiz et al 1982) and postoperatively nociceptors. This situation can result in widespread
(Yeager et al 1987). Yeager et al found an overall disturbances, even in patients with relatively
decrease in mortality associated with effective pain localized nociceptive foci in the long bones or other
relief produced by epidural blockade compared areas of the bony skeleton. Recent data indicate
with conventional and less effective methods of that persistent postoperative pain and limitation of
pain relief. A recent study has shown that there is movement may be associated with marked impair-
an increase in myocardial ischaemia upon cessation ment of muscle metabolism, muscle atrophy, and
of epidural analgesia in patients who have had significantly delayed normal muscle function.
aortic surgery (Garnett et al 1996). Acute anginal These changes appear to be due to pain and reflex
pain in non-surgical patients can be relieved with vasoconstriction, and possibly reflex responses that
thoracic epidural block, and at the same time, blood can be at least partly reversed by the relief of pain
flow in ‘at risk’ myocardium is improved by with epidural analgesia. Patients managed in this
increasing the diameter of stenosed coronary artery manner appear to have a much quicker return to
segments (Blomberg et al 1990). normal function (Bonica 1985).
It is important to realize that there is evidence
that other analgesics can reduce the incidence of Gastrointestinal and genitourinary
myocardial ischaemia after surgery. In a recent
study of patients having elective hip or knee arthro-
plasty, Beattie et al found that the addition of a Increased sympathetic activity increases intestinal
continuous infusion of ketorolac (5 mg/h for 24 h) secretions and smooth muscle sphincter tone,
to a PCA morphine regimen reduced pain scores whereas it decreases intestinal motility. Gastric
and arterial blood pressure, heart rate, and the stasis and even paralytic ileus may occur. These
duration of myocardial ischaemia (Beattie et al changes are at least partly related to severe pain
1997). It is not clear whether this is a benefit and a resultant increase in sympathetic activity.
of improved analgesia per se, a consequence of However, the administration of opioid analgesic
NSAID inhibition of thromboxane production, or drugs may also make a significant contribution to
an intrinsic effect on the heart. delayed gastric emptying (Nimmo 1984). There is
In the peripheral circulation, acute pain is some evidence that pain relief with neural blockade
associated with decreased limb blood flow and this may reduce the transit time of X-ray contrast media
can be particularly serious in patients undergoing through the gut, from up to 150 h in a control group
vascular grafting procedures. Relief of pain with to 35 h in a group receiving epidural analgesia (Ahn
epidural blockade results in a reversal of reductions et al 1988).
in blood flow associated with surgical trauma and There is also evidence that the pain-related
acute pain (Cousins and Wright 1971), and in an impairment of intestinal motility may be relieved
improved outcome (Tuman et al 1991). Severe by epidural local anaesthetic but not by epidural
postoperative pain and high levels of sympathetic opioid (Scheinin et al 1987, Thoren et al 1989,
activity may be associated with reduced arterial Wattwil et al 1989, Thorn et al 1992, Liu et al 1995a,
inflow and decreased venous emptying (Modig b). Furthermore, systemic, intravenous, administra-
et al 1980). In association with changes in blood tion of lidocaine (lignocaine) speeds the return of
coagulability and immobility of patients, this bowel function after radical prostatectomy, and
may lead to venous thrombosis and pulmonary reduces pain and shortens hospital stay (Groudine
embolism (Modig et al 1983). Although increased et al 1998).
22 sympathetic activity due to pain would be expected Increased sympathetic activity postoperatively
also results in increased urinary sphincter activity
Acute and postoperative pain

part of the physiological response to surgical or

that may result in urinary retention. However, the other procedures in the lower abdomen or lower
role of pain is difficult to assess, because opioid extremities. This usually occurs in situations where
analgesic drugs may result in a significant inci- postoperative pain is completely alleviated. The
dence of urinary retention. inhibitory effect is much less pronounced during
and following major abdominal and thoracic
procedures, possibly because of the difficulty in
General stress response to acute obtaining sufficient afferent neural blockade. To
obtain a pronounced reduction of the surgical stress
injury response, it is necessary to maintain pain relief with
Surgery and other forms of trauma generate a continuous epidural analgesia for at least 48–72 h
catabolic state as a result of increased secretion of postoperatively (Kehlet 1989, 1996, 1998; Liu et al
catabolic hormones and decreased secretion or 1995b).
action of anabolic hormones. The results for the Current data indicate that pain relief by epidural
patient include pain; nausea, vomiting, and intes- or intrathecal administration of opioids is less
tinal stasis; alterations in blood flow, coagulation, efficient in reducing the stress response (Liu et al
and fibrinolysis; alterations in substrate metabolism; 1995b). However, studies of mixtures of local anaes-
alterations in water and electrolyte handling by the thetics and opioids indicate that this combination
body; increased demands on the cardiovascular may be capable of a more potent modification of the
and respiratory systems. This stress response to stress response. A convincing demonstration of
surgery and trauma, together with the modifying the efficacy of pain relief with epidural blockade
effects of analgesics, has been discussed recently by in modifying the stress response is the significant
Liu et al (1995b) and Kehlet (1996, 1998). improvement in cumulative nitrogen balance
The responses to surgical and other trauma may obtained when pain relief is provided both intra-
be divided into two phases. The initial acute ‘ebb’ and postoperatively with continuous epidural
or ‘shock phase’ is characterized by a hypodynamic neural blockade (Brandt et al 1978).
state, a reduction in metabolic rate, and depression Changes in coagulation and fibrinolysis asso-
of most physiological processes. With surgical ciated with major surgery may be partly modified
trauma this phase is either absent or very transient by pain relief with neural blockade (Jorgensen et al
during the operative period. 1991). However, interpretation of these results is
The second phase is the hyperdynamic or ‘flow complex, because factors other than pain may be
phase’, which may last for a few days or weeks, involved. Also the absorption of local anaesthetics
depending on the magnitude of the surgical or associated with neural blockade may result in an
traumatic insult or on the occurrence of complica- antithrombotic effect (Kehlet 1998). Encouragingly,
tions. Characteristically in this phase, metabolic a clinical study comparing the effects of epidural
rate and cardiac output are elevated (Kehlet 1998). and general anaesthesia in peripheral vascular
There is some evidence that nociceptive impulses surgery has found that the epidural group needed
play an important part in the ebb phase and in the fivefold fewer repeat operations for graft failure
early part of the flow phase. However, there are a within 1 month (Christopherson et al 1993). Changes
substantial number of other factors that contribute in immunocompetence and acute-phase proteins
to initiation of the stress response, and it seems are well documented in association with surgical
likely that these play an increasingly important part trauma. Pain relief with neural blockade has a
in the flow phase. This is an important area for mild influence on various aspects of the surgically
investigation because the major benefits from the induced impairment of immunocompetence. The
relief of severe postoperative pain with potent mechanism has not been completely elucidated
techniques may be obtained in the first 48 h (Kehlet 1998).
following surgery (Cousins and Phillips 1986). Adverse effects of unrelieved pain are likely to
Major endocrine and metabolic changes are manifest themselves in failure in more than one
elicited by surgical trauma (Wilmore 1983; Liu et al system, particularly in high-risk surgical patients.
1995b; Kehlet 1996, 1998). However, there is This question was examined by Yeager et al (1987)
powerful evidence that local anaesthetic and in a controlled study of high-risk patients under-
opioid neural blockade may produce a powerful going major surgery. Patients were randomly
modification of the responses to surgical injury assigned to receive general anaesthesia and epi-
(Kehlet 1989, 1996, 1998). Neural blockade with dural local anaesthetic during surgery followed
local anaesthetics may diminish a predominant by epidural opioid after surgery, or general anaes- 23
Clinical pain states

thesia alone during surgery followed by parenteral likely that the pathophysiological response is
opioid postoperatively. The results showed a almost identical to that of postoperative pain. How-
striking difference in morbidity in several systems ever, because of the lack of preparation, suddenness
and in mortality between the two groups. Of of the injury, and associated severe psychological
further interest was the substantial reduction in responses, anxiety levels are usually very high, and
cost of treatment for the group receiving epidural CNS responses initiate pronounced versions of the
analgesia. The precise role of pain relief in pro- changes in various body systems that have been
ducing these more favourable results with epidural described above (Hume and Egdahl 1959, Wilmore
analgesia is not certain because intraoperative et al 1976, Wilmore 1983). Acute pancreatitis is an
epidural local anaesthesia permitted a reduction in example of an acute medical condition that may be
doses of anaesthetic agents and resulted in efferent accompanied by severe pain and pronounced
sympathetic blockade in addition to blockade abnormal reflex responses. The abdominal pain is
of nociceptive afferents. Postoperatively, however, usually accompanied by severe abdominal muscle
it is likely that the effects of epidural opioids were spasm, with a resultant decrease in diaphragmatic
predominantly due to pain relief. Unfortunately, movement, and progressive hypoventilation with a
corroborative evidence of reduced morbidity and potential for hypoxaemia and hypercarbia. The
mortality following potent methods of pain relief release of pancreatic enzymes and other substances
is hard to find (Scott and Kehlet 1988, Liu et al into the peritoneal cavity is associated with
1995b). severe pain. It is also possible that depressant
toxic substances that may result in cardiovascular
depression and shock are released. Once again, the
precise role of pain in contributing to these events
Other forms of acute pain is unclear. There are clinical reports of the relief of
Tissue trauma usually, but not always, results in pain of acute pancreatitis with epidural local anaes-
immediate sharp pain followed by neurochemical thetics or opioids and an associated improvement
events associated with the inflammatory response. in the overall condition of the patient (Cousins and
In the case of musculoskeletal pain, mechanical Phillips 1986).
factors such as physical distension of joints or Myocardial infarction produces a disruption of
fascial compartments may contribute, as may the usual reciprocal relationship between sympa-
ischaemia. In acute visceral trauma, distension, thetic and parasympathetic control of cardiac
obstruction, ischaemia, chemical irritation from function, frequently with overactivity of both
rupture of viscera into the peritoneal cavity, systems. It is likely that these changes are substan-
infection, and other factors may also play a part. tially induced by haemodynamic alterations asso-
Patients with more localized and minor trauma ciated with myocardial infarction. However, it is
were studied by Melzack et al (1982). The patients possible that pain and associated increases in
presented to an emergency department with simple sympathetic activity, as well as increases in vagal
fractures, dislocations, strains, sprains, lacerations, activity, may contribute to the problem. Sudden
and bruises. Of the 138 patients studied, 37% did changes in vagal activity may result in severe
not feel pain at the time of injury; of 46 patients bradycardia, atrioventricular block, peripheral
with injuries limited to the skin, 53% had a pain- vasodilatation (faint response), and severe hypo-
free period, whereas of 86 patients with deep tissue tension that may progress to cardiogenic shock. As
injuries (e.g., fractures, sprains, amputation, indicated above, experimental evidence in animals
bruises, stabs, and crushes) only 28% had a pain- (Vik-Mo et al 1978, Klassen et al 1980) and in man
free period. Delay periods varied from a few (Reiz et al 1982, Yeager et al 1987, Blomberg et al
minutes up to several hours (Melzack et al 1982). 1990) indicate that epidural neural blockade may
Using the McGill Pain Questionnaire, it was found substantially modify these adverse effects. It is not
that the sensory scores were similar to those of known how much of this effect is due to blockade
patients with chronic pain, but the affective scores of efferent sympathetic activity and how much is
were lower. The descriptions used were very due to blockade of afferent nociceptive impulses
similar for the types of injury: ‘hot’ or ‘burning’ from the myocardium.
characterized fractures, cuts, and bruises; cuts and The relief of pain in emergency departments need
lacerations had a ‘throbbing’ or ‘beating’ quality; not be delayed by undue concerns that important
sprains or fractures and bruises had a ‘sharp’ symptoms may be masked as a consequence. Indeed
quality (Melzack et al 1982). the early administration of opioids in patients with
24 In the case of pain following major trauma, it is an ‘acute abdomen’ does not impair the diagnosis
of serious pathology, but may facilitate it. There-
Acute and postoperative pain

region become involved. However, there may be

fore, appropriate analgesia must not be withheld wide variations in this pattern as the result of
from such patients (Zolte and Cust 1986, Attard et anatomical placement of the appendix, the initia-
al 1992). tion of viscerovisceral and viscerosomatic reflexes,
and other factors.
In differentiating between the various causes
Clinical syndromes of acute pain: of acute pain, the following are of particular
implications for diagnosis and importance: onset, time relations after onset, charac-
teristics and intensity of pain, site and radiation,
treatment and symptoms associated with the pain. Usually,
A wide variety of situations may produce acute but not always, it is possible to determine whether
pain, including pathological events in patients with the pain has a somatic or visceral origin by
chronic pain. Prominent in this respect are patients reference to the factors outlined in Table 1.1. In
with cancer who are subject to acute episodes of the case of visceral pain, a rapid onset suggests
pain as a result of pathological fractures of long mechanisms such as rupture of an organ or arterial
bones, acute intestinal obstructions, and other occlusion due to embolus. More gradual onset is
problems (see Chaps. 42, 44). Patients with chronic suggestive of inflammation or infection. Constant
occlusive vascular disease may also suffer acute pain may be associated with ischaemia or inflam-
episodes of pain during an exacerbation of their mation, whereas intermittent pain may be asso-
condition in winter months. Another chronic ciated with periodically increased pressure in
condition that may present with acute episodes of hollow organs due to obstruction.
pain is the acquired immune deficiency syndrome An important example of referred pain is
(AIDS). Acute pain may arise from cutaneous, deep provided by the life-threatening situation of a torn
somatic, or visceral structures. Careful mapping of spleen, with bleeding under the diaphragm which
the precise area of the pain is important. In the case results in stimulation of phrenic afferent fibres (C3
of pain arising entirely from cutaneous structures, and C4) and thus referral of pain to the shoulder tip
it is helpful to determine which dermatomes or region. In the thoracic region, pain due to acute
superficial nerves are involved in the pain. In the trauma in the apical region of the lung may activate
case of deep somatic or visceral pain, some guid- somatic afferents in the brachial plexus (C5–T1),
ance as to the source of pain can be obtained by resulting in pain on the outer aspect of the arm and
reference to classic viscerotome regions and also to shoulder and radiation into other regions of the
superficial areas to which visceral pain is referred arm. Pain emanating from trauma to the media-
(Fig. 1.1). There is considerable overlap in the viscero- stinum may be diffusely located over the
tomes for various body organs, which undoubtedly retrosternal area but may also radiate into the neck
results in a high error rate in the diagnosis of acute and abdomen. Because of the involvement of
visceral pain. It is important to be aware of the sympathetic afferent fibres that may involve
spinal cord segments associated with nociceptive segments from at least C8–T5, it is possible for pain
input from the various viscera (Table 1.2). to be referred into one or the other arm. The pain of
There are a number of general differences acute gallbladder and bile duct disease is usually
between visceral and somatic pain and these are located either diffusely in the upper abdomen or
summarized in Table 1.1 (Cousins 1987). Further the right upper quadrant and may radiate to the
complicating the differentiation of somatic and back near the right scapula. This is often a colicky
visceral pain are viscerosomatic and somatovisceral pain related to eating and may be relieved by
reflexes. A classic example of various neural path- vomiting. Acute pain involving the liver is also
ways associated with acute pain is acute appendi- located diffusely in epigastrium and right upper
citis. During the early phases of inflammation of quadrant. It may be a constant dull pain and have
the appendix, pain is conveyed by visceral noci- a sickening component. Acute pancreatitis pain is
ceptive afferents arising from the appendix and usually located high in the upper abdomen or
conveyed to segment T10 of the spinal cord. As left upper quadrant and radiates directly through
indicated in Fig. 1.1, this viscerotome is represented to the back in the region of the first lumbar vertebra
centrally around the umbilical area. The inflamma- to the left of this area or to the interscapular region.
tion associated with the appendicitis spreads to the The pain is usually described as being very severe,
parietal peritoneum in the region of the right iliac constant, and dull.
fossa and pain becomes localized in this region, as Pain from the kidney usually radiates from the
somatic nociceptive afferents in the T10 and L1 region of the loin to the groin and sometimes to 25
Clinical pain states

the penis if the ureter is also involved, for example central nervous system. One diagnostic clue after
due to a stone in the ureter (renal colic). It seems surgery or trauma is an unexpected increase in
likely that reflex increase in sympathetic activity opioid consumption, as neuropathic pain may
associated with renal colic may intensify the pain respond poorly to opioids.
and set up a vicious circle, which prevents the
passage of the stone due to intense spasms of the
ureter. Relief of such pain with continuous epidural Long-term effects of surgical
block will sometimes not only result in highly
effective pain relief, but also the passage of the
incision and acute tissue trauma
stone (Scott 1988). The irritant presence of a stone in It is usually assumed that surgical incision is
the ureter sets up a painful cycle of uncoordinated followed by an orderly healing process with
ureteric muscle contraction by stimulating local minimal residual potential for continuing pain.
prostaglandin release and hence smooth muscle However, surgical incision is often complicated
spasm. By inhibition of prostaglandin production, by the division of small peripheral nerves and
NSAIDs are more effective than opioids in relieving sometimes larger nerves, in addition to a variable
the pain of renal colic (Hetherington and Philp amount of tissue trauma, retraction, and com-
1986). pression of tissues, and other factors. Interestingly,
Following surgery, the treatment of acute pain there is no convincing evidence that pain problems
cannot be carried out without reference to the cause are less frequent after elective surgical incision and
of the pain. This is so because of different require- associated tissue trauma compared to traumatic
ments for drug treatment of somatic and visceral injuries.
pain; also, as indicated above, the use of neural The subject of continuing pain following trau-
blockade techniques may be greatly influenced by matic injury is very large and is considered in many
neural pathways involved in the pain. ‘Incident other chapters in this book. Important examples
pain’ is pain occurring other than at rest, such as are the following: stump pain, phantom limb pain,
during deep breathing and coughing or during complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS types I
ambulation. This pain usually, not unexpectedly, and II), trigeminal neuralgia secondary to trauma,
has a higher requirement for analgesia. Another occipital neuralgia due to trauma, cervical sprain or
cause of apparently increased levels of pain is whiplash syndrome, acute postmastectomy pain,
opioid tolerance in patients treated with opioids for post-thoracotomy pain, abdominal cutaneous nerve
7–10 days or more before surgery. Of particular entrapment syndrome, and a large variety of post-
importance, pain of certain patterns may be operative neuralgias involving peripheral nerves
indicative of the development of postoperative such as the iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal, genito-
complications that require surgical correction femoral, lateral femoral cutaneous, obturator,
rather than pressing on blindly with the treatment femoral, sciatic, and ulnar nerves (Merskey 1986,
of pain. A sudden increase in the requirements for IASP Task Force on Taxonomy 1994).
intravenous opioid infusion, epidural administration The precise incidence of persistent pain follow-
of opioids, or local anaesthetics should be carefully ing surgical incision and trauma is difficult to
examined, bearing in mind the possibility that a determine (Perkins and Kehlet 2000, Macrae 2001).
new event has occurred. A similar situation exists However, in our experience, it is seen in at least
in patients treated in a critical care unit following 10% of surgical operations. There is strong evidence
trauma and who have been stabilized initially from animal studies that there is a genetic pre-
on an analgesic regimen. In the experience of one disposition to the development of spontaneous
of these authors, the development of an important activity in neuromas. This evidence is supported by
complication is frequently associated with pain observations that patients who develop neuromas
that will break through an analgesic regimen that and incisional pain frequently have similar
was previously successful (Cousins and Phillips problems if an attempt is made to remove the
1986). neuroma tissue surgically. Such patients tend to
The possibility of the development of neuro- have similar problems when operations on other
pathic pain should be borne in mind after surgery parts of the body are carried out. Thus, the pre-
as it is often missed in patients with acute pain, and ceding history of the patient is important and may
may require specific therapy (Hayes and Molloy point to the need for careful surveillance and the
1997). The pain may be associated with injury, early use of appropriate treatment measures.
disease, or surgical section of the peripheral or Surgical textbooks discuss factors in wound
healing such as gentleness of handling tissues,
Acute and postoperative pain
different methods of suturing, use of appropriate
suture material, avoidance of haematoma and Acute pain has emerged as an important issue
infection, and other factors (Sabiston 1982). because of associated morbidity and mortality. The
However, there appears to have been only limited challenge is to employ multimodal analgesia, early
investigation of factors that have a significant nutrition, and rapid mobilization after surgery and
influence on the development of various pain syn- trauma to aid acute rehabilitation to the benefit of
dromes following surgical incision. It is generally the patient. The aim should be that the majority
held that incisions that cut across muscle fibres of patients have good relief of acute pain together
cause more postoperative pain than those that with rapid functional recovery. To achieve this
separate fibres. One of the few studies to test this result requires a substantial educational and
hypothesis compared a dorsal approach to the organizational effort to apply the knowledge and
kidney (muscle-separating) with the classic flank methodology now available, with close cooperation
approach (muscle-cutting). The former was asso- between anaesthetic, surgical, and nursing staff.
ciated with a lesser requirement for postoperative
analgesia and shorter hospital stay (Freiha and References
Zeineh 1983). Unfortunately patients were not fol-
Aasbo V, Raeder JC, Grogaard B, Roise O 1996 No additional
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Soft tissue, joints and bones


Paul Creamer

Introduction active process resulting in breakdown of the balance

between cartilage formation and catabolism.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of Thickening of subchondral bone, detectable by an
arthritis, and is a major cause of morbidity, increase in activity on bone scan, is also an early
limitation of activity, and health care utilization feature and may predict the future development of
(Lawrence et al 1990). Pain is the major symptom of OA in the hand (Fig. 2.1) (Hutton et al 1986) and the
OA and the main reason why affected individuals knee (Dieppe et al 1993). It is unclear whether bone
elect to seek medical care. Pain is also a major deter- or cartilage represent the primary lesion in OA but
minant of functional loss. Despite its importance, clearly both are potential areas for therapeutic
there is much about OA pain that remains unclear intervention.
including, for example, the anatomical cause of pain Macroscopically, these changes result in focal
and the reason for the poor correlation between cartilage loss with sclerosis and osteophyte forma-
pain and radiographic change. This chapter pro- tion at the joint margins. Some of these features
vides a brief overview of OA followed by a more correspond to radiographic changes on which the
detailed description of the nature, causes, and treat- diagnosis of OA is usually made (Fig. 2.2, Table 2.1).
ment of pain. Back pain is dealt with elsewhere: this Rather than being a single pathology, the ‘osteo-
chapter will concentrate on peripheral joint OA arthritic disorders’ are a group of overlapping
with particular emphasis on the knee. distinct diseases varying in risk factors, clinical
features, radiographic features, and outcomes.
Factors increasing systemic vulnerability to OA
Aetiopathogenesis of include genes, age, gender, race, and nutrition.
Local biomechanical factors include malalignment,
osteoarthritis previous damage, muscle weakness, joint laxity,
Osteoarthritis is a disorder of synovial joints and proprioceptive defects. Local factors, together
characterized by destruction of articular cartilage with extrinsic factors acting on the joint such as
and remodelling of subchondral bone. The tradi- obesity, physical activity, occupational overuse, and
tional concept of OA as ‘wear and tear’ has been trauma, probably determine which joints get OA in
replaced by a model in which OA is seen as an a susceptible individual. 31
Clinical pain states

Table 2.1 Relationship between pathological and

radiographic features of osteoarthritis

Pathological features Radiographic features

Focal areas of loss of Asymmetric loss of interbone

articular cartilage distance (‘joint space

Marginal lipping and Osteophytosis of bone


Remodelling of Sclerosis and cysts in

subchondral bone subchondral bone, altered
bony contour

Capsular thickening
and mild chronic synovitis

Fig. 2.1 Plain radiograph (top) and Tc99 scintigraphy

(bottom) of a patient with hand OA. Note the ‘hot’ joints
on scan, corresponding to sites of radiographic change.

Fig. 2.3 Interphalangeal OA.

it does cause problems these include pain, stiffness

after inactivity, deformity, swelling, and loss of
The diagnosis of OA still relies on radiographic
features including osteophyte, joint space narrow-
ing, and bony sclerosis. It is clear that considerable
pathological change may occur before radiographs
become abnormal (Fife et al 1991). Arthroscopy
allows direct visualization of cartilage; scoring
systems to standardize recording of cartilage
damage are now available (Ayral et al 1996). Mag-
netic resonance imaging (MRI) has the advantage
Fig. 2.2 Radiograph of tibiofemoral OA, showing joint of being non-invasive and allowing assessment of
space narrowing, sclerosis, and osteophyte formation.
non-bony structures; however, the cost and expert-
ise required for interpretation makes it impractical
for routine use.
Clinical features of osteoarthritis
Commonest sites for OA include the interphalan-
geal joints of the hand (Fig. 2.3), thumb base, knees,
Pathophysiology of joint pain
hips, and facet joints of the cervical and lumbar Most afferent fibres in articular nerves are unmye-
32 spine. Much OA appears to be asymptomatic: when linated, comprising C (group IV) fibres and post-
ganglionic sympathetic fibres. Heavily myelinated

while they undergo a standard activity programme

Aβ (group II) fibres and thinly myelinated Aδ (Keefe et al 1987a). Behaviours such as guarding,
(group III) fibres comprise about 20% of the total active rubbing, unloading the joint, rigidity, and joint
fibres (Kidd 1996). There is rich innervation to arti- flexing can be scored by independent observers.
cular capsule, tendons, ligaments, synovium, and
periosteum via a mixture of free nerve endings
and receptors. These sensory nerves respond to Epidemiology of osteoarthritic
mechanical stimuli such as stretching of the joint
capsule but also to chemical mediators such as
lactic acid, histamine, kinins, and substance P. Such Most studies of pain in OA have looked at the knee.
inflammatory mediators may stimulate pain fibres The prevalence of knee pain in 40- to 79-year-old
directly but may also sensitize fibres to mechanical community dwellers in the UK is about 25.3%
stimuli. There is therefore potential for acute injury (O’Reilly et al 1996). Radiographic knee OA was
or inflammation to sensitize nerves such that they reported in 76% of those with pain. Less data are
respond even when the original stimuli is removed. available on other joints. Using a definition of ‘mild
This ‘neurogenic plasticity’ may operate at both to severe pain during the last month’, Carman
peripheral and spinal levels and is likely to be (1989) reported a prevalence of hand pain of 37% in
mediated by upregulation of specific receptors such 50–74 year olds, of whom 45% had definite OA.
as those for N-methyl-D aspartate (NMDA). Clearly The chances of reporting the presence of pain
these represent potential targets for therapeutic rise with increasing radiographic severity but in
intervention. Although there is evidence for a general there is only a weak association between
central role for pain production in some patients, pain and structural damage. Community studies
peripheral mechanisms are probably more impor- confirm that about 7–14% of the subjects with
tant; for example, intra-articular local anaesthetic normal knee X-rays report knee pain: potential
effectively abolishes pain temporarily in many explanations include sources of pain not visible on
patients with knee OA (Creamer et al 1996). an X-ray, insensitivity of radiographs, or inadequate
views being taken (e.g., failure to assess the patello-
femoral joint at the knee). Moreover, only 40–80%
Measurement of pain in of the subjects with unequivocal radiographic knee
OA report pain: perhaps due to inadequacies of the
osteoarthritis question being asked, or because pain may be a
In community studies, the presence of knee pain is phasic process. Pain severity (as opposed to presence)
usually ascertained by a question such as: ‘Have in outpatients bears no relationship to X-ray
you ever had pain in or around the knee on most change, but is more determined by factors such as
days for at least a month?’ (Lawrence et al 1990). obesity and coping strategies (Creamer et al 1999).
Subjective pain severity may be graded using a Pain in OA is not simply the result of structural
simple Likert scale (none, mild, moderate, severe, changes but, rather, the outcome of a complex inter-
very severe) or a visual analogue scale. The stem play between structural change, peripheral and
question may be a simple ‘how bad is your (knee, central pain processing mechanisms, and subjective
hip, hand) pain?’ but additional valuable informa- differences in what constitutes pain, in turn in-
tion can be obtained by asking about pain with fluenced by cultural, gender, and psychosocial
different activities: stairs, walking, rest, and so on. factors. It is perhaps more helpful to regard knee
Such information is obtained in questionnaires pain and radiographic knee OA as separate
specifically designed to assess lower limb OA: problems: certainly they appear to differ in their
examples include the WOMAC (Bellamy et al 1988) risk factors (Davis et al 1992).
and Lequesne (1991) indices. Subjects with clinical features such as crepitus
An attempt is sometimes made to assess the qua- and morning stiffness are more likely to report
lity of pain in OA, using the McGill Pain Question- pain. For a given degree of radiographic severity,
naire (MPQ; Melzack 1975). This instrument allows women tend to report pain more often than men.
subjects to select words (total = 76) that describe Age does not appear to be related to pain reporting.
their pain. The MPQ was not specifically designed Increasing body mass index has been found to be a
for arthritis pain, and some of the descriptors used risk factor for pain in knee OA in some studies.
may reflect mood disturbance rather than pure pain. Quadriceps weakness is a major risk factor for knee
Finally, the effect of pain on observed behaviour pain and subsequent disability (McAlindan et al
in OA can be assessed, by videotaping patients 1993, Slemenda et al 1997). 33
Clinical pain states

The mechanisms by which psychosocial factors

Anatomical causes of pain in
are related to knee pain are unclear, and cross-
osteoarthritis sectional studies do not allow us to make inferences
The anatomical source of pain in OA remains about cause and effect. Pathophysiological effects
unclear. Any theory must take account of the fact of anxiety or depression include increased muscle
that the principal structure involved (articular tension, which may be painful. Anxiety, manifested
cartilage) possesses few pain-sensitive fibres: pain by persistent attempts to avoid knee pain, may lead
must therefore be arising from other tissues. to loss of muscle bulk and generalized decondition-
Structures with the potential to cause pain in OA ing and loss of confidence. It is possible that
are listed in Table 2.2. overavoidance of movement in knee pain leads to a
Psychosocial factors are important in OA, as in chronic cycle of inactivity, muscle wasting and weak-
any chronic pain. Rates of depression and anxiety ness, and further pain and inactivity (Dekker et al
are increased in community subjects with knee pain 1993). Depression may also result in maladapted
compared to healthy controls (Dexter and Brandt ‘coping strategies’ or affect the patient’s belief about
1994). Prevalence in hospital outpatients is even their ability to cope with pain, which in itself results
higher: 33% of patients with hip/knee OA had in higher reported pain severity (Keefe et al 1987b).
‘possible’ depression compared to 19% healthy Psychological factors may also be important in
population (Hawley and Wolfe 1993). Differences predicting response to therapies and determining
between hospital and community subjects may patients’ adherence to treatment. In a study of exer-
reflect severity of disease, but depression may cise for patients with knee arthritis, for example,
also play a role in the decision by patients to seek the most powerful predictors of maintaining
medical care. exercise at 3 months were baseline anxiety and
Using the MPQ as a measure of pain severity, depression (Minor and Brown 1993).
significant correlations between anxiety and
depression and knee pain severity in hospital
patients have been reported (Summers et al 1988). The nature of osteoarthritic pain
A community survey of elderly subjects reporting Pain due to OA is generally ‘aching’ or ‘throbbing’,
sporadic, episodic, or chronic knee pain (Hopman- insidious in onset, localized, and not associated
Rock et al 1996) also found that chronicity and with any systemic disturbance. The severity of OA
severity of pain were associated with higher pain is comparable to that of RA.
psychosocial disability when compared with Characteristically, pain is worse on use of the
age-matched pain-free controls from the same affected joint (e.g., going up or down stairs for knee
community. OA), worse in the evenings, and eased by rest.
Personality traits such as hypochondriasis have A significant proportion of subjects, however, do
been shown to be associated with greater pain complain of pain at night: such patients have gen-
severity in OA of the hip (Lunghi et al 1978) and erally had symptoms for longer than those without
knee (Lichtenberg et al 1986) as have ‘life stress’ night pain and may have more severe disease. In
and ‘daily hassles’. Lower formal education level has addition to diurnal variation, some patients show a
been reported to be a risk factor for both radio- day-to-day variation, with symptoms being worse
graphic and symptomatic knee OA (Hannan et al at the weekends (Bellamy et al 1990).
1992). The location of pain in OA generally corres-
ponds to the affected joint but referred pain may be
seen: for example, pain from hip OA may be felt in
Table 2.2 Potential sources of pain in OA the knee and pain from spinal OA may be felt in
the hip or buttock. At the knee, most pain either
Bone: Raised intra-osseous pressure is diffusely felt anteriorly over the surface of the
Growing osteophyte patella or is localized to the inferomedial aspect
Subchondral fractures of the joint.

Soft tissue: Capsule Management of pain in

Menisci osteoarthritis
Central/psychosocial Pain is the most frequent symptom of OA and, in
34 the absence of therapies that may modify the
underlying disease process, treatments for OA are

clearly an important determinant of function and

primarily assessed by their ability to reduce pain. pain (Dekker et al 1993, McAlindon et al 1993).
Ideally, treatments would be based on knowledge Several studies, of 3–6 months in duration, have
of pathogenesis: however, because we do not know documented that quadriceps strengthening exer-
the cause of pain in OA, treatment is to some extent cises are effective in reducing pain and improving
empirical. Nevertheless, four areas may be iden- function in patients with knee OA (Fisher et al 1993)
tified: correction of abnormal mechanical stress, and can be taught to subjects in their own home
modulation of central perception of pain, drug (O’Reilly 1999). Quadriceps strengthening can
therapy, and surgery. be accomplished by both isometric and isotonic
resistive exercise. Suitable exercises for patients
with knee OA are given in Table 2.3.
Correction of abnormal biomechanics
Knee OA is largely a biomechanical disorder. The Aerobic exercise
aim of biomechanical intervention is to reduce pain Aerobic conditioning exercise, either supervised
and improve function by altering weight distrib- fitness walking or aquatics, has been shown to be
ution through the joint, re-aligning to correct deform- well tolerated and more effective than conventional
ities, and improving stability and patient confidence. physical therapy or standard medical care in patients
with OA of the hip and/or knee. Home exercises
Weight reduction are as effective as outpatient hydrotherapy in hip
Obesity is a risk factor for OA, particularly at the OA. A multicentre study (Ettinger et al 1997) on
knee and in women. Weight loss is associated with community-dwelling adults with knee OA and
a lower chance of developing symptomatic OA and self-reported physical disability aged 60 and above
incident radiographic OA (Felson et al 1997) and demonstrated that participation in either aerobic or
probably reduces symptoms. In a study of over- resistive exercise was superior to patient education
weight postmenopausal women with symptomatic alone.
knee OA (Martin et al 1996), weight loss during a
6-month programme of dietary counselling and
exercise was associated with a reduction in both Central pain modification
pain and disability. The paucity of other data may Cognitive behavioural approaches, designed to
reflect that losing weight by diet alone is clearly improve self-efficacy and coping strategies, are
not easy, particularly in the elderly who may be also beneficial. These interventions emphasize the
relatively immobile. control of pain by understanding the interaction
of emotions and cognition with the physical and
Orthotics behavioural aspects of pain. In one study (Keefe
A walking stick and shock-absorbing footwear can et al 1996), patients with knee OA who participated
reduce load bearing in the affected joint by 20–30% in a programme that involved their spouse had
with a consequent reduction in symptoms. Lateral
heel wedges are a method of decreasing the lateral Table 2.3 Exercises suitable for home treatment of knee
thrust found in medial compartment OA with OAa
varus deformity and can also reduce pain (Ogata
et al 1997). Soft neoprene sleeves with additional 1. Isometric quads contraction in extension for 5 seconds
(subject sits on floor against wall, legs extended, towel
patellar padding may improve patellar tracking
under knee, pushes knee into floor against towel)
and may also act by improving proprioception.
Other orthotic devices, such as splints, braces, and 2. Isotonic quads contraction held in mid flexion for
neck collars, aim to correct deformity and instabil- 5 seconds ( subject in chair, partially extends lower leg
and holds)
ity. Patients with knee OA who have patellofemoral
joint disease have been shown to benefit from 3. Isotonic hamstring contraction (lies on front and
medial taping of the patella (Cushnaghan et al bends knee bringing foot towards body)
1994). Modification of the patient’s environment 4. Isotonic quads with resistance band held for 5 seconds
(raised chairs, toilet seats, dressing aids) should be (as 2)
5. Dynamic stepping: walking up and down 1 step
Quadriceps strengthening Increased to maximum of 20 reps on each leg
Quadriceps weakness may be a risk factor for a
Modified from O’Reilly et al (1999).
radiographic OA (Slemenda et al 1997) and is 35
Clinical pain states

greater improvement in pain, psychological NSAIDs may also be given as topical creams or
disability, self-efficacy, and pain behaviours, as gels, which are safe, popular with patients, and
well as better marital adjustment and coping skills, effective—perhaps because they give the patient a
compared to patients who participated in a degree of control over their symptoms. Topical
traditional programme without their spouse. capsaicin, a specific substance P depletor derived
Education is also an effective treatment. The from the pepper plant, can also be of value
Arthritis Self-Help Course has been shown to be especially in hand OA.
effective. This course consists of six weekly educa- IA steroid injections are widely used. Controlled
tion sessions focusing on exercise, relaxation tech- trials, confined to the knee, provide some evidence
niques, joint protection techniques, and a description supporting their efficacy over placebo, but only for
of the various medications used in treating patients up to 4 weeks (Creamer 1997). This contrasts with
with arthritis. Studies by Lorig and colleagues clinical practice that suggests that some patients
(Lorig and Holman 1993) have shown that patients have a sustained response lasting up to 6 months.
with OA who participate in this programme have Efforts to identify predictors of response have
significant improvement in knowledge, pain, and proved largely unsuccessful, although some studies
quality of life, and a decreased frequency of have reported that the presence of effusion (Gaffney
physician visits and lower health care costs. et al 1995) or local tenderness (Jones and Doherty
Finally, provision of social support through 1996) may be associated with a better response. A
simple telephone contact can improve functional recent report (Griffith et al 1997) found significant
status and pain in patients with OA (Weinberger et improvement in pain, stiffness, and range of
al 1993). The content of the telephone calls seems movement after steroid or anaesthetic injection at
to be important: symptom monitoring is not as the hip but both injections were equally effective.
effective as specific advice and counselling Anecdotally, injection of the carpometacarpal joint
(Maisiak et al 1996). can be very helpful in thumb-base OA. Steroid
injections are remarkably safe and well tolerated.
Hyaluronic acid (HA) forms the backbone of the
Drug therapy proteoglycan molecule and is the major constituent
First-line drug therapy in OA should be a trial of of synovial fluid. In addition to its mechanical role
simple analgesics such as paracetamol, coproxamol, as a lubricant, shock absorber, and buffer between
or tramadol. These drugs are safe, effective, and articular cartilage surfaces, it also may have a
well tolerated. Only when analgesia and non- role in binding inflammatory mediators and neuro-
pharmacological therapy have been fully tested peptides associated with pain production. Prepara-
should non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs tions of HA are available for use by intra-articular
(NSAIDs) be given. injection in knee OA. Several studies suggest a
Evidence for the superiority of NSAIDs over modest benefit when compared to placebo injections
paracetamol is largely lacking and, at least under (Dougados et al 1993, Lohmander et al 1996) or
trial conditions, many patients on chronic NSAID intra-articular steroids (Jones et al 1995). Given the
therapy for knee OA can cease this medication reluctance to use NSAIDs in the elderly, there may
without apparent deterioration in symptoms. A be a role for intra-articular hyaluronic acid in the
small proportion of patients with OA do seem treatment of selected elderly patients with knee
to derive sustained benefit from NSAIDs: it is OA: for example, in those in whom surgery is
tempting to suggest that these patients have a more contraindicated and whose pain is not controlled
‘inflammatory’ type of OA, but it is not possible by simple oral and/or topical analgesics.
from clinical examination to predict those patients Glucosamine is an aminomonosaccaride, which
who will respond (Bradley et al 1992). The use of is essential for the formation of the glycosamino-
NSAIDs is associated with appreciable morbidity, glycans in articular cartilage. Doses of 1500 mg
particularly in the elderly (the group most likely daily produce greater improvement in pain than
to have OA): this can be minimized by using the placebo and are as effective as ibuprofen 1200 mg
smallest effective dose and a co-prescription of daily (Muller-Fassbender et al 1994) with fewer
gastroprotective agents and by encouraging ‘intelli- gastrointestinal adverse reactions. A longer study
gent non-compliance’ (i.e., only take the tablets (Reginster et al 2001) has confirmed a clinical benefit
if you have pain). Novel highly selective COX2 though a reported disease-modifying action remains
inhibitors (rofecoxib, celecoxib) are no more effec- controversial.
tive than traditional NSAIDs but probably have a Finally low doses of tricyclics at night may
36 lower risk of serious gastrointestinal complications. improve sleep quality and pain.
Surgical procedures References

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medical therapy, and is particularly useful in those study of WOMAC: a health status instrument for measuring
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(Ravaud et al 1999). Traditionally, lavage has been drug therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee.
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Soft tissue, joints and bones


Rheumatoid arthritis
Malcolm I V Jayson

Introduction Against this background environmental factors

are believed to precipitate the development of this
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a complex multi- problem. Much effort has gone into identifying
system inflammatory disorder in which the prin- a possible infective basis for the development of
ciple problems affect the synovial linings of the RA in genetically predisposed individuals. A wide
joints and tendons. In acute disease many patients variety of organisms have been implicated, but
develop generalized malaise and weight loss, in contrast to reactive arthritis and other forms
and specific complications may affect other organ of chronic inflammatory disease, no definitive
systems. Occasionally these features predominate. evidence of a specific causative microorganism has
The cause of RA is unknown but the prevailing been identified.
view is that both inherited and environmental Many patients blame the onset of RA on a
factors are important, with systemic autoimmune stressful event. The evidence for this is weak but
reactions precipitating a cascade of inflammatory undoubtedly psychological distress exacerbates
changes. patients’ perception of severity of the disease.
There is an increased familial aggregation of Despite many claims, diet plays little role in RA.
the disease and, in particular, greater concordance Some patients have individual allergies and may
in monozygotic than dizygotic twins. The best develop acute synovitis on exposure to specific types
documented genetic marker for RA is the class II of food but this is very different from the rheu-
major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen matoid process. Numerous studies on the effects of
HLA DR4. The presence of this inherited HLA diet on arthritis have been undertaken but with
marker conveys a sixfold increase in the relative little positive results. A very high intake of fish oil
risk of developing this disease. Some 50% of patients may lead to a decrease in the ability to generate
with RA carry the DR4 antigen. In particular it is certain inflammatory cytokines and have a limited
associated with more severe disease and systemic anti-inflammatory effect.
complications (Westedt et al 1986). The presence of The prevalence of the disease varies consider-
this tissue type acts as a susceptibility factor for ably between different populations. In part this is
autoimmune events but the mechanism for this due to different genetic make-ups but environ-
remains to be determined. mental factors also play their part. For example, in 39
Clinical pain states

Africa there is a considerably lower prevalence in general malaise and lassitude, weight loss, and
rural black groups than in urbanized populations low-grade pyrexia. The disease onset is insidious
(Beighton et al 1975). in up to 70% of patients but may be acute and
associated with systemic upset and fever.

Articular clinical features
The normal synovial lining of diarthrodial joints is
a delicate tissue layer up to three cells thick and Established rheumatoid disease is typically a
a loosely arranged stroma with connective tissue, symmetrical peripheral inflammatory polyarthritis
microvasculature, and lymphatics. In early active that most often involves the small joints of the hands
disease the synovium becomes swollen, hyper- and feet, the wrists, ankles, knees, and cervical
trophic, and inflamed. Microscopically the stroma spine. The shoulders and elbows may be involved
is invaded by lymphocytes and plasma cells. Fibrin and the hips and lumbar spine less frequently. In
deposition may occur on the surface of the hyper- severe forms of the disease any synovial joint may
trophic synovium. The synovial stroma is replaced be affected.
by proliferation of local connective tissue cells by In early active rheumatoid disease there is pain,
the process of mesenchymoid transformation. soft-tissue swelling, and stiffness. The pain and
Excess production of synovial fluid leads to joint stiffness of active inflammation are typically worse
swelling and clinically detectable effusions. The in the early morning and improve with activity
cellular content of rheumatoid synovial fluid con- during the day, although many patients develop
sists principally of polymorphonuclear leucocytes. further symptoms when they become tired in the
The destructive phase of the disease is associated early evening. Gelling or stiffening of the joints
with the production of chronic granulation tissue or with rest or inactivity are also typical of inflamma-
pannus, which spreads over the articular cartilage tory disease. On examination the soft-tissue joint
surface. Cartilage destruction appears on the deep swelling of active RA is due to synovial hypertro-
surface of the pannus and is seen as loss of joint phy and effusion and is warm and tender. Muscle
space on X-ray. Bone erosions usually appear first wasting appears rapidly around painful swollen
at the joint margins at the point of normal synovial joints, and there is sometimes periarticular
reflection and where bone is relatively unprotected inflammatory oedema.
by cartilage. Neutral proteolytic enzymes (Barrett In late-stage destructive RA problems of
and Saklatvala 1981) secreted by macrophages in deformity and loss of function predominate with
the pannus and acidic lysosomal enzymes secreted relatively little active inflammation.
by polymorphonuclear leucocytes in the synovial The pattern of changes is similar in various
fluid both play a part in bone and cartilage joints and is exemplified by the patterns seen in the
destruction. In severe forms of the disease conti- hands. In early disease there is inflammation of the
nued bone and cartilage destruction is associated metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalan-
with irreversible deformity and, particularly in geal joints (Fig. 3.1) with pain and swelling. The
weight-bearing joints, secondary osteoarthritis may

Clinical features
RA occurs in both sexes but is two or three times
more common in females than males. It may start at
any age but with an increasing incidence in older
people. The overall prevalence is about 1% of
the population. In recent years the incidence of the
disease appears to be decreasing with its effects
being less severe.
RA is a generalized disease with the most
obvious problems affecting the joints. Severe forms
of the disease may be associated with both articular Fig. 3.1 Early rheumatoid inflammation of the proximal
and extra-articular features and the symptoms and interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints of the
40 signs of a systemic disease process. These include hand.
inflammation may also affect the tendon sheaths,
Rheumatoid arthritis
contributing to impaired finger movement and
poor grip. Synovitis of the wrists and of the flexor
tendon sheaths may lead to compression of the
median nerve and produce features of the carpal
tunnel syndrome. As the disease advances a variety
of deformities may develop due to combinations of
synovitis, joint erosion and instability, tendon
sheath synovitis and rupture, and progressive
deformities (Figs. 3.2, 3.3, 3.4). Analogous progres-
sive changes may affect any synovial joints and
in particular the feet, ankles, knees, elbows,
shoulders, and neck.
Fig. 3.4 Rupture of extensor tendons with ‘dropped
Extra-articular clinical features
Extra-articular features are found particularly in
patients with the most severe forms of articular to be related to the local deposition of circulating
disease. immune complexes containing IgM and possibly
The pathogenesis of many of the systemic IgG rheumatoid factors.
features, such as vasculitis and nodules, are thought

Rheumatoid nodules are found most frequently
in subcutaneous regions subject to recurrent
mechanical stress. Common sites include the sub-
cutaneous borders of the forearms, the olecranon,
often in association with an olecranon bursa, and
also over sites such as the tips of the fingers and
sacrum. Rheumatoid nodules in these sites are firm,
non-tender, and larger and less transient than the
small nodules of rheumatic fever. In certain areas,
such as over the sacrum, nodules may ulcerate
and become infected bedsores. They can form a
potential focus for systemic infections. Although
most frequently found in the subcutaneous regions,
these nodules may also occur as intracutaneous
Fig. 3.2 The boutonnière, or buttonhole, deformity of nodules and within other tissues such as the sclera,
the middle finger. lung, pleura, and myocardium.
The histology of the rheumatoid nodule is
almost specific for RA and consists of a central area
of fibrinoid necrosis surrounded by a palisade layer
of histiocytes and peripherally by a zone of loose
connective tissue (Gardner 1992). The presence
of rheumatoid nodules may be helpful for clinical
diagnosis, and their presence indicates an adverse

This is an uncommon but potentially fatal com-
plication found in the most severe forms of the
disease. All sizes of blood vessels may become
Fig. 3.3 Ulnar deviation of the fingers. affected. Cutaneous vasculitis is most often seen 41
Clinical pain states

as nailfold haemorrhages in the fingers. Patients haemoglobin value much lower than 9 g/dl. Unless
with these lesions do not always develop the more there is coincidental iron deficiency, oral iron
serious forms of vasculitis although they are at therapy does not improve the anaemia of RA.
increased risk of doing so. More serious forms of Parenteral iron is occasionally used, but the main
cutaneous vasculitis may be associated with per- treatment of this anaemia consists of measures
sistent cutaneous ulceration which often appears in directed at suppressing the underlying disease
the lower leg and may prove resistant to treatment. process.
Medium or large blood vessels may become Felty’s syndrome is the association of RA with
involved and present clinically with gangrene of splenomegaly and leucopenia. Other features of the
the fingers, small bowel infarction or perforation, syndrome may include normocytic normochromic
and pulmonary hypertension. Small-vessel vascu- anaemia, thrombocytopenia, lymphadenopathy,
litis is thought to underline many of the other cutaneous ulceration, and pigmentation. The major
extra-articular disease features such as peripheral hazard of the condition is recurrent major or minor
neuropathy and probably nodule formation. infection. Patients with Felty’s syndrome tend to
The histological changes found in rheumatoid have more severe forms of articular disease and on
vasculitis range from intimal hyperplasia to an serological testing usually have high titres of IgM
inflammatory reaction affecting all layers of the rheumatoid factor and antinuclear factors.
vessel wall and are sometimes associated with The leucopenia of Felty’s syndrome usually lies
necrosis (Fassbender 1975). Immunological tests often between 800 and 2500 cells/mm3 and is associated
show high titres of circulating IgM rheumatoid with a fall in granulocyte number. Occasionally a
factors, antinuclear antibodies, and evidence of leucopenia of less than 800 cells/mm3 is seen. The
circulating immune complex activity, such as most frequent bone marrow abnormality found is
reduced serum complement levels and sometimes granulocyte maturation arrest. The pathogenesis
circulating cryoglobulins. of Felty’s syndrome is multifactorial and includes
Patients with severe forms of vasculitis are both an increased peripheral destruction partly
medical emergencies and often require aggressive attributable to circulating immune complexes and
treatment with corticosteroids and immuno- depression of granulopoiesis by a splenic humoral
suppressive drugs. factor. Excessive margination of leucocytes in the
peripheral circulation may account for some of the
apparent fall in circulating cell counts.
Haematology The treatment of Felty’s syndrome is only indi-
The anaemia of RA is similar to that found in other cated if the leucopenia is associated with significant
chronic disorders such as malignancy, chronic recurrent infection. Although corticosteroid therapy
infections, and uraemia. This anaemia is usually may increase the peripheral white cell count, it also
normocytic normochromic, but may be hypo- increases the susceptibility to infection and is of
chromic and, less commonly, macrocytic. The uncertain value in the treatment of Felty’s syn-
degree of anaemia in rheumatoid disease roughly drome. Gold or penicillamine therapy can be very
correlates with the erythrocyte sedimentation rate effective but these drugs must be used carefully
(ESR). Typically the serum iron and total iron because of their potential toxic effects on the bone
binding capacity are reduced and serum ferritin is marrow. A proportion of patients with this condition
elevated. The anaemia is associated with an respond to splenectomy, although the operation
increased affinity of the reticuloendothelial system itself is associated with significant postoperative
for iron, and bone marrow iron stores are plentiful. mortality. Rarely, despite a rise in the peripheral
The anaemia of rheumatoid disease is to be white cell count after splenectomy, susceptibility to
distinguished from that of iron deficiency; the latter infection does not improve and patients die of
commonly results from gastrointestinal blood loss, fulminating septicaemia. The removal of splenic
which is frequently a side effect of non-steroidal factors normally helpful in the defence against
anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) therapy. In an infection may be responsible. Immunization
iron deficiency anaemia serum iron is low but the against disease and prompt aggressive treatment of
total iron binding capacity is elevated and the bone any infections becomes essential.
marrow iron stores are reduced. Two types Thrombocytosis or an increase in the circulating
of anaemia may coexist, and factors that might platelet count may be seen in active rheumatoid
suggest that iron deficiency is contributing to disease and probably represents a non-specific
anaemia include a history of melaena or recent effect of inflammation. This thrombocytosis is not
42 dyspepsia, a sudden drop in haemoglobin, or a usually clinically significant.
Rheumatoid arthritis

developing lymphoma to which they already have

Sjögren’s syndrome
an increased susceptibility.
Sjögren’s syndrome is the association of kerato- Secretions from other endothelial surfaces may
conjunctivitis sicca (KCS) and/or xerostomia with also be affected, so that other features of the con-
RA or other connective tissue disorders. Dysfunc- dition may include dysphagia, dyspareunia, and
tion of lacrimal and salivary glands is associated dryness of the skin. Sjögren’s syndrome may be
with lymphocytic infiltration, which may progress associated with a number of immunological
to fibrosis and complete loss of acinar tissue. This symptoms, including renal tubular acidosis and
is distinguished from the gland dysfunction due autoimmune thyroid disease.
to simple atrophy in old age. Estimates of the
prevalence of Sjögren’s syndrome vary between 13
and 58% of rheumatoid patients (Benedek 1993). Ophthalmic
The symptoms of KCS are a gritty feeling or
Keratoconjunctivitis sicca is the most frequent eye
irritation of the eyes. This is often worse first thing
feature of rheumatoid disease. Scleritis (Jayson and
in the morning when patients find it difficult to
Jones 1971) is less common but is potentially more
open their eyes. The lysozyme content of tears is
serious. It may occur in diffuse or nodular forms.
reduced and the eyes may be subject to recurrent
Rarely, a severe necrotizing form of scleritis is seen.
infection. The diagnosis of KCS is best confirmed
The complications of untreated scleritis include
with a slit lamp, when absence of the normal tear
perforation of the sclera, glaucoma, and cataract.
film will be noted. In addition, thick strands of
Systemic steroids in dosages of around 60 mg daily,
mucus may be seen sticking to the conjunctiva and
local steroid drops, and sometimes immunosuppres-
cornea. Two drops of 1% rose bengal instilled into
sive drugs may be required for the treatment of this
the eye can be used to show up the mucus strands
condition. Milder attacks may respond to NSAIDs.
and abnormal epithelium of the dry conjunctiva.
In the absence of a slit lamp the reduction in tear
secretion may be demonstrated by the Schirmer
tear test. A strip of filter paper is hooked over the
lower lid at the junction of the middle and outer Pleurisy and pleural effusions are the most
thirds and wetting of less than 10 mm of the paper common forms of pulmonary involvement by
over a 5-min period is considered abnormal. the disease. Rheumatoid pleural effusions show
The symptoms of KCS are usually relieved by the lymphocytosis and reduced glucose content in the
regular instillation of artificial tear drops into absence of infection. Sometimes macrophages con-
the affected eyes. Occasionally, tarsorrhaphy or taining IgM inclusions (ragocytes) are present, and
lacrimal canal ablation is indicated. immunological tests for antinuclear antibodies
The xerostomia may be associated with re- and IgM rheumatoid factor may be positive. The
current salivary gland swelling. A clinical diagnosis histology of the underlying pleura often shows
of xerostomia may be made if the patient complains non-specific changes of chronic inflammation, but
of a dry mouth and on examination there is no occasionally rheumatoid nodule formation is seen.
salivary pool in the floor of the mouth. Again it Interstitial fibrosis (fibrosing alveolitis) may
is advisable to consider other non-specific factors occur uncommonly as the cause of progressive
such as drug therapy and anxiety before attributing breathlessness in seropositive, nodular rheumatoid
all complaints of mouth dryness to this condition. disease, particularly in smokers (Hyland et al 1983).
Biopsy of minor salivary glands from the lip may The associated features found in the idiopathic con-
be used to confirm the diagnosis. Other investiga- dition are also found in the form associated with
tions that have been used in the formal assessment rheumatoid disease and include finger clubbing,
of xerostomia include measurement of salivary coarse pleural crepitations, and widespread pulmo-
flow rate following cannulation of the parotid duct, nary shadows on chest X-ray. Treatment with
sialography, and radioisotope imaging of the corticosteroid drugs is usually disappointing but
salivary glands. Treatment of the xerostomia of occasionally immunosuppressive drugs appear to
Sjögren’s syndrome is unsatisfactory. help. Asymptomatic impairment of carbon mon-
Artificial saliva is available and may prove oxide diffusion capacity in the absence of radio-
helpful. Dental hygiene is important, as patients logical change is common in rheumatoid disease,
with the condition are susceptible to dental caries. as in other forms of connective tissue disease,
Local radiotherapy to the involved glands is and usually does not progress to symptomatic
not helpful and increases the risk of these patients interstitial fibrosis. 43
Clinical pain states

Rheumatoid nodules may appear in the lungs denervation and the condition is thought to be
as nodules of varying size and need to be differen- produced by vasculitis of the vasa nervorum. The
tiated from other causes of pulmonary shadowing sensory type of neuropathy usually occurs as a
such as neoplasms and tuberculosis. glove-and-stocking pattern of sensory loss, and if
Seropositive rheumatoid arthritics who are motor signs occur they are usually minor. Nerve
coal miners or are exposed to industrial dusts may conduction tests may be normal or may show
develop gross forms of pulmonary fibrosis and slowing of motor and sensory conduction.
nodules. Caplan (1953) originally described such Cervical myelopathy from atlantoaxial or sub-
lesions in coal miners. axial subluxation of the cervical spine can be con-
Destructive airways disease has been shown to fused with a peripheral neuropathy and has been
be more frequent in RA patients than in controls discussed earlier.
matched for smoking habits. A rare and progres-
sively fatal form of obstructive bronchiolitis has
Renal and hepatic
also been described in a group of rheumatoid
patients. Slight impairment of renal function is common in
rheumatoid patients (Wish and Kammer 1993), and
liver enlargement is found clinically in about 11%
Cardiovascular of rheumatoid patients (Whaley and Webb 1977).
Pericardial effusions may be detected by echo- These problems are discussed by Jayson (1999).
cardiography. They are frequently asymptomatic.
Rarely, cardiac tamponade may result from massive
Septic arthritis
effusions (Hara et al 1990).
Clinical forms of rheumatoid disease affecting This severe and potentially fatal complication is
the myocardium or cardiac valve structures are found particularly in patients with the most severe
rare. However, postmortem studies have shown forms of rheumatoid disease. Presentation may
non-specific valvulitis in up to 30% of rheumatoid be acute, with one disproportionately painful and
patients. Rheumatoid granulomas of the myocar- inflamed joint and pyrexia. At other times septic
dium have also been noted in postmortem studies. arthritis may present in a more obscure fashion
Rheumatoid disease is an uncommon cause of such as feeling unwell or even with an apparent
chronic valve malfunction, but granulomas have flare of the disease. Fever and leucocytosis may be
been frequently noted in the aortic and mitral absent in elderly debilitated and steroid-treated
valves in patients receiving cardiac valve surgery. patients most prone to develop this condition
(Ostensson and Geborek 1991). Staphylococcus aureus
is the organism most frequently isolated. Prompt
Neurological diagnosis and treatment are essential in order to
Peripheral nerve symptoms in rheumatoid patients minimize joint damage and to preserve life.
may arise from entrapment neuropathies and
cervical myelopathy. Symptoms of entrapment
neuropathy can usually be relieved by appropriate
Laboratory findings
decompression. The sites of entrapment include The diagnosis of RA is made mainly on clinical
compression of the median nerve at the wrist (carpal grounds but laboratory investigations may help.
tunnel syndrome), compression of the posterior They provide objective measurements of disease
tibial nerve at the ankle (tarsal tunnel syndrome), activity and sometimes have prognostic value. The
and ulnar nerve compression at the elbow (ulnar anaemia of rheumatoid disease has been discussed.
neuritis). In active disease the ESR, plasma viscosity, and
Rheumatoid peripheral neuropathies fall into acute-phase reactants such as C-reactive protein
two pain groups—severe sensorimotor neuropathy are elevated and provide a rough guide to disease
and milder sensory neuropathy (Chamberlain and activity. As a non-specific feature of chronic inflam-
Bruckner 1970). The former is associated with a mation, serum albumin may be reduced and alpha
sudden loss of motor and sensory function and and gamma globulin elevated on protein electro-
often picks out isolated nerves in a mononeuritis phoresis. All the immunoglobulin components
multiplex pattern. It is associated with the more (IgG, IgA, and IgM) may be elevated or sometimes
severe forms of seropositive nodular disease and just IgG is increased. The serological tests for IgM
there is often evidence of vasculitis elsewhere. Nerve rheumatoid factor become positive in 75% of
44 conduction tests usually show features of muscle patients with RA.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Prognosis geons, physiotherapists, occupational therapists,
chiropodists/podiatrists, social workers, disablement
The natural history of RA is variable. A high pro- resettlement officers, and nurses. The programme
portion of patients with the disease have a mild includes advice and education about the nature
illness with a good prognosis. In a 10-year follow- of the disease and the aims and limitations of
up of a group of rheumatoid patients who were treatment. During phases of active disease many
treated fairly conservatively by present-day prac- patients require an extra rest period during the day.
tices, Duthie and colleagues found that over 50% Physiotherapists and occupational therapists help
had an eventual satisfactory outcome while only by prescribing exercises designed to maintain
11% became completely disabled (Duthie et al and restore muscle function and ranges of joint
1955). The following are adverse prognostic factors: movements, providing splints to prevent or reduce
development of erosions within 1 year of onset, deformities, and providing aids to improve function.
poor functional capacity early in the disease course, During major disease exacerbations short periods
the presence of extra-articular disease features, a in bed, together with splinting of particularly
persistently high ESR, and failure to respond to inflamed joints, are helpful. Individual inflamed
NSAIDs. Some studies also suggest that the joints may be controlled by aspirating synovial
histocompatibility antigen DR4 may be associated effusions and injection of slow-release cortico-
with severe disease (Westedt et al 1986). steroids under strict aseptic conditions.

Therapy Drug therapy

Decisions on effective treatment depend on the The drugs used in the treatment of RA can be
stage and activity of the disease. When there is considered under the following headings:
early active inflammation the emphasis is on
suppression of inflammation by general measures 1. simple analgesics
and antirheumatic drugs. In the late stages when 2. NSAIDs
destructive disease and secondary osteoarthritis 3. second-line antirheumatic drugs
predominate, the emphasis of management shifts 4. immunosuppressives and corticosteroids
towards relief of pain by provision of simple anal- 5. TNF-α inhibitors
gesics, improving joint function, and reconstructive
surgery. The prognosis in the majority of patients is Simple analgesics
reasonable and the aim of treatment is to suppress These include paracetamol, often in mixtures with
the disease process to prevent and limit the onset of codeine, dextropropoxyphene, and others, which act
erosions and the development of deformities and on the central nervous system. They are not very
disabilities. effective in relieving the pain of acute inflammation
and are of more use for the pain of secondary
osteoarthritis and for a top-up effect in patients in
Principles of management
whom the NSAIDs prove inadequate. These drugs
The pattern of rheumatoid disease becomes do not have the gastrointestinal effects of the non-
established very quickly after onset. Indeed joint steroidal anti-inflammatory agents discussed in
erosions develop within the first few months. In detail in Chap. 22. Narcotic analgesics are virtually
consequence aggressive treatment at an early stage never required for RA.
appears effective, preventing the establishment
of permanent changes and deformity. In many Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
rheumatological centres early arthritis clinics have Drugs in this group provide symptomatic relief of
been instituted with the result that patients receive pain and stiffness. However, they do not alter the
active aggressive treatment at an early stage. This natural history of the disease and on their own do
appears effective in preventing damage and long- not prevent the development of progressive joint
term disability. damage. These agents may be adequate for many
rheumatoid patients but now we believe that
second-line antirheumatic agents should be the
General measures
initial treatment at an early stage.
The long-term management of patients with RA is Soluble aspirin was the prototype of this type of
undertaken by a management team that includes drug but is now largely replaced by newer agents
not only rheumatologists but also orthopaedic sur- such as the propionic acid derivatives. These are 45
Clinical pain states

better tolerated but are not significantly more There is a small risk of producing retinopathy and
effective. visual impairment but this is minimized if the daily
There is some evidence from studies of osteo- dosage is kept as low as possible and the eyes are
arthritis that some anti-inflammatory drugs such monitored by an ophthalmologist. Gastrointestinal
as indomethacin may actually exacerbate damage problems are uncommon, and these agents lack the
to articular cartilage. All these drugs may cause haematological and renal side effects found in
gastrointestinal ulceration and bleeding in suscept- many more potent antirheumatic drugs.
ible patients. If a patient suffers from dyspepsia it
may be possible to administer the drug successfully Gold therapy Gold salts have been used in the
as a suppository, as it is then absorbed more slowly treatment of RA since the 1930s. Intramuscular
and lower peak levels occur in the peripheral sodium aurothiomalate (Myocrisin) is the gold salt
blood. Other alternatives include the prophylactic most commonly used in the UK, although an oral
use of antiulcer drugs or the use of prodrugs, such preparation has also been introduced. In a commonly
as benoxaprofen, in which the agent is taken in an used regimen, after incremental test doses, the drug
inactive form and only activated after absorption is given as 50 mg weekly by intramuscular injec-
through the intestinal muscosa. Both the anti- tions to a maximum of 1 g or until there is disease
inflammatory properties and the gastrointestinal remission or toxicity. Once remission has occurred
adverse toxicity of these agents are in part due to and maximum benefit appears to have been
their abilities to inhibit the cyclo-oxygenase achieved, it is usual to lengthen the intervals
enzymes involved in prostaglandin synthesis. between injections and reduce the dose to a
We now know that there are two forms of cyclo- monthly maintenance regimen. If there has been no
oxygenase enzymes (COX1 and COX2). Inhibition response to the gold after a cumulative dose of 1 g
of COX1 is more likely to lead to gastrointestinal has been given, most physicians withdraw the
toxicity, whereas the anti-inflammatory effects drug, but it is possible to try increasing the weekly
are mediated by inhibition of COX2. We now have injection dose (Rothermick et al 1976).
a new generation of anti-inflammatory drugs Possible side effects of gold therapy include
specifically targeted at COX2. These have anti- minor skin rashes, itching, exfoliative dermatitis,
inflammatory effects similar to those of standard stomatitis, renal problems, blood dyscrasias, hepato-
anti-inflammatory agents but seem less likely to toxicity, and penumonitis. All patients receiving
cause dyspepsia and gastrointestinal problems gold therapy will require regular monitoring of the
(Emery et al 1999). Various strategies are now skin, blood, and urine.
available to reduce the risks of gastrointestinal
toxicity (Wolfe et al 1999). D-Penicillamine This drug was initially used as a
chelating agent in the treatment of Wilson’s disease.
Second-line antirheumatic drugs It is given orally but otherwise has indications and
Active RA is now treated aggressively in most units side effects similar to those of gold salts. The usual
and the second-line antirheumatic drugs are insti- starting dose is 125 or 250 mg daily, and it is
tuted rapidly if there is evidence of active inflam- important to take this drug well away from food as
mation. These drugs are given on a long-term basis, it can combine with food nutrients. Some patients
and all have a delay from the start of treatment until respond to doses as low as this but if there is no
the onset of action of commonly 2 or 3 months. improvement the dosage is slowly increased by
similar amounts, at intervals, to a maximum of
Sulfasalazine This agent is effective in causing 750 mg daily. Most commonly the final dose is
remission of RA. The usual regimen is to start around 375 mg per day. Adverse effects include
with 0.5–1.0 g of the enteric-coated form daily and skin rashes, blood dyscrasias, and renal problems.
increase by weekly increments to a maximum of 1 g Rare side effects include immunological syndromes
three times per day. Gastrointestinal side effects such such as myasthenia gravis and drug-induced
as nausea may occur but more serious problems systemic lupus erythematosus. Regular monitoring
such as blood dyscrasias are rare. Sulfasalazine may of the skin, blood, and urine for toxicity is essential.
uncommonly cause hepatotoxicity and in males a
fall in sperm count. Regular monitoring of the blood Levamisole This is a second-line antirheumatic
count, urea, creatinine, and liver function is required. agent that appears effective in long-term disease
control. Careful monitoring of the blood count,
Antimalarials Chloroquine and hydroxychloro- urea, creatinine, and liver function is essential
46 quine have definite disease-suppressing properties. (Smolen et al 1999).
Immunosuppressives and corticosteroids
Rheumatoid arthritis

steroids should be avoided for very superficial

injections, as they are more likely than other steroid
Immunosuppressive agents, and in particular preparations to cause dermal atrophy.
methotrexate, are frequently used for patients with
severe persistent disease not controlled by more TNF-a inhibitors
conservative measures. Methotrexate is a folic acid Research has focused on the molecular mechanisms
antagonist with immunosuppressive properties. It underlying chronic inflammation. In particular
is given in a weekly dose, starting at 5 mg, and then tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) has been shown
increasing usually to a maximum of 15 mg per to play a key role in the inflammatory process.
week but occasionally more. It appears much more Specific inhibition of TNF-α has proved effective in
effective than the second-line antirheumatic agents treating rheumatoid arthritis (Moreland et al 1999).
(Ward 1985). The onset of benefit commonly The two drugs currently available are etanercept
does not start for at least a month after initiating and inflixamab. The former is given by sub-
treatment. Adverse effects are uncommon but may cutaneous injection twice a week, the latter by
affect blood, liver, and lungs, and the drug is intravenous infusion. Etanercept can be used on its
contraindicated in patients with a high alcohol own or in combination with immunosuppressive
intake. Careful monitoring of the blood and liver agents, whereas the latter is necessary for
function is essential. Co-prescription of folic acid, inflixamab. These drugs have proved very effective
usually on the third day after the methotrexate, for patients with severe disease, and indeed there is
may reduce the risk of gastrointestinal problems. now evidence that they will prevent the develop-
Alternative immunosuppressive agents such ment and progress (Bathon et al 2000) of joint
as cyclophosphamide are used for very severe erosion and damage.
individual cases and are sometimes given as bolus The principal concern is that resistance to
infusions. They are usually reserved for patients infection is reduced and these drugs are contra-
with complications such as severe forms of vas- indicated in the presence of infection. There is
culitis and for patients who have failed to respond some concern about long-term use and possible
to more conservative therapy. predisposition towards malignancy. Etanercept
Cyclosporin is an immunosuppressive agent may also give rise to local skin reactions.
used following transplantation surgery. It is effec- These drugs are proving very effective and
tive in severe and resistant forms of RA. Common helpful, but are extremely expensive with resulting
problems of treatment include some impairment of difficulties in access. They are gradually becoming
renal function and the development of hyper- more freely available.
tension. Careful monitoring is essential.
Oral corticosteroids such as prednisolone have
dramatic effects in relieving symptoms. Unfortu-
nately, once patients have started on steroids it Surgery is indicated for the relief of pain and pre-
is commonly very difficult, if not impossible, to vention of loss of function when medical measures
withdraw them. Patients receiving steroid therapy prove inadequate. The programme is best planned
over a number of years frequently develop severe in a combined clinic held jointly by the rheuma-
adverse effects such as osteoporosis, hypertension, tologist and the orthopaedic surgeon.
and dermal atrophy, and in the long run these In early disease synovectomy may be helpful
may outweigh the benefits in relieving the arthritis symptomatically when synovial swelling is local-
symptoms. The decision to start corticosteroids is a ized to one or two joints and significant erosions
major one and should only be taken after careful have not appeared. Tenosynovectomy may help
consideration. The bone mineral density should when synovial hypertrophy has involved tendon
be checked in patients maintained on steroids. If sheaths and is affecting hand function or threat-
necessary, bone-strengthening measures such as ening tendon rupture. Decompression may be
calcium and vitamin D, oestrogens, or biophos- required for the relief of nerve entrapment
phates are added. syndromes.
Local steroid injections are helpful when one In advanced cases, joint replacements are now
or two joints or tendon sheaths show continued available for a variety of joints and are continually
inflammation. If there is any suspicion of infection, being improved. Hip and knee replacements
the synovial fluid should be aspirated and cultured are commonplace and are the most successful.
and the steroid injection given later. Slow-acting Replacements are available for the shoulder, elbow,
steroid preparations are usually used. Fluorinated and ankle. 47
Clinical pain states

Other surgical procedures sometimes used Hara KS et al 1990 Rheumatoid pericarditis: clinical features and
survival. Medicine 69: 81–91
include excision arthroplasty, fusion, and repair of
Hyland RH, Gordon DA, Broder I, Davies GM et al 1983 A systemic
ruptured tendons. controlled study of pulmonary abnormalities in rheumatoid
arthritis. Journal of Rheumatology 10: 395–405
Jayson MIV 1999. Rheumatoid arthritis. In: Wall PD, Melzack R
References (eds) Textbook of Pain, 4th edn. Churchill Livingstone,
Barrett AJ, Saklatvala H 1981 Proteinases in joint disease. In: Kelley Edinburgh, pp 505–516
WN, Harris ED, Ruddy SF, Sledge CB (eds) Textbook of Jayson MIV, Jones DEP 1971 Scleritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
rheumatology. Saunders, Philadelphia, pp 195–209 Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 30: 343–347
Bathon JM, Martin RW, Fleischmann RM et al 2000 A comparison Moreland LW, Schiff MH et al 1999 Etanercept therapy in
of etanercept and methotrexate in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis. Annals of Inernal Medicine 130: 478–486
rheumatoid arthritis. New England Journal of Medicine Ostensson A, Geborek P 1991 Septic arthritis as a non-surgical
343: 1586–1602 complication in rheumatoid arthritis and relation to disease
Beighton P, Soloman L, Valkenburgh HA 1975 Rheumatoid arthritis severity and therapy. British Journal of Rheumatology 30: 35–38
in a rural South African population. Annals of Rheumatic Rothermick NO, Philips VK, Bergen W, Rhomas MH 1976
Disease 34: 136–141 Chrysotherapy. A prospective study. Arthritis and Rheumatism
Benedek TG 1993 Association between rheumatic diseases and 19: 1321–1327
neoplasia. In: Maddison PH et al (eds) Oxford textbook of Smolen JS, Kalden JR et al 1999 Efficacy and safety of leflunamide
rheumatology. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp 1070–1082 compared with placebo and sulphasalazine in active
Caplan A 1953 Certain unusual radiological appearances in the rheumatoid arthritis: a double-blind, randomised, multi-centre
chest of coalminers suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Thorax trial. Lancet 353: 259–266
8: 29–37 Ward T 1985 Historical perspective on the use of methotrexate for
Chamberlain MA, Bruckner FE 1970 Rheumatoid neuropathy. the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Journal of Rheumatology
Clinical and electrophysiological features. Annals of the (suppl i): 3–6
Rheumatic Diseases 29: 609–616 Westedt ML, Breedveld FC, Schrevder GM Th, d’Amato J, Cats N,
Duthie JR, Thompson M, Wier MM, Fletcher WB 1955 Medical and de Vries RRP 1986 Immunogenetic heterogeneity of rheumatoid
social aspects of the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with arthritis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 45: 534–538
special reference to factors affecting prognosis. Annals of the Whaley K, Webb J 1977 Liver and kidney disease in rheumatoid
Rheumatic Diseases 14: 133–149 arthritis. Clinics in Rheumatic Diseases 3: 527–547
Emery P, Zeidler H, Kvien TK et al 1999 Celecoxib versus diclofenar Wish JB, Kammer GM 1993 Nephrological aspects of management
in long-term management of rheumatoid arthritis: randomised in the rheumatic diseases. In: Maddison PH et al (eds) Oxford
double-blind comparison. The Lancet 354: 2106–2111 text book of rheumatology. Oxford University Press, Oxford,
Fassbender HG 1975 Rheumatoid arthritis in pathology of pp 179–187
rheumatic diseases. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 70–210 Wolfe MM, Lichtenstein DR, Singh G 1999 Gastrointestinal toxicity
Gardner DL 1992 Pathological basis of the connective tissue disease. of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. New England Journal
Edward Arnold, London, pp 485–487 of Medicine 340: 1888–1899

Soft tissue, joints and bones


Muscles, tendons, and ligaments
Dianne J Newham and Kerry R Mills

Introduction Ischaemic muscle pain

Intermittent claudication and angina pectoris are
Musculoskeletal soft tissue is composed of muscle,
two well-known examples of this type of pain that
tendon, and ligament, and it is often difficult for
occurs in muscles whose blood supply is unduly
both patient and clinician to distinguish which are
compromised. In normal subjects it disappears
the source of pain, and more than one is often
rapidly after contractions stop, leaving no residual
affected at the same time. The cardinal signs of
effects. Accumulation of metabolites is responsible
damage to the non-contractile soft tissues are pain,
although the stimulus, or combination of stimuli,
tenderness, swelling and loss of function. Usually
is not clear. Lactic acid is not the prime algesic
musculoskeletal pain is clearly associated with
substance as patients with myophosphorylase
trauma or exercise and is self-resolving but a
deficiency (McArdle’s syndrome) experience
variety of pathological conditions may give rise to
particularly severe pain during exercise, despite
myalgia. Diseases of collagen and connective tissue
an inability to produce lactic acid (Schmid and
are relatively rare, but often have a devastating
Hammaker 1961, Cady et al 1989). Furthermore,
effect (Pope 1998).
clearance of intramuscular lactic acid is slower than
the disappearance of pain. Possible agents, acting
alone or in combination, are thought to include
Muscle pain histamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, and brady-
Association with exercise kinin. Potassium (Lendinger and Sjogaard 1991)
and adenosine (Sylven et al 1988) are currently
There is usually a clear association between muscle receiving considerable attention in this respect.
pain and exercise but two very different time courses
may occur. In one case, often called ischaemic pain,
it occurs during exercise and rapidly increases in Delayed-onset muscle pain
intensity until contractions stop and blood flow is Heavy or unaccustomed exercise may be associated
restored, whereupon it disappears rapidly. Alterna- with muscle pain that occurs about 8 h later and
tively, pain may not occur until hours later and persists for days. It is particularly associated with
persist for days. unaccustomed eccentric contractions (Newham et 49
Clinical pain states

al 1983c, 1988; Stauber 1989; Clarkson and Newham injured or inflamed structure. Tetany is an involun-
1995). These generate the highest force per active tary contraction, often in carpopedal muscles, and
fibre (Katz 1939, Abbott et al 1952) and have the is usually associated with hypocalcaemia or hypo-
lowest metabolic cost per unit force (Curtin and capnia (Layzer and Rowland 1971). Less common
Davies 1973, Menard et al 1991). Thus it is likely to are myotonia and dystonia.
be caused by mechanical rather than metabolic
factors. It is associated with considerable muscle Associated signs and symptoms
damage, shown by structural (Newham et al 1983b, Patients with myalgia often complain of weakness,
Friden 1984, Jones et al 1986, Newham 1988), bio- fatigability, or exercise intolerance (discussed under
chemical (Newham et al 1983a, 1986a,b; Stauber ‘Investigation of muscle pain’ below). Swelling of
1989), and radioisotopic changes (reviewed by painful muscles is often reported, but rarely sub-
Clarkson and Newham 1995). However, none of stantiated. If it is, it almost always implies serious
these damage markers follow the same time course underlying pathology and occurs in polymyositis,
as the pain (Jones et al 1986, Newham et al 1986b). dermatomyositis, myophosphorylase and phospho-
Evidence increasingly indicates connective tissue fructokinase deficiencies, and acute alcoholic
damage (Brown et al 1997) along with inflamma- myopathy. Enquiry should be made about alcohol,
tory processes. The affected muscles are tender diet, and fasting. A drinking bout in an alcoholic
and often feel swollen. Increased intramuscular may precipitate acute alcoholic myopathy and
pressures have been reported in muscles in non- even myoglobinuria. A diet deficient in vitamin D
compliant compartments (Friden et al 1986), but is associated with osteomalacia, causing bone and
not in others (Newham and Jones 1985). muscle pain (Smith and Stern 1967). Attacks of pain
There is conflicting evidence about the effect and weakness occur in carnitine palmityltransferase
of steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory deficiency, particularly during prolonged exercise
agents on delayed-onset pain (Janssen et al 1983, after fasting or after a high-fat, low-carbohydrate
Kuipers et al 1983, Headley et al 1986). diet or meal (Di Mauro and Di Mauro 1973, Bank
et al 1975). Fasting may be used as a provocative
test for this condition (Carroll et al 1979).
Clinical myalgia
Signs and symptoms Differentiation of muscle pain from pain in
other tissues
The vocabulary of patients presenting with myalgia
is relatively restricted. Common terms are stiffness, Pain localization is poor in skeletal muscle, and
soreness, aching, spasms or cramps, and tender- patients may also be unable to differentiate it from
ness. The symptom of stiffness usually means pain arising from local noncontractile tissues. It is
discomfort on muscle movement, rather than important to identify the painful tissue but this
increased compliance. Muscle pain is most often may be very difficult due to poor localization and
reported as having a dull, aching quality. Sharp, referred pain; pain from an arthritic hip may be
lancinating pain is relatively rare, although acute referred to the thigh muscles or knee joint, from a
tenderness from a ‘trigger point’ (Travell and carpal tunnel syndrome to the forearm muscles, or
Simons 1998) may occur. Muscle pain is usually from cervical spondylosis to the arm muscles.
exacerbated by voluntary contraction, although Pain from joints and their capsules tends to be
rarely the opposite may be the case. more localized than myalgia, and arthralgia is often
The terms cramp, contracture, spasm, and tetanus worsened by passive joint movement. Capsular
or tetany have precise definitions but are often used pain may be present only in specific joint positions
inaccurately (Simons and Mense 1998). Cramps (e.g., painful arc syndrome in the shoulder). Bone
are strong, involuntary contractions of rapid onset pain also tends to be poorly localized but, unlike
that are extremely painful and associated with myalgia, usually has a deep, boring quality. It is
electromyographic signals similar to those of a usually worse at night and tends to be unaffected
normal voluntary contraction (Mills et al 1982b). A by either movement or muscle activity.
contracture is an extremely rare form of involun-
tary contraction due to depletion of muscle ade- Myalgia, exercise, and rest
nosine triphosphate (ATP) and is electrically silent. Many patients presenting with myalgia describe a
It is a sign of rare metabolic disorders (e.g., myo- relationship with exercise. Others find no relation-
phosphorylase deficiency). Spasm usually implies a ship or even that their pain is relieved by moderate
50 reflex contraction of the muscles surrounding an exercise.
The paradigm of exercise-related muscle pain is
Muscles, tendons, and ligaments

Table 4.1 Principal medical conditions associated with

intermittent claudication, in which pain occurs in myalgia
the calf muscles during exercise then disappears
after a period of rest. This is a pathological form Trauma and sports injuries

of ischaemic muscle pain caused by stenosis of the Primary infective myositis

feeding artery and is experienced distal to the
Inflammatory myopathies
stenosis. Thus thrombosis of the terminal aorta
leads to pain in the buttocks (Leriche’s syndrome), Dermatomyositis
narrowing of the axillary artery by a cervical rib Polymyositis or dermatomyositis in association with
gives rise to forearm pain, and arteritis of cranial connective tissue disease
arteries may result in pain in the muscles of masti- Viral myositis
Polymyalgia rheumatica
cation during chewing. Reduced blood supply can
also occur due to increased blood viscosity (e.g., Myalgia of neurogenic origin
Waldenström’s macroglobulinaemia).
Muscle cramp
Other conditions in which myalgia is clearly
related to exercise involve an impaired energy Impaired muscle energy metabolism
supply to a contracting muscle; the mechanism is Cytosolic enzyme defects
Lipid storage myopathies
presumably the same as ischaemic muscle pain. Mitochondrial myopathies
Myophosphorylase deficiency (Schmid and Mahler
1959), glycolytic disorders of muscle (McArdle Drug-induced myalgia
1951), and phosphofructokinase deficiency (Tarui et Myalgic encephalomyelitis
al 1965) all present as exercise-related myalgia with
cramps and contracture. Contracture is a poten- Muscle pain of uncertain cause

tially serious event, because it leads to irreversible

muscle breakdown and the release of large amounts
of myoglobin may lead to renal cast formation and
undercooked pork, is common in many parts of the
failure. A clear association between exercise
world, especially the USA, but many cases are
and myalgia is also found in several of the mito-
asymptomatic. The disease is ushered in with fever
chondrial myopathies (Land and Clark 1979) and
and periorbital oedema. Later myalgia and muscle
in carnitine palmityltransferase deficiency (Bank
weakness develop to reach a peak at 3 weeks.
et al 1975).
The prognosis depends on the heaviness of the
In those individuals where failure of energy or
infection; 2–10% of cases are fatal. Treatment with
blood supply has been eliminated, the relationship
thiabendazole and steroids has been successful.
of pain to exercise or rest appears to have no
diagnostic or prognostic value (Mills and Edwards Inflammatory myopathies
Polymyositis and dermatomyositis (Pachman
1998, Targoff 1998) The idiopathic inflammatory
Aetiology (Table 4.1) myopathies, polymyositis and dermatomyositis,
classified by Bohan and Peter (1975a,b) and
Primary infective myositis Carpenter and Karpati (1981), have been reviewed
Direct infection of muscle with bacteria is un- extensively (Currie 1981, Mastaglia 1988, Dalakas
common. Tropical myositis (Taylor et al 1976) is 1988, Pachman 1998, Targoff 1998). In a few
an infection with Staphylococcus aureus, probably cases muscle pain may be a prominent feature but
secondary to a viral myositis. It affects children and usually the presentation is of muscle weakness.
young adults in the tropics and is characterized by Dermatomyositis presents more commonly in the
fever, muscle pains (often severe and localized to a female with acute or subacute onset of limb girdle
single limb), and deep intramuscular abscesses. It weakness, dysphagia, muscle tenderness, and skin
usually responds to antibiotics and surgical involvement. There is often involvement of other
drainage. systems, such as the lungs and heart, and in 20% of
Parasitic infections of muscle that cause muscle cases there may be an associated carcinoma. Patho-
pain and tenderness include trichinosis (Gould logically in dermatomyositis, there is evidence of a
1970), sparganonosis (Wirth and Farrow 1961), microangiopathy with immunoglobulin deposits
sarcosporidosis (Jeffrey 1974), and cysticercosis. on vessel walls that lead to microinfarcts. On
Infection with Trichinella spiralis, usually by eating muscle biopsy there may be striking perivascular 51
Clinical pain states

atrophy. Polymyositis, on the other hand, presents myositis, which can follow influenza A or B virus
equally in males and females and has a chronic infection.
course, respiratory muscle involvement is unusual,
and muscle tenderness is infrequent. There is no Polymyalgia rheumatica This condition affects
skin involvement or involvement of other systems. patients over the age of 55 and is characterized by
Pathologically, muscle biopsy shows endomysial pain and stiffness of the proximal muscles espe-
lymphocyte infiltration and cytotoxic T cells cially the shoulder girdle (Hamrin 1972). There may
predominate. be mild anaemia, weight loss, and malaise. The
Diagnosis rests on the findings of: erythrocyte sedimentation rate is typically over
50 mm in the first hour, but creatinine kinase (CK),
1. A muscle biopsy showing muscle cell necrosis,
muscle biopsy, and electromyography (EMG) are
lymphocyte infiltration, phagocytosis, variation
normal. There appears to be a close relationship
in size of both fibre types and basophilic fibres
between this condition and temporal, cranial, or
reflecting regeneration.
giant cell arteritis. The response to steroids is
2. Electromyography (EMG) showing brief, small-
usually immediate and dramatic (Bird et al 1979),
amplitude polyphasic potentials and
most authorities advising a high initial dose of
fibrillations (Marinacci 1965).
40–60 mg per day.
3. Plasma creatine kinase (CK), which is raised in
the acute phase but may be normal in 30% of Myalgia of neurogenic origin
Pain that appears to be localized to muscle may be
4. Raised inflammatory markers.
a predominant feature in a number of neurogenic
The clinical usefulness of steroid therapy is a diseases. Cervical radiculopathy with pain radiat-
widely held view, and the complications of long- ing into the myotomal distribution of the roots, or
term steroid therapy are said to be uncommon nerve compression (e.g., carpel tunnel syndrome),
(Riddoch and Morgan-Hughes 1975, Bunch et al may produce pain radiating into the arm muscles.
1980, Currie 1981), although they must always be Peripheral neuropathies may produce pain espe-
borne in mind (Carpenter et al 1977, Edwards et al cially when they affect small fibres. Spasticity of
1981). Other immunosuppressive drugs such as any origin can give rise to flexor ‘spasms’ which
azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, can be very distressing. Treatment is difficult but
and cyclosporin, immunoglobulin infusions, whole- diazepam and baclofen can be tried.
body irradiation, and plasmapheresis have all been
tried but the results and the benefits are not clear Muscle cramps
cut. Apart from the benign ‘ordinary’ muscle cramps
experienced by most individuals, cramps are
Polymyositis in association with connective also seen in glycolytic disorders (see below), in
tissue disease Polymyositis may be seen in dehydration, in uraemia, with certain drugs such as
association with systemic lupus erythematosus salbutamol, phenothiazine, vincristine, lithium,
(Tsokos et al 1981), progressive systemic sclerosis, cimetidine, and bumetanide (Lane and Mastaglia
mixed connective tissue disease, rheumatoid 1978), after haemodialysis, and in tetanus (Layzer
disease (Haslock et al 1970), Sjögren’s syndrome, 1994).
polyarteritis nodosa, and occasionally, myasthenia The ‘stiff man’ syndrome, first described by
gravis. In polyarteritis nodosa muscle changes are Moersch and Woltman (1956) and reviewed by
probably due to infarction, but in the other condi- Gordon et al (1967) and Layzer (1994), is character-
tions findings are similar to those in idiopathic ized by continuous board-like stiffness of muscles,
polymyositis, although the changes of steroid paroxysms of intense cramp, abolition of muscle
myopathy are often superimposed. stiffness during sleep, and a normal motor and
sensory examination. Stiffness treatment with dia-
Viral polymyositis Myalgia is a feature of most zepam, often in very large doses, has been reported.
acute viral infections; in the vast majority of cases, Neuromyotonia (Isaacs’ syndrome) features
influenza virus A or B or coxsackie virus A or B are widespread fasciculation, generalized stiffness,
the agents involved. Coxsackie B virus is the excessive sweating, and continuous motor unit
agent responsible for epidemic myalgia (Bornholm activity, which persist during sleep and anaesthesia
disease) in which there is fever, headache, and (Isaacs 1961, Newsom-Davis and Mills 1992). In all
muscle pain in the chest and abdomen. The disease the above conditions the defect is thought to be in
52 is rapidly self limiting, as is benign acute childhood the spinal cord or motor axons.
Impaired muscle energy metabolism
Muscles, tendons, and ligaments

depends on the enzyme carnitine palmityltrans-

ferase (CPT) located on the inner membrane and
Cytosolic enzyme defects the carrier molecule carnitine. Deficiency of either
Myophosphorylase deficiency (McArdle’s disease) would be expected to lead to a block in energy
In 1951 McArdle first described a patient with supply once intramuscular glycogen stores were
exercise-induced muscle pain and contractures, depleted.
and postulated a defect in muscle glycolysis. Systemic carnitine deficiency, in which both
Myophosphorylase deficiency was demonstrated muscle and plasma carnitine are low, presents
by Mommaerts et al (1959) and Schmid and Mahler in childhood with episodes of nausea, vomiting,
(1959) in further cases. The symptoms usually encephalopathy, and muscle weakness (Karpati et
begin in early adolescence with painful muscle al 1975). Muscle carnitine deficiency (Willner et al
stiffness, cramps, contractures, and muscle weak- 1979), in which plasma carnitine is normal, presents
ness induced by vigorous exercise. The symptoms in young adults with proximal muscle weakness
disappear after a period of rest but contractures and pain. CK is usually raised and the EMG myo-
may persist for several hours. Moderate exercise pathic. Muscle biopsy shows lipid accumulation
may be performed for long periods without symp- beneath the plasma membrane and between
toms developing, but if they do, further exercise myofibrils, and low levels of carnitine.
may result in resolution of the pain. This is the CPT deficiency usually presents in adolescence
‘second wind’ phenomenon (Pernow et al 1967), with attacks of muscle pain, weakness, and myo-
thought to be due to a combination of increased globinuria precipitated by prolonged exercise,
muscle blood flow and the mobilization of free fatty especially after fasting or after a low-carbohydrate,
acids and glucose from the liver. The condition high-fat diet (Bertorini et al 1980). CK is usually
has a relatively benign course, symptoms becoming normal between attacks but rises markedly during
less troublesome after the age of 40 years. Patients and after attacks of pain. Muscle biopsy at the
often have no physical signs at rest, although height of an attack may show lipid accumulation
quadriceps weakness may be demonstrated by and/or muscle cell necrosis, and assay for CPT
quantitative testing. CK is elevated at rest and shows very low levels.
reaches very high values as contractures resolve.
EMG may be normal or show myopathic changes, Mitochondrial myopathies This is a hetero-
but the definitive investigation is muscle biopsy geneous group of conditions, often presenting with
showing excessive glycogen deposition and a muscle weakness and/or exercise-induced pain, and
reduction or absence of myophosphorylase. Biopsy distinguished by the finding, usually on electron
in an acute attack may, in addition, show muscle microscopy, of mitochondria of abnormal size, shape,
cell necrosis. or numbers, often with crystalline inclusions. Many
patients may have ‘ragged red fibres’ on the
Phosphofructokinase deficiency (Tarui et al 1965) modified Gomori trichrome stain. With increas-
The symptoms of this condition are very similar to ingly sophisticated biochemical investigations,
those of McArdle’s disease but may begin early in metabolic abnormalities isolated to particular
childhood and contractures are less frequent. segments of the cytochrome chain can now be
Diagnosis is achieved by the demonstration of the distinguished (Petty et al 1986, Morgan-Hughes
absence of phosphofructokinase (PFK) activity and et al 1987, Holt et al 1989). Several other mito-
of glycogen accumulation in muscle. chondrial cytopathies have been associated with a
bewildering number of other abnormalities: deaf-
Other enzyme deficiencies A number of other ness, myoclonus, encephalopathy, ophthalmoplegia,
enzyme deficiencies that cause exercise intolerance, growth retardation, and retinitis pigmentosa
exercise-induced muscle pains, and muscle fatigue (Kearns–Sayre syndrome), as reviewed by Petty et
have been reported. Phosphoglycerate kinase al (1986).
deficiency (type 9 glycogenesis) (Di Mauro et al
1983), phosphoglycerate mutase deficiency (type 10 Drug-induced myalgia
glycogenesis) (Di Mauro et al 1982), and lactate A large number of agents have now been
dehydrogenase deficiency (Kanno et al 1980) have catalogued as the cause of muscle pain (Lane and
been reported in only a few cases. Mastaglia 1978). A polymyositis can be produced
by D-penicillamine, with myopathic features on
Lipid storage myopathies Transport of long-chain EMG, muscle cell necrosis, and an inflammatory
fatty acids to the interior of the mitochondrion infiltrate on muscle biopsy samples. A severe acute 53
Clinical pain states

rhabdomyolysis with myoglobinuria and the threat individuals with a neurotic or obsessive personality
of renal failure can be induced by diamorphine, disorder. However, care must be taken not to
amphetamine, phencyclidine, and alcohol. dismiss these symptoms; the depression may be
secondary to an organic muscle abnormality.
Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue In large studies a group of patients always
syndrome appear who complain of muscle pain, in whom
The well-publicized syndrome of myalgic enceph- no abnormality can be found despite exhaustive
alomyelitis (ME) commonly presents with diffuse investigation (Serratrice et al 1980, Mills and
muscle pain, which is exacerbated by muscle Edwards 1983, Simons and Mense 1998). Rational
activity, marked exercise intolerance, weakness, criteria to filter out those patients with organic
and fatigability. Other symptoms include loss of abnormalities appear to be the measurement of ESR
concentration and sleep disturbance. A proportion and CK. If either of these is abnormal, then muscle
of cases relate the onset of symptoms to a viral biopsy, EMG, exercise, and strength testing should
illness, giving rise to the term postviral (fatigue) be performed. However, there exists a considerable
syndrome. The multiplicity of possible symptoms group of patients with muscle pain in whom no
often makes diagnosis difficult and a consensus on definite muscle abnormality can be found. Undoubt-
diagnostic criteria has been agreed (Dawson 1990). edly, a number of specific muscle abnormalities
It may occur sporadically or in epidemics and is remain to be characterized.
most common in young and middle-aged women The term ‘repetitive strain injury’ has recently
(Behan and Bakheit 1991). Currently there is much gained popularity as a catch-all term for pain
debate about whether the aetiology is physical developing as the consequence of some repetitive
or psychological (Wessely 1990). Irrespective of occupation. Although changes in muscle biopsy
the underlying mechanisms, the symptoms affect a specimens have been reported (Fry 1986), there has
large number of individuals, some of whom will been no firm confirmation of any neurological or
recover over a few months or years, while others rheumatological abnormality (Barton et al 1992).
are transformed into chronic invalids (Wessely and Primary fibromyalgia (Bengtsson 1986) or
Newham 1993). Behan et al (1991) presented a ‘fibrositis’ (Bennett 1981) is a disorder in which
series of expert reviews on the diagnosis, aetiology, histological abnormalities have been detected
clinical findings, and management of the syndrome. (Bartels and Danneskiold-Samsoe 1986, Bengtsson
There is a lack of agreement about whether et al 1986a), as have reduced high-energy phosphate
the patients show immunological indications of levels (Bengtsson et al 1986b), although the clear
chronic viral infections. Hyperventilation is reported definition of the syndrome remains controversial
as being a common finding, which when treated (Hazleman 1998).
brings symptomatic improvement. There is neuro-
physiological evidence of attentional deficits and
slowed information processing (Prasher et al Investigation of muscle pain
1990). There appears to be an increased incidence of
psychiatric disorder in these patients, compared to Muscle biopsy
normal individuals and those with muscle disease This is often the definitive investigation in the
(Wessely and Powell 1989, Wood et al 1991). management of myalgia. Percutaneous muscle
On objective muscle testing there is no evidence biopsy is suitable for histological, histochemical,
of muscle wasting, weakness, or abnormal fatig- electron microscopic, and metabolic characteriza-
ability, due to either central or peripheral mechan- tion. Needle biopsies (Edwards et al 1980) are suit-
isms (Stokes et al 1988, Edwards et al 1991, Lloyd et able for all these procedures, and the conchotome
al 1991, Rutherford and White 1991). Neither are modification allows the removal of larger samples
there consistent histochemical or metabolic changes, (Dietrichson et al 1987). These procedures are
other than the non-specific changes associated relatively atraumatic and can be used serially for
with immobility. Blood levels of skeletal muscle following progress. Open biopsy is still practised
cytoplasmic enzymes (e.g., CK), usually raised with and may have advantages in ‘patchy’ diseases such
muscle damage, are normal. as focal polymyositis or in arthritic diseases (e.g.,
polyarteritis nodosa); however, in the majority of
primary investigations of myalgia it is unnecessary
Muscle pain of uncertain cause and unethical.
Vague muscle aches and pains commonly form part Muscle biopsy is useful in the diagnosis of in-
54 of the symptomatology in depressive illness and in flammatory myopathies by demonstrating muscle
cell necrosis and inflammatory cell infiltrate,
Muscles, tendons, and ligaments

poliomyelitis muscular atrophy, hypothyroidism,

although there is poor correlation between and toxic muscle damage. In acute rhabdomyolysis,
morphology and myalgia. With neurogenic pain, CK can reach very high values and be associated
fibre-type grouping may be found. In metabolic with myoglobinuria. Nevertheless it can be used
disorders, histochemistry reveals the absence or as a screening test in painful myopathies of less
reduction of enzymes such as myophosphorylase. dramatic onset, because it may be elevated in
Direct measurement can be made of enzymes such asymptomatic periods between attacks; e.g., in
as carnitine palmityltransferase and mitochondrial McArdle’s disease it is usually 5–15 times the upper
activity. It is essential in the analysis of mitochon- limit of normal, but may rise to 100 times this level
drial myopathies where there is a defect either in during and after a painful cramp or contracture. CK
mitochondrial substrate transport or in electron may be elevated in myoadenylate deaminase defi-
transport (Gohil et al 1981). ciency (Fishbein et al 1978), but is normal between
attacks of muscle pain in carnitine palmityltrans-
Biochemical markers of muscle damage ferase deficiency (Morgan-Hughes 1982). In poly-
myositis and dermatomyositis it is usually elevated,
Myoglobinuria and myoglobinaemia Myoglobin- but even in acute myositis it may be normal. Only
uria is an important sign of muscle disease (Rowland in 3% of patients does the CK remain normal
et al 1964). It may be the presenting complaint in throughout the entire clinical course of polymyo-
a number of conditions with exercise-induced sitis. In polymyositis it may rise 5–6 weeks before a
pain or a concomitant of severe polymyositis, viral relapse and decrease 3–4 weeks before an improve-
myositis, or alcoholic myopathy. ment in muscle strength (Bohan and Peter 1975b).
When muscle fibres degenerate, myoglobin CK is usually normal in polymyalgia rheumatica.
leaks into the plasma and is sufficiently small to
pass into the urine. This is important because of the 3-Methylhistidine This amino acid is excreted
potentially fatal complication of oliguric renal unchanged in the urine and may be used as an
failure due to acute tubular necrosis (Paster et al indicator of muscle breakdown, if related to the total
1975). Myoglobinuria can also occur in normal excretion of creatinine (McKeran et al 1977). How-
individuals after prolonged strenuous exercise, ever, other actin-containing tissues such as skin and
especially at high ambient temperatures (Demos et gut may turn over 3-methylhistidine much faster,
al 1974). It is seen in <74% of myositis cases and and there are uncertainties about interpretation.
may precede CK elevation in relapses.
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Inflammatory
Creatine kinase CK exists as three isoenzymes, myopathies, particularly polymyalgia rheumatica
MM, MB, and BB, with MM predominating (Panayi 1998), cause a rise in the erythrocyte
(95–99%) in normal skeletal muscle. All three sedimentation rate (ESR). This simple investigation
isoenzymes may occasionally be seen, probably is useful as a screening test for active disease and in
because of regeneration of immature fibres in monitoring progress.
various myopathies, but usually the MM iso-
enzyme is predominantly elevated. It has been Magnetic resonance techniques
suggested that the MB fraction emanating from
heart muscle can be used as an indicator of cardiac Spectroscopy Patients with the metabolic dis-
involvement in polymyositis. However, it can be orders of myophosphorylase deficiency (Ross et al
elevated in <28% of patients with polymyositis 1981, Radda et al 1984) and phosphofructokinase
uncomplicated by cardiac disease. deficiency (Chance et al 1982, Edwards et al 1982a,
Leakage of CK into plasma is usually taken as Cady et al 1985, 1989) usually have normal spectra
evidence of muscle damage, but is also caused by at rest, as do patients with alcoholic myopathy
prolonged moderate exercise in normal individuals (Bollaert et al 1989). Exercise causes unusually
(Thomson et al 1975, Brooke et al 1979). Plasma CK large metabolic changes, with the exception of the
is higher in outpatients with high levels of habitual internal pH in myophosphorylase deficiency,
activity than inpatients (Griffiths 1966). Intramus- which shows no or little change.
cular injections and electromyography also cause Mitochondrial myopathies are associated with
a rise in CK. excessive changes in pH, Pi, and PCr during exer-
CK is grossly elevated in muscular dystrophies, cise and sometimes in unexercised, resting muscle
especially Duchenne, and may be elevated in spinal (Gadian et al 1981, Narayana et al 1989, Matthews
muscular atrophy, motor neurone disease, post- et al 1991a,b) and in numerous neuromuscular 55
Clinical pain states

diseases (Barany et al 1989). Patients with periph- obesity of the subject may affect accuracy (Nelson
eral vascular disease (PVD) often show signs of et al 1991).
excessive metabolism at rest (Hands et al 1986),
as do those with hypothyroidism (Kaminsky et al Radioisotope scanning
1992). In PVD the metabolic abnormalities are An excessive uptake of radioisotope-labelled
greater in those with rest pain (Hands et al 1990). complexes into muscle occurs in a variety of muscle
Vascular surgery eliminates symptoms and diseases, most being pain free (Bellina et al 1978,
abolishes the metabolic abnormalities (Hands et al Giraldi et al 1979). The extent of uptake in patients
1986). with polymyositis and dermatomyositis may have
MRS has failed to detect metabolic abnormality prognostic value (Buchpiguel et al 1991).
in the tender points of patients with fibromyalgia Affected bone and soft tissues can be identified
(De Blecourt et al 1991). in trauma and sports injuries (Elgazzar et al 1989,
Normal individuals with delayed-onset muscle Rockett and Freeman 1990, Halpern et al 1997).
pain have an unusually high Pi concentration in Muscular involvement may be identified in cases of
resting muscle (Aldridge et al 1986, McCully et al ischaemic damage (Yip et al 1990, Rivera-Luna and
1988) before the onset of pain. It is also found Spiegler 1991) and PVD (Sayman and Urgancioglu
in some patients with primary muscle diseases 1991).
(Barany et al 1989) that are usually pain free. This Increased muscle uptake of isotope has been
may be a non-specific finding unrelated to myalgia observed after exercise in normal, pain-free indivi-
(Newham and Cady 1990). duals (Matin et al 1983, Valk 1984). When pectoral
muscles are involved there is the possibility of a
Imaging Individual muscle groups and also false diagnosis of exercise-induced left ventricular
their relative composition of fat and water can be dysfunction (Campeau et al 1990). Similar findings
seen, enabling sensitive monitoring of therapies occur with delayed-onset muscle pain (Jones et al
(Fleckenstein et al 1991b). In patients presenting 1986, Newham et al 1986b). The time course of
with muscle pain, intramuscular masses (Turner et muscle uptake parallels the changes in blood CK
al 1991), abscesses (Stephenson et al 1991), and levels (Jones et al 1986, Newham et al 1986b), and
anomalous muscles (Paul et al 1991, Sanger et al both presumably reflect sarcolemmal changes. The
1991) have been identified. mechanism of increased isotope uptake is unclear
Valuable information can be obtained for (for a review see Brill 1981), and different mechan-
differential diagnosis and also in cases of referred isms may be involved in different situations.
pain (Chevalier et al 1991, Halpern et al 1997,
Stoller 1997). MRI can determine the aetiology of Exercise testing
shoulder (Fritz et al 1992) and foot pain (Kier et al The energy supply for muscle contraction is held in
1991) with greater accuracy than other imaging essentially three pools:
techniques (Nelson et al 1991, Kier et al 1991).
• Creatine phosphate and ADP reform ATP,
Myositis ossificans circumspecta (pseudomalignant
forming an instantly available energy buffer
osseous soft-tissue tumour) may be differentiated
which lasts only a very short time.
from malignant neoplasms (Ehara et al 1991).
• Glycogen stores within muscle provide an
Imaging techniques may be combined with
intermediate energy supply system.
spectroscopy to study tumour site, size, and
• Long-term energy supply is provided by
metabolic characteristics (Zlatkin et al 1990).
carbohydrate and fat in endurance exercise.
The distribution and severity of individual
muscle involvement can be determined (Lamminen Exercise testing needs to be tailored to test specific
1990, Fleckenstein et al 1991b). Exercise testing may aspects of the system. There is a large literature on
reveal further abnormalities (Amendola et al 1990, the response to exercise of normal individuals, and
Fleckenstein et al 1991a). in many disease categories exercise testing may be
Traumatic and sports injuries are readily revealing (Jones et al 1975). The performance of
visualized (Fleckenstein et al 1989, Greco et al 1991, whole-body exercise, such as cycle ergonometry,
Farley et al 1992), although the actual level and stresses not only the neuromuscular system but
extent of damage is not always clear. They may be also the cardiovascular and respiratory systems
accompanied by haemorrhage (De Smet et al 1990). and is dependent on motivation. The technique
As with other investigations, the technique to be may be useful not only for assessing overall work
used should be chosen with care (Erlemann et al fitness, but can also provoke symptoms that can
56 1990, Greco et al 1991), and both operator and then be analysed further. It can also be useful in
clinical management as patients can be reassured
Muscles, tendons, and ligaments

potentials repeating at high rates. In primary

that they can exercise without producing excessive muscle disease, motor unit potentials may have
pain. maximal amplitude of 0.5–1 mV, whereas in chronic
Many protocols for progressive exercise tests on reinnervation due to a neurogenic process, motor
a cycle ergometer are available (Jones et al 1975, unit potentials may be up to 20 mV in amplitude
McArdle et al 1991). Submaximal tests are usually (Mills and Willison 1987).
performed at a work rate that is a fixed proportion Healthy muscle at rest is electrically silent.
of the previously determined maximal rate and Spontaneous muscle fibre potentials (fibrillations)
continue for a fixed time with regular and frequent are most characteristically seen in acute dener-
monitoring. Exercise testing is useful in myalgia vating processes, but may also be seen in muscular
when a metabolic muscle disease is suspected. In dystrophies and inflammatory muscle diseases.
many mitochondrial myopathies (see below) there Apart from this major function in distinguishing
is a raised resting lactate that rises markedly after primary muscle and neurogenic diseases, EMG
moderate exercise. may also be useful in other investigations of muscle
The prolonged exercise test (Brooke et al 1979) pain. It can detect myotonia when clinical myotonia
attempts to measure the individual’s ability to is absent, and can distinguish the electrically silent
switch to fatty acid oxidation once glycogen in contracture of McArdle’s disease from the excessive
muscle has been depleted. motor unit activity of a muscle cramp. Combined
Ischaemic forearm exercise tests (McArdle 1951, with nerve conduction studies, EMG can be used to
Munsat 1970, Sinkeler et al 1986) are designed to assess the distribution of muscles affected by
test the phosphorylase system in muscle. In normal denervation, and may help to provide information
subjects, lactate rises to between three and five times about which nerve or nerve roots are involved.
the resting level at 3 min. In McArdle’s disease and
phosphofructokinase deficiency, there is no rise Measurements of muscle force
in lactate. They should be performed with care The two most common force-related symptoms are
because they may produce contractures in myo- weakness and excessive fatigability. They should be
phosphorylase-deficient patients. differentiated; weakness is a failure to achieve the
expected force, while fatigue is an excessive loss of
force generation during or after activity. Measure-
Electromyography ments of maximal voluntary force generation
Electrical activity can be recorded from muscles, provide information about the presence and dis-
either with surface electrodes or with intramus- tribution of weakness, as well as about longitudinal
cular recording needles. With the former, activity changes in strength (Edwards 1982, Edwards et al
from a large volume of tissue can be recorded, and 1980, 1983). Percutaneous electrical stimulation,
this is useful in the study of abnormalities in the through either the motor nerve or its intramuscular
gross pattern of muscle activation (e.g., kinaesio- nerves, provides useful information about abnor-
logical studies) and in the study of fatigue. The malities in muscle contractile properties (Edwards
electrical properties of the skin, however, effec- et al 1977). Patients with both myalgia and weak-
tively filter out diagnostic information from the ness are likely to have a specific muscle problem.
muscle signal. For diagnostic purposes, needle The distribution may be informative; for example,
electromyography (EMG) is required (Hayward pain and weakness in the forearm and fingers may
and Willison 1973, Daube 1983, Desmedt 1983). simply be a nerve entrapment syndrome, whereas
EMG is useful in distinguishing primary muscle proximal muscle weakness is often associated with
diseases from those conditions associated with primary muscle disease.
abnormalities of the anterior horn cell or motor Muscle weakness and wasting are associated
axons. In primary muscle disease, motor unit with, and may be the main presenting symptom of,
potentials recorded with a conventional concentric both neuropathic and myopathic conditions, the
needle electrode consist of brief, small-amplitude former usually being pain free. Electromyographic
potentials. These summate to form a crowded studies and clinical examination enable the two to
recruitment pattern when the muscle is moderately be distinguished. Myopathies are subdivided into
activated. By contrast, in muscle that has under- atrophic and destructive forms. Atrophic myopa-
gone denervation followed by reinnervation, motor thies may cause muscle pain (hypothyroid, osteo-
unit potentials of high amplitude and broad simple malacia) but others do not (steroid, Cushing’s).
waveform are seen and, even when the muscle is Destructive myopathies are further subdivided into
producing its maximal force, they occur as discrete those of a destructive nature (muscular dystrophies) 57
Clinical pain states

and inflammatory (polymyositis and dermato- 1976). Verapamil has helped some patients with
myositis). In both categories the relationship with exertional muscle pain (Lane et al 1986). A wide
pain is very variable and does not appear to range of physical therapies is used, particularly in
correlate well with any other findings. Pain is the case of trauma and sport injuries. The repertoire
usually described as aching—especially on activity includes ice, transcutaneous nerve stimulation, and
but sometimes at rest—and also as muscle tender- a variety of electrical treatments. Both immobili-
ness. Muscle weakness and pain are reported by zation and mobilization are considered important
some, but not all, former victims of poliomyelitis at different stages (Lehto and Jarvinen 1991,
for unknown reasons (Agre et al 1991). Renstrom 1991). Immobilization results in marked
There is always the possibility that poor motiva- muscle atrophy, which, although reversible, may
tion or central fatigue is preventing the generation delay full rehabilitation (Appell 1990).
of the maximal voluntary force. The superimposi- Surgical intervention is indicated in cases of
tion of electrical or magnetic stimulation on a severe or complete muscle tears, severe haema-
voluntary contraction determines whether it is tomas, and compartment syndromes.
maximal (Belanger and McComas 1981, Rutherford Patients with myalgia of unknown aetiology
et al 1986, Gandevia et al 1995), because additional may be offered a variety of treatments as part of
force is generated only if the voluntary contraction behavioural therapy. Those with diffuse myalgia
is submaximal and the true strength of the muscle may be profoundly unfit as a result of inactivity,
can be estimated from submaximal efforts (Bigland- and some may have a degree of postural hypo-
Ritchie et al 1986). Interestingly, patients with pri- tension (Newham and Edwards 1979). A logical
mary myopathy and myalgia rarely show activation approach is to provide a well-supervised exercise
failure (Rutherford et al 1986). By contrast, programme (Edwards 1986), although the indivi-
mechanical joint damage, which may be completely dual response to this is very variable. Most patients
pain free, is strongly associated with incomplete with ME report their symptoms to be increased
voluntary activation (Newham et al 1989). by excessive exercise, although a carefully graded
Peripheral fatigue is a failure of force generation programme may be beneficial.
despite the muscle being fully activated. Undue Dietary supplementation of essential fatty acids
fatigability of this type is seen without pain in in ME (Behan et al 1990) and protein in McArdle’s
myasthenia gravis and myotonic disorders (Wiles syndrome (Jensen et al 1990) has been reported to
and Edwards 1977, Ricker et al 1978). Fatigability improve symptoms.
and pain are found in mitochondrial myopathies Occasionally, patients with mitochondrial cyto-
(De Jesus 1974, Edwards et al 1982b). Using motor pathies have been reported to respond to vitamins.
nerve stimulation, simultaneous measurements of The best-documented example (Eleff et al 1984) is
force, and the compound muscle action potential a patient with complex III deficiency in whom
allow the investigation of excitation and activation. vitamins K3 and C (which might be expected to
These techniques have revealed that the excessive bypass the metabolic defect) resulted in rapid
peripheral fatigue in myophosphorylase deficiency clinical improvement.
is mainly due to a failure of muscle membrane
excitation (Wiles et al 1981, Linssen et al 1990).
Trauma and sports injuries
Direct trauma from many causes, ranging from
Treatment intramuscular injections to sports and severe crush
A number of drugs are available for myalgia. injuries, is an obvious cause of muscle pain. If suffi-
Aspirin and many other steroidal and non-steroidal cient muscle tissue is damaged, life is threatened by
anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g., ibuprofen, flurbi- hypercalcaemia and acute renal failure from myo-
profen, naproxen, indomethacin) may be used, globinuria. Sports injuries, from minor muscle sprains
but no single preparation has been shown to be to complete rupture (e.g., hamstring rupture), may
superior. Diazepam and other benzodiazepines include direct trauma and are increasingly common
may be effective for muscle ‘spasm’, as may in exercise-conscious cultures (Renstrom 1991,
baclofen or dantrolene sodium, although the latter Harries et al 1994, de Lee and Prez 1994).
may impair force generation.
Quinine sulphate has long been used to treat
night cramps and those associated with haemo-
dialysis. In the latter case the drug appears to Traumatic muscular damage is invariably asso-
58 reduce the frequency but not the severity (Kaji et al ciated with pain, which may have a gradual or
immediate onset. It may be detected by imaging
Muscles, tendons, and ligaments
femoris, appear to be particularly susceptible. This
techniques, blood biochemistry, and the immuno- may be due to the complex neuromuscular control
histochemical (Fechner et al 1991) and routine needed for co-contraction and relaxation in muscle
histochemical examination of biopsy samples as groups with opposing actions.
described above. The combination of damage and Clinically it is extremely difficult to determine
immobilization (Appell 1990) results in consider- the exact location and extent of damage. Pain and
able weakness and wasting, which may only be re- tenderness usually accompany such lesions, but
versed by relatively long periods of rehabilitation. localization can be difficult. Palpation always
In many cases the cause of injury is obvious involves the tendon as well as its sheath, and
and associated with forced lengthening of active muscle contraction will apply force to both.
muscle, but spontaneous ruptures, particularly of Imaging techniques tend to overestimate the size of
the hamstrings and pectoralis major (Kretzler and a lesion. Depending on the extent of damage, pain
Richardson 1989), occur frequently. Ruptures and may be absent, may occur only on activity, or be
tears of limb muscles may mimic a compartment constant and severe.
syndrome, while those in the abdominal muscula-
ture may cause groin pain. They are commonly
associated with muscle spasms, which cause Tendon injuries
additional pain. Myositis ossificans is a potentially Many sporting activities stress tendons to a high
disabling complication that may be confused with a proportion of their theoretical maximum (Alexander
sarcoma (Booth and Westers 1989). and Vernon 1975). The incidence of tendinitis and
Activity-related compartment syndromes occur rupture may be associated with changes in the
in muscle groups within a relatively inextensible nature or intensity of activity.
fascial sheath, such as the anterior tibial muscles The musculo-tendinous junction is a common
(Vincent 1994). Pain occurs during exercise and site of failure (Curwin 1994). The last sarcomere of
increases as it continues. Symptoms include pain a muscle fibre shows increased folds which are
and cramp-like sensations, very similar to those of thought to increase surface area and reduce stress
intermittent claudication. They usually disappear at the junction (Oakes 1994). These are probably
at rest but tenderness may persist. Weakness, not reproduced during repair and may explain the
paralysis, and numbness may occur in acute cases, frequent occurrence of repeat injuries. Intrinsic
which tend to result in continued symptoms and causes of the injury remain unknown, but may
raised intramuscular pressures at rest (Martens include inadequate muscle/tendon length, muscle
and Moeyersoons 1990). weakness, or fatigue.
Repetitive use, combined with overuse and
microtrauma, may cause a progressive attrition of
Ligaments and tendons tendon. Spontaneous tendon rupture is uncommon
There are only subtle morphological differences in young people and usually occurs with age-
between these two structures (Oakes 1994). related degeneration. It is also rare under normal
Tendons require greater flexibility and the ability to loading in the absence of previous injury or disease
resist high forces. Ligaments are passive structures (Barfred 1971).
that are superior to tendons in their ability to Compressive forces, such as those from the
sustain constant tension. Healthy structures are individual’s own anatomy or tight shoes, may be
extremely strong, strength being related to cross- an external cause.
sectional area; forces <4000 N have been recorded
in the Achilles tendon (Komi 1992). Injuries are
thought to be caused by both overt trauma and also Ligament injuries
repeated, cumulative microtrauma associated with These have a high incidence, particularly in
intense functional use, particularly in structures association with sporting injuries. Ankle ligament
with a small cross-sectional area. Conversely, sprains, possibly with bone avulsion, are the most
immobilization also weakens ligamentous collagen common specific injury (McBride 1994). They may
(Amiel et al 1983) as well as bone. be acute or have gradual onset. Mechanical joint
Injuries range from microscopic damage through damage, including ligament injury, is associated
partial tears to complete ruptures. The high forces with voluntary activation failure in related muscles
involved may detach some bone that remains (Hurley et al 1994).
attached to the tendon or ligament. Muscles acting Acute knee injuries are one of the most common
over two joints, such as the hamstrings and rectus career-ending events for competitive athletes 59
Clinical pain states

(Johnson 1994) and may involve one or more of the symptoms and functional loss. Ruptures involving
ligaments and menisci. Meniscal damage inevitably more than a small proportion of the structure are
results in pain and functional impairment, but a unlikely to spontaneously reunite with any degree
damaged anterior cruciate ligament may mean of functional improvement and often lead to
either normal function or significant symptoms and chronic conditions.
substantial functional disability. The approach for the first few days after surgery
Injuries to the rotator cuff occur particularly in or injury is generally ice, rest, and anti-inflamma-
sports such as swimming, tennis, and baseball tory agents. Applied forces are kept to a minimum
(Bowen and Warren 1994). Structures involved to avoid further collagen damage, including that
could include the supra- and infraspinati, teres to regenerating fibrils. From about 5 days gentle
major, and subscapularis muscles and their tendons movement and stress is introduced to increase
and joint capsule as well as ligaments (Itio and collagen regeneration, fibril size, and cross-
Tabata 1992). The supraspinatus appears to be sectional area and to prevent the adverse conse-
highly susceptible to injury, perhaps due to a quences of immobilization and disuse atrophy.
relatively poor vasculature. There is frequently From 3 weeks onwards progressive stresses are
some degree of glenohumeral instability. Pain is placed on the tissue to increase cross-linking, size,
poorly localized and may radiate down the affected and strength. Physical therapy is widely and
arm. Night pain is common. intensively used and is thought to be essential for
The prognosis for function is poor unless optimal healing and rehabilitation outcome (De Lee
effective treatment is instigated early. and Prez 1994, Harries et al 1994, Sallis and
Massimo 1997). A prime goal is to prevent repeated
injury, so attention must be paid to possible internal
Treatment and external contributing factors.
Ligaments and tendons are poorly vascularized
and heal slowly. Soft-tissue injuries present a
challenge due to the conflicting demands of
maintaining or increasing mobility and the require-
ment of injured tissues for low stress for healing Great emphasis has been placed on the ability of
(Curwin 1994). However, effective treatment is training to protect against injury in sports (Safran et
essential because many injuries will fail to heal al 1989). Nevertheless, it is currently accepted that
spontaneously and chronic conditions tend to for many athletes overtraining in itself can produce
develop. a wide variety of symptoms, both physical and
Remodelling and mobilization of connective psychological (Fry et al 1991). Depression of the
tissue can continue for up to a year (Oakes 1994). immune system is associated with overuse
Local collagen matrices may shorten the affected (Shepherd 1998).
region and smaller diameter fibrils are retained, There seems to be considerable individual
rendering the area weaker and susceptible to variation in the susceptibility to sports-related
repeated injury. Reduced activity leads to atrophy injuries, which is little understood (Taimela et al
in collagen as well as muscle tissue; however, re- 1990). The syndrome also involves tendons and
generating fibres cannot tolerate high forces. Once ligaments (Renstrom 1994). It is wide ranging,
fibrils are strong enough, application of load causes involving both elite athletes and sedentary indivi-
them to become larger and stronger (Butler et al duals involved in low-intensity, highly repetitive
1978). Muscle hypertrophy probably also involves occupations (Simons and Mense 1998). Predispos-
connective tissue changes. ing factors are classified as external (intensity,
Trauma frequently results in extravascular repetition, duration, environmental, clothing, foot-
bleeding that needs to be removed. Extravascular ware, etc.) and internal (anatomical or postural ab-
blood in itself may increase tissue pressure to the normalities, muscle weakness, decreased flexibility
point of pain and also acts as an irritant, leading to and previous disorders).
further pressure increases and possibly tissue In the past decade there has been a virtual
necrosis. epidemic of these syndromes but optimal treatment
The basic issue is whether initial treatment should or prevention regimens remain unclear. However,
be conservative or surgical. Improved imaging these are important issues due to the high incidence
techniques have increased the ability to determine and the fact that unresolved acute pain tends to
the location and extent of injury (Stoller 1997, become chronic and processed differently in the
60 Halpern et al 1997). The criteria are usually on brain (Hsieh et al 1995).
Muscles, tendons, and ligaments

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Chronic back pain
Donlin M Long

Introduction complaints with demonstrated structural abnor-

malities is tenuous at best (Hurme and Alaranta
Back pain is one of the most common reasons why 1987, Weber 1994).
patients see physicians and ranks high in terms It is not surprising that therapies are problem-
of total expenditures of health care dollars in the atical in a condition without known causes of pain
United States (Kelsey 1982, Frymoyer and Cats- (Boden et al 1990, Bigos et al 1994). Until there is a
Baril 1991, Anderson 1996). However, the problem better scientific basis for understanding back pain
is poorly understood and few treatments have been and its treatment, we must use what is known to
validated (Wiesel et al 1980, Weber 1983). One of the decide upon best current therapy for these patients
major issues is the lack of an appropriate classifi- (Bush et al 1992). The goal of this chapter is to pro-
cation system. Back pain is simply a complaint that vide the framework for the evaluation, diagnosis,
originates in a large heterogeneous spectrum of treatment, choice, and assessment of treatment out-
diseases. Another major issue is that the actual come for patients complaining of chronic low back
pathophysiological causes of complaints are un- pain with or without sciatica.
known (Long et al 1996). Even when the complaints
can be associated with definable diseases, what is
causing the back pain is unclear (Bogduk and Long Classification of the complaint of
1980, Schwarzer et al 1995). There is reasonable
evidence that overt instability causes pain and
low back pain
elimination of that instability will reduce pain. The The most practical classification yet devised
strongest evidence is that root compression is asso- describes low back pain in terms of temporal
ciated with pain and neurological deficit (Kelsey characteristics. While incomplete, this classification
1975, 1982; Jonsson and Stromqvist 1993). Decom- is useful because so much of low back pain is still
pression is satisfactory treatment for a majority of idiopathic (BenDebba et al 1997). Transient low back
patients (O’Connell 1951, Spangfort 1972). How- pain typically lasts a very short period of time
ever, these two conditions are relatively rare in and does not come to medical attention, except by
the spectrum of patients with back and/or leg pain history later. Treatment is usually symptomatic and
complaints, and for the majority, the association of instituted by the patient. Causes are virtually never 67
Clinical pain states

known and the problem does not have great (Waddell et al 1980). They are preoccupied with
significance for practice or disability. pain and pain is the cause of their impairment. A
Acute low back pain is generally defined as pain very high percentage are depressed and anxious.
that lasts from a few days to a few months. Back pain There is an unusually high incidence of psychiatric
with or without leg radiation is common. Expe- diagnoses among them. An even larger number
rience and some evidence says that the majority of have features consistent with personality disorder.
these problems are self-limited and resolve spon- Drug misuse is common, although addictive
taneously. Standard treatments have little influence behavior is relatively rare. These patients use
upon the natural history (Long and Zeidman 1994). medical resources heavily and are consistently dis-
Typical treatment algorithms include short periods abled from pain. Specialized treatment facilities to
of bed rest, adequate analgesia, local physical deal with them have been developed throughout
measures, and watchful waiting. Some patients, the world.
particularly those with acute disc herniation, have
intractable pain which cannot be allowed to resolve Evaluation of back and leg pain
spontaneously because of its severity (Bigos et al
1994). Rarely, a significant neurological deficit may The evaluation should begin with a careful history
accompany pain. Both situations usually lead to that describes the pain severity, location, and
prompt surgical intervention (Bell and Rothman influences (Deyo et al 1992). Physical examination
1984). is unlikely to be diagnostic but will assess neurolo-
gical and musculoskeletal abnormalities (McCombe
et al 1989, Jonsson and Stromqvist 1993). During
Persistent low back pain these examinations, listen for the danger signals
such as night pain (intraspinal tumour), constant
In the most common schema, it is assumed that pain (cancer or infection), systemic symptoms
pain that persists for six months progressively (cancer or infection), and symptoms of other organ
leads to the chronic state defined by preoccupation or systemic disease. Also, observe the patient’s
with pain, depression, anxiety, and disability (Long behaviour during the examination. Is there much
et al 1988). In the recent past, we have identified a pain behaviour? Are actions consistent with
large group of patients in whom pain persists for complaints? Is motor examination reliable (Waddell
more than six months without any concomitants of et al 1980)?
the chronic pain syndrome (BenDebba et al 1997). Unlike the acute pain problems, imaging is
Ninety-five percent of patients seen demonstrated important in the chronic patients. Plain films with
complaints of pain and dysfunction that reduced, flexion/extension are important. MRI is best for
but did not seriously affect, all activities otherwise. most screening. CT can be used if bony pathology is
Psychological testing in them revealed patterns suspected: with 2–3D reconstructions fixator artefacts
similar to those expected in any ill normal popula- can be reduced. CT myelogram is needed rarely,
tion. There was a 5% incidence of psychological most commonly in patients with previous surgery
dysfunction in the overall group. We have termed (Wiesel et al 1984, Boden et al 1990, Cavanagh et al
this constellation the persistent low back pain syn- 1993, Ackerman et al 1997).
drome to differentiate it from the implications of the
word chronic in the pain field. The majority of these
patients suffered from spondylotic disease. There Back and leg pain as a manifestation
was no significant worsening or improvement with of unexpected or intercurrent disease
longitudinal evaluation, and these patients did not
In our own series of patients, an unexpected
respond to typical modalities of therapy employed
systemic disease was found in only 3% of patients
for them (Long et al 1996).
(Long et al 1996). All had symptoms or signs that
suggested something other than common spondyl-
otic disease. Osseous metastases are the most
The chronic pain syndrome common. Retroperitoneal inflammatory processes,
For the past twenty years, there has been general sometimes associated with chronic gastrointestinal
agreement about the symptoms and signs that disease, pancreatitis, and chronic and acute renal
define a group of patients who chronically com- disease all may cause back pain rarely. The clues
plain of pain (Long et al 1988, Long 1991). Virtually that these do not represent spondylotic disease
irrespective of the cause of the pain, these patients are usually obvious, although differentiation may
68 present with similar complaints and findings occasionally be obscure. The pain from any of these
processes is usually local. Leg radiation may occur
Chronic back pain

CT, and MR all suggest inflammatory spondylotic

secondary to lumbosacral plexus involvement, but disease. The diagnosis is confirmed by serological
is rarely typically sciatic. These pains are constant, testing. Treatment consists of three phases. The first
tend not to be exacerbated by activity or relieved by is treatment of the underlying disease. The second
rest, and are often associated with other signs or is an exercise programme for lifelong maintenance
symptoms of systemic disease. Leg pain is non- of axial muscle strength. The third is surgical
radicular, as are the physical findings associated therapy for spinal instability or root compression
with infiltration of the plexus. Signs and symptoms syndromes. The majority of rheumatoid spinal
that suggest intercurrent disease are intractable problems requiring surgery are cervical, but spinal
pain, unremitting pain, neurological deficit sugges- stenosis in the lumbar region does occur. The syn-
tive of lumbosacral plexus involvement, a history drome is typical neurogenic claudication. Surgery
of cancer or inflammatory disease, a history of any requires decompression and frequently fusion.
disease likely to be complicated by infection, and a The second common problem is ankylosing
history of significant trauma. Evaluation of patients spondylitis. This is a disease of males predomi-
with any of these should include plain spine films nantly. Symptoms usually begin with back pain
and MRI for diagnosis. Treatment will depend early in life and a progressive history of constant
upon the cause of presenting symptoms. back pain is typical. Radicular or cord compression
symptoms are uncommon. The diagnosis is made
Osteoporosis by the typical ‘bamboo spine’ appearance on plain
There is still an argument about whether osteo- X-ray or MRI. Treatment is typically symptomatic.
porosis alone can cause back pain. Many experts in As spontaneous fusion progresses up the spine,
spinal pain believe it can. However, the most pain relents in the lumbar region, only to reappear
common cause of intractable pain with osteoporo- at higher levels progressively.
sis is compression fracture. Pain with compression Psoriatic arthritis is a rare similar disease. The
fracture is local and extremely severe. If the problem is more facet arthropathy with synovial
collapse is great enough, then individual nerve root proliferation (Liu et al 1990). Thus in psoriatic
compression signs and symptoms may occur. arthritis, root compression syndromes are common
However, typically the pain does not radiate, it is and spinal stenosis is typical. Back pain alone is
focal in the back, and can be localized with great best treated symptomatically. Surgical decompres-
accuracy over the collapsed segment. Those at risk sion and occasional stabilization is required for root
include post-menopausal women, and anyone with compression syndromes.
other disorders of calcium and estrogen metabol- Acromegalic spondylitis is common in untreated
ism, heavy smokers, prolonged steroid users, and patients. Fortunately, with the quality of therapy
any patient with prolonged immunosuppression. now available for these pituitary tumours, this
The diagnosis is made by plain X-ray. Treatment problem has become very rare. The syndrome is
usually consists of rest, external support, limitation similar to ankylosing spondylitis with progressive
of activity, and time with therapy for the under- pain usually beginning in the lumbar region and
lying problem. The pain often persists for six which ceases with spontaneous fusion. Treatment is
months or more following compression fracture. symptomatic.
Recently, vertebroplasty has been introduced. In
this procedure, the acutely compressed segment
is visualized with fluoroscopy. A needle is placed
Musculoskeletal pain syndromes
through the pedicle into the vertebral body and There are a group of people with idiopathic back
methyl methacrylate is injected to reinforce the and leg pain for whom no correlated underlying
collapse. Pain relief is usually immediate and may abnormality can be found (Panjabi et al 1982). Most
be very gratifying. complain of muscular tenderness and pain. Most
have associated spasm and focal tenderness, with
Spondylitis loss of range of motion (Pope et al 1994). There are
The most common inflammatory condition to be no associated neurological signs. The back pain is
associated with chronic back pain is rheumatoid typically local, but radiates diffusely upward and
arthritis. Back pain is usually not an early charac- diffusely into hips and upper thighs (Mense 1991).
teristic of the disease, so the diagnosis is known The problem may be isolated to the lumbar spine or
when back pain occurs. If systemic manifestations be a part of the larger syndrome called myofascial
are not prominent, it can be difficult to be certain pain. Diagnosis is made by history and through the
about the diagnosis on clinical grounds. Plain films, non-specific physical findings that typically are loss 69
Clinical pain states

of range of motion, local pain and tenderness in Endogeneous depression was the most common
muscles or at muscular insertions, and the presence diagnosis. The psychiatrists involved with these
of focal areas of myositis. Imaging studies typically patients separated this diagnosis from the reactive
are normal or have non-diagnostic spondylotic depression seen much more commonly. Somati-
abnormalities. Treatment consists of anti-inflam- form disorder was the next most common diag-
matories, local passive therapy measures for focal nosis made, followed by schizophrenia. There is
areas of abnormality, and a long-term exercise an important difference of opinion among pain spe-
program. cialists about what is the most common diagnosis.
In some experiences, it is personality disorders.
This chapter is not the place for an exhaustive
Abdominal and pelvic disease causing review of these psychological factors. In this
low back pain context, it is only important to emphasize that
psychiatric disease may have pain as an important
It is rare for abdominal pelvic or hip disease to
symptom. The presence of psychiatric disease does
mimic spondylotic or idopathic low back pain, but
not eliminate the probability that the patient has a
a few specific diseases are important. The most
diagnosable separate cause.
common is likely to be metastatic disease to the
It is much more likely that symptoms in patients
lumbar spine, which can be diagnosed with appro-
with idiopathic low back pain are ascribed to
priate imaging. Retroperitoneal inflammatory
psychosomatic causes than for patients with
disease and cancer are other definable causes. Both
symptoms secondary to psychiatric disease to be
chronic pelvic inflammatory disease and endome-
misdiagnosed as organic problems.
triosis produce low back pain and leg pain. Aortic
aneurysm may produce chronic back pain asso-
ciated with vascular claudication, although
dissection is usually an acutely painful event. Intra- Spondylotic low back pain
abdominal disease of other organs is so rarely (idiopathic)
confused with idiopathic chronic back pain that
The majority of patients who present complaining
any are unlikely to be important in diagnosis. Renal,
of low back pain with or without leg pain have
gallbladder, and bowel disease are so commonly
associated spondylotic spinal disease. The presence
associated with other symptoms that confusion in
of spondylosis and the complaints are at least
diagnosis is unlikely to occur.
correlated, but the correlation is far from certain
(Boden et al 1990, Wiesel et al 1984). Even if the
Back pain as a manifestation of relationship is causative, the mechanisms by which
the pain is produced are largely unknown. The
psychiatric disease diagnostic problem is that a substantial number of
There is a strong tendency among physicians, and patients have spondylotic changes without any
many others involved in treatment of chronic pain, apparent related symptoms. Yet, in a sizeable majo-
to assume that all pain for which no diagnosable rity of patients with chronic back pain complaints,
cause can be found is psychosomatic. Nowhere is spondylotic changes are present and are the only
this more true then with chronic back pain. The abnormalities that seem to explain the pain.
National Low Back Pain Study data indicate that The history of the problem is the most important
the incidence of psychopathology is no greater in diagnostic tool. Patients with pain of apparent
back pain patients than would be expected in any spondylitic origin characteristically have more pain
ill population. Three percent of patients in that when standing or load bearing. Most are improved
study had a psychiatric diagnosis that was thought by rest. A minority are worsened by reclining,
by the examiners to be the primary cause of the although this is usually limited to reclining in ex-
complaint (BenDebba et al 1997). However, in a tension. Non-steroidal analgesics are of limited use,
population of more than 2000 patients admitted and pain is temporarily relieved by simple local
to a pain treatment programme for manifestations modalities such as heat and massage. The pain is
of the chronic pain syndrome, the incidence of local in the lumbar region and the patient often can
psychopathology was much higher. Between 15 precisely identify an origin with a fingertip. Severe
and 20% of these patients had a primary psychiatric back pain is often associated with non-radicular
diagnosis that was thought to be the origin of the leg pain, usually diffuse and aching in anterior or
pain complaint or at least an important mediator posterior thighs. Associated true radicular pain is
70 (Long et al 1988, Long 1991). common, as is neurogenic claudication.
Chronic back pain

abdominal muscles, combined with local measures

Diagnosis is made with plain X-ray, CT, or MRI, all to restore painless range of motion, will benefit
of which demonstrate different characteristics of many patients. Weight loss has not been proven to
the disease (Ackerman et al 1997). The earliest be beneficial, but reduction in weight makes
changes are dissication of the disc. The nucleus intuitive sense and is included in most vigorous
loses its definitive character and the disc narrows, rehabilitation efforts (Heliovaara 1987). These
becomes irregular, and loses water. First acute and vigorous physical therapy programmes require real
then chronic inflammatory changes occur in the commitment from patient and physician, if they are
surrounding bone of the end plate and beyond. to be successful. Serious osteoporosis should be
Discs erode the end plates and interosseous treated, as well.
herniation occurs. There is associated ligamentous
thickening, anterior and posterior disc bulges occur, The facet syndrome
and traction spurs appear anteriorly or posteriorly.
The canal may narrow and degenerative changes in A small subset of patients have pain which appa-
facets are typical. Canal narrowing is a combination rently is generated from lumbar zygapophyseal
of facet overgrowth, synovial hypertrophy, liga- joints (Bogduk and Long 1980, Moran et al 1988).
mentous thickening, and bony enlargement. Typically, these patients complain of local pain and
often can point to the involved joint. Movement
is painful. Rest is helpful, and axial loading
Treatment of spondylitic back pain particularly produces pain.
Surgical procedures are of value only for the relief Imaging studies demonstrate arthropathy. Joints
of demonstrated nerve root compression, correc- are hypertrophied. Synovial cysts are common. The
tion of a fixed deformity, or stabilizing an unstable cartilage end plates are eroded, and both acute and
segment (O’Connell 1951, Hanley et al 1991, chronic inflammatory changes occur around the
Zdeblick 1993). Pain associated with spondylosis articular surfaces. Subluxations are common.
alone does not constitute a reason for surgery. For A diagnosis is validated when injection of local
the majority of patients, no direct intervention anaesthetic into the joint or its innervation pro-
is likely to be of value. Therapy is symptomatic duces pain relief. Radiofrequency destruction of the
(Waddell 1987a). For patients whose symptoms innervation has proven to be useful, providing
have been present six months or longer, there is lasting relief for the majority of patients who fit the
strong new evidence that spontaneous improve- diagnostic criteria. In our experience, this is a very
ment will not occur. The evidence is equally good small percentage, being no more than 1 to 2% of
that the usual conservative measures, as they are patients presenting with back pain (Bogduk and
applied in a typical practice, are not useful and Long 1980).
cannot be differentiated from no treatment. Our
studies have examined many forms of standard
physical therapy, manipulation therapy, and a wide
Spinal stenosis
variety of other treatments, including acupuncture, The syndrome of spinal stenosis is signified by
back schools, nutritional therapies, pain treatment back pain and leg pain with claudication. Patients
centres, and cognitive therapies. We were unable to typically present first with simple gait disturbance.
determine any effect of any of these treatments That is, they have trouble walking well after ambu-
as currently applied in practice. Therefore, it will lating for more than a short time. Then pain occurs
not suffice to simply refer patients for any of these and the hallmark of the diagnosis is painful weak-
treatments. A programme based upon the best avail- ness in both legs brought on by walking. Typically,
able data should be individualized for each patient these patients are relieved upon cessation of
(Hsieh et al 1992, Koes et al 1992, Meade et al 1995). walking and often assume a flexed sitting position
Adequate analgesia is a first choice. Non- to speed resolution of symptoms. These features
steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics are standard differentiate it from vascular claudication whose
(Bigos et al 1994). Some investigators are examining symptoms resolve immediately after cessation of
the use of long-acting narcotics for the relief of pain activity. Sensory complaints are usually stocking-
of benign origin. Some patients will be benefited like and suggestive of metabolic peripheral
by short-term bracing, especially when active; so a neuropathy with which the problem is often
trial lumbosacral support is worthwhile. There is confused. The neurological examination may be
reasonable evidence that an individualized exercise entirely normal at rest, but both motor and sensory
programme to strengthen the paravertebral and loss can appear after activity. 71
Clinical pain states

The diagnosis is made with imaging studies. same, so it makes very little difference about
Either MRI or CT will make the diagnosis. aetiology (Cholewicki and McGill 1996).
The treatment for spinal stenosis when symptoms
are severe is surgical decompression. Outcomes are
excellent. The issue is when are symptoms serious
Degenerative spondylolisthesis
enough to warrant operation. The majority of This is the most common of the problems en-
patients have mild to moderate incapacity and do countered. The slip may occur in either anterior or
not necessarily require surgery. When symptoms posterior direction. It may be actively moving and
become significantly incapacitating or when pro- demonstrable on dynamic films. It may be slowly
gressive important neurological deficits occur, then progressive and occasionally may be fixed. Patients
surgery is indicated. typically complain of back pain in the lumbar area
with or without associated root signs. Diagnosis
is made by plain X-rays, which should include
Foraminal root compression dynamic films to be certain whether the spine is
syndrome moving actively.
Treatment should be symptomatic, unless pain
A variation of the spinal stenosis problem occurs is intractable or significant nerve root compression
when there is compression of an isolated root in a with neurological deficit is occurring. Symptomatic
spondylotic foramen. Patients present with the therapies include bracing, modification of lifestyle,
acute disc herniation in terms of complaints, but the and individualized active exercise for axial muscle
time course is protracted and onset has usually strengthening, range of motion, and leg strength.
been gradual. Patients complain of sciatica or Surgery should be considered when axial back pain,
femoral pain in the accepted distribution of a single radicular pain, or both are severe and disabling.
root. Sometimes root involvement is bilateral and Most patients with progressive listhesis or slowly
occasionally more than one root on one side is progressive scoliotic deformities of any kind will
affected. However, the syndrome is not of claudica- require fixator use for stabilization and fusion. It is
tion. It is one of ongoing root compression. That is, best to proceed when it is apparent that symptoms
the pain tends to be constant, although it is often are serious enough to warrant surgery, but before
exacerbated by activity, being upright, and axial extremely severe deformities occur (Raugstad et al
loading. The associated reflex, motor, and sensory 1982, Zdeblick 1993).
changes relate to the individual root. A positive
straight leg raising is unusual, which is different
than the tension sign of the acute disc herniation. The failed back syndrome
Diagnosis is made by MR and CT, which visualize
The failed back syndrome is an imprecise term
the neural foramina and the compression of the
usually used to categorize a large group of patients
nerve root.
who have undergone one or more operations on the
If the pain is tolerable and there is no major
lumbar spine without benefit (Waddell 1987b, Long
neurological deficit, then a thorough trial of an
1991). The patient who has not benefited from
individualized exercise activity programme is
one or more operations needs an evaluation that, if
indicated (Saal and Saal 1989). If the rehabilitation
anything, is more complex than that for the patient
programme is not effective and pain is intractable,
who has not undergone surgery (Fager and
or if there are associated neurological deficits,
Freidberg 1980). The goal of the evaluation should
then surgery should proceed (Saal et al 1990).
be the most precise definition of abnormalities
The outcome of surgery should be as good as that
possible, so that an individualized treatment plan
enjoyed for acute disc herniation.
can be prescribed. Patients fall into broad categories
within this heterogeneous group that are useful for
Spinal instability and progressive guiding the evaluation and the therapeutic plans
(Long et al 1988). The first of these broad categories
deformity syndromes is a group of patients for whom surgery was probably
A significant number of patients with spondylotic not indicated in the first place. The second group of
disease will develop progressive spinal deformities. patients is those with clear indications for surgery,
These are degenerative in nature for the majority, but in whom surgery did not correct the original
although congenital and traumatic instability abnormality. A third category of patients is those
certainly can occur and will be similar in presen- in whom some significant complication of surgery
72 tation. Fortunately, the treatment is very much the occurred and is now the pain generator. There is
another very small group of patients in whom an
Chronic back pain
Surgical complications
intercurrent diagnosis has been missed.
Whatever the proposed treatment plan, precise There are a large number of complications that
definition of the abnormalities likely to be generat- can occur. These include nerve root injury, pseudo-
ing the pain and that must be treated is imperative meningocele, surgically induced instability, infec-
(Frymoyer et al 1978). Specifically, if any reopera- tion, and excessive scar formation.
tive surgery is to be done, it should be planned Fixators have their own set of problems. Fusions
for abnormalities that are as well defined as may fail (pseudarthrosis) (Steinman and Herkowitz
those for first surgery (Finnegan et al 1979). It is 1992). Hardware may loosen and even extrude.
still true in these patients that surgery will only Sometimes hardward is inappropriately placed.
benefit individuals who have nerve root compres- It is important to examine all patients who have
sion or clearly demonstrable instability (Turner et al undergone fusion to assess the competency of bony
1992). fusion, location of fixators and their stability, and
the appropriateness of fixator placement (Kozak
and O’Brien 1990).
There are other problems related to surgery that
Common post-operative pain are not direct or even immediate complications.
syndromes Fixation of one or more spinal segments may lead
to degeneration of the segment above. Sometimes
Inappropriate patient selection this is acute, but more typically it is a chronic
Analysis of patients who present with failure of problem. The symptoms are those of instability and
pain relief after first-time lumbar surgery often stenosis above the fusion.
suggests that the majority have not met accepted A large number of patients have obviously thick
criteria before operation and were lacking symp- scar, which may deform the thecal sac following
toms, signs, and imaging demonstration of either surgery. The significance of these scars is uncertain.
root compression or instability syndromes. When There is no evidence that operating upon those
previous studies and records are available, they that are not compressive will benefit the patient
will validate or refute the original indications for (Bandschuh et al 1990).
surgery. The fact that the original surgery was
not obviously indicated does not imply the patient
does not now have a correctable problem. Re-eva-
luation is warranted. It is important to remember This is an unusual problem, if viewed as a clinical
that failure of first surgery with residual pain is not syndrome and not as a radiological finding. Many
an indication for a second surgery. Indications for patients who have undergone spinal surgery with
surgery in reoperation should be as stringent as or without myelography demonstrate root adhesions
those applied for first (Spengler and Freeman 1979). and adherence of nerve roots to dural sac. Most of
Stereotyped addition of fusion because of a failed these findings have no obvious clinical significance,
first procedure is unwarranted. but some do seem to be associated with symptoms.
However, chronic adhesive arachnoiditis is rarely
progressive and needs to be considered with
Failure to correct the initial some patients. Symptoms of this rare syndrome
are diffuse lower extremity pain, often burning in
pathology character, with slowly progressive loss of function.
Another common problem is that the original MRI may suggest arachnoiditis, but myelography
surgeon simply did not do an operation designed is required to really be certain of the degree of
to completely correct the original disease. Common arachnoiditis, particularly when spinal stenosis is
examples are failure to decompress a nerve root or present. Arachnoiditis was most commonly asso-
roots through foraminotomy, failure to decompress ciated with infection when first described and then
the spinal canal, wrong level, failure to remove a was described as a complication of myelography
disc entirely, and failure to recognize and stabilize and surgery. Arachnoiditis is now seen in patients
unstable segments. Repeat of the imaging studies who have not had myelography, as a complication
will usually demonstrate the residual abnormality. of surgery alone. When the rare progressive
When these abnormalities are concordant with the problem is present, there is little question of the
patient’s complaints, surgical repair is virtually as relationship between the myelographic findings of
successful as first-time operation. arachnoiditis and the symptomatology. However, 73
Clinical pain states

for the majority of patients, the relationship between The hypothesis that underlies the use of tempo-
arachnoiditis and symptoms is still uncertain. rary diagnostic blockade to augment clinical decision
Simply finding arachnoiditis does not imply that making is straightforward; that is, anaesthetization
this pathological process is the cause of the of a pain generator should produce relief of the
patient’s complaints. Pain is usually treated by pain being produced. Additions include production
spinal cord stimulation (Long et al 1981). of pain by mechanical irritation of the generator
and control by placebo injections (Bogduk et al
Theoretical causes of low back There is probably no current area in the field of
pain spinal disease more misunderstood than is the use
Because back and leg pain often are unaccompa- of diagnostic blocks to aid the clinician in iden-
nied by obvious diagnosable instability or clearly tifying painful segments or structures in the lumbar
defined nerve root compression, there have been spine. A few principles must be understood if blocks
extensive investigations into possible causes of the are to be applied appropriately. Current evidence
pain. In some patients, it appears that the pain indicates that these blocks are effective in identi-
arises mostly from ligaments and muscles (Panjabi fying painful segments, but are not necessarily
et al 1982). At least, no other causes have been specific for individual structures blocked, since
defined. Three other lines of investigation are being there appears to be much overlap in multiple blocks
followed. The first of these suggests that the pain of different types in the same segment (Knox and
may be neuropathic in type and may originate from Chapman 1993). Placebo-controlled blocks are more
minor degrees of demyelinization and sensitization, accurate than others. Blocks without a negative
probably accompanied by central receptor changes control are suspect (Bogduk et al 1995b).
(Wall and Gutnick 1974, Calvin et al 1982, Devor Blocks in current use include blockade of zyga-
et al 1991). A variety of factors and possible pophyseal joints, individual root blocks, block of
mechanisms are being examined. None of these are donor site and pseudarthroses, and provocative
clearly applicable to typical patients with chronic disc blockade. The current use of these blocks is to
back and leg pain, as yet. support a clinical impression of the origin of the
A second important line of inquiry suggests that complaint of pain. As yet, the next major step has
the nerve activation and sensitization is secondary not been taken. That is, there is no study available
to the release of inflammatory products secondary that clearly demonstrates the predictive power of
to degeneration, spondylotic changes, and/or any of these blocks to estimate the chance of a good
surgical trauma (Schwarzer et al 1995). result from a rationally chosen interventional
A third general category is termed by its origin- procedure. Nevertheless, they are useful in the
ators’ micromovement. In this concept, the noxious hands of an expert clinician who performs them
stimuli come from small but abnormal degrees of well and interprets them without bias.
movement in zygapophyseal joints and in and
around the disc. These movements presumably
would activate nociceptors in ligaments, perio- Alternatives for care of chronic
steum, and muscles (Kuslich et al 1991, Gracely et low back pain
al 1992).
It is not surprising that a clinical problem as poorly
understood as low back pain should generate a
Further evaluation of the patient huge number of therapies devised to be helpful.
without an apparent cause of Most are as yet unproven, although many are
supported by long-standing practice.
pain The first general category comprises all those
After all these specific abnormalities have been adjuncts that claim to make people more comfort-
diagnosed or excluded there remains a majority of able. The list is long: adjustable beds, firm mattresses,
patients for whom no currently definable cause of chairs, pillows, supports, and whirlpools to name a
pain has been found. Some of them respond well few. Patients may try those that seem attractive to
to non-specific conservative measures, but many them, and use those that are comfortable. I tend
do not. Many spinal experts have continued to to discourage use of those that are excessively
examine these patients with physiologic techniques expensive and will not prescribe any.
to try to add information to the anatomical data Many patients are in long-term programmes of
74 available from imaging studies. passive therapy measures such as heat, massage,
and electrical stimulation, or active programmes
Chronic back pain

resonance scans of the lumbar spine in asymptomatic subjects:

a prospective investigation. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
of massage and manipulation. The value of any of
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these is not supported by strong evidence in Bogduk N 1991 The lumbar disc and low back pain. Neurosurgery
chronic back pain. I tell patients to continue if they Clinics of North America 2: 791–806
are convinced they are symptomatically better Bogduk N, Long DM 1980 Percutaneous lumbar medial branch
(O’Connell 1951). neurotomy. A modification of facet denervation. Spine 5(2):
Patients also seek acupuncture, and a variety of Bogduk N, Aprill C, Derby R 1995a Discography. In: White AH (ed)
related and unrelated therapies such as are avail- Spine care: diagnosis and conservative treatment. CV Mosby,
able from mail-order catalogues. None are sup- St. Louis, MO, pp 219–238
ported by scientific data in chronic back pain, and I Bogduk N, Aprill C, Derby R 1995b Selective nerve root blocks. In:
Wilson DJ (ed) Interventional radiology of the musculoskeletal
do not recommend any. This is also true of the
system. Edward Arnold, London, pp 121–132
many herbal remedies patients buy. Bowman SJ, Wedderburn L, Whaley A et al 1993 Outcome
There are a large number of books, tapes, and assessment after epidural corticosteroid injection for low back
videos available on the topic of back pain. Most are pain and sciatica. Spine 18: 1345–1350
helpful; a few could be dangerous. It’s best to find Bush K, Cowan N, Katz DE et al 1992 The natural history of sciatica
associated with disc pathology: a prospective study with
some you like and recommend them, rather than clinical and independent radiologic follow-up. Spine
allowing the patient to choose indiscriminately. 17: 1205–1212
Many minimally invasive techniques that promise Calvin WH, Devor M, Howe JF 1982 Can neuralgias arise from
patients no-risk relief have appeared. Some of the minor demyelination? Spontaneous firing, mechanosensitivity
and after-discharge from conducting axons. Experimental
most popular were and are chymopapain intra-
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Soft tissue, joints and bones


Upper extremity pain
Anders E Sola

Introduction sternoclavicular joint, or anterior subacromial area

is implicated as the source of pain, the specific
Upper extremity pain can be an enigma to physi- structure will be exquisitely sensitive to touch
cians because it may be related to many different (Steindler 1959, DePalma 1973). Examination for
conditions: degeneration of cervical spine pro- trigger points requires more diligence and pressure
cesses, degeneration of the affected joint, trauma to identify the cause of pain referral (Travell and
to the cervical spine or affected joint, vascular Simons 1983).
compromise, nerve impingement, thoracic or abdo-
minal pathology, or any combination of these
elements. Further, pain that emanates from a joint Extrinsic shoulder pain
area may involve muscle, ligaments, tendons, Cervical radiculopathy affecting the C5–T1 roots
or the capsule. Therefore unless the aetiology of is a common neurological cause of shoulder pain;
pain is obvious, the clinical management of upper however, cervical lesions may cause multilevel
extremity pain begins with a determination, nerve root irritation without radiculitis (Bateman
through history and examination, of whether the 1978). Other neurological disorders affecting the
pain is intrinsic to the shoulder area, extrinsic, or of shoulder are pathology in the cervical roots, the
combined aetiologies (Table 6.1) (DePalma 1973, brachial plexus and the axillary, suprascapular, or
Bateman 1978, Calliet 1981). other peripheral nerves (Gerhart et al 1985).
Additional causes of extrinsic pain are myo-
fascial trigger points in the muscles of the neck and
Intrinsic shoulder pain
shoulder, severe temporomandibular joint disease,
Intrinsic pain is most often caused by acute trauma, cervicodorsal ligamental sprains, thoracic outlet
minor chronic trauma (overuse or strain), arthri- syndromes, injuries to the brachial plexus, and
tides (osteoarthritis is fairly common, rheumatoid referred pain from visceral disorders, such as gall-
arthritis less so), local infection or tumour, infec- stones, cholecystitis, hepatitis, myocardial infarc-
tious arthritis, and capsulitis in association with tion, pneumonitis, or tumours of the lung or spinal
any condition that causes splinting. When the cord (Bonica 1990). When pain is referred to the
supraspinatus tendon, acromioclavicular joint, shoulder, a common site of pain is the anterior- 77
Clinical pain states

Table 6.1 Causes of shoulder pain involvement of nerve root and degeneration of
the joint, particularly of muscles of the rotator cuff.
Intrinsic causes Myofascial disorders are often present as a second-
The joint ary disorder in conjunction with acute or non-acute
Acromioclavicular separation trauma and degenerative conditions.
Acute with instability Finally, there are a number of factors that may
Chronic with degenerative joint disease
contribute to the aetiology and intensity of a pain-
Adhesive capsulitis (idiopathic, secondary)
Glenohumeral instability (capsular laxity, labrum tear) ful event. These include stressors, either physical or
psychological, latent trigger points from previous
Periarticular injuries, and the patient’s physical and psycholo-
Myofascial syndromes
Bursitis, tendinitis (supraspinatus, infraspinatus,
gical ‘interpretation’ of the pain and its importance.
Impingement (subacromial)
Rotator cuff tear
Important elements of the history
Fracture (proximal humerus, scapula, clavicle) The first purpose of the history is to determine
Myofascial trigger points in interscapular, periscapular whether the pain experienced in the upper
muscles extremity actually originates in the structures of
Tumour (metastatic, primary)
the neck, shoulder, forearm, or wrist. Observation
Extrinsic causes of shoulder pain of the total patient is important. Does the patient
Elbow or wrist pathology (carpal tunnel syndrome) appear ill? Is he or she feverish or reporting recent
illness? What is the patient’s age and general health
Cervical or thoracic nerve root irritation; spondylosis; status? Does the patient appear tense or report
herniated disc
unusual stresses?
Injuries to the brachial plexus Pertinent data can usually be elicited by asking
what the patient thinks the problem is. If it is
Myofascial trigger points in the trapezii, levator scapulae,
scalenae, pectoralis muscles necessary to lead the patient, the examiner should
ask what has happened recently, whether the
Thoracic outlet syndrome (cervical rib, scalenus anticus) patient has been involved in a motor vehicle acci-
Somatic disorders (free air under diaphragm) dent in the past, or whether there has been any
change in work or recreational activities.
Visceral disorders (gallstones, cholecystitis, hepatitis,
Always using the vocabulary of the patient, the
myocardial infarction, pneumonitis or tumours of
lung/spinal cord) history taker should question him or her closely
about the chronological development of the symp-
Adapted from Gerhart et al (1985).
toms and the onset and nature of the pain. Where is
it felt? Does it feel superficial or deep, such as bone
pain? What does it feel like? ‘Pins and needles’,
‘burning sensations’, and ‘shooting pains’ are terms
superior portion of the shoulder. Three clues easily understood. Does the patient experience a
suggest exclusively extrinsic causes: ‘grating feeling’ when turning the head or neck?
Does he or she experience electric-like pain on
1. virtual absence of objective findings in the
flexion or extension of the neck? Has the patient ex-
shoulder joint
perienced any arthritis/gout/rheumatic problems?
2. normal active and passive range of movement
Does the patient have other aches and pains?
(ROM) without pain
Difficulty in swallowing? Does the patient have
3. absence of point tenderness with direct pressure
unusual sensations into the hand or fingers? Has
on the bicipital tendon, supraspinatus tendon,
the patient had the same problem before? If so,
and the clavicular joints.
what was the diagnosis and treatment?
Pain referred from the shoulder is rarely felt It is wise also to question the effects of the pain.
beyond the insertion of the deltoid; therefore a Is there anything the patient normally does that he
primary or secondary extrinsic cause is suggested or she cannot do because of pain? Does riding in a
when the extremities are affected. Pain of combined car aggravate the condition? Does pain result in
intrinsic and extrinsic aetiology increases with limitation of movements or weakness? Is it worse at
ageing; i.e., in older patients shoulder pain is more night? Does it interfere with sleep or result in the
78 likely to be complicated by spondylosis or multiple patient’s assuming different sleeping positions?
The history should also include recent medical 7. Lhermitte’s sign: flexion or extension of the
Upper extremity pain

care and medication or drug use. Has the patient head and neck causes lancinating or ‘electric’
been treated recently by another physician? Were shock radiating from neck into hands (Brody
any X-rays taken? Has the patient been hospital- and Wilkins 1969)
ized, particularly because of injury to the back or 8. Adson’s test: in the modified Adson’s test, the
upper extremity? Is the patient taking any drugs, patient’s arm is abducted to 90° and externally
antibiotics? Heavy alcohol consumption may be a rotated with the elbow flexed. The patient turns
significant clue and exposure to industrial chem- the head towards the abducted arm, takes a
icals may play a part in upper extremity pain. (See deep breath, and coughs. The test is positive if
also Chap. 17 for a discussion of peripheral neuro- the radial pulse is reduced or absent. This may
pathies caused by diabetes or thyroid disease, indicate compression of the subclavian artery
nutritional deficiencies, metabolic disorders, (Adson 1951).
infections, and other entities.)
Testing for radiculitis is based on radiation of
symptoms such as sensory changes, weakness, and
Examination loss of reflexes. If the symptoms are aggravated by
Head, neck, and cervical spine cervical tests that stretch the nerve roots, increase
intraspinal pressure (Valsalva manoeuvre), or
A thorough screening to determine the probable
decrease the spinal foramina (head compression),
aetiology of upper extremity pain usually begins
the diagnosis is implied.
with at least a routine evaluation of head, neck, and
Cervical spondylosis, which results in gradually
cervical spine. The few procedures outlined below
increasing clinical signs, may present multiple
are adequate to eliminate these structures as the
levels of nerve root irritation and contribute to
probable source of pain in the initial assessment.
confusion of diagnosis, particularly in patients over
1. Visual inspection, looking for deformities, 55 years of age. In younger age groups, single nerve
atrophy, loss of normal contour root involvement due to cervical herniation is more
2. Palpation of spinous and transverse processes, common (see Chap. 19).
thyroid gland, and carotid pulse A summary of neurological levels relating to the
3. Range of movement of head and neck, with upper extremity is shown in Table 6.2. Weakness in
rotation right to left, flexion/extension, and any of these extremity structures calls for further
lateral bending evaluation of the cervical spine in addition to
4. Distraction or evaluation of the effect of cervical assessment of the extremity itself.
traction by placing hands on occiput and under
chin Local structures
5. Compression: if neural foramina are The shoulder joint has the most complex motions of
compromised, this may produce or intensify the body (Saha 1961, Post 1987). They are possible
pain because the shoulder girdle is composed of three
6. Valsalva manoeuvre to determine whether joints (the sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, and
straining with breath holding reproduces pain glenohumeral) that work with the scapulothoracic

Table 6.2 Summary of neurological levels relating to upper extremity pain and/or dysfunction

Motor Sensory Reflex

C5 Shoulder abduction, deltoids, biceps Lateral aspect, arm (C5 axillary, nerve) Biceps

C6 Wrist extension Lateral forearm, musculocutaneous Brachioradialis

C7 Wrist flexion Middle finger Triceps

Finger extension

C8 Finger flexion Medial forearm Finger flexion

Hand intrinsics

T1 Finger abduction Medial arm Hand intrinsics

Clinical pain states

articulation in a synchronized pattern to provide and anterior subacromial region (for impingement
extension, flexion, abduction, adduction, and syndrome) will usually be sufficient to identify local
internal and external rotation. ROM in any of the pathology. Figure 6.1 provides a review of shoulder
three joints may be inhibited because of pain, structures with common points of tenderness.
neurological deficit, or skeletal or soft tissue patho- Palpation must be done gently, as excessive
logy. Both extremities should be tested for active pressure will be painful and may irritate sensitive
and passive ROM to characterize the pain pattern tissues. To palpate the bicipital groove, the arm is
and compared. ROM should also be tested against rotated externally (Yergason’s test). The groove lies
resistance. If any weakness is noted, a thorough between the medial lesser tuberosity and the more
muscle test and grading should be done. lateral greater tuberosity. Passive extension of the
Pain upon abduction between 60° and 120° shoulder will allow examination of the bursa and
suggests supraspinatus tendinitis; pain with the cuff as it moves these structures forward; the
forward flexion up to 90° with internal rotation insertion of the subscapularis is not palpable.
suggests rotator cuff involvement due to impinge- Swelling and unusual warmth should be noted.
ment; pain at 140°–180° of abduction suggests acro- Careful examination may reveal abnormal masses
mioclavicular joint pain. In testing ROM, the first or thickening. Fluid can never be palpated in a
30°–40° involve only glenohumeral motion and normal synovial joint and its presence is a sign of
patients may compensate for restriction in this area joint pathology. If a ligament is tender or painful on
with scapulothoracic motion. palpation, the ligament has been injured or there is
Observations of joint noises, crepitation, or loss pathology at the joint. Palpation of muscle will
of normal gliding motion suggest that degenerative identify sensitive trigger points that may be the
changes and intrinsic injury must be ruled out. A primary or secondary cause of pain.
not uncommon condition is friction rub secondary
to exostoses on either the scapula or rib, causing
pain, although ROM may be normal. When this
Supporting diagnostic procedures
is suspected, special thoracic and scapular X-ray Often careful history taking, palpation, and range
views are required. of motion will establish a clear aetiology for upper
Point tenderness examination of the two clavi- extremity pain on the initial visit. However, with
cular joints, supraspinatus tendon, bicipital tendon, more complex problems or combined aetiologies,

joint Subacromial,
Sternoclavicular bursae
Greater tuberosity
of humerus
teres major insertion

Bicipital groove
(bicipital tendon)

Lesser tuberosity

joint space

Fig. 6.1 Shoulder joint pain can arise from the greater tuberosity, the lesser tuberosity, the subacromial bursa, the
subdeltoid bursa, bicipital groove and the long head of the biceps, the glenohumeral joint, and the acromioclavicular
joint. When degenerative changes interact with clinical findings, severe pain, dysfunction, or loss of range of movement
80 may result. Poor muscle tone, often associated with ageing, tends to exacerbate shoulder lesions.
two or three evaluation visits may be necessary,
Upper extremity pain

which may form in the tendon in response to injury,

and it may be helpful to utilize supporting diag- penetrating into the bursal sac. Since the condition
nostic procedures such as special roentgenographs is related to degenerative changes, it is more
or electromyograms (EMG) with peripheral nerve common after the fifth decade of life (Calliet 1981).
conduction studies.
Signs and symptoms
Diagnostic radiographic studies It is usually possible to arrive at a working
Radiographic studies are done on joints as indi- diagnosis of shoulder tendinitis through physical
cated by the initial work-up. In any situation where examination, including resisted range of motion.
diagnosis is difficult, these studies should include With involvement of the supraspinatus tendon,
anterior/posterior and lateral views of the neck in pain is often localized at the greater tuberosity of
extended, neutral, and flexed positions and also the humerus. The patient may be unable or un-
oblique views to visualize the neuroforamina. willing to move the arm but full passive range of
Routine shoulder films include anterior and pos- motion is possible. Pain upon resisted abduction is
terior views and abduction, axillary, and bicipital an indication of supraspinatus tendinitis. Infra-
groove views. Note that negative findings do not rule spinatus involvement is also associated with pain
out pathology. Even positive findings do not neces- localized at the greater tuberosity, but it is resisted
sarily explain the cause of pain or other symptoms. external rotation that exacerbates the pain. Tendi-
High-resolution ultrasonography is particularly nitis of teres minor results in pain at the greater
helpful as a non-invasive procedure to rule out tuberosity, which is aggravated by resisted external
rotator cuff tears. If there is any question or a tear is rotation. Pain experienced locally at the lesser
suspected, it is most easily confirmed by arthro- tuberosity may be tendinitis of the subscapularis.
graphy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MRI This will be further confirmed if the pain is
holds great promise for evaluation and diagnosis of associated with resisted medial rotation. Bicipital
soft tissue injuries. MRI technology is particularly tendinitis most frequently involves the long head
valuable in diagnosing damage to tendons, liga- of the biceps muscle. Pain is experienced locally in
ments, and fibrocartilage and tears in the rotator the bicipital groove and at its attachment at the
cuff or glenoid labrum. superior rim of the glenoid fossa.

EMG and peripheral nerve conduction Treatment course and prognosis

studies Calcific tendinitis in the acute stage may require
EMG is particularly valuable for identifying immobilization of the arm in a sling, the use of cold
peripheral neuropathies and for eliminating packs, medication with oral anti-inflammatory and
cervical lesions, discogenic disease, and nerve root non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products, local
entrapment as probable contributors to pain and anaesthetic, and steroid injections. Some patients
dysfunction in the upper extremity. It is the only may require the use of a narcotic for several days.
reliable tool for identifying peripheral neuro- If this treatment course is not successful, some
cervical radiculitis. physicians prefer to aspirate the joint. Milder cases
usually respond to conservative treatment. The most
important aspect of treatment is early mobilization
Rotator cuff injuries of the shoulder starting with passive pendular
exercises. These are followed by active pendular
Tendinitis exercises as soon as tolerated.
Tendinitis is generally a non-traumatic lesion that
occurs as the result of gradual degenerative
changes in the rotator cuff. These changes may or
may not be accompanied by calcium deposits in the Unfortunately, the term ‘bursitis’ is often used in-
tendon. A mild ache or discomfort may be present appropriately for any painful shoulder. Specifically,
for months. In calcific tendinitis the ache may bursitis is an acute inflammatory response usually
suddenly develop into an intolerable, unremitting associated with the deposition of calcific material.
pain, usually referred to the top or lateral aspect of The bursa swells and impinges upon surrounding
the shoulder. The patient will usually hold the arm structures, causing excruciating pain. Primary
immobile against the body. Deep breathing may bursitis is an uncommon entity, but it does occur.
increase the pain. This acute episode may be asso- Inflammation of the bursa is more likely to occur
ciated with acute bursitis as a result of calcium, secondarily to a tear or inflammation of adjacent 81
Clinical pain states

tendon or muscle or to direct trauma. It is essen- be maintained during treatment to prevent ‘frozen
tially a disease of middle age, being associated shoulder’ or adhesive capsulitis. This is usually
with degenerative changes of tendon, muscle, or done passively until pain is adequately controlled,
the rotator cuff, although it is occasionally seen in a at which time active exercises are introduced.
young patient.

Signs and symptoms Rotator cuff tears

Subdeltoid bursitis is characterized by painful The rotator cuff is a band of tendinous-fibrous tissue
passive arc. Passive abduction is limited by pain at composed of the tendons of the subscapularis,
approximately 70° through 110°–115°, after which supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor
point the pain disappears. The pain is usually sharp muscles, which fuse around the anatomic neck of
and localized. Abduction and external rotation the humerus where it inserts with the joint capsule.
increase the pain dramatically, although any motion This part of the cuff is characterized by a marginal
can cause pain. Pain seems to be aggravated at blood supply, which contributes to early degenera-
night. Roentgenograms may confirm the presence tion, which in turn is associated with minor tears
of calcific deposits. It is important to note, however, from normal activities.
that only 35% of patients with X-ray evidence of Tears of the rotator cuff should be considered in
calcium develop symptoms. Symptoms usually conjunction with injuries sustained while working
accompany calcium deposits greater than 1.5 cm. with arms overhead, with falls involving striking
the shoulder or breaking the force of the fall with an
Treatment course and prognosis outstretched hand, and with fractures or disloca-
Treatment for bursitis is much the same as for cal- tions of the shoulder and greater tuberosity of the
cific tendinitis. An unfortunate sequela of bursitis humerus. Residual pain subsequent to an earlier
is adhesive capsulitis, particularly without proper injury with loss of range of motion should also
treatment to ensure range of motion. suggest rotator cuff tear. Degenerative cervical
disease is a predisposing factor. Small tears may not
require treatment. It has been reported that 30% of
Bicipital tendinitis cadavers have rotator cuff tears.
The long head of the big tendon passes through the
bicipital groove across the shoulder joint and is Signs and symptoms
attached to the superior rim of the glenoid cavity. Rotator cuff tears are associated with pain at the
As a result of degenerative changes, chronic anterolateral margin of the acromion. They are
irritation may occur over the anterior aspect of the rare in patients under 40 years with the exception
shoulder. This is often related to repetitious of those using the joint heavily. The patient, most
movement. This condition is frequently misdiag- often a labourer between the ages of 40 and 65,
nosed as bursitis because of the similarity of reports feeling a tear or snap in the shoulder,
location of pain. followed by severe pain if the tear is extensive.
With less severe tears, the pain may increase in
Signs and symptoms intensity, reaching a peak after 48 h and remaining
Bicipital tendinitis should be suspected if there is in an acute stage for several days. Shoulder motion
pain and tenderness to pressure over the bicipital increases the pain, which is usually felt first in
groove. Yergason’s sign (increased pain on resistance the shoulder joint but may spread to the posterior
to supination) is a positive indicator, as is a scapular area and to the deltoid and forearm. Fre-
palpable, swollen tendon. The pain of bicipital quently the pain is described as a deep, throbbing
tendinitis may occur after heavy lifting and is sensation and it may interfere with sleep.
associated with unusual athletic activity in young Physical findings may include exquisite tender-
adults. ness on pressure over the greater tuberosity,
reduced abduction or pain on resisted abduction,
Treatment course and prognosis and weakness on forward flexion or pain on
Most of these patients respond to conservative internal rotation. Scapulohumeral dysrhythm may
treatment of resting the arm in a sling and provid- be present. The patient may be unable to control
ing analgesics for pain. Some clinicians advise local lowering of the arm to his side and it may drop
injections of steroids, but this writer has seen freely. This is a useful guide for rotator cuff tears,
several cases in which this treatment has resulted but it should be noted that injuries to the supra-
82 in rupture of the tendon. Range of motion must scapular and axillary nerves, as well as fifth cervical
root lesions, produce the same clinical sign. Atrophy
Upper extremity pain

ary to heavy use, immobilization, injury, tendonitis,

of the rotator cuff suggests an injury several weeks fractures about the shoulder, infections, neoplasms,
old that involves the supraspinatus or infraspinatus general surgery, and heart attacks. Bicipital teno-
muscles. synovitis is also reported as a frequent cause.
To rule out a diagnosis of rotator cuff impinge- McLaughlin (1961) maintains that a shoulder that is
ment, 5 ml of local anaesthetic is injected laterally put through the full range of movement a few times
into the subacromial bursa just underneath the daily will not develop adhesive capsulitis, indicat-
acromial arch. Relief of pain and improved strength ing that prolonged dependency is the initiating
around the shoulder joint following injection factor. The condition is unusual in patients under
confirm rotator cuff impingement syndrome. 40 years of age.

Treatment course and prognosis Signs and symptoms

Suspected lesions must be confirmed by contrast The patient may report pain with a gradual onset
radiography, ultrasonography, or MRI. Minor tears without any known injury. It is often seen in
respond to non-surgical treatment and usually heal sedentary persons who have recently begun to
within 2 months. Since tears are often associated participate in an activity involving the upper
with some degree of degenerative process, they extremities, such as golf, tennis, or bowling (Neer
tend to be a chronic problem. Severe tears should be and Welsh 1977). The patient will have difficulty
evaluated by an orthopaedic surgeon for possible putting on a shirt, combing hair, or placing the hand
repair (Neviaser 1975, Post 1987) (Table 6.3). in a back pocket. There may be little pain on palpa-
tion, but it will be aggravated by both external and
internal rotation. Pain may seem to localize in the
Adhesive capsulitis deltoid, particularly at its insertion, and frequently
Adhesive capsulitis affects the glenohumeral joint. causes suffering at night.
Adhesions form as a result of an inflammatory A tentative diagnosis of adhesive capsulitis must
response, which produces saturation with a sero- be confirmed with arthrography to differentiate a
fibrinous exudate. It is a common finding second- simple stiff shoulder from the inflammatory condi-

Table 6.3 Shoulder pain: clinical findings and treatment

Differential diagnosis Key findings Key tests Treatment

Impingement Acromial pain on humeral forward flexion Reduced pain with NSAID; subacromial steroid
syndrome beyond 90°, tenderness on anterior subacromial lidocaine injection (×3 max);
insertion supraspinatus tendon cuff-strengthening
exercises; acromioplasty

Rotator cuff tears Weak external rotation; supraspinatus Drop-arm test positive; Cuff-strengthening exercises
atrophy; painful arc 60°–120°; difficulty subacromial dye for small tears; surgery large
initiating abduction; usually more extravasation on tears
painful at night; uncommon in patients arthrogram
under 40 years

Supraspinatus Pain tenderness; pain with external Calcification on X-ray NSAID; acromioplasty
tendinitis rotation

Biceps tendinitis Positive Yergason’s test; tender bicipital None NSAID; restricted-activity;
groove; anterior shoulder pain surgery

Frozen shoulder Diffuse pain and tenderness; decreased Reduced capsular space Range of movement exercises
passive glenohumeral motion on arthrogram

Glenohumeral Increased pain with activity; X-rays NSAID; arthroplasty

arthritis barometric sensitivity

AC joint arthritis AC; joint tenderness and pain with X-ray, injections of NSAID; AC joint steroid
adduction 140°–180° lidocaine into AC joint injection (×3 max); distal
decreases pain clavicle resection

Adapted from Lippert and Teitz (1987). AC = acromioclavicular; NSAID = nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug.
Clinical pain states

tion. Neviaser (1975) classifies patients according groove upon passive rotation of the arm in the
to how much of the injected dye is accepted into abducted position.
the capsule and what the patient’s range of passive
abduction indicates. Abduction to more than 90° Treatment course and prognosis
and dye acceptance of more than 10 ml indicates a When subluxation occurs in a young active person,
mild form. Moderate involvement includes patients surgery is indicated. Bicipital subluxation can lead
who cannot abduct over 90° and whose capsular to chronic tenosynovitis. In the older individual,
joint space measures from 5 to 10 ml. A third classi- restriction of activity may be the preferable course
fication is severe capsulitis, which is usually seen unless the patient is experiencing severe pain.
only after proximal humerus fracture in patients
with osteoporosis or following severe shoulder
dislocation. Bicipital rupture
Bicipital rupture is another condition that is usually
Treatment course and prognosis related to degenerative changes in the biceps
The best treatment for adhesive capsulitis is tendon or muscle. It may be a painless condition in
prevention with regular, daily range of movement which the biceps has completely separated between
exercises. Fortunately, many cases respond to a the muscle belly and the tendon or away from the
conservative treatment programme consisting supraglenoid fossa.
mainly of steroid therapy and pain management in
conjunction with an aggressive physical therapy Signs and symptoms
programme carried out by a qualified physical Complete separation can usually be visualized. The
therapist. The judicious use of steroids injected into flaccid biceps muscle bulges.
the rotator cuff and intra-articular space may
be helpful when applied in combination with Treatment course and prognosis
intensive physical therapy (Sheon et al 1987). In younger patients surgical repair is indicated.
Local anaesthetics may be adequate to facilitate In older patients, if decrease of upper extremity
therapy but local nerve block, particularly of the strength would not impair lifestyle, no treatment is
suprascapular nerve, may be indicated. Muscle required although it may be desirable for cosmetic
relaxants are sometimes helpful. Trigger points can reasons.
be injected with either lidocaine or procaine to
reduce the possibility of a pain cycle. Manipulation
is frequently used. When the degree of involvement
is greater, manipulation may require anaesthesia.
Acromioclavicular joint lesions
The arm may be positioned in 90° abduction during Lesions of the acromioclavicular joint are one of
a period of 2 weeks bedrest, followed by a 3- to the most overlooked causes of shoulder and arm
6-month therapy programme usually leading to full pain. The joint is subject to arthritic involvement, to
recovery. The use of narcotics is not recommended various injuries including sprains, contusions, and
over an extended period of time. Depression is separations, and to tumours, although these are
not uncommon in these patients, and it should be rare (DePalma 1957).
recognized and treated as necessary.
Signs and symptoms
Pain associated with the acromioclavicular joint
Bicipital lesions is usually local without referral. It is aggravated
by shrugging the shoulder and by full passive
Bicipital subluxation adduction of the arm across the chest. X-rays are
The same type of degenerative process that pre- not particularly useful for diagnostic purposes if
cipitates tendonitis can predispose older patients the aetiology is an arthritic process, but they will
towards subluxation of the tendon. In younger rule out separation of the joint. Separation usually
individuals this condition may be associated with involves pain over the entire shoulder, often accom-
sports activities. panied by weakness of all shoulder movements
and loss of function. Palpation of the clavicular
Signs and symptoms attachment may reveal subluxation, in which the
When the transverse ligament is torn, local tender- clavicle usually displaces upward.
ness is normally experienced. The clinician may The symptoms of degenerative arthritis include
84 be able to feel the muscle ‘snap’ in and out of the tenderness, swelling, and/or warmth over the joint.
Treatment course and prognosis
Upper extremity pain

ment is absolutely essential in treatment of upper

In the case of mild injury of the joint, a shoulder extremity pain (Travell and Rinzler 1952; Sola
elbow strap is used for immobilization for 1–2 weeks and Kuitert 1955; Sola et al 1955; Sola and Williams
as needed. If the injury is more severe (subluxation) 1956; Kraft et al 1968; Kraus 1970; Simons 1975,
the strap is worn for up to 5–6 weeks. Surgery may 1976; Travell 1976; Melzack et al 1977; Sola 1981,
be necessary if immobilization is not successful. 1984; Bonica 1990, Roberts and Hedges 1991;
The shoulder joint must be passively put through Travell and Simons 1983).
the range of movement as tolerated by pain. In addi- Like the lower back, the shoulder and neck
tion, appropriate measures to prevent disabilities region are commonly the ‘storehouse’ of numerous
to the hand, wrist, and elbow must be taken. latent points that, when challenged by physical
(and, to some degree, emotional) stressors, can cause
pain. The mechanism of pain can be described as
Arthritis follows: from an initiating stimulus such as trauma,
The shoulder joint has only minimal susceptibility fatigue, or stress, a physiological response is
to arthritis, probably because it is not a weight- generated and a particular trigger point (TP) begins
bearing joint and only under certain conditions is it to send distress signals to the central nervous
a power-bearing joint. To a great extent it escapes system. Muscles associated with the trigger point
the destructive degenerative changes of repeated become tense and soon muscle fatigue is expe-
pressure and trauma. The major exception to this is rienced. Local ischaemia occurs, leading to change
athletes, particularly those who load the joint in in the extracellular environment of the affected
‘bursts’. Osteoarthritis is moderately common cells, including release of algesic agents. These feed
among persons who play baseball and overhead into a cycle of increasing motor and sympathetic
racquet sports, skiers, and musicians, being activity activity, and other trigger points ‘flare up’, contrib-
related rather than disease related. However, osteo- uting to the cycle (Zimmerman 1979). These inter-
arthritis and traumatic arthritis do occur in other actions may magnify a painful event far out of
patients and symptoms of painful, swollen, warm proportion to its precipitating challenge. Further-
joints should suggest a systematic work-up for more, once established as a cycle, a painful event
arthritic involvement. Other arthritides, including may sustain itself despite control of the stimulus
rheumatoid arthritis, are discussed elsewhere that originally initiated the cycle. Thus, proper
in this book. and adequate treatment of a local injury may not
provide alleviation of pain. Figure 6.2 graphically
Hemiplegia describes the process and interacting elements.
Trigger-point syndromes affect virtually everyone,
Shoulder pain is a common complaint of people either in a primary role of translating stress responses
with hemiplegia. It can be so severe that it interferes into pain or in a secondary role in which activation
with the rehabilitation programme that is so crucial intensifies or prolongs pain from another stimulus.
immediately after ‘stroke’. Appropriate splinting Trigger-point pain varies from slight discomfort to
to prevent capsular stretching and resultant sub- severe unrelenting pain and is described as either
luxation of the glenohumeral joint is necessary sharp or dull. It can also simulate the pain of visceral
early in therapy and should help to prevent the disorders that are referred to the shoulder area.
complication of pain. It is important to note that although trigger-point
Treatment of the pain is comparable to that used pain can affect both sides of the body, it is commonly
in other painful shoulder conditions: injections of confined to one side and is often associated with
steroids, local anaesthetics, suprascapular nerve ipsilateral hypersensitivity in muscles seemingly
block, and oral medications consistent with the quite removed from the reported problem. For exam-
medical status of the patient. These patients should ple, pain in the neck and shoulder is commonly
be managed by medical personnel trained in re- associated with gluteal TPs that are exquisitely
habilitation or by a health care team that includes sensitive to pressure even though the patient may
a physical therapist. not report overt pain in these muscles. In such cases
treatment must involve the remote ipsilateral TPs
Pain of combined aetiologies as well as those in the painful area (see Fig. 6.3).
Myofascial disorders Treatment course and prognosis
An understanding of myofascial disorders, their An injection of local anaesthetic or physiological
pain patterns, incidence, origins, and proper treat- saline into the TPs is often adequate to break the 85
Clinical pain states

Body conditions
Genetic factors
Physical conditioning
Physiological state Pain/
previous injury stress
hormonal balance etc.

T.P. Activation

Triggering stress
injury Recruitment of
low level antagonist additional
(scar) trigger points

Fig. 6.2 A variety of stress-inducing stimuli may be implicated in the onset of myofascial pain. The power of these
stimuli to induce pain is moderated by the genetics, personality, conditioning, and physiological state of a particular
individual. Once established, however, a painful event may sustain itself despite control or elimination of the initiating

pain cycle (Bray and Sigmond 1941, Frost et al 1980,

Findings of sensitive TPs in neck and Tfelt-Hansen et al 1980). The use of vasocoolants,
shoulder pain are often a subset of subclinical such as fluoromethane spray, has been shown to be
but powerful TPs a helpful technique by Travell and Daitz (1990). The
in lumbar and insertion of thin solid needles alone (dry needling
gluteal muscles
as described by Gunn 1989) has often been found to
Sternocleido- be as effective as injection without subjecting the
mastoid patient to the added tissue disruption caused by
edged hypodermic needles. When dry needling,
scapulae local anaesthetic, or saline injection proves inade-
quate, injection of a weak solution of dexametha-
Trapezius sone (1 cc diluted in 100 cc of normal saline) is a
Intraspinatus useful procedure (Edagawa 1994). This treatment
presumes that there are no contraindications to
steroid use such as diabetes or clotting disorders.
When the pain is secondary to another stimulus,
particularly nerve root lesions or nerve compres-
Quadratus sion, the treatment is never more than moderately
lumborum successful in relieving pain. Therefore this proce-
Gluteus dure is useful as a differential diagnostic tool, as it
medius interrupts the pain cycle and allows exposure of
the underlying disorder. Other treatments are being
explored. Periosteal stimulation reportedly enhances
the effectiveness of TP injection, reducing myofas-
cial pain (Lawrence 1978). There is also new work
in the use of laser therapy and interesting work in
progress on electromagnetic fields to relieve pain.
Fig. 6.3 An ipsilateral pattern of pain is very common,
with simultaneously active painful trigger points in the
neck and shoulder, quadratus lumborum, and gluteal
muscles. Hyperactive trigger points (TPs) in the lumbar Reflex dystrophy-like syndromes
gluteal muscles must be treated before positive results
can be expected from treatment of TPs in head, neck, or Reflex dystrophies are part of the group of sym-
86 extremities. pathetic disorders whose features may include
throbbing, burning or aching pain, hyperaesthesia,
Upper extremity pain

into hypersensitive areas of the shoulder or the

hyperalgesia, and oedema and/or erythema. These suprascapular nerve may also be helpful. From
are serious, painful, and disabling disorders. the outset, treatment must be accompanied by an
Onset may be triggered by coronary ischaemia, intensive physical therapy programme to maintain
hemiplegia, adhesive capsulitis, bicipital tendinitis, function.
trauma, or even simple bruises or sprains. In a
study of 140 patients with reflex dystrophy, 40% of
the cases occurred following soft tissue injury, 25%
Overuse syndromes
following fractures, 20% were postoperative, 12% Although a given action or set of actions may
followed myocardial infarction, and 3% followed be well within the body’s capabilities, excessive
CVA. It was also noted that 37% of these patients repetition may, through interference with circula-
had significant emotional disturbances at the time tion, repeated microinjury, buildup of waste pro-
of onset. Thus elements of the process include CNS ducts, or any of these and other factors, stress a
involvement and the entire myofascial pain cycle of tissue beyond its anatomical or physiological limits.
stressors, trigger-point activation, pain, and sympa- The stressor may be either dynamic, as in the case
thetic involvement (Pak et al 1970). Treatment must of repetitive movement, or static, as in the case of
be instituted immediately and includes injection prolonged bracing or maintenance of a particular
of the affected trigger points with an anaesthetic– posture.
corticosteroid mixture by a specialist and physical One should suspect an overuse syndrome when
therapy. If this provides no relief, one must resort a patient reports that he or she:
to sympathetic blocks, oral corticosteroids, and,
1. performs a repetitive task
finally, sympathectomy. Early treatment of the
2. maintains a fixed posture for long periods of time
affected TPs has shown great promise in breaking
3. lifts above or below a mechanically strainful
this cycle.
4. performs a tedious or monotonous task.

Shoulder–hand syndrome Furthermore, it should be suspected when

numerous other workers or participants have been
Signs and symptoms disabled performing the same tasks. Such a finding
The disease has several stages. Onset is usually would suggest that an evaluation of the ergonomics
insidious. The patient may present with a burning of the workplace would be in order (Sheon et al
pain involving the shoulder and vasomotor 1987, Khalil et al 1994).
changes in the hand and fingers. This phase may The repeated movements of certain sports such
last several months. After this initial phase, as tennis, swimming and baseball, and extended
shoulder pain may ease but trophic changes periods of wrist pressure involved in cycling are
appear: atrophy of the muscles in the affected well-documented sources of overuse injury. So too
extremity, thickening of palmar fascia, demineraliz- are certain occupations. Inflammation is rarely
ation, and atrophy of the nails. By the time these apparent on physical examination in patients with
trophic changes have occurred, it is extremely overuse syndrome, and it is often not clear whether
difficult to reverse the disease process despite the injured structure is tendon, muscle, ligament,
aggressive treatment and the end result is flexion joint capsule, or a combination of these (Sataloff et
deformities of the fingers. At this stage vasomotor al 1990).
changes are absent.

Treatment course and prognosis Carpal tunnel syndrome

This condition requires aggressive treatment. Resi- Carpal tunnel syndrome is the second most common
dual damage is usually irreversible; surgery has not industrial injury in the United States, surpassed
proven successful in restoring function. The pain only by low back pain. Workers in occupations
associated with shoulder–hand syndrome can be that require heavy wrist activity, such as data entry
excruciating and the patient will normally require operators, grocery checkers, pipefitters, tool workers,
narcotics for pain management. Phenobarbital carpenters, secretaries, and pianists, are considered
should not be given but other sedatives may be most at risk for this syndrome. Recent findings
used. Sympathetic blocks done early in the course suggest that the condition is exacerbated by psy-
of the disease may be helpful, as well as cortico- chological stressors such as boredom, insecurity, or
steroid therapy. Injection of local anaesthetics the stress of other painful processes. 87
Clinical pain states

Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by pressure ties. Treatment of trigger points in the forearm,
on the median nerve; this may be due to increased shoulder, neck, and, often, gluteal region may help
synovial hypertrophy, as it occurs in rheumatoid relieve both the pain and dystrophy-like syndromes.
arthritis, gout, hypothyroidism, diabetes, ganglion In difficult cumulative disorders the patient should
tumours or lipomas, pregnancy, and trauma. Bio- ideally begin a ‘work-hardening’ programme under
mechanical studies have shown that intracarpal the supervision of trained hand, occupational,
pressure is particularly increased with flexor or physical therapists to develop strength and
and ulnar deviation. Rosenbaum and Ochoa (1993) endurance. Ergonomic improvements in the work-
suggest that Phalen’s wrist flexion test is more place may also be required. When other treatments
reliable than Tinel’s nerve stimulation of the are not effective, surgical release is recommended.
median nerve at the wrist in diagnosis of carpal Although Silverstein et al (1987) have reported that
tunnel syndrome. 58% of surgically treated patients return to their
former job, none of these returned to jobs that
Signs and symptoms required forceful repetitive motion.
This syndrome causes paraesthesias and dysthae-
sias along the median nerve into the hand and wrist.
The pain may be localized at the wrist, but may also Other peripheral entrapment
show retrograde spread to the elbow or shoulder.
Shaking or moving the hand may relieve symptoms,
suggesting a pressure gradient involving the lym- Among the most puzzling pains of the extremity
phatic or circulatory system. However, if such shaking are the peripheral neuropathies. The causes are
causes increased pain, cervical radiculitis should be obscure and differential diagnosis is not easy,
suspected. Thenar atrophy may be present. especially since cervical nerve root irritation must
be considered (Kopell and Thompson 1973, Dyck et
Treatment course and prognosis al 1976). There is evidence that radiculitis increases
Conservative treatment measures include splinting, the susceptibility to nerve entrapment (Upton and
cortisone injections, rest, and/or change in activi- McComas 1973, Bland 1987). Table 6.4 gives some

Table 6.4 Differentiating between radiculopathy and entrapment syndromes

Radiculopathy Entrapment

Involves posterior division of cervical root; radiation Signs uncommon with entrapment.
along medial border of scapula.

Pain with coughing, sneezing, Valsalva manoeuvre, Signs not associated with entrapment.
highly specific for radiculopathy when present.

Pain increases with use of hand. Carpal tunnel syndrome pain is relieved by massage, shaking
hand, immersion of hand in water, changing positions.

Muscle weakness rarely severe. Most easily identified; Not a diagnostic feature.
deltoid, infraspinatus (C5); biceps, wrist extensors (C6);
triceps, long finger flexors, finger extensors (C7); intrinsic
muscles of hand and wrist flexors (C8); arm and when
testing muscle.

Electrophysiological studies Electrophysiological studies

Nerve conduction studies almost always normal with Local changes may be present.
uncomplicated radiculopathy. EMGs done on a number
of arm muscles may show changes in a radicular pattern.
Paraspinus muscles may be denervated, confirming nerve
root damage. Myelography/computerized tomography
delineates lateral disc protrusion.

Treatment Treatment

Successful response to several weeks of conservative In early stages is likely to respond to conservative treatment;
treatment (traction, cervical collar, local massage and splinting, cortisone, rest. More advanced may require surgical
analgesics) confirms diagnosis. release.
guidelines to differentiate between entrapment and
Upper extremity pain

in Table 6.5, compression of the suprascapular

peripheral radiculopathy (Dawson et al 1983, 1990). nerve can cause dull, deep pain in the rhomboid
Peripheral radiculopathy must also be differen- area, and dorsal scapular nerve syndrome can
tiated from cervical spondylosis and other less cause pain particularly in the posterolateral aspect
common entities that cause cervical root irritation, of the shoulder.
such as tumours, infection, osteophytes, prolapsed
disc, fractures, and epidural abscess (see Chaps. 17 Treatment course and prognosis
and 19). Note that patients can usually distinguish Treatment for these syndromes follows much the
between pain that radiates from the hand to the same pattern as treatment for carpal tunnel syn-
shoulder and pain that originates in the neck or drome and includes splinting, cortisone injections,
shoulder and spreads to the hand. The only defi- rest, and/or change in activities, as well as treat-
nitive way to diagnose peripheral neuropathy is by ment of trigger points in the affected and related
electromyography and nerve conduction studies in areas to help relieve both the pain and dystrophy-
addition to routine radiological studies. like syndromes.
Any one of the entrapment syndromes can
cause hand, forearm, and shoulder pain which is
not consistent in character. Generally, there is some Tennis elbow or epicondylitis
local pain at the area of entrapment, but muscles
distal to the entrapment may or may not have pain Signs and symptoms
involvement. Frequently the pain experienced is The patient complains of severe pain in the elbow,
intermittent, low grade, and worse at night. Scapu- frequently radiating to wrist or shoulder. Any
locostal irritation and myofascial disturbances tend grasping movements are painful and the patient
to distort the pain patterns to peripheral nerve may drop things from the hand. The pain is usually
compression. Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most described as ‘deep’. Pressure applied over the
common of the nerve compression syndromes lateral condyles causes extreme pain. Dorsiflexion
affecting the median nerve. Two other conditions of the wrist may be painful. This clinical picture of
related primarily to median nerve compression are pain is usually accompanied by a history of overuse
pronator teres syndrome and anterior interosseous of the extensors and supinators of the wrist in
nerve syndrome. Conditions affecting the radial sports such as tennis and golf and in occupations
nerve are radial palsy and posterior interosseous requiring similar motions such as hammering. In
syndrome. Ulnar nerve compression is associated older patients, this lesion is more likely to be a
with cubital tunnel syndrome and Guyon’s canal chronic condition unrelated to a specific activity
compression. In addition to the conditions described and much less amenable to treatment.

Table 6.5

Nerve Syndrome Signs/symptoms

Median nerve Pronator teres Pain, paraesthesias and associated weakness in flexor muscles of
the forearm and thenar muscles.

Anterior interosseous Weakness or paralysis in the index and middle fingers. Pronator teres
weak when elbow flexed. Pronator quadratus weak in pronation.

Radial nerve Radial palsy Affects all muscles of the forearm supplied by the radial nerve. Usually
painless, frequent hyperparaesthesia.

Posterior interosseous The patient is able to extend the wrist but unable to extend
metacarpophalangeal joints of the fingers, unable to abduct the thumb,
and unable to extend the distal joint of the thumb.

Ulnar nerve Cubital tunnel May experience pain along the ulnar border of the forearm, weakness
of intrinsic muscles of the hand and hyperaesthesias.

Guyon’s canal Associated with fractures or aneurysm of the small artery. The patient
compression may experience local pain and numbness in the ulnar distribution of the
fourth and fifth fingers.
Clinical pain states

Treatment course and prognosis De Quervain’s disease

Treatment depends on the structures involved. (constrictive tenosynovitis)
Common extensor and flexor tendons will usually
respond to steroids and local anaesthetic. When the Signs and symptoms
extensor carpi radialis tendon is involved, the pain The patient will present with pain in the wrist and
may originate with muscle rather than on the epi- thumb area and weakness of grip. In the acute state,
condyle and a local anaesthetic may be indicated. there may be local swelling with symptoms similar
Muscle involvement is uncommon at the supra- to wrist sprain. Examination will reveal marked
condylar ridge. Joint dysfunction at any of the three tenderness to pressure over the styloid process
elbow joints can cause pain simulating tennis and over the tendons, abductor pollicis longus, and
elbow. These are treated by manipulation. Refrac- extensor pollicis brevis.
tory cases of tennis elbow are frequently treated The pain is related to thickening and stenosis of
by surgery. Trigger points may occur in any of the the sheath surrounding the tendons. Diagnosis of
muscles around the elbow joint and these fre- De Quervain’s disease is affirmed by holding the
quently respond to injection therapy. Trigger points patient’s thumb in flexion and abducting the wrist.
in the scalenus anticus muscle can frequently refer This will elicit a pain response.
pain to this area (Zohn and Mennell 1976).
Treatment course and prognosis
Olecranon bursa Immobilization is recommended and the area is
injected with long-acting anaesthetic. Injectable
Signs and symptoms
steroid therapy is also appropriate.
The olecranon bursa, which lies over the bony
olecranon process, is frequently injured by constant
mechanical pressure. Clinically, the bursa sac area
becomes red and swollen, warm to the touch, and
Trigger finger
tender on palpation. Occasionally it may become Small tears in the flexor tendon may form a nodule
infected. Patients who have gout and rheumatoid that interferes with normal gliding motion through
arthritis are prone to this disorder. the tendon sheath, causing the finger to snap in
extension. Palpation of the tendon sheath will
Treatment course and prognosis usually be painful.
Pain and swelling usually subside if a cushioning Treatment is the same as for De Quervain’s
ring is used around the area of irritation to prevent disease: immobilization, steroid injection, and
further mechanical pressure. If pain persists, fluid surgical release if necessary.
can be aspirated from the bursal sac and examined
for evidence of infection and/or to differentiate
between aetiologies. If the condition is persistent or Impingement syndromes
recurrent, surgical excision may be the treatment
of choice. Impingement syndromes are common in athletes
and persons doing heavy physical labour. Impinge-
ment is diagnosed by point tenderness over the
Ligamental injuries anterior insertion of the supraspinatus tendon and
Ligamental injuries are common at the wrist. positive findings on forward flexion with internal
Diagnosis is made on the basis of local pain and rotation. The critical test is relief of symptoms with
tenderness. The most frequent of these injuries is use of local anaesthetic injected into the anterior
sprain of the ulnar collateral ligament, which is acromial process (coracoid acromial ligament).
characterized by pain on radial deviation. When Tendinitis, rotator cuff tears, and adhesive
the radial ligament is sprained or torn, pain is capsulitis may all be components of a degenerative
present on ulnar deviation. The ulnar-capitate process beginning with impingement. When
sprain is also quite common. With flexion of the impingement syndromes are present in young
wrist, pain is felt at the dorsal aspect. persons, they are almost always associated with
racquet sports, swimming, baseball, football, and
Treatment course and prognosis repetitive overhead motions (Moseley 1969, Post
Local management with steroid injection treatment 1987, Nichols and Hershman 1990).
is usually effective for ligamental injuries. Ruptures Neer and Welsh (1977) have suggested three
90 may require surgical intervention. stages:
• Stage I is characterized by oedema and/or
Upper extremity pain
and closing the hands. If radial pulses remain strong
inflammation and usually occurs in patients but the patient experiences the usual symptoms,
between the ages of 15 and 30 years. Treatment the test is positive.
at this stage is conservative; restriction of
shoulder movement, anti-inflammatory Treatment course and prognosis
medications, and ice packs. Occasionally steroid A conservative treatment approach is to recom-
injections are given if these measures do not mend posture-related therapy and mild exercise to
provide relief. strengthen shoulder muscles. If the problem can
• Stage II is characterized by fibrosis and be associated with a particular type of activity or
thickening of the rotator cuff, which further position during sleeping, these should be modified.
compromises subacromial mechanisms. If the Medication for muscle relaxation may be indicated.
patient does not respond to conservative However, all these measures are limited if the
treatment and cuff tear has been ruled out, a condition has progressed to the extent that only
partial anterior acromioplasty and sectioning of surgical procedures can provide decompression.
the coracoid acromial ligament may be
• Stage III is usually associated with patients over
Cervical sprain
the age of 40 years, when further degeneration Cervical sprain or ‘whiplash’ injury is associated
has taken place, and it may include partial tears with the rapid acceleration of the neck into hyper-
of the rotator cuff and bony changes. Surgery extension and/or flexion with subsequent rebound
may be necessary to correct the condition, and reflex splinting. Although whiplash can cause
particularly if tears are involved (Post 1987). cord damage it is most commonly associated with
The diagnosis can be confirmed by an some trauma to the supporting muscles, tendons,
arthrogram (see Table 6.3). and ligaments. It may also be associated with
damage or functional compromise of the cervical
nerve roots either directly or through the pressures
Thoracic outlet syndrome of subsequent muscle spasm (Bland 1987, Bonica
Thoracic outlet syndrome is most commonly 1990, Johnson 1996).
caused by compression or irritation of the inferior The short-term signs of cervical sprain include
portion of the brachial plexus by the scalene stiffness and pain in the neck and shoulder girdle,
muscles, rib, clavicle, or pectoralis minor muscle. hoarseness or dysphagia (in anterior damage),
This affects the ulnar and, sometimes, the medial headache, and various sympathetic dystrophy-like
nerves. In a small percentage of cases the sub- symptoms. A normal neurological examination
clavian vein may also be compressed. with no swelling or apparent trauma to the neck
may be taken as a good indication that there is no
Signs and symptoms spinal or cord damage. Even if the injury appears
There is often a gradual increase in discomfort minimal, the patient must be carefully followed for
culminating in pain involving the upper extremity, several days following the incident (Borchgrevink
lower neck region, shoulder, and arm. The pain et al 1998). Muscles and ligaments heal within 4–6
tends to be intermittent and is associated with move- weeks, whereas intervertebral discs heal slowly
ment, particularly with lifting objects overhead. because they have no blood supply. If there is any
The patient may describe a ‘pins and needles’ suspicion of damage to the cervical spine or cord,
sensation in the forearm and wrist and may one must obtain a transtable lateral view of the
experience weakness or numbness in the fourth or entire cervical spine.
fifth finger. Symptoms are usually worse in the If spinal injury has been ruled out, immediate
morning than later in the day. The condition is seen treatment includes applying mild cervical traction
most often in young adult patients with poor and physical therapy and administration of non-
posture and is reported more frequently in women. steroidal anti-inflammatory medications. A soft
Palpation or percussion during examination cervical collar may be indicated for a short time
may indicate tenderness of the brachial plexus. although these have not generally been found to be
A confirming test is to have the patient assume effective. Spasm and TPs in the involved muscles
a sitting position with both arms elevated to 90° may affect nerve roots as low as T7 (see Fig. 6.4).
abduction with external rotation. The elbows are Muscles of the lower back are also commonly
maintained somewhat behind the frontal plane. involved. Thus one must carefully examine the
The position is held for 3 min while slowly opening lower torso for painful foci and trigger points with 91
Clinical pain states

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Lereim I 1998 Acute treatment of whiplash neck sprain injuries.
Semispinalis capitis
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pain is that several lesions may be contributing to Khalil T, Abdel-Moty E, Steele-Rosomoff R, Rosomoff H 1994 The
it. This is particularly true in the case of a middle- role of ergonomics in the prevention and treatment of
aged or older patient who sustains an injury. myofascial pain. In: Rachlin ES (ed) Myofascial pain and
fibromyalgia. Mosby, St Louis
Unrelieved or persistent pain following seemingly
Kopell HP, Thompson W 1973 Peripheral entrapment neuropathies.
satisfactory healing of the point of injury should Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore
always suggest further evaluation for potential Kraft GH, Johnson EW, LaBan MM 1968 The fibrositis syndrome.
cervical problems. Further assessment should also Archives of Physiological Medicine and Rehabilitation
include examination of the shoulder, elbow, and 49: 155–162
Kraus H 1970 Clinical treatment of back and neck pain.
wrist for joint dysfunction and hypersensitive TPs
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and tendons, bursae, rotator cuff, and joint capsule Lawrence RM 1978 New approach to the treatment of chronic pain:
for undiagnosed injuries along the path of shock combination therapy. American Journal of Acupuncture
absorption. Any injury site has the potential for 6: 59–62
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setting up a dystrophy-like syndrome. It is unfortu-
problems—a practical guide. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore
nate for the patient if the clinician overlooks these McLaughlin HL 1961 The ‘frozen shoulder’. Clinical Orthopedics
sequelae, since they can usually be treated 20: 126–131
92 effectively and the pain eliminated. Melzack R, Stillwell DM, Fox EJ 1977 Trigger points and
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Soft tissue, joints and bones


Robert M Bennett

Introduction that very same year (Stockman 1904). These

histological findings were never verified and the
Fibromyalgia is a multisymptomatic syndrome diagnosis of ‘fibrositis’ became equated with the
defined by the core feature of chronic widespread concept of ‘psychogenic rheumatism’ for much of
pain (Bennett 1981, Yunus et al 1981, Goldenberg the middle third of the twentieth century. The
1987). Many of these patients also have severe description of an objective sleep abnormality in
fatigue and associated symptoms related to visceral these patients by Moldofsky in 1976 and the re-
hyperalgesia, such as irritable bowel and bladder. discovery of defined tender areas by Smyth in 1977
This population accounts for about 20% of patients led to a re-evaluation of the ‘fibrositis concept’ in
consulting rheumatologists in North America the 1980s. It became evident that these patients
(White et al 1995). Contemporary research impli- made up a substantial proportion of those seeing
cates abnormalities of sensory processing and rheumatologists. This led the American College of
neuroendocrine dysfunction as being related to the Rheumatology (ACR) to commission a multicenter
symptomatology of these patients. study to provide diagnostic guidelines. The results
of this study were published in 1990 (Wolfe et al
1990) and are generally referred to as the 1990 ACR
Historical perspective guidelines. They adopted the name of fibromyalgia
The first use of the word ‘fibrositis’ is attributed to as the old name of ‘fibrositis’ was considered to
Sir William Gowers in a lecture on the subject of represent a pathological notion that was now
lumbago that was published in the British Medical discredited.
Journal in 1904 (Gowers 1904). To quote from this
lecture: ‘I think we need a designation for inflam-
mation of the fibrous tissue—we may conveniently
follow the analogy of “cellulitis” and term it “fibro- The 1990 American College of Rheumatology’s
sitis”’. Ralph Stockman, a Glasgow pathologist, guidelines for making a diagnosis of fibromyalgia
described foci of inflammation in the interstitium are the most widely used criteria in current use
of muscle bundles, the so-called ‘myalgic nodules’, (Wolfe et al 1990). They comprise one historical
Clinical pain states

feature and one physical finding. The historical

feature is widespread pain of 3 months or more.
Widespread is defined as pain in an axial distribu- Chronic musculoskeletal pain is commonly
tion plus pain on both left and right sides of the encountered in the general population. In the north
body, and pain above and below the waist. The of England, prevalence rates of 11.2% for chronic
physical finding is the presence of 11 or more out of widespread pain and 43% for regional pain were
18 specified tender points. A tender point is defined found (Croft et al 1993). In a Kansas study (Wolfe
in terms of its location and the patient’s experience et al 1995) the prevalence of chronic widespread
of pain on digital palpation with an approximate musculoskeletal pain was more common in women
force of 4 kg (the amount of pressure required to and increased progressively from ages 18 to 70—
blanch a thumbnail). The locations of the 18 tender with a 23% prevalence in the seventh decade. There
points are shown in Fig. 7.1. appears to be a tendency for some subjects with
regional pain syndromes to develop the widespread
pain of fibromyalgia (Forseth et al 1999a). The
overall prevalence of fibromyalgia in the Kansas
population was 2%, with a prevalence of 3.4% in
women and 0.5% in men. All epidemiological
studies have reported that chronic widespread pain
is more prevalent than the ACR defined diagnosis
of fibromyalgia, and it is conceptualized that fibro-
myalgia is at one end of a continuous spectrum of
chronic pain (MacFarlane 1999).
3 Clinical features
The core symptom of the fibromyalgia (FM) syn-
9 drome is chronic widespread pain (Wolfe et al
1990). The pain is usually perceived as arising from
6 muscle; however, many fibromyalgia patients also
report joint pain (Reilly and Littlejohn 1992).
Stiffness, worse in the early morning, is a promi-
nent symptom of most FM patients; along with the
7 perception of articular pain this may reinforce the
impression of an arthritic condition. Fibromyalgia
pain and stiffness typically have a diurnal varia-
tion, with a nadir during the hours of about
1. Insertion of nuchal muscles into occiput 11.00 am to 3.00 pm (Moldofsky 1994).
2. Upper border of trapezius—mid-portion
3. Muscle attachments to upper medial border
of scapular Fatigue
4. Anterior aspects of the C5, C7 intertransverse
spaces Easy fatigability from physical exertion, mental
5. 2nd rib space—about 3 cm lateral to the exertion, and psychological stressors are typical of
sternal border fibromyalgia (Yunus et al 1981). The etiology of
6. Muscle attachments to lateral epicondyle fatigue in fibromyalgia is multifaceted and is
7. Upper outer quadrant of gluteal muscles
8. Muscle attachments just posterior to
thought to include non-restorative sleep, decondi-
greater trochanter tioning, dysautonomia, depression, poor coping
9. Medial fat pad of knee proximal to joint line mechanisms, and secondary endocrine dysfunction
involving the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal axis
Fig. 7.1 American College of Rheumatology 1990 and growth hormone deficiency (Bennett et al 1997,
criteria—recommended tender point locations: a total of
11 or more tender points in conjunction with a history of
Pillemer et al 1997). Patients with the chronic fatigue
widespread pain is characteristic of the fibromyalgia syndrome (CFS) have many similarities with FM
96 syndrome. patients (Aaron and Buchwald 2001). About 75% of
patients meeting the diagnostic criteria of CFS also
Psychological distress
meet the criteria for diagnosis of FM (Goldenberg
et al 1990). As in many chronic conditions there is an increased
prevalence of psychological diagnoses in fibro-
myalgia patients. Depression is more common in
Disordered sleep fibromyalgia patients than in healthy controls
(Burckhardt et al 1994, Yunus 1994). Importantly
Fibromyalgia patients usually report disturbed fibromyalgia is not common in patients with major
sleep (Moldofsky et al 1975). Even if they sleep depression, even those depressed individuals who
continuously for 8 to 10 h they awake feeling tired. complained of pain did not have multiple tender
This is referred to as non-restorative sleep. Most points (Fassbender et al 1997). Psychological
relate to being light sleepers, being easily aroused distress in fibromyalgia may in part determine who
by low-level noises or intrusive thoughts. Many becomes a patient (Aaron et al 1996). There is
exhibit an alpha–delta EEG pattern, which would increasing acceptance that post-traumatic stress dis-
explain their never getting into the restorative order may be associated with fibromyalgia (Amir
stages 3 and 4 of non-REM sleep (Moldofsky 1989). et al 1997). Although psychiatric disorders are
However an alpha intrusion rhythm in delta sleep more prevalent in fibromyalgia patients than
is not invariable in fibromyalgia nor is it specific fibromyalgia non-patients, they do not seem to be
(Hauri and Hawkins 1973). The experimental intrinsically related to the pathophysiology of the
induction of alpha–delta sleep in healthy indivi- fibromyalgia syndrome, but rather appear to be a
duals has been reported to induce musculoskeletal result of symptom severity (Aaron et al 1996).
aching and/or stiffness as well as increased muscle
tenderness (Moldofsky and Scarisbrick 1976). A
poor night’s sleep is often followed by a worsening Initiation and maintenance of
of fibromyalgia symptoms the next day (Affleck et fibromyalgia
al 1996). Fibromyalgia seldom emerges out of the blue. Most
patients relate an acute injury, repetitive work
related pain, athletic injuries, or another pain state.
Cognitive dysfunction It is not uncommon for a regional pain syndrome
Cognitive dysfunction is a major problem, accord- to evolve into fibromyalgia (Forseth et al 1999b).
ing to self-reports, for many fibromyalgia patients Others attribute stress, infections, and toxins to its
(Park et al 2001). Patients commonly describe diffi- onset. Fibromyalgia is commonly found as an
culties with short-term memory, concentration, accompaniment of rheumatoid arthritis, low back
logical analysis, and motivation. Problems with pain, SLE, Sjogren’s and inflammatory bowel
cognitive function are being increasingly recog- disease, and osteoarthritis (Morand et al 1994,
nized in fibromyalgia patients and are the subject of Urrows et al 1994, Lapossy et al 1995, Bennett 1997,
increasing research efforts (Glass and Park 2001). Sperber et al 1999). There is a reported 22%
Currently, defects have been described in terms prevalence of fibromyalgia one year after whiplash
of working memory, episodic memory, and verbal injuries (Buskila et al 1997). A striking familial
fluency. These decreases in cognitive performance prevalence of fibromyalgia has been reported by
has been estimated to be equivalent to 20 years of Buskila et al 1996). This suggests that subjects des-
aging (Glass and Park 2001). tined to develop fibromyalgia either are genetically
predisposed (nature) or have past life events or
experiences that favor its later development
Associated disorders
It is not unusual for fibromyalgia patients to have an
array of somatic complaints other than musculo-
Prognosis and impact
skeletal pain, such as irritable bowel syndrome, Fibromyalgia symptomatology often persists over
restless leg syndrome, dysautonomia, cognitive dys- many years (Bengtsson et al 1994). Chronic mus-
function, chemical hypersensitivity, and irritable culoskeletal pain often severely impacts a patient’s
bladder (Clauw 1995). It is now thought that these quality of life (Burckhardt et al 1993). An analysis of
symptoms are in part a result of the abnormal 1604 fibromyalgia patients followed in academic
sensory processing and the neuroendocrine effects centres reported that pain, fatigue, sleep disturb-
of chronic stress. ance, functional status, anxiety, depression, and 97
Clinical pain states

health status were essentially unchanged after (Simms 1996). However, this does not mean that
7 years of follow-up (Wolfe et al 1997a). There is non-pathological muscle pain problems, such as
some evidence that fibromyalgia patients seen in exertional muscle microtrauma, are of no relevance
the community, rather than tertiary care centres, to the pathogenesis. Indeed, it is hypothesized that
have a better prognosis (Granges et al 1994). The any tissue-generated cause of pain (a peripheral
consequences of pain and fatigability influence pain generator) can accentuate and/or perpetuate
motor performance; everyday activities take longer central pain mechanisms.
in fibromyalgia patients, they need more time to get Focal loci of muscle pain are referred to as myo-
started in the morning, and they often require extra fascial trigger points. These are hyperalgesic zones
rest periods during the day (Henriksson CM 1994). in muscle that often feel indurated on palpation.
They have difficulty with repetitive sustained Prolonged pressure over these areas may cause a
motor tasks, unless frequent time-outs are taken. pattern of pain that is referred distally—hence the
Tasks may be well tolerated for short periods of name ‘trigger points’ (Travell and Simons 1992).
time, but when carried out for prolonged periods Kellgren pioneered studies using hypertonic saline
become aggravating factors (Waylonis et al 1994). to evaluate the correlates of painful foci within
The adaptations that fibromyalgia patients have to muscle (Kellgren 1938). Graven-Nielsen has
make in order to minimize their pain experience demonstrated that hypertonic saline-induced
often has a negative impact on both vocational and muscle pain demonstrates temporal and spatial
avocational activities. summations influenced by central facilitatory and
inhibitory mechanisms (Basbaum and Fields 1984,
Disability Graven-Nielsen et al 1997). These experiments
highlight the importance of focal muscle pain in
Despite the superficial appearance of normality inducing a state of central sensitization and are
many fibromyalgia patients have difficulty with postulated to be relevant to abnormal sensory pro-
remaining competitive in the work force (Bennett cessing in fibromyalgia patients (Henriksson KG
1996a). Most FM patients report that chronic pain 1994, Bennett 1996c).
and fatigue adversely affect the quality of their life Muscle microtrauma, a normal occurrence in
and negatively impact their ability to be competi- healthy individuals, has been postulated to be
tively employed (Henriksson 1995). The extent of one cause of peripheral nociceptive input in fibro-
reported disability in FM varies greatly from myalgia patients (Bennett 1993). It is difficult to
country to country—probably reflecting differences diagnose this phenomenon as the act of biopsying a
in political philosophies and socio-economic muscle can cause trauma. However, NMR spectro-
realities. A survey of fibromyalgia patients seen scopy can evaluate living untraumatized muscle.
in academic centres reported that 70% perceived Three NMR studies have reported an increase in
themselves as being disabled. Sixteen percent were phosphodiester peaks in fibromyalgia compared to
receiving Social Security benefits (SSD); this controls (Jubrias et al 1994, Park et al 2000, Sprott et
compares to 2.2% of the US population (Wolfe et al al 2000). Phosphodiester peaks occur in musculo-
1997b). dystrophies (Younkin et al 1987) and also with
increasing age (Satrustegui et al 1988). They are
thought to result from the lipid peroxidation of
Pathogenesis sarcolemmal membrane proteins. This process
The contemporary aetiological paradigm for fibro- occurs in calcium-activated muscle damage
myalgia is that of a complex hyperalgesic pain (muscle microtrauma) (Armstrong et al 1991).
syndrome, in which abnormalities of central There are several lines of evidence to suggest
sensory processing interact with peripheral pain that the pain experience of fibromyalgia patients is
generators and neuro-endocrine pathways to gen- in part the result of disordered sensory processing
erate a wide spectrum of patient symptomatology at a central level.
and distress. It is now thought that both peripheral
and central factors contribute in varying degrees to
the expression of symptoms labelled as fibromyalgia.
Qualitative differences in pain
For most of the twentieth century fibrositis/ An objective measure of applied force to a tender
fibromyalgia was considered to be a muscle point can be obtained by dolorimetry (Campbell et
disease. It is now appreciated that there are no al 1983). A study using an electronic dolorimeter
distinctive muscle changes that can define fibro- recorded the subject’s assessment of pain intensity
98 myalgia in terms of a specific tissue pathology on a 0- to 10-cm visual analogue scale (VAS) at
varying levels of applied force (Bendtsen et al

myalgia patients with electrical nerve stimulation,

1997). Distinctly different response curves were reported sensory phenomena characteristic of
obtained for controls and fibromyalgia patients. secondary hyperalgesia (Arroyo and Cohen 1993).
Similar abnormalities of pain processing in fibro-
myalgia patients have also been reported for heat
and cold (Kosek et al 1996). Abnormalities on SPECT imaging
Pain-induced changes in brain blood flow or meta-
bolism can now be visualized by several different
Deficient pain modulation in imaging techniques (Bradley et al 2000). There are
response to repeated thermal stimuli reports of reduced thalamic blood flow in fibro-
An up-regulation of pain threshold can be demon- myalgia subjects (Mountz et al 1995, Kwiatek et al
strated in normal individuals by subjecting them to 2000). It is interesting that chronic pain states have
repeated non-noxious skin stimulation. This is the been associated with thalamic blood flow, whereas
basis for the use of transcutaneous nerve stimula- acute pain increases thalamic blood flow. The reason
tors (TENS) in the management of chronic pain for this difference is postulated to be a disinhibition
states. The physiological basis for this effect is the of the medial thalamus, which results in activation
inhibition of dorsal horn neuron excitability by of a limbic network (Craig 1998).
persistent stimulation of type A myelinated axons
(Wall and Cronly-Dillon 1960). This effect, known
as diffuse noxious inhibitory control (DNIC), is
Elevated levels of substance P in the
defective in fibromyalgia subjects (Lautenbacher CSF
and Rollman 1997), thus supporting the notion that Substance P is an important nociceptive neuro-
they have a defective descending inhibitory pain transmitter. There are three definitive studies that
system (Mense 2000). have shown a threefold increase of substance P in
the CSF of fibromyalgia patients compared to that
in controls (Vaeroy et al 1988, Russell et al 1994, Liu
Hyper-responsive somatosensory et al 2000). Animal models of hyperalgesia and
induced potentials hypoalgesia have implicated substance P as a major
Somatosensory-induced potentials refer to the aetiological factor in central sensitization and have
electrophysiological activity in the brain that can be highlighted the relevance of substance P in human
measured by skull electrodes in response to periph- pain states (Abbadie et al 1996).
eral sensory stimulation. Gibson et al reported an
increased late nociceptive (CO2-laser stimulation
of skin) evoked somatosensory response in 10 FM
Elevated levels of nerve growth factor
patients compared to 10 matched controls (Gibson Nerve growth factor (NGF) is required for the
et al 1994). Lorenz et al (1996) have reported normal development of sympathetic and sensory
increased amplitude of the N170 and P390 brain neurons. Giovengo et al have reported a fourfold
somatosensory potentials in fibromyalgia com- elevation of NGF in the CSF of patients with
pared to controls evoked by laser stimulation of the primary fibromyalgia compared with that of
skin. Furthermore they observed a response in both healthy controls and other pain patients (Giovengo
hemispheres, whereas in controls the response was et al 1999). The intravenous administration of
localized to one side of the brain. These two studies recombinant nerve growth factor in humans results
provide objective evidence that fibromyalgia in a muscle pain syndrome resembling fibro-
patients have an altered processing of nociceptive myalgia that lasts for up to a week after the initial
stimuli in comparison to pain-free controls. injection. The mechanism whereby NGF causes
hyperalgesia is hypothesized to be related to its
stimulation of protein synthesis in the CNS
Secondary hyperalgesia on (Bennett 2001).
electrocutaneous stmulation
Primary hyperalgesia is the normal perception of Beneficial response to an NMDA
pain from nociceptor stimulation in an injured
tissue. Secondary hyperalgesia refers to pain
receptor antagonist
elicited from uninjured tissues (Magerl et al 1998). The excitatory amino acid glutamine reacting with
Arroyo and Cohen, while attempting to treat fibro- NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartic acid) receptors plays 99
Clinical pain states

a central role in the generation of non-nociceptive Table 7.1 The components of a fibromyalgia treatment
pain. Two studies have reported that intravenous programme
ketamine (an NMDA receptor antagonist) atte-
nuates pain and increases pain threshold, as well 1. Diagnosis and evaluation

as improving muscle endurance in FM patients 2. Education

(Sorensen et al 1995). The experimental induction of
3. Pain
pain summation and referral by intramuscular
hypertonic saline in fibromyalgia is attenuated by 4. Fatigue
the use of ketamine (Graven-Nielsen et al 2000).
5. Sleep

6. Psychological disorders
Experimentally induced central
7. Endocrine dysfunction
8. Dysautonomia
Temporal summation of nociceptive impulses at
the level of the spinal cord normally occurs when 9. Deconditioning
unmyelinated C fiber input exceeds a rate of one
10. Cognitive dysfunction
impulse every 2–3 s. There is good experimental
evidence that this neurophysiological process is a 11. The existential crisis
critical event in the development of central sensi- 12. Associated syndromes
tization (Koltzenburg et al 1994). An amplification
of temporal summation has been demonstrated
after repetitive thermal stimulation of the palmar
skin in fibromyalgia patients (Staud et al 2001) and
after intramuscular electrical stimulation of muscle
(Sorensen et al 1998).
that would benefit from trigger point therapy
(Borg-Stein and Stein 1996).
Fibromyalgia is not a diagnosis of exclusion, and
Management thus laboratory tests and imaging studies play no
The management of fibromyalgia patients is an role in establishing the diagnosis according to the
exercise in symptom palliation and maintenance of 1990 ACR criteria. However, fibromyalgia patients
physical and emotional functionality. The success- may have concomitant conditions that are relevant
ful management of fibromyalgia patients requires a to overall management in terms of peripheral pain
thorough analysis in terms of the bio-psycho-social generators that can accentuate and maintain central
model of disease. The major management issues that sensitization. In many cases these concomitant
usually require attention are shown in Table 7.1. problems investigational approach to diagnosis. A
fibromyalgia-focused history and examination
is an important requisite in obtaining data for an
Diagnosis and evaluation effective management programme. The history and
The diagnosis of fibromyalgia is usually based on examination will probably suggest certain problems
1990 recommendations of the American College of that need further evaluation in terms of specialist
Rheumatology classification criteria (Wolfe et al referral or investigations.
1990). However, it is increasingly evident that
many patients with widespread pain have less than
the recommended 11 out of 18 tender points. If a
patient has widespread pain and tenderness in many There is good evidence that higher educational
other areas, they are unlikely to have a different attainments are associated with a better prognosis
neuro-physiological basis for their pain than in many chronic diseases (Ramos-Remus et al 2000).
patients with strictly ACR-defined fibromyalgia. There are several studies that support the value of
Thus it is important to look at other sites that education in fibromyalgia patients (Gowans et al
commonly harbour myofascial trigger points. The 1999, Mannerkorpi et al 2000). Indeed, education
reason for this more extensive evaluation is has several components common to cognitive
twofold: (1) to establish a probable diagnosis fibro- behavioural techniques, such as goal setting and
myalgia in patients with less than 11 tender points, reassessment of priorities. Important educational
100 and (2) to find relevant myofascial pain generators issues are shown in Table 7.2.
Table 7.2 The components of a fibromyalgia educational Table 7.3 Peripheral pain generators

Myofascial trigger points
1. Validate symptoms
Degenerative joint disease
2. Emphasize non-destructive (not necessarily benign)
nature of FM Inflammatory joint disease

3. Focus on improving function, not complete Bursitis

eradication of symptoms—as in many other chronic
diseases Tendinitis

4. Discuss importance of mind–body relationships—teach Developmental defects (e.g., scoliosis)

meditation and relaxation techniques
Hypermobility syndrome
5. Discuss drug and non-drug therapy options
Neuropathic pain
6. Discuss ‘touted cures’ for FM
7. Explain the importance of gentle life-long exercise
Repetitive strain
8. Inform about principles of sleep hygiene
Visceral pain (e.g., IBS, endometriosis)
9. Discuss pacing of activities, feelings of guilt and
Herniated discs
improved assertiveness
Spinal stenosis/Chiari malformation
10. Emphasize patient’s active role in any treatment plan
Recurrent headaches (e.g., migraine)

Pain pain generators, in most fibromyalgia patients, are

In considering the management of pain in FM it is myofascial trigger points it is imperative that these
logical to focus on the major sites of pain genera- be identified and effectively managed in terms of
tion/processing, namely peripheral pain generation, pacing, stretching, improved physical conditioning,
dorsal horn sensitization, psychological influences, self-help techniques such as acupressure and spray
and the descending pain pathway. and stretch, and physician intervention in terms of
There is no specific tissue pathology, at least in procaine or botulinum toxin injections.
peripheral tissues, that can be said to be charac- Most of the drugs used to treat pain act at the
teristic of fibromyalgia (Simms 1996). However, this level of the dorsal horn. The modulation of the
fact should not be taken as negating the importance ‘nociceptive amplification’ that occurs at the first
of peripheral nociceptive mechanisms. Once the synapse is mainly pharmacological (Reveille 2000).
CNS is sensitized, peripheral pain generators will The descending pain system originates in the mid-
not only be perceived as being more painful, but brain and terminates at the level of dorsal horn
a persistent barrage of nociceptive impulses will neurons, thus influencing spinal cord sensitization
prolong and amplify the biochemical machinery of (Willis and Westlund 1997). This descending system
central sensitization. Common peripheral pain is responsible for such diverse events as the placebo
generators are shown in Table 7.3. Although some effect, fear-induced hypoalgesia, anticipatory
peripheral pain generators, notably arthritic hyperalgesia, the benefits of cognitive behavioural
disorders, may be helped by NSAIDs, central pain therapy, the action of opioids, and inflammation-
is not usually very responsive to these agents. Thus induced hyperalgesia. Thus cortical and subcortical
the use of NSAIDs is usually adjunctive to the use circuits can modulate dorsal horn activity through
of centrally acting analgesics. Specific treatments emotional states related to attention, motivation,
for other pain generators would include, for and cognition. Currently the only FDA-approved
example, gabapentin in neuropathic pain and 5- drugs that modulate dorsal horn cell reactivity are
HT1D antagonists in vascular headaches. Some pain those that activate or amplify the descending pain
generators, such as osteoarthritis of the knees system; these include opioids, tricyclic anti-
or bursitis, may be helped by local corticosteroid depressants, and alpha-2 adrenergic agonists.
injections. In other instances surgery may be appro- Antidepressants such as amitriptyline have
priate (e.g., severe osteoarthritis of the hips, Chiari long been a mainstay in the treatment of chronic
malformation, endometriosis). As the commonest pain states (Fishbain 2000), including fibromyalgia 101
Clinical pain states

(Carette et al 1986). A meta-analysis of antidepres- fibromyalgia pain and other symptoms (Bennett et
sants, in the treatment of fibromyalgia, analysed 13 al 2001).
randomized, placebo-controlled trials (O’Malley Alpha-2 adrenergic agonists such as tizanidine
et al 2000). The odds ratio for improvement with (Zanaflex) have been used successfully in some
therapy was 4.2. Analysing the effect on specific chronic pain disorders (Fogelholm and Murros
symptoms indicated that antidepressants improved 1992). The experimental basis for this antinoci-
sleep, fatigue, pain, and well-being—in that order. ceptive action is the observation that intrathecally
Only one study found a correlation between administered alpha-2 adrenergic agonists, but
symptom benefit and improvement in depression. not beta-adrenergic receptor agonists, produce a
Despite their widespread use, the long-term effi- powerful analgesia in both experimental animals
cacy of antidepressants in managing fibromyalgia and man (Nabeshima et al 1987, Coward 1994).
pain has not been well established (Carette et al There have been no trials of these agents in fibro-
1994). myalgia. There is anecdotal evidence for tizanidine
Opioids are effective in most acute and chronic being useful in FM-related pain, as not only is it
pain states. Although opioids are fairly commonly antinociceptive but it is also an antispasmodic
used in the treatment of fibromyalgia (Wolfe et al (Smith and Barton 2000), which cause drowsiness—
1997a), there have been no controlled clinical trials. a benefit in fibromyalgia patients if it is given in the
The main problems related to long-term use of evening.
opioids are the effects on cognition, reduced moti- 5-HT3 antagonists have been the subject of
vation to pursue non-pharmacological treatment several encouraging short-term trials in fibro-
modalities, aggravation of depression, and nega- myalgia patients (Farber et al 2000, Haus et al 2000).
tive stigmatization by the medical profession and 5-HT3 receptors are found only in neuronal tissues,
society in general (Savage 1996). The usual cited both central and peripheral (Tecott et al 1993). The
concerns regarding addiction are now known to complex biochemistry of 5-HT3 receptors suggests
be unfounded—only occurring in about 0.5% of that antagonists would have nociceptive and anti-
opioid-treated chronic pain patients (Portenoy nociceptive actions in different circumstances.
1996). All patients taking opioids can be expected to When activated the 5-HT3 receptor causes a rapid
develop dependency; this, however, is not the same membrane depolarization with resultant rise in
as addiction, but implies that this class of medica- cytosolic Ca++, which in turn modulates the release
tions cannot be abruptly stopped without the patient of neuro-active molecules such as substance P,
experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Addiction is serotonin, GABA, acetylcholine, cholecystokinin,
a dysfunctional state occurring as a result of the and dopamine (Wolf 2000). Longer-term studies in
unrestrained use of a drug for its mind-altering fibromyalgia patients are needed before the efficacy
properties; manipulation of the medical system and of this class of drugs can be fully evaluated.
the acquisition of narcotics from non-medical sources Drugs that modulate the ascending pain system
are common accompaniments. Addiction should are less commonly used. However, there is experi-
not be confused with ‘pseudo-addiction’. This is a mental evidence that blocking NMDA receptors
drug-seeking behaviour generated by attempts to with ketamine ameliorates pain in fibromyalgia
obtain appropriate pain relief in the face of subjects (Sorensen et al 1995). Dextromethorphan is
undertreatment of pain (Weissman and Haddox a weak NMDA receptor antagonist that has been
1989). Opiates should not be the first choice of successfully used in neuropathic pain (McQuay
analgesia in fibromyalgia, but they should not be et al 1994) and more recently as an adjunct to
withheld if less powerful analgesics have failed. tramadol and treatment of fibromyalgia (Clark and
Tramadol (Ultram) is proving to be a useful drug Bennett 2000). Logically inhibiting the release of
to treat pain in chronic conditions, including fibro- substance P or blocking its interaction with the
myalgia (Roth 1998, Schnitzer et al 2000). Tramadol NK-1 receptor should be beneficial. However,
has a dual mechanism of acting both as a weak clinical trials of a first-generation substance P anta-
opioid agonist and as an inhibitor of the reuptake gonist were disappointing in chronic pain states
of serotonin and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) at (Hill 2000). To date NGF antagonists have not been
the level of the dorsal horn (Lewis and Han 1997). used in human clinical trials.
A double-blinded study demonstrated its efficacy
and tolerability in the management of fibromyalgia
pain at an average dose of 200 mg/day (Russell et
al 1997). A combination of tramadol and acetamino- The common treatable causes of chronic fatigue in
102 phen (Ultracet) has also been reported to benefit fibromyalgia patients are: (1) inappropriate dosing
of medications (TCAs, drugs with antihistamine

pole, and pramixepole have been proven to be

actions, benzodiazapines, etc.), (2) depression, (3) effective.
aerobic deconditioning, (3) a primary sleep dis-
order (e.g. sleep apnoea), (4) non-restorative sleep
(see above), (5) neurally mediated hypotension,
Psychological distress
and (6) growth hormone deficiency (Bennett et al Having a chronic painful disease for which there
1998). Many of these causative factors are most is currently no generally accepted cure often
amenable to non-pharmacological interventions. produces a cascade of emotional reactions that can
However, sleep problems, depression and other be likened to an existential crisis (Chapman and
psychological stressors, some features of dysauto- Gavrin 1999). Approximately 30% of fibromyalgia
nomia, and endocrine dysfunction are appro- patients have significant current depression and
priately treated with drugs. Recent studies using about 60% have a lifetime prevalence of depressive
the 5-HT3 receptor antagonist tropisetron reported illness (Okifuji et al 2000). It is generally assumed
benefits both in fibromyalgia-related fatigue and in that treating depression fibromyalgia patients is no
chronic fatigue syndrome (Spath et al 2000). There different than treating primary depressive illness.
are anecdotal reports that modafinal (Provigil), a There are no trials that have specifically addressed
non-amphetamine drug used in narcolepsy and the issue of treating depression in FM patients;
sleep deprivation situations, is of some benefit in however, one article addressed this issue in a useful
improving non-specific fatigue (Lyons and French review (Gruber et al 1996). Although antidepressant
1991). medications are commonly used in the treatment of
pain and sleep in fibromyalgia patients, the doses
used are usually suboptimal for treating depressive
Sleep illness. Further FM patients may be taking many
Most fibromyalgia patients relate to being light other medications with the potential for adverse
sleepers, being easily aroused by low-level noises interactions and are more sensitive to medication
or intrusive thoughts. Many exhibit an alpha–delta side effects. In that FM patients often develop
EEG pattern, which would explain their never stressors related to psychosocial/economic issues,
getting into the restorative stages 3 and 4 of non- therapy focusing on problem-solving techniques
REM sleep (Drewes et al 1995). Important non- and cognitive restructuring may be beneficial in
pharmacological aspects of sleep management addition to drug therapy. Patients with poor coping
include ensuring an adherence to the basic rules of strategies often tend to catastrophize adverse life
sleep hygiene and regular low-grade exercise. The events—which they perceive as being helpless to
use of low-dose tricyclic antidepressants (amitrip- influence. Psychological intervention in terms of
tyline, trazadone, doxepin, imipramine, etc.) has improving the internal locus of control and more
been the mainstay of sleep pharmacotherapy in effective problem solving is important in such
FM patients (Goldenberg 1989, Carette et al 1994). patients. Techniques of cognitive-behavioural
Many fibromyalgia patients cannot tolerate TCAs therapy seem particularly well suited to effect these
due to unacceptable levels of daytime drowsiness changes and may be enhanced when done as a part
or weight gain. In these patients, benzodiazapine- of group therapy (Goldenberg et al 1994).
like medications such as aprazolam (Russell et al
1991), zolpidem (Moldofsky et al 1996), and zopi-
clone (Drewes et al 1991) have been shown to be
beneficial in a few trials. A subset of fibromyalgia The notion that ‘exercise is good for fibromyalgia
patients suffer from a primary sleep disorder, patients’ is an accepted contemporary truth (Clark
which requires specialized management. About 25% et al 2001) supported by many studies. The benefits
of male and 15% of female fibromyalgia patients of exercise are based on reasonable scientific
have sleep apnoea, which usually requires treatment evidence, but exercise may also be deleterious
with positive airway pressure (CPAP) or surgery. (Mengshoel et al 1995). Whether it is good or bad
By far the commonest sleep disorder in fibro- for fibromyalgia patients probably depends upon
myalgia patients is restless leg syndrome/periodic many variables, such as age, current level of
limb movement disorder. Treatment is usually with conditioning, rate of increase of exercise intensity,
L-dopa/carbidopa (Sinemet 10/100 mg at supper- frequency of exercise, ratio of eccentric to concen-
time) or clonazepam (Klonipin 0.5 or 1.0 mg at tric muscle use, hormonal anabolic status, and
bedtime) (Montplaisir et al 1992). More recently negative factors such as obesity, arthritis, and
other dopamine agonists such as pergolide, tolixe- concomitant muscle disease. There are some 103
Clinical pain states

similarities between fibromyalgia symptomatology Irritable bowel syndrome

and the overtraining syndrome. Overtraining Treatment involves (1) elimination of foods that
results in a syndrome of chronic fatigue, reduced aggravate symptoms, (2) minimizing psychological
performance, depression, impaired hormonal stress distress, (3) adhering to basic rules for maintaining
responses, increased susceptibility to muscle a regular bowel habit, and (4) prescribing medica-
damage, and infections (Urhausen et al 1998). A tions for specific symptoms: constipation (stool
carefully planned individual exercise programme softener, fibre supplementation, and gentle laxa-
is always needed to optimize the benefits and tives such as bisacodyl), diarrhoea (loperamide or
minimize increased pain and fatigue (Clark 1994). diphenoxylate), and antispasmodics (dicycloverine
(dicyclomine) or anticholinergic/sedative prepara-
Endocrine dysfunction tions such as Donnatal).

There is no good evidence that fibromyalgia is Irritable bladder syndrome

primarily due to an endocrine disorder. However, Treatment involves (1) increasing intake of water,
common problems such as hypothyroidism and (2) avoiding bladder irritants such as fruit juices
menopausal symptoms will often aggravate pain (especially cranberry), (3) pelvic floor exercises (e.g.
and fatigue, and appropriate replacement therapy Kagel exercises), and (4) the prescription of anti-
is usually indicated. There has been much interest spasmodic medications (e.g. oxybutinin, flavoxate,
in abnormalities of the hypothalamic–pituitary– hyoscamine).
adrenal axis (HPA) in fibromyalgia patients
(Crofford et al 1994, Pillemer et al 1997). The Cognitive dysfunction
general impression is that fibromyalgia patients This is a common problem for many fibromyalgia
have a somewhat reduced HPA responsiveness. patients. It adversely affects the ability to be
However, replacement therapy with Prednisone competitively employed and may cause concern as
15 mg/day was not shown to be therapeutically to an early dementing type of neurodegenerative
useful in fibromyalgia (Clark et al 1985). About one- disease. In practice the latter concern has never
third of fibromyalgia patients are growth hormone been a problem and patients can be reassured. The
deficient (Bennett et al 1997), and replacement cause of poor memory and problems with concen-
therapy has been reported to benefit such patients tration is, in most patients, related to the distracting
(Bennett et al 1998). effects of chronic pain and mental fatigue. Thus
the effective treatment of cognitive dysfunction
in fibromyalgia is dependent on the successful
Associated disorders
management of the other symptoms.
Recognition and treatment of problems commonly
associated with fibromyalgia are important in the Cold intolerance
overall management scheme. Treatment involves: (1) keeping warm, (2) low-
grade aerobic exercise (which improves peripheral
Chronic fatigue circulation), (3) treatment of neurally mediated
The common treatable causes of chronic fatigue in hypotension (see below), and (4) the prescription of
fibromyalgia patients are: (1) inappropriate dosing vasodilators such as the calcium channel blockers
of medications (TCAs, drugs with antihistamine (but these may aggravate the problem in patients
actions, benzodiazapines, etc.), (2) depression, (3) with hypotension).
aerobic deconditioning, (3) a primary sleep dis-
order (e.g. sleep apnoea), (4) non-restorative sleep Multiple sensitivities
(see above), (5) neurally mediated hypotension, Treatment involves being aware that this is a
and (6) growth hormone deficiency (Bennett et al fibromyalgia-related problem and employing
1997, 1998). avoidance tactics. Medications often need to be
started at half the usual doses.
Restless leg syndrome
Treatment is simple and very effective—L-dopa/ Dizziness
levodopa (Sinemet) in an early evening dose of Treatable causes related to fibromyalgia include:
10/100 mg (a minority require a higher dose or use (1) proprioceptive dysfunction secondary to muscle
of the long-acting preparations). Some patients deconditioning, (2) proprioceptive dysfunction
respond to gabapentin. Recalcitrant cases are often secondary to myofascial trigger points in the
104 helped by low-dose opioid therapy. sterno-cleido-mastoids and other neck muscles, (3)
neurally mediated hypotension (see below), and (4)

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medication side effects. Treatment is dependent
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upon making an accurate diagnosis. Basbaum AI, Fields HL 1984 Endogenous pain control systems:
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Treatment involves: (1) education as to the trigger- Bendtsen L et al 1997 Evidence of qualitatively altered nociception
in patients with fibromyalgia. Arthritis and Rheumatism
ing factors and their avoidance, (2) increasing 40: 98–102
plasma volume (increased salt intake, prescription Bengtsson A et al 1994 Long term follow-up of fibromyalgia
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hypotension (e.g., TCAs, antihypertensives), (4) tests—an eight year comparison study. Journal of
Musculoskeletal Pain 2: 67–80
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pyramide), and (5) minimizing the efferent limb of nociceptive function. Neuroscientist 7: 13–17
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Multidisciplinary team therapy Bennett RM 1993 The origin of myopain: An integrated hypothesis
of focal muscle changes and sleep disturbance in patients with
Most of the recommendations for management the fibromyalgia syndrome. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain
1: 95–112
assume a one-on-one doctor–patient encounter. In
Bennett RM 1996a Fibromyalgia and the disability dilemma. A new
the era of cost-effective medicine it is often difficult era in understanding a complex, multidimensional pain
to accommodate the demands of these patients. syndrome. Arthritis and Rheumatism 39: 1627–1634
However, most of these same recommendations Bennett RM 1996b Multidisciplinary group programs to treat
can be incorporated into a multidisciplinary treat- fibromyalgia patients. Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North
America 22: 351–367
ment programme using a team of interested health Bennett RM 1996c The contribution of muscle to the generation of
professionals (nurse practitioners, clinical psycho- fibromyalgia symptomatology. Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain
logists, exercise physiologists, mental health care 4: 35–59
workers, and social workers) (Goldenberg 1989, Bennett RM et al 1996 Group treatment of fibromyalgia: a 6 month
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Bennett 1996b, Turk et al 1998). In this way groups
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of 5–15 patients can be seen in designated sessions factor-I axis dysfunction in patients with fibromyalgia. Journal
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often a powerful aid to cognitive-behavioural Bennett RM et al 2001 Efficacy and safety of a
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Deep and visceral pain


Abdominal pain
Laurence M Blendis

Introduction Right lower quadrant pain

In the vast majority of patients with the very Acute appendicitis
common symptom of pain in the abdomen, Pain in the right lower quadrant is common, and the
presenting from childhood through to the elderly, main differential diagnosis is that of acute appen-
no physical cause is apparent and in most cases, dicitis, especially in a male child (Michalowski
the symptoms are short-lived. Thus, although we et al 2001). The pain, commonly associated with
classify abdominal pain as organic or non-organic, anorexia, nausea, and frequent vomiting, often
this only refers to the precipitating cause. The fact starts in the periumbilical area and moves to the
that a pathological process causes pain may depend right lower quadrant after some hours, often
on psychological factors, whereas even non-organic associated with a slight temperature of up to 39°C
pain can often be shown to have a clearcut physical with or without frequency of bowel action or
mechanism. micturition. The clinical challenge is both to make
the correct diagnosis of appendicitis, preventing
unnecessary surgery, and to make it early enough
to prevent complications, such as perforation,
The acute abdomen which increase morbidity. It is important to enquire
Sudden onset of abdominal pain is a very common about previous similar attacks since up to 10% may
and important diagnostic problem. Less than be suffering from recurrent appendicitis (Barber
5% of young people presenting with this symptom et al 1997). The patient is usually exquisitely tender
are admitted to hospital for observation and even in the right lower quadrant, with a sensation of a
fewer undergo surgery (Stevenson 1985). One mass, except for patients with retrocaecal appendix,
helpful approach to diagnosis is to divide the who are especially tender in the right side on rectal
abdomen into four quadrants and the central examination. Abdominal X-rays are unlikely to
abdomen and to discuss the differential diagnosis show any diagnostic features. Blood tests usually
for each quadrant. reveal a polymorphonuclear leucocytosis commonly

Clinical pain states

>20 000/mm (Barber et al 1997, Michalowski et al

2001), and urinalysis shows increased white cells. BOX 8.1
In one study the >40% incidence of negative surgi- Some common causes of acute abdomen:
cal explorations was more than halved in uncertain differential diagnosis
cases by a simple 24-h observation period, during Right lower quadrant
which more than 60% of admissions were found to Acute appendicitis
have an infection not requiring surgery (Wenham Mesenteric lymphadenitis
1982). Infective distal ileitis
With the addition of appendiceal ultrasono- Crohn’s disease
graphy, no patients were operated upon unnecessa- In females, tubo-ovarian disorders
rily for a normal appendix (100% specificity) but Ectopic pregnancy
the sensitivity was only 75% (Puylaert et al 1987). Rupture of ovarian cyst
Acute salpingitis
Since in women the differential diagnosis is longer,
Renal disorders
laparoscopy has been added. This reduced un- Right ureteric calculus
necessary appendicectomy from 37 to 7% (Olsen et Acute pyelonephritis
al 1993). Acute cholecystitis
Recently, routine appendiceal computed tomo- Acute rheumatic fever
graphy (CT) was performed on 100 consecutive Pyogenic sacroiliitis
patients and was 98% accurate, changing the pro- Right upper quadrant
posed management in 59 patients, including un- Acute cholecystitis
necessary surgery or admission for 24-h observation Biliary colic
(Rao et al 1998). CT involves more irradiation and Acute hepatic distension or inflammation
expense than ultrasound, and although overall Perforated duodenal ulcer
savings were $447 per patient, expertise in appen- Central abdominal pain
diceal ultrasound should be encouraged, as well as Gastroenteritis
maintenance of clinical skills (McColl 1998). Small intestinal colic
Acute pancreatitis
Mesenteric lymphadenitis
Left upper quadrant
This differential diagnosis is a large one, and the Perisplenitis
more common disorders are shown in Box 8.1. Splenic infarct
In children and young adolescents, who are at the Disorders of splenic flexure
commonest age of presentation of acute appendi-
Left lower quadrant
citis, mesenteric lymphadenitis is a likely alternative.
Acute diverticulitis
This usually occurs in a setting of an ‘epidemic’ or Pyogenic sacroiliitis
contact history of virus infections, usually of the
upper respiratory tract. Symptomatically, the patients
closely resemble those with acute appendicitis. One
helpful differentiating point is that in mesenteric
lymphadenitis, the white blood count is usually
normal with a relative lymphocytosis, although it because of the increase in immuno-suppressed
may be surprisingly high. Abdominal imaging patients (Box 8.2).
should reveal a lymphadenopathy and normal
appendix, hopefully reducing the number of young Crohn’s disease
people with this condition having a normal Patients with Crohn’s disease usually give a past
appendix removed. history of abdominal symptoms such as inter-
mittent discomfort with distension and alteration
Infective distal ileocaecitis in bowel habit and weight loss, with or without
Infectious ileocaecitis is usually associated with other systemic manifestations. On examination, the
more systemic symptoms than acute appendicitis. most important differential diagnostic sign is a
Patients with distal ileitis due to Yersinia very often mass in the right lower quadrant. Barium radio-
give a history of swimming in a lake or drinking graphs are diagnostic in Crohn’s disease, but since
possibly contaminated water. Serial serological they are inadvisable in a patient with a differential
studies for Yersinia should be performed (Attwood diagnosis of acute appendicitis, non-invasive
et al 1987). The differential diagnosis of infective imaging is preferable for further diagnostic
110 ileocaecitis has been considerably lengthened support.
Acute duodenal ulcer perforation
Abdominal pain
BOX 8.2 Acute perforation of a duodenal ulcer produces
Some causes of ileocaecitis pain. Acute ulcers are often precipitated by stress.
Infectious The sudden onset of severe pain in the region is
Viral—herpes virus, cytomegalovirus followed by symptoms and signs of peritonism
Bacterial—salmonella, shigella, yersinia with ‘boardlike’ rigidity of the anterior abdominal
Mycobacterial wall and ‘guarding’. A straight abdominal radio-
Protozoal—entamoeba, cryptosporidium graph may show a gas shadow outside the duo-
Fungal—candida, aspergillus denal lumen under the right diaphragm.
Ischaemic ileocolitis
Acute hepatic congestion
The major organ in the right upper quadrant, the
liver, occasionally causes acute pain that is usually
Ovarian tubular disorders associated with acute enlargement and stretching
In young women in the third and fourth decades, of the hepatic capsule, due either to inflammation,
ovariotubal disorders become more important. as in acute viral hepatitis, or to acute congestion
Thus, it is extremely important to obtain a complete secondary to acute heart failure or hepatic vein
menstrual history. A period of amenorrhoea obstruction, the Budd–Chiari syndrome. All condi-
suggests the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy, tions result in a variable degree of jaundice and an
whereas a history of promiscuity would suggest the acute release into the bloodstream of hepatic
possibility of acute salpingitis. However, this is enzymes, especially the transaminases with levels
usually bilateral. These conditions usually give rise rising from less than 50 to greater than 1000 IU/L.
to tenderness on vaginal examination. If acute Budd–Chiari syndrome is suspected,
a liver–spleen radionuclide scan may show the
Renal and ureteric colic characteristic pattern of hepatic ‘wipe-out’ with
Renal colic starts in either flank and radiates sparing or hypertrophy of the caudate lobe due to
around and down into the groin. It is usually due to its venous drainage directly into the inferior vena
a ureteric calculus passing from the renal pelvis cava. The diagnosis must be confirmed by Doppler
into the ureter causing obstruction. The colicky ultrasound of the hepatic veins, and hepatic
pain, resulting from increasing peristaltic contrac- venography to demonstrate the blockage.
tions as the calculus is forced distally towards
the bladder, characteristically comes in waves that
gradually build up in intensity, causing the patient Central abdomen
to sweat and to feel nauseated. As the wave of pain Colic of the small intestine
recedes, the patient feels considerable relief, despite Intestinal colic is most commonly due to acute
residual soreness, until the next wave begins. The inflammation of the bowel, such as acute gastro-
calculous is usually seen on an abdominal flat plate enteritis, in which the patient suffers from acute
or ultrasound. nausea, with or without vomiting, and crampy or
colicky abdominal pain, repeatedly relieved by
Right upper quadrant pain defecation of loose or watery stools. The infection
is either viral, usually by contact during an epi-
Biliary colic and acute cholecystitis demic, bacterial or parasitic from contaminated
Biliary colic usually starts in the right upper food or water. Microscopic examination of the stool
quadrant and radiates around to the back with or for inflammatory cells, ova, and parasites, and stool
without referred pain to the right shoulder tip. culture may be diagnostic. In contrast, intestinal
Such patients are often tender in the right upper colic may be secondary to intestinal obstruction, the
quadrant, particularly on deep inspiration. In cause of which will depend on the site and on the
contrast, in acute inflammation of the gallbladder age of the patient. This is associated with partial or
or cholecystitis without the passage of a gallstone, complete constipation and abdominal distension.
the pain is constant and the patient is exquisitely Vomiting occurs in relation to the site of the
tender in the right upper quadrant. At least two obstruction; the more proximal the lesion, the more
other conditions must be considered in acute right likely the associated vomiting.
upper quadrant pain: duodenal ulcer perforation Non-invasive techniques are most useful in the
and acute hepatic congestion. diagnosis of colicky conditions. A flat plate of the 111
Clinical pain states

abdomen may reveal a calcified stone in the ureter, ischaemia. The diagnosis can only be made by
gallbladder, or bile duct, whereas a non-calcified angiographic demonstration of narrowed coeliac or
stone may be seen on ultrasonography. With intes- superior mesenteric vessels and confirmed by the
tinal obstruction, a supine and erect film will show demonstration of a pressure difference across the
distension of the bowel proximal to the obstruction stricture.
whilst the erect film will show multiple air–fluid
Left upper quadrant
Acute pancreatitis Splenic pain
One of the few pains to begin in the centre of the The left upper quadrant is occupied by the spleen,
abdomen is pancreatic. Acute pancreatitis is one of which rarely causes pain except following a splenic
the severest of all pains and has a number of causes infarct or when involved in a serositis, as in familial
(Box 8.3). Infrequently none of these causes are Mediterranean fever. Much more commonly, the
present, and a diagnosis of idiopathic acute spleen causes discomfort or a dragging sensation
pancreatitis (IAP) is made. Endoscopic ultrasound when it becomes enlarged due to any cause.
may reveal an assortment of unsuspected diag-
noses (Box 8.4). The central pain of pancreatitis is Splenic flexure of colon
constant in nature and commonly bores through to The splenic flexure of the colon may cause pain
the back so that classically relief may be attained if distended acutely, for example in patients with
by the patient sitting forward hugging his knees. toxic megacolon secondary to ulcerative colitis,
On examination the patient may be tender on deep although this usually occurs in the transverse or
palpation. The diagnosis is confirmed by greatly descending colon. It is a common site of involve-
elevated pancreatic enzymes, serum amylase, and ment in elderly patients with ischaemic colitis and
especially lipase. This test has a 75% sensitivity secondary stricture formation may occur in the
and 90% specificity. More recently, a urinary area.
trypsinogen-2 dipstick test was shown to have 95%
sensitivity and specificity and 99% negative pre- Miscellaneous
dictive value (Kemppainen et al 1997). Pain originating from the stomach due to disten-
sion or ulceration, or from the tail of an inflamed
Abdominal angina pancreas, may radiate to this area.
Central abdominal pain associated with large as
opposed to small meals may be due to intestinal
Left lower quadrant
Acute diverticulitis
The left lower quadrant is the classic site of pain in
BOX 8.3 elderly patients with acute diverticulitis. Character-
Some common causes of acute pancreatitis istically, they suffer from fever, pain, and either
Alcohol bloody stools or constipation. On examination, they
Gallstones may have a painful mass.
Drugs, e.g., thiazides, frusemide, the pill
Metabolic: parathyroidism, hyperlipidaemia Non-specific ulcerative colitis
Local inflammation: gastric or duodenal ulcer The commonest site of pain in patients with
Postoperative ulcerative colitis is the left lower quadrant. The
patient is often tender over the descending colon.
The diagnosis is made by observing the classic
characteristics of the colonic and rectal muscosa
BOX 8.4 colonoscopy. However, this condition, by spreading
Some causes of idiopathic acute pancreatitis proximally, can involve any amount of the colon
and thus cause pain and tenderness over the
surface markings of the colon, especially in patients
Dysfunction of sphincter of Oddi
Pancreatic diversum with toxic megacolon.
CFTR related
Crohn’s disease
Celiac disease Acute peritonitis usually occurs secondarily to
112 perforation of a viscus or from direct involvement
with an inflamed organ, such as the pancreas
Abdominal pain

Prelaparotomy diagnosis was correct in 14 patients

(Boxes 8.3, 8.4). The pain is usually generalized, before the test, compared to 20 after the test.
although it may start in the area of the perforated
organ. The patient learns to lie very still, since any
movement of the abdomen increases the pain. Chronic abdominal pain
Thus, on examination, the abdomen is still and Chronic abdominal wall pain
the anterior abdominal wall is not involved in
respiration. It feels ‘boardlike’ on palpation as Before discussing the causes of chronic visceral
the anterior abdominal wall muscles ‘guard’ the pain, it is important to exclude the pain originating
inflamed mucosa underneath. The secondary effect from the anterior abdominal wall. This is done
of peritonitis is a loss of bowel sounds as the bowel first and foremost by considering this diagnosis
becomes paralysed by contact with the inflamma- and then looking for the characteristic findings
tion and an ileus develops. Abdominal radiographs on examination of this pain, namely, superficial
and ultrasound show large dilated loops of both tenderness that persists when the patient tenses the
large and small bowel, and extraluminal collections. anterior abdominal wall. The pain and tenderness
From the clinical viewpoint, the physician must should disappear following injection of local
make the following decisions. Is the cause surgical anaesthetic directly into the tender area. The most
(e.g., perforation) or medical, infected, or non- likely explanation for this pain is entrapment and
infected inflammation? The cause will determine stretching of the anterior cutaneous branch of the
the management. thoracoabdominal nerve, and treatment is by local
anaesthetic injection. However, the presence of a
small ventral hernia must be excluded.
Diagnosis of difficult cases of acute
abdominal pain Organic causes of chronic abdominal
All physicians must be aware of the possibility of a pain
generalized medical condition presenting as acute
abdominal pain, examples of which are shown in Atypical gastro-oesophageal reflux
Box 8.5. disorders (GERD)
When the diagnosis of acute abdominal pain is Although the vast majority of patients suffering
in doubt and laparotomy is being considered, the from GERD present with heartburn and other
diagnostic method of fine catheter aspiration cyto- thoracic symptoms, a minority present with epi-
logy may be used (Stewart et al 1986). Cytological gastric pain. When suspected, the diagnosis
specimens were prepared by the cytosieve tech- will require some or all of the following tests:
nique and the number of neutrophils per 500 cells barium swallow with video, manometry with 24-h
was counted. Of 27 patients, 25 had a successful test. monitoring for acid reflux, radionuclide technetium
swallows for reflux, endoscopy with biopsy,
especially looking for the presence of Helicobacter
pylori infection, and serological tests for H. pylori.
BOX 8.5 If present, then eradication of the infection with
Some examples of acute abdominal pain in triple therapy, including a proton pump inhibitor,
general medical conditions may bring relief (Klinkenberg-Knol et al 2000).
Neutropenic enteropathy (Starnes et al 1986)
Gastric ulcer
Collagen vascular disorders (mesenteric arteritis) Patients with gastric ulcer complain of periodic
Polyarteritis nodosa and polyangiitis (Jennette upper abdominal pain over a fairly large area,
and Falk 1997) which is frequently related to meals and occurs
Familial Mediterranean fever (Babior and Matzner soon after the patient starts eating. The pain is
1997) usually relieved to some extent by antacid medica-
Diabetes mellitus tion. Gastric ulcer patients may lose a little weight
Tabes dorsalis
in association with decreased food intake. It is now
Sickle cell anaemia
clear that the major factor in the aetiology of peptic
Acute intermittent porphyria (Kauppinen and
Mustajorki 1992) ulcer disease is infection with H. pylori, cagA
Opiate withdrawal genotype (Maastricht Consensus Report 1997). This
Abdominal migraine organism infects the mucosal environment and
results in inflammation and ulceration. The treat- 113
Clinical pain states

ment is one of a number of 1-week courses of triple entrained the gastric slow wave and converted
therapy with two antibiotics and antacid therapy, tachygastria into regular 3-cpm slow waves with an
such as a proton pump inhibitor (Maastricht improvement in both gastric emptying and symp-
Consensus Report 1997). toms, including pain (McCallum et al 1998). Further-
more it has recently been shown that symptomatic
Gastric malignancy gastric distension activates structures implicated in
The major differential diagnosis of a gastric ulcer is somatic pain processing (Ladabaum et al 2001).
whether it is benign or malignant. Malignant ulcers
are usually associated with atypical, constant pain, Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction
unrelated to meals but associated with anorexia (Wood et al 1999)
and considerable weight loss. Fundic cancer causes Disorders of the myenteric plexus and smooth
dysphagia and regurgitation, whereas prepyloric muscle result in loss of peristaltic control and the
lesions will cause gastric outlet obstruction with migrating motor complex and intestinal distension.
vomiting. Initially the patient’s symptoms may mimic IBS and
Primary low-grade lymphoma of the mucosa- later chronic intestinal obstruction with abdominal
associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) of the stomach distension and pain, with or without vomiting, and
is relatively rare, accounting for up to 10% of gastric diarrhoea associated with bacterial overgrowth and
malignancies. It is now clear that H. pylori infection malabsorption. Or there may be involvement of
is involved in the pathogenesis of both gastric the oesophagus, stomach, with gastroparesis, or
cancer and lymphoma, and that eradication of the colon, with constipation. There may be a family his-
infection may lead to disappearance of the tory or a history of drug ingestion. The numerous
lymphoma (Sackman et al 1997). causes can be classified in various ways as for
example in Box 8.6.
Duodenal ulcer Therefore the diagnosis will involve clinical
Patients with duodenal ulcer are often able to local- history, examination, radiology, endoscopy, and
ize their epigastric pain with one finger, commonly finally surgery with full-thickness biopsy of the
to the right of the midline or very high up in the intestinal wall. Recently antienteric neuron anti-
midline, with or without radiation through to the bodies have been detected in patients with inflam-
back. The pain is also characteristically associated matory degenerative neuropathy. The treatment
with the fasting state, often waking the patient in will depend on the diagnosis.
the early hours of the morning, and is then relieved
by eating or drinking or antacid medication. Chronic pancreatitis and carcinoma of the
Nausea, abdominal distension, and vomiting are pancreas
these days uncommon symptoms. These patients Chronic pancreatitis develops in less than 10% of
do not usually lose weight and may actually gain patients following an attack of acute pancreatitis.
weight due to eating frequently to relieve the pain. The majority of these patients suffer from chronic
relapsing pancreatitis with recurrent bouts of pain
Treatment Once the diagnosis has been made, the
aim of therapy is eradication of H. pylori infection,
with one of the triple-therapy combinations. These
generally include two antibiotics such as clarithro- BOX 8.6
mycin, amoxicillin, tetracycline, with or without Some causes of chronic intestinal pseudo-
metronidazole, in addition to antacid therapy with obstruction
a proton pump inhibitor, H2-receptor antagonist, or 1. Disorders of the myenteric plexus
bismuth compound (Wyeth et al 1996, Maastricht a. Developmental disorders
Consensus Report 1997). b. Familial visceral disorders
c. Sporadic visceral disorders
Gastroparesis d. Diffuse small intestinal diverticulosis
There is little doubt that gastric distension can e. Amyloidosis
f. Toxic damage, e.g., laxatives,
cause pain. Some of the best evidence comes from
patients with gastroparesis, most of whom are
2. Disorders of smooth muscle
diabetic. At one time this was thought to be only a. Primary (familial) visceral myopathies
poorly manageable with prokinetic agents. Recently, b. Secondary myopathies, e.g., systemic
gastric pacing with cardiac pacing wires implanted sclerosis
114 on the serosal surface has been used. Pacing
similar to the acute attacks associated with eleva-
Abdominal pain

methane producers), and 200 ml hydrogen via

tion of pancreatic enzymes. In less than 20% the colonic bacterial fermentation (Hightower 1977).
pain is chronically persistent. There are two theories However, it has recently been shown that it is
for this pain. The first is that there is involvement important to distinguish excess gas formation, as
of the pancreatic nerves by inflammatory or scar in hypolactasia, from a sensation of bloating, as
tissue, and therefore the treatment is by medical in irritable bowel syndrome with normal gas
nerve block. The second is that the pain is due to production (Levitt et al 1996).
pancreatic ductular hypertension secondary to
stricture formation. The medical treatment for this Hypolactasia
is to attempt to reduce pancreatic secretion. Patients A lack of intestinal lactase is very common in many
with alcoholic chronic pancreatitis may benefit parts of the world. The result is that on drinking
from cessation of drinking, so that many can expect milk or eating certain dairy foods, lactose mal-
cessation of pain by 7 to 10 years (Amman and absorption occurs, leading to colonic gaseous fer-
Muelhaupt 1999). mentation, crampy abdominal pain over the colon
The pain of carcinoma of the pancreas is usually and diarrhoea and excessive flatus. The diagnosis
central abdominal, deep, and radiating through to can be made from the history and confirmed by the
the back. Unrelated to meals, it is characteristically lactose hydrogen breath test (Metz et al 1975).
severe and requires powerful analgesics. Once the Lactose maldigestion was detected in 24% of 137
diagnosis is suspected, abdominal CT is the test of children with recurrent abdominal pain, which
choice, showing pancreatic enlargement. This can improved with a lactose free diet (Webster et al
be confirmed by endoscopic retrograde cholangio- 1995). Management consists of treating any
pancreatography (ERCP) examination. Unfortu- underlying pathology such as coeliac syndrome, in
nately, only a small percentage of such cancers are this case with a gluten-free diet, and then putting
operable. the patient on a lactose-free diet. Alternatively,
if the patient needs or likes milk and dairy foods,
Gastrointestinal food hypersensitivity these can be given together with synthetic lactases.
The evaluation of food allergies has been clarified
by the recent publication of the document repre- Hyposucrasia and multiple sugar
senting the official recommendation of the AGA malabsorptions
(Sampson et al 2001). It is a true entity, most fre- Because of their position further down the villi
quently involving cow’s milk and soya proteins, and their greater number and quantity, other
eggs, fish, and nuts. There is a clear symptom disaccharidase deficiencies are either rare or never
complex with bloating, abdominal pain, and occur. For example, there are only a few case
diarrhoea, especially in atopic infants. Such aller- reports of sucrase deficiency. The patients present
gies are rarely confirmed in adults. Whatever the in the same way after eating foods containing
mechanism, recognition of the possibility and sucrose, are diagnosed by the sucrose hydrogen
withdrawal of the offending food can result in the breath test (Metz et al 1976a), and are treated by
disappearance of symptoms. the elimination of sucrose from the diet. However,
if symptoms do not improve, other sugars may
Unusual causes be involved, such as fructose and sorbitol, with
Finally when unable to make a diagnosis, the such patients presenting as non-ulcer dyspepsia
physician must always be aware of the long list of (Mishkin et al 1997).
unusual causes of chronic abdominal pain such as
Leishmaniasis (Magill et al 1993), mesenteric panni- Stagnant loop syndrome
culitis (sclerosing mesocolitis, Weber–Christian Carbohydrate maldigestion may also occur in
disease) (Steely and Gooden 1986), and grumbling patients who have bacterial colonization of the
appendicitis, in which colonoscopy can be diagnos- small intestine. Normally, the upper small intestine
tic with the appearance of inflammation localized is only significantly colonized after meals and the
to the root of the appendix in the caecal region bacteria are ‘swept downstream’ with the food.
(Johnson and De Cosse 1998). In patients with certain pathologies of the small
intestine, luminar contents stagnate and become
Carbohydrate maldigestion and colonized, resulting in malabsorption. Examples of
malabsorption this are jejunal diverticulosis; systemic sclerosis
Five grams of indigestible carbodydrate can pro- of the duodenum and jejunum; fistulae producing a
duce 1000 ml carbon dioxide, 400 ml methane (in blind loop, such as Crohn’s disease; and incomplete 115
Clinical pain states

obstruction, such as radiation enteropathy (Newman In patients suffering from chronic pain the
et al 1973). These conditions are grouped under abdomen is the second commonest site (Merskey
the heading of ‘stagnant loop syndrome’ and if 1965). In the majority of older children and
proximal lead to monosaccharide fermentation, adolescents chronic abdominal pain is functional
causing increased hydrogen production from (Daum 1997). Extensive research into brain–gut
glucose (Metz et al 1976b). The diagnosis of a relationships should lead to further elucidation of
stagnant loop can be suspected by evidence of bile this problem and advances in therapy (Aziz and
acid or vitamin B12 malabsorption and confirmed Thompson 1998).
by anatomical demonstration of the lesion by
radiology. Gaseous distension syndromes
Colonic maldigestion Aerophagy
Colonic ‘maldigestion’ of carbohydrate occurs Aerophagy or excessive air swallowing can be due
normally if the diet contains large amounts of to organic conditions that cause pain or discomfort
indigestible carbohydrate. Excessive amounts of of the pharynx and oesophagus and include acute
unabsorbed carbohydrate, such as from fruit, pharyngitis and peptic oesophagitis. The patient
vegetable, or sorbitol contained in chewing gum, experiences relief of discomfort momentarily by
can cause gaseous abdminal pain. swallowing air since, presumably, this results in a
‘cushion’ of air separating the inflamed surfaces.
The non-organic and far more common causes
of aerophagy include anxiety and depression (Song
In constipated individuals, increasing amounts et al 1993). Anxious people tend to swallow more
of faecal material and gas build up in the colon, air and tend to eat more quickly and take in
causing crampy pain. This may occur in the elderly, excessive amounts of air, whilst swallowing food,
in the absence of any colonic pathology, or in which collects in the fundus of the stomach,
association with diverticular disease of the colon. causing discomfort and eventually pain throughout
This diagnosis is made by clinical examination, and the gastrointestinal tract by stimulation of stretch
flat plates of the abdomen and treatment consists of receptors in the wall of the viscera. The patient will
normalizing the bowel action with a combination then gain temporary relief by belching the air out
of diet, laxatives, and if necessary colonic lavage. and the process is repeated. In one series there was
Constipation is also a particularly common cause of a high incidence of bereavement of someone close
abdominal pain in children, but a long list of causes who had died with abdominal pain. In a small
must be excluded first (Seth and Heyman 1994). group of these patients, the pain responded to
antidepressant therapy (Blendis et al 1978).
Non-organic or psychogenic pain Non-ulcer dyspepsia
(Glaser and Engel 1977) On investigation 30–60% of patients complaining
of non-specific upper abdominal discomfort or
1. The location, distribution, timing, quality, and dyspepsia will be found to be infected with H.
intensity of the pain do not relate to established pylori with or without gastritis. It is still unclear
pathophysiological patterns. whether this infection is the cause of the symptoms.
2. There is often a marked discrepancy between Although in a percentage of patients the symptoms
the severity of the pain and the patient’s will disappear with triple therapy, there is no
behaviour. evidence that this is better than placebo (Blum et al
3. The patient usually has or has had multiple 1998, Talley et al 1999). However, this remains a
pains in many other parts of the body, which contenious issue, and some authors still advocate
may have been fully investigated without any triple therapy for H. pylori positive functional
obvious abnormality being discovered. In other dyspepsia (McColl et al 1998). If symptoms persist
words, the patient is ‘pain prone’. following successful eradication, then alternative
4. The onset of pain may bear an obvious therapy such as psychodynamic-interpersonal
temporal relationship to stress. This is psychotherapy may be helpful (Hamilton et al
particularly the case with bereavement, where 2000). Alternatively another cause may be present.
the onset may coincide with the death of a close For example, delayed gastric emptying with gastric
relative or friend in whom abdominal pain may distension has been detected in up to 35% of
116 have been a major symptom. dyspeptic patients in a referral centre (Stanghellini
et al 1996). This syndrome was associated with
Abdominal pain

appetite is rarely affected, and therefore a history

the female sex, postprandial fullness, and vomiting of significant weight loss (i.e., more than 3.5 kg) is
and tended to respond to prokinetic agents. unusual and should raise suspicions of an
alternative diagnosis.
Irritable bowel syndrome (Horwitz IBS pain is asociated with nausea without
vomiting, dyspepsia, urinary symptoms, especially
and Fisher 2001)
dysuria, gynaecological symptoms, especially
Definition dysmenorrhoea, and headache; IBS symptoms may
As indicated at the beginning of the chapter, most begin after an attack of gastroenteritis (Gwee et al
people at some time or other suffer from a bout of 1999). IBS may have been the cause of pelvic pain
non-organic abdominal pain associated with stress in 60% women attending gynaecological clinics,
or after a bout of gastroenteritis. However, in the having dilatation and curettage for dysmenorrhoea,
majority, the symptoms gradually disappear. 40% having elective hysterectomy, compared to 32%
Therefore, in children, irritable bowel syndrome of age-matched controls (Crowell et al 1994). They
(IBS) may occur in up to 15%, and has been classi- frequently have a past history of appendicectomy
fied as symptoms lasting for longer than 3 months for ‘chronic appendicitis’. Cancer phobia is another
(Milla 2001). Thus, IBS may be defined as symp- frequent observation in these patients.
toms of abdominal pain and disturbance of bowel Recently at a second conference in Rome on IBS,
action of more than 12 weeks duration without any the Rome II Criteria evolved (Box 8.7). The Rome II
organic cause. However, separating patients into Criteria are excellent for standardization of thera-
diagnoses of non-ulcer dyspepsia and IBS may be peutic trials and the discipline that they brought
artificial since 50% of patients may change their to the field but their very rigidity brings artificial
symptoms from one category to the other over a constraints that will have to be reconsidered in the
1-year period (Agreus et al 1995). future (Camilleri 1998). On examination, there is
usually a disparity between the severity of the
Incidence patient’s symptoms and his or her physical con-
A recent study in the United States indicates that dition, since they look well. The patient will be
about 20–30% of the population suffer from IBS tender over an area of the colon, most commonly
symptoms. IBS affects females more commonly the descending colon. Some patients are exquisitely
than males, with ratios in published series varying tender on rectal examination. Sigmoidoscopic
from 1.5:1. A recent study found that in up to 44% examination is usually normal but it is extremely
of women presenting with IBS, there is a history of difficult to proceed beyond the rectosigmoid
sexual and physical abuse (Drossman et al 1990). junction, because of spasm and pain. The patients
The peak age of onset is in the third decade. may also have mucosal hyperalgesia to light touch
However, up to 70% of persons with identical IBS via the sigmoidoscope. Routine blood tests,
symptoms do not seek medical attention (Hahn et including sedimentation rate, should be normal.
al 1997).
Clinical features Historical evidence of an affective disorder is
Abdominal pain is predominantly periumbilical common. Continuous fatigue is almost universal,
in children (Milla et al 2001), whereas in adults it some patients waking up tired after a full night’s
tends to occur over the surface markings of the
colon with the commonest site in the left lower
quadrant, less commonly the right or left upper
quadrant over the hepatic or splenic flexures. It BOX 8.7
varies from a dull ache to attacks of excruciating The Rome II Criteria for IBS
severity, lasting from minutes to several hours to all Abdominal pain or discomfort, for at least 12
day, but it rarely prevents the patient from sleeping weeks out of the previous 12 months, which need
through the night. ‘Meteorism’ is due to ‘air not necessarily be consecutive (and cannot be
trapping’ in which segmental accumulation of gas explained by structural or biochemical changes),
occurs. and has 2 of these 3 features:
Alterations of bowel habit, diarrhoea or consti- a. relieved by defecation
pation occur in up to 90% of the patients. In about b. onset associated with a change in frequency
half the patients pain is aggravated by eating c. consistency of stool
and relieved by defecation. However, the patient’s 117
Clinical pain states

sleep, although insomnia may also be a problem. diet using soluble, cereal fibre such as natural bran,
Alternatively, they may feel depressed and in an attempt to normalize intestinal transit, has
frequently close to tears. On formal testing, patients been proposed as the basis of therapy, but is not
scored higher for anxiety, neuroticism, and universally accepted. As abdominal symptoms
introversion than normal controls or than patients occur frequently in IBS patients following the
with ulcerative colitis, their neurosis score lying ingestion of lactose, fructose, or sorbitol it is worth
midway between normal and frank neurosis, attempting to exclude these carbohydrates, one at a
even in those patients with acute gastroenteritis time, from the diet. In addition, stool-softening
before they have developed IBS (Gwee et al 1999). agents such as diocyte sodium 100 mg twice daily
However, the psychological abnormalities found in can be useful in constipated patients. Antispasmo-
IBS may be secondary to their patient status and dic agents with or without sedatives have been
not primary factors causing IBS (Kumar et al 1990), tried with some success for patients with bloating
but they may be the determinants of health care and cramps (Jailwala et al 2000). Tricyclic anti-
seeking (Smith et al 1990). depressants (Jackson et al 2000) and serotonin
reuptake antagonists have been advocated for
Investigations patients with frequent severe pain, since their
Any evidence of anaemia, leucocytosis, etc. should neuromodulatory and analgesic properties function
be further investigated to exclude other disease at lower doses. They have proven to be effective in
such as inflammatory bowel disease. Although it is randomized controlled trials, despite placebo
important psychologically not to overinvestigate response rates of >50% (Drossman et al 1997). It is
these patients, most of them eventually have a still unclear whether the tricyclics have a specific
barium enema or colonoscopy, which is normal antidepressant action in IBS (Jackson et al 2000).
apart from a variable amount of spasm. Up to 25% Serotonin plays a major role in the modulation of
of patients may have lactose intolerance (Bohmer brain–gut function. The use of 5-HT3 receptor inhi-
and Tuynman 1996) or some other form of food bitors, such as ondanstron, in diarrhea-predomi-
intolerance (Nanda et al 1989). Removal of the nant IBS patients improved stool consistency and
offending food may lead to a marked improvement reduced frequency. Alosetron, acting primarily on
in symptoms. extrinsic afferent neurons innervating gut mucosa,
decreased diarrhoea, by slowing left colonic transit,
Motility studies and improved pain directly by increasing com-
Colonic motility has frequently been shown to be pliance to distension and indirectly by inhibiting
abnormal in IBS patients but motility studies on the activation of spinal cord neurons by colonic dis-
small intestine, upper gastrointestinal tract, and tension. In a randomized controlled trial, alosetron,
even the oesophagus have shown abnormalities 1 mg b.i.d. for 12 weeks, caused significant
associated with hypersensitivity of lumbar splanch- improvement in pain and bowel function, during
nic afferents (Lembo et al 1994, Accarino et al 1995). the entire 3 months, but increased constipation, com-
Distension of the appropriate area of intestine, pared to placebo (Camilleri et al 2000). Unfortu-
especially distal colon and rectum, in adults and nately since FDA approval for this very promising
especially in children, reproduced the pain (van therapy, there have been frequent reports of severe
Ginkel et al 2001), with pain thresholds lower than side effects, including complete constipation with
that of normal volunteers, now recognized as the fecal impaction and ischaemic colitis (Friedel et al
hypersensitivity phenomenon (Mayer and Gebhart 2001). Tegaserod, a partial 5-HT4 receptor agonist
1994). at 2 mg b.i.d., was shown to significantly accelerate
When patients have been subdivided clinically, proximal colonic filling, a measure of orocaecal
the constipated type, with reduced colonic activity, transit, at 6 h, compared to placebo (Prather et al
were associated with a cholinergic disorder, and 2000), and is superior to placebo in relieving
diarrhoeal types, in which colonic motor activity abdominal bloating, discomfort, and constipation
was increased and disordered, with an adrenergic (Pandolfino et al 2000). However, in a recent review
abnormality (Aggarwal et al 1994). there was still considerable scepticism about the
performance and therefore results of controlled
Treatment (Camilleri 2001) trials in IBS (Klein 1998).
The essence of treatment of IBS is a sympathetic,
patient, and even innovative physician who is Prognosis
prepared to spend time discussing the patient’s Irritable bowel syndrome is considered a chronic
118 symptoms and the pathogenesis of IBS. A high-fibre pain condition lasting for many years. However, in
a report of the aggressive use of high-fibre diets
Abdominal pain

and IBS-like symptoms. Digestive Diseases and Sciences

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Hamilton J, Guthrie E, Creed F et al 2000 A randomised controlled
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Deep and visceral pain


Heart, vascular, and haemopathic pain
Paolo Procacci, Massimo Zoppi, and Marco Maresca

Introduction Chest wall pain may also accompany or follow

herpes zoster, chest injury, or Tietze’s syndrome
This chapter analyses the clinical aspects of heart (i.e., discomfort localized in swelling of the costo-
pain, vascular pain, and pain in haemopathies. chondral and costosternal joints, which are painful
These pains are associated with disease processes to palpation).
that are a major cause of morbidity and mortality.

General considerations on pain

Heart pain from ischaemic heart disease
The main diagnostic problem for a clinician who
Pain from ischaemic heart disease is a symptom
sees a patient suffering from chest pain is whether
well known to every physician, for it is frequently
he is affected by heart disease. Particular attention
observed. However, descriptions in textbooks and
is focused on exploring for possible cardiac
everyday experience give the impression of a wide
ischaemia. We must, however, remember that many
variety of symptoms because of different areas of
diseases cause chest pain. Apart from angina
reference, different kinds of pain in the same area,
pectoris and myocardial infarction, pain can be
and involvement of areas far away from the heart.
present in some valvular heart diseases and in
This pain, therefore, seems not to follow any rules.
pericarditis. Many thoracic diseases may cause
We believe that for this reason the attention of the
chest pain that often resembles pain from the heart,
physician is given less to an exact observation of
the pain and more to laboratory and instrumental
1. some diseases of the aorta, such as dissection investigations.
and atherosclerotic aneurysms The absence of rules for cardiac pain is only
2. some diseases of the lungs, such as pulmonary apparent if we examine in detail the various types
embolism, infarction, pneumonia, cancer of pain perceived by the patient. Indeed, it is not
3. pleuritis enough to investigate where pain is felt, but it is
4. diseases of the oesophagus, such as alterations also necessary to distinguish between true visceral
of motility and inflammation. pain and referred pain and to determine whether 121
Clinical pain states

pain is referred in deep or superficial parietal posterior; it lasts from a few minutes to a few hours,
structures. Only an adequate and careful investi- showing the characteristics of true visceral pain.
gation of the patient can give us such information. It is defined by most patients as pressing, con-
Consequently, the description of cardiac pain stricting, or squeezing or with phrases such as
should be preceded by a few clinical concepts on ‘a band across the chest’. This kind of pain is
the characteristics of visceral pain. central, often behind the lower sternum, less
The subsequent discussion on pain from the frequently on the epigastrium or in both these
heart and from other chest organs is mainly based sites. Anterior pain may be concomitant with
on observations made in the Medical School of central back pain; in some patients pain is only
Florence over the past 50 years (Teodori and posterior. Pain is often accompanied by nausea and
Galletti 1962, Procacci 1969, Procacci et al 1986, vomiting and by diffuse sweating. This pain is very
Procacci and Maresca 1987a). intense and often accompanied by a strong alarm
reaction, sometimes with a feeling of impending
Clinical characteristics of visceral In a following phase, after a period which varies
from 10 min to a few hours, the pain reaches the
pain parietal structures, assuming the characteristics
The qualities of true visceral pain are clearly differ- of referred pain. It may be the first perceived pain.
ent from those of deep pain or cutaneous pain. This pain is often defined as pressing or constrict-
Visceral pain is dull, aching, or boring, and is not ing and tends to radiate. The spatial localization
well localized. It is always accompanied by a sense is more exact than for visceral pain; it is often
of malaise and of being ill. It is associated with accompanied by sweating and rarely by nausea and
strong autonomic reflexes, such as diffuse sweating, vomiting. This pain is often referred beneath the
vasomotor responses, changes of arterial pressure sternum or in the precordial area, sometimes
and heart rate, and with an intense alarm reaction. spreading to both sides of the anterior chest or, in a
When an algogenic process affecting a viscus few cases, only to the right. The radiation is accom-
recurs frequently or becomes more intense and panied by feelings such as numbness, cramp, or
prolonged, the location is more exact and pain is squeezing of the elbow or wrist. Frequently the
gradually felt in more superficial structures, even, pain radiates to the whole left arm or to both arms or
sometimes, far from the site of origin. This pheno- involves the left forearm and hand; in a few cases it
menon is usually called referred pain in English, radiates only to the right arm. Another uncommon
whereas German authors use the less common but, radiation is to the neck, jaw, and temporomandi-
in our opinion, more appropriate term transferred bular joint on both sides simultaneously. In rare
pain (übertragener Schmerz). Referred pain may be cases a posterior pain is felt in the interscapulo-
accompanied by autonomic reflexes. Cutaneous vertebral region and may radiate to the ulnar aspect
hyperalgesia and zones of muscular tenderness are of the left arm. In patients not treated with drugs,
often present. the duration of this parietal pain varies from half an
With unpleasant visceral feelings, the patient hour to 12 or more hours. It always lasts longer
often declines to apply the word pain, selecting than true visceral pain.
words such as discomfort, pressure, tightness, or Muscular tenderness follows the onset of this
squeezing. Between the lack of sensory symptoms pain after a delay that varies from a few hours to
and the true pain we have a continuum of intensity half a day. It mainly involves the pectoralis major,
and unpleasantness. the deep muscles of the interscapular region, the
muscles of the forearm, and, less frequently, the
trapezius and deltoid muscles.
In some patients a superficial referred pain
Pain in myocardial infarction arises, localized within the dermatomes C8–T1, that
This pain may arise suddenly during stressful is, on the ulnar side of the arm and forearm. This
activities, after a large meal or during rest or sleep. pain is rarely the only starting symptom. It lasts
Occasionally, it is preceded by a feeling of chest from half an hour to 6 h and is intense, stabbing or
discomfort or slight dyspnoea or unpleasant gastric lancinating. In the areas of reference cutaneous
sensations described as fullness of the stomach hyperalgesia is often found. There are no clear
or indigestion. The patient has often experienced correlations between the type of infarction (inferior,
previous paroxysms of angina pectoris. The early anterior, transmural, non-transmural) and the
122 pain is deep, central, anterior, and sometimes also pattern of pain.
Heart, vascular, and haemopathic pain

and occasionally awakens the patient from sleep.

Pain in angina pectoris
When it lasts more than 30 min, an infarction should
The pain is generally deep, more rarely superficial, be suspected. One of the characteristics of this pain
with the same qualities and radiations as those is that its intensity varies greatly, from very slight
described in myocardial infarction, but the inten- to (more frequently) intermediate, sometimes
sity and duration are less. Pain is not accompanied reaching maximal intensity, like that described in
by a feeling of impending death and seldom by infarction.
nausea and vomiting. The alarm reaction with the Several clues should alert the physician to a
accompanying symptoms is less intense than in changing anginal pattern. These include an abrupt
myocardial infarction. In these patients deep reduction in the threshold of physical activity which
muscular tenderness is found in the same areas as provokes angina; an increase in the frequency,
in infarction and is constant and independent of severity, and duration of angina; radiation of the
pain attacks. discomfort to a new site; onset of new features asso-
In recent classifications of angina pectoris, the ciated with the pain, such as nausea and decreased
following anginal syndromes are distinguished: relief of pain afforded by nitroglycerine.
stable angina, unstable angina, and variant
(Prinzmetal’s) angina (Rogers 1996, Gersh et al
1997). Variant angina
Variant (Prinzmetal’s) angina is an unusual
Stable angina syndrome of cardiac pain that occurs almost
exclusively at rest, usually is not precipitated by
Patients with stable angina usually have angina physical exertion or emotional stress, and is
with effort or exercise or during other conditions associated with S-T segment elevations on the
in which myocardial oxygen demand is increased. electrocardiogram (Prinzmetal et al 1959). This
The quality of sensation is sometimes vague and syndrome has been demonstrated convincingly
may be described as a mild pressure-like discom- to be due to coronary artery spasm. However, in
fort or an uncomfortable numb sensation. Anginal arteriographic studies Maseri et al (1978) observed
‘equivalents’ (i.e., symptoms of myocardial ischae- that in many patients the coronary vasospasm
mia other than angina) such as breathlessness, occurring during an anginal attack was associated
faintness, fatigue, and belching have also been with S-T segment elevation or depression, blurring
reported (Gersh et al 1997). A classic feature of the distinction between variant (Prinzmetal’s)
stable angina is the disappearance of pain after the angina and unstable angina. Selwyn and
use of nitroglycerine or the inhalation of amyl nitrite. Braunwald (1998) consider variant angina as a
peculiar form of unstable angina.
Unstable angina
The term unstable angina, previously also known as
Syndrome X
preinfarction angina, acute coronary insufficiency, Under the broad definition of syndrome X (Kemp
and intermediate coronary syndrome, indicates 1973), some studies have included a variety of
angina pectoris characterized by one or more of the patients with chest pain with a pattern of chronic
following features: stable angina and angiographically normal coronary
arteries. Some patients, however, may have had a
1. crescendo angina (more severe, prolonged or
non-cardiac origin of symptoms (Maseri 1995).
frequent) superimposed on a pre-existing
In some of the subjects ischaemic-appearing S-T
pattern of relatively stable, exertion-related
segment responses are evident with exercise test,
angina pectoris
while in some ischaemia is undetectable by
2. angina pectoris at rest as well as with minimal
currently available techniques (Maseri 1995). It was
proposed that patients with cardiac syndrome X
3. angina pectoris of new onset (usually within 1
have an exaggerated response of small coronary
month), which is brought on by minimal
vessels to vasoconstrictor stimuli (Gersh et al 1997).
exertion (Gersh et al 1997).
The absence of definitive evidence of ischaemia
In unstable angina the chest discomfort is in some patients with syndrome X has focused
similar in quality to that of chronic stable angina, attention upon other causes of chest pain, e.g., upon
although it is usually more intense, is usually pain originating from oesophagus. An increased
described as pain, may persist for as long as 30 min, sensitivity to, and decreased tolerance of, forearm 123
Clinical pain states

tourniquet and electrical skin stimulation were Recently the term and concept of silent myo-
observed in women with typical angina and cardial ischaemia have been introduced to indicate
normal coronary arteries compared with patients all forms of painless myocardial ischaemia. The
with coronary artery obstructions; an exaggerated frequency of silent myocardial ischaemia is higher
sensitivity to cardiac, potentially painful stimuli, in patients with diabetes, probably because of
but also an overlap between increased sensitivity to neuropathy involving the visceral afferent fibres.
cardiac and oesophageal pain were also reported Two forms of silent myocardial ischaemia are
(Maseri 1995). Thus, a generalized increase in recognized (Gersh et al 1997). The first and less
somatic and visceral pain sensitivity seems to be a common form occurs in patients with obstructive
common feature in patients with syndrome X. coronary artery disease, sometimes severe, who do
Whether this phenomenon represents an abnormal not experience angina at any time; some patients
activation of somatic and visceral receptors or an do not even experience pain in the course of myo-
abnormal processing of afferent neural impulses is cardial infarction. The second and more frequent
unknown. form occurs in patients with the usual forms of
chronic stable angina, unstable angina, and variant
angina. When monitored with a dynamic ECG,
The problem of painless these patients exhibit some episodes of ischaemia
associated with chest discomfort and other episodes
coronary heart diseases that are not, i.e., episodes of silent (asymptomatic)
It is well known that myocardial infarction has ischaemia.
been found in electrocardiographic studies or at
postmortem examinations in patients in whom
there was no history of a well-defined episode of Painful complications of
chest pain. The occurrence of painless infarctions
has not been correlated with the location, size, or
myocardial infarction
age of the infarction, nor with the age of the Angina may evolve into myocardial infarction.
patients (Rinzler 1951, Friedberg 1956, Teodori and After myocardial infarction, stable or unstable
Galletti 1962, Stern 1998). During long-term follow- angina may develop.
up in the Framingham Study, one-quarter of Persistent pain after myocardial infarction,
patients had ‘unrecognized’ myocardial infarction, especially transmural, may be due to pericarditis.
detected only on routine 2-yearly electrocardiogram, It is important to diagnose the chest pain of peri-
and of these approximately half of the episodes carditis accurately, since failure to appreciate it may
were truly silent (Kannel and Abbott 1984). Other lead to the erroneous diagnosis of recurrent ischae-
population studies suggest that between 20 and mic pain and/or extension of the infarction and
60% of non-fatal myocardial infarctions are un- to the inappropriate use of anticoagulants, nitrates,
recognized by the patient and are discovered only β-adrenergic blocking agents, or narcotics. The
on subsequent routine electrocardiographic or pain can often be distinguished from that of an
postmortem examination (Antman and Braunwald extending infarction by its characteristic pericardial
1997). These differences are partly due to the use pattern: the pain is relieved by leaning forward and
of different methods of investigating and under- exacerbated by deep breathing.
standing the symptoms. If, indeed, we assemble an Pleuropericardial chest pain with fever may
accurate history of patients in whom a diagnosis begin in a few cases 1–6 weeks after myocardial in-
of asymptomatic previous myocardial infarction is farction. This postmyocardial infarction syndrome
suspected in the course of routine examination, we (or Dressler’s syndrome) is thought to be caused by
may find a transient episode of chest discomfort or a pericarditis and pleuritis, possibly due to an
sudden and unusual thoracic paraesthesias (tingling, autoimmune mechanism (Dressler 1956, Lorell
pricking, numbness) radiating to the left arm or a 1997). The syndrome usually benefits from treat-
slight pain that was judged unimportant by the ment with aspirin-like agents or corticosteroids. Since
patient or an episode of nausea and vomiting effusions associated with Dressler’s syndrome
interpreted as due to gastric fullness or indigestion may be haemorrhagic, anticoagulants should be
(Procacci et al 1976). The history should be very discontinued if they are being administered.
accurate, since often these episodes are under- Left scapulohumeral periarthritis, giving a
estimated and have been forgotten by patients. picture of frozen shoulder, with pain, stiffness, and
Taking these factors into account, the frequency of marked limitation of motion of the shoulder joint,
124 asymptomatic myocardial infarction is reduced. may complicate some cases of long-lasting angina
and 5% of cases of myocardial infarction. In some
Heart, vascular, and haemopathic pain

symptoms until relatively late in the course of the

cases, 3–6 weeks after myocardial infarction, a disease. Once patients become symptomatic the
progressive reflex dystrophy of the left arm begins. average survival is 2–5 years (Braunwald 1997).
It mainly involves the shoulder, the wrist, and the Obviously the course of this disease changes after
hand (shoulder–hand syndrome). The evolution cardiac surgery or angioplasty. The pain is generally
may be very severe and includes advanced stages related to a coronary narrowing or to myocardial
of osteoporosis, muscular and cutaneous atrophy, hypertrophy with increased oxygen demand.
glossy skin, loss of hair, vasomotor changes, etc. As It is well known that angina pectoris has long
in other reflex dystrophies, it often improves with been regarded as a symptom of aortic insufficiency.
blocks of the stellate ganglion. According to Friedberg (1956), angina pectoris is
uncommon in uncomplicated aortic insufficiency,
but it may occur because of coronary athero-
Functional or psychogenic chest sclerosis or because superimposed calcification of
pain the aortic valve leads to stenosis of the coronary
Patients with chest pain and without instrumental
signs of ischaemic heart disease are frequently
observed. A precordial pain, often radiating with Mitral stenosis
characteristics that resemble those of angina, Braunwald (1997) has pointed out that about 15%
worries many anxious patients, often with a of patients suffering from mitral stenosis have a
depressive trait. They frequently undergo medical pain with the same characteristics as that of angina
visits and examinations, the normality of which pectoris (Braunwald 1997). The observation of
reassures them for only a short while. pain in mitral stenosis is now rare, following the
Pain is variously described as stabbing, piercing, development of cardiac surgery.
burning, dull, squeezing, annoying, slight, intense,
variable, and synchronous with the cardiac beats,
etc. First of all, the physician must consider other Mitral valve prolapse
causes of chest pain. In mitral valve prolapse chest pain is sometimes
Some characteristics of this pain distinguish it reported. In some cases, in which mitral valve
from true angina: the duration varies from a few prolapse is associated with coronary heart disease,
moments to some days; it is often not related to a typical anginal pain is present.
effort; patients are restless and nervous, while
during an attack of angina they remain relatively
immobile. The behaviour of patients often differs Inflammatory disease of the heart
when they are asked where they feel pain: the Pain can occur in all inflammatory diseases of the
patient with angina puts an open hand on the heart, i.e., pericarditis, myocarditis, and endo-
sternum, the anxious patient touches, with his carditis. Pain is, however, much more frequent in
index finger, the left submammary region or often pericarditis than in myocarditis or endocarditis;
zones of the precordial area. consequently we shall describe only the pain from
Despite these differences, great caution should pericarditis.
be exercised in diagnosing functional or psycho- Pain in pericarditis is less frequent than in
genic chest pain, because differentiation between a pleurisy, so when pain is present, pleural involve-
true angina and an anxious depressive syndrome ment should be suspected. For these reasons the
is often difficult. pericardium is considered to be less sensitive to
pain than the pleura (Teodori and Galletti 1962).
In acute pericarditis the onset of pain often
Other causes of heart pain coincides with fever or it may follow a shivering
chill. Pain is often deep and substernal, usually
Aortic stenosis and insufficiency involving the upper two-thirds of the sternum, less
Angina pectoris has been noted in about two-thirds commonly precordial; it is continuous and lasts
of cases of symptomatic aortic stenosis. Angina from a few hours to 3 days. It may appear repeat-
pectoris occurs more frequently in aortic stenosis edly, always for brief periods. It is aggravated by
than in other valvular lesions. The pain is usually a deep inspiration, cough, and lateral movements of
typical angina of effort. Patients with severe chronic the chest. Pain is reduced by sitting up and leaning
aortic stenosis tend to be free of cardiovascular forward. 125
Clinical pain states

In about half the cases, together with this forcing the patient to writhe in agony or pace
deep pain, there is a superficial referred pain. The restlessly in an attempt to gain some measure of
pain may radiate to the left shoulder, scapula and relief. Pain resembles that of myocardial infarction
arm, the neck, and the epigastrium. It may appear but several features of the pain may arouse suspi-
during exertion, resembling angina. cion of aortic dissection. The quality of the pain
Chronic pericarditis is often painless, but on as described by the patient is often remarkably
careful questioning the patient may report a deep, appropriate to the actual event. Adjectives such as
dull, slight pain or sensation of heaviness or ‘tearing’, ‘ripping’, and ‘stabbing’ are frequently
fullness in the chest. used. Another characteristic of the pain of aortic
dissection is its tendency to migrate from the point
of its origin to other sites, following the path of the
Cor pulmonale dissecting haematoma as it extends through the
In many cases of acute cor pulmonale (pulmonary aorta. Pain felt maximally in the anterior thorax is
embolism) a true visceral pain that has the same more frequent with proximal dissection, whereas
qualities and radiation as myocardial infarction, pain that is most severe in the interscapular area is
including a strong alarm reaction, is observed. much more common with the involvement of a
Some patients suffering from chronic cor pulmo- distal site. Nausea and vomiting, diffuse sweating,
nale have pain that shows great similarities with fainting, and hiccup, resistant to drugs and to
that of angina. The pain may be present in all manoeuvres which would ordinarily stop it, can
diseases in which pulmonary hypertension is frequently accompany the pain.
present: chronic cor pulmonale, mitral stenosis,
some congenital heart diseases, and idiopathic Pleurisy
pulmonary hypertension. Anginal pain in patients
with pulmonary hypertension is similar to that of Chest pain is frequently observed in the course of
angina pectoris: both types of pain have the same pleurisy because the pain sensitivity of the pleura
location, radiation, quality, and intensity. A careful is very high.
analysis, however, will show that during spontan- We shall first consider which kind of stimulus
eous or exertional pain in pulmonary hypertension, determines the pain in pleuritis. Two components
the severity of cyanosis increases (angor coeruleus), are present: a mechanical component, due both
whereas in coronary angina the patient is pale to the friction between the two adjacent pleural
(angor pallidus). surfaces (particularly when they are covered with
fibrinous exudate) and to the stretching of the
parietal pleura during inspiration; and a chemical
Causes of chest pain (from component, due to the high algogenic power of the
pleural liquid, rich in pain-producing substances
organs other than the heart) (Procacci 1969).
Diseases of the aorta The pain is generally well localized. Its onset
is more frequently sudden than progressive, often
Aneurysms preceding other symptoms such as fever, dyspnoea,
The aneurysms that give rise to chest pain are and cough, and lasts a few days.
those of the thoracic aorta, while aneurysms of the The location of pain varies according to the
abdominal aorta are often asymptomatic but are location and extent of the inflammation (Teodori
sometimes accompanied by abdominal and low and Galletti 1962).
back pain (Isselbacher et al 1997).
1. In effusive pleurisy, it is felt in a region
Pain in thoracic aortic aneurysms is probably
corresponding to the site of inflammation and
due to the excitation of aortic end organs and to
frequently referred to the submammary area.
compression and erosion of adjacent musculo-
2. In diaphragmatic pleurisy, pain is often felt on
skeletal structures. It is usually steady and boring
the trapezius ridge and on the base of the
and occasionally may be pulsating.
affected side of the chest.
Aortic dissection 3. In apical pleurisy, pain is in the
interscapulovertebral region.
According to Isselbacher et al (1997), by far the
commonest presenting symptom of aortic dissec- Almost always, in effusive pleurisies, pain is
tion is severe pain, which is found in 74–90% of steady, aggravated by deep inspiration, cough,
126 cases. The pain of dissection is often unbearable, movements of the chest, and lying on the affected
side. Shoulder pain with diaphragmatic pleurisy
Heart, vascular, and haemopathic pain

may simulate heart pain, just as heart pain may

and interscapulovertebral pain with apical pleurisy simulate those diseases. Sometimes a multifactorial
are less localized, constrictive, and not aggravated pain is present.
by movement, cough, or deep inspiration. Pain is
very intense in effusive pleurisy, especially when it
is located in the submammary area, in empyema, in Complex problems
pleurisy that follows a pulmonary or subdiaphrag-
Frequently heart pain is mingled with pain arising
matic abscess, and in pleurisy that complicates
from other structures (angors coronariens intriqués)
pneumonia or cancer of the lung.
(Froment and Gonin 1956). For instance, a myo-
cardial ischaemia may be accompanied by cervico-
Diseases of the oesophagus thoracic osteoarthritis (vertebrocoronary syndrome),
by chest fibromyalgias, or by many diseases of
Experimental and spontaneous oesophageal pain
the gastrointestinal tract, such as diseases of the
shows the typical characteristics of visceral pain:
oesophagus, hiatus hernia, gastroduodenitis, peptic
it is poorly localized, accompanied by autonomic
ulcer, and calculous and non-calculous cholecystitis
reflexes and by emotions and becomes referred.
(cholecystocoronary syndrome). It is difficult to
The fundamental algogenic stimuli for the
ascertain whether these intricate conditions are
oesophagus are:
due to a simple addition of impulses from different
1. strong mechanical stimulation from sources in the central nervous system or to somato-
oesophageal stenosis and motor disorders, such visceral and viscerosomatic reflexes that may
as cancer, achalasia, diffuse oesophageal spasm, induce a classic ‘vicious circle’ between different
nutcracker oesophagus (symptomatic structures (Procacci et al 1986). Pain may vary from
peristalsis), and aspecific motor disorders typical angina pectoris to chest pain with different
(Goyal 1998) patterns.
2. gastro-oesophageal reflux and inflammation. In
patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux, the
most common symptom is heartburn. The term Mechanisms of cardiac pain
‘burning’ rather than ‘pain’ is usually used,
The mechanisms of cardiac pain seem to be partly
although heartburn can increase in intensity
similar to those of visceral and partly similar to
until it is perceived as pain. Pain can be long-
those of skeletal muscles. For instance, a solution of
lasting or present during swallowing
NaCl 5%, a well-known algogenic stimulus for the
skeletal muscles, injected in the left ventricular
Oesophageal pain may be induced in routine wall of the cat induces a powerful discharge of A-δ
exams by oesophageal infusion of 0.1 N hydrochlo- afferent fibres from the heart (Brown 1967). The
ric acid (Bernstein test) or by inflating a balloon. problem of spasm of the coronaries during painful
The areas of reference of oesophageal pain are attacks is much debated. The coronary artery
the higher sternum for diseases of the proximal spasm is typical of variant angina and can be
third of the oesophagus and lower sternum for observed in both stable and unstable angina.
diseases of the distal third. Diseases of the inter- Constriction of a small coronary vessel is supposed
mediate third give rise to pain referred to one or to be the cause of some cases of syndrome X (Maseri
other area. The zones to which pain radiates are 1995).
many and may be the same for diseases of the According to Aviado and Schmidt (1955), the
upper and lower oesophagus. The more frequently necessary stimuli in the heart for the onset of pain
observed are the interscapular and central dorsal and of reflex phenomena were the following:
areas at the level of the sixth and seventh thoracic
1. reduced coronary arterial pressure distal to an
vertebrae, the neck, the ear, the jaw, the pre-
occlusion, acting on coronary arterial
cordium, the shoulders, the upper limbs, and the
epigastrium (Teodori and Galletti 1962).
2. ischaemia, stimulating the myocardial
Oesophageal pain can mimic that of myocardial
pressoreceptors and chemoreceptors
ischaemia. Discomfort is often relieved by nitro-
3. release of pain-producing substances formed by
glycerine, sometimes by calcium antagonists, and
tissue breakdown or platelet disintegration.
also, unlike angina, by milk or antacids.
Some acute diseases of abdominal organs, such The problem of the presence of true cardiac
as peptic ulcer, acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis, nociceptors is still debated (Cervero 1994, 1995). 127
Clinical pain states

Malliani and his school (Malliani and Lombardi We performed experiments in patients with
1982, Malliani 1995) observed in animals an previous myocardial infarction but with normal
increased discharge of cardiac afferent C-fibres sensibility as judged by accurate examination.
after powerful stimuli, such as the intracoronary Ischaemia of the upper limbs was provoked with
injection of bradykinin, but never observed that two pneumatic cuffs according to the technique of
coronary occlusion or bradykinin administration our school (Procacci et al 1986). In most patients
induced a recruitment of silent afferents. Malliani ischaemia caused pain with characteristics similar
(1995) concluded that the ‘intensity mechanism’ to those of the pain felt during the episode of
was the most likely candidate to account for the infarction. Some patients felt common sensations
properties of the neural substrate subserving accompanied by alarm reaction with sweating,
cardiac nociception. nausea, tachycardia, and tachypnoea. No ECG
Together with mechanical factors, the bio- changes were observed. The test was promptly
chemical component of cardiac pain in ischaemic interrupted at the onset of these symptoms. We
heart disease is relevant. This component is multi- also examined patients with previous painless myo-
factorial; increase of lactic acid, release of potassium cardial infarction. Some of these patients remem-
ions, and production of kinins and of other pain- bered an episode variously defined as fullness of
producing substances must be considered. In recent the stomach, nausea, or indigestion, whereas in
years, attention has focused on adenosine as a other patients the history was completely silent. In
potential biochemical mediator of anginal pain most of the patients, the ischaemia of the upper
(Cannon 1995). Malliani (1995) found that adeno- limbs provoked the onset of diffuse unpleasant
sine can potentiate the excitation induced by common sensations, often accompanied by auto-
myocardial ischaemia on the impulse activity of nomic and emotional reactions (Procacci et al 1976).
ventricular afferent fibres. It is probable that a Ischaemia of the upper limbs was also induced
group of pain-producing substances act in concert. in patients suffering from angina pectoris. Most
We believe that another important mechanism is patients whose anginal pain radiated to the left arm
the development of an ischaemic neuropathy of reported pain in the same limb and with the same
heart nerves. Such a neuropathy is present in radiation as their spontaneous pain. Most patients
atherosclerotic arterial disease of the legs with whose anginal pain was felt only in the chest or
intermittent claudication (claudicatio intermittens) in radiated to both upper limbs reported pain in both
which, according to Lewis (1942), pain resembles limbs (Procacci et al 1986).
that of effort angina (claudicatio cordis). These results suggest that ischaemic pain
The various mechanisms for cardiac pain inter- induced in the limbs can evoke mnemonic traces
mingle, one or other being prevalent in different left by heart pain.
conditions and in different patients (Procacci et al
1986, Maseri 1995). We can endorse the opinion of
Malliani (1986) and Cervero (1994) that the link
between myocardial ischaemia and cardiac pain is Pain in angina pectoris is relieved by a group of
neither strong nor unequivocal, for cardiac pain can drugs that are ineffective in other types of pain. The
occur in the absence of ischaemia and, conversely, first drugs used were amyl nitrite (Brunton 1867)
episodes of myocardial ischaemia can be painless. and, a few years later, nitroglycerine. The relief of
pain with nitrates is often dramatic. Other drugs,
such as β-blocking agents, long-lasting organic
Mnemonic traces nitrates, and calcium antagonists, are used to
Every level of the central nervous system can hold prevent ischaemic attacks. The mechanism of these
learned experiences and replay when necessary. It drugs is as controversial as the mechanism of pain.
has been demonstrated that the mnemonic process We should also mention the useful association of
is facilitated if the experience to be retained is antianginal drugs with aspirin, which presumably
repeated many times or is accompanied by pleasant has a direct action on cardiac pain and contributes
or unpleasant emotions. Like other sensory modal- to the elimination of the algogenic summation
ities, pain is, at least in part, a learned experience from myalgic spots, often present in patients with
(Melzack 1973). The processes of retained painful angina. This latent afferent input may assume an
experience were termed memory-like processes by important role in reflexes that facilitate the attacks
Melzack (1973). Nathan (1962) observed that in of angina. Aspirin is also useful for its antithrombo-
some subjects different kinds of stimuli could call to tic effect, due to inhibition of platelet aggregation.
128 mind forgotten pain experiences. Intravenous heparin has been used in the control of
myocardial ischaemia in patients with unstable
Heart, vascular, and haemopathic pain
arterial bed, arteritis or arteriolitis, and dysfunction
angina (Neri Serneri et al 1995). of the arterioles.
The drug of choice in myocardial infarction is
morphine, which generally induces relief of pain Atherosclerosis and/or thrombosis of
and good sedation. Morphine in myocardial infarc- arterial bed
tion not only relieves pain but also centrally inter- Atherosclerosis and/or thrombosis in the coronary
rupts reflexes that may worsen the cardiovascular vessels give rise to the pain of angina pectoris and
state or induce life-threatening arrhythmias. of myocardial infarction. In arterial occlusive
In myocardial infarction intracoronary thrombo- diseases of the limbs, it gives rise to intermittent
lysis with streptokinase, urokinase, and other claudication or to rest pain. Intermittent claudica-
drugs is useful in the first hours after the onset tion is defined as a pain, ache, cramp, numbness
of symptoms. When intracoronary thrombolysis in the muscles; it occurs during exercise and is
cannot be performed, intravenous thrombolysis is relieved by rest. As in angina pectoris, in intermit-
used. tent claudication of lower limbs the onset of pain
As far back as 1955, White and Sweet gave a after a given effort is an important clue for judging
detailed description of the method of injecting the the severity of the syndrome. If the free interval
four upper thoracic sympathetic ganglia with before the onset of pain is constant, the condition
procaine and alcohol for relief of persistent pain in is stable, as in stable angina pectoris; if the free
angina pectoris. interval shortens, the condition is similar to un-
Epidural blockade of the upper thoracic sympa- stable angina. This clinical observation is obviously
thetic segments has been shown to offer good pain important for medical or surgical therapy.
relief in patients with severe unstable angina or Leriche’s syndrome is due to isolated aortoiliac
acute myocardial infarction (Blomberg et al 1990, occlusive arterial disease, which produces a charac-
Kirnö et al 1994, Olausson et al 1997). The mechan- teristic clinical picture: intermittent claudication of
ism of action of this therapy is surely multifactorial, the low back, buttocks, and thigh or calf muscles,
as both visceral afferent fibres and sympathetic impotence, atrophy of the limbs, and pallor of
efferent fibres are blocked. the skin of the feet and legs. In rare cases, when
In cardiac surgery, it is well known that most atherosclerotic processes involve abdominal vessels,
patients with angina have good relief of pain after the patient suffers from angina abdominis. As
coronary angioplasty or aortocoronary bypass. The in angina pectoris, the pain of chronic mesenteric
disappearance of pain is generally related to an insufficiency occurs under conditions of increased
improvement of coronary flow. It should, however, demand for splanchnic blood flow. There is usually
be considered that during the operation of coronary intermittent dull or cramping midabdominal pain
bypass some of the cardiac afferent fibres running after eating. The arteriographic studies of angina
in sympathetic nerves are cut. This denervation abdominis demonstrate occlusion or high-grade
may be relevant to the relief of heart pain. stenosis of the superior or inferior mesenteric artery
or the coeliac axis.

Vascular pain Arteritis or arteriolitis

Some diseases, such as thromboangiitis obliterans,
Vascular pain is a complex area. It may be divided
Takayasu’s syndrome, and systemic giant cell
into three sections: arterial pain; pain due to lesion
arteritis, are well known (Rosenwasser 1996, Fauci
or dysfunction of the microvessels (arterioles,
capillaries, small venules); and venous pain.
Thromboangiitis obliterans (Bürger’s disease)
Obviously many traumas, frequent in daily
is an obstructive arterial disease caused by segmen-
life, can damage the vascular tree with different
tal inflammatory and proliferative lesions of the
medium and small arteries and veins of the limbs
(Kontos 1996). The symptoms result mainly from
impairment of arterial blood supply to the tissues
Arterial pain and to some extent from local venous insufficiency.
Pain originating in coronary vessels and in the aorta The symptoms are intermittent claudication, rest
has been covered in previous sections of this pain when severe ischaemia of tissues has devel-
chapter. oped, pain from ulcerations and gangrene, and
Arterial pain may be due to different diseases pain from ischaemic neuropathy, which must be
such as atherosclerosis and/or thrombosis of the considered an important component. Raynaud’s 129
Clinical pain states

phenomenon and migratory superficial thrombo- (ischaemic phase), generally followed by rubor and
phlebitis are common. cyanosis. The phenomenon is due to a sudden
Takayasu’s syndrome (aortic arc syndrome) is arteriolar constriction, followed by a paralytic
due to arteritis and arteriolitis of the vessels of the phase. The patients usually feel an intense burning
upper part of the body as far as the arterioles of the or throbbing pain during the ischaemic phase and
eye. It is prevalent in adolescent girls and young a less intense pain together with paraesthesias
women. In a prodromic phase about two-thirds of during the cyanotic phase. This condition may be
the patients complain of malaise, fever, limb-girdle classified as primary or idiopathic Raynaud’s phe-
stiffness, and arthralgia; this prodromic phase is nomenon (Raynaud’s disease) and as Raynaud’s
similar to that seen in giant cell arteritis, rheumatic phenomenon secondary to other diseases, trauma,
diseases, and systemic lupus erythematosus. In or drugs. In Raynaud’s disease, different alterations
many instances this is soon followed by local pain of the arterioles, characteristic of different kinds of
over the affected arteries, erythema nodosum, and arteriolitis, have been described. Calcium anta-
erythema induratum. In some cases the disease gonists, adrenergic-blocking drugs, and other
evolves in angina pectoris or myocardial infarction. sympathicolytic agents are considered the specific
Giant cell arteritis (temporal arteritis) is an therapy for Raynaud’s phenomenon (Creager and
inflammation of medium and large arteries. It Dzau 1998).
characteristically involves one or more branches of Erythromelalgia (erythermalgia) is a syndrome
the carotid artery, particularly the temporal artery, characterized by the following symptoms in the
hence the name cranial or temporal arteritis. It extremities: red discoloration and increased tempe-
occurs almost exclusively in individuals older than rature of the skin; deep and superficial burning
55 years and is more common in women than in pain, often accompanied by tingling and pricking;
men. Headaches are often intense and almost and in many cases oedema. The symptoms simul-
unbearable. Headache typically occurs over taneously involve the distal part of the lower limbs
involved arteries, usually the temporal arteries, but and, less frequently, of the upper limbs as well. The
occasionally in the occipital region. A typical attacks of erythromelalgia are induced by increased
tenderness and induration along the vessels is temperature, either in the environment or locally,
observed. The area around arteries is exquisitely and are aggravated by a dependent position. The
sensitive to pressure. Claudication in the jaw duration of attacks varies from a few minutes to
muscles while chewing occurs in up to two-thirds hours. Erythromelalgia may be primary or second-
of patients. ary and is sometimes familial. The most common
Giant cell arteritis is considered a systemic recognized cause of secondary erythromelalgia is
disease and can involve arteries in multiple loca- thrombocytosis due to essential thrombocythaemia
tions (Fauci 1998). The patient often describes an or to other myeloproliferative disorders (see Pain in
illness that begins like a ‘flu syndrome’, with severe Haemopathies, below) (Ball 1996). Other reported
malaise, slight fever, and myalgia. The muscle pain associations with erythromelalgia include diabetes
progresses and may become severe, involving mainly mellitus. Arteriolar inflammation and thrombotic
the neck, shoulder girdle, and pelvic girdle and also occlusions were found on skin punch biopsy
the trunk and the distal limbs to a lesser degree; the samples. Erythromelalgia due to thrombocytosis
involvement is bilateral but not necessarily equal disappears for 3 or 4 days after a single dose of
in severity. Intermittent claudication, myocardial aspirin, which is the duration of its inhibition of
infarctions, and infarctions of visceral organs have platelet aggregation. It is pertinent to ask whether
been reported. This syndrome is considered strictly primary erythromelalgia could be classified with
related to polymyalgia rheumatica and conse- reflex sympathetic dystrophies. As a matter of fact,
quently it is classified with rheumatic diseases. excellent results, with complete disappearance of
The borderline between Takayasu’s syndrome the symptoms, were observed with local anaes-
and giant cell arteritis is often not clear. Today thetic blocks of the sympathetic chain (Zoppi et al
they are both considered connective tissue diseases. 1985).
Rosenwasser (1996) classifies cranial or temporal
arteritis and Takayasu’s arteritis as subgroups of Mechanisms of arterial pain
giant cell arteritides.
The mechanisms of pain in arterial diseases are
Dysfunction of arterioles many and often intermingle.
Raynaud’s phenomenon is characterized by 1. Ischaemia per se. The most evident examples of
130 episodes of intense pallor of the fingers and toes diseases due to this mechanism are angina at
rest, pain occurring in arterial embolism, and
Heart, vascular, and haemopathic pain

(1979) and Jänig (1996). Many substances may be

Raynaud’s phenomenon. Ischaemia can give active in inducing pain. Only some of these have
rise to a continuous pain in the limb when: been identified: histamine, 5-hydroxytriptamine,
a. the ischaemia is very severe kinins, and substance P. The temporal relationships
b. myalgic spots with the characteristics of involved in the release of active substances in
trigger points are present in the limbs different cases are unknown. Neurogenic inflam-
(Dorigo et al 1979) mation, i.e., the antidromic release from afferent
c. a reflex sympathetic dystrophy arises, which C-fibres of substance P, calcitonin gene-related
contributes to pain and dystrophy through peptide (CGRP), neurokin-A, and possibly other
different mechanisms: vasomotor changes; substances (Geppetti and Holzer 1996), probably
fast and slow changes in permeability of plays a role in many diseases of microvessels;
microvessels and tissue imbibition; release certainly neurogenic phenomena are important in
of active substances; direct control of some Raynaud’s phenomenon and erythromelalgia. It
enzymatic reactions; and direct modulation must be noted that Raynaud’s phenomenon is often
of sensory receptors (Procacci 1969, Maresca induced by cold, applied not on the hands but on
et al 1984, Geppetti and Holzer 1996, Jänig the face; a disorder of the hypothalamic centres of
1996). thermoregulation may be considered probable.
2. Ischaemia occurring during muscular exercise
because of a discrepancy between the supply
Venous pain
and demand of oxygen carried to muscles. This
mechanism, according to Lewis (1942), is A typical venous pain is observed in thrombo-
typical of effort angina pectoris (stable chronic phlebitis. In superficial thrombophlebitis the vein
angina) and intermittent claudication of the may be apparent as a red, tender cord. Pain at rest
limbs. Typical myalgic spots are found in many is often observed. In deep vein thrombophlebitis
patients with intermittent claudication and are about half of the patients may be asymptomatic.
a component of pain (Procacci 1969, Dorigo et Tenderness to palpation and pain on the voluntary
al 1979, Maresca et al 1984). dorsiflexion of the foot can be observed (Kontos
3. Ischaemia plus inflammation and/or metabolic 1996, Creager and Dzau 1998). Many factors are
disorders, typical of thromboangiitis obliterans, active in inducing pain: biochemical factors and
inflammatory arteriolitis and diabetic mechanical factors, especially venous stasis. Much
arteriolitis. more than in arterial pain, in venous pain peri-
vascular tissues, muscles and tendons are involved
The process of vascular thrombosis is generally
in inflammation and hence are painful. The
considered a common arrival point of different
importance of these additional factors is demon-
pathways. However, in many vascular diseases the
strated by the fact that, when thrombophlebitis is
two mechanisms, thrombosis and inflammation,
resolved, a postphlebitis pain often remains in the
are in part overlapping, as is clear from clinical
limbs. We have observed that in many cases pain
observations, e.g., in thromboangiitis obliterans or
originates not only from the vein which remains
in angina or infarction that sometimes occur in
painful, but also from myalgic spots, often accom-
giant cell arteritis and in thrombophlebitis.
panied by skin hyperalgesia. In conclusion, a post-
phlebitic myofascial pain syndrome is observed,
Pain due to dysfunction of which sometimes responds to aspirin-like drugs.
In every vascular disease, as well as in myo-
microvessels cardial infarction, a reflex sympathetic dystrophy
Pain originating from microvessels must be dis- can arise. In this case skin dystrophy (glossy skin),
tinguished from classic arterial and venous pain muscle atrophy, osteoporosis, and clear vasomotor
for pathophysiological and clinical reasons. and sudomotor phenomena are observed in the
Firstly, both arterial and venous vessels are limbs. The classic treatment of reflex sympathetic
involved in some classic syndromes, such as dystrophies with sympathetic blocks can be oppor-
Raynaud’s phenomenon, pernio (chilblains), and tune (Procacci and Maresca 1987b, Bonica 1990).
erythromelalgia (erythermalgia) (Kontos 1996,
Creager and Dzau 1998). Obviously, in these cases
an alteration of capillary filtration is also present,
Pain in haemopathies
with changes in the microenvironment important In many haemopathies pain, due to different
for the onset of pain, as stated by Zimmermann mechanisms, can be observed. In four haemo- 131
Clinical pain states

pathies, pain is a fundamental symptom: sickle cell experience chronic, persistent pain. Severe skeletal
disease, in which strong pain crises in trunks and pain is related to bone infarctions. Periarticular
limbs are frequent; essential thrombocythaemia, in infarctions may provoke arthritic pain, swelling,
which an erythromelalgic syndrome is frequently and effusion. Frequent pain may cause despair, de-
observed; haemophilic disorders; and multiple pression, and apathy, with consequent psychosocial
myeloma, in which bone pain can be observed. We problems such as poor family relationships and
shall describe these four syndromes in detail. social isolation. Shapiro et al (1995) observed that
the impact of pain on psychosocial function can
also affect school attendance of children and
Pain in sickle cell disease adolescents with sickle cell disease.
Sickle cell disease is a genetic disorder, inherited The treatment of painful episodes of sickle cell
with an autosomal recessive pattern that is more disease is mainly based on the administration of
frequent in certain African populations, in which steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
the sickle cell gene conferred a selective advantage, drugs, associated with mild or strong opioids in
i.e., resistance to infection with malaria. The disease more severe crises. Antibiotic therapy is also neces-
is present in black populations of African ancestry sary in acute chest syndrome and other cases in
in America and in other parts of the world in which which infection is present. Therapy with hydroxy-
the presence of African groups is relevant, i.e., in carbamide (hydroxyurea), which induces an im-
the United Kingdom. provement of other clinical manifestations of sickle
The main clinical manifestations of sickle cell cell disease, may also decrease the incidence of
disease include haemolytic anaemia and different painful episodes.
complications related to the rheologic abnormal- A comprehensive approach to the problem of
ities: haematuria due to renal papillary necrosis, pain in sickle cell disease includes the adminis-
stroke due to cerebral infarction, and painful crises tration of antidepressive drugs and psychosocial
due to infarctions of different organs (Ballas 1998). support (Ballas 1998).
Acute pain is often the first symptom of disease and
is the most frequent complication after the newborn Pain in essential thrombocythaemia
period. The frequency of pain is highest in the third
and fourth decades, and after the second decade The predominant disease expression in essential
frequent pain is associated with increased mortality thrombocythaemia is thrombocytosis, a condition
rates (Embury 1996). Painful crises may be induced also observed in other acute or chronic myelopro-
by precipitating factors, such as cold, infection, liferative disorders such as granulocytic leukaemia
fever, dehydration, menses, alcohol consumption, and polycythaemia vera (Tefferi and Silverstein
and exposure to low oxygen tension. However, the 1996). By far the most frequent painful disorder is
majority of painful episodes have no clear preci- erythromelalgia but headache, angina, and myo-
pitant. Apart from these factors, the frequency of cardial infarction can be observed. In the cases we
painful crises varies greatly from patient to patient. observed, some had a true erythromelalgia while
Pain may be localized in different parts of the others had attacks of acute pain in the inferior limbs
body (Ballas 1998). An acute chest syndrome is without any cutaneous manifestation. In all cases
described, characterized by fever, chest pain, the symptomatology disappeared with the admin-
dyspnoea, leucocytosis, and pulmonary infiltrates istration of aspirin.
on radiography (Embury 1996). The syndrome is
usually due to vaso-occlusion and infection. The Pain in haemophilic disorders
back, extremities, and abdomen are also commonly
Haemophilia is a group of disorders of blood
affected in painful episodes. In the abdominal
coagulation. Classic haemophilia (haemophilia A)
crises, pain simulates intra-abdominal disorders;
and Christmas disease (haemophilia B) are
consequently it is difficult to distinguish between
deficiencies of factor VIII and IX, respectively. Both
painful episodes of sickle cell disease and other
haemophilia A and B are associated with recurrent
acute processes as appendicitis, biliary colic, and
spontaneous and traumatic haemarthroses.
perforated viscus. The clue to the differential diag-
Pain may complicate haemophiliac arthropathy
nosis is the presence of increased sickling of red
in different ways:
cells on peripheral blood smears and evidence of
haemolysis. The episodes last from hours to weeks, 1. Haemarthroses characterized by load pain and
followed by a return to baseline. Onset and resolu- joint swelling: the most involved joints are the
132 tion can be sudden or gradual. Some patients may knees, ankles, elbows, and shoulders.
2. Septic arthritis: this complication is not rare
Heart, vascular, and haemopathic pain

a cause of carpal tunnel syndrome and other

and is accompanied by fever and allodynia in sensorimotor mono- and polyneuropathies.
the affected joints (Rasner and Bhogal 1991,
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Deep and visceral pain


Chronic pelvic pain

Andrea J Rapkin and Julie A Jolin

Introduction stimulus. Various acute and chronic gynecologic

pain conditions are characterized by referred pain
Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is defined as pain that to the dermatomes associated with pelvic organ
persists for more than 6 months. Even after a innervation, i.e., T10–L2 (anterior abdominal wall
thorough evaluation, the etiology of the pain may and anterior thighs) and dorsal rami of L1–L2
remain obscure, and the relationship between (lower back) (Slocumb 1984, Giamberardino et al
certain types of pathology (such as adhesions, 1995, Wesselmann and Lai 1997; and see Chaps. 11
endometriosis, and pelvic congestion) and pain can and 12).
be inconsistent. This chapter outlines the relevant
anatomy and reviews the differential diagnosis and
management of chronic pelvic pain. Peripheral causes of chronic
pelvic pain
Biological considerations Table 10.2 lists the differential diagnosis of the
The sensory nerves from pelvic visceral organs peripheral component of pelvic pain.
(such as bowel, bladder, rectum, and uterus) and
somatic structures (such as skin, muscles, anus, and
urethra) as well as their related sensory spinal roots
are listed in Table 10.1 (Kumazawa 1986, Cervero The role of pelvic adhesions in the genesis of pelvic
and Tattersall 1986, Wesselmann and Lai 1997). pain has been debated from various perspectives.
Visceral pain, in contrast to somatic pain, is usually Adhesions were found in 16–44% of the patients
deep and difficult to localize. Moreover, acute undergoing laparoscopy for chronic pelvic pain
visceral pain is associated with various autonomic (Kresch et al 1984, Rapkin 1986, Hughes 1990).
reflexes such as restlessness, nausea, vomiting, and However, the prevalence of adhesions in the control
diaphoresis (Procacci et al 1986). An important group depends on the comparison group selected
aspect of visceral pelvic pain is referred pain, which (i.e., sterilization or infertility). Kresch noted adhe-
is superficial and well-localized, and perceived to sions in 51% of CPP patients and 14% of women
arise from the dermatome receiving the visceral undergoing sterilization (Kresch et al 1984). In 135
Clinical pain states

Table 10.1 Nerves carrying painful impulses from the pelvis

Organ Spinal
Segments Nerves

Perineum, vulva, lower vagina S2–S4 Pudendal, inguinal, genitofemoral,

posterofemoral cutaneous

Upper vagina, cervix, lower uterine segment, posterior S2–S4 Pelvic autonomics via pelvic nerve
urethra, bladder trigone, uterosacral and cardinal ligaments,
rectosigmoid, lower ureters

Uterine fundus, proximal fallopian tubes, broad ligament, T11–12, L1 Lumbosacral autonomics via
upper bladder, caecum, appendix, terminal large bowel hypogastric plexus

Outer two-thirds of fallopian tubes T9–T10 Thoracolumbar autonomics via renal

and aortic plexus and coeliac and
mesenteric ganglia

Abdominal wall T12–L1 lliohypogastric

T12–L1 llioinguinal
L1–L2 Genitofemoral

Table 10.2 Peripheral causes of chronic pelvic pain

1. Gynaecologic 3. Genitourinary
Non-cyclic Recurrent or relapsing cystourethritis
Adhesions Urethral syndrome
Endometriosis Interstitial cystitis
Salpingo-oophoritis Ureteral diverticuli or polyps
Ovarian remnant syndrome Carcinoma of the bladder
Pelvic congestion syndrome (varicosities) Ureteral obstruction
Ovarian neoplasms Pelvic kidney
Pelvic relaxation
Cyclic 4. Neurologic
Primary dysmenorrhoea Nerve entrapment syndrome
Secondary dysmenorrhoea Neuroma
a. Imperforate hymen or transverse vaginal septum Trigger points
b. Cervical stenosis
c. Uterine anomalies (congenital malformation, 5. Musculoskeletal
bicornuate uterus, bline uterus horn)
d. Intrauterine synechiae (Asherman’s syndrome) Low back pain syndrome
e. Endometrial polyps Congenital anomalies
f. Uterine leiomyoma Scoliosis and kyphosis
g. Adenomyosis Spondylolysis
h. Pelvic congestion syndrome (varicosities) Spondylolisthesis
i. Endometriosis Spinal injuries
Atypical cyclic Inflammation
2. Gastrointestinal Osteoporosis
Degenerative changes
Irritable bowel syndrome Coccydynia
Ulcerative colitis Myofascial syndrome
Granulomatous colitis (Crohn’s disease) Fibromyalgia
Carcinoma Pelvic floor muscle tension/spasm or trigger points
Infectious diarrhoea
Recurrent partial small bowel obstruction 6. Systemic
Hernia Acute intermittent porphyria
Abdominal angina Abdominal migraine
Recurrent appendiceal colic Systemic lupus erythematosus
contrast, Rapkin reported adhesions in 26% of CPP
Chronic pelvic pain

cul-de-sac, ovaries, and pelvic visceral and parietal

patients and 39% of asymptomatic infertility peritoneum. The favoured theory of aetiology is
patients (Rapkin 1986). Furthermore, the location retrograde menses with implantation of endo-
and density of adhesions did not differ between metrium in susceptible women, and likely involves
groups (Rapkin 1986). The latter findings were a local disorder of immune modulation (D’Hooghe
confirmed by Koninckx et al (1991), who laparo- and Hill 1996).
scoped 227 patients and noted a similar prevalence The most common symptoms of endometriosis
and distribution of adhesions between CPP are dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia, infertility, and ab-
patients and asymptomatic infertility patients. normal uterine bleeding, usually from a secretory
Although women with CPP have a higher endometrium. Pelvic pain in women with endo-
prevalence of adhesions than women undergoing metriosis may occur at any time in the menstrual
sterilization, one cannot conclude that these find- cycle, though dysmenorrhoea is the most classic
ings are causal or even highly associated. If symptom. Dysmenorrhoea may begin 7–10 days
adhesions cause pain, adhesiolysis should relieve before the onset of the menstrual period and persist
pain. There is only one randomized controlled trial after the bleeding has ceased. The patient often
of lysis of adhesions in women with CPP (Peters et describes pressure-like or sharp pain in the lower
al 1992). Patients with CPP and laparoscopic diag- abdomen, back, and rectum with radiation to the
nosis of stage III to IV adhesions were subjected vagina, thighs, or perineum. Dyspareunia or dys-
to adhesiolysis via laparotomy or expectantly chezia (pain with bowel movements) is common
managed. Follow-up assessment of pain was per- when the disease involves the cul-de-sac (pouch of
formed 16 months postoperatively, showing that Douglas), uterosacral ligaments, or rectovaginal
no significant benefit of adhesiolysis as compared septum. Although the serosa of the intestine is
to expectant management. A prospective non- involved in many patients, only rarely is the mucosa
randomized study of adhesiolysis also showed no affected leading to cyclic haematochezia. Urinary
improvement in pain at an 8-month follow-up urgency, frequency, bladder pain, and rarely
(Steege and Scott 1991). There was, however, haematuria can also be associated with urinary
significant relief of pain after adhesiolysis in the tract involvement. Rarely, patients may develop
subgroup of women without ‘CPP syndrome’. (CPP bowel or ureteral obstruction. Postmenopausal
syndrome was defined as women manifesting 4 or women on oestrogen replacement can continue to
more of the following: (1) pain duration >6 months; experience symptomatic endometriosis. However,
(2) incomplete relief by previous treatments; (3) without oestrogen replacement the diagnosis is
impaired physical functioning secondary to pain; highly debatable.
(4) vegetative signs of depression; and (5) altered Examination of patients with endometriosis
family roles.) Steege concluded that lysis of adhe- often reveals focal tenderness and nodularity on the
sions may be a useful procedure in some women rectovaginal examination of the uterosacral or
but not those with ‘CPP syndrome’ (Steege and broad ligaments and posterior cul-de-sac. Progres-
Scott 1991). sive disease will result in obliteration and fibrosis of
Future studies of laparoscopy under local the cul-de-sac, and fixed retroversion of the uterus.
anesthesia may allow ‘pain mapping’ to determine Enlarged ovaries filled with ‘chocolate cysts’
which tissues or adhesions would be the most (endometriomas) with decreased mobility are often
likely to be the cause of the pain. To date, there are noted on examination or ultrasound of the pelvis.
no studies of pain symptoms after procedures While endometriosis may be suggested by
guided by pain mapping techniques (Howard et al history and pelvic examination, a definitive diag-
2000). nosis requires laparoscopy. A clinical diagnosis is
accurate in 50% of cases (D’Hooghe and Hill 1996).
Ultrasound is not diagnostic since small implants
Endometriosis are undetectable, and endometriomas can resemble
Endometriosis affects about 1–2% of all women and cystic ovarian neoplasms.
15–25% of infertile women. Endometriosis is found Endometriosis is usually progressive if untreated.
in approximately 28–74% of the patients under- Medical treatment options include continuous or
going laparoscopy for chronic pelvic pain (Kresch cyclic oral contraceptive pills, androgenic hormones
et al 1984, Rapkin 1986, Howard 1993, Reese et al (Danocrine), high-dose oral or depo progestins,
1996). Endometriosis is defined as the presence or gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues
of endometrial glands and stroma located outside (D’Hooghe and Hill 1996, Prentice et al 2000, Olive
the uterine cavity, occurring most commonly in the and Pritts 2001). Laparoscopic electro-dessication 137
Clinical pain states

or laser vapourization or laparotomy with resection ovaries often are noted (Beard et al 1988).
of disease is usually recommended particularly for Pelvic congestion, until recently, was only a
severe endometriosis or endometriomas. Patients clinical diagnosis. Transuterine venogram is diag-
not desiring fertility may undergo total abdominal nostic; however, this test is technically not feasible
hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy or unreadable in 21% of patients (Beard et al 1988).
and appendectomy, as well as removal of any resi- There are a few small studies examining pelvic
dual GI, GU, or peritoneal disease. Some women ultrasound with Doppler or MRI for diagnosis of
benefit from adjunctive acupuncture or multi- pelvic congestion (Stones et al 1990).
disciplinary pain management (Rapkin and Kames Hormonal suppression inducing a hypo-oestro-
1987). genic environment has been used to treat pelvic
In many women suffering chronic pelvic pain, congestion (Farquhar et al 1989, Gangar et al 1993).
endometriosis may not be the cause of the pain or Medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) 30 mg daily
may only represent a contributing factor. At least for three months was administered in a random-
30% of patients with recurrent pain after treatment ized, placebo-controlled treatment trial, which
for endometriosis have no residual implants upon resulted in a 50% reduction in pain score for those
repeat laparoscopy. There is no significant correla- given MPA compared to a 33% reduction for those
tion between disease amount and pain severity given placebo (Beard et al 1991). However, after
except in higher-stage disease, which tends to be discontinuation of treatment, the pain recurred in
associated with a greater prevalence of and in- the MPA group but did not return in the placebo
creased intensity of pain. Furthermore, there is no group. Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral
correlation between location of pain and site of salpingo-oophorectomy eliminated pain in 33 of 36
endometriotic lesions (Fukaya et al 1993). Pain not patients followed for one year (Beard et al 1991).
responding to adequate medical or surgical manage- Transcatheter embolization of pelvic veins has been
ment of endometriosis needs careful reevaluation. performed in a limited number of subjects with
promising outcome but the long-term risks and
benefits remain unknown (Sichlau et al 1994).
Tumours and cysts of the
reproductive organs
Most reproductive organ tumours and cysts can
cause acute pain from adnexal torsion, torsion of Salpingo-oophoritis can cause chronic pelvic pain,
leiomyomata, or degeneration. Chronically, pelvic though patients usually present with symptoms
tumours such as leiomyomata or ovarian neoplasms and signs of acute or subacute infection before the
cause vague lower abdominal discomfort and pain becomes chronic. Patients may report numer-
fullness and require ultrasound to diagnose. ous episodes of pain associated with fever, and
The most common pelvic neoplasms are leio- may have been told they have pelvic inflammatory
myomata. Mild pelvic discomfort from myomata disease. However, the patient may not have salpin-
usually presents itself when the masses encroach on gitis at all. Clinical diagnosis leads to error in
adjacent bladder or rectum. Surgery, myomectomy 50% of the cases (Westrom and Eschenbach 1999).
or hysterectomy, is warranted for abnormal Laparoscopic visualization of pelvic organs and
bleeding or discomfort due to uterine size, usually peritoneal fluid cultures are diagnostic. The stan-
greater than 14 cm. dard treatment for salpingo-oophoritis is intra-
venous antibiotics. Only rarely is hysterectomy and
salpingo-oophorectomy required, generally for
Pelvic congestion tubo-ovarian abscesses.
For the past 40 years, there has been interest in the
role of ‘pelvic congestion’ or uterine and ovarian
vein varicosities in the genesis of chronic pelvic
Ovarian remnant syndrome
pain. Clinically, the syndrome includes abdominal A hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorec-
and low back pain, dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia, tomy performed in the setting of severe anatomic
and menorrhagia. The pain is usually bilateral, distortion such as with severe endometriosis or
lower pelvic in distribution, and exacerbated by the pelvic inflammatory disease may result in the ova-
luteal phase and the menstrual period. On exam, rian remnant syndrome, in which residual ovarian
there is tenderness over the uterus, parametria, and cortical tissue is left in situ (Siddal-Allum et al
138 especially the uterosacral ligaments and polycystic 1994). While the incidence of ovarian remnants is
unknown but suspected to be high, associated pain secondary dysmenorrhoea are endometriosis and
Chronic pelvic pain

is rare. adenomyosis, a condition in which the endometrial

Ovarian remnant syndrome is diagnosed on glands penetrate the myometrium. Other common
history, physical examination, and hormonal causes are listed in Table 10.2 and include vaginal,
evaluation (Price et al 1990). Two to five years after cervical, uterine, fallopian tube, adnexal, and
surgery, cyclic pain may arise, accompanied by peritoneal pathology. The distinction between
flank pain, and on occasion, urinary tract infection primary and secondary dysmenorrhoea and
and intermittent, partial bowel obstruction. Pelvic chronic pelvic pain requires a thorough history as
exam may reveal a tender mass in the lateral pelvis. to the timing and duration of the pain, a pain diary,
Ultrasound following ovarian stimulation with and a careful pelvic examination, with focus on
clomiphene usually confirms a mass with sono- the size, contour, mobility, and tenderness of the
graphic characteristics of ovarian tissue. In a patient uterus, adnexal structures, and nodularity of the
who has had bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and uterosacral ligaments and rectovaginal septum.
is not on hormonal replacement, estradiol and Genital studies for gonorrhoea and chlamydia,
follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels reveal a complete blood count with ESR, and possibly a
characteristic premenopausal picture, though on transvaginal ultrasound are warranted. If no
occasion the remaining ovarian tissue may not be abnormalities are found and pain is cyclic, a
active enough to suppress FSH levels. Laparotomy tentative diagnosis of primary dysmenorrhoea can
with removal of residual ovarian tissue is necessary be made.
for treatment (Price et al 1990), though commonly Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors are effective
complications ensue, including haemorrhage, ure- for the treatment of primary dysmenorrhoea in up
teral, bladder, and bowel injury, and postoperative to 80% of the cases and should be initiated pre-
ileus, and recurrent remnants occur in 15% of cases. menstrually or at least before the pain begins or
Treatment with GnRH agonists and oestrogen and becomes severe (Deligeoroglou 2000). For the patient
progestin addback therapy may be an appropriate with primary dysmenorrhoea who has no contra-
alternative (Carey and Slack 1996). indications to oral contraceptive agents, the birth
control pill is the second agent of choice. More than
90% of women with primary dysmenorrhoea have
Cyclic pelvic pain relief with oral contraceptive control pills (Chan
Cyclic pelvic pain implies pain occurring with and Dawood 1980). Narcotic analgesics can be
a specific relationship to the menstrual cycle. It administered for pain control. Prior to the addition
consists of primary and secondary dysmenorrhoea of narcotic medication, organic pathology should
but also includes atypical cyclic pain, such as pain be ruled out, generally via laparoscopy and, if
beginning two weeks prior to menses. Atypical indicated, hysteroscopy. Other modes of hormonal
cyclic pain is a variant of secondary dysmenorrhoea. menstrual suppression include high-dose progestins
The diagnosis of cyclic pain often depends on the (oral or depo intramuscular injection), continuous
review of a daily pain and menstrual diary. oral contraceptive pill administration, or gonado-
Dysmenorrhoea or ‘painful monthly flow’ is a tropin-releasing hormone agonists with continuous
common gynaecologic disorder affecting up to 50% low- (menopausal) dosage hormone addback.
of menstruating women (Rapkin et al 1997). Breakthrough bleeding with associated pain are
Primary dysmenorrhoea refers to pain with menses potential problems with these regimens. Acupunc-
when there is no pelvic pathology, whereas second- ture or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
ary dysmenorrhoea is painful menses with under- may be successful (Wilson et al 2000). If treatment
lying pelvic pathology. Primary dysmenorrhoea fails, laparoscopy is warranted to rule out causes of
usually appears one to two years after menarche, secondary dysmenorrhoea, particularly endometrio-
with the establishment of ovulatory cycles, but may sis. Surgical approaches to dysmenorrhoea include
persist into the 40s. The pain consists of suprapubic laparoscopic uterosacral ligament ablation, presacral
cramping radiating down the anterior thighs and to neurectomy, and in selected cases of secondary
the lumbosacral region often accompanied by dysmenorrhoea, hysterectomy (Malinak 1980).
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. The pain occurs
prior to or just after the onset of menses and lasts Gastroenterologic causes of chronic
for 48–72 h.
Secondary dysmenorrhoea most often starts
pelvic pain
years after menarche and may occur with Many patients referred to gynaecologists with
anovulatory cycles. The most common causes of chronic pelvic pain actually have gastroenterologic 139
Clinical pain states

(GI) pathology (Reiter 1990, Walker et al 1996). Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) such as ulcer-
Since the cervix, uterus, adnexa, lower ileum, ative colitis or granulomatous disease (Crohn’s
sigmoid colon, and rectum share the same visceral disease) similarly do not usually present as chronic
innervation, with pain signals travelling via the pelvic pain because their presentation is usually
sympathetic nerves to spinal cord segments more acute with diarrhoea, fever, vomiting, and
T10–L1, it is often difficult to determine whether anorexia. A colonoscopy or barium study is
lower abdominal pain is of gynaecologic or entero- diagnostic for IBD.
colic origin (Mayer and Gebhart 1993). In addition, Tumours of the GI tract can cause chronic lower
as is true with other types of visceral pain, pain abdominal pain. The most frequent and early
sensation from the GI tract is often diffuse and symptoms of bowel carcinomas are change in
poorly localized. bowel habits (74% of patients) and abdominal pain
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the (65% of patients). Rectal bleeding and weight
more common causes of lower abdominal pain and loss may be signs of advanced disease. Most rectal
may account for as many as 7 to 60% of referrals to tumours can be palpated on rectal examination.
a gynaecologist for chronic pelvic pain (Reiter Endoscopy, barium enema, or CAT scan with
1990). The predominant symptom of irritable bowel contrast are diagnostic.
syndrome is abdominal pain that is intermittently
crampy and predominantly in the left lower
quadrant. The Rome II criteria for the diagnosis of
IBS are listed in Table 10.3. Symptoms are usually Hernia is included in the differential diagnosis of
worse after eating, during periods of stress, tension, lower abdominal pain. There is a relatively low
anxiety, or depression, and with the premenstrual incidence of inguinal hernia in females. Anterior
and menstrual phases of the cycle. and posterior perineal hernias are usually limited
History and exclusion of other conditions to cystocele, rectocele, or enterocele and may cause
establishes the diagnosis of IBS. Red flags such as lower pressure-like abdominal/perineal pain in
blood in stool, recent antibiotic usage, nocturnal women. This type of pain will usually respond to a
awakening, family history of colon cancer, weight pessary followed by surgical management. Another
loss, and abnormal pelvic or abdominal exam do cause of abdominal pain in women is a Spigelian
not support its diagnosis, but rather warrant hernia, which results from weakness in the trans-
colonoscopy or CAT scan with contrast to rule-out versalis fascia (Spangen 1984) and produces lower
pathology. IBS treatment consists of dietary altera- abdominal pain between the semilunar line and the
tions, bulk-forming agents, high-fibre diet, reassu- lateral border of the rectus muscle. Increased pain
rance, education, stress reduction, and medications with valsalva, clinical exam, and ultrasound are help-
such as low-dose tricyclic antidepressants (Ringel ful for diagnosis. Surgery is necessary for repair.
et al 2001), anxiolytics, anticholinergics, or other
Another cause of chronic enterocolic pain is
Urologic causes of chronic pelvic pain
(also see Chap. 12)
diverticular disease of the colon. Five to 40% of
individuals over the age of 40 have diverticulosis, Chronic pain of urologic origin may present as
although most patients never develop diverticu- pelvic pain due to close development and anatomy
litis. Though diverticulosis is usually asymptoma- of urinary and genital tracts. The urethra and
tic, diverticulitis results in severe, acute left lower bladder and the vagina and vestibule are all
quadrant pain associated with fever, a tender mass, derived from the embryologic urogenital sinus.
and leukocytosis. Recurrent cystoureteritis, urethral syndrome, ure-
thral diverticulae, urgency, frequency syndrome,
Table 10.3 The Rome II Criteria for diagnosing irritable interstitial cystitis, infiltrating bladder tumours,
bowel syndrome ectopic pelvic kidney, and various ureteral causes
of pelvic pain such as urolithiasis, ureteral obstruc-
Abdominal pain or discomfort, for at least 12 weeks out tions, or endometriosis can present as pelvic pain in
of the previous 12 months, which need not necessarily be approximately 5% of women with chronic pelvic
consecutive (and cannot be explained by structural or
biochemical changes), and has 2 of these 3 features:
pain (Reiter 1990, Spangen 1984). The medical
history should query symptoms such as urgency,
a. relieved by defecation
frequency, hesitancy, incontinence, nocturia, dys-
b. onset associated with a change in frequency
c. consistency of stool pareunia, and past history of treatment of urinary
140 tract problems.
The patient with infectious cystitis presents with
Chronic pelvic pain

possible biopsy. Therapy consists of bladder diet,

complaints of suprapubic pain, dysuria, frequency, intravesical hydrodistension, instillation of di-
and urgency, and has pyuria and a positive urine methylsulfoxide, or analogues of glycosamino-
culture. The symptoms usually respond to ade- glycan, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
quate antibiotic therapy. Relapses and reinfection (TENS), physical therapy, or biofeedback to the
can be diagnosed with the aid of history, urinalysis, pelvic floor muscles, or repeated anaesthetic
and culture. The antibiotic and duration of therapy blocks (hypogastric plexus). The treatment of the
may have to be adjusted and on occasion, if the condition remains empiric and less than optimal
patient has recurrent cystoureteritis, antibiotics oral pharmacologic agents such as anticholinergic,
may have to be administered post-coitally or for a antispasmodic, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
prolonged period of time. Chlamydial infection is agents, tricyclic antidepressants, and narcotics have
responsible for about 25% of cases of pyuria and all been utilized with some success (Sant 1998).
urethritis in women (Summit 1993).
The urethral syndrome may present as chronic
pelvic pain or irritative lower urinary tract
Nerve entrapment or injury
symptoms such as dysuria, urinary frequency, and Abdominal cutaneous nerve entrapment or injury
dyspareunia (Bergman et al 1989, Summit 1993). should be considered in the differential diagnosis
The diagnosis is one of exclusion. A negative of chronic lower abdominal pain, especially if no
urinalysis, negative or a low colony count (e.g., visceral aetiology is apparent. The syndrome most
<104 col/mL) on urine culture, and negative chla- commonly occurs months to years after Pfannenstiel
mydia study and evaluation for vulvovaginitis will skin or other lower abdominal and even laparo-
increase the suspicion for the diagnosis of urethral scopic incisions (Sippo et al 1987) but can also
syndrome. The aetiology of the syndrome is un- follow trauma, automobile accidents, or exercise.
known: chronic inflammation of the periurethral Commonly involved nerves include ilioinguinal
glands or urethral spasticity with periurethral (T12, L1), iliohypogastric (T12, L1), and genito-
muscle fatigue has been suggested. Treatment femoral (L1, L2).
consists of re-education of voiding habits through Symptoms of nerve entrapment include pain,
pelvic floor muscle biofeedback (Bergman et al 1989), typically elicited by exercise and relieved by
chronic suppression with 3–6 month low-dose bedrest. The pain is described as stabbing, colicky,
course of broad spectrum antibiotics, or tetracycline located along the lateral edge of the rectus margin
for 2 to 3 weeks if chlamydia is suspected. If with- often associated with a burning or aching pain
out success, urethral dilatation has been utilized. radiating to the hip, or sacroiliac region. Nausea,
Vaginal oestrogen for peri- and postmenopausal bloating, menstruation, and a full bladder or bowel
women is important (Karram 1993). Consideration exacerbate the pain.
should be given to pelvic floor muscle biofeedback, On examination, the pain can be localized with
muscle relaxants, and psychotherapy. the fingertip (McDonald 1993). The maximal point
Symptoms of urinary frequency, urgency, noct- of tenderness is the neuromuscular foramen at the
uria, and suprapubic pain with negative laboratory rectus margin medial and inferior to the anterior
studies are consistent with both interstitial cystitis iliac spine or, in the case of spontaneous nerve
(IC) and urgency/frequency syndrome. The con- entrapment, at the site of exit from the aponeurosis
sensus criteria for the diagnosis of IC include at of the other thoracic/abdominal cutaneous nerves.
least two of the following: pain or bladder filling A manoeuvre that helps to make the diagnosis is to
relieved by emptying; pain in suprapubic, pelvic, ask the patient to tense the abdominal wall by
urethral, vaginal, or perineal region; glomerula- raising shoulders or raising and extending the
tions on endoscopy; or decreased compliance on lower limbs in a straight leg raising manoeuvre.
cystometrogram (Kream and Carr 1999). Symptoms The outer side of the rectal muscle is then pressed
that do not meet IC criteria can be termed urgency/ with a single finger. The pain will be exacerbated if
frequency syndrome. Interstitial cystitis is an abdominal wall pain is present (Thomson and
inflammatory condition of uncertain aetiology Francis 1977). The tentative diagnosis is confirmed
although autoimmune disease, defect of the glycos- with a diagnostic nerve block consisting of an injec-
aminoglycan layer of the bladder mucosa, and tion of 2–3 mL of 0.025% Bupivocaine (Slocumb
activated bladder sensory neuropeptides have been 1990, McDonald 1993). Immediate relief is usually
proposed (Sant 1998). The evaluation of patients reported and many patients require up to 5
with the above symptoms should include cysto- biweekly injections. Only as a last resort should
scopy under anaesthesia with hydrodistension and consideration be given to surgical removal of the 141
Clinical pain states

involved nerves (Hahn 1989). Medications such Medications such as tricyclic antidepressants and
as tricyclic antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and anticonvulsants may also be useful.
acupuncture are also useful for pain control. Phy-
sical therapy or lifestyle change may be necessary
to strengthen other muscles and avoid reinjury. Psychological factors in chronic
pelvic pain
Musculoskeletal causes of chronic pain From a psychological perspective, there are various
factors that may promote the chronicity of pain.
Women complaining of lower back pain without Studies of women with chronic pelvic pain have
complaints of pelvic pain rarely have gynaecologic documented a high level of psychological disturb-
pathology as the cause of their pain; however, low ance (Reiter 1990).
back pain may accompany pelvic pathology. Back Higher depression scores and family histories of
pain may be caused by gynaecologic, vascular, affective disorder were described in women with
neurologic, psychogenic, or spondylogenic (related chronic pelvic pain without pathology compared to
to the axial skeleton and its structures) pathology women with chronic pelvic pain and pathology as
(Baker 1993). Musculoskeletal abnormalities established by laparoscopy (Magni et al 1984).
commonly contribute to the symptoms of chronic A comparison of women with pelvic pain of
pelvic pain. A physical therapist who can evaluate unknown aetiology, IBS, and a pain-free control
posture, muscle length and strength, and joint group revealed the pelvic pain group had signifi-
range of motion should improve the efficacy of cantly higher prevalence of major depression,
treatment. dysthymic disorder, panic disorders, somatization
disorder, and sexual abuse. Often, the depression
Myofascial pain preceded the onset of the pain; however, no
prospective studies have been performed (Magni et
Reports of the prevalence of myofascial pain as a
al 1984, Mayer and Gebhart 1993).
cause of pelvic pain vary. Reiter and Gambone
Studies have also examined the role of sexual
found myofascial syndrome in 15% of their patients
abuse as a specific risk factor for chronic pelvic
with somatic pathology. (Patients with identifiable
pain. A high prevalence (90%) of sexual abuse and
somatic pathology represented 47% of all patients
physical abuse has been reported in women with
referred to their pelvic pain clinic (Reiter 1990).)
chronic pelvic pain (Rapkin et al 1990). A history
Slocumb, in comparison, noted ‘trigger points’ in
of childhood sexual abuse and a past history of
89% of women presenting with chronic pelvic
depression are strongly related to the subsequent
pain irrespective of underlying pelvic pathology
persistence of pelvic pain (Harrop-Griffiths et al
(Slocumb 1984, 1990).
1988). Toomey reaffirmed the importance of obtain-
Myofascial pain is exacerbated by activity
ing sexual and physical abuse histories in chronic
within the affected part and by activity in deeper
pelvic pain patients (Toomey et al 1993).
visceral structures that share the same dermatomal
The diagnosis ‘chronic pelvic pain without
innervation (bladder or colon activity or pathology,
obvious pathology’ has been proposed for patients
menses, and cervical motion and intercourse)
who lack somatic pathology (Renaer 1980). Often
(Travell 1976; Slocumb 1984, 1990). Any structure
these patients have been considered to have
or muscle innervated via T12–L4 can refer pain to
psychogenic pain. The role of neurophysiologic
the lower abdomen (i.e., vertebrae, joint capsule,
mechanisms within the brain and spinal cord in
ligaments, discs, muscles such as the rectus,
the maintenance of chronic pain cannot be under-
illiopsoas, quadratus lumborum, piriformis, and
estimated (Rapkin 1995). Wall has suggested that it
obturators). On digital examination of abdominal,
is ‘necessary to consider the lability of central trans-
back, or vaginal dermatomes, pressure on the
mission pathways as well as seeking peripheral
trigger point evokes local and referred pain. Pain is
pathology in all painful conditions’ (Wall 1988).
exacerbated by the straight leg raising manoeuvre
described above. Treatment of myofascial trigger
points includes injecting the trigger points with Diagnosis and management of
local anaesthetic as well as physical therapy and
treatment of associated psychological factors such
chronic pelvic pain
as depression, anxiety, and learned behaviour Successful diagnosis and management of patients
patterns that may accompany and exacerbate the with chronic pelvic pain as with other chronic pain
142 condition (Travell 1976; Slocumb 1984, 1990). conditions requires a meticulous yet compassionate,
multidisciplinary approach. A thorough history 1990, McDonald 1993). The patient should be
Chronic pelvic pain

should be obtained. The nature of the pain, location examined while standing for hernias, abdominal
and radiation, aggravating and alleviating factors, (inguinal, femoral, and Spigelian) and pelvic
timing, effect of menses, exercise, work, stress, (cystocele, enterocele). An attempt should be made
intercourse, and orgasm should be queried. to locate by fingertip palpation of the tissues
Ascertain context in which the pain arose and is (abdominal, pelvic, external genital, and lower
maintained including previous episodes of pain, back) that reproduce the patient’s pain. The ap-
inability to perform family role or occupation, and pearance, support, and tenderness of the bladder,
litigation or worker’s compensation. Other somatic urethra, and rectum should be determined. A
symptoms should be noted: genital tract (abnormal neurologic exam of the lower extremities and
vaginal bleeding, discharge, mittelschmerz, dys- perineum can aide with the assessment of S3–S5
menorrhoea, dyspareunia, infertility), enterocolic and L2–L4 nerve roots. Vaginal oestrogenization
(constipation, diarrhoea, flatulence, tenesmus, should also be determined when visualizing the
blood, changes in colour or calibre of stool), musculo- vaginal epithelium.
skeletal (predominant low back distribution, pain Laboratory studies, if not already performed,
radiation, association with injury, fatigue, postural include CBC, ESR, urinalysis and culture, cervical
changes), and urologic (dysuria, urgency, fre- and urethral cultures (gonorrhoea and chlamydia),
quency, suprapelvic pain). Historical questions wet mount of vaginal secretions, pap smear, stool
specific to all of the peripheral pathologies noted in guaiac, and, if diarrhoea is present, stool culture. If
Table 10.1 should be queried. Past history including the pelvic or abdominal examination is inadequate
medical, surgical, gynaecologic, obstetric, sexual, or suggestive of a mass, ultrasound or MRI
medication intake, and prior evaluations for the pain evaluation is indicated. If symptoms and signs are
should be documented. Operative and pathology suggestive of other system involvement, fibreoptic
reports are important if the patient has had surgery. or other appropriate imaging studies of other organ
Current and past psychological history, includ- systems should be considered.
ing psychosocial factors, history of past (or current) A daily pain diary to note the occurrence and
physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse, history intensity of pain and mood should be administered.
of hospitalization, suicide attempts, and chemical Medication intake, menses, and aggravating and
(drug or alcohol) dependency, should be asked. alleviating factors should be noted in the diary. A
The attitude of the patient and her family towards simple diary utilizes a visual analogue scale from 1
the pain, resultant behaviour of patient family (no pain) to 10 (most severe pain ever). The diary
with respect to the pain, and current upheavals in should be maintained for at least 2 months.
patient’s life should be discussed. The part of the The patient should be evaluated by a psycho-
history addressing sensitive issues may have to be logist who is familiar with the management of
reobtained after establishing rapport with the chronic pain. The psychologist should preferably
patient. be located within the same clinic suite. Psycho-
Symptoms of an acute process such as fever, logical referral accomplishes evaluation, as well as
anorexia, nausea, emesis, significant diarrhoea, opens the possibility for introducing stress reduc-
recurrent constipation, ascites, uterine bleeding, tion, relaxation, and behavioural therapies. The
pregnancy, or recent abortion should alert one as assessment should be designed to evaluate the pain
to the possibility of an acute condition requiring complaint, its impact on life circumstances,
immediate medical or surgical intervention, espe- controlling factors, and coping mechanisms.
cially if accompanied by orthostasis, peritoneal Pelvic pain is likely to affect sexual functioning,
signs, pelvic or abdominal mass, abnormal CBC, which may have additional repercussions in terms
positive genital or urinary tract cultures, or a of mood and quality of the relationships and
positive pregnancy test. self-esteem. A careful history is needed to establish
One should perform a complete physical whether the sexual problems existed before the pain
examination, with particular attention to the or developed subsequently. Previous or current
abdominal, back, vaginal, urethrovesicle, bimanual, physical abuse, sexual abuse, or trauma should be
rectovaginal, and pelvic floor muscle examination. evaluated. The impact of the pain on day-to-day
The examination should include evaluation of the functioning should be determined. Standardized
abdomen with straight leg raising manoeuvre to psychological testing is helpful to determine
discern abdominal wall sources of pain. Abdominal whether affective disturbance is present, as well as
wall pain is augmented and visceral pain is to establish a baseline against which to measure treat-
diminished with the above manoeuvres (Slocumb ment response and guide treatment approaches. 143
Clinical pain states

If specific pathology (Table 10.2) is confirmed, factors, laparoscopy not routinely performed
management should proceed. Patients with cyclic (Peters et al 1991). Of the 49 patients in the standard
or atypical cyclic pain based on evaluation of the group, 65% had no abnormality, 5% had endo-
pain diary should be evaluated and treated for metriosis, 18% had adhesions, and the remainder
primary or secondary dysmenorrhoea. Evaluation had myomata, ovarian cysts, or pelvic varices. The
of pelvic pain, especially cyclic pain, may require a integrated approach was significantly more effec-
diagnostic laparoscopy. Pelvic ultrasound, MRI, or tive in the reduction of pelvic pain (75% vs 41%;
transuterine venography, if available, may be p < 0.01) (Peters et al 1991).
indicated if pelvic congestion is suspected but treat-
ment can proceed on the basis of clinical suspicion.
If trigger points were injected and pain has
persisted, injection should be repeated weekly or Nineteen percent of hysterectomies are performed
biweekly up to five injections and consideration for the sole indication of chronic pelvic pain
should be given to a physical therapy consultation, (Howard 1993). However, 30% of patients present-
especially if activity increases the pain or if low ing to pelvic pain clinics have already undergone
back pain is prominent. Pharmacologic manage- hysterectomy without experiencing relief of pain.
ment of CPP mirrors that of chronic pain in general. Patients with cyclic pain or dysfunctional uterine
Tricyclic antidepressants and anticonvulsants have bleeding are excellent candidates for hysterectomy
been used successfully in pelvic pain patients especially if they have relief of pain with hormonal
although controlled studies are lacking. Narcotics suppression, and hysterectomy remains an option
administered appropriately and with a narcotic for appropriately selected patients with pain of
contract are useful in the control of pelvic pain. ‘uterine’ origin (Hillis et al 1995).
Depression is treated with selective serotonin
reuptake inhibitors. The patient should continue to
Presacral neurectomy
have scheduled visits with the gynaecologist on a
regular basis. Presacral neurectomy or sympathectomy (PSN)
was first described for the indication of dysmenor-
rhoea. The presacral nerve, which is actually the
Surgical management of chronic
superior hypogastric plexus, receives the major
pelvic pain afferent supply from the cervix, uterus, and
Only a rare study of the surgical management of proximal fallopian tubes. Afferents from adnexal
CPP is a randomized controlled trial. Postoperative structures travel with sympathetic fibres accom-
follow-up is often less than 6 months and pain panying the spinal cord at T9–T10, and therefore,
measurement scales are generally not adequate. lateralizing pain of visceral origin will not be
relieved by PSN.
PSN has been described for the management
Diagnostic laparoscopy of central pelvic pain in the setting of both cyclic
Although exceedingly useful in the diagnosis and (dysmenorrhoea) and non-cyclic pain (Vercellini et
management of acute pelvic pain, the role of the al 1991, Candiani et al 1992). PSN can reduce the
laparoscope in the management of chronic pelvic suprapubic, midline component of menstrual pain
pain has been controversial. Fourteen to 77% of (Vercellini et al 1991). The surgery is technically diffi-
patients have no obvious pathology and two-thirds cult to perform via laparoscopy (Chen and Soong
of patients have findings of adhesions that may or 1997). The laparoscopic transection of the utero-
not play a role in their pain (Rapkin 1986, Steege sacral ligaments (LUNA), and thus uterine afferents,
and Scott 1991, Stout et al 1991). Furthermore, has been subjected to only one randomized controlled
non-surgical management of chronic pelvic pain trial (Lichten and Bombard 1987). Eighty-one
is successful in 65 to 90% of patients regardless of percent had relief with LUNA but the improvement
presence of ‘pathology’ (Rapkin and Kames 1987, at the one-year follow-up was only significant in
Reiter et al 1991, Peters et al 1991). Peters random- 45% of the 10 subjects. None of the controls
ized women with chronic pelvic pain to two differ- improved, however (Lichten and Bombard 1987).
ent management approaches: standard-approach
group in which laparoscopy was routinely per-
formed and results guided by findings and an inte-
Multidisciplinary pain management
grated approach group with attention to somatic, Multidisciplinary pain management is an excellent
144 psychological, dietary, and physiotherapeutic approach to chronic pelvic pain. The team usually
includes a gynaecologist or internist as pain man-
Chronic pelvic pain

Deligeoroglou E 2000 Dysmenorrhea. Annals of the New York

Academy of Science 900: 237–244 (Review)
ager, psychologist, and often a physical therapist,
Farquhar CM, Rogers V, Franks S, Pearce S, Wadsworth J,
anaesthesiologist, and dietitian. Non-steroidal Bland RW 1989 A randomized controlled trial of
anti-inflammatory medications, narcotics, tricyclic medroxyprogesterone acetate and psychotherapy for the
antidepressants, anticonvulsants, and trigger point treatment of pelvic congestion. British Journal of Obstetrics and
injections and nerve blocks (i.e., pudendal, Gynaecology 96: 1153–1162
Fukaya T, Hoshiai H, Yajima A 1993 Is pelvic endometriosis always
ilioinguinal, iliohypogastric, genitofemoral and associated with chronic pain? A retrospective study of 618 cases
occasionally hypogastric) are utilized. diagnosed by laparoscopy. American Journal of Obstetrics and
One program utilizing cognitive behavioural Gynecology 169: 719–722
therapy, acupuncture, and tricyclic antidepressants Gangar KV, Stones RW, Saunders D, Rogers V, Rae T, Cooper S,
Beard RW 1993 An alternative to hysterectomy? GnRH
was successful in reducing pain by at least 50%
analogue combined with hormone replacement therapy. British
in 85% of the subjects (Rapkin and Kames 1987, Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 100: 360–364
Kames al 1990). Other studies have suggested Giamberardino MA, Berkley KJ, Iezzi S, di Bigotina P, Vecchiet L
that similar results may be obtained with a multi- 1995 Changes in skin and muscle sensitivity in dysmenorrheic
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cycle. Society of Neuroscience Abstracts 1638
Peters et al 1991, Milburn et al 1993). In a prospec- Hahn L 1989 Clinical findings and results of operative treatment in
tive randomized, controlled study, the multidisci- ilioinguinal nerve entrapment syndrome. British Journal of
plinary approach combining traditional gynaecologic Obstetrics and Gynaecology 96: 1080–1083
treatment and psychological, dietary, and physical Harrop-Griffiths J, Katon W, Walker E, Helm L, Russo J, Hickok C
1988 The association between chronic pelvic pain, psychiatric
therapy input was found to be more effective than
diagnoses and childhood sexual abuse. Obstetrics and
traditional gynaecologic (medical and surgical) Gynecology 71: 589–594
management or cure (Peters et al 1991). Hillis SD, Marchbanks PA, Peterson HB 1995 The effectiveness of
hysterectomy for chronic pelvic pain. Obstetrics and
Gynecology 86: 941–945
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Deep and visceral pain


Obstetric Pain
John S McDonald and Carl R Noback

Introduction of analgesic therapy, about 65–68% of primiparas

and multiparas rated their labour pain as severe
The modern concept of pain management in labour or very severe, and 23% of primiparas and 11% of
and delivery holds that pain must be relieved multiparas rated their pain as ‘horrible’ (Melzack
effectively because persistent severe pain and its 1984). Highly developed countries are now cog-
stress generate harmful effects for the mother and, nizant of the benefits of modern analgesia and fully
possibly, the fetus. Impressive clinical evidence expect effective pain relief throughout labour and
shows that properly administered analgesia reduces delivery.
maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity
(Shnider and Levinson 1987, Gabbe and Steven
1991, Bonica and McDonald 1995). Mechanisms and pathways of
Present-day obstetricians have adopted a con-
servative attitude regarding maternal medication.
the pain of childbirth
There is an acute awareness that drugs adminis- The neural mechanisms of childbirth pain provide
tered to mothers can have fetal and neonatal foundation to build the logical application of pain
depressant effects. Furthermore, mothers are by far relief in labour. The innervation of the reproductive
more appreciative of a lucid, coherent participation organs can be divided into five general sections: (i)
in their childbirth experience (Lamaze and Vellay uterus; (ii) lower uterine segment; (iii) cervix; (iv)
1952, Atlee 1956). The obstetric scenario is highly vagina, and (v) perineum.
stable and effective, in which patients receive The uterus and lower uterine segments are
not only antepartum evaluation and consultation, innervated by afferents with cell bodies in the dorsal
but also careful consideration and management root ganglia of the T10, T11, T12 and L1 segments.
augmented by monitoring during the intrapartum Afferent pathways course alongside the sympa-
period. A sensitive index of the proficiency of such thetic nerves that make up the pelvic plexus and
a system of care is the perinatal mortality rate, cervical plexus. These afferents from the four seg-
which is now at its lowest level in the history of ments move through the three hypogastric pelvic
the USA. A systematic study using the McGill Pain plexi (inferior, medial, and superior), and finally
Questionnaire found that, prior to administration pass through the posterior roots to make synaptic 147
Clinical pain states

contact with interneurons in the dorsal horn and cervix. The cervix is also innervated by the
(Fig. 11.1). Typical of pain arising from the viscera, T10–T12 pathways (Bonica 1969).
the pain caused by uterine contractions is referred Innervation of the perineum, however, is via the
to the dermatomes supplied by the same spinal sacral nerve roots with input transmitted directly
cord segments that receive input from the uterus to the spinal dorsal horn via the pudendal nerves.

Pain perception

Emotional arousal
Anxiety, fear

L Motivational, affective
S Cognitive, conceptual,
M Judgemental
L Behavioural
H Motor activity

CS Endocrine (Stress) response

Descending RF Spinothalamic ↑ACTH, cortisol, aldosterone
control tract and other and other catabolic hormones
system ascending ↓Anabolic hormones
Increased sympathetic tone
Catecholamine secretion

A. Cardiovascular changes
↑peripheral resistance


T10 ↑cardiac output

T11 ↑blood pressure
L1 +
↑oxygen consumption

B. Alteration of uterine activity

↓ activity-E, ↑ activity-N

S2 C. Decreased gastrointestinal
S3 ↓
Delayed gastric emptying
Nausea, vomiting

D. Decreased urinary motility



Urinary retention

Fig. 11.1 Schematic depiction of the nociceptive input to the spinal cord, provoked by uterine contractions throughout
labour and stimulation of the perineum during the second and third stages of labour. The spinothalamic tract and other
ascending tracts in the neuraxis are primarily involved in central transmission of nociceptive information to the anterior
and anterolateral horn cells of the spinal cord, which provoke segmental reflex responses and impulses that reach the
brainstem, provoking the suprasegmental responses listed on the right. The nociceptive impulses that reach the brain
provoke the cortical responses that include perception of pain, initiation of psychological mechanisms and behavioural
responses. On the left is a simple schematic illustration of descending pathways that convey modulating influence from
the brain to the spinal cord. RF = reticular formation; RS = reticulospinal; CS = corticospinal; H = hypothalamus; PO =
posterior thalamus; VPL = ventral posterolateral thalamus; MIT = medial and intralaminar thalamic nuclei; LFS = limbic
148 forebrain structures. (Modified from Bonica 1990.)
There are some mixed areas of overlap in the of the perineal muscles may be difficult until
Obstetric pain

vagina with over 70% of the afferents from the analgesia is accomplished with an epidural block
uterine–cervical area linking up with the inferior that includes the sacral nerves or a caudal injection.
hypogastric plexus of nerves on each side of the In the late part of the first stage of labour and during
cervix, while the remainder of the afferents from the second stage, a number of parturients develop
the vagina and lower genital tract link up to the aching, burning, or cramping discomfort in the
pudendal nerve. Innervation of the uterine horns is thigh and, less frequently, the legs. This can be the
also separate, via the sympathetic nerves (Kawatani result of the stimulation of pain-sensitive structures
and de Groat 1991). The fibre types of the reproduc- in the pelvic cavity including traction on the pelvic
tive tract are consistent with other visceral organ peritoneum; stretching of and tension on the
innervation: small myelinated and unmyelinated bladder, urethra, and rectum; stretching and
fibres. tension of the ligaments, fascia, and muscles of the
The vagina and the perineum are therefore pelvic cavity; and abnormal pressure on roots of
innervated by the same neural pathways as the the lumbosacral plexus. As noted above, the neural
second and third stages of labour, involving the pathways for the second and third stages of labour
pudendal nerve and other smaller nerves derived involve the pudendal nerve and other smaller
from S2, S3, and S4. The peculiar pain caused by branches, which are derived from S2, S3, and S4.
pressure on the intrapelvic structures, and which is
felt in the thigh and upper legs, usually involves
fibres as high as L2 and as low as S3.
Physiological and psychological
effects of labour pain
Labour pain Changes in ventilation
The first stage of labour pain is caused by uterine The pain experienced at the time of labour and
contractions and stretching of the cervix. This conti- delivery serves as a powerful respiratory stimulus.
nues throughout the first stage until complete This results in a marked increase in tidal volume
dilatation is achieved. and minute ventilation, and an increase in alveolar
When complete dilatation of the cervix occurs, ventilation. This physiological change causes a
uterine contractions persist even against impressive reduction of PaCO2 from the pregnancy level of
forces of resistance. The pain that develops in this 32 mmHg to a value of as low as 16–20 mmHg, or
second stage emanates from continued distension occasionally even as low as 10–15 mmHg. This
of the entire vaginal canal as the fetus descends causes an increase in pH to 7.5–7.6 (Bonica 1973,
towards the vaginal outlet. During the second Huch et al 1977, Peabody 1979). This respiratory
stage, there is descent of the fetus until the fetal alkalosis, which occurs at the peak of each uterine
head begins to negotiate the mid-pelvis at the contraction, results in decreases in cerebral and
anatomical level of the ischial spines. The eventual uterine blood flow and a shift to the left of the
passage of the fetal head through the mid-pelvis maternal oxygen dissociation curve. With the onset
results in distension and stretching of the tissues of of the relaxation phase, pain no longer stimulates
the mid and lower vagina, distension of the outlet, respiration so that the hypocapnia causes a tran-
and eventual dilatation to make way for the passage sient period of hypoventilation that decreases the
of the largest portion of the fetus—the head. These maternal PaCO2 by 10–50% with a mean of 25–30%
anatomical changes are accomplished with max- (Huch et al 1977, Peabody 1979). Mothers who
imum stimulation via the nociceptive pathways of have received an opioid for pain relief have the
the pudendal nerves to the dorsal root ganglia of depressant effect of the respiratory alkalosis then
the at the S2–S4 levels. There is also a significant enhanced by the action of the opioids. When the
sensory spillover to other adjacent pathways via maternal PaCO2 falls below 70 mmHg, it has a
the lower sacrum, perianal, and even upper thigh significant effect on the fetus, namely a decrease in
regions. Similar to the pain caused by stimulation fetal PaCO2 with late decelerations (Myers 1975).
of superficial somatic structures, the perineal pain
is sharp and well localized. This pain can be
eliminated by blockade of the sensory nerves
Neuroendocrine effects
(Klink 1953, Bonica 1967). Some of the previously described changes, such as
As complete dilatation occurs, the pain may reduced carbon dioxide levels, coupled with the
be intense and pushing against the strong tension increases in catecholamine levels (20–40%) caused 149
Clinical pain states

by noxious stimulation, produce a net reduction in is caused by an increase in sympathetic activity

uterine blood flow in the animal model (Jouppila provoked by pain, anxiety, apprehension, and the
1977, Morishima et al 1978, Shnider and Levinson physical effort of labour, which contribute to
1987, Berkley and Wood 1989). the progressive rise in cardiac output as labour
Levels of noradrenaline (NA) are primarily advances. Uterine contractions in the absence of
increased, with reductions of uterine blood flow of analgesia also cause increases of 20–30 mmHg in
35–70%. In human studies, data have shown that the systolic and diastolic blood pressures. The
severe pain and anxiety during active labour can increase in cardiac output and systolic blood
cause a 300–600% increase in the adrenaline pressure leads to a significant increase in left
(epinephrine) (A) level, a 200–400% increase in ventricular work. This is tolerated by healthy
the noradrenaline (norepinephrine) (NA) level, a parturients, but it can prove deleterious if the
200–300% increase in the cortisol level, and parturients have heart disease, pre-eclampsia,
significant increases in corticosteroid and ACTH essential hypertension, or pulmonary hypertension
levels. These all reach peak values at or just after (Hendricks and Quilligan 1956, Hansen and
delivery (Lederman et al 1977, 1978; Ohno et al 1986). Ueland 1966, Robson et al 1987).
Lederman’s work showed adrenaline (epinephrine)
level increases of nearly 300%, NA levels of 150%,
and the cortisol levels of 200%. Of great interest was
Metabolic effects
the fact that increased A and cortisol levels cor- It would be expected during pregnancy that the
related with anxiety and pain. More recent research basal metabolic rate and oxygen consumption
in a comprehensive study of catecholamines and progressively increase, and at term, their values rise
cyclic nucleotides during labour and following to an imposing 20% above normal (Bonica 1967,
delivery noted a nearly twofold increase in the 1969, 1980, Bonica and McDonald 1995). During
dopamine levels, a threefold increase in the A level, parturition, the metabolism and oxygen consump-
and a twofold increase in the NA level, as well as a tion increase further (Bonica and McDonald 1990).
small increase in the cyclic adenosine mono- It is believed that in labour, free fatty acids and
phosphate (cAMP) level. A positive correlation lactate levels increase significantly as a result of pain-
between the A level and heart rate and systolic induced catecholamine release and the resultant
blood pressure, along with a correlation between sympathetic-induced lipolytic metabolism (Bonica
NA and cAMP levels, during labour was also noted and McDonald 1990). This is based on the fact that,
(Ohno et al 1986). with complete blockade of nociceptive afferent and
efferent pathways with epidural analgesia, only
small increases in maternal free fatty acid, lactate
Cardiovascular changes levels, and acidosis are observed (Marx and Greene
In labour, cardiac output increases further above 1964). With poor analgesia during the second stage
prelabour levels. The percentage increase in cardiac of labour, maternal acidosis can occur. This is
output was higher when the parturient was in the caused by maternal pain and physical exertion
supine position than when she was in the lateral inherent in the repetitive active bearing-down
position. With the parturient in the supine position, efforts. The increased sympathetic nervous system
between contractions, cardiac output during the activity caused by labour pain and anxiety also
early first stage was about 15% above that of pre- increases metabolic rate and oxygen consumption,
labour, during the late first stage it was increased as mentioned above. The increased oxygen con-
about 30%, during the second stage the increase sumption inherent in the work of labour, along
was about 45%, and immediately after delivery with the loss of bicarbonate from the kidney as
cardiac output was 65–80% greater than prelabour compensation for the pain-induced respiratory
(Hendricks and Quilligan 1956, Adams and alkalosis, produces a progressive maternal meta-
Alexander 1958, Hansen and Ueland 1966). During bolic acidosis that is transferred to the fetus
painful uterine contractions, there was even a (Marx and Greene 1964, Buchan 1980, Bonica and
further increase of 15–20% in cardiac output. McDonald 1990). The maternal pyruvate level
It is believed that nearly 50% of the increase increases, alongside a greater increase in the lactate
during contractions is caused by the extrusion of level; soon a progressive accumulation of excess
250–300 ml of blood from the uterus and by lactate occurs, which is reflected by a progressive
increased venous return from the pelvis and lower offset increase in base excess (Marx and Greene
limbs into the maternal circulation. The remainder 1964, Buchan 1980, Bonica and McDonald 1990).
Obstetric pain

Gastrointestinal and urinary function Psychological effects

The pain of labour and the consequent increase There is no question that psychological factors
in sympathetic activity also affect the function of do affect the incidence and intensity of parturition
the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts. Pain during pain and impact the mental attitude and mood of
labour stimulates gastrin release and results in the patient during labour. Fear, apprehension, and
increased gastric acid secretion (Marx and Greene anxiety further enhance pain perception and pain
1964). Additionally, pain, anxiety, and emotional behaviour (Moir and Willocks 1967, Bonica and
stress create segmental and suprasegmental reflex Hunter 1969, Brown et al 1972, Morishima et al
inhibition of gastrointestinal and urinary motility 1980, Tomkinson et al 1982). Ignorance or misinfor-
with delays in gastric and urinary bladder function. mation is the classic generator of fear and anxiety
Such reflex effects of nociception are aggravated for the parturient. An uninformed patient, espe-
by recumbent positions, opioids, and depressant cially a primipara, can be disturbed by fear of the
medications (Marx and Greene 1964; Pearson and unknown, suffering, complications, and even the
Davies 1973, 1974; Buchan 1980). The combined possibility of death. In addition, she may also be
effects of pain and depressant drugs can thus cause concerned that her fetus may be damaged (Myers
food and fluids other than water to be retained for as 1975, Tomkinson et al 1982, Reading and Cox 1985).
long as 36 h or more. During this period, swallowed Studies have demonstrated patients who have an
air and gastric juices accumulate progressively, unplanned or illegitimate pregnancy or have an
with gradual gastric pH decline below the critical ambivalent or negative reaction to gestation report
value of 2.5. Therefore, delayed gastric emptying more pain during labour and delivery (Reading
of the acidic gastric contents increases the risk of and Cox 1985).
regurgitation and pulmonary aspiration, especially The relationship between the parturient and her
during the induction of general anaesthesia. This spouse or partner also plays an important role
hazard has long been, and still today remains, one in the degree of pain she experiences. Melzack
of the most common causes of maternal mortality reported in 1984 that the effective pain scores were
and morbidity due to general anaesthesia (Hayes et higher when the husband was in the labour room
al 1972). than when he was absent. He suggested that this
may reflect genuinely higher effective pain scores
or may be due to a deliberate choice of descriptors
Effects on uterine activity and labour in the attempt to impress the husband or express
The same increased secretion of catecholamines anger at him, but in any case, the finding was
and cortisol caused by pain and emotional stress not spurious. Wallach found a similar effect in an
can either increase or decrease uterine contractility, independent study in 1982. By contrast, Nettelbladt
which, of course, influences the duration of labour. et al (1976), Norr et al (1977), and Fridh et al (1988)
Noradrenaline (norepinephrine) increases uterine found that positive feelings of the expectant father
activity, whereas it is decreased by adrenaline and towards the pregnancy seemed to be an important
cortisol (Nimmo et al 1975). An early animal study factor in decreasing the mother’s feelings of appre-
revealed nociceptive stimulation increased uterine hension during pregnancy. When expectant fathers
activity by about 60% that was associated with a were very supportive of their mates during preg-
decrease in fetal oxygen tension and fetal heart rate nancy and labour, the women experienced less pain
characterized by ominous signs of late decelera- during parturition.
tions (Holdsworth 1978). Lederman and associates Other emotional factors, such as intensive moti-
(Lederman et al 1977, 1978) noted that in some vation and cultural influences, can affect modula-
parturients severe pain and anxiety caused such an tion of sensory transmissions and certainly can
increase in adrenaline (epinephrine) and cortisol influence the effective and behavioural dimensions
levels that uterine activity was decreased and labour of pain. Cognitive intervention, such as giving the
was prolonged. In a small percentage of parturients, parturient preparatory information about labour,
pain and anxiety even produced ‘incoordinate reduces uncertainty, while producing distraction
uterine contractions’ manifested by a decrease in and dissociation from pain reduces pain behaviour.
intensity and an increase in frequency and uterine In a study of 134 low-risk parturients at term,
tone with ineffectual labour patterns (Moir and Lowe (1989) found that confidence in ability to
Willocks 1967, Holdsworth 1978, Tomkinson et al handle labour was the most significant predictor
1982). of all components of pain during active labour. The
Clinical pain states

greater the confidence the parturient had, the less relief of pain of childbirth. This is suggested by four
the pain she experienced and vice versa. major surveys of the practice of obstetric analgesia/
Severe labour pain can produce serious long- anaesthesia carried out in the USA during the past
term emotional disturbances that might impair the three decades, and two surveys that included
parturient’s mental health, negatively influence current practice in the UK, Scandinavian countries,
her relationship with her baby during the first few and a number of other countries throughout the
crucial days, and cause a fear of future pregnancies world (Marx and Green 1964, Bonica and
that could affect her sexual relationship with her McDonald 1995). These surveys indicate that in
husband (Marx and Greene 1964). Melzack et al major hospitals where obstetric services are well
(1981), Gaston-Johansson et al (1988), and Stewart organized and an obstetric anaesthesia service is
(1982) all reported that a significant number of available, there has been a trend of increasing use
women who had participated in natural childbirth of continuous lumbar epidural block with a dilute
developed or had aggravation of prelabour depres- solution of local anaesthetics and opioids and a
sion, or had other deleterious emotional reactions decrease in the use of regional analgesia and
in the postpartum period, consequent to the pain inhalation analgesia.
experienced during their childbirth without anal- In the USA, about 20–30% of parturients select
gesia. Melzack also noted that some women psychological analgesia, but eventually two-thirds
experienced an added burden of guilt, anger, and of them receive lumbar epidural or other forms
failure when they anticipated ‘a natural painless of regional analgesia. There has also been a general
childbirth’, but had to convert to the use of anal- trend not to use inhalation anaesthesia for labour
gesia when confronted with severe pain. Stewart and vaginal delivery. However, in the UK and
reported that such patients became miserable, in Scandinavian countries, inhalation analgesia is
depressed, and even suicidal and lost interest in still being used, alone or together with the systemic
sex. In some cases, the husbands of women who opioids, in 20–50% of parturients. In the UK, never-
anticipated ‘natural’ childbirth had to undergo theless, there has been a steady increase in the use
psychotherapy for serious reactions after seeing of continuous lumbar epidural blocks as opposed
their wives experience such severe pain as they to the use of inhalation analgesia for the first stage
themselves developed feelings of guilt and subse- of labour.
quent impotence and phobias. In developing countries there are, as anticipated,
still many problems because of the limited avail-
Current methods to relieve ability of regional anaesthesia experts and because
of deficient equipment and support systems. Most
childbirth pain parturients receive either no analgesia or simple
In centres where anaesthesia coverage is available, methods of inhalation and local anaesthesia (Marx
regional analgesia is preferred by far to any other and Green 1964, Bonica and McDonald 1995). On
technique offered today. In the past there were the basis of these data, psychological analgesia and
questions about what was the safest technique for simple techniques of inhalation and regional
pain relief for the first stage of labour. Regional anaesthesia are briefly commented upon below,
analgesia by lumbar epidural (LE) method has been and adequate emphasis is given to the use of
heavily scrutinized. The LE method has withstood continuous lumbar epidural analgesia/anaesthesia
the test of time and is clearly the favourite of the (Brownridge 1991).
mother, the nurse, the anaesthetist, and even the ob-
stetrician. Unfortunately, there is not one standard Psychological analgesia
of anaesthesia available in all countries; therefore
alternative forms of labour analgesia will be briefly Natural childbirth
covered. This chapter will emphasize regional Dick-Read (1953) popularized natural childbirth
anaesthetic techniques. Currently, many drugs and at a time when little else could be offered for pain
techniques are available to provide for the relief of relief, and for that contribution he should be
childbirth pain. All of these can be arbitrarily classi- appreciated. His original emphasis was centred
fied into four categories: psychological analgesia, upon the mother entirely. It was paramount she be
simple methods of pharmacological analgesia, in excellent physical condition so that she could
inhalation analgesia/anaesthesia, and regional endure the challenge of labour. Therefore, condi-
analgesia/anaesthesia. tioning became very important in the early phases
During the past two decades, there have been of the development of the technique and later on
152 significant changes in the methods used for the the psychological aspects were added, but this was
not a sole emphasis made by Dick-Read himself, such as morphine, alphaprodine, nalbuphine, and
Obstetric pain

who did stress the need for patient control over fentanyl, were used. Although these narcotics were
the process of labour. This method was enhanced initially used via the intramuscular route in earlier
greatly by the cooperation of a friendly and helpful years, they are now given in small intravenous
nurse who would act as a coach and facilitator for doses to decrease the total amount needed for
the patient during stressful times. labour pain and thus decrease the amount available
for effect upon the fetus.
Psychoprophylactic method Morphine was perhaps the oldest and the most
The method was popularized by Lamaze (1956) of long-standing opioid of choice for many obstetri-
France, who successfully introduced it to the USA cians for many years. When combined with scopol-
around the same time that regional anaesthesia was amine to provide twilight sleep, it had a dramatic
being reintroduced. At this time, various exercises analgesic effect. This effect was impressive, but so
in ventilation were added, and it was understood was the depressant effect upon the mother and the
that control of this aspect of breathing could have neonate. In an attempt to decrease the depressant
a salutary effect on the pain experience. This effect, intravenous boluses of small amounts of
occurred in the mid 1970s, when there were still not morphine were tried. When administered just
many physicians involved in obstetric anaesthesia. before uterine contractions, there may have been
All of these methods demanded the close commu- some fetal protective effect (Gerdin et al 1990).
nication and coordination of the teachers, the Nalbuphine or nubain is both an agonist- and
nurses, the patient, and the obstetrician. The health antagonist-type opioid. Its respiratory depressant
care team helped to foster confidence and optimism effect is similar to morphine. The advantage of
in the parturient, which was very important in nalbuphine is that its depressant characteristic has
developing a pleasing, fulfilling experience at a ceiling effect. In other words, a dosage that gives
childbirth. maximum depression can be increased without
further evidence of increased depression upon the
Hypnotic method neonate. This opioid is 80% as potent as morphine.
The hypnotic method demands complete coopera- The onset of 2–3 min after intravenous injection
tion between the obstetric patient and the obstet- was appealing for the management of labour pain.
rician. Often the obstetrician may act as the teacher Fentanyl is a highly lipid soluble synthetic
for the hypnosis sessions. The relationship between opioid that is 100 times more potent than morphine.
the patient and her obstetrician is usually strong It was used primarily for its quick analgesic effect,
and positive, which of course makes learning hyp- but its other advantage was that it did produce
nosis from the physician quite effective. Continued active metabolites that could act as respiratory
enthusiasm for this method demands time, con- depressants. Small doses of 50 μg IV were used
centration, dedication to learning a new technique with success in the first stage of labour, but there
and a belief in the patient’s own inner self and was little if any advantage noted over morphine
strength (see Chap. 37). and the latter had a much longer analgesic effect.
Because of its high lipid solubility, it also crossed
the placenta and appeared rapidly in the fetal
Simple techniques of circulation (Rosaeg et al 1992).
pharmacological analgesia Once the first stage of labour is managed, it is
time to consider a good second-stage technique that
Systemic analgesics (see Chaps 1, 24, and 25) will be reliable and offer full pain relief. With the
Narcotics, or more correct opioids, are the primary onset of the moderate pain of the second stage,
agents used for pain relief in labour not managed opioids are required. Narcotics produce adequate
by regional analgesic methods. These agents are relief of moderate pain in 70–80% and relief of
simple to use with intramuscular delivery by a severe pain in about 35–60% of parturients (Bonica
labour nurse who really serves as the primary 1967, 1969). Small doses do not produce significant
health care person responsible for decision-making maternal respiratory depression, but can produce
in regard to comfort of the patient. Thus the nurse some neonatal depression. For delivery, inhalation
would establish contact with the patient during analgesia with nitrous oxide can be used with inter-
regular rounds and contact the patient’s physician mittent or continuous administration via a mask
only when necessary. Often an initial order was connected to an anaesthesia machine. This tech-
given for meperidine (Demerol) after good active nique can be useful right at delivery, with the
labour was established. Additional narcotic drugs, crowning of the fetal head causing maximum 153
Clinical pain states

dilatation of the perineum (Marx and Katsnelson regurgitation and pulmonary aspiration are the
1992). An alternative analgesic technique is bilateral two leading causes of anaesthesia-related maternal
pudendal nerve block or infiltration of the peri- mortality in Britain and the USA. For this reason,
neum for similar pain relief during the delivery of general anaesthesia should be avoided but, if neces-
the fetus. sary, should be given only by a properly trained
Labour pain is not well appreciated still in many anaesthetist who has secured the airway by
parts of the world and is a major problem today in endotracheal intubation prior to the induction of
regard to pain control. There is such a wide variance anaesthesia. This is a controversial issue at present
in care given from modern centres with 90% bene- as there is not enough experience with the use of
fiting from regional analgesic methods to third world the laryngeal mask airway in obstetrics to make
countries where no pain relief exists whatsoever. In claims for the safety of the mother. Furthermore,
modern centres, there are even classes to allay the this is one of the most difficult areas of obstetric
patient’s fears and reassure them that they will be anaesthesia. Until more experience is gained
cared for with the utmost consideration for their with this technique, it should be reserved for
comfort and the baby’s safety. Discussions like this those expert in its application and then only under
emphasize the importance of the nurse who helps special indications.
both the obstetrician and the anaesthetist by
offering support to the patient in a time of need.
Regional analgesia/anaesthesia
The popularity and use of regional analgesia in
Inhalational analgesia/anaesthesia the form of epidurals for labour and delivery has
The next logical step up from systemic analgesia increased incredibly since the 1970s. Regional
is inhalation analgesia. Today it is still a popular analgesia offers excellent pain relief without any
method of relieving labour pain because it rapidly central nervous system depression. In other words,
produces moderately effective pain relief at a time the mother can enjoy the beauty of the experience
when it is sorely needed without causing loss of of her lifetime in complete control and with all her
consciousness or significant maternal/neonatal faculties intact. With the current methods of
depression. Commonly agents such as these are delivery and selection of local anaesthetics, there
40–50% nitrous oxide in oxygen, or sevoflurane or are few if any complications for either the mother
desflurane in oxygen can be used (Swart et al 1991). or the fetus, and there is little if any deleterious
Nitrous oxide can be administered intermittently effect upon the pattern or length of labour. By
during uterine contractions by the assistant to the selecting regional techniques, the use of depressant
anaesthetist or the anaesthetist (Carstoniu et al medications during labour that adversely affect the
1994). Premixed cylinders of 50% nitrous oxide and mother and baby, along with the use of general
50% oxygen are used in some parts of the world just anaesthesia for operative delivery with the compli-
for this purpose, but most of the time it is admin- cations of aspiration, is avoided.
istered by an anaesthetic machine in the operating Maternal hypotension is reduced by infusing
room or delivery room setting for safety purposes. fluids before inducing spinal, epidural, or caudal
Safety and optimal analgesia principles dictate that block to compensate for the increased vascular
the inhalation of the drug should be given admin- capacitance experienced after sympathetic block;
istered by someone in the specialty of anaesthesia. the parturient is also placed in the lateral decubitus
Inhalation should be given some 10–15 s before the position during labour to avoid the aortocaval com-
painful period of each contraction. Properly used, pression inherent in the supine position. Systemic
inhalational analgesia produces good analgesia in toxic reactions may be prevented by avoiding
one-third and partial relief in another one-third of excessive doses or accidental intravenous injection
parturients (Norman et al 1992). of therapeutic doses and by the administration of
Inhalational anaesthesia for very brief time local anaesthetic doses in small quantities with
periods and for actual delivery is still employed, repeated injections over several small intervals
because it can be rapidly induced and affords max- of time. In addition, the use of small quantities of
imum control of depth and duration of action and adrenaline (epinephrine) was found to reduce the
is rapidly eliminated at the end of the procedure. maternal and fetal exposure to the local anaesthetic
On the other hand, general anaesthesia is very agent used for the epidural (McLintic et al 1991).
dangerous and carries the risk of maternal mortality Sometimes this complication can be picked up by
caused by difficult endotracheal intubation with use of the test dose and careful monitoring of the
154 consequent asphyxia (Glassenberg 1991). This and maternal heart rate from injection until a 3-min
period. The adrenaline in the test dose will cause an Only when neither occurs should large therapeutic
Obstetric pain

acute increase in the heart rate for a transient doses be injected.

period of time.
Very high or total spinal anaesthesia may result Paracervical and pudendal block
from accidental subarachnoid injection of a local
Techniques of paracervical block combined with
anaesthetic dose intended for extradural block.
pudendal block (Fig. 11.2) offer excellent first- and
Because the dosage of local anaesthetic is huge
second-stage analgesia if performed by an expert
compared to what would be administered in the
who is skilled in the anatomy of those specific
subarachnoid space, the effect upon the sympa-
nerve areas. The paracervical block is used in some
thetic system responsible for the maintenance of
centres now in dilute local anaesthetic concentra-
tone in the capacitance vessels is profound, and
tions only. However, in many places, this excellent
results in a progressive reduction in blood pressure
regional block has been abandoned because of the
with eventual shock if not diagnosed and treated in
problems of bradycardia in the fetus after
a timely fashion.
administration of the drug to the mother. Bilateral
The latter two complications can be virtually ob-
pudendal block may still be used by obstetricians in
viated by attempting to aspirate blood or cerebro-
those institutions where obstetric anaesthesia
spinal fluid and injecting a test dose of 2–3 ml of
services are unavailable.
solution containing 5–7.5 mg bupivacaine and
15 mg adrenaline. If the injection is accidentally
subarachnoid, the parturient will develop a low Epidural analgesia
(T10–S5) spinal anaesthesia. As mentioned above, if Over the past several decades epidural analgesia
the injection is intravenous the adrenaline (epine- for labour and vaginal delivery and for caesarean
phrine) will produce moderate tachycardia and section has become increasingly popularized. The
hypertension within 20–30 s of the injection and technique has undergone a number of modifica-
this will last for 30–60 s (Moore and Batra 1981). tions since the 1960s. Initially, the method entailed

(A) (B) (C) Sacrospinous Ischial

ligament spine

Lumbar Pudendal
sympathetic nerve



Fig. 11.2 (A) Sites of three regional techniques for obstetric analgesia. Lumbar sympathetic block is rarely used but is
highly effective in relieving pain of the first stage and may be preferable to paracervical block, especially in high-risk
pregnancies. (B) Schematic coronal section of vagina and lower part of the uterus containing the fetal head, showing
the techniques of paracervical block. The 22-gauge needle is within a guide, with its point protruding only 5–7 mm
beyond the end of the guide. This prevents insertion of the needle more than 5–7 mm beyond the surface of the
mucosa. After negative aspiration, an injection of 8–10 ml of 0.25% bupivacaine at 4 and 8 o’clock of the cervical fornix
will produce relief of uterine pain for several hours. (C) Transvaginal technique of blocking the pudendal nerve. The two
fingers of the left hand are inserted into the vagina to guide the needle point into the sacrospinous ligament. As long
as the bevel of the needle is in the ligament, there is some resistance to the injection of local anaesthetic, but as soon as
the bevel passes through the ligament, there is sudden lack of resistance, indicating that the needle point is next to the
nerve. (Modified from Bonica 1967.) 155
Clinical pain states

the intermittent injection of 12–15 ml of 1–1.5% 2. Lead to a smaller incidence of maternal

lidocaine (lignocaine) or equianaesthetic concentra- hypotension.
tions of another local anaesthetic that usually 3. Decrease the risk of systemic toxic reaction or
produced analgesia from T9–T10 to S5 (Fig. 11.3A). accidental total spinal anaesthesia.
While usually effective in providing pain relief 4. Decrease and, in some instances, eliminate the
throughout labour and delivery, the use of such a incidence of unintended motor block, thus
relatively high dose of local anaesthetic increased obviating the problems mentioned above
the risk of systemic toxic reactions from accidental (Bonica and McDonald 1995).
intravenous injection or total spinal anaesthesia In the early 1970s, the use of modified tech-
from accidental subarachnoid injection. In many niques to try to decrease the amount of drug the
parturients each injection of local anaesthetic pro- fetus would be exposed to came into vogue. Early
duced a transitory decrease in uterine activity and attempts included the use of smaller volumes of
weakness or even paralysis of the lower limbs and 8–10 ml of local anaesthetic to get only a T10–T12
perineal muscles. With loss of control of the lower block for early labour and to increase it slightly to a
limbs, this caused discomfort and inconvenience to T10 to L2 block for later labour. This method
the patient. Perineal muscle weakness or paralysis worked nicely and started the trend in the use of
diminished resistant forces essential for internal various dosages and agents which has continued.
rotation of the presenting part. Sacral anaesthesia Today the patient gets a very small injection of
also eliminated the afferent limb of the reflex urge 8–10 ml of 0.25% bupivacaine followed by a conti-
to bear down. All of these effects combined to result nuous dosage throughout the rest of her labour.
in prolongation of the second stage and often the The continuous infusion dosage includes a dilute
need for instrumental delivery (Bonica 1967, 1969, local anaesthetic (0.0625% bupivacaine and adrena-
1980; Bonica and McDonald 1995). line (epinephrine)), and a dilute concentration of
These and other concerns led to a series of fentanyl or sufentanil (Bonica and McDonald 1995).
modifications (Bonica and McDonald 1995). The The combination is delivered via a pump through-
first was limiting analgesia to T10–T11 during the out labour until the patient is ready for delivery.
first stage and then extended to the sacral segments More detailed accounts of the lumbar epidural for
(Fig. 11.3B). Continuous epidural block provides an obstetrics are presented by Bonica (1969), Shnider
excellent form of obstetric analgesia and anaes- and Levinson (1987), Gaylard (1990), Candido and
thesia (Eddleston et al 1992). The advantage of this Winnie (1992), and Zarzur and Gonzalves (1992).
technique is that less medication is required than The caudal epidural block was popularized
with other epidural block techniques mentioned before lumbar epidural block as a method of pain
above. It causes no premature numbness or weak- relief for labour. The caudal block, while being ideal
ness of the lower limbs and no premature weakness for second-stage analgesia, is not perfectly suited
of the perineal muscles. Consequently, there is no for first-stage pain relief because a generous
interference with flexion or internal rotation. Conti- amount of local anaesthetic must be used to obtain
nuous epidural, or its discontinuous counterpart, analgesia at the T10 level from where the catheter
patient-controlled epidural infusion, is now used tip resides at S4 or S2. In some instances as much as
routinely for parturients who request epidural a 20- to 25-ml volume has been used to effect first-
analgesia. In the 1980s, at obstetric centres where stage pain relief. Of course, all the intermediary
the anaesthetists have had extensive experience segments are also blocked so that the patient neces-
with caudal blocks as well as lumbar epidural sarily has a complete sympathetic block with all
blocks, the double catheter technique was also used the attendant complications thereof. Nevertheless,
in some of the parturients who required analgesia it is mentioned because it is such an effective
(Bonica and McDonald 1995). The norm is now to method of pain relief for labour and was the
add opioids (usually fentanyl) to the infusion to mainstay for so many years earlier in the history of
enhance the analgesic efficacy of the local anaesthe- obstetric anaesthesia. More detailed information
tics and to use infusion pumps that permit more on performing caudal analgesia can be found in
precise administration of the analgesic solution. In numerous texts (Bonica 1973, Shnider and Levinson
many institutions where anaesthetists provide an 1987).
obstetric anaesthesia service, it has replaced all
other regional techniques for labour and vaginal Technique of continuous epidural infusion
delivery because it has been shown to: (Fig. 11.4)
A detailed description of the technique of achieving
156 1. Produce more stable levels of analgesia. lumbar epidural analgesia is beyond the scope of
Obstetric pain

Standard spinal epidural block

Top view
catheter tip


First stage

Early second stage Delivery

Fig. 11.3 Techniques of lumbar epidural block

for labour and vaginal delivery. (A) The
(B) standard continuous technique, which is
Segmental spinal epidural block carried out as follows: after starting a
preload infusion of fluid, a continuous
Top view catheter is inserted through a needle placed
in the L4 interspace and advanced until its
catheter tip
tip is at the L3 vertebra. With the onset of
Site of moderate pain, a test dose is injected and, if
puncture negative, 10–12 ml of a local anaesthetic
L3 (e.g., 0.25% bupivacaine) is injected to
produce analgesia extending from T10–S5.
The patient is then made to lie on her side, is
given oxygen, and is frequently monitored,
and ‘top-up’ analgesic doses are injected as
First stage soon as pain returns, to produce continuous
analgesia. After flexion and internal rotation
have occurred, a high concentration of local
anaesthetic is injected with the patient in
the semirecumbent position to produce
perineal relaxation and anaesthesia as
depicted (black) in the lower right figure. For
the delivery, a wedge is placed under the
right buttock to displace the uterus towards
the left away from the inferior vena cava
Early second stage
and aorta. (B) The technique of segmental
epidural analgesia differs slightly from the
standard technique in that the catheter is
placed higher (L2), and for the first stage the
dose is limited to 5–6 ml of local analgesic
solution. At the onset of perineal pain,
analgesia is extended to the lower lumbar
and sacral segments by injecting 10–12 ml of
local analgesic solution with the patient in
Fowler’s position.

Clinical pain states

this chapter. Most clinicians use a single catheter caine and 1:200 000 adrenaline (epinephrine) is
placed with its tip in the upper lumbar epidural injected. Alternatively, 10 ml of bupivacaine 0.125%
space (Gieraerts et al 1992). To introduce the with 12.5 μg of adrenaline (epinephrine) can be used
catheter, we prefer the use of a Touhy needle and (Williams et al 1990). If no signs of intravenous or
the paramedian technique (Bonica 1980). Once the subarachnoid injection develop within 5 min, a
catheter is fixed in place and all the monitoring and single bolus of 5 ml of 0.25% bupivacaine is injected
resuscitation equipment is available for immediate as a priming dose. This usually produces analgesia
use, anaesthetic consisting of 3 ml 0.25% bupiva- extending from T9–T10 to L1–L2 (Fig. 11.4). As soon

Top view
catheter tip

(A) (B)

(C) Mid first stage

(cx 5 cm)

(D) Late first stage

(cx 9 cm)

(E) Early and mid

second stage

(F) Pre delivery (G) Delivery

Fig. 11.4 Schematic illustration showing technique of continuous epidural analgesia and the extent and intensity of
analgesia during the first and second stages of labour and for delivery. (A) The epidural needle and catheter in place.
After removing the needle, the catheter is taped to the patient’s back and a test dose of local anaesthetic given. (B) If
after 5 min there is no sign of accidental intravenous or subarachnoid injection, a bolus of 5 ml of local anaesthetic is
injected while the patient is in the lateral position. (C) After signs of epidural analgesia of T9–T10 to L1–L2 are noted,
the catheter is connected to the continuous infusion system and the solution is administered at a rate of 10–12 ml/h
with the patient in a 15°–20° head-up position, lying on her side. (D) Extent of analgesia after 1.5–2 h of infusion.
(E) Extent of analgesia in the early and mid second stage. (F) After internal rotation has occurred, injection of a bolus
of 10 ml of local anaesthetic solution (e.g., 1% lidocaine) produces an increase in the intensity of analgesia indicated by
the more heavily shaded area involving the lower sacral segments. (G) The patient is ready for delivery. Note the wedge
158 under the right hip and lower region to help displace the uterus to the left. (See text for details.)
as this is achieved, a continuous infusion of a until the dura is contacted. After the spinal needle
Obstetric pain

solution containing 0.0625% bupivacaine and contacts the dura a puncture is made and a small
0.002% fentanyl (2 μg/ml) is initiated at a rate of amount of opioid is injected for the purpose of
10–12 ml/h, and this is subsequently increased or providing analgesia without significant sympa-
decreased to maintain analgesia with the upper thetic blockade and without significant motor
level at T10. Usually a total of 120 ml of solution is paralysis of the lower extremities. Some refer to
prepared. Some clinicians use a mixture of 30 ml of this method as the ‘walking epidural’, because the
0.25% bupivacaine, 60 μg of sufentanyl, and 200 μg patient is able to control her legs and has good first-
of adrenaline (epinephrine) in a 120-ml volume stage pain relief due to the opioid in the subarach-
(McIntosh and Rayburn 1991). By using a pump, it noid space, but has no motor loss of any note (Norris
is easy to deliver precise amounts of drugs. The et al 1998). The ability to ambulate is especially
pumps are small and portable, so ambulation important during the second stage because the
during the early part of labour is feasible. Some incidence of lack of rotation of the presenting part
obstetricians prefer maternal ambulation in the is decreased and the mother can voluntarily
early first stage because of the belief that it mobilize her expulsive forces to augment those of
enhances labour. A unique advantage related to labour to achieve spontaneous delivery.
portability is that the pump has a self-contained
medication cassette with a typical capacity of at
least 100 ml of solution, obviating the need to have Conclusion
a separately suspended medication bottle. A wide
variety of acceptable pumps is available. The unnecessary and avoidable pain of childbirth
Throughout labour and until delivery, if the has only been recently effectively tamed. The
patient prefers to lie in bed, she is placed in the left advantages of maternal analgesia and therefore
or right lateral position with the upper part of the management of maternal and fetal stress hormone
body raised about 15°–20°. With each subsequent release and effect clearly outweigh the relative risks
hour, the extent of cephalad level of analgesia of analgesic techniques. Such risks are themselves
remains fairly constant at T10, but the caudal level less than the risks of unprepared childbirth. The
tends to extend. After about the third or fourth continuous epidural techniques with local anesthe-
hour, analgesia usually involves all of the lumbar tic and opioid mixtures, or alternatively combined
and sacral segments (Fig. 11.4E). In about 50–60% of spinal–epidural techniques, are currently the state
the parturients, the sacral analgesia is sufficient for of the art.
perineal analgesia. The patient is examined prior to
delivery, and if sacral analgesia is incomplete 10 ml References
of 1% lidocaine or 2% chloroprocaine are given
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Deep and visceral pain


Genitourinary pain
Ursula Wesselmann and Arthur L Burnett

Introduction chapter is on chronic non-malignant genitourinary

pain syndromes. Another very important issue is the
Chronic non-malignant pain syndromes (longer management of pain syndromes associated with
than 6 months’ duration) of the genitourinary tract cancer of the genitourinary tract (see Chap. 45 for
are well described but poorly understood, and are a discussion of cancer pain). The present chapter
often very frustrating for the patients and their first reviews key points of the neurobiology of the
physicians. Pain in these areas of the body is genitourinary tract, which is a prerequisite for try-
usually very embarrassing for the male and female ing to understand the chronic pain syndromes in
patient, who may be afraid to discuss his/her this area. We will then discuss the clinical presen-
symptoms with family members, friends, and tation, aetiology, and differential diagnosis of
health care providers. Except in those cases in which chronic genitourinary pain and review treatment
a specific secondary cause can be identified, the options.
aetiology of the chronic genitourinary pain syn-
dromes often remains unknown. The controversy
that surrounds these pain syndromes ranges from Neurobiology of the
questioning their existence to dismissing them as
purely psychosomatic. This is counterbalanced by
genitourinary tract
an extensive literature attesting to their organicity. The pelvic region including the genitourinary tract
Patients with these pain syndromes often suffer for is a highly specialized area of the body, responsible
many years, have seen numerous physicians in for carrying out a host of basic biological functions
numerous subspecialties, and are frustrated, em- including micturition, copulation, and reproduc-
barrassed, and frequently depressed. Despite the tion. The display of these diverse functions relies on
challenge inherent in the management of chronic precise nervous system control, coordinated with
genitourinary pain, many patients can be treated endocrine and other local control mechanisms. This
successfully. Effective treatment modalities, although paragraph gives a condensed overview of the genito-
often empirical only, are available to lessen the urinary neurobiology, targeted towards health care
impact of pain and offer reasonable expectations providers who are evaluating and treating patients
of an improved functional status. The focus of this with chronic urogenital pain. A detailed review of 163
Clinical pain states

the neurobiology of the pelvis and genitourinary provides the majority of the autonomic innervation
tract is provided in Burnett and Wesselmann (1999). to the adrenal, kidney, renal pelvis, and ureter, as
The innervation of the genitourinary area involves well as some sympathetic input to the testes along
both components of the autonomic nervous system, the course of the internal spermatic vessels. The
the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, as majority of the sympathetic input to the pelvic
well as the somatic nervous system (Morrison 1987; urinary organs and genital tract is through the
de Groat et al 1993, de Groat 1994). In a broad superior hypogastric plexus. In addition to this
neuroanatomical view, dual projections from the route in supplying pelvic structures, thoracolumbar
thoracolumbar and sacral segments of the spinal preganglionic nerves also synapse on postganglio-
cord carry out this innervation, converging mostly nic nerves in sympathetic chain ganglia that com-
into peripheral neuronal plexuses from which nerve mingle with autonomic sacral nerve projections
fibres ramify throughout the pelvic floor (Figs. 12.1 as well as with pelvic somatic neuronal pathways
and 12.2). Autonomic preganglionic efferents arise (McKenna and Nadelhaft 1986). Parasympathetic
for the most part in the intermediolateral cell sacral outflow (S2–S4) consists of preganglionic
column, referred to as the sacral parasympathetic nerves that are referred to as the pelvic splanchnic
nucleus at sacral levels, whereas cell bodies of nerves. Parasympathetic afferent cell bodies are
corresponding afferents are contained within dorsal located in S2–S4 dorsal root ganglia and also course
root ganglia. The sympathetic thoracolumbar with the pelvic splanchnic nerve.
outflow to the urogenital tract involves preganglio- The inferior hypogastric plexus is the major
nic projections to the celiac plexus and to the supe- neuronal coordinating centre that supplies visceral
rior hypogastric plexus (Ferguson and Bell 1993, structures of the pelvis and the pelvic floor (Lincoln
Lincoln and Burnstock 1993). The celiac plexus and Burnstock 1993). The inferior hypogastric

T10–L1 T10–L1

Aorta Aorta


S2–S4 SSP S2–S4

HGP ISP Vas HGP Uterus

Bladder DRG
SA Bladder
Rectum Rectum

Epid Clitoris


Fig. 12.1 The innervation of the urogenital and rectal Fig. 12.2 The innervation of the urogenital and rectal
area in males. Although this diagram attempts to show area in females. Although this diagram attempts to show
the innervation in humans, much of the anatomical the innervation in humans, much of the anatomical
information is derived from animal data (see text). CEL = information is derived from animal data (see text). CEL =
coeliac plexus; DRG = dorsal root ganglion; Epid. = coeliac plexus; DRG = dorsal root ganglion; HGP =
epididymis; HGP = hypogastric plexus; IHP = inferior hypogastric plexus; IHP = inferior hypogastric plexus; PSN
hypogastric plexus; ISP = inferior spermatic plexus; PSN = = pelvic splanchnic nerve; PUD = pudendal nerve; SA =
pelvic splanchnic nerve; PUD = pudendal nerve; SA = short adrenergic projections; SAC = sacral plexus; SCG =
short adrenergic projections; SAC = sacral plexus; SCG = sympathetic chain ganglion; SHP = superior hypogastric
sympathetic chain ganglion; SHP = superior hypogastric plexus; Vag. = vagina. (Reproduced from Wesselmann et
plexus; SSP = superior spermatic plexus. (Reproduced al 1997 with permission.)
164 from Wesselmann et al 1997 with permission.)
plexus receives sympathetic (superior hypogastric syndromes of the kidney and ureter are acute,
Genitourinary pain

plexus and its caudal extension, the hypogastric colicky in character, and caused by acute distension
plexus, the sympathetic chain ganglia) and para- due to an obstructing lesion or by infection. With
sympathetic input (pelvic splanchnic nerve) (de improved diagnostic techniques cases of idiopathic
Groat 1994). Both efferent and afferent fibres are nephralgia, as they were frequently diagnosed
carried in these sympathetic and parasympathetic earlier this century (Harris and Harris 1930), have
projections (Jänig and Koltzenburg 1993). become extremely rare. As in other visceral disease,
Somatic efferent and afferent innervation to the patients with diseases of the kidney and/or ureter
pelvic floor originates from sacral spinal cord levels present with true visceral pain and referred visceral
(S2–S4). Somatic efferents originate within Onuf’s pain to somatic structures. The referred pain is
nucleus in the ventral horn and afferents have their typically radiating from the costovertebral angle
cell bodies located within dorsal root ganglia at these laterally around to the lower quadrant and into the
levels (Lincoln and Burnstock 1993). Overlapping testicle or labia.
of somatic afferents with pelvic splanchnic nerve Loin pain/haematuria syndrome is a descriptive
afferents on the spinal cord level have been diagnosis given to patients with recurrent attacks
proposed to account for the coordination of somatic of unilateral or bilateral loin pain accompanied by
and visceral motor activity (McKenna and microscopic or macroscopic haematuria in whom
Nadelhaft 1986). Sacral nerve roots form the sacral no cause can be identified (Little et al 1967,
plexus. The pudendal nerve arises from the sacral Editorial 1992). The syndrome is more frequent in
plexus as the primary efferent and afferent somatic women than men (Little et al 1967, Bultitude et al
distribution with various branches involving pelvic 1998). No consistent histological changes have been
viscera and the pelvic floor musculature (Elbadawi described in renal specimens (Editorial 1992,
1996). The pudendal nerve also receives termina- Weisberg et al 1993). The diagnosis is made by
tions of postganglionic axons arising from the exclusion, and because no aetiological treatment is
caudal sympathetic chain ganglia (de Groat 1994). possible to this date, treatment is symptomatic to
Nerve branches originating mainly from sacral level relieve pain. Sometimes the syndrome resolves
S4 supply the posterior perineal muscles, whereas spontaneously. Most patients require large doses
branches from sacral level S3 primarily supply the of analgesics, usually opioids, for pain control
anterior perineal musculature. Branches of S4–S5 (Bultitude 1995). Transcutaneous electrical nerve
nerve roots form the coccygeal plexus supplying stimulation (TENS) has been reported to result in
the perineal, perianal, and scrotal/labial skin. partial pain relief, some women have benefited from
Sensations from the pelvic floor are mainly stopping birth control pills, and anticoagulation
conveyed via the sacral afferent parasympathetic has been beneficial in several patients (Burden et al
system, with a far lesser afferent supply from 1975, Aber and Higgins 1982). Surgical approaches
afferents travelling with the thoracolumbar sympa- have included renal denervation and even
thetics (Jänig and Koltzenburg 1993). However, nephrectomy or autotransplantation (with the aim
sensations of the testis and epididymis may pre- of achieving complete denervation while preserving
dominantly involve thoracolumbar afferents (Jänig kidney function). However, after nephrectomy or
and Koltzenburg 1993). Cholinergic nerve release autotransplantion the pain often returns on the
likely governs the somatic mechanisms of the contralateral side (Editorial 1992). Bultitude et al
perineal musculature (Vodusek and Light 1983). (1998) reported symptomatic pain relief in 65% of
Neuropeptide release appears to account for patients with loin pain/haematuria syndrome after
perineal sensations (Jänig and Koltzenburg 1993). local irrigation of the renal pelvis and ureter with
capsaicin solution, which lasted for several months.
This treatment results in degeneration of afferent
Chronic pain syndromes of the fibres of the ureter and renal pelvis (Allan et al 1997).
genitourinary tract: clinical
presentation, aetiology, Interstitial cystitis
differential diagnosis, and Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic, painful, and
treatment strategies often debilitating disease, whose aetiology and
pathophysiology is largely unknown (for review
Kidney and ureter pain see Hanno et al 2001). It is characterized by pelvic
There are few chronic non-malignant pain syn- and suprapubic pain, urinary symptoms such as
dromes of the upper urinary tract. Most pain frequency and urgency, and in females often by 165
Clinical pain states

dyspareunia that may be relieved by voiding. IC (Fowler 1981, Barker et al 1987, Childs 1994, Sant
subdivides into an ulcerative and non-ulcerative and LaRock 1994, Parkin et al 1997), silver nitrate
type, as determined by cystoscopic findings of (Sant and LaRock 1994), heparin (Sant and LaRock
either Hunner’s ulcer or glomerulations without 1994), chlorpactin (Sant and LaRock 1994), and hyal-
ulcer on the bladder wall (Johansson and Fall 1994, uronic acid (Morales et al 1997). Oral medications
Elbadawi 1997, Messing et al 1997, Nigro et al 1997). range from those used for other chronic pain syn-
While prevalence estimates vary widely, it has been dromes such as amitriptyline (Hanno 1994, Pontari
suggested that somewhere between 450 000 (Slade et al 1997, Pranikoff and Constantino 1998) and
et al 1997) and 1 million people (Jones and Nyberg calcium channel blockers (Fleischmann 1994), to
1997) in the USA suffer from IC or IC-like condi- medications acting against a possible allergic
tions. The most recent study on the epidemiology mechanism such as hydroxyzine and other anti-
of IC used the Nurses’ Health Study (NSH) I and histamines (Simmons and Bunce 1958, Theoharides
II cohort as a study population and reported the and Sant 1997). Pentosanpolysulphate sodium, a
prevalence of IC in NSH II as 67/100 000 and in mild anticoagulant with properties of sulphated
NSH I as 52/100 000 (Curhan et al 1999). A distin- glycosaminoglycans and an affinity for mucosal
guishing feature of IC is the overwhelming burden membranes, has been used for the treatment of IC
reported by women. Population prevalence esti- based on the hypothesis that a defect in the glycos-
mates indicate a female to male ratio of 9:1 (Jones aminoglycan layer contributes to the pathogenesis
and Nyberg 1997). (Fritjofsson et al 1987, Hanno 1997, Jepsen et al
Aetiologies that have been considered include 1998). Non-medical treatment strategies such as
infection (Ratliff et al 1994, Warren 1994, Duncan TENS (Fall and Lindstrom 1994), acupuncture
and Schaeffer 1997), lymphatic or vascular obstruc- (Geirsson et al 1993), behavioural interventions
tion (Ratliff et al 1994), immunological deficiencies (including the keeping of voiding diaries, pelvic
(Ratliff et al 1994), glycosaminoglycan layer defi- floor muscle training), and acid-lowering diets have
ciency (Ratliff et al 1994, Mobley and Baum 1996, been advocated (Chaiken et al 1993, Whitmore
Parsons 1997), changes in bladder epithelial 1994). Most reports of treatment of IC so far have
regeneration (Keay et al 2001), presence of toxic suffered from lack of agreement about what
urogenous substance (Ratliff et al 1994), neural constitutes a case and the lack of agreeable, valid
factors, and primary mast cell disorders (Elbadawi outcome data. The National Institutes of Health in
1997, Theoharides et al 2001, Wesselmann 2001). It the USA have focused several major research
has also been considered that the cause leading to initiatives on IC (see Hanno et al 2001 for review).
the onset of IC has resolved, leaving in its wake a Several multicentre controlled trials comparing
chronic visceral pain syndrome (Wesselmann 2001). different treatment strategies for the management
This is consistent with the report of Baskin and of IC are currently underway, and it is to be hoped
Tanagho (1992), where several cases of removal of that this clinical research will result in improved—
the bladder in IC patients did not lead to a resolu- logical and systematic—treatment approaches in
tion of pain. Rare cases of the coexistence of vulvo- the near future.
dynia and IC have been reported, and it has been
proposed that these syndromes represent a general-
ized disorder of urogenital sinus-derived epithe-
Urethral syndrome
lium (Fitzpatrick et al 1993). In 60% of men with Many women present to the urologist, gynaecolo-
prostate pain without bacteriuria there might be an gist, or family physician with painful micturition
association with IC or a related condition (Miller et but no evidence of organic disease, and the urine
al 1995, Berger et al 1998). culture is negative by standard techniques. To
An assortment of oral, intravesical, surgical, describe this problem the term ‘urethral syndrome’
local, and behaviourally based treatments have was coined by Gallagher et al (1965). He reported
been suggested for the management of IC. Surgical that 41% of women seen in general practice with
approaches include removal or modification of symptoms of a urinary tract infection had in fact
the bladder (Irwin and Galloway 1994, Peeker et al sterile urine. The urethral syndrome is defined as
1998). Local treatments include laser therapy an entity characterized by urinary urgency, fre-
(Malloy and Shanberg 1994), hydrodistension quency, dysuria, and, at times, suprapubic and back
(Irwin and Galloway 1994, Sant and LaRock 1994, pain and urinary hesitancy in the absence of objec-
Zimmern 1995) and urethral dilatation (Irwin and tive urological findings. The urethral syndrome is
Galloway 1994), infusions of various materials into estimated to account for as many as 5 million office
166 the bladder such as dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) visits a year in the United States (Peters-Gee 1998).
The urethral syndrome typically occurs in women
Genitourinary pain

multiple sclerosis, collagen diseases, and diabetes

during their reproductive years, but it has also been mellitus. A psychological evaluation should be part
reported in children (Kaplan et al 1980) and in men of the multidisciplinary evaluation to rule out a
(Barbalias 1990). psychogenic aetiology and to assess for symptoms
The aetiology of the urethral syndrome is not of depression associated with the chronic pain
clear. Several theories have been proposed, how- syndrome.
ever, with little supporting evidence. One popular Various invasive and medical treatment options
theory is that symptoms are caused by urethral have been suggested for patients with the urethral
obstruction and are thus surgically treatable (Davis syndrome (reviewed in Messinger 1992). Endo-
1955, Bergman et al 1989, Sand et al 1989). Although scopic and open surgical procedures have been
surgical procedures aimed at relieving a urethral reported with the aim of eliminating a presumed
obstruction claim excellent results, it must be urethral stenosis. Fulguration, scarification, resec-
cautioned that diagnostic criteria were unfortu- tion, or cryosurgery have been advocated to obli-
nately poorly documented (Splatt and Weedon terate cystoscopically apparent urethritis. Bladder
1981). Most importantly, there is rarely evidence to instillations with a variety of anti-inflammatory or
support an anatomically obstructive aetiology cauterizing agents and systemic therapy with
(Mabry et al 1981). These procedures involve anticholinergics, α-adrenergic blockers, and muscle
some risk of incontinence and are of uncertain and relaxants have been considered. Electrical stimula-
usually temporary efficacy (Mabry et al 1981, tion and biofeedback have been advocated to
Schmidt and Tanagho 1981). Many studies have correct neurogenic causes. High rates of success
investigated the role of infection in the urethral were found with skeletal muscle relaxants or
syndrome, but there is little evidence supporting electrostimulation combined with biofeedback
the concept of an inflammatory or infectious aetio- techniques (Kaplan et al 1980, Schmidt and
logy for the urethral syndrome (reviewed in Tanagho 1981). While exercising caution towards
Messinger 1992). Urinary hesitance, which is often invasive and irreversible therapeutic procedures, a
reported by patients with urethral syndrome, might conservative approach is recommended because
be due to spasms of the external urethral sphincter. this is usually as effective as surgery, less expen-
Several studies reported a staccato or prolonged flow sive, and most importantly, less subject to risk.
phase during uroflowmetry and increased external
sphincter tone detected on urethral pressure
profilometry in patients with urethral syndrome
Vulvodynia (vulvar dysaesthesia)
(Raz and Smith 1976, Kaplan et al 1980, Schmidt Interestingly, hyperaesthesia of the vulva was a
and Tanagho 1981). However, these urodynamic well-described entity in American (Thomas 1880)
findings are difficult to interpret in support of and European (Pozzi 1897) gynaecological text-
a neurogenic aetiology of the urethral syndrome, books of the nineteenth century. Surprisingly, despite
because they may also be produced voluntarily in a early detailed reports, there was little interest in
neurologically intact person (Messinger 1992). In chronic vulvar pain until the early 1980s. In 1982
contrast to other non-malignant genitourinary pain the International Society for the Study of Vulvar
syndromes, the rates of spontaneous remission are Disease (ISSVD) formed a task force to survey
very high in this patient population (85% in Carson vulvar pain syndromes. This task force coined the
et al 1980 and 100% in Zufall 1978). term ‘vulvodynia’ as chronic vulvar discomfort
A thorough diagnostic evaluation is crucial. The (McKay 1984), characterized by the patient’s
urethral syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion, its complaint of burning (and sometimes stinging,
symptoms are indistinguishable from those caused irritation, or rawness) in the vulvar area. The term
by urinary infections, tumours, stones, interstitial vulvodynia included several disorders, all of which
cystitis and many other entities, and these condi- result in chronic vulvar pain: vulvar dermatosis,
tions must be ruled out. The first diagnostic step is cyclic vulvovaginitis, vulvar vestibulitis, vulvar
a thorough urological examination including urine papillomatosis, and dysaesthetic vulvodynia
analysis, culture, and cytology. In selected patients (McKay 1988, 1989). At the 1999 World Congress of
further radiographic studies, urodynamic studies, the ISSVD a new classification system for vulvar
and cystoscopy are necessary (Messinger 1992). In dysaethesia was proposed, namely a division into
females a gynaecological problem needs to be ruled two broad categories: (1) generalized vulvar dys-
out. The symptoms of the urethral syndrome can be aesthesia and (2) localized vulvar dysaesthesia—
part of the symptoms of systemic diseases affecting vestibulodynia, clitorodynia, and others. This new
the innervation of the urogenital area, including classification system has not been fully published 167
Clinical pain states

in the peer-reviewed literature, and most of the sensitive to these events in some women than in
studies on vulvar pain so far have used the term others.
vulvodynia. Therefore we will use the term vulvo- Histopathological studies of punch biopsies of
dynia for the purpose of this chapter. However, as the vulvar vestibule in patients with vestibulitis in
the knowledge about the aetiology and treatment of comparison to control cases showed histopatholo-
vulvar dysaesthesia is advancing, definitions will gical abnormalities in patients with vulvar vestibu-
probably be modified, based on emerging knowl- litis as a result of a chronic inflammatory reaction of
edge of the underlying pathophysiological mechan- the mucosa of the vestibule, for which the cause
isms. The recognition of multiple factors in the remained unclear. Early reports suggested that
aetiology of vulvodynia is the key to appropriate human papilloma virus (HPV) plays a major role in
evaluation and treatment. the pathogenesis of vulvar vestibulitis, but this
The incidence or prevalence of vulvodynia is not could not be confirmed by studies using molecular
known, but, as was already pointed out by Thomas techniques (De Deus et al 1995). The unique dis-
(1880), this pain syndrome is probably more tribution of interleukin 1 receptor antagonist alleles
common than generally thought. A recent survey of among women with vulvar vestibulitis suggests
sexual dysfunction in the USA, analysing data from that polymorphism in this gene might be a factor
the National Health and Social Life Survey, influencing susceptibility to this pain syndrome
reported that 16% of women between the ages of 18 (Jeremias et al 2000). Anatomical studies demon-
and 59 years living in households throughout the strate that the innervation of the vestibule is
United States experience pain during sex (Laumann different in women with vulvar vestibulitis as com-
et al 1999). The location and aetiology of pain was pared to controls; there is vestibular neural hyper-
not analysed in this study. In a small sample of plasia in patients with vulvar dysaesthesia (Bohm-
303 women aged 20 to 59 years, 18.5% reported a Starke et al 1998, Weststrom and Willen 1998).
history of lower genital tract discomfort; however On physical examination patients with vulvo-
the aetiology of the pain was not reported (Harlow dynia usually present with no abnormalities. In
et al 2001). The age distribution of vulvodynia patients with vulvar vestibulitis pain can easily be
ranges from the twenties to late sixties (Lynch 1986, elicited or exacerbated by a simple ‘Swabtest’
Paavonen 1995a,b). (Goetsch 1991, Paavonen 1995a,b): touching the
The aetiology of vulvodynia remains unclear. vulvar vestibule with a cotton swab results in sharp,
Despite the fact that many aetiological hypotheses burning pain. The allodynia and hyperalgesia
have been proposed, our current understanding of reported by women suffering from vulvodynia has
vulvodynia is limited because most of the proposed been quantified with psychophysical assessments,
causal explanations are derived from clinical case consistent with the hypothesis that there is noci-
reports. Twenty-five to 33% of women with vulvo- cepetor sensitization (Sonni et al 1995, Bohm-Starke
dynia know of a female relative with dyspareunia et al 2001). Chronic infections of the vulvar area
or tampon intolerance, raising the question of a should be treated, before a diagnosis of vulvodynia
genetic predisposition (Goetsch 1991, Bergeron et al is considered. Further, iatrogenic causes must be
1997). The coexistence of vulvodynia and inter- excluded when evaluating a patient with vulvo-
stitial cystitis has been reported, and it has been dynia. Local agents applied to the vulvar region
proposed that these syndromes represent a general- can cause irritant reactions, which resolve after
ized disorder of urogenital sinus-derived epithelium discontinuation of the irritant agent. Thus, vulvo-
(Fitzpatrick et al 1993). Vulvodynia often has an dynia is a diagnosis of exclusion.
acute onset, but sometimes no associated event can The first step in the treatment of vulvodynia is to
be recalled by the patient. In many cases the onset identify and eliminate local irritants and potential
can be linked to episodes of a vaginal infection, allergens. Many patients can be helped with
local treatments of the vulvar or vaginal area oral medications recommended for neuropathic
(application of steroid or antimicrobial cream, cryo- pain management including antidepressants, anti-
or laser-surgery), or changes in the pattern of convulsants, membrane-stabilizing agents, and
sexual activity. However, many of these parameters opioids. In patients with vulvar vestibulitis, where
are quite frequent in women anyway, and controlled a small area is painful, topical treatment regimens
prospective studies are necessary in order to assess such as creams with local anaesthetics, aspirin,
whether the development of chronic vulvar dis- steroids, or oestrogen might reduce the pain. Glazer
comfort is linked to a history of vaginal infection, et al (1995) reported pain relief in over 80% of
vaginal irritation, or vaginal trauma. It could be patients with vulvar vestibulitis using electromyo-
168 hypothesized that the vaginal tissue is more graphic biofeedback of the pelvic floor muscula-
ture. Surgical procedures to remove the hyperalgesic have constant pain; in others the pain is inter-
Genitourinary pain

skin area in patients with vulvar vestibulitis have mittent—either spontaneously or precipitated by
been advocated (for review see Wesselmann et al certain movements or pressure on the testis. There
1997, Bergeron et al 2001). The most commonly is usually no sexual dysfunction associated with
used procedure is perineoplasty. A simplified chronic orchialgia (Davis et al 1990, U Wesselmann
surgical revision, as an alternative to this extensive and AL Burnett, unpublished observation).
surgical intervention, where the painful area is A careful history, physical examination, urolo-
excised under local anaesthesia, has been advocated gical evaluation, and selected imaging studies will
by Goetsch (1996). uncover most secondary causes of chronic testi-
cular pain. For the physician evaluating a patient
with chronic testicular pain it is important to
Clitoral pain understand the nerve supply of the testis, so that
In contrast to the emerging literature about chronic the diagnostic evaluation can be guided by the
pain syndromes of the vulva/vagina, very few functional neuroanatomy including the referred
reports on clitoral pain exist. Occasionally clitoral pain pattern (see Fig. 12.1). However, in many cases
pain is seen as part of the vulvodynia pain the patients present with a completely normal
syndrome complex in clinical practice. The patients physical examination of the scrotum, testis, epi-
report a burning stinging sensation that is exacer- didymis, and spermatic cord. The pain remains
bated by touch (U Wesselmann, unpublished data). unexplained despite a very thorough diagnostic
Chronic pain is reported as one of the complica- work-up (Davis et al 1990). Secondary causes of
tions of female circumcision, which involves chronic orchialgia include infection, tumour, testi-
excision of the clitoris and the labia minora and is cular torsion, varicocele, hydrocele, spermatocele,
still performed on young females in many parts of trauma (such as a bicycle accident), and previous
the world, where it is favoured as an instrument to surgical interventions (Davis et al 1990, Costabile et
control female sexuality and maintain cultural al 1991). Testicular pain can be a sign of referred
pride (Dirie and Lindmark 1992, Hanly and Ojeda pain from the ureter or hip (Goldberg and Witchell
1995, Briggs 1998). With increasing mobility some 1988, Holland et al 1994) or from entrapment
of these women have moved to western countries. neuropathies of the ilioinguinal or genitofemoral
It is estimated that 2000 young women living in the nerve (Yeates 1985, Bennini 1992). There have been
UK undergo this ritual every year (Hanly and Ojeda case reports about referred testicular pain from
1995). However, the incidence of pain in these aneurysms of the common iliac artery or aorta due
women is not known, because few of them seek to pressure on the genitofemoral nerve (Ali 1983,
medical attention. McGee 1993); however, usually this pain is acute
rather than chronic. Testicular pain can be due to
intervertebral disc protrusion (White and Leslie 1986).
Testicular pain Neuropathic testicular pain has been described in
Chronic testicular pain (orchialgia) can be one of men with diabetic neuropathy (Hagen 1993). Vasec-
the most vexing pain problems for men and their tomy can result in chronic orchialgia and is probably
treating physician. Because pain syndromes in the far more common than realized (Selikowitz and
genital region are often considered taboo in our Schned 1985, McCormack 1988, McMahon et al
society, men with testicular pain are usually 1992, Hayden 1993). It has been hypothesized that
embarrassed to talk about it, similar to women this postvasectomy pain syndrome is due to
who suffer from vulvodynia. The incidence and impairment of the genital branch of the genito-
prevalence is not known. Patients from adolescence femoral nerve by sperm granuloma (Yeates 1985),
to old age who suffered from chronic testicular pain but others have questioned this theory (Silber 1981,
have been described (Zvieli et al 1989, Davis et al McCormack 1988). Chronic testicular pain can be
1990, Costabile et al 1991): the majority are in their one of the symptoms of retroperitoneal fibrosis,
mid to late thirties (Davis et al 1990, Costabile et al usually associated with abdominal pain and low
1991). Many patients cannot recall any precipitating back pain (Mitchinson 1972, Baker et al 1987). There
event that led to the onset of the chronic pain are two case reports in the neurological literature
syndrome (Costabile et al 1991, Wesselmann and describing episodic testicular pain as a manifesta-
Burnett 1996). Chronic testicular pain can be uni- tion of epilepsy (York et al 1979, Bhaskar 1987).
lateral or bilateral and may be confined to the Schneiderman and Voytovich (1988) reported a
scrotal contents or can radiate to the groin, penis, patient who was overly concerned about develop-
perineum, abdomen, legs, and back. Some patients ing testicular cancer and palpated his testis 169
Clinical pain states

numerous times per day, resulting in ‘self-palpation anticonvulsants, membrane-stabilizing agents, and
orchitis’. opiates, often result in excellent pain relief in
The diagnostic work-up should include a patients with chronic testicular pain (Costabile
thorough urological evaluation. If the urological et al 1991, Hagen 1993, Hayden 1993, Wesselmann
evaluation is unrevealing, further gastroenterological et al 1996). TENS might be helpful (Hayden
evaluations may be necessary to rule out referred 1993, Holland et al 1994). The testes receive a rich
pain from the lower pelvic organs and evaluation sympathetic innervation, and sympatholytic pro-
for hernia. Ekberg et al (1988) suggested hernio- cedures such as a lumbar sympathetic block with
graphy to evaluate for an occult hernia in patients local anaesthetic or phentolamine infusions have
who present with testicular pain. A neurological resulted in marked pain relief in a subgroup of men
evaluation is directed towards the lumbosacral with chronic testicular pain (Wesselmann et al 1995,
roots, the ilioinguinal, genitofemoral, pelvic, and Wesselmann and Burnett 1996).
pudendal nerves. Placebo-controlled nerve blocks
with local anaesthetic may help to differentiate Prostatodynia (chronic prostatitis/
which nerves are mediating the chronic pain
chronic pelvic pain syndrome)
problem. A discogram might be helpful to assess
whether a protruding disc is the cause of the pain Prostatodynia is defined as persistent complaints of
problem. A psychological evaluation should be urinary urgency, dysuria, poor urinary flow, and
included in a multidisciplinary comprehensive perineal discomfort, without evidence of bacteria
work-up to assess for depression or other psycho- or purulence in the prostatic fluid (Drach et al
logical issues. It is important to be aware that in 1978). Patients report pain in the perineum, lower
nearly 25% of patients, despite thorough evalua- back, suprapubic area, and groin, as well as pain on
tions, no aetiology of the pain can be found (Davis ejaculation. They typically range from 20 to 60 years
et al 1990). of age (Moul 1993). Often the term ‘prostatitis’ is
The treatment of chronic testicular pain is used to describe any unexplained symptom or
directed towards the underlying aetiology, if one condition that might possibly originate from the
can be found. We agree with Holland et al (1994) prostate gland (Nickel 1998). In the USA approx-
that hydrocele, varicocele, or spermatocele usually imately 25% of all office visits of male patients for
are not the cause of chronic testicular pain, but a genitourinary tract problems are diagnosed with
coincidental finding. We have seen many patients prostatitis (Lipsky 1989, Meares 1992). The National
with chronic testicular pain (U Wesselmann and Institutes of Health (Nickel et al 1999) recently
AL Burnett, unpublished observation) who had established research guidelines for chronic prosta-
previously undergone testicular surgery for these titis and defined four categories of prostatitis:
conditions without any pain relief. It is important
1. acute bacterial prostatitis
that the physician is not impelled by the lack of
2. chronic bacterial prostatitis
findings to institute more invasive procedures in an
3. chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain
effort to find a non-existent pathological condition
(Costabile et al 1991). Drastic surgical procedures
A. inflammatory
have been recommended for the treatment of
B. non-inflammatory
chronic orchialgia, including epididymectomy
4. asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis.
(Davis et al 1990, Chen and Ball 1991) and orchiec-
tomy (Davis et al 1990). Several studies recently These revised definitions have incorporated and
suggested microsurgical denervation of the replaced the old term ‘prostatodynia’ (Drach et al
spermatic cord as an alternative to orchiectomy for 1978) with the category chronic prostatitis/chronic
chronic testicular pain (Choa and Swami 1992, pelvic pain syndrome. Prostatodynia accounts
Levine et al 1996). However, before any invasive for approximately 30% of patients presenting with
and irreversible measures are considered for pain prostatitis (Brunner et al 1983).
relief, medical pain management should be On physical examination the prostate is typi-
attempted. Traditionally, urologists prescribed only cally normal with no sign of tenderness on palpa-
a trial of antibiotics and NSAIDs for men present- tion (Orland et al 1985). A thorough urological
ing with chronic testicular pain, with the aim of evaluation should include urinalysis, urine culture,
treating a possible occult inflammatory process urine cytology, and urethral cultures (de la Rosette
(Davis et al 1990). Clinical reports indicate that et al 1992). In selected patients urodynamic evalua-
medications used for other chronic pain syndromes tion should be performed, because several studies
170 (Galer 1995), such as low-dose antidepressants, have demonstrated detrusor striated sphincter
dyssynergy, abnormalities in urethral closing
Genitourinary pain

techniques (Segura et al 1979) and muscle-relaxing

pressure, and urethral narrowing in patients with medications (Moul 1993).
prostatodynia (Segura et al 1979, Barbalias et al
1983, Barbalias 1990). Prostatodynia is a diagnosis
of exclusion, where it is assumed that the chronic
Penile pain
pain syndrome is related to the prostate, but no In contrast to other chronic pain syndromes of the
inflammatory prostatic process can be identified. It genitourinary tract, chronic penile pain seems to be
is important to consider in the differential diagnosis extremely rare. If a patient presents with persistent
other diseases that can mimic prostatodynia. A penile pain, the pain can usually be treated by
gastroenterological examination is indicated if treating the underlying disease (paraphimosis,
referred pain from the colon or rectum is suspected. priapism, Peyronie’s disease, herpes genitalis—see
The neurological examination is directed towards Gee et al 1990). One of the most frequently reported
the nerve supply of the prostate (Fig. 12.1). Osteitis acute penile pain events is the intracavernous
pubis, a well-recognized disease in active partici- injection of drugs for the treatment of erectile
pants in strenuous sports and exercises, can mimic dysfunction (Godschalk et al 1996). Acute penile
prostatodynia. Pelvic X-ray and bone scan confirm pain has been examined with regards to penile
the diagnosis of osteitis pubis (Buck et al 1982). In prosthesis (Althof et al 1987, Pedersen et al 1988,
some patients prostatodynia is one of the present- Tiefer et al 1988). Patients undergoing penile
ing symptoms of interstitial cystitis (see above). prostheses surgery report that postoperative pain is
Various medical and invasive treatment options one of the most negative sequelae of surgery (Tiefer
have been suggested for patients with prostato- et al 1988). However, there are no reports indicating
dynia, most of which are anecdotal reports. Despite that a chronic pain syndrome develops after these
the fact that in patients with prostatodynia no acute noxious events. Also, surgical trauma to the
infection can be demonstrated (Brunner et al 1983), penis such as occurs during routine circumcision
the most frequently advocated treatment is anti- does not seem to result in a chronic penile pain
biotics, probably based on the assumption that syndrome. A case report in the British literature
there might be an infection that is undiagnosed. De described a man with recurrent penile pain attacks
la Rosette et al (1992) reviewed the diagnostic and (Corder 1989). Physical examination revealed an
therapeutic results of 409 patients diagnosed with inguinal hernia, which was surgically repaired. No
pain from the prostate: antibiotic treatment resulted recurrence of his episodic penile pain attacks was
in the relief of complaints in 36% of the patients and reported, and it was hypothesized that the penile
cure in 24%. Interestingly, however, similar results pain in this case was due to irritation of the ilio-
were found, even if no antibiotic was administered: inguinal nerve in the inguinal canal, which supplies
32% of the patients reported relief and 30% reported the ventral base of the penis. Pudendal nerve injury
cure. As the urodynamic abnormalities observed in in men results in sensory loss over the shaft and
some patients with prostatodynia suggest increased bulb of the penis and difficulty with erection, but
sympathetic activity (Barbalias et al 1983), treat- persistent pain associated with the nerve injury has
ment with oral α-adrenergic blockers to improve not been reported (Goodson 1981, Hofmann et al
the voiding abnormalities as well as the pain has 1982).
been proposed. Prazosin, terazosin, and doxazosin
are the most frequently used agents (Orland et al
1985, Moul 1993, Barbalias et al 1998), but their use
Perineal pain
is often limited by side effects, most frequently Perineal pain can be part of one of the more specific
hypotension. genitourinary pain syndromes discussed here, such
In cases where a functional urinary outlet as interstitial cystitis, urethral syndrome, clitoral
obstruction can be documented on urodynamic pain, vulvodynia, testicular pain, or prostatodynia,
testing, retrograde transurethral balloon dilatation all of which might present with pain radiating
of the prostate has been suggested. This resulted in into the perineal region. However, often chronic
marked improvement of the voiding symptomato- perineal pain is an entity of its own, although
logy but no results were given regarding the effect poorly defined. The differential diagnosis of
on the pain scores (Lopatin et al 1990). Transurethral chronic perineal pain is extensive: gastroenterolo-
microwave hyperthermia has been suggested for gical, proctological, urological, gynaecological, and
non-bacterial prostatitis and prostatodynia (Montorsi neurological pathology needs to be excluded. Sys-
et al 1993, Nickel and Sorenson 1994). Pain relief temic diseases associated with painful peripheral
has been reported with pelvic floor relaxation neuropathies such as diabetes mellitus or AIDS can 171
Clinical pain states

present with perineal pain. French studies report pain were likely to be pre-existing or reactive (see
pudendal nerve entrapment in up to 91% of patients Wesselmann et al 1997 for review). While the tradi-
with perineal pain referred to a pain clinic (Bensignor tional psychosocial view of the sexual pain disorders
et al 1996). Surgical neurolysis-transposition resulted has focused on sexual and marital issues, conflicts
in pain improvement in 67% of the patients (Robert and experiences and has tried to dichotomize
et al 1993). The best results were seen in patients aetiology between psychological and physiological
where the pudendal nerve entrapment was diag- factors, a pain-centred approach focusing on the
nosed early. Local anaesthetic blocks of the major symptom of these problems, the pain, has
pudendal nerve and electromyography and nerve been suggested in the recent psychological litera-
conduction studies of the pelvic floor might be ture (Binik et al 1999). Further, a history of sexual
helpful to confirm the diagnosis (Beck et al 1994). and physical abuse has been associated with a
Imaging studies of the thoracolumbosacral spine variety of pain syndromes (Kinzl et al 1995), and
can be considered if there is suspicion of rare cases that association appears to be especially strong
of meningeal cysts (Van De Kleft and Van Vyve with chronic gynaecological pain (Walker and
1993) or meningiomas (Pagni and Canavero 1993) Stenchever 1993). However, these studies may
resulting in perineal pain. Surgical resection of wrongly assume cause and effect between abuse
sacral meningeal cysts has been reported to result history and the development of chronic pain. Often
in complete resolution of symptoms in 10/12 sexual and physical abuse are symptoms of multi-
patients with perineal pain (Van de Kleft and Van problem families, characterized by chaos, alcohol
Vyve 1993). Rare cases of perineal pain caused by and substance abuse, and general neglect, which
plexiform neurofibromas involving the nerves of results in children not being adequately protected.
the perineum have been reported (Batta et al 1989). A recent prospective study, aimed at determining
Ford et al (1994, 1996) reported perineal pain as a whether childhood victimization increases risk for
symptom of movement disorders. adult pain complaints, indicated that the relation-
ship between childhood victimization and pain
symptoms in adulthood is more complex than
Psychological aspects of chronic previously assumed. The odds of reporting un-
explained pain symptoms was not associated with
genitourinary pain childhood victimization; however, it was signifi-
As with other chronic pain syndromes in the cantly associated with retrospective self-reports
absence of obvious organic pathology, many of all specific types of childhood victimization
theories regarding a psychogenic origin of chronic (Raphael et al 2001).
non-malignant genitourinary pain have been
entertained (see Wesselmann et al 1997 for review).
The location of pain may be a significant predictor
for appraisals of pain, affective response, and dis-
closure of pain complaints. This is likely to play an Chronic genitourinary pain syndromes are well
important role in pain syndromes of the genito- described but poorly understood. Patients with
urinary region, an area often considered taboo. It is chronic genitourinary pain have often suffered for
not surprising that subjects asked to imagine pain many years and have frequently seen multiple
in their genitals reported that they would be least physicians and undergone endless tests without
likely to disclose genital pain and would be more finding a cure or even a diagnosis. A specific
worried, depressed, and embarrassed by pain in secondary cause can only be identified in the mino-
the genitals than in all other areas. They appraised rity of patients. For the physician who is consulted
themselves more ill than if they were asked to by a patient with genitourinary pain, it is important
imagine chest, stomach, head, or mouth pain to be familiar with these pain syndromes of body
(Klonoff et al 1993). Preliminary psychological areas that are often considered taboo. The approach
research has been published on most of the genito- to the patient begins with acknowledging that the
urinary pain syndromes; however most studies genitourinary pain syndromes are well described,
have suffered from lack of adequate control groups, searching for a secondary cause, and performing a
retrospective design, lack of standardized measures, careful physical and psychological evaluation. It is
small sample size, and samples with significant usually very reassuring for the patient to learn
self-selection factors. Of major concern is that most that he/she is suffering from a well-described
studies have neglected to assess whether the psy- pain syndrome and is not the only case with this
172 chological findings in patients with genitourinary syndrome. Some patients present with more than
one genitourinary pain syndrome (e.g., interstitial
Genitourinary pain
Barbalias GA, Meares EM Jr, Sant GR 1983 Prostatodynia: clinical
and urodynamic characteristics. Journal of Urology
cystitis and vulvodynia). It has been suggested
130: 514–517
that this might be due to a generalized disorder of Barbalias GA, Nikiforidis G, Liatsikos EN 1998 Alpha-blockers for
urogenital sinus-derived epithelium (Fitzpatrick et the treatment of chronic prostatitis in combination with
al 1993). Realizing the extensive convergence of antibiotics. Journal of Urology 159: 883–887
visceral afferent input on the spinal cord level and Barker SB, Matthews PN, Philip PF, Williams G 1987 Prospective
study of intravesical dimethyl sulphoxide in the treatment of
in the neuronal plexuses in the pelvis demonstrated chronic inflammatory bladder disease. British Journal of
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Orofacial pain
Yair Sharav

Introduction in Table 13.1. Usually, dental pain is a sequela of

dental caries. Initially, when the carious lesion is
The most prevalent pain in the orofacial region confined to the dentine, the tooth is sensitive both
originates from the teeth and their surrounding to changes in temperature and to sweet substances.
structures and is summarized in Table 13.1. Tempo- As the lesion penetrates deeper into the tooth, the
romandibular disorders (TMD), subdivided into pain produced by these stimuli becomes stronger
temporomandibular myofascial pain (TMP) and and lasts longer. Eventually, when the carious
internal derangement of the temporomandibular lesion invades the tooth pulp, an inflammatory
joint, is another prevalent entity of orofacial pain. process develops (pulpitis) associated with acute,
Primary vascular-type craniofacial pain is sum- intermittent spontaneous pain. When micro-
marized in Table 13.2 and includes pains such as organisms and products of tissue disintegration
cluster headache, paroxysmal hemicrania, and a invade the area around the root apex (periapical
new diagnostic entity, vascular orofacial pain. The periodontitis), the tooth becomes very sensitive to
ill-defined atypical oral and facial pain is discussed chewing, touch and percussion. At that stage the
next, including the ‘burning mouth’ syndrome explosive, intermittent pain, typical of pulpitis,
(BMS), which is considered in detail. Finally, the acquires a continuous boring nature and the tooth
differential diagnosis of orofacial pain is subclassi- is no longer sensitive to changes in temperature.
fied into pain associated with defined local injury In clinical practice the demarcation between these
and pain not related to defined injury and is various stages is sometimes indistinct; e.g., the tooth
summarized in Table 13.3. may be sensitive simultaneously to temperature
changes and to chewing. Other pains may result
from lateral periodontal abscess or acute gingival
inflammation. Pain arising from the oral mucosa
Oral pain can be localized to a detectable erosive or ulcerative
Oral pain is most frequently associated with the lesion or be of a diffuse nature all over the oral
teeth and their supporting structures, i.e., the perio- mucosa. Pain alone is an insufficient diagnostic tool
dontium. It is subdivided into dental, periodontal, for oral disease and must be validated by other
gingival, and mucosal pain, and is summarized diagnostic procedures for each individual case. 177

Table 13.1 Differential diagnosis of oral pain

Clinical pain states

History Physical examination Radiography

Source Ability to Character Pain Pain Associated Pain

of pain locate of pain intensified by intensity signs duplicated by Bite-wing Periapical


Dentinal Poor Evoked, does not Hot, cold, Mild to Caries, defective Hot or cold Interproximal caries, NA
outlast stimulus sweet, sour moderate restorations application, defective
exposed dentine scratching dentine restorations

Pulpal Very poor Spontaneous, Hot, cold, Usually severe Deep caries, Hot or cold, caries Deep caries and deep Limited use,
explosive, sometimes extensive probing, sometimes restoration with no sometimes
intermittent chewing restoration percussion secondary dentine periapical change


Periapical Good For hours on same Chewing Moderate to Periapical swelling Percussion, palpation Limited use, deep caries Sometimes
level, deep, boring severe and redness, tooth of periapical area and deep restorations periapical changes

Lateral Good For hours on same Chewing Moderate to Periodontal swelling, Percussion, palpation Sometimes alveolar Very useful when
level, boring severe deep pockets with of periodontal area bone resorpion X-rayed with probe
pus exudating, inserted into pocket
tooth mobility

Gingival Good Pressing, annoying Food impaction, Mild to severe Acute gingival Touch, percussion NA NA
tooth-brushing inflammation

Mucosal Usually Burning, sharp Sour, sharp, and Mild to Erosive or ulcerative Palpation of lesion N/A N/A
good hot food moderate lesions, redness

NA = not applicable.
Orofacial pain

cold and hot stimuli in the area. These complaints

Dental pain
indicate that there may be a crack in the dentine,
Dentinal pain the so-called ‘cracked tooth syndrome’ (Cameron
Pain originating in dentine is a sharp, deep sensa- 1976, Goose 1981). Although the diagnosis is
tion, usually evoked by an external stimulus and frequently difficult because the affected tooth is not
subsides within a few seconds. Such stimuli are readily localized and radiographs are unhelpful,
normally produced by food and drinks that are hot, diagnosis and localization of the affected tooth can
cold, sweet, or sour, and indicate a hyperalgesic be achieved by the following:
state of the tooth. The pain is poorly localized, and
the patient may not be able to distinguish whether 1. percussing the cusps of the suspected teeth at
the pain originates from the lower or the upper jaw. different angles
However, patients rarely make localization errors 2. asking the patient to bite on individual cusps
across the midline, and posterior teeth are more using a fine wooden stick
difficult to localize than anterior ones (Friend and 3. probing firmly around margins of fillings and
Glenwright 1968). in suspected fissures.
Duplication of pain produced by controlled Additional possible diagnoses include occlusal
application of cold or hot stimuli to various teeth abrasion with exposed dentine or a cracked filling.
in the suspected area can aid in identifying the These can be detected visually and with the aid of a
affected, hyperalgesic tooth. Most frequently, this sharp explorer.
hyperalgesic state is associated with dental caries,
which can be found by means of direct observation Treatment Dentinal pain due to caries is best treated
and probing with a sharp dental explorer. The ‘bite- by removal of the carious lesion and restoring the
wing’ intraoral dental radiograph (Fig. 13.1) is a tooth by a filling. Sensitivity usually disappears
very useful diagnostic aid in these cases. Defective within a day. Treatment of the ‘cracked tooth’ is
restorations and any other cavity, e.g., abrasion achieved by ‘crowning’ the tooth. Treatment of
and erosion of the enamel or roots exposed due to exposed, hypersensitive dentine is somewhat less
gingival recession, are other causes for pain. In satisfactory. Some fluoride-containing preparations
these instances, scratching the exposed dentine are available, and recently acrylic-based sealing
with a sharp probe can evoke pain and aid in materials have been suggested. Treatment can be
locating its source. enhanced by good oral hygiene and avoiding acidic
In addition to these symptoms, the patient may foods and beverages.
also complain of a sharp pain, elicited by biting,
that ceases immediately when pressure is removed Pulpal pain
from the teeth. Localization of the source of pain is Pain associated with pulp disease is spontaneous,
not precise, although the affected area can often be strong, and often throbbing and is exacerbated by
limited to two or three adjacent teeth. The patient temperature change, sweet foods, and pressure on
complains of pain and discomfort associated with the carious lesion. When pain is evoked it outlasts
the stimulus (unlike stimulus-induced dentinal
pain) and can be excruciating for many minutes.
Similarly to dentinal pain, localization is poor and
seems to be even poorer when pain becomes more
intense. Pain tends to radiate or refer to the ear,
temple and cheek but does not cross the midline.
Pain may be described by patients in different ways
and a continuous dull ache can be periodically
exacerbated (by stimulation or spontaneously) for
short (minutes) or long (hours) periods (Cohen
1996). Pain may increase and throb when the
patient lies down and in many instances wakes
the patient from sleep (Sharav et al 1984). The pain
of pulpitis is frequently not continuous and abates
spontaneously; the precise explanation for such
Fig. 13.1 Bite-wing radiograph demonstrating the
coronal parts of the posterior teeth on the left. I=initial
abatement is not clear.
caries associated with dentinal pain; D= deep caries This interrupted, sharp, paroxysmal, non local-
associated with pulpal pain. ized pain may lead to the misdiagnosis of other 179
Clinical pain states

conditions that may mimic pain of pulpal origin the opposing teeth. In these cases, the tooth feels
(e.g., trigeminal neuralgia). The initial aim of the extruded and is sensitive to touch. Frequently
diagnostic process is to identify the affected tooth the patient reports that pulpal pain preceded the
and then to assess the state of the tooth pulp in pain originating from the periapical area. The latter,
order to determine treatment. Localization of the although of a more continuous nature, is usually
affected tooth is achieved through hot and cold better tolerated than the paroxysmal and excruciat-
application, which should be done carefully ing pulpal pain. Localization of pain originating
because it may cause excruciating pain. Percussion from the periapical area is usually precise and the
also aids in localizing the affected tooth. The patient is able to indicate the affected tooth. In this
state of the pulp cannot be judged from one single respect periodontal pain differs from the poorly
symptom and should be based on the combination localized dentinal and pulpal pain. However,
of several signs and symptoms (Cohen 1996). although localization of the affected tooth is usually
precise, in approximately half the cases the pain is
Treatment Depending on the prognosis of the diffuse and spreads into the jaw on the affected side
pulp, treatment may aim at conserving the pulp, of the face (Sharav et al 1984).
extirpating it, or extracting the tooth. Pulpal pain During examination the affected tooth is readily
usually disappears immediately after treatment. located by means of tooth percussion. The peri-
apical vestibular area may be tender to palpation.
The pulp of the affected tooth is non-vital; i.e., it
Differential diagnosis of odontalgia does not respond to thermal changes or to electrical
Diagnosis of toothache is challenging because teeth pulp stimulation. However, as mentioned above,
often refer pain to other teeth as well as to other in clinical practice pulpitis may not be sharply
craniofacial locations (Sharav et al 1984) and other distinguished from acute periapical periodontitis,
craniofacial pain disorders (Benoliel et al 1997), or and pulpal as well as periapical involvement could
pain from more remote structures (Tzukert et al occur at the same time. In these cases, although the
1981) may refer to teeth. The latter may mimic the periapical area has been invaded by endogenous
symptoms of a toothache. In this respect vascular pain-producing substances due to pulp tissue
orofacial pain, to be discussed later, is of great damage (e.g., 5HT, histamine, bradykinin) and
diagnostic importance. exogenous pain-producing substances (e.g.,
bacterial toxins) the pulp has not yet completely
degenerated and can still react to stimuli such as
Periodontal pain temperature changes. These instances are fairly
Periodontal pain usually results from an acute in- common (Okeson 1995). In more severe, purulent
flammatory process of the gingiva, the periodontal cases, swelling of the face associated with cellulitis
ligament, and alveolar bone due to bacterial infec- is present and can be associated with fever and
tion. Pain is readily localized, and the affected teeth malaise. The affected tooth may be extruded and
are very tender to pressure. Aetiologically, two mobile. Usually, when swelling of the face occurs,
modes of affection are most common: pain diminishes in intensity due to rupture of the
periostium of the bone around the affected tooth
1. a sequela of pulp infection and pulp necrosis
and the decrease in pus pressure.
that results in periapical inflammation
The radiographic picture is of limited use in the
2. periodontal infection with pocket formation
diagnosis of acute periapical periodontitis as no
that result in a lateral periodontal abcsess.
periapical radiographic changes are detected in the
Although pain characteristics, ability to localize, early stages. If a radiographic periapical rarefying
and pain-producing situations are similar in both osteitis is noticed in a tooth that is sensitive to touch
cases (Table 13.1), treatment differs for aetiological and percussion, the condition is then classified
reasons, and these categories are therefore discussed as reacutization of chronic periapical periodontitis.
separately. Often, however, such a rarefying osteitis lesion is
present in an otherwise symptomless situation.
Acute periapical periodontitis
Pain is spontaneous and moderate to severe in Treatment The source of insult and infection
intensity for extended periods of time (hours). usually lies within the pulp chamber and the root
Pain is exacerbated by biting on the tooth and, in canal, although the pain originates from the perio-
more advanced cases, even by closing the mouth dontal periapical tissues. Treatment, therefore, is
180 and bringing the affected tooth into contact with aimed at the source of irritation in the pulp chamber
and the root canal that are opened and cleansed.
Orofacial pain

pocket and teeth with root furcation involvement

Grinding the tooth to prevent contact with the (Fig. 13.2).
opposing teeth helps to relieve pain. If cellulitis,
fever, and malaise are present, systemic adminis- Treatment Gentle irrigation and curettage of the
tration of antibiotics is recommended. Incision pocket should be performed. The tooth is ground in
and drainage are very effective when a fluctuating order to avoid contact with the opposing teeth.
abscess is present. Pain usually subsides within When cellulitis, fever, and malaise are present, sys-
24–48 h. temic antibiotic administration is recommended.
Direct incision and drainage are recommended
Lateral periodontal abscess when the abscess cannot be approached through
Pain characteristics are very similar to those of the pocket, and is ripe for incision. Pain usually
acute periapical periodontitis. Pain is continuous, subsides within 24 h of treatment.
well localized, moderate to severe in intensity, and
exacerbated by biting on the affected tooth. During
examination swelling and redness of the gingiva
Gingival pain
may be noticed, usually located more gingivally Gingival pain may occur as a result of mechanical
than in the case of the acute periapical lesion. The irritation, acute inflammation associated with a
affected tooth is sensitive to percussion and is often gingival pocket, or gingival acute bacterial or viral
mobile and slightly extruded. In more severe cases, infection.
cellulitis, fever, and malaise may occur. A deep
periodontal pocket (over 6 mm) is usually located Food impaction
around the tooth; once probed there is pus The patient complains of localized pain between
exudation and usually, subsequent relief from pain. two adjacent teeth especially after meals, parti-
The tooth pulp is usually vital; i.e., it reacts to cularly when food is fibrous (e.g., meat, celery). The
temperature changes and electrical stimulation. pain is associated with a very annoying feeling of
The pulp may occasionally be slightly hyperalgesic pressure and discomfort. The patient reports that
in these cases, and sometimes pulpitis and pulpal the pain may gradually disappear until evoked
pain may develop due to retrograde infection again at the next meal. Pain may be relieved by
(Fig. 13.2). Abscess formation usually results from a removing the food impacted between the teeth.
blockage of drainage from a periodontal pocket Upon examination, a faulty contact between two
and is frequently associated with a deep infrabony adjacent teeth is noticed. Food is usually trapped
between these teeth; the gingival papilla is
inflammed, tender to touch and bleeds easily.
The two adjacent teeth are usually sensitive to
percussion. The cause of the faulty contact between
the teeth is often a carious lesion and restoring the
tooth will eliminate pain.

Pain is severe, and is usually located at the distal
end of the arch of teeth in the lower jaw. Pain is
spontaneous and may be exacerbated by closing
the mouth. In more severe cases, pain is aggravated
by swallowing and be associated by trismus. Acute
pericoronal infections are common in teeth that are
incompletely erupted, and are partially covered by
flaps of gingival tissue.
Upon examination, the flap of gingiva is acutely
Fig. 13.2 Periapical radiograph of the molar area in the inflamed, red and oedematous. Frequently, an
right maxillary region. Radiopaque probes were inserted indentation of the opposing tooth can be seen
into mesial (M) and distal (D) periodontal pockets of the imprinted on the oedematous gingival flap.
second molar to demonstrate the depth of these pockets. Occasionally, fever and malaise are associated with
Lateral periodontal and pulpal pain were both present.
Pulpal pain in this case was not associated with caries but
this infection.
with ‘retrograde’ infection of the pulp through the deep Treatment includes irrigation of debris between
mesial pocket. the flap and the affected tooth and eliminating 181
Clinical pain states

trauma by the opposing tooth (by grinding or sensitivity and the somatotopic organization
extraction). Systemic antibiotic administration is (Sharav et al 1984).
commonly recommended, especially when trismus
Mucosal pain
Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis Pain originating from the oral mucosa can be either
Soreness and pain are felt at the margin of the localized or of a more generalized diffuse nature.
gums. Pain is intensified by eating and brushing The localized pain is usually associated with a
the teeth and is accompanied by gingival bleeding. detectable erosive or ulcerative lesion; the diffuse
Metallic taste is sometimes experienced and usually pain may be associated with a widespread infec-
there is a foetid smell from the mouth. Pain is fairly tion, a systemic underlying deficiency disease or
well localized to the affected areas, but in cases other unknown factors.
when lesions are spread all over the gums pain is Only the most common lesion, recurrent aphthous
experienced all over the mouth. Fever and malaise stomatitis, will be described briefly.
are sometimes present. Necrosis and ulceration are Recurrent aphthous stomatitis is characterized
noticed upon examination on the marginal gingiva by a prodromal burning sensation from 2 to 48 h
with different degrees of gingival papillary before an ulcer appears. Although small in diameter
destruction. An adherent greyish slough represents (0.3–1.0 cm) this lesion may be quite painful. In the
the so-called pseudomembrane present in the acute mild form, healing occurs within 10 days and pain
stage of the disease. Swabbing this slough is is usually mild to moderate in severity. In the more
associated with pain and bleeding. Although severe forms (major aphthous ulcers), deep ulcers
basically a bacterial disease that responds to anti- that may be confluent, are extremely painful, and
biotics, it is not clear whether the bacteria actually interfere with speech and eating occur. Such lesions
initiate the disease or are merely secondary to some may last for months, heal slowly, and leave scars.
underlying factors. Local as well as systemic factors Treatment is mostly symptomatic, including the
are suggested as possible underlying factors. These application of a topical protective emollient for the
include, locally, gross neglect of oral hygiene, heavy mild form and the use of topical corticosteroids and
smoking, and mouth breathing. Systemically, any tetracycline to decrease healing time for the severe
underlying debilitating factors are suggested, but form. In the ‘major’ type systemic corticosteroids
there is no doubt that these are secondary to the are often needed.
more important local factors. The diffuse pain in the oral mucosa has usually
Treatment includes swabbing and gentle a burning nature and may be accompanied by a
irrigation of the ulcerative lesions, preferably with change in taste, predominantly of a bitter metallic
an oxidizing agent (hydrogen peroxide), and quality. This pain may result from a direct insult to
scaling and cleaning the teeth. Systemic antibiotics the tissues due to bacterial, viral, or fungal infection,
are recommended when fever and malaise are which can be identified by the characteristic appear-
present. ance of the oral mucosa. Diagnosis is aided by
microbiological laboratory examinations. In cases of
chronic fungal infection (candidiasis), possible under-
Intensity and location of acute lying aetiological factors such as prolonged broad-
spectrum antibiotic therapy, immunodeficiencies,
oral pain and other debilitating factors should be investigated.
Acute dental and periodontal pain is frequently Radiation therapy to the head and neck region may
rated as moderate to severe in intensity or from result in acute mucositis with severe generalized
60–100 on a 100-mm visual analogue scale (Sharav mucosal pain (Kolbinson et al 1988). Decreased
et al 1984). Pain is conceived of as deep and un- salivary flow is a later sequela that may result in
pleasant. In about 60% of cases pain is not localized chronic pain and discomfort of the oral mucosa.
only at the affected site but spreads into remote Burning sensation of the oral mucosa, particularly
areas in the head and face. There is a considerable the tongue, may result from systemic deficiency
overlap in pain reference locations for maxillary disease, such as chronic iron deficiency anaemia.
and mandibular sources. Pain spread is correlated This is usually associated with observable atrophic
positively with pain intensity and unpleasantness. changes, in particular that of the filiform and
Two factors that may be important for this pain fungiform papillae of the tongue. However, there
spread are the large receptive fields of wide is a large proportion of patients, mostly women
182 dynamic-range neurons with extensive gradient between the ages of 50 and 70 years, who complain
of a burning sensation in the mouth and the tongue,
Orofacial pain

term’ is too wide to be usefully discussed. I have

with no observable changes in the oral mucosa and chosen therefore to approach TMD as two distinct
with no detectable underlying systemic changes. entities: one associated primarily with pain and
This condition is discussed below under ‘burning dysfunction of myofascial origin, which will be
mouth syndrome’. referred to as temporomandibular myofascial pain
(TMP), the other associated primarily with intra-
articular disorders and referred to as internal
Temporomandibular disorders derangement (ID) of the TMJ.
This prevalent entity of orofacial pain and
mandibular dysfunction (Helkimo 1979, Dworkin
et al 1990a) has acquired more than a dozen names
Temporomandibular myofascial pain
(De Boever 1979, McNeill 1997) since it was first Patients usually describe a poorly localized, dull,
described by Costen in 1934. In addition to a variety continuous ache, typically around the ear, the angle
of names, a variety of different criteria have been of the mandible, and the temporal area. However,
used for defining this disorder (Rugh and Solberg pain has also been described in the jaws, teeth, and
1979). Indeed, the criteria for the syndrome were diffusely throughout one side of the face (Okeson
such that they encompassed disorders that under 1995). Pain may also occur bilaterally; there is some
today’s concepts would be diagnosed differently evidence that bilateral pain is more commonly
(Eversole and Machado 1985, McNeill 1997, Okeson associated with underlying psychogenic factors
1997). By the 1950s it was becoming obvious that (Gerschman et al 1990). Pain may be aggravated
many of these patients suffered from a masticatory during function with transient spikes of pain
muscle disorder apparently unrelated to the occurring spontaneously or induced by jaw move-
temporomandibular joint (TMJ). However, it was ments (Okeson 1995). Pain rarely wakes the patient
only during the 1980s that, with the aid of modern from sleep.
TMJ imaging techniques (Dolwick et al 1983), we Associated signs are deviation of the mandible
began to understand that there was also a temporo- on opening, fullness of the ear, dizziness, and sore-
mandibular disorder of the joint proper that ness of the neck (Sharav et al 1978, Blasberg and
justified separate classification. The definition of Chalmers 1989).
internal derangements of the TMJ finally disso- Examination may reveal limited mouth opening
ciated the temporomandibular joint from this ‘syn- (less than 40 mm, interincisal). Masticatory and neck
drome’, and the justification for a separate entity muscles are tender to palpation (Sharav et al 1978)
of temporomandibular myofascial pain (unrelated and pain often refers (Okeson 1995). Trigger points
to TMJ pathology), as opposed to the ‘general’ in the muscles may also be detected (Travell and
myofascial pain dysfunction (MPD) syndrome, was Simons 1983). Clinical signs are difficult to measure
further questioned. The justification for segregation with consistency (Kopp and Wenneberg 1983,
of temporomandibular myofascial pain and dys- Carlsson et al 1980), and inter-rater reliability for
function from other myofascial pain disorders of some signs of TMD is not good (Dworkin et al
a more generalized type, such as primary fibro- 1990b).
myalgia, has more recently been questioned
(Widmer 1991). The question of whether temporo- Epidemiology
mandibular pain is a localized symptom of a more Temporomandibular pain and dysfunction dis-
generalized condition or a discrete entity will be orders are recognized as the most common chronic
addressed in more detail later. orofacial pain condition (Dworkin et al 1990a). In
Recently, the American Academy of Orofacial the available epidemiological studies of the general
Pain recommended that orofacial pain and mandi- population, TMD signs and symptoms appear to be
bular dysfunction be termed temporomandibular equally distributed between the sexes (Helkimo
disorders (TMD) (Okeson 1996). TMD are defined 1979, Christensen 1981) or the differences are minor
as a collective term embracing a number of clinical (Locker and Slade 1988). In Agerberg and Carlsson’s
problems that involve the masticatory musculature, classic cross-sectional study (1972), about half of
the temporomandibular joint and associated the 15- to 44-year-old population had at least one
structures, or both. These are characterized by pain symptom of dysfunction and one-third had two or
usually aggravated by manipulation or function, more symptoms. Reporting symptoms in a popula-
limited range of motion, asymmetric mandibular tion over 18 years old, Locker and Slade (1988)
movement, and/or locking and joint sounds. It is describe a prevalence of 48.8% while the percentage
felt, however, that such ‘an all-embracing collective of those needing treatment was estimated at 183
Clinical pain states

3.5–9.7%. Of much interest in this respect is the gical behaviour that may sometimes be associated
study of Wanman and Agerberg (1986a), who with TMP (Rugh and Harlan 1988). Clark et al
reported a prevalence of 20% in a study group of (1980) suggest that bruxism is stress related. They
17-year-olds. They followed up this group for 2 demonstrated a positive relationship between
years and found that although the incidence was increased urinary epinephrine and high levels of
8%, there was no general increase in the severity nocturnal masseter muscle activity. The forces
or number of symptoms in this study period; the exerted during nocturnal tooth grinding are quite
explanation offered was that new symptoms high and were found to exceed maximal conscious
appear as often as old ones disappear (Wanman clenches (Clarke et al 1984). However, the associa-
and Agerberg 1986b). Thus, spontaneous remission tion between bruxism and TMP is not entirely clear.
seems to be quite prevalent in this disorder. Bruxism is viewed as an arousal phenomenon
While signs and symptoms of TMD are equally (Satoh and Harada 1973) or as a sleep parasomnia
distributed between the sexes in the general popu- (American Sleep Disorder Association 1990). Some
lation, the majority of patients who seek treatment preliminary results suggest that a majority of
(up to 80%) are females (Sharav et al 1978, Helkimo patients with bruxism have pain levels and sleep
1979, Rugh and Solberg 1985). Signs and symptoms quality comparable with TMP patients (Lavigne et
of mandibular dysfunction have been found in all al 1991). Patients having bruxism without muscle
age groups (Helkimo 1979, Nielsen et al 1990), with pain did not show differences in any of the sleep
a tendency to increase with age (Rugh and Solberg variables compared to matched controls (Velly-
1985, Torvonen and Knuuttila 1988). Dworkin et al Miguel et al 1991).
(1990a,b) report that TMJ pain, however, is less
common among the elderly. Signs of mandibular Psychosocial correlates On the basis of an ex-
dysfunction have been described in children and tensive literature review, Rugh and Solberg (1979)
adolescents with a higher prevalence than was concluded that there was little evidence suggesting
previously suspected (Perry 1973, Nielsen et al that TMP is related to any specific personality trait.
1990). The syndrome occurs also in edentulous Thus, Marbach et al (1978) found no significant
patients (Carlsson 1976, Agerberg 1988). difference in either state anxiety or trait anxiety
between patients with intractable facial pain and
Aetiological factors groups of general dental and general medical
Bruxism and occlusal derangement The asso- patients. In a later study Marbach and Lund (1981)
ciation between TMP, the teeth, and dental occlusion found no difference in depression and anhedonia
stems back to Costen (1934), who believed that between TMP patients and a normal, non-patient
overclosure of the mandible due to loss of teeth was group. Salter et al (1983) challenge the idea that
responsible for TMJ pain. More recent theories TMP patients represent a population whose pain
consider occlusal disturbances a prerequisite for the results from their emotional state. They found that
development of dysfunction and pain. Whilst the the comparison of TMP patients and patients
extent of the occlusal ‘interference’ may be minute, with facial pain and lesions or pathophysiological
the important fact is that such interference can disorders showed little evidence of neuroticism in
upset proprioceptive feedback and thus cause either group. Furthermore, examining the premorbid
bruxism and spasm of masticatory muscles (Krogh- characteristics of TMP patients did not reveal
Poulsen and Olsson 1968). These assumptions were abnormal parental bonding attitudes in this group
later refuted by Rugh et al (1984), who demon- (Salter et al 1983) nor did they show any other
strated that occlusal discrepancies, produced measures of previous premorbid personality traits
experimentally, tend to reduce bruxism rather than (Merskey et al 1987). Sharav et al (1987) found that
enhance it. Furthermore, data by Thomson (1971), only 2 out of 32 patients with chronic facial pain
Solberg et al (1972), and Clarke (1982) indicate that were cortisol non-suppressors on the dexametha-
there are no significant differences between the sone suppression test (DST). In a recent study
occlusal relationship in patients and in asympto- Schnurr et al (1990) classified their TMD patients
matic controls. Finally, in a recent paper, Clark et al according to the diagnostic criteria of Eversole and
(1997) state that the relationship made between Machado (1985), enabling a separate comparison of
occlusion and TMD is not convincing, powerful, myogenic (TMP) and of TMJ facial pain to non-
or practical enough to make any recommendations facial injury ‘pain controls’ and healthy controls.
about a causal association. The results of Schnurr et al (1990) suggested that
Bruxism is no longer perceived as related to TMP and TMJ pain patients do not appear to be
184 occlusal ‘disharmonies’ but rather as a physiolo- significantly different from other pain patients or
healthy controls in personality type, response to Fibromyalgia Much controversy exists in the
Orofacial pain

illness, attitudes towards health care, or ways of medical literature concerning muscle tenderness
coping with stress. and its diagnosis in specific cases. In the light of the
While psychological factors seem to play a possibility that on the one hand fibromyalgia (FM)
minor role in the aetiology of TMP, research supports may begin as a localized pain disorder and later
the appropriateness of a dual diagnostic approach become widespread, and on the other hand that
for TMD based on physical and psychological axes persistent myofascial pain dysfunction (MPD) may
that allows for treatment to be customized to involve multiple sites and cause systemic symptoms
address the physical as well as the psychological (Bennet 1986, Wolfe 1988), some authors believe
characteristics of the patient (Turk 1997). that all local ‘syndromes’ of myofascial pain should
be conflated to form one entity. Thus, it is claimed
Vascular mechanisms and headache Muscle by Widmer (1991) that when the symptoms of FM
tenderness is a frequent finding in headache patients are compared with those of patients with
patients (Raskin and Appenzeller 1980) and the temporomandibular disorders without joint patho-
distribution may be distinctly similar to that in logy, no symptoms are specific to TMP. TMP seems
TMP patients (Sharav et al 1978, Tafelt-Hansen et al to be a localized condition but the evidence needs
1981, Clark et al 1987). Patients with signs of TMP to be examined carefully. Blasberg and Chalmers
report a significantly higher incidence of tension (1989) conclude that there are great similarities
headache than controls (Magnusson and Carlsson between TMP patients and primary fibromyalgia
1978, Watts et al 1986); indeed, epidemiological (PFM) patients. Eriksson et al (1988) also support
data suggest great similarity and possible overlap the hypothesis that a connection may exist between
between patients suffering from headache and TMP and PFM entities.
TMP (Magnusson and Carlsson 1978). The sex ratio These conclusions should be viewed very
is similar—about 75% females in both groups; age carefully; PFM, by definition, is characterized by a
distribution and contributing psychophysiological widespread pain on both sides of the body and in
mechanisms are also shared (Rugh and Solberg both the upper and the lower parts of the body in
1979, Raskin and Appenzeller 1980). It seems, 97.6% of PFM patients (Henriksson and Bengtsson
therefore, that two of the fundamental symptoms of 1991), whereas TMP is mostly a local, unilateral,
TMP, i.e., pain of daily occurrence and tenderness pain syndrome (Sharav et al 1978, Okeson 1995).
of muscles to palpation, fail to properly differen-
tiate between tension-type headache and TMP TMJ damage Theoretically, trauma or noxious
patients. As previously mentioned, the 1986 IASP stimulation of TMJ tissues can produce a sustained
classification combines these two under ‘cranio- excitation of masticatory muscles that may serve
facial pain of musculoskeletal origin’. However, most to protect the masticatory system from potentially
TMP patients have pain and muscle tenderness damaging movements and stimuli (Sessle and Hu
on palpation unilaterally (Sharav et al 1978) while 1991). However, injection into the TMJ of algesic
tension-type headache causes pain bilaterally. chemicals resulted in sustained reflex increase in
The association between migraine and temporo- EMG activity of jaw-opening muscles; excitatory
mandibular dysfunction was studied by Watts et al effects were also seen in jaw-closing muscles but
(1986). The authors stated that the rate of migraine were generally weaker (Broton and Sessle 1988).
in the TMP group did not differ from that in the While such effects might be related to clinically
general population and concluded that TMP and based concepts of myofascial dysfunction (e.g.,
migraine patients are two segregated groups. That splinting, myospastic activity, and trigger points),
TMP and vascular headache are two distinct the weak effects in muscles invoked clinically to
entities can also be inferred from studies of sleep show such dysfunction (jaw closing) and the stronger
physiology. Bruxism, associated with TMP (Lavigne effects in antagonist muscles (jaw opening) suggest
et al 1991), occurred mostly in non-rapid eye move- associations more in keeping with protective,
ment (N-REM) stages of sleep (Satoh and Harada withdrawal-type reflexes (Sessle and Hu 1991).
1973, Wieselmann et al 1986, Rugh and Harlan Based upon the available data, it seems that pain
1988), while vascular headache is REM ‘locked’ originating in the TMJ contributes minimally to the
(Dexter and Weizman 1970). Recently, however, a development of TMP.
severe tooth-destructive form of bruxism has been
found in REM sleep (Ware and Rugh 1988), which Implications Bruxism and TMJ derangements do
may suggest that in some cases vascular mechanisms not seem to be primary aetiological factors of TMP.
could be associated with TMP. The role that vascular mechanisms, related to other 185
Clinical pain states

craniofacial pains (e.g., migraine, cluster headache, 30 mg/day) in patients with chronic facial pain
paroxysmal hemicrania), play in TMP is not of myofascial origin. The efficacy of amitriptyline
entirely clear. Whilst the importance of vascular in relieving chronic facial pain, such as TMP, is
mechanisms may not yet be fully appreciated, one through a direct analgesic effect not associated with
should not dismiss their contribution to TMP. Some the antidepressive effect of the drug (Sharav et al
data (Ware and Rugh 1988) point to a REM-locked 1987). Occlusal splint therapy is a widely used mode
destructive form of bruxism that may link certain of treatment (Clarke et al 1984), and may be asso-
forms of TMP with vascular mechanisms. Recent ciated with the reduction of nocturnal bruxism (Clark
findings strongly suggest that neurogenic inflam- et al 1979). Some investigators found occlusal splint
mation may play the major role in vascular headache therapy to be superior to relaxation procedures
(Moskowitz et al 1989). In view of the cardinal role (Okeson et al 1983).
of the trigeminal system in conveying vascular It is widely believed that chronic pain patients
headache (Dostrovsky et al 1991), the possibility of lack psychological insight and therefore do not
interrelated central mechanisms of headache and respond to psychodynamic interpretation (Sternbach
facial pain cannot be discounted. Research in the 1978). Consequently other psychological interven-
area of TMP should concentrate more on central tions such as relaxation training, biofeedback, and
generators of pain mechanisms rather than peri- cognitive behaviour approaches (Carlsson and Gale
pheral inputs such as occlusal interferences and 1976, Stem et al 1979) would be more appropriate
‘muscle hyperactivity’. One attractive way to for these patients.
understand TMP better is to study the role of Prognosis in the majority of patients is good
trigeminal neurogenic inflammation and the and remission of pain and dysfunction is readily
contribution of the sympathetic nervous system achieved for long periods.
(Basbaum and Levine 1991) regarding the pain
mechanisms of TMP. Internal derangement of the
Differential diagnosis temporomandibular joint
TMP should be differentiated from pain due to TMJ Internal derangement (ID) of the TMJ is defined as
derangement and other specific TMJ diseases (e.g., an abnormal relationship of the articular disc to the
psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis). Of particular mandibular condyle, fossa, and articular eminence.
importance are instances where TMP can mask Usually the disc is displaced in an anteromedial
underlying malignancies such as nasopharyngeal direction (Dolwick and Riggs 1983). In addition to
carcinoma (Sharav and Feinsod 1977, Roistacher pain, limited mouth opening, or deviation of mouth
and Tanenbaum 1986). opening, patients complain of clicking in the TMJ.
Clicking refers to a distinct cracking, snapping
Treatment sound associated with opening and closing of the
Like other chronic pain syndromes, TMP is a com- mouth. Farrar (1971) introduced the term ‘reci-
plex entity associated with behavioural changes, procal clicking’ to describe patients with opening
secondary psychological gains, changes in mood and closing clicks. Reciprocal click is considered
and attitudes to life, and drug abuse. While pathognomonic to internal derangement. Patients
alleviation of pain and dysfunction remain the may report an increase in the intensity of the pain
primary goals of therapy, restoring the patient’s prior to the click with relief after the click occurs.
attitudes by modelling behavioural changes and Pain is usually limited to the TMJ area. Crepitus
controlling drug abuse should also be achieved. and multiple scraping sounds are best detected
Often reassurance of the patient, combined with with the aid of a stethoscope placed over the
simple muscle exercises for masticatory and neck TMJ while the patient opens and closes the mouth.
muscles, will result in pain alleviation and restored Crepitus frequently indicates a disruption of the
mandibular function (Selby 1985). Muscle tender- disc or its posterior attachment and heralds more
ness may be treated with vapocoolant sprays and advanced disease.
injections of local anaesthetics into identified The final, definitive diagnosis of ID is made by
trigger points (Travell and Simons 1983). Diazepam arthrography of the TMJ using radiopaque contrast
is significantly more effective than placebo in the material injected into the joint space, usually the
relief of pain, while ibuprofen has had minimal lower one (Katzberg et al 1979). While the diagnos-
therapeutic benefit in TMP patients (Singer et al tic ‘gold standard’ has been arthrography, MRI is
1987). Sharav et al (1987) demonstrated the bene- now the imaging technique of choice for the TMJ
186 ficial effect of low doses of amitriptyline (less than IDs (Rao 1995) and CT for hard tissue imaging
(Larheim 1995). However, these seem justified only internal derangement do not deteriorate and,
Orofacial pain

in appropriately selected cases (doubtful or suspi- indeed, demonstrate remarkable adaptive potential
cion of tumour) or in candidates for surgery. In (Okeson 1995). In selected cases, arthrographic
combination with SPECT, MRIs demonstrate a surgery or rinsing and lavage seems to be the
sensitivity of 0.96 for IDs. The invasive nature of treatment of choice (Nitzan et al 1991). On the basis
arthrography and the high cost involved in MRIs of current data, one is unable to conclusively
that would otherwise need to be performed recommend any specific treatment modality.
routinely support a conservative approach.
On the basis of clinical signs and arthrographic
findings, ID of the TMJ has been further classified Primary vascular-type
(Dolwick and Riggs 1983, Eversole and Machado
1985, Roberts et al 1985). This classification
craniofacial pain
includes: The differential diagnosis of primary vascular-type
craniofacial pain includes migraine-type headaches,
1. disc displacement with reduction
cluster headaches, paroxysmal hemicranias,
2. disc displacement with intermittent locking
SUNCT, cold stimulus (‘ice cream’) headache, and
3. disc displacement without reduction
a recently proposed (Sharav et al 1996) vascular
4. disc displacement with perforation.
orofacial pain (Table 13.2). Each diagnostic entity
Clinical signs and arthrographic findings are has specific criteria for diagnosis (Headache Clas-
usually in good agreement (Roberts et al 1985). sification Committee 1988, Mersky and Bogduk
Recent findings may challenge the relationship 1994) but in general craniofacial vascular pains
between TMJ pain dysfunction and the concept of have some common signs and symptoms:
disc displacement (Westesson et al 1989, Nitzan et
Pain is: Accompanied by:
al 1991). Westesson et al (1989) demonstrated that
a. Periodic a. Ocular: tearing, redness
15% of healthy asymptomatic volunteers were
b. Severe b. Nasal: rhinorrhoea,
radiographically abnormal with displacement of
the disc; Nitzan and Dolwick (1991) showed that
c. Unilateral c. Local swelling and redness
more than 50% of patients in a most advanced stage
d. Pulsatile d. Nausea, vomiting
of ID (closed-locked) had normally shaped discs.
e. Wakes from sleep e. Photo/phonophobia
Although in both studies there may be a sample
selection bias, they still indicate that factors other
than disc position may be considered, at least in Migraine
some patients, for the genesis of pain and dysfunc-
tion associated with the TMJ. These may include Migraine with or without aura is a periodic, uni-
decreased volume of synovial fluid with high lateral headache mostly in the forehead and temple
viscosity or a ‘vacuum effect’ (Nitzan et al 1991, areas. Pain may persist from a couple of hours to 2
1992). days. Pain intensity is moderate to severe, usually
throbs and may be accompanied by photo- and
Treatment phonophobia and is associated with nausea and
Conservative treatment modalities recommended occasional vomiting (Table 13.2).
for TMP are utilized for ID of the TMJ. Unfor- As migraine headache is discussed in detail in
tunately, as has long been known, the elimination Chapter 15, it will not be further discussed here.
of joint sounds is the single most resistant feature in
most studies dealing with these patients (Eversole
and Machado 1985). If joint sounds with no pain or
Cluster headache
dysfunction are present, no treatment is indicated. Cluster headache (CH) was first recognized in the
Interocclusal anterior repositioning splints are of 1950s. Episodic CH refers to a temporal pattern
value in eliminating clicks, but are of short-term consisting of a series of pain attacks, or ‘active’
benefit with no known long-term effect (Lundh et al episodes, occurring in succession over a period of
1985). In more advanced cases that do not respond 4–12 weeks with ‘inactive’ periods that last from 6
to non-surgical treatment, surgery is recommended to 18 months. In the active period pain occurs daily
(Dolwick and Riggs 1983). However, long-term or almost daily. Patients with continuous cluster
evaluation of non-surgical treatment of advanced headache, or constantly ‘active’, were also recog-
cases demonstrated favourable results (Yoshimura nized and are termed ‘chronic CH’ (Nappi and
et al 1982), and it seems that most individuals with Russell 1993). 187
Clinical pain states

Table 13.2 Differential diagnosis of primary vascular-type craniofacial pain

Migraine headache Cluster headache Paroxysmal Vascular orofacial

hemicrania pain

Onset (age) 20–40 30–40 30–40 40–50

M:F 1:2 5:1 1:2 1:2.5

Location (mostly Forehead, temple Orbital and periorbital Temporal and Intraoral/lower
unilateral) periauricular face

Duration Hours to days 15–120 min Minutes Minutes to hours

Time course Periodic Periodic/chronic Chronic Periodic/chronic

Character of pain Throbbing, deep, Paroxysmal, boring Paroxysmal, Throbbing, may be

continuous in clusters lancinating paroxysmal

Pain intensity Moderate to severe Severe Severe Moderate to severe

Precipitating Stress, hunger, menstrual Alcohol Movement of head Sometimes cold

factors period, etc. foods

Associated signs Nausea, photophobia, Lacrimation, rhinorrhoea, Lacrimation, rhinorrhoea, Cheek swelling and
visual aura ptosis, miosis eye redness redness, tearing

Treatment: NSAID, ergot, Oxygen, ergot, Indometacin NSAID

abortive sumatriptan sumatriptan

Treatment: Amitriptyline, Ergot, methysergide, Indometacin Amitriptyline,

prophylactic β-blockers, valproates lithium carbonate β-blockers

Pain pattern periods. Lithium carbonate is utilized for the

Pain is unilateral, occurs in the ocular, frontal, chronic-type cluster headache.
and temporal areas, is excruciatingly severe and
paroxysmal and may last from 15 to 120 min.
Nocturnal attacks are typical.
Paroxysmal hemicrania
Paroxysmal hemicrania (PH) was first described by
Accompanying phenomena Sjaastad and Dale in 1974 and was thought initially
Pain attacks are accompanied by ipsilateral to be a rare variant of cluster headache. As new
conjunctival injection, lacrimation, stuffiness of the cases appear and the clinical features of this
nose, and/or rhinorrhoea. Ipsilateral ptosis and syndrome (Table 13.2) are further defined, it is
miosis may be associated with some attacks; occa- doubtful that subclassifying PH under CH will be
sionally they persist after attacks and may remain justified (Benoliel and Sharav 1998b). The Inter-
permanently (Mersky and Bogduk 1994). Onset is national Association for the Study of Pain (IASP),
at 30–40 years, with predominantly a male popula- in their most recent classification (Mersky and
tion. Alcohol precipitates attacks in the active Bogduk 1994), thus defined a separate category for
period (Table 13.2). PH. This seems justified, based on a number of
features that distinguish PH from CH (Table 13.2).
Treatment consists of abortive and prophylactic Temporal pattern
approaches. Most effective abortive treatment is The attacks in PH are short (10–25 min), sharp and
the administration of 100% oxygen at a rate of excruciating; hence the term ‘paroxysmal’ (Antonaci
7–8 l/min for 15 min during an attack (Nappi and and Sjaastad 1989). Frequency is higher than that
Russell 1993). Ergot preparations and sumatriptan usually seen in cluster headaches; about eight attacks
(s.c.) have a beneficial effect. Prophylactic treatment per 24 h in PH, but with as many as 30 (Haggag and
is administered during the active period. Ergot Russell 1993). The first reported cases of PH were
preparations should not exceed 10 mg per week. of a continuous nature and were categorized as
188 Methysergide can be administered for short (weeks) chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (CPH). In contrast
to CH, only a scant number of PHs behaved nerve, in a way similar to trigeminal neuralgia.
Orofacial pain

episodically (EPH) and many of these eventually Neck movements have also been shown to trigger
developed into a chronic form (CPH:EPH = 4:1) attacks (Mersky and Bogduk 1994).
(Antonaci and Sjaastad 1989). A high number of Pain typically appears in the ocular and peri-
patients report nocturnal attacks of PH that wake ocular regions, corresponding to the area innervated
the patient from sleep (Antonaci and Sjaastad 1989). by the first branch (ophthalmic) of the trigeminal
However, the same nocturnal tendency as in CH is nerve. However, pain may be felt in the temporal
not apparent. Like most vascular-type craniofacial and auricular regions.
pain, PH is considered to be REM sleep related
(Sahota and Dexter 1990). Accompanying phenomena
By definition, SUNCT is accompanied by marked
Location ipsilateral conjunctival injection and lacrimation,
Pain occurs typically in the temporal, periauricular, but these can also be seen in trigeminal neuralgia
and periorbital areas, hence the term hemicrania. (Benoliel and Sharav 1998c). Nasal stuffiness,
Referral to the shoulder, neck, and arm has been rhinorrhoea, and sweating may also accompany
reported. Unlike CH that may change sides, the attacks, but are rarer and may be subclinical.
vast majority of PH cases do not. Most cases in
PH are unilateral and do not become bilateral but
strong pain may cross the midline. A further distinct factor in SUNCT is its absolute
resistance to both antineuralgic and antivascular
drug therapy.
Accompanying phenomena
As in other primary vascular-type headaches, PH
is accompanied by a number of usually ipsilateral Cold stimulus (‘ice cream’) headache
autonomic phenomena. These may occur bilaterally
but the symptomatic side is more pronounced. Application of ice to the palate or to the posterior
The most commonly seen are lacrimation (62%), pharyngeal mucosa produces facial pain in the
nasal congestion (42%), conjunctival injection, and midfrontal region or around the ears, referred
rhinorrhoea (36% each) (Benoliel and Sharav probably by the trigeminal and glossopharyngeal
1998b). nerves respectively (Lance 1993). Pain follows
the passage of cold material over the palate and
Treatment posterior pharyngeal wall and does not originate in
The response to indometacin in PH is usually abso- the teeth. It is postulated that incoming impulses
lute and clearly distinguishes it from CH, which is due to cold cause disinhibition of central pain
non-responsive. Recently, however, the inclusion of pathways. Cold stimulus headache or ‘ice cream’
an absolute indometacin response as part of PH’s headache occurs particularly in individuals with
criteria has been questioned. a history of migraine and is not associated with
dental pathology.

SUNCT Treatment
Short-lasting, unilateral, neuralgiform, headache No treatment is needed other than sensible caution
attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing in ingestion of cold substances.
(SUNCT) syndrome was introduced by Sjaastad
(Sjaastad et al 1989). It is a unilateral headache/
facial pain characterized by brief, triggered, Vascular orofacial pain
paroxysmal pain accompanied by ipsilateral local Vascular orofacial pain (VOP), possibly a new
autonomic signs, usually conjunctival injection and diagnostic entity (Sharav et al. 1996, Benoliel et al.
lacrimation (Benoliel and Sharav 1998a). Multiple 1997), shares many of the signs and symptoms
attacks occur usually during daytime, with less common to other vascular-type craniofacial pain.
than 2% occurring at night. Each attack lasts from However, the rational for introducing VOP is based
15 to 120 s (Pareja et al 1996). on its specific features that segregate it from other
primary vascular-type craniofacial pain and justify
Triggering a unique diagnosis. Furthermore, orofacial pain of
SUNCT may be triggered by light mechanical vascular origin is of great diagnostic and thera-
stimuli in the areas innervated by the trigeminal peutic importance. The similarities between dental 189
Clinical pain states

pulpitis and VOP, especially when it affects only Atypical oral and facial pain
the oral structures, has obviously caused diagnostic
difficulties (Rees and Harris 1979, Benoliel et al This ill-defined category includes a variety of pain
1997, Cherninsky et al 1999). descriptions such as phantom tooth pain (Marbach
Vascular orofacial pain is characterized by 1978), atypical odontalgia (Rees and Harris
strong, episodic, unilateral, intraoral pain. In about 1979, Brooke 1980), and atypical facial neuralgia
half of cases the pain throbs, and wakes the patient (Marbach et al 1982). Chronic pain, usually at a
from sleep. Pain may last from minutes to hours constant intensity, is a common feature of all the
(70% of cases) or can go on for days (30% of cases). above. The pain has a burning quality that
Pain can be accompanied by various local auto- occasionally intensifies to produce a throbbing
nomic signs, such as tearing or nasal congestion, or sensation. The pain is not triggered by remote
by other phenomenon, such as photo- or phono- stimuli, but may be intensified by stimulation of
phobia and nausea (Benoliel et al 1997) The onset of the painful area itself. Autonomic phenomena are
VOP is around 40–50 years of age, and it affects usually not seen. The pain does not usually wake
females at a rate of 2.5 times more than males. the patient from sleep. The location is ill defined.
Although the pain usually starts in one quadrant
Differential diagnosis of VOP of the mouth, it often spreads across the midline
Dental pain The extensive involvement of the to the opposite side. Frequently, the pain changes
teeth and oral structures accompanied with common location, which may result in extensive dental
dental symptomatology (e.g., thermal hyper- work, alcohol nerve blocks, and surgery; this does
sensitivity) in VOP often leads to confusion with not usually alleviate the pain. Unfortunately, it
pulpitis. has been the author’s experience and that of others
(Marbach et al 1982) to see patients who have
Primary vascular-type headaches Although ex- had more than 70(!) operations performed in their
hibiting some similarities to other primary vascular mouth (e.g., pulp extirpation, apicoectomy, tooth
headaches there may be enough differentiating extraction) for the relief of this type of pain.
factors to define VOP separately. If VOP was Typically in most of these patients there is a lack
simply a migraine-variant one would expect to see of objective signs and all other tests are negative.
the majority of patients with long pain attacks The age range is wide (20–82 years), but the mean
(hours–days) and no local autonomic signs. Cluster age of patients with atypical odontalgia is around
headache is often misdiagnosed as pain of dental 45–50 years (Marbach 1978, Rees and Harris 1979,
origin, but is usually located primarily periocularly Brooke 1980, Vickers et al 1998), and of patients
(Nappi and Russell 1993). The similarities to the with sore mouth and other oral complaints (e.g.,
cluster headache group are limited by the fact that burning sensation) around 55 years (Grushka
systemic symptoms (such as nausea and photo/ et al 1987a). All reports indicate an overwhelming
phonophobia) are often present in VOP, with an majority of females (82–100%) in the series of
overwhelming female preponderance and treat- atypical oral and facial pain studied.
ment response is not similar. There is no identified uniform aetiology of
atypical oral and facial pain (Loeser 1985). Several
Neuropathic-type pains Trigeminal neuralgia is underlying mechanisms have been proposed. A
a short-lasting pain with a particular triggering number of reports have suggested that atypical
pattern not usually accompanied by frank auto- facial pain is a psychiatric disorder (Engel 1951,
nomic signs, making it clinically distinct from VOP. Lascelles 1966, Feinmann et al 1984, Remick and
Blasberg 1985). Depression is considered the most
Treatment likely diagnosis and is explained on the basis of the
Successful abortive treatment in VOP has been catecholamine hypothesis of affective disorders
attained with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (Rees and Harris 1979). However, Sharav et al
drugs. No particularly preferential response to (1987) showed that only 2 of their 28 patients were
indometacin (cf. paroxysmal hemicrania) has been cortisol non-suppressors on the dexamethasone
noted and sodium naproxen (275–550 mg stat) has suppression test and that half the patients were not
proved very effective abortive therapy. Prophyl- depressed at all. Grushka et al (1987a) conclude
actic treatment using amitriptyline at doses up that the personality characteristics of patients with
to 50 mg and the use of β-adrenergic blocking burning mouth syndrome are similar to those seen
agents (in antihypertensive dosage) are effective in other chronic pain patients and that these
190 (Cherninsky et al 1999). personality disturbances tend to increase with
increased pain. Marbach (1978) postulates that
Orofacial pain

disorders may or may not be an exclusion criterion

phantom tooth pain associated with previous (Grushka 1987, Van der Ploeg et al 1987).
trauma such as tooth extraction and tooth pulp The prevalence of BMS is in the range of 1.5–2.5%
extirpation interferes with central nervous system of the general population but may be as high as
pain modulatory mechanisms. This idea is 15% in women over 40 years of age (Grushka and
supported by the observation that experimental Sessle 1991).
tooth extraction produces lesions in the trigeminal
nucleus caudalis (Westrum et al 1976, Gobel and Clinical features
Binck 1977). It was also found that more extensive Burning pain often occurs at more than one oral
tooth pulp injury is associated with greater exci- site, with the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, the
tatory changes of central trigeminal neurons (Hu et anterior hard palate, and the mucosal aspect of
al 1990). Although far from proven, a deafferenta- the lower lip most frequently affected (Main and
tion associated with peripheral nerve injury may be Basker 1983, Grushka et al 1987a). The pain is
responsible for some types of atypical facial pain. intense and quantitatively similar to toothache
Vascular changes are other possible underlying pain but differs from toothache in quality. While
mechanisms for atypical facial pain (Reik 1985). toothache was mostly described as annoying and
Rees and Harris (1979) and Brooke (1980) found a sharp, BMS pain was most commonly described as
history of migraine in about a third of their patients burning (Grushka et al 1987a). Burning pain is
(and see previous section on vascular orofacial constant throughout the day or begins by mid-
pain). morning and reaches maximum intensity by early
Atypical facial pain should be differentiated from evening, but is not usually present at night and
pains associated with a causative lesion. Chronic does not disturb sleep (Gorsky et al 1987, Grushka
atypical facial pain can be a presenting symptom of 1987). Many studies indicate, however, that BMS
a slow-growing cerebellopontine angle tumour patients have difficulty falling asleep (Grushka 1987,
(Nguyen et al 1986). Lamey and Lamb 1988, Zilli et al 1989). Grushka
While various treatment modalities are used for (1987) reported no significant difference between
atypical oral and facial pain, the predominant trends BMS and controls in any clinical oral features
are clear. All authors firmly recommend against any including number of teeth, oral mucosal conditions,
surgical or dental interventions for the relief of pain presence of Candida, and parafunctional habits.
(Loeser 1985). Since such interventions usually
exacerbate the condition, reassurance, psychological Psychophysical assessment
counselling, and the use of antidepressants, parti- There is evidence for taste dysfunction in BMS,
cularly from the tricyclic group, have been found to especially in those individuals with self-reported
be a very promising mode of therapy. Two double- dysgeusia (Grushka et al 1987c). Sweet thresholds
blind controlled studies demonstrated that tricyclic were significantly higher for BMS than control
antidepressive drugs were superior to placebo in subjects. No differences were found between BMS
reducing chronic facial pain (Feinmann et al 1984, and control subjects in somatosensory modalities
Sharav et al 1987). Furthermore, Sharav et al (1987) such as two-point discrimination, temperature
showed that amitriptyline was effective in a daily perception, and stereognostic ability at any of eight
dose of 30 mg or less and that the relief of pain was intraoral and facial sites tested (Grushka et al
independent of the antidepressive activity. Vickers 1987b). Grushka et al (1987b) did, however, find
et al (1998) suggest a possible neuropathic pain that heat pain tolerance was significantly reduced
mechanism, but point out that it cannot explain all at the tongue tip of BMS subjects, and suggested
cases, and suggest that some may fit the diagnosis that hyperalgesia in these patients may depend on
of complex regional pain syndrome. prolonged temporal or spatial central summation.
Recently, Jaaskelainen et al (1997) studied the
blink reflex (BR) in 11 patients with BMS. As a
group, the BMS patients demonstrated higher
The burning mouth syndrome stimulus thresholds for the R1 component of the
The burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is an intraoral BR, indicating altered tactile sensation. These
pain disorder unaccompanied by clinical signs. Its findings were explained as correlates of allodynia;
vague definition and unknown aetiology warrant stimulus intensities were not noxious (Jaaskelainen
its inclusion under atypical oral and facial pain. et al 1997). BMS patients thus demonstrated
Inclusion criteria of patients with BMS may differ changes on the BR similar to other atypical facial
in different studies; e.g., the presence of systemic pain subjects (Jaaskelainen et al 1999). 191
Clinical pain states

Aetiology A double-blind placebo-controlled study

Many possible aetiologies have been suggested and (Hugoson and Thorstensson 1991) could not
include local, intraoral factors as well as general, demonstrate any effect of B1, B2, and B6 vitamin
systemic ones. replacement therapy in vitamin-deficient BMS
patients. Recently serum zinc levels were found to
be significantly lower in BMS patients than in
Local factors These include galvanic currents, matched controls (Maragou and Ivanyi 1991). How-
denture allergy and mechanical irritation, and ever, only 9 out of 30 BMS patients demonstrated
decreased salivary secretion or change in saliva zinc levels less than the minimum normal levels.
composition. No difference was found in electric There is certainly a need for more controlled studies
currents, potential, or energy capacity in the dental in order to determine the role of these nutrient
metallic restorations between BMS patients and elements in BMS.
controls (Hampf et al 1987). Most studies have not Numerous studies have used psychological
supported an allergic or mechanical irritation cause questionnaires and psychiatric interviews to
for BMS (Grushka and Sessle 1991). Most salivary demonstrate psychological disturbances such as
flow rate studies have not demonstrated a signifi- depression, anxiety, and irritability in patients with
cant decrease in salivary output, stimulated or BMS (Grushka et al 1987a, Van der Ploeg et al 1987,
unstimulated (Glick et al 1976, Syrjanen et al 1984, Hammaren and Hugoson 1989, Zilli et al 1989).
Lamey and Lamb 1988). On the other hand, some BMS patients showed elevation in certain perso-
studies found significant alterations in salivary nality characteristics which were similar to those
components such as proteins, immunoglobulins, seen in other chronic pain patients (Grushka et al
and phosphates as well as differences in saliva pH 1987a). Zilli et al (1989) indicate that psychiatric ill-
buffering capacity (Glick et al 1976, Syrjanen et al ness, especially depression, may play an important
1984, Hampf et al 1987, Grushka and Sessle 1991). role in BMS. However, most investigators cannot
Whether these alterations in salivary composition say whether depression and other personality
are a causal or a coincidental event in BMS is characteristics are causative or the result of the pain
unknown (Grushka and Sessle 1991). (Grushka et al 1987a, Van der Ploeg et al 1987, Zilli
et al 1989, Grushka and Sessle 1991).
Systemic factors Among these are menopause In conclusion, no clear aetiology is available
and hormonal imbalance, nutritional deficiencies, today, and it is possible that a further subclassifi-
and psychogenic factors. A wide range of prevalence cation of this ‘syndrome’ is needed. A more rigo-
rates (18–80%) was given to BMS during meno- rous definition of inclusion and exclusion criteria
pause or after oophorectomy (Storer 1965, Ferguson may help in future studies of aetiology and possible
et al 1981, Wardrop et al 1989), pointing to different therapy.
definition criteria and possibly to various sampling
methods. In a recent study Wardrop et al (1989) Treatment
found significantly more oral discomfort in meno- Before treatment is instigated, local and systemic
pausal women. The oral discomfort was not underlying factors should be ruled out and treated.
associated with any of the vasomotor symptoms of Thus, faulty irritating prosthetic devices should be
menopause nor did it show any relationship to corrected and underlying diseases, such as diabetes
mucosal health. The presence of oral discomfort or anaemia, should be treated. Unfortunately, as
bore no relationship to follicle-stimulating hormone noted above, in many instances these corrections
(FSH) or oestradiol levels measured in menopausal may not improve the burning sensation and oral
women, but hormone replacement therapy was discomfort. Symptomatic treatment with psycho-
accompanied with a significant reduction in oral tropic drugs, such as amitriptyline or clonazepam,
discomfort (Wardrop et al 1989). However, as no may be of some benefit, but no good controlled
control group was utilized it was difficult to assess studies are available to demonstrate a real effect
how much of this reduction was due to a placebo of these drugs. The local application of various
effect. Despite the conflicting data on the effect medications was recently examined. Interestingly,
of menopause and oestrogen replacement therapy burning sensation increased after local application
on oral discomfort, the high frequency of oral of topical anaesthesia, while dysgeusia symptoms
complaints in menopausal women clearly indicates were more likely to decrease (Ship et al 1995). Ship
a significant, although poorly understood, associa- et al (1995) suggested a centrally based neuropathic
tion between menopause and BMS (Grushka and condition for the burning sensation and that the
192 Sessle 1991). topical anaesthesia may be releasing peripheral
inhibition of central sensory pathways. However, In children, the most common causes are acute
Orofacial pain

the application of capsaicin to oral mucosa in patients recurrent parotitis and mumps. In adults, pain from
with intraoral neuropathic pain was beneficial in salivary glands usually results from blockage of a
about 50% of patients (Epstein and Marcoe 1994). salivary duct by calculus or mucin plug formation.
The potential importance of a placebo effect cannot Pain results from salivary retention, resulting in
be ruled out in this open study (Epstein and pressure and sometimes ascending infection. In
Marcoe 1994), and double-blind controlled studies acute parotitis, mouth opening exerts pressure on
are warranted before this treatment can be the gland by the posterior border of the mandible,
recommended for BMS. resulting in severe pain (see Table 13.3).
Pain from the maxillary sinus is deep and
boring and may become quite severe. Usually the
maxillary posterior teeth on the affected side are
Differential diagnosis of tender to pressure and percussion. Pain is
orofacial pain commonly felt all over the maxillary sinus. In some
cases, the infraorbital nerve on the affected side
Pain and defined local injury is very sensitive to pressure, and there is hyper-
Diagnosis of pain in the orofacial region is com- aesthesia in the area supplied by this nerve. Pain is
plicated by the density of anatomical structures, intensified either by moving the head rapidly or by
rich innervation, high vascularity of the area, and lowering the head. Pain may be associated with
the important psychological meaning attributed to fever and malaise (Table 13.3).
the face and the oral cavity. Most prevalent is pain Pain from the TMJ is usually intensified by
in the area that results from local injury to fairly movement of the mandible; the joint is tender when
well-defined anatomical structures. Injury can palpated via the external auditory meatus. Pain
result from trauma, infection, and neoplasia. Pain may result from acute infection, trauma, rheuma-
in these cases can be defined and described in terms toid arthritis, psoriasis, and primary or secondary
of anatomical structures and thus originates from malignant tumours. When acutely inflamed the
the oral cavity, the jaws, salivary glands, paranasal joint may be swollen and warm to touch. A splint-
sinuses, or the TMJ. Oral pain has been extensively ing protective mechanism by the masticatory
reviewed above and can be divided into dental, muscles may result in muscle spasm, producing
periodontal, and mucosal pain. These have been secondary pain.
summarized in Table 13.1.
Pain from the jaws can be associated with acute
infection, malignancies, and direct trauma. Unless
infected, cysts, retained roots, or impacted teeth are
Pain not related to defined injury
usually not responsible for pain in the jaws. Pain in the orofacial area can result from mechan-
Radiation therapy to this area may result in severe isms other than local injury described above. These
pain due to infection and osteomyelitis associated are usually associated with chronic orofacial pain
with osteoradionecrosis. Odontogenic and other and can be generated by musculoskeletal, vascular,
benign tumours of the bone do not normally neuropathic, referred, and psychogenic mechanisms
produce pain in the jaws except for the osteoid (Okeson 1995). Trauma to the head and neck,
osteoma, which is known to be associated with especially high-velocity trauma, may be associated
severe pain. However, this tumour is extremely rare with a combination of mechanisms (Benoliel et al
in the jaws (Shafer et al 1974). Malignant tumours, 1994).
both primary and those metastasized to the jaws, Musculoskeletal pain is related to TMP and was
usually produce deep, boring pain associated with discussed extensively above.
paraesthesia (Massey et al 1981). Vascular pain was discussed under the section
Pain from salivary glands is localized to the on primary vascular-type craniofacial pain. In
affected gland, may be quite severe, and, when addition, pain in the facial area may also be
associated with a blocked salivary duct, is inten- associated with occlusive vascular disease, such as
sified by increased saliva production, such as that temporal arteritis (Paine 1977). External carotid
occurring before meals. The salivary gland is occlusive disease has been described as a cause of
swollen and extremely sensitive to palpation. facial pain (Herishanu et al 1974), and carotid
Salivary flow from the affected gland is usually system arteritis is an important entity in the
reduced and sometimes abolished completely. differential diagnosis of facial pain (Troiano and
Pain may be associated with fever and malaise. Gaston 1975). 193

Table 13.3 Differential diagnosis of orofacial (excluding primary vascular-type) pain

Clinical pain states

Dental TMP TMJ (ID) Sinusitis (maxillary) Salivary glands Trigeminal neuralgia Atypical deafferent

Location Mouth, ear, Angle of mandible, TMJ, ear Cheek, zygomatic Area of gland Nerve distribution Diffuse, may cross midline
jaws, cheek temple, jaws area

Localization Poor, radiating, Diffuse but usually Localized, usually Usually localized, Usually good Good, in the Poor, may change location
does not cross unilateral good may radiate trigeminal distribution

Duration Minutes to hours Weeks to years Weeks to years Days to weeks Hours to days Seconds Weeks to years

Character Intermittent, Dull, continuous, Deep, boring Dull, boring, pressing Drawing, pulling Lancinating, Dull, boring, continuous
of pain sharp, paroxysmal annoying paroxysmal

Pain intensity Mild to severe Mild to moderate Mild to moderate Mild to severe Moderate to severe Severe Mild to severe

Precipitating Hot and cold Yawning, chewing Yawning, chewing Bending, head Eating, especially Touch, vibration, cold Stress, fatigue
factors foods movement sour food wind

Associated Caries Limited mouth Click in TMJ, Cheek oedema, Blockage of salivary Facial tic Sometimes scarring
signs opening deviation of infraorbital nerve flow, salivary
mouth opening hypoaesthesia gland swelling

Pain Cold/hot Masticatory muscle TMJ palpation Pressure on sinus Pressure to gland, Touch of trigger Rubbing of scar if present
duplication application palpation wall, head bending citric acid to tongue point

Sleep May disturb Does not disturb May disturb May disturb May disturb Does not disturb Does not disturb

Treatment Endodontic, tooth Physiotherapy Bitegaurd, Antibiotic Antibiotics, Carbamazepine TCA, clonazepam
restoration behavioural TCA NSAID, TCA decongestants blockage removal baclofen, nerve behavioural
block, neurosurgery

TMP = temporomandibular pain; ID = internal derangement; TMJ = temporomandibular joint; NSAID = non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; TCA = tricyclic antidepressant drugs.
Neuropathic pain is primarily expressed in
Orofacial pain

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Trigeminal, eye, and ear pain

Joanna M Zakrzewska

Introduction Trigeminal neuralgia

This chapter covers pain that can occur in the area Background information
of the face bounded by the distribution of the
trigeminal nerve. It includes pain in and around the The IASP definition of trigeminal neuralgia is
eyes and ears but excludes pain in the oral cavity or ‘sudden, usually unilateral, severe, brief, stabbing,
associated with the temporomandibular joint and recurrent pains in the distribution of one or more
deals primarily with chronic pain. branches of the fifth cranial nerve’. Secondary or
An evidence-based approach to the management symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia is caused by a
of facial pain is presented. Readers are encouraged demonstrable, structural lesion such as a tumour,
to regularly use updated resources when deciding aneurysm, or multiple sclerosis. It is a rare disease
on the optimal treatment. These resources include (Zakrzewska and Hamlyn 1999) most commonly
Best Evidence, The Cochrane Library, Clinical Evidence, linked with multiple sclerosis. Its aetiology and
evidence-based journals that summarize data, pathophysiology remain controversial, and it is
online databases, and nationally produced guide- postulated that a blood vessel compresses the
lines. The data found must then be critically trigeminal nerve in the root entry zone in the
appraised (Sackett et al 2000). The diagnostic criteria posterior fossa (Burchiel and Slavin 2000).
proposed by the International Association for the
Study of Pain (IASP) (Anonymous 1994) or the
International Headache Society (IHS) (Anonymous
Clinical features
1988) are listed in Table 14.1, and will be used The validity and reliability of the various diag-
throughout this chapter. The epidemiology of facial nostic criteria have not been ascertained using
pain has been reviewed in Epidemiology of Pain evidence-based methodology. Drangshott and
(Zakrzewska and Hamlyn 1999). Truelove (2001) have shown that the key diagnostic

Clinical pain states

Table 14.1 Differential diagnosis of facial pain by Table 14.2 Trigeminal neuralgia: diagnostic clinical criteria
location or type
1. aCharacter Shooting, electric shock, sharp,
Condition Prevelance superficial
2. aSeverity Moderate to most severe
Eye Corneal abrasions Relatively
common 3. Duration Each episode of pain lasts less than a
Iritis, ant. uveitis Relatively rare few seconds, numerous episodes
Optic neuritis Relatively rare during the day
Acute angle Relatively
closure glaucoma common 4. aPeriodicity Periods of weeks, months when no
Tolosa–Hunt Rare pain; also, pain-free periods between
Raeder’s syndrome Rare attacks

Otolaryngological Sinusitis Very common 5. aSite Distribution of the trigeminal nerve

Otitis externa Relatively area, mostly unilateral
6. Radiation Within trigeminal nerve area, rarely
Otitis media Relatively
7. aProvoking Light touch such as eating, talking,
Orodental Salivary gland Rare
features washing
TMJ Common
Dental disease Very common 8. Relieving Often sleep, anticonvulsant drugs
Neuralgias Trigeminal Relatively rare features
Glossopharyngeal Very rare
Postherpetic Relatively rare 9. Associated Trigger areas, weight loss, poor
trigeminal features quality of life, depression
Pretrigeminal Rare
SUNCT Rare The IHS classification suggests that at least four of these must be
present to make the diagnosis.
Cluster headaches Relatively rare
Geniculate Relatively rare
(Ramsay Hunt)

Psychogenic/ Atypical facial Infrequent most frequently used words are sharp, shooting,
somatizers pain unbearable, stabbing, exhausting, tender, vicious,
Vascular Migraine Common
terrifying, and torturing. The McGill Pain
Giant cell arteritis Relatively rare Questionnaire has also shown that some patients
Aneurysym Rare additionally have a dull, aching, continuous
component to their pain (Zakrzewska et al 1999).
Neoplasia Sinus, posterior Rare
fossa, ear The severity of trigeminal neuralgia varies from
moderate to most severe. It is generally accepted
Referred From other organs Rare that pain severity increases with time but there
have been no formal studies to validate this. During
an attack of severe pain the face may be distorted or
features have a high sensitivity and these are ‘freeze’ and hands may be put in front of the face as
summarized in Table 14.2. At present the diagnosis if to protect it without touching it. Patients may also
of trigeminal neuralgia is made principally on the cry out with pain. These non-verbal behaviours are
history, which must be taken with utmost care and useful clues as to the severity of the pain.
non-verbal behaviour should be noted. Patients Another important characteristic is the siting
should be encouraged to ‘tell their own story’ as the of the pain, unilaterally distributed along the
words used to describe the character of the pain, trigeminal nerve. Around 4% of patients will have
such as shock-like, lightning, shooting, and an bilateral pain but it rarely occurs simultaneously.
electric current, its severity, and periodicity are often There is a slight right-sided predominance, around
pathognomonic of the condition. This can then be 60%, but there seems to be no relationship to
supplemented by the McGill Pain Questionnaire, handedness (Rothman and Wepsic 1974). All three
which discriminates well between trigeminal divisions may be affected, and the most commonly
neuralgia and atypical facial pain (Melzack et al affected divisions are the second and third, together.
1986). Not only does the McGill Pain Questionnaire The rarest division is that of the ophthalmic branch.
provide details of the characteristics of the pain The timing of the pain attacks is highly
200 but it also gives an indication of its severity. The significant. Each single burst of severe pain usually
lasts for seconds but several of these may follow
Trigeminal, eye, and ear pain

mal measure of sensation, not only in the trigger

in quick succession before the nerve becomes zone division but also in the adjacent division
refractory so making it feel like minutes. After such (Nurmikko 1991). There is currently no evidence to
attacks patients often report residual, dull ache or suggest that these subtle findings reflect severity of
burning sensations. These attacks of pain diminish disease or predict the presence of compression.
at night, and patients can be free of pain for years Patients with neurological abnormalities or develop-
(6%), months (36%), weeks (16%), or only days ing or progressive intractable pain often have
(16%). Diurnal constant pain can be present in 4% secondary trigeminal neuralgia. Nurmikko and
of patients and 23% had no recordable pain-free Eldridge (2001) suggest that there are several types
intervals (Rasmussen 1990, 1991). Katusic et al of trigeminal neuralgia and call these typical and
(1990), in their epidemiological survey of 75 patients, atypical trigeminal neuralgia and trigeminal neuro-
found that the median length of an episode of pain pathy. This latter group has pain that is more
was 49 days and the mean was 116 days with a continuous, and on examination large allodynic
range of 1–462 days. Up to 58% of patients have areas as well as sensory loss are found.
long, spontaneous remission periods and these
tend to occur early in the disease process (Kurland
Pain is characteristically triggered by light touch There is, as yet, no highly specific or sensitive test
with the major precipitating factors being chewing to confirm the diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia.
and talking (76%), touching (65%), and cold (48%) Computer tomography (CT) and magnetic reso-
(Rasmussen 1991). A trigger zone can be identified nance imaging (MRI) are used to identify patients
in 50% of these patients. Apart from avoiding with multiple sclerosis or tumours and should be
touching and moving their faces, patients can do done in those patients with neurological changes
little to gain relief without recourse to drug therapy. that are progressive or develop as new features.
It is important to enquire how patients cope Magnetic resonance angiography with weighted
with the pain and what strategies they adopt to spin echo sequences is used prior to surgery to
deal with it. Many patients will avoid precipitating assess compression of the trigeminal nerve in the
factors and so will lose weight, avoid cleaning their posterior fossa. These techniques have not been
teeth on the affected side, and reduce their social- evaluated according to evidence-based medicine
izing, especially if it involves eating and talking. methodology (Sackett et al 2000) but an evaluation
Patients with trigeminal neuralgia, especially when of the current status can be found in a review article
going through a bout of severe pain, will suffer of diagnosis and differential diagnosis of trigeminal
from anhedonia and even depression (Zakrzewska neuralgia (Zakrzewska 2002). Baseline haematolo-
and Thomas 1993, Zakrzewska et al 1999). gical and biochemical tests (urea and electrolytes,
Using a variety of measures, including the liver function) are essential prior to use of drugs.
Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Marbach
and Lund (1981) failed to differentiate between
different facial pain syndromes. On the Illness
Behaviour Questionnaire patients with trigeminal The wide range of treatments currently in use
neuralgia scored higher on denial and low on for trigeminal neuralgia and lack of randomized
affective inhibition when compared to other facial controlled multinational trials are ample evidence
pain patients. They had normal scores on hypo- that there is no simple answer to how trigeminal
chondriasis and irritability but were convinced that neuralgia should be managed. Trials in patients
there was a physical cause for their disease (Gordon with trigeminal neuralgia are difficult to conduct for
and Hitchcock 1983). Patients with trigeminal a number of reasons: its relative rarity, its unknown
neuralgia also score lower on neuroticism when aetiology, its natural history of spontaneous
tested on the Eysenck Personality Inventory remissions, its varying severity, and lack of an
(Gordon and Hitchcock 1983). objective diagnostic test. Currently, there are no
agreed guidelines on the conduct of trials such as
have been prepared in other disciplines, e.g., cluster
Examination headaches (Lipton et al 1995). There is no consensus
Gross neurological examination rarely shows up any on what outcome parameters should be used and
abnormalities in idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia. how they should be measured. No surveys have
However, instrumental examination shows that been done to ascertain what outcomes the patients
over 50% of patients may have at least one abnor- themselves would expect given that a complete 201
Clinical pain states

cure is rarely achieved and most treatments have The effectiveness of the following drugs is based
side effects. on the review in Clinical Evidence (Zakrzewska
2002). Tizanidine’s, lamotrigine’s, and baclofen’s
Medical management effectiveness have not been proven due to lack of
A systematic review of the use of anticonvulsants in large trials. Pimozide produced better results than
the management of acute and chronic neuropathic carbamazepine but 40 out of 48 patients reported
pain, which includes trigeminal neuralgia, has been adverse reactions, which limits its use (Lechin et al
completed (McQuay et al 1995) and is kept updated 1989). Tocainide is harmful and proparacaine is
on the Cochrane database. There is also a regularly unlikely to be beneficial. Numerous other drugs
updated review in Clinical Evidence (Zakrzewska that have never been evaluated in any form of trial
2002). The results are listed in Table 14.3. are being used and some of these are listed in Table
Carbamazepine is likely to be beneficial and 14.4, with proposed maximum dosages.
remains the gold standard. The incidence of side Anticonvulsant drugs, especially initially, are
effects is often higher in the elderly and those in the treatment of choice but the timing of surgery is
whom the drug and dose escalations are introduced controversial. Most physicians and patients opt for
rapidly. Haematological adverse reactions include a surgery when medical management either fails
lowering of the white cell count and megaloblastic to give pain relief or results in unacceptable side
anaemia associated with folic acid deficiency. effects. However, some surgeons argue that surgery
Carbamazepine hypersensitivity in the form of an reduces damage to the trigeminal nerve and results
allergic rash may occur in up to 10% of patients. At in fewer recurrences if done early and that fewer
high concentrations, fluid retention can occur in postoperative complications occur, as patients are
patients with cardiac problems and the risk of younger and medically fitter (Burchiel and Slavin
hyponatraemia increases with age, higher carba- 2000, Zakrzewska 2002).
mazepine serum concentrations, and the use of
diuretics. As carbamazepine is a potent hepatic Surgical management
enzyme inducer, it results in numerous drug Hundreds of reports on the surgical management
interactions that can result in variable side effects. of trigeminal neuralgia have been published but

Table 14.3 Drugs used in the management of trigeminal neuralgia which have been evaluated in randomized controlled
trials or controlled trials

Report Type of Drug daily dose/control No. of Efficacy

study patients NNT NNH

Campbell et al 1998 RCT Carbamazepine 400–800 mg/placebo 77 2.8 4.3

Killian and Fromm 1968 RCT Carbamazepine 400 mg–1 g/placebo 30 1.4 1.6

Nicol 1969 RCT Carbamazepine 100 mg–2.4 g/placebo 54 –9.3 3.7

Vilming et al 1986 RCT Tizanidine 18 mg/carbamazepine 900 mg 12 Worse tizanidine NS

Fromm et al 1993 CT Tizanidine 12 mg/carbamazepine 11 2** NS

Lindstrom and RCT Tocainide 20 mg/kg/carbamazepine 12 Equal result 3

Lindblom 1987

Lechin et al 1989 RCT Pimozide 4–12 mg/carbamazepine 68 1 2.9

300 mg–1.2 g

Zakrzewska et al 1997 RCT *Lamotrigine 400 mg/placebo 13 2.1 NS

Fromm et al 1984 CT Baclofen 40–80 mg/placebo 10 1.4 NS

Fromm and Terrence 1987 CT Racemic baclofen 60 mg/L-baclofen 6–12 mg 15 2 2

Kondziolka et al 1994 RCT Proparcaine eyedrops 0.5%/placebo 25 NS —

RCT, randomized controlled trial; CT, controlled trial, not randomized double blind; *, add on therapy; **, short term; NNT, number needed to
treat; NNH, number needed to harm; NS, not significant.
Table 14.4 Reported daily dosages of drugs used in Kaplan–Meier probability methodology. No studies
Trigeminal, eye, and ear pain

trigeminal neuralgia. Many of these have not been have assessed outcome in terms of quality of life
evaluated in trials and dosages are based on case series
(Nurmikko et al 2001, Zakrzewska 2002)
or ability to carry out daily activities. No economic
evaluations are available for a single surgical
Drug Daily dose procedure (Zakrzewska 2002).
The ideal procedure should fulfil the following
Baclofen 50–80 mgb criteria: be easy to perform, require no sophistica-
Carbamazepinea 300–1000 mg ted equipment, be repeatable if necessary, give
immediate pain relief, have no or low recurrence
Clonazepam 4–8 mg
rates, be free of risks and side effects, provide
Gabapentin 1800–3600 mg excellent quality of life, and be low cost. The
following account of surgical management at three
Lamotrigine 200–400 mgb
different levels, peripheral, Gasserian ganglion,
Oxcarbazepine 300–1200 mg and posterior fossa, is, unfortunately, biased due to
lack of evidence. The major procedures will be
Phenytoin 200–300 mg
described next, and they are compared in Table 14.5
Topiramate 25–250 mg using data only from larger, more complete studies.
Tizanidine 6–18 mg
Peripheral surgery
Valproic acid 600–1200 mg Two randomized controlled trials have been done
Evaluated in randomized controlled trials. to assess the value of injections of streptomycin
Slow dose escalation is recommended. with lidocaine (lignocaine) as compared to lidocaine
(lignocaine) on its own (Stajcic et al 1990, Bittar and
Graff-Radford 1993). Both studies showed that
lidocaine (lignocaine) on its own was as effective as
streptomycin. Table 14.6 lists, in general, the advan-
there are only two randomized controlled trials, tages and disadvantages of peripheral treatments,
each on peripherally injected streptomycin. There which vary depending on whether the nerve is
are no well-designed cohort studies performed visualized, as in cryotherapy or neurectomy, or
prospectively with concurrent or even historical whether the procedures are done using a blind
controls. Most of the cohort studies are retro- technique, e.g., alcohol, streptomycin injections,
spective and have no controls. There is only one peripheral radiofrequency thermocoagulation.
prospective, longitudinal study and a few prospec- Most of these procedures can be done under
tive ones. Most of the available data are in the form local anaesthesia with sedation although in some it
of descriptive studies and few have used indepen- is technically easier to use a general anaesthetic.
dent observers to assess outcome. The expertise of The various techniques used for each of the indi-
the surgeon is known to affect outcome. Very few vidual procedures are described in greater detail
studies give full details of diagnostic criteria, in the chapter on Trigeminal Neuralgia (Zakrzewska
including inclusion and exclusion criteria. Rarely 2002) but personally I think there are currently very
are the criteria for classification of recurrences few indications for these techniques.
given and few authors provide definitions of the
terminology used, e.g., anaesthesia dolorosa, dys- Surgery at the level of the Gasserian
aesthesia, hyperaesthesia. An outcome measure is ganglion
rarely defined, and in the vast majority pain is Surgery at this level relies on the principle that a
measured solely on a verbal rating scale using needle is guided through the foramen ovale into
an ordinal scale of 1–3. Only a handful of papers the Gasserian ganglion or the surrounding tri-
give measurements of preoperative pain. Length of geminal cistern. This is done utilizing fluoroscopic
follow-up is extremely variable, some series do not techniques, and then other instruments or
even provide details, and others exclude patients substances can be passed through this wide-bore
lost to follow-up. Timings of the assessments are needle. These techniques are mostly done under
extremely variable as most studies are conducted at sedation or a brief general anaesthetic, which
a particular time point and so the patients are at rarely requires endotracheal intubation. Patients,
different stages of follow-up. Data analysis is very therefore, can have these procedures done as day
variable, and it is only possible to compare those cases or, at the most, a 1- to 2-day inpatient stay.
series that have used analysis such as the The reader is referred to more surgical details in 203
Clinical pain states

Table 14.5 Comparison of different surgical techniques used for the management of trigeminal neuralgia at the level of
the Gasserian ganglion (procedures 1–3) or posterior fossa (procedures 4, 5) (Burchiel 1996, Nurmikko and Eldridge 2001,
Zakrzewska 2002)

1. Radiofrequency 2. Glycerol 3. Microcompression 4. Stereotactic 5. Microvascular

thermocoagulation decompression surgery

Age of patient Any age Any age Any age Any age Preferably under
years 65

Medical fitness Care needed if Care needed if Care needed with Any patient Medically fit only
of patient bleeding problems bleeding problems cardiac patients

Ease of Need to wake No need to wake Need a larger bore Multidisciplinary Needs
technique patient during patient needle so may be team considerable
procedure more difficult to skill

Specialized Lesioning None needed None needed Very specialized Operating

equipment machine equipment microscope

Type of Short-acting GA, Light GA, sedation, Light GA, sedation, Local anaesthesia Full general
anaesthesia sedation no need to wake no need to wake with sedation anaesthesia
patient patient

Perioperative Haemorrhage Bradycardia, Bradycardia, None reported All the usual

complications hypotension hypertension reported with

Repeatability Easy Easy Easy Probably can Rarely repeated

be repeated

Length of stay Day stay Day stay Day stay 24 hours One week
in hospital

Specificity of Difficult to be Can vary area Difficult to be Specific with Highly specific
area lesioned specific of treatment specific MRI

Immediacy of Immediate Can be delayed Immediate Median time May be delayed

pain relief for days 4 weeks up to
6 months

Recurrence rates Mean 3–5 years Mean 2–3 years Mean 4–5 years 48–32% recurrence Low, 10 years 70%
at 36 months pain free

Morbidity Low outside Low outside Low outside Low outside Transient cranial
trigeminal nerve trigeminal nerve trigeminal nerve trigeminal nerve, nerve, may be
little long-term data up to 10%

Mortality Very low One reported None reported None reported Up to 0.5%

Sensory loss Always present, Little V3 often affected 12% partial loss None
related to
temperature used

Anaesthesia 0.3–4% None reported None reported One reported None reported

Eye complications Keratitis, 0.5–3% None reported Very rare None reported Diplopia rare

Hearing 1% transient None reported None reported None reported 4% may have
complications hearing loss

Masticatory 10% None reported Common, 100% One reported Rare

complications for 3 months,
permanent 3%

Number of Very large series Reasonably large Small Small Large


Table 14.6 Advantages and disadvantages of peripheral contrast medium. The radiocontrast medium is
Trigeminal, eye, and ear pain

treatments then drained out and glycerol slowly injected by

the same amount as previously estimated on
Advantages Disadvantages cisternography. By the use of careful positioning
Most do not require Short-term relief—months and injection, the ophthalmic branch may be
general anaesthesia spared.
Can be done at any age Often need adjuvant
Microcompression of the Gasserian
Patients do not need to be Repeat procedures The trigeminal nerve is compressed with a small
medically fit common
balloon and the ischaemia damages the rootlets and
Relatively easy to perform Sensory loss can occur ganglion cells.
Once entry has been gained into the Gasserian
Most reversible Only possible if there is a
discrete trigger point ganglion, a Fogarty embolectomy catheter is
inserted through the needle and inflated with non-
Can be repeated ionic water-soluble radiocontrast until it assumes a
Minor side effects pear shape. The length of time for inflation varies
from 0.5 to 1 min.
No mortality

Immediate treatment in the case of injections Posterior fossa surgery

Apart from the use of the gamma knife, surgery at
the level of the posterior fossa is major surgery that,
inevitably, carries with it a risk of mortality, which
may be up to 0.5% in some less experienced centres,
textbooks on trigeminal neuralgia (Rovit et al 1990) and a morbidity of around 26%.
or to neurosurgical articles (Burchiel 1996).
Mortalities with these techniques are very rare and Microvascular decompression
morbidity is mainly in relation to damage to the Microvascular decompression entails entry into the
trigeminal nerve, the major complication being posterior fossa and visualization of the trigeminal
sensory loss. These are neurodestructive procedures. nerve at its junction with the pons. Using micro-
Recurrence rates are between 3 and 5 years. scopic techniques, blood vessels and lesions are
identified and removed from direct contact with the
Radiofrequency thermocoagulation trigeminal nerve. A pre-operative MRI helps to
A precisely controlled heat source differentially identify these vessels. This is a non destructive
destroys pain fibres, A-δ and C, while preserving procedure.
light-touch A-fibres. Once the needle is in place and If no compression of the nerve is identified,
its position confirmed on fluoroscopy, the stilette is some neurosurgeons will proceed to partial sensory
removed and a radiofrequency electrode thermis- rhizotomy. This involves the division of the sensory
tor, of varying length and curvature depending on root of the trigeminal nerve. It will, inevitably,
the number of divisions to be treated, is inserted. result in sensory loss.
The patient is woken while small pulses are passed
so that details can be obtained as to the stimulation Stereotactic radiosurgery—gamma knife
of the trigger zone and the potential area of anaes- The procedure is carried out under local anaes-
thesia to be achieved. The patient is then anaesthe- thesia with light sedation and patients can be dis-
tized more fully and the lesions are made at charged within 24 h. MRI sequencing is performed
temperatures varying from 69 to 90oC for periods in order to identify the trigeminal nerve in its
varying from 30 to 300 s. course from the pons into the Gasserian ganglion.
Radiosurgical doses of between 70 and 90 Gy are
Percutaneous retro-Gasserian glycerol normally used. The radiosurgery planning and
injection dose selection are performed by a combination of
Glycerol is a chemoneurotoxic substance that has a neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists, and medical
slow, non selective neurolytic effect as it diffuses physicists. The morbidity from gamma knife
slowly out of the cistern around the surface of the irradiation is much smaller given that this is a non-
nerve. Once the needle is introduced into the invasive procedure but its long-term effects have
cistern, this is visualized by the injection of radio- not been evaluated (Nurmikko and Eldridge 2001). 205
Clinical pain states

Additional management 5. Psychological support, treatment of anxiety,

It is inevitable that severe and intractable chronic and depression is important. Contact with a
pain leads to psychological and behavioural support group can be extremely helpful.
disturbances. Little attention has been paid to this Trigeminal neuralgia remains an enigma and its
aspect of management when describing medical management is controversial, not least because
or surgical procedures (Zakrzewska et al 1999). of the lack of multicentre, randomized controlled
Referral to a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist trials.
may, in some patients, be of more importance
than other forms of treatment, especially in those
patients who do not present with classic features or
have a recurrence of pain. Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
Allaying fear and anxiety and reducing depres-
Background information
sion, if present, can have considerable effect on
reducing pain. Patients should be taught how to Sudden, severe, brief, stabbing, recurrent pains in
develop coping strategies and pain diaries are the distribution of the glossopharyngeal nerve is
extremely useful in monitoring response to drugs. the definition provided by the IASP. This is a rare
Patients in control of their management are likely to condition and there are no data on its prevalence.
do better. Support or self-help groups fulfil an Its incidence is 0.7 per 100,000 (Katusic et al 1991).
important role as they allow consumers to have a The mechanism may be similar to that of trigeminal
greater say in the direction of research. In the USA neuralgia with compression of nerve roots.
and UK there are national Trigeminal Neuralgia
Associations, which provide access to information
and patient contacts and both have internet sites Clinical features
( and http://www. All patients should be given ade- The pain is usually unilateral predominantly left
quate information, both verbally and in writing, sided, distributed within the posterior part of the
e.g., leaflet on facial pain available from the Brain tongue, tonsillar fossa, and pharynx or beneath
and Spine Foundation, 7 Winchester House, the angle of the jaw or even the ear and may radiate
Kennington Park, Cranmer Road, London SW9 6EJ. to the mandibular area, eye, nose, and maxilla.
Physicians and surgeons must avoid bias and be The pain is:
prepared to explain all forms of treatment even if • sharp, shooting in quality but a dull, aching,
they do not do the full range, as only then will burning pain is often present
patients be able to give fully informed consent. • extremely severe but less severe than trigeminal
Guidelines for management • episodic but has fewer recurrences than in
patients with trigeminal neuralgia
1. Detailed history and examination. • provoked by factors such as swallowing, contact
2. MRI on patients with rapidly progressing, with fluids, especially cold ones, yawning,
severe trigeminal neuralgia, sensory loss, or talking, and moving the head
other symptoms in relation to possible lesion or • immediately relieved by the application of a
multiple sclerosis. Very young patients. 10% solution of cocaine to the trigger zone
3. Medical management initially with carbamaze- • may be associated with syncope and cardiac
pine up to 1 g daily. Then trial of other drugs. arrhythmias.
4. Surgical management is proposed if drug Examination shows no gross neurological
therapy becomes ineffective or quality of life is deficits (Rushton et al 1981, Katusic et al 1991,
adversely affected by side effects. In deciding Ceylan et al 1997).
which surgery to choose, the age of the patient,
medical history, recurrence rate, and sensory
loss, with its effect on quality of life, need to be
taken into account. Surgery at the posterior
fossa level is advocated for the medically fit MRI of the posterior fossa or vertebral angiograms
patient. Patients need to be aware of the risks have been used but there have been no studies
and balance these against a high chance of specifically to investigate glossopharyngeal neural-
206 long-term but not permanent relief of pain. gia and assess their specificity and sensitivity.
Trigeminal, eye, and ear pain

monia, encephalitis, polyneuritis, and motor

Guidelines for management
Not a single randomized controlled trial has been
carried out in this group of patients. Treatment,
therefore, is based on case series and relies on Investigation
comparison with trigeminal neuralgia. Drugs used
In most patients laboratory confirmation is not
are the same as for trigeminal neuralgia while
necessary although immunocompromised patients
surgery has included radiofrequency thermo-
and those who have an unusual form or progres-
coagulation and microvascular decompression, not
sion may need further investigations, which would
without complications (Resnick et al 1995).
include polymerase chain reactions on vesicle
scrapings, CSF, or vitreous aspirates.
Acute herpes zoster trigeminal
Background information Guidelines for acute management
The aim of treatment is to reduce the duration and
Pain in the distribution of the trigeminal nerve is
spread of the rash. It is also important to attempt to
associated with acute herpes zoster. Its annual
reduce the frequency and severity of complications,
incidence in the UK is 3.4/1000, and it changes with
including those of postherpetic neuralgia. Lancaster
age (Hope-Simpson 1975). From these up to 20% of
et al (1995) carried out a systematic review of
patients may have trigeminal herpes zoster and out
primary care management of acute herpes zoster
of this group, 50% will have involvement of the eye
from randomized controlled trials up until 1993,
itself. Acute and long-term complications are
which has been reviewed for the Cochrane Library.
common, especially in the elderly.
Since then, the British Society for the Study of
Infection has also produced guidelines for the
Clinical features management of shingles (Anonymous 1995). The
following are suggested:
The mouth is involved in maxillary and mandi-
bular cases, whereas the nasolabial area is often 1. Oral antiviral agent, e.g., aciclovir 800 mg tds
involved in ophthalmic division pain. The conti- or valaciclovir 100 mg tds or famciclovir
nuous pain in any division (mainly unilateral) is 500 mg tds within 72 h of onset, continued for
extremely severe and described as burning and 7 days may be of value.
tingling with sharp, shooting exacerbation. Pain 2. Ophthalmic involvement requires an opinion
may occur at any time, either before the eruption of within 72 h and all need treatment.
the vesicles, during the eruption, or after, and last 3. Topical eye steroids—only under the guidance
from one to several weeks. It can gradually merge of an ophthalmologist.
into postherpetic neuralgia pain. There are no
provoking factors and only drug therapy provides
relief of symptoms. Associated with the pain are a Postherpetic neuralgia
generalized fever, headaches, and malaise. Background information
The eye may initially be red prior to the eruption
of the vesicles. Vasculitis occurs within the ophthal- The IHS and IASP have varying definitions for this
mic division. Any structure within or surrounding pain subsequent to acute herpes zoster. The risk of
the orbit may be involved, leading to any of the postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) may be as high as
following: eyelid scarring, keratitis and scleritis, 20% in those over 60 years with it rising to 34% in
iritis, glaucoma, and retinal necrosis. Ulceration those over 80 years (Hope-Simpson 1975).
and chronic scarring of the cornea can result in
future blindness. Involvement of extraocular
muscles occurs if optic neuritis develops.
Clinical features
On the skin the small cluster of vesicles in the Patients may present with three different types of
distribution of the affected nerve slowly enlarge, pain, all in the distribution of the affected cranial
become pustular and later haemorrhagic. The nerve or division. The pain does not radiate
lesions take 1–2 weeks to crust over. The lymph extensively, may be described as aching, burning,
nodes draining the area may become tender and or lancinating, and is usually of moderate severity
enlarged. Immunocompromised patients are at although it can become intolerable. The pain can
risk of more systemic complications such as pneu- last from months to years. The allodynia is often 207
Clinical pain states

triggered by light touch such as clothing or is not gender or age specific. The infection in most
washing the face. It can be cold induced. Associated cases is due to bacterial causes, and the common
with the pain is a sensory deficit in all modalities organisms are Haemophilus influenzae and Strepto-
including perception of warmth, cold, heat, pain, coccus pneumoniae. Acute sinusitis is reviewed in
touch, pinprick, vibration, and two-point discri- Best Evidence under diagnostic strategies for
mination. Patients will often be anxious and Common Medical Problems (Chodosh 1999).
depressed. Cutaneous scarring and pigmentary
changes may be seen. Abnormal responses are
noted on sensory testing. Clinical features
Williams et al (1992) have shown that a diagnosis
of sinusitis is likely to be correct in 92% of patients
Guidelines on management if all the following are present: no improvement
A review of interventions to prevent PHN and the on use of decongestants, report of coloured nasal
effects of treatments in established PHN have been discharge, maxillary toothache, presence of
published and are kept updated in Clinical Evidence coloured discharge, and transillumination.
(Lancaster et al 2002). The Cochrane database of
reviews of effectiveness as well as the CRD data-
bases have reviews with appraisals. These are Investigations
summarized in Table 14.7. Chodosh (1999) in his review in Best Evidence
suggests that radiological investigations should be
reserved for complicated cases and those failing
Sinusitis to respond to treatment as underlying systemic
disease or carcinoma may be present.
Sinusitis is defined as inflammation of any sinus,
leading to a constant burning pain over the site of
the sinus with a nasal discharge. Sinusitis, espe- Del Mar et al (2002) have published a review of
cially maxillary sinusitis, is extremely common and treatments of upper respiratory tract infection

Table 14.7 Management of postherpetic neuralgia: drugs and daily dosage

Beneficial Likely to be beneficial Unknown Unlikely to be Likely to be ineffective

or beneficial effectiveness effective or harmful

Preventing Oral antivirals: aciclovir Corticosteroids may

postherpetic 4 g daily for 7 days; disseminate herpes
neuralgia famciclovir 500 mg–1 g; zoster
valaciclovir 3 g; SE: headache,
nausea; AR: nil reported

Amitriptyline 25 mg Levadopa, amantadine, Topical idoxuridine

for 90 days; SE: dry adenosine,
mouth, sedation, monophosphate,
urinary difficulties; isoprinosine
AR: nil

Relieving Amitriptyline; desipramine; Epidural morphine—

established SE: dry mouth, sedation, poorly tolerated;
postherpetic urinary difficulties; AR: heart dextro-methorphan—no
neuralgia block and syncope in relief
desipramine patient

Gabapentin; SE: Topical lidocaine

drowsiness, ataxia, (lignocaine), topical
peripheral oedema; capsaicin,
AR: nil oxycodone

Based on review in Clinical Evidence, Issue 6 (Lancaster et al 2002)

Trigeminal, eye, and ear pain

Table 14.8 Rare conditions that cause pain in the trigeminal, ear, and eye regions (most recent references cited)
Tolosa–Hunt SUNCTa Geniculate neuralgia Raeder’s syndrome Pretrigeminal
syndrome (Ramsay Hunt) (paratrigeminal) neuralgia

Definition Episodic unilateral Repetitive paroxysms Severe pain in Painful type of Prodromal pain
orbital pain of short-lasting external auditory Horner’s syndrome prior to
associated with pain associated meatus following trigeminal
ophthalmoplegia with eye and herpes zoster neuralgia
nasal symptoms

Epidemiology Rare, mean age of Very rare, middle Rare, incidence Rare, mainly males, Rare, 52 cases
onset 40 yrs, M=F age M:F, 4:0.25 5/100 000 per year middle age reported, age
late 50s

Aetiology Fibrous tissue Unknown, may be Related to herpes Tumour, trauma for As for
formation in the abnormal cerebral zoster infection type 1, unknown trigeminal
cavernous sinus and circulation for type 2 neuralgia
surrounding area,
venous vasculitis

Site: Eye, unilateral Ocular, periocular, Deep in external Unilateral Unilateral,

unilateral auditory meatus trigeminal

Radiation Periorbital, behind Frontotemporal, Postauricular Upper part of Other divisions,

the eye upper jaw, palate face, forehead teeth

Character Ache Burning, electrical, Sharp, lancinating Aching, Dull, aching,

stabbing non-pulsatile toothache-like

Severity Moderate to severe Moderate to severe Severe Mild to severe, Moderate


Duration Average 8 weeks 5–250 s, mean 61 s Several days to Long-lasting pain Up to several
weeks that gradually hours
builds up and
then diminishes

Periodicity Average 1 year, Several attacks a day, Continuous, a week Weeks to months, 3 months to
not all recur mean 28, periods of or so after eruption rarely recurs 10 yrs before
weeks to months trigeminal
and then remissions neuralgia

Provoking May be stress Mechanical, neck Strenuous exercise, Movement,

factors movements cardiovascular temperature
factors but not

Relieving factors Drugs Drugs slightly Drugs Analgesia Carbamazepine

Associated Back pain, cold Conjunctival injection, These may also be Ptosis, miosis, Often thought
factors feet, arthralgia, lacrimation, nasal present: hearing hypohidrosis in to have dental
gut problems, may stuffiness, loss, tinnitus, type 1, also problems
get other facial pain rhinorrhoea hyperacusis, vertigo, involvement of
in between without Bell’s palsy, any of the following
ophthalmoplegia, dysgeusia, epiphora cranial nerves II,
nasal, hearing III, IV, V, VI
deficit may also

Clinical signs Paralysis of one or Conjunctival injection, Nil Cranial nerve Nil
more nerves 3rd, forehead sweating abnormalities,
4th, 6th occurs unilateral most commonly
either at time of discrete
pain or later involvement of V

Clinical pain states

Table 14.8 Rare conditions that cause pain in the trigeminal, ear, and eye regions (most recent references cited) (cont’d)

Tolosa–Hunt SUNCTa Geniculate neuralgia Raeder’s syndrome Pretrigeminal

syndrome (Ramsay Hunt) (paratrigeminal) neuralgia

Investigations Orbital Orbital phlebography MRI shows Type 1 numerous Nil

phlebography shows venous enhancement of to find underlying
shows venous, vasculitis, MRI geniculate ganglion pathology, MRI
collateral venous and facial nerve,
flow and obstruction auditory tests to
of cavernous sinus, assess hearing loss
ESR, serum
inflammatory changes
may be raised, MRI
may need to be

Medical Steroids during an Poor response, to Aciclovir-prednisolone Analgesia for Carbamazepine,

treatment episode, rapid all drugs including (not RCT) type 2 baclofen
response, resistant indometacin
cases azothioprine,
follow-up with MRI

References Anon (1994), Anon (1994), Anon (1994), Anon (1994), Fromm et al
Forderreuther and Goadsby and Sweeney and Grimson and (1990)
Staube (1999) Lipton (1997) Gilden (2001) Thompson (1980)
SUNCT = short-lasting, unilateral neuralgiform pain with conjunctival infection and tearing. Other conditions that need to be considered in the
differential diagnosis, such as cluster headaches, paroxysmal hemicrania, cluster tic syndrome, and cranial arteritis are discussed in Chap. 15.
Atypical facial pain and TMJ pain are covered in Chap. 13.

including sinusitis, which is regularly updated, and Eye pain

the Cochrane Library carries systematic reviews. The
reviews suggest that antibiotics are likely to be Eye pain may be from eye disease itself or from
beneficial, although they must be balanced against other extraocular structures or may be referred
the potential for adverse effects. Decongestants are to the region of the eye. The majority of ocular
useful for short-term relief. diseases are not painful and referred pain may be
from structures as distant as the neck, jaws, sinuses,
or teeth (see Table 14.9). Most eye pain needs to be
Guidelines for management evaluated by an ophthalmologist because of the
specialized nature of the disease and the equipment
1. Careful assessment of symptoms and signs. required to evaluate the problem.
2. Sinus radiography, either plain or CT only in Eye pain can originate from the surface or from
refractory cases. the deeper structures of the globe. Superficial pain
3. Nasal decongestants. originating from structures like the cornea typically
4. Antibiotics in those patients with bacterial result in acute, sharp pain that is easily relieved
maxillary sinusitis: penicillin V and amoxicillin by local anaesthetic solutions. Diseases within the
are most commonly used for 7–10 days globe cause a dull, aching, deep type of pain that
(Williams et al 2001). results in tenderness of the globe on palpation. Iritis
and keratitis can cause reflex spasm of the ciliary
muscles and the iris sphincter, and this can lead
Rare pains of the face to pain over the brow area and painful light
Table 14.8 lists the principal features of some rare sensitivity. These deeper pains are more difficult to
pains of the face that need to be considered if other treat.
common causes are excluded. The data for all these Refractory errors due to hypermetropia, astig-
conditions are based on case series and there is very matism, or presbyopia or the wearing of incorrect
little evidence at present on how these conditions glasses can result in pain either in the eyes or
should be managed (Chong 2002). Both IASP and referred to the frontal region, which develops
210 IHS provide lists of their diagnostic criteria. throughout the day as more prolonged visual tasks
Table 14.9 Causes, presentation, and management of eye pain (most recent references cited)
Trigeminal, eye, and ear pain
Location Cause Signs and symptoms Principles of References RCTs

Corneal abrasion Foreign body, metallic Sharp stabbing, severe pain, Local anaesthesia may Kaiser (1995),
fragments, scratch, worse on blinking, often acute, aid removal of foreign Jayamanne et al
contact lens blepharospasm, photophobia, body, topical antibiotic, (1997)
red eye, lacrimation mydriatic, may patch
the eye if no overt

Corneal infection, Viral, e.g., herpes Dull, throbbing, persistent Antibiotics, antivirals, Barker (2002)R
keratitis, peripheral simplex, bacterial, severe pain, worse on moving topical steroids
corneal ulcers chronic use of eyelid, photophobia, tearing,
eye medication ulceration

Episcleritis, scleritis Often associated with Ocular discomfort, dull, Nil to topical steroids Watson et al
rheumatoid arthritis, throbbing photophobia, of varying strength (1973)
herpes zoster lacrimation, vision normal and frequency,
or reduced, cornea clear, pupil non-steroidal
normal or miosed anti-inflammatories,
cycloplegic agents

Iritis, anterior Granulomatous Pain most marked in Topical steroid eye Curi et al (2002)R
uveitis, caused by infective non-granulomatous, red drops may be
granulomatous or agents, non- eye, photophobia, blurred beneficial
non-granulomatous granulomatous due vision, often reduced vision,
to hypersensitivity pupil miosed, fixed

Acute angle Elevated intraocular Sudden onset, pain: throbbing, Emergency, carbonic Rossetti et al
closure glaucoma pressure due to dull, very severe at times; anhydrase inhibitors, (1993), O’Brien
impaired access of vomiting, dehydrated, blurring, hyperosmotics, topical and Diamond
aqueous to the halos, red eye, raised β-blockers, miotic (2001)R
drainage system intraocular pressure, drops, topical steroids,
oedematous cornea, mid may need surgery.
dilated oval fixed pupil, with Review showed no
pupillary block, reduced vision, treatments to be
cornea cloudy, tender to effective
touch, swollen

Optic neuritis Associated with Pain with eye movements, High-dose steroids Beck et al (1992,
multiple sclerosis tenderness of the globe 2001), Rodriguez
et al (1995)

R = recent reviews

are undertaken. Typically, the patient has no pain Optic neuritis

on wakening. Uncorrected squints can also lead to
mild-to-moderate headaches in the frontal region Background
and can also be associated with intermittent blurred This is a broad term denoting inflammation or
vision or diplopia and difficulty in adjusting focus demyelination of the optic nerve. One form of optic
from near to distant objects. Closing an eye often neuritis is retro-bulbar neuritis, which is often
relieves the symptoms. These conditions can easily diagnosed late, as the optic disc is involved deeply
be rectified by an ophthalmologist. and so signs are not seen on ophthalmological
Conditions that most often cause eye pain are examination. The median age of onset is 31 years
summarized in Table 14.9. The general principles of and the age- and sex-adjusted prevalence rate is
management are given but the reader is referred to 115.3 per 100 000 (95% CI, 95.2–135.4/100 000)
data from randomized controlled trials for more (Rodriguez et al 1995). Optic neuritis is most closely
evidence-based treatments. linked with multiple sclerosis and progression 211
Clinical pain states

increases with length of follow-up. It is regarded as weeks before loss of visual function and resolving
an immune-mediated inflammatory disorder. before visual improvement. The pain is deep-
seated, of a dull, throbbing character, and is made
Clinical features worse with specific eye movements. Other symp-
Pain is a prominent feature, often beginning 2 toms include loss of vision, which can vary and last

Table 14.10 Causes, presentation and management of primary otalgia

Location Condition Clinical features General principles of References to RCTs

management on management or
reviews (R)

Pinna Haematoma Blow to ear results in haematoma, Aspiration of clot and

ballooned blue pinna compression

Pinna Perichondritis Pain on moving pinna or tragus Antibiotic, incision

Pinna Acute dermatitis Oedematous, red auricle, serous Debridement, topical

fluid, painful when pinna moved steroids
Frostbite or burn Itchiness
to pinna

External auditory Foreign body History of insertion often by Removal of foreign Browning (2002)R
meatus children body by otologist
Wax impaction Deafness, itchiness Soften wax, remove
Otitis externa Bacterial or fungal, pain moderate Swab for culture and
to severe, increased by jaw sensitivity, aural toilet,
movement, irritation, scanty appropriate topical
discharge, deafness, tender on therapy
compression of tragus, red
desquamated meatal skin
Furunculosis Infection of hair follicle in meatus, Analgesics, aural
severe pain worse with jaw dressing, only in
movement and movement of severe cases
pinna, deafness, tenderness on systemic antibiotic
compression of tragus, boils seen
in meatus on examination
Malignant Pain becomes intractable and Radiotherapy and/or
disease very severe, bloodstained surgery
discharge from the ear, presents
as ulcer or friable mass
Acute otitis Earache is severe, throbbing, not Analgesics. If bacterial Glasziou et al
media exacerbated by movement of antibiotics, myringotomy, (1998), Williamson
pinna or tragus, child will cry and aural toilet if discharge, (2002)R
scream, deafness, pyrexia, follow-up, xylitol
tenderness, depending on stage chewing gum
of disease tympanic membrane
may be bulging or perforated
Chronic otitis Topical antibiotics, in
media children adenoidectomy
Acute mastoiditis Persistent throbbing pain with Antibiotics, cortical
tenderness over the mastoid mastoidectomy if
antrum, creamy discharge, indicated
increasing deafness, pyrexial,
malaise, swelling over mastoid
Petrositis Pain in trigeminal area, diplopia, Antibiotics and
(Gradenigo’s headache, signs of middle mastoidectomy
syndrome) ear infection
Secretory otitis Deafness, stuffy feeling in the Systemic steroids Rosenfeld and Post
media (glue ear) ear, transient pain, fluid in the combined with (1992), Acuin et al
middle ear, common in children antibiotics, (2001)
myringotomy, grommets,

RTC = randomized controlled trials, R = recent reviews.

for 2–6 weeks, central scotomas, or any unilateral
Trigeminal, eye, and ear pain
field change. The pupillary light reflex is sluggish
and there may also be impairment of colour vision. Pain in the trigeminal, ear, and eye regions is
The optic disc is initially normal in 65% of patients. extremely complex and may be due to a wide
Hyperaemia of the optic disc with distension of variety of causes. Diagnosis may be difficult but in
large veins is common (Beck et al 1992, 1993). most cases is based on a careful history. Treatments
The main differential diagnosis is that of papillo- involve a wide range of specialists and currently, in
oedema. Although multiple sclerosis is the most some conditions, there are very few randomized
likely disease, lupus erythematosus or optic neuro- controlled trials to help a clinician in managing the
pathy due to other demyelinating diseases such as condition.
diabetes or B12 deficiency may also occur. Optic
neuritis may also be drug induced or related to References
syphilis, sarcoidosis, and vascular disorders. Anonymous 1988 Classification and diagnostic criteria for headache
disorders, cranial neuralgias and facial pain. Headache
Investigations Classification Committee of the International Headache Society.
Cephalalgia 8 (suppl 7): 1–96
Abnormal visual evoked potentials are noted. Anonymous 1994 In: Merskey H, Bogduk N (eds) Classification of
chronic pain: descriptors of chronic pain syndromes and
Management definitions of pain terms. IASP Press, Seattle
Anonymous 1995 Guidelines for the management of shingles.
Treatment of acute optic neuritis with intravenous
Report of a working group of the British Society for the Study
methylprednisolone (1 g/day) improves short-term of Infection (BSSI). Journal of Infection 30(3): 193–200
(6 months) visual outcome but this tends not to in- Acuin J, Smith A, Mackenzie I 2001 Interventions for chronic
fluence the final disability or rate of further relapse suppurative otitis media. Cochrane Library, Issue 3 (CD-ROM)
(Beck et al 1992). Oral steroid therapy, however, Barker N 2002 Ocular herpes simplex. Clinical Evidence 7: 597–604
Beck RW, Henshaw K 2001 Corticosteroids for optic neuritis
results in a high incidence of recurrent optic protocol for Cochrane Review. Cochrane Library, Issue 3
neuritis when compared with either intravenous (CD-ROM)
steroids or placebo (Beck et al 1993). Beck RW, Cleary PA, Anderson MM Jr et al 1992 A randomized,
controlled trial of corticosteroids in the treatment of acute optic
neuritis. The Optic Neuritis Study Group. New England
Phantom eye pain Journal of Medicine 326(9): 581–588
Beck RW, Cleary PA, Trobe JD et al 1993 The effect of corticosteroids
Background for acute optis neuritis on the subsequent development of
multiple sclerosis. The Optic Neuritis Study Group. New
Phantom eye pain occurs following ocular bulb England Journal of Medicine 329(24): 1764–1769
amputation, most commonly for orbital cancer. Bittar GT, Graff-Radford SB 1993 The effects of streptomycin/
lidocaine block on trigeminal neuralgia: a double blind
Clinical features crossover placebo controlled study. Headache 33(3): 155–160
Browning G 2002 Wax in ear. Clinical Evidence 7: 490–497
In the series of Nicolodi et al (1997), 62% of patients
Burchiel KJ 1996 Pain in neurology and neurosurgery: tic
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43% had photopsia (appearance of sparks or flashes 1996—an updated review. IASP Press, Seattle, pp 41–60
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pain. They also found that these patients were more neuralgia. Neurosurgery 46(1): 152–154
Campbell FG, Graham JG, Zilkha KJ 1998 Clinical trial of
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Otalgia can be due to primary causes or may be Del Mar CB, Glasziou PP 2002 Upper respiratory tract infections.
Clinical Evidence 7: 1391–1399
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Jean Schoenen and Peter S Sándor

Introduction common but generally obvious causes of pain in

head or face, such as systemic infections (Code 9),
Headache is the most common pain syndrome in metabolic disorders (Code 10), eye disorders (Code
middle-aged adults. It is also the most frequent 11.3), or nose and sinus diseases (Code 11.5).
symptom in neurology where it may indicate an
underlying local or systemic disease (secondary or
symptomatic headache) or be a disorder in itself 1. Migraine
(primary or idiopathic headache). In this chapter,
we follow the headache classification of the
Diagnosis and clinical features
International Headache Society (IHS 1988) although Migraine is a multifaceted disorder, of which the
it is about to be revised, but the new version will head pain is only one component. It is a paroxysmal
probably not contain fundamental changes. For disorder characterized by attacks, which are
each of the most common types of headache this separated by symptom-free intervals. The clinical
chapter will briefly summarize clinical features, diagnosis of migraine is based on the repetition and
diagnosis, epidemiology, and pathogenesis and characteristics of the attack. The heterogeneity of the
give a more detailed overview of the current clinical phenotype, however, is underestimated.
knowledge of therapeutic options. The diagnostic criteria for migraine without aura
The IHS Headache Classification is hierarchically (Code 1.1) (formerly common migraine) are
constructed and based on operational diagnostic illustrated in Table 15.2. In migraine with aura (Code
criteria for all headache disorders and makes it 1.2) the headache phase is immediately preceded
possible to make diagnoses at different levels of by focal neurological symptoms (Table 15.3). Visual
sophistication (overview Table 15.1). The second disturbances are the most common aura symptoms,
edition of the IHS classification is about to be occurring in 90% of patients. Aura symptoms of
published in 2003. It will contain some modifi- sensory, motor, or speech disturbances seldom occur
cations. Codes 1–4 comprise most of the primary without preexisting visual symptoms (Rasmussen
headaches. Because of space limitations, we will and Olesen 1992).
cover only the primary and the most frequent Migrainous aura symptoms can be distinguished
secondary headaches, leaving aside some very from those produced by a seizure or by a transient 217
Clinical pain states

Table 15.1 Classification and diagnostic criteria for headache disorders, cranial neuralgias and facial pain (Cephalalgia
1988) (& ICD-10 codes)

1. Migraine (G43) 4.2 External compression headache (G44.801)

1.1 Migraine without aura (G43.0) 4.3 Cold stimulus headache (G44.802)
4.3.1 External application of a cold stimulus
1.2 Migraine with aura (G43.1)
1.2.1 Migraine with typical aura (G43.10)
4.3.2 Ingestion of a cold stimulus (G44.8021)
1.2.2 Migraine with prolonged aura (G43.11)
1.2.3 Familial hemiplegic migraine (G43.1×5) 4.4 Benign cough headache (G44.803)
1.2.4 Basilar migraine (G43.1×3)
1.2.5 Migraine aura without headache (G43.1×4) 4.5 Benign exertional headache (G44.804)
1.2.6 Migraine with acute onset aura (G43.12)
4.6 Headache associated with sexual activity (G44.805)
1.3 Ophthalmoplegic migraine (G43.80) 4.6.1 Dull type (G44.8050)
4.6.2 Explosive type (G44.8051)
1.4 Retinal migraine (G43.81) 4.6.3 Postural type (G44.8052)
1.5 Childhood periodic syndromes that may be 5. Headache associated with head trauma
precursors to or associated with migraine (G43.82)
1.5.1 Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood 5.1 Acute post-traumatic headache (G44.880)
(G43.821) 5.1.1 With significant head trauma and/or
1.5.2 Alternating hemiplegia of childhood confirmatory signs (S06)
(G43.822) 5.1.2 With minor head trauma and no
confirmatory signs (S09.9)
1.6 Complications of migraine
1.6.1 Status migrainosus (G43.2) 5.2 Chronic post-traumatic headache (G44.3)
1.6.2 Migrainous infarction (G43.3) 5.2.1 With significant head trauma and/or
confirmatory signs (G44.30)
1.7 Migrainous disorder not fulfilling above criteria 5.2.2 With minor head trauma and no
(G43.83) confirmatory signs (G44.31)

2. Tension-type headache (G44.2) 6. Headache associated with vascular disorders (G44.81)

2.1 Episodic tension-type headache 6.1 Acute ischaemic cerebrovascular disease
2.1.1 Episodic tension-type headache associated 6.1.1 Transient ischaemic attack (TIA)
with disorder of pericranial muscles (G44.20) 6.1.2 Thromboembolic stroke
2.1.2 Episodic tension-type headache
unassociated with disorder of pericranial 6.2 Intracranial haematoma
muscles (G44.21) 6.2.1 Intracerebral haematoma
6.2.2 Subdural haematoma
2.2 Chronic tension-type headache 6.2.3 Epidural haematoma
2.2.1 Chronic tension-type headache associated
with disorder of pericranial muscles (G44.22) 6.3 Subarachnoid haemorrhage
2.2.2 Chronic tension-type headache unassociated
with disorder of pericranial muscles (G44.23) 6.4 Unruptured vascular malformation
6.4.1 Arteriovenous malformation
2.3 Headache of the tension-type not fulfilling above 6.4.2 Saccular aneurysm
criteria (G44.28)
6.5 Arteritis
3. Cluster headache and chronic paroxysmal hemicrania 6.5.1 Giant cell arteritis
6.5.2 Other systemic arteritides
3.1 Cluster headache (G44.0) 6.5.3 Primary intracranial arteritis
3.1.1 Cluster headache periodicity
undetermined (G44.00) 6.6 Carotid or vertebral artery pain
3.1.2 Episodic cluster headache (G44.01) 6.6.1 Carotid or vertebral dissection
3.1.3 Chronic cluster headache (G44.02) 6.6.2 Carotidynia (idiopathic) Unremitting from onset (G44.020) 6.6.3 Postendarterectomy headache Evolved from episodic (G44.021)
6.7 Venous thrombosis
3.2 Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (G44.03)
6.8 Arterial hypertension
3.3 Cluster headache-like disorder not fulfilling 6.8.1 Acute pressor response to exogenous
above criteria (G44.08) agent
6.8.2 Phaeochromocytoma
4. Miscellaneous headaches unassociated with structural 6.8.3 Malignant (accelerated) hypertension
lesion (G44.8) 6.8.4 Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
4.1 Idiopathic stabbing headache (G44.800)
6.9 Headache associated with other vascular disorder

Table 15.1 Classification and diagnostic criteria for headache disorders, cranial neuralgias and facial pain (Cephalalgia
1988) (& ICD-10 codes) (cont’d.)

7. Headache associated with non-vascular intracranial 10. Headache associated with metabolic disorder
disorder (G44.82) (G44.882)

7.1 High cerebrospinal fluid pressure 10.1 Hypoxia

7.1.1 Benign intracranial hypertension 10.1.1 High-altitude headache
7.1.2 High pressure hydrocephalus 10.1.2 Hypoxic headache
10.1.3 Sleep apnoea headache
7.2 Low cerebrospinal fluid pressure
7.2.1 Postlumbar puncture headache 10.2 Hypercapnia
7.2.2 Cerebrospinal fluid fistula headache
10.3 Mixed hypoxia and hypercapnia
7.3 Intracranial infection
10.4 Hypoglycaemia
7.4 Intracranial sarcoidosis and other non-infectious
inflammatory diseases 10.5 Dialysis

7.5 Headache related to intrathecal injections 10.6 Headache related to other metabolic abnormality
7.5.1 Direct effect
7.5.2 Due to chemical meningitis 11. Headache or facial pain associated with disorder of
7.6 Intracranial neoplasm cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, teeth, mouth or
other facial or cranial structures (G44.84)
7.7 Headache associated with other intracranial
disorder 11.1 Cranial bone (G44.840)

8. Headache associated with substances or their 11.2 Neck

withdrawal (G44.4) 11.2.1 Cervical spine (G44.841)
11.2.2 Retropharyngeal tendinitis (G44.842)
8.1 Headache induced by acute substance use or
exposure (G44.40) 11.3 Eyes (G44.843)
8.1.1 Nitrate/nitrite-induced headache 11.3.1 Acute glaucoma
8.1.2 Monosodium glutamate-induced headache 11.3.2 Refractive errors
8.1.3 Carbon monoxide-induced headache 11.3.3 Heterophoria or heterotropia
8.1.4 Alcohol-induced headache
8.1.5 Other substances 11.4 Ears (G44.844)

8.2 Headache induced by chronic substance use or 11.5 Nose and sinuses (G44.845)
exposure (G44.41) 11.5.1 Acute sinus headache
8.2.1 Ergotamine-induced headache 11.5.2 Other diseases of nose or sinuses
8.2.2 Analgesics abuse headache
11.6 Teeth, jaws and related structures (G44.846)
8.2.3 Other substances
11.7 Temporomandibular joint disease
8.3 Headache from substance withdrawal (acute use)
8.3.1 Alcohol withdrawal headache (hangover) 12. Cranial neuralgias, nerve trunk pain and
8.3.2 Other substances deafferentation pain

8.4 Headache from substance withdrawal (chronic use) 12.1 Persistent (in contrast to tic-like) pain of cranial
8.4.1 Ergotamine withdrawal headache nerve origin (G44.848)
8.4.2 Caffeine withdrawal headache 12.1.1 Compression or distortion of cranial
8.4.3 Narcotics abstinence headache nerves and second or third cervical roots
8.4.4 Other substances 12.1.2 Demyelinization of cranial nerves Optic neuritis (retrobulbar
8.5 Headache associated with substances but with neuritis)
uncertain mechanism 12.1.3 Infarction of cranial nerves
8.5.1 Birth control pills or oestrogens Diabetic neuritis
8.5.2 Other substances 12.1.4 Inflammation of cranial nerves Herpes zoster
9. Headache associated with non-cephalic infection Chronic postherpetic neuralgia
(G44.881) (G53.00)
9.1 Viral infection 12.1.5 Tolosa–Hunt syndrome (G44.850)
9.1.1 Focal non-cephalic 12.1.6 Neck–tongue syndrome
9.1.2 Systemic 12.1.7 Other causes of persistent pain of
cranial nerve origin
9.2 Bacterial infection
9.2.1 Focal non-cephalic 12.2 Trigeminal neuralgia (G50.0)
9.2.2 Systemic (septicaemia) 12.2.1 Idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia (G50.00)
12.2.2 Symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia
9.3 Headache related to other infection (G50.09)
Clinical pain states

Table 15.1 Classification and diagnostic criteria for headache disorders, cranial neuralgias and facial pain (Cephalalgia
1988) (& ICD-10 codes) (cont’d.)

12. Cranial neuralgias, nerve trunk pain and 12.5 Superior laryngeal neuralgia (G52.20)
deafferentation pain (Contd)
12.6 Occipital neuralgia (G52.80)
12.2.1 Idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia (G50.00)
12.2.2 Symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia 12.7 Central causes of head and facial pain other than
(G50.09) tic douloureux Compression of trigeminal root 12.7.1 Anaesthesia dolorosa (G97.8)
or ganglion 12.7.2 Thalamic pain (G46.21) Central lesions
12.8 Facial pain not fulfilling criteria in groups 11
12.3 Glossopharyngeal neuralgia (G52.1) or 12
12.3.1 Idiopathic glossopharyngeal neuralgia
12.3.2 Symptomatic glossopharyngeal neuralgia 13. Headache non-classifiable

12.4 Nervus intermedius neuralgia (G51.80)

ischaemic attack (TIA) by their progressive onset, patients who have ≥15 days of migraine headaches
march over time, and quality (Table 15.4). per month.
In about 10% of patients unspecific premonitory In children below the age of 12 years, migraine
symptoms (or prodromes) like sudden mood changes, often presents differently from adult migraine with
repetitive yawning, or craving for special foods shorter attacks, predominant GI symptoms or, in
may precede the migraine attack by hours or by a contrast, unremarkable associated symptoms. In
day or two (Blau 1980). The migraine attack can the latter case the differential diagnosis with
be followed by so-called ‘postsyndromes’, such as tension-type headache may be difficult.
There are several rare, but distinct clinical
subtypes of migraine. In migraine with prolonged
aura (Code 1.2.2) at least one aura symptom lasts Epidemiological data from various countries are
more than 60 min and less than a week. Migraine similar with a prevalence of migraine around 15%
aura can present without headache (Code 1.2.5). In (Rasmussen et al 1991) to 23.3% (Stewart et al 1992).
basilar migraine (Code 1.2.4) aura symptoms suggest Migraine without aura is more than twice as
disturbed brainstem function. The differential frequent as migraine with aura, but both types of
diagnosis between migraine with acute onset aura attacks may coexist in the same patients. Female
(Code 1.2.6) and thromboembolic transient preponderance is a characteristic feature of migraine.
ischaemic attacks may be difficult. While in children there is no gender difference
Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) is a rare auto- (Bille 1962, Chu and Shinnar 1991), from age 16 on
somal dominant subtype of migraine characterized migraine is 2–3 times more frequent in females than
by hemiparesis/-plegia during the aura. It is in males. Onset is nearly always below age 50
caused in most families by mutations in the (Stewart et al 1994b).
CACNA1A gene on chromosome 19 (Ophoff et al About 50% of migraineurs have less than two
1996). attacks per month, the median attack frequency
There are two major complications of migraine. being 1.5 per month. At least 10% of patients have
In status migrainosus (Code 1.6.1) the headache lasts weekly attacks (Stewart et al 1994a). Five percent of
more than 72 h without interruption, despite treat- the general population has at least 18 migraine
ment, or headache-free intervals do not exceed 4 h. days per year and 1% at least one day per week
In migrainous infarction (Code 1.6.2), a neurological (Ferrari 1998). The annual cost of migraine-related
deficit has to occur during a migraine attack that is productivity loss is therefore enormous (Lipton et
typical of those previously experienced by a patient, al 1994).
to last more than 7 days, and/or to be associated Trigger (or precipitating) or aggravating factors are
with ischaemic infarction in the relevant area on manifold and may vary between patients and
neuroimaging techniques. Other causes of infarction during the disease course. The most common ones
must be ruled out (Welch and Levine 1990). In the are stress or hassles, the perimenstrual period
IHS-II classification, ‘chronic migraine’ will be (Stewart et al 2000), and alcohol (Amery and
220 included as a complication of migraine to classify Vandenbergh 1987). Changes of weather condition
Table 15.2 Migraine without aura (MO) (Code 1.1): Table 15.3 Migraine with aura (MA) (Code 1.2):

diagnostic criteria diagnostic criteria

A) n≥ 5 A) n³ 2

B) 4–72 h B) 1. / +

C) 1 2. 4 min /
3. 60 min
2/4 3 ++ / +++
4. 60 min

D) 1 + C) normal
2 / A. – At least 2 attacks fulfilling B

B. – Headache has at least three of the following four

1. One or more fully reversible aura symptoms
E) normal indicating focal cerebral cortical and/or brain stem
2. At least one aura symptom develops gradually
over more than 4 min, or two or more symptoms
A. – At least 5 attacks fulfilling B–D occur in succession.
3. No aura symptom lasts more than 60 min; if more
B. – Headache attacks lasting 4–72 h (untreated or
than one aura symptom is present, accepted
unsuccessfully treated)
duration is proportionally increased.
C. – Headache has at least 2 of the 4 following 4. Headache follows aura with free interval of
characteristics: <60 min (it may also simultaneously begin with
1. Unilateral location the aura.)
2. Pulsating quality
C. – At least one of the following three characteristics is
3. Moderate or severe intensity (inhibits or prohibits
daily activities)
1. History, physical and neurological examinations do
4. Aggravated by walking stairs or similar routine
not suggest one of the disorders listed in groups
physical activity
5–11 (please see IHS classification and diagnostic
D. – During headache at least 1 of the 2 following criteria)
symptoms occur: 2. History and/or physical and/or neurological
1. Phonophobia and photophobia examinations do suggest such a disorder, but it is
2. Nausea and/or vomiting ruled out by appropriate investigations.
3. Such a disorder is present, but migraine attacks do
E. – At least 1 of the following 3 characteristics is present: not occur for the first time in close temporal
1. History and physical and neurological relation to the disorder.
examinations do not suggest 1 of the disorders
listed in groups 5–11 (please see Table 33.1)
2. History and/or physical and/or neurological like Chinook winds (Cooke et al 2000) and circan-
examinations do suggest such a disorder, but it is nual influences (Salvesen and Bekkelund 2000)
ruled out by appropriate investigations
have been shown to play a role. Overuse of acute
3. Such a disorder is present, but migraine attacks do
not occur for the first time in close temporal antimigraine drugs, in particular of combination
relation to the disorder analgesics and ergotamine is another—highly
underestimated—aggravating factor. There is a 221
Clinical pain states

Table 15.4 Differential diagnosis of focal paroxysmal et al 2000) and during experimental spreading
neurological symptoms depression in animals (James et al 1999), but also
by the therapeutic effect on the aura of ketamine
TIA Epilepsy Migraine (Kaube et al 2000) or furosemide (Rozen 2000). As
Onset Sudden Sudden Progressive mentioned above, the pathogenesis of the aura and
that of the headache may not be necessarily linked.
Progression None Fast Slow
Role of the brainstem
Different Simultaneous In succession In succession During attacks of migraine without aura, an area of
symptoms increased blood flow has been identified in the
Type of Negative Positive Negative/ dorsolateral part of the brainstem opposite to the
symptoms coloured positive hemicrania in one study using positron emission
if visual b&w, grey tomography (PET) (Weiller et al 1995). Since this
Territory Vascular Cortical Cortical increase persisted after headache relief with
sumatriptan, it was hypothesized that a ‘migraine
Duration Short Short Longer generator’ could exist in the brainstem, but more
(10–15 min) (min) ( 12 –1 h)
research is needed (Schoenen and Sándor 1999).

Role of the cortex

complex interrelation between migraine and depression. During the headache-free interval, an abnormal
As confirmed by recent epidemiological studies functioning of the migrainous brain can be
(Breslau et al 2000, Joish et al 2000), they are highly demonstrated by neurophysiological and metabolic
comorbid. Episodic vertigo without other signs of studies. Neurophysiological methods show that
basilar migraine might belong to the migraine cortical information processing in migraineurs is
phenotype (Neuhauser et al 2001). characterized by a deficient habituation (or dishabitua-
tion) during repetition of visual or auditory
Genotype stimulation (Schoenen 1998b, Lahat et al 1999,
Siniatchkin et al 2000a). The cortical abnormality is
A number of genes have been implicated in migraine likely to be genetically determined (Sándor et al
pathogenesis. 1999). Although not specific for migraine and not
Up to now, the only known monogenic subtype of found under certain conditions in all patients (Sand
migraine is familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM) and Vanagaite Vingen 2000), it may represent an
(Ophoff et al 1996). The more common migraine endophenotypic vulnerability marker. It could be
phenotypes appear to be complex genetic disorders, due to low activity in raphe-cortical serotonergic
where additive genetic effects (susceptibility genes) pathways which would reduce preactivation levels
and environmental factors are interrelated (Gervil of sensory cortices, allowing a wider range for
et al 1999a, b). For a full discussion of this topic see suprathreshold cortical activation and thus
Schoenen and Sándor (1999). enhancing intensity dependence and reducing
habituation (Hegerl and Juckel 1993).
In the headache-free interval migraineurs present
Pathophysiology subtle cognitive dysfunctions that may contribute
Migraine is considered to be a neurovascular headache, to the burden of the disorder. For instance, memory
which implies that both neuronal and vascular defects have been found and are thought to be
components are relevant and most probably related to strategically and organizationally
interrelated (Lance et al 1983, Welch 1987, Olesen defective aspects of learning (Le Pira et al 2000).
1991, Ferrari 1998). Whether the latter could be a consequence of the
electrophysiologically demonstrated abnormalities
The migraine aura in cortical information processing seems plausible,
There is indirect but growing evidence that the but remains to be proven.
migraine aura is the clinical manifestation of a
cortical phenomenon similar to spreading depression Role of the trigeminovascular system
and not of ischaemia (Laritzen 1992, Dahlem et al The trigeminovascular system is the major pain-
2000). This hypothesis is supported by the signalling pathway of the visceral organ brain
similarity of f-MRI patterns observed during the (Moskowitz 1984), but there is still no definite proof
222 aura phase in migraineurs (Cao et al 1999, Chabriat that an activation of its peripheral components is
necessary to produce a migraine attack. It is not

known what activates the trigeminovascular

nociceptive pathway in migraine. Contrary to Any therapeutic regimen in migraine must be
previous reports, no evidence for a direct activation tailored to the individual patient, taking into account
of trigeminal nociceptors by repeated episodes of his demands, disability, previous medical history,
cortical spreading depression was found in a recent and psychosocial profile. The flowchart in Fig. 15.1
study in rats (Ebersberger et al 2001). This was felt is an example of treatment decisions made on basis
to support the hypothesis that aura and headache of attack severity and disability, the so-called
may be independent expressions of the migraine stratified approach. One must keep in mind that
diathesis (Goadsby 2001). attack severity may vary in the same patient; in this
case the option for a step-wise approach within the
Role of nitric oxide attack can be given.
Nitric oxide (NO) donors like glyceryl trinitrate Migraine therapy can be divided into acute
(GTN) are able to induce attacks in patients treatment of the attack and prophylactic treatment.
suffering from migraine with or without aura A US Headache Consortium has recently proposed
(Olesen et al 1993, Christiansen et al 1999) but the evidence-based treatment guidelines with a
underlying mechanisms are not well established. hierarchical classification of acute and prophylactic
For further analysis of pathophysiology see medications into groups 1 (the best) to 4 (the worst)
Schoenen and Sándor (1999). (Silberstein 2000). Though being a useful reference

Aspirin or paracetamol/1 g Intensity: moderate

or a NSAID p.o./suppo.
+ and antiemetic
+ -

Oral/nasal triptan
(or nasal dihydroergotamine)

+ Intensity: severe

Sumatriptan 6 mg s.c.


1 mg i.m./s.c. + antiemetic

Refractory attack
+ (preferably in hospital)
DHE 1 mg + tiapride 100 mg i.m.
or DHE 0.5 mg i.v., then 1 mg i.v./ 8h
+ antiemetic

+ -

Treatment sufficient if
attacks are rare and/or
poorly disabling Prophylatic treatment

+ = satisfactory relief of symptoms in <2 hours without significant side effects

Fig. 15.1 Schematic flowchart of management for migraine. Assessing the disability produced by the disorder makes it
possible to apply a stratified care approach or a stepwise approach within attacks. 223
Clinical pain states

for migraine management, these guidelines are not A number of comparative trials between
a panacea because some methodologically flawed neotriptans and sumatriptan and several meta-
trials have been taken into account and they must analyses have been published. Taken together,
be adapted to the individual patient’s needs and they confirm that the subcutaneous auto-injectable
history. form of sumatriptan (6 mg) has the best efficacy
Whenever possible, individual precipitating factors whatever outcome measure is considered, but also
should be avoided or treated. Strategies for coping the highest adverse event incidence (Sheftell and
with stress or dietary measures can be advised. Fox 2000, Gawel et al 2001). In severely disabled
Attacks occurring during the perimenstrual period migraineurs the efficacy rate of injectable sumatriptan
can sometimes be prevented by treatment with for pain-free at 2 h is twice that of high oral doses of
transdermal oestradiol and/or a non-steroidal anti- ergotamine or NSAIDs (Schoenen et al 1994) and of
inflammatory drug (NSAID), or, as shown more IV acetylsalicylic acid lysinate (Diener 1999).
recently, with naratriptan (Newman et al 2001). Except for naratriptan which acts more slowly,
the therapeutic score of oral triptans is quite similar
Acute treatment as long as headache relief at 2 h is concerned. When
All the acute treatments of migraine are more pain-free rates at 2 h or earlier time points and
effective if combined with a short resting period or sustained pain-free responses over 24 h are com-
a nap. pared, rizatriptan 10 mg and eletriptan 80 mg
Mild migraine attacks can be effectively treated appear slightly more efficacious (Ferrari et al 2001,
with high doses of aspirin, paracetamol (at least 1000 Gawel et al 2001). Oral, rectal, or nasal formulations
mg), or NSAIDs. There is no evidence of superiority of triptans have over injectable sumatriptan the
for one NSAID over another as long as a sufficient advantages of better patient acceptability and lower
dose (e.g., 1200 mg ibuprofen) is used. The new adverse event rates. The choice of a triptan must be
COX2 inhibitors, like rofecoxib, seem also effective. adapted to the patients’ individual needs and
Because of the gastroparesis that accompanies the personal experience.
attack, all these drugs are more effective when Preliminary post hoc analyses of protocol
administered by the rectal or parenteral route and violators in sumatriptan trials suggest that efficacy,
usually need to be associated with an antiemetic/ in particular pain-free rates, are much greater if the
prokinetic such as metoclopramide or domperidone drug is taken at a stage where the headache is mild
(Tfelt-Hansen et al 1995). (Cady et al 2000). Triptans are also effective for mild
During the past decade the advent of highly headache episodes resembling tension-type headache
effective 5-HT1B/1D agonists, the triptans, has been a that occur in migraineurs between typical attacks
major breakthrough in the attack treatment. Triptans (Lipton et al 2000a). This suggests that mild migraine
are able to act as vasoconstrictors via vascular 5- may present as tension-type headache, although
HT1B receptors and to inhibit neurotransmitter inferring diagnosis from triptan efficacy is risky, as
release on the peripheral as well as central ending subcutaneous sumatriptan may also reduce certain
of trigeminal nociceptors via 5-HT1D receptors. The symptomatic headaches (Manfredi et al 2000).
site of action relevant for their efficacy in migraine At present the major reason for not considering
is still a matter of controversy; it cannot be the triptans as first choice treatments for migraine
excluded that their high efficacy rate is due to their attacks is their high cost. However, stratifying care
capacity of acting at all three sites in contrast to by prescribing a triptan to the most disabled
other antimigraine drugs. Sumatriptan, the first patients has been proven cost-effective (Lipton et al
triptan, was followed by several second generation 2000b). Combining analgesics or NSAIDs with
triptans (zolmi-, nara-, riza-, ele-, almo-, frovatriptan), caffeine or codeine increases their efficacy, which
which were thought to be able to correct some of explains in part why non-specific antimigraine
the shortcomings of sumatriptan (Schoenen 1997). drugs are still listed together with triptans in the
The therapeutic gain is clearly higher for the first group of acute therapies for migraine in the US
triptans than for simple analgesics or NSAIDs, such Headache Consortium guidelines. Unfortunately,
as acetaminophen 1000 mg po (Lipton et al 2000b), overuse of combination analgesics or ergotamine
effervescent aspirin 1000 mg (Lange et al 2000), or are the most frequent cause of the insiduous trans-
ibuprofen 600 mg (Kellstein et al 2000). Triptans are formation of migraine into chronic daily headache.
also much more efficient and much better tolerated Among the ergot derivatives, only dihydroergota-
than the classical ergotamine–caffeine combination, mine administered via parenteral injections or nasal
leaving little space for the latter in the antimigraine spray still has utility in managing some patients.
224 armamentarium (Tfelt-Hansen et al 2000). As expected, the triptans have not solved the
patients’ problems. For instance 2 h after intake of

by 21% in a placebo-controlled crossover trial of 47

one of the most effective oral triptans, rizatriptan patients (Schrader et al 2001). Recent preliminary
10 mg, 60% of patients still have at the least a mild but promising results with novel antiepileptic com-
headache and 68% nausea and/or sensoriphobia pounds like gabapentin and topiramate (Jimenez
(Adelman et al 2001); 55% still have not returned to et al 1999, Shuaib et al 1999) or with pericranial
normal activity; and 45% have adverse effects of botulinum toxin type-A injections (Binder et al 2000)
some kind. There is thus room for more efficient need to be confirmed in randomized controlled trials.
oral acute anti-migraine treatments, among which Among the non-pharmacological treatments of
those that activate the 5-HT1F receptor (Goldstein et migraine, behavioural therapies, such as relaxation
al 2001) or antagonize CGRP, glutamate, or NO are and biofeedback, have proved some efficacy in
the most promising. many studies (Holroyd et al 1984). Acupuncture is
considered effective in a Cochrane review (Melchart
et al 2001) in which both migraine and tension-type
Prophylactic treatment headache were considered. Petasites hybridus was
Prophylactic antimigraine treatment should be also found effective (Grossmann and Schmidramsl
considered when attacks are frequent and/or 2000), as was feverfew, while the situation seems to
disabling. A useful rule of thumb is to discuss be less clear for homeopathy (Whitmarsh et al 1997).
prophylaxis when attacks occur on average twice
per month.
Long-term efficacy of prophylactic treatments 2. Tension-type headache
does not exceed 50–60%. Classical drugs effective
for preventing migraine attacks include beta-blockers
Diagnosis and clinical features
devoid of intrinsic sympathomimetic activity The headaches formerly described as ‘muscle con-
(Massiou and Bousser 1992), sodium valproate traction’, ‘psychogenic’, ‘stress’, or ‘essential’ are
(Jensen et al 1994), calcium channel blockers, such as classified in this heterogeneous group. The term
flunarizine or verapamil, and serotonin antagonists ‘tension type’ has been chosen to underline the
such as pizotifen or methysergide (Ollat 1992). In uncertainties about the precise pathogenesis, but to
some patients tricyclics may be useful. A major indicate nevertheless that some kind of mental or
drawback of all these prophylactics are side effects, muscular tension may play a causative role.
many of which, like weight gain, fatigue, or The diagnostic criteria of episodic tension-type
hypotension, are not well tolerated by migraineurs. headache (Code 2.1) (ETH) are illustrated as visual
In recent years some new prophylactics with less symbols in Table 15.5.
side effects have been studied. High-dose magnesium In chronic tension-type headache (Code 2.2) (CTH)
(24 mmol/day) was found to be effective (Peikert et the average headache frequency is at least 15 days
al 1996), while a trial with 10 mmol (Pfaffenrath et per month or 180 days per year. In CTH, nausea can
al 1996) was discontinued because of a lack of effect. be accepted as an isolated associated symptom.
Cyclandelate, which is well tolerated at a dosage of Tension headache can be associated (Codes 2.1.1
1200 mg/d, was found comparable to propranolol and 2.2.1) or unassociated (2.1.2 and 2.2.2) with
in one study (Diener et al 1996). In another trial disorder of the pericranial muscles (tenderness by
using 1600 mg/d, it was preferred by patients and manual palpation or pressure algometer, increased
physicians, but failed to demonstrate superiority electromyographic levels). Clinical presentation,
over placebo in classical endpoints (Diener et al pathogenesis of pain, or response to therapy
2001). (Schoenen et al 1991b) are similar between the two
A novel preventive treatment for migraine is high groups.
dose (400 mg/d), riboflavin, which has an excellent The single episode of tension-type headache is
efficacy/side effect ratio (Schoenen et al 1998). the least distinct of all headache types since clinical
Riboflavin may improve the reduced mitochondrial diagnosis is chiefly based on negative features (cf.
phosphorylation potential while the other anti- Table 15.6). As a substantial proportion of patients
migraine prophylactics are chiefly acting on neuro- may present with atypical symptoms (Rasmussen
transmission. Along the same rationale promising and Olesen 1992), episodic tension-type headache
results were obtained with coenzyme Q10 in a can be difficult to distinguish from migraine
preliminary study. without aura (IHS Code 1.1) or from organic brain
Lisinopril (10 mg b.i.d.), an inhibitor of angiotensin disease. The diagnosis of chronic tension-type
converting enzyme well known for the treatment of headache on the other hand seems straightforward
hypertension, was found to reduce migraine days in most cases with a long enough clinical course, 225
Clinical pain states

Table 15.5 Tension-type headache (TH) (Code 2.1): although some patients may have migrainous
diagnostic criteria features (see above).
So-called ‘chronic daily headache’ may affect up
A) n ≥ 10 to 4% of the general population (Solomon et al 1992).
It comprises patients with chronic migraine or
tension-type headache due to medication overuse,
those with chronic tension-type headache, and a
B) 30 min–7 days puzzling minority of patients with new daily per-
sistent headache.

C) 1. Epidemiology
In a population-based study (Rasmussen and
2. ( no ) Olesen 1992) the lifetime prevalence of tension-type
headache was 79% with 3% suffering from CTH,
2/4 3. + / ++ i.e., headache on more than 15 days per month.
Prevalence of tension headache seems to be higher
in women than in men, declining with age.
4. no
D) From the clinical heterogeneity of TH one may infer
1. no ( / ) that pathophysiological mechanisms are multiple,
involving, e.g., muscular, neuronal, and psychological
2. no ( / ) factors. The controversy between peripheral and
central pathogenesis may indeed not be decided as
both aspects could be at work, interacting and
varying in importance between patients, between
TH subtypes, or even during the course of the
E) normal
disorder (Schoenen and Wang 1997).

A. – At least 10 previous headache episodes fulfilling Peripheral aspects

criteria B–D listed below. Number of days with such There is evidence both for and against a myofascial
headache, 180/year (<15/month).
origin of pain. While EMG levels in pericranial
B. – Headache lasting from 30 min to 7 days muscles may be on average increased in TH, there
is no correlation between EMG activity and headache
C. – At least 2 of the following pain characteristics:
1. Pressing/tightening (non-pulsating) quality severity. Palpation tenderness is increased in patients,
2. Mild or moderate intensity (may inhibit, but does more so during an actual headache. Lower pressure
not prohibit activities) pain thresholds (PPTs) are found at pericranial sites
3. Bilateral location in CTH patients (Schoenen et al 1991a, Jensen et al
4. No aggravation by walking up/downstairs or
similar routine physical activity
1993a, Schoenen and Wang 1997)—the characteristics
of the stimulus–response function suggesting a
D. – Both of the following: sensitization of nociceptors (Bendtsen et al 1996b).
1. No nausea or vomiting (anorexia may occur)
In ETH, however, cephalic PPTs are usually normal
2. Photophobia and phonophobia are absent, or one
but not both is present (Drummond 1987, Bovim 1992, Göbel et al 1992,
Schoenen and Wang 1997). Taken together, the studies
E. – At least one of the following: of extracephalic pain thresholds (Jensen and Olesen
1. History, physical- and neurological examinations
do not suggest one of the disorders listed in
1996, Proietti Cecchini et al 1997) suggest that in
groups 5–11 (please see Table 15.1) addition to sensitization of peripheral nociceptors,
2. History and/or physical- and/or neurological central factors may play a role in the increased
examinations do suggest such disorder, but it is pericranial tenderness of TH patients.
ruled out by appropriate investigations
3. Such disorder is present, but tension-type
headache does not occur for the first time in close
Central nervous system aspects
temporal relation to the disorder EEG and evoked potentials are normal in TH
226 (Schoenen 1992). Many psychological abnormalities
have been associated with TH, although it could 400 or 800 mg, is significantly more effective than

not be determined whether as cause or consequence placebo or aspirin (Schachtel et al 1996). Other
(Andrasik and Passchier 1993). Though not confirmed NSAIDs such as naproxen, ketoprofen (Dahlöf and
in all studies (Lipchick et al 1996), abnormalities of Jacobs 1996), ketoralac, or indomethacin are also
exteroceptive suppression (or silent period) in jaw- effective, but less well studied. Because of the overall
closing muscles, an inhibitory brain stem reflex, lower prevalence of gastrointestinal side-effects
suggest that the descending control systems, and (Ryan 1977), ibuprofen (800 mg) is probably the first
not the inhibitory interneurons themselves, are choice, followed by naproxen sodium (825 mg). The
dysfunctioning in TH (Wang and Schoenen 1994). new NSAIDs with selective COX2 inhibition are
probably also effective in TH, but no studies are
A model for TH pathogenesis available yet.
Considering the heterogeneity of pathophysiological In some patients, combination of analgesics with
abnormalities found in TH, the following model caffeine, sedatives, or tranquillizers may be more
was proposed as a working hypothesis (Olesen and effective than simple analgesics or NSAIDs. Before
Schoenen 1999). TH may be the result of an inter- turning to a combination drug, the analgesic or
action between changes of the descending control NSAID must be given in a high enough dosage, as
of second-order trigeminal brainstem nociceptors there is a clear dose–effect relationship (see Fig.
and interrelated peripheral changes, such as 15.2). Whenever possible, combination analgesics
myofascial pain sensitivity and strain in pericranial for TH should be avoided because of the risk of
muscles. An acute episode of ETH may occur in dependency, abuse, and chronification of the
many individuals otherwise perfectly normal. It can headache. There is at present no scientific basis for
be brought on by physical stress usually combined the use of muscle relaxants, such as the mephenesin-
to psychological stress or by non-physiological like compounds, baclofen, diazepam, tizanidine,
working positions. In such cases, increased noci- cyclobenzaprine, or dantrolene sodium, in the
ception from strained muscles may be the primary treatment of TH.
cause of the headache, possibly favoured by a cen-
tral temporary change in pain control due to stress. Prophylactic pharmacotherapy
Emotional mechanisms increase muscle tension via The tricyclic antidepressants are the most widely
the limbic system and at the same time reduce tone used first-line therapeutic agents for CTH.
in the endogenous antinociceptive system. With Surprisingly, few controlled studies have been
more frequent episodes of headache central changes performed and not all of them have found an
become increasingly more important. Long-term efficacy superior to placebo.
potentiation/sensitization of nociceptive neurons
and decreased activity in the antinociceptive system Relative
gradually leads to CTH. These central changes Ibuprofen (400 mg)
+ caffeine (200 mg)
probably predominate in frequent ETH and in CTH.
The relative importance of peripheral and Ibuprofen (400 mg)
= ketoprofen (50 mg)
central factors may, however, vary between patients
and over time in the same patient. The complex
interrelation between various pathophysiological
aspects in TH may explain why this disorder is so Ibuprofen (200 mg)
difficult to treat. Management of TH should primarily = ketoprofen (25 mg)
try to prevent chronification. = naproxen (275 mg)

Therapies for TH can be schematically subdivided Aspirin/paracetamol (500–1000 mg)
into short-term, abortive (mainly pharmacologic) + caffeine
treatments of the individual attack and long-term, Aspirin (500–1000 mg)
prophylactic (pharmacologic or nonpharmacologic) = paracetamol (500–1000 mg)
treatments that may prevent headache.

Acute pharmacotherapy Fig. 15.2 Hierarchy of NSAIDs according to their relative

efficiency in aborting tension-type headache episodes.
NSAIDs are the drugs of first choice (Fig. 15.2) (see Summary of 8 comparative, randomized controlled trials
Mathew and Schoenen 1993 for a review). Ibuprofen, performed between 1995 and 1997. 227
Clinical pain states

One major problem that arises with trials of patients for the tricyclics, 35% for stress manage-
showing statistical superiority of tricyclics over ment, and 29% for placebo (Holroyd et al 2001).
placebo is to evaluate whether the observed effect is Limited contact treatment based on the patient’s
clinically relevant. Nonetheless, in clinical practice guidance at home by audiotapes and written
the tricyclic antidepressants remain useful pro- materials with only 3 or 4 monthly clinical sessions
phylactic drugs for CTH or frequent ETH. may be a cost-effective alternative to fully therapist-
Amitriptyline is the most commonly used, with an administered treatment in many patients (Haddock
average dose in CTH of 75–100 mg per day et al 1997). Despite this alternative, behavioural
(Mathew and Bendtsen 1999), but many patients therapies are time-consuming for patients and
will be satisfied with a lower dose. Clomipramine therapists. Although there is no infallible means of
may be slightly superior, but has more side effects. predicting treatment outcome, a number of factors
Other antidepressants, such as doxepin, maprotiline, that may have some predictive value have been
or mianserin, can be used as a second choice. In identified. Excessive analgesic or ergotamine use
clinical practice, the final choice of these drugs also limits the therapeutic benefits. Short duration of
depends on their side-effect profile. If the headache headache complaints and young age improve
is improved by at least 80% after 4 months, it is treatment outcome (Holroyd and Penzien 1986,
reasonable to attempt discontinuation of the Bogaards and ter Kuile 1994). Patients with con-
medication. Decreasing the daily dose by 20–25% tinuous headache are less responsive to relaxation
every 2–3 days may avoid rebound headache. or biofeedback therapies, and patients with
Selective 5-HT reuptake inhibitors have little elevated scores on psychological tests that assess
usefulness (Bendtsen et al 1996a). depression or psychiatric disturbance have done
The mechanism of action of antidepressants in poorly with behavioural treatment in some studies
CTH remains to be determined. Their effect on the (Holroyd 1993).
headache may be partly independent from their
antidepressant effect. Tricyclics have a variety of Other non-pharmacologic treatments Physical
pharmacological activities. Serotonin increase by therapy techniques include positioning, ergonomic
inhibition of its reuptake and subsequent down- instruction, massage, transcutaneous electrical
regulation of 5-HT receptors, endorphin release, or nerve stimulation, heat or cold application, and
inhibition of NMDA receptors that play a role in manipulations. None of these techniques has been
pain transmission may all be relevant for the proven to be effective in the long term. Physical
pathophysiology of TH. treatment such as massage may be useful for acute
episodes of TH. In the long term, it reduced headache
intensity on average only by 23% in one study,
Non-pharmacological treatments which was nonetheless superior to acupuncture
Psychological and behavioral techniques given as a comparator treatment (Carlsson et al
There is solid scientific support for the usefulness 1990, Bove and Nielsson 1998).
of relaxation and EMG biofeedback therapies in the Oromandibular treatment may be helpful in
management of TH (Blanchard et al 1987, Bogaards selected TH patients. Unfortunately, most studies
and ter Kuile 1994) with significant improvement in claiming efficacy of treatments such as occlusal
headache in near 50% of patients. Each treatment splints, therapeutic exercises for masticatory muscles,
modality seems to lead to similar improvements, or occlusal adjustment are uncontrolled. Two
but patients may subjectively prefer one or the other controlled trials (Forsell et al 1985, Schokker et al
(Holroyd and Penzien 1986). Cognitive behavioural 1990) have shown effective reduction of headache
interventions, such as stress management pro- after occlusal equilibration. Considering the large
grammes, can effectively reduce TH activity, but number of headache-free subjects who display
they seem to be most useful when added to signs and symptoms of oromandibular dysfunction
biofeedback or relaxation therapies in patients with (Jensen et al 1993b), caution should be taken not to
higher levels of daily hassles. A recent randomized advocate irreversible dental treatments in TH.
controlled trial demonstrated that combining stress
management therapy (relaxation plus cognitive
coping) and amitriptyline (up to 100 mg/d) or 3. Cluster headache
nortriptyline (up to 75 mg/d) produced greater
benefit than either treatment alone: reduction in
Diagnosis and clinical features
headache index scores of at least 50% in 64% of The diagnostic criteria of cluster headache are listed
228 patients with the combination, as opposed to 38% in Table 15.6.
Table 15.6 Cluster headache (Code 3.1): diagnostic criteria

(male-to-female ratio 5:1). Most often the first attack

occurs between 20 and 40 years. Cluster headache
A. At least five attacks fulfilling B–D is associated with cigarette smoking, head trauma
(about 16%; Turkewitz et al 1992), and a positive
B. Severe unilateral orbital, supraorbital and/or temporal
pain lasting 15–180 minutes untreated family history for headache (ICECH 1995).
Genetic influences seem to be less pronounced
C. Headache is associated with at least one of the than those in migraine with an autosomal dominant
following signs which have to be present on the pain
inheritance pattern in some families.
1. Conjunctival injection
2. Lacrimation
3. Nasal congestion
4. Rhinorrhoea Pathophysiology
5. Forehead and facial sweating
6. Miosis There is at present no pathogenetic theory of cluster
7. Ptosis headache that accounts for all aspects of this
8. Eyelid oedema disorder, i.e., the pain location and characteristics,
D. Frequency of attacks: from one every other day to autonomic features, temporal profile of attacks
eight per day and clusters, and the male preponderance. Several
pathophysiological abnormalities have been
demonstrated both during and between attacks.
A central hypothalamic dysfunction regarding the
circadian and circannual pattern of attacks, the
The most typical feature of cluster headache is disruption of neuroendocrine tests, and neuro-
the temporal clustering of attacks during several physiological data has been suggested. With
weeks separated by remissions of at least 14 days, positron emission tomography an area of increased
but usually of several months (episodic cluster headache, blood flow was recently found in the ventro-medial
Code 3.1.2.). In chronic cluster headache (Code 3.1.3) hypothalamus ipsilateral to nitroglycerin-provoked
remissions of at least 14 days are absent for more attacks (May et al 1998, Schoenen 1998a). The
than 1 year. activated area may comprise the suprachiasmatic
Cluster headache is a primary neurovascular nucleus where biological rhythms are generated
headache that is unilateral and shows features dif- and is ictally activated. Furthermore, in a subsequent
ferent from migraine. Characteristics distinguishing study using voxel-based morphometry in MRI, a
the cluster headache attack from migraine are short structural change consisting of increased tissue
duration (average: 30–45 min), presence of autonomic amounts was found in the same hypothalamic
symptoms around the eye, absence of gastro- area. On the other hand the cavernous sinus has
intestinal disturbances, and the extreme intensity of been pinpointed as a potential crossroad where
the pain, which is the most unbearable among the nociceptive peptidergic afferents of the ophthalmic
primary non-symptomatic headaches. Patients nerve, preganglionic parasympathetic fibres
tend to be agitated and to pace the floor, which is running through the greater superficial petrosal
clearly different from migraineurs who lie down nerve, and postganglionic sympathetic fibres of the
and seek rest during the attack. Cluster headache pericarotid plexus can be impaired and give rise
attacks tend to occur in the evening or during sleep. both to the pain and the autonomic symptoms of the
Cluster headache also must be distinguished from cluster headache attack (Ollat 1992). Interestingly,
trigeminal neuralgia, which is characterized by cluster-like headaches can be due to organic lesions
short-lasting, explosive pains, trigger points, and among which the most frequent are pituitary ade-
absent autonomic signs. It shares some characteristics nomas (Goldstein et al 2001). Hypothalamic-driven
with other disorders grouped under the heading vascular changes in the cavernous sinus loggia may
‘trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias’ (see below). reconcile the peripheral and central theories of cluster
headache pathophysiology (Schoenen 1998a).

Epidemiology Acute treatment To abate the single attack
The overall prevalence is around 0.04–0.09% inhalation of 100% oxygen (7–10 L/min) using a face
(Sjaastad 1986). The relative incidence of the chronic mask is effective within 10–15 min in 60–70% of cases.
form (Code 3.1.3) is on average 10% (Ekbom 1986). At present, subcutaneous injection of sumatriptan
There is a clear preponderance of the male sex is the most efficient treatment of cluster headache 229
Clinical pain states

attacks. At a dose of 6 mg, it alleviates the attack pterygopalatine ganglion, radiofrequency lesions
within 15 min in more than 90% of patients without or glycerol injections of the Gasserian ganglion, and
tachyphylaxis in the long term (Wilkinson et al gamma knife radiosurgery of the trigeminal nerve
1995). Sumatriptan is not able to prevent attacks root entry zone (Ford et al 1998). None of these
when given on a daily prophylactic basis (Monstad procedures gives consistent long-lasting relief and
et al 1995). some of them are not yet sufficiently validated.
Intranasal application of dihydroergotamine is They should therefore be considered only in the
effective in less than 50% of patients. Recently, oral minority (±1%) of patients who resist a full trial
and intranasal triptans were found to have some of medical therapy. Recently stimulation of the
utility in cluster attacks, but, because of their limited postero-inferior hypothalamus with deep electrodes
speed of action compared to injectable sumatriptan, was found effective.
only in those who have a long duration (Hardebo
and Dahlöf 1998, Bahra et al 2000). Pain syndromes related to cluster
Prophylactic treatment There is no general
agreement on a standard prophylactic therapy for Paroxysmal hemicrania is a rare disorder first
cluster headache (Ekbom 1995). described by Sjaastad and Dale (1974), affecting
Verapamil is probably the most effective preven- preferentially adult females. It has an absolute
tative treatment (Lewis and Solomon 1996). The responsiveness to indometacin and belongs therefore
average dose is 240 mg b.i.d., but daily doses up to to the ‘indometacin-responsive headaches’, which
960 mg, or more if tolerated, may be necessary in comprise also benign coital headache, exertional
some patients. The most common adverse effects headache, and hemicrania continua and idiopathic
are constipation, fatigue, and hypotension. stabbing headache. Attacks resemble those of
Lithium carbonate is effective at doses inducing cluster headache, but with a shorter duration (mean
plasma levels between 0.7 and 1 mmol/L. The 15 min), with a much higher frequency (more than
effectiveness of lithium may decrease during 5 a day for more than half of the time; mean of
successive clusters. Lithium may be more effective about 12 per day), and without nocturnal pre-
in the chronic form. ponderance. The chronic form (CPH), which
Methysergide has been used with success in characterizes most reported cases, may be preceded
cluster headache for many years. Daily dosage by an episodic, ‘pre-CPH’, stage.
should be as low as possible, preferably 3–4 mg. The exact pathogenesis of CPH is not known.
Methysergide must be interrupted every 5–6 Various abnormalities (e.g., corneal indentation or
months for 1 month to avoid retroperitoneal fibrosis. temperature changes, intraocular pressure changes)
Ergotamine tartrate given orally at bedtime may are similar to those reported in cluster headache
be useful to prevent nocturnal attacks. (Sjaastad 1986). Several symptomatic cases occurring
Corticosteroids at high doses are able to interrupt with sellar or parasellar neoplasms have been
a cluster in most patients. However, their use reported.
should be restricted to incapacitated and resistant The absolute responsiveness of CPH to indo-
patients with the episodic form. Tapering or inter- metacin is part of the diagnostic criteria. The effective
ruption of cortisone treatment is indeed frequently oral dosage varies between patients and may be as
followed by recurrence of attacks. Suboccipital high as 200 mg. An IV injection of indometacin, the
injection of a mixture of short- and long-acting so-called ‘indo-test’ may be rapidly effective. On
corticosteroids, associated or not with a local discontinuation of the drug attacks frequently
anaesthetic, is used as an adjuvant therapy in some reappear, but long-lasting remissions have been
centers. It offers the advantage of a ‘one-shot’ observed. Recently other NSAIDs, such as keto-
corticotherapy and may by itself interrupt a cluster profen, have been found effective in a few patients.
in a number of patients. Short-lasting, unilateral, neuralgiform orbital
In more resistant patients, it can be helpful to pain with conjunctival injection, tearing, sweating,
combine two of the above-mentioned substances. and rhinorrhoea, the so-called SUNCT syndrome, is
Other drugs like pizotifen, indometacin, or sodium a rare entity, mostly affecting males, which has
valproate may have some effect. similarities both with CPH and trigeminal neuralgia
Various invasive treatments have been proposed (Sjaastad et al 1989). SUNCT is characterized by
in cluster headache: alcoholization, corticosteroid a multiplicity of short (usually less than 120 s)
infiltrations, radiofrequency lesions (Sanders and paroxysms of moderate to severe pain with massive
230 Zuurmond 1997), cryosurgery or resection of the autonomic symptoms in the eye.
Indometacin may prevent these benign sexual

4. Miscellaneous headaches headaches, especially the last type. Spontaneous

unassociated with structural remissions are also frequent.
When a sudden severe headache occurs for the
lesion first time during sexual activity or exertion, an
This section comprises rather characteristic headaches intracranial aneurysm must be excluded (see the
that are benign in nature. They are triggered by section on Code 6.4).
stimulation of the trigeminal nerve territory or
changes in intracranial pressure. Some of them have
been more frequently reported in migraineurs.
5. Headache associated with
Idiopathic stabbing headache (Code 4.1) (ice- head trauma
pick pains or ‘jabs and jolts’) is characterized by
short-lasting pains at irregular intervals, in the Diagnosis and clinical features
distribution of the first division of the trigeminal The diagnostic criteria for acute posttraumatic
nerve. It was found in 2% of the general population headache (Code 5.1) are listed in Table 15.7. In the
(Rasmussen et al 1991) and is more prevalent in chronic form (Code 5.2) the headache continues for
migraineurs. If treatment is necessary, indometacin more than 8 weeks after regaining consciousness or
or other NSAIDs are usually effective. after trauma. Acute posttraumatic headache is often
External compression headache (Code 4.2) moderate to severe, throbbing, with accompanying
(‘swim-goggle headache’) is a dull constant pain nausea, vomiting, photo- and phonophobia, memory
felt in an area of the scalp subjected to prolonged impairment, irritability or drowsiness, or vertigo. It
pressure. It affects up to 4% of the population is usually exacerbated by physical exercise, described
(Rasmussen et al 1991), preferentially individuals as incapacitating by the patient, and bears many
suffering also from migraine. similarities to migraine, except the attack pattern.
Cold stimulus headache (Code 4.3) develops Chronic posttraumatic headache is usually a
during external exposure to cold (e.g., cold water) generalized headache, almost permanent like
or during ingestion of a cold food or drink (‘ice- chronic tension-type headache, but aggravated by
cream headache’). It seems to be frequent in the physical effort and mental strain. The pain may be
general population, affecting 15% of individuals; it focused on the area that the patient believes to have
is also more frequent in migraineurs. been damaged. Migrainous features, such as a
Benign cough headache (Code 4.4) and benign pulsating quality or nausea, may occur.
exertional headache (code 4.5) are rare (1% of the
population) and not associated with migraine or Table 15.7 Acute post-traumatic headache (Code 5.1):
tension-type headache (Rasmussen et al 1991). Note diagnostic criteria
that cough headache is benign in only about 50%
of cases, with a male preponderance and an onset 5.1.1 With significant head trauma and/or confirmatory
after 45 years of age. For the other 50%, cough signs
headache is most often due to Chiari Type-I malfor- A. Significance of head trauma documented by at least
one of the following:
mation, equally distributed in both sexes and begins 1. Loss of consciousness
under age 50 (Pascual et al 1996). Benign exer- 2. Post-traumatic amnesia lasting more than 10
tional headache has an earlier onset than benign minutes
cough headache and is frequently related to 3. At least two of the following exhibit relevant
abnormality: clinical neurological examination,
benign sexual headache. It can be prevented by
X-ray of skull, neuroimaging, evoked potentials,
taking indometacin before exercise. Ergotamine spinal fluid examination, vestibular function test,
tartrate, methysergide, and propranolol have also neuropsychological testing
been used. B. Headache occurs less than 14 days after regaining
Headache associated with sexual activity (Code consciousness (or after trauma, if there has been no
loss of consciousness)
4.6) is rare (<1%) (Rasmussen et al 1991, Pascual C. Headache disappears within 8 weeks after regaining
et al 1996) and may present under three different consciousness (or after trauma, if there has been no
forms: a dull pain in the head and neck that loss of consciousness)
intensifies as sexual excitement increases (Code
5.1.2 With minor head trauma and no confirmatory signs
4.6.1) or a postural headache resembling that of low A. Head trauma that does not satisfy 5.1.1.
cerebrospinal fluid pressure developing after coitus B. Headache occurs less than 14 days after injury
(Code 4.6.3). The third form, a sudden severe, C. Headache disappears within 8 weeks after injury
explosive, headache, occurs at orgasm (Code 4.6.2). 231
Clinical pain states

Many patients with chronic posttraumatic cupidity’ (Kelly 1986). Once this is accepted,
headache fulfil DSM-III-R criteria for posttraumatic therapeutic strategy must be planned for each
stress disorder. Depressive features are common patient individually. In patients who have mi-
(Hickling et al 1992). grainous features, prophylactic antimigraine drugs
Migraine or cluster headache may appear de can be useful (see above). Behavioural treatments,
novo after a head trauma. The incidence of post- such as biofeedback, have provided persistent relief
traumatic migraine was as high as 3% in one study in some patients. In many of them antidepressants,
(Solomon and Newman 1998). tricyclics, or MAO inhibitors are necessary. In all
cases of resistant posttraumatic headache, psycho-
social guidance is the cornerstone of management
Epidemiology and pathophysiology with the objective of helping the patient to recover
Headache is a major factor in the symptomatology progressively his social and professional status.
of head trauma. Interestingly, there is some evidence Unfavourable prognostic factors in chronic forms
that the incidence of posttraumatic headache is are age higher than 40, low intellectual, educational,
inversely related to the severity of head injury (Kay and socio-economic level, previous head trauma, and
et al 1971). In one study severe posttraumatic a history of alcohol abuse. Initial severe headache,
headache was found in 72% of mildly injured and extensive mobility decrease of the cervical spine,
33% of severely injured patients (Yamaguchi 1992). depressive mood, and vegetative symptoms are
Acute posttraumatic headache is very common additional factors that tend to prolong headache
and reported by more women than men. The after whiplash injury (Keidel and Diener 1997).
incidence of chronic posttraumatic headache varies
from 15 to 40% (Jensen and Nielsen 1990). Patients
suffering from headache before the trauma are not 6. Headache associated with
at greater risk of having posttraumatic headache. vascular disorder
The correlation between persistence of post-
traumatic symptoms and litigation remains All headaches coded to this group fulfill the
controversial (Russell 1932, Cook 1972, Kelly 1986, following criteria: symptoms and/or signs of
Schrader et al 1996, Warner and Fenichel 1996). vascular disorder, including appropriate inves-
tigations; and headache as a new symptom or of a
new type occurring in close temporal relation to
Treatment onset of vascular disorder.
Treatment of acute posttraumatic headache is part
of the general management of the cerebral Acute ischaemic cerebrovascular
concussion syndrome: physical and mental rest in
disease (Code 6.1)
a supine position and simple analgesics or anti-
inflammatory drugs. After the immediate acute The importance of headache as a symptom of
stage, the practitioner frequently must deal with occlusive cerebrovascular disease is still neglected
the other symptoms of the postconcussion syn- by many physicians. The major conclusions of two
drome such as memory impairment, mood and comprehensive reviews (Edmeads 1986, Mitsias
personality changes, and social dysfunctioning. and Ramadan 1992) can be summarized as follows:
Treatment of chronic posttraumatic headache
1. The incidence of headache accompanying
is difficult because of the complex interrelation
between organic and psychosocial factors. Daily transient ischaemia attacks (TIAs) or strokes
consumption of analgesics are a well-established, but often varies from 15 to 65% (average: 30%); it is less
neglected, chronifying factor (Warner and Fenichel frequent in lacunar infarcts. Headache is more
1996; see the section on Code 8.2). It can be pre- likely to occur in patients with posterior
vented by using NSAIDs as symptomatic treatment circulation ischaemia.
for the headache. Moreover, there is often an out- 2. The headache can precede the ischaemic event
standing claim for compensation from the employer in about 10% of cases (‘sentinel headache’).
(when trauma occurred at work) or from insurance 3. The headache is usually on the side of the
companies (for traffic accidents), and until this affected artery when the carotid circulation or
claim is settled, a complete failure of any proposed the posterior cerebral artery are involved and
treatment may be observed. The first, and possibly mostly frontal. In basilar artery or vertebral
major, step is to recognize that the condition does involvement it is most often occipital and
232 exist and is not always a ‘figment of the patient’s nonlateralized.
4. The quality of headache in ischaemic

Unruptured vascular malformation

cerebrovascular disease may be continuous
or throbbing. It is usually of moderate
(Code 6.4)
intensity. About one-quarter of patients with an intracranial
5. Headache at the onset of the ischaemic stroke aneurysm present prerupture manifestations. The
does not help to distinguish embolic from most frequent of these is the so-called ‘sentinel
atherothrombotic stroke. headache’ (or ‘premonitory headache’, ‘minibleeds’,
or ‘warning leaks’), suggesting that an aneurysm
Recent surveys suggest that migraine is an
might leak intermittently into the subarachnoid
independent risk factor for ischaemic stroke only in
space. Fortunately, not every severe global headache
females younger than 45 years of age (Tzourio et al
of abrupt onset, the so-called ‘thunderclap’ headache,
1995, 2000). This risk is greatly enhanced by adding
is the first symptom of an intracranial aneurysm
the contraceptive pill and/or smoking.
(Code 6.4.1). At least two studies have shown that
patients struck by thunderclap headache, who have
Intracranial haematoma (Code 6.2) normal CT scan and lumbar puncture results, do
not subsequently develop subarachnoid haemor-
The overall incidence of headache as a major rhage (Wijdicks et al 1988, Markus 1991). Some of
symptom of intracerebral haemorrhages (Code 6.2.1) these patients may subsequently develop typical
ranges from 36 to 66% (Edmeads 1986). There is a migraine attacks. Others may have at the time of
proportion of non-comatose, non-aphasic patients, the event radiological signs of diffuse, multifocal,
ranging from 10% in putaminothalamic to 30% in reversible vasospasm of cerebral arteries (Dodick et
lobar haemorrhages, who do not have headaches. al 1999). Consequently, the following guidelines
The occurrence, acuity, and severity of headache may be helpful in patients with an abrupt ‘worst
will depend largely on characteristics of the headache of my life’ thunderclap and a normal
haemorrhage. neurological examination: perform CT scan; if
Headache is a useful indicator of the late normal, perform lumbar puncture; if normal, the
development of an acute epidural (Code 6.2.3) or patient can be reassured and the headache
subdural (Code 6.2.2) haematoma in patients who considered to be benign (but it may recur in some
have recovered consciousness and subsequently patients). If the patient consults at a later stage,
appear to deteriorate. It may be similar to that due angio-magnetic resonance imaging is necessary to
to raised intracranial pressure (see the section on search for an aneurysm.
Code 7.1). Subdural haematomata can sometimes Arteriovenous malformations (AVM) (Code 6.4.1)
produce a paroxysmal headache that returns on often cause focal seizures or neurological deficits.
and off irregularly throughout the day, lasts only There are several case reports of AVMs mimicking
minutes, and is accompanied by generalized attacks of migraine with aura.
sweating and an increase in pulse rate (Kelly 1986).
The headache is usually frontal, but when the
subdural haematoma is in the posterior fossa, it is Arteritis (Code 6.5)
likely to be occipital. Occipital headache associated Giant cell arteritis (Code 6.5.1)
with neck stiffness may indicate the onset of Diagnosis and clinical features In the IHS
cerebellar pressure coning. classification, the diagnostic criteria for giant cell
arteritis (temporal arteritis or Horton’s disease) are
the presence of typical histopathological features
Subarachnoid haemorrhage (Code 6.3) on temporal artery biopsy, and one or more of the
The headache of subarachnoid haemorrhage is following: swollen and tender scalp artery, elevated
typically abrupt in onset and incapacitating in erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and disappearance
severity. Time from onset to maximal pain intensity of headache within 48 h of steroid therapy.
is less than 60 min in the case of ruptured aneurysm Other clinical characteristics may be helpful for
and less than 12 h if it is an arteriovenous mal- the diagnosis at an earlier stage. Giant cell arteritis
formation. The headache is diffuse, often posterior, is a disease of the elderly. Its prevalence increases
and radiating into the neck. It can be accompanied after the age of 50 years and was found to be 78.1
by blunting of consciousness, vomiting, stiff neck, per 100 000 in the ninth decade (Ross Russell 1986).
and sometimes subhyaloid haemorrhages. The The mean age was reported to be over 65 years
diagnosis is confirmed by CT scan, which may be and women predominated by 2:1 (Berlit 1992,
normal in 10% of cases, and CSF examination. Chmelewski et al 1992). The headache is usually 233
Clinical pain states

temporal, of variable severity, of a constant boring of the carotid artery or of the neck are able to
quality, and temporarily relieved by analgesics such produce symptoms suggestive of carotidynia, such
as aspirin. Pulsation in branches of the superficial as tenderness, swelling, and increased pulsation of
temporal artery or the facial artery may be absent. the carotid artery.
Symmetrical arthralgia–myalgia in shoulder or Postendarterectomy headache (Code 6.6.3) is
pelvic girdle areas (‘polymyalgia rheumatica’) defined as an ipsilateral headache beginning within
frequently accompanies this systemic disease as 2 days of carotid endarterectomy, in the absence of
well as general malaise, anorexia, or mild fever, but carotid occlusion or dissection. In a prospective
early morning large joint stiffness may be the only study of 50 patients, 62% reported headache, which
manifestation. Typical complications are claudication occurred in the first 5 days after surgery in 87% of
of jaw muscles, tongue paraesthesias, and visual cases. The headache was mostly bilateral (74%), mild
loss due to ischaemia of the optic nerve and retina, or moderate (78%), and requiring no treatment (77%)
which is reported with a frequency varying between (Tehindrazanarivelo et al 1992).
7 and 60% (Ross Russell 1986). Visual disturbances
require immediate and energetic treatment, because
the prognosis for recovery of vision lost for more
Venous thrombosis (Code 6.7)
than a few hours is poor. Stroke due to involvement Headache is the most frequent symptom in cerebral
of cerebral arteries may occur. venous thrombosis and most often the first one. It is
more frequently diffuse than localized and more
Pathology Temporal artery biopsy confirms often subacute than acute. Its intensity is highly
the diagnosis of a granulomatous arteritis but variable. Associated neurological signs (focal deficit
treatment should nevertheless be undertaken if the or seizures), and/or raised intracranial pressure-
clinical picture of the disease is suggestive (Berlit causing papilloedema, are present in the majority
1992). of cases. Headache can, however, occasionally be
the only symptom of cerebral venous thrombosis.
Treatment The first choice treatment of giant This is thus another reason why recent, persisting
cell arteritis is corticosteroids. Initial steroid dosage headache should prompt appropriate investigations
ranges from 40 to 90 mg/d prednisone. The clinical including cerebral imaging and, if necessary, angio-
response to treatment is rapid and severe headache graphy. The condition is treated with intravenous
disappears within 48 h. Whenever necessary, anticoagulation, later switched to the oral form for
corticosteroid treatment can be initiated before at least 6 months in most centres.
temporal artery biopsy is performed. This
does not immediately suppress histopathologic
abnormalities. Arterial hypertension (Code 6.8)
Once symptoms are controlled, doses of steroids There is convincing evidence that chronic hyper-
should gradually be reduced over a period of weeks tension of mild or moderate degree does not cause
to months. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is headache. Arterial hypertension is considered to be
helpful for determining the lowest effective dose. the cause of headache in four conditions that are
With doses of steroids below 20 mg of prednisone, usually not difficult to diagnose: acute pressor
30% of patients have a relapse. The prednisone response to exogenous agent (Code 6.8.1), phaeo-
dosage should be brought down to 10–15 mg/d by chromocytoma (Code 6.8.2), malignant hyper-
the third month (side effects!), while monitoring the tension with hypertensive encephalopathy (Code
erythrocyte sedimentation rate value as an early 6.8.3), and preeclampsia and eclampsia (Code 6.8.4).
indication of potential relapse. If side effects of
corticosteroids are severe, immunosuppressive
drugs such as azathioprine can be used. 7. Headache associated with
nonvascular intracranial disorder
Carotid or vertebral artery pain
In the IHS classification this category comprises
(Code 6.6) mainly headaches associated with changes in intra-
Ipsilateral headache and/or cervical pain may be cranial pressure. The diagnosis of disorders, such as
the only manifestation of carotid or vertebral dissection intracranial infections, is usually straightforward.
(Code 6.6.1) or accompany the neurological Others will be considered in the following section,
symptoms (Biousse et al 1992). Carotidynia (Code because they are frequent and/or because their
234 6.6.2) is a controversial entity. A number of diseases diagnosis can be difficult. This is the case for benign
intracranial hypertension, postlumbar puncture include, in addition to intracranial venous

headache, and headache associated with brain occlusion, menstrual dysfunction, deficiency of the
tumour. adrenals, corticosteroid therapy, hypoparathy-
roidism, vitamin A intoxication, insecticides, and
High cerebrospinal fluid pressure administration of tetracycline in infants. In many
(Code 7.1) cases no precise cause is found.

Benign intracranial hypertension (Code Treatment The treatment of elevated intra-

7.1.1) cranial pressure syndromes depends on the under-
Diagnosis and clinical features The diagnostic lying cause. Benign intracranial hypertension has
criteria for benign or idiopathic intracranial hyper- been reported to respond to, e.g., β-adrenergic
tension (pseudotumour cerebri) are listed in Table blockers, calcium channel antagonists, anti-
15.8. depressants, MAO inhibitors, anticonvulsants,
The headache accompanying this condition may analgesics, and ergotamine preparations. If such
mimic migraine. It is usually increased on suddenly therapy is unsuccessful, then a 4- to 6-week trial of
jolting or rotating the head. In the study by Wall furosemide or a potent carbonic anhydrase inhi-
(1990) the following features were found to be bitor (acetazolamide) should be tried. The use of
characteristic for the diagnosis: predominant high-dose corticosteroid may be effective. Lumbar
occurrence in young obese women (93%), the most puncture typically relieves headache, but the long-
severe headache ever experienced by the patient term usefulness of repeated lumbar puncture is
(93%), pulsatile character (83%), nausea (57%), uncertain.
vomiting (30%), tinnitus (55%), orbital pain (43%), Careful ophthalmological follow-up is necessary.
transient visual obscuration (71%), diplopia (38%), Surgical treatment has been directed toward
and visual loss (31%). Papilloedema, without neuro- preventing visual loss secondary to papilloedema.
radiological abnormalities (except for a possible Optic nerve sheath fenestration can produce
‘empty sella’), is pathognomonic for this condition improvement of headache as a felicitous side effect.
(Marcelis and Silberstein 1991), but cases without Ventriculoperitoneal shunts can be performed
papilloedema have been reported. The resting CSF successfully.
pressure in the lying position varies from 220 to
600 mm H2O. CSF cytology is normal, but protein High-pressure hydrocephalus (Code 7.1.2)
content may be low. Computerized axial tomo- High-pressure hydrocephalus may not cause
graphy may show narrow, ‘slit-like’ ventricles. headache when it develops progressively. The acute
increase in intracranial pressure that occurs, for
Pathogenesis Pathogenetic factors that may be example, with ventricular obstruction or shunt mal-
associated with benign intracranial hypertension function in a treated hydrocephalic usually causes
severe headache followed by visual disturbance.

Table 15.8 High cerebrospinal fluid pressure (Code 7.1):

diagnostic criteria Low cerebrospinal fluid pressure
(Code 7.2)
A. Patient suffers from benign intracranial hypertension
fulfilling the following criteria: Diagnosis and clinical features
1. Increased intracranial pressure (>200 mm H2O)
The clinical hallmark of low CSF pressure headache
measured by epidural or intraventricular pressure
monitoring or by lumbar puncture is that the pain is aggravated by upright position
2. Normal neurological examination except for and relieved when lying down (‘orthostatic
papilloedema and possible VI nerve palsy headache’). The headache may be frontal, occipital,
3. No mass lesion and no ventricular enlargement on or diffuse. The pain is severe, dull, or throbbing in
4. Normal or low protein concentration and normal
nature and not usually relieved with analgesics.
white cell count in CSF Other symptoms include anorexia, nausea, vomiting,
5. No clinical or neuroimaging suspicion of venous vertigo, and tinnitus. The pain is aggravated by
sinus thrombosis head shaking and jugular compression. Physical
B. Headache intensity and frequency related to variations examination may show mild neck stiffness and a
of intracranial pressure with a time lag of less than slow pulse rate, but is most often normal. Spinal
24 hours fluid pressure usually ranges from 0 to 30 mm H2O
in the lateral supine position. 235
Clinical pain states

Etiology variation in intensity during the 24-h cycle, it is

The most frequent cause of low CSF pressure is worse in the early morning and ameliorated by
lumbar puncture. Most likely, the pathogenesis of breakfast. Elevation of intracranial pressure is not
post lumbar puncture headache (Code 7.2.1) is related necessary for its occurrence. It is not always more
to a loss of CSF secondary to leakage through the prominent with rapidly growing tumours than
dural hole. However, other factors may favour the with those of slower growth. Headache is a rare
syndrome: post lumbar puncture headache, with a initial symptom in patients with pituitary tumours,
prevalence of up to 40–50%, is more frequent in craniopharyngiomas, or cerebellopontine angle
young, healthy, female patients with low body mass tumours.
and in subjects who have a history of previous Some general rules concerning headache as an
headaches (Kuntz et al 1992). aid to localization in patients with brain tumour
There are many other causes of low-pressure have been proposed by Dalessio (1989):
headache syndrome like posttraumatic, postopera- 1. The headache of brain tumour approximately
tive, or idiopathic cerebrospinal fluid leak (Code 7.2.2)
overlies the tumour in about one-third of patients.
or systemic illnesses such as dehydration, diabetic
2. If the tumour is above the tentorium, the pain is
coma, hyperpnoea, or uraemia. Spontaneous intra-
frequently at the vertex or in the frontal region.
cranial hypotension is also well established, but
3. If the tumour is below the tentorium, the pain is
remains underdiagnosed (Silberstein and Marcelis
often occipital and cervical muscle spasms may
1992). Pachymeningeal enhancement on magnetic
be present.
resonance imaging is a hallmark of intracranial
4. Headache is always present with posterior fossa
hypotension. CSF leaks at the spinal level can be
detected by isotopic cisternography on which early
5. If the tumour is midline, it may be increased
bladder visualization is also a characteristic finding.
with cough or strain or sudden head movement.
Treatment 6. If the tumour is hemispheric, the pain is
usually felt on the same side of the head.
The incidence of post lumbar puncture headache
7. If the tumour is chiasmal, at the sella, the pain
may be lower when small-diameter (20 or 22 G) or
may be referred to the vertex.
‘atraumatic’ needles are used, but this lacks definitive
proof (Kuntz et al 1992, Lenaerts et al 1993). Contrary Headache is a more common symptom of brain
to previous belief, recommendation of a resting tumour in children (>90%). The following char-
period in the supine position after the procedure acteristics were found to occur frequently in
makes no difference to the incidence (Vilming et al children with brain tumour headache: headache
1988). awakening from sleep or present on arising, high
Treatment of postlumbar puncture headache and severity or frequency of headache, and vomiting.
spontaneous intracranial hypotension is similar. It The majority of children presenting with headache
begins with non-invasive therapeutic modalities of because of a brain tumour have abnormal signs on
bed rest and, if necessary NSAIDs. Intravenous or neurological examination.
oral caffeine may produce significant relief. If not, In specialized headache or pain clinics, brain
a short course of corticosteroids or ACTH can be tumours account for less than 1% of cases. There is
used, but if the patient remains disabled, one should significant overlap between the headache of brain
not hesitate in applying an epidural autologous blood tumour and migraine and tension-type headache.
patch. If the headache of intracranial hypotension The following clues indicate that a thorough
recurs, the epidural blood patch can be repeated, or neuroradiological examination is recommended:
a continuous intrathecal saline infusion may be any headache of recent onset; a headache that has
attempted (Silberstein and Marcelis 1992). changed in character; a focalized headache not
resembling one of the primary headaches; and
morning or nocturnal headache, associated with
Intracranial neoplasm (Code 7.6) vomiting, in a nonmigraineur.

Headache occurs at presentation in 36–50% of adult

patients with brain tumours and develops in the 8. Headache associated with
course of the disease in 60% (Silberstein and
Marcelis 1992). The headache is usually generalized,
substances or their withdrawal
of the dull, deep aching type. It may be intermittent A new headache including migraine, tension-type
236 and relieved by simple analgesics. If there is any headache, or cluster headache, in close temporal
relation to substance use or substance withdrawal Although some side effects of ergotamine and

is coded to this group. Effective doses and temporal analgesics are well known, many physicians still
relationships have not yet been determined for ignore the fact that use of these drugs in large
most substances. The most significant and intriguing amounts can induce chronic headaches. Moreover,
headaches in clinical practice are those induced by analgesic abuse seems to nullify the effects of
misuse of antiheadache medications, i.e., ergotamine, prophylactic drugs given for the original headache
analgesic compounds, and triptans. condition.
In the criteria of the IHS classification (Table
Headache induced by acute 15.9), the cumulative doses of ergotamine or
analgesics capable of inducing chronic headaches
substance use or exposure (Code 8.1) are obviously overestimated. The mechanisms of
A vast number of chemicals can cause headaches drug-abuse headache are still poorly understood. A
(Askmark et al 1989), e.g., nitrates/nitrites (‘hot dog familial predisposition is possible. A similar clinical
headache’) (Code 8.1.1), monosodium glutamate pattern is encountered in patients using such
(‘Chinese restaurant syndrome’) (Code 8.1.2), carbon different drugs as analgesics, ergotamine, triptans,
monoxide (Code 8.1.3), or alcohol (Code 8.1.4). barbiturates, or opiates. These drugs might modify
central neurotransmitter systems (e.g., noradrenaline
(norepinephrine), serotonin, and endorphins)
Headache induced by chronic playing a role in the control of nociception and
substance use or exposure (Code 8.2) mood by changing receptor sensitivity.
Diagnosis and clinical features (Table 15.9) Treatment
Around 10% of patients attending a specialized The only effective treatment of drug misuse headache
headache clinic, of whom most originally had is withdrawal of the substance(s) involved (Kudrow
migraine, suffer from this condition (Kudrow 1982, 1982, Dichgans et al 1984, Saper 1987, Schoenen et
Schoenen et al 1989, Henry 1992). Drug-induced al 1989, Mathew et al 1990, Henry 1992, Steiner et al
headache is a chronic, usually daily, headache 1992, Limmroth et al 1999). For a better management
involving the whole skull (‘pressing helmet’). Pain of withdrawal a hospital setting can be chosen,
is exacerbated by physical exercise and intellectual but it does not provide better outcome than an
effort and is often accompanied by asthenia, ambulatory setting. Withdrawal reactions include
irritability, sleep, and memory disturbances. The increased headaches, nervousness, restlessness,
characteristics of chronic drug-induced headache nausea, vomiting, insomnia, diarrhoea, tremor,
resemble those of tension-type headache, except autonomic dysfunction, and even seizures in the
that nausea and photo- and phonophobia are much
more frequent. These patients have a long-lasting
history of abortive drug intake, with escalation Table 15.9 Headache induced by chronic substance use or
over months or years of the doses needed to exposure (Code 8.2): diagnostic criteria
provide some relief. Some use analgesics even
before the headache appears. Depression or anxiety A. Occurs after daily doses of a substance for >3 months
are common, as is the tendency towards tran- B. A certain minimum dose should be indicated
C. Headache is chronic (15 days or more a month)
quillizer abuse. Ergotamine, usually associated with
D. Headache disappears within 1 month after withdrawal
caffeine, and combination analgesics containing of the substance
codeine and/or caffeine are most often involved,
but recently abuse of the selective antimigraine 8.2.1 Ergotamine-induced headache
A. Is preceded by daily ergotamine intake (oral >2 mg,
drugs, the triptans, was also reported (Limmroth et rectal >1 mg)
al 1999). B. Is diffuse, pulsating and distinguished from migraine
by absent attack pattern and/or absent associated
So far, headache induced by chronic use of 8.2.2 Analgesic abuse headache
ergotamine and analgesics has only been described One or more of the following:
1. >50 g of aspirin a month or equivalent of other
when the drugs were taken for headaches and not analgesics
when they were taken for other disorders such as 2. >100 tablets a month of analgesics combined with
chronic low back pain. It remains to be determined barbiturates or other non-narcotic compounds
whether pain syndromes such as the latter might 3. One or more narcotic analgesics
also be rendered chronic by analgesic abuse. 237
Clinical pain states

case of barbiturate or benzodiazepine abuse. Their hand, among the unilateral headaches a cervicogenic
duration is shorter for triptans than for ergotamine origin may be overdiagnosed, if strict diagnostic
or analgesic preparations (Katsavara et al 2001). criteria are missing.
They can be alleviated by temporary prescription
of neuroleptics or tranquillizers, e.g., tiapride Pathophysiology
(75–100 mg/d) or acamprosate (333 mg t.i.d. or Pain (also in the supraorbital area) can be
q.i.d.). NSAIDs may be allowed as symptomatic transiently relieved by anaesthetic blockade of the
headache treatment and triptans for ‘break- greater occipital nerve (GON) (Bovim and Sand
through’ migraine attacks, but no more than twice 1992), suggesting that the GON and projections
per week. Intravenous dihydroergotamine is also from upper cervical root (C2–C3) to second-order
an effective strategy for withdrawal in inpatients. nociceptors in the spinal trigeminal complex (Kerr
Prophylactic antimigraine drugs like valproate or 1961) might play a role, producing referred pain in
beta blockers should be prescribed concomittantly the area of the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal
if the patient suffers from migraine, and tricyclics nerve. However, other structures like bones, muscles,
and behavioural therapy if he has chronic tension- and arteries in the neck area can induce pain. Like
type headache (see above). In a study of 121 drug- tension-type headache, cervicogenic headache
misusers with chronic daily headache where we (although triggered initially by peripheral
used tiapride and clomipramine IV for inpatients, mechanisms) might be caused in its chronic form
orally for outpatients, in combination with prophy- by dysfunction of central rather than peripheral
lactic therapy, results of withdrawal were excellent nociceptive structures.
in the short term (73% at 10 days, 65% at 90 days),
but there was a recurrence in about 20% of patients Treatment
at 6 months (Schoenen et al 1989). Long-term Pharmacological treatment of cervicogenic headache
(<3 years) relapse rates up to 50% were reported is often disappointing. NSAIDs and analgesics can
in other series. One important aspect of long-term be effectively used for short periods. Tricyclic
prognosis is appropriate psychological support. antidepressants can also produce some benefit. As
Education of patients and their physicians is with tension-type headaches, physical therapy,
obviously important in the prevention of this relaxation, and biofeedback can be useful (Jaeger
syndrome. Important steps include limiting the 1989). Besides blockade of the GON, neurolysis of
prescription of acute antimigraine drugs (useful this nerve or of C2 roots has been performed, but
rule of thumb: intake on no more than 2 days per results were short-lasting (Bovim et al 1992).
week); avoiding treatment with combined analgesics Radiofrequency electrocoagulation of joint facets
containing codeine, caffeine, and/or ergotamine; has also been proposed (Blume et al 1982, van
using preferentially simple NSAIDs, aspirin or Suijlekom et al 1998), but is not an evidence-based
paracetamol compounds, and triptans for acute alternative yet.
headache treatment; and considering prophylactic
therapy whenever headache is frequent and/or dis- Temporomandibular joint disease
abling despite acute drug use (Schoenen et al 1989). (Code 11.7)
Diagnosis and clinical features
9. Headache or facial pain
Temporomandibular joint disease produces pain in
associated with disorder of the jaw, located to the temporomandibular joint
cranium, neck, eyes, ears, nose, and/or radiating from there, usually of mild to
moderate intensity. It is precipitated by movement
sinuses, teeth, mouth, or other and/or clenching the teeth. Range of movement of
facial or cranial structures the joint is reduced, with palpation tenderness of
the capsule and noise (‘click’) during joint move-
Cervical spine (Code 11.2.1)
ments. CT scan or MRI of the temporomandibular
Diagnosis and clinical features joint can be abnormal.
The diagnostic criteria of so-called ‘cervicogenic
headache’ remain controversial (Edmeads 1988, Pathophysiology and treatment
Sjaastad et al 1990). In the first IHS Classification Pain from temporomandibular joints is rarely due
functional and/or structural abnormalities on X- to definable organic disease. Patients with rheuma-
rays of the cervical spine are a mandatory diagnostic toid arthritis or generalized osteoarthrosis often
238 criterion, which may be disputable. On the other show X-ray involvement of the temporomandibular
joints but do not experience significantly more pain

Trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux)

in that area than the normal population (Chalmers
and Blair 1974). The so-called ‘Costen’s syndrome’
(Code 12.2)
(Costen 1934), including head pain and additional Idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia (Code 12.2.1)
features, was attributed to retroposition of the head Diagnosis and clinical features Trigeminal
of the mandibular condyle, causing irritation of the neuralgia or ‘tic douloureux’ is described in detail
adjacent nerves. However, sixty years later patho- in Chap. 14. In summary, it is characterized by very
logical proof is still missing. short-lasting (up to a few seconds) attacks of
In most cases temporomandibular pain is intense, electric shock-like pain limited to the
associated with oromandibular dysfunction and distribution of one or more divisions of the
can be consecutive to myofascial involvement, which trigeminal nerve (usually the second or third
relates it to tension-type headache (Schokker 1989) divisions), female preponderance (ratio 3:2 over
(see Code 2). Occlusional splints may help these males), onset after 50 years of age, and presence in
patients, but additional drug or non-drug treatment the affected territory of trigger points where trivial
for tension-type headache is usually necessary on stimuli such as washing, shaving, chewing,
the long term. Moreover, there is strong evidence brushing the teeth, or speaking can elicit the pain.
that many patients with temporomandibular pain The pain often induces reflex spasms of facial
syndrome suffer from concomitant anxiety or muscles on the affected side, hence the name ‘tic
depression and should be treated accordingly douloureux’. Paroxysms may recur dozens of times
(Feinmann et al 1984). in a single day but interfere little with sleep.
Remissions of variable duration are described (see
10. Cranial neuralgia, nerve trunk Table 15.9).
pain and deafferentation pain Pathophysiology It is currently believed that
Herpes zoster (Code, chronic in many cases so-called idiopathic trigeminal
neuralgia might result from local demyelination of
postherpetic neuralgia (Code
the trigeminal root entry zone due to compressions
Herpes zoster affects the trigeminal ganglion in in the posterior fossa, usually by small tortuous
10–15% of patients, with particular affinity for the arteries or veins (Jannetta 1970).
ophthalmic division (80%). Third, fourth, or sixth
cranial nerve palsies are rare. Herpes zoster may Treatment More than two-thirds of patients
also involve the geniculate ganglion, with an with idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia respond
eruption in the external auditory meatus (‘Ramsay- favourably to treatment with carbamazepine
Hunt’s zone’) often associated with facial nerve (200–400 mg t.i.d.) or in refractory cases, carbama-
palsy or acoustic symptoms. zepine plus baclofen (25 mg t.i.d.) or plus clona-
Postherpetic neuralgia (Code is a zepam (2 mg t.i.d.). Phenytoin (200–300 mg/d),
chronic pain developing during the acute phase of lamotrigine, or gabapentin (Delaux and Schoenen
infection, but persisting more than 6 months. It is a 2001) are alternatives. For refractory cases, radio-
frequent sequel of herpes zoster infection (up to frequency thermocoagulation or gamma-knife
50%), particularly in older patients (Watson and surgery of the Gasserian ganglion or microsurgical
Evans 1988). Its incidence is reduced by acyclovir decompression (Jannetta 1981, Taarnhoj 1995) of
treatment at the acute phase. Pain is felt in the area the trigeminal root in the posterior fossa can be
formerly involved by the infection. It is constant, proposed. Each of these methods has proven
moderate to severe, and often described as burning. efficacy, but each may be followed by relapses. Each
Paraesthesia or hypoaesthesia is frequent. method also may be associated with complications
Treatment rests on tricyclic antidepressants (e.g., or failures. As a consequence, the choice of an inva-
amitryptiline; Watson and Evans 1988) or other sive treatment for resistant trigeminal neuralgia
classes of antidepressants (Watson et al 1992) must take into account previous experience and
improving symptoms in about half of the patients expertise in a given centre.
(Watson et al 1991). Better outcome seems to be
related to early treatment. Topical administration of Symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia (Code
capsaicin or analgesics can be tried in refractory 12.2.2)
cases, and recently new generation antiepileptics Several diseases can produce trigeminal neuralgia,
like lamotrigine or gabapentin were found effective such as acoustic neurinomas, brainstem infarcts,
(Delaux and Schoenen 2001). and, chiefly, multiple sclerosis. The main differences 239
Clinical pain states

from the idiopathic form are a younger age at onset, clinical skill and an adequate choice of paraclinical
persistence of aching between paroxysms, and investigations.
signs of sensory impairment in the distribution of Most chronic headaches correspond to one of
the corresponding trigeminal division. the primary headache types. Many, if not all, are
probably biobehavioural disorders, resulting from
Glossopharyngeal (Code 12.3) and a complex, variable interplay between neurobio-
nervus intermedius (Code 12.4) logical (in part genetically determined) mechanisms
and behavioural processes influenced by environ-
mental factors. Treatment of these patients, besides
These forms of neuralgia are uncommon. Pain alleviating the symptom ‘head pain’, must be
characteristics, pathophysiology, and treatment are directed towards both body and mind.
similar to those of trigeminal neuralgia. In glosso- In primary headaches, the most important
pharyngeal neuralgia the pain is localized in the recent advances were achieved for the pathogenesis
ear, base of tongue, or tonsillar fossa or beneath the and treatment of migraine. The genetic ‘Pandora’s
angle of the jaw. It is provoked by swallowing, box’ has been opened and detectable interictal
talking, and coughing. Neuralgia of the nervus nervous system dysfunctions contribute to under-
intermedius is felt deeply in the ear, lasting for standing the neurobiological consequences of the
seconds or minutes, with a trigger zone in the migraine genotypes and to better geno-phenotype
posterior wall of the auditory canal. correlations. New triptans are on the market for
more efficient acute therapy, and some novel
Facial pain not fulfilling criteria in prophylactic drugs with few side effects, like
groups 11 and 12 (Code 12.8) riboflavine, lisinopril, and new antiepileptics, were
found to be effective. In tension-type headache,
Many patients, usually middle-aged women, unfortunately, there has been little pathophysiologic
complain of facial pain that cannot be put into one or therapeutic progress. Nonetheless, the advantage
of the previous categories (‘atypical facial pain’). of combining behavioural (stress management) and
Pain is described as burning or aching, is present drug (tricyclics) treatment for chronic tension-type
daily, and persists for most of the day. It is poorly headache has been proven. It remains to be proven,
localized and does not fit with the sensory however, whether certain tension-type headaches
distribution of a trigeminal branch. Clinical exam- fulfilling IHS criteria are in fact migrainous in
ination and paraclinical investigations are normal. origin, as suggested by some recent studies. Drug-
Pain may be triggered by operations or injuries to misuse headache, caused by the overuse of acute
the face or dental problems, but becomes chronic headache medications, mainly that of combination
without any demonstrable lesion. Such patients analgesics and ergotamine preparations, is still
often exhibit depressive traits (Lascelles 1966). underrecognized by the medical community and
Tricyclic antidepressants may provide some relief. largely unknown to patients.
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Nerve and root damage


Postamputation pain
Lone Nikolajsen and Troels Staehelin Jensen

• phantom pain: painful sensations referred to the

Introduction missing limb
The first medical description of postamputation • stump pain: pain referred to the stump
phenomena was reported by Ambroise Paré • phantom sensation: any sensation of the missing
(sixteenth century) who noticed that amputees may limb except pain.
complain of severe pain in the missing limb a long
time after amputation (Keil 1990). Subsequent
studies provided detailed descriptions of the Clinical characteristics
phenomenon and, in 1871, Mitchell coined the term Phantom pain
‘phantom limb’. In the twentieth century, World
War II, Vietnam, Israeli, and other wars provided Incidence
many cases of amputations, and today, landmine Recent studies agree that the incidence of phantom
explosions all over the world are still responsible pain is in the range of 60–80% (Parkes 1973, Carlen
for many traumatic amputations. In Western et al 1978, Jensen et al 1983, Sherman and Sherman
countries the main reasons for amputation are 1983, Houghton et al 1994, Nikolajsen et al 1997a,
peripheral vascular disease and, less often, Wartan et al 1997, Kooijmann et al 2000).
tumours. The mechanisms underlying pain in The incidence of phantom pain seems to be inde-
amputees are still not fully understood and pendent of age in adults, gender, side, or level of
although a large number of treatments have been amputation and cause of amputation (civilian versus
suggested treatment results are often poor. traumatic) (Jensen et al 1983, Sherman and Sherman
The present chapter describes the clinical 1985, Houghton et al 1994, Montoya et al 1997).
characteristics of postamputation phenomena, Phantom pain is less frequent in young children
followed by a short review of possible mechanisms and in congenital amputees (Wilkins et al 1998).
underlying pain in amputees. Finally, treatment
possibilities and the controversial issue—whether Onset and duration
phantom pain can be prevented—will be discussed. Onset of phantom pain is usually within the first
It is useful to distinguish between the following week after amputation (Parkes 1973, Carlen et al
three elements of the phantom complex: 1978, Jensen et al 1983, Krane and Heller 1995, 247
Clinical pain states

Nikolajsen et al 1997a). In a prospective study by in prospective studies (Jensen et al 1983, 1985;

Nikolajsen et al (1997a), 56 lower limb amputees Nikolajsen et al 1997a). Nikolajsen et al (1997a)
were interviewed about phantom pain 1 week and found that phantom pain was more frequent after
3 and 6 months after the amputation. Sixty-seven 1 week and 3 months, but not after 6 months, in
percent of patients reported phantom pain after one patients who had moderate or severe preampu-
week and only two patients developed phantom tation pain compared to patients with less pre-
pain later in the course. However, case reports amputation pain.
suggest that the onset of phantom pain may be The literature contains numerous case reports
delayed for several years after amputation that show that phantom pain may mimick pre-
(Rajbhandari et al 1999). amputation pain both in character and location
Although phantom pain may diminish with (Bailey and Moersch 1941, Nathan 1962, Katz and
time and eventually fade away, prospective studies Melzack 1990, Hill et al 1996). For example, Hill et
indicate that even 2 years after amputation the al (1996) described a woman who had recurrent
incidence is almost the same as at onset (Jensen et al infections of a leg wound. The most distressing pre-
1985, Nikolajsen et al 1997a). In a survey of 526 amputation pain consisted of cleaning and packing
veterans with longstanding amputations, phantom the wound twice daily. After the amputation the
pain had disappeared in 16%, decreased markedly patient reported severe phantom pain similar to
in 37%, remained similar in 44%, and increased in the pain she experienced before the amputation
3% of respondents reporting phantom pain (Wartan and localized to the open drainage site of the wound
et al 1997). which was no longer there. Other descriptions
include the reactivation of pains perceived prior
Character and localization to the amputation. Nathan (1962) described an
Phantom pain is usually intermittent; only few amputee who, following a noxious stimulus to the
patients are in constant pain. Episodes of pain stump, re-experienced pain from a skating injury
are reported to occur daily or at daily or weekly that he had sustained 5 years earlier.
intervals with only a few reporting monthly, yearly, The frequency with which preamputation pain
or rarer episodes. Duration of individual pain persists as phantom pain varies from 12.5 to nearly
attacks is seconds, minutes, and hours, but rarely 80% (Appenzeller and Bicknell 1969, Parkes 1973,
days or longer. The pain is described as shooting, Jensen et al 1985, Wall et al 1985, Katz and Melzack
stabbing, pricking, boring, squeezing, throbbing, 1990). In a retrospective study by Katz and Melzack
and burning. Some patients have more vivid and (1990), 68 amputees were questioned about pre-
colourful descriptions as for example ‘my foot is amputation pain and phantom pain from 20 days
pinched by a tight shoe’ or ‘50 devils are stabbing to 46 years after the amputation. Fifty-seven of
needles into my foot’. Phantom pain is primarily those who experienced phantom pain claimed that
localized in distal parts of the missing limb (Parkes their phantom pain resembled the pain they had
1973; Carlen et al 1978; Jensen et al 1983, 1985; before the amputation. The incidence was much
Sherman and Sherman 1983, 1985; Katz and lower in two prospective studies (Jensen et al 1985,
Melzack 1990; Krane and Heller 1995; Wartan et al Nikolajsen et al 1997a). Nikolajsen et al (1997a)
1997; Montoya et al 1997; Kooijman 2000). recorded location and character of pain before the
amputation and after 1 week and 3 and 6 months.
Preamputation pain and phantom pain Although 42% of patients claimed that their phantom
Several retrospective studies (Riddoch 1941, pain resembled the pain they had experienced
Appenzeller and Bicknell 1969, Parkes 1973, before the amputation, there was no relation
Houghton 1994, Krane and Heller 1995)—but not between the patient’s own opinion about similarity
all (Henderson and Smyth 1948, Wall et al 1985, and the actual similarity found when comparing
Kooijmann et al 2000)—have pointed to preampu- pre- and postoperative recordings of pain. It is
tation pain as a risk factor for postoperative possible that some patients with phantom pain
phantom pain. Houghton et al (1994) studied 176 would try to explain their pain by comparing it to
amputees: in vascular amputees there was a pain experienced previously, thus giving a false
significant relation between preamputation pain high estimate of the number of patients with
and phantom pain immediately after the ampu- identical preamputation pain and phantom pain.
tation and after 6 months and 1 and 2 years. In
traumatic amputees phantom pain was only related Modulating factors
to preamputation pain immediately after the Phantom pain may be modulated by several
248 amputation. Similar findings have been described internal and external factors. Attention, anxiety,
and autonomic reflexes such as coughing and subsided. However, in two patients stump pain
Postamputation pain

urination may increase pain, whereas rest and worsened. Kooijman et al (2000) studied 99 upper-
distraction ameliorate may pain. Phantom pain limb amputees and found that 49% experienced
may be provoked by changes in the weather and some pain in the stump. In most patients the pain
cooling and pressure at the stump (Jensen et al was intermittent.
1984, Krebs et al 1985). In a group of upper limb Stump pain is often described as either pressing,
amputees, Weiss et al (1999) reported that phantom throbbing, burning, or squeezing (Jensen et al
pain was decreased by the use of a prosthesis that 1985). Other descriptions include a stabbing sensa-
allowed extensive use of the affected limb, whereas tion or an electric current (Browder and Gallagher
a cosmetic prosthesis had no effect. Coping stra- 1948). A variant of this type is what Sunderland
tegies and rehabilitation also play a role for the pain (1978) termed ‘nerve storms’, with painful attacks
experience (Hill et al 1995, Pezzin et al 2000) but of up to 2 days’ duration. Several amputees complain
there is no evidence that phantom pain represents a of spontaneous movements of the stump, which
psychological disturbance (Sherman et al 1987, range from painful, hardly visible, myoclonic jerks
Katz and Melzack 1990). to severe clonic contractions (Sliosberg 1948).
Case reports have suggested that spinal anaes-
thesia in amputees may cause appearance of Stump and phantom pain are interrelated
phantom pain in otherwise pain-free subjects phenomena
(Mackenzie 1983). However, in a prospective study Parkes (1973) studied 46 amputees and found that
of 23 spinal anaesthetics in 17 amputees, only one stump pain within the first 3 weeks after ampu-
developed transient phantom pain (Tessler and tation was significantly associated to phantom pain
Kleiman 1994). 1 year later. In a survey of 648 amputees, Sherman
An existing phantom limb experience, whether and Sherman (1983) found that stump pain was
painful or not, may be altered by spinal cord or present in 61% of amputees with phantom pain but
brain lesions (Brihaye 1958, Appenzeller and only in 39% of those without phantom pain. Carlen
Bicknell 1969). A focal brain infarct in the posterior et al (1978) noted that phantom pain was decreased
internal capsule made a former phantom limb by the resolution of stump-end pathology. Jensen
disappear (Yarnitsky et al 1988). et al (1985) found that 2 years after amputation
Evidence is growing that the individual´s phantom pain was significantly more frequent in
genetic predisposition to develop phantom pain patients with stump pain than in patients without
may be important (Devor and Raber 1990, Mogil et stump pain. Nikolajsen et al (1997a) found that
al 1999). However, Schott (1986) described a family stump and phantom pain were significantly related
in which five members sustained traumatic ampu- 1 week after amputation. Other clinical studies
tations of their limbs. The development of phantom have shown that temperature and muscle activity
phenomena, including pain, was unpredictable, at the stump are related to phantom pain (Sherman
despite their being first-degree relatives. and Glenda 1987, Sherman et al 1992, Katz 1992).
Nikolajsen et al (2000a) studied 35 amputees and
Stump pain found that low mechanical thresholds (pressure
algometry) at the stump were associated with stump
Incidence, time course, and character and phantom pain one week after amputation.
Virtually all amputees experience stump pain The association between stump and phantom
immediately after the amputation. This is expected pain is consistent with experimental studies in
and is a normal result of major surgery. If the pain amputees. Nystrøm and Hagbarth (1981) observed
does not decrease substantially within the first few abnormal activity in peroneal and median nerve
days or if it subsides and then worsens, there is fibres of two amputees with ongoing pain in their
usually a problem with the amputation. In some phantom foot and hand, respectively. Percussion of
patients, however, stump pain persists despite neuromas in these two patients produced increased
proper healing of the stump. Persistent stump pain nerve fibre discharges and an augmentation of their
is reported to occur in 5–21% of patients (Finch et al phantom pain.
1980; Abramson and Feibel 1981; Jensen et al 1983,
1985; Pohjolainen 1991). Nikolajsen et al (1997a) Stump pathology associated with pain
prospectively recorded incidence and intensity of Examinations of stumps often disclose definite
postamputation stump pain in 56 amputees. All pathological findings that may account for the pain
patients had some stump pain during the first week in the stump and/or the phantom such as skin
after amputation, but in most patients pain pathology, circulatory disturbances, infection of the 249
Clinical pain states

skin or underlying tissue, bone spurs, or neuromas. cantly. Approximately three-quarters of patients
Although stump and phantom pain is significantly had kinaesthetic sensations in the limb during the
more frequent in patients with obvious stump first 6 months after amputation (i.e. feeling of
pathology than in those without pathological length, volume, or other spatial sensation) but less
findings, pain may occur in perfectly healed than half of patients had this later in the course
stumps. Careful examination of stump sensibility (Jensen et al 1984).
has revealed areas of altered sensitivity (e.g. hypo- Telescoping (shrinkage of the phantom) is
algesia, hyperalgesia, hyperpathia, or allodynia) reported to occur in about half of patients
in almost all amputees (Jensen et al, unpublished (Fig. 16.1). It has been postulated that phantom
data; Nikolajsen et al 1998). pain prevents or retards shrinkage of the phantom
but Montoya et al (1997) failed to find such a
relation: 12 of 16 patients with phantom pain and 5
Phantom limb of 10 patients without pain reported telescoping.
Phantom limb sensation
Non-painful phantom sensations are rarely a
clinical problem. Phantom pain and phantom Aetiology and
sensation often coexist but phantom sensations are pathophysiological mechanisms
more frequent than phantom pain. Most reports
indicate that 80–100% of all amputees will expe- The mechanisms underlying pain in amputees are
rience phantom sensations following amputation not known exactly, but both peripheral and central
(Carlen et al 1978, Jensen et al 1983, Krane and neuronal mechanisms are likely to occur. Although
Heller 1995, Montoya et al 1997, Wilkins et al 1998, nerve section is associated with clear changes in
Kooijman et al 2000). The onset is usually within the periphery, which represents an obvious origin
the first days after amputation (Henderson and for pain, it is clear that the phantom limb with
Smyth 1948, Carlen et al 1978, Jensen et al 1983, its complex perceptual qualities is ultimately inte-
1984). The amputee often wakes up from the grated in the brain. An extensive experimental and
anaesthesia with a feeling that the amputated limb clinical literature documents that nerve injury
is still there. In some cases phantom sensations may induces a number of morphological, physiological,
be very vivid and include feelings of movement and chemical changes in both the peripheral and
and posture (Riddoch 1941, Henderson and Smyth central nervous systems. These changes will be
1948, Cronholm 1951); in other cases only weak described briefly in the following.
sensations of the phantom are felt. In a prospective
study of 58 amputees, the incidence of phantom
limb sensation was 84, 90, and 71% 8 days, 6
Peripheral mechanisms
months, and 2 years after amputation, respectively. Several clinical observations suggest that mechan-
While the incidence of phantom sensation did not isms in the periphery (i.e. in the stump or in central
decrease during follow-up, both duration and parts of sectioned primary afferents) may play a
frequency of phantom phenomena declined signifi- role in the phantom limb percept:

a b c

250 Fig. 16.1 (a–c) Telescoping.

• Phantom limb sensations can be modulated by sensitization can be reduced by NMDA receptor
Postamputation pain

various stump manipulations. antagonists. In human amputees one aspect of such

• Phantom limb sensations are temporarily central sensitization, the evoked stump or phantom
abolished after local stump anaesthesia. pain produced by repetitive stimulation of the
• Stump revisions and removal of tender stump by non-noxious pinprick, can be reduced
neuromas often reduce pain transiently. by the NMDA receptor antagonist ketamine
• Phantom pain is significantly more frequent in (Nikolajsen et al 1996).
those amputees with long-term stump pain Beside the functional changes in the dorsal horn
than in those without persistent pain. an anatomical reorganization has been described
• Although obvious stump pathology is rare, recently (Woolf et al 1992). Peripheral nerve
altered cutaneous sensibility in the stump is a transection results in a substantial degeneration
common if not universal feature. of afferent C-fibre terminals in lamina II, thus
• Finally, changes in stump blood flow alter the reducing the number of synaptic contacts with
phantom limb perception. second-order neurons in lamina II which normally
respond best to noxious stimulation. As a conse-
These clinical observations are supported by
quence central terminals of Aβ mechanoreceptive
experimental studies. Following a nerve cut, nerve-
afferents, which normally terminate in deeper
end neuromas, which show spontaneous and
laminae, sprout into lamina II and may form
abnormal evoked activity following mechanical or
synaptic contacts with vacant nociceptive second-
neurochemical, e.g. noradrenaline (norepinephrine),
order neurons. The result of this reorganization
stimulation, are created (Wall and Gutnick 1974, for
could be the evocation of pain by Aβ-fibre input,
review see Devor and Seltzer 1999). This increased
e.g. touch.
activity is assumed to be the result of a novel ex-
pression or upregulation of sodium channels (Devor
et al 1993, Novakovic et al 1998). The increased
sensitivity of neuromas to noradrenaline (norepi- Supraspinal mechanisms
nephrine) may in part explain the exacerbation of
In view of the plasticity in nociceptive and anti-
phantom pain by stress and other emotional states
nociceptive systems, it is reasonable to assume that
associated with increased catecholamine release
amputation not only produces a cascade of events
from sympathetic efferent terminals which are in
in the periphery and in the spinal cord, but that
close proximity to afferent sensory nerves and
these changes eventually sweep more centrally and
alter neuronal activity in cortical and subcortical
In addition to abnormal activity from nerve-end
neuromas, cell bodies in the dorsal root ganglion
Davis et al (1998) have shown in a small series
show similar abnormal spontaneous activity and
of amputees that thalamic stimulation results in
increased sensitivity to mechanical and neuro-
phantom sensation and pain. Normally such
chemical stimulation (Kajander et al 1992). Thus,
stimulation does not evoke pain. This suggests that
abnormal activity from at least two sources—
plastic changes in the thalamus are involved in the
neuromas and dorsal root ganglion cell bodies—
generation of chronic pain. Other studies in
may contribute to the phantom limb percept,
humans have documented a cortical reorganization
including pain.
after amputation using different cerebral imaging
techniques. In a series of studies Flor and colleagues
(1995, 1998) have shown a correlation between
Spinal cord mechanisms
phantom pain and the amount of reorganization in
The increased barrage from neuromas and from the somatosensory cortex. They therefore suggested
dorsal root ganglia cells is thought to induce long- that phantom limb pain may be a result of plastic
term changes in central projecting neurons in the changes in the somatosensory cortex. Birbaumer et
dorsal horn, including spontaneous neuronal acti- al (1997) studied the effect of regional anaesthesia
vity, induction of immediate early genes, increases on cortical reorganization in upper limb amputees
in spinal cord metabolic activity (Price et al 1997), and found that a brachial plexus blockade abolished
and expansion of receptive fields (Cook et al 1987). pain and reorganization in three out of six
The pharmacology of spinal sensitization involves amputees. Huse et al (2001) recently showed in a
an increased activity in N-methyl-D-aspartate small group of amputees that cortical reorganiza-
(NMDA) receptor-operated systems (for review see tion and pain was reduced during treatment with
Doubell et al 1999), and many aspects of the central morphine. 251
Clinical pain states

With a pathophysiology that is still unclear, it

Therapy is not possible to give precise directions for pain
treatment in amputees. Some cases of phantom
pain may be resistent to any treatment. Until more
Treatment of chronic pain following amputation is direct data become avaible, guidelines in analogy
difficult and has generally not been successful. In a with treatment regimens for other neuropathic pain
survey of 764 amputees, Sherman and Sherman states are probably the best approximation (Baron
(1983) found that 44% of those who discussed their et al 1998, for review). Medical treatment is most
phantom pain with the physician were told that effective and can be combined with other non-
they were mentally disturbed. Only 17% were invasive techniques. Invasive treatment methods
offered treatment. should probably be avoided or restricted to patients
Various treatments have been and are currently with an expected short survival time. Surgery on
in use for chronic pain after amputation. In another the peripheral or the central nervous system in
survey, Sherman et al (1980) identified 68 different cases of deafferentation pain always implicates
treatment methods. Only a few were described as further deafferentation and thereby a risk of
being effective, and today the majority of these increased pain.
treatments have been abandoned. Suggestions for treatment of postamputation pain
Most studies dealing with pain treatment in (not evidence based) are presented in Table 16.1.
amputees suffer from severe methodological errors:
• samples are small, heterogeneous, and non- Non-invasive techniques
• studies are open Medical
• controls are often lacking A large number of randomized, controlled clinical
• follow-up periods are short. trials have shown a beneficial effect of TCA and

Table 16.1 Suggestions for treatment of postamputation pain (not evidence based)

Early postoperative pain

Stump pain Conventional analgesics (paracetamol, NSAIDs, opioids), perhaps combined with epidural pain
Stump and phantom pain If there are clear signs of neuropathic pain, paroxyms, or abnormal stump sensitivity, TCA or
anticonvulsants in a small dose can be tried.

Chronic pain

Stump pain Local stump surgery: If obvious stump pathology is present, stump revision should be
considered. Surgery should be avoided in cases of sympathetically maintained pain.
Local medical treatment: Topical lidocaine (lignocaine)/capsaicin can be tried in cases with
stump pain without clear stump pathology
Stump and phantom pain (1) Gabapentin 1200–900 mg/day. Start dose 300 mg, daily increments of 300 mg/day until
(medical treatment, listed effect, max dose 3600 mg/day.
in order of preference): (2) Tricyclic antidepressants (imipramine, amitriptyline, nortriptyline) 100–125 mg/day. Start
dose 25 mg/day, weekly increments of 25 mg. Check ECG before start. Monitor plasma
levels with dose > 100 mg/day. If sedation is wanted amitriptyline should be preferred.
(3) In cases of mainly radiating, lancinating, or paroxysmal pain:
Oxcarbazepine 600–900 mg/day. Start dose 300 mg, daily increments of 300 mg.
Carbamazepine 450 mg/day. Start dose 150 mg, daily increments of 150 mg. Monitor
plasma levels after 10 days on max dose.
Lamitrigine 100–200 mg/day. Start dose 50 mg/day, slow titration with increments of
50 mg/10–14 days.
(4) Opioids (long-acting or sustained release preparations) or tramadol.
(5) If no effect from the above, consider referral to pain clinic.
(6) In pain clinic: Perform IV lidocaine (lignocaine) test or ketamine test. Positive lidocaine
(lignocaine) test: reconsider anticonvulsants. Positive ketamine test: Consider memantine
or amandatine.

Practical issue: It is important to distinguish between: (1) early postoperative pain and chronic pain (pain persisting more than 3–4 weeks), and (2)
stump and phantom pain.
sodium channel blockers under different
Postamputation pain

Others have found an effect of acupuncture, relaxa-

neuropathic pain conditions (Sindrup and Jensen tion training, ultrasound, and hypnosis. Rasmussen
1999). No controlled trials in phantom pain have and Rummans (2000) recently described two
been performed but the drugs are generally patients with severe phantom pain refractory to
considered to be effective—at least in some patients conventional therapy. Both patients experienced
(Elliott et al 1976, Patterson 1988). Others have substantial pain relief following electric convulsive
reported a beneficial effect of benzodiazepines therapy.
(Iacono et al 1987, Bartusch et al 1996). However,
the general impression is that benzodiazepines do
not produce substantial pain relief. Permanent Invasive techniques
phantom pain should not be accepted until opioids
The results of invasive techniques such as, for
have been tried. It is our experience, as well as
example, stump revision, dorsal root entry zone
that of others (Urban et al 1986, Baron et al 1998,
lesions (DREZ), sympathectomy, and cordotomy
Dellemijn 1999) that opioids can be used safely for
have generally been unfavourable and most of
years with a limited risk of drug dependence. Huse
them have been abandoned today. Surgery may
et al (2001) in a placebo-controlled trial found that
produce short-term pain relief but pain often
morphine reduced pain significantly. Calcitonin
reappears. Spinal cord stimulation may also have
has been reported to be effective in phantom pain
limited effect.
(Jaeger and Maier 1992). The effect of NMDA
receptor antagonists have been examined in
different studies (Stannard and Porter 1993,
Nikolajsen et al 1996, 1997b, 2000b). In a double-
blind placebo-controlled study, IV ketamine Some previous studies found that patients who had
reduced pain, hyperalgesia, and ‘wind-up’ like severe pain before the amputation had a higher risk
pain in 11 amputees with stump and phantom pain of developing phantom pain than patients who had
(Nikolajsen et al 1996). In another controlled trial less or no pain before the amputation (Riddoch
19 patients received memantine, a NMDA receptor 1941, Appenzeller and Bicknell 1969, Parkes 1973,
antagonist avaible for oral use, in a blinded, Jensen et al 1983, 1985). Also, early case reports
placebo-controlled cross-over fashion. Memantine suggested that pain experienced before the ampu-
failed to have any effect on spontaneous pain, allo- tation (i.e. a painful ulcer) might continue to be
dynia, and hyperalgesia (Nikolajsen et al 2000b). A present in the phantom (Bailey and Moersch 1941,
large number of other treatments, for example Nathan 1962).
β-blockers (Ahmed 1979, Marsland et al 1982), These observations prompted Bach et al (1988)
mexiletine (the oral congener of lidocaine (ligno- to carry out a controlled study in which patients
caine)) (Davis 1993), topical application of capsaicin scheduled for amputation of the lower limb
(Rayner et al 1989), intrathecal opioids (Jacobsen et were randomized to receive either epidural pain
al 1990, Omote et al 1995), and various anaesthetic treatment for 3 days before the amputation or
blocks (Wassef 1997, Lierz et al 1998) have been conventional pain treatment. They found that the
claimed to be effective in phantom pain but none of incidence of phantom pain was significantly lower
them have proven to be effective in well-controlled after 6 months among 11 patients who received
trials with a sufficient number of patients. epidural pain treatment than among 14 patients
who received conventional pain treatment. Subse-
Non-medical quent clinical trials have confirmed their findings
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) (Jahangiri et al 1994, Schug et al 1995, Katsuly-
has been used with some success in the treatment of Liapis et al 1996). Jahangiri et al (1994) examined
phantom pain (Lundeberg 1985, Katz and Melzack the effect of perioperative epidural infusion of
1991). The advantage of peripheral nerve stimula- diamorphine, bupivacaine, and clonidine on post-
tion is the absence of side effects and complications amputation stump and phantom pain. Thirteen
and the fact that the treatment can be easily patients received the epidural treatment 24–48 h
repeated. Physical therapy involving massage, preoperatively and for at least 3 days postopera-
manipulation, and passive movements may tively. A control group of 11 patients received
prevent trophic changes and vascular congestion in opioid analgesia on demand. All patients had
the stump. Induction of sensory input from the general anaesthesia for the amputation. The
stump area by physical therapy could play a role in incidence of severe phantom pain was lower in the
the ameliorating effect of such types of treatment. epidural group 7 days, 6 months, and 1 year after 253
Clinical pain states

amputation. No effect was seen on stump pain. In reduced by preoperative pain treatment with
another prospective study by Schug et al (1995), 23 epidural bupivacaine and morphine (Nikolajsen et
patients had either epidural analgesia before, al 1997c). Sixty patients scheduled for lower limb
during, and after the amputation (n=8), intra- and amputation were randomly assigned into one of
postoperative epidural analgesia (n=7), or general two groups:
anaesthesia plus systemic analgesia (n=8). After 1
1. a blockade group that received epidural
year the incidence of phantom pain was signifi-
bupivacaine and morphine before the
cantly lower among the patients who received
amputation and during the operation (29
pre-, intra-, and postoperative epidural analgesia
relative to patients who received general anaes-
2. a control group that received epidural saline
thesia plus systemic analgesia. Katsuly-Liapis et al
and oral/intramuscular morphine (31 patients).
(1996) presented in abstract form a study in which
45 patients were allocated to one of three groups: Both groups had general anaesthesia for the
group A (n=15) received epidural bupivacaine and amputation and all patients received epidural
morphine for 3 days prior to amputation and the analgesics for postoperative pain management.
infusion was maintained for 72 h postoperatively; Patients were interviewed about preamputation
group B (n=12) received conventional analgesics pain on the day before the amputation and about
before the amputation and epidural pain treatment stump and phantom pain after 1 week and 3, 6, and
after the amputation; group C (n=18) had conven- 12 months. Median duration of preoperative
tional analgesics both before and after the amputa- epidural blockade (blockade group) was 18 h. After
tion. After 6 months the incidence of phantom pain 1 week the percentage of patients with phantom
was significantly lower in group A than that in pain was 51.9 in the blockade group and 55.6 in
groups B and C. the control group. Subsequently the figures were
Others have examined the effect of peri- or (blockade/control) at 3 months, 82.4/50; at 6
intraneural blockade on phantom pain. Fischer months, 81.3/55; and at 12 months, 75/68.8. Inten-
and Meller (1991) introduced a catheter into the sity of stump and phantom pain and consumption
transsected nerve sheath at the time of amputation of opioids were also similar in the two groups at
and infused bupivacaine for 72 h in 11 patients. all four postoperative interviews. Thus, we were
None developed phantom pain during a 12-month not able to confirm the findings by others that
follow-up. In a retrospective study Elizaga et al perioperative epidural blockade prevents phantom
(1994) found no effect of such a treatment. Pinzur pain.
et al (1996) prospectively randomized 21 patients In a recent study, Lambert et al (2001) random-
to continuous postoperative infusion of either bupi- ized 30 patients scheduled for amputation of the
vacaine or saline, but failed to find any difference lower limb to receive either epidural bupivacaine
between the two groups with regard to the and diamorphine started 24 h before the ampu-
incidence of phantom pain after 3 and 6 months. tation and continued three days postoperatively or
However, a number of methodological problems, an intraoperative perineural catheter for intra- and
such as small sample sizes, no or insufficient ran- postoperative administration of bupivacaine. All
domization, and non-blinded assessment of pain, patients had general anaesthesia for the ampu-
limit the validity of all these studies. Nevertheless, tation. The pre-, peri-, and postoperative epidural
the impact of the Bach et al (1988) study is immense pain treatment was not superior to the intra- and
and in many anaesthesiological departments postoperative perineural pain treatment in prevent-
procedures have been changed so that patients ing phantom pain as the incidence of phantom pain
undergoing amputation are offered an epidural was similar in the two groups after 3 days and 6
catheter before amputation in order to prevent and 12 months.
phantom pain. Starting an epidural treatment The above-mentioned studies provide conflict-
before rather than at the time of the amputation is ing results. Of the nine studies, five produced
associated with extra hospital costs so simply from positive results and four failed to show that
a cost–benefit point of view, it is important to know perioperative epidural blockade prevents phantom
whether patients should be taken into the anaesthe- pain.
siological department for epidural pain treatment
before the amputation.
We therefore carried out a randomized, double-
blind, and placebo-controlled study to clarify Phantom pain is a common consequence of limb
254 whether postoperative stump and phantom pain is amputation. Approximately two-thirds of patients
complain of phantom pain following limb removal,
Postamputation pain
field plasticity in rat spinal cord dorsal horn following C-
primary afferent input. Nature 325: 151–153
but in less than 10% of amputees does pain
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incidence of severe phantom pain is therefore Davis KD, Kiss ZH, Luo L 1998 Phantom sensations generated by
similar to other chronic neuropathic pain states. thalamic microstimulation. Nature 391 (6665): 385–387
Experimental studies within the past two decades Davis RW 1993 Successful treatment for phantom pain.
Orthopedics 16: 691–695
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relation to chronic pain. In: Wall PD, Melzack R (eds) Textbook
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modulation and treatment by the same remedies pp 129–164
used for neuropathic pain in general. Although it Devor M, Govrin-Lippman R, Angelides K 1993 Na+ channels
was thought that phantom pain could be prevented immunolocalization in peripheral mammalian axons and
changes following nerve injury and neuroma formation.
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administered local anaesthetics and opioids before Doubell TP, Mannion RJ, Woolf CJ 1999 The dorsal horn: state-
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blockade of afferent input before amputation is not pain. In: Wall PD, Melzack R (eds) Textbook of pain, 4th edn.
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Nerve and root damage


Peripheral neuropathies
J W Scadding

Introduction Investigation of peripheral

Many terms may be used by patients with neuropathies
neuropathies to describe their painful sensations. The cause of some neuropathies may become
The symptoms may be divided into those that are apparent after a few simple tests and there is no
unprovoked (spontaneous) and those that are need for specialized investigation. Nevertheless, as
provoked by manoeuvres such as skin stimulation, pointed out by Thomas and Ochoa (1993), even after
pressure over affected nerves, changes in tem- extensive investigation the cause of a substantial
perature, or emotional factors. The most commonly minority of neuropathies remains uncertain. Detailed
described spontaneous symptoms are a deep discussion of basic clinical diagnostic aspects of
aching in the extremities and a superficial burning, peripheral neuropathies and of specialized
stinging, or prickling pain. Some patients also investigative techniques is beyond the scope of this
report paroxysmal, shock-like lancinating pains, chapter, and full accounts of these topics are to be
sometimes radiating through a whole limb (Dyck found in reviews by Kimuna (1993), Lambert and
et al 1976, Thomas and Ochoa 1993). Dyck (1993), and Dyck et al (1993). A careful and
Allodynia may be particularly incapacitating in detailed neurological examination is always the
some neuropathies and accompanying hyperpathia starting point, followed by nerve conduction
is not uncommon (Lindblom 1979, Noordenbos studies, and in some patients, quantitative sensory
1979). In the following descriptions of the different testing. In a small minority, nerve biopsy is needed
neuropathies, the major painful complaints typical for diagnosis. Systemic investigation is essential in
of each condition are given, but it should be all patients with multifocal neuropathies and
emphasized that, within a single aetiological or polyneuropathies.
pathological diagnostic category, considerable
symptom variation occurs in different individuals. Mechanisms of pain in
The clinical features of neuropathic pain are
summarized in Table 17.1, and the neuropathies
commonly associated with pain are listed in Table It is beyond the scope of this chapter to discuss the
17.2. evidence from basic neuroscience, which has 259
Clinical pain states

Table 17.1 Clinical features of neuropathic pain due to

peripheral neuropathy
Mononeuropathies and multiple
Abnormal quality: raw, burning, gnawing
Postherpetic neuralgia
Paroxysmal pains
Definition and description
Sensory impairment Postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) is one of the
Associated allodynia, hyperalgesia, hyperpathia commonest intractable conditions seen in pain
clinics. There is no generally agreed definition of
Evidence of abnormal sympathetic function
PHN. Pain persisting past the stage of healing of
Sometimes associated with changes of complex regional the rash, at 1 month after the onset, was the time
pain syndrome (causalgia) chosen in some previous investigations (e.g. Hope-
Immediate or delayed onset of pain following injury in
Simpson 1965). However, as PHN tends to diminish
mononeuropathy in severity with time and may cease to be
troublesome many months or even years later (see
Intensity of pain markedly altered by emotion and
below), most now accept the longer interval of 3
months minimum after the onset of the acute
eruption (Watson et al 1988).
It is unusual for shingles to be entirely painless
in middle-aged or older people. Pre-eruptive pain
provided important insights into the mechanisms for up to 3 weeks is well described (Juel-Jensen and
of neuropathic pain (NP); for a full account see MacCallum 1972), though pain for more than 2
Devor and Seltzer (1999) and Doubell et al (1999). days before the rash is uncommon. Acute herpetic

Table 17.2 Neuropathies commonly associated wth pain

Traumatic mononeuropathies
Entrapment neuropathies Painful scars
Transection (partial or complete) Post-thoracotomy
Causalgia Stump pain

Other mononeuropathies and multiple mononeuropathies

Diabetic mononeuropathy Neuralgic amyotrophy
Diabetic amyotrophy Malignant nerve/plexus invasion
Postherpetic neuralgia Radiation plexopathy
Trigeminal neuralgia Connective tissue disease
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia

Metabolic/nutritional: Diabetic Strachan’s (Jamaican neuropathy)
Alcoholic Cuban neuropathy
Pellagra Tanzanian neuropathy
Amyloid Burning feet syndrome

Drugs: Isoniazid Nitrofurantoin

Cisplatin Disulfiram

Toxic: Thallium

Infective: HIV

Hereditary: Fabry’s disease

Dominantly inherited sensory neuropathy

Malignant: Myeloma

Others: Acute idiopathic polyneuropathy (Guillain–Barré)

neuralgia is often severe. There are no features of
Peripheral neuropathies

appeared to gradually worsen, despite all attempts

the pain unique to the acute neuralgia and it at pain relief, were identified.
merges into PHN. The pain is most often of two The commonest sites for PHN are the mid-
types: an ongoing pain described as burning, raw, thoracic dermatomes and the ophthalmic division
severe aching or tearing, and superimposed of the trigeminal nerve, but may occur in any
paroxysmal pains, stabbing or electric shock-like. dermatome. Women are more often affected than
Both the ongoing and paroxysmal pains may be men, in a ratio of approximately 3:2 (Hope-
present throughout the whole of the affected Simpson 1975, Watson et al 1988).
dermatome, but commonly become concentrated
in one part of the dermatome, particularly after a Pathology and pathogenesis of pain
period of more than 6 months. There have been few pathological studies in PHN.
The pain is frequently accompanied by a very Head and Campbell (1900) were the first to
unpleasant sensitivity of the skin, which again is document the changes in the DRG and sensory
often most severe in part of the dermatome. The roots but of 21 patients only one was reported to
scars themselves tend to be hypoaesthetic, but else- have PHN. Lhermitte and Nicholas (1924) studied a
where there is hyperaesthesia, allodynia, and some- patient with acute zoster myelitis, who had acute
times hyperpathia (Watson et al 1988). Allodynia haemorrhagic inflammatory in DRG, posterior
may take the form of an exacerbation of the roots and peripheral nerve, with demyelination
underlying ongoing pain or the evoked dysaesthesiae and axonal degeneration. Denny-Brown et al (1944)
may be different, often a severe itching sensation. observed similar changes in three patients, with
These evoked sensations constitute the most marked lymphocytic infiltration at the sites of
unbearable part of PHN for many patients, usually inflammation. Noordenbos (1959) found a reduction
produced by clothes contact and skin stretching in the large myelinated fibre population in intercostal
with movement. The patient’s emotional state nerves. In peripheral nerves of patients biopsied
(there is often associated depression), environmental early and late after the acute eruption, Zachs et al
temperature, and fatigue may profoundly affect the (1964) found Wallerian degeneration, followed by
severity of the ongoing and evoked pains. marked fibrotic change, leading to severe myelinated
fibre depletion with preservation of small myelinated
Incidence of PHN fibres only in some patients.
PHN, defined as pain persisting at 1 month, has an In an autopsy study of a 67-year-old man with
incidence of between 9% (Ragozzino et al 1982) and PHN for 5 years before death in a right T7–T8
14.3% (Hope-Simpson 1975). Of these patients, the dermatome, Watson et al (1988) found atrophy of
number with pain at 3 months is between 35 and the dorsal horn on the right from T4 to T8 with
55% and at 1 year is between 22 and 33% loss of myelin and axons. Only the T8 DRG and
(Raggozzino et al 1982). Watson et al (1988) draw dorsal root were affected by fibrosis and cell loss.
attention to an incidence at 1 year of only 3%, and Markers of unmyelinated fibres (substance P
in a further study of 91 patients with PHN defined levels), substantia gelatinosa neurons (opiate
as pain persisting at more than 3 months Watson et receptors), glial cells (glial fibrillary acidic protein),
al found that at a median of 3 years follow-up and monoaminergic descending spinal projections
(range 3 months to 12 years), 52 patients (56%) had (dopamine β-hydroxylase and serotinin levels)
either no pain or pain that had decreased to a level were all normal.
of no longer being troublesome. More than half of In a further autopsy study, Watson et al (1991b)
these 52 patients had had PHN for longer than 1 examined spinal cords, DRG, dorsal roots, and
year at the time of first being seen. peripheral nerves from five patients, three of whom
This study underlines the tendency of PHN to had had severe persistent PHN and two of whom
gradually improve in many patients even after long had had no pain. Dorsal horn atrophy was only
periods, an important fact that has often been found in those patients with PHN. Axonal and
overlooked in studies of treatment for PHN. It is myelin loss and fibrosis were found in one DRG
also of interest that Watson et al (1988) found that a from all the patients without pain. In all patients
good or bad outcome did not depend on age, sex, or the peripheral nerve showed severe loss of myelin
affected dermatome. In a further study of prognosis and axons. In these nerves, there was a relative loss
of PHN, Watson et al (1991a) in general confirmed of larger myelinated fibres. The dorsal roots in all
these findings, but found that those patients with patients with PHN and in one patient without pain
longer duration PHN at the time of presentation showed loss of myelin and axons, but in the other
tended to do worse and some patients whose pain pain-free patient the dorsal root was normal. 261
Clinical pain states

Substance P and CGRP levels were measured in Diabetic mononeuropathy and

two patients with PHN. Staining was absent in the
affected DRG but apparently normal in the dorsal
horn. Quantitative study of the unmyelinated fibres Mononeuropathies occur more frequently in diabetes
was not performed in either study, so the degree to than in the normal population, affecting particularly
which unmyelinated afferents were affected in the motor nerves to the extraocular muscles but
patients with PHN remains uncertain. An additional also single peripheral nerves including median,
finding of interest in one patient who had had ulnar, peroneal, femoral, and lateral cutaneous
PHN for 22 months prior to death was marked nerve of the thigh. It is particularly interesting that
inflammatory change with lymphocytic infiltration approximately half the patients with acute lesions
bilaterally in the DRG of four adjacent segments of the third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves have
and in the respective peripheral nerves, suggesting pain, which may precede the ocular palsy by a few
that an ongoing inflammatory process may result days (Zorilla and Kozak 1967). Third nerve palsy is
following acute zoster in some patients. the most common and is usually pupil sparing.
Clearly, further studies of this type are needed in Pain is felt around or behind the eye and may be
a larger number of patients, before the inter- severe. Since there are no somatosensory fibres in
pretation of the findings of Watson et al (1988, these nerves, where is the pain arising? Two
1991a, b) in relation to pain pathogenesis. As yet, suggestions have been put forward: the first is that
the pathological studies have not revealed a specific the lesions involve the nervi nervorum, producing
change present in patients with PHN and absent in pain (Thomas 1974), and the second is that there
patients without pain, which might offer a clue as may be concurrent lesions of the branches of the
to the mechanism of pain. Preferential loss of larger trigeminal nerve in the cavernous sinus, in support
myelinated fibres appears to be a feature common of which Zorilla and Kozak (1967) reported discrete
to patients both with and without PHN. Watson facial sensory impairment in some of their patients.
et al (1991a) speculate whether the persistent With regard to the acute peripheral nerve lesions,
inflammation found in one patient at a longer pain is a common symptom, though usually
interval after acute zoster might indicate continuing transient. Thomas (1979) reported a diabetic patient
low-grade infection and might be a feature of those with an acute radial nerve palsy that was heralded
patients whose pain gradually worsens. by severe pain in the upper arm, but there was no
pain distally. A fascicular biopsy of the nerve in the
Prevention upper arm showed only small-diameter regenerating
Treatment options for PHN are discussed in Chap. myelinated fibres and the endoneurial vessels
44. The important issue of prevention of PHN has showed the changes of diabetic microangiopathy.
received considerable attention. There are obvious This case is again suggestive of pain arising as a
difficulties in conducting an adequate trial of any result of activity in nervi nervorum, also termed
treatment to answer this question, given the low nerve trunk pain (Asbury and Fields 1984).
and decreasing incidence of PHN at intervals Postmortem studies of the pathology of diabetic
between 3 and 12 months after the acute eruption. mononeuropathy include a patient reported by
In a trial of 40% idoxuridine in DMSO in a fairly Dreyfus et al (1957), who died 5 weeks after
small group of patients, Juel-Jensen et al (1970) developing a unilateral third cranial nerve palsy.
showed a reduction in incidence of PHN. However, The nerve was swollen retro-orbitally, with
subsequent widespread use of this treatment has degenerative changes in the central parts of the
been disappointing. Systemic corticosteroids may nerve and Wallerian degeneration distally. This
be effective, as suggested in two controlled trials lesion was considered to have a vascular cause, on
(Keczkes and Basheer 1980). There is a danger of the basis of arteriolar changes observed, although
dissemination (Merselis et al 1964), although this no vessel occlusion was seen. Raff et al (1968)
may be confined to those patients with underlying reported the presence of punctate lesions in the
malignancy or other serious disease leading to nerve of a diabetic patient who had developed
immune suppression. Acyclovir has been advocated mononeuritis multiplex in the legs 6 weeks before
as an effective preventive drug but controlled death, which also suggested a vascular pathology.
studies have not confirmed earlier hopes that it A particularly interesting patient who died a month
would substantially reduce the incidence of PHN, after the onset of a third nerve palsy and who had
although some studies have shown shorter periods had a contralateral transient third nerve palsy 3
of acute zoster neuralgia and faster healing of the years earlier was studied by Asbury et al (1970). As
262 rash (Balfour et al 1983). in the patient of Dreyfus et al (1957), the changes in
the acutely affected nerve were maximal in the Whether pain is due to activity in myelinated
Peripheral neuropathies

central parts of the nerve, although they were less afferents alone in this situation remains uncertain.
severe, consisting mainly of demyelination. The Morton’s neuralgia is an example of a frequently
contralateral previously affected nerve was histologically severe entrapment neuropathy in
structurally normal. which a plantar digital nerve becomes compressed
Diabetic amyotrophy, also now known as in the region of the metatarsal heads in the foot. In
painful proximal diabetic neuropathy (PDN), is an badly affected nerves, many myelinated fibres may
asymmetrical predominantly motor neuropathy, be disrupted within the region of compression,
sometimes related to poor diabetic control, found in producing a nerve that is populated almost
middle-aged and elderly diabetics (Thomas and exclusively by C fibres. However, explanations of
Tomlinson 1993). In a clinical and pathological pain pathogenesis based on these findings must
study of PDN, Said et al (1997) examined nerve take account of the fact that similar changes are
biopsies of the intermediate cutaneous nerve of the often found in control nerves from subjects who
thigh. Inflammatory changes and ischaemic lesions never suffered this type of neuralgia (Scadding and
associated with vasculitis of epineurial and peri- Klenerman 1987).
neurial vessels were found. There was an asso-
ciated mixed axonal and demyelinating neuropathy,
with degeneration of unmyelinated axons, together
Ischaemic neuropathy
with evidence of regeneration. Endoneurial and Polyarteritis nodosa, rheumatoid arthritis, and
perineurial inflammatory infiltrates were common. systemic lupus erythematosus may all be associated
The findings were considered by Said et al (1997) with painful peripheral mononeuropathies, which
to be in keeping with an ischaemic mechanism probably have a microangiopathic basis (Chalk et al
secondary to occlusion of blood vessels. In view of 1993). In a study of nerves involved in rheumatoid
the marked inflammatory component of PDN, it is arthritis, Dyck et al (1972) found degenerative
likely that the pain may in part be another example changes in the central parts of fascicles in nerves
of pain mediated by nervi nervorum, nerve trunk from the upper arm and thigh and postulated that
pain (Thomas 1979). these represented watershed areas in these nerves.
The probable ischaemic basis for these changes is
supported by the experimental ischaemic peripheral
Entrapment neuropathies nerve lesions produced by injection of arachidonic
Entrapment neuropathies or sensory or mixed acid in rats (Parry and Brown 1982), which
nerves, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, are usually produced similar central fascicular degenerative
characterized in the early stages by paraesthesiae changes, in which small myelinated fibres and
and pain. Morphologically, entrapment lesions unmyelinated fibres were affected to a greater
cause damage to myelinated fibres in the first extent than large myelinated fibres. Lacomis et al
instance (Ochoa and Noordenbos 1979), with a near (1997) reported two patients with small-fibre
absence of myelinated fibres only in severe lesion, neuropathies, found on biopsy to be due to vasculitis.
in which there is preservation only of C fibres. One patient had systemic lupus erythematosus. It
Local pain and tenderness at the site of nerve was proposed that the mechanism of the pain
entrapment in many patients is likely to be nerve might be preferential affection of small fibres by
trunk pain, mediated by nervi nervorum, as ischaemia.
discussed in relation to diabetic mononeuropathy. The effects of whole-limb ischaemia on peripheral
Paraesthesiae of non-painful type with entrapment nerves were shown by Eames and Lange (1967),
neuropathies presumably reflect activity in damaged who found clinical signs of sensory neuropathy in
myelinated fibres, as demonstrated microneuro- 87.5% of patients undergoing amputation for major
graphically in experimental nerve ischaemia in vessel atheromatous disease and observed loss of
man by Ochoa and Torebjork (1980). myelinated fibres with segmental demyelination,
The explanation of pain in entrapment neuro- remyelination, and Wallerian degeneration in nerves
pathies (other than nerve trunk pain) is more from these patients. Ischaemia to the nerves of a
difficult. Severe pain, sometimes with a burning limb may, of course, be associated with ischaemia
quality, is frequently a symptom, albeit often in to non-neural structures, which may be the source
short-lived episodes in electrophysiologically mild of pain rather than the neuropathic changes.
carpal tunnel syndrome, in which myelinated fibre There is good evidence that ischaemia may
conduction is relatively mildly affected and thus it precipitate or potentiate painful symptoms in
is difficult to imagine that C fibres are damaged. nerves already damaged by other factors. Gilliatt 263
Clinical pain states

and Wilson (1954) demonstrated an abnormally Polyneuropathies

rapid onset of paraesthesiae with cuff ischaemia
in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome, and As demonstrated in Table 17.3, there is no clear
Harding and Le Fanu (1977) reported precipitation correlation between type of fibre loss and pain-
of symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome in patients fulness in human polyneuropathy. This section
during haemodialysis with antebrachial arterio- discusses the commonly painful neuropathies,
venous fistulae. preceded by consideration of two remarkable
painless neuropathies.

Neuralgic amyotrophy Polyneuropathies with loss of pain

Neuralgic amyotrophy, or cryptogenic brachial sensation
plexus neuropathy, is a condition characterized by
acute onset of severe pain around the shoulder These comprise a rare, poorly defined group of
girdle or in the arms, often in a root distribution, inherited disorders in which, from an early age, an
which is followed within 2 weeks by weakness in insensitivity to pain is evident. It is important to
the limb. This is most frequently distributed around distinguish those disorders in which the peripheral
the shoulder girdle and upper limb but may and central nervous systems are intact, where the
involve distal muscle groups. A minority of patients problem appears to be a lack of recognition of pain,
report a minor, possibly viral, preceding illness an indifference or asymbolia, from insensitivity
(Wilbourn 1993). The ensuing paralysis is extremely (Schilder et al 1931), which can be explained on the
variable in severity and duration, but good recovery basis of observed structural abnormalities. In the
is usual within 2 years. Little is known about the former group, patients are able to identify noxious
pathology of the condition or even whether the site stimuli and sensory thresholds are normal but they
of the initial lesion is in the roots or more distally in do not react behaviourally or physiologically in the
the brachial plexus, although the patchy distribution expected way (Ogden et al 1959, Winkelmann et al
favours involvement of the plexus and its branches 1962). Peripheral nerves, spinal cord, and thalamus
rather than the roots in the majority of patients. The
time course of milder lesions suggests demyelination
Table 17.3 Painful and painless polyneuropathies
without axonal disruption, whereas that of severe
lesions indicates that axonal degeneration probably
Polyneuropathies with selective loss of pain sensation
occurs. There are similarities between neuralgic Congenital analgesia with anhidrosis
amyotrophy and the brachial neuritis that occurs Congenital analgesia with other sensory impairment
in serum sickness. In the latter condition, severe Tangier disease (familial α-lipoprotein deficiency)
lancinating pain around the shoulder girdle and in
Painful polyneuropathies with selective large-fibre loss
the arms is a leading symptom, tending to be more Isoniazid neuropathy
common on the side of handedness, though it may Pellagra neuropathy
be bilateral. Pathological studies are few, but
Painless polyneuropathies with selective large-fibre loss
marked swelling of roots has been observed (Roger Friedreich’s ataxia
et al 1934), and it has been suggested that in some Chronic renal failure
patients the swollen roots may become entrapped
Painful polyneuropathies with selective small-fibre loss
in the cervical exit foraminae and that this is the Diabetic neuropathy
cause of the radicular pain. Neuralgic amyotrophy Amyloid neuropathy
is reviewed by Wilbourn (1993). Fabry’s disease
Dominantly inherited sensory neuropathy

Painful polyneuropathies with non-selective fibre loss

Carcinomatous neuropathies Alcoholic neuropathy
Myeloma neuropathy
Neuropathies of various types are well documented
as non-metastatic complications of malignant Miscellaneous painful polyneuropathies
Acute inflammatory polyneuropathy
disease, the commonest being a progressive sensory Nutritional neuropathies
neuropathy that is only occasionally painful (Croft Beriberi
and Wilkinson 1969). However, it was subsequently Strachan’s syndrome
reported that causalgia may occur as a result of Burning feet syndrome
Arsenic neuropathy
direct invasion of peripheral nerves by carcinoma,
Subacute myelo-optic neuropathy
264 responding to sympathectomy (Hupert 1978).
are all normal in these patients (Feindel 1953, myelinated fibres and virtual absence of
Peripheral neuropathies

Baxter and Olszewski 1960). Asymbolia for pain unmyelinated fibres (see Yao and Herbert 1993).
may also be acquired, recent evidence suggesting a
crucial role for the insular cortex, damage to which Painful polyneuropathies
may lead to disconnection between sensory cortex
and the limbic system (Berthier et al 1988). Isoniazid neuropathy
Leaving such cases aside, two major subgroups Isoniazid neuropathy was first recognized by
may be recognized. In congenital analgesia with Pegum (1952), and clinical features were described
anhidrosis (Swanson 1963), impairment of pain by Gammon et al (1953). Initial symptoms of distal
sensation predisposes to tissue-damaging injury, numbness and tingling paraesthesiae are later
leading on occasion to loss of fingers (Mazar et al accompanied by pain, which may be felt as a deep
1976) or severe mutilation of the tongue (Pinsky ache or burning. The calf muscles are often painful
and DiGeorge 1966). Sweet (1981) reviewed reports and tender and the exacerbation of symptoms
of 15 such patients. Typically, pain and, to a lesser produced by walking may prevent the patient from
extent, thermal sensation are severely defective, walking. Spontaneous pain and paraesthesiae may
while other sensory modalities remain intact. The be particularly troublesome at night. Examination
associated anhidrosis may lead to episodes of shows signs of a sensorimotor neuropathy, often
hyperpyrexia. Of the 15 patients, only four were of confined to the legs. Cutaneous hyperaesthesia is a
normal intelligence and these children mutilated frequent finding. Ochoa (1970) examined sural
themselves less severely. Pathologically, a case nerve biopsies from nine patients, reporting a
coming to autopsy showed evidence of a severe primary axonal degeneration in myelinated fibres
sensory neuropathy with a total absence of small with evidence of degeneration in unmyelinated
dorsal root ganglion cells, of small fibres in dorsal fibres and regeneration in both types, together with
roots, and of Lissauer’s tract, together with a degeneration of regenerated myelinated fibres.
reduction in size of the spinal tract of the trigeminal Using several ultrastructural criteria, Ochoa (1970)
nerve (Swanson et al 1965). was able to distinguish as yet unmyelinated
In the second group, an insensitivity to pain is sprouts of myelinated fibres from unmyelinated
evident in childhood, accompanied by symptoms fibres and was also able to make an accurate
and signs of a sensory polyneuropathy, but the assessment of differential myelinated fibre damage,
impairments of pain sensation is out of proportion finding that large fibres were preferentially lost.
to impairment of other modalities; 21 such cases The relative resistance of unmyelinated fibres to
were reviewed by Sweet (1981), in which the degree isoniazid was shown by Hopkins and Lambert
of selectivity of pain sensation impairment was (1972), who reported preservation of the C-fibre
variable. The case reports of a brother and sister compound action potential in severe experimental
aged 6 and 21/2 years by Haddow et al (1970) isoniazid neuropathy. Prevention and treatment
exemplify the most extreme form. Both siblings had with pyridoxine was described by Biehl and Wilter
extensive mutilating lesions of the fingers and in (1954); the biochemical pathogenesis is discussed
the 6-year-old a pin was not painful anywhere, by Windebank (1993).
while there was a much milder distal loss to other
modalities. The pathological peripheral nerve Hypothyroid neuropathy
changes in this group range from a complete Pollard et al (1982) reported the pathological
absence of myelinated fibres to a marked non- changes in sural nerve biopsies from two patients
selective reduction, with normal unmyelinated with untreated hypothyroidism. One presented with
fibres (Sweet 1981). It seems likely that some of a long history of pain in the feet and progressive
these cases were examples of dominantly inherited difficulty in walking, the other with pain and
sensory neuropathy, considered below. paraesthesiae in the hands. In both there were signs
of a sensorimotor neuropathy. The biopsies showed
Tangier disease a mainly axonal degeneration with occasional
Tangier disease, familial α-lipoprotein deficiency, is segmental demyelination. In both patients, myeli-
an extremely rare lipid disorder in which a neuro- nated fibre densities were decreased with a relative
pathy occurs in at least half those affected (Yao and loss of large fibres, but there were regenerating
Herbert 1993). Patients with a remarkable dissociated myelinated fibres, which may have contributed to
sensory loss of pain, and temperature sensation the small-fibre bias, although probably not to a signi-
over most of the body have been reported. Nerve ficant extent. Unmyelinated fibre densities were
biopsy findings included decrease in small increased, due to small-diameter regenerating axons. 265
Clinical pain states

Dyck and Lambert (1970) also found reduced mye- (1976) to suggest that the pain in these patients
linated fibre densities in two hypothyroid patients, might have been due to abnormal impulse
associated with reduced A α and δ potentials in generation, as in sprouts forming experimental
vitro, with normal C-fibre potentials. Teased fibres neuromas (Wall and Gutnick 1974).
showed more marked segmental demyelination They also reviewed patients with diabetic poly-
and remyelination with less axonal degeneration neuropathy with attention to painfulness in relation
than in the patients of Pollard et al (1982). to physical signs. Patients without pain tended to
have areflexia with distal sensory loss particularly
Diabetic neuropathies involving joint position sense, while patients with
Diabetes is associated with several types of severe burning pain and hyperaesthesia tended to
polyneuropathy of which the commonest is a have sensory loss with a relative preservation of
symmetrical sensory polyneuropathy (Thomas position sense and intact reflexes and more often
1973). Numbness and paraesthesiae are common had evidence of an accompanying autonomic
presenting complaints, the paraesthesiae sometimes neuropathy.
having a burning quality. In addition, some patients Said et al (1983) reported three patients similar
complain of a spontaneous deep, aching pain and to those of Brown et al (1976), with a striking
lightning pain may be reported. The prevalence of selective loss of pain and temperature sensation,
these severe dysaesthetic symptoms is not known producing a pseudosyringomyelic picture. However,
but in the experience of Thomas and Tomlinson some of the patients with chronic sensorimotor
(1993), pain is frequently troublesome, even when neuropathy reported by Behse et al (1977) had pain.
sensory and motor deficits are mild. Severe sensory Nerve biopsies showed a non-selective fibre loss. A
neuropathy in diabetes may lead to painless similar non-selective fibre loss, but accompanied by
perforating foot ulcers, and in such patients the evidence of regeneration, characterized the nerve
upper limbs may also be involved and there may be biopsies of the patients with the acute painful
an associated autonomic neuropathy. The pathology neuropathy reported by Archer et al (1983).
and biochemical factors in the sensory neuropathy Britland et al (1992) reported a morphometric
due to diabetes are complex controversial topics study of sural nerve biopsies from six diabetics,
(Thomas and Tomlinson 1993). As with other four with active acute painful neuropathy and two
neuropathies, uncertainty as to whether the patho- with recent remission from this type of neuropathy.
logy is primarily an axonal degeneration of Schwann Myelinated and unmyelinated fibre degeneration
cell dysfunction leading to demyelination has been and regeneration were present in all of the nerves,
the major issue. Segmental demyelination and the only discernible differences between the nerves
remyelination, sometimes leading to onion bulb from patients with and those without pain being
formation, has been reported, but axonal loss has that those with remission from the pain had a less
also been observed. In addition, dorsal root abnormal axon: Schwann cell calibre ratio, more
ganglion cell degeneration occurs (Olsson et al 1968), successful myelinated fibre regeneration, and less
and loss of anterior horn cells has been reported. active myelinated fibre regeneration. However,
Overall, the evidence indicates that demyelination these were all differences in the severity, and the
is the predominant pathology in the majority of authors emphasize the similarity of the pathological
patients and axonal degeneration in a minority. changes in the two groups.
Earlier suggestions that the neuropathy might In a cross-sectional study, Guy et al (1985) found
result from a diabetic microangiopathy have not that loss of thermal sensation occurred in isolation
been supported by more recent observations or in combination with loss of vibration sensation
(Thomas and Tomlinson 1993), although a vascular but the reverse pattern, selective loss of vibration
pathology in diabetic mononeuropathy is likely. sensation, did not occur. These observations indicate
Brown et al (1976) reported clinical and patho- that small fibres are affected early and large fibres
logical findings in three patients with severe pain later in diabetic polyneuropathy. However, no
due to diabetic polyneuropathy. Two of the patients longitudinal studies have been reported.
had shooting pains in the legs. In all three there was Over and above the structural and physiological
a distal sensory impairment, but tendon reflexes alterations common to many types of peripheral
were preserved. Nerve biopsies suggested a pre- nerve damage that may lead to pain, two other
dominant axonal degeneration affecting mainly factors may be of importance in diabetic neuro-
small myelinated and unmyelinated fibres. There pathy. Hyperglycaemia in diabetics may itself
were also myelinated fibre sprouts, and their lower pain threshold and tolerance, compared with
266 presence in appreciable numbers led Brown et al non-diabetic controls (Morley et al 1984). Further, it
has been found in animal experiments that hyper- peripheral neuropathy is the usual presenting
Peripheral neuropathies

glycaemia reduces the antinociceptive effect of feature. The dermatological manifestation is telangi-
morphine (Simon and Dewey 1981), indicating a ectasia with proliferation of keratin and epidermal
possible effect of glucose on opiate receptors. This cells (Wise et al 1962) and most tissues, including
raises the further possibility that hyperglycaemia heart, kidneys, and lungs, may be involved (Brady
might modulate the abnormal properties, such as 1993). There is a deficiency of ceramide trihexosi-
ectopic impulse generation, that develop in dase in this sex-linked recessive disease, leading to
damaged nerve. accumulation of ceramide trihexoside in the tissues
The other factor is blood flow. Autonomic (Brady et al 1967). Typically, boys or young men
involvement in diabetic neuropathy increases present with tenderness of the feet and spontaneous
peripheral blood flow. Archer et al (1984) compared burning pain in the legs, which may be extremely
peripheral blood flow and its response to sympathetic severe (Wise et al 1962), occasionally leading to
stimulation in diabetics with severe non-painful suicide (Thomas 1974). The accompanying sensori-
sensory polyneuropathy and diabetics with acute motor deficit is often mild. A rash is usually present
severe painful neuropathies of the type described early on and this should always suggest the diag-
by Archer et al (1983). High flow was present in nosis of Fabry’s disease in a young man. Heterozy-
both groups, but was reduced by sympathetic gous carrier females occasionally develop symptoms
stimulation in the group with painful neuropathy later in life (Brady 1993). The central nervous
and this reduction was accompanied by an system is relatively spared, although patients
improvement in pain. The explanation of this effect with mental retardation have been reported. Dorsal
is uncertain; a decrease in temperature may be root ganglion cells are variably affected, but in
important. The observations seem to conflict with peripheral nerves there is a selective loss of small
the experimental observation of an increase in myelinated fibres and a decrease in unmyelinated
ectopic impulse generation in neuromas produced axons, particularly those of larger diameter (Kocen
by sympathetic stimulation (Devor and Janig 1981). and Thomas 1970). On electron microscopy the
The primary prevention and treatment of accumulated lipid appears as lamellated, often
diabetic neuropathy is good control of the diabetes, concentric inclusions known as zebra bodies.
although neuropathies have occasionally developed
soon after initiation of treatment with either insulin Hereditary sensory neuropathy
or oral hypoglycaemic drugs (Thomas and The last example of a painful small-fibre neuropathy
Tomlinson 1993). is dominantly inherited sensory neuropathy, in
which symptoms develop slowly from the second
Amyloid neuropathy decade onwards, mainly in the feet. Distal sensory
A second example of a painful small-fibre neuro- impairment, particularly affecting pain and
pathy is that caused by amyloid, both the inherited temperature sensation in the early stages, with little
and sporadic varieties (Dyck and Lambert 1969, motor involvement and distal autonomic involve-
Dyck et al 1971, Thomas and King 1974). Patients ment are the major clinical features. The selective
typically present with a distal sensory loss that loss of pain sensation may lead to painless
initially affects pain and thermal sensations, often penetrating foot ulcers and eventually loss of large
with autonomic involvement. As the neuropathy parts of the feet (Dyck 1993). Severe lancinating
progresses, all modalities are affected, reflexes are pains are well recognized in this condition and are
lost, and there is motor involvement. The physio- not related to the severity or the rate of progression
logical and morphological findings of Dyck and of the disease. In their combined electrophysiological
Lambert (1969) and Dyck et al (1971), referred to and morphological study, Dyck et al (1971) found a
earlier, showed that small myelinated and preferential reduction in Aδ and C-fibre potentials
unmyelinated fibres are selectively lost and this associated with a selective loss of unmyelinated
was confirmed by Thomas and King (1974). It is and small myelinated fibres, although there was
thus a surprising but common experience that this also a considerable reduction of larger myelinated
type of polyneuropathy is often very painful, the fibres. It is interesting to compare this neuropathy
pain usually having a deep aching quality, some- with recessively inherited sensory neuropathy, in
times with superimposed shooting pains. which touch-pressure sensation is initially prefer-
entially impaired, although in which a painless
Fabry’s disease mutilating acropathy may eventually occur. Pain is
Fabry’s disease, angiokeratoma corpus diffusum, is not a feature. Recordings in vitro showed absent
a rare lipid storage disorder in which a painful myelinated fibre potentials with reduced C-fibre 267
Clinical pain states

potentials, associated with a histological absence of (Walsh 1971, Kyle and Dyck 1993). The neuropathy
myelinated fibres and reduced numbers of is extremely variable in severity and rate of progres-
unmyelinated axons (Ohta et al 1973). sion, ranging from mild, predominantly sensory
neuropathy to a complete tetraplegia. Bone pain is
Alcoholic neuropathy of course a common symptom but, in addition, pain
The incidence of neuropathy in chronic alcoholism attribution to the associated neuropathy occurs. In
is in the region of 9% (Victor and Adams 1953), reviewing reported patients, Davis and Drachman
including asymptomatic patients. Of the symptomatic (1972) calculated an incidence of painful symptoms
patients, approximately one-quarter complain of pain of 59% in patients with neuropathy. In five sural
or paraesthesiae as the first symptom (Windebank nerve biopsies from patients with neuropathies but
1993). Burning pain and tenderness of the feet and without painful symptoms, Walsh (1971) found a
legs are the characteristic complaints, the upper limbs loss of myelinated fibres of all sizes, and in teased
being only rarely involved. Examination reveals a fibres the appearances suggested a primary axonal
sensorimotor neuropathy, and the occurrence of degeneration. Unmyelinated axon counts in two
painful symptoms is not related to the severity of the patients showed a substantial decrease in numbers,
deficit. In a pathological study, Walsh and McLeod without regeneration. Amyloid has only occasionally
(1970) examined sural nerve biopsies from 11 been found in nerves of patients with myeloma
patients who were divided into those with acute neuropathy and is not the cause of the neuropathy
and those with chronic neuropathies and, in (Davies-Jones and Esiri 1971). The neuropathy
addition, their diet was assessed. Myelinated fibre responds well to myeloma chemotherapy or radio-
densities were decreased in all the biopsies. Fibre- therapy for solitary myeloma and this includes
size histograms in five biopsies showed reduction resolution of the painful symptoms.
of all fibre sizes in three, but in two there was a
relative excess of small-diameter fibres. Teased-fibre HIV neuropathy
preparations showed that these were regenerating Peripheral neuropathy is commonly associated with
sprouts. Patients presenting with an acute neuro- human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection.
pathy and a poor diet had active axonal degenera- By far the commonest is AIDS-associated sensory
tion, whereas those with chronic neuropathies and neuropathy, in which neuropathic pain is a major
a better diet had less degeneration and regeneration symptom in at least 30% of patients. The poly-
was present. However, Walsh and McLeod (1970) radiculopathy due to cytomegalovirus infection is
did not relate this to painfulness in their patients. characteristically painful, and painful neuropathies
In the early stages of alcoholic neuropathy in resulting from antiretroviral therapy are well
some patients, clinical evidence of large sensory described. Nutritional neuropathies with HIV
fibre involvement is slight or even absent, and infection are occasionally painful, and herpes zoster
abnormal thermal thresholds indicate a preferential infection and resultant post-herpetic neuralgia is
affectation of unmyelinated afferent fibres. This is a common complication of AIDS. The clinical,
thus another example of a painful neuropathy with electrophysiological, and pathological features of
selective small-fibre involvement. the neuropathies associated with HIV infection are
Treatment of alcoholic neuropathy consists of reviewed by Griffin et al (1998).
stopping drinking and ensuring an adequate diet.
Poor diet is a major contributory factor to the Acute inflammatory polyneuropathy (AIP)
development of the neuropathy, and there are In AIP of the Guillain–Barré type, pain is a common
obvious clinical similarities to the neuropathies early symptom, often preceding sensory impairment
caused by specific vitamin deficiencies; pellagra or weakness. It may present in a distal distraction,
along with some further examples are considered as generalized muscular pain or as root pain, which
below. The therapeutic effect of thiamine in alcoholic sometimes leads to diagnostic difficulties. It has
peripheral neuropathy was demonstrated by Victor been suggested by Thomas (1979) that such pain
and Adams (1961). Victor (1975) drew attention to may be due to local inflammation in roots,
the causalgic nature of the pain in alcoholic mediated by the nervi nervorum, rather than
neuropathy and reported good temporary pain neuropathic pain due to the pathological processes
relief with sympathetic blockade. involving the root fibres themselves. Pain in AIP
may be severe but is usually transient. Persisting
Myeloma pain is more often in a distal distribution. In patients
Both multiple and solitary myeloma may be asso- with chronic relapsing and chronic progressive
268 ciated with a peripheral sensorimotor neuropathy inflammatory polyneuropathy, pain is not usually
a prominent symptom. The pathology of AIP is times the hands, often with a burning character.
Peripheral neuropathies

demyelination, usually predominantly affecting the The calf muscles may be particularly painful,
roots, and in the great majority of patients full and although sensory thresholds are raised, skin
recovery occurs. stimulation may produce extremely unpleasant
paraesthesiae. It is likely, though not completely
Nutritional neuropathies proven, that thiamine deficiency is the cause of this
In addition to nutritional factors in the patho- neuropathy, and the associated cardiac disorder
genesis of alcoholic neuropathy already discussed, and improvement with thiamine is well recorded
several other painful neuropathies attributed to (Victor 1975). In experimental studies, Swank (1940)
specific nutritional deficiencies have been described showed peripheral nerve degeneration in thiamine-
(reviewed by Windebank 1993). Many accounts deficient pigeons and North and Sinclair (1956) and
in the literature provide descriptions of clinical Prineas (1970) in rats. In Swank’s (1940) investigation,
features but lack biochemical or neuropathological the large myelinated fibres degenerated before the
investigation. Other problems of aetiological differ- smaller fibres and the longest fibres were prefer-
entiation are that nutritional deficiency of a single entially affected. In man, the reported pathological
vitamin seldom occurs and that in some cases, for studies are all in the older literature. In an extensive
example alcoholic neuropathy, a known neurotoxin postmortem study, Peklharing and Winkler (1889;
is also involved. Four painful polyneuropathies of quoted by Victor 1975) described degenerative
probable or possible nutritional origin are relevant changes that were most marked in the distal part of
here: pellagra, beriberi, Strachan’s syndrome peripheral nerves and in the posterior columns and
(Jamaican neuropathy) and the burning feet their nuclei. Wright (1901) observed degeneration
syndrome. of dorsal root ganglion cells and anterior horn cells.
The animal and human pathology suggest that
Pellagra neuropathy Peripheral neuropathy is beriberi neuropathy is primary axonal degeneration
one of the many neurological manifestations of of the central peripheral distal type. Reversal of the
pellagra, due to niacin deficiency. A predominant experimental neuropathy with thiamine was shown
feature of the sensorimotor neuropathy is spontan- by Swank and Prados (1942).
eous pain in the feet and lower legs, with tender-
ness of the calf muscles and cutaneous hyperaesthesia Strachan’s syndrome (Jamaican neuropathy)
of the feet (Lewy et al 1940). There are no recent In 1897, Strachan described 510 cases of a
pathological studies of this neuropathy and no neuropathy observed in Jamaica. Patients presented
ultrastructural study. Wilson (1913–1914) reported with pain, paraesthesiae, and sensory impairment
changes suggesting a predominant axonal degene- in the feet and hands, together with pains proximally
ration and, in a later investigation, Aring et al around the shoulder and hip girdles, visual impair-
(1941) observed a decreased density of myelinated ment, deafness, and orogenital dermatitis, in some
fibres, with a preferential loss of larger fibres. In cases resembling the lesions of pellagra. Many of
spinal cord, extensive degeneration was found in the the patients were ataxic, though whether this was
dorsal and lateral tracts by Anderson and Spiller peripheral or central in origin is not clear. More
(1940) in two patients at autopsy, while others, for recent studies have shown that the neuropathy of
example Greenfield and Holmes (1939), observed Jamaican neuropathy is accompanied by features
degeneration mainly in the posterior columns, with of spinal cord disease (Montgomery et al 1964) and
less marked changes in the pyramidal tracts. that a pure peripheral disorder of the type described
Pellagra neuropathy would thus appear to be a by Strachan (1897) is not now seen.
further example of a painful neuropathy in which There is no evidence that the patients described
large fibres are selectively lost. The possibility that by Strachan (1897) had a specific nutritional
regenerated myelinated fibres biased the fibre deficiency, although nutritional or toxic factors may
population studies of Aring et al (1941) is made less have been important in some patients included in
likely, but is not excluded, by the overall decrease this clinically heterogeneous group. Those patients
in fibre density. The spinal cord changes suggest with spinal cord disturbances almost certainly
that this is an example of a central–peripheral distal included what is now recognized as tropical spastic
axonopathy (see such section below). paraparesis, due to HTLV1 infection (Gessain and
Gout 1992).
Beriberi neuropathy In beriberi, a painful
sensorimotor polyneuropathy is very common. Burning feet syndrome This syndrome was
There is spontaneous pain in the feet and some- seen in many prisoners of war during the Second 269
Clinical pain states

World War (Cruickshank 1946, Simpson 1946). The presents as a pure sensory or mixed sensorimotor
symptoms were severe aching or causalgic-like neuropathy (Goldstein et al 1975). Patients may
burning pains with unpleasant paraesthesiae, complain of intense pain or painful paraesthesiae of
starting on the soles of the feet and sometimes the extremities (the feet more than the hands) with
spreading up the legs. The symptoms were often tenderness. Nerve biopsies show axonal degeneration
worse at night and were relieved by cold. Objective involving fibres of all classes (Goldstein et al 1975).
signs of neuropathy were not always present in
these patients, some of whom also had amblyopia
and orogenital dermatitis (Simpson 1946). Hyper- Central-peripheral distal
hidrosis of the feet was sometimes a prominent axonopathies
feature. A single nutritional deficiency was not
An advance in the understanding of diseases
identified in this condition, and most patients
affecting the primary sensory neuron was the
responded to an improvement in general diet and
recognition that some pathological processes may
vitamin B-rich foods.
have differential effects on the peripheral and
central axons. Several references have already been
Cuban neuropathy A very large epidemic of
made to the process of dying back or distal
painful sensory neuropathy and bilateral optic
axonopathy, and it seems likely that this is a
atrophy occurred in western Cuba between 1991
common pattern in peripheral neuropathies in
and 1993, with more than 45 000 people reported to
which axonal degeneration is the primary pathology.
have been affected. Clinical features in 25 patients
The process of distal axonopathy is now well
are reported by Thomas et al (1995) and include
established in a number of experimental neuro-
bilateral optic neuropathy with centrocaecal
pathies, for example those caused by triortho-cresyl
scotomas or a predominantly sensory polyneuro-
phosphate (Cavanagh 1954) and acrylamide
pathy, sometimes associated with deafness, or a
(Fullerton and Barnes 1966), and the underlying
combination of optic and peripheral neuropathies.
cellular processes involved have been the subject of
There are clearly similarities between the Cuban
several investigations (Spencer and Schaumburg
disease and Strachan’s syndrome. In a further
1976). In man, anatomical information concerning
study the Cuban Neuropathy Field Investigation
the central processes of primary sensory neurons is
Team (1995) examined 123 patients and assessed
rather more difficult to obtain than that concerning
dietary factors and exposure to potential toxins. It
the peripheral processes, but there is now physio-
was found that smoking, particularly cigars, was
logical evidence that central processes may be
associated with an increased risk of optic neuro-
selectively involved in some diseases, for example
pathy, and the risk was lower amongst patients
in subacute myelo-optic neuropathy (SMON) due
with higher dietary intakes of methionine, vitamin
to clioquinol poisoning in Japan and in pure
B12, riboflavin, and niacin and higher serum con-
hereditary spastic paraplegia (Thomas 1982). A
centrations of antioxidant carotenoids. In support
more common pattern in distal axonopathies is
of a nutritional basis for Cuban neuropathy is
probably affectation of both central and distal axons
the fact that the numbers of new cases began to
but, as pointed out by Thomas (1982), differential
decrease after vitamin supplementation was
recovery of function in peripheral and central axons
initiated in the population.
may occur, as is probably the case in SMON, where
there is poor resolution of the painful symptoms
Tanzanian neuropathy A syndrome similar to
after removal of the toxin, and in a patient with
Strachan’s syndrome and Cuban neuropathy has
vitamin E deficiency, in whom differential electro-
also been observed in coastal Tanzania since 1988.
physiological recovery was documented by
The clinical features in 38 affected patients have
Harding et al (1982). The implications of differential
been described by Plant et al (1997). An optic
vulnerability and recovery in relation to pain in
neuropathy, with primary retinal involvement in
neuropathies other than SMON are at present not
some patients, was associated with a dysaesthetic
peripheral neuropathy. It was suspected, but not
proven, that the condition had a nutritional basis.

Arsenic neuropathy Summary of human evidence

The polyneuropathy caused by arsenic may be The emphasis of most investigations of human
painful, although it is as often painless. It is the neuropathy has been on morphological correlation
270 commonest of the heavy metal neuropathies and of fibre size distribution with nerve conduction and
painfulness, but review of the data shows that there
Peripheral neuropathies
mellitus. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
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are too many exceptions to a general hypothesis of
Archer AG, Roberts VC, Watkins PJ 1984 Blood flow patterns in
fibre size imbalance as a cause of pain for it to be painful diabetic neuropathy. Diabetologia 27: 563–567
tenable. This has been recognized for some time Aring CD, Bean WB, Roseman E, Rosenbaum M, Spies TD 1941
(Thomas 1974, 1979). Dyck et al (1976) reviewed the Peripheral nerves in cases of nutritional deficiency. Archives of
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study, but it was concluded that pain was a feature Asbury AK, Fields HL 1984 Pain due to peripheral nerve damage:
an hypothesis. Neurology 34: 1587–1590
of those neuropathies in which there was acute
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axonal degeneration, and this bore no relationship palsy in diabetes mellitus: a clinico-pathology study. Brain
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1. Pain is not related to fibre size distribution produces disorders of pain like those seen in man. Pain
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cases with and without pain. Pain 44: 105–117

Nerve and root damage


Complex regional pain syndrome

J W Scadding

Introduction changes, oedema, and loss of function. The term

causalgia was retrospectively applied by Mitchell
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is the to describe a syndrome of burning pain, hyper-
name now given to a group of conditions previously aesthesia, glossy skin, and colour changes in the
described as reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), limbs of soldiers sustaining major nerve injuries
causalgia, algodystrophy, Sudeck’s atrophy, and a from gunshot wounds, seen during the American
variety of other diagnoses (Box 18.1; see Rizzi et al Civil War (Mitchell et al 1864, Richards 1967a, b). It
1984). These conditions share a number of clinical was later recognized that a very similar clinical
features including pain with associated allodynia picture could be produced by a variety of other
and hyperalgesia, autonomic changes, trophic illnesses and injuries that did not include major
limb nerve injury, and the term RSD has, for many
years, been used to embrace these conditions
(Evans 1946, Bonica 1979).
BOX 18.1
Conditions comprising complex regional pain
Involvement of the sympathetic
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
Post-traumatic sympathetic dystrophy nervous system in causalgia and
Algodystrophy reflex sympathetic dystrophy:
Causalgia (major, minor) historical aspects
Sudeck’s atrophy It is worthwhile re-examining the early observations
Post-traumatic painful osteoporosis
that led to a widespread acceptance that the
Transient osteoporosis
sympathetic nervous system is crucially involved
Acute bone atrophy
Migratory osteolysis in the pathogenesis and maintenance of these
Post-traumatic vasomotor syndrome syndromes. This has influenced subsequent thinking
Shoulder–hand syndrome to the extent that some have even proposed response
of the conditions to sympathetic blockade or 275
Clinical pain states

sympathectomy as diagnostic criteria. However,

this illogical and scientifically unjustified approach BOX 18.2
to conditions of uncertain, and quite possibly Causes of complex regional pain syndrome
heterogeneous, pathogenesis has now been
Peripheral tissues
abandoned. Fractures and dislocations
Leriche (1916) described the relief of causalgia in Soft-tissue injury
a patient with a brachial plexus injury and Fasciitis, tendonitis, bursitis, ligamentous strain
thrombosis of the brachial artery by surgical Arthritis
sympathectomy, resecting the adventitia of a length Mastectomy
of the brachial artery. In this and subsequent Deep vein thrombosis
patients, pain relief combined with an improve- Immobilization
ment in discolouration and sweating changes led Peripheral nerve and dorsal root
Peripheral nerve trauma
Leriche to conclude that the sympathetic nervous
Brachial plexus lesions
system was involved in the pathogenesis of
Post-herpetic neuralgia
causalgia (Leriche 1939). As described by Schott Root lesions
(1995), periarterial sympathectomy was replaced Central nervous system
by preganglionic sympathectomy and became Spinal cord lesions, particularly trauma
standard treatment for painful nerve injuries Head injury
sustained during the two World Wars, although Cerebral infarction
without further critical evaluation of effectiveness. Cerebral tumour
For the conditions without major nerve or blood Viscera
vessel injury, later described by the term RSD, in Abdominal disease
Myocardial infarction
which very similar clinical features to causalgia are
present, attempts to relieve pain and restore function
by sympathectomy or repeated sympathetic blockade
have, for many years, been standard treatment.
Evidence of efficacy is examined later but it is implication. The term ‘sympathetically maintained
recognized by those regularly treating these patients pain’ (SMP) is discussed later in this chapter.
that while temporary pain relief may occur, long- The new definition results from an IASP consensus
term results are poor. It is probable that sympathetic conference (Stanton-Hicks et al 1995) and is
block has only survived as standard treatment summarized in Box 18.3, reproduced from Boas
because of the lack of more effective therapy. (1996). The first criterion for CRPS is that there is an
initiating noxious event. However, there are a few
patients otherwise fulfilling the diagnostic criteria
Causes of complex regional pain for CRPS in whom there is no history of any such
syndrome initiating event (Veldman et al 1993).
According to the previous IASP definitions of
causalgia and RSD, causalgia referred to the Clinical features of complex
syndrome associated with nerve injury, while RSD
included patients whose pain and associated features
regional pain syndrome
followed a variety of insults, most commonly It can be seen from Box 18.3 that CRPS II is in all
relatively minor, and normally fully recoverable respects similar to CRPS I, except that included in
injuries. These are listed in Box 18.2 (Richards the definition is the additional condition that it
1967a, Schwartzman and McLellan 1987). follows a nerve injury and thus corresponds to the
condition previously known as causalgia.
The symptoms and signs of CRPS are found in a
Definition and taxonomy of regional distribution, often widely in a limb, and in
complex regional pain syndrome both types of CRPS the symptoms and signs often
spread well beyond the limits of the causative
The need for a new classification and terminology injured territory.
stems from a poor understanding of the clinical
limits of the conditions concerned, the underlying
pathophysiology and how variable this may be,
and the unsatisfactory existing terminology and Spontaneous and evoked pain (allodynia and
276 particularly RSD with its clear pathogenic hyperalgesia) coexist in the great majority of
Complex regional pain syndrome
Autonomic signs
BOX 18.3
Diagnostic criteria for complex regional pain The definition of CRPS is careful to state that
syndrome (Reproduced from Boas 1996) autonomic signs are, or have at some time, been
present, but are not necessarily constant features in
CRPS describes a variety of painful conditions that
a particular patient. Abnormalities of temperature,
usually follow injury, occur regionally, have a
colour, and sweating are common. Oedema is often
distal predominance of abnormal findings, exceed
in both magnitude and duration the expected present as an early sign (Blumberg and Janig 1994),
clinical course of the inciting event, often result in which later resolves in about half of patients. These
significant impairment of motor function, and autonomic changes could, in part, be secondary to
show variable progression over time. immobilization.
1. Follows an initiating noxious event. Motor signs
2. Spontaneous pain and/or allodynia and
hyperalgesia occur beyond the territory of a Objective motor signs are variable, but loss of
single peripheral nerve(s), and is function of the affected part is almost universal.
disproportionate to the inciting event. Wasting and weakness are common; tremor and
3. There is or has been evidence of oedema, skin dystonia are observed in a small proportion of
blood flow abnormality, or abnormal patients.
sudomotor activity in the region of the pain
since the inciting event.
4. The diagnosis is excluded by the existence of Dystrophic changes
conditions that would otherwise account for
the degree of pain and dysfunction. Some dystrophic changes may simply result from
prolonged disuse. Skin changes include thinning,
CRPS II (Causalgia) with a shiny appearance, or flaky, thickened skin.
This syndrome follows nerve injury. It is similar in Hair may be lost or abnormally coarse and the nails
all other respects to CRPS type I. may be thickened. Osteoporosis, explicable on the
1. It is a more regionally confined presentation basis of disuse, is a frequent finding in many
about a joint or area, associated with a noxious
patients, but a more profound loss of bone mineral
content also occurs (Sudeck’s atrophy).
2. Spontaneous pain and/or allodynia and
hyperalgesia are usually limited to the area
involved, but may spread variably distal or Predisposition to CRPS
proximal to the area, not in the territory of a
dermatomal or peripheral nerve distribution. It has been postulated that certain individuals
3. Intermittent and variable oedema, skin blood might be predisposed to the development of CRPS
flow change, temperature change, abnormal but there is no conclusive evidence in favour of this
sudomotor activity, and motor dysfunction, (Covington 1996).
disproportionate to the inciting event, are
present about the area involved.
Psychological factors
The absence of a clear pathogenesis and patho-
patients with CRPS. Pain is disproportionate to the physiological basis for CRPS and the disproportionate
initiating cause in distribution, severity, and pain and loss of function have led to examination
duration, and may have various qualities. Patients of potential psychological aetiology. Patients with
commonly describe burning, aching, or throbbing conversion disorder and factitious illnesses may
pain, and in the case of CRPS II, superimposed present with symptoms that can closely resemble
paroxysmal pains are common. Allodynia, hyper- CRPS and indeed, because diagnosis of CRPS is
algesia, and hyperpathia are often so severe that based on assessment of symptoms and signs, it is
any contact with the affected part and active or not surprising that some patients with primary
passive movement may be extremely painful, psychiatric morbidity are erroneously diagnosed as
leading to protection of the limb and loss of having CRPS. A diagnosis of CRPS as distinct from
function. This in turn may lead to secondary effects conversion disorder may only emerge after a series
of prolonged immobilization, including muscle of diagnostic assessments.
wasting and joint stiffness with contracture, which The severe pain of CRPS with loss of function
are frequent compounding factors in CRPS. and lack of a clear diagnosis produces anxiety, fear, 277
Clinical pain states

and depression in many patients. Whether such bias to some extent, but analysis of 829 patients
secondary psychological features developing early with CRPS from all causes provides a fairly reliable
following an injury might then predispose to the insight into the relative frequency of the various
development of CRPS remains controversial symptoms and signs composing CRPS (Veldman
(Covington 1996). et al 1993). These were categorized by Veldman et al
Some of the patients reported by Ochoa and (1993) as inflammatory, neurological, dystrophic,
Verdugo (1995) with so-called pseudoneuropathy and sympathetic and were evaluated with respect
mimicking CRPS type I undoubtedly had primarily to duration of CRPS. Table 18.1 presents data from
psychiatric illnesses, emphasizing the need for Veldman et al (1993).
careful and often repeated clinical assessment over
a period of time.
Staging of clinical features in CRPS
Relative frequency of clinical features Earlier studies of RSD suggested that three stages
could be recognized: an acute warm phase in which
in CRPS pain and oedema predominated, a dystrophic phase
Case ascertainment is clearly a difficulty in CRPS categorized by muscle wasting and vasomotor
and all the large series reported in the literature instability with pale cyanotic skin, and a later cold,
suffer from referral bias. Prospective studies atrophic stage categorized particularly by bone and
examining patients after a particular known cause, skin changes (Blumberg and Janig 1994). The value
for example Colles fracture (Bickerstaff and Kanis of staging has been questioned as patients do not all
1994), avoid such bias but only provide a single follow the same course, the duration of the
cause perspective of the condition. A report from a recognizable phases is variable, and not all patients
centre known to have an interest in CRPS, and thus progress to the third stage (Walker and Cousins
attracting referrals from many other hospitals in 1997). Veldman et al (1993) found that in 95% of
The Netherlands, inevitably suffered from referral their patients the acute phase was categorized by

Table 18.1 Symptoms and signs of complex regional pain syndromea

Symptom/sign Duration of CRPS 2–6 months (%) >12 months (%)

Pain 88 97
Colour difference 96 84
Temperature difference 91 91
Limited movement 90 83
Exacerbation with exercise 95 97
Oedema 80 55

Hyperaesthesia 75 85
Hyperpathia 79 81
Incoordination 47 61
Tremor 44 50
Involuntary spasms 24 47
Muscle spasm 13 42
Paresis 93 97
Pseudoparalysis 7 26

Skin 37 44
Nails 23 36
Muscle 50 67
Bone 41 52

Hyperhidrosis 56 40
Changed hair growth 71 35
Changed nail growth 60 52
Data adapted from Veldman et al (1993).
pain, oedema, vasomotor changes, changes in
Complex regional pain syndrome

although comparisons are not easy due to the higher

temperature, and loss of function, all of which were rate of spontaneous resolution or cure in children
intensified by exercise of the affected limb, signs than in adults.
that they interpreted as characteristic of inflam-
mation. With regard to temperature, patients with
longer duration symptoms were more likely to Diagnostic tests: sympathetically
have a cold limb. Of those patients seen from the maintained pain and
onset of the illness, 13% had primarily cold limbs
without any initial warm phase. More than half sympathetically independent
their patients did not develop signs of tissue pain
dystrophy or atrophy in the later stages.
There are no diagnostic tests for CRPS. Three-phase
isotope bone scans are frequently abnormal
Less common clinical features of CRPS (Goldsmith et al 1989), but a normal bone scan does
not exclude the diagnosis. Although the existence
Very infrequently, CRPS may be migratory or
of a sympathetic influence on pain in CRPS and
relapsing or occur in two or more extremities
other pain states has been questioned (Ochoa et al
(Johnson 1943, Bentley and Hameroff 1980, Veldman
1994, Schott 1995), there is substantial experimental
et al 1993). In 53% of the patients with relapsing or
and clinical evidence of such an influence (see later
multiple RSD described by Velman et al (1993), no
discussion; Loh and Nathan 1978, Loh et al 1980,
initiating injury or illness could be identified,
Torebjork et al 1995). Sympathetically maintained
raising the possibility that very rarely a predis-
pain (SMP) is the component of pain maintained by
position to develop CRPS may exist in certain
efferent noradrenergic sympathetic activity and
subjects. Other less common features of CRPS include
circulating catecholamines; sympathetically inde-
intractable or relapsing skin infections (associated
pendent pain (SIP) is the component that is not
with chronic oedema), spontaneous haematomas,
(Roberts 1986). Neurogenic pains, central as well as
increased skin pigmentation, nodular fasciitis of
peripheral, may be partly responsive to sympathetic
palmar or plantar skin, and clubbing of the nails
blockade (Loh et al 1980, Bonica 1990, Arner 1991,
(Veldman et al 1993).
Raja et al 1991, Wahren et al 1991). A conceptual
framework for the relationship between SMP and
CRPS in children some painful conditions is shown in Fig. 18.1 (Boas
1996). SMP as assessed clinically by the effect of
It is only relatively recently that the occurrence of
sympathetic blockade is a variable component of
CRPS in children has been recognized (Wilder
pain in CRPS I and II. SMP is correctly not included
1996). The lower limb is much more frequently
affected than the upper limb (ratio about 5:1),
whereas the opposite is true in adults. Most studies
of CRPS in adults show a female preponderance,
but this is more marked in children (ratio about Herpes
4:1). Sufferers are typically pubertal adolescent zoster
girls. Approximately half the children affected will
get better with complete resolution of symptoms Phantom Neuralgias
and signs, and only a small proportion continue to pain
experience severe pain. Recovery may be helped by
physiotherapy, transcutaneous electrical stimulation, SMP
and cognitive and behavioural pain management
techniques. Many children with CRPS participate
in competitive sports, putting them at greater risk
of musculoskeletal injury. Metabolic CRPS
Interest has focused on the role of psychological
factors with the suggestion that injury and persistent
pain provide a means of escape from stressful
competition and the parental expectations associated Fig. 18.1 Diagrammatic representation of the
relationship of sympathetically maintained pain (SMP)
with this (Sherry and Weisman 1988). Sympatholytic and some painful conditions, demonstrating the
treatment is as unpredictable in its efficacy as it is in existence of SMP in these conditions. (Reproduced from
adults and long-term results are disappointing, Boas 1996 with permission.) 279
Clinical pain states

in the diagnostic criteria for either type of CRPS. A

useful algorithm for the diagnosis of CRPS is BOX 18.4
shown in Box 18.4. Algorithm for the diagnosis of complex
regional pain syndrome (Reproduced from
Wilson et al 1996)
Indicence and natural history of Pain
The diagnosis of CRPS cannot be made in the
complex regional pain syndrome absence of pain; it is a pain syndrome. However,
One of the problems with the current defining the characteristics of the pain may vary with the
diagnostic criteria for CRPS of both types is initiating event and other factors. The pain is
establishing the limits of the diagnosis. When is often described as burning, and might be
pain judged to be disproportionate in severity, spontaneous or evoked in the context of
hyperalgesia or allodynia. Both spontaneous and
distribution, and duration to the initiating event?
evoked pain may occur together.
Furthermore, some degree of oedema or vasomotor
or sudomotor change following many injuries is History
extremely common. At what stage can these changes • Develops after an initiating noxious event or
be said to be excessive and indicative of the
• Unilateral extremity onset (rarely may spread to
development of CRPS? These uncertainties, together another extremity)
with the fact that there are very few prospective • Symptom onset usually within a month
studies, limit conclusions about incidence and
Exclusion criteria:
natural history.
• Identifiable major nerve lesion (CRPS II)
In a prospective study of 274 patients with • Existence of anatomical, physiological, or
Colles fractures of varying severity, Bickerstaff and psychological conditions that would otherwise
Kanis (1994) measured tenderness of the fingers, account for the degree of pain and dysfunction
hand swelling, and grip strength, together with
Symptoms (patient report)
symptomatic assessment of pain, vasomotor
A. Pain (spontaneous or evoked)
symptoms, and finger stiffness at intervals up to 1 Burning
year following the fracture. At 2 weeks following Aching, throbbing
removal of the plaster cast, 54% had one of the B. Hyperalgesia or allodynia (at some time in the
measured features, swelling being the most disease course) to mechanical stimuli (light
common (45%). However, only 28% had all four touch or deep pressure), to thermal
features (bone tenderness, vasomotor symptoms, stimulation, or to joint motion
swelling, and stiffness). These patients were more C. Associated symptoms (minor)
likely to complain of pain in the hand or shoulder Swelling
Temperature or colour: asymmetry and
and had a more markedly impaired grip strength.
At 1 year 18, 14, and 12% still had finger tenderness,
Sweating: asymmetry and instability
pain, and swelling respectively, and these features Trophic changes: hair, nails, skin
were usually found in the same patients. Some 50%
Signs (observed)
of patients still had finger stiffness. These authors’
Hyperalgesia or allodynia (light touch, deep
conclusion that each of these symptoms indicated
pressure, joint movement, cold)
the presence of algodystrophy is at variance with Oedema (if unilateral and other causes excluded)
the new diagnostic criteria for CRPS (Stanton-Hicks Vasomotor changes: colour, temperature
et al 1995), and it would not be accepted that about instability, asymmetry
20% of their patients had developed CRPS at 1 year. Sudomotor changes
However, the study of Bickerstaff and Kanis (1994) Trophic changes in skin, joint, nail, hair
does indicate that careful prospective study, follow- Impaired motor function (may include
ing a common fracture usually considered to be components of dystonia and tremor)
associated with excellent recovery, presents a truer Criteria required for diagnosis of CRPS I
picture and draws attention to the underestimation History of pain:
of continuing painful symptoms. Prospective study • Plus allodynia, hyperalgesia, or hyperaesthesia
has yielded similar results in other conditions • Plus two other signs from the above list
potentially giving rise to chronic painful symp- Characteristics of spontaneous pain:
toms, for example amputation (Carlen et al 1978). Sympathetically maintained pain (SMP)
Other estimates for the incidence of CRPS, not Sympathetically independent pain (SIP)
280 from prospective studies, include 1–2% after fractures Combined SMP + SIP
(Bohm 1985), 1–5% after peripheral nerve injury
Complex regional pain syndrome
sensory coupling occurs mainly in non-nociceptive
(Veldman et al 1993), and the shoulder–hand afferents and is present only transiently following
syndrome in 5% of patients with myocardial nerve injury. Furthermore, at later intervals,
infarction (Rosen and Graham 1957). sympathetic stimulation may exert an inhibitory
effect on dorsal root ganglion neuron activity
(Michaelis et al 1996).
Pathophysiology of complex There are limited but important human
regional pain syndrome investigations that indicate a sympathetic influence
on pain following peripheral nerve injury. Walker
Animal and human investigations into the under- and Nulsen (1948) showed that intraoperative
lying mechanisms of CRPS have focused on three sympathetic chain stimulation exacerbated pain in
areas: firstly, evidence of abnormal coupling be- patients with causalgia. In patients with successfully
tween the efferent sympathetic nervous system and treated causalgia, Wallin et al (1976) found that the
sensory afferents; secondly, the nature and import- patient’s original pain could be rekindled by
ance of inflammatory processes in peripheral cutaneous application of noradrenaline (norepi-
tissues, both with and without nerve injury; and, nephrine). Injection of noradrenaline (norepi-
thirdly, the development of secondary central nephrine) around amputation stump neuromas
changes, explaining the wide radiation of the may cause severe pain (Chabal et al 1992).
clinical features of CRPS and the maintenance of In the investigation of Torebjork et al (1995)
the syndrome long after the initiating cause has some of the patients examined in the earlier study
healed or been removed. While it is not yet possible of Wallin et al (1976), and who at that time had
to build a complete picture of pathophysiology and SMP, were found at the later examination to have
still less possible to translate this into effective pain that did not respond to sympathetic blockade.
treatment, several lines of investigations have In addition, only 28% of patients with nerve injury
provided important insights. and pain previously responsive to sympathetic
blockade (SMP) experienced an increase in their
The sympathetic nervous system and pain when noradrenaline (norepinephrine) was
injected into their sensitive skin. This indicates
pain: nerve damage changing pathophysiology in CRPS over long
Three sites of sympathetic sensory interaction after periods of time, presenting further difficulties in
nerve injury have been identified: the region of the targeting treatments.
nerve damage itself, undamaged fibres distal to the In a clinical condition that may be likened to
nerve lesion, and the dorsal root ganglion. experimental situations in which partly damaged
Following severe injury, for example nerve section regenerated or undamaged afferents in partial
with neuroma formation, somatosensory fibres nerve injury become sensitive to catecholamines,
develop an abnormal sensitivity to catecholamines, Choi and Rowbotham (1997) showed that intra-
an effect mediated by α receptors. Both circulating cutaneous injections of noradrenaline (norepi-
catecholamines and endogenously released trans- nephrine) or adrenaline (epinephrine) in an area
mitter following sympathetic trunk stimulation can affected by postherpetic neuralgia increased both
be shown to stimulate damaged sprouting sensory spontaneous pain and allodynia.
fibres. This also occurs when continuity of the nerve
is restored by resuture following nerve section and The sympathetic nervous system and
other, milder forms of nerve injury (Shyu et al 1990,
Sato and Perl 1991). The noradrenergic sensitivity
pain: without nerve damage
can be reduced by sympathectomy, phentolamine, Investigation of possible sympathetic influences on
or guanethidine (Kim et al 1993). All classes of painful sensation without nerve injury, in other
afferent fibre, from both skin and deep tissue, words, in conditions more representative of the
including C fibres, are affected (Janig 1996, Devor clinical situations in which CRPS type I may develop,
and Seltzer 1999). has been more recent than the studies of nerve
The normal spontaneous discharge of dorsal injury. The complex mechanisms underlying the
root ganglion neurons is enhanced by peripheral development of spontaneous pain, hyperalgesia,
nerve injury (Kirk 1974, Wall and Devor 1983), and and allodynia to various types of stimulation
this may be further increased by sympathetic following experimental heat and chemically induced
stimulation (Devor et al 1994). However, subsequent cutaneous inflammation using irritants such as
studies have indicated that this sympathetic mustard oil and capsaicin are summarized by 281
Clinical pain states

Koltzenburg (1996). Both peripheral and central CRPS, both type I and type II in the majority of
factors are involved. Some components of experi- patients, has led some to question the existence of
mental cutaneous inflammation have been shown any significant sympathetic involvement in CRPS
to be influenced by noradrenergic α-receptor or indeed any type of pain syndrome. Arguments
agonists or antagonists. Drummond (1995) reported are based on the poor quality of clinical inves-
an increase in heat-induced hyperalgesia in skin tigations, including lack of proper controls and the
inflamed by topical capsaicin after iontophoresis of questionable relevance of animal models to the
noradrenaline (norepinephrine). In inflammation human situation, together with possible under-
produced by intradermal capsaicin, Kinman et al estimation of psychological factors (Ochoa and
(1997) showed that spontaneous pain could be Verdugo 1995; Schott 1995, 1997). Schott (1995,
reduced by locally injected phentolamine, although 1997) proposes a mechanism for the analgesic effect
evoked pain in capsaicin-induced inflammation was of sympathetic blockade that does not depend on a
not reduced by intravenous phentolamine in the reduction of peripheral noradrenergic activity. He
experiments of Liu et al (1996). suggests that pain relief after sympathectomy may
It might be argued that the demonstrated be explained by a reduction of activity of visceral
sympathetic influence occurred as a secondary afferent fibres that travel in sympathetic nerves
effect of altered local blood supply in the area of (Cervero 1994, Schott 1994), rather than any
inflammation. However, in a microneurographic peripheral effect on efferent noradrenergic function.
study, Elam et al (1996) found that the discharge Schott (1995) proposes inflammatory mechanisms
from axons sensitized by cutaneous application of that are independent of noradrenergic efferent
mustard oil was not influenced by physiological function as the cause of pain in CRPS (Dray 1996).
reflex alterations of sympathetic vasoconstrictor In a subsequent paper Schott (1997) draws attention
neurons. In addition, Baron et al (1998) have reported to the evidence indicating an inflammatory basis
that cutaneous sympathetic vasoconstrictor activity for the bone atrophy that occurs in CRPS, leading in
does not alter the intensity of ongoing pain induced its extreme form to Sudeck’s atrophy. This evidence
by capsaicin inflammation. is reviewed by Kozin (1992) and Oyen et al (1993).
The sensitization of somatosensory afferents Treatments, including calcitonin to reverse the
may be caused by direct stimulation by nor- marked osteopenia that may occur in CRPS, have
adrenaline (norepinephrine) or indirectly through been advocated in the past but without adequate
release of inflammatory substances, particularly controlled trials. Interest recently has focused on
prostaglandins. Levine and others have shown that the bisphosphonates, which prevent bone resorption
in certain experimental situations, noradrenaline by inhibiting osteoclast activity and dissolution of
(norepinephrine) released from sympathetic calcium apatite crystals. However, this property of
postganglionic neurons causes release of biphosphonates is unlikely to explain the very
prostaglandins (Levine et al 1986, Gold et al 1994). rapid relief of bone pain that has been observed in
In an experimental sciatic neuropathy in rats, bone pain due to cancer, and it is possible that
Tracey et al (1995) found hyperalgesia was enhanced additional effects of bisphosphonates on
by local injection of noradrenaline (norepinephrine) prostaglandin E2 and other inflammatory mediators
and decreased by injection of indometacin, strongly may be responsible for analgesia (Strang 1996).
suggesting mediation of the hyperalgesia by Further investigation may clarify the mechanisms
prostaglandins and possibly other inflammatory of bone atrophy in CRPS and possibly atrophic
substances. changes in other tissues, which are frequent features
of CRPS.
Histopathological studies in limbs amputated in
Pain in CRPS related to inflammation patients with CRPS have shown microangiopathic
and independent of the sympathetic changes, leading to the suggestion that free radical
damage may be an important component of the
nervous system pathogenesis of the condition (van der Laan et al
The experimental animal and human evidence 1998).
outlined above would appear to indicate an Relevant to the issue of visceral and somatic
important adrenergic sympathetic postganglionic afferents in sympathetic nerves, Kramis et al (1996)
influence in the processes that may lead to pain, review a curious but well-recognized consequence
both with and without nerve injury. The singular of sympathetic chain interruption, the development
lack of long-term effectiveness of sympathetic of a new pain that occurs days to weeks after
282 blockade and sympathectomy in clinical practice in sympathectomy, and propose mechanisms for such
pain. This so-called sympathalgia, or postsym-
Complex regional pain syndrome
Central nervous system changes
pathectomy pain, tends to be distributed in the
proximal parts of the sympathectomized limb and Central nervous system physiological changes
extends onto the trunk. Distally in the limb there is secondary to nerve injury are reviewed in Chap. 17.
usually evidence of sympathetic denervation, but There is evidence indicating that prolonged
proximally there may be excessive sweating and nociceptive inputs, not resulting from nerve injury,
other features include deep muscular tenderness are capable of inducing similar secondary central
and proximal cutaneous allodynia and hyper- changes (Doubell et al 1999).
algesia (Raskin et al 1974). The incidence of Such changes may clearly be important in
postsympathectomy pain following sympathetic relation to the pain of CRPS.
trunk lesioning, but not after local anaesthetic block
or more distal sympathetic nerve blockade with
either local anaesthetic or guanethidine, is estimated
Summary of mechanisms in CRPS
to occur in 30–50% of patients, although it is not The pathophysiology of pain and other clinical
usually severe. Kramis et al (1996) propose that features in CRPS remains poorly understood, and
postsympathectomy pain develops as a result of although experimental studies outlined here
transection of paraspinal somatic and visceral represent a considerable advance in knowledge, we
afferents travelling within the sympathetic trunk, are still some way from a clear understanding of
and that this in turn leads to cell death of many of these conditions. The diagrammatic representation
the axotomized neurons, causing central deaffer- in Fig. 18.2 sets out some components of CRPS
entation. Pain related to the deafferentation may be currently thought to be of importance in patho-
worse as a result of prior sensitization of dorsal genesis. The basic concept of a vicious circle, first
horn cells produced by the painful state for which proposed by Livingston (1943), remains evident.
the sympathectomy was performed. The importance of the sympathetic nervous system

Chronic excitation Trauma

of visceral and with/without
Central deep somatic peripheral
lesion afferents nerve lesion

Abnormal state of
afferent neurons

Distorted information
Pain processing
in spinal cord

regulation of
blood flow and

Movement Abnormal activity Abnormal

disorders in motorneurons sympathetic activity
to skeletal muscle (vasosudomotor)
other abnormalities?


Fig. 18.2 Relationship of various peripheral and central factors important in the mechanisms of pain and other clinical
features of CRPS types I and II. See text for further explanation. (Reproduced from Janig 1996 with permission.) 283
Clinical pain states

may be overrated, and that of chronic inflammatory This raises an important point about the aims of
changes in deeper tissues underestimated, in the treatment in established cases of CRPS. It is always
scheme presented. The potential for some central gratifying, both to patient and clinician, to obtain
changes to become permanent, and thus possibly analgesia by whatever means, but pain relief alone
limit the effectiveness of any treatment directed is insufficient. A hallmark of CRPS is loss of function
towards the initiating peripheral event, is not of the affected part, and every period of even partial
shown in Fig. 18.2. These factors, together with analgesia should be utilized to begin mobilization
further knowledge of the somatic and visceral and rehabilitation. This emphasizes the importance
sensory sympathetic coupling in peripheral tissues, of a multidisciplinary approach to treatment.
require elucidation through further research.
Sympatholytic procedures
Treatment of complex regional Intravenous regional guanethidine blocks
pain syndrome Guanethidine reduces noradrenaline (norepinephrine)
concentrations in adrenergic neurons and blocks
Few conditions can match CRPS types I and II for reuptake. The technique of intravenous regional
the variety of treatment modalities and drugs guanethidine block (IVRGB) described by
suggested—a sure indication that no single Hannington-Kiff (1974) quickly became established
treatment is superior to others and that nothing is as a simple and reliable method of peripheral
consistently successful. Controlled trials have been sympathetic blockade and is now widely used. The
few and comparisons of treatments in different treatment has, however, only been subject to
reports are made difficult by patient populations controlled study in recent years. In open studies it
heterogeneous in causation, clinical features, and has been common experience that some patients
severity. This is not surprising in a condition that respond, usually transiently, for hours or days, but
has proved so difficult to define and whose limits, many patients do not and some patients report a
even with the now generally accepted definition transient increase in pain following IVRGB. Multiple
provided by the IASP consensus conference, are blocks over a period of time have been advocated in
uncertain. The older term, RSD, has focused undue the hope of producing a cumulative effect (Girgis
attention upon sympatholytic procedures to the and Wynn Parry 1989).
exclusion of consideration of other treatments, Two recent studies of IVRGB have been helpful
although this is now changing. The research on in evaluating the treatment in patients with CRPS.
mechanisms of CRPS types I and II is recent, parti- Many other studies have used patients with a
cularly for type I, and many treatments suggested number of painful conditions and the results are
have previously been based on ideas and specula- difficult to assess. Jadad et al (1995) reviewed seven
tion rather than fact. This state of affairs is now set randomized controlled trials from the literature. In
to change. Controlled trials of treatment in CRPS are most of these guanethidine was used, but reserpine,
reviewed by Kingery (1997) and Perez et al (2001). bretylium, droperidol, and ketanserin were used in
some as alternatives. In the four guanethidine studies,
Does early treatment improve none demonstrated a difference in analgesia
between guanethidine and control, and none of the
outcome studies was designed to determine a dose–response
It has long been accepted that early recognition and effect. Jadad et al (1995) criticized the methodology
institution of active treatment improves the outcome of these investigations, with problems identified
in CRPS. While this seems intuitively correct, it has including poor defined diagnostic criteria, inadequate
never been subjected to systematic study. Clearly, wash-out periods, an incomplete cross-over, open
the management of injuries and diseases known to administration of some treatments, and a high
have the potential of leading to the development of proportion of withdrawals. In a subsequent
CRPS should be optimally managed in the acute controlled trial, Jadad et al (1995) recruited patients
stages, but again there is no evidence that it is only with CRPS who had reported analgesia following
badly managed patients who are prone to develop an open trial of IVRGB. Nine patients completed
CRPS. However, immobilization and disuse are the trial and no significant difference was shown
undoubtedly factors that contribute to the develop- between guanethidine and saline control (lidocaine
ment of CRPS, and it makes sense to minimize (lignocaine) was not used in this study).
these factors by instituting physiotherapy at an Ramamurthy and Hoffman (1995) randomized
284 early stage after injury. 60 patients to receive up to four IVRGBs with
lidocaine (lignocaine), control injections being
Complex regional pain syndrome

leading most to abandon these procedures. The

lidocaine (lignocaine) and saline. Although there problems of sympathalgia following sympathectomy
was no difference between guanethidine- and control- have already been discussed.
treated patients, patients in all treatment groups
showed a decrease in oedema and pseudomotor, Other drugs used in regional blocks
trophic, and vasomotor changes. All patients had at Ketanserin, a selective serotonin type II receptor
least one IVRGB and those receiving up to four blocker, and bretylium, which reduces release of
blocks gained no greater degree of pain relief. noradrenaline (norepinephrine), have both been
Campbell et al (1988) investigated the effects of a given by the Biers block technique and in controlled
tourniquet inflated to suprasystolic pressure as trials have been found to be analgesic in CRPS
used in IVRGB. Hyperalgesia was relieved but (Ford et al 1988, Hanna and Peat 1989). Clonidine
temperature sensation was not affected. It was was not effective by the same root (Glynn and Jones
suggested that hyperalgesia was mediated via Aβ- 1990). The non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
mechanoreceptor fibres, these being most ketorolac, which reduces prostaglandin release, has
susceptible to pressure block. been reported to be effective in a small group of
patients with CRPS, of interest in relation to
Sympathetic ganglion block pathophysiology (Vanos et al 1992).
Local anaesthetic stellate ganglion or lumbar chain
blocks have been much used in the treatment of
CRPS but no adequately controlled study has been Calcitonin and corticosteroids
done, and indeed would be difficult to do. Aggressive
Evidence for an analgesic effect of calcitonin and
early treatment has often been suggested (Wang et
corticosteroids in CRPS is conflicting, but in con-
al 1985, Bonica 1990) but without clear supporting
trolled trials, a therapeutic effect for calcitonin (Gobelet
evidence. Kozin (1992) analysed reports in seven
et al 1992) and for corticosteroid (Christensen et al
studies of sympathetic blocks in more than 500
1982) has been reported.
patients and concluded that 46% of patients had
significant prolonged analgesia. Again, these were
uncontrolled observations. Wang et al (1985) Epidural and intrathecal drugs
compared 71 patients with CRPS treated over a 3-
year period. Twenty-seven patients did not receive The role of long-term administration of drugs by
sympathetic blocks and 43 patients did. At 3 years the epidural or intrathecal root is uncertain. When
41 and 65%, respectively, had improved, suggesting CRPS involves the lower limb opiates, with or
some effect from the treatment. without local anaesthetic, will produce partial
In patients with early CRPS associated with analgesia, although often at the cost of impaired
severe limb swelling, sympathetic blocks may bladder and bowel sphincter function and some
dramatically reduce swelling and produce pain degree of weakness. In patients with severe
relief. It is suggested that this is due to interruption allodynia and hyperalgesia, short-term percutaneous
of vasoconstrictor activity with opening of venules infusions for 1–2 weeks may help by allowing
(Blumberg and Janig 1994). weight bearing on a previously useless leg and the
The intravenous phentolamine test has been start of rehabilitation. Long-term intrathecal
advocated as a test to assess the likely efficacy of morphine has been reported to produce useful
subsequent sympathetic blocks (Arner 1991). analgesia in CRPS (Becker et al 1995).
Patients who may obtain pain relief with IVRGB or Clonidine, an alpha-2 receptor agonist given
sympathetic ganglion block may not respond to epidurally, has been reported to relieve pain in
phentolamine due to the less complete α- CRPS affecting both upper and lower limbs over
noradrenergic receptor blockade achievable with long periods (Rauck et al 1993, Walker and Cousins
systemic rather than local administration. The 1997). Given orally, clonidine is limited by adverse
phentolamine test is widely used in many centres to effects and does not produce analgesia in CRPS
identify those likely to respond to more prolonged (Walker and Cousins 1997).
local sympathetic blockade.

Sympathectomy Oral drugs

Surgical, chemical, or radiofrequency sympathectomy Numerous drugs have been tried in CRPS by the
may produce good short-term results but long-term oral route. Many patients report analgesic effects
pain relief is poor (Tasker 1990, Rocco 1995), from simple analgesics, codeine, and non-steroidal 285
Clinical pain states

anti-inflammatory drugs, and continue to take intrathecal morphine. Canadian Journal of Neurological
Sciences 22: 153–159
these drugs in the absence of more effective
Bentley JB, Hameroff SR 1980 Diffuse reflex sympathetic dystrophy.
treatment. No controlled trials substantiate the Anaesthesiology 53: 256–257
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Blumberg H, Janig W 1994 Clinical manifestation of reflex
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uncontrolled studies include phenoxybenzamine Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp 685–698
(Ghostine et al 1984, Muizelaar et al 1997), tricyclic Boas RA 1996 Complex regional pain syndromes: symptoms, signs,
and differential diagnosis. In: Janig W, Stanton-Hicks M (eds)
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(Chaturvedi 1989), and nifedipine (Prough et al research and management, vol 6. IASP, Seattle, pp 79–92
1985, Muizelaar et al 1997). Biphosphonates via the Bohm E 1985 Das Sudecksche Syndrom. Hefte zur Unfallheilkunde
intravenous route have been reported to relieve 174: 241–250
pain in CRPS in open label studies (Adami et al Bonica JJ 1979 Causalgia and other reflex sympathetic dystrophies.
In: Bonica JJ, Liebeskind JC, Albe-Fessard DG (eds) Proceedings
1997, Cortet et al 1997). Trials with oral bisphos- of the Second World Congress on Pain. Advances in pain
phonates are awaited. research and therapy, vol 3. Raven, New York, pp 141–166
Bonica JJ 1990 Causalgia and other reflex sympathetic dystrophies.
In: Bonica JJ (ed) The management of pain, 2nd edn. Lea and
Transcutaneous and dorsal column Febriger, Philadelphia, pp 230–243
stimulation Campbell JN, Raja SN, Meyer RA, Mackinnon SE 1988 Myelinated
afferents signal the hyperalgesia associated with nerve injury.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation has Pain 32: 89–94
Carlen PL, Wall PD, Nadvorna H, Steinbach T 1978 Phantom limbs
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and related phenomena in recent traumatic amputations.
CRPS (Wilder et al 1992) but not in adults. Dorsal Neurology 28: 211–217
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Chaturvedi SK 1989 Phenytoin in reflex sympathetic dystrophy.
As in all chronic pain syndromes, psychological Pain 36: 379–380
Choi B, Rowbotham MC 1997 Effects of adrenergic receptor
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job, and income, and domestic and marital stresses Christensen K, Jensen EM, Noer I 1982 The reflex sympathetic
may all take their toll in CRPS. Many patients find dystrophy syndrome response to treatment with systemic
psychological management extremely helpful, corticosteroids. Acta Chirurgica Scandinavica 148: 653–655
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particularly when, as is often the case, physical Treatment of severe, recalcitrant reflex sympathetic dystrophy:
treatments fail. Efforts to rehabilitate the patient as assessment of efficacy and safety of the second generation
far as is possible should be initiated at an early biphosphonate pamidronate. Clinical Rheumatology 16: 51–56
stage and pursued with vigour. The role of Covington EC 1996 Psychological issues in reflex sympathetic
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straightforward support for these unfortunate
sympathetic dystrophy: a reappraisal. Progress in pain research
patients cannot be overemphasized. Patients with and management, vol 6. IASP, Seattle, pp 191–216
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1995 Noradrenaline-evoked pain in neuralgia. Pain 63: 11–20

Nerve and root damage


Nerve root disorders and arachnoiditis

David Dubuisson

This chapter reviews painful conditions of the documented and followed, because progression of
spinal and lower cranial nerve roots (Table 19.1). neurological damage may sometimes require
Some of these conditions may be self-limited, surgery even at a time when pain is resolving.
responsive to medications and physical treatment The essential quality of pain associated with
modalities, or curable by surgical decompression. nerve root damage is referral along the peripheral
Others, such as chronic postoperative nerve root distribution of fibres in the root. In many cases but
damage with epidural fibrosis and arachnoiditis, not in all, this follows one of the dermatomes (skin
rank among the most refractory causes of severe sensory territories of nerve roots) down the arm or
chronic pain. Few generalities apply to pain of root leg or around the trunk. Dermatomes are certainly
damage. Lesions of single roots are usually of not constant from individual to individual. Moreover,
recent onset in young individuals, while multiradi- no two dermatomal charts agree in all details. Lack of
cular syndromes are apt to be of chronic duration in agreement of dermatomal charts is due to the wide
an older age group. Pain of individual root origin is variety of clinical and experimental observations
often due to benign mechanical lesions which that have been used to compile these charts.
compress or distort. Pain of multiradicular origin Unfortunately, commercially available dermatome
suggests a diffuse degenerative, neoplastic, or charts that are so common in clinics tend to be over-
inflammatory cause, frequently intradural. In simplified and sometimes frankly misleading. Studies
general, pain due to mechanical distortion of a by Sherrington (1898) in monkeys and by Foerster
single root is more amenable to surgery than is pain (1933) in humans made it clear that extensive
of multiple-root damage. overlap and individual variation of dermatomes
Pain is not the only issue of clinical importance was present. Physiological studies have shown that
in nerve root disorders. Root compression and injury the size and shape of individual dermatomes is
can lead to muscle weakness, loss of sensation, gait under dynamic control within the central nervous
disorder, restriction of motion, or occasionally loss system. The implications for sensory examination of
of bowel and bladder control. In individual patients, human patients are not fully understood. Foerster’s
the extent of these deficits does not necessarily diagrams (see Figs. 19.1 and 19.2) still provide some
parallel the severity of pain and disability. The of our best information about the location, extent,
neurological examination should be carefully and variability of the dermatomes in man. 289
Clinical pain states

Table 19.1 Some common aetiologies of radicular pain

Lower cranial roots

Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
Associated with vascular anomaly C4
Cerebellopontine angle tumour
Skull base tumour
Geniculate neuralgia T5
Upper cervical roots T8
Occipital neuralgia T10
Associated with C1–C2 arthrosis C6
Associated with rheumatoid arthritis
Postherpetic neuralgia
Metastatic spine tumour L2
Chiari malformation C8

Lower cervical roots

Cervical disc protrusion
Cervical spondylosis
Metastatic spine tumour
L5 L4
Brachial plexus avulsion injury
Cervical spine fracture or dislocation
Intradural tumour

Thoracic roots
Postherpetic neuralgia
Intercostal neuralgia
Fig. 19.1 Examples of dermatomes isolated by multiple-
Following thoracotomy
root section: anterior aspect (after Foerster 1933).
Associated with systemic malignancy
Thoracic disc protrusion
Metastatic spine tumour
Intradural tumour C2
Meningeal carcinomatosis, lymphoma, leukaemia
Spinal epidural abscess
Diabetic neuropathy
Thoracic spine fracture or dislocation
Tabes dorsalis
Lumbar and first sacral roots
Lumbar disc protrusion
Lumbar spondylosis
Spinal stenosis L1
Superior facet syndrome C6
Postsurgical epidural scarring
Occult postoperative facet fracture
Metastatic spine tumour
Intradural tumour
Meningeal carcinomatosis, lymphoma, leukaemia L3
Spinal epidural abscess
Lumbar spine fracture or dislocation
Perineurial or leptomeningeal cyst
Tabes dorsalis

Sacrococcygeal roots
Metastatic sacral tumour S1
Meningeal carcinomatosis, lymphoma, leukaemia
Perineurial cyst

Fig. 19.2 Further examples of dermatomes isolated by

290 multiple-root section: posterior aspect (after Foerster 1933).
The pattern of innervation in muscles and other
Nerve root disorders and arachnoiditis

near the external ear, salivation, nasal discharge,

deep structures often does not conform to the over- tinnitus, vertigo, or a bitter taste during attacks
lying dermatomes. For example, at the cervico- (White and Sweet 1969).
thoracic and lumbosacral junctions, the radicular Geniculate neuralgia is seldom encountered in
sensory innervation of muscles and fascial most clinics, so there is no consensus on manage-
structures is largely within the trunk and proximal ment. Detailed CT or MR imaging can help to
limb while the corresponding cutaneous territories exclude a tumour or other structural lesion of the
of the same nerve roots extend distally to the hand posterior fossa and temporal bone. Consultation
or foot. A clinical situation that illustrates this with an otolaryngologist is appropriate to evaluate
principle is pain referred to the anterior chest or for pathology or dysfunction of the facial, auditory,
scapular region in compression of lower cervical and vestibular nerves. Because of the paroxysmal
roots. Another example would be the referral of nature of attacks, it is reasonable to initiate treat-
pain down the leg from pathology of the lumbar ment with carbamazepine or other agents of the
spinal facet joints. Although charts of sensory type used to manage trigeminal neuralgia. Refractory
innervations of muscles and fascia are available, it cases sometimes require intracranial sectioning of
is not usually practical in a clinical setting to test the nervus intermedius or excision of the geniculate
for preservation of sensation in deep structures. ganglion. In addition, because multiple cranial nerves
Instead, nerve root injury is typically diagnosed by supply sensation to the ear, some neurosurgeons
a segmental, radicular pattern of motor deficits, recommend exploration of the 5th, 9th, and 10th
such as weakness, atrophy, fasciculation, or electro- cranial nerves in the posterior fossa for possible
myographic changes. A detailed compilation of microvascular decompression in cases of primary
individual muscles, including their radicular motor ear pain.
innervations, is given by Kendall et al (1971) in
their excellent monograph on muscle function and
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
Pain in the afferent distribution of the glosso-
pharyngeal and vagus nerves may be felt in the
Syndromes of individual roots larynx, base of the tongue, tonsillar region, ear,
and occasionally ipsilateral face, neck, or scalp.
Geniculate neuralgia Paroxysms of pain in this distribution may be due
Recurrent stabbing or shooting pain of a paroxysmal to glossopharyngeal neuralgia (vagoglossopha-
nature felt deep in the ear and sometimes in the ryngeal neuralgia). The attacks are usually described
ipsilateral face, neck, or occiput suggests the as stabbing, sharp, ‘like a knife’, ‘like an electric
possibility of geniculate neuralgia. The nervus shock’, and sometimes hot or burning. They are
intermedius may be involved. This neural structure, usually less intense than typical bouts of trigeminal
consisting of fine filaments between the roots of the neuralgia, which is 70–100 times as common
seventh and eight cranial nerves, contains sensory (Rushton et al 1981). Patients with glossopha-
afferents whose cell bodies are located in the ryngeal neuralgia are almost always above the age
geniculate ganglion. Their axons supply part of the of 20. Men and women are about equally affected.
external auditory canal and tympanic membrane, There is a slight predominance of left-sided cases in
the skin in the angle between ear and mastoid most large series. Attacks are bilateral in less than
process, the tonsillar region, and some other deep 2% of cases. Individual attacks commonly last
structures of the head and neck. seconds or minutes and rarely occur at night
Patients with geniculate neuralgia are typically (Deparis 1968). Constant dull aching, burning, or
young or middle-aged adults. In many cases, a pressure may persist between attacks. It is charac-
vesicular rash in the external ear and mastoid, teristic of glossopharyngeal neuralgia that the pain
typical of herpes zoster, precedes the onset of pain is triggered by such innocuous stimuli as swallowing,
by several days. This has been called the Ramsay yawning, coughing, and chewing. Other reported
Hunt syndrome when it is accompanied by triggers are laughing, touching the throat, ear, or
ipsilateral facial paralysis. Attacks of pain lasting neck, turning the head, or moving the arm. In
seconds, minutes, or sometimes hours may be unusual cases, particular tastes may trigger attacks
entirely spontaneous. Less commonly, they can be (White and Sweet 1969). Spontaneous remissions
triggered by touching the external ear canal. Dull lasting as long as 20 years were described in 161 of
background pain may persist between attacks. 217 cases of glossopharyngeal neuralgia (Rushton
Other possible symptoms include tenderness in or et al 1981). 291
Clinical pain states

A variety of cardiovascular and other symptoms greater occipital nerve, which is a direct extension
may accompany the attacks. They include cardiac of the C2 root. This territory includes the occipital
arrhythmias or cardiac arrest, hiccups, spells of region from foramen magnum to skull vertex, and
intractable coughing, inspiratory stridor, excessive from the midline to the mastoid. The C3 dermatome
salivation, and seizures. These accompanying involves mainly the territory of the lesser occipital
symptoms can be especially troublesome during nerve, which includes the ear, mastoid, and angle of
and after surgical manipulation of the 10th nerve the jaw, and side of the head. C4 radicular pain
in the posterior fossa (White and Sweet 1969, involves mainly the neck and upper shoulder.
Nagashima et al 1976). Pain at the craniocervical junction is frequently
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia is most easily associated with trauma or structural abnormalities
distinguished from third division trigeminal of the upper cervical spine and is not infrequently
neuralgia by the location of pain trigger zones. bilateral. Occipital neuralgia is a syndrome of
While trigeminal neuralgia is sometimes triggered recurrent attacks of pain in the C2 and C3 territory.
from the oral mucosa and teeth, vagoglossopha- Patients sometimes report frontal or periorbital
ryngeal neuralgia is more typically triggered from radiation of pain. Attacks of occipital neuralgia may
the tonsillar region. Attacks may sometimes be be paroxysmal and lancinating in some cases or
aborted by spraying the tonsil with a topical prolonged for hours in others. Discrete trigger zones
anaesthetic (Rushton et al 1981). Pain due to vagal are seldom found, but pain can often be reproduced
involvement tends to be deeper in the throat and by pressure over the greater occipital nerve. In
may be inactivated by superior laryngeal nerve some cases, pain may be triggered by pressure over
block. Non-paroxysmal pain in the throat and deep the site of an old craniectomy or depressed skull
in the ear is not typical of glossopharyngeal fracture. Pain may sometimes be produced by neck
neuralgia and should raise concern about possible movements, pressure on the C2 spinous process, or
tumour involvement. The initial investigation of downward pressure on the head. Tingling paraes-
tonsillar or throat pain should include an otolaryn- thesias may be felt in the scalp or ear. Blunting of
gological consultation and detailed, contrast- sharp point sensation is commonly found in the
enhanced CT or MR imaging of the skull base, scalp if the patient is examined carefully.
posterior cranial fossa, and neck to exclude the Diagnostic studies in cases of occipital or upper
possibility of tumour, abscess, vascular malformation, cervical radicular pain should include radiological
or elongated and calcified styloid processes. As imaging of the skull vault, skull base, and upper
with trigeminal neuralgia, appropriate medical cervical spine, keeping in mind that aetiological
management of glossopharyngeal neuralgia might factors may include metastatic tumours, old skull
include anticonvulsant drugs such as carbamazepine, fractures and surgical sites, posterior fossa tumours
phenytoin, or gabapentin. Opiates often fail to and vascular malformations, Chiari malformation,
prevent the paroxysms of pain. Intractable cases demyelinating disease, cervical spondylosis or
should be considered for referral to a neurosurgeon arthropathy, and vertebral instability. Even though
with special expertise in microsurgery of cranial many cases are idiopathic, investigation may
nerves. Distortion of the 9th and 10th nerve rootlets logically include CT or MR imaging of the skull and
in the posterior fossa is thought to be a frequent upper cervical region, and cervical spine films to
causative factor since microvascular decompression look for foraminal constriction or upper cervical
can provide long-term pain relief in 89–95% of joint instability on flexion and extension. In most
cases (Resnick et al 1995, Kondo 1998). The vessels instances, neuralgias of the upper cervical roots can
most likely to compress the 9th and 10th cranial be managed conservatively with oral analgesic and
nerves are the posterior inferior cerebellar artery, anti-inflammatory medications and injections of
the vertebral artery, and, less often, the anterior local anaesthetics and steroids at intervals. Frank
inferior cerebellar artery. instability of the upper cervical vertebrae may
require referral to a spine surgeon for stabilization.
In typical cases of occipital neuralgia, evidence
Occipital neuralgia of radicular involvement may be obtained by
Pain in the territory of the C1–C4 roots may involve observing relief of pain following local anaesthetic
the posterior scalp; the periorbital, temporal, and block of the greater occipital nerve or fluoroscopically
mandibular regions; the external ear and mastoid guided block of the C2 ganglion on the involved
region; and the neck and shoulder. Posterior roots side. When pain is in the side of the head or neck,
are frequently absent at the C1 level. The C2 local anaesthetic block of the C3 or C4 root at the
292 dermatome mainly involves the territory of the foramen can be informative. In severe cases
refractory to medical management, these temporary
Nerve root disorders and arachnoiditis

Table 19.2 Typical findings in cervical root compressiona

blocks may point the way to more definitive
treatment by surgical decompression or sectioning C5 root compression (C4–C5 disc)
of the appropriate roots. Successful blocks do not Pain—neck, shoulder, medial scapula, anterior chest,
lateral aspect of upper arm
infallibly predict good results from surgery, but
Numbness—sometimes lateral upper arm or area over
rhizotomy or ganglionectomy for occipital neuralgia deltoid
offers at least 70% long-term success with low Weakness—deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, biceps,
morbidity (White and Sweet 1969, Dubuisson 1995, brachioradialis
Lozano et al 1998). Electrical spinal cord stimulation Hyporeflexia—biceps, brachioradialis reflexes

and peripheral nerve stimulation have also been C6 root compression (C5–C6 disc)
used to treat chronic occipital pain. The long-term Pain—neck, shoulder, medial scapula, anterior chest,
effectiveness of this approach remains to be lateral aspect of upper arm, dorsal aspect of forearm
Numbness—thumb and index finger (sometimes absent)
Weakness—biceps (mild to moderate), extensor carpi
Lower cervical, thoracic, and lumbar Hyporeflexia—biceps reflex

radiculopathy C7 root compression (C6–C7 disc)

Pain—same as in C6 root compression
In nerve root lesions associated with herniated Numbness—index and middle fingers (sometimes absent)
cervical discs, certain patterns of pain are fairly Weakness—triceps
constant. These patterns, and some typical neuro- Hyporeflexia—triceps reflex
logical signs that may accompany them, are C8 root compression (C7–T1 disc)
summarized in Table 19.2. Numbness and tingling Pain—neck, medial scapula, anterior chest, medial aspect
paraesthesias (‘pins and needles’) are often described of arm and forearm
in a wider zone than the painful one. These Numbness—fourth and fifth fingers, occasionally middle
innocuous but annoying sensations frequently Weakness—triceps, all extensors of wrist and fingers
radiate into the fingers while the pain does not. As except extensor carpi radialis; all flexors of wrist and
noted above, chest pain may sometimes result from fingers except flexor carpi radialis and palmaris longus; all
lower cervical roots, and when severe, it may intrinsic hand muscles
Hyporeflexia—triceps reflex
imitate the pain of angina or myocardial infarction.
Pain associated with cervical disc protrusions is T1 root compression (T1–T2 disc)
usually constant with daily exacerbations related to Pain—same as in C8 root compression
activity, especially movements of the neck. Coughing, Numbness—ulnar aspect of forearm (usually subjective)
Weakness—only intrinsic muscles of hand
sneezing, pushing, and any type of straining may Hyporeflexia—none
severely aggravate the pain and reproduce the Miscellaneous—Horner’s syndrome
paraesthesias. When the intervertebral foramina aAfter Murphey et al (1973)
are narrowed by protruding discs and by spondylotic
changes of the vertebral bodies and articular facets
(‘osteophytes’), the contained roots may be subject
to marked compression during extension of the region (Baker et al 1975). When due to postherpetic
neck, turning in either direction, or tilting of the neuralgia, truncal pain is apt to be described as
head. sharp, tender, tugging, or pulling (Dubuisson and
Root lesions from T2 to L1 mainly involve the Melzack 1976). The skin may be exquisitely
trunk. Radicular pain at truncal levels often appears sensitive in the involved dermatome. Characteristic
as a discrete band around the chest or abdomen. vesicles usually appear as viral particles and are
Disc herniation and spinal tumour metastases are distributed along peripheral branches of the spinal
two common causes of radiculopathy in this nerve. In cases of herpes zoster, segmental pain
territory. When truncal radicular pain is due to a may precede the appearance of cutaneous vesicles
spinal tumour, it may be constant, becoming worse by 3–4 days. Healing of the skin lesions takes place
at night when the patient is recumbent for hours. over 2–3 weeks. Pain lasts an additional week or
Radicular pain of thoracic spinal tumours or disc two in young patients and usually disappears,
protrusions is typically aggravated by coughing, leaving hypo- or hyperaesthesia. Pain persists for
sneezing, and straining. Root pain accompanied by over 2 months in 70% of patients over 60 years of
fever, spinal ache with local warmth, and tenderness age, even though the skin lesions heal normally (Ray
or paraparesis is a warning of spinal epidural 1980). Intractable postherpetic neuralgia occurs
abscess, which is most common in the thoracic mainly in elderly patients. When it has been present 293
Clinical pain states

for 6 months or more, the prognosis for recovery is of objective sensory loss defined by touch and
very poor (Lipton 1979). Postherpetic neuralgia, pinprick are usually small or absent but occasional
meaning persistent radicular pain 3 or more patients show hypoaesthesia over a large part of a
months after an acute attack of herpes zoster, can be dermatome (Keegan and Garrett 1948). Paraesthesias
prevented in about 50% of cases by pre-emptive use and loss of sensation help to define the root
of amitriptyline or nortriptyline at time of diagnosis involved, because they frequently extend distally in
of shingles, according to Bowsher (1997). Treatment the dermatome when the pain does not. In typical
with oral acyclovir within 72 h of the appearance sciatica caused by disc herniation, pain radiates
of a zoster rash reduces the incidence of residual from the lumbar region to the buttock, hip, or thigh,
neuralgic pain at 6 months by 46% (Jackson et al and sometimes beyond the knee but usually not
1997). In a randomized, double-blind, placebo- into the foot itself. Tingling and feelings of numbness
controlled trial (Tyring et al 1995), famciclovir are often perceived more distally than is the pain
prescribed for acute herpes zoster led to approx- itself. Bending at the waist is usually restricted in
imately two times faster resolution of postherpetic painful lumbosacral radiculopathies of any cause.
neuralgia and decreased the median duration of Passive straight-leg raising in the supine position is
pain by about 2 months. In established postherpetic almost always painful in the presence of mechanical
neuralgia, chronic radicular pain may still sometimes L4, L5, or S1 root lesions. This manoeuvre, which
respond to amitriptyline or topical lidocaine stretches the sciatic nerve and its tributaries, causes
(lignocaine) gel (Rowbotham et al 1995). High doses pain to radiate into the appropriate dermatome or
of the putative NMDA receptor blocker dextro- muscles. In the apprehensive patient and in the
methorphan are not more effective than placebo malingerer, the same postural manipulation can
(Nelson et al 1997). Some cases benefit from often be produced without the patient’s knowledge
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (Nathan by passively extending his knee while he is seated.
and Wall 1974) or epidural steroid injections (Forrest Passive reverse-leg raising with the knee flexed
1980). In 3960 patients with postherpetic neuralgia, stretches the femoral nerve and is often painful
dermatomal subcutaneous infiltrations with a when the L2, L3, or L4 root is involved (Dyck 1976).
combination of local anaesthetics and dexamethasone At lower cervical, thoracic, and lumbar levels,
were said to give relief in 28%; another 57% had spinal nerve roots may be compressed and distorted
relief after two injections and 11% after three in a variety of ways (Figs. 19.3, 19.4). An enlarged
injections, while 4% had no response (Bhargava et facet joint and thickened ligamentum flavum may
al 1998). Ablative surgical procedures have not been compress the root posteriorly and laterally. Free
conspicuously successful in treating postherpetic fragments of herniated disc material may be trapped
neuralgia. Dorsal rhizotomy carries about a 29% within the spinal canal or in an intervertebral
long-term success rate, similar to the long-term foramen. In the lumbar spine, spondylotic changes
outcome after DREZ lesions (Iskandar and Nashold of the facet joints may entrap roots passing caudally
1998). Somewhat better results have been reported in the lateral recess of the spinal canal, producing
for electrical spinal cord stimulation. In a review of lateral recess stenosis, also known as ‘superior facet
literature on treatment of postherpetic neuralgia syndrome’ (Epstein et al 1972), with symptoms
with cord stimulation through 1991, it was noted indistinguishable from those of disc herniation.
that 19 out of 21 reported cases responded well to Compression of roots within the foramina may be
this modality beyond the first 3 months (Spiegelmann produced, or aggravated, by spinal instability, due
and Friedman 1991). to disc and joint degeneration (degenerative
As with cervical root lesions, patterns of pain, spondylolisthesis) or to a congenital lytic defect of
numbness, weakness, and loss of reflexes are fairly the pars interarticularis of a vertebra (congenital
consistent in the lumbosacral region. These features spondylolisthesis with spondylolysis). The portion
are summarized in Table 19.3. Radicular pain of the defective arch still attached to the upper
associated with lumbosacral disc protrusions is vertebra may be dragged forward against the root
described as sharp, tender, and shooting by a in the foramen (Fig. 19.3, lower right). Further root
majority of patients given a verbal questionnaire entrapment can result from chronic fibrosis around
(Dubuisson and Melzack 1976). Other descriptive the root near the site of the bony defect. A less
terms commonly chosen are cramping, throbbing, frequently diagnosed cause of radicular pain
aching, heavy, and stabbing. A majority of patients following surgery is an occult fracture of the inferior
report feelings of numbness, tingling, ‘pins and articular process of a vertebra. This typically
needles’, or a wooden sensation in the involved follows overly aggressive bone removal around the
294 territory. Due to the overlap of dermatomes, zones medial aspect of the facet joint (medial facetectomy)
Nerve root disorders and arachnoiditis

Fig. 19.4 Lumbosacral root lesions (horizontal view).

Upper left, normal configuration of the spinal canal and
cauda equina; upper right, chronic adhesive arachnoiditis
Fig. 19.3 Mechanical root lesions (lateral view). Upper
and atrophic roots; centre, entrapment of a root
left, normal relationship of nerve root to disc and
descending in narrow lateral recess (‘superior facet
vertebrae; upper right, disc protrusion and osteophytes;
syndrome’); lower left, lumbar spinal stenosis due to
centre facet, joint degeneration; lower left, fracture of
spondylosis; lower right, intradural tumour compressing
inferior articular process; lower right, spondylolysis with
the cauda equina.

at the time of disc removal or laminectomies for coccygodynia. The pain can be unilateral or bilateral
spinal stenosis and may not develop until the and usually occurs in middle-aged or elderly women.
patient resumes activities in an upright posture. The S4, S5, and coccygeal roots are involved in some
The unopposed superior articular process of the cases (White and Sweet 1969). In others, the pain may
vertebra below may encroach into the foramen to be referred from lower lumbar spine pathology
pinch an exiting root (Fig. 19.3, lower left). Occult (Long 1982). Sensory deficits are not typical, nor are
facet fractures were found on routine postoperative signs of bowel and bladder involvement, despite
CT scans in 6% of patients undergoing lumbar the known innervation of the bladder and anal
spine surgery (Rothman et al 1985). This type of sphincter by the S2–S4 roots. Objective loss of
occult facet fracture is not easily identified on axial sensation or diminished anal or bladder sphincter
images and is probably best seen on sagittally tone suggests destruction of the roots.
reformatted CT. A particularly intractable type of pain can occur
The sacrococcygeal dermatomes are known in the sacral dermatomes in association with the
mainly from stimulation of the roots at the time of finding of sacral cysts. These cysts are in fact
rhizotomy for painful sacral and pelvic disorders. abnormal dilatations of the meninges around the
Stimulation of S2 produces pain in the buttock, sacral nerve roots, filled with cerebrospinal fluid,
groin, posterior thigh, and genitalia. Foerster (1933) expanding the sacral neural canal and foramina. On
mapped portions of an isolated S2 dermatome on surgical exploration, which the author rarely
the sole of the foot (see Fig. 19.2). During stimulation advises, the sacral roots are found to be embedded
of S3, pain is felt in the perianal region, rectum, and in the meningeal wall of the cyst, stretched and
genitalia. Stimulation of S4 may evoke pain in the thinned from growth of the fluid-filled compart-
vagina. Pain in the anus and around the coccyx is ment. There may or may not be a visible spinal fluid
felt with stimulation of S4, S5, and coccygeal roots communication with the rest of the subarachnoid
(Bohm and Franksson 1959, White and Sweet 1969). space. Terminology used to describe this condition
Severe burning pain around the coccyx in the includes ‘sacral arachnoid cyst’, ‘sacral meningo-
absence of tumour or other disease is termed cele’, and ‘sacral root sleeve diverticula’. The 295
Clinical pain states

anatomy of the meningeal cystic anomaly varies radiological documentation of the sites of root com-
from case to case, but the symptomatology seems to pression. The presence of inflammatory mediators
have in common some unusual and relentless, associated with herniated disc material (Saal et al
painful sensations and dysaesthesias around the 1990) suggests a role for early use of anti-
saddle region, rectum, or vagina. The symptoms may inflammatory drugs including corticosteroids in
be positional, with bizarre-sounding descriptions these cases. However, it appears that when frank
of pulsation or formication in the region. root damage is already present, the chances of benefit
Investigation of patients with persistent radicular from epidural steroids are greatly diminished.
pain at cervical, thoracic, or lumbosacral levels Following mild disc protrusions prior to surgery,
should include imaging of the relevant portion of reported success rates range from 0 to 70% using
the spine by MR or CT myelographic technique. rather lenient criteria for success (Dilke et al 1973,
Plain CT imaging can be helpful for demonstrating Brevik et al 1976, Snoek et al 1977, Cuckler et al 1985).
bony pathology. Intravenous contrast usually In patients with cervical radicular pain persisting
brightens the appearance of scar tissue in cases more than 12 months but who are not considered
with prior surgery or trauma, whereas herniated candidates for disc surgery, a randomized com-
disc fragments typically fail to enhance with parison of epidural lidocaine (lignocaine) and
contrast. Radiological surveys have shown that triamcinolone versus the same combination plus
nerve root compression due to disc protrusions is epidural morphine showed no significant difference
frequently asymptomatic (Hitselberger and Witten in outcome (Castagnera et al 1994). Patients with
1968, Wiesel et al 1984). Therefore, evidence of chronic sciatica do not fare too well with epidural
minimal nerve root contact by a protruding disc or steroids and those with previous surgery, entrap-
osteophyte is usually considered to be insufficient ment of nerve roots by bone or scar tissue, or
to establish a compressive aetiology of the pain, demonstrable behavioural disturbances are even
although it is sometimes difficult to know whether less likely to respond (White et al 1980). In
an observed small disc protrusion was previously successful cases, as many as three injections may be
larger, leaving behind an injured root. It is likely needed and the beneficial effects are often delayed
that many instances of root compression by for 2–6 days (Green et al 1980). Steroids given in
protruding discs are transient and that healing of this way are absorbed systemically and can suppress
the torn annulus takes place (Davis 1982). In a adrenal function for 3 weeks (Gorski et al 1982).
study of 47 patients followed prospectively for Most subacute radiculopathies benefit from
symptomatic disc herniations, without significant physical therapy or from treatment with steroids,
joint disease or stenosis, 42 patients tolerated con- but it is unwise to withhold decompressive surgery
servative management without surgery until signs for months if an obvious source of nerve root
of radiculopathy subsided (Maigne et al 1992). Serial compression is identified and the patient is failing
CT scans documented shrinkage of the disc to improve. Among spine surgeons, it is widely
herniations over periods of 1–40 months, with the agreed that the likelihood of success from discectomy
largest herniations tending to decrease the most. drops off markedly after herniated disc material
Conservative management of radicular pain due to becomes fibrosed within the epidural space, as is
disc herniation or other benign spine changes often the case after the first two months. The usual
typically includes a period of rest and reduced indication to proceed with discectomy or fora-
physical activities, and narcotic analgesic medication menotomy in a case of single-level radiculopathy is
gradually tapering to non-narcotic over 3–6 weeks. a combination of persistent root pain inadequately
When reactive muscle spasm is problematic, muscle controlled by medications and confirmatory signs
relaxants such as methocarbamol, cyclobenzaprine, of root injury by neurological examination. In cases
or carisoprodol can be useful. Short, tapering of disc herniation, there is a good correlation
courses of oral corticosteroids can be quite helpful, between the degree of pain relief and the size of the
although there is a tendency for the pain to recur. disc herniation. It is well established that, with
Substitution of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory current microsurgical techniques, discectomy and
agents at the conclusion of the steroid taper may foramenotomy carry high success rates. However,
help to avoid this rebound effect. even with meticulous surgical technique, persistent
Epidural steroid injection is sometimes advocated root injury is not uncommon With failed disc surgery,
for pain associated with nerve root compression due one of four chronological patterns may emerge
to disc protrusions and spondylosis. Unfortunately, (Bertrand 1975, Auld 1978). The sequence radicular
most of the available literature suffers from poor ‘pain→operation→relief for weeks or months→
296 methodological design, usually with inadequate return of pain in the same or in a different
distribution’ does not usually indicate permanent
Nerve root disorders and arachnoiditis

cervical cord compression. Occasionally, paraes-

root damage but rather suggests the presence of thesias such as tingling or electrical sensations can
recurrent root compression at the same level or at a occur in the trunk and legs with cervical spondylosis,
different level. The sequence ‘radicular pain→ particularly during neck extension. Frank pain in
operation→no change’ suggests that the cause of the legs is rarely if ever due to cervical spondylosis;
pain was not identified at surgery. Even if surgery at least, this author has never seen a believable
was carried out at the correct location, a disc fragment example of it. Occipital pain due to bony encroach-
may have migrated out of reach or the root may ment on the upper cervical roots may add to the
have been trapped in a hidden zone. The sequence confusing picture of a patient with widespread pain
‘radicular pain→operation→relief of pain but and paraesthesias.The character of pain in cervical
severe numbness’ suggests surgical trauma to the spondylosis resembles that of chronic compression
root or its vascular supply. The pattern ‘radicular of individual roots and the same aggravating
pain→operation→increased radicular pain and factors may be present (Wilkinson 1971). In general,
severe bilateral leg cramps→temporary improve- patients with single lateral cervical disc protrusions
ment→chronic bilateral pain’ suggests the develop- of soft nucleus pulposus tend to form a younger
ment of arachnoiditis. In this syndrome, severe group than patients with multiple degenerated
cramps and spasms in both legs, sometimes cervical discs and extensive bony spurs and ridges.
accompanied by fever and chills, begin on the first,
second, or third postoperative day and last for 4–20
days. There is usually some improvement but signs
Lumbar spondylosis
of chronic arachnoiditis develop over the following Pain distributed in several dermatomes of the
months or years with new neurological deficits and lower extremities, often bilateral and otherwise
relentless bilateral back and leg pain. resembling the pain of a solitary lumbar disc
protrusion, may be due to widespread spondylotic
changes of the lumbar spine. Regardless of whether
Multisegmental root syndromes disc protrusions are present, back pain and leg pain
are prominent complaints. Weinstein et al (1977)
Cervical spondylosis found that 66% of patients with narrowed lumbar
Cervical spondylosis is a condition of the cervical canals due to spondylosis suffered from back pain;
spine characterized by multiple disc protrusions 36% had unilateral leg pain, and 36% had bilateral
with marginal osteophyte formation, facet joint leg pain. Painful muscle spasms and cramps in the
degeneration, and thickening of ligaments within back and legs were frequent but the localization of
the spinal canal. Narrowing of the spinal canal pain was not consistent or helpful in diagnosis. Of
and intervertebral foramina are typical. Cervical 227 cases, pain was felt in the buttock or hip in 25,
spondylosis sometimes declares its presence by in the thigh in 23, and in the groin or genitalia in 9.
pain in the distribution of one root, but more often In many cases, the pain was aggravated by
the picture is multisegmental, diffuse, and bilateral. extension of the lumbar spine. Twenty cases were
A clinical hallmark of cervical spondylosis is classified as ‘neurogenic claudication’, which is
restriction of neck motion with discomfort on discussed below. Objective sensory abnormalities
attempting a complete range of movement. Multiple were present in only half of the cases and often did
root constriction in the intervertebral foramina not follow a discrete dermatomal pattern. In a few
leads to symptoms of numbness in the hands and cases, perianal or ‘saddle’ hypoaesthesia was noted.
forearms, in a pattern not conforming to that of any Muscle weakness was observed in 64% and was
peripheral nerve territory. Weakness and diminished often most marked in the extensor hallucis longus
reflexes point to loss of innervation of muscles. and tibialis anterior, suggesting predominant L5
Weakness of the wrist extensors, triceps, and shoulder root involvement. Tendon stretch reflexes in the
girdle is typical. Long-tract signs such as upgoing ankles or knees were decreased or absent in 70% of
plantar reflexes, difficulty maintaining balance on cases. In about 10% there was additional evidence
attempting to walk a straight line in heel-to-toe of cauda equina involvement consisting of bowel
fashion, and clumsy fine movements of the toes or bladder incontinence, urinary retention, or
and fingers may indicate myelopathy due to cord impotence. A positive response to straight-leg
compression in the stenotic spinal canal. In cases raising was found in only 30% of the 227 cases, a
with coexisting cervical and lumbar spondylosis, useful point in distinguishing the pain of lumbar
there may be loss of tendon reflexes in the lower spondylosis and canal stenosis from that of simple
limbs, instead of the expected hyperreflexia due to disc protrusion. 297
Clinical pain states

A common problem associated with lumbar Table 19.4 Some factors predisposing to arachnoiditis
spondylosis and spinal stenosis is the inability to
continue walking or to maintain upright posture Chronic lumbosacral root compression
for more than a short time. This is known as Disc protrusion
Spinal stenosis
neurogenic claudication. Typically, pain, aching,
numbness, heaviness, or other unpleasant sensations Spine surgery
in the legs appear after standing erect for some time,
or after walking a certain distance. The symptoms Bacterial meningitis, including tuberculous
may begin in the feet and spread proximally or vice Fungal meningitis
versa, and are relieved by sitting or by lying in a Cryptococcal meningitis
flexed posture. Patients may learn to assume a flexed Viral meningitis
posture while walking, or to lean over a shopping
cart in stores. These points help to distinguish the Haemorrhage
syndrome from peripheral vascular claudication, in From spinal vascular malformation
which cramps affect the leg muscles after exercise Following trauma
Following lumbar puncture
regardless of posture. Also, in cases of vascular Following surgery
insufficiency, the peripheral pulses are diminished.
While a variety of radicular signs may be present, Implanted epidural catheters
some patients with disabling neurogenic claudication Irritant chemicals
may have little or no objective deficit of strength, Myelographic contrast agents
reflexes, or sensation when examined sitting in the Iophendylate
office. Neurogenic claudication is usually relieved Meglumine iocarmate
by decompressive laminectomy, partial removal of ? Metrizamide
hypertrophic facet joints, and excision of thickened Anaesthetic agents
ligamentum flavum at the levels of stenosis, as Amphotericin B
indicated on preoperative MRI or CT myelography Methotrexate
? Steroids
Polyethylene glycol
Arachnoiditis and epidural fibrosis
Arachnoiditis is a chronic condition of inflammation
and sometimes atrophy of neural structures within vague or entirely normal despite bizarre subjective
the subarachnoid space. Multiple predisposing complaints. Arachnoiditis affects men more often
factors have been identified (Table 19.4). Arach- than women in a ratio of almost 2:1. The typical age
noiditis is usually an aseptic process seen in of onset is between 25 and 65 (French 1946).
patients who have undergone multiple spine In chronic arachnoiditis, some or all of the
surgeries and myelographies. Although cases of lumbosacral roots may be encased by dense
focal arachnoiditis affecting only one or two nerve leptomeningeal adhesions within the dura. The
roots are not uncommon, more often there is diffuse final stage of this process is a lumbar canal in which
involvement of nerve roots. Most reported cases the roots are bound circumferentially to the dura.
are lumbosacral, but any part of the spine may be Burton (1978) suggested the following sequence of
affected. Pain is almost always the first symptom. events:
The pain of arachnoiditis may obey a radicular
1. The pia of individual roots is inflamed, with
pattern but more often it involves portions of two
root swelling and hyperaemia (radiculitis).
or more root distributions. The pain territory is
2. The roots adhere to each other and to the
typically lumbar with bilateral leg radiation, but
surrounding arachnoid trabeculae, and
may be complex with widely separated zones,
fibroblasts proliferate.
irregular distribution, and shifting boundaries. It
3. There is atrophy of the roots, which are
tends to be aggravated by physical activity, move-
displaced circumferentially and encased in
ment of the extremities, and neck flexion. Numbness
collagen deposits.
and paraesthesias are common. They are often
widespread, poorly localized, and inconstant from The changes characteristic of arachnoiditis can
day to day. Occasional patients complain of an often be demonstrated by MRI or CT. The lumbar
inexorable feeling of fullness in the rectum. Objective nerve roots can sometimes be shown to cluster
298 sensory examination by touch and pinprick may be together and to adhere to the surrounding meninges,
leaving the centre of the spinal canal void. With
Nerve root disorders and arachnoiditis
manifested by pain or resistance to flow on injection
long-standing cases of arachnoiditis, evidence of of the catheter (Aldrete 1995). This appears to be a
trapped radiographic contrast material may be found. type of foreign body reaction due to the presence of
Magnetic resonance imaging does accurately the catheter in the epidural space and may limit the
diagnose arachnoiditis, comparing favourably with permanency of the catheter.
CT myelography and plain film myelography for Repeated exploration and decompression of
that purpose (Delamarter et al 1990). However, use traumatized roots is usually futile and may further
of gadolinium during MR imaging does not reveal increase the patient’s pain. In a study of 34 patients
significant additional information about the condition with failed back surgery syndrome, some with
(Johnson and Sze 1990). MRI-documented epidural fibrosis, trials of
Although symptoms may improve or resolve in epidurography and attempted lysis of adhesions by
milder cases, the long-range prognosis of arach- fluid injection produced some improvement of
noiditis is poor in that the neurological deficits tend contrast spread without any lasting improvement
to persist permanently. Late onset of urinary fre- of pain (Devulder et al 1995). Rhizotomy at the time
quency, urgency, or frank incontinence was noted of re-exploration is not apt to be beneficial
in 23% of a group of arachnoiditis patients followed (Bertrand 1975) and may lead to a very unpleasant
over 10–21 years (Guyer et al 1989). Of the patients deafferentation syndrome. Approximately 2–3% of
in that study, 90% had undergone Pantopaque patients with chronic low back pain and sciatica
myelography and disc surgery prior to developing due to failed back surgery syndrome may be
arachnoiditis. Progression of neurological disability relieved temporarily by local anaesthetic block of
did not appear to be the typical natural course of one or two lumbosacral roots (Taub et al 1995).
the disease. When increased neurological deficits Dorsal root ganglionectomy in these cases was said
were seen, they were most often due to surgical to relieve sciatica, but not back pain, in 59% of
intervention. A majority of the patients depended cases. However, there was a high incidence of
on daily narcotic analgesics; alcohol abuse, and dysaesthesias often requiring additional treatment
depression, and two deaths by suicide were also measures afterwards. Other authors have found
noted. ganglionectomy to be ineffective for chronic sciatica
Epidural fibrosis is scarring on the outside of the in failed back surgery syndrome (Gybels and Sweet
meninges. While it is not infrequently coexistent 1989, North et al 1991).
with arachnoiditis, it is a distinct entity. It is quite Currently the most promising treatment for
possible to have severe intradural pathology from chronic radicular pain associated with epidural
arachnoiditis with little or no epidural fibrosis, and fibrosis or arachnoiditis is electrical spinal cord
vice versa. Postoperative epidural fibrosis is a stimulation (SCS). Technological advances in
common finding after laminectomies and disc stimulation equipment have made this procedure
surgery. Reasons for scar formation probably increasingly attractive for large numbers of
include reaction to foreign matter such as fibres patients. In particular, bilateral electrode arrays and
from cotton pledgets, and root inflammation induced multichannel stimulator systems make it feasible to
by chemical mediators released by exposed disc treat bilateral sciatica and even low back pain in
fragments or joint synovium. Epidural fibrosis in cases of failed back surgery syndrome. Implantation
the lumbosacral region, and probably at other of a spinal cord stimulator is a reversible procedure
levels of the spine, binds the nerve root sheaths and very unlikely to leave permanent dysaesthesias
dural tube to surrounding structures such as the or other neurological complications. Electrode
disc annulus and posterior longitudinal ligament placements for lumbar radiculopathy are typically
and prevents normal elastic stretch and sliding between T8 and T12. Therefore, patients wary of
motion of the root sleeves during spine motion and further spinal surgery are usually relieved to learn
leg elevation. Extensive epidural fibrosis can also that a trial of cord stimulation will not require
cause compression and constriction of nerve roots. surgical reopening of the laminectomy site. SCS is
All of these processes lead to recurrent radicular somewhat more effective for unilateral than for
pain and physical impairment. Six months after bilateral sciatica (Meilman et al 1989, Kumar et al
surgery, the extent of epidural fibrosis as shown by 1991). When arachnoiditis is present, the outcome
contrast-enhanced MRI correlates with the severity of SCS appears to be primarily related to the
of persistent radicular pain (Ross et al 1996). number of roots involved (Meilman et al 1989). As
Epidural fibrosis has also been reported as a might be expected, patients with injury to a single
complication of implanted epidural catheters, root respond more favourably than do patients
appearing 21–320 days after implantation and with multiple-root damage. 299
Clinical pain states

Meningeal carcinomatosis from the spinal cord in cases of brachial plexus or

lumbosacral plexus injury (Wynn Parry 1980,
Multiple nerve roots may be involved at different Moossy et al 1987). Avulsion of spinal nerve roots
levels by leptomeningeal metastases from solid tends to produce a severe deafferentation pain
tumours. The subject of nerve and root pain in syndrome, whereas traumatic plexus injuries distal
cancer is reviewed elsewhere in this volume and to the dorsal root ganglia tend not to produce
will be mentioned only briefly here. The typical intractable pain. Patients with plexus root avulsion
clinical syndrome of meningeal carcinomatosis pain are typically young men between the ages of
consists of neurological dysfunction at several 18 and 30 involved in motorcycle accidents or
levels of the neuraxis without radiological evidence industrial injuries. Segmental motor deficits in the
of brain metastasis or of epidural spinal metastasis. involved limb are strikingly obvious. With brachial
About two-thirds of the patients in one reported plexus nerve root avulsion injury, pain is almost
series were women (Wasserstrom et al 1982). invariably felt in the hand and forearm after C6, C7,
Patients ranged in age from 30 to 74 years in this C8, or T1 root avulsions, conforming fairly well to
series. Breast cancer was the commonest primary the dermatomes of the avulsed roots. Some patients
source, followed by lung cancer and malignant with an avulsed C5 root feel pain in the shoulder.
melanoma. Spinal root infiltrates are also a common Almost all the patents use the term ‘hot’ or
problem in leukaemic patients, who are frequently ‘burning’ to describe the pain; many report a
children (Neiri et al 1968). feeling as if the hand were on fire or boiling water
Root symptoms, including radicular pain, may were being poured over it. Some describe severe
be the first sign of meningeal carcinomatosis. Olson pressure, pounding, or ‘electric shock’. There tends
et al (1974) found that 25% of patients whose to be a constant background of severe pain in which
leptomeninges were infiltrated by metastatic cancer additional sudden paroxysms occur. Paraesthesias
had only root symptoms initially. Another 15% had are also common, including tingling, ‘pins and
spinal root symptoms plus symptoms of other sites needles’, feelings of electricity, or a phantom limb.
of neurological damage. In a series of 90 patients The pain of root avulsion is often aggravated by
with known carcinomatous invasion of the worry and emotional stress and relieved by
meninges, Wasserstrom et al (1982) reported that 74 relaxation and by distraction. Some patients report
had spinal symptoms and signs. Pain in a radicular less pain when gripping, striking, or massaging the
pattern was a prominent feature in 19, while back painful limb. Others have moderate relief when
pain or neck pain was present in 23. Other frequent moving the neck or the paralysed arm. Investigation
complaints were of weakness, usually of the legs, should include CT myelography of the involved
paraesthesias in the extremities, and bowel or portion of the spine to detect abnormal outpouching
bladder dysfunction. Seven patients had nuchal of nerve root sleeves at sites of root avulsion. Pain
rigidity and 11 had back pain on straight-leg raising; and dysaesthesias associated with avulsion injuries
30 patients had signs of cauda equina involvement. of the brachial or lumbosacral plexus are usually
The tendency for lumbosacral root involvement has unresponsive to medications. This syndrome is
also been noted in leukaemic patients (Neiri et al usually best managed by a programme of
1968). It is thought to be due to the gravitation of behavioural pain management and vocational
malignant cells in the cerebrospinal fluid as well as rehabilitation (Wynn Parry 1980). For severe and
the relatively long course of the lumbosacral roots intractable cases, dorsal root entry zone (DREZ)
within the subarachnoid space (Little et al 1974). lesions of the relevant segments of the spinal cord
Headaches are a frequent accompanying complaint. have now been shown to be effective in many
Some patients experience pain when the neck is surgical series, with long-term pain relief reported
manipulated; others show tenderness to percussion in 37–100% of cases (Iskandar and Nashold 1998). A
over the spine. Absence of one or more of the tendon majority of authors report success rates above 65%.
stretch reflexes is typical, as is muscle wasting and
fasciculation. Additional signs and symptoms due
to systemic cancer may complicate the picture. Pseudoradicular syndromes
Multiple sclerosis
Cervical and lumbar plexus nerve
Limb pain and paroxysmal pain are not uncommon
root avulsion in patients with multiple sclerosis (Clifford and
A unique type of pain is seen in cases of traumatic Trotter 1984, Moulin et al 1988). In some cases, this
300 avulsion of cervical or lumbosacral nerve roots takes the form of a radicular syndrome mimicking
the pain of nerve root compression and prompting position sense in the legs, ataxia, and Argyll
Nerve root disorders and arachnoiditis

a diagnostic search for disc protrusion or other Robertson pupil.

spine disease. Ramirez-Lassepas et al (1992) described Diabetic pseudotabes is a pseudoradicular pain
11 patients presenting with acute radicular pain, in syndrome seen in diabetes mellitus. Brief, shooting
whom root compression was ruled out by careful pains may be restricted to a single dermatome.
imaging studies. Multiple sclerosis was eventually Paraesthesias and other signs of dorsal column
determined to be the cause of the pseudoradicular dysfunction may be found. The presence of an
pain, which was lumbosacral in six cases, cervical irregular pupil that accommodates but reacts
in three, and thoracic in two. In about half the cases, poorly to light may sometimes further confuse the
acute radicular symptoms appeared in association clinical picture (Gilroy and Meyer 1975).
with trauma. These patients represented only 4%
of newly diagnosed cases of MS in the authors’
practices over a 15-year interval. Uldry and Regli Pelvic lesions
(1992) reported four additional cases of pseudo- Pelvic tumours and inflammatory diseases affecting
radicular pain associated with demyelinating the lumbosacral plexus may closely mimic lumbo-
plaques in the cervical spinal cord diagnosed with sacral radicular syndromes. When adequate CT or
MRI. It is important not to ignore the fact that disc MRI studies of the lumbosacral spine fail to show a
protrusions and spondylosis are still the most cause for sciatica, it is probably wise to proceed to
common causes of radicular pain in the MS imaging of the pelvic region. In patients with
population, and the diagnosis of demyelinating advanced vascular disease, atherosclerotic aneurysms
disease does not necessarily preclude surgical of the hypogastric or common iliac arteries may
decompression of these roots. The diagnosis of produce sciatica, sometimes with abrupt onset
pseudoradicular pain due to MS is best established (Chapman et al 1964).
by MRI, which is quite sensitive to the presence of
demyelinating plaques in the spinal cord (Gebarski
et al 1985, Paty et al 1988). The author has seen one Referred pain from spinal joints
instance in which a tiny demyelinating plaque in
the high cervical cord of a patient with MS was Because the spinal facet joints are innervated by
associated with pain otherwise indistinguishable medial branches of the posterior primary rami of
from occipital neuralgia. nerve roots, there is an anatomical substrate for
referred pain to the limb from abnormalities of
these joints. Injections into the facet joints may
Neurosyphilis and diabetes produce apparent radicular pain, as may injections
In tabetic neurosyphilis (tabes dorsalis), degeneration into a variety of ligamentous, fascial, and other soft
of dorsal roots and dorsal columns is associated tissue structures in and around the spine (North
with a clinical syndrome of lancinating pains and et al 1994). Diagnosis of chronic referred pain is
visceral crises. Patients are typically 40–60 years of somewhat complicated and depends upon a
age because the symptoms rarely appear less than process of elimination. Imaging of the discs and
10–20 years after the disease begins (Storm- intervertebral foramina should fail to demonstrate
Mathisen 1978). The most frequent complaint is direct root compression, and objective radicular
of ‘lightning pains’: sudden intense, fleeting pains neurological deficits should not be found. It may be
in the legs, less often in the back and arms. They possible to elicit tenderness to palpation over the
are described as cramping, crushing, burning, involved facet joints. Pain may be provoked by
lancinating, or ‘like an electric shock’. They tend injection into the joint and should be consistently
to occur in clusters and may shift unpredictably relieved by repeated, selective local anaesthetic
in location. Occipital neuralgia has been reported blocks directed at the nerve branches innervating
as an unusual presenting feature of neurosyphilis the joints (Bogduk and Long 1979, Barnsley et al
(Smith et al 1987). Numbness or tingling and 1993).
aching paraesthesias are common in the trunk
and soles of the feet. Hyperaesthesia to touch
may occur. Objective sensory loss is said to appear
Peripheral nerve entrapment
in characteristic patterns: the middle of the face, Peripheral nerve entrapment syndromes may
ulnar forearm, nipple area, and perianal region produce symptomatology closely resembling limb
(Storm-Mathisen 1978). Additional signs of neuro- pain of nerve root compression. Saal et al (1988)
syphilis may include Charcot joints, absent joint identified 45 patients with peripheral nerve entrap- 301
Clinical pain states

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Central nervous system


Central pain
Jörgen Boivie

be used in most instances, and that only central

Introduction pain caused by lesions in the thalamus should be
The International Assocation for the Study of Pain labelled thalamic pain.
(IASP) has defined central pain as pain caused by a The term ‘anaesthesia dolorosa’ has chiefly been
lesion or dysfunction in the central nervous system used for head and face pain, and in particular for
(CNS) (Merskey and Bogduk 1994). Note that the the neuropathic pain that sometimes develops after
cause is a primary process in the CNS. Thus neurosurgical lesions of the trigeminal nerve or
peripherally induced pain with central mechanisms ganglion, or after destructive nerve blocks carried
is not central pain, even if the central mechanisms out to treat trigeminal neuralgia. It has also been used
are prominent. As with all definitions, there are for central pain in an anaesthetic region caused by
conditions that may or may not be included. In the neurosurgical brain lesions created in the treatment
present context pain due to brachial plexus avulsion of severe pain.
and phantom pain are such examples. They will The term ‘deafferentation pain’ is used for
not be discussed in this chapter. Painful epileptic similar conditions, but it is more commonly used in
seizures are evoked by primary processes in the patients with lesions of spinal nerves.
CNS and may thus be considered central pain. Central pain is commonly thought of as being
The term ‘thalamic pain’ is often used in a excruciating pain with bizarre character, and
general sense for all central pain and the expression covering large areas of the body. This is only part of
‘pseudothalamic pain’ is sometimes used for central the truth, however, because central pain can appear
pain caused by extrathalamic lesions. The term in many guises. It can have a trivial character and
‘dysaesthetic pain’ is also sometimes used for central be restricted to a relatively small area, such as distal
pain in general, probably due to the belief that all or pain in one arm, or in the face. It is true, though,
almost all central pain has a predominantly dysaes- that central pain is mostly severe in the sense that it
thetic character, which is incorrect. Dysaesthetic causes the patient much suffering, even though its
pain can have either central or peripheral causes. It intensity may be relatively low. This is because
is recommended that the general term central pain central pain is usually very irritating and constant.

Clinical pain states

kind of constant central pain, tumours may also

Aetiology and epidemiology
cause painful epileptic seizures.
Lesions causing central pain It is now clear that lesions at any level along the
neuraxis can cause central pain. Thus lesions at the
Structure and location of the lesion
first synapse in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord or
It appears that all kinds of lesion in the brain and trigeminal nuclei, along the ascending pathways
spinal cord can cause central pain (Box 20.1). These through the spinal cord and brainstem, in the
lesions and dysfunctions are caused by many thalamus, in the subcortical white matter, and prob-
different disease processes. The macrostructure of ably in the cerebral cortex have all been reported to
the lesion is probably less important than its location cause central pain (Pagni 1998, Tasker 2000). The
as regards the probability that it will induce central highest prevalences have been noticed after lesions
pain. This does not mean that the structure of the in the spinal cord, lower brainstem, and ventro-
lesion has no significance, because it is conceivable posterior part of the thalamus (Tasker 2000).
that the microstructure of the lesion in some The location of lesions that produce central pain
instances is critical, but there is to date no information has been best studied in central poststroke pain
from research on this matter. (CPSP). The role of thalamic lesions is one of the
Pain in Parkinson’s disease has previously not recurrent questions in this context. In one study
been considered central pain. Recent surveys show using CT scans it was found that 9 of 27 patients
that pain is common in this disease, but it is at had lesions involving the thalamus (33%), but the
present not clear to what extent this pain is caused lesions were restricted to the thalamus in only 2 of
directly by the brain pathology. It is possible though these (Leijon et al 1989). In their prospective study,
that some of the pain is of central origin and thus is Andersen et al (1995) had 25% thalamic involvement
central pain. among the CPSP patients (by CT scans), but in a
The lesions that lead to central pain include recently published study of 70 patients using MRI it
rapidly and slowly developing lesions. There appears was found that about 60% had lesions engaging the
to be no difference in the tendency to cause central thalamus (Bowsher et al 1998).
pain between rapidly developing haemorrhages, The importance of the location of the thalamic
infarcts (Leijon et al 1989, Bowsher et al 1998), and lesion within the thalamus was elucidated in a study
traumatic spinal cord lesions and slowly developing of the clinical consequences of thalamic infarcts.
demyelination or arteriovenous malformations. As The results showed that only patients with lesions
the prevalence of central pain is very low in patients including the ventroposterior thalamic region dev-
with intracranial tumours and spinal tumours, it is eloped central pain (3 of 18 patients; Bogousslavsky
difficult to know whether they differ in this respect, et al 1988). In studies carried out by Bowsher et al
and whether there is any difference between intra- (1998) and Leijon et al (1989) all thalamic lesions
and extraparenchymal tumours. Besides the common included part of the ventroposterior thalamic
region. This region receives a particularly dense
spinothalamic projection in primates (Boivie 1979).

BOX 20.1 Lesions affect somatic sensibility

Causes of central pain The first requisite for a disease process to produce
Vascular lesions in the brain and spinal cord central pain seems to be that it affects structures
Infarct involved in somatic sensibility, which is not
Haemorrhage surprising, because pain is part of somaesthesia.
Vascular malformation This notion is based on previous reviews, case
Multiple sclerosis reports, and recent studies in patients with central
Traumatic spinal cord injury pain caused by stroke, multiple sclerosis, and
syringomyelia, which indicate that central pain is
Traumatic brain injury
Syringomyelia and syringobulbia
independent of non-sensory symptoms and signs
Tumours (Leijon et al 1989, Andersen et al 1995, Bowsher
Abscesses et al 1998, Pagni 1998, Tasker 2000). This excludes
Inflammatory diseases other than MS; myelitis many lesion sites as possible causes of central pain.
caused by viruses, syphilis Fortunately, however, only a minority of the patients
Epilepsy with lesions that carry a risk will develop central
Parkinson’s disease (?) pain. The risk differs very much between diseases
306 and locations of the lesion.
Most patients with central pain reported in the pain in 371 patients with multiple sclerosis has
Central pain

literature have had sensory abnormalities, and the found that 28% of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients
dominating features have been abnormal sensibility experience, or have experienced, central pain
to temperature and pain, and hyperaesthesia (Pagni (Österberg and Boivie, in preparation; see below).
1998, Tasker 2000). Depending on the location of The highest prevalences are found with traumatic
the lesion, the sensibility profiles differ, often in a spinal cord injuries, multiple sclerosis, and
predictable way. syringomyelia. The latter is a rare disease with a
These observations, and results from studies on very high incidence of central pain, probably the
patients with central pain as a result of cerebro- highest of any disease. In a recent survey of 22
vascular lesions, multiple sclerosis, traumatic patients it was found that most had central pain at
spinal cord injuries, and syringomyelia employing some stage of the disease (Boivie and Rollsjö,
quantitative methods to assess the sensory ab- unpublished observations).
normalities, form the basis for the hypothesis that
central pain only occurs after lesions that affect the
spinothalamic pathways, i.e., the pathways most Pathophysiology
important for temperature and pain sensibility
The lesions that cause central pain vary enormously
(Berić et al 1988, Boivie et al 1989, Bowsher et al
in location, size, and structure. There is no study
1998, Pagni 1998). If this hypothesis turns out to
indicating that a small lesion in the dorsal horn of
be correct it means that lesions of the dorsal
the spinal cord carries less risk for central pain than
column–medial lemniscal pathways are not a
a huge infarct involving much of the thalamus and
requisite for the occurrence of central pain. Such
large parts of the white matter lateral and superior
lesions were for many years thought to be essential
to the thalamus. This raises the question whether
in the mechanism of central pain (see below). This
the same pathophysiology underlies all central
hypothesis states that central pain is the result of
pain. The fact that the character of the pain also
lesions of the lemniscal system, which remove the
differs widely between patients with the same kind
inhibition normally exerted on the spinothalamic
of lesion, and between groups, points in the same
projections. Undoubtedly the lemniscal projections
direction. However, this does not exclude the
are affected in many central pain patients, but the
possibility that some common pathophysiological
question is whether this part of the lesion is of
factors may be involved in central pain. The most
importance for the pain. It certainly affects sensi-
important are:
bility. No patients with central pain and lesions
unequivocally restricted to the lemniscal pathways 1. The disease process, here called the lesion,
appear to have been published, whereas many involves the spinothalamic pathways, including
cases of lesions strictly limited to the spinothalamic the indirect spino-reticulo-thalamic and spino-
pathways have been reported, for instance in the mesencephalic projections, as indicated by
Wallenberg syndrome and after cordotomy. abnormalities in the sensibility to pain and
2. The lesion probably does not have to involve
Epidemiology the dorsal column–medial lemniscal pathways
The only prospective epidemiological study that has to invoke central pain.
been carried out concerns central poststroke pain 3. The lesion can be located at any level of the
(Andersen et al 1995). In this study 191 patients neuraxis, from the dorsal horn to the cerebral
were followed for 12 months after stroke onset with cortex.
regard to sensory abnormalities and the development 4. It is probable that all kinds of disease processes
of spontaneous and evoked central pain. Sixteen may cause central pain, but the probability of
of these developed central pain, i.e., 8.4%, which central pain occurring varies greatly between
is a much higher incidence than had previously these diseases, from being rare to occurring in
been predicted or suspected. Among patients with the majority of patients.
somatosensory deficits (42% of all stroke patients), 5. As yet no single region has been shown to be
the incidence of central pain was 18%. The cor- crucial in the processes underlying central pain,
responding figure in a mainly retrospective study but three thalamic regions have been focused
of central pain in 63 patients with brainstem upon, namely the ventroposterior, reticular, and
infarcts was 44% (MacGowan et al 1997). In this medial/intralaminar regions. The role of the
study the overall incidence for CPSP was 25%. cerebral cortex in central pain is unclear, but
A recent study of the prevalence of central this issue has not been specifically studied. 307
Clinical pain states

6. The pain and hypersensitivity experienced by kind of pain. A hemiplegic stroke patient, for
central pain patients are compatible with an instance, can have a nociceptive shoulder pain in
increased burst activity at some level of the addition to central pain. The examination of
sensory pathways, including the cerebral cortex. patients suspected of having central pain must be
7. The cellular processes underlying central pain individually tailored in order to identify possible
are still unknown, but processes involving non-central causes of the pain. Diagnostic problems
excitatory amino acids, and particularly are particularly difficult in some patients with MS
glutaminergic NMDA-receptors, have been and spinal cord injury (SCI), because of the complex
implicated. clinical picture, with a mixture of motor and sensory
symptoms and pain. Paresis and dyscoordination
may lead to abnormal strain in musculoskeletal
Clinical characteristics structures and development of nociceptive pain.
Diagnosis of a CNS process The diagnostic procedure often calls for consultations
by specialists, particularly in orthopaedics.
The definition of central pain states that it is Psychogenic factors are important in central
caused by a lesion or dysfunction in the CNS. The pain, as in all pain, but with increasing knowledge
first step in the diagnostic procedure is therefore to of the characteristics of central pain it rarely turns
ensure that the patient has a CNS disorder. This is out that pain suspected of being central is truly
often obvious, as in many patients with stroke or psychogenic. Psychiatric and psychological con-
multiple sclerosis (MS), but it is sometimes not clear sultations may be indicated in some patients, even
that there is a CNS lesion, as in some patients with if there is certain central pain, because the patient
moderate spinal trauma or suspected minor stroke. may also be depressed, although patients with
A detailed history of the neurological symptoms central pain do not appear to be more depressed
and a neurological examination are important parts than other pain patients.
of the diagnostic procedure, but laboratory
examinations are often necessary. These include
computerized tomography with X-ray or magnetic Pain characteristics
resonance, i.e., a CT scan or MRI, assays of the The next step is to analyse the chacteristics of the
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), neurophysiological pain, i.e., its location, quality, intensity, onset and
examinations, and other tests. development after onset, variation with time, and
In addition to confirming the presence of a CNS influence by external and internal events.
process, one must also consider whether the patient
has pain as a result of peripheral neuropathy. Pain location
Polyneuropathy is not uncommon in, for instance, It is usually stated with considerable emphasis that
stroke patients, a group with a high incidence of central pain is diffusely located. This notion appears
diabetes. Neurography and electromyography are to be largely derived from the fact that central pain
therefore indicated in some patients. Quantitative often extends over large areas of the body, for
sensory tests are also valuable in the diagnosis of instance the whole right or left side, or the lower
neuropathy. They include examination of sensibility half of the body. However, central pain can also
to temperature and pain, as well as to vibration and involve one hand only, or just the ulnar or radial
touch (Lindblom 1994). Whereas neurography can side of the hand, or one side of the face. Even
only demonstrate abnormalties in large fibres, these patients with extensive central pain find it relatively
tests can show dysfunction in both large and small easy to describe the extent of the painful regions, as
sensory fibres. shown in studies of patients with central pain after
stroke and MS (Leijon et al 1989, Österberg and
Differential diagnosis of central Boivie, unpublished). It is therefore more correct to
versus nociceptive and psychogenic state that most central pain is extensive than to
describe it as diffuse.
pain The location of the lesion determines the location
Central pain can usually be distinguished from of the pain (Box 20.2). Thus large lesions in the
other forms of pain provided that one is familiar ventroposterior thalamic region or the posterior
with the characteristics of central pain, but in some limb of the internal capsule tend to cause hemibody
patients it is difficult to determine whether the pain pain, whereas large spinal cord lesions cause bilateral
is central, peripheral neuropathic, nociceptive, or pain involving the body regions innervated by the
308 psychogenic. Some patients have more than one segments caudal to the lesion. Even lesions that
Central pain

superficial, 8 as deep, and the remaining 11 as both

BOX 20.2 superficial and deep (Leijon and Boivie 1989c).
Common locations of central pain
Quality of pain
All of one side No pain quality is pathognomonic for central pain.
All of one side except the face Central pain is thus not always burning or
Arm and/or leg on one side ‘dysaesthetic’, as one might believe from reading
Face on one side, extremities on the other side some of the literature on the subject. In fact central
The face pain can have any quality, and the variation
between patients is great, although some qualities
Multiple sclerosis are more common than others.
Lower half of the body Another basic feature is the presence of more
One or both legs
than one pain quality in many patients. The different
Arm and leg on one side
Trigeminal neuralgia
pains can coexist in a body region, or may be
present in different parts of the body. A patient with
Spinal cord injury CPSP, for instance, may have burning and aching
Whole body below the neck pain in the leg and arm, and burning and stinging
Lower half of the body pain in the face. Other patients have a less complex
One leg pain condition, with aching pain in the arm or leg.
One would expect the location of the lesion to be
Syringomyelia a deciding factor regarding the quality of pain. This
Arm and thorax on one side appears to be partly true, but it is also apparent that
One arm
similar lesions can lead to different pain qualities,
Thorax on one side
One leg in addition to one of the above
as illustrated by central pain caused by cerebro-
vascular lesions in the thalamus (Leijon et al 1989).
The most common central pain quality is
probably burning pain, which has been found to
cause extensive loss of somatic sensibility may lead be frequent in most central pain conditions (Boivie
to central pain restricted to a small portion of the 1995, Bowsher 1996, Bowsher et al 1998, Pagni 1998,
deafferented region. Examples of central pain Tasker 2000). However, it was reported that burning
engaging small regions were shown in patients pain is rare in patients with cortical/subcortical
with superficial cortical/subcortical vascular lesions lesions (Michel et al 1990). As mentioned above,
by Michel et al (1990). dysaesthetic pain has been reported to be common
Cerebrovascular lesions in the medulla oblongata, in some conditions, for instance in MS and incom-
i.e., mainly lesions caused by thrombosis in the plete SCI, and after cordotomy, which also is a form
posterior inferior cerebellar artery leading to of incomplete SCI. However, the term has not been
Wallenberg syndromes, can induce central pain on well defined, and evidently it has often been used to
both sides, the face and head being involved on the indicate a combination of dysaesthesias and spon-
lesion side, and the rest of the body on the taneous pain of differing qualities. This is indicated
contralateral side (Leijon et al 1989, Bowsher et al by the results of Davidoff and Roth (1991) where 19
1998). This pattern is caused by injury to the SCI patients with ‘dysaesthetic pain syndrome’
ipsilateral spinal trigeminal nucleus and the experienced the following pain qualities: cutting
crossed spinothalamic tract. Lesions affecting the (63%), burning (58%), piercing (47%), radiating
spinothalamic tract in the spinal cord will lead to (47%), and tight (37%). The descriptions ‘cruel’ and
pain on the contralateral side, after cordotomy for ‘nagging’ were each used by 37%. Since dysaesthe-
example. In syringomyelia central pain may be sias are common in most central pain conditions,
restricted to part of one side of the thorax, but it this results in high figures for ‘dysaesthetic’ pain.
may also be more extensive, including the arm too, Central pain caused by spinal cord processes
and even the lower body regions. commonly include a pressing belt-like pain (= a
Central pain is experienced as superficial or deep girdle pain) at the level of the upper border of the
pain, or with both superficial and deep components, lesion, in addition to other pains. This pain occurs
but the high incidence of cutaneous hyperaesthesias in patients with MS and traumatic SCI, and is
contribute to the impression that superficial pain similar to pain caused by lesions or inflammation
dominates, although deep pain is common too. affecting the spinal dorsal roots, which may present
Among 27 CPSP patients, 8 described the pain as a diagnostic problem in SCI patients. 309
Clinical pain states

Intensity of pain spontaneously, or as a result of new lesions or other

From much of the early literature one gets the changes in the underlying disease. Some CPSPs
impression that central pain is always excruciating. successively cease completely, but most CPSP
This is incorrect, because the intensity of central continues throughout life (Leijon and Boivie 1996).
pain ranges from low to extremely high. However, A few cases have been reported in which a new
even if the pain is of low or moderate intensity the supratentorial stroke abolished the pain (Soria and
patients assess the pain as severe because it causes Fine 1991). In SCI the central pain can be temporary
much suffering due to its irritating character and lasting a few months only, but more commonly it is
constant presence. Thus a patient may indicate a permanent (Berić et al 1988, Britell and Mariano
pain intensity of 28 on a visual analogue scale (VAS 1991), which is similar to central pain in MS.
0–100), and yet may explain that the pain is a great
burden making life very miserable. Interviews with Stimuli affecting central pain
patients show that many patients with central pain Many internal and external events influence central
and severe motor handicap following strokes, MS, pain, such as cutaneous stimuli, body movements,
or SCI often rate the pain as their worst handicap visceral stimuli, emotions, and changes in mood.
(Britell and Mariano 1991). Allodynia, i.e., pain evoked by a stimulus that is
Central pain may have a constant intensity or normally not painful, for example touch, light
the intensity may vary. These variations seem to pressure, or moderate heat or cold, is common in
occur spontaneously or under the influence of patients with central pain (Berić et al 1988, Boivie
external somatic or psychological stimuli, or as a et al 1989, Pagni 1989, Boivie 1992, Hansson and
result of internal events. In patients with more than Lindblom 1992, Bowsher 1996, Tasker 2000). Such
one central pain quality, the variation in intensity stimuli often give prolonged aftereffects, and they
may differ between pain forms. may increase ongoing pain. Patients with central
pain frequently experience an increase in pain
Onset and other temporal aspects associated with body movement, such as changes
Central pain may start almost immediately after in body posture, non-strenuous walking, or move-
occurrence of the lesion, or it may be delayed for up ment of the extremities (Leijon and Boivie 1989c,
to several years. Delays are well known in poststroke Österberg and Boivie, unpublished observations in
central pain. This delay may be as long as 2–3 years, MS). Visceral stimuli, particularly from a full
but in most patients the pain starts within a couple bladder or rectum, have long been thought to
of weeks of the stroke (Mauguiere and Desmedt influence central pain.
1988, Michel et al 1990, Leijon and Boivie 1991, It is also common that patients with central pain
Andersen et al 1995, Bowsher 1996). Andersen et al experience an immediate increase in pain after
noticed that 63% had pain onset within 1 month sudden fear, joy, loud noise, or bright light (Leijon
post stroke (Andersen et al 1995). When the onset is and Boivie 1989b, Bowsher 1996, Tasker 2000).
delayed it frequently coincides with changes in the Experience from clinical practice indicates that
subjective sensory abnormalities. For example, a central pain is as affected by psychological factors
patient with dense sensory loss may start to as other pain conditions; i.e., anxiety and depression
experience paraesthesias or dysaesthesias, and aggravate central pain. On the other hand, there is
soon afterwards the pain starts. no reason to believe that psychological factors per
Most spontaneous central pain is constantly se are important in the development of central pain,
present, with no pain-free intervals. In central which is clearly somatic organic pain caused by
poststroke pain 23 of 27 patients reported constant lesions in the CNS.
pain, whereas the other four patients had some
pain-free intervals lasting at most a few hours each
day (Leijon and Boivie 1989b). In addition to the
Neurological symptoms and signs
spontaneous pain, many patients experience inter- Because central pain is a neurological symptom
mittent pain evoked by external and internal stimuli. emanating from processes in the CNS, it is of interest
Intermittent pain is well known in a minority of to know whether central pain is accompanied by
MS patients as part of tonic painful seizures and as any other particular neurological symptoms and
trigeminal neuralgia. MS patients may also develop signs, which should then be included in the criteria
intermittent aching pain during physical activity, for diagnosis. All investigators agree that central
for instance during walking. pain is caused by perturbations of the somatosensory
Unfortunately central pain is commonly per- systems, usually a lesion. It is thus a somatosensory
310 manent, but it may remit completely. This occurs symptom, and it is therefore natural that abnor-
malities in somatic sensibility are the only symptoms
Central pain

thresholds or total loss of sensibility is common in

and signs besides pain that are present in all patients central pain. It can affect some or all submodalities.
with central pain. Several studies have shown that In a study of CPSP, it was found that all patients
central pain is independent of abnormalities in had hypoaesthesia to temperature, whereas only
muscle function, coordination, vision, hearing, about half of the patients had hypoaesthesia to
vestibular functions, and higher cortical functions. touch, vibration, and kinaesthesia (Boivie et al
In a study on CPSP all 27 patients had sensory 1989). Similar results, but less pronounced, were
abnormalities, whereas only 48% had paresis and found in other CPSP patients (Bowsher et al 1998).
58% ataxia (Leijon et al 1989). Other neurological Hypoaesthesia to noxious thermal and mechanical
symptoms were present in a few patients. Similar stimuli (heat, cold, pinprick, or pinching), i.e.,
results have been obtained in MS patients with hypoalgesia, was also found. In other studies using
central pain. QSTs, similar observations were made in patients
The important point is that the non-sensory with MS (Boivie 1995) and SCI with central pain
symptoms are not necessary for the development (Berić et al 1988), and in syringomyelia (Boivie and
of central pain. This is supported by the fact that Rollsjö, unpublished observations). This is the basis
many patients with central pain lack non-sensory for the hypothesis that central pain only occurs in
symptoms. patients who have dysfunctions in the spinothalamic
systems, i.e., in the pathways most important for
temperature and pain sensibility (Boivie et al 1989,
Somatosensory abnormalities Bowsher 1995).
Abnormalities in somatic sensibility are important
in patients with central pain, both as criteria for Hyperaesthesia
diagnosis and as symptoms contributing to the Hyperaesthesia to touch, moderate cold and heat,
patient’s handicap. They may be subtle and may allodynia to touch and cold, and hyperalgesia to
elude detection with clinical test methods which cold, heat, or pinprick are common in many central
only provide a rough qualitative estimate. Thus one pain conditions (Boivie et al 1989, Pagni 1989, Tasker
needs to use quantitative sensory tests (QSTs). The 2000). Combinations of hypoaesthesia and allodynia
available devices for such tests are now available to touch or cold are not uncommon.
for clinical use. They include calibrated vibrameters,
and sets of von Frey filaments for the analysis of Paraesthesias and dysaesthesias
touch, devices for quantitative testing of temperature These are common in central pain (Pagni 1989,
and temperature pain sensibility with Peltier Tasker 2000). In a study of CPSP 85 and 41% of the
element stimulators, and devices for measuring patients reported spontaneous and evoked dysaes-
mechanical pain (Lindblom 1994, Yarnitsky and thesia, respectively, whereas 41% experienced par-
Sprecher 1994). aesthesia (Boivie et al 1989). Dysaesthesia is often
There is a large variation in the spectrum of evoked by touch and cold and is sometimes painful.
sensory abnormalities among patients with central
pain. It ranges from a slightly raised threshold for Numbness
one of the submodalities to complete loss of all Many central pain patients experience numbness,
somatic sensibility in the painful region. Hyper- but it is not clear what underlies the perception of
aesthesia also occurs often, as well as abnormal numbness. Is it primarily related to loss of tactile
sensations. The most important sensory abnormalities sensibility? Undoubtedly total sensory loss leads to
include changes in detection thresholds and in numbness, but evidently it can also occur with
stimulus–response function, spontaneous or evoked normal threshold to touch, as shown in CPSP (Boivie
abnormal sensations, radiation of sensations from et al 1989). Patients will sometimes use the term
the stimulus site, prolonged response latency, and numbness when they experience paraesthesias or
spatial and temporal summation. They represent dysaesthesias.
both quantitative and qualitative abnormalities.
The occurrence of these abnormalities in patients Radiation, prolonged response latency,
with central pain will be briefly summarized. aftersensations, summation
These features are indicative of neuropathic pain
Hypoaesthesia and seem to be more common in central pain than
This term is usually used to denote a raised in peripheral neuropathic pain. The term radiation
threshold, but it can also mean that the sensation means that the sensation spreads outside the site of
evoked by a stimulus is weaker than normal. Raised stimulation, such as when touch with cotton wool 311
Clinical pain states

or pinprick on the dorsum of the foot evokes a It is therefore natural that these diseases per se
sensation in both the leg and foot. Radiation was can lead to depression, for example poststroke
demonstrated in 12 of 24 patients with CPSP depression, and depression in MS and SCI patients.
(Boivie et al 1989), and is also found in other central Because many investigations have shown that there
pain conditions (Tasker et al 1991). are mutual correlations between pain and depression,
Prolonged latency between the stimulus and one would expect to find a high incidence of
perception of the sensation can in some patients be depression in central pain patients. This has not
demonstrated with tactile and pinprick stimulation. been well studied and available data are incomplete
This appears to occur only when there is a and somewhat conflicting. In a group of SCI
hyperaesthetic/hyperalgesic response, which patients depression, anxiety, loneliness, and several
includes spatial and temporal summation. It is then other psychosocial factors correlated significantly
that the delay in sensation is mostly prolonged, and with the degree of pain, but this study also
it may also be of an explosive hyperpathic kind. included nociceptive pain (Umlauf et al 1992),
Hyperalgesia is found in many, but not all central whereas studies of 24 and 16 CPSP patients could
pain patients. not identify any signs of depression (Andersen et al
1995, Leijon and Boivie, unpublished observations).
Neurophysiological examinations Nor were these CPSP patients different from a
The central somatosensory pathways can be control group with regard to social situation or
examined with neurophysiological techniques, major life events.
which offer objective information regarding the
function of the pathways. The most commonly
employed method is to study somatosensory evoked Treatment
postentials (SEP) evoked by electrical stimulation
of the median and tibial/sural nerves. This method
General aspects
tests the function of the dorsal column–medial Treating central pain is no easy task, because there
lemniscal pathways, because the stimulation activates is no universally effective treatment. This means
large primary afferent fibres innervating low- that one often must try various treatment modalities
threshold mechanoreceptors. to get the best results, which sometimes are achieved
As the sensory disturbances in central pain with combinations of treatments (Box 20.3). With
indicate that the lesions affect the spinothalamic each treatment it is important that the patient is
pathways, it is of interest to study SEP evoked by well informed about possible adverse side effects,
peripheral stimulation of afferents that activate the and how these should be regarded and when they
spinothalamic pathways. This can be done by using should contact the doctor responsible. Treatment
lasers to stimulate cutaneous heat receptors (Bromm usually reduces the pain, rather than giving complete
and Treede 1987, Pertovaara et al 1988, Treede et al relief, and patients should be aware of this, so that
1988). A study with this technique on patients with they have realistic expectations. In this context it is
CPSP showed that abnormalities in the laser- interesting to note that relatively small decreases in
evoked cortical potentials, which have a long latency, pain intensity are often highly valued by the patients,
correlate well with abnormalities in the sensibility with the result that they want to continue treatment
to temperature and pain, but not to touch and even if the clinician responsible is doubtful about
vibration (Casey et al 1996). doing so.
Willer and collaborators have extensively studied Most treatment regimens for central pain are
the flexion reflex in patients with central pain and empirical and based on clinical experience. Many
found that the latency of this reflex is prolonged in treatments have been claimed to be effective in the
these patients. This reflex, the R III reflex, is literature, mostly based on experience with small
dependent on activation of nociceptor afferents. groups of patients. Few treatments have been tested
Lesions in the CNS leading to decreased pain in well-designed clinical trials. There is thus a great
sensibility have been found to result in a delay of need for such trials on homogeneous patient groups.
this reflex following electrical stimulation of the Furthermore, because it is conceivable that treatment
sural nerve (Dehen et al 1983). affects some aspects of central pain but not others,
it would be desirable to assess the effect of treat-
ment on each pain modality separately. The practical
Psychological factors
problems in performing such studies are obvious.
Central pain patients have CNS disease that is mostly An important but still largely unanswered
312 chronic and, in many cases, causes severe handicap. question concerning treatment is whether the
Central pain

BOX 20.3 BOX 20.4

Treatment modalities for central pain, Antidepressant drugs used in central pain
including methods with unproven effect
Relatively unselective with regard to 5HT and NA
Pharmacological Amitriptyline
Antidepressant drugs (AD) Doxepine
Antiepileptic drugs (AED) Nortriptyline
Antiarrhythmic drugs, local anaesthetics
Analgesics Some selectivity for 5HT
Other drugs Clomipramine
Adrenergic drugs Imipramine
Cholinergic drugs High selectivity for 5HT
GABA-ergic drugs Citalopram
Glutaminergic drugs Fluoxetin
Naloxone Fluvoxamine
Neuroleptic drugs Paroxetine
Sensory stimulation Trazodone
Transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TENS) Some selectivity for NA
Dorsal column stimulation (DCS) Desipramine
Brain stimulation Maprotiline
Neurosurgery Mianserine
Dorsal root entry zone (DREZ) lesions
Mesencephalic tractotomy
Thalamotomy Antidepressants
Cortical and subcortical ablation Documentation of effects, clinical aspects
Sympathetic blockade Box 20.4 presents the first-line drugs for central
pain. Controlled trials have been done only on
CPSP and the central pain in SCI, with conflicting
results. The CPSP study was a crossover study on
15 patients (mean age 66 years) in which the effects
different central pain conditions respond differently of amitriptyline (25 plus 50 mg), carbamazepine
to one particular treatment. This has not been (400 mg b.i.d.), and placebo, given in randomized
systematically studied, but such differences appear order, were assessed during three treatment periods,
to exist. From a study of the literature and from each 4 weeks long (Leijon and Boivie 1989a). Ten of
clinical experience one gets the impression that the 15 patients were responders to amitriptyline,
CPSP responds better to antidepressants than the and there was a statistically significant reduction in
central pain in SCI and MS. Conversely paroxysmal pain as compared to placebo. No difference was
pain in MS responds much better to antiepileptic noted between patients with thalamic (5 patients)
drugs than the other kinds of central pain. and non-thalamic lesions, but the groups were
One of the similarities between central pain and small. The pain-relieving effect could not depend
peripheral neuropathic pain is treatment. In both on an improvement of depression because none of
pain categories antidepressants and antiepileptic the patients were depressed according to assessment
drugs are the most frequently used drugs. These are and their depression scores did not decrease during
also the ones with the best documented effects, and treatment.
virtually the only ones tested in well-conducted These results contrast with those from a controlled
clinical trials. They are the first-line treatments, study of the effect of trazodone, a tricyclic anti-
together with transcutaneous electrical nerve depressant (AD) with specific action on serotonin
stimulation (TENS), which can only have a chance reuptake, on central pain in 18 patients with SCI
of giving relief, however, if the dorsal column– (Davidoff et al 1987a). No significant effects were
medial lemniscal pathways are not totally damaged. found compared to placebo.
The other treatments listed in Box 20.3 have more of It is our impression that CPSP may be more
an experimental character, although some of them amenable than the central pain in MS and SCI to
are used quite frequently by some pain specialists. relief by AD. The favourable responsiveness in CPSP 313
Clinical pain states

has also been found by Bowsher and collaborators central pain has only been demonstrated for
(Bowsher and Nurmikko 1996). lamotrigine in central poststroke pain (Vestergaard
et al, 2001). In Vestergaard et al´s study 27 patients
Mechanisms of action, adverse side effects with steady CPSP were included. A significant pain
The mechanisms underlying the pain-relieving relief was found for lamotrigine compared to
effect of AD are unclear. For a long time it has been placebo. In two other controlled studies with
believed that it depends on inhibition of the carbamazepine an effect significantly better than
reuptake of serotonin, but this idea has been placebo could not be demonstrated on CPSP (Leijon
contested. Instead it has been argued that it depends and Boivie 1989a), or in the three MS patients (Espir
on their effects on the noradrenergic systems (Lenz and Millac 1970). Clinical experience speaks
1992). This conclusion is based on observations that strongly in favour of an effect by carbamazepine on
AD, having major effects on noradrenaline tic douloureux and painful tonic seizures in MS.
(norepinephrine) function and minor or no effects A controlled trial with sodium valproate for the
on serotonin (e.g., desipramin, maprotilin, mianserin), treatment of central pain following spinal cord
appear to be more effective than the specific injury showed no analgesic effect by the drug.
serotonin uptake inhibitors (SSRIs; including among In recent years gabapentin has been widely
others citalopram, fluoxetin, fluvoxamin, paroxetin, recommended in the treatment of neuropathic pain,
trazodone, zimelidin) in relieving neuropathic pain and two studies have shown a positive effect on
(Watson and Evans 1985). However, this issue has postherpetic neuralgia and polyneuropathy pain
not been finally clarified yet, because results (Backonja et al 1998, Rowbotham el al 1998), but so
indicating a weak effect of SSRIs on peripheral far no studies on central pain have been published.
neuropathic pain have been obtained (Sindrup et al In clinical practice the results with gabapentin have
1990, Max et al 1992). differed from good to poor. The currently
Amitriptyline, clomipramine, and doxepin have recommended daily doses are in the range of
effects on both noradrenergic and serotonergic 1800–3600 mg.
systems, in addition to rather strong anticholinergic
and even some dopaminergic effects. It appears Mechanism of action
probable that it is an advantage to use drugs with The commonly used antiepileptic drugs (AED) are
mixed effects, because several of the transmitter listed in Box 20.5. Carbamazepine and gabapentin
systems that they affect are involved in pain and are probably the most widely used drugs, but
pain inhibition. However, there are undoubtedly clonazepam gained popularity (Swerdlow 1986) and
problems in managing treatment with the first- now lamotrigine is also an alternative. The rationale
generation tricyclics because of their side effects, underlying the use of AED for central pain is their
mainly the anticholinergic ones. Thorough pre- ability to suppress discharge in pathologically
treatment information, slow dose increases, the altered neurons, an effect that is also the basis for
whole dose at bedtime, and close monitoring with their use in epilepsy. Carbamazepine, lamotrigine,
frequent contacts are important steps to minimize and phenytoin probably exert their effect by the
the problems of treatment. In this way most inactivation of sodium channels (McLean and
patients can tolerate the drugs and test the effect. Macdonald 1986). Lamotrigine also suppresses the
The SSRIs also have adverse effects that prevent release of glutamate (see Vestergaard et al 2001).
their use in some patients, which is not surprising Clonazepam, like other benzodiazepines, binds to a
considering that they are potent drugs.
The new antidepressants with mixed serotinergic
and noradrenergic effects have not yet been studied
systematically with respect to their possible effects BOX 20.5
on central pain or other neuropathic pains. Antiepileptic drugs used in central pain
Several studies on AD and neuropathic pain have
shown that their pain-relieving effect is independent
of their effect on depression (see Chap. 24).
Antiepileptic drugs Sodium valproate
Documentation of effects, clinical aspects Phenytoin
These drugs are widely used for central and peri- Barbiturates
314 pheral neuropathic pain. However, an effect on
receptor associated with the GABA–chloride
Central pain

this respect, presumably because of differences in

iontophoric complex, thus facilitating GABA- the pathophysiology involved. The positive effects
mediated inhibition, which is also thought to of morphine on postherpetic neuralgia shown in a
be the mechanism for sodium valproate (Budd well-designed trial might be an illustration of this
1989). The mechanisms of action underlying the (Rowbotham et al 1991).
pain-relieving effect of gabapentine is still not fully Most of the patients referred to specialists
understood. It appears to modulate some Ca2+, but because of central pain have tried analgesics, often
it does not bind to glutamate receptor sites in relatively high doses, without experiencing
(Nicholson 2000). relief, but a few have obtained some pain reduction,
mostly with weak opioids such as codeine and
dextropropoxyphene. The results from acute, single-
Local anaesthetics, antiarrhythmic blind tests of opioids on central pain also provide
drugs strong evidence for a low sensitivity to opioids
(Arnér and Meyerson 1991, Kupers et al 1991, Kalman
These substances have structural similarities and et al 2002). We tried doses in the order of 30–50 mg
are thought to act on the same kind of patho- morphine over 2 h, i.e., close to doses causing the
physiology as the antiepileptic drugs, i.e., to reduce patient to sleep or develop confusion, and found
pathological neuronal activity to a more normal analgesic effects only in a few patients with CPSP
level, mainly by acting on ion channels in the (unpublished observations) and central pain in MS
peripheral and central nervous systems (Wiesenfeld- (Kalman et al 2002). It is also common that patients
Hallin and Lindblom 1985, Woolf and Wiesenfeld- with central pain who undergo operations and
Hallin 1985, Chabal et al 1989). receive opioids postoperatively report that they have
No controlled clinical trials on the use of these a good effect on the pain related to the operation,
substances in central pain have been published, but but no effect on the central pain. Portenoy et al,
according to results from a placebo-controlled however, have reported good effects of long-term
study of intravenous lidocaine in 10 CPSP patients, treatment with moderate doses of opioids in central
4 of the patients responded with short-term relief, pain (Portenoy and Foley 1986, Portenoy et al 1990).
2 on placebo and 2 on lidocaine (lignocaine) (Coe A reasonable conclusion from the evidence
et al, unpublished observations). A few patients available seems to be that a few central pain
with central pain have responded well in open- patients may benefit from analgesics, and that it is
label treatment studies using lidocaine (lignocaine) important to evaluate these effects carefully in each
(Boas et al 1982, Edwards et al 1985). Similar experi- individual before prescribing them for long-term
ences were made with oral mexiletine in seven use. If the patient reports that the opioid clearly
CPSP patients, of whom five responded well reduced the pain, and thereby the suffering
(Awerbuch 1990). Controlled clinical trials are significantly, then she should not be denied this
evidently needed to establish the role of these relief.
substances in the treatment of central pain.

Analgesics Adrenergic, glutaminergic drugs, and

The question of whether neuropathic pain responds
to analgesics is controversial. Some claim that their Adrenergic synapses play a role in the mechanisms
material indicates that neuropathic pain in general of pain. It has therefore been postulated that
responds poorly or not at all. Others report experience adrenergic drugs may contribute to pain relief
to the contrary. Apparently most clinicians agree (Scadding et al 1982, Glynn et al 1986). For some
that neuropathic pain in general responds less well years the interest focused on the α2-agonist
than most nociceptive pain to analgesics, and that clonidine, which has been shown to block the release
many patients do not respond at all to opioids. of transmitters and peptides in primary afferent
Portenoy, Foley, and collaborators reason that terminals by presynaptic action. In a double-blind
neuropathic pain may respond to some but not to study, patients with pain induced by arachnoiditis
all opioids, in other words, that differences in responded equally well to 150 μg clonidine as to
pharmacological properties may be important, and morphine, both given epidurally (Glynn et al 1988),
that it is partly a matter of dosage (Portenoy and as well as in an open trial in patients with MS/SCI
Foley 1986, Portenoy et al 1990). There may also be and painful spasms (Glynn et al 1986). Clonidine
differences between different neuropathic pains in gave fewer side effects and longer lasting relief. 315
Clinical pain states

Agents acting on β-adrenergic receptors have also normal or almost normal thresholds to touch and
been tried in neuropathic pain. vibration, indicating good function in the lemniscal
When administered intravenously ketamine, an pathways.
NMDA-antagonist, has been found to reduce
allodynia and painful dysaesthesia in patients with Spinal cord and brain stimulation
central pain (Backonja et al 1994, Wood and Sloan From a review of the literature and of his own
1997), but presently available NMDA-antagonists patients Tasker and colleagues (Tasker et al 1991,
have serious psychotropic effects that prevent their Tasker 2000) concluded that spinal cord stimulation
use in clinical practice. is not effective enough in central pain to be
recommended, a view shared by Nashold and
Bullitt (1981), Gybels and Sweet (1989), and Pagni
Neuroleptic drugs
(1998), although he and others have had patients
There is a long clinical tradition for the use of with successful results from spinal cord stimulation
phenothiazines and other neuroleptic drugs in pain in central pain due to SCI. Instead he favours brain
treatment. They are believed to increase the effect of stimulation. Richardsson et al observed good
analgesics and to have analgesic properties of their results at 1-year follow-up in 6 of 19 paraplegics,
own. In neuropathic pain they are particularly used and Siegfried reported good to excellent relief at
for dysaesthesia and hyperaesthesia. However, such 1- to 4-year follow-up in about 70% of 84 patients
effects have not been shown in controlled studies with ‘deafferentation’ pain caused by various
on any pain condition, or in any form of convincing central and peripheral lesions (Richardsson et al
study. Their potentially severe and partially 1980, Siegfried 1983).
irreversible adverse effects and the lack of Brain stimulation is an exclusive mode of
documented effects are strong enough reasons to treatment that should be reserved for particularly
caution against the use of these drugs in the severe and treatment-resistant pain conditions. The
treatment of central pain. This is particularly so as exquisite pain suffered by many central pain
many of these patients have brain lesions, which patients fulfils these criteria. The periaqueductal
increase the risk for the occurrence of irreversible and periventricular grey regions (PAG, PVG) are
tardive dyskinesia, which is the most serious side the primary targets for stimulation in the treatment
effect of neuroleptics. of nociceptive pain, whereas stimulation for neuro-
pathic pain is usually carried out along the
Sensory stimulation lemniscal pathways in the ventroposterior thalamic
region or the posterior limb of the internal capsule.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation In a recent review Tasker (2000) concludes that
This form of treatment provides relief for some steady central pain may be relieved by stimulation
central pains and has the advantage of few and in the ventroposterior thalamic region and that
mild adverse side effects, apart from possible allodynia and hyperalgesia may respond to
effects on cardiac pacemakers (Sjölund 1991). It is stimulation in PAG/PVG. Excellent results have
applied in one of two modes: high-frequency also been reported following surface stimulation of
stimulation (80–100 Hz; called conventional TENS the motor cortex in central pain (Peyron et al 1995,
by Sjölund), aiming at activation of myelinated Tsubokawa 1995, Yamamoto et al 1997).
cutaneous sensory fibres, or low-frequency stimu-
lation (short trains of impulses with 1–4 Hz
repetition rate; called acupunture-like TENS),
Neurosurgical ablative procedures
aiming at activation of muscle efferents or muscle Many different surgical lesions have been tried to
cells, thereby evoking muscle afferent inputs to the find relief for central pain, but no particular lesion
CNS. The mechanisms are believed to be mainly has been found that reliably results in successful
segmental, but suprasegmental mechanisms exist outcome (Sjölund 1991, Tasker et al 1991, Pagni 1998,
too (see Chap. 30). It is unclear how the effect of Tasker 2000). Lesions have been made at almost all
TENS in central pain is explained, but it appears levels of the neuraxis from the spinal cord to the
that TENS can only reduce central pain if the dorsal cerebral cortex. Even lesions of peripheral nerves,
column–medial lemniscal pathways are uninjured mainly rhizotomy, have been tried. It is interesting
or only mildly injured. to note that such lesions have not had an effect on
This hypothesis is based on a study of TENS in steady ongoing pain, but in some cases there has
CPSP. Three of 15 CPSP patients obtained long- been improvement of hyperaesthesia (Tasker 2000).
316 term relief (Leijon and Boivie 1989c). All three had According to Tasker et al (1991), ablative
procedures in the spinal cord and the brain have
Central pain

the pain-relieving effect of the mesencephalic lesion

also given better results with the intermittent and is obtained by interfering with the spino-reticulo-
evoked components of central pain. thalamic projections. Medial thalamotomy appears
Three main kinds of spinal cord lesion have been to affect the spinal and trigeminal projections to
performed for the treatment of central pain, namely the intralaminar-submedius region. This kind of
anterolateral cordotomy, dorsal root entry zone thalamotomy has been strongly advocated by
(DREZ) lesion, and cordectomy. The underlying Jeanmonod and collaborators (Jeanmonod et al
lesion has usually been a traumatic cord lesion. A 1996), but many neurosurgeons are sceptical about
fair proportion of patients with sacrococcygeal these lesions in the treatment of pain.
lesions have been found to obtain relief from
cordotomy, but there has been a tendency for the
pain to recur, as after cordotomy for nociceptive Sympathetic blockade
pain (Tasker 2000). The more rostral the lesion, the In the section on pathophysiology the idea that
lesser the chance that cordotomy will do anything sympathetic dysfunction may be part of the
for the patient. mechanism underlying central pain was discussed.
DREZ lesions have gained interest over recent Oedema, decreased sweating, lowered skin
years for the treatment of central SCI pain (Nashold temperature, change in skin colour, and trophic
and Bullitt 1981, Edgar et al 1993). The procedure skin changes occur in regions affected by central
aims at destroying the Lissauer tract and the pain (Bowsher 1996). Based on these observations
superficial part of the dorsal horn. One would thus sympathetic blockade has been tried in the treatment
expect the DREZ lesion to affect pain emanating of central pain. Loh et al (1981) gave a detailed report
from the segment where the original lesion is located, of the results of sympathetic blockade in three
i.e., in the transitional zone of partially injured cord patients with CPSP, one with a traumatic brainstem
tissue. So far results have not been consistent, but lesion, two with MS, one with a spinal cord tumour,
some centres have reported a success rate of about and one with traumatic SCI. The short-term effects
50% (Nashold and Bullitt 1981, Gybels and Sweet were remarkable. All patients experienced at least
1989, Sjölund 1991, Edgar et al 1993, Tasker 2000). 50% reduction in pain and disappearance or
Cordectomy is a more robust method for achieving improvement of hyperaesthesia, but the effects
a similar goal as the DREZ lesion, namely to usually lasted only 1–24 h, apart from the patient
interfere with the local pain-generating process. As with a traumatic brainstem lesion who experienced
with cordotomy, and probably also DREZ lesions, it long-term relief.
appears that cordectomy rarely affects steady
ongoing pain, but rather intermittent pain and
hyperaesthesia, but has a low success-rate (Gybels Individual central pain
and Sweet 1989, Tasker 2000). conditions
Among the many intracranial ablative pro-
cedures that have been tried for central pain are Some features of particular interest regarding
mesencephalic tractotomy, medial and lateral individual central pain conditions will be
thalamotomies, cingulotomy, and cortical ablation. summarized in this section. Many of the features of
None of these have turned out to produce successful individual central pain conditions have been
long-term outcomes. Some operations have resulted discussed above. Much of this information will not
in postoperative pain relief in some patients, but be repeated in this section. For a more detailed
the overall results have not been good, because of presentation on central pain following SCI the
unacceptably high complication rates or return to reader is referred to Chap. 21.
preoperative pain levels after some time. From a
review of the literature and of his own material, Central poststroke pain
Tasker concluded that the only procedures that can
be recommended in selected cases are stereotactic The lesions
mesencephalic tractotomy and/or medial All kinds of cerebrovascular lesion (CVL) can cause
thalamotomy (Tasker 2000). Of his own nine central poststroke pain (CPSP). There appears to be
patients with central pain caused by brain lesions in no difference between haemorrhages and infarcts
whom such operations were performed, only three as regards the tendency to induce central pain
had ‘modest’ relief of steady pain, and another four (Leijon et al 1989, Bowsher 1996, Bowsher et al 1998).
had some effect on intermittent pain. Three had The consequence of this is that there are many
transient complications. It has been suggested that more patients with CPSP caused by infarct than 317
Clinical pain states

haemorrhages, because approximately 85% of all et al (1995), 33 and 25%, respectively, of the patients
strokes are caused by infarct. with CPSP had CVL involving the thalamus. These
Different principles can be used to classify CVL. conclusions were based on X-ray CT scans. A later
One principle is according to the artery involved, study using MRI indicated that about 60% of all
giving two major groups, namely carotid and CPSP patients have lesions engaging the thalamus
vertebrobasilar strokes. About 80% of all infarcts (Bowsher et al 1998). It appears probable that about
occur in the carotid territories. Infarcts in the half of all CPSP patients have lesions that involve
territories of the thalamostriate and the posterior the thalamus.
inferior cerebellar arteries (PICA) are particularly
interesting, because they engage the ventroposterior Pain characteristics
part of the thalamus and the lower brainstem, The major problem in the diagnosis of CPSP is to
respectively. These infarcts are probably among the distinguish central pain from nociceptive pains of
most frequent causes of central pain. various kinds, particularly hemiplegic shoulder pain,
Haemorrhages can only induce central pain which is common in hemiplegic stroke patients.
when they damage the brain parenchyma. It is thus The development of shoulder pain can to a large
unusual that subarachnoid haemorrhage causes extent be prevented by physiotherapy and infor-
central pain, but it occurs when severe vasospasm mation to everyone involved in the care of the
develops and leads to an infarct and when the patient.
bleeding causes direct tissue injury (Bowsher et al The onset of CPSP is delayed in many patients.
1989). In one study, about half of the patients noticed the
As regards central pain caused by vascular pain within a few days or during the first month,
malformation, this mainly concerns arteriovenous but in half of the patients the onset was delayed by
malformations (AVM) and the result is similar to more than 1 month (Leijon et al 1989). The longest
CVL. They can cause central pain in two ways, delay was 34 months. In the Danish prospective
namely through rupture and haemorrhage, or if study 63% had onset of pain within 1 month
they increase in size and cause parenchymal (Andersen et al 1995) and after brainstem infarcts
damage. Patients with CPSP due to both these forms the figure was 56% (MacGowan et al 1997).
of lesion have been reported. The lesions were CPSP is commonly experienced in a large part of
located cortically and subcortically in the parietal the right or left side (Leijon et al 1989). However,
region and in the thalamus (Silver 1957, Waltz and some patients only have pain in a small region,
Ehni 1966). such as the distal part of the arm and hand, or in the
The location of the CVL, and not its size, is face. Two of the eight patients with brainstem
crucial as regards the probability that it will produce infarcts had pain in the face on one side and in the
central pain (see ‘Pathophysiology’ above). The rest of the body on the other side. The most common
following major locations have been shown to be pain location after lateral medullary infarcts appears
associated with central pain: lateral medulla to be ipsilaterally around the eye (MacGowan et al
oblongata (PICA), thalamus, posterior limb of the 1997).
internal capsule, subcortical and cortical zones in In our study two-thirds of the patients had left-
the postcentral gyrus (i.e., in the regions of the first sided pain, which was in accord with the material
somatosensory area, SI), and the insular regions of Schott et al (1986) and a summary of published
(second somatosensory area, SII). patients with thalamic stroke (Nasreddine and
A recent prospective study of 191 stroke patients Saver 1997), but dominance of one side did not
followed for 12 months showed that the incidence appear in a large study from one centre (Bowsher
of CPSP is 8% (Andersen et al 1995). The exact et al 1998).
figures at 1, 6, and 12 months follow-up were 4.8, Patients with CPSP report a large variety of
6.0% and 8.4%, respectively. It appears that CVL in pain qualities. Most patients experience two to four
the lower brainstem and thalamus more often qualities. A burning sensation is the most frequent
result in central pain than CVL in other locations, quality reported by about 60% of patients, with
because these are not the most frequent locations of aching, pricking, and lacerating sensations being
CVL and yet these locations are common in CPSP next in frequency. In another study 32 patients
materials (Garcin 1968, Leijon et al 1989, Andersen described the pain as principally burning and 30
et al 1995, Bowsher et al 1998). The incidence of patients described it as principally non-burning
central pain after lateral medullary infarcts may be (Bowsher et al 1998). Bizarre pain qualities do
as high as 25% (MacGowan et al 1997). In studies occur, as mentioned in the first part of this chapter,
318 carried out by Leijon et al (1989) and by Andersen but they are the exception rather than the rule.
Assessment of the intensity of CPSP reveals relatively inexpensive treatment with almost no
Central pain

large individual variations. In a global sense most adverse side effects will give some patients long-
patients consider the pain to be severe, although lasting relief.
some of them rate the pain intensity rather low on Antidepressants have undoubtely been the most
scales such as the VAS, but a few patients have a useful of the drugs. About 50–70% of CPSP patients
mild form of CPSP. There are also patients in whom have been found to benefit from these drugs. Next
it is difficult to determine whether the sensation in order are antiepileptic drugs, which should not
experienced should be classified as pain or not. This be restricted to patients with tic-like pain. Other
for instance is true for some dysaesthesias, because drugs are not well documented, but may nevertheless
there is no sharp transition from non-painful to be tried. The same is true for sympathetic blockade.
painful dysaesthesias.
In many patients the pain is affected by internal Multiple sclerosis
and external stimuli. Such stimuli usually increase
the pain, for instance body movements and cold Epidemiology and pain characteristics
(Leijon et al 1989, Michel et al 1990). Multiple sclerosis is a severe chronic neurological
disease that in many patients causes serious
Neurological symptoms and signs handicap and suffering. The disease process is of a
Somatosensory symptoms and signs regularly neuroinflammatory nature and results in destruction
accompany CPSP, whereas other symptoms may or of myelin, and eventually of the axons and cell
may not be present in patients with CPSP. Among bodies, in the CNS. The characteristic lesion is the
27 CPSP patients more than half had no paresis plaque, which is a zone of demyelination. Such
(Leijon et al 1989), and other non-sensory symptoms plaques may occur anywhere in the CNS, and in the
were much more uncommon. optic nerves, but are most frequently found in the
Some of the sensory abnormalities are subtle, spinal cord, particularly in the dorsal columns, in
and are not noticed by the patients or revealed in the brainstem, and periventricularly in the forebrain.
the clinical sensory examination, but can be demon- The two major clinical forms are the slowly
strated by QSTs. However, in a few patients with progressive and remitting–relapsing forms. The
CPSP, and other forms of central pain, it has not cause of the inflammatory process is as yet unknown,
been possible even with quantitative methods to but much is known about the various stages in
show any sensory disturbances. the process in which different lymphatic T-cell
Some of the sensory abnormalities are of a populations play a crucial role.
quantitative nature; others are more qualitative In a comprehensive monograph on MS it was
(Boivie et al 1989). The dominating features are stated that pain is uncommon in MS (Tourtellotte
abnormal temperature and pain sensibility, which and Baumhefner 1983). However, as soon as
was found in all of the patients examined, and investigations were made on the prevalence of pain
hyperaesthesias and dysaesthesias, which were in MS it became evident that the majority of MS
found in about 85% of the patients. The abnor- patients experience pain. Four studies obtained
malities in temperature sensibility were pronounced. prevalence figures indicating that 42–65% of all MS
Eighty-one percent could not identify temperatures patients have clinically significant pain. These
between 0 and 50°C. About half of these patients results were based on interviews and examination
had normal thresholds to touch and vibration. A of 723 patients. The figures include almost all forms
similar but less pronounced tendency has been of pain except headache. In one of the studies it was
found in larger studies (Bowsher 1996, Bowsher found that 45% had pain at the time of the in-
et al 1998). These results are the basis for the vestigation, and that 32% considered the pain to be
hypothesis that CPSP only occurs in patients who one of their worst symptoms (Stenager et al 1991).
have lesions affecting the spinothalamic pathways Not all MS pain is central. It is to be expected
(see above). that MS patients with paresis, spasticity, and inco-
ordination of movements will develop nociceptive
Treatment musculoskeletal pain, and this is indeed the case.
The reader is referred to the general section on Vermote et al (1986) found that about 20% had such
treatment of central pain for details. In this section pain, including back pain, which is comparable to
only a few comments will be made. It is recom- the 14% with back pain reported by Moulin et al
mended that TENS is tried as the primary treatment (1988). It is also conceivable that peripheral neuro-
in patients who have not lost touch and vibration pathic pain will be found in some MS patients.
sensibility in the painful region, because this Primary psychogenic pain, i.e., pain as part of a 319
Clinical pain states

major psychiatric disease, appears to be rare in MS.

Vermote et al (1986) found only two such cases in BOX 20.6
their material of 83 patients. Location of central pain in 86 patients with
It is important to carefully analyse the charac- multiple sclerosis (Österberg and Boivie, in
teristics of the various pains experienced by MS preparation)
patients to form a basis for the optimal management Lower extremities 90%
of the pain. According to the prevalence studies, the Trunk 22%
majority of MS patients with pain have central pain Upper extremities 36%
caused by the disease itself.
Idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia is usually con- Unilaterally 24%
sidered to be peripherally induced, but it appears Bilaterally 76%
likely that in MS this pain is caused by demyeli-
nation in the brainstem, and it is therefore classified
as central pain in this context. Its prevalence has
now been shown to be 5%, which is higher than the
previous estimates (Österberg and Boivie, in dysaesthetic pain. The quality of this pain shows a
preparation). large interindividual variation and most patients
In a retrospective study it was concluded that experience more than one pain quality. Burning and
pain increases with age in MS (Clifford and Trotter aching pain are most frequent, occurring in about
1984). A similar trend was found by Moulin et al 40%, with pricking, stabbing, and squeezing being
(1988). No such trend was found regarding the age next in frequency. In Box 20.6 percentage figures for
at onset of MS or disease duration, apart from the the location of central pain in MS are listed,
fact that pain was less common during the first showing that there is a large dominance for pain in
5 years of the disease than later (Clifford and the lower extremities.
Trotter 1984, Moulin et al 1988, Stenager et al 1991). The combination of different pain locations and
These relationships were not analysed specifically qualities can be illustrated by one of our patients.
for central pain, however. He is a 53-year-old clerk with central pain of 4
years’ duration. The pain started about 2 months
Pain characteristics and neurological after he rapidly developed signs of a transverse
symptoms myelitis at T9, with total loss of voluntary motor
The characteristics of trigeminal neuralgia is and bladder control, and total sensory loss below
described in Chap. 14. Its character is similar in MS the waist. He now has steady pain of three
and idiopathic tic douloureux. distinctly different kinds. The first is a burning pain
The Lhermitte sign is classical of MS. It consists from the waist down. The second is a tight belt-like
of rapidly spreading paraesthesias or dysaesthesias, pressing pain just above the waist; it feels like tight
sometimes like an electric current, down the back armour. The third pain is described as if he is sitting
and radiating to the extremities. It is mostly bilateral heavily on a tennis ball. It is interesting to know
and sometimes painful. It is usually evoked by that the first symptom this patient noticed was
bending the head forward, and it has been proposed hyperaesthesia to heat, i.e., an indication of
that it is produced when the cervical part of the dysfunction in the spinothalamic pathways.
inflamed dorsal columns are stretched. Most investigators have found that MS patients
Painful tonic seizures constitute another kind of with non-paroxysmal central pain have disturbed
paroxysmal pain in MS. A detailed description of somatic sensibility. In our study of 63 patients using
these attacks is found in Shibasaki and Kuroiwa’s both clinical and quantitative sensory tests, only
(1974) report. They found 11 such cases among 64 two patients were found to have completely normal
patients with MS, which is higher than in our large sensibility (Österberg and Boivie, in preparation).
material in which only 2% of the 100 patients with The abnormalities found were dominated by
central pain have this component. The attacks abnormal temperature and pain sensibility, only
consist of spreading paraesthesias, pain, and muscle two patients having normal pain and temperature
spasm in the spinal segments involved. They are sensibility, whereas more than one-third of the
evoked by light touch or movement. No correlation patients had normal threshold to touch. The
was found between the pain and the degree of vibration sense was also severely affected, but not
paresis or spasticity, but with sensory signs. to the same degree as temperature and pain. These
The most common form of central pain in MS is results have similarities with the results from
320 non-paroxysmal extremity pain, usually termed patients with central poststroke pain (see above).
As regards non-sensory symptoms and signs it mended. Intrathecal baclofen has been used
Central pain

appears that, at most, half of MS patients with non- successfully to treat severe spasticity, but the
paroxysmal central pain have paresis, ataxia, or experience of its possible effect on central pain in
bladder dysfunction (Österberg and Boivie, in MS is poorly known, although some centres have
preparation). Only 11 of 99 patients had severe reported promising results (Herman et al 1992).
paresis, whereas 29% had ataxia. This conforms
with the results of other studies failing to find any
Spinal cord injury
covariation between central pain and disability
(Vermote et al 1986, Moulin et al 1988, Stenager et al The reader is referred to Chap. 21 for information
1991). This also seems to be true for central pain about pain following spinal cord injury (SCI).
and depression in MS (Stenager et al 1991,
Österberg et al 1994). Stenager et al (1991) found no Syringomyelia and syringobulbia (also
differences between MS patients with and without
see Chap. 21)
pain with respect to depressive symptoms.
Syringomyelia (in the spinal cord) and syringobulbia
Treatment (in the lower brainstem) are rare diseases with a
Antiepileptic drugs are the treatment of choice for very high incidence of central pain. From a scientific
trigeminal neuralgia and other paroxysmal pains in point of view they are of particular interest for the
MS (Shibasaki and Kuroiwa 1974). These treatments understanding of the mechanisms that underlie
are generally very successful. Carbamazepine is the central pain and sensory disturbances, because they
first-line drug, but most other AED have a good illustrate the possible consequences of internal
effect too (see section on ‘Antiepileptic drugs’ lesions in the spinal cord and brainstem. The lesion
above). The effects of treatment are dependent on is a cystic cavity filled with a fluid that is similar to
the plasma concentration. It appears that many MS normal CSF. The size and extension of the cavity,
patients have difficulty in tolerating sufficiently i.e., the syrinx (from the Greek word for flute),
high doses of carbamazepine, probably more so varies enormously between patients, from a small
than other patient groups. One possible way lesion in the dorsal part of the spinal cord over a
around such problems is to try a combination of couple of segments to huge cavities extending from
baclofen and an AED. the most caudal part of the cord into the medulla
The AED have generally not been found oblongata, as illustrated by findings at autopsy, and
effective against steady extremity pain (Clifford in recent years by examination with MRI (Foster
and Trotter 1984, Moulin et al 1988). In a controlled and Hudgson 1973, Schliep 1978, Milhorat et al 1996).
trial investigating the pain-relieving effects of The largest cavities leave only a thin layer of spinal
carbamazepine and amitriptyline in 21 MS patients, cord tissue undamaged at the maximally cavitated
it was found that carbamazepine did not have a regions.
significant effect, whereas amitriptyline had a weak Much is still unknown about how the cavities
effect on the spontaneous constant pain (Österberg develop, and particularly about the cause of the
and Boivie, in preparation). In this study it was disease. According to the most embraced theory
noticed that MS patients do indeed have more hydromechanical forces are important for the
problems with side effects than what has previously expansion of the cavity. This theory states that the
been found in patients with poststroke pain. A cavity develops as an enlargement of the central
more recent alternative would be to try gabapentin, canal, which is where the spinothalamic fibres cross
but no studies have been done in MS patients with the midline to reach their position in the ventro-
this drug. laterally located spinothalamic tract. A lesion with
The outcome of treatment with antidepressants this location will affect the sensibility to temperature
has varied. Thus Clifford and Trotter (1984) reported and pain; i.e., a dissociated sensory loss will appear.
excellent results, while Moulin et al (1988) had a Studies have shown that this in fact happens,
poor outcome with only 9 of 46 patients responding because this sensory abnormality was found in 248
well to amitriptyline and imipramine. of 250 patients with syringomyelia and syringo-
TENS can be tried in patients with at least some bulbia (Foster and Hudgson 1973, Schliep 1978).
preservation of dorsal column function. Electrical Syringomyelia can also be post-traumatic and be
stimulation of the spinal cord (DCS) has been tried caused by spinal cord haematomas.
quite extensively, but the outcome has been poor Pain is common in syringomyelia (when this
(Rosen and Barsoum 1979, Young and Goodman term is used in this chapter it also includes
1979, Tasker 2000) and the method is not recom- syringobulbia). In a recent survey of 22 patients it 321
Clinical pain states

was found that all had pain, and that 16 (73%) had cramp-like or aching sensation, not associated with
central pain (Boivie and Rollsjö, unpublished increased muscle contraction and not affected by
results). This pain, in most patients, was located in movement or pressure. It was often proximal and in
one of the upper extremities, seldom in both. The the limb of greatest motor deficit.’ Eleven percent
thorax was another rather common location, and a had burning sensations and 12% had painful
few had pain in the lower extremities. Burning, muscle spasm or cramps. In 7% the pain preceded
aching, and pressing were the most common pain the motor symptoms. In a similar study of 94
qualities. Pain, often central pain, was a frequent patients, 46% were found to have pain (Goetz et al
initial symptom in this disease, which usually 1985). The major pains were ‘muscle cramps or
progresses slowly over decades. tightness’ (34% of all patients) and painful dystonias
The results from our study cast doubt on the (13% of all patients).
notion that the somatosensory symptoms of A classification for the pain directly related to
syringomyelia, including central pain, are mainly PD was proposed by Quinn et al (1986):
caused by damage to the spinothalamic fibres as
A. Pain preceding the diagnosis of PD.
they cross the midline, because it has been found
B. Off-period pain (without dystonia) in patients
that the symptoms and signs are strictly unilateral
with fluctuating response to levodopa (four
in several patients who are probably in an early
stage of the disease. Thus some patients have central
C. Painful dystonic spasms (four subgroups).
pain and dissociated sensory loss in one arm and
D. Peak-dose pain.
hand. This could be explained by either a lesion
affecting the dorsal horn or one affecting the Quinn et al (1986) did not give any prevalence
spinothalamic fibres on that side, before they cross. figures for the four groups. They concluded that
Quantitative sensory tests show that all patients most of the pain is related to fluctuations in motor
with syringomyelia have abnormal temperature symptoms, which in turn are related to the response
and pain sensibility (Boivie 1984; Boivie and Rollsjö, to the drug treatment. This idea was supported by
unpublished results). These abnormalities are observations in two patients in which the fluctuations
mostly pronounced with total loss of temperature in motor symptoms and pain were recorded (Nutt
sensibility. and Carter 1984). These observations are compatible
The treatment of central pain in syringomyelia is with a modulatory influence of the basal ganglia on
similar to that of central pain after traumatic spinal somatic sensibility, including pain. In all of the
cord injuries. In our clinical experience tricyclic studies cited no significant abnormalities in the
antidepressants have been moderately successful. sensibility to cutaneous stimuli were found.
From the case reports of Quinn et al (1986), it
appears that much of the pain in PD can be relieved
Parkinson’s disease by careful adjustment of the anti-Parkinson
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is rightfully considered to medication, but they also show that this is some-
be a movement disorder. The dominating symptoms times a difficult task.
are rigidity, bradykinesia, tremor, and defective
postural control. However, it is becoming increasingly
clear that many patients with PD have pain and
Epilepsy, brain tumours and abscesses
sensory symptoms (Snider et al 1976, Koller 1984, In a survey of 858 patients with epilepsy it was
Goetz et al 1985, Schott 1985, Quinn et al 1986). In found that 2.8% had pain as part of epileptic seizures
some patients these symptoms precede the onset of (Young and Blume 1983). In several of the patients
the motor symptoms. The mechanisms behind the cause of the epilepsy was unknown. Many were
these symptoms are unknown. It is thus unclear to children. No patients with cerebrovascular lesions
what extent the pain in PD should be classified as were included. The pain was either a symptom
central pain, but it appears likely that at least part during the major part of the seizure or part of the
of it is of primarily central origin, i.e., central pain. aura.
A brief summary of published reports on this pain Patients with cerebrovascular lesions that
will be made. engage the cerebral cortex may develop epilepsy.
In an investigation of 105 ambulatory PD patients Fine (1967) reported five such patients with epileptic
it was found that 43% had sensory symptoms (pain, seizures that included severe pain. This pain had
tingling, numbness; Snider et al 1976). Pain was the qualities similar to those of CPSP, but it occurred
most common complaint, reported by 29%: ‘It was spontaneously in short attacks, and disappeared
322 usually described as an intermittent, poorly localized, completely when antiepileptic drugs were given.
In general brain tumours rarely induce central 6. Neurological symptoms besides pain:
Central pain

pain, but several patients with meningiomas and a. Motor (paresis, ataxia, involuntary
central pain have been reported (Bender and Jaffe movements)
1958). Surprisingly not even thalamic tumours have b. Sensory (hypo-, hyperaesthesia,
a tendency to cause central pain. In a retrospective paraesthesia, dysaesthesia, numbness,
study only 1 of 49 patients with thalamic tumours overreaction)
had central pain (Tovi et al 1961). c. Others (speech, visual, cognitive, mood, etc.).
Finally a late twentieth-century illustration of
the fact that all kinds of lesion can result in central Examination
pain—two patients with brain abscesses in the 1. Neurological disease—results of CT, MRI,
thalamus and internal capsule and central pain SPECT, PET, CSF assays, neurophysiological
were reported (Gonzales et al 1992). The cause of examinations, etc.
the abscesses was toxoplasma infection—the 2. Major neurological findings (e.g., spastic
patients had AIDS! paraparesis).
3. Sensory examination—preferably use sensory
chart with the dermatomes. Indicate whether
Concluding comments modalities listed have normal, increased, or
It is important to identify central pain when it is decreased threshold, and paraesthesias or
present because this is the basis for its rational dysaesthesias are evoked.
management. An ad hoc committee in the Special a. Vibratory sense (tuning fork, Biothesiometer
Interest Group on Central Pain of the IASP has or Vibrameter)
worked out an examination protocol for the diagnosis b. Tactile (cotton wool, hair movement)
of central pain. This protocol can be recommended c. Skin direction sense, graphaesthesis
for clinical use. It has the following components: d. Kinaesthesia
e. Temperature (specify how tested; cold and
Historical information warm, noxious and innocuous)
1. Is pain the major or primary complaint? If not, f. Pinprick
indicate the alternative. g. Deep pain (specify how tested)
2. Nature of primary neurological disability: h. Allodynia to mechanical stimuli, cold, heat
a. Primary diagnosis (e.g., stroke, tumour, etc.) i. Hyperpathia (specify how tested)
b. Location of disability (e.g., left hemiparesis). j. Other abnormalities like radiation,
3. Date of onset of neurological signs/symptoms. summation, prolonged aftersensation.
4. Date of onset of pain.
5. Description of pain:
a. Location: Criteria for the diagnosis of central
Body area—preferably use pain drawing pain
Superficial (skin) and/or deep (muscle,
The examination protocol will in most patients lead
to information that will enable the examiner to
Radiation or referral.
determine whether central pain is at hand. For this
b. Intensity (1–10 or VAS or categorical scaling):
decision the following criteria for central pain may
Most common intensity; at maximum; at
be used:
c. Temporal features: 1. The presence of CNS disease. The
Steady, unchanging; intermittent lesion/dysfunction can be located at any level
Fluctuates over minutes, hours, days, weeks of the neuraxis from the dorsal horn grey
Paroxysmal features (shooting pain, tic-like). matter of the spinal cord, and the trigeminal
d. Quality: spinal nucleus, to the cerebral cortex, i.e.,
Thermal (burning, freezing, etc.) engaging either the ascending pathways
Mechanical (pressure, cramping, etc.) and/or their brainstem or cortical relays.
Chemical (stinging, etc.) 2. Pain that started after the onset of this
Other (aching, etc.). disease. The pain can be steady, intermittent,
e. Factors increasing the pain (cold, emotions, or paroxysmal, or be present in the form of
etc.). painful hyperaesthesias such as allodynia or
f. Factors decreasing the pain (rest, drugs, hyperpathia. Its onset can be immediate or
etc.). delayed up to several years. 323
Clinical pain states

3. The pain can have virtually any quality, important to keep the patient well informed and to
including trivial aching pain. More than one monitor treatment closely because of potential side
pain quality is often experienced, in the same effects. When drugs are used, increases in dosage
region or in different regions. should be gradual. It is also wise to inform the
4. The pain can engage large parts of the body patient that the treatment may not relieve the pain
(hemipain, one-quarter, lower body half, etc.) completely, which it seldom does.
or be restricted to a small region such as one Central pain is truly chronic pain, often lasting
arm or the face. for the rest of patients’ lives, and it usually causes
5. The pain can be of high or low intensity. It is patients much suffering. It is therefore important
often increased, or evoked, by various internal that patients have a reliable long-lasting relationship
or external stimuli, such as touch, cold, and with their physicians so that they know whom to
sudden emotions. contact when the pain brings them into despair
6. The presence of abnormalities in somatic when support by a psychotherapist may be
sensibility. The abnormalities can be subtle indicated. Furthermore there is reason to include
and in some patients it takes quantitative physiotherapy in the treatment programme, aiming
sensory tests to demonstrate their presence. at increased activity and rehabilitation.
However, in rare cases not even the The first-line specific treatments are TENS,
quantitative methods can show such antidepressants, and antiepileptic drugs. The reader
abnormalities. They are dominated by is referred to the sections on these treatments or on
abnormal sensibility to temperature and pain, the individual pain conditions for detailed infor-
indicating involvement of the spinothalamic mation. In some patients the treatment of the
pathways. Abnormalities are common in central pain needs to be combined with other forms
touch, vibration, and kinaesthesia too, but of treatment, because other pains may also be
their presence is not mandatory in central present.
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Central nervous system


Spinal cord injury

Aleksandar Berić

There are no SCI pain-specific medications,

Introduction reflecting our poor understanding of underlying
Spinal cord injury (SCI) usually results from severe pain mechanisms. Due to a variety of pain disorders,
spinal column damage. Frequently, there is a con- a practical classification would help in developing
comitant ligamentous, joint, disc, and soft-tissue clinical therapeutic guidelines. However, this is only
injury that contributes to an acute phase of pain a part of the solution, as there is still no optimal
(Berić 1997a). To a large extent, this pain usually therapy for some of the pains, for example central
subsides with general pain treatment and the pains. Another complicating factor is the fragility of
management of acute SCI (Cairns et al 1996, Sved the SCI patient’s medical condition regarding pain
et al 1997). Usually SCI pains appear after a few medication. Spasticity, bladder and bowel function,
months and not infrequently after several years, blood pressure regulation, etc., are all by different
sometimes changing their characteristics as they degrees influenced by our current pain medications
appear or disappear. It is actually the chronic pain and control measures.
that may be so devastating that it may override any
other motor, bladder and bowel, and functional
disabilities in the postacute phase (Nepomuceno Pain incidence in spinal cord
et al 1979). Fortunately, only a fraction of SCI
patients suffer from such severe pain (Bonica 1991).
There are different pains present in different Pain is usually present in acute SCI and can take
patients and also different pains present in the different courses. It may subside with or without
same patient at different times or simultaneously. treatment when early musculoskeletal abnormalities
There has been no consensus regarding classification. slowly subside. If it is caused by root injury or SCI,
The International Association for the Study of Pain it may also subside if the injury is mild and does
(IASP) has avoided SCI pain classification for years. not trigger persistent central changes or may persist
Only recently have some more extensive attempts into the chronic stage. Incidence statistics are
been made to classify SCI pains (Berić 1997a, b; variable and, depending on the methodology, range
Siddall et al 1997; Siddall and Loeser 2001). from 10 to 90% (Lamid et al 1985, Rose et al 1988,
The treatment of SCI is a very difficult task. Berić 1990, Levi et al 1995, Stormer et al 1997). 329
Clinical pain states

Recently, both inpatient and outpatient reports and Cauda equina pain
telephone interviews estimate a 64–67% incidence
of pain in the SCI population (Siddall et al 1999, When the spinal column lesion involves levels below
Finnerup et al 2001). Intractable pain is present in L1, the CE is usually injured. The pain associated
about one-third of these patients. If SCI patients are with this injury may involve the legs, feet,
asked historically whether they have ever expe- perineum, genitals, and rectum. The mechanism is
rienced pain, the numbers rise to 90% and even similar to that of transitional zone pain in SCI. CE
higher (New et al 1997). Sometimes the cauda pain is considered a root neurogenic type of pain. In
equina (CE) injuries are included because there are severe complete lesions of the lumbosacral segments,
many overlapping features between CE injuries the upper- and mid-lumbar segments are partially
and SCI. injured and those dermatomes (anterior thigh)
It would be advantageous to report the severity, demonstrate hyperalgesia, allodynia to touch, and
distribution, quality, onset, and course of pain, spontaneous pain. If the injury is lower at the L4
together with the neurological condition of the and L5 levels, hyperalgesia and pain affect the feet
patient, according to the American Spinal Injury or perineum and rectum. The pain usually has a
Association (ASIA) criteria (Maynard et al 1997). burning, causalgic quality. These pains are among
Another parameter would be previous pain treat- the most severe in spinal injuries.
ments, especially if destructive. As some treatments
change the characteristics of pain, it would be useful
to state these changes in relation to treatment.
Central dysaesthesia syndrome
One of the most frequently described pain states in
SCI is the diffuse burning sensation below the level
of the lesion. Many terms have been used to
Recognized pain conditions in describe this pain syndrome: burning dysaesthetic
spinal cord injury pain, function-limiting dysaesthesias, central pain,
phantom pain, and more recently, central dys-
Transitional zone pain aesthesia syndrome (CDS) (Davis and Martin
The cause of some pains in post-SCI is intuitively 1947, Pollock et al 1951, Davis 1975, Davidoff et al
obvious based on the site and distribution of pain 1987, Berić et al 1988, Woodward and Vulpe 1991).
and its relationship to the primary injury. Among The intriguing feature of this syndrome, almost
these types of pains are transitional zone segmental invariably seen in these patients, is the relative
pains, which include root pains. They occur at the dissociation between the anterolateral spinothalamic
level of the SCI (Davis 1975, Burke and Woodward and dorsal column systems. Temperature, pinprick,
1976). In our study one-third of patients with pain and pain perception is severely impaired in these
had a primary transitional zone-root pain associated patients. However, in most cases light-touch
with all levels of injury (Berić 1990). Chronic sensitivity and discriminatory and vibratory senses
transitional pain was present more often in thoracic are relatively spared, with some preserved motor
SCI patients with clinically complete sensory and function below the level of the lesion that is suffi-
motor dysfunction. The distribution was most often cient even to allow ambulation. The CDS represents
within a few contiguous segments and asymmetrical. a genuine central pain syndrome (CPS) (Berić 1998).
Descriptions of pain sensation included aching, In our series, CDS was the second most frequent
burning, and stinging. Frequently, there is an early pain syndrome, which occurred in 29.4% of patients
allodynia to touch and hyperalgesia similar to (Berić 1990). The pain was relatively symmetrical,
reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) that generally with uniform diffuse burning below the level of the
improves spontaneously. However, if severe, lesion. It was almost equally distributed between
resolution of this pain may require a series of blocks the lower cervical and thoracic segments of the
or even DREZ surgery (Nashold and Bullitt 1981, primary SCI, with a slightly higher relative incidence
Edgar et al 1993, Sampson et al 1995, Sindou et al in the upper cervical segments.
2001). CDS is a rare entity in the general population, as
Transitional zone segmental pains may last for it is present only in severe spinal cord pathology,
some time. However, they are frequently managed usually in patients with incomplete SCI. Compared
by pharmacological and local block treatments. with poststroke pain, the evoked dysaesthesia
Therefore, their natural course is usually modified component is less frequent; however, that does not
in the relatively early stages due to a range of mean that it is not the most prominent feature in
330 reasonably effective treatment modalities. some patients.
Similar to poststroke pain, CDS usually appears Patients with DLS pain tend to develop pain
Spinal cord injury

with some functional recovery in more severe cases within a year after the time of injury. However, it is
and can appear months after the injury. This not uncommon for patients to develop pain later,
dysaesthesia usually increases slowly in intensity along with a deterioration of function in the sacral
and can follow three possible courses. The first and and lumbosacral segments. Their pain condition often
most frequent is a stable course that can linger for stabilizes within several months or several years
an indefinite number of years, with some fluctuations but remains constant, with minimal fluctuation.
in symptom intensity. The second more unusual
possible course of pain is continuous escalation,
requiring more aggressive treatment. The third and Anterior spinal artery syndrome
certainly the best possible course is the slow
Anterior spinal artery syndrome (ASAS) can be
decrease in pain intensity within a few years.
considered a subsyndrome in SCI because it can be
It is more difficult to treat CDS in SCI than
traumatic, although the pure syndrome is generally
poststroke pain because some of the relatively
a vascular event and is also described as iatrogenic
minor nuisances of treatment can be disastrous in
(Triggs and Berić 1992). It is the exaggeration of the
SCI. Dryness of mouth, for example, in quadriplegic
CDS in SCI. There is profound anterolateral sensory
patients is of different significance than in hemi-
system involvement, usually a complete absence of
paretic patients. Furthermore, constipation and
temperature and thermal pain perception, with a
bladder retention in quadriplegic or paraplegic
variable degree of motor paralysis and excellent
patients can have dire consequences, including a
preservation of the dorsal column modalities. It
major increase in intensity of their baseline pain.
resembles a bilateral, deep, and extremely well-
done surgical anterolateral cordotomy (Nathan and
Double-lesion syndrome Smith 1979) with some additional motor deficit.
DLS represents dysfunction of the sacral and
lumbosacral segments that are distant from the
primary SCI, most frequently at the cervical or upper
thoracic levels. In thoracic and cervical SCI patients, Syringomyelia is classified as a complication of SCI
DLS consists of sacral dysfunction with amyotrophy that generally appears much later in the post-SCI
and CE progressive degeneration, which is usually period (Williams et al 1981). Therefore, late appear-
asymmetrical, along with bladder and sphincteric ance of pain in some SCI patients, for example, 5–10
abnormalities (Berić et al 1987). DLS may be years after the initial SCI, should alert us to the
followed by a specific pain syndrome (Berić et al possibility of syringomyelia. Its hallmark is the
1992). Approximately 25% had some clinically development of an expanding post-traumatic cyst
preserved sensation below the level of the lesion, with ascension of the motor and sensory levels,
whereas the other 75% were described as clinically increasing motor disability, and development of
complete. new pain (Vernon et al 1982, Dworkin and Staas 1985,
In our series, 20% of patients complained of DLS Rossier et al 1985). Once the motor and sensory
type of pain (Berić 1990). The most frequent abnormalities are recognized and appropriate
characteristic of pain was sharp pricking and imaging studies obtained, it is not difficult to
electric shock sensations, with occasional burning, determine the cause of the new pain. However, if
as well as aching and dull pain. The distribution pain is one of the first symptoms of syringomyelia
was for the most part asymmetrical and localized to and superimposed on other post-SCI pain states, it
the leg, groin, thigh, or foot with frequent inclusion becomes extremely difficult to diagnose initially.
of the perineum, rectum, and genitals. These patients Patients with syringomyelia usually complain of an
usually had progressive neurological syndrome aching and burning pain at the level of the lesion,
with progressive muscle atrophy and conversion sometimes extending above and below the level of
of the upper motor neuron (UMN) bladder to the the lesion. The ascending cyst may increase the
lower motor neuron (LMN) bladder. Therefore, level of disability and even convert low cervical
the diagnosis of this syndrome was based not only SCI, which is functionally considered as paraplegia,
on the pain characteristics but also on the presence to quadriplegia. Rigorous and expedient assessment
of neurological, neurophysiological, and urodyna- of sensory and motor functions coupled with
mic evidence of dysfunction of the lumbosacral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) help determine
segment along with cauda equina progressive the diagnosis (Wang et al 1996). If MRI is not possible
dysfunction. due to prior surgical intervention–spinal stabilization, 331
Clinical pain states

delayed computer tomography (CT) myelogram a special consideration as it is a neurogenic pain

should be performed and intervention instituted as syndrome triggered usually by overuse of hands,
soon as possible. especially by propelling wheelchairs (Davidoff and
There is another similar condition that can be Roth 1991, Sie et al 1992).
sometimes differentiated from syringomyelia by Visceral pain is deep abdominal pain usually
MRI—progressive post-traumatic myelomalacic related to urological procedures and concomitant
myelopathy. This subentity may lead to transitional bladder infections that are aggravated by bowel
zone pain and may be treated surgically by and bladder activity. The debate is far from resolved
attempting to untether the abnormal spinal cord regarding the question of whether visceral pain
(Ragnarsson et al 1986, Lee et al 1997). warrants a separate classification.
In SCI patients, special consideration should be
given to non-SCI-related pains including those due
Other pains to urinary tract infections, bowel dysfunction with
Musculoskeletal pain most commonly occurs in impaction, or abdominal infections such as acute
patients with thoracic spine injuries. The pain is abdomen due to appendicitis or cholecystitis.
frequently localized around the level of the injury Typical physical signs of these conditions, such as
or just above the injury, due to stretching of the localized muscle spasms, localized pain sensitivity,
long muscles of the trunk. Shoulder pain in or even fever, may be absent. Often changes in
quadriplegics is an example of musculoskeletal bowel and bladder patterns and sometimes an
pain (Silfverskiold and Waters 1991, Waring and increase or decrease in spasticity are the only
Maynard 1991, Campbell and Koris 1996). It is most indicators of infection. Such changes should alert
frequently triggered by a change in physical activity physicians to perform a more complete clinical
and aggravated by increased muscle activity and examination, especially in the event of new pain,
movement. A subgroup of these patients have RSD for example visceral or abdominal pain. Due to SCI,
of the hand that is infrequently seen in patients the presentation of pains associated with bladder
with cervical SCI (Wainapel 1984, Davidoff and infection, bowel infection, or other abdominal causes
Roth 1991, Aisen and Aisen 1994). The pain, how- is not typical of these conditions and may mimic
ever, can also be present below the level of the genuine SCI pains. Therefore, with the appearance
lesion (Gallien et al 1995). Muscle, ligament, and of new pain or exacerbation of otherwise stable
joint pains in the lower extremities of patients with pain in patients with SCI, evaluation of blood
incomplete SCI are also musculoskeletal pains, pressure, pulse, temperature, rectal examination,
including pains due to heterotopic ossification with urinary analysis, and white blood cell count is
muscle and soft-tissue calcification. These patients necessary. In incomplete and especially ambulatory
have ambulatory potential and asymmetrical cor- SCI patients, it is important to be aware of the
ticospinal left/right leg deficits and asymmetrical possible appearance of other neurological conditions
spasticity, with more involvement in some muscle with manifestations that may be modified by the
groups than in others. primary spinal cord lesion.
Patients with absent voluntary activity below A separate condition in upper thoracic and
the level of the lesion can also have pain due to cervical SCI is autonomic dysreflexia (Clinchot and
uncontrollable spasms. These pains are generally of Colachis 1996, Curt et al 1997). This can be brought
the crescendo type, paralleling an increase in the on by a number of triggers: bladder distension,
intensity and spread of the spasm. sphincter dyssynergia (concomitant contraction of
Musculoskeletal pain tends to appear when the the bladder and sphincter, with increasing pressure
patient becomes more active, with transfers, wheel- inside the bladder), bowel movements and impaction,
chair activities, or ambulation in the case of incom- and dysfunction due to severe spasms. This can be
plete SCI. The pain is usually proportional to the a life-threatening situation, causing an increase in
amount of offending activity. Rest alleviates or at blood pressure, the presence of headache, a
least decreases pain. As treatment is instituted possible increase in intracranial pressure, and the
early, the pain generally subsides. In thoracic SCIs, occurrence of a fatal intracranial haemorrhage. This
however, sometimes sitting and abnormal position- is not a simple pain syndrome. The presence of
ing in the wheelchair cannot be easily modified. discomfort, headache, and unpleasant internal
The long thoracic muscles can be stretched for an sensations should be recognized. The cause of these
extended time, resulting in intractable pains that symptoms should be determined and the condition
can resemble transitional zone or even CDS pain. treated appropriately. These episodes tend to be
332 Carpal tunnel syndrome in paraplegics deserves repetitive, short term, and acute.
Spinal cord injury

Phantom sensations versus phantom Clinical examination

pains Neurological examination is mandatory and should
Phantom sensations should be distinguished from include sensory, motor, and functional assessments
so-called phantom pains as described by Pollock and scales as recommended by the ASIA (Maynard
et al (1957). In general, phantom sensations appear et al 1997). The pain is localized within a region of
early, almost immediately after SCI, and vanish a large sensory deficit. The presence of allodynia
within hours or days of SCI. In about 25% these and hyperalgesia is helpful, if there are no local
complex sensations persist for months or longer causes of irritation. Although the light-touch
(Siddall and McClelland 1999). Furthermore, the allodynia or proprioceptive allodynia can have
quality and intensity of these sensations rarely bizarre clinical manifestations, intolerance of the
interfere with activities of daily living. They are not skin to warm or cool is also frequently present as a
painful or functionally limiting, although they are more conventional continuous dull or burning pain.
frequently bizarre in nature (Sweet 1975). On the
other hand, pain in the paralysed and insensitive Laboratory and electrodiagnostic tests
segment below the level of the lesion generally
appears later in the post-SCI period, when phantom Laboratory tests are not useful in the diagnosis and
sensations fade. classification of pain. However, they are extremely
important in excluding urinary tract infections and
other non-SCI pain-related conditions. Complete
Clinical classification gastrointestinal and urological work-ups are
Classifications are plagued with uncertainty of recommended for visceral pains. Neurophysiological
either the aetiology of SCI pain or even which testing is useful for root and cauda equina as well
system is involved. There are some new classifications as for conus medullaris lesion and is mandatory in
that try to take advantage of the triaxial system to DLS.
better delineate different SCI pains (Siddall and
Loeser 2001). However, only the site of the pain is Imaging
non-disputable. The system, for example musculo-
skeletal, visceral, or neuropathic, is very much MRI is invaluable for syringomyelia diagnosis.
questionable in a large proportion of SCI pains, as it Sometimes, in addition to allowing observation of
requires more than just a location and quality to be the level of the lesion, MRI can provide useful
defined. The third axis, which is presumably a information regarding the cord below the level of
source of pain, is highly debatable as the aetiology the lesion. For example, it can provide evidence of
remains in question. suspected vascular extension of the lesion, i.e., an
extended downward infarct with cord atrophy—
spinal amyotrophy. MRI is not very useful, however,
Diagnostic approach for the assessment of completeness of the lesion,
except if the cord is totally separated at the injury
Clinical interview level, which is rare.
Work-up of every SCI patient with pain should
include a detailed history of pain in relation to SCI Urodynamic testing
pain onset. An inventory of pain characteristics
should be obtained: course; quality; distribution; Urodynamic evaluation is important for differ-
factors affecting pain, especially spasms; transfers; entiation of upper motor neuron (UMN) from
and impact of physical therapy (PT). The relationship lower motor neuron (LMN) bladder. Sometimes if
of pain onset to recovery or deterioration of sensory pain and/or dysaesthesias are diffuse and located
and motor function and overall functional status in lumbar and sacral segments, CDS and DLS can
should also be determined. In addition, history of be differentiated based on the presence of UMN
intercurrent episodes of infection, surgeries, new bladder in CDS and LMN bladder in DLS.
injuries, and pain treatments, followed by changes
in pain character, are also important to the work-up Quantitative sensory testing and
for post-SCI pain. A standardized Pain Questionnaire
(PQ) is usually useful in follow-up studies. The PQ
other ancillary procedures
should include the visual analogue scale, pain In CDS, quantitative sensory testing (QST) at the
drawing, and the standard or modified McGill PQ. lesion level and at standard sites below the level of 333
Clinical pain states

the lesion is necessary to document incompleteness deliveries may follow, and finally surgical destructive
as well as different degrees of dissociated sensory modalities may be contemplated.
loss. In syringomyelia, QST may be used for follow-
ups for assessment of progression.
Some pain syndromes can be better recognized Antidepressants
by additional testing, while others are determined Antidepressants with noradrenergic properties are
only through treatment trials and modification of first-line therapy for most SCI pains. Tricyclic
PT and overall activity. In nociceptive musculo- antidepressant effectiveness has been shown in
skeletal pains, PT and rehabilitation programme both non-controlled clinical trials and double-blind
modifications are used as assessment tools in studies in CPS (Leijon and Boivie 1989, Sanford et al
addition to their possible therapeutic effects. 1992). Amitriptyline appears to be most effective,
Psychological tests with a multiaxial approach have but it also has the most side effects, which are
been recommended (Wegener and Elliott 1992). The mainly anticholinergic, including urinary retention,
Hamilton Depression Scale and Beck Inventory are mouth dryness, drowsiness, and provoking glaucoma.
useful, including both self-inventory and interview Effective pain doses are below antidepressant
approaches, for the assessment of depression. doses. Due to frequent side effects, however, a very
low starting dose is suggested. Increments should
be gradual. If there is no response at approximately
Nerve and spinal blocks 2 weeks with an average daily dose, at least two
In transitional zone pain, anaesthetic blocks are different antidepressants from the same nor-
employed diagnostically and repeatedly as a adrenergic group should be tried.
therapeutic option. Spinal blocks have been
employed for all SCI pains and usually provide, as
expected, temporary and frequently only a partial Antiepileptics and membrane
relief of pain (Loubser and Donovan 1991). stabilizers
Intrathecal baclofen is very useful in alleviating
Second-line therapy includes antiepileptics and
spasms. However, it has only at best a mixed effect
membrane-stabilizing drugs. Carbamazepine is
on pain. Diagnostic anaesthetic blocks are of no
probably most effective (Sanford et al 1992). The
prognostic value as further deafferentation is not a
dosage is often above antiseizure recommendations.
desired goal. Although there has been debate
The blood level is irrelevant, unless there is an issue
regarding sympathetic system dysfunction or its
of non-compliance. Side effects are dose limiting
preservation as a pain ascending system, this has
and blood work-up is standard. Recently, a negative
never been proven and sympathetic blocks are not
study on the effect of valproate on SCI pain was
routinely required. Nevertheless, some patients
reported (Drewes et al 1994). There are a number of
receive a significant temporary decrease of evoked
relatively new medications, such as gabapentine
pains with local, regional, and sympathetic blocks.
and lamotrigine, that have not undergone either
rigorous double-blind studies or simply a test of
time. Because of a relatively low side-effect profile,
Management of spinal cord however, and some promising trials in neurogenic
injury pains pains, they may be tried possibly in conjunction
with other drugs. Mexiletine was tried in CPS;
General guidelines however, it was not beneficial in SCI (Chiou-Tan
The treatment of CPS follows the general rules of a et al 1996).
stepwise conservative approach (Fenollosa et al
1993, Gonzales 1994). Antidepressants with antinor-
adrenergic properties are first-line therapy, usually
followed by membrane-stabilizing drugs and Low-dose narcotics are useful in SCI as they are
anticonvulsants. Narcotics should be used as effective in nociceptive pains. They are, however,
adjuvants, especially at the peaks of pain or periods not effective in neurogenic pains (Arner and
of increased intensity of pain. Stimulation techniques Meyerson 1988), especially CDS. High doses are
may follow, from simple non-invasive ones, such as limited because of side effects (Portenoy et al 1990).
TENS, to trials with spinal cord stimulation and Narcotics should be used as adjuvants, especially at
possibly deep brain stimulation in very selected the peaks of pain or periods of increased intensity
334 cases. Experimental drugs and experimental drug of pain, in addition to antidepressants and anti-
epileptics. Combinations with NSAIDs are useful warranted, probably in that order. There are
Spinal cord injury
for short courses, but the long-term use of NSAIDs anecdotal reports of the usefulness of intravenous
may cause gastric disturbances or be renally toxic lidocaine (lignocaine), deep brain stimulation, or
and therefore should be avoided. Sometimes even deafferentation. Syringomyelia pain resembles
intrathecal opioids can be a viable option pain of CDS; therefore treatment should be similar
(Winkelmuller and Winkelmuller 1996). to that for both CDS and CPS. However, surgical
intervention is almost always necessary, including
drainage and shunting of the cyst (Vernon et al
GABA agonists 1983).
GABA-A agonists have been used for a long time. In some DLS patients, our own anecdotal reports
Valium has both antispastic and analgesic effects; demonstrate the efficacy of spinal cord stimulation
however, it is a non-specific sedative that impairs below the level of the lesion, as well as TENS or a
cognitive function and tolerance usually develops. combination of spinal blocks and analgesics (Berić
GABA-B agonists, such as baclofen, in oral prepa- 1990, Berić et al 1992).
rations are not effective for pain relief. Intrathecally Musculoskeletal pain syndromes usually
administered in SCI patients, GABA-B agonists respond well to analgesics, local blocks, and trigger
may occasionally have an analgesic effect (Herman injections. The most effective treatment includes
et al 1992, Mertens et al 1995, Loubser and Akman adjustment of activity level and use of certain muscle
1996). It is, however, unclear whether they affect groups, as well as appropriate PT. Pain caused by
CPS or other neurogenic, spastic, and musculo- spasms responds excellently to muscle relaxants,
skeletal pains in these patients, as they all can baclofen in particular, especially to intrathecal
coexist. baclofen infusion (Loubser and Akman 1996).
Psychological interventions should also be
employed (Umlauf 1992), as there are substantial
Other medications psychosocial implications of pain and disability in
SCI patients (Richards et al 1980, Lundquist et al
There is a potential beneficial effect of N-methyl-D- 1991, Summers et al 1991, Mariano 1992, Stormer
aspartate (NMDA) antagonists, although ketamine et al 1997). In general, destructive chemical and
is limited by its adverse effects and only used for surgical procedures should be avoided as they
research trials (Eide et al 1995). Clonidine, neuro- further alter pre-existing abnormal function of the
leptics, and even naloxone are sometimes tried nervous system and broaden the gap between normal
(Middleton et al 1996). and abnormal nervous system function. Although
some of these procedures may temporarily alleviate
Stimulation techniques pain, in the long term they are detrimental.
Furthermore, they may create conditions in these
In some cases, stimulation techniques may also be patients that disqualify them for procedures
useful such as low- and high-frequency TENS, and developed in the future.
spinal cord and deep brain stimulation (Davis and
Lentini 1975, Richardson et al 1980, Richardson References
1995, Simpson 1999, and see Chap. 20).
Aisen PS, Aisen ML 1994 Shoulder–hand syndrome in cervical
spinal cord injury. Paraplegia 32: 588–592
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Pain syndrome-specific treatments neuropathic and idiopathic forms of pain. Pain 33: 11–23
Berić A 1990 Altered sensation and pain in spinal cord injury. In:
Opiates alone or in combination with other Dimitrijevic MR, Wall PD, Lindblom U (eds) Recent
analgesics and antidepressants are helpful in most achievements in restorative neurology, vol 3: altered sensation
of the transitional zone pains, with adjunctive use and pain. Karger, Basel, pp 27–36
of intercostal and peripheral blocks. For conus Berić A 1997a Post-spinal cord injury pain states. Anesthesiology
Clinics of North America 15: 445–463
medullaris and CE injuries, in addition to previously
Berić A 1997b Post-spinal cord injury pain states. Pain 72: 295–298
mentioned measures for transitional zone pain, Berić A 1998 Central pain and dysesthesia syndrome. Neurology
DREZ surgery may be effective. It may, however, Clinics of North America 16: 899–918
move the neurological levels for a few segments Berić A, Dimitrijevic MR, Light JK 1987 A clinical syndrome of
proximally with a consequent increase in disability. rostral and caudal spinal injury: neurologic, neurophysiologic
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oral congeners of local anaesthetics are always syndrome in spinal cord injury patients. Pain 34: 109–116 335
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Antipyretic analgesics
Kay Brune and Hanns Ulrich Zeilhofer

review see McCormack and Brune 1991, Brune and

Introduction McCormack 1994). For example, salicylic acid and
Fever was the cardinal symptom of disease in paracetamol (acetaminophen) produce no inhibition
Hippocratic medicine. It was assumed to result of prostaglandin production in inflamed tissue at
from an imbalance of body fluids. Therefore it was therapeutic concentrations.
the aim of Hippocratic medicine to correct the
balances of fluids by either bloodletting, purging,
sweating, or applying drugs to normalize body The mode of action
temperature. The leading compound for that Biodistribution of antipyretic
purpose in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
was quinine. The emerging drug industry con-
analgesics—desired effects
centrated on producing substances with similar The discovery of the inhibition of prostaglandin
antipyretic activity. These efforts led to the three synthesis left the question unresolved as to why
prototypes of antipyretic non-narcotic analgesics: aspirin and its pharmacological relatives, the (acidic)
acetanilide (paracetamol, acetaminophen), antipyrine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs,
and salicylic acid. They are still in use and see Table 22.1), exert anti-inflammatory and analgesic
consumed in millions of daily doses (for details see effects while the non-acidic drugs, phenazone and
Brune 1997). acetaminophen, are analgesic only (Graf et al 1975).
For more than a hundred years little was known All acidic anti-inflammatory analgesics are highly
about the mode of action of these compounds. bound to plasma proteins and show a similar
Accumulating experimental and clinical findings degree of acidity (pKa values between 3.5 and 5.5).
within the past thirty years have now led to a Due to high protein binding and an open endo-
coherent pharmacological picture, explaining most thelial layer of the vasculature they achieve high
of the desired effects and also most of the side concentrations in the liver, spleen, and bone
effects of these analgesics. Most effects are related marrow (Fig. 22.1), but also in body compartments
to the blockade of prostaglandin production (Vane with an acidic extracellular environment (Brune
1971). However, this simple monocausal explana- et al 1976), i.e., inflamed tissue, the wall of the
tion cannot reconcile all experimental findings (for upper GI tract, and the collecting ducts of the 341
Table 22.1 Acidic antipyretic analgesics (anti-inflammatory antipyretic analgesics, NSAIDs): chemical classes, structures, physico-chemical and pharmacological data,
therapeutic dosage
pKa (binding to tmaxa time to peak t1/2b elimination Oral bioavailability Single dose (range)
Chemical/pharmacokinetic Structure (prototype) plasma proteins) plasma concentration half-life (%) daily dose (max)
subclasses Lipophil Hydrophil

a) Low potency/fast elimination: COO–

Salicylates: O aspirin
Aspirina 3.5 (>80%) ~0.25 hc ~20 minc 20–70% (0.05–0.1 g) ~6 gb
Salicylic acid CH3 2.9 (>90%) (0.5–2 h)d 2.5–7 he 80–100% (0.5–1 g) 6 g
Therapeutic approaches

Arylpropionic acids: H3C Ibuprofen
Ibuprofen CH3 4.4 (99%) 0.5–2 h 2–4 h 80–100% (0.2–0.4) 3.2 g
Anthranilic acids: CH COO–
Mefenamic acid 4.2 (>90%) 2–4 h 1–2 h (0.25–0.5) 1.25 g
O ketoprofen
b) High potency/fast elimination:
Arylpropionic acids: H
Flurbiprofen didofenac
Ketoprofen CI 4.2 (99%) 0.5–2 h 1.1–4 h ~90% (15–100 mg) 300 mg
Arylacetic acids:
O– O
Diclofenac 4 (99%) 0.5–24 hf 1–2 h 30–80%e (25–75 mg) 200 mg
Indomethacin N N 4.5 (99%) 0.5–2 h 2.6–(1.2) hg 90–100% (25–75 mg) 200 mg
Ketorolac S CH3
O O lornoxicam
Lornoxicam CH3 4.9 (99%) 0.5–2 h 4–10 h ~100% (4–12 mg) 16 mg
c) Intermediate potency/
intermediate elimination speed: H3C O naproxen

Salicylates: CH2 COO–

Diflunisal 6MNA 3.8 (98–99%) 2–3 h 8–12 h 80–100% (250–500 mg) 1 g
H3C O (from nabumetone)
Arylpropionic acids:
Naproxen 4.15 (99%) 2–4 h 13–15 hg ~95% (0.5–1 g) 2 g
Arylacetic acids: H N
6 MNA (from Nabumetone)3 O2S N 4.2 3–6 h 20–24 h 20–50 h (0.5–1 g) 1.5 g
d) High potency/slow elimination CH3 O CH3
Meloxicam O– 5.1 (>99%) 3–5 h 14–160 hg ~100% (20–40 mg)
Piroxicam H initially: 40 mg
Tenoxicam 5.0 (>99%) 3–5 h 25–175 hg ~100% (20-40 mg)
initially: 40 mg
Time to reach maximum plasma concentration after oral administration.
Terminal half-life of elimination.
Of aspirin the prodrug of salicylic acid.
Depending on galenic formulation.
Dose dependent.
Monolithic acid resistant tablet or similar form.
EHC, enterohepatic circulation.
Most data from Herzfeld and Kümmel (1983), Verbeck et al. (1983), Brune and Lanz (1985).
Antipyretic analgesics

lead to an almost complete inhibition of local cyclo-

oxygenases. These observations and contentions
explained the fact that only the acidic, antipyretic
analgesics (NSAIDs) are anti-inflammatory and
cause acute side effects in the GI tract (ulcerations),
blood stream (inhibition of platelet aggregation),
and the kidney (fluid and potassium retention),
while the non-acidic drugs, e.g., phenazone (Table
22.2), should be devoid of both the anti-
inflammatory activity and the gastric and the
(acute) renal toxicity. Chronic inflammation of the
upper respiratory tract as in asthma may lead to
accumulation of NSAIDs in the mucosa. So-called
‘aspirin asthma’ in asthmatics comprises a well-
defined risk (Hoigné and Szczeklik 1992).

Different cyclooxygenases
In 1991, molecular biologists discovered that two
different genes code for cyclooxygenases (COX1
and COX2, Fig. 22.2). They were cloned, sequenced,
expressed, and characterized (Kujubu et al 1991,
O’Banion et al 1991). Selective inhibitors of either
enzyme became available recently (Masferrer et al
1994, Patrignani et al 1994, Riendeau et al 1997,
Tegeder et al 1999). The enzymes form a hydrophobic
groove or channel opening through the membrane.
The substrate (arachidonic acid) or an inhibitor
inserts into this groove. Interestingly, the COX2
protein displays a slightly roomier channel than
COX1, which makes a selective inhibition of COX2
Fig. 22.1 Schematic representation of the distribution of
acidic antipyretic analgesics in the human body
possible (Kurumball et al 1996).
(transposition of the data from animal experiments to Both enzymes are differentially distributed
human conditions). Dark areas indicate high throughout the body, regulated differently, and
concentrations of the acidic antipyretic analgesics, i.e., probably also serve different functions in health
stomach and upper GI tract wall, blood, liver, bone
and disease (Vane 1994, Lipsky 1997). Summarizing
marrow, and spleen (not shown) inflamed tissue (e.g.,
joints) as well as the kidney (cortex > medulla). Some these observations one may conclude that COX1
acidic antipyretic analgesics are excreted in part is constitutively present in most tissues. It appears
unchanged in urine and achieve high concentration in to produce constant amounts of eicosanoids
this body fluid; others encounter enterohepatic (prostaglandins and related substances), maintaining
circulation and are found in high concentrations as
conjugates in the bile.
physiological homeostasis in many organs, e.g., the
stomach, lung, kidney, and others. COX2 is expressed
in macrophages and other cells of inflamed tissue
kidneys. By contrast (Fig. 22.1), acetaminophen and (Harris et al 1994, Seibert et al 1994, Beiche et al
phenazone, compounds with neutral pKa values 1996). The expression of this enzyme is suppressed
and scarcely bound to plasma proteins, distribute by glucocorticoids (Masferrer et al 1992, Yamagata
almost homogeneously throughout the body (Brune et al 1993). In some organs, COX2 appears to be
et al 1980). expressed constitutively, e.g., in the central nervous
system (Marcheselli and Bazan 1996, Maihöfner
Biodistribution of antipyretic et al 2001) and the urogenital tract (Brater et al
2001). In other organs (e.g., the female genital tract)
analgesics—side effects the activity of both COX1 and COX2 appears to be
Unequal drug distribution with accumulation in regulated by sex-steroids. From those results the
selective body compartments (NSAIDs) should concept arose that a selective inhibition of COX2 343

Therapeutic approaches
Table 22.2 Nonacidic antipyretic analgesics: chemical classes, structures, pharmacokinetic data, therapeutic dosage

Chemical/pharmacological Structure Fraction bound to tmaxa t1/2b Oral bioavailability Daily dose (single
class monosubstance plasma proteins dose) in adults
Aniline derivative
Paracetamol 5–50% 0.5–1.5 h 1.5–2.5 h 70–100% 1–6 g
(acetaminophen) paracetamol dose dependent (0.5–1 g)
Phenazon derivatives (Pyrazolinonec) H3C
Phenazone <10% 0.5–2 h 5–24 h ~100% 1–6 g (0.5–2 g)
(antipyrine) N
(isopropylantipyrine) phenazone ~10% 0.5–1.5 h 1–2.5 h ~100% 1–6 g (0.5–1 g)
H3C N CH2 SO3–
(dipyrone-Na)d <20% — — — 1–6 g (0.5–2 g)
4-MAPe H3C N
CH3 ~50% 1–2 h 2–4 h ~100% —
4-APf ~50% 4–5.5 h —
(active metabolites) dipyrone

g O O
Selective COX-inhibitors
Celecoxib H 2N
>90% 2–4 h 9–15 h ~100% (40–200 mg)
(Celebrex) N CF3 400 mg

H3C celecoxib
Rofecoxib S ~90% 2–4 h ~12 h ~100% (12.5–25 mg)
(Vioxx) O 50 mg


Time to reach maximum plasma concentration after oral administration.
Terminal half-life of elimination, dependent on liver function with phenazone.
Terms like pyrazole and, incorrectly, pyrazolone are also in use.
4-MAP, 4-methylaminophenazone.
4-AP, 4-aminophenazone.
Other antipyretic analgesics (exception: acetaminophen) block both COXs at therapeutic concentrations.
Antipyretic analgesics

stimulus Tissue damage

+ -
Interleukins Glucosteroids

Constitutively expressed enzyme Inducible enzyme

Classical Selective
NSAIDs inhibitors
Platelets, stomach, Macrophages, synoviocytes
intestine, kidney (cells in the urogenital tract and in the CNS)

Normal cell functions Inflammation

’house keeping functions‘ regulation of electrolyte balance
and fertility

Fig. 22.2 Simplified description of the physiological and pathophysiological roles of COX1 and COX2. COX1 is expressed
constitutively in most tissues and fulfils housekeeping functions by producing prostaglandins. COX2 is an inducible
isoenzyme, which becomes expressed in inflammatory cells (e.g., macrophages and synoviocytes) after exposure to pro-
inflammatory cytokines, and is down-regulated by glucocorticoids. In the kidney (macula densa) and other areas of the
urogenital tract and in the CNS COX2 is already significantly expressed even in the absence of inflammation. The
induction beyond baseline levels of COX2 in the peripheral nervous system and in the spinal cord appears to be most
prominent in connection with inflammatory painful reactions. Both enzymes are blocked by classical acidic antipyretic
analgesics (NSAIDs).

may be sufficient to achieve analgesic/anti-inflam- have less gastrointestinal toxicity, but impair renal
matory effects but would spare the GI tract and function.
most organ systems.

Prostaglandins in the generation

Animals lacking cyclooxygenases of hyperalgesia
Following the discovery of the COX genes, mice The antinociceptive (analgesic) action of antipyretic
that were deficient in either enzyme (COX1 or analgesics is due to inhibition of the production of
COX2), so-called knockout mice, were generated. It prostaglandins at the site of inflammation and in
was also possible to create double knockout cells the CNS. It has been believed for many years that
(the corresponding animals did not survive outside inhibition at the site of an inflammation was the
the uterus): COX1 knockout mice show no major main mechanism. Prostaglandins sensitize certain
functional deficits. They show nociceptive reflexes primary afferent nerve fibres, so-called silent
and fever as well as inflammation. Interestingly, nociceptors, thereby causing primary hyperalgesia.
they get ulcers when treated with NSAIDs Established molecular targets of prostaglandins in
(Langenbach et al 1995). COX2 knockout mice are this process include, e.g., tetrodotoxin-resistant Na+
born with renal impairment; many die after birth channels.
due to an open ductus arteriosus Botalli (Lim et al Recently, it became apparent that prostaglandins
1997). Their nociceptive reflexes are impaired and produced in the spinal cord dorsal horn in response
they do not develop fever (Dinchuck et al 1995, to peripheral inflammation contribute to the
Morham et al 1995, Morham, personal communi- generation of so-called secondary hyperalgesia and
cation, 1998). Inflammatory responses are possible. allodynia. The underlying molecular mechanisms
The possibility of blocking COX2 specifically has include a direct activation of deep dorsal horn
led to new drugs, which are currently in wide neurons (Baba et al 2001) and a reduction in inhibi-
clinical use (see Table 22.2). They have definitely tory glycinergic neurotransmission in the superficial
been shown to exert analgesic effects (Lane 1997), layers of the dorsal horn (Ahmadi et al 2002). 345
Therapeutic approaches

Acidic antipyretic analgesics in chronic rheumatic diseases (high doses). At high

doses the toxicity increases (Kaufman et al 1993).
clinical use Ibuprofen is also used as a pure S-enantiomer. This
Aspirin at high doses (> 3 g/day) inhibits fever and enantiomer is a (direct) COX-inhibitor. The R-
pain, but also inflammation, i.e., swelling, redness, enantiomer, comprising 50% of the usual racemic
and warming. Within the past forty years many mixture, is converted to the S-enantiomer in the
compounds with similar activity have been human body (Rudy et al 1991). It has not been
discovered (Table 22.1). proven whether the use of the pure S-enantiomer
All these successors differ in two characteristics: offers any benefit (Mayer and Testa 1997). Other
the first is their potency, which ranges between a drugs of this group are salicylates and fenamates.
few milligrams (lornoxicam) and about 0.8 g (e.g., The latter do not offer advantages. Salicylates and
ibuprofen) as a single dose. The second is their fenamates are more toxic than ibuprofen at
pharmacokinetic characteristics, i.e., the speed of overdosage (CNS).
absorption (time to peak, tmax, which is influenced
by the galenic formulation), the maximal plasma
concentrations (cmax), the elimination halflife (t1/2), NSAIDS with high potency and short
and the oral bioavailability (AUCrel). Interestingly, elimination half-life
all these widely used drugs lack a relevant degree The drugs of group (b) are standard in the therapy
of COX2-selectivity, in other words, an inhibiton of of rheumatic (arthrotic) pain. The most widely used
COX2 at concentrations (doses) that do not block compound is diclofenac, which is less active on
COX1. The key characteristics of the most important COX1 than on COX2 (Tegeder et al 1999). This is
NSAIDs are compiled in Table 22.1. taken as a reason for the low incidence of gastro-
This table also contains data on aspirin, which intestinal side effects (Henry et al 1996). The
differs in many respects from the other NSAIDs. limitations of diclofenac result from the usual galenic
Otherwise the drugs can be categorized into four formulation consisting of a monolythic acid-resistant
different groups: encapsulation. This may cause retarded absorption
a. NSAIDs with low potency and short of the active ingredient, due to retention of the tablet
elimination halflife in the stomach (Brune and Lanz 1985). Moreover,
b. NSAIDs with high potency and short diclofenac encounters first-pass metabolism, which
elimination halflife limits oral bioavailability (about 50%). The lack of
c. NSAIDs with intermediate potency and therapeutic effects may require adaptation of
elimination halflife dosage or change of the drug. The higher incidents
d. NSAIDs with high potency and long of liver toxicity with diclofenac may result from
elimination halflife. first-pass metabolization. Group (b) contains
important drugs such as flubiprofen, indometacin,
These differences have some bearing on the and ketoprofen. All of them show high oral bio-
optimal clinical use (see Table 22.3). availability and good effectiveness but also unwanted
drug effects (see Henry et al 1996).

NSAIDs with low potency and short

elimination half-life NSAIDs with intermediate potency
and intermediate elimination half-life
The prototype of a type (a) compound is ibuprofen.
Depending on the galenic formulation, fast (salt) or The third group (c) is intermediate in potency and
slow absorption (encapsulated) may be achieved speed of elimination. Some forms of migraine and
(Laska et al 1986, Geisslinger et al 1993). The bio- menstrual cramps appear as adequate indications
availability of ibuprofen is complete; the elimination for diflunisal and, a drug that has been better
is always fast even in patients with severe investigated, naproxen.
impairment of the liver or kidney function (Brune
and Lanz 1985). Ibuprofen is used in single doses NSAIDs with high potency and
between 200 mg and 0.8 g. A maximum dose of
3.2 g per day (United States) or 2.4 g (Europe) for
intermediate elimination half-life
rheumatoid arthritis is possible. Ibuprofen (at low The fourth group (d) consists of the oxicams
doses) appears particularly useful for treatment of (meloxicam, piroxicam, and tenoxicam). These
346 acute inflammatory pain. It may also be used in compounds owe their slow elimination to slow
Table 22.3 Indications for antipyretic analgesics
Antipyretic analgesics
Acidic antipyretic analgesics (antiinflammatory antipyretic analgesics, NSAIDs)a

Acute and chronic pain, produced by High dose Middle dose Low dose
inflammation of different etiology:

Arthritis: chronic polyarthritis

(rheumatoid arthritis ankylosing Diclofenac, indometacin Diclofenac, indometacin, No
spondylitis (Morbus Bechterew) ibuprofen, ibuprofen, piroxicam
acute gout (gout attack) piroxicam (phenylbutazone)b

Cancer pain (e.g., bone metastasis) (Indometacinc) (Indometacinc) Acetylsalicylic acidd,

diclofenacc, diclofenacc, ibuprofenc
ibuprofenc, piroxicamc ibuprofenc, piroxicamc

Active arthrosis (acute pain-

inflammatory analgesics are often No Diclofenac, indomethacin, Ibuprofen, ketoprofen
prescribed but of limited value) ibuprofen
Posttraumatic pain, swelling No (Indomethacin) diclofenac, Acetylsalicylic acid,
ibuprofen ibuprofenc

Postoperative pain, swelling No (Indometacin) diclofenac, Ibuprofen


Non-acidic antipyretic analgesics

Acute pain and fever Pyrazolinones (High dose) Pyrazolinones (Low dose) Anilines (High dose is toxic)

Spastic pain (colics) Yes Yes No

Conditions associated with high fever Yes Yes No

Cancer pain Yes Yes Yes

Headache, migraine No Yes Yesf

General disturbances associated No Yese Yes

with viral infections
Dosage range of NSAIDs and example of monosubstances (but note dosage prescribed for each agent).
Indicated only in gout attacks.
Compare the sequence staged scheme of WHO for cancer pain.
Blood coagulation and renal function must be normal.
If other analgesics and antipyretics are contraindicated,e .g., gastroduodenal ulcer, blood coagulation disturbances, asthma.
In particular patients.

metabolization together with a high degree of acid, which is released before, during, and after
enterohepatic circulation (Brune and Lanz 1985, absorption, and salicylic acid. Acetylsalicylic acid is
Schmid et al 1995). The long half-life (days) does about a hundred times more potent as an inhibitor
not make these oxicam drugs of first choice for of cyclooxygenases than salicylic acid, which is
acute pain of (probably) short duration. Their main devoid of this effect at analgesic doses. The acetate
indication is inflammatory pain likely to persist for released from aspirin acetylates a serine residue in
days, i.e., pain resulting from chronic polyarthritis the active centre(s) of COX1 and -2. Consequently,
or even cancer (bone metastases). The high potency aspirin inactivates both cyclooxygenases perma-
and long persistence in the body may be the reason nently. Most cells compensate for the enzyme
for the higher incidence of serious adverse effects in inactivation by the production of a new enzyme
the gastrointestinal tract and the kidney (see Henry with the exception of platelets. A single dose of
et al 1996). aspirin blocks the platelet COX1 and thromboxane
synthesis for many days. When low doses are
applied, aspirin acetylates the COX1 of platelets
Compounds of special interest passing through the capillary bed of the gastro-
A few compounds deserve special discussion. intestinal tract but not the cyclooxygenase of
Aspirin actually comprises two compounds: acetic endothelial cells (prostacyclin synthetase) outside 347
Therapeutic approaches

the abdomen. This is due to the rapid cleavage of from COX2 knockout mice, which do not develop
aspirin leaving little if any unmetabolized aspirin fever (Morham, personal communication). Induction
after primary liver passage. Low-dose aspirin has of fever is clearly blocked by acetaminophen in
its only indication in the prevention of thrombotic several species. The major advantage of acetamino-
and embolic events. It may cause bleeding from phen consists in its relative lack of (serious) side
existing ulcers and topical irritation of the gastro- effects provided that the dose limits (approximately
intestinal mucosa. Aspirin may have to be added to 1 g/10 kg body weight per day) are obeyed; yet
COX2 selective inhibitors when given to patients at serious liver toxicity was observed with lower doses
cardiovascular risk (see Silverstein et al 2000). in a few cases (Bridger et al 1998). Acetaminophen
Aspirin may be used as solution (effervescent) is metabolized to highly toxic nucleophilic benzo-
or as salt for very fast absorption, distribution, and quinones, which bind covalently to DNA and
pain relief. The inevitable irritation of the gastric structural proteins in parenchymal cells in the liver
mucosa may be acceptable in otherwise healthy and kidney, where these reactive intermediates are
patients. The old claim that aspirin is less toxic than produced (for review see Seeff et al 1986). The
salicylic acid to the GI tract is not based on scientific consequence often is fatal liver necrosis. At early
evidence. Aspirin should not be used in pregnant detection overdosage can be remedied by admin-
women (bleeding, closure of ductus arteriosus) or istration of N-acetylcysteine or glutathion (Fig. 22.3).
children before puberty (Reye’s syndrome). The predominant indication of paracetamol is
It has been claimed that nabumeton, etodolac, fever and mild forms of pain, e.g., caused by viral
and meloxicam are particularly well tolerated by infections. Many patients with recurrent headache
the GI tract because they inhibit predominantly also benefit from acetaminophen and its low
COX2. These results are not generally accepted. The toxicity. Acetaminophen is also used in children.
active metabolite of nabumeton shows no selectivity Lethal overdosage is not uncommon.
for COX2, and the selectivity of etodolac and Acetaminophen is often used in combination
meloxicam is not superior to that of diclofenac, with aspirin and caffeine (Laska et al 1984). To what
when tested ex vivo in humans (Patrignani et al extent this combination is more potent in causing
1994, Riendeau et al 1997). so-called analgesic nephropathy is unclear (Porter
Two COX2 selective inhibitors are listed in Table 1996). Such combinations are more frequently
22.2. Their pharmacokinetic characteristics (slow abused than single-entity analgesics. The reasons
absorption, slow elimination) make them poor appear uncertain (Elseviers and DeBroe 1996).
candidates for acute pain of short duration. They Acetanilide and phenacetine, the precursors of
have, however, both been shown to work in acetaminophen, have been banned because of their
osteoarthritis pain (Lane 1997). As in all non acidic high toxicity. Acetaminophen should not be given
compounds, but also in line with the COX2 concept, to patients with seriously impaired liver function.
these compounds are comparable to placebo with
respect to GI toxicity. They interfere with water and
salt excretion by the kidneys as standard drugs do.
In addition, theoretical considerations and experi-
Phenazone and its derivatives
mental (Fitzgerald et al 2000) and clinical evidence Following the discovery of phenazone 120 years ago
(Bombardier et al 2000) suggests that these com- the drug industry has tried to improve this compound
pounds may increase the risk of cardiovascular in three aspects. It was chemically modified to
events (CI) in patients at risk. obtain: (a) a more potent compound, (b) a water-
soluble derivative to be given parenterally, and (c)
to find a compound that is eliminated faster and
Non-acidic antipyretic analgesics more reliably than phenazone. The best known results
of these attempts are aminophenazone, dipyrone,
Aniline derivatives and propyphenazone (Table 22.3). Aminophenazone
The most widely used drug of this group, aceta- is not in use anymore. The other two compounds
minophen, was discovered at the same time as differ from phenazone in their potency and
aspirin. The pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic elimination half-life (Levy et al 1995), their water
data are compiled in Table 22.2. Acetaminophen is solubility (dipyrone is a water soluble prodrug of
a very weak possibly indirect inhibitor of cyclooxy- methylaminophenazone), and their general toxicity
genases. Evidence that acetaminophen, which is (propyphenazone and dipyrone do not produce
clearly antipyretic and (weakly) analgesic, is indeed nitrosamines in the acidic environment of the
348 working through cyclooxygenase inhibition comes stomach).
Antipyretic analgesics

Strongly cytotoxic
(reacts with
Cytochrome macromolecules)
Paracetamol N-Acetyl-p-benzochinonimine

Excretion as HN C CH3
glucuronide or sulfate O



Fig. 22.3 Schematic diagram of the metabolism of paracetamol (acetaminophen). At therapeutic doses most of the
paracetamol (acetaminophen) is metabolized in the liver in a phase II reaction and excreted as glucuronide or sulfate. At
higher doses the responsible enzymes become saturated and paracetamol is metabolized in the liver via a P450-
dependent mechanism, which leads to the formation of N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine, a highly cell toxic metabolite.
This metabolite can initially be detoxified via a glutathion-dependent step to paracetamolmercapturate. At doses
beyond 100 mg/kg glutathion become exhausted and N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine now reacts with macromolecules in
hepatocytes, leading to cell death and acute liver failure.

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Psychotropic drugs
Richard Monks and Harold Merskey

Introduction an increased incidence of familial affective disorders,

biological markers of depression, and response to
The aim of this chapter is to describe the clinical use TCAD. In clinical trials with adequate data, the vast
of various psychotropic drugs in the treatment of majority of patients with coexisting chronic pain
pain states, especially those of chronic duration. In and depression obtained relief from both disorders
this chapter the rationale and indications for use, when responding to MAOI or TCAD.
effectiveness, and adverse effects of antidepressants, There is also evidence to suggest the existence of
neuroleptics, lithium carbonate, and antianxiety an analgesic action of TCAD and MAOI that is not
drugs will be discussed. mediated by any measurable antidepressant action.
The onset of analgesia with TCAD in chronic pain
states is more rapid than the usual onset of an
antidepressant effect in some clinically depressed
Rationale for treatment patients (3–7 days vs 14–21 days). Moreover, chronic
pain relief with TCAD, SSRI, and MAOI has been
reported despite a lack of antidepressant response.
A number of different but related mechanisms have Similar improvements have been obtained in
been suggested to explain the presumed efficacy of patients without detectable depression.
tricyclic and heterocyclic antidepressants (TCAD), It has been suggested that both the analgesic and
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), antidepressant action of TCAD, SSRI, SNRI, and
serotonin-adrenaline (-epinephrine) reuptake MAOI are caused by their action on central neuro-
inhibitors (SNRI), and monoamine oxidase inhibitors transmitter functions including the catecholamine
(MAOI) in pain conditions (Monks and Merskey and indolamine systems, substance P, thyrotropin-
1999). releasing hormone-like peptides, and gamma
Analgesic effects of these drugs may result from amino-butyric acid (GABA). Drug trials comparing
their antidepressant action. A substantial minority various TCAD used for patients with chronic pain
of chronic pain patients are clinically depressed and, tend to favour more serotonergic drugs. A recent
compared with non-depressed pain controls, show meta-analysis of 39 placebo-controlled studies of
Therapeutic approaches

antidepressant analgesia in chronic pain found that Lithium carbonate

antidepressants with mixed serotonergic and
noradrenergic properties had a larger effect size Analgesic effects of lithium in cluster headache
than that of drugs with more specific properties occur in the absence of depression or anti-
when other patient disorders and study variables depressant effect and at lower serum levels than in
were eliminated (Onghena and Van Houdenhove bipolar affective disorders (Kudrow 1978). Lithium
1992). has complex acute and chronic effects on neuro-
The analgesic effect of the opiates, like TCAD transmission that may influence pain. It enhances
and MAOI, appears to be modulated by central serotonin availability in the brain, diminishes
biogenic amines. TCAD, SSRI, and MAOI may catecholamine neurone activity, alters central
enhance opiate analgesia. TCAD may also bind adrenergic, dopaminergic, GABA, and opiate
directly to opiate receptors. receptor binding, and inhibits central and peripheral
Analgesic properties of antidepressants also adenylate cyclase-mediated cyclic adenosine mono-
have been attributed to effects such as sedation, phosphate production, including that induced by
diminished anxiety, muscle relaxation and restored prostaglandin E.
sleep cycles, central or peripheral histamine receptor
blockade, inhibition of prostaglandin synthetase, Antianxiety drugs
calcium-channel blockade effect, and anti-
inflammatory effects. The benzodiazepines (BDZ) and buspirone, a non-
BDZ with D2 dopamine antagonist/agonist and 5-
HT1A receptor agonist properties, are reported to
Neuroleptics have antinociceptive properties. BDZ usually are
Neuroleptics commonly used for pain include given to pain sufferers in an attempt to diminish
the phenothiazines, thioxanthenes, and butyro- anxiety, excessive muscle tension, and insomnia
phenones (Monks and Merskey 1999). Of current thought to worsen acute and chronic pain states.
interest are atypical neuroleptics such as clozapine One benzodiazepine, alprazolam, has demonstrated
and risperidone. Mechanisms of action responsible antidepressant properties. Another, clonazepam,
for any analgesic effects of these drugs are may achieve analgesic effects by its anticonvulsant
unknown. The vast majority of clinical pain syn- properties. The stimulation of BDZ receptors affects
dromes relieved by neuroleptics are not delusional noradrenaline (norepinephrine), serotonin, dopamine,
in nature and do not occur in the presence of a and GABA neurotransmission. Possible long-term
psychotic disorder. BDZ administration effects on serotonin turnover
Neuroleptic drugs show a wide range of actions and BDZ receptor function are a concern (Monks
on neurotransmitter systems centrally and per- and Merskey 1999).
ipherally. Based on results from acute animal pain
studies, it has been suggested that neuroleptic
analgesia might be mediated by inhibition of
Indications for use
dopamine, noradrenaline (norepinephrine), serotonin, The use of psychotropic drugs is only one of the
or histamine neurotransmission. Neuroleptic/ adjunctive measures available in the comprehensive
opiate receptor interactions have also been cited to approach required for many pain problems,
explain neuroleptic analgesia effects, synergistic especially those of more chronic duration. A careful
action with narcotics and amelioration of narcotic evaluation of psychological and social factors
withdrawal. contributing to the pain complaint is necessary to
Sedation may explain single-dose analgesic prescribe these drugs rationally.
effects of more sedating neuroleptics. However, The antidepressants, neuroleptics, and benzo-
high-potency alerting neuroleptics diminish chronic diazepines are often used for the initial control of
pain. Anxiolytic properties of neuroleptics in target symptoms such as depression, anxiety,
chronic pain patients have been reported. abnormal muscle tension, insomnia and fatigue.
Combined neuroleptic–antidepressant regimens TCAD and occasionally neuroleptics are also used
might provide superior analgesic effectiveness for withdrawal/detoxication from narcotics, other
because neuroleptics inhibit TCAD degradation analgesics, minor tranquillizers, and alcohol
and enhance TCAD plasma levels. Similarly, carba- (Khatami et al 1979, Halpern 1982). Combinations
mazepine may augment TCAD levels in combined of TCAD and narcotics are used for some pain
antidepressant–anticonvulsant regimens. disorders refractory to either alone.
Psychotropic drugs

statistically and clinically superior to that obtained

Treatment indications for each
with placebo (Monks and Merskey 1999).
psychotropic group There were at least two adequately controlled
Antidepressants (TCAD, SSRI, SNRI, trials supporting the use of amitriptyline and
imipramine for chronic osteoarthritis and rheuma-
and MAOI)
toid arthritis (McDonald Scott 1969, Gingras 1976,
Depression Frank et al 1988, Rani et al 1996), amitriptyline for
A trial of antidepressants is usually indicated if the fibromyalgia (Goldenberg et al 1986, 1996),
patient with acute or chronic pain is clinically amitriptyline and imipramine for diabetic neuropathy
depressed. This is particularly so if the onset of (Turkington 1980; Kvinesdal et al 1984; Max et al
depression preceded or coincided with the onset of 1987; Sindrup et al 1989, 1990b; Vrethem et al 1997),
pain (Bradley 1963) or if there is a past history of amitriptyline for migraine (Gomersall and Stuart
favourable response of depression or pain to 1973, Couch et al 1976, Zeigler et al 1987), and
antidepressants. amitriptyline and mianserin for chronic tension
headaches (Lance and Curran 1964, Diamond and
Tricyclic-type antidepressants Baltes 1971, Martucci et al 1985, Loldrup et al 1989,
Chronic pain Table 23.1 lists trials of TCAD for Bendtsen et al 1996).
chronic pain. Pain of ‘psychological origin’ refers to
disorders in which structural damage was not
found and in which anxiety and depression were SSRI antidepressants
obvious and antedated or coincided with the onset Table 23.1 lists trials of SSRI antidepressants given
of atypical pain. ‘Mixed’ pain refers to various non- for chronic pain. Only 5 of 10 adequately controlled
neoplastic chronic pain disorders. Unfortunately, trials showed pain relief superior to placebo. No
most of the trials suffered from inadequacies of single SSRI drug had more than one trial supporting
various sorts. However, in 46 out of 48 adequately its use for a specific pain disorder (Monks and
controlled trials TCAD produced relief that was Merskey 1999).

Table 23.1 Chronic pain disorders treated with antidepressants

Disorder Total trials References (number of trials)

Tricyclic-type drugs

Arthritis 13 Kuipers 1962 (3), McDonald Scott 1969, Thorpe and Marchant-Williams
1974, Gingras 1976, MacNeill and Dick 1976, Ganvir et al 1980, Macfarlane
et al 1986, Frank et al 1988 (2), Puttini et al 1988, Rani et al 1996
Central poststroke 1 Leijon and Boivie 1989
Fibromyalgia 5 Carette et al 1986, Bibolotti et al 1986, Goldenberg et al 1986, Caruso
et al 1987, Goldenberg et al 1996
Low back pain 6 Kuipers 1962, Jenkins et al 1976, Alcoff et al 1982, Ward et al 1984 (2)
Migraine 9 Gomersall and Stuart 1973, Couch and Hassanein 1976, Couch et al 1976,
Noone 1977, Mørland et al 1979, Langohr et al 1985, Martucci et al 1985,
Monro et al 1985, Zeigler et al 1987
Mixed 15 Rafinesque 1963, Adjan 1970, Desproges-Gotteron et al 1970, Radebold
1971, Evans et al 1973, Kocher 1976, Duthie 1977, Pilowsky et al 1982,
Hameroff et al 1984, Zitman et al 1984, Edelbrock et al 1986, Sharav
et al 1987 (2), Nappi et al 1990, Pilowsky et al 1995
Mixed neurological 6 Paoli et al 1960, Laine et al 1962, Merskey and Hester 1972, Castaigne
et al 1979, Montastruc et al 1985, Ventafridda et al 1987
Myofascial dysfunction 2 Gessel 1975, Smoller 1984
Neoplastic 7 Hugues et al 1963, Parolin 1966, Fiorentino 1967, Gebhardt et al 1969,
Adjan 1970, Bernard and Scheuer 1972, Bourhis et al 1978
Neuralgia postherpetic 9 Woodforde et al 1965, Taub 1973, Hatangdi et al 1976, Carasso 1979 (2),
Watson et al 1982, Watson and Evans 1985, Max et al 1988, Kishore-Kumar
et al 1990
Neuralgia trigeminal 2 Carasso 1979 (2)
Neurological perineal 1 Magni et al 1982

Therapeutic approaches

Table 23.1 Chronic pain disorders treated with antidepressants (cont’d.)

Disorder Total trials References (number of trials) (cont’d)

Tricyclic-type drugs

Diabetic 16 Davis et al 1977, Gade et al 1980, Turkington 1980 (2), Mitas et al 1983,
Kvinesdal et al 1984, Max et al 1987, Sindrup et al 1989, Lynch et al
1990 (2), Sindrup et al 1990a (2), 1990b, Max et al 1991, Vrethem
et al 1997 (2)
Mononeuropathy 1 Langohr et al 1982
Postsurgical 1 Eija et al 1996
Painful shoulder syndrome 1 Tyber 1974
Phantom limb 1 Urban et al 1986
Psychological origin 13 Bradley 1963, Singh 1971 (2), Okasha et al 1973 (2), Ward et al 1979,
Lindsay and Wyckoff 1981, Feinmann et al 1984, Magni et al 1982,
Eberhard et al 1988 (2), Saran 1988, Valdes et al 1989
Tension headache 15 Lance and Curran 1964 (2), Diamond and Baltes 1971, Carasso 1979 (2),
Kudrow 1980, Sjaastad 1983, Fogelholm and Morros 1985, Martucci
et al 1985, Loldrup et al 1989 (2), Boline et al 1995, Bendtsen et al 1996,
Mitsikostas et al 1997, Cohen 1997

SSRI-type drugs

Arthritis 2 Frank et al 1988, Rani et al 1996

Fibromyalgia 2 Lynch et al 1990, Goldenberg et al 1996
Low back pain 1 Goodkin et al 1990
Migraine 3 Adly et al 1992, Saper et al 1994, Black and Sheline 1995
Mixed 3 Johansson and Von Knorring 1979, Gourlay et al 1986, Nappi et al 1990
Mixed neurological 2 Davidoff et al 1987, Ventafridda et al 1987

Diabetic 3 Khurana 1983, Theesen and Marsh 1989, Sindrup et al 1990b
Postherpetic 1 Watson and Evans 1985
Tension headache 3 Sjaastad 1983, Norregaard et al 1995, Bendtsen et al 1996

SNRI-type drugs

Low back pain 1 Songer and Schulte 1996

Migraine 1 Adelman et al 2000
Mixed neurological 2 Taylor and Rowbotham 1996, Sumpton and Moulin 2001
Tension headache 1 Adelman et al 2000

MAOI-type drugs

Chronic fatigue syndrome 1 Natelson et al 1996

Facial pain of psychological origin 2 Lascelles 1966 (2)
Fibromyalgia 1 Nicolodi and Sicuteri 1996
Migraine 2 Anthony and Lance 1969, Merikangas and Merikangas 1995
Psychological origin 3 Bradely 1963, Lindsay and Wyckoff 1981, Raskin 1982

SNRI antidepressants one in chronic fatigue syndrome (Natelson et al

Table 23.1 lists the trials of the SNRI-type anti- 1996) and one in facial pain of psychological origin
depressant venlafaxine given for chronic pain. (Lascelles 1966). In one non-placebo-controlled
Although a number of case studies have reported trial, MAOI drugs with 5-hydroxytryptophan
pain relief similar to that with TCAD no adequately proved superior to MAOI and to amitriptyline for
controlled trials were found. fibromyalgia (Nicolodi and Sicuteri 1996).

Monoamine oxidase inhibitor

MAOI drugs, usually phenelzine, have been found
to be successful in diminishing chronic pain in each Psychosis
of the trials listed in Table 23.1. Only two adequately Neuroleptics are indicated for those psychiatric
356 controlled trials were found, both with phenelzine, disorders associated with delusional or hallucinatory
Table 23.2 Disorders treated with neuroleptics
Psychotropic drugs
Disorder Total trials References (number of trials)

Acute pain

Mixed 1 Montilla et al 1963

Herpes zoster 3 Sigwald et al 1959 (2), Farber and Burks 1974
Postoperative 14 Jackson and Smith 1956 (3), Lasagna and DeKornfeld 1961 (3), Bronwell et al
1966, Stirman 1967, Taylor and Doku 1967, Fazio 1970, Minuck 1972 (2),
Judkins and Harmer 1982 (2)
Migraine 2 Iserson 1983, Shrestha et al 1996
Myocardial infarction 1 Davidson et al 1979

Chronic pain

Arthritis 1 Breivik and Slørdahl 1984

Migraine 1 Polliack 1979
Mixed 6 Sadove et al 1955, Bloomfield et al 1964, Kast 1966, Cavenar and Maltbie
1976, Kocher 1976, Langohr et al 1982
Mixed neurological 1 Merskey and Hester 1972
Myofascial dysfunction 1 Raft et al 1979
Neoplastic 10 Beaver et al 1966 (2), Maltbie and Cavenar 1977, Bourhis et al 1978, Schick
et al 1979 (2), Breivik and Rennemo 1982, Hanks et al 1983 (2), Landa
et al 1984
Neuralgia postherpetic 5 Sigwald et al 1959 (2), Nathan 1978 (2), Duke 1983
Neuropathy diabetic 2 Davis et al 1977, Mitas et al 1983
Radiation fibrosis 1 Daw and Cohen-Cole 1981
Tension headache (chronic) 2 Hakkarainen 1977, Hackett et al 1987
Thalamic pain 1 Margolis and Gianascol 1956

pain such as schizophrenia, delusional depressions, migraine headache (Shrestha et al 1996). In the
and monosymptomatic hypochondriacal psychosis remaining trial, premedication with haloperidol 5
(Munro and Chmara 1982). or 10 mg orally was no better than placebo (Judkins
and Harmer 1982).
Pain-associated problems
Overwhelming pain characterized by anxiety, Chronic pain
psychomotor agitation, and insomnia, which does In trials of neuroleptics for chronic pain (Table
not respond to benzodiazepines in acute pain or 23.2), the main indication was for patients with
TCAD in chronic pain, may be treated, at least on a recognizable organic lesions not treatable by more
short-term basis, by neuroleptics. In patients with conservative means. Because of their adverse
neoplastic pain, neuroleptics are useful in managing effects, neuroleptics should only be given after
nausea, vomiting, bladder or rectal tenesmus, and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, other
ureteral spasm. benign local measures, and regular non-narcotic
analgesics at fixed times have been tried. They may
Acute pain be used for thalamic or similar central pain that
In trials of neuroleptics given for acute pain (Table does not respond to antidepressants, carbamazepine,
23.2), the most common indication for use in the or clonazepam. They are often helpful in nerve
mixed and postoperative group was abdominal, lesions including causalgias, neuralgias, neuro-
dental, or postpartum pain. Only five of these pathies, traumatic avulsion of the brachial plexus,
trials were judged to be adequate. In two studies and some instances of back pain, particularly if
of acute postoperative pain (Taylor and Doku there is clear evidence of associated damage to
1967, Fazio 1970) and one of acute myocardial nerves or nerve roots.
infarction (Davidson et al 1979), levomepromazine Only five adequate controlled trials were
(methotrimeprazine) 10–20 mg intramuscularly (IM) found. Single doses of levomepromazine (metho-
gave analgesic results equivalent to meperidine trimeprazine) 15 mg were found to have analgesic
50 mg intramuscularly. In one study chlorpromazine properties equal to 8–15 mg of morphine in patients
25 mg intravenously (IV) was found to be as with mixed sources of chronic pain (Bloomfield et
markedly successful as ketorolac 60 mg IM in acute al 1964, Kast 1966) and in patients with chronic 357
Therapeutic approaches

pain of neoplastic origin (Beaver et al 1966). Lithium

Fluphenazine and flupentixol each at 1 mg orally
per day were both clinically and statistically Lithium alone has been reported to be useful in epi-
superior to placebo in the treatment of chronic sodic and chronic cluster headaches (Ekbom 1974,
tension headache in trials of 2 months and 6 weeks 1981; Kudrow 1977, 1978; Mathew 1978; Bussone et
respectively (Hakkarainen 1977, Hackett et al 1987). al 1979; Pearce 1980) and, when combined with
amitriptyline, in the treatment of painful shoulder
syndrome (Tyber 1974). Lithium alone or combined
Combined drug therapy with TCAD or with neuroleptics may be useful for
Antidepressant and anticonvulsant pain syndromes associated with bipolar affective
A combination of TCAD and an anticonvulsant disorders and some recurrent unipolar depressions.
may be useful for neuralgias resistant to either drug No controlled adequate trials of lithium therapy for
alone. Three clinical trials were found describing acute or chronic pain were found.
the successful treatment of chronic postherpetic
neuralgia with combinations of TCAD with Antianxiety drugs
carbamazepine or with diphenylhydantoin (Hatangdi
et al 1976, Gerson et al 1977) or with valproic acid Anxiety
(Raferty 1979). The benzodiazepines may be useful in the short-
term (4 weeks or less) management of anxiety,
Antidepressant and neuroleptic muscle spasm, and insomnia, which are frequently
A TCAD neuroleptic combination was used for associated with acute pain and which may occur
chronic pain in the trials listed in Table 23.3. during acute exacerbations of chronic pain disorders.
Combined therapy is usually indicated when either Non-drug psychological management techniques
drug group alone is indicated but has not proven for these pain-related problems should be tried first
efficacious and adverse effects are not a contra- where time and available resources permit.
indication. The best results seem to occur with
arthritic pain, treatment-resistant headaches, Acute pain
neoplastic pain, and a variety of neurological pain There is suggestive evidence that short-term BDZ
disorders such as causalgias, deafferentation use may diminish the acute pain associated with
syndromes, neuralgias, and neuropathies. myocardial infarction, anxiety-related gastrointestinal
Only two adequately controlled trials of TCAD– disorders, and acute and chronic intervertebral disc
neuroleptic treatment were found. A nortriptyline problems with skeletal muscle spasm. Only two
and fluphenazine combination was found to be adequately controlled trials were found. In the first,
clearly superior to placebo in decreasing pain and lorazepam was superior to placebo when added to
paraesthesias in patients with diabetic polyneuro- opioids for procedural pain in major burn injuries
pathy in one study (Gomez-Perez et al 1985), and but only for those persons with high baseline pain
equally efficacious and superior to placebo when and high-state anxiety (Patterson et al 1997). In the
compared to carbamazapine for diabetic poly- second, alprazolam was superior to progesterone
neuropathy pain (Gomez-Perez et al 1996). and to placebo in providing pain relief when used

Table 23.3 Disorders treated with antidepressant and neuroleptic combination

Disorder Total trials References

Head pain of psychological origin 1 Sherwin 1979

Mixed 3 Kocher 1976 (2), Duthie 1977

Mixed neurological 2 Merskey and Hester 1972, Langohr et al 1982

Neoplastic 3 Bernard and Scheuer 1972, Bourhis et al 1978, Breivik and

Rennemo 1982

Neuralgia postherpetic 3 Taub 1973, Langohr et al 1982, Weis et al 1982

Neuropathy diabetic 6 Davis et al 1977; Gade et al 1980; Khurana 1983; Mitas et al 1983;
Gomez-Perez et al 1985, 1996
cyclically in severe premenstrual syndrome (Freeman statistical difference between the groups despite a
Psychotropic drugs

et al 1995). trend favouring the CBT group at 6 month follow-

up (Pilowsky et al 1995).
Chronic pain In 59 of the 75 trials giving details, ≥50% of patients
Although it may be necessary to continue established obtained moderate to total pain relief. Analgesic
use of benzodiazepines for certain patients, initiation use was significantly diminished in those studies
of their use in chronic pain is seldom indicated. giving information. Dropout rates were <10%. Most
In two uncontrolled studies alprazolam was TCAD trials lasted 3 months or less. In two longer
found to be very effective in relieving causalgic but trials of TCAD for chronic non-neoplastic pain two-
not other types of neoplastic pain (Fernandez et al thirds of patients were still improving or pain free
1987), and clonazepam provided effective relief for at 9–16 months although one-third to one-half
more than 6 months in two patients with lancinating of patients still required the drug (Blumer and
phantom limb pain (Bartusch et al 1996). Clonazepam Heilbronn 1981, Feinmann et al 1984).
also has shown some promise in the treatment of A number of clinical and laboratory factors may
neuralgias (Swerdlow and Cundill 1981). predict TCAD analgesic effect in chronic pain
Only four of seven adequately controlled trials disorders. The presence of clinically important
showed BDZ to be superior to placebo (Lance and depression, a family history of depressive spectrum
Curran 1964, Okasha et al 1973, Hackett et al 1987, disorders, and an absence of previous analgesic use
Shukla et al 1996) for chronic tension headache or have been noted to correlate with TCAD-induced
pain of psychological origin. BDZ were inferior to pain relief. Head pain, except that from closed head
TCAD controls in two of these four trials. injury, is more likely to be associated with good
One controlled trial found buspirone to have outcome than that with other body sites. Blood
analgesic effects comparable to amitriptyline in the levels of TCAD and their metabolites have been
treatment of chronic tension headache (Mitsikostas positively correlated with analgesic response in
et al 1997). some studies but not others. Poorer outcomes with
TCAD for chronic pain have been reported with
certain Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
Effectiveness profiles (Pheasant et al 1983), increased analgesic
Antidepressants use, and a family history of pain disorders.

Tricyclic antidepressants SSRI antidepressants

Chronic pain The outcomes of adequate con- Twelve of the 20 chronic pain studies listed in Table
trolled TCAD trials for chronic pain listed in Table 23.1 reported clinically important pain relief. Six of
23.1 have been summarized. nine trials with relevant data showed >50% of
In three trials TCAD were compared with non- patients with moderate to marked pain relief.
placebo control drugs. Amitriptyline and propranolol Analgesic use was seldom documented. Compliance,
proved equally effective in decreasing the pain as indicated by blood levels and a low dropout rate
associated with high-frequency chronic migraine (average 4%), was excellent. About 70% of studies
(Zeigler et al 1987). Low-dose amitriptyline was lasted ≤3 months. In four out of six adequate trials
superior to naproxen in alleviating the pain and TCAD were superior to their SSRI controls
fatigue associated with fibromyalgia (Goldenberg (Sjaastad 1983, Frank et al 1988, Sindrup et al 1990b,
et al 1986). Amitriptyline provided greater pain Bendtsen et al 1996).
relief than carbamazepine and was better tolerated
than carbamazepine in the treatment of persons with SNRI antidepressants
central poststroke pain (Leijon and Boivie 1989). In the papers listed in Table 23.1, about one-half of
In one non-blinded trial amitriptyline was those treated experienced >50% pain relief. The
compared to spinal manipulation for chronic vast majority of those studied had inadequate pain
tension headache. While the amitriptyline was relief or intolerable side effects with previous trials
slightly more effective after 6 weeks of treatment, of at least one other antidepressant. The dropout
the drug group relapsed 4 weeks post-treatment rate was 23% overall. The treatment duration was
while the non-drug group showed continued 1–7 months.
benefit (Boline et al 1995). In the other open trial
patients with chronic non-neoplastic pain received Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
amitriptyline with either cognitive behavioural The majority of patients experienced ≥50% pain
therapy (CBT) or supportive therapy. There was no relief in those MAOI trials listed in Table 23.1. In 359
Therapeutic approaches

most instances, depression and pain were alleviated dysfunction who were previously unresponsive to
at the same time. Substantial previous therapies this and other forms of behaviour therapy (Raft et
had not been helpful for a majority of patients. The al 1979).
dropout rate averaged 4%. About 70% of the
studies lasted less than 3 months.
Combined drug therapy
Neuroleptics TCAD and anticonvulsant
In three trials 72–89% of patients with chronic
Acute pain postherpetic neuralgia experienced moderate to
Twenty of the 21 trials listed in Table 23.2 reported complete relief. Follow-up ranged from 1 to 18
clinically important analgesic effects. In 15 of these months with a mean of 3 months. In two of the
trials, a single dose of levomepromazine (metho- three trials dropout rates were similar to those
trimeprazine) was found to compare favourably noted for TCAD alone. In the third trial, patients
with a narcotic control and/or to be superior to were entered into a limited crossover non-blind
placebo in postoperative pain (see ‘Indications for study in which a regimen of clomipramine plus
Use’ above). carbamazepine was compared with transcutaneous
Three uncontrolled trials of ongoing regimens of nerve stimulation, with each being given for 8
neuroleptic therapy for acute herpes zoster weeks. The dropout rate for the drug group was
neuralgia produced total relief in 92–100% of 50%, while that for transcutaneous nerve stimulation
patients within 1–5 days if the therapy was started was 70%. Clearly superior analgesic results were
within 3 months of the onset of the disorder reported for the drug group (Gerson et al 1977).
(Sigwald et al 1959, Farber and Burks 1974).
TCAD and neuroleptic
Chronic pain Seventeen of the 18 combined TCAD and neuroleptic
Twenty-nine of the 31 trials listed in Table 23.2 trials for chronic pain listed in Table 23.3 reported
reported clinically important analgesic effects of good to total pain relief in the majority of patients.
neuroleptics given for chronic pain. In 16 of the 20 Follow-up was ≤3 months in six trials and 6–36
trials with relevant data, the majority of patients months in five further trials. The average dropout
experienced moderate to total pain relief. rate was 12%. Most patients had received extensive
Unfortunately, the majority of trials lasted less previous therapy. There is evidence to suggest that
than 3 months. Two trials for postherpetic neuralgia combined therapy may be more efficacious than
lasting more than 6 months reported almost total TCAD or neuroleptic therapies alone. One controlled
failure after initial impressive relief (Nathan 1978). trial, comparing clomipramine plus neuroleptic to
On the other hand, in another trial, 75% of patients neuroleptic therapy alone for mixed neurological
with this disorder remained pain-free for 10–20 chronic pain, found 67% compared with 47% good
months on neuroleptic therapy (Duke 1983). to total relief in the combined and neuroleptic
In herpes zoster neuralgia, less than 20% of groups, respectively, with the dropout rate being
patients obtained good or total pain relief if the lower in the combined therapy group (Langohr
condition was more than 3 months in duration et al 1982). Another controlled trial found the
(Sigwald et al 1959). TCAD–neuroleptic combination (nortriptyline with
The evidence for neuroleptic-induced pain relief fluphenazine) equally markedly effective as
is supported by a series of anecdotal single-patient carbamazepine for pain with diabetic poly-
or uncontrolled group reports of patients with neuropathy (Gomez-Perez et al 1996).
diabetic neuropathy, neoplastic pain, postherpetic
neuralgia, and thalamic pain. Patients with very
chronic stable baseline pain disorders, refractory to
many interventions, responded rapidly (≤4 days), Most evidence for the use of lithium in the
frequently had total pain relief, and suffered relapse management of pain is derived from studies with
rapidly with placebo substitution or stopping the cluster headache. About one-third of patients
neuroleptic. treated with lithium for episodic cluster headache
Treatment acceptability in all but one trial was experienced good to total control of pain during a
good (≤10% dropout). 1-month treatment period (Mathew 1978, Ekbom
In one trial, the addition of haloperidol to 1981). In chronic cluster headache, more than two-
relaxation training led to important pain relief in thirds of patients obtained good to total pain relief
360 a group of patients with chronic myofascial for periods of up to 6 months or longer (Ekbom
1974, 1981; Kudrow 1977; Mathew 1978; Bussone et
Psychotropic drugs

cholinergic drugs (e.g., neuroleptics, antiparkinsonian

al 1979; Pearce 1980). No adequate controlled trials drugs). Slowing initial administration, lowering
were found. One open controlled trial reported TCAD doses, discontinuing other drugs, or using a
lithium to be strikingly superior to methysergide less anticholinergic drug (Table 23.4) may be
and to prednisone in the treatment of this disorder necessary. TCAD may cause sexual dysfunctions
(Kudrow 1978). Unfortunately no trials were found such as loss of libido, impotence, and ejaculatory
to compare lithium with verapamil treatment problems. Trazodone may cause priapism and
(Lewis and Solomon 1996). permanent impotence.
Dropout rates were ≤3%. Allergic/hypersensitivity reactions such as
cholestatic jaundice, skin reactions, and agranulo-
Antianxiety drugs cytosis are quite uncommon but require giving the
patient adequate precautions. Anticholinergic and
Acute pain quinidine-like cardiac effects of tricyclic anti-
The only two adequate controlled trials have been depressants cause serious reservations about their
summarized under ‘Indications for Use’. Three use in patients with pre-existing conduction defects
additional controlled trials reported clinically and/or cardiac ischaemia, particularly postmyo-
important analgesic effects during the first week cardial infarction (Roose and Glassman 1994).
postmyocardial infarction (Hackett and Cassem Orthostatic hypotension is common with TCAD,
1972, Melsom et al 1976, Dixon et al 1980). In these which block adrenergic receptors (Table 23.4).
trials one-third to a majority of patients experienced Imipramine is more hazardous for the elderly and
moderate or good pain relief, and in one study others vulnerable to falls or hypotension. Those at
analgesic use was diminished. Dropout rates were risk require safer drugs and measurement of
≤2%. orthostatic change before and after an initial test
dose. Possible interventions include patient
Chronic pain education, use of a bedside commode and night
Of the seven adequate controlled trials and two light, surgical support stockings, and, in severe
uncontrolled BDZ trials presented in the section on cases, 9-α-fluorohydrocortisone 0.025–0.05 mg
‘Indications’, only three reported >50% patients orally twice a day.
with moderate to marked relief. Analgesic use was Various central nervous system (CNS) adverse
diminished in one study reporting this data. effects have been reported (sedation, tremor,
Dropout rates averaged 5%. seizures, insomnia, exacerbation of schizophrenia
Given the results it is not possible to recommend or mania, and atropine-like delirium). The elderly
BDZ as first-line treatment for chronic pain. are at particular risk, especially if there is previous
In one controlled trial 54.4 and 60.7% of brain damage or when combinations of drugs with
buspirone and amitriptyline patients, respectively, anticholinergic properties are used.
obtained >50% reduction in chronic tension headache TCAD potentiate CNS depressants (alcohol,
pain, although patient opinion of treatment and anxiolytics, narcotics), potentiate other anticholin-
analgesic use statistics favoured amitriptyline. ergics, antagonize certain antihypertensives (α-
Dropouts were comparable (15–16%) in this 12- methyldopa, guanethidine), and may produce
week study (Mitsikostas et al 1997). lethal hypertensive episodes with MAOI.
Acute overdoses of TCAD in excess of 2000 mg
can be fatal. Initial prescriptions of greater than 1
Adverse effects week’s supply are unwise for the depressed patient.
Antidepressants The safety of TCAD during pregnancy and
lactation has not been established. TCAD use during
Tricyclic-type antidepressants the first trimester of pregnancy is best avoided.
Adverse effects with TCAD are summarized below. Mild withdrawal reactions have been observed
Anticholinergic autonomic effects are usually after the abrupt cessation of TCAD. Gradual
transient and irritating at worst (dry mouth, termination seems prudent.
palpitations, decreased visual accommodation, In TCAD trials listed in Table 23.1, severe
constipation, and oedema) but may occasionally be adverse effects were rare. Delirium (8–13% of
more serious (postural hypotension, loss of con- patients) and drowsiness (3–28%) were the most
sciousness, aggravation of narrow-angle glaucoma, common reasons for discontinuing therapy and
urinary retention, and paralytic ileus). There is were usually noted with high doses and drug
more risk in the elderly or those on other anti- combinations (TCAD with neuroleptics or with 361
Therapeutic approaches

anticonvulsants), especially in the elderly. Adverse SNRI antidepressants

effects and dropout rates were correlated with Venlafaxine blocks neuronal reuptake of serotonin
higher plasma levels of TCAD and their meta- and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) but is relatively
bolites in at least two studies (Gerson et al 1977, free of muscarinic cholinergic, histaminic, and α-
Kvinesdal et al 1984). adrenergic receptor effects. It has little potential for
Although little is known about adverse effects of drug interaction. However, venlafaxine may increase
long-term TCAD administrations, one study reported hypertensive problems, exacerbate existing seizure
on 46 depressed patients treated with doxepin for disorders, and trigger mania. More common
2–10 years (Ayd 1979). No patients were noted to complaints include nausea, asthenia, sweating,
have any serious side effects or any drug-caused anorexia, somnolence, dizziness, and dry mouth. In
impairment of intellectual, social, or other functions. the only clinical trials found, 2 out of 14 patients
dropped out because of adverse effects, 1 for nausea
SSRI antidepressants and 1 for hypertension, ataxia, and drowsiness.
Although SSRI antidepressants require further
study to demonstrate any analgesic properties, they
appear attractive for persons at risk of adverse Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
effects from tricyclic antidepressants. Most are free Although relatively free of anticholinergic side
of anticholinergic, adrenergic, and histaminergic effects, MAOI may cause urinary retention,
receptor action and thus are relatively unlikely to orthostatic hypotension, severe parenchymal hepa-
produce anticholinergic autonomic, cardiac, totoxic reactions, CNS effects (insomnia, agitation,
orthostatic hypotension, sedation, or weight gain exacerbation of mania or schizophrenia), hyper-
problems commonly seen with TCAD. Overdosage tensive crises, and drug interactions.
with these drugs are less dangerous than those with Fortunately, serious adverse effects are rare if
TCAD. medications, foods, and beverages with sympatho-
On the other hand, their use may be associated mimetic activities are avoided. In pain patients,
with increased insomnia, diarrhoea, nausea, agitation, narcotics, especially meperidine, should be avoided
anxiety, exacerbation of mania or psychosis, sexual and anaesthetics used with great caution (Janowski
disturbances, headache, and tremor. Akathisia, other and Janowski 1985). Hypertensive crises resulting
extrapyramidal effects, anorgasmia, and a serum from enhanced sympathomimetic action are best
sickness-like illness have been reported with treated with immediate but slow intravenous
fluoxetine. A central hyperserotonergic syndrome, injection of phentolamine 5 mg or, in an emergency,
including autonomic instability, hyperthermia, chlorpromazine 50–100 mg intramuscularly.
rigidity, myoclonus, and delirium, may occur when In those trials in which MAOI were used to treat
these drugs are prescribed with other serotonergic pain disorders, phenelzine was discontinued because
drugs like lithium and/or monoamine oxidase of jaundice in 4%, impotence in 4%, and insomnia
inhibitors. Other more recently noted adverse effects in 16% of patients in one study (Anthony and Lance
include increased body sway and potential for falls, 1969), while orthostatic hypotension was found in
sinus node slowing, weight loss, and hyponatraemia. 6% and headache in 3% of patients in another
The SSRI antidepressants are metabolized by (Lascelles 1966).
and inhibit cytochrome 450 isoenzymes. Individual Long-term MAOI use in chronic pain is
SSRI have widely differing drug interaction potential unreported, but efficacious and acceptably safe use
across isoenzyme systems. Important interactions has been described for up to several years in
can occur with other psychotropic agents, anti- patients with anxiety disorders (Tyrer 1976).
arrythmics, anticonvulsants, terfenadine, astemizole, A new class of compounds, the reversible
cisapride, tolbutamide, and anticoagulants (Nemeroff inhibitors of MAO type A (RIMA), such as
et al 1996). moclobemide, brofaromine, and toloxatone, appear
In the SSRI trials listed in Table 23.1 there were to be effective antidepressants and are reported to
very few serious adverse effects, with the exception be virtually free of the hepatotoxicity, hypertensive
of one patient on zimelidine who developed crises, and orthostatic hypotension encountered
increased levels of liver enzymes and fever. This with the older irreversible mixed MAO-A and
drug has since been withdrawn from the market for MAO-B inhibitors reported on in this chapter (Da
similar problems. Gastrointestinal adverse effects Prada et al 1990). However, it is prudent to observe
were most common (46% of patients in studies with the same precautions for use, especially regarding
details). Dropout rates averaged 10% but varied drug–drug interactions, given mixed enzyme
362 widely (0–33%). inhibition at higher RIMA doses. Unfortunately, it
is not known whether RIMA have any analgesic blood dyscrasias (agranulocytosis, leucopenia),
Psychotropic drugs

properties. cholestatic jaundice, and ocular and skin pig-

mentation. The neuroleptics also increase the
effects of CNS depressants and block the action of
Neuroleptics guanethidine.
Neuroleptics also may cause anticholinergic effects, In the trials of neuroleptics alone or in combi-
orthostatic hypotension, quinidine-like cardiac nation with TCAD, the commonest problems were
effects, and sedation (Table 23.5). These side effects somnolence and delirium, with a higher incidence
are more prominent with the low-potency of these problems occurring with high-dose chlor-
phenothiazines and thiothixenes, particularly when prothixene or levomepromazine (methotrimepra-
they are combined with TCAD or carbamazepine. zine) therapy.
CNS effects are a frequent source of patient non-
compliance. Patients may note malaise, dysphoria
(boring, ‘unpleasant’, or ‘wretched’ feelings), or
overt depression. Acute extrapyramidal syndromes Reported hazards of lithium administration include
(parkinsonism, akathisia, and dystonia) usually intoxication and the development of renal, thyroid,
occur early in treatment, especially with high- cardiac, neuromuscular, neurotoxic, dermatological,
potency drugs. Other neurological syndromes and birth abnormalities. With careful monitoring of
include neuroleptic malignant syndrome, perioral clinical symptoms and blood levels of the drug,
tremor (relatively benign and responsive to short-term lithium use is reasonably safe. The issue
anticholinergic drugs), and tardive dyskinesia (TD). of renal morphological changes (interstitial fibrosis
Tardive dyskinesia may occur in up to 40% of those and nephron atrophy) with longer-term use is still
who have taken neuroleptics regularly over periods a cause of concern and preventive measures should
of 12 months or more. The likelihood of developing include using the lowest dose of lithium for the
TD seems to be proportional to the total quantity of least time possible, using a single daily maintenance
neuroleptic taken over time but occasionally may dose, and monitoring renal function. Lithium-
occur even with low doses taken over several induced goitre and hypothyroidism usually respond
months. It is more likely to occur in elderly females to thyroid hormone.
and in those with previous brain damage and may In studies of lithium use for cluster headaches,
be more frequent in those who have also received the drug had to be discontinued because of lithium
antiparkinsonian drugs. TD is best managed by headaches (3%), severe nausea and vomiting (6%),
prevention (adequate indication for use, alternative lethargy, general weakness (6%), or severe tremor
regimen if possible), informed consent (patient and (1%). The most common minor symptom was
family adequately informed and vigilant regarding tremor, which was treatable by propranolol. Long-
the emergence of TD), regular examination for TD term lithium use in pain patients has yet to be
by the physician at follow-up visits, and the use of reported.
low-dose, short-term therapy with regular attempts
to decrease or discontinue the neuroleptic should it
no longer be necessary. If neuroleptics are stopped
Antianxiety drugs
at the first sign of TD, the symptoms become worse Although physical dependency and withdrawal
but gradually fade over a period of 2 or 3 months in may occur with prolonged (≥6 weeks) moderate to
most cases. Novel neuroleptics, such as clozapine high dosage use of BDZ, such problems are rarely
and risperidone, have dopamine and serotonin encountered at therapeutic doses.
receptor blocking activity and may have decreased Daytime sedation, impaired coordination and
risk for extrapyramidal symptoms (EPS) and TD. judgement, and other forms of cognitive impair-
These newer drugs may offer a means to prevent ment have been reported to be common with
TD or, where treatment with neuroleptics is prolonged steady use of these drugs for chronic
essential, to continue their use for those with TD. pain. These adverse effects are more likely if the
Given their relatively better risk profile and their patient is elderly or brain damaged, if longer-acting
serotonergic activities the novel neuroleptics would BDZ are used, or if other central-depressant drugs
seem of interest for use in chronic pain. Unfortunately are given at the same time. Other reported adverse
no human clinical trials could be found. effects include depression, suicidal thoughts,
Other adverse effects of neuroleptics include impulsivity, and rebound insomnia.
weight gain, sexual dysfunction, endocrine disorders, Studies of patients treated in pain centres
exacerbation of epileptic disorders, photosensitivity, suggest that global and specific neuropsychological 363
Therapeutic approaches

test impairments and electroencephalogram abnor- 7. Elderly patients usually require only one-third
malities occur more often in patients on BDZ than to one-half of the usual adult dose. Cumulative
in comparable controls (Hendler et al 1980, McNairy increases in psychotropics and their metabolites
et al 1984). However, in one long-term study of occur over a much longer period and
patients with chronic pain and muscle pain 77% of maximum adverse effects may not be seen
patients felt that diazepam benefited them (Hollister for weeks.
et al 1981).
In those BDZ trials described under ‘Indications Antidepressants
for Use’, initial sedation and dizziness were the
commonest adverse effects. Acute depressive mood Tricyclic-type, SSRI, and SNRI
changes occurred in 18% of patients in one trial antidepressants
(Max et al 1988). Dropout rates due to BDZ effects Table 23.4 lists the generic names and approximate
were usually less than 5%. dosage ranges of some of the tricyclic-type anti-
Buspirone is usually well tolerated with dropout depressants (bicyclic, tricyclic, tetracyclic, and
rates from non-pain trials averaging 10%. More similar drugs). Figures 23.1 and 23.2 illustrate the
frequent adverse effects include dizziness, headache, approach to antidepressant use outlined as follows.
nausea, and, less frequently, insomnia. Dystonias
and cogwheel rigidity have been reported. Precautions Baseline blood studies (liver
function, haemoglobin measurement, and blood
Description of treatment count) are performed. An electrocardiogram is
obtained in all elderly patients and those with
General considerations cardiovascular problems. Patients at risk from
possible hypotension may have lying and sitting
Certain principles of psychotropic drug use are
blood pressure determination before and 1–2 h
worth mentioning:
following an initial oral 10–50 mg test dose.
1. There must be adequate indications for the use
of these drugs. Moreover, this symptomatic Choice of drugs There is little evidence to
management must not delay the discovery of support the use of one TCAD over any other.
treatable causes of pain. However, a past positive response of pain or
2. Every effort must be made to establish a depression in the patient or his blood relative to a
working alliance with the patient and his particular TCAD would favour its use. A history of
support system (family, other health therapeutic failure or adverse effects with a TCAD
professionals). A clear explanation of requires further information. These difficulties
indications, goals, methods, alternative are usually a result of inadequate trials, non-
management, and risk of intervention and non- compliance, or avoidable adverse effects. If the
intervention is essential in this regard. drug history is not helpful, patients with disorders
3. Management should begin with the most should start one of the drugs proven effective in
benign efficacious intervention and a more the adequately controlled trials summarized in the
hazardous regimen used only if treatment fails ‘Treatment Indications’ section. For most chronic
and informed consent is given (e.g., pain disorders there appears to be an advantage to
transcutaneous nerve stimulation then TCAD initiating therapy with a tricyclic antidepressant
and neuroleptic therapy). Figures 23.1 and 23.2 with mixed neurotransmitter properties (e.g., ami-
depict one possible protocol based on this triptyline, imipramine, clomipramine, or doxepin)
approach. unless the potential side effects of these drugs
4. The therapeutic trial must be at an adequate dictate otherwise. Overall, amitriptyline is a
dose for a sufficient length of time. reasonable choice for most younger persons.
5. Other drugs should be reduced or eliminated, if Drug side effects may be exploited (e.g., by the
at all feasible, as soon as possible. use of a more sedating TCAD such as amitriptyline,
Detoxification from narcotics, alcohol, doxepin, or trimipramine for patients with marked
hypnotics, and antianxiety drugs is often sleep disturbance or high daytime arousal). For
necessary to obtain a therapeutic response example, a single dose of 50–75 mg of one of these
(Halpern 1982, Buckley et al 1986). TCAD at bedtime is often used in substitution–
6. The physician must be available during the detoxification programmes during the initial 1–2
initiation of the therapy and during changes in months of treatment to obtain rapid symptomatic
364 the regimen. relief, to prevent the exacerbation of anxiety and
Table 23.4 Antidepressant drugs used in the management of chronic pain
Psychotropic drugs

Drug Oral dosage range (mg/day) Anticholinergic potency Orthostatic hypotension Sedation

Tricyclic-type antidepressants

Amitriptyline 10–300 High Moderate High

Clomipramine 20–300 Moderate Moderate Moderate
Desipramine 25–300 Low Low Low
Doxepin 30–300 Moderate Moderate High
Imipramine 20–300 High High Moderate
Maprotiline 50–300 Low Low High
Nortriptyline 50–150 Moderate Low Moderate
Ritanserin 10 Nil Nil Nil
Trazodone 50–600 Low Moderate High
Trimipramine 50–300 Moderate ?Moderate High

SSRI-type antidepressants

Fluoxetine 5–40 Nil Nil Nil

Paroxetine 20–40 Low Nil Nil
Ritanserin 10 Nil Nil Nil
Trazodone 50–600 Low Moderate High

SNRI antidepressant

Venlafaxine 37.5–300 Nil Nil Nil

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

Phenelzine 30–90 Low High Nil

Tranylcypromine 10–40 Low ?Moderate Nil

depression, and to facilitate optimal levels of indicated in Table 23.4. If there is no therapeutic
function. effect after a further 3 weeks, a TCAD blood level
TCAD may be taken to minimize adverse should be performed (Fig. 23.1). If plasma levels are
effects. For example, there are fewer anticholinergic lower than usual antidepressant levels, i.e., ami-
effects with desipramine or maprotiline (Table triptyline plus nortriptyline metabolite >120 ng/
23.4). Despite the preliminary nature of evidence ml, imipramine >225 ng/ml, or nortriptyline
supporting its use, venlafaxine may be a reasonable between 50 and 150 ng/ml (Perry et al 1987), check
initial choice in patients at high risk of anti- for non-compliance and attempt to achieve these
cholinergic, hypotensive, or drug interaction plasma levels for at least 3–4 weeks. If there is
adverse events. no direct response despite adequate levels or if it is
not possible to achieve these levels through
Initial administration In dealing with chronic discussion and regimen alterations to improve side
pain, schedules and doses of TCAD are best arranged effects and compliance, either discontinue the drug
to increase compliance and decrease adverse by 25 mg/day decrements or move to one of the
effects. For example, with amitriptyline, the patient alternative strategies outlined for non-response
is instructed to start with 10 mg orally 1–2 h before below.
bedtime. The next day this dose is increased to In the majority of reported clinical trials and
25 mg; subsequently, the dose is increased by in clinical practice, the therapeutic dose of TCAD
25 mg/day every several days as tolerated. This is like amitriptyline, even in the initial phase, is
continued until a therapeutic response is obtained between 50 and 150 mg/day orally (average 75 mg).
or a total daily dose of 150 mg/day is reached. If There is some evidence that head pain (migraine,
undue side effects supervene, a dose lower than psychogenic head and face pain, and chronic
that at which these effects appeared should be tension headache) may respond at lower doses
employed. If there is no response after 150 mg/day such as 25–75 mg/day.
for 1 week and there are no medical contraindica- Lower doses and slower rates of administration
tions or serious adverse effects, the dose may be of TCAD are necessary in patients over 60 years
increased by 25 mg/day to the maximum dose old. Treatment is usually initiated at 20–30 mg/day 365
Therapeutic approaches

Start amitriptyline 10 mg daily

Slowly increase dose to 150–300 mg/day if necessary

Schedule weekly follow-up visits

Assess response after 3–4 weeks

Satisfactory response?
No Yes

Measure plasma Maintenance

level administration

Yes No

Add lithium 300–900 mg Adjust doses

OD for 10 days Reassess in 2–3 weeks

Satisfactory Satisfactory
response? response?
Yes No No Yes

Try to stop lithium Depressed? Maintenance

in one month administration
Monitor lithium if No
have to continue

Fig 23.2

Fig 23.1 Suggested sequence of psychotropic drug use in chronic pain disorders listed in Table 23.1.

and increased by 10 mg, with total daily doses of therapeutic response has been obtained. After a
50–150 mg/day usually being adequate. further 3–6 months of remission, slow discontinua-
Initial parenteral TCAD administration for pain tion of the drug may be tried as the patients are
patients has been reported. A typical regimen would closely watched for relapse of pain and for
be clomipramine 25–50 mg/day intravenously for 3–5 depressive symptoms.
days in hospital, then switching to usual oral doses. During maintenance therapy, a single daily
evening dose of the more sedating TCAD may be
Maintenance administration Certain patients used to improve compliance, decrease daytime
require maintenance TCAD for months to years. In adverse effects, and provide hypnotic effect. Patients
usual clinical practice, especially with higher initial vulnerable to nocturnal disorientation or postural
doses, some slow reduction to lower maintenance hypotensive episodes may require continued
366 levels may be possible 1 month after maximum divided doses.
Psychotropic drugs

No response to adequate TCAD trial

Medical cause of pain

Yes No

Add neuroleptic Switch to different


Satisfactory Satisfactory
response? response?
Yes No No Yes

Try to stop Discontinue Add adjunctive drug Maintenance

TCAD neuroleptic (T3, L-tryptophan) administration

Maintenance Neuralgia? Satisfactory

administration response?
Yes No Yes

Add No Switch to Maintenance

anticonvulsant MAOI administration


Try to stop No Yes No


Maintenance ECT?
Maintenance administration

Fig 23.2 Suggested sequence of psychotropic drug use in chronic pain disorders listed in Table 23.1 (continued from
Fig. 23.1).

Non-response or relapse Many instances of 1. Lithium potentiation If depression and

non-response are a result of poor compliance or chronic pain are present, lithium carbonate 300–900
an inadequate regimen. Careful preparation of mg/day may be added to the TCAD. If an anti-
patients, close initial follow-up, simplified, typed depressant response is not seen within 10 days,
drug schedules, and the support of the family and lithium should be stopped and further alternatives
or the primary physician are all important in considered (Fig. 23.2). If there is a satisfactory
increasing compliance. response, lithium may be discontinued after another
In the case of non-response to an adequate trial month of therapy in a majority of persons (De
of TCAD and where an alternative drug or non- Montigny et al 1981). Where there is an anti-
drug therapy is unhelpful or unavailable, other depressant but no analgesic response, additional
strategies may be used: therapy may be attempted (Fig. 23.2). 367
Therapeutic approaches

2. Alternate TCAD, SSRI, or other anti- tive, attempt to taper off the TCAD after 3 months
depressant In the obviously depressed patient, of stable response. Further maintenance admin-
especially when depression is felt to be the primary istration guidelines are those for each drug group
disorder, a second therapeutic trial with a TCAD used alone. If there is no response, a different
with different monoamine properties is initiated TCAD may be tried (Fig. 23.2).
after tapering off the first TCAD over a period of 5. Other alternatives The addition of an adjunc-
7–10 days. For example, if a more serotonergic drug tive drug, such as triiodothyronine (25–50 μg/day)
was used first and failed, a drug with stronger to an adequate TCAD regimen, may produce an
noradrenergic effects (desipramine, imipramine, antidepressant response in a minority of depres-
nortriptyline, or maprotiline) would be substituted sives not responding to TCAD alone (Goodwin et al
and a second adequate trial instituted. If adverse 1982). L-Tryptophan (2–4 g/day) may have some
effects prevent the use of the less selective TCAD, analgesic properties when used alone or with
an SSRI (fluoxetine, paroxetine) or SNRI (venlafaxine) TCAD but further studies are needed (France and
drug may be tried. Krishnan 1988).
3. TCAD–neuroleptic combination For the
TCAD–SSRI combinations are occasionally used
patient with milder or no depressive symptoms, or
for the treatment of refractory depressions, and one
where an obvious medical cause is present, an
pain trial found an amitriptyline–fluoxetine regimen
alternative approach would be to add a neuroleptic
superior to either drug alone for fibromyalgia
to the first TCAD regimen instead of switching to a
(Goldenberg et al 1996). High plasma levels of the
second TCAD (Fig. 23.2, Table 23.5). In order to
TCAD with increased risk for adverse effects may
decrease adverse effects (Table 23.5), oral doses of
occur in such regimens.
fluphenazine 1–3 mg/day, haloperidol 0.5–5 mg/day,
For a patient with pain of psychological origin,
or perphenazine 4–16 mg/day are used. If one of
especially in the presence of depressive symptoms,
these drugs is ineffective, if extrapyramidal adverse
a trial with MAOI would be warranted following
effects are a problem, or if more sedation is required,
failed treatment with adequate trials of two
a low-potency neuroleptic such as levomepromazine
different TCADs. Also, atypical depressive symptoms
(methotrimeprazine) 5–100 mg/day, chlorpromazine
such as hypersomnia, increased appetite and weight,
25–100 mg/day, or pericyazine 5–100 mg/day may
panics, phobias, and depersonalization may respond
be used. The neuroleptic is started at the lowest
preferentially to MAOI (Liebowitz et al 1988). A
dose listed above and stepped up by increments of
washout period of 2 weeks between TCAD and
this dose daily until a clear therapeutic effect or the
MAOI trials is essential.
maximum recommended dose is reached. If no
Finally, electroconvulsive therapy has been used
therapeutic response is obvious by 2 weeks, the
successfully in a small number of drug-refractory
neuroleptic and then the TCAD are tapered off over
pain patients with or without TCAD therapy
7–10 days each and discontinued. A different TCAD
(Lascelles 1966, Mandel 1975). It is likely this
may then be tried (Fig. 23.2).
treatment is not indicated unless warranted by the
If the combination is effective, an attempt
clinical depression alone.
should be made to taper off the TCAD, as the
neuroleptic alone may be adequate. If both drugs
are necessary, it is worth trying to taper off the SSRI antidepressants
neuroleptic after 3 months of stable response as it SSRI drugs and usual doses are listed in
may no longer be necessary. Otherwise, maintenance Table 23.4.
administration guidelines are those described for
each drug group used alone. Precautions Baseline blood studies would
4. TCAD–anticonvulsant combination Patients include a haemogram and electrolytes. An electro-
with neuralgias that are resistant to TCAD or a cardiogram and liver function studies are prudent
TCAD–neuroleptic combination may be aided by in patients with a history of cardiac or liver
the addition of clonazepam 1.5–10 mg/day, carba- abnormalities. A baseline weight is advisable in the
mazepine 150–1000 mg/day, or valproic acid elderly.
200–600 mg/day to an adequate TCAD regimen.
Because of frequent adverse effects, especially with Choice of drugs The same approach to choice
TCAD–carbamazapine combinations, blood level as outlined under TCAD antidepressants is reason-
monitoring of both drugs is advisable. Hospital- able. Fluoxetine is helpful in lethargic patients,
ization of frail elderly patients during the initiation while paroxetine might offer some initial advantage
368 of therapy is advisable. If the combination is effec- in those with anxiety or psychomotor agitation.
Initial administration Fluoxetine is usually
Psychotropic drugs

medical ailments (see ‘Adverse Effects’ above). The

started at 10 mg (5 mg in the elderly) each morning patient should be given a list of potentially
to avoid insomnia. It is increased to 20 mg per day dangerous items and a card to carry that details the
after 1–2 weeks if well tolerated and may be drug and specific countermeasures for medical
increased to 40 mg per day after a further 3 weeks emergencies. Patients at risk of orthostatic hypo-
if the results are inadequate and the drug is still tension should have lying and standing blood
tolerated. Higher doses often are required if pressure monitored before and during initial
obsessive–compulsive symptoms are prominent. treatment.
Paroxetine doses and increases are similar, but the
drug can be given any time of day. The speed of Maintenance administration Despite the
administration may have to be slowed if there is an absence of published data concerning MAOI and
increase in anxiety or jitteriness in the first 1–2 chronic pain, clinical experience suggests that the
weeks. These usually diminish thereafter. initial therapeutic and maintenance doses are of
the same magnitude.
Non-response Alternative and augmentation
strategies are outlined in the previous ‘Anti- Non-response or relapse L-Tryptophan 0.5–1.0 g
depressants’ section and in Figs. 23.1 and 23.2. SSRI three times a day may be added to phenelzine in
should be tapered off over 1 week or so. order to obtain improvement in patients with
depression who have not responded sufficiently to
Maintenance The maintenance and initial the MAOI. There is evidence that this combination
doses are usually the same. has a very potent antidepressant effect. One
controlled trial found this combination superior to
Monamine oxidase inhibitors
phenelzine or amitriptyline alone for fibromyalgia
The characteristics of the irreversible mixed type pain (Nicolodi and Sicuteri 1996). Once improve-
MAO-A and MAO-B inhibitors, phenelzine and ment appears, some side effects such as sluggish
tranylcypromine, are listed in Table 23.4. behaviour, slurred speech, and ataxia may also
develop. These are easily dealt with by reduction of
Precautions Because of potential adverse reac- the dose of each drug (usually by about one-third).
tions and a narrower spectrum of antidepressant
action, MAOI are usually reserved for TCAD-
resistant chronic pain disorders. The MAOI should
only be used with patients capable of following
stringent restrictions of foods, beverages, and other Dosages for neuroleptics used in the treatment of
medications, and not suffering from a variety of chronic pain are listed in Table 23.5.

Table 23.5 Neuroleptic drugs used in the management of chronic pain

Drug Oral dosage Anticholinergic Orthostatic Sedation potency Extrapyramidal

range (mg/day) potency hypotension effects


Chlorpromazine 25–500 High High High Low

Fluphenazine 1–10 Low Low Low High
(methotrimeprazine) 15–100 High High High Moderate
Pericyazine 5–200 High High High Low
Perphenazine 8–64 Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate


Chlorprothixene 50–200 High High High Low

Flupenthixol 0.5–2 Low ?None Absent High


Haloperidol 0.5–10 Low Low Moderate High

Therapeutic approaches

Precautions the risk of TD. A careful clinical examination and

As indicated, neuroleptics are best employed for chart notation regarding involuntary movements
pain associated with physical causes. In general, should be made at each follow-up visit.
antidepressants should be considered before
neuroleptics because, for the most part, they are
better tolerated by patients and are much less prone Lithium carbonate
to be associated with long-term complications such Precautions
as TD. Baseline laboratory tests are identical to Lithium use for pain is contraindicated in the
those for TCAD. A written informed consent is presence of certain medical conditions (renal
advisable, especially regarding the risk of TD. tubular disease, myocardial infarction, myasthenia
Initial administration gravis, and cardiac conduction defects) and in early
pregnancy. Patients must cooperate with regular
The physician should familiarize herself with one
blood tests and be capable of recognizing early
or two of the neuroleptics and use them
signs of intoxication. Baseline investigations
preferentially. There is no convincing evidence that
include serum creatinine and electrolytes, thyroid
one neuroleptic is more effective than another.
tests, haemogram, pregnancy test, urinalysis, 24-h
Among the low-potency neuroleptics, levome-
urine volume, and creatinine clearance. Close
promazine (methotrimeprazine) is a reasonable
monitoring of lithium blood levels is necessary for
choice. This drug is started at 5–10 mg about 2–3 h
patients who are also taking drugs that may increase
before bedtime. This often enables a reduction to be
lithium levels, such as diuretics, carbamazepine,
made in the use of other night sedatives. If the
and various non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents.
medication is taken too near bedtime, the hypnotic
effect will not occur for several hours and there
Initial administration
may be morning drowsiness. If proven acceptable
in the evening, enabling good sleep without In studies reporting on the treatment of cluster
waking from pain, the use of the medication headaches, lithium carbonate 300 mg was given
may be extended to daytime with 2.5 mg taken orally on the first day and increased to 300 mg two
three times a day. In general, it is not advisable or three times per day by the end of the first week
to exceed 75–100 mg/day of levomepromazine (Ekbom 1974, Kudrow 1977, Mathew 1978). The
(methotrimeprazine). Most adverse effects seem to dosage was adjusted according to clinical response,
occur above the 50-mg daily level. The same severity of side effects, and in order to keep weekly
pattern of use may be applied with any of the other serum lithium levels between 0.5 and 1.2 mmol/l.
sedative phenothiazines, such as chlorpromazine
or pericyazine, varying the dose with the potency Maintenance therapy
of the individual medication. Little data are available for episodic cluster
High-potency neuroleptics are utilized for headache beyond 2 weeks administration. In the
patients at risk from autonomic, anticholinergic, or chronic cluster group, maintenance periods of
sedative adverse effects, especially those on 16–32 weeks are reported with continuing improve-
TCAD–neuroleptic combinations. Neuroleptics ment, despite lowered lithium dosages and mean
such as haloperidol or fluphenazine are started serum levels (0.3–0.4 mmol/l).
with a 1-mg oral test dose (0.25–0.5 mg in elderly) Once maintenance dosage is achieved, lithium
and, if tolerated, increased by 1 mg/day to the determinations may be performed less frequently
usual effective dose of 3–5 mg/day (0.5–2 mg/day (monthly, then trimonthly). Serum creatinine and
in the elderly). If there is no response after 1 week, thyroid stimulating hormone levels are repeated
the drug is further increased by 1 mg/day, as every 6 months. Creatinine clearance and 24-h
tolerated, to effective or maximum dosage. urine volume are repeated each year. Other tests are
With either high- or low-potency neuroleptics, a undertaken if clinically indicated. After a 3- to 6-
therapeutic response should be seen within 2 weeks month symptom-free interval, lithium dosage may
of maximum tolerable dosage; if not, the drug is be tapered off and, if possible, discontinued.
tapered off and discontinued.
Non-response or relapse
Maintenance administration Most treatment failures were a result of intolerable
As with TCAD–neuroleptic combinations, inter- adverse effects, despite serum lithium levels being
mittent (trimonthly) attempts should be made to less than 1.2 mmol/l. Some patients were able to
370 lower and discontinue the neuroleptic in view of continue with lower doses of lithium.
Table 23.6 Antianxiety drugs used in the management of
Psychotropic drugs

and non-drug approaches), BDZ use should be

chronic pain carefully monitored for the development of
tolerance, cognitive disturbance, ataxia, depression,
Drug Oral dosage Main indications or unexpected escalation in pain complaints.
range (mg/day)

Alprazolam 0.75–6.0 Panics, anxiety,

depression Conclusions
Chlordiazepoxide 10–100 Generalized
Antidepressants are indicated in most pain patients
with clinically detectable depression. They may be
Clonazepam 0.5–10 Panics, seizures, useful in relieving pain-related problems such as
neuralgias, anxiety, panics, and insomnia. They may help in the
phantom pain
early stages of detoxification from narcotics and
Clorazepate 7.5–60 Generalized antianxiety–sedative drugs. They appear to have an
anxiety analgesic effect in specific chronic pain states such
Diazepam 4–40 Generalized
as chronic osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis, diabetic
anxiety, muscle neuropathy, fibromyalgia, migraine, head and face
spasm pain of psychological origin, postherpetic neuralgia,
and chronic tension headaches. Further studies
Lorazepam 1–6 Generalized
anxiety comparing antidepressants and anticonvulsants in
neuropathic pain (McQuay et al 1996) and in chronic
Oxazepam 30–120 Generalized high-frequency migraine headache (Silberstein
1996) are needed. Tricyclic-type drugs remain the
antidepressants of first choice for chronic pain. SSRI
and MAOI may be useful where TCAD fail or are
not advisable because of adverse effects. The SNRI
Antianxiety drugs antidepressant, venlafaxine, is a promising agent
Benzodiazepine preparations used in the manage- given some initial successes and a relatively benign
ment of anxiety and pain are listed in Table 23.6. adverse effect/drug interaction profile. More
evidence is desirable.
Precautions Neuroleptics are the treatment of choice for
Patients should be educated to expect only short- delusional pain. They may be efficacious alone or in
term BDZ use. Alternative therapies for anxiety and combination with TCAD for some types of chronic
muscle tension, such as behavioural cognitive pain that are often resistant to other forms of
techniques, should be started as soon as possible. therapy, i.e., arthritic pain, causalgias, neuralgias,
Benzodiazepines should not be used for those neuropathies, phantom pain, and thalamic pain.
subjects dependent on alcohol or other drugs. Studies examining the use of novel neuroleptics in
Baseline tests are only performed if clinically chronic pain are strongly recommended.
indicated, except for clonazepam, where a complete Lithium carbonate is effective in relieving
haemogram should be done. chronic cluster headache and may prevent episodic
cluster headache. Studies are needed to compare its
Initial administration use with calcium-channel blockers such as verapamil.
Benzodiazepine choice, dose, and administration The benzodiazepines may be useful in the short-
schedules are those used in the treatment of anxiety. term management of acute or chronic pain, which is
Doses of BDZ in excess of diazepam 10–15 mg/day closely related to anxiety. Continuous benzodiazepine
orally or its equivalent are seldom indicated. use for chronic pain is not recommended.
After 3–4 weeks of therapy, BDZ are tapered off In general, with reasonable precautions,
and withdrawn over 1–2 weeks. A longer period of psychotropic regimens are well tolerated and
withdrawal may be necessary for alprazolam, i.e., acceptably free from important adverse effects.
decrease by 0.125–0.25 mg every 4–7 days. Further
brief, intermittent courses of BDZ may be used for References
exacerbations of the pain disorder.
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Catherine Sweeney and Eduardo Bruera

Introduction Pharmacological aspects

Opioids are highly effective analgesics and they Receptors
continue to be the mainstay in the management of
pain for most patients with cancer. However, Endogenous opioid systems are complex (Herz
opioids are underutilized in the management of et al 1993) and not fully understood. Three main
patients with moderate to severe cancer pain distinct types of opioid receptors have been
(Bruera et al 1989a, World Health Organization identified: μ,κ, and δ receptors. These are sometimes
1990, Cleeland et al 1994). Many factors contribute referred to as MOP, KOP, and DOP receptors
to the underuse of opioids (Table 24.1). Lack of (Pasternak 2001). Recently a new opioid-like
education and inappropriate beliefs held by receptor ORL-1 has been identified (Meunier et al
physicians and healthcare professionals have been 1995). Several opioid receptor subtypes have been
identified as major factors limiting adequate pain proposed (Paul et al 1989, Traynor and Elliott 1993,
management and opioid use (Von Roenn et al 1993, Makman 1994). Recent work has identified a
Cherny et al 1994). number of μ (MOP) receptor subtypes at a molecular
In recent years there has been limited develop- level (Pasternak 2001). Incomplete tolerance between
ment of new opioids. However, significant progress opioids could reflect relative selectivity of specific
has been made in understanding the mechanisms opioids for receptor subtypes.
of action of opioids as well as in the development of Opioid receptors are glycoproteins and are
slow release preparations, new routes of admin- found in cell membranes at multiple sites in the
istration, and identification and management of central nervous system and the periphery. Opioid
side effects. This chapter addresses concepts of receptors exist in many organ systems including
clinical pharmacology of these agents and their use the gastrointestinal tract, lungs, cardiovascular
in patients with pain. system, and the bladder (Lipman and Gautier 1997,

Therapeutic approaches

Table 24.1 Factors that contribute to under use of opioids

Physician factors Patient factors Other factors

Inadequate pain assessment Under reporting of pain Legal restrictions

Fear of addiction potential Fear of addiction Limited availability of preparations

in some countries

Fear of side effects especially Fear of side effects such as sedation

respiratory depression

Lack of education in the management Fear of loss of analgesic effects

of side effects such as technique of
opioid rotation

Lack of knowledge of appropriate Cost of some preparations

dosing regimens

Fear of legal consequences

Stein et al 1999). When an opioid binds to a Table 24.2 Drug effect on opioid receptors
receptor, an excitatory or inhibitory response may
occur. This may be mediated by a change in the Agonist Agonist– Partial agonist antagonist
conformation of the receptor ion channel, and/or antagonist
via a secondary messenger such as adenylyl cyclase Morphine Pentazocine Buprenorphine Naloxone
(Grudt and Williams 1995).
Diamorphine Butorphanol Naltrexone

Hydromorphone Nalbuphine
Mechanisms of action
Oxymorphone Dezocine
The activation of opioid receptors can inhibit
transmission of pain impulses in the brain and
spinal cord (Cesselin et al 1999, Stein et al 1999). Hydrocodone
Opioid receptors have also been demonstrated on
peripheral sensory nerves, and endogenous opioid
peptides have been shown to produce analgesia at Levorphanol
a peripheral level (Stein et al 1993), with growing Pethidine
evidence that exogenous opioids may also work at
this level (Kalso et al 1997, Stein et al 1997). In Fentanyl

addition to direct effects, opioids can indirectly Sufentanil

produce analgesia by modulating noxious stimuli
via the descending inhibitory pathway (Lipman
and Gautier 1997). Methadone


Classification of opioids Loperamide

Over 20 different opioids are used in clinical settings. Diphenoxylate

Some are naturally occurring (e.g., morphine,
codeine), some are semisynthetic (e.g., diamorphine,
buprenorphine), and some are synthetic (e.g., opioid). In 1984 the World Health Organization first
methadone, pethidine). Various systems have been proposed a simple analgesic ladder for cancer pain
used for the classification of opioids. Table 24.2 that used this concept (Fig. 24.1) (World Health
outlines a classification system that utilizes drug Organization 1996). Experience with this ladder in
effect on the opioid receptor. From a practical point many countries around the world has demonstrated
of view it is useful to categorize opioids as those that the principle of escalating from non-opioid
used for mild to moderate pain (weak opioid) and analgesia to opioids for use in moderate to severe
378 those used for moderate to strong pain (strong pain is safe and effective.
significant opioid effects including analgesia in

± Non-opioid humans (Osborne et al 1986, 1988). M6G is excreted
± adjuvant by the kidney and can accumulate in patients with
renal impairment (Osborne et al 1986, D’Honneur
Weak-opioid et al 1994). High M6G concentrations have been
± Non-opioid associated with toxicity (Osborne et al 1986,
± adjuvant
Lehmann and Zech 1993). Other metabolites with
central excitatory properties such as normorphone
± adjuvant
are produced in smaller proportions (approximately
Pain 4%). However, these metabolites can accumulate in
patients receiving high doses of morphine or in
Fig. 24.1 Summary of WHO analgesic ladder. those with renal impairment.

Hydromorphone is approximately 5 times more
Pharmacology of individual agents potent than morphine. It has similar pharmacokinetic
Various opioid agents exhibit important pharmaco- and pharmacodynamic properties to morphine and
logical differences. These differences can be of can also be administered by the oral, rectal,
clinical importance and convey advantages in parenteral, and spinal routes. There is wide inter-
certain situations and in individual patients. Table individual variation in bioavailability. Single-dose
24.3 summarizes some of the pharmacological studies suggest that the potency of parenteral
properties of weak opioids. In the following para- hydromorphone is 5 times that of the oral prepa-
graphs we will describe some key pharmacological ration (Houde 1986). However, in patients on
aspects of some commonly used strong opioids. chronic therapy the equianalgesic oral dose is
approximately twice that of the parenteral com-
Morphine pound. Hydromorphone is available in preparations
Morphine is a potent μ agonist. It is available in for oral and parenteral administration. Its good water
formulations for oral, rectal, parenteral, and spinal solubility together with its high potency makes it
administration. It has good oral bioavailability but particularly suitable for subcutaneous infusion.
undergoes considerable first-pass metabolism in
the liver. There is marked interindividual variation Oxycodone
in bioavailability. The liver is the main site of Oxycodone is a semisynthetic opioid agonist. It has
morphine metabolism (Hasselstrom et al 1990), but high oral bioavailability. Its half-life is approximately
metabolism also occurs in other organs (Mazoit 2–4 h and it is primarily excreted by the kidney.
et al 1987). The plasma half-life is approximately Maximum plasma concentrations increase in
2–3 h if renal function is normal. The duration of renal failure and can cause toxicity. Its principal
analgesia is usually 4–6 h. In patients on chronic metabolites are noroxycodone and oxymorphone.
therapy oral morphine is approximately 2–3 times Oxymorphone has some analgesic activity but is
less potent than parenteral morphine. The main present in low plasma concentrations, and the parent
metabolites of morphine are morphine-3-glucuronide compound is considered to be the main analgesic
(M3G) and morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G). (Heiskanen and Kalso 1997). Its analgesic effect is
Glucuronidation of morphine is not usually about the same as morphine but its higher oral
affected in patients with hepatic impairment; bioavailability means that its oral potency is
however, with severe hepatic failure the dose may approximately 1.5–2 times that of oral morphine.
need to be reduced or the interval between doses Oral controlled release oxycodone is available in
lengthened. Animal studies suggest that M3G may some countries.
play a role in the development of opioid-induced
neurotoxicity (OIN) (Labella et al 1979, Smith et al Diamorphine
1990). A recent analysis in patients on long-term Diamorphine (heroin) is only available in the UK
morphine treatment indicates that elevated concen- and Canada. It is a semisynthetic analogue of
trations of morphine-3-glucuronide in plasma, as morphine and is a prodrug (Inturrisi et al 1984). Its
well as plasma and cerebrospinal fluid morphine-3- metabolites monoacetylmorphine and morphine
glucuronide/morphine-6-glucuronide ratios, may are the active analgesics. Orally it is approximately
have a role in the development of OIN (Sjogren et al equipotent with morphine, however parentally it is
1998). M6G is a potent opioid agonist and has approximately twice as potent (Kaiko et al 1981). 379

Table 24.3 Summary of pharmacological properties of weak opioids

Opioid Potency Analgesic effect Main clinical uses Main metabolites Comments
Therapeutic approaches

Codeine phosphate Approximately one-tenth μ agonist (low affinity). Analgesia mild to moderate Codeine-6-glucuronide. Usually combined with a
that of morphine. Oral to Metabolites may contribute pain. Antitussive. Lesser amounts of non-opioid analgesic.
parenteral potency 2:3. to analgesic effect (Findlay Anti-diarrhoeal norcodeine, morphine and Usual dosing interval 4–6 h.
et al 1978, Vree et al 2000). morphine-6-glucuronide. Biotransformation to morphine
Morphine-3-glucuronide impaired by drugs that interfere
with microsomal P450 2D6 system
or in slow metabolizers.

Hydrocodone Potency approximately Analgesia mild to moderate Hydromorphone, norcodeine, Semisynthetic analogue of
6 times that of oral codeine. codeine. Usual dosing pain, Antitussive. 6-β-hydrocodol, codeine. Usual dosing interval
active metabolites (Cone 6-α-hydrocodol. 4–6 h. Several active metabolites
et al 1978) (Cone et al 1978)

Dextropropoxyphene Potency half to two-thirds μ agonist. NMDA agonist Analgesia mild to moderate Norpropoxyphene Synthetic derivative of
that of codeine. (Hewitt 2000). pain. methadone. Usual dosing interval
6–8 h. Extensive dose-dependent
first-pass effect. Half-life may be
>50 h in elderly patients (Crome
et al 1984).

Tramadol Parenterally one-tenth as Opioid effects. Non-opioid Analgesia mild to moderate O-desmethyltramadol Synthetic centrally acting. Less
potent as morphine. Orally effects (Raffa et al 1993) pain. opioid side effects than morphine
one-fifth as potent as stimulates serotonin release and less addiction potential.
morphine. and inhibits presynaptic Usual dosing interval 4–6 h.
reuptake of serotonin and
Diamorphine is more soluble than morphine and Methadone

is favoured for subcutaneous use in the UK. Methadone is a synthetic opioid agonist. In addition
Diamorphine does not have advantages over to opioid agonist activity, methadone has been found
morphine when administered orally. to be a relatively potent N-methyl-D-aspartate
(NMDA) receptor antagonist (Ebert et al 1995,
Fentanyl Gorman et al 1997). It is subject to considerable
Fentanyl is a semisynthetic opioid. It is a potent μ tissue distribution (Sawe 1986). The resulting
agonist and is used mainly intravenously as a peripheral reservoir sustains plasma concentrations
perioperative analgesic agent and transdermally during chronic treatment (Dole and Kreek 1973).
for the treatment of cancer pain. An oral trans- Methadone is extensively metabolized in the liver
mucosal preparation also exists and is gaining to inactive metabolites via N-demethylation (Inturrisi
popularity for use in the treatment of breakthrough et al 1987). In the United States methadone is avail-
pain. Transdermal fentanyl usually takes 12–24 h able as methadone hydrochloride powder, which
to produce an analgesic effect after its initiation; can be used for the preparation of oral, rectal, and
hence alternative breakthrough analgesia such as parenteral solutions. In many countries methadone
immediate release morphine is needed to cover this is commercially available in these formulations. It is
period. Patches are designed to provide analgesia generally available as a mixture of D-methadone
for 72 h. If analgesia wears off before the end of a and L-methadone (racemic form). In some countries
72-h period the dose should be increased. In a small such as Germany, L-methadone is available and its
number of patients new patches need to be reapplied analgesic effect is approximately twice that of the
every 48 h. After discontinuation of transdermal racemic form (Nauck et al 2001). The oral bio-
fentanyl, serum concentrations gradually fall by availability of methadone is generally high (Nilsson
approximately 50% in the first 17 h. The system is et al 1982, Gourlay et al 1986). Clearance is not
best suited to those patients with stable pain. Apart significantly affected by renal impairment. It has a
from the convenience afforded by the use of a long unpredictable half-life. Administration every
patch, fentanyl is also potentially less constipating 8 h provides adequate analgesia for the majority
than other opioids (Hunt et al 1999). Transdermal of patients and extended dosing intervals of
fentanyl is not suitable for patients with unstable 12–24 h may be possible in a proportion of patients
pain who need rapid titration of their analgesia. (Daeninck et al 1998). Although it has no active
The rate of absorption of transdermal fentanyl metabolites accumulation and toxicity can occur as
increases in febrile patients and this can lead to a result of the long half-life in some patients.
toxicity. Patches should be applied to non-irritated, Methadone is generally used as a second-line
non-irradiated skin in a non-hairy area. The torso opioid in patients who have had poor analgesic
and upper arms are preferred areas and sites response or experienced toxicity with other opioids
should be rotated. The patch may need to be (Bruera and Neumann 1999). It may offer additional
secured in place with additional tape. The use of benefit in patients with neuropathic pain due to its
transdermal fentanyl is discussed further under NMDA receptor activity.
principles of opioid use in cancer pain.
Meperidine (Pethidine) Levorphanol is a synthetic opioid agonist that is
Meperidine is a synthetic opioid agonist. Potential approximately 5 times more potent than morphine.
side effects limit its suitability for the treatment of It is well absorbed after oral administration. The
cancer pain. Parenteral meperidine is 7–8 times less parenteral form is twice as potent as the oral form.
potent than parenteral morphine. The parenteral The half-life is 12–16 h and the duration of
form is approximately 4 times more potent than analgesia it produces is 4–8 h. Like methadone,
the oral form. The duration of analgesia following accumulation can be a problem and it is usually
a single dose is 2–4 hours. Meperidine is meta- used as a second-line opioid.
bolized to normeperidine. Normeperidine is a
CNS stimulant and can cause agitation, myoclonus, Naloxone
and convulsions (Szeto et al 1977, Eisendrath et al Naloxone is an opioid antagonist. It reverses the
1987). Accumulation occurs with repeated dosing, effect of opioid agonists and is used for treating
making these adverse effects more likely. In addi- opioid-induced respiratory depression. When
tion, meperidine can interact with MAO inhibitors given by the oral route it is rapidly metabolized in
to cause the potentially fatal serotonin syndrome the liver and its oral-to-parenteral potency ratio
(Inturrisi 1990). is approximately 1:15. Oral naloxone can reverse 381
Therapeutic approaches

opioid-induced constipation without antagonizing determine the appropriate dose. Side effects
opioid analgesia (Kreek et al 1983, Culpepper- determine the maximum dose. Frequently, recom-
Morgan et al 1992, Sykes 1996, Meissner et al 2000). mended doses of opioids are derived from single-
However some patients experience opioid with- dose studies and are not applicable in cancer pain
drawal symptoms with this treatment. (Brescia et al 1992). Pure opioid agonists used as a
single agent are preferred for treating pain in cancer
patients. Partial agonists and mixed agonist–
Drug interactions antagonists have limited use in the management of
Interactions involving opioids are important and cancer pain due to mixed receptor activity, side
can result in either toxicity or undertreatment of effects, and dose-related ceiling effects.
pain. Table 24.4 outlines some potential interactions
involving opioids.
Choice of opioid
The selection of an opioid depends on patient and
Principles of opioid use in cancer drug factors. The intensity of pain influences the
initial opioid prescribed. Moderate pain is usually
pain treated with a weak opioid and severe pain with
Over the past 15 years a number of organizations a strong opioid according to steps 2 and 3 of the
have focused on education of physicians regarding WHO ladder (Fig. 24.1). Weak opioids are often
pain management and the use of opioids. Several combined with non-opioid analgesics such as
bodies including the World Health Organization, acetaminophen (paracetamol) or NSAIDs that may
the International Association for the Study of Pain, also influence the choice of compound to be used.
and the American Pain Society have produced In addition, prior exposure and response to opioids
excellent guidelines that use similar approaches for should help to determine the choice of opioid.
the management of cancer pain (American Pain Boxes 24.1 and 24.2 summarize approaches to the
Society 1992, International Association for the Study management of moderate and severe pain in cancer
of Pain 1992, World Health Organization 1996). patients who are opioid naïve. If a weak opioid has
Opioids are the most effective treatment for pain not provided adequate analgesia a strong opioid
in cancer patients and should be considered for all should be prescribed rather than another weak
cancer patients with moderate or severe pain. Pain opioid or a combination of weak opioids. If side
syndromes in cancer patients are unique in their effects or toxicity do not limit the dose of the current
duration and intensity. There is no maximum opioid the dose should be increased. Box 24.3
recommended dose of morphine in cancer pain summarizes an approach to management of opioid
management. The individual patient’s needs tolerant patients with poorly controlled pain.

Table 24.4 Potential interactions involving opioids

Opioid Drug Interaction Reference

All opioids Alcohol, CNS depressants Sedative effects (Inturrisi 1990)

Morphine Benzodiazepines Antagonize analgesic effects (Gear et al 1997)

Sedation (Bernard and Bruera 2000)
Antidepressants Increased bioavailability
Rifampacin Increased metabolism—reduced effect

Methadone Fluvoxamine, ketoconazole Inhibition of clearance—increased effect (Iribarne et al 1998, Bernard and
Bruera 2000)
Macrolides, ciprofloxacin (Herrlin et al 2000)
Rifampacin, corticosteroids Increased metabolism—reduced effect (Bernard and Bruera 2000)
Phentytoin, carbamazepine (Schlatter et al 1999)

Fentanyl Macrolides, cimetidine Inhibition of clearance—increased effect (Bernard and Bruera 2000)

Meperidine MAO inhibitors Serotonin syndrome (Bernard and Bruera 2000)

Phenytoin, phenobarbital Increased metabolism—accumulation (Stambaugh et al 1977)
of normeperidine

BOX 24.1 BOX 24.3

Opioid treatment of mild to moderate pain in Management of opioid tolerant patient with
opioid naïve patients poorly controlled pain
1. A combination of a non-opioid with a weak 1. Assess patient; is there a new source of pain or
opioid can be used, such as acetaminophen worsening of pre-existing pain?
(paracetamol) 500 mg 1–2 tablets q4h around 2. Find out the patient’s previous response to and
the clock (atc) (maximum 4 g/day) and codeine side effects with opioids (avoid those that have
30 mg 1–2 tablets q4h atc with 1 tablet q2h prn not been effective or produced troublesome
for breakthrough pain. Where a compound side effects).
formulation is available this can be more 3. Determine total opioid daily dose (atc + prn)
convenient for the patient as it reduces the and increase by 30%. Divide the increased dose
number of tablets that have to be taken. over the q4h dose and q2h prn breakthrough
2. Antiemetic and laxative regimens should be dose.
commenced. A prokinetic agent such as 4. Continue antiemetic and laxative regimens,
metoclopramide is usually effective when given titrating or changing as needed.
regularly around the clock with breakthrough 5. Continue adjuvant or non-opioid analgesic as
doses as needed for the first 3 days and prn needed.
thereafter. A combination of two contact 6. Assess response and side effects frequently.
(stimulant) laxatives such as sennoside (senna) 7. Increase opioid dose (as described above) if
and docusate is commonly used in cancer patients. necessary until satisfactory pain relief is
3. The patient should be frequently assessed for obtained or side effects or toxicity prevent
response and side effects. further increases.
8. Treat side effects or toxicity and consider dose
change or rotation to another opioid.

BOX 24.2 propoxyphene (Chan and Matzke 1987, Portenoy

Opioid treatment of moderate to severe pain et al 1991). There is evidence to suggest that these
in opioid naïve patients
active metabolites may lead to toxicity (Hagen et al
1. Commence a strong opioid such as: 1991, Ashby et al 1997).
Morphine 10 mg po (5 mg IV/sc) q4h atc and 5 mg
po (2.5 mg IV/sc q2h prn for breakthrough pain
or Choice of administration route
Hydromorphone 2 mg po (1 mg IV/sc) q4h atc and
1 mg po (0.5 mg IV/sc) q2h for breakthrough pain Oral administration is a convenient and effective
or way of delivering most opioids. It is the route of
Oxycodone 5 mg po q4h atc and 5 mg po q2h for choice in cancer patients unless there is a
breakthrough pain. contraindication to oral intake. The parenteral route
2. Commence antiemetic and laxative regimen as produces a shorter time to onset of activity and
above. peak levels in the serum. However, this should not
3. Assess frequently for response and side effects. be an issue when oral doses are delivered regularly
4. After 24–48 h assess opioid use and increase the around the clock and opioid levels are kept above
q4h dose as necessary so that the new daily
the threshold needed for pain control. Rectal route
total in regular medication is equivalent to the
regular and prn dose for the previous 24 h.
should be considered when the oral route is not
Continue to provide prn medication for appropriate. Routes of administration are discussed
breakthrough pain. later in the chapter.
5. Continue the regimen as long as it is needed
and effective.
6. Add adjuvant or non-opioid analgesic as needed Administer around the clock
In patients with ongoing nociceptive input regular
around-the-clock (atc) dosing allows the maintenance
Coexisting disease such as renal impairment will of effective serum concentrations of opioids. The
influence the choice of opioid. Patients with renal aim is to prevent recurrence of pain by maintaining
impairment are at risk of accumulating the active adequate analgesia. Long-acting and slow release
metabolites of a number of opioids including (SR) opioids offer the advantage of extended dose
morphine, meperidine (pethidine), and dextro- intervals. Long-acting opioids such as methadone 383
Therapeutic approaches

Table 24.5 Potential advantages and disadvantages of SR

opioids as compared to immediate release (IR)
BOX 24.4
Changing from an immediate release (IR)
opioid to a sustained release (SR) preparation
Potential advantages Potential disadvantages
1. Calculate the total 24-h opioid dose (i.e., atc
Convenient extended In opioid naïve patients +prn).
dosing intervals initial dosing with IR opioid 2. The same equivalent daily dose of SR opioid is
allows more rapid and safer
prescribed. This is divided into 2 doses for q12h
medication or the total is given as a single dose
Improved compliance Unstable pain may be for q24h preparations.
difficult to manage and 3. The first dose is given 4 h after the last IR dose
change to IR opioids may 4. If available, an immediate release preparation
be necessary of the same opioid should be prescribed for
Patients with renal breakthrough pain at 10% of the total daily
insufficiency at greater risk
opioid dose.
of accumulation
5. Continue antiemetic and laxative regimens.
Significantly more expensive
6. Assess for response and side effects frequently.

and levorphanol can be given at 8- to 12-h intervals

in the majority of patients, but they carry the risk
of accumulation and patients should be monitored BOX 24.5
Changing from another opioid to transdermal
for signs of increasing sedation and respiratory
fentanyl q72h
depression. Table 24.5 summarizes the advantages
and disadvantages of SR opioid preparations. 1. Calculate the 24-h dose of the current opioid
Patients with good pain control and stable opioid (atc+prn).
dose with minimal breakthrough dosing are 2. Calculate the equianalgesic parenteral
morphine dose using Tables 24.6 and 24.7.
generally suitable candidates for a change from an
3. Calculate the equivalent transdermal fentanyl
immediate release (IR) to a sustained release (SR) dose (Table 24.8).
opioid preparation (Box 24.4). Patients who are on 4. Continue the previous opioid for the first
a SR preparation and are experiencing unstable 12–18 h after initiation of treatment
pain or opioid toxicity or develop renal insufficiency 5. Prescribe breakthrough dosing of an immediate
may need to be changed to an IR preparation. This release opioid. For oral morphine the dose
can be done by calculating the 24-h dose of the SR should be half the patch strength in mg (e.g.,
opioid and basing the q4h atc and q2h prn doses on fentanyl 100 μg use morphine IR 50 mg)
this daily total. The IR is started when the next SR 6. Increase the patch strength depending on the
dose would have been due (12 or 24 h). Availability additional amount of opioid needed during the
first 72 h.
of adequate breakthrough dosing is particularly
important during the change-over. Transdermal Changing from transdermal fentanyl to an
fentanyl is a slow-onset long-lasting opioid delivery immediate release opioid
system. It offers convenience but is not suitable for 1. Calculate the 24-h parenteral morphine dose
patients with uncontrolled pain. An approach for equivalent of Fentanyl and prn medication
change from another opioid to transdermal fentanyl
2. Calculate the equivalent 24-h dose of the new
is outlined in Box 24.5. opioid.
3. Calculate the scheduled atc dose and
breakthrough dose of the new opioid.
Titrate the dose to the individual’s 4. Start the new opioid 12 h after removal of the
needs fentanyl patch as there is a reservoir in the skin
that results in significant blood levels persisting
Individualized care involving titration of the opioid
for at least 12–24 h.
according to response is the best way to ensure
optimal treatment for each patient. Patients may
also require rescue doses of opioid for break- acetaminophen or NSAIDs to not exceed the
through pain. This is especially important in those maximum daily dose of the non-opioid component.
who are commencing opioids or rotating from one Rescue doses of morphine are usually calculated as
opioid to another. It is important when using one-half of the scheduled 4-h dose and are given
384 compound preparations of weak opioids with every 2 h as needed. For patients on a sustained
release opioid an immediate release opioid at 10%

of the daily opioid SR dose is prescribed for use BOX 24.6

every 2 h as needed. Recent research using trans- Principles of opioid rotation
mucosal fentanyl for breakthrough pain has found
1. Calculate the total daily dose of the opioid.
that effective rescue doses can range from 5 to 20% 2. Calculate the equivalent daily dose of the new
of the daily dose and may need titration by a pro- opioid using equianalgesic dose ratios such as
cess similar to that used for the regular opioid dose those in Table 24.6.
(Christie et al 1998). In general it is recommended 3. Reduce the new opioid dose by 30–50% to
that the same opioid be used for both atc and allow for incomplete cross-tolerance between
breakthrough dosing, although this is not always opioids.
possible. Box 24.3 summarizes an approach to 4. Calculate the regular atc dose of the new
upwards titration of an opioid dose. If the patient’s opioid using the appropriate dosing interval.
5. Prescribe dose for breakthrough pain.
pain does not improve with progressive escalation
6. Assess for response and side effects frequently.
of opioid medication other confounding factors,
such as pain syndromes less responsive to opioids,
psychological distress, somatization, and chemical
coping, should be considered. NMDA antagonistic analgesic effects, excellent oral
bioavailability (50–100%), extremely low cost (20–30
times lower than other opioids), and absence of
Adjuvant drugs
active metabolites. However, it presents a unique
Adjuvant drugs should be considered for managing situation with regard to opioid rotation. Large
specific pain syndromes that have an incomplete interindividual variations exist in the equianalgesic
response to opioids. In addition, adjuvant drugs ratio of methadone to other opioids The equianalgesic
can allow for a reduction in opioid dose in patients dose ratio varies dramatically depending on the
with troublesome side effects. Table 24.9 summarizes extent of previous exposure to opioids (Lawlor et al
adjuvant drugs commonly used in the management 1998, Ripamonti et al 1998, Pereira et al 2001).
of patients with pain (see Chaps. 23, 42–45). Other Methadone becomes relatively more powerful with
treatment modalities that produce analgesia such increasing prior exposure to other opioids and can
as radiation therapy, radioisotope administration, be up to 10 times more potent in patients given
and orthopedic surgery should be considered in greater than 500 mg per day of morphine than in
suitable cancer patients. patients given less than 100 mg per day (Ripamonti
et al 1998). This large variation prevents the use of
simple equianalgesic tables to calculate the required
Opioid rotation dose of methadone. The process of switching from
In patients with uncontrolled pain despite high another opioid agonist to methadone is complex
opioid doses, in those where escalation to very high and should be attempted only by physicians who
doses makes administration difficult, or when are experienced in cancer pain management. Even
tolerance or toxicity develops, rotation to an when methadone is administered by experienced
alternative opioid may be indicated (Mercadante physicians serious toxicity can occasionally occur
1999). Several studies have shown that opioid (Oneschuk and Bruera 2000). Contrary to what
rotation is a safe and effective method for reducing would be expected with other opioids, toxicity
toxicity and at the same time retaining analgesia appears to occur more frequently in patients
(MacDonald et al 1993, Sjogren et al 1994a, Bruera previously exposed to high doses of opioids than in
et al 1995a, de Stoutz et al 1995, Mercadante et al patients who have received low doses. A number of
2001). Differences in analgesic and adverse effects strategies for rotating to methadone from other
following opioid rotation are thought to be the result opioids have been employed by various groups
of a number of mechanisms, including receptor activ- (Mercadante et al 1999, 2001; Bruera et al 2000a;
ity, asymmetry in cross-tolerance among different Nauck et al 2001). The best method for rotation to
opioids, different opioid efficacies, and accumula- methadone has not yet been determined.
tion of toxic metabolites (Mercadante 1999). Box
24.6 outlines the principles of opioid rotation. Educate the patient regarding
Opioid rotation to methadone addiction, tolerance, and side effects
Methadone has unique advantages when compared Many patients and their families have fears that
to other opioids including combined opioid and being exposed to opioids will cause addiction. 385
Therapeutic approaches

Patients should be reassured that development of a patient with chronic non-malignant pain on
addiction is very rare in patients treated with opioid medication, a detailed assessment of the
opioids for pain (World Health Organization 1990, patient should be performed. This includes detailed
American Pain Society 1992). Patients should also pain and psychosocial history and physical
be reassured that opioids will not lose their effect examination. Opioids should be prescribed with
and that doses can be increased in the future should great caution in patients with a history of substance
their pain worsen. Education regarding common abuse, personality disorder, or psychiatric conditions.
side effects and their management should be given Goals of treatment such as improved function or
to patients. If appropriate counselling is not given level of pain reduction should be agreed prior to
to patients and their families compliance may be commencing treatment. An initial trial of opioid for
limited. a predetermined period of the time should be
agreed with the patient. Unacceptable behaviour
such as drug-seeking behaviour should be discussed.
Consider opioids as only one part of A written contract is used by some groups to
the overall management plan document agreed terms for treatment. Ideally a
single physician should prescribe opioids for the
Prior to commencing a patient on an opioid or to
patient. Continuation of opioid treatment after the
changing the type or dose of opioid for poor pain
initial period should only be considered if
control an evaluation of the patient with respect to
predetermined goals have been met. Regular
physical, social, and psychological factors is of
ongoing review of the patient is important.
great importance (see Chap. 46). Assessing the pain
and putting it in the context of the patient allows
for appropriate management of the patient. A
multidimensional assessment allows identification
Acute pain
of factors prognostic for poor pain control, including Use of opioids in the acute pain situation such as
neuropathic pain, incidental pain, psychological postoperative pain, pain after injuries, or pain in
distress, cognitive impairment, and history of acute medical conditions differs from that in cancer
alcohol or drug abuse. patients and in those with chronic pain. In patients
Ongoing assessment should take place at with acute pain, opioids are often administered
regular intervals, when pain changes (worsens or parenterally and the duration of use is frequently
new pain develops) and when treatment is changed. limited to days as the cause of pain usually
Good pain assessment allows the factors contributing resolves. Consequently, the approach to opioid use
to pain in an individual patient to be identified and outlined above does not apply in these situations.
addressed. Prescribing may be rationalized, pain In patients with postoperative pain, patient-
syndromes may be identified and appropriate controlled analgesia is commonly used. This
adjuvant medication commenced, and confounding treatment modality is less suitable for the long-term
factors such as depression or anxiety may be treatment of chronic pain.
identified, allowing appropriate treatment. This
approach is important in maximizing analgesia and
preventing toxicity from opioids. Routes of administration
In addition to oral administration, opioids can be
effectively delivered by several other routes. Table
Chronic non-malignant pain 24.10 summarizes traditional and emerging routes
In patients with non-malignant chronic pain the use of opioid administration. In most patients with
of opioids is not as clearly defined and is somewhat cancer pain or chronic non-malignant pain the oral
controversial. Fear of side effects, opioid abuse, and route is appropriate. However, approximately 70%
addiction has prevented systematic research of of cancer patients will require an alternative route
opioid use in chronic non-malignant pain. There is for opioid delivery before death (Coyle et al 1986,
evidence to support the use of opioids in some Bruera 1990). In patients with acute pain, parenteral
chronic pain patients (France et al 1984, Portenoy administration is most commonly used. Opioids
and Foley 1986, Zenz et al 1992). vary in potency depending on whether oral or
Failure of non-opioid and other analgesic parenteral route is used. Table 24.7 summarizes
approaches should be carefully documented before the oral to parenteral conversion ratios of some
proceeding to an opioid trial. Prior to commencing commonly used opioids.
Table 24.6 Equianalgesic ratios of various opioids to morphinea

Opioid Parenteral opioid to Parenteral morphine to Oral opioid to oral Oral morphine to oral
parenteral morphine parenteral opioid morphine opioid

Hydromorphone 5 0.2 5 0.2

Pethidine (meperidine) 0.13 8 0.1 10

Levorphanol 5 0.2 5 0.2

Oxycodone – – 1.5 0.7

Codeine – – 0.15 7

Hydrocodone – – 0.15 7
To get equivalent dose multiply by conversion factor in table.

Table 24.7 Conversion between oral and parenteral Table 24.9 Adjuvant drugs used in the management of
opioidsa cancer pain

Opioid From parenteral From oral to Drugs Etiology of pain/Indication

to oral parenteral
Tricyclic antidepressants Neuropathic pain
Morphine 2.5 0.4
Anticonvulsants Neuropathic pain
Hydromorphone 2 0.5
Selective serotonin Neuropathic pain
Meperidine (pethidine) 4 0.25 reuptake inhibitors

Levorphanol 2 0.5 Oral local anaesthetic drugs Neuropathic pain

Calculate the total amount of opioid used in 24 h, multiply by Corticosteroids Multiple
appropriate conversion factor, and divide into the number of
doses/day. NMDA receptor antagonists Multiple

Psychostimulants Multiple/opioid-induced
Table 24.8 Recommended transdermal fentanyl dose
based on daily parenteral morphine dose Bisphosphonates Bone pain

Antibiotics Tissue damage due to

Daily parenteral morphine Transdermal fentanyl dose infection
dose (mg) (μg/h)
Muscle relaxants Muscle spasm
8–22 25

23–37 50

38–52 75

53–67 100
Table 24.10 Routes of opioid administration
68–82 125

83–97 150 Traditional routes Emerging routes

Oral Sublingual

Oral route Rectal Transmucosal

Oral administration of opioids is preferred in Subcutaneous Inhalational

cancer patients and in those with chronic non-
Transdermal Nasal
malignant pain. The onset of action is slower
following oral than parenteral administration. This Intravenous
is not usually a problem in patients who are taking Intrathecal/epidural
opioids at appropriate regular intervals as opioid 387
Therapeutic approaches

plasma concentrations should not fall below the different portable devices are available for the
threshold needed for analgesia. Oral administration delivery of subcutaneous infusions ranging from
is not suitable for patients who cannot swallow or electronic devices to simple low-cost injection
have gastrointestinal obstruction. In some patients systems (Bruera et al 1993). Patients with severe
with severe pain who require rapid onset of edema or coagulopathies may not be suitable for
analgesia parenteral administration may be more subcutaneous administration of medication.

Intravenous route
Rectal route
The intravenous route usually limits patient
A number of opioids are effectively absorbed when mobility and is generally reserved for those patients
administered rectally as suppositories or in liquid who require an intravenous route for another reason.
solution (Ripamonti and Bruera 1991, Bruera and The intravenous route can be used for continuous
Ripamonti 1992, Bruera et al 1995b, De Conno et al infusions or intermittent injections.
1995, Ripamonti et al 1995). The bioavailability of
rectally administered opioids can vary depending
on how much of the drug is absorbed into the Transdermal route
portal or systemic circulation. The same dose is
usually given rectally as orally but may need some Transdermal fentanyl is well absorbed. It offers
subsequent adjustment. The need for frequent convenience and is particularly effective in patients
rectal administration of immediate release opioids with excellent pain control on relatively low doses
is a disadvantage. In addition, the insufficient of opioids. The main limitations of this route are
strength of commercially available preparations the length of time taken to reach steady state
is a limitation of the rectal route. Custom-made and the slow elimination of drug following removal
suppositories of methadone are a cheap and simple of the patch, both of which prevent rapid titration
technique for the administration of a wide range of the drug for pain control.
of doses of methadone (Bruera et al 1995b). In
countries where suppositories are not available Transmucosal route
methadone hydrochloride solution can be admin-
istered as a microenema (Ripamonti et al 1995). The transmucosal route appears to offer the
Sustained release morphine suppositories have also possibility of rapid relief from pain. The onset of
been found to be comparable to subcutaneous meaningful pain relief in postoperative patients has
morphine for analgesia in patients with cancer pain been shown to occur within 5 min of administration
(Bruera et al 1995c, d). Patients with diarrhea or of oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate (OTFC; Lichtor
rectal pain are not suitable for rectal administration et al 1999). OTFC is presented in a lollipop that
of opioids. dissolves in the mouth. Approximately 25% of the
total available dose is absorbed transmucosally
over the initial 15 min and a further 25% is
Subcutaneous route absorbed from the stomach over the next 90 min.
The subcutaneous route is commonly used in The analgesic effect of this preparation is relatively
cancer patients in whom the oral route is no longer short acting. Two recent randomized controlled
suitable. Most opioid agonists including morphine, trials have studied OTFC for breakthrough pain
hydromorphone, oxycodone, diamorphine, fentanyl, in cancer patients and have found it to be effective
and meperidine are suitable for subcutaneous in most patients (Christie et al 1998, Farrar et al
administration. Methadone is generally not con- 1998).
sidered to be suitable for subcutaneous admin-
istration as it tends to cause local irritation (Bruera
et al 1991). A subcutaneous injection site usually
Epidural and intrathecal routes
lasts for around 5–7 days. The subcutaneous route The use of spinal routes for analgesia is discussed
can be used for continuous infusions, patient- in Chap. 26. Epidural and intrathecal routes involve
controlled analgesia, or intermittent injections potentially higher morbidity than other routes
(Bruera and Ripamonti 1992). Some other drugs and are usually reserved for patients in whom
such as metoclopramide can be combined with adequate analgesia is not achieved or in whom side
opioids in continuous subcutaneous infusions, effects are very troublesome using conventional
388 resulting in added convenience. A number of routes.

depression does not occur in the absence of other

Other routes
concurrent side effects such as sedation. Patients
Sublingual, inhalational, and nasal routes are who ignore sedation and continue to take regular
currently under investigation. opioid medication may develop respiratory depres-
sion. In renal impairment the build-up of renally
excreted morphine metabolites such as morphine-
Side effects and their 6-glucuronide can lead to respiratory depression
management (Osborne et al 1986). Rotation from another opioid
to methadone has been associated in occasional
Opioids have several common and well-known
case reports with respiratory depression (Hunt and
side effects. A highly desirable increase in the use of
Bruera 1995, Oneschuk and Bruera 2000). Problems
opioids in many countries over the past 15 years,
with dose ratios and reduced cross-tolerance are
combined with increased vigilance, has resulted in
believed to be responsible.
increased detection of other side effects, most
Pain is an effective antagonist to the respiratory
notably neurotoxicity. Patients who are on high
depressant effects of opioids. Abolition of pain in
doses of opioids, require opioids for a prolonged
patients on opioid medication has resulted in
time, or develop renal impairment are at increased
respiratory depression (Hanks et al 1981, Wells et al
risk of developing toxicity (Sjogren and Eriksen
1994, Daeninck and Bruera 1999). In addition, patients
Naloxone should not be used unless there is
taking longer-acting opioids such as methadone are
respiratory depression (sedation alone is not an
at a greater risk for accumulation of the drug and
indication for the use of naloxone). When indicated
developing side effects due to the longer half-life
it should be administered in a diluted solution and
(Oneschuk and Bruera 2000). Table 24.11 summarizes
titrated in small increments to avoid precipitating
both well-known and more recently identified
severe pain and withdrawal symptoms. In the
opioid side effects.
postoperative situation this approach can allow
maintenance of analgesia. It is usually possible to
Respiratory depression start with 0.1 mg every 2–5 min until reversal of the
symptoms occur. In patients with an ongoing need
Respiratory depression is a dose-dependent side for analgesia the opioid involved should be reduced
effect of opioid use. It generally occurs after or temporarily discontinued and treatment changed
administration of high doses of opioids in opioid- to a different opioid if necessary. The patient should
naïve individuals. be monitored as naloxone has an elimination half-
In cancer patients who are on long-term opioid life of 30 min and respiratory depression may recur.
treatment tolerance to the respiratory depressant Repeat administration or a continuous intravenous
effects develops with repeated administration of or subcutaneous infusion may be required.
the drugs (Walsh 1984). In these patients respiratory

Table 24.11 Opioid side effects
Sedation is a common adverse effect when patients
Traditional view Emerging view initially receive opioid analgesics or after a significant
increase in dose (Bruera et al 1989b, Banning and
Sedation Non-cardiogenic pulmonary Sjogren 1990, Banning et al 1992, Sjogren et al 1994b,
Vainio et al 1995). This usually improves over the
Nausea and vomiting Opioid-induced neurotoxicity first few days. In cancer patients who are taking
(OIN) opioid medication there are often other possible
Constipation Severe sedation
causes or contributors to sedation such as infection,
metabolic disturbance, renal impairment, dehy-
Respiratory depression Cognitive failure dration, CNS involvement, or concomitant use of
Less commonly; pruritus, Hallucinosis/delirium other sedative drugs (tricyclic antidepressants).
anaphylaxis, sweating, Myoclonus/grand mal seizures Underlying contributing factors should be addressed.
urinary retention Hyperalgesia/allodynia Approximately 7–10% of patients receiving strong
Immune system effects opioids for cancer pain have persistent sedation
Endocrine function effects
related to their opioid medication (Bruera and
hypogonadism) Watanabe 1994). These patients have a very narrow
or non-existing therapeutic window. In cancer 389
Therapeutic approaches

patients who present with sedation related to tribute to nausea and vomiting such as constipation,
opioid use the administration of naloxone is not metabolic abnormalities, bowel obstruction chemo-
indicated in the absence of signs of respiratory therapeutic agents, autonomic failure, and raised
depression. Naloxone use can precipitate an unnec- intracranial pressure. Accumulation of opioid
essary opioid withdrawal syndrome and severe metabolites such as morphine-6-glucuronide has
pain (Manfredi et al 1996). In patients where there been associated with chronic nausea (Hagen et al
is persistent sedation at opioid doses necessary to 1991).
achieve pain control, adjuvant sparing measures Underlying causes should if possible be identified
should be considered as these may allow reduction and corrected.
in the opioid dose. A trial of psychostimulants may Those patients starting on opioids or those who
be useful in patients who are sedated at opioid undergo a significant dose increase should have
doses needed for adequate pain control. universal access to antiemetics. Prokinetic agents such
Psychostimulants have multiple effects as as metoclopramide are usually effective (Bruera et
adjuvant drugs in pain management. They potentiate al 1994a, 1996, 2000b). A commonly used regimen is
opioid-induced analgesia, counteract opioid-related metoclopramide 10 mg 4 h atc and 10 mg 2 h as
sedation and cognitive dysfunction, and allow an needed. In cancer patients who do not initially
escalation of opioid dose in patients with pain respond to antiemetics the addition of corticosteroids
syndromes difficult to treat (Bruera and Watanabe can dramatically improve the effects of prokinetic
1994). Psychostimulants are contraindicated in drugs (Bruera et al 1983, 1996). There have been no
patients with a history of hallucinations, delirium, randomized controlled trials comparing different
or paranoid disorders. They are also relatively agents in the management of opioid-induced emesis.
contraindicated with a history of substance abuse Other antiemetic agents such as haloperidol and
or hypertension. In clinical practice the usual start- dimenhydrinate can be effective in some patients.
ing doses of psychostimulants are methylphenidate Dimenhydrinate should be considered in patients
10 mg/day, dextroamphetamine 2.5 mg/day, or where there appears to be a vestibular component
pemoline 20 mg/day. The dose can be increased if with movement-induced vomiting. In patients with
no adverse effects are observed. The therapeutic persistent vomiting a change of opioid may be
effect is evident within 2 days of treatment. effective in reducing symptoms.
Morning and noon administration are advised so as
not to disturb sleep (Wilens and Biederman 1992).
In patients who do not qualify for traditional
psychostimulants, donepezil or modafinil may be Constipation occurs in approximately 90% of
tried (Lin et al 1996, Slatkin et al 2001). In patients patients treated with opioids (Twycross and Lack
with persistent sedation a change of opioid may be 1986). Tolerance to this symptom develops very
helpful. slowly, and many patients require laxative therapy
When somnolence is encountered in the presence for as long as they take opioids. In cancer patients,
of residual pain it is necessary to re-examine the coexisting conditions may contribute to constipa-
possibility that previously unsuspected anxiety, tion. Dehydration, reduced oral intake, immobility,
depression, or other unresolved psychological electrolyte abnormalities (hypercalcaemia, hypo-
distress is augmenting the patient’s expression of kalaemia), autonomic failure, and abdominal
pain, and that the opioid dose is excessive in involvement can all contribute to constipation.
relation to the nociceptive component of the pain. Patients who are starting on opioid medication
In these cases, the opioid dose should be reduced should be prescribed laxatives concomitantly and
and other symptoms should be appropriately treated. the dose titrated to effect. All patients on regular
opioid medication should be assessed for constipation
because of its prevalence in this group. Assessment
Nausea and vomiting of constipation is often inadequate (Bruera et al
Opioid analgesia can cause nausea and vomiting in 1994b).
patients after initiation or increase in dose. This Coexisting contributing factors should be corrected
usually responds well to antiemetics and disappears if possible. Therapeutic interventions involve the
spontaneously within the first 3 or 4 days of use of laxatives, rectal suppositories, enemas, and
treatment (Clarke 1984, Allan 1993). Some patients, manual disimpaction. Oral laxatives include bulk
particularly those receiving high doses of opioids, agents, osmotic agents, contact cathartics, lubricants,
experience chronic and severe nausea. In cancer prokinetic drugs, and oral naloxone. Contact
390 patients there are often other factors that may con- cathartics (senna, cascara, dantron, phenophthalein,
bisacodyl, docusates, and castor oil) are the most

pain, incident pain, rapid development of tolerance,

commonly administered laxatives for opioid-induced somatization, and substance abuse.
constipation. A combination of contact cathartics is
commonly used. Combined laxative treatment is
not universally effective; 40% of advanced cancer
patients also require the use of enemas and/or Pruritus is more common with neuraxial (epidural
rectal manipulation (Twycross and Lack 1986). and intrathecal) administration of opioids (Cousins
Prokinetic agents such as metoclopramide can and Mather 1984) and has been reported to occur
be given as an infusion in particularly resistant cases in 8.5 and 46% of patients receiving epidural and
(Bruera et al 1987). Opioid antagonists naloxone intrathecal opioids, respectively (Ballantyne et al
and methylnaltrexone have been given orally with 1988). It is rare in patients on systemic opioid therapy.
effect (Kreek et al 1983, Yuan et al 2000, Yuan and The aetiology is unknown but may be related to
Foss 2000). There is some evidence suggesting that histamine release or a central effect. An antihistamine
fentanyl and methadone have less constipation- or a change of opioid are possible treatment options.
inducing potential than morphine (Hunt et al 1999,
Mancini et al 2000). If a change of opioid is planned
for a patient who has troublesome constipation, one
Urinary retention
of these opioids could be tried. Urinary retention like pruritus is also more common
with neuraxial administration of opioids (Cousins
and Mather 1984). It is more likely to occur in opioid
Opioid-induced neurotoxicity naïve patients and in the first days of treatment
Opioid-induced neurotoxicity is a recently recognized with opioids. Low-dose intravenous naloxone may
syndrome of neuropsychiatric consequences of be useful but care must be taken not to induce with-
opioid administration (Bruera and Pereira 1997). drawal; alternatively a programme of intermittent
The features of OIN include cognitive impairment, catheterization can be used but is rarely needed.
severe sedation, hallucinosis, delirium, myoclonus,
seizures, hyperalgesia, and allodynia. Patients
exhibiting some or all of these features are suffering
Non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema
from opioid-induced neurotoxicity. OIN is most This side effect has been well documented with
often seen in patients receiving high doses of opioid street use of narcotics. In recent years with use of
analgesics for prolonged periods, often in association high doses of opioids for management of cancer
with psychoactive medications. Fluid depletion pain this phenomenon has been described in cancer
and renal failure are also often present. Risk factors patients (Bruera and Miller 1989). It is usually related
for OIN include high opioid dose and prolonged to a large increase in opioid dose in the days prior
opioid exposure, pre-existing borderline cognition/ to its onset. In cancer patients with a non-intensive
delirium, dehydration, renal failure, the use of management approach it has a high mortality,
opioids with mixed agonist/antagonist activity whereas in drug addicts the incidence has been
(e.g., pentazocine, butorphanol, and nalbuphine), described as less than 1% (Cooper et al 1986).
and the use of other psychoactive drugs (e.g., The apparent relationship between recent large
tricyclic antidepressants, hypnotics). increases in opioid dose and the development of
An approach to the management of OIN non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema indicates that
includes: it should be anticipated in patients who have
required massive dose increases of their opioids. In
• Hydrate if dehydrated
these patients consideration should be given to the
• Reduce or discontinue opioid dose
use of adjuvant analgesic measures with other phar-
• Rotate opioid
macologic and non-pharmacologic agents in order
• Stop other contributing drugs (e.g.,
to try to prevent the need for rapid opioid dose
psychoactive drugs, NSAIDS, etc.)
escalation. Opioid rotation may be helpful in reducing
• Treat symptoms with haloperidol or other
dose increases because of incomplete cross-
medications as needed.
tolerance between different opioids (Foley 1985).
Prevention of OIN is best achieved by an
awareness and assessment of risk factors and
avoidance where possible of opioid dose escalation.
Endocrine and immune system effects
Opioid escalation is more likely to occur in certain Opioid administration has been shown to inhibit
patient populations such as those with neuropathic ACTH (Grossman and Besser 1982) and cortisol 391
Therapeutic approaches

levels, and naloxone stimulates the release of increases in the opioid dose results in side effects,
ACTH (Morley et al 1980, Volavka et al 1980, Allolio an alternative opioid can be used. Many patients
et al 1982). Opioids have also been shown to inhibit worry that if opioids are started too soon tolerance
vasopressin and oxytocin release at posterior will develop and that analgesia will not be
pituitary level, to elevate insulin and glucagon, and available when pain worsens. It is important to
to inhibit somatostatin (Pfeiffer and Herz 1984). A reassure patients that this is not a problem and that
study of 73 patients receiving long-term intrathecal it is not necessary to reserve opioids for later in the
opioid administration for intractable non-malignant progression of the disease.
pain showed hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism in
a large majority of patients. In addition, 15% were
shown to have developed hypocorticism and
Physical dependence
approximately the same percentage had developed Physical dependence is a normal and common
growth hormone deficiency. physiological effect of chronic opioid use (it also
There is also emerging evidence that opiates occurs with the use of beta-blockers and cortico-
have an effect on host defense and are associated steroids). Abrupt discontinuation of the medication
with the pathogenesis of infection among intra- results in physical symptoms. With opioid with-
venous drug users (Risdahl et al 1998). The drawal the patient may develop agitation,
importance of these findings for patients receiving tremulousness, fever, diaphoresis, tachycardia,
opioids for cancer pain or chronic pain is as yet mydriasis, and abdominal and muscle cramps.
unknown. Future research is needed to look at Use of an opioid antagonist can lead to the same
these two important areas. syndrome. If cessation of opioids is indicated the
opioid dose can be reduced initially by 50–75%
without risk of withdrawal. Further dose reduction
Tolerance, physical dependence, should take place at a rate of approximately 20%
and addiction issues per day until a total dose of 15 mg/day or less is
reached. At this point the opioid can be discontinued.
These three issues are often confused and fear of
tolerance and dependence often lead to under-
treatment of cancer pain. Addiction
Addiction is characterized by psychological depend-
ence and implies compulsion to use a substance for
Tolerance its psychological effect. This leads to compulsive
Tolerance to the analgesic effect of opioids may drug-seeking behaviour. Persons who have psycho-
develop. It is a normal physiological effect and may logical dependence are likely to have physical
represent alteration at the opioid receptor level or dependence. However, physical dependence without
changes in metabolism of the opioid. The develop- psychological dependence does not indicate
ment of tolerance varies considerably between addiction. Fear of addiction is an important cause
patients and opioids. It tends to occur in the first of underprescription of opioids for analgesia (Hill
few weeks of opioid therapy. Tolerance has been 1993). There is evidence that addiction to opioids is
well documented for some opioid effects in humans very rare in medical patients (Porter and Jick 1980,
including sedation and respiratory depression. While Kanner and Foley 1981). Important risk factors for
tolerance to nociception has been well documented addiction include a history of abuse of street drugs,
in animal models there is still controversy about the prescription drugs, or alcoholism. It is important
level of this phenomenon in humans. With continued for all patients exposed to opioids to undergo careful
opioid use, dose requirements tend to remain stable screening for all these major risk factors.
over time unless there is disease progression In some cancer patients drug-seeking behaviour
(Twycross 1974, Collin et al 1993). Tolerance should is seen because of unrelieved pain and not
not be mistaken for progression of underlying psychological dependence. This can be the result of
disease in advanced cancer patients; careful ongoing prn prescription of opioids rather than regular
assessments are needed in patients who require administration of adequate analgesia. This behaviour
increasing opioid doses for analgesia. If tolerance usually responds to escalation of the opioid dose,
develops, opioid doses can be increased to achieve resulting in adequate analgesia. Improved assessment
analgesia. Cross-tolerance between opioids is in- and rational pain management should help to
complete. If tolerance is becoming a problem, or eliminate this problem.

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Local anaesthetics and epidurals

H J McQuay and R A Moore

Introduction of particular blocks, but to ask which areas need

greater research focus.
Local anaesthetics are amazing drugs. Injected into
tissue, around a nerve, or for a regional block they
produce reversible block. Asking radical questions Acute pain
about acute postoperative management, such as
‘Why are all operations not ambulatory, pain-free,
A simple operation
and risk-free?’ or, more familiar, ‘Why is this patient The first example is of a common operation,
still in hospital?’, is forcing a reconsideration of the inguinal hernia repair, which can be done under
role of combined (local or regional plus general local anaesthetic alone. Outcomes that need to be
anaesthesia) approaches. Instead of asking questions considered include the choice of anaesthesia and
such as ‘Is regional better than general anaesthesia’ analgesia, post-herniorrhaphy pain and conva-
we need to look at the whole episode before, during, lescence, postoperative morbidity (predominantly
and after surgery, not just the operative period urinary retention), and choice of surgical technique
(Kehlet 1994, 1997). Costs of any care episode should and recurrence rate. In a randomized double-blind
fall if the hospital stay is reduced, and a healthy double-dummy study (Nehra et al 1995) of 200 men
patient returned home will cost the community less Nehra and colleagues compared 0.5% bupivacaine
than a sick patient requiring considerable input ilioinguinal field block plus oral papaveretum-
from the primary care team. The chapter considers aspirin tablets with bupivacaine plus oral placebo,
three main topics: these radical changes, which saline plus papaveretum-aspirin, or saline plus oral
depend on the use of nerve blocks or regional placebo to assess pain relief after hernia surgery.
techniques using local anaesthetics; one of the Patients were prescribed postoperative opioids to
conundrums of local anaesthetic use in chronic pain, be given on demand. Pain levels and mobility were
which is why pain relief from local anaesthetics can assessed 6 and 24 h after operation. The combination
far outlast the duration of action of the local of bupivacaine plus papaveretum-aspirin provided
anaesthetic (Arnér et al 1990); and the epidural use the best results, producing (not surprisingly)
of opioids alone and in combination with local significantly less pain, and requiring less additional
anaesthetics. The aim is not to cover the mechanics opioid and with better mobility than saline plus 397
Therapeutic approaches

oral placebo. A similar trial over 20 years ago time to feeding or time to walking, that we will see
(Teasdale et al 1982) randomized 103 patients to a difference between regional and general anaes-
either local or general anaesthesia; those patients thesia. Epidural local anaesthetic may well allow
having local anaesthesia were able to walk, eat, and bowel function to return earlier (Liu et al 1995), but
pass urine significantly earlier than those having only if protocol allows it will we see patients going
general anaesthesia, who experienced more nausea, home two days after major surgery (Bardram et al
vomiting, sore throat, and headache. 1995). The point is that this radical change is only
An audit of inguinal hernia repair under local possible if the procedure is done under an epidural,
anaesthesia in an ambulatory setup provides con- because the epidural makes it possible for the
firmation that these results may be generalized. patient to mobilize early and for bowel function to
Prospective data were collected from 400 consecutive return earlier.
elective ambulatory operations for inguinal hernia For some operations there is proven advantage
(29 operations in ASA group III patients) under of regional over general anaesthesia. For hip
unmonitored local anaesthesia (Callesen et al 1998). (Sharrock and Salvati 1996) and knee (Williams-
Median postoperative hospital stay was 85 min. Russo et al 1996) replacements ‘solid’ epidural
Two patients needed general anaesthesia, and nine anaesthesia with sedation during surgery followed
patients (2%) needed overnight admission. One- by postoperative epidural can produce reduced
week postoperative morbidity was low with one blood loss, faster surgery, reduced morbidity, and
patient with transient cerebral ischaemia and one faster rehabilitation. In this context change has been
with pneumonia, but none with urinary retention. gradual rather than radical, but again the key is the
The high satisfaction (88%) on follow-up makes this epidural, for both the operation and afterwards.
a triumph for local anaesthesia, but the variation Returning to the old question, general versus
in general practitioners’ recommendations for con- regional anaesthesia, a recent set of meta-analyses
valescence, such as between 1 and 12 weeks off looked at randomized, controlled trials (RCTs) to
work, may need to be changed if the full benefit to assess the effects of seven different interventions on
the individual and to the society is to be harnessed postoperative pulmonary function after a variety of
(Kehlet and Callesen 1998). procedures (Ballantyne et al 1998). The seven were
epidural opioid, epidural local anaesthetic, epidural
opioid with local anaesthetic, thoracic versus lumbar
A complex operation—what is the epidural opioid, intercostal nerve block, wound
question? Is it still general versus infiltration with local anaesthetic, and intrapleural
local anaesthetic. Compared with systemic opioids,
regional? epidural opioids decreased the incidence of atelectasis
Our old question was whether regional or regional- significantly. Epidural local anaesthetics compared
supplemented general anaesthesia could produce with systemic opioids increased PaO2 significantly
major reductions in morbidity and mortality—the and decreased the incidence of pulmonary infections
general versus regional anaesthesia question. An and pulmonary complications overall. Intercostal
example is vascular surgery. The Yeager study nerve blockade did not produce significant improve-
(Yeager et al 1987) did suggest improvement in ment in pulmonary outcome measures. On the
patients with regional anaesthesia in patients surrogate measures of pulmonary function (FEV1,
undergoing abdominal aortic aneurysm or lower FVC, and PEFR), there were no clinically or
extremity vascular surgery. A feature of subsequent statistically significant differences, showing again
studies that showed no difference between regional the importance of choice of outcome measure. The
and general anaesthesia was an increasing extent results do confirm that postoperative epidural pain
of control over all aspects of postoperative care control can significantly decrease the incidence of
(Christopherson et al 1993, Bode et al 1996). The pulmonary morbidity (Ballantyne et al 1998).
effect of the detailed protocols was that bad outcomes A recent meta-analysis purported to show that
were reduced in all groups (Beattie et al 1996). The mortality was reduced when regional anaesthesia
implication is that even if there was a difference it was used in conjunction with general anaesthesia
would take a really huge study to show it using the (Rodgers et al 2000). The analysis was probably
morbidity and mortality outcomes (Rigg and faulty, because 75% of the deaths occurred in just
Jamrozik 1998). However, the suggestion is that it is 25% of the papers, and the credibility of these papers
only if the postoperative protocols allow any should be questioned. Few of us work in contexts
advantage to be expressed, such as advantage in with an operative mortality of 25% or more.
Local anaesthetics and epidurals

spinal and/or epidural anaesthesia. There were

What are the implications for local
anaesthetics? 550 000 spinals and 170 000 epidurals. With spinals
there were 25 serious complications: cardiac arrests
The so-called multimodal approach to the post- (2), paraplegia (5), permanent cauda equina syn-
operative period uses local anaesthetics together drome (1), peroneal nerve paresis (6), neurological
with NSAIDs and paracetamol (Kehlet 1997, deficits (7), and bacterial infections (4). With epidurals
McQuay et al 1997). Slow release or very-long- there were 9 serious complications: paraparesis (1),
acting local anaesthetics may deliver further radical permanent cauda equina syndrome (1), peroneal
improvement by improving the postoperative nerve paresis (1), neurological deficit (1), bacterial
period. Long-acting local anaesthetics are not a new infections (2), acute toxic reactions related to the
thought (Scurlock and Curtis 1981, King 1984), and anaesthetic solution (2), and overdose of epidural
the problem is to be sure that the block is indeed opioid (1). This gives an overall incidence of serious
reversible and that the extended duration is not due complications of 0.45 per 10 000 for spinal and 0.52
to a toxic effect (Lipfert et al 1987). per 10 000 for epidural.
Again in adults a French survey (Auroy et al
Comparing blocks for a particular 1997) reported on 40 640 spinals and 30 413 epidurals.
Of the 98 severe complications 89 were attributed
procedure fully or partially to the regional anaesthesia. There
Many comparisons of one type of block against were 26 cardiac arrests with spinals (6.4 ± 1.2 per
another are designed as A versus B comparisons. 10 000 patients), and 6 were fatal. There were 3
Unless the trials are very large, which most are not, arrests with epidurals. Of 34 neurological com-
one ends up concluding that the trial showed no plications (radiculopathy, cauda equina syndrome,
difference, and we do not know whether the trial paraplegia), 21 were associated either with par-
was capable of revealing a difference if in fact there aesthesiae during puncture (n = 19) or with pain
was one (McQuay and Moore 1998). Choice of during injection (n = 2), suggesting nerve trauma or
block also involves comparing the morbidity of the intraneural injection. Neurological sequelae were
contenders. Again size of trial is crucial. Rare events significantly commoner after spinal anaesthesia
will not be picked up in small trials. (6 ± 1 per 10 000) than after each of the other types
of regional procedures (1.6 ± 0.5 per 10 000).
Yuen et al (1995) described 12 patients (out of an
Problems with local blocks estimated 13 000) with complications after lumbar
One important question is whether using nerve epidurals. Eleven patients had lumbosacral radicu-
blocks or powerful epidural techniques has lopathy or polyradiculopathy, 10 after epidural and
deleterious consequences. For most nerve blocks, 1 after subarachnoid injection of medication during
for instance axillary brachial plexus block, we just the intended epidural. One patient had a thoracic
do not know the incidence of long-term nerve myelopathy after an unintended spinal. From their
problems. In all likelihood it is vanishingly small. data one may estimate the incidence of short-term
In a one-year prospective survey of the French- (persisting less than one year) neurological sequelae
Language Society of Pediatric Anesthesiologists after an epidural as 9 per 10 000, and for longer
Giaufre et al (1996) reported that 38% of the 24 409 term (persisting more than one year) 2 per 10 000.
local anaesthetic procedures were peripheral nerve As the authors point out these incidences appear to
blocks and local anaesthesia techniques. These have changed little from previous case series.
were reported as ‘generally safe’. An important RCT looked at the question of
In the same survey ‘central blocks’ (15 013), most whether there was any difference in long-term
of which were caudals, accounted for more than cognitive dysfunction after total knee replacement
60% of all local anaesthetic procedures. Their com- surgery in 262 older adults (median age 69 years;
plication rate for central blocks works out at 15 per 70% women) after epidural or general anaesthesia
10 000 (25 incidents involving 24 patients). These (Williams-Russo et al 1995). The importance is that
were rated as minor, and did not result in any it was the largest trial to date of the effects of
sequelae or medicolegal action. general versus regional anaesthesia on cerebral
In adults a report from Finland (Aromaa et al function, with more than 99% power to detect a
1997) reviewed all claims (1987–1993) about severe clinically significant difference on any of the neuro-
complications associated with epidural and spinal psychological tests. Preoperative neuropsychological
anaesthesia. Eighty-six claims were associated with assessment was repeated postoperatively at 1 week
Therapeutic approaches

and 6 months. Cognitive outcome was assessed by begs many questions. For how long must the
within-patient change on 10 tests of memory, input be blocked to allow the system to reset?
psychomotor, and language skills. There were no For which types of pain is this true? Their
significant differences between the epidural and study provides clinical legitimacy for further
general anaesthesia groups on any of the 10 cognitive investigation.
tests at either 1 week or 6 months. Overall, 5% of
patients showed a long-term clinically significant
deterioration in cognitive function. More on epidurals—local
anaesthetic and opioid
Chronic pain; why can blocks last For over 20 years we have known that opioids
applied to the spinal cord have an analgesic effect.
a long time? It has proved surprisingly difficult to define a
Many of us do peripheral nerve blocks with local clinical role for spinal (epidural and intrathecal)
anaesthetic for pain due to trauma or surgery, and opioids, maximizing the analgesic benefit while
the dogma is that the local anaesthetic block alone minimizing the risk. The original question addressed
can occasionally produce a cure and more often was the advantage of spinal opioids over spinal
reduce pain for a duration that far exceeds the local anaesthetics. The next question was the
pharmacological action of the local anaesthetic. In a advantage of spinal opioids over intramuscular,
descriptive study Arnér et al (1990) reported on 38 oral, or subcutaneous opioids. Now we have come
consecutive patients with neuralgia after peripheral full circle because it is the use of spinal com-
nerve injury, treated with one or two series of binations of local anaesthetic and opioid that
peripheral local anaesthetic blocks. The blocks were promises the greatest clinical benefit.
technically successful, with all patients experiencing It is ironic that these questions are being
an initial total relief of ongoing pain between 4 and addressed for spinal opioids while our ignorance
12 h. In the 17 patients who had evoked pain about the conventional routes of administration for
(hyperalgesia or allodynia) it was blocked together opioids, whether oral, subcutaneous, intramuscular,
with the spontaneous pain. In 18 patients the or intravenous, remains profound. The single
analgesia outlasted the conduction block. Thirteen most important point is to distinguish between the
patients had complete pain relief for 12 to 48 h, and phenomenon ‘it can be done’ and the clinical
in 5 pain relief was complete for 2 to 6 days. Eight questions ‘should it be done?’ and if so when and to
patients had a second phase of analgesia, varying whom? New routes often have a high profile such
from 4 h to 6 days, and coming on within 12 h of the that it may be very difficult to determine their real
pain recurring. clinical role. The ultimate arbiter of the clinical role
Arnér et al chose to concentrate on complete is the risk:benefit ratio. The aim is better analgesia
pain relief, and using this yardstick mono- or with fewer adverse effects and with no increase in
biphasic prolonged complete analgesia occurred in morbidity. For instance in chronic pain oral opioids
25 out of 38 patients. A tantalizing further result is can provide good relief with manageable adverse
that for 15 of the 20 patients who had initial complete effects for the majority of patients. New routes
analgesia, but lasting less than 12 h, partial im- must be considered as replacements, adjuncts, or
provement lasting weeks to months was noted. alternatives to the oral route.
Conversely only 1 of the 18 patients who had more Well-designed randomized controlled trials that
than 12 h initial relief reported prolonged partial compared the new route with the established routes
improvement. Their paper provides some empirical would give us the answers. There are still few such
support for the (common) clinical use of local trials available. They are hard to do well, particularly
anaesthetic blocks in this context, and also reopens in chronic and cancer pain.
the interesting question of why a block can reduce The underlying issues for new routes are kinetic
pain for far longer than the local anaesthetic should and clinical logic. The spinal routes have the kinetic
work. logic of applying the opioid directly to opioid
Arnér et al discuss systemic uptake and axo- receptors in the cord. The clinical advantage sought
plasmic transport of local anaesthetic as putative is better analgesia without the problems of systemic
mechanisms, but their experiments showed little opioid use, or even the same analgesia with fewer
evidence of transport. The explanation may lie adverse effects. Proposed alternatives must provide
in ‘breaking the cycle’. The peripheral pain input an improved risk:benefit ratio and be logistically
400 is blocked, and the system can then reset itself. This feasible.
Local anaesthetics and epidurals

Opioids must reach the opioid receptors in the

Underlying issues
substantia gelatinosa of the cord in order to have
The epidural space spinal effect. Some of the opioid injected into the
The spinal epidural space extends from the sacral epidural space will reach the CSF and then the
hiatus to the base of the skull. Drugs injected into cord. Some will be absorbed into the blood stream,
the epidural space can then block or modulate and some will be bound by fatty tissue in the
afferent impulses and cord processing of those epidural space. The proportion of the dose injected
impulses. The way in which they block and modulate that goes in each of these directions depends on
impulses and processing is probably the same as lipid solubility and on molecular weight (Moore
the mechanism that operates when the same drugs et al 1982). Lipid-soluble opioids will be subject to
are injected intrathecally. The fact that the epidural greater vascular uptake from the epidural space
space is a relatively indirect method of access than lipid insoluble opioids. High-molecular-
compared with the intrathecal provides potential weight drugs diffuse across the dura with less ease
clinical advantage compared with the intrathecal than drugs of low molecular weight. Once across
route, but also complicates matters. the dura drugs that have low lipid solubility may
The potential clinical advantage of an epidural is maintain high concentrations in the CSF for long
the fact that the meninges are not physically periods of time, and so can spread rostrally. Sampling
breached, so that a headache from cerebrospinal at the cisternal level after lumbar intrathecal
fluid (CSF) leakage does not occur, and the danger injection of morphine confirmed that high con-
of meningitis is also reduced. Chronic administration centrations are found within an hour (Moulin et al
through catheters should therefore be safer by the 1986). Drugs with high lipid solubility will be bound
epidural route than by the subarachnoid route. The much faster in the cord, leaving lower concentrations
first disadvantage is that the epidural space is of drug in the CSF available to spread rostrally.
vascular and contains fat. A large proportion of the There is a similar range of lipophilicity and
epidural dose is taken up by extradural fat and by molecular size for the two drug classes, local
vascular absorption and so less drug is immediately anaesthetics and opioids, so that the journey from
available for neural-blocking action. The second the place of injection to the target sites is likely to be
disadvantage is that the epidural tissues react to accomplished in roughly the same time span for
foreign bodies more than the sheltered subarachnoid both classes of drug, and proportional losses by
space. Epidural catheters often become walled off vascular absorption and uptake into neighbouring
by fibrous tissue within days to weeks, whereas fat depots are also likely to be similar. With both
intrathecal catheters are much less prone to blockage local anaesthetics (Burm et al 1986) and opioids
(Durant and Yaksh 1986); this problem is in part (Jamous et al 1986), vascular uptake is slowed and
overcome by using continuous epidural infusion neural blockade increased by adding a dilute
rather than intermittent bolus. concentration of adrenaline (epinephrine; 3–5 μg/ml)
to the injected agent.
Reaching the site of action
It used to be thought that the dura mater was
Lipophilicity and potency
impermeable to local anaesthetics and that epidural Within each class of drug, however, there is a wide
block with local anaesthetic occurred at the mixed range of lipophilicity, and this may have con-
nerve and dorsal root ganglia beyond the dural siderable influence on the relative potencies of the
sleeves surrounding each pair of anterior and drugs within a class. Using an electrophysiological
posterior spinal roots. Radioactive tracer studies model, single-unit recordings were made in the
showed that the dura mater is not impermeable, and lumbar dorsal horn in the intact anaesthetized rat
that subarachnoid and epidural local anaesthetics from convergent, multireceptive neurones. Activity
act at precisely the same sites, the spinal roots, was evoked by Aβ and C fibre transcutaneous
mixed spinal nerves, and the surface of the spinal electrical stimulation of hindpaw receptive fields.
cord to a depth of 1 mm or more, depending on the With intrathecal application of opioids the effect of
lipid solubility of the anaesthetic (Bromage et al 1963). lipid solubility in determining relative intrathecal
With both epidural and subarachnoid injection the potency was measured. Initially four μ opioid
local anaesthetic drug enters the CSF and remains receptor agonists were used, morphine, pethidine,
there until taken up by the lipids of the cord and methadone, and normorphine, because all four
spinal roots, or until ‘washed out’ by vascular drugs had relatively high affinity for μ and little
uptake into the blood vessels of the region. for δ and κ, precluding receptor affinity to other 401
Therapeutic approaches

receptor subtypes as a complicating factor. The ED50 matter poorly. The thickly myelinated large A fibres
values from the dose–response curves were cap the spinal cord grey matter. They pass medially
expressed against the partition coefficients. A over the dorsal horn before penetrating the grey
significant correlation was found between the log matter. This means that the lipid-rich A fibres come
ED50 and lipophilicity, but this was an inverse between the injection site and the opioid receptors
relationship, so that the least lipid-soluble agonists, in the grey matter. Lipid-soluble opioids will be
morphine and normorphine, were the most potent, taken up rapidly but preferentially in this lipid-rich
and the highly lipid-soluble methadone was tissue. Drug bound in this non-specific way cannot
considerably the least potent. then go on to bind to the receptors.
The same approximate order of potency, Systemic potency ratios in man are thus unlikely
morphine = normorphine > pethidine > methadone, to be accurate guides to spinal effectiveness, which
was seen in behavioural hot plate and tail flick makes it difficult to choose the dose of intrathecal
tests, although the cutoff maxima necessary in (or extradural) opioid necessary to produce the
those tests made it difficult to determine an ED50 for same analgesia as a given dose of morphine. Many
the more lipophilic and hence less potent com- of the epidural opioid studies that used opioids
pounds (Yaksh and Noueihed 1985). In a second other than morphine have used the systemic
study (Dickenson et al 1990) three opioids, fentanyl, potency ratio to morphine as the guide for spinal
etorphine, and buprenorphine, all highly potent by potency. Extrapolation from the animal data suggests
the systemic route in man and animals, were that for drugs with high lipophilicity the intrathecal
applied either intrathecally or intravenously. Figure dose required to give analgesia equivalent to that
25.1 shows the relationship between intrathecal produced by a 0.5-mg bolus dose of intrathecal
potency and lipophilicity for the 7 opioids tested. morphine is likely to be on the order of 5 mg for
For fentanyl and buprenorphine potency correlated pethidine and close to 8.5 mg for methadone.
well with lipophilicity. The potency of etorphine, Clinical studies support this argument. Systemi-
however, was considerably greater than would be cally, methadone is equipotent to morphine. From
expected if lipophilicity was the only determinant. the animal work intrathecal methadone was
Non-specific binding is the probable explanation approximately 18-fold less potent than intrathecal
of the inverse correlation between intrathecal morphine (McQuay et al 1989). An intrathecal dose
potency and lipid solubility. When radiolabelled of 0.5 mg of morphine provided significantly
opioid distribution was visualized by autoradio- superior analgesia to 20 mg of methadone (Jacobson
graphy (Herz and Teschemacher 1971) the highly et al 1990).
lipid-soluble opioids were found to be restricted For extradural use life is even less straight-
largely to fibre tracts, and penetrated the grey forward. Previous calculations showed that the

1000 buprenorphine


100 fentanyl
ED50 (nmol)


10 normorphine


10–5 10–4 10–3 10–2 10–1 101 102 103 104


Fig. 25.1 Redrawn from Dickenson et al (1990). The relationship between lipophilicity (heptane/water partition
coefficient) and potency (ED50 nmol) for morphine, normorphine, pethidine, methadone, buprenorphine, etorphine, and
402 fentanyl.
Local anaesthetics and epidurals

proportion of an extradural dose transferred across
the dura could vary from up to 20% for morphine
(low lipid solubility) to 0.2% for buprenorphine
(high lipid solubility) (Moore et al 1982). Because of
the significant inverse correlation between lipid
solubility and potency shown for the drug once in
the cerebrospinal fluid, the extradural dose of
highly lipid-soluble drugs may have to be
surprisingly high to give effect equianalgesic to that
of 5 mg of extradural morphine. Local Alpha-2
This theory means that no clinical advantage anaesthetic adrenergic
should be seen with extradural fentanyl (lipophilic)
Fig. 25.2 Diagram of interactions between epidural local
compared with intravenous injection of the same anaesthetic, opioid, and α2-adrenergic agonists. The
dose, as in either postoperative orthopaedic pain relationships with midazolam are not clear.
(Loper et al 1990) or after caesarean section (Ellis et
al 1990). After laparotomy intravenous alfentanil
(0.36 mg/h), combined with epidural bupivacaine
0.125%, was as effective as epidural alfentanil et al 1980, Hogan et al 1991). Empirically com-
(0.36 mg/h; van den Nieuwenhuyzen et al 1998). binations of local anaesthetic and opioid were found
The classic danger of course is that these are A to work well, and extradural infusions of these
versus B trial designs often with small numbers of combinations are used widely now for postoperative
patients. The trials may be insensitive to real pain. The benefit is analgesia with minimal motor
differences. Others have found epidural fentanyl to block and hypotension.
provide superior analgesia to intravenous fentanyl, Two experimental studies have confirmed
after thoracotomy (Salomäki et al 1991), during synergism between local anaesthetic and opioid
childbirth (D’Angelo et al 1998), and after caesarean (Fig. 25.2). Using visceral as well as conventional
section (Cooper et al 1995). These trials are also behavioural tests Maves and Gebhart did an
small, with maximum group size of 20. The trials in isobolographic analysis for morphine and lignocaine
childbirth and after caesarean section really investi- (Maves and Gebhart 1992). They showed that the
gated epidural fentanyl plus local anaesthetic analgesic effect of the intrathecal combination
rather than fentanyl alone. We would conclude that was greater than would be expected for a simply
this controversy shows the necessity of systemic additive relationship. Using an electrophysiological
controls in extradural studies, because the vascular model Fraser et al (1992) compared the dose–
uptake of a lipophilic drug from the epidural space response curve for lidocaine (lignocaine) combined
will in itself result in analgesia and is similar in its with a dose of morphine with the dose–response
time course and extent to the uptake seen after the curve for lidocaine (lignocaine) alone. Adding
same dose given parenterally. morphine, at a dose well below the ED50, produced
We would also contend that lipophilic opioids a 10-fold leftward shift in the lidocaine (lignocaine)
on their own (not combined with local anaesthetic) dose–response curve.
are a poor choice for epidural use; non-specific These studies support what has been observed
binding means that they have low spinal potency, clinically, that doses of local anaesthetic and opioid,
and substantial systemic analgesic effect makes it doses that might be regarded as homeopathic for
difficult to determine any spinal action. In practice either drug independently, can produce good
bolus injection of epidural opioid often is given analgesia. Neither study was designed to answer
with, or soon after, injection of epidural local the important question of the minimal effective
anaesthetic. Clinical impressions of good analgesia doses of the combination components. While the
after epidural injection of lipophilic opioid may minimum effective doses will vary with pain
reflect synergism between the opioid and the local context, studies answering the question for one
anaesthetic and systemic effect of the opioid. type of pain may tell us which component is the
prime mover. The mechanism of the synergy is not
Combinations of local anaesthetic known. It may be that the local anaesthetic, by
reducing the afferent input, is moving the opioid
and opioid dose–response to the right. Such explanations,
Epidural opioids on their own did not provide reli- however, only account for one direction of synergy,
able analgesia in several pain contexts (Husemeyer and the evidence suggests that the synergy is 403
Therapeutic approaches

bidirectional (Fig. 25.2). Clinical observations suggest motor block in a dose-dependent way. Epidural
that chronic infusion of the combination can opioids can produce delayed respiratory depression,
produce selective blockade, blocking pain fibres urinary retention, pruritus, and nausea and
while leaving other sensory input (and motor vomiting, particularly in the opioid naïve patient.
function) intact. These contradict the observation Naloxone is a specific antagonist. Epidural opioids
that blocking pain by epidural opioid alone is do not produce a motor block. The combination of
associated with blunting sensitivity to cold and pin- epidural local anaesthetic and opioid can also
scratch sufficient for a segmental effect on cutaneous produce pain relief, and the synergism between the
sensation to be detectable (Bromage et al 1982b). drug classes offers the potential of effective analgesia
Such selectivity may of course be dose-dependent. at low doses of the components, minimizing the
adverse effects of both.
Analgesic effect of epidural analgesics can be
Other drugs
measured by a number of techniques, directly by
Many drugs have been given as analgesics via the measuring decrease in intensity or increase in pain
epidural route. Caveats about toxicity are necessary. relief, or indirectly via decreased need for other
(parenteral) analgesics. Comparison with other,
α2-Adrenergic agonists non-epidural, methods of pain relief has also
In both electrophysiological (Jacobsen et al 1995) involved indirect measures, such as the relative
and behavioural studies α2-adrenergic agonists effects on respiration, time for patients to recover,
have antinociceptive effect. Much of the early work and effects on stress hormones. The ultimate arbiter
was with clonidine, and this may have been must be analgesic effect, because indirect measures,
misleading in terms of the properties of purer α2- such as reduction of the expected rise of stress
adrenergic agonists. Intrathecal clonidine showed a hormones, do not have a direct relationship with
plateau at 50% of maximum effect. The newer drug, analgesia.
dexmedetomidine, is considerably more potent For many years randomized controlled trials
than clonidine and did not show such a ceiling to that compared the analgesia and adverse effects
antinociception (Sullivan et al 1992a). of oral or parenteral analgesics used the rule that
α2-Adrenergic agonists have synergistic effect sensible comparisons of adverse effect incidence
with both spinal opioid (Ossipov et al 1989, can only be made when the study drugs are
Sullivan et al 1992b, Jacobsen et al 1995) and spinal compared at equianalgesic dosage. Very few
local anaesthetic (Fig. 25.2). The evidence for the randomized controlled trials that compare the
local anaesthetic interaction comes mainly from adverse effects of different epidural opioids (or
clinical studies (Racle et al 1988; Bonnet et al 1989b, indeed epidural opioids with other techniques)
1990; Carabine et al 1992; Huntoon et al 1992; have made equianalgesia the key criterion. Pro-
Eisenach et al 1995). nouncements about relative incidence of adverse
effects can carry little weight unless the disparity in
Midazolam incidence or severity is measured at doses that
Midazolam on its own has very limited antinoci- produce equivalent analgesic effect.
ceptive effect in standard behavioural or electro- The clinical decision to use epidural analgesia
physiological models (Clavier et al 1992, Dirig and for pain relief is just that, a clinical decision. It
Yaksh 1995), although effects have been found presupposes that the analgesia is as good or better
in other models (Niv et al 1983, Goodchild and than analgesia from lower technology methods,
Serrao 1987). Midazolam may have effects on Aδ that the potentially higher risk of adverse effects is
fibres (Clavier et al 1992), and may interact when worthwhile, and that the facilities exist to deliver
combined with opioid (Moreau and Pieri 1988). the epidural analgesia effectively and safely.
Combination techniques are superseding the use of
epidural opioids on their own, and the randomized
Therapeutic aspects controlled trials to define the clinical role are still
Both epidural local anaesthetics and epidural emerging.
opioids can produce analgesia. The adverse effects
of the two drug classes are different. Epidural local Acute pain
anaesthetics can produce hypotension because of
sympathetic blockade, and carry the risks of local Analgesia
anaesthetic toxicity for which there is no specific Although both epidural local anaesthetics and
404 antagonist. Epidural local anaesthetics produce epidural opioids can produce analgesia there is
some doubt about the ability of epidural opioids to of great importance, and unfortunately may
Local anaesthetics and epidurals

produce as good analgesia (Husemeyer et al 1980) have to be defined for particular circumstances.
as epidural local anaesthetics in severe pain states.
In childbirth the degree of analgesia was inadequate Other analgesics
to relieve the pain of second-stage labour
(Husemeyer et al 1980, Hughes et al 1984), although α2-Adrenergic agonists The role of these drugs
satisfactory relief of first-stage pain could be as analgesics on their own remains unclear. It is
achieved. No such doubt is seen with the epidural very difficult to preserve the double blinding in
combination of local anaesthetics and opioids. The studies of α2-adrenergic agonists because of the
difference between the pain severity of different hypotensive and sedative effects of the drugs.
pain states should be emphasized, because it also Comparisons of epidural clonidine with epidural
means that categoric prescriptions for the doses to placebo for postoperative pain relief are all marred
be used in combination infusions are likely to be by this fault because significant hypotension was a
valid only for a particular pain state or set of feature (Gordh 1988, Bonnet et al 1989a, Bernard et
circumstances. Indeed the dynamic nature of post- al 1991). No analgesic dose–response curve could
operative pain means that the dosage required on be defined for clonidine (Mendez et al 1990).
the day of surgery may be much higher than the There is clear evidence, however, for both
dosage required on subsequent days. enhancement of the effect of local anaesthetics
A clear demonstration of the advantage of the (Racle et al 1988; Bonnet et al 1989b, 1990; Carabine
combination of local anaesthetic and opioid was et al 1992; Huntoon et al 1992) and enhancement of
seen in a comparison of 0.125% bupivacaine in the effect of opioids. With fentanyl (Rostaing et al
saline, diamorphine 0.5 mg in 15 ml, and dia- 1991) and sufentanil (Vercauteren et al 1990) duration
morphine mixed with 0.125% bupivacaine (0.5 mg of effect was extended; with morphine Motsch et al
in 15 ml) infused at a rate of 15 ml/h for pain after (1990) found that adding clonidine produced
major gynaecological surgery. The combination significantly better pain scores. There may thus be
produced significantly superior analgesia to either an adjuvant rôle for α2-adrenergic agonists.
of its components alone, without major adverse
effects (Lee et al 1988). Giving the diamorphine Midazolam Midazolam is reported to have
intravenously with epidural bupivacaine was analgesic effect in postoperative pain (see Serrao et
significantly less effective than giving the same al 1992) but this is hard to understand in view of the
dose epidurally in combination with epidural drug’s failure in animal nociceptive pain models.
bupivacaine (Lee et al 1991).
Many important questions are still to be Adverse effects
answered. One practical issue is the ability of Toxicity Epidural delivery necessarily places
combination infusions to control pain remote from drugs at the neuraxis. Toxicity is therefore a real
the catheter site, as with thoracic pain and a lumbar risk. Standard epidural analgesics, specifically local
catheter. Another is whether there is any difference anaesthetics and opioids, have not produced toxicity
in efficacy or adverse effects if the drugs are given to date, and clonidine was tested before it was used.
continuously rather than intermittently. For local Perhaps the major worry is that new analgesics
anaesthetic alone there was little difference (Duncan without toxicology will be introduced.
et al 1998).
Motor block Techniques of epidural local
Combination dosage Three strategies in anaesthesia have been refined to a point where the
dosage are discernible, the low (Cullen et al 1985, neural pathways conducting pain can be blocked
Logas et al 1987, Lee et al 1988), the intermediate with a high degree of anatomical selectivity, but
(Bigler et al 1989, Seeling et al 1990), and the high motor block is an inevitable accompaniment if large
(Hjortso et al 1985, Schulze et al 1988, Scott et al doses of local anaesthetic are needed to stop the
1989). High doses (bupivacaine 0.5% 25 mg/h and pain. In labour pain the motor block may result in a
morphine 0.5 mg/h) were used to produce anal- higher incidence of instrumental delivery than with
gesia immediately after upper abdominal surgery non-epidural pain relief. This motor block is not
but at some risk (Scott et al 1989). The stress response seen with epidural opioids alone or when low
was not blocked. Lower doses (bupivacaine 0.1% doses of local anaesthetic are combined with opioid.
4 mg/h and morphine 0.4 mg/h) did not provide
total pain relief after thoracotomy (Logas et al Vasodilatation and hypotension Vasodila-
1987). The issue of the minimum effective dose is tation in the lower parts of the body from blockade 405
Therapeutic approaches

of sympathetic vasomotor nerves in the segments Systemic effects With epidural opioids sys-
involved is another inevitable accompaniment of temic effects of the opioid are to be expected.
epidural local anaesthetic. In labour this requires Vascular uptake from the epidural space is
prophylaxis. Hypotension also occurs with α2- appreciable, with blood concentration curves of
adrenergic agonists, and their use in combination opioid almost indistinguishable from those after
with local anaesthetics could accentuate the risk. intramuscular or intravenous administration (see
Again the risk is minimized with epidural opioids for morphine Bromage et al 1982b, Chauvin et al
alone or with the low doses of local anaesthetic 1982, Nordberg et al 1983). All the adverse effects
used when combined with opioid. of systemic opioids should therefore be expected.
Placental transfer of opioid to the fetus and
Respiratory depression Epidural block with subsequent neonatal respiratory depression are
local anaesthetics of intercostal and abdominal thus not prevented by changing from parenteral
muscles is unlikely to cause significant impairment opioid to epidural opioid.
of respiratory function unless the phrenic segments
(C3, C4, and C5) are also blocked. Respiratory Bladder function Urinary retention is a
depression after epidural opioids in opioid-naïve common complication of epidural analgesic tech-
subjects is much more subtle, more delayed in niques after either local anaesthetics or opioids. The
onset, and longer lasting. The epidural opioids all incidence appears to be dose-related, and in the
reach the CSF by diffusion through the meninges, case of local anaesthetics retention is probably due
and variable degrees of cephalad spread occur to bladder deafferentation because the distended
within the CSF. Morphine, being relatively less bladder does not give rise to discomfort. With
lipid-soluble, will maintain substantial CSF concen- epidural opioids the mechanism seems to be more
trations to a greater extent than more lipid-soluble complicated, because retention and bladder
drugs, increasing the chance of drug reaching distension to volumes above 800 ml in volunteers
opioid receptors in the brain and so increasing the gave rise to marked discomfort and distress
chance of respiratory depression. In volunteers (Bromage et al 1982a).
10 mg of epidural morphine produced a depression Urodynamic and electromyographic studies in
of the CO2-response curve far greater than that seen male volunteers indicated that the cause was
after intravenous administration, with the nadir of detrusor muscle relaxation and not increased motor
depression between the 6th and 12th hours after activity in the pelvic floor muscles (Rawal et al
administration (Camporesi et al 1983). 1983). The origin of this detrusor relaxation is unclear,
Profound respiratory depression may be pre- but the time sequence mirrors that of anti-
cipitated if other opioids are given parenterally nociception, beginning within 15 min but taking
during this danger period. Precautions must be about 60 min to reach peak effect, and then lasting
taken to see that this mixed type of medication is 14–16 h. The overall intensity and duration of
avoided, and that patients are under appropriate bladder relaxation appears to be independent of
surveillance, so that any case of delayed respiratory dose within the range of 2–10 mg. Retention with
depression can be treated promptly (Ready et al epidural opioids, like all the other adverse effects
1988). Life-threatening apnoeic intervals can also of epidural opioids, can be relieved by naloxone,
arise abruptly after small doses of epidural opioids although repeated doses may be needed to ensure
alone, with little warning. Theoretically highly complete evacuation of the bladder (Bromage et al
lipid-soluble opioids such as fentanyl and sufentanil 1982a).
should be less prone to rostral spread in the CSF. In The high incidence of retention from either local
practice volunteer studies suggest that although anaesthetic or opioid blockade is a factor in the
apnoeic intervals after epidural sufentanil were less clinical decision to use epidural analgesia.
frequent and less prolonged than after morphine
(Klepper et al 1987), at equianalgesic doses of the Pruritus Pruritus is not seen after epidural local
drugs the CO2-response curve was depressed and anaesthetics, but it is a frequent adverse effect
displaced equally severely. of epidural opioids in the opioid-naïve patient. The
Epidural opioids given on their own for relief itching is usually generalized but can be in the
of acute pain in opioid-naïve subjects are only as analgesic segments. The cause of the pruritus is
safe as the quality of surveillance that is given. unclear. The onset is often hours after analgesic
Whether the lower doses used in combination with effect is established, perhaps suggesting modulation
local anaesthetics reduce the risk still must be of cutaneous sensation in the cord. Pruritus can be
406 established. a major problem in acute pain management with
epidural opioids, severe enough to cause distress. It micropore filter, tunnelled subcutaneous catheter
Local anaesthetics and epidurals

can be reversed by naloxone, but then the analgesia with external injection port and micropore filter,
is likely to be reversed. and high technology totally implanted system with
small subcutaneous reservoir and injection port,
Long-term risks The incidence of severe infec- totally implanted system with large internal
tive complications is low but finite. reservoir and automatic metered or manually
controlled dosing device. Implanted systems are
more likely to maintain hygiene and convenience,
Chronic pain in theory protecting from infection and mechanical
Epidural analgesics have roles in both chronic non- displacement. Implanted devices have high initial
malignant pain and cancer pain. costs compared with simple percutaneous ap-
proaches, but over a period of months this may
Chronic non-malignant pain even out because of the higher costs of maintaining
In chronic non-malignant pain the primary role for or replacing percutaneous catheters.
epidural local anaesthetics is their injection some- These technical approaches for administering
times combined with steroid for the management of small metered doses of spinal morphine over
back pain with the object of reducing local oedema periods of weeks or months have proved to be well
and nerve-root compression (Koes et al 1995, Watts suited to home management, and highly appreciated
and Silagy 1995). by the patients and their families. The problems
Epidural opioids alone have little place in the include blockage, infection, pain on injection, and
long-term management of on-going non-malignant leaks (Plummer et al 1991). It is important to be sure
pain (but see Plummer et al 1991), although acute that the patient’s pain cannot be controlled by
exacerbations may be handled on a one-off basis. simpler routes and that it can indeed be controlled
The role of epidural clonidine is contentious. by this method before embarking on what is a
Apart from its ability to extend the duration of local substantial undertaking (Jadad et al 1991).
anaesthetics it may have the ability to relieve some Preliminary trials with a percutaneous catheter to
forms of neuropathic or deafferentation pain. assess the effectiveness and the acceptability of
Glynn et al (1988) found epidural clonidine to be as adverse effects are necessary.
effective as epidural morphine in 20 chronic pain The main argument against the use of the
patients using a crossover design. As in earlier epidural route as (merely) an alternative way to
studies there was a suggestion that clonidine was deliver opioid is that the opioid, whether given
more effective than morphine for neuropathic pain. orally or spinally, must in the end be working at the
α2-Adrenergic drugs have a place as adjuvants in opioid receptor. Failed management with oral
local anaesthetic and opioid combinations for opioid, failed because the pain was not responsive
resistant neuropathic pain (Eisenach et al 1995). (Arnér and Meyerson 1988, Jadad et al 1992) rather
Epidural midazolam was found in one than failed because the opioid was not absorbed, is
randomized controlled trial to be as effective as thus a questionable indication for epidural opioid.
epidural steroid in the management of chronic back The protagonists can point to many thousands of
pain (Serrao et al 1992). Experience is limited, so patients treated. Epidural opioids alone, however,
that more studies are needed to clarify whether are not a universal panacea in cancer pain (Hogan
there is a clinical role. et al 1991); if conventional routes for opioids do not
relieve the pain, combinations of local anaesthetic
Cancer pain and opioid appear to have a higher success rate
Epidural opioids are used in chronic cancer pain as than opioid alone.
an alternative to other (oral or subcutaneous) routes A systematic review (Ballantyne et al 1996)
(Plummer et al 1991). There has been little evidence compared the efficacy of epidural, subarachnoid,
from randomized controlled trials to support the and intracerebroventricular opioids in cancer.
argument that better analgesia is provided at lower Intracerebroventricular therapy appeared at least
incidence of adverse effects. Indeed one trial found as effective against pain as other approaches, and
that subcutaneous opioid was just as good as was the only fixed system associated with fewer
epidural opioid alone (Kalso et al 1996). technical problems than the use of simple
Long-term administration, either as intermittent percutaneous epidural catheters.
bolus or by infusion, is technically feasible. The choice
of delivery system lies between the low technology Combination of local anaesthetic and opioid
percutaneous exterior epidural catheter and The situation is changing with the advent of 407
Therapeutic approaches

epidural infusion of combination of local anaes- Early enthusiasm in this field has been tempered by
thetics and opioid. Intrathecal use of such randomized controlled trials, and the field remains
combinations in cancer pain is described by Sjöberg dynamic, with a switch from the use of either local
et al (1991). Most cancer pain, some 80%, responds anaesthetics or opioids on their own to the com-
to simple management with oral opioid and other bination of the two. The α2-adrenergic agonists in
analgesics. The two kinds of cancer pain which existing forms may also have a limited role on their
respond badly to simple management are own but may interact with local anaesthetics and
movement-related pain and neuropathic pain. opioids to provide a clinical advantage. Their
Movement-related pain can theoretically be importance is that they suggest that other beneficial
controlled with oral opioid. In practice the dose of interactions may emerge.
opioid required to control the patient’s pain on The fact that the field is dynamic, with a recent
movement is such that the patient is soundly switch to the combination of local anaesthetics and
sedated when not moving (not in pain). Con- opioids, means that we do not yet have the
ventional wisdom is that NSAIDs should be added necessary information as to minimal effective dose.
if they have been omitted. In practice this often has Randomized controlled trials are then required to
little impact in established severe pain. Some such define the clinical role of epidural combinations
pains, for instance due to vertebral metastases, can versus non-epidural pain relief in all the various
be helped by extradural steroid. The final resort is pain contexts. There is still major concern that these
to use continuous epidural infusion of a combination powerful analgesic tools should be used effectively,
of local anaesthetic and opioid. The synergy safely, and economically. The dream of attaining
between the local anaesthetic and the opioid means prolonged and powerful analgesia without adverse
that low doses can provide analgesia with little loss effects has not yet been realized, and as far as these
of mobility. There are few randomized controlled epidural techniques are concerned, pain relief must
trials of this usage. The need for greater volume still be bought at the cost of some risk. In some
means that few of the devices available for areas of pain management, however, these
implanted infusion of opioid alone are suitable, so techniques are changing radically the quality of the
that percutaneous catheters and external syringe service we deliver.
drivers may be necessary. This method appears to
produce analgesia for pains poorly responsive to References
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RCT of 85 patients comparing 30 μg per hour epidural Ballantyne JC, Carr DB, Berkey CS, Chalmers TC, Mosteller F 1996
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(45%) than with placebo (21%), and more so in Ballantyne JC, Carr DB, deFerranti S, Suarez T, Lau J, Chalmers TC,
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after cesarean section. Anesthesiology 73: 848–852 Scurlock J, Curtis B 1981 Tetraethylammonium derivatives:
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Atypical analgesic drugs and

sympathetic blockers
C A Chong, R Munglani, R G Hill
Introduction also works well when given epidurally. It has been
claimed to be effective against acute and chronic
This chapter describes recent developments in the pains, including cancer pain (Coombs et al 1985;
physiology and pharmacology of pain and also Eisenach et al 1989, 1995) and may be effective in
deals with the utility of drugs introduced for other patients who have become tolerant to opioids or are
therapeutic targets but found empirically to have a suffering neuropathic pain. In a multicentre double-
place in the treatment of pain. We also try to put blind trial, epidural clonidine given concomittantly
the established techniques of sympathetic block with epidural morphine improved pain relief in
in their proper context following the lead set by patients with severe cancer pain (Eisenach et al
Hannington-Kiff (1994). Although there is overlap 1995). Only those patients with neuropathic pain
with other chapters dealing with the preclinical benefited from this treatment. Falls in systemic
pharmacology of analgesia, the emphasis here is on blood pressure after epidural clonidine were rated
drugs that have been evaluated in the clinic or are as severe in only two patients out of 38 studied and
in routine clinical use but do not yet have a the incidence of dry mouth and sedation was similar
completely explained mechanism of action. to that seen on morphine alone.
Clonidine has been shown to potentiate the
action of opioids and local anaesthetics. Related
Atypical analgesic drugs drugs have similar properties, e.g., xylazine,
Adrenoceptor agonists for spinal dexmedetomidine and tizanidine. Tizanidine,
although initially introduced for the treatment of
analgesia spasticity (e.g., Gelber et al 2001), has been suggested
The α2 adrenoceptor agonist clonidine has distinct to be useful in treating a range of painful conditions
analgesic properties, when given either systemically including myofascial and neuropathic pain (Gosy
or spinally, which are separable from its other phar- 2001). The postsynaptic mechanism of action of α2
macology. The use of this drug as an analgesic is agonists is similar to that of morphine and is exerted
limited by its sedative and vasodepressor properties. via activation of postsynaptic receptors coupled to
The ratio of unwanted to wanted effects can be an increasing outward K+ conductance, which
maximized by giving clonidine intrathecally and it reduces cellular excitability. 413
Therapeutic approaches

Recent studies using selective antibodies to and at a group of G-protein coupled receptors known
identify the localization of the A, B, and C subtypes as the metabotropic glutamate receptors. The
of α2 receptor within the dorsal horn of the spinal majority of studies in man have used agents that act
cord suggest that the α2A receptor is responsible for at NMDA receptors.
the analgesic properties (Stone et al 1998). An
extensive review of the role of monoamines and NMDA receptors
their receptors in the control of nociception can be The dissociative anaesthetics phencyclidine and
found in Millan (1997). ketamine have analgesic actions at subanaesthetic
doses, recently explained by blockade of glutamate
action at NMDA receptors. These agents produce
Serotonin receptor ligands and hallucinations and ataxia at doses only slightly
uptake blockers higher than those needed to produce analgesia, but
nevertheless ketamine in particular has been shown
Serotonin or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) has been
to have an application in controlling pain that may
implicated in the control of pain sensation as a
not be sensitive to other analgesic agents. Post-
result of physiological studies on the descending
surgically it has been shown that ketamine will
inhibition of dorsal horn nociception by stimulation
suppress the central sensitization expressed as
of 5HT-containing pathways originating in the
punctate hyperalgesia around a surgical incision
vicinity of the midbrain raphe nuclei. The use of
(Stubhaug et al 1997) and the secondary hyperalgesia
5HT receptor agonists as analgesics has been very
in man following an experimental burn (Warnke
limited to date due to the lack of agents that are
et al 1997). Interestingly, in this latter study, the
selective for the different receptor subtypes (14 to
wind-up of pain caused by repeated stimulation with
date) and also to limiting side effects (nausea,
a Von Frey hair in the region of secondary analgesia
sedation, decreased blood pressure) that have been
was suppressed by ketamine but not by morphine.
seen with the agents that have been evaluated in
In patients with the usually intractable pain of
man. It is unlikely that the analgesic properties of
postherpetic neuralgia, subcutaneous ketamine
tricyclic antidepressants are due to effects on 5HT
was found to give relief (Eide et al 1995). Ketamine,
because the selective 5HT uptake blockers such as
although usually administered by injection as part
fluoxetine and paroxetine appear less useful for the
of anaesthetic practice, has reasonable oral bio-
treatment of pain than the non-selective agents such
availability and will relieve the pain of glossopha-
as amitriptyline (see McQuay et al 1996).
ryngeal neuralgia (Eide and Stubhaug 1997) or
The 5HT1B/D agonists such as sumatriptan,
postamputation stump pain (Nikolajsen et al 1997)
zolmitriptan, naratriptan, and rizatriptan are
when given by this route.
extremely effective in the treatment of migraine
Drugs with the same mechanism of action as
headache but do not appear to be generally
ketamine (i.e., use-dependent block of the NMDA
analgesic. This is likely to be attributable to a
receptor ion channel) are in clinical trial. Amantidine,
selective regional distribution of these receptors
better known as an antiviral and dopamine receptor
such that, for example, sensory input within the
ligand, in a double-blind trial was found to give
dorsal horn of the spinal cord originating in the
pain relief in cancer patients suffering from neuro-
occipital division of the trigeminal nerve can be
pathic pain (Pud et al 1998). Cambridge Neuroscience
attenuated by agents of this class (Storer and
have reported that CNS-5161 was effective at
Goadsby 1997) but that from lumbar dorsal roots
reducing pain in volunteers and Neurobiological
cannot (Cumberbatch et al 1998).
Technologies have reported that diabetic patients
treated with memantine experienced a 30%
Excitatory amino acid receptor reduction of night-time pain and an 18% reduction
in daytime pain and a variety of studies with
antagonists dextromethorphan indicate that this compound has
Glutamate is the most widely distributed excitatory weak but reproducible analgesic effects (company
neurotransmitter in the central nervous system and communications, 1998).
is released by all primary afferent fibres synapsing
with secondary sensory neurons in the dorsal horn Antagonists of the action of
of the spinal cord (see Salt and Hill 1983 for historical
review). It is now known that glutamate can act at
substance P
two families of ionotropic receptors, for convenience There has been interest in the role of substance P in
414 referred to as NMDA and non-NMDA receptors, nociception since the suggestion that this peptide
was concentrated in dorsal roots (see Salt and Hill
Atypical analgesic drugs and sympathetic blockers
(Akopian et al 1996, Friedel et al 1997). It has also
1983 for historical review). Mice in which the gene been found in unmyelinated fibres of biopsied
for the NK1 receptor had been deleted showed human sural nerve (Quasthoff et al 1995). No
deficiencies in spinal wind-up and intensity coding compound that will block the TTX-resistant Na
of spinal reflexes, although baseline nociception current in a selective way is available at present but
was unaffected (De Felipe et al 1998). In mice where the recent cloning and expression of the channel
the gene encoding the precursor for substance P, (Akopian et al 1997) should make this an achievable
preprotachykinin, had been deleted, responses to objective.
mildly painful stimuli were intact but the response Those agents currently available, although widely
to more intense stimuli was attenuated (Cao et al used, are suboptimal. For example, lidocaine
1998, Zimmer et al 1998). The discovery of non- (lignocaine) does not select between Na channels in
peptide antagonists of the NK1 (substance P) receptor neurons and those in other tissues, and in molar
(for review, see Longmore et al 1995) allowed terms it is a rather weak blocker. It has a higher
testing of the hypothesis that antagonism of the affinity for the TTX-sensitive current in myelinated
effects of substance P might lead to analgesia. In fibres than for the TTX-resistant current in noci-
animal experiments, convincing evidence has been ceptors (Scholz et al 1998). Only its use-dependent
obtained for antinociceptive effects with these mechanism of action has allowed its safe application
compounds, especially in inflammatory hyperalgesia as a local anaesthetic (see Murdoch Ritchie 1994).
(Rupniak et al 1995) or hypersensitivity induced by When given intravenously, it has been found to be
experimental diabetes (Field et al 1998). However, effective in the treatment of a number of neuropathic
investigations in man have failed to demonstrate pain states, whereas efficacy against other pains is
convincing analgesic properties in most studies so the subject of debate, with positive and negative
far published (see, for example, Block et al 1998, studies being reported. If infusion rate is limited to
Reinhardt et al 1998). 5 mg/kg/h (Fields at al 1997) then side effects are
mild with minimal cardiovascular changes. Pain
relief after a 1-h infusion lasts several hours and on
Ion channel blockers occasion very much longer than this. It has also been
Ever since the introduction of local anaesthetics, it found to be effective against migraine headache
has been common for clinicians to use drugs that when given intranasally (Maizels et al 1996).
block ion channels in order to control pain. This The anticonvulsants phenytoin and carbamazepine
approach has expanded recently with the use of also inhibit both TTX-resistant and TTX-sensitive
membrane-stabilizing anticonvulsant drugs to treat currents in rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells (Rush
various intractable pain conditions. The molecular and Elliot 1997) and this may explain the clinical
biology of ion channels is now sufficiently well effectiveness of these agents in treating pain (McQuay
understood to allow the rational design of blockers et al 1995). Lamotrigine is also proving useful in the
for a single channel subtype. Many established treatment of neuropathic pain, and the recent
drugs, such as morphine, exert their effects by demonstration that it reduces cold-induced pain in
influencing the activity of ion channels indirectly volunteer subjects may indicate a wider utility in
by activating receptors coupled to ion channels by treating other pains (Webb and Kamali 1998). The
second messenger systems. This section is not more recently introduced anticonvulsant topiramate
concerned with such drugs but rather with those has shown efficacy in animal experiments that
that directly influence the activity of voltage-gated suggest that it should be useful against neuropathic
ion channels. Recent reviews of this area can be pain (Tremont-Lukats et al 2000) and there are some
found in McClure and Wildsmith (1991) and Fields clinical reports appearing suggesting it may be
et al (1997). effective against trigeminal neuralgia (e.g., Zvartau-
Hind et al 2000). It is also relevant to note that
Na channels tricyclic antidepressants have been shown to block
Na channels are overexpressed in biopsies taken neuronal Na channels and this may account for
from painful neuromas (England et al 1996). It has some of the analgesic activity of this class of com-
been suggested that the slow, tetrodotoxin-resistant pound (Pancrazio et al 1998).
Na current is the best target for a drug that will
relieve pain but have minimal side effects (Rizzo Ca channels
et al 1996). This channel is overexpressed in the The neuronal Ca channels are now a large, complex
presence of inflammation and is found on the NGF- family with L-, N-, P-, Q-, R-, and T-type currents
dependent unmyelinated nociceptive afferent fibres being found in brain and other neuronal tissues 415
Therapeutic approaches

(Birnbaumer et al 1994, Perez-Reyes et al 1998). This mechanism. It will reduce transmitter release and is
diversity, although confusing, provides a number active in a number of animal nociception assays
of alternative targets for the design of new analgesic (Taylor 1998). A more potent analogue (pregabalin,
drugs. Blockers of L-type Ca currents are the most S-(+)-3-isobutylgaba), is currently in development
accessible, having been used to treat cardiovascular for the treatment of pain (Field et al 1997). It has
disorders for many years. Although the cardio- been shown to be effective in a randomized double-
vascular effects may limit their utility it has recently blind study in patients with postoperative dental
been shown that nimodipine will reduce the daily pain (Hill et al 2001) and in a variety of animal tests
dose of morphine needed to provide pain relief in a has a profile similar to that of gabapentin (Bryans
group of cancer patients (Santillan et al 1998), and and Wustrow 1999).
that this effect is not due to a pharmacokinetic
interaction of the drugs. Epidural verapamil has
been shown to reduce analgesic consumption in
Nicotinic agonists
patients after lower abdominal surgery (Choe et al Cholinergic agonists are antinociceptive in animals
1998). In animal experiments it is readily demon- but clinical exploitation has been limited by severe
strable that L-channel blockers (such as nimodipine, side effects produced by non-specific activation of
verapamil, and diltiazem) have antinociceptive cholinergic systems. Recent detailed knowledge of
properties (Rupniak et al 1993, Neugebauer et al the molecular biology of cholinoceptors makes it
1996), and it is important to consider the presence possible to design agents that are receptor subtype
of this type of activity when evaluating a novel selective and thus may have an improved ratio of
agent as an analgesic (Rupniak et al 1993). wanted to unwanted effects.
N-, P-, and Q-type Ca currents have all been The cholinergic analgesia story was revived
implicated in pain perception on the basis of following the discovery (Spande et al 1992) that
anatomical location and animal experiments with epibatidine, an alkaloid extracted from the skin of
invertebrate toxins that show some blockade an Ecuadorean frog, was a more potent analgesic
specificity for the individual channels (Bowersox than morphine. This compound was subsequently
et al 1994, Malmberg and Yaksh 1995, Miljanich and shown to be a potent nicotinic agonist (Badio and
Ramachandran 1995, Neugebauer et al 1996, Nebe Daley 1994) but was too toxic to be developed as a
et al 1998). Peptide blockers of P-type channels have clinical analgesic (Rupniak et al 1994). An analogue
also been studied for their antinociceptive effects in of epibatidine, ABT-594, has recently been reported
animals. They appear to be most effective in the as an analgesic development candidate with an
presence of inflammation (Nebe et al 1997) and improved therapeutic ratio. This agent, in contrast
have a different effect on N-channel blockers in that to epibatidine, does not act at neuromuscular
they attenuate the late but not the early phase of the junction nicotinic receptors and has low affinity at
formalin response (Diaz and Dickenson 1997). No some CNS nicotinic sites (α7) but high affinity at
information is yet available about the action of P- others (α4β2). It has moderate affinity at autonomic
channel blockers in man but it is relevant to note and sensory ganglion (α3-containing) receptors
that mutation of P/Q-type calcium channels has been (Donelly-Roberts et al 1998). In vivo, ABT-594
associated with the occurrence of familial hemi- showed antinociceptive activity in thermal and
plegic migraine (Ophoff et al 1996), suggesting one chemical (formalin) tests that was reversed by the
logical therapeutic use for blockers of this channel. brain penetrant nicotinic antagonist mecamylamine
Gabapentin is a novel anticonvulsant agent that and analgesia persisted after chronic dosing of
is proving useful for the treatment of neuropathic drug (Bannon et al 1998). Acute dosing caused a
pain (Rosner et al 1996, Rosenberg et al 1997), decrease in locomotor activity, a decrease in body
especially for postherpetic neuralgia (Rice et al 2001). temperature, and loss of balance but these effects,
It is rapidly becoming the drug of choice for neuro- unlike the antinociception, showed tolerance on
pathic pain due to its improved separation between repeated dosing. A part of the analgesia produced
wanted and unwanted effects compared with other by ABT-594 may be due to activation of descending
anticonvulsants and tricyclics (Rice et al 2001, inhibitory pathways originating in the nucleus
Tremont-Lukats et al 2000). It has also been suggested raphe magnus (Bitner et al 1998). It remains to be
to be useful in treating the pain of multiple sclerosis demonstrated whether agents of this type will be
(Houtchens et al 1997). The precise mode of action clinically useful. One limitation may be the ability
of this drug is obscure but it binds with high of such drugs to interact with brain reward systems
affinity to the α2δ subunit of calcium channels (Gee and thus produce dependence (Epping-Jordan et al
416 et al 1996), although this may not be its only 1998).
Atypical analgesic drugs and sympathetic blockers
Capsaicin (VR-1) receptor activators Sympathetic blocks: present and
and blockers future roles
The use of capsaicin as a rubefacient in treatment of The past 15 years have seen major advances in the
painful disorders is traditional but it is only in the understanding of the role of the sympathetic nervous
past 20 years that the pharmacology of the active system in pain states. However, the benefits of
principle, capsaicin, has become well understood. sympathetic blockade for these various conditions
The early work of the Janscos in Hungary (see have been subject to some controversy. More
Salt and Hill 1983 for background) showed that importantly, the complex regional pain syndrome
systemic administration to rodents would deplete (CRPS) classification (Chap. 18) has little value in
peptides from small primary afferent fibres without predicting response to sympathetic blockade or
affecting CNS neurons, large sensory fibres, or prognosis. Several papers and editorials have
autonomic fibres. Such administration produced questioned the concept of the role of the sympathetic
initial nociceptive behaviour, consistent with the system in pain states and dismissed the short- and
pain seen when capsaicin is injected or applied long-term results of sympathetic blockade in clinical
topically in man, followed by prolonged elevation practice (Ochoa and Verdugo 1993; Verdugo and
of nociceptive thresholds. Ochoa 1994; Schott 1994, 1995, 1998; Baron 1999; Max
Preparations containing capsaicin for topical and Gilron 1999). The sympathetic system interacts
application are now widely available and are some- with the patient’s pain state at several neuro-
times effective in painful conditions involving anatomical locations; therefore it is likely that an
unmyelinated fibre dysfunction. These include apparently clinically uniform group of patients
postherpetic neuralgia, postmastectomy pain, and in a study will have a range of pathophysiology on
diabetic neuropathy (Szallasi 1997). Commercial pre- presentation. The sensitivity of a pain state to
parations generally contain only low concentrations sympathetic block changes with time. Thus, it is
of capsaicin (<1%) and even at this dose compliance understandable that there is a wide range of
can be low because of the burning sensation expe- response to sympathetic blockade in different pain
rienced on application. Recently a trial has been made states. The complexity of the system we are dealing
of high-dose (5–10%) topical capsaicin applied with and its lack of predictive clinical signs,
under regional anaesthetic cover in patients with symptoms, and investigations makes it challenging
refractory pain (Robbins et al 1998). Even with regional to determine the appropriate treatment for an
anaesthesia, burning pain due to the capsaicin was individual patient.
experienced by some patients and had to be treated In this section we will briefly outline the patho-
with IV fentanyl. Marked temporary pain relief physiology of sympathetically related pain disorders
was obtained in 9 out of 10 patients, with 7 of these and attempt to relate this to clinical pain conditions.
achieving significant and prolonged pain relief on Commonly used techniques, their indications, and
repeated application. Capsaicin is not suitable for possible side effects are presented in Table 26.1
oral administration to man as it is poorly absorbed
from and highly irritant to the GI tract. It is not yet
clear whether it is necessary to first stimulate the Basic scientific evidence for the role
receptor to desensitize it (causing the patient of the sympathetic nervous system in
discomfort) or whether it might be possible to block
the receptor painlessly with a silent antagonist or
partial agonist yet still provide clinical pain relief. The sympathetic nervous system has very little effect
Workers at Novartis have produced analogues on the function of normal nociceptors. However, in
of capsaicin that are not pain producing yet still the presence of injury, it can interact with the
have antinociceptive properties in animals and are sensory system at several levels: (1) dorsal root
free of unwanted bronchoconstrictor activity. One ganglion, (2) distal segments of regenerating nerves,
of these drugs has entered clinical development as and (3) undamaged fibres in partially injured nerves.
a potential analgesic (Wrigglesworth et al 1996). Furthermore, cross-excitation occurs between
Recently a specific receptor (VR-1) for capsaicin- nerves of all sizes after injury, and experimentally
like compounds has been expression cloned these sensory nerve endings have been shown to be
(Caterina et al 1997) from a DRG library. It is likely exquisitely sensitive to mechanical and thermal
that this discovery will rapidly lead to further novel stimuli, to local or systemic cathecholamines, and
agonists and antagonists of this receptor which can to electrical stimulation of postganglionic sym-
be clinically evaluated for treatment of pain. pathetic neurons. This sympathetic facilitation 417
Therapeutic approaches

Table 26.1 Summary of sympathetic block, indications and side effects

Areas of blockade Indications Side effects

Sphenopalatine ganglion Sluder’s neuralgia Epistaxis

Cluster headache Paraesthesia of teeth and hard palate
Atypical facial pain

Stellate ganglion Pain Horner’s syndrome

SMP of CRPS 1 or 2 Miosis
Herpes zoster Ptosis
Early postherpetic neuralgia Enopthalmos
Neoplastic Anhydrosis
Paget’s disease Conjunctival injection
Postradiation neuritis Nasal congestion
Intractable angina pectoris Nerve injury
Pain from CNS lesions Brachial plexus
Vascular insufficiency Recurrent laryngeal
Raynaud’s disease Phrenic
Frostbite Perforated trachea
Vasospasm Perforated oesophagus
Occlusive or embolic vascular disease Inadvertent vascular injection
Scleroderma Inadvertent intrathecal injection
Meniere’s disease
Shoulder–hand syndrome
Vascular headaches
Sudden blindness

Thoracic sympathetic chain Non-malignant and malignant pain of Pneumothorax (4% incidence). Bleeding from
including splanchnic nerves abdomen, thorax, neck and head vascular trauma

Coeliac plexus Pain Procedure

Upper abdominal malignancy: pancreas, Bleeding
liver, gallbladder Retroperitoneal haematoma
Non malignant Intravascular injection
Chronic pancreatitis Intrapsoas injection
Intrathecal or epidural injection
Nerve root injury
Perforated viscera: kidney, liver
Infection, peritonitis, abscess
Local anaesthetic/neurolytic related
Lower extremity warmness
Thrombosis or embolism
Impotence (3%)
Paraplegia (0.15%) possibly from damage to
artery of Adamkiewicz
Metabolic and chemical complications from
alcohol (in patients with aldehyde dehydrogenase
deficiency) or phenol intravascularly.

Lumbar sympathetic Vascular insufficiency Bleeding/haemorrhage

SMP of CRPS 1 or 2 Trauma to viscera
Post herpetic neuralgia Intravascular injection
Neuropathic pain in lower limbs Epidural/intrathecal injection
Phantom limb pain Nerve trauma
Malignant pain Genitofemoral—leads to groin pain
Intractable back pain

Atypical analgesic drugs and sympathetic blockers

Table 26.1 Summary of sympathetic block, indications and side effects (cont’d)
Areas of blockade Indications Side effects

Superior hypogastric plexus Pelvic pain both malignant and Trauma to viscera
non malignant Bleeding, haemorrhage
Bladder, rectal and erectile dysfunction

Ganglion of Impar (ganglion Perineal pain As above

of Walther) Usually neoplastic
Benign coccidynia

appears to be working via cathecholamines on α1 system is stimulated naturally by heating or

and α2 receptors and via neuropeptide Y (NPY) that cooling with a thermal suit (Baron et al 1999).
works via Y1 and Y2 receptors (Tracey et al 1995). There is evidence that the sympathetic system
See also Coughnon et al (1997) and Munglani et al can mediate inflammation per se. Clinical reports of
(1998) for reviews. IVRB with ketorolac for sympathetically maintained
The dorsal root ganglion is important because pain (SMP) have been effective. Activation of α2
after injury, there is spontaneous discharge within receptors may release prostaglandins and sympa-
days of injury (Devor and Wall 1990). Cross- thectomy diminishes the effects of interleukin-8
excitation occurs between DRG and myelinated (IL8), NGF, IL1, and TNFα (Cunha et al 1992a, b;
neurons (Utzschneider et al 1992) and there is Safieh-Garabedian et al 1995; Andreev et al 1995;
profuse growth of sympathetic fibres into the Woolf et al 1996). However, sympathectomy does
dorsal root ganglion and around large myelinated not abolish hyperalgesia in man (Meyer et al 1992).
afferent nerves (McLachlan et al 1993). The
mechanism may be due to nerve growth factor Diagnosis and treatment of
(NGF) (Davis et al 1994, McMahon and Bennett
sympathetically maintained pain
Although there is much evidence for sympathetic The diagnosis of SMP is simple: if at any stage of
nervous system effects on somatosensory nerves, the pain history, a placebo-controlled block of the
the sympathetic system itself may show decreased sympathetic system causes relief of symptoms then
activity after damage. Arnold et al (1993) have that patient has SMP. Failure to relieve symptoms
shown that the symptomatic limb has reduced leads to diagnosis of SIP (sympathetically inde-
circulating adrenaline (epinephrine) in the venous pendent pain). Unfortunately, history, symptoms,
outflow and this may be due to denervation super- and signs are no predictors of whether a case is
sensitivity. The affected limb may have thermo- likely to be a SMP, although a few conditions are
regulatory disturbances, and animal experiments more likely to be associated with it (Table 26.2). It
have shown that the sympathetic cell bodies and has been reported that cold allodynia is a feature
fibres atrophy after nerve injury. This atrophy could of all SMP and 50% of SIP patients (Frost et al 1988,
predispose to denervation supersensitivity of Campbell et al 1994).
receptors on blood vessels, which could account for
a ‘cooler’ affected limb. Cooling of the limb may be
consistent with the phenomenon of cold allodynia Table 26.2 Conditions associated with sympathetically
(Janig 1988, Magerl et al 1996) mediated pain (SMP)
The sympathetic system may also contribute to
inflammation-related pain. There are anecdotal Acute shingles
reports of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Neuralgias including postherpetic neuralgia
responding to IVRB with guanethidine (Hannington-
Kiff 1994, Levine et al 1986a). Capsaicin-induced Painful metabolic neuropathies
hyperalgesia can be slightly enhanced by coadmin-
Phantom pain
istration of noradrenaline (norepinephrine) whilst
phentolamine slightly decreases it (Meyer et al Traumatic nerve injuries
1992, Drummond 1995, Liu et al 1996). However, Soft tissue injury
this is not the case when a subject’s sympathetic 419
Therapeutic approaches

The CRPS taxonomy (see Chap. 18) introduced controlled trials to evaluate their usefulness in SMP
in Orlando in 1993 recognizes that there may be a have been done. This chapter will not attempt to
SIP component of a pain state. It also recognized explain the techniques due to lack of space and the
that with time a pain state, which was SMP, could availability of some excellent books on neural
become SIP. Therefore, the rationale for diagnostic blockade (Hahn et al 1996, Prithvi Raj et al
and therapeutic sympatholytic procedures is not 1996, Waldman and Winnie 1996, Cousins and
automatic when a diagnosis of CRPS is made. The Bridenbaugh 1998). A list of common sympathetic
CRPS complex has many components, of which the blocks is given in Table 26.1.
sympathetic system is only one; they include
sympathetic, sensory, autonomic, inflammatory,
psychological, and motor components (Boas 1996). Sphenopalatine ganglion block
In practice, an intravenous phentolamine infusion This is located posterior to the middle turbinate
(dose of 0.5 to 1 mg/kg) is used as a diagnostic tool and these cells communicate with the trigeminal
because it can be placebo controlled. Phentolamine and facial nerves as well as carotid plexus. This can
is an α-adrenergic antagonist that blocks the α be blocked with topical cocaine or local anaesthetic
receptors that may be involved in SMP. The use of or by a lateral approach under the zygoma using
IVRB with guanethidine as a diagnostic tool is not fluoroscopy. Radiofrequency of this ganglion has
recommended. Various other tests exist for also been described and may be useful for the
sympathetic dysfunction. These are summarized in treatment of atypical facial pain.
Table 26.3.
It is possible also to use local anaesthetic blocks
of the sympathetic chain for diagnosis but there Stellate ganglion block
may be a false positive response from diffusion
onto somatosensory nerve roots or absorption This ganglion receives sympathetic fibres from
resulting in systemic action (Charlton 1986, Stolker T1–T2 (head and neck) and T8–T9 (upper limb).
et al 1994, Hogan 1997). The stellate ganglion is often fused with first thoracic
ganglion and lies over C7 to T1. There are two
common techniques to block the stellate ganglion.
Sympathetic blocks The first uses Chaussignac’s tubercle (transverse
process of C6) and the second is a more medial
The indications and possible complications of approach to the anterolateral border of C7.
sympathetic blocks are described in Table 26.1. It This block is achieved with 5 to 10 ml of local
is important to note that very few randomized anaesthetic. A rise in temperature of the upper limb
was thought to indicate successful sympathicolysis.
Table 26.3 Interventional techniques for therapeutic
However it has been shown that 48% of patients
sympatholysisa who show a temperature rise have an undisturbed
sympathetic nervous function when this is assessed
Percutaneous techniques with laser Doppler flowmetry (Schurmann et al 2001).
Sympathetic ganglion block The success rate even with experienced operators is
Epidural nerve block with or without clonidine 75% (Stanton-Hicks et al 1996). Neurolytic blockade
Peripheral nerve block runs the risk of permanent side effects.
Phenol or alcohol block of the sympathetic chain
Pulsed or continuous radiofrequency sympathectomy
Radiofrequency lesioning of the stellate ganglion
has been described and a retrospective analysis has
Intravenous techniques shown its efficacy is similar to other ways of
IVRB (e.g., guanethidine, bretylium, ketorolac,
blocking the stellate ganglion (Forouszanfar et al
phentolamine, clonidine, reserpine, ketanserin with or
without local anaesthetic) 2000).
Systemic (e.g., phentolamine, pamidronate)

Surgery Thoracic sympathetic block

Oral The thoracic sympathetic chain lies near the somatic
Prazosin, phenoxybenzamine, nifedipine, clonidine
nerves as they emanate from the intravertebral
Topical foramen. There is a 4% incidence of pneumothorax
Clonidine during blockade even in experienced hands
Adapted from Campbell et al (1994). (Prithvi Raj et al 1996). Though historically having
420 few indications, one of the authors has found
discogenic cervical pain does respond to T2
Atypical analgesic drugs and sympathetic blockers

useful as a treatment for pelvic malignant and non-

sympathetic blockade or radiofrequency. malignant pain (Plancarte et al 1989, De Leon-
Casasola et al 1993, Prithvi Raj et al 1996).
Coeliac plexus block
The coeliac plexus lies anterolateral to the aorta and Ganglion of Impar (Walther) block
receives fibres from T5 to T12 that pass through Plancarte et al (1996) has described this for the
splanchnic nerves. It innervates all abdominal treatment of intractable neoplastic perineal pain of
viscera except for part of the transverse colon, sympathetic origin. The ganglion of Impar is a
descending colon, rectum, and pelvic viscera (Prithvi solitary retroperitoneal structure at the level of the
Raj et al 1996). Blockade is achieved using local sacrococcygeal junction. It is reached by a bent
anaesthetic with or without steroid and also needle around the coccyx or through the sacro-
neurolytic agents such as phenol or alcohol. coccygeal membrane. In a pilot study, 16 patients
Neurolytic coeliac blocks work for 6–12 months with advanced cancer of the cervix, colon, bladder,
before the nerves regenerate. or rectum experienced symptomatic relief with a
Prithvi Raj et al (1999) has described successful diagnostic local block. Eight of these patients
splanchnic nerve radiofrequency lesioning as an experienced 100% relief with 4–6 ml of phenol and
alternative to coeliac plexus blockade for abdominal the rest experienced at least 50% relief.

Intravenous regional anaesthesia

Lumbar sympathetic block
Pharmacological end-organ manipulation can be
Preganglionic sympathetic neurons arise from the used to both diagnose (now controversially) and
anterolateral dorsal horn from T10 to L2–L3 and treat SMP. The technique was introduced by
pass through the white rami and sympathetic trunk Hannington-Kiff (1977) using guanethidine, which
to the sympathetic and sacral ganglia and then depletes nerve endings of noradrenaline (nor-
usually join the L1–L5 and S1–S3 spinal nerves by epinephrine) stores and prevents reuptake. Other
way of the grey rami or form a diffuse plexus drugs that have been used include bretylium,
around the iliac arteries. Preganglionic fibres for the ketorolac, phentolamine, reserpine, and ketanserin.
visceral structures synapse commonly in T10–T12 This technique has advantages because it is easy
and L1 ganglia and then join the aortic and to perform and can be done in an anticoagulated
hypogastric plexus to supply the kidney, ureter, patient. Possible complications include hypotension
bladder, distal transverse colon, rectum, prostate, and neuropraxia from the cuff. Ramamurthy et al
testicle, cervix, and uterus. (1995) and Wahren et al (1995) have reported
Patients often respond to a diagnostic local block very good results with IVRB using guanethidine.
but only 30% respond to the subsequent neurolytic However, recent randomized, controlled trials
blockade, with duration of action of 6–12 months. (Jadad et al 1995, Kaplan et al 1996) have failed to
One explanation is that LSB using local anaesthetic show any benefit, suggesting (1) a placebo response,
may spread to the somatosensory nerves and there (2) an effect of the inflated cuff itself, or (3) failure to
may be some systemic absorption that leads to a understand the complex nature of CRPS in patients.
false-positive result (Stanton-Hicks et al 1996).
Several approaches to the lumbar sympathetic
plexus have been described but the lateral Sympathetic blocks: defining a
approach is more direct and causes less discomfort.
Bonica recommended blockade at T12–L1 level to future role in therapy
achieve total interruption of sympathetic outflow to Whilst there may be little doubt as to the role
the lower limb but this may carry more risk to the of sympathetic (especially neurolytic) blocks in the
genitofemoral nerve. The block is usually made at management of vascular insufficiency and malignant
L3 (Stanton-Hicks et al 1996). pains (Plancarte et al 1996, Boas 1998), randomized
controlled trials have cast doubt on the benefits of
Hypogastric plexus block (presacral such autonomic blocks (and IVRB with guanethidine)
for conditions such as postherpetic neuralgia, low
sympathetic block) back pain, and CRPS of limbs.
The superior hypogastric plexus lies anterior to L5 Boas (1999) points out that although autonomic
and just inferior to the aortic bifurcation. It may be blocks may produce dramatic changes when first 421
Therapeutic approaches

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Disc surgery
Bo Salén and Erik Spangfort

about proper surgical treatment in individual cases

Introduction of lumbar pain syndromes. Surgical management
There is a growing awareness among low back of these conditions cannot be satisfactorily improved
specialists that the damage caused by a disc without a better clinical analysis and interpretation
herniation depends not only on the volume of disc of the main symptom, i.e., pain.
tissue protruding or extruding into the spinal canal,
but also on the space available for herniated disc
tissue in the individual spinal canal. Recently Disc operation
evidence has indicated a more complex process,
with a combination of mechanical and inflam-
Surgical technique
matory/immunologic factors causing sciatic pain In 1939, Love described the unilateral interlaminar
(Brisby 2000). Disc herniation is only one of several approach, which is still the routine technique in
pathomechanisms causing lumbar pain and sciatica. most quarters. The laminae of the two vertebrae
Reduction of the space available for the neural between which the herniation has occurred are
elements, generally called spinal stenosis, is exposed by subperiosteal dissection and the strong
recognized as a nosological entity which, alone or ligamentum flavum is resected, if necessary
in combination with disc herniation, may produce together with some part of the adjacent lamina. In
disabling symptoms from the spine. It is also most cases this exposure allows identification of the
recognized that when stenosis is involved in a disc underlying nerve root, inspection of the surface
syndrome, the results of surgical treatment with of the intervertebral disc after medial retraction of
traditional discectomy are usually unsatisfactory. the root, and removal of the possible herniation.
Spinal stenosis requires a radical change in surgical Occasionally more bone must be removed and in
technique. Despite impressive development of some cases a hemilaminectomy and/or a partial
technological investigative methods as computed resection of the posterior facet joint is performed
tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging to obtain an adequate exposure. Bilateral exposure
(MRI), it may still be extremely difficult to supply is usually not necessary in typical cases of disc
the necessary diagnostic foundation for decisions herniation.
Therapeutic approaches

Extent of exposure of the ‘combined operation’ is too small to warrant

the use of this method as a routine in patients with
It is, of course, desirable to minimize surgical typical lumbar disc herniations. The surgical
damage to the anatomical structures as much as indications for discectomy and spine fusion are
possible, even if it is still unproven that the extent different. The special indications for fusion should
of exposure has any major effect on the results of be considered separately in each individual case
disc operation (Busch et al 1950, Eyre-Brook 1952, when disc surgery is planned (Symposium 1981).
Naylor 1974, Fager and Freidberg 1980, Weber
1983). Inadequate exposure, on the other hand,
increases the risk of surgical injuries to the nerve Reoperation after discectomy
roots, the dura, and the vessels and also the risk of The rate of reoperations after a first disc operation
failure to locate displaced and migrating fragments is usually reported as 10–15%, but rarely within the
extruded from a ruptured disc. first year after a discectomy. The pathological
The development of microsurgical technique process, which in some patients results in a true
facilitates the procedure and implies less surgical disc herniation, tends to begin at the lumbosacral
trauma, but early expectations of considerably level and proceed in the cranial direction with age.
better results by microsurgery have not been The mean age at operation for verified ruptures at
confirmed (Tullberg et al 1993, McCulloch 1996). It the level L5–S1 was found to be 38 years, at the
is possible that percutaneous lumbar discectomy is level L4–L5 42 years, and in the unusual herniations
useful in a small group of strictly selected patients, at the three higher levels, 47 years (Spangfort 1972).
but the proper indications are not yet established The results of reoperations are generally less
(Onik et al 1997). The method is not suitable for favourable than those of first operations. This is
patients with rupture of the annulus (complete partly due to a higher rate of surgical complications
herniations). at reoperation, but the main reason is diagnostic
difficulties in patients assessed for repeat surgery,
Volume of tissue removed which results in high rates of negative explorations
in this group. When the degree of herniation found
In several reports the specimens of disc tissue by reoperation is considered, the results are,
removed by operation are measured by weight and however, almost as good.
the reported mean values range from 0.79 g In Spangfort’s study of disc operations, the rate
(Boemke 1951) to 9.88 g (Hanraets 1959). O’Connell of excellent results (i.e., complete relief of both low
(1951) found a mean weight of 1.95 g; he also back pain and sciatica) decreased from 62.0% after
reported that the mean weight of lumbar discs first operations to 43.1% after second operations
excised at autopsy was 24.6 g. and 28.6% after third operations. If a disc herniation
In an extensive study of the lumbar disc operation was found by reoperation (161 cases) the rate
(Spangfort 1972), the volume of disc tissue removed of excellent results was still 53.4%, but if the
was analysed in 645 cases (unpublished). The mean reoperation was a negative exploration (69 cases)
volume in this series was 2.14 (s.d. 1.04) ml, with no the rate was as low as 14.5%. Again, preoperative
single specimen larger than 7 ml. The mean volume diagnosis is crucial for the result of operation.
was correlated with the degree of herniation and The multioperated low back patient with a
increased from 1.25 ml in negative explorations to ‘failed back surgery syndrome’ should be carefully
1.52 ml in ‘bulging discs’, 2.01 ml in incomplete examined by a qualified investigation before
herniations, and 2.36 ml in ruptured discs. In 90 further ‘salvage surgery’ is attempted: ‘No matter
reoperations, where a disc herniation was found, how severe or how intractable the pain, it can
the mean volume was almost the same (2.09 ml). always be made worse by surgery’ (Finneson 1978).
These studies indicate that the average volume of
disc tissue removed by discectomy represents only
6–8% of the total disc volume. Epidural scar formation
The prevalent pathological condition found in
reoperations for recurrent pain after disc surgery is
The ‘combined operation’ often a dense fibrous scar formation strangling the
Concomitant discectomy and some type of fusion dura and nerve roots. This scar formation is
operation as a standard procedure in an attempt to considered a major cause of recurrent symptoms
improve the results of disc surgery are used. The after discectomy; it also complicates correct diagnosis
428 dominating conclusion has been that the advantage and reoperation of a true recurrent disc herniation.
Excision of the scar tissue (neurolysis) is difficult selection of patients with high-grade herniations is
Disc surgery

and the results are usually poor. it possible to improve the results of discectomy and
Langenskiöld and Kiviluoto (1976) reported avoid a growing number of disastrous failures
efficient prevention of epidural scar formation by (Spangfort 1972, Vucetic 1997).
the use of free grafts of subcutaneous fat tissue Disc surgery is pain surgery: the first condition
placed outside the spinal canal. It has been confirmed for considering the possibility of discectomy is that
that covering raw bone, muscles, and nerve roots the pain is severe enough to motivate surgical
with free fat grafts effectively prevents epidural scar treatment. The next condition is that the pain is
formation (Yong-Hing et al 1980, Quist et al 1998). caused predominantly by a high-grade herniation.
These conditions must be strictly respected. The
point is to establish the presence and location of an
Urgent disc surgery offending disc herniation and, unfortunately,
The only indication for immediate disc surgery is surgical exposure is still the only way to do so with
acute compression of the cauda equina by a large complete certainty.
herniation causing a sacral syndrome with neuro- The decision to advise discectomy must be based
logical signs from the second and lower sacral on a systematic and comprehensive diagnostic
roots, i.e., dysfunction of the bladder and bowel investigation, comprising a detailed history and an
with loss of sphincter control, impairment of sexual adequate analysis of the pain syndrome,
function, and saddle-shaped loss of sensation in the disentangling in each case debut and duration of
sacral dermatomes. In most cases the herniation is pain, temporal pattern, activities and circumstances
large, situated in the midline and ruptured. The affecting the pain, anatomical and topographical
condition is rare, probably less than one case per patterns, sensory modalities, and an assessment of
year in a population of 200 000. the intensity of the pain. Furthermore, a complete
In patients with symptoms of acute cauda physical examination is necessary, including the
equina compression a qualified examination and recording of posture and gait, degree of lordosis,
CT or MRI is urgent. Bladder dysfunction is, how- range and pattern of spinal motion, pattern of pain
ever, a common symptom in patients with severe by rest, motion and weight bearing, and a
low back pain and not necessarily caused by a large neurological examination, as well as psychological
disc herniation. Immediate surgical decompression assessment, routine laboratory tests, and plain
is generally considered mandatory when an acute radiographs of the spine and pelvis.
disc herniation is identified as the cause of the To achieve detailed analyses of the pain
syndrome. Severe impairment of bladder function, syndrome, in our experience, a pain-drawing method
bilateral saddle anaesthesia, and a preoperative
duration of more than 2 days appear to imply a
poor prognosis for satisfactory neurological recovery
after surgical decompression (Aho et al 1969). 100

Surgical indications and selection 80

Complete relief of sciatica

of patients
Except for the rare cases of acute cauda equina
syndrome, the purpose of discectomy is relief of
pain, in particular severe sciatic pain, caused by a 40
disc herniation. The disc herniation is a special 30
lesion occurring sometimes in the course of disc 20
Complete relief of sciatic pain after discectomy
is correlated primarily with the degree of herniation 0
(Fig. 27.1). The rate of complete relief is excellent in Negative Bulging Incomplete Complete
patients with high-grade herniations and the ideal exploration disc herniation herniation
indications for discectomy are recently ruptured Degree of herniation
herniations and large incomplete herniations in the Fig. 27.1 The correlation between complete relief of
process of rupturing or dissecting beneath the sciatica and the degree of herniation in 2503 operations
posterior longitudinal ligament. Only by meticulous (from Spangfort 1972). 429
Therapeutic approaches

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery

HUDDINGE SJUKHUS Huddinge University Hospital
S 141 Huddinge. Sweden



Pain Datum: Klockan





Fig. 27.2 Main form for pain drawing used for patients with low back pain (modified from Ransford et al 1976).

is definitely superior, as well as being cheap and which is most likely in some cases, we still cannot
convenient. Our present pain-drawing system identify the subgroup of patients who will benefit
(Fig. 27.2) was developed from the model pub- from discectomy in this respect.
lished by Ransford et al (1976) and has become The rupture of a disc herniation into the spinal
indispensable in our preoperative investigation canal is an anatomical disaster and surgical
(Brismar et al 1996). measures against it are independent of the patient’s
We consider neurological deficits important general psychological status. In the case of an
diagnostic signs but not an independent indication unequivocal diagnosis of disabling disc herniation
for discectomy, as surgical treatment has not been we do not deny the patient surgical relief for psycho-
shown to improve the average prognosis of logical reasons. The emotionally unstable patient
peripheral neurological deficits. If surgical treatment may, indeed, be in greater need of immediate pain
430 of a disc herniation cures neurological deficits, relief than the stable one.
It is generally recognized that, with the exceptions
Disc surgery

Drug treatment
already mentioned, surgical treatment of a disc
herniation should be advised only if non-surgical There are ongoing attempts to develop and evaluate
treatment fails. A reasonable trial period is 1–3 new treatment modalities for sciatic pain including
months in many cases, but we hesitate to accept substances that inhibit factors in the inflammatory
rigid rules, as a wide variety of circumstances response (Brisby 2000).
necessitates individual evaluation and decision in
every case. Complications of disc surgery
Non-surgical versus surgical Mortality rate
treatment In a survey of 54 reports from the period 1937–1972
with a total of 25 392 operations, the mean rate of
So far, it has not been possible to design a clinical mortality was 0.3% and constantly decreasing over
trial of the differences between non-surgical and the years. Pulmonary embolism and postoperative
surgical treatment that completely fulfils scientific infections were the most frequent causes of death
criteria. A major problem is that a disc herniation (Spangfort 1972).
can be definitely confirmed and classified only by
surgical exposure.
Injury to vessels and viscera
A few studies from which it is possible to draw
tentative conclusions (e.g., Hakelius 1970, Nashold Injury to abdominal vessels occurs when the
and Hrubec 1971, Hasue and Fujiwara 1979) do, instrument used for evacuating tissue from the
however, indicate that surgical treatment does not interior of the disc space accidentally and without
necessarily improve the prognosis in the long the surgeon being aware of it passes through the
term, as regards either pain or the risk of persistent anterior wall of the disc is an uncommon but
neurological deficits. Weber (1983) allocated 126 extremely dangerous complication in disc surgery.
patients to either operation or physiotherapy and An estimated incidence of this complication is less
then compared the groups for 10 years. After 1 year than one case in 2000 operations (DeSaussure 1959,
the results were significantly better after surgical Birkeland and Taylor 1969). Injuries to the bowel,
treatment than after non-surgical treatment. After 4 the ureter, and the sympathetic trunk may occur by
years the operated patients still showed better the same mechanism, but are less commonly
results, but the difference was no longer significant. reported in the literature.
After 10 years no patients in the two groups In 95% of all disc operations the total loss of
complained of sciatic pain and the rates of persistent blood is less than 500 ml. The bleeding may cause
low back pain were equal in the groups. The troublesome difficulties, at least in the narrow field
severity of low back pain decreased over the last exposed by the interlaminar approach.
6 years in both groups.
If the clinical situation allows a choice between Injuries to neural structures
non-surgical and surgical treatment, the patient
should be informed that the benefit expected from Surgical damage to nerve roots is reported by
the operation is immediate relief of sciatic pain and surgeons in 0.5–3% of all operations; in reoperations
not necessarily an improvement of the long-range the rate is two or three times higher. Verified
prognosis, which is fairly good anyway. damage to a nerve root is not always followed by
significant clinical symptoms. Motor weakness in
Nucleolysis the leg, obviously caused by the operation, occurs
in at least 5% of all operations, but in the majority
The efficacy of chemonucleolysis has now been the paresis is partial and recovers satisfactorily
shown in controlled trials and the method is with time.
recommended subject to strict selection of patients
(Brown 1996, Nordby et al 1996). Still, in some
countries the method is seldom or never used.
Dura lesions
Nucleolysis has also been achieved by Minor surgical lesions to the dura are not
percutaneous laser disc decompression, by which a uncommon and are often revealed by leakage of
portion of the nucleus is vaporized by laser energy. cerebrospinal fluid during the operation. If the
The method is still at an experimental stage lesion is located and closed with fine sutures, the
(Quigley and Maroon 1994). complication is usually harmless. 431
Therapeutic approaches

Symptoms vary considerably and mild cases are

probably often overlooked. In severe cases, the
Postoperative thromboembolism is reported to condition is extremely distressing. The pain is
average 2% in the literature. The complication is constant in the back and radiates to one or both
usually diagnosed between the 4th and 12th day legs, often in a well-defined distribution of more
after the operation and is rare in patients below 40 than one root. The pain is described as burning or
years. A period of immobilization before surgery is cramping—painful muscle cramps and violent
probably a pathogenetic factor. spasms of the legs are usual. The cauda equina may
be involved. Pain is unrelieved by rest and poorly
Postoperative infections correlated to weight bearing and motion.
Treatment of this neuralgic pain syndrome is
With modern surgical technique and facilities, the extremely difficult, but the condition is not
mean rate of postoperative wound infections after inevitably progressive—a slow recovery over the
discectomy should not exceed a total of 2–3%, with years occurs in some patients. Severe psychological
severe infections accounting for less than 0.5%. complications in response to the constant torturing
pain are, however, the rule.
Postoperative discitis
Most cases are caused by a low-grade infection of
the disc space, but an aseptic or ‘mechanical’ type Aho AJ, Auranen A, Pesonen K 1969 Analysis of cauda equina
symptoms in patients with lumbar disc prolapse. Acta
of postoperative discitis also seems to occur
Chirurgica Scandinavica 135: 413–420
(Fouquet et al 1992). The true incidence does prob- Birkeland IW Jr, Taylor TKF 1969 Major vascular injuries in lumbar
ably not exceed 1–2%. The most typical symptom, disc surgery. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 51B: 4–19
almost pathognomonic, is violent, spasmodic pain Boemke F 1951 Feingewebliche Befunde beim Bandscheibenvorfall.
in the back precipitated by the slightest movement Langenbecks Archiv 267: 484–492
Brisby H 2000 Nerve tissue injury markers, inflammatory
and in most cases appearing during the first or mechanisms and immunologic factors in lumbar disc
second week in the postoperative course. The pain herniation. Thesis, Göteborg University, Göteborg
is referred to the lower abdomen, the groins, hips, Brismar H, Vucetic N, Svensson O 1996 Pain patterns in lumbar
or upper thighs. disc hernia. Drawings compared to surgical findings in 159
patients. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 67: 470–472
Systemic reactions are scarce. Some patients
Brown MD 1996 Update on chemonucleolysis. Spine 21 (suppl 24S):
have a moderate fever and/or infection of the 62S–68S
surgical wound. The sedimentation rate (ESR) is Busch E, Andersen A, Broager B et al 1950 Le prolapsus discal
usually elevated and a second rise of the post- lombaire. Acta Psychiatrica et Neurologica 25: 443–500
operative ESR, which normally reaches its peak 3–4 DeSaussure RL 1959 Vascular injury coincident to disc surgery.
Journal of Neurosurgery 16: 222–229
days after the operation, is a significant warning. Eyre-Brook AL 1952 A study of late results from disc operations.
Early radiological changes as fuzziness and irregular British Journal of Surgery 39: 289–296
defects of the endplates occur 3–4 weeks after the Fager CA, Freidberg SR 1980 Analysis of failures and poor results
onset of pain. MRI is considered the best method of lumbar spine surgery. Spine 5: 87–94
Finneson BE 1978 A lumbar disc surgery predictive score card.
for diagnosing the condition. Adequate treatment
Spine 3: 186–188
with antibiotics until the ESR is normal is Fouquet B, Goupille P, Jattiot F et al 1992 Discitis after lumbar disc
recommended. The complication seems to increase surgery. Features of ‘aseptic’ and ‘septic’ forms. Spine
the risk of chronic low back pain and vocational 17: 356–358
disability, but otherwise many studies indicate a French JD 1946 Clinical manifestations of lumbar spinal
arachnoiditis. Surgery 20: 718–729
fairly good long-term prognosis (Iversen et al 1992, Hakelius A 1970 Prognosis in sciatica. Acta Orthopaedica
Rohde et al 1998). Scandinavica 129 (suppl): 1–76
Hanraets PRMJ 1959 The degenerative back and its differential
diagnosis. Elsevier, Amsterdam
Spinal arachnoiditis Hasue M, Fujiwara M 1979 Epidemiologic and clinical studies of
long-term prognosis of low-back pain and sciatica. Spine
An association between lumbar disc disease and 4: 150–155
arachnoiditis, a progressive inflammatory reaction Iversen E, Herss Nielsen VA, Gadegaard Hansen L 1992 Prognosis
of the pia arachnoid, was suspected long ago (French in postoperative discitis. A retrospective study of 111 cases.
Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 63: 305–309
1946). Recent studies indicate, however, that some
Langenskiöld A, Kiviluoto O 1976 Prevention of epidural scar
degree of arachnoiditis is common, at least in formation after operations on the lumbar spine by means of
patients with severe pain and disability secondary free fat transplants. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research
432 to disc surgery. 115: 92–95
Love JG 1939 Removal of protruded intervertebral disks without Ransford AO, Cairns D, Mooney V 1976 The pain drawing as an
Disc surgery

laminectomy. Proceedings of the Staff Meetings of the Mayo aid to the psychologic evaluation of patients with low back
Clinic 14: 800 (1940, 15: 4) pain. Spine 1: 127–134
McCulloch JA 1996 Focus issue on lumbar disc herniation: macro- Rohde V, Meyer B, Schaller C, Hassler WE 1998 Spondylodiscitis
and microdiscectomy. Spine 21 (suppl 24S) 45S–56S after lumbar discectomy. Incidence and a proposal for
Nashold BS, Hrubec Z 1971 Lumbar disc disease. A 20-year clinical prophylaxis. Spine 23: 615–620
follow-up study. Mosby, St Louis Spangfort EV 1972 The lumbar disc herniation. A computer-aided
Naylor A 1974 The late results of laminectomy for lumbar disc analysis of 2504 operations. Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica
prolapse. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 56B: 17–29 142 (suppl): 1–95
Nordby EJ, Fraser RD, Javid MJ 1996 Spine update. Symposium 1981 The role of spine fusion for low-back pain. Spine
Chemonucleolysis. Spine 21: 1102–1105 6: 277–314
O’Connell JEA 1951 Protrusions of the lumbar intervertebral discs. Tullberg T, Isacson J, Weidenhielm L 1993 Does microscopic
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery 33B: 8–30 removal of lumbar disc herniation lead to better results than the
Onik GM, Kambin P, Chang MK 1997 Controversy. Minimally standard procedure? Spine 18: 24–27
invasive disc surgery. Nucleotomy versus fragmentectomy. Vucetic N 1997 Clinical diagnosis of lumbar disc herniation.
Spine 22: 827–830 Outcome predictors for surgical treatment. Thesis, Karolinska
Quigley MR, Maroon JC 1994 Laser discectomy: A review. Spine Institute, Stockholm
19: 53–56 Weber H 1983 Lumbar disc herniation—a controlled, prospective
Quist JJ, Dhert WJA, Meij BP et al 1998 The prevention of peridural study with 10 years of observation. Spine 8: 131–140
adhesions. A comparative long-term histomorphometric study Yong-Hing K, Reilly J, de Korompay V, Kirkaldy-Willis WH 1980
using a biodegradable barrier and a fat graft. Journal of Bone Prevention of nerve root adhesions after laminectomy. Spine
and Joint Surgery 80B: 520–526 5: 59–64



Orthopaedic surgery
Robert F MCLain and James N Weinstein

Introduction Mechanisms of musculoskeletal

The orthopaedist is called on to treat neoplastic, pain
inflammatory, developmental, metabolic, degen- The musculoskeletal system consists of the bones
erative, and traumatic conditions, among which and articulations of the skeleton and the ligaments,
pain is often the common denominator. Pain is a muscles, and tendons that connect and mobilize
non-specific symptom and provides little insight, them. Injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal
by itself, into the serious or benign nature of the system may affect muscle, bone, tendon, ligament,
underlying malady. It is, however, the symptom articular cartilage, periosteum, synovium, or articular
that most often drives the patient to seek treatment. capsule. These tissues are richly innervated by a
Whether the pain source is a life-threatening variety of neural receptors.
tumour or an ankle sprain, it is the physician’s
responsibility to formulate a plan that best treats
the underlying disease while effectively reducing
the patient’s pain.
Joint pain
The physician’s initial task is to identify the true The joints of the human skeleton are specialized to
nature of the patient’s problem: is the pain severe bear loads and allow motion through specific,
and debilitating or does it simply trigger the patient’s prescribed arcs of excursion. In the extremities and
fear of an underlying disease? Is it a manifestation in the posterior elements of the spine, these are
of underlying psychological turmoil or is it physio- synovial joints. The components of these joints are
logically normal pain interfering with an active, specialized to meet specific demands of function:
functioning patient? The next task is to identify the articular cartilage absorbs and distributes loads;
source and cause of the pain, and to exclude an subchondral bone resists deformation and supports
underlying systemic or malignant process that may and nourishes the cartilage; ligaments maintain
threaten the patient’s life. Finally, the orthopaedic alignment and constrain joint excursion; musculo-
surgeon formulates a treatment plan suited to the tendinous units flex, extend, and stabilize the joint.
individual patient and the specific disorder. Derangement of the joint may result in destruction
Therapeutic approaches

of the articular cartilage, fracture of the subchondral against specific neuronal markers, investigators re-
bone, attenuation or disruption of the ligaments, examining synovial innervation have found vastly
and excessive strains and inflammation of the greater numbers of small-diameter nerve fibres
muscles. Nerve endings in these or other tissues than were previously reported using standard
may signal the presence of ongoing or incipient histological methods (Gronblad et al 1988, 1991;
tissue damage, producing the sensation of pain. Weinstein et al 1988a; Kidd et al 1990). Substance P
Synovial joints enjoy a dual pattern of innervation: (sP) has been shown to accumulate in articular fluid
primary articular nerves are independent branches following capsaicin injection and is known to
from larger peripheral nerves, which specifically produce plasma extravasation and vasodilatation
supply the joint capsule and ligaments; accessory (Yaksh 1988; Lam and Ferrell 1989, 1991). Levels of
articular nerves reach the joint after passing through sP are higher in joints with more severe arthritis,
muscular or cutaneous tissues to which they provide and infusion of the neuropeptide into joints with
primary innervation (Wyke 1972). Both primary mild disease has been shown to accelerate the
and accessory articular nerves are mixed afferent degenerative process (Levine et al 1984). Calcitonin
nerves, containing proprioceptive and nociceptive gene-related peptide (CGRP) has also been
fibres. These fibres supply innervation to virtually implicated as a mediator in the early stages of
all of the periarticular soft tissues. arthritis (Konttinen et al 1990). Whether sP plays a
Freeman and Wyke (1967) described four basic direct role in the stimulation or sensitization of
types of afferent nerve endings in articular tissues intra-articular pain receptors is not established, but
and documented their presence in a wide variety of sensitization is important and several mechanisms
joints. While the Type 4 receptors (free nerve have been confirmed experimentally. Grigg et al
endings) are the only ones thought to be exclusively (1986) have shown that induction of experimental
nociceptive, it is known that the proprioceptive arthritis results in sensitization of free nerve endings
endings of Types 1–3 are capable of responding to in the joint capsule. When acute inflammation is
excessive joint excursion as a noxious stimulus and induced, afferent receptors that are normally silent
that they play an important role in maintaining during joint motion become responsive to previously
joint stability (Palmer 1958, Eckholm et al 1960). innocuous stimuli, including motion in the normal
Deandrade et al (1965) and Kennedy et al (1982) range. A similar sensitizing effect is produced by
have both demonstrated that the presence of a joint intra-articular infusion of prostaglandins or
effusion can produce reflex inhibition of the bradykinin (Schaible et al 1987, Neugebauer et al
quadriceps mechanism. Histological studies have 1989), providing further evidence that local sen-
demonstrated receptors in ligaments (Gardner sitization is at least partly responsible for the pain
1948, O’Connor and Gonzales 1979, De Avila et al felt in arthritic or inflamed joints. There is also
1989), capsule (Freeman and Wyke 1967, Grigg et al strong evidence of a central nervous system com-
1982), and meniscal tissues (O’Connor and ponent further amplifying the nociceptive discharges
McConnaughey 1978), as well as periarticular fat from the joint (Neugebauer and Schaible 1990).
and muscle (Freeman and Wyke 1967, Dee 1978).
Giles and Harvey (1987) have demonstrated
nociceptive free nerve endings in capsular tissue
Bone and periosteum
from human facets and reported similar endings in Bone is a dynamic composite tissue involved in a
the apophyseal synovium. McLain has identified variety of physiological processes. It is the only
all four receptor types in capsular and pericapsular tissue in the body able to repair itself after injury
tissues of the cervical, and to a lesser extent, the without forming scar. It responds to minute
thoracic and lumbar facet joints (McLain 1994, piezoelectric currents generated by stresses by
McLain and Pickar 1998). increasing its mass in areas of increased load and
While capsule, fat, and muscle are richly supplied by removing support from areas seeing little load.
with nociceptive free nerve endings, investigators It is sensitive to pressure internally and to direct
have previously reported a relative paucity of these injury externally.
receptors in the synovium, ligaments, and menisci. The external covering of the bone is the
The stimuli that these periarticular receptors periosteum. This tough fibrous sheath is highly
respond to may be either mechanical (capsular vascular and copiously supplied with both free nerve
distension, ligamentous instability, direct trauma) endings and encapsulated endings; the complex
or chemical (Wyke 1981). free nerve endings are thought to generate painful
Synovial tissues may produce joint pain by both discharges, while the encapsulated endings are
436 direct and indirect mechanisms. Using antisera thought to be sensitive to pressure (Cooper 1968,
Hill and Elde 1991). Gronblad et al (1984) have Muscular pain may be the result of a direct
Orthopaedic surgery

demonstrated an extensive ramification of sP- injury, such as a blow or puncture, which disrupts
reactive nerve fibres in both the superficial and or damages the muscle tissue and its intrafascicular
deep layers of the periosteal sheath. nerve fibres, or the distension and pressure produced
Bjurholm et al (1988) have demonstrated both by the ensuing haematoma and oedema. Inflam-
sP- and CGRP-containing nerves in the marrow, mation and oedema, components of the normal
periosteum, and cortex of long bones, as well as the healing process, play a role in the mediation of pain
associated muscles and ligaments. These two neuro- symptoms. In major musculoskeletal injuries
peptides, sP and CGRP, have been associated with persistent spasm may occur, resulting in severe
nociceptor transmission (Skofitsch and Jacobowitz muscle pain as well as further trauma to the muscle
1985, Badalamente et al 1987) as well as an and other tissues of the soft tissue envelope.
acceleration of experimental arthritis and an A more ominous type of muscle pain occurs
increase in its severity following local infusion when excessive pressure in or around the muscle
(Colpaert et al 1983, Levine et al 1984). results in ischaemia. Compartment syndromes
The vasodilatory effect of vasoactive intestinal occur in patients with bleeding disorders, vascular
peptide (VIP) has been clearly demonstrated (Said injuries, musculoskeletal trauma, and systemic
and Mutt 1970), while neuropeptide Y (NPY) has infections and can result from constrictive dressings
been shown to be a powerful vasoconstrictor or casts. They are also a common finding in patients
(Lundberg et al 1982). Fibres containing these with stroke, intoxication, metabolic disorders, or head
neuropeptides tend to congregate at the osteo- injuries; patients with these conditions are often
chondral junction of the epiphyseal plate. Although ‘found down’ and have lain in one position for so
the primary role of these peptides is likely to be long that the blood supply to an extremity has been
related to the regulation of growth, it is possible compromised. Pain in compartment syndrome is
that they might also play a role in the production or severe and unremitting and out of proportion to the
prevention of intraosseous hypertension, a proposed injury sustained. The clinical condition mimics the
cause of bone and joint pain. symptoms produced by experimental tourniquet
pain, and it is likely that the pathophysiology of the
two conditions is the same (Smith et al 1966,
Musculotendinous pain Sternbach et al 1974). Like tourniquet pain, compart-
The nociceptive innervation of muscle has been ment syndrome pain is progressive in intensity and
discussed previously. The primary nociceptive rapidly resolves if pressure is released in a timely
endings in muscle are unencapsulated free nerve fashion, either by removing the constricting
endings. Intramuscular mechanoreceptors may also dressing or by performing a surgical release of the
produce pain impulses when exposed to noxious compartment fascia (Mubarak and Owen 1977).
stimuli. Muscular pain receptors may be either
chemonociceptive or mechanonociceptive and may Neural elements
respond to stimuli as either specific or polymodal
receptors. Chemonociceptive endings may respond Nerves are subject to injury and irritation as they
to metabolites that accumulate during anaerobic pass through the muscular compartments and
metabolism, to products of cell injury produced around the bony articulations of the extremities.
by trauma or ischaemia, or to chemical irritants Several recent studies have shown that environ-
such as bradykinin, serotonin, or potassium. mental stimuli can produce histological changes in
Mechanonociceptive units may respond to stretch, dorsal root ganglion neurons similar to those seen
pressure, or disruption. Some receptors may also following injury and can induce marked changes in
respond to thermal stimuli (Kumazawa and the levels of pain-related neuropeptides contained
Mizumura 1977, Mense and Schmidt 1977). It is within the ganglion (Weinstein 1986; Weinstein et al
thought that the neurogenic inflammatory response 1988b; McLain and Weinstein 1991, 1992). Com-
produced by CGRP, which results in persistent pression and injury to the spinal nerves and dorsal
vasodilatation, erythema, and oedema formation, root ganglion are discussed in Chap. 19.
may also serve to sensitize nociceptors to the presence
of other pain-related neuropeptides (Piotrowski Treatment modalities—principles
and Foreman 1986, Fuller et al 1987). This receptor
sensitization, as well as the increase in intramuscular
and application
blood flow and interstitial oedema, may represent a The goals of orthopaedic treatment are to reduce
primary mechanism of muscular pain. pain, correct deformity, and improve function. To 437
Therapeutic approaches

accomplish these goals, the surgeon may employ ensures rest of the injured tissues, eliminating stimuli
any of a number of different treatment modalities, that trigger local nociceptors.
both surgical and non-surgical. These modalities In the fractured limb, pain is initially produced
can be roughly segregated into four different levels: by the distortion of intramedullary nerve fibres in
the broken bone, by stretched or disrupted receptors
1. immobilization
in the torn periosteum, and by injury or pressure on
2. fusion
receptors in the soft tissue overlying the fracture
3. resection
(Fig. 28.1). A haematoma rapidly accumulates and
4. reconstruction.
expands until the pressure within the compartment
The orthopaedist uses a number of tools—injections, is significantly elevated; distension of the fascia and
physical therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory soft tissue triggers further pain receptors. Damaged
medications, and oral analgesics—to further supple- tissues release bradykinin, histamine, potassium,
ment pain relief. and neurotransmitters which sensitize local
nociceptors, alter vascular permeability, and mediate
the influx of inflammatory cells. The result is
Immobilization oedema, inflammation, and irritation of the injured
Immobilization of injured extremities is among the muscle, triggering muscle spasms and involuntary
oldest and most effective means of controlling contractions. These produce further tissue damage
musculoskeletal pain. It can be accomplished by and increasing deformity, as well as uncontrolled
either direct or indirect means, using internal splints, pain. In a patient with multiple fractures this may
external splints, or traction. Splinting effectively lead to life-threatening haemorrhage and systemic
reduces pain by preventing joint motion, muscle shock (Chapman 1989). A variety of splinting
contraction, and displacement of bony fractures. It techniques may be needed to manage such a
patient through the course from initial resuscitation
to definitive fixation (Fig. 28.2).
In conditions of joint inflammation, haemarthrosis,
or pyarthrosis, pain is produced by the distension
of the joint capsule. Chemical pain mediators
directly stimulate chemonociceptors (Heppelmann
et al 1985, 1986). Irritation of the synovium results
in secondary oedema, synovial hypertrophy, and
an effusion, which stretch and distort the capsule.
Any motion of the joint serves to increase the
tension on the capsule and mechanically distorts
the inflamed tissues, resulting in increased pain.
Joint motion in this inflamed state causes further
Bradykinin release of noxious neuropeptides, kinins, and
Serotonin inflammatory agents that act to stimulate receptors
Substance P
Prostaglandins in the capsule and surrounding periosteum.
vasoactive Histamine
intestinal Inflammation results in an increase in sensitivity
peptide to movement (Schaible and Schmidt 1985). By
immobilizing the joint in a splint, these mechanisms
Fig. 28.1 Pain in musculoskeletal trauma. Fractures, can be attenuated. The period of immobilization
dislocations, and sprains elicit pain through a variety of
inter-related and independent mechanisms that act
depends on the aetiology of the problem: Bony
locally and systemically to generate and mediate the pain injuries heal well with 6–12 weeks of rigid
sensation: fine nerve endings in the cancellous bone and immobilization, while ligamentous injuries often
periosteal lining are triggered by the physical disruption heal better with earlier motion, despite pain.
of the bone and the tearing and stretching of the
Traction has long been recognized as an effective
periosteum; nerve endings in the surrounding muscle and
soft tissue may be damaged directly or subjected to means of obtaining and maintaining a reduction in
pressure or stretch by the displaced fracture fragments or fractures of long bones (Charnley 1961a). By applying
the expanding haematoma; inflamed muscle may be persistent longitudinal traction, muscle spasm can
triggered to spasm, producing pain and further distortion often be overcome and bony alignment restored.
of tissues; damaged cells, nerve endings, and
inflammatory cells elaborate a variety of neurochemical
This prevents further tissue damage and reduces
mediators, including neuropeptides, algesic chemicals, pain caused by distortion of soft tissues and
438 and inflammatory components. movement of the ends of the fractured bone. Once
(A) (B)
Orthopaedic surgery

(C) (D)

Fig. 28.2 Immobilization of musculoskeletal injuries: methods of immobilizing injured limbs range from passive, non-
invasive techniques to sophisticated methods of internal fixation. (A) Splint immobilization can be applied to any
extremity. The external splint is easy to apply, prevents excessive motion of joints and stabilizes soft tissues, and allows
the patient to return to limited function. (B) Skeletal traction is applied primarily in fractures of the femur, but can be
used in any long bone fracture. The longitudinal traction overcomes powerful muscle spasm and controls alignment in
injuries that cannot be splinted. (C) Internal fixation, using plates and screws, allows the surgeon to reduce anatomically
the fracture fragments and rigidly fix the fracture. This ensures the best possible result in terms of alignment, joint
congruency, and anatomical relationships and also permits the patient to start range-of-motion exercises before the
fracture has healed. (D) Intramedullary fixation restores alignment without exposing the fractures site, thereby reducing
the risk of infection. By sharing the load applied to the limb, the intramedullary device minimizes the risk of non-union
and allows early mobilization.

the muscle fatigues and the spasm is overcome, Internal fixation provides all the benefits of
muscle pain quickly subsides. In patients who fracture reduction, tissue immobilization, and
cannot tolerate surgery, skeletal traction remains a protection from additional injury, but offers the
viable method of treating fractures. The com- additional benefit of early functional return. Because
plications of traction and prolonged immobilization the bone is fixed internally, the adjacent joints can
(deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolus, be left free for early range of motion. Rigid fixation
pneumonia, infection) must be weighed against the of fractures eliminates motion at the injured bone
risk of operative treatment. ends and the pain caused by the abrading fracture 439
Therapeutic approaches

surfaces. Immobilization limits the extent of sub- immobilization of the elbow, the wrist, and the
sequent muscle damage, reducing the quantity of hand. This form of treatment is rarely adequate to
noxious metabolites, kinins, and debris produced at control the position of the broken bones, and results
the site of injury. in stiffness and pain in the joints, adhesions of the
Depending on the location and the comminution finger flexor muscles, and loss of forearm rotation
of a fracture, the surgeon may elect to stabilize it because of bony malalignment. Open reduction
using either plates and screws or an intramedullary and internal fixation of this injury are universally
device. In applying a plate to the fracture, the preferred; the patient is able to begin elbow motion
surgeon opens the fracture site and reduces the the day after surgery and begins active finger motion
fragments under direct vision. The plate is then and grip within a few days. Range of motion is
applied so that it compresses the fracture fragments restored to nearly normal and pain is a rare
and promotes healing. Additional screws may be complication.
used to reduce and fix additional fragments that Intramedullary fixation of long bone fractures
have broken off from the main segments of bone involves opening a portal into the medullary canal
(Fig. 28.2). This is particularly important in fractures at a site remote to the actual fracture. A rod is then
of the upper extremity where malalignments passed down the medullary canal, across the fracture,
are poorly tolerated. In fractures of the forearm, and into the canal of the far fragment. Locking
for instance, cast treatment requires prolonged screws can be placed proximally and distally to

(A) (B)
Fig. 28.3 Intramedullary fixation of a femur fracture. Intramedullary rodding allows the surgeon to restore length and
axial alignment of this long bone fracture without opening the fracture site or damaging the massive muscular sheath
that surrounds the femur. (A) AP radiograph of transverse femur fracture sustained in a road traffic accident; alignment
and length are being maintained by longitudinal skeletal traction. (B) Same extremity after intramedullary fixation.
Locking screws have been placed proximally and distally to prevent rotational or angular displacement. This patient was
440 able to walk with crutches within 48 h of surgery and was fully weight bearing at 3 weeks.
control shortening and rotation (Küntscher 1968,
Orthopaedic surgery

are particularly serious injuries and even as late as

Winquist and Hanson 1978). The use of intra- 1966, Horowitz reported a 35% mortality rate in
medullary rods has two advantages over plate patients treated non-operatively. Open treatment
fixation. Firstly, the surgeon does not open the of intertrochanteric fractures is the treatment of
fracture site to fix the fracture, thus reducing the choice for most patients. The sliding hip screw and
risk of infection. Secondly, the device allows gravity side plate has provided reliable fracture healing
and muscle contraction to compress the fracture, (Fig. 28.4), while allowing the patient to bear
stimulating the healing process. Intramedullary weight on the injured limb immediately post-
fixation is most commonly used in femur fractures, operatively, permitting rehabilitation of muscles
but can be applied to injuries of the tibia, humerus, and avoiding recumbency and contractures. Failure
and ulna as well (Fig. 28.3). rates have been reduced and 70% of patients regain
Specialized fixation devices have been developed good to excellent function (Miller 1978).
for injuries such as hip fractures, for example,
which have proven particularly difficult to treat by
closed means. In 1931 Smith-Peterson demonstrated
a reduction in mortality from 75 to 25% and an Joint fusion represents a permanent form of
increase in union rate from 30 to 70% when femoral musculoskeletal immobilization. Fusions are
neck fractures were internally fixed (Smith- carried out in patients with pain secondary to joint
Peterson et al 1931). Intertrochanteric hip fractures infections, severe degenerative disease, severe

(A) (B)
Fig. 28.4 Hip screw and side plate. (A) Severely comminuted fracture of the proximal femur in a middle-aged patient.
Non-operative management is likely to result in non-union, deformity, and pain. (B) Specially designed hip screw
provides fixation of long spiral fracture of the femoral shaft while maintaining alignment of the femoral head and neck.
The screw placed in the femoral head is designed to slide through the barrel of the side plate, allowing this fragment to
collapse down on the shaft fragments during weight bearing while maintaining an appropriate angle between the neck
and the shaft. 441
Therapeutic approaches

articular trauma, or disabling ligament instability, painful musculoskeletal conditions. The simplest
with the goal of restoring maximum function while resections may require only the removal of a small
eliminating pain. Although unglamorous, joint piece of tissue, as in the patient with a torn meniscal
arthrodesis is still a highly successful operation for cartilage, while the most complex of procedures
selected patients with rugged functional demands. may result in the internal resection of an entire long
Patients younger than 40 years, weighing in excess bone and its muscular envelope, for the patient
of 200 lbs, with excessive activity requirements, are with a primary bone tumour. Modern techniques
at high risk for failure when treated with a allow us to consider limb-salvaging operations
conventional total joint prosthesis. In these patients where terminal amputations were once the
a hip or knee fusion may be the right choice. principle option, and modern prosthetics provide
Callaghan et al (1985) reviewed 28 patients with hip excellent function and cosmesis when amputation
fusions, followed up for an average of 35 years. is the logical and preferred choice.
Although most patients eventually developed Removal of pathological tissue from within a
some degree of pain in the ipsilateral knee or low joint is a commonly performed procedure in
back, these patients had enjoyed years of physical patients with post-traumatic or inflammatory
activity before developing symptoms. Symptomatic problems involving the articular cartilage, menisci,
patients underwent a late conversion to a total hip or synovium. Arthroscopic surgery now allows
arthroplasty, with subsequent relief of their pain. surgeons to perform many of these procedures
Fusion is often the best choice for pain relief and without opening the joint and can be used in the
improved function in the wrist. Wrist arthrodesis knee, shoulder, hip, wrist, or ankle.
has long enjoyed a reputation for reliable and Osteochondral loose bodies are most common
satisfactory reconstruction among patients suffering within the knee. These fragments usually result
from trauma, infection, inflammatory disease, or from previous cartilage injuries and may produce
tumour. Steindler recommended the procedure for pain by impinging between the joint surfaces,
patients with polio or spastic hemiparesis (Steindler compressing the synovial lining or irritating the
1918) and later for tuberculosis (Steindler 1921), capsular tissues (O’Connor and Shahriaree 1984).
and others have described the procedures and Simply removing the loose bodies and lavaging the
outcomes for rheumatoid arthritis, post-traumatic joint can significantly relieve pain, particularly if
arthritis, and infections (Abbott et al 1942, Haddad there is associated synovitis (O’Connor 1973).
and Riordan 1967, Millender and Nalebuff 1973). Meniscal tears are common in the most active
Arthrodesis removes the painful joint tissues, segment of our population. Depending on the size
eliminates motion, and restores alignment and and pattern of a tear, patients may present with
power grip. For patients with limited areas of joint persistent, nagging pain; occasional, severe pain; or
disease within the wrist, a variety of intercarpal an acutely ‘locked’ knee, in which the torn meniscal
fusions that maintain some joint motion while tissue is found incarcerated within the joint,
relieving pain and instability have been described preventing flexion or extension. Through the
(Watson and Hempton 1980). arthroscope the orthopaedist is able to partially or
Arthrodesis is performed by removing the completely resect the torn meniscus or repair it
articular cartilage and preparing the bone ends so when possible. Since total meniscectomy has been
that broad areas of bleeding, cancellous bone can be shown to precipitate degenerative changes in the
approximated and held firmly in place. Either internal knee, partial meniscectomy or repair is widely
or external fixation may be applied to ensure recommended (Dandy and Jackson 1975, Jackson
compression of the surfaces until fusion occurs. The and Rouse 1982).
positioning of the limb at the time of surgery is Synovial inflammation and hypertrophy may
critical to the patient’s ability to use the extremity occur with any chronic inflammatory process, but
productively and painlessly. A patient with a solid are particularly prominent in rheumatoid and
arthrodesis in a position of function will consistently tuberculous arthritis, in haemophilic arthritis, and
demonstrate greater function and satisfaction than in pigmented villonodular synovitis (Wilkinson
a patient with a mobile but painful joint. 1969, Montane et al 1986).
Synovectomy, either open or arthroscopic, has
been shown to be effective in reducing pain and
Resection disability in patients with persistent synovitis.
The ability to surgically remove the pathological Montane et al (1986) demonstrated that open
tissue, segment, or limb from a patient provides the synovectomy was able to eliminate recurrent
442 orthopaedist with a variety of options in palliating haemarthroses due to haemophilia, reduce pain,
and arrest the progressive arthrosis. Although some cause of nearly 80% of all lower extremity ampu-
Orthopaedic surgery

studies have questioned the efficacy of synovectomy tations. Tumours requiring a wide resection distal
in treating clinical symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis to the mid-tibia are still best treated by amputation,
(Arthritis Foundation 1977), others have shown as reconstruction of this area is very difficult and
significant benefit to function and pain relief when the results somewhat unreliable.
carried out in early stages of the disease (Ishikawa Amputation remains an appropriate alternative
et al 1986). in the care of some traumatic injuries. Advances in
Resection of tumours of bone or soft tissue, and surgical technique, microvascular repair, and soft
of destructive infections of bone, is often necessary tissue transfers have made it possible to ‘save’
for patient welfare as well as pain relief. Tumours almost any extremity; the decision to do so may be
produce pain as they displace normal tissues a disservice to some patients, however (Lange et al
during growth. Expansile lesions, whether tumour 1985). Patients with severe injuries to the hand or
or infection, may elevate the periosteum away from lower leg often require multiple surgeries to repair
the bone, producing local pressure and disrupting the damage. Patients with prolonged ischaemia of
nerve endings. Destructive lesions may weaken the limb, disruption of major nerves, or mangling
bone to the point of fracture or impending fracture. injuries of hand or foot are often left with a
Compression of vascular structures may produce marginally viable, functionless extremity, prone to
ischaemia or venous congestion, and of nerves, infection and often painful. In these patients primary
paralysis, paraesthesias, or pain. Some neoplastic amputation offers a better likelihood of painless
lesions, such as osteoid osteomas and osteoblastomas, activity and function (Caudle and Stern 1987,
may elaborate factors that produce pain directly Hansen 1987).
(Sherman and McFarland 1965, Marsh et al 1975). Limb salvage resections amount to ‘internal
Pain relief can be obtained by any means that reduces amputations’ and their success depends on the
the pressure on the soft tissues or neurovascular surgeon’s ability to replace adequately the resected
structures. In cases of soft tissue infection, simple tissue elements with something that will function
drainage of the abscess provides prompt and in an acceptably similar way. Likewise, the segment
dramatic pain relief. Pain due to expanding tumour of the limb being salvaged must be of enough
mass can be reduced by radiotherapy or chemo- importance to warrant a highly technical and
therapy; necrosis and shrinkage of the tumour demanding operation and extensive rehabilitation.
relieves pressure on surrounding structures. While Because below-knee prostheses provide excellent,
medical management is often able to control pain or pain-free function with few problems or activity
slow the progress of disease, in many cases surgery restrictions, and reconstructions of the foot and
is needed to ensure the best chance of curing the ankle often function poorly, salvage of the foot and
patient. In infections, debridement or resection of ankle is rarely warranted. On the other hand, patients
infected bone is necessary to prevent recurrence, with above-knee amputations expend significantly
and in tumours, removal of the tumour, the more energy in walking than do those with below-
surrounding soft tissues, and sometimes all of the knee amputations. When the amputation is
associated musculature may be necessary to provide performed high up on the thigh, the fit becomes
local tumour control, depending on the tumour difficult and the function poorer, and these patients
type. In any case, the type of resection chosen is have a greater tendency to become wheelchair bound
determined on the basis of the location and nature (Volpicelli et al 1983). For this reason, a tumour of
of the lesion involved and the health and prognosis the femur or knee is one of the most common
of the patient. indications for limb salvage surgery (Fig. 28.5).
The oldest and most straightforward form of
resection is amputation. Until the twentieth century
this was the only effective treatment of tumours,
infections, open fractures, or other severely painful
or potentially lethal lesions of the extremities. Of all procedures performed by the orthopaedic
Amputation is still indicated in a number of clinical surgeon, joint reconstruction can have the most
situations. Diabetic patients, with poor sensation, dramatic impact on the patient’s function and
poor circulation, and impaired healing potential, satisfaction with life.
often require amputation to cure chronic infections, The fundamental problem in end-stage joint
non-healing wounds, and neuropathic pain (Ecker disease is the erosion or destruction of the articular
and Jacobs 1970, Wagner 1986). Vascular insufficiency, surfaces. Operative treatment seeks to accomplish
due to atherosclerosis or diabetes mellitus, is the one or more of the following. 443
28Therapeutic approaches

(A) (B)

Fig. 28.5 Limb salvage surgery. (A) Grade I chondrosarcoma of the distal femur in a 40-year-old man; the tumour is
confined to the medullary canal but has extended well up the shaft. The prognosis for this lesion, which has a tendency
to recur locally, is good if local control can be obtained. Traditional treatment would have been a high thigh
amputation. (B) Resection of the tumour involves removal of the entire distal femur, with a suitable margin of normal
bone at the proximal end. The biopsy tract has also been excised en bloc with the specimen to limit the chances of local
recurrence (arrow).

1. Reduce the contact between the two damaged Excisional arthroplasty

joint surfaces. Excisional arthroplasty and One of the earliest forms of joint reconstruction was
interpositional arthroplasty either remove the the excisional arthroplasty, performed by excising
damaged joint surfaces or place tissue between the joint surfaces and allowing a pseudarthrosis to
them to reduce contact. form. This allowed reasonable motion and function
2. Transfer contact from damaged cartilage to with tolerable pain.
areas of healthy cartilage. Osteotomies alter The Girdlestone excision of the hip remains a
joint contact by changing the alignment of the viable treatment of hip fractures or infections in
limb or the orientation of the joint surfaces. elderly or ill patients whose primary need is to sit
3. Replace the joint surfaces. Total joint or transfer comfortably (Girdlestone 1943). It may
arthroplasty has had its most profound effect be the only option in patients with infections of the
444 on disorders of the hip, knee, and shoulder. hip joint or those who have failed previous total
Interpositional arthroplasty
Orthopaedic surgery

Soft tissue arthroplasties are performed by

interposing adjoining soft tissues between the
joint’s ends to provide a resilient, gliding surface
where the original articular surface has been worn
away. Interposition has been tried in large weight-
bearing joints, and has largely been abandoned in
favour of fusion or joint replacement. In smaller
joints, however, fascial interposition remains a
successful operation, providing excellent symp-
tomatic relief and good function in the joints of the
elbow, wrist, and thumb (Smith-Peterson et al 1943,
Froimson 1970, Beckenbaugh and Linscheid 1982).

Osteotomy is primarily used in one of two scenarios:
cases in which deformity or malalignment result
in poor function and predispose to early joint
degeneration, and cases in which degenerative
disease has damaged one area of weight-bearing
cartilage while sparing the rest. Congenital and
acquired deformities of the lower extremity may
sufficiently derange the weight-bearing axis of the
limb so as to assure progressive deformity and early
joint destruction (Langenskiold and Riska 1964,
Schoenecker et al 1985). In these patients, corrective
osteotomies, performed at the right age, may restore
alignment, height, and function, with relatively little
risk (Deitz and Weinstein 1988). In children with
congenital dislocation of the hip, osteotomy may be
necessary to correct the rotational deformity of the
proximal femur and to allow reduction of the coxa-
(C) femoral joint.
Fig. 28.5, cont’d Limb salvage surgery. (C) A custom Osteotomies are sometimes needed for post-
endoprosthesis was implanted to salvage the limb. This traumatic malunion. Injuries resulting in a varus or
prosthesis has a long proximal stem cemented into the valgus deformity of the lower extremity force the
amputated end of the femur and an artificial knee joint
weight-bearing joints to be loaded eccentrically,
that replaces both the femoral and tibial side of the
articulation. Pain relief is excellent with this implant and causing pain and early joint destruction. Corrective
the patient has near-normal function despite the wide osteotomies are designed to return the limb to its
resection of this tumour. natural alignment and restore normal joint
mechanics. For instance, malunion of a distal radius
fracture (Colles’ fracture) can be satisfactorily
corrected with a distal radius osteotomy to restore
joint arthroplasty. Patients are able to walk on a joint alignment and stability, grip strength, and
Girdlestone hip, but usually have a significant limp pain-free function (Fernandez 1988) (Fig. 28.6).
and require some assistive device. The quality of Proximal tibial osteotomy (Fig. 28.7) remains the
the outcome depends on the formation of a tough most successful operation for osteoarthritis of
scar around the proximal end of the femur. the knee, short of joint replacement (Jackson and
Prolonged traction and bracing may be required to Waugh 1961). In younger patients with greater
allow scar to mature between the femur and functional demands this procedure is the treatment
acetabulum, providing enough stability to walk on. of choice, allowing the patient unrestricted activity
Few patients are very satisfied with the long-term without lifting limits or restrictions of sports or
results of resection arthroplasty (Petty and recreation. By transferring contact forces from the
Goldsmith 1980). side of the joint with advanced degenerative 445
28 Therapeutic approaches

Fig. 28.6 Distal radial

osteotomy. (A) AP and
lateral views show
malunion of wrist. Note on
the AP view that radial
inclination is reduced to 5°
(normal, 20°–25°) and that
the radius is considerably
shortened relative to the
ulna. On the lateral view,
the wrist is dorsally
angulated 18°, compared
to a normal palmar tilt of
10°–25°, resulting in
derangement of the
radiocarpal articulation.
This patient has chronic
pain, weakness, and a
predisposition to severe
degenerative disease. (B) A
distal radial osteotomy was
performed using an iliac
crest bone graft to restore
the normal orientation of
the radiocarpal joint.
Following the corrective
osteotomy, the radial
inclination is improved and
length restored. The
normal volar tilt has also
been restored.


Orthopaedic surgery

reported his hip replacement procedure (Charnley

(A) (B)
1961b), total joint arthroplasty has become the most
frequently performed reconstructive procedure in
orthopaedic surgery. Total hip arthroplasty can
provide dramatic and long-lasting pain relief in
patients with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,
avascular necrosis, non-unions of the femoral neck,
post-traumatic degenerative disease, and a number
of other congenital or acquired maladies of the hip
joint. Total hip arthroplasty can also be performed
in patients with previous fusions or osteotomies
and in patients with previous arthroplasties that
have loosened. Relative contraindications to
arthroplasty include obesity, youth, high functional
demands, and active or chronic infection in the joint
(Salvati et al 1991). The use of bone ingrowth
(cementless) prostheses promises improved success
even in these difficult patients.
Although modern implants are the product of
significant technological evolution, the basic concept
Fig. 28.7 Proximal tibial osteotomy. Osteotomy to correct
deformity of the knee and reduce stress on a joint behind the original plastic and metal prosthesis still
compartment with severe arthritis is an effective and pertains: a small-diameter, polished metal head,
commonly used operation. (A) Patients with severe mounted on a femoral stem, articulates with a
medial compartment osteoarthritis develop genu valgum, metal-backed high-density polyethylene socket
which result in a progressive shift of loads onto the
injured side (large arrow). As weight is shifted to the
embedded in the acetabulum, with both components
diseased compartment, the healthy cartilage in the fixed so as to restore anatomical alignment and
lateral compartment sees less load and remains intact. A range of motion (Fig. 28.8). Because the longevity of
corrective osteotomy performed through the cancellous the device is determined, in part, by the positioning
bone of the proximal tibia (cross-hatched area) corrects
and fixation of the components, attention to surgical
the valgus deformity, shifting weight away from the
damaged medial cartilage and on to the healthy lateral technique is critical to the survival of the implant
cartilage. (B) By restoring the normal alignment of the and the duration of symptomatic relief. Failure of
knee, ligament and muscle stresses are normalized. An the arthroplasty usually occurs because of loosening
osteotomy performed through the vascular cancellous or infection or a combination of the two.
bone of the tibial metaphysis heals reliably.
In performing a total hip arthroplasty, the
capsule of the joint is excised and the femoral head
dislocated from the acetabulum. The femoral neck
disease to the side with residual healthy cartilage, is transected and the femoral head discarded. The
tibial osteotomy may provide the patient with years acetabulum is prepared by removing the remaining
of unrestricted function (Holden et al 1988). Total articular cartilage with a domed reamer, and the
hip arthroplasty has largely replaced hip osteotomy femoral shaft by inserting a broach contoured to
as a treatment of osteoarthritis. A proximal femoral match the femoral implant being used. The implant
osteotomy requires a longer convalescence than a is then inserted and either fixed in place with
total hip arthroplasty and greater patient com- polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cement or press-
pliance is required for success. Also, since the range fitted in the case of bone ingrowth components. The
of motion of the hip is not improved by osteotomy, patient is usually out of bed on the first post-
patients with contractures or limited motion are operative day and ambulating independently within
poor candidates. Nonetheless, in young, active the week. In patients with severe degenerative
patients at risk for early total joint failure, osteotomies disease pain relief is often immediate and range
of the hip provide a valuable treatment alternative of motion improved. A review of Charnley low-
(Fortune 1990). friction arthroplasties at 15- to 21-year follow-up
showed that less than 4% had become painful, 11%
Total joint arthroplasty produced occasional discomfort, and 85% were still
There are few, if any, operations as successful for functioning painlessly (Wroblewski 1986). McCoy
managing pain and restoring function as joint et al (1988) reported good to excellent results in 88%
replacement arthroplasty. Since Charnley first of hips followed for 15 years or more. Improve- 447
28Therapeutic approaches

(A) (B)
Fig. 28.8 Total hip arthroplasty. (A) AP view of the pelvis, showing severe, unilateral degenerative disease of the hip.
Loss of the joint space is apparent, while several signs of DJD (sclerosis of the subchondral bone, formation of
subchondral cysts, osteophyte formation) are also seen. (B) A total hip arthroplasty, with a metal-backed acetabular cup
and an uncemented femoral component. Pain relief is reliably excellent.

ments in cement technique promise even greater and the physician must use good judgement early
longevity for the hips currently being implanted. on to avoid ‘burning bridges’ with respect to later
Total knee arthroplasty has enjoyed a similar procedures. The majority of patients will be well
rise in popularity as implant technology has been cared for with a judicious combination of medical
refined; the clinical success of knee arthroplasty management and an occasional surgical intervention,
now equals or exceeds that of total hip arthroplasty well timed and tailored to the patient’s needs. The
with respect to pain relief, functional restoration, injudicious application of technology to orthopaedic
and survival of the implant at 10 years (Insall et al problems can lead to unmanageable problems in
1983, Ewald et al 1984). Currently, most knee later life; cementing a total hip implant into a
implants are cemented in place with PMMA, as young, non-compliant patient is bound to lead to
bone ingrowth implants have proven less reliable in early failure, repeated revisions, and, in the end, an
knee surgery than in the hip. excisional arthroplasty before the patient reaches
middle age. On the other hand, a patient with a
traumatic injury to the knee might undergo an
Summary acute ligament or meniscal repair as a young man,
The orthopaedic surgeon has a vast array of arthroscopic debridement or synovectomy to control
techniques and technology available for treating symptoms in middle age, a high tibial osteotomy
musculoskeletal disorders. The surgeon must match for unicompartmental degenerative disease at 50, a
the treatment to the disease and promote options in hemiarthroplasty at 60, and a total condylar knee
the order of their invasiveness and potential risk. replacement at the age of 70, at which time that
As many interventions cannot provide permanent arthroplasty could be expected to provide excellent
pain relief, the patient may require a series of function for another 15–20 years. The goal of such a
448 procedures over the course of his or her lifetime, treatment hierarchy, as aggressive as it may appear,
is to keep the patient functioning at the highest
Orthopaedic surgery
Fernandez DL 1988 Radial osteotomy and Bowers arthroplasty for
malunited fractures of the distal end of the radius. Journal of
possible level throughout his life, with a minimal
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level of pain; such a patient is pleased with his care Fortune WP 1990 Hip osteotomies. In: Evarts CM (ed) Surgery of
and an asset to his family and community rather the musculoskeletal system, vol 3. Churchill Livingstone, New
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maintain the patient as an independent, productive Freeman MAR, Wyke BD 1967 The innervation of the knee joint. An
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Central neurosurgery
Jan M Gybels and Ron R Tasker

Introduction origin where the commonest type is steady burning

pain, which in our opinion responds poorly to pain
In this chapter we will address the various surgical tract interruption (Tasker and Dostrovsky 1989).
procedures performed on the spinal cord and brain Because spinothalamic fibres decussate over several
for the relief of chronic pain, citing available dermatomes before entering the spinothalamic
outcome data. With few exceptions these will not tract the highest level of persistently attainable
have been obtained using the placebo-controlled analgesia with percutaneous cordotomy at the C1,
approach; we will be forced to make do with what C2 level is about C5.
data we have in defining the overall usefulness of Neuropathic pain may have at least three
each procedure. components (Tasker et al 1980, 1992; Tasker and
Dostrovsky 1989): a steady, often dysaesthetic
causalgic, a neuralgic, and an evoked element, the
Procedures on the spinal cord latter including allodynia and hyperpathia. Our
Cordotomy experience suggests that only the latter two com-
ponents respond to cordotomy (Tasker 1987, Tasker
Indications and De Carvalho 1990, Tasker et al 1992). Possibly
Percutaneous cordotomy should be considered for the neuralgic element depends upon ectopic
the relief of pain dependent upon transmission of impulse generation at a lesion site in the nervous
signals from below the level of the intervention system discharging into the spinothalamic tract
such as that caused by cancer, particularly through while allodynia and hyperpathia result from
invasion of the lumbosacral plexus by cervical and garbled programming in the dorsal horn (Woolf
colorectal disease. In cancer patients midline truncal 1992), leading to transmission in the spinothalamic
pain responds less well than limb pain (Meyerson tract.
et al 1984), for which low midline ‘commissurotomy’ Indications for percutaneous cordotomy in the
may be preferred (Nauta et al 1997). author’s series (Tasker 1995) were cancer of
The myth that cordotomy is more effective for the cervix (22%), cancer of the rectum (16%), cancer
‘malignant’ than ‘benign’ pain probably arises from of the colon (10%), cancer of the lung (7%), cancer
the fact that ‘benign pain’ is often neuropathic in of the breast (4%), cancer at other sites (29%), 453
Therapeutic approaches

central pain caused by cord lesions (7%), and other (up to 10%), significant persistent paresis or ataxia
non-cancerous disorders (5%). (up to 10%), significant worsening of control of
micturition (up to 15%), and significant post-
The target of cordotomy cordotomy dysaesthesia (less than 10%). Respiratory
Noordenbos and Wall (1976) concluded that the complications can be avoided by attention to the
effective cordotomy divided spinothalamic, factors mentioned under ‘Indications’. Paresis and
spinotectal, spinoreticular, and dorsal and ventral ataxia can be minimized by careful attention to
spinocerebellar pathways, leading to degeneration physiological monitoring of the lesion site. However,
in nucleus ventralis posterior lateralis, parafasci- postcordotomy dysaesthesia cannot be anticipated
cularis, centralis lateralis, and cuneiformis, as well or avoided, being an example of idiosyncratic
as in periaqueductal grey and lower brainstem central pain caused by an iatrogenic spinal cord
reticular nuclei. Lahuerta et al (1990, 1994) carefully lesion. The pathways for control of micturition lie
documented the sensory deficits incurred by adjacent to the spinothalamic tract where they are
successful cordotomy implicating both Aδ and C vulnerable to damage with a correctly placed
fibres although the modalities involved in the cordotomy lesion. However, if the pathway on the
sensory loss were rather variable. They concluded opposite side of the cord to that on which the
that the effective lesion need only encompass the cordotomy is being done is intact and micturition is
anterolateral funiculus between the level of the not grossly defective to start with, damage to the
dentate ligament and a line drawn perpendicularly pathway by unilateral cordotomy usually does not
from the medial angle of the ventral grey matter or worsen bladder control.
the dorsal horn to the surface of the cord destroying ‘Mirror pain’ (Nathan 1956; Bowsher 1988;
20% of the hemicord. Such lesions do not neces- Nagaro et al 1987, 1993a, b; Ischia and Ischia 1988)
sarily abolish the flexion reflex in response to pain is a curious complication of cordotomy seen in
(Garcià-Larrea et al 1993), which appears to depend about 40% of the author’s patients and reported in
on descending reticulospinal pathways. Di Piero 9–63.3% of patients in series in the literature (Tasker
et al (1991) using PET scanning demonstrated that 1982a, 1988, 1993, 1995). Essentially, the patient
the reduced blood flow in hemithalamus contra- develops new pain or aggravation of pre-existing
lateral to cancer pain was restored by successful but minor pain in much the same location
cordotomy. somatotopographically as that of the pain for which
the cordotomy was done but on the other side of
Results the body. This may be associated with allochria, the
Published data suggest 63–77% complete, 68–96% induction of mirror image pain by application of,
significant pain relief after unilateral percutaneous say, pinch below the level of the analgesia induced
cordotomy (Tasker 1982a, 1988, 1993, 1995). Rosomoff by the cordotomy. These phenomena are thought to
et al (1990) found complete pain relief in 90% of be the result of opening up, after the cordotomy, of
patients immediately after surgery, 84% at 3 previously inactive synapses since they may appear
months, 61% at 1 year, 43% between 1 and 5 years, immediately postoperatively and are abolished by
and 37% between 5 and 10 years, clearly documenting epidural blockade below the level of the analgesia
pain recurrence with time. In our own experience (Nagaro et al 1993a).
with 244 percutaneous cordotomies, nearly all done
in patients with cancer, significant pain relief
occurred in 94.4% immediately postoperatively,
Bilateral cordotomy
82.3% at latest follow-up (1–3 months). In eight When bilateral procedures must be considered, it is
patients with neuropathic pain caused by spinal cord best to separate them by at least 1 week. It must be
injury and one with cerebral palsy, pain recurred remembered that if the expected rate of significant
after 1, 1.2, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, and 21 years respectively. pain relief with unilateral cordotomy is, say, 80%,
Repetition of cordotomy in six patients after 4, 4, 5, that after bilateral surgery is 80% × 80% or 64%.
6, 7, and 21 years respectively restored the level of Moreover, it the first cordotomy has produced high
analgesia in all, but pain relief in only three. levels of analgesia into the cervical dermatomes,
then a second procedure must not do so for fear of
Complications death from respiratory insufficiency. Although it
The chief complications of unilateral cordotomy is unusual to have micturitional complications
(Tasker 1982a, 1988, 1993, 1995) are death (nearly from unilateral cordotomy, they are very likely after
always from respiratory complications) (0–5%), the bilateral procedure (20% of patients, Tasker
454 significant reversible respiratory complications 1993, 1995).
Some authors have however minimized the initially to treat nociceptive pain, having the
Central neurosurgery

risks of the bilateral operation. Amano et al (1991) advantage of inducing analgesia in the cervical as
have suggested that the bilateral operation is not well as lower dermatomes without risk to the
only more effective than the unilateral for pain respiratory fibres in the reticulospinal tract while
relief but also carries little added risk, although Nashold’s procedure was directed towards the
Sanders and Zuurmond (1995), in a recent review, control of neuropathic pain syndromes, possibly
found the bilateral procedure exposed the patient stimulated by the notion that it destroyed bursting
to too great a risk for them to recommend it. Eighty cells in the dorsal horn (Loeser et al 1968), which
percent of 44 patients undergoing unilateral and Albe-Fessard and Lombard (1983) had demonstrated
50% of 18 bilateral surgery for cancer had in the laboratory to be related to denervation and
‘satisfactory’ results. Urinary retention occurred in which were candidate generators of neuropathic
6.5% of the unilateral, 11.1% of the bilateral group, pain. Although we are unaware of any comparative
hemiparesis in 8.1 and 11.1% respectively, and study of the two procedures, they appear similar
mirror pain in 6.5 and 5.6% respectively. There were except for the method of lesion making. The
no respiratory complications. Nashold DREZ operation appears to have been much
more widely adopted, particularly for controlling
the pain associated with brachial plexus avulsion.
CT-guided percutaneous cordotomy
Unlike cordotomy, the DREZ procedure continues
Izumi et al (1992) and particularly Kanpolat et al to occupy an important role in current neurosurgery.
(1993, 1995) have pioneered the use of CT guidance
for cordotomy: Kanpolat et al (1995) report 97% Indications
complete pain control in a series of 67 patients with Sindou and his colleagues (Sindou and Goutelle
cancer, operated on between 1987 and 1995. In 45 1983, Sindou and Daher 1988, Sindou and Jeanmonod
cases analgesia was tailored so as to affect only the 1989, Sindou 1995, Emery et al 1997) used his
painful portion of the body. Complications may be procedure to treat the pain of cancer, pain and
reduced using CT guidance for they reported only spasticity in patients with central nervous lesions
one case of transient hemiparesis and one of ataxia and neuropathic pain. The Nashold procedure
in a series of 54 procedures. (Nashold et al 1976, 1990; Bronec and Nashold
1990; Sampson et al 1995; Roth et al 1997) was
Lesions of the dorsal root entry zone advocated for a variety of neuropathic syndromes
such as the pain of brachial plexus avulsion, the
Introduction rarely encountered lumbosacral plexus avulsion,
Capitalizing on the anatomical segregation of pain- postherpetic neuralgia, pain associated with
conducting fibres from other somatosensory fibres amputations, and central pain of the spinal cord
in the dorsal root entry zone (DREZ) area into origin. The efficacy in postherpetic neuralgia now
Lissauer’s tract (Hyndman 1942, Denny-Brown appears questionable, while for patients with cord
et al 1973), Hyndman advocated sectioning of central pain, the operation appears most effective in
Lissauer’s tract during open cordotomy to raise the ‘end-zone pain’ according to the Nashold group.
level of the analgesia. In more recent times Sindou
demonstrated convergence of the fine group III and Results
IV afferents in the ventrolateral part of the DREZ The Sindou procedure Sindou (1995) reports
(Sindou 1972, Sindou et al 1974b) and developed a 83% good results with the DREZ procedure in
microsurgical procedure in which the pain-related, cancer pain. Whereas in neuropathic pain allodynia
small myelinated, and unmyelinated afferent fibres was relieved in 88.2%, spontaneous steady pain
and the median pain-activating part of Lissauer’s responded less well unless it was lancinating.
tract were severed with a blade for relief of chronic Jeanmonod and Sindou (1991) found muscle tone
pain in the dermatomes related to the section and stretch reflexes were reduced at sites somato-
(Sindou et al 1974a, 1976, 1986, 1991, Sindou and topographically related to the lesion and their
Groutelle 1983, Sindou and Daher 1988, Sindou and operation produced analgesia or severe hypalgesia,
Jeanmonod 1989, Sindou 1995). At the same time, moderate hypaesthesia, but only slight diminution
Nashold and Ostdahl (1979) and Nashold et al of proprioception and cutaneous spatial discrimina-
(1976) developed a related procedure in which tion in affected dermatomes. Their lesioning was
multiple radiofrequency lesions were made under guided by electrodiagnostic studies.
direct vision in the DREZ. In a series of 20 patients undergoing electro-
Sindou’s procedure appears to have been used physiologically guided procedures (Jeanmonod 455
Therapeutic approaches

and Sindou 1991), 3 patients developed minimal procedure has also been used extensively to treat
and 2 reversible lower limb weakness, and 1 cord central pain (Nashold 1991, Nashold and El-
urinary retention. In a review of 220 patients with Naggar 1992, Sampson et al 1995, Friedman et al
pain (139 neuropathic, 81 cancerous), operated on 1996, Roth et al 1997), but is effective only for
over 20 years, Sindou (1995) found that the best certain elements of cord central pain, which seem
results occurred in well-localized cancer pain, similar to those responding to cordotomy (discussed
brachial plexus avulsion, pain caused by injury to above) and cordectomy (reviewed below).
the cauda equina and cord, peripheral nerve injury, Sampson et al (1995) reviewed 39 patients with a
amputation-related pain, and herpes zoster, mean 3-year follow-up, 12 suffering from steady
especially when the pain was neuralgic, allodynic, burning pain, 12 from electrical intermittent pain, 7
or hyperpathic. from both types. In 16 patients pain was diffuse
Emery et al (1997), using the Sindou technique, below the level, and in 23 it was present only in a
reported that 79% of their 37 patients enjoyed over hyperaesthetic end zone just above their level.
75% pain relief, while 22% had 50–75% relief. In the Fifty-four percent of these patients enjoyed a good
patients followed longer term (1–10 years), 70% still result, 20% fair. Patients with incomplete lesions
reported over 50% pain relief, with 13% under 50% and end-zone and electrical pain and those injured
pain relief. by blunt trauma did best. Friedman and Bullitt
(1988) found, in a review of 31 cases, that end-zone
The Nashold procedure pain, whether it was burning or neuralgic in nature,
Brachial plexus avulsion An extensive literature was relieved in 80% of cases, diffuse pain in 32%;
attests to the importance of the operation in the 3 patients suffered new weakness postoperatively.
treatment of pain of brachial plexus avulsion Wiegand and Winkelmüller (1985) reported that
(Friedman et al 1988, 1996; Nashold and El-Naggar 45% of 20 patients gained 100% pain relief and 5%
1992; Roth et al 1997) and the much rarer had 80% relief with 1 patient developing additional
lumbosacral avulsions (Moossy et al 1987), making paresis. Friedman et al (1996) reported pain relief in
it one of the few destructive procedures still in 54% of patients with cord central pain, relief being
regular use for the relief of chronic pain. According most readily achieved when the pain extended into
to Gybels and Sweet (1989), Nashold operated on dermatomes immediately caudal to the injury
39 cases of pain from brachial plexus avulsion with (described as root, radicular, or end-zone pain),
54% good and 13% fair results, a result that rather than into remotely distal dermatomes when
improved to 82% good as further technical refine- it tended to be diffuse and burning. Roth et al
ments were introduced. Thomas and Jones (1984) (1997) reported 52% good or fair pain relief in 23
reported 59% of patients with 75–100% pain relief; patients with cord central pain over a mean 53-
12% of patients suffered new neurological deficits. month follow-up, noting that diffuse distal pain
Gybels and Sweet (1989) summarized the results of was poorly relieved.
98 other DREZ operations for pain from brachial
plexus avulsion from the literature, with 67% Postherpetic neuralgia The DREZ operation
giving more than 70% of pain relief. was used initially for the relief of postherpetic
Friedman et al (1996) noted a variation in neuralgia (Friedman and Bullitt 1988, Gybels and
published results from 29–100% pain relief in a total Sweet 1989, Friedman et all 1996, Roth et al 1997)
of 341 cases. In their own series, there were 59% but results have been disappointing. Gybels and
good, 12% fair results; 40% suffered increased Sweet’s review (1989) of the Duke experience (32
neurological deficit postoperatively including 25% patients) records 90% early pain relief, 50% after 6
with sensory changes and 27% clumsiness, fatigue, months, and eventual recurrence in 66%. Only 25%
or hyperreflexia in the ipsilateral lower limb. Roth of patients enjoy excellent extended relief. Ten of
et al (1997) reported 68% good or fair results in 22 those with recurrent pain postoperatively developed
patients over a mean 52-month follow-up. In their pain different from that present preoperatively and
whole series of 63 patients, which included patients 69% developed significant gait disturbance. Roth
with other than brachial plexus avulsion, there et al (1997) reported 20% of 10 patients with post-
were three deaths from pulmonary embolism and herpetic neuralgia relieved. Friedman et al (1996)
myocardial infarction, a 9% incidence of permanent noted 24% relief with gradual recurrence.
ataxia, and 14% of minor neurological deficits; 22%
of procedures had to be repeated. Amputation-related pain The usefulness of
the DREZ operation in amputation-related pain
456 Pain from spinal cord lesions The DREZ appears restricted to amputations carried out after
brachial or lumbosacral plexus avulsion (Nashold
Central neurosurgery

nociceptive pain, and still ought to be employed, as

et al 1976; Saris et al 1985, 1988a, b; Sindou 1995). the DREZ operation still is, in properly selected
Saris et al (1988a), reviewing 22 Duke patients, patients. Unfortunately, many pain patients are
found results better in phantom pain than in stump indiscriminately treated with morphine infusions,
or combined stump/phantom pain. Six out of nine some of whom would be more effectively managed
of their cases of phantom pain enjoyed good pain by percutaneous cordotomy (Sweet et al 1994). The
relief but five of these six had had their amputa- DREZ procedure is admirably effective in patients
tions because of brachial plexus avulsion. Stump with pain from brachial plexus avulsion and
pain was not relieved in any of their nine cases and neuralgic or end-zone pain associated with lesions
results were poor (two out of seven relieved) in of the conus and cauda equina. It is one of the great
combinations of stump and phantom pain together. recent contributions to pain surgery. The extent to
Miscellaneous authors quoted by Gybels and Sweet which both commissural and central myelotomy
(1989) contributed 17 cases with amputation-related should be utilized at present is unclear (Gybels
pain, 25% of whom enjoyed total relief, 12% more than 1997).
50% relief. Saris et al (1988b) found 14% of patients
with amputation-related pain did well if the ampu-
tation was unrelated to brachial plexus avulsion. Operations on the brain
Miscellaneous neuropathic pain The Nashold Introduction
DREZ procedure has little success in conditions After the introduction of cordotomy, it seemed logical
other than plexus avulsion and cord injury (Saris et to extend the principle of pain tract interruption
al 1988b, Gybels and Sweet 1989, Roth et al 1997). cephalad, first by open means (section of the
medullary and mesencephalic spinothalamic tracts
Complications Fazl et al (1995), in a literature
and of the trigeminal thalamic pathways). With the
review, found a 0–60% (mean 38%) reported
advent of stereotactic techniques (Spiegel and Wycis
complication rate after the Nashold DREZ procedure.
1949), it became possible to perform the same
In the series of patients with cord central pain
procedures more precisely with less impact on the
described by Nashold’s group (Nashold and Ostdahl
patient, and to address a greater range of targets
1979), 10% suffered from permanent weakness, 8%
than had been possible by open means. An un-
bladder or sexual dysfunction, and 3% paraesthesiae.
explained bonus in the case of mesencephalic
tractotomy was the unexplained lower incidence of
Commissural myelotomy, stereotactic neuropathic pain after the stereotactic procedure
C1, central myelotomy and limited than had been seen when the operation was done
(punctate) midline myelotomy by open means.

The first commissural myelotomy (Armour 1927)

intended to cut the decussation of the spinothalamic Indications
tract. A series of surgical variations subsequently Gybels and Nuttin (1995) sent 215 questionnaires to
evolved (see Gybels and Tasker 1999). It is difficult the members of the European Society for Stereotactic
to estimate the real success of these interventions and Functional Neurosurgery in 1994, 54 of which
but in eight articles reporting on 175 cases of were completed. For cancer pain, 63 supraspinal
complete commissural myelotomy, early complete destructive lesions were done in 1993, 51 for
relief of pain was achieved in an average of 92% of neuropathic pain, compared with 836 spinal
the cases, but with time the outcome decays. In the procedures. Overall, they concluded that ‘for the
cases where follow-up was longer (up to 11 years), time being there are only very few indications for
59% of 63 patients with malignant tumours and destructive neurosurgery at supraspinal levels for
48% of 21 patients with other than malignant causes the relief of pain’.
had a ‘good’ outcome at the latest follow-up. However, the field of stereotactic surgery is
constantly evolving. Just as stereotactic lesion
Summary of destructive procedures in making replaced open surgery, the use of radio-
the spinal cord for the relief of surgery has the potential to make lesion making
non-invasive once functional imaging becomes
chronic pain sufficiently accurate. Although many functional
Percutaneous cordotomy is one of the most procedures have already been done with the
effective surgical procedures for the relief of gamma-knife (Leksell et al 1972, Steiner et al 1980, 457
Therapeutic approaches

Young et al 1995) there is still concern that physio- that: fewer than half of the patients who underwent
logical corroboration is necessary for optimal nucleus caudalis DREZ coagulation indicated that
results requiring invasive studies. they had obtained enough benefits to do it again. A
The indications for destructive surgery on the similar number described improved quality of life.
brain for pain relief are pain syndromes caused by Complications affect nearly half of the patients.
cancer that cannot be managed by more peripheral
procedures (Gybels 1991, Hassenbusch 1995) and Bulbar and pontine spinothalamic
central pain syndromes caused by spinal cord injury tractotomy
and stroke that are usually refractory to simpler Only a limited number of open bulbar spinothalamic
measures, as well as difficult neuropathic pains such tractotomies have been reported (White and Sweet
as phantom and stump pain, postherpetic neuralgia, 1969). Cassinari and Pagni (1969) collected about 60
and anaesthesia dolorosa. Like more peripheral cases in the literature, mostly cancer cases with a
surgery these central procedures are more useful short life expectancy, and commented that it was
for the relief of nociceptive pain caused by cancer rare for central pain to occur after bulbar
and the allodynia, hyperpathia, and neuralgic spinothalamic tractotomy possibly because the
elements of neuropathic syndromes, while the surgical incision interrupts the spinoreticular fibres,
diffuse, steady, burning dysaesthetic pain of neuro- which run intermingled with the spinothalamic
pathic syndromes responds better to chronic fibres before the spinoreticular fibres reach the
stimulation that induces paraesthesia in the area nucleus gigantocellularis of Olszewski in the
of pain. In four patients (Parrent et al 1992) bulbar reticular formation.
periventricular grey stimulation, which is thought
to act by blocking entry of nociceptive impulses Stereotactic mesencephalic tractotomy and
into the spinothalamic tract, also suppressed thalamotomy
allodynia and hyperpathia in stroke-induced pain Most published experience about destructive brain
while Nashold and Wilson (1966) have documented operations relates to mesencephalic tractotomy and
the relief of intermittent lancinating bouts of medial thalamotomy. Frank et al (1987) compared
neuropathic pain caused by stroke by mesencephalic the two procedures for the relief of cancer pain. In
lesions. Bendok and Levy (1998) found that their hands, mesencephalotomy achieved 83.5%
paraesthesiae-producing DBS was more effective relief at the expense of a 1.8% mortality and a 10.1%
for the relief of neuropathic pain of unspecified complication rate, while medial thalamotomy
type, steady, diffuse pain being commonest, while yielded 57.9% pain relief, with a tendency towards
DBS in periventricular or periaqueductal grey was pain recurrence, with no mortality and a lower
more effective for relieving nociceptive pain. morbidity mainly in the form of transient cognitive

Lesions in the brainstem and Mesencephalic tractotomy Published outcome

diencephalon data for mesencephalic tractotomy report 80–85%
relief of nociceptive (mostly cancer) pain compared
Multiple lesions of descending cephalic with 27–36% of neuropathic pain at the expense of
pain tract and nucleus caudalis DREZ a 5–10% mortality and a 15–20% incidence of
lesions dysaesthesiae and oculomotor deficits. A report by
Nashold (Bernard et al 1987) performed the first Amano et al (1992) underlines the safety of the
nucleus caudalis DREZ in 1982 by making a row of procedure in their hands, as does the report of
lesions in the axis of the spinal grey column and Frank et al (1987) and Frank and Fabrizi (1997)
Lissauer’s tract extending from the uppermost C2 listing 40 cases operated on between 1990 and 1996,
dorsal root up to or slightly above the level of the 6 bilaterally, in whom only five incidences of
obex. The lesions are of course distant from the Parinaud’s syndrome and two of mild dysaesthesia
entry zones of the roots V, VII, IX, and X and occurred.
referring to them as DREZ lesions perhaps obscures In contrast to our poorer results and those of
the difference between them and the truly DREZ others in the treatment of neuropathic pain, Amano
lesions in the spinal cord. The Duke experience, et al (1986) found 64% good long-term results in 28
with 46 nucleus caudalis DREZ coagulations patients with this type of pain while Shieff and
performed during the preceding 5 years with a Nashold (1987) were successful in relieving 67% of
mean follow-up of 32 months, was reviewed 27 patients with stroke-induced pain with an 8%
458 retrospectively (Gorecki et al 1995). It turned out mortality. We do not have descriptions of the types
of pain syndromes involved in these patients and
Central neurosurgery

sensory loss and may be effective for the relief of

the explanation for the discrepancy is unclear. We chronic pain (Hitchcock and Teixeira 1981, Tasker
must await further evidence supporting this et al 1982). Although the results of basal thalamotomy
encouraging experience in a most refractory are encouraging, numbers of patients treated are
condition. small so that conclusions concerning the usefulness
of this procedure are difficult to make.
Medial thalamotomy Medial thalamotomy
presumably interrupts pain transmission in the Pulvinarotomy
non-specific spinoreticulothalamic tract and would The pulvinar is an enigmatic nucleus whose
therefore be expected to relieve nociceptive pain, involvement in pain perception is unclear. Willis
particularly that caused by cancer, but not the diffuse, (1985) does not include it in his monograph
steady, burning dysaesthetic element of neuropathic reviewing the pathophysiology of pain. Limited
pain. There is a 46% incidence of useful relief reported experience (Tasker 1982b, Gybels and
of nociceptive pain compared with 29% of Sweet 1989, Yoshii et al 1990, Whittle and Jenkinson
neuropathic pain. 1995) suggests that pulvinarotomy is more effective
Against these older sobering data, Jeanmonod et for the relief of cancer than of neuropathic pain and
al (1993, 1994) have recently reported that 67% of that the pain relief tends to be short-lived. Autopsy
patients in two series of 45 and 69 individuals, studies (Tasker 1982b) suggest that the supranucleus
respectively, suffering from neuropathic pain of the pulvinar is the preferable target choice. A
enjoyed 50–100% relief after lesioning of the personal literature review suggests 81% of patients
centrolateral nucleus, apparently attributing success with cancer pain enjoyed short-term relief whereas
to destruction of bursting cells, which are seen as only 22% of those with neuropathic pain did so.
possible pain generators (Jeanmonod et al 1994,
1996; Rinaldi et al 1991). Discussion with Jeanmonod Hypothalamotomy
suggests that the types of neuropathic pain relieved Spiegel et al (1954) suggested that the hypothalamus
in his experience are similar to those in our plays a role in pain processing. The hypothalamic
experience, particularly neuralgic-like and evoked target is located 2–5 mm lateral to the third
pain. However, we have been unable to find any ventricle wall in the triangle defined by the mid-
correlation between bursting cells and pain. point of the anterior commissure–posterior
commissure line, mamillary body, and posterior
Gamma-knife medial thalamotomy Young et commissure where stimulation causes elevation
al (1995) report 24 gamma-knife thalamotomies for of the blood pressure and pulse rate, dilatation
intractable pain, 15 of whom have been followed of pupils, and possibly neck tilting and EEG
for an average of 12 months; 27% were virtually desynchronization (Sano 1977, 1979).
pain free at follow-up and 33% enjoyed more than Fairman (1976) reported relief of pain in 76% of
50% relief. In another publication (Young et al 1994) 54 patients with cancer following hypothalamotomy
concerning 10 patients, 4 of whom suffered from with only 10% transient complications. Sano (1977)
pain caused by spinal disorders, 2 from postherpetic operated on 20 patients. None of the seven with
neuralgia, 1 spinal cord injury, 1 with ‘thalamic neuropathic pain did well, but 9 of the 13 with
syndrome’, 1 with facial anaesthesia dolorosa, and cancer pain (69%) did so. Other published experience
1 with brainstem infarction, 3 enjoyed excellent and is similar (Sano 1979, Moser et al 1980, Tasker
4 good pain relief without complications. Particularly 1982b, Mayanagi and Sano 1988, Levin 1993). A
careful evaluations of radio thalamotomy will be personal literature review suggests a two-thirds
necessary in order to compare efficacy and safety chance of relief of cancer pain but a tendency for
with that of conventional techniques in view of the postoperative pain recurrence. Sano’s target was
current inadequacies of imaging studies. thought to be the projection site of δ fibres, and
subsequent studies have confirmed a spinohypo-
Basal thalamotomy The tactile relay of the thalamic pain pathway.
thalamus in the ventrocaudal nucleus, readily
identified physiologically, which also relays Pituitary ablation
nociceptive information, is no longer lesioned in Hypophyseal ablation has long been used in the
attempts to relieve pain because of the associated treatment of hormone-dependent cancer and the
high complication rate (Tasker et al 1987, Lenz et al pain that accompanies it. The introduction of
1988). However, lesions in the posteroinferior rim alcohol into the pituitary gland (Moricca 1976) has
region (Tasker 1976) produce contralateral dissociated greatly simplified the procedure and reduced its 459
Therapeutic approaches

impact on sick patients. A cannula is introduced followed for 1–21 years and an average of 7 years
through one nasal passage across the sphenoid after operation, the pain in 61 was related to the
sinus and through the anterior wall or floor of the ‘failed low back syndrome’. Complete or marked
sella turcica until it is confirmed radiologically to pain relief was sustained in 26% and moderate relief
lie in the hypophysis. The procedure can also be continued in another 36% of this difficult group.
done stereotactically (Levin 1988). Increments of Judging from postoperative MRI scans (Ballantine
0.1 ml of absolute alcohol to a total of 2.0 ml are et al 1995) the bilateral lesions were situated in the
injected at one or multiple sites while neurological cingulum in front of area 24. This is of interest in
responses are monitored. Not only is the pain of view of recent functional imaging studies with PET
hormone-dependent cancer relieved (41–95% short- or MRI showing multiple regions of the human
term) but also that of non-hormone-dependent cerebral cortex being activated by noxious stimuli
cancer (69%). Pain tends to recur after 3–4 months and in persistent pain (Talbot et al 1991). In one
and complications include mortality (2–6.5%), CSF such study (Rainville et al 1997), in order to
rhinorrhoea (3–20%), meningitis (0.3–1%), visual and differentiate cortical areas involved in pain affect,
oculomotor deficits (2–10%), and diabetes insipidus hypnotic suggestions were used to alter selectively
(5–60%). Levin (1888) found a 75–94% incidence of the unpleasantness of noxious stimuli, which
relief of cancer pain in a literature review while showed changes in the perceived intensity. PET
in his own 100 patients, 73–97% were relieved revealed significant changes in pain-evoked activity
depending on the type of cancer treated. Pain within the anterior cingulate cortex, consistent with
tended to recur and even in those patients enjoying the encoding of perceived unpleasantness, whereas
relief, pain exacerbations occurred frequently primary somatosensory cortex activation was
postoperatively. There was only one incidence of unaltered. These findings provide direct experimental
CSF rhinorrhea in his series, and six of oculomotor evidence linking frontal lobe limbic activity with
palsies with or without visual field defects. Various pain affect, as was strongly suggested by the careful
studies have failed to reveal a mechanism of pain clinical studies. In another PET study, Hsieh et al
relief from the procedure. (1995) showed that the posterior section of the right
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), corresponding to
Lesions in the telencephalon Brodmann area 24, was activated in ungoing
neuropathic pain, and this regardless of the side of
Pre- and postcentral gyrectomy the painful mononeuropathy; the experiments
White and Sweet summarized results of postcentral confirmed that the ACC participates in the
gyrectomy up to 1969 in their classical treatise on sensorial/affectional aspect of the pain experience
pain. Of 30 early successes in 38 cases from 23 but there was also a strong suggestion, and this is
centres, only 7 persisted with pain relief at 10 or the new exciting finding, that there is a possible
more months. Since that time, only few cases have right hemispheric lateralization of the ACC for
been reported and with this limited evidence pre- affective processing in chronic ungoing neuropathic
and postcentral gyrectomy must be considered as pain.
experimental neurosurgery. However, stimulation As far as we are aware of, limbic surgery for
of the motor cortex for pain control is actually a persistent pain must be performed at a very limited
subject of intense clinical and experimental research scale. If a parallel can be drawn between results
(Garcia–Larrea et al 1999). of stereotactic lesions in the limbic system for
psychiatric disorders and persistent pain, there is a
Limbic surgery good argument to explore stimulation of the same
In this section, the emphasis will be placed on areas instead of making lesions since it has recently
cingulotomy because long-term follow-up and been shown that acute stimulation of the crus
quantitative outcome data are available and the anterior of the capsula interna can induce relevant
procedure is actually being used. In the 23 years beneficial effects in obsessive-compulsive disorder,
ending September 1987, Ballantine et al (1987) suggesting that long-term stimulation may be
carried out their bilateral cingulotomy in 139 useful in the management of treatment-resistant
patients for the treatment of chronic pain. forms of this disease (Nuttin et al 1999).
Severe persistent, disabling pain refractory to all
commonly accepted treatments was the primary
indication for the operation, with the presence of
clinical depression as a factor also favouring its The formulation of the gate control theory (Melzack
460 choice. Of the 95 patients with non-malignant pain and Wall 1965), together with the possibility of
selectively activating pain-inhibitory pathways
Central neurosurgery
Di Piero V, Jones AKP, Iannotti et al 1991 Chronic pain: a PET study
of the central effects of percutaneous high cervical cordotomy.
with electrical current or blocking transmission
Pain 46: 9–12
pathways by intrathecal drug administration Emery E, Blondet E, Mertens P, Sindou M 1997 Microsurgical
without destruction of nervous tissue, have had a DREZ-otomy for chronic pain due to brachial plexus avulsion:
profound impact on the neurosurgical treatment of long-term results in a series of 37 patients. In: Abstracts of oral
pain. The effects of these procedures are reversible presentations at the XII meeting of the World Society for
Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Lyon, July 1–4
and unwanted side effects can be avoided. Fairman D 1976 Neurophysiological bases for the hypothalamic
Furthermore, test treatment and placebo control are lesion and stimulation by chronic implanted electrodes for the
often possible and reliable hardware is available. relief of intractable pain in cancer. In: Bonica JJ, Albe-Fessard D
Major goals remain to be pursued, such as the (eds) Advances in pain research and therapy, vol 1. Raven
Press, New York, pp 843–847
search for more rigorous selection criteria and the
Fazl M, Houlden DA, Kiss Z 1995 Spinal cord mapping with
reporting of results in a way that is accepted by the evoked responses for accurate localization of the dorsal root
scientific community at large. Boivie (Chap. 20) and entry zone. Journal of Neurosurgery 82: 587–591
Simpson (1999) have reviewed and evaluated the Frank F, Fabrizi AP 1997 Stereotactic mesencephalic tractotomy for
growing field of spinal cord and brain stimulation. cancer pain. In: Abstracts of oral presentations XII meeting of
the World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery,
Lyon, July 1–4
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Physical therapies


Transcutaneous electrical nerve

Per Hansson and Thomas Lundeberg

Introduction Woolf and Wall 1982, Chung et al 1984, Garrison

and Foreman 1996) support the notion that activity
The introduction of the gate control theory concept in large-diameter afferents may alter transmission
in 1965 (Melzack and Wall 1965) has facilitated the in central pathways conveying messages ultimately
global proliferation of different afferent stimulation experienced as pain. Such interaction may take
techniques for pain alleviation, such as trans- place in the dorsal horn (Garrison and Foreman
cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and vibration. 1996) and in the thalamus (Olausson et al 1994).
The quality of the scientific documentation of Although challenged in some of its original aspects
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) (Schmidt 1972, Nathan and Rudge 1974), the gate
as a pain-relieving measure does not, however, control theory concept (Melzack and Wall 1965) has
correspond to its widespread and uncritical facilitated the global proliferation of different
application in a multitude of painful conditions by afferent stimulation techniques for pain alleviation,
different health care providers. This chapter high- such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.
lights part of the scientific literature on the pain- TENS is by far the most extensively used bio-
alleviating effect of TENS in a number of acute and medical technique in this area and was embraced
chronic painful conditions and briefly addresses early on by health professionals despite a severely
technical issues and tentative mechanisms of limited scientific documentation. Thirty years after
action. Important methodological considerations the appearance of the first report in the field (Wall
for the critical evaluation of existing studies or the and Sweet 1967), the number of randomized
performance of future studies on the pain-relieving controlled clinical trials in well-diagnosed patients
potential of TENS are suggested. is still conspicuously low. Despite the continuous
shortage of high-quality studies, the method has
gained footing as a technique for pain alleviation in
Transcutaneous electrical nerve a variety of conditions, possibly as a result of an
uncritical and insatiable need for therapeutic
stimulation measures. The continuing survival of TENS for
Numerous physiological studies since the late pain relief may also in part be explained by the fact
1950s (Kolmodin and Skoglund 1960, Wall 1964, that experienced clinicians have witnessed its 465
Therapeutic approaches

efficacy in subgroups of patients and that the threshold so that paraesthesias are felt in the
technique has been favourably presented in painful region. It is mandatory to start the TENS
previous reviews by clinical authorities (Meyerson trial by examining tactile sensibility in the area to
1983, Long 1991). be stimulated to ensure a substrate for stimulation.
The starting point of the launching of TENS for A pronounced loss of large-fibre function offsets the
clinical pain relief was a study by Wall and Sweet use of TENS within the denervated area. If HF
(1967) of a small group of patients with ‘chronic stimulation fails or is inconvenient, e.g., due to
cutaneous pain’, reporting pain relief after acute aggravation of pain in an area of tactile allodynia,
exposure to TENS or percutaneous electrical LF or AKU TENS may be tried in an anatomically
stimulation. Initially, TENS was mainly used to related area with normal sensibility. It is a general
screen for patients suitable for spinal cord conception among TENS advocates that to increase
stimulation. The predictive value of TENS effects the efficacy of LF and AKU TENS the stimulation
for the outcome of spinal cord stimulation has, should be intense enough to produce visible muscle
however, never been documented, and clinical contractions. Scientific evidence to support this
experience certainly does not point to any clear notion is lacking. Regardless of the mode of TENS,
relationship between the two methods in terms of a duration of stimulation of at least 30–45 min is
efficacy. recommended. In optimal situations a TENS trial
The strength of conclusions that may be drawn may relieve ongoing and/or stimulus-evoked pain
regarding the clinical efficacy of TENS for pain for several hours after termination of stimulation.
alleviation critically depends on the quality of the Patients who report pain alleviation during
evidence contained in the scientific literature. Lack stimulation only, with no post-stimulatory effect,
of proper randomization and blinding in TENS will sometimes still volunteer to have a machine
studies have been demonstrated to heavily in- prescribed if other pain-relieving measures have
fluence study results, with overoptimistic efficacy proven ineffective for their pain. Frequent initial
outcome (Carroll et al 1996). Due to the nature of follow-ups are crucial to reinstruct the patients
the method, realistic placebo and blinding are if necessary and to carefully extract the possible
inherent problems in TENS trials, both notoriously benefits of stimulation. Importantly, a fraction of
difficult to solve adequately. The survey presented patients with different pain diagnoses report
in the following, based on a selection of available increased pain intensity during TENS. For further
data from the literature, does not claim to be details on technical and practical aspects, the reader
complete but rather has focused on some clinically is referred to handbooks on TENS.
important aspects of TENS and conditions where
TENS has been applied.
Acute nociceptive/inflammatory pain
Different painful conditions have been screened
Technical and practical aspects and some of the better explored areas are presented
Commercial TENS machines offer at least three in the following.
different pulse patterns: high frequency (HF,
usually 50–120 Hz), low frequency (LF, 1–4 Hz), Orofacial pain
and bursts of high frequency delivered at low From randomized and placebo-controlled trials in
frequency (2 Hz), i.e., acupuncture-like (AKU) patients with different acute painful dental con-
TENS. In addition, pulse width and stimulus ditions, including pulpitis, apical periodontitis, and
amplitude can be controlled. Some stimulators also postoperative intraoral pain, there is evidence that
offer adjustable pulse configuration. Leads are used HF and AKU TENS have a pain-relieving potential
to connect the machine with electrodes that are during single-trial exposure (Hansson and Ekblom
usually made of carbon rubber. No compelling 1983). The effect of extrasegmental TENS, including
evidence to support increased therapeutic efficacy AKU TENS, on the HoKu point (between the thumb
as a result of refining the electrical parameters of and index finger) was comparable to the effect of
TENS machines has been presented. Further, no placebo TENS applied within the painful area
recommendation can be provided on the choice of (Ekblom and Hansson 1985). These findings there-
stimulus parameters in different painful conditions. fore suggest that TENS is more effective when
In general, HF stimulation in the centre of the applied within the painful area and also point to
pain area is recommended as the first choice of the potential of TENS in the treatment of pain from
466 stimulation, with an intensity just below the pain deep somatic tissue. A study aiming to use HF or
AKU TENS to provide surgical analgesia for
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation

(Augustinsson et al 1977, Bundsen et al 1981, Van

intraoral operative procedures such as endodontic der Ploeg et al 1996).
surgery, tooth extraction, or abscess incision
demonstrated their failure in all included patients Dysmenorrhoea
(Hansson and Ekblom 1984). This finding parallels Dysmenorrhoea affects a large proportion of
the clinical impression that phasic intense pain is females and is a challenging entity from a pain
rarely diminished by TENS treatment. relief perspective. Studies claiming a pain-relieving
effect of TENS in this condition are available. A
Postoperative pain randomized, placebo-controlled study (Dawood
and Ramos 1990) reported favourable effects of HF
Short-term effects of TENS have been monitored
TENS compared to placebo TENS or ibuprofen.
after a variety of operative procedures. Outcome
Significantly more TENS-treated patients reported
measures have included visual analogue scale
substantial pain relief than patients treated with
ratings of spontaneous pain intensity and stimulus-
placebo TENS. The group receiving TENS also
evoked pain, time to request for analgesics, total
needed less rescue medication than the groups
medication intake, tolerance to physical therapy,
receiving placebo TENS or ibuprofen. An open,
expiratory peak flow rate, arterial blood gas deter-
crossover study comparing high-intensity HF
minations, and duration of stay in the recovery
TENS and naproxen reported significantly reduced
room. Positive results for several outcome measures
pain intensity from both interventions (Milsom et al
have been reported in randomized and placebo-
1994). Treatment with naproxen but not TENS was
controlled trials, e.g., using HF TENS after thoracic
associated with a significant change in uterine
(Bennedetti et al 1997) and abdominal/thoracic sur-
activity. In a randomized, placebo-controlled
gery (VanderArk and McGrath 1975). Negative out-
single-trial study HF TENS was argued to be
come was demonstrated, e.g., after herniorrhaphy
superior to LF and placebo TENS (Lundeberg et al
(Gilbert et al 1986) and appendicectomy (Conn et al
1985). LF TENS seemed to be no more effective than
1986), both randomized and placebo-controlled
placebo TENS.
studies of HF TENS. A systematic review of TENS
effects in acute postoperative pain concluded that Angina pectoris
non-randomized trials usually overestimate treat-
There is evidence to suggest that TENS is effective
ment effects and that randomized controlled
in the treatment of angina pectoris. Mannheimer
studies usually report a negative outcome (Carroll
and colleagues (1985) demonstrated that HF TENS
et al 1996).
favourably influenced pacing-induced angina com-
pared to controls. Pacing was better tolerated,
Labour pain lactate metabolism improved, and ST segment
Early on, non-randomized and non-placebo- depression was less pronounced with than without
controlled trials (Augustinsson et al 1977, Bundsen TENS. Results from the same study of a 10-week
et al 1981) indicated a pain-relieving effect of HF follow-up period, during which the patients were
TENS primarily during the first stage of labour, i.e., instructed to self-administer at least three 1-h HF
when the nociceptive system presumably is TENS treatments a day, demonstrated increased
activated by nociceptors in the contracting uterus work capacity as measured with bicycle ergometer
and the dilating cervix. Later, Harrison and co- tests, decreased ST segment depression, reduced
workers (1986) reported no difference between frequency of anginal attacks, and reduced con-
TENS (HF or AKU) and placebo TENS regarding sumption of short-acting nitroglycerine per week
pain relief. Another randomized, placebo- compared with a control group not receiving TENS.
controlled clinical trial, monitoring the first stage of Recent results indicate that at least part of the
labour, reported TENS to be no more effective than beneficial effect of TENS for pain relief in angina is
placebo TENS (Van der Ploeg et al 1996). In that secondary to decreased myocardial ischaemia
study, AKU TENS was used between uterine (Chauhan et al 1994, Borjesson et al 1997). Chauhan
contractions and HF TENS during contractions. A and co-workers (1994) demonstrated HF TENS to
systematic review of the efficacy of TENS for pain significantly increase coronary blood flow velocity
relief in labour found that randomized controlled in patients with syndrome X and coronary artery
trials provided no compelling evidence for TENS disease but not in heart transplant patients.
having any analgesic effect during labour (Carroll Borjesson et al (1997), in a randomized, placebo-
et al 1997). Several studies have reported TENS controlled trial, demonstrated HF TENS treatment
to be safe for the infant during delivery (30 min three times a day and during angina 467
Therapeutic approaches

attacks) to be a safe additional treatment in Chronic neuropathic pain

unstable angina pectoris and to reduce the number
and duration of silent ischaemic events. Interest- Peripheral neuropathic pain
ingly, the number of painful events was unaltered, It seems to be a general opinion among experienced
as was the number of episodes of pain leading to clinicians within the field of neurological pain that
stimulation or consumption of analgesics. subgroups of patients with peripheral neuropathic
pain are among the best TENS-responding groups,
although the scientific documentation is weak.
Chronic nociceptive/inflammatory Numerous studies, all with some methodological
pain drawbacks and several of them including only
small groups of patients diagnosed with neuro-
This area suffers from too few systematic studies pathic pain of different aetiology, have hinted at the
of conditions with a homogeneous aetiology. usefulness of different modes of TENS in different
Rheumatoid arthritis is an exception. A substantial peripheral neuropathic pain conditions (Nathan
fraction of patients included in studies of other and Wall 1974, Loeser et al 1975, Thorsteinsson et al
conditions suffer from painful syndromes that, 1977, Eriksson et al 1979, Bates and Nathan 1980,
from a diagnostic point of view, are ill defined, e.g., Johnson et al 1991a, Meyler and De Jongste 1994,
low back pain (Deyo et al 1990, Herman et al 1994), Fishbain et al 1996). There are no known predictors
due to the lack of strict diagnostic criteria for as to which patients may benefit from TENS. In this
painful conditions in certain body regions. A group of patients it is especially important to
number of patients with pain of unknown survey the somatosensory status of the region to be
origin/aetiology are likely to have been included in treated. Tactile allodynia is a relative contra-
many of these studies, which seriously affects their indication for HF TENS since the activation of
conclusions. myelinated mechanoreceptive fibres is painful in
this subset of patients. It is our clinical impression,
Rheumatoid arthritis however, that in a subgroup of patients with
Studies aiming at elucidating the efficacy of TENS neuropathic pain and allodynia to touch the
for pain relief in rheumatoid arthritis have included method still has a potential to relieve ongoing as
a number of different outcome measures such as well as stimulus-evoked pain. Due to the pain
resting pain, joint tenderness, grip strength, grip initially induced when turning on the TENS
pain, and loading tests. Studies lacking placebo machine, it is important that the patient is
control (Mannheimer et al 1978, Mannheimer and thoroughly informed before such a trial is com-
Carlsson 1979) reported relief from HF TENS of menced. If aggravation of pain is tolerated for up to
spontaneous pain and pain during a loading test. a few minutes, there is a possibility of obtaining
Abelson and colleagues (1983), in a randomized pain relief. Patients with tactile allodynia accom-
placebo-controlled study, examined the therapeutic panied by autonomic reactions such as nausea,
effect of once-weekly HF TENS, lasting three palpitation, and syncope should not be treated by
weeks, in a group of patients with wrist involve- TENS.
ment. Compared to placebo TENS, significant relief
of resting pain and pain while gripping was
reported. The same group later reported results Central neuropathic pain
from a similar study where suggestion and focused Only a few non-randomized, non-placebo-
attention were added to the placebo treatment controlled studies that focus on central neuropathic
(Langley et al 1984). In this scenario HF, AKU, and pain exist. Leijon and Boivie (1989) studied central
placebo TENS were equally effective in producing post-stroke pain patients and Davis and Lentini
analgesia of similar degree and trend over time. (1975) studied a subgroup of patients with central
The latter study casts serious doubt on the specific pain after spinal cord injury. Minor pain-relieving
efficacy of TENS in rheumatoid arthritis but at the effects were reported. Still, a TENS trial may be
same time also points to the complexity and power recommended in patients with central neuropathic
of the placebo effect. The prominent effect of pain since only a few alternative pain-relieving
placebo was also highlighted in a study on pain measures exist, all with a major risk of failure.
from temporomandibular joint involvement of The field of neuropathic pain and TENS would
rheumatoid arthritis (Moystad et al 1990). HF TENS certainly benefit from randomized, controlled trials
in the painful area and LF TENS of the hand was no of diagnostic entities where detailed clinical exam-
468 more effective than placebo TENS in either region. ination is performed to try to unravel possible
pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
Of interest in the context of optimal stimulation
painful condition. A multitude of possible intensity is a number of experimental studies, with
mechanisms, not universally sensitive to TENS some conflicting results, where different TENS
treatment, is to be expected. techniques and different pain-inducing measures
have been used. Woolf (1979), in a placebo-
controlled study, demonstrated the need of high-
Contraindications intensity (i.e., painful) HF TENS to significantly
alter the heat pain threshold and the tolerance to
The following issues should be considered. heat. TENS at non-painful intensities failed to alter
• To avoid any possible influence on the uterus or the sensitivity to heat and noxious mechanical
fetus, TENS should not be applied over the stimuli but modified ischaemic pain after a
pregnant uterus or in the proximity of that submaximal effort tourniquet test. To explain pain-
region. Other regions of the body may well be relieving effects of painful afferent stimulation, it
suited for TENS trials. seems appropriate also to consider the theoretical
• Cardiac pacemakers of the on-demand type concept of DNIC (diffuse noxious inhibitory
may malfunction if disturbed by electrical control) (LeBars et al 1979a, b, 1991). More recently,
output from a TENS machine. This is not the HF non-painful TENS was reported to significantly
case with pacemakers of fixed frequencies. reduce subjects’ ratings of painful and near-painful
• Stimulation within the anterior/lateral part of heat stimuli and to increase the heat pain threshold
the neck is hazardous since spasm of the (Marchand et al 1991). The perception threshold to
intrinsic muscles of the larynx may be induced cold pressor-induced pain and tolerance to ice pain
as well as activation of cells in the carotid sinus were demonstrated to be significantly increased by
involved in blood pressure regulation, risking a a variety of stimulation patterns using TENS
fall in pressure due to reflex bradycardia. (Johnson et al 1991b). Failure of LF or HF non-
Stimulation of the vagus nerve may also painful TENS in altering pain induced by the
contribute to the latter. submaximal effort tourniquet test and the cold
pressor test were significant findings in a study by
Appropriate steps should be taken to avoid Foster and colleagues (1996). A reasonable con-
complications. Mandatory for the first and second clusion from these studies is that the message
conditions is discussion of the suggested treatment conveyed in the nociceptive system set up by
with the patient’s care-giving specialist. different painful stimuli, resulting in different
temporospatial patterns of ascending activity, is
differentially susceptible to alteration by different
Tentative mechanisms of action modes of TENS. A differential sensitivity to
different modes of TENS may well, for the same
of TENS reason, be the case in clinical pain states.
The detailed antinociceptive mechanisms of action A peripheral mechanism of action contributing
of TENS are still largely unknown. A number of to pain alleviation by TENS has been suggested
physiological studies have contributed to the (Ignelzi and Nyquist 1976). Based on work
notion that afferent activity set up by TENS blocks employing microneurographic techniques, this
nociceptive transmission in the spinal cord hypothesis seems less likely. Janko and Trontelj
(Kolmodin and Skoglund 1960, Wall 1964, Woolf (1980) were unable to demonstrate impulse trans-
and Wall 1982, Chung et al 1984, Garrison and mission failure in Aδ fibres during TENS.
Foreman 1996). Pre- as well as postsynaptic The neurochemical events set up by TENS are
inhibitory mechanisms have been implicated. As largely unknown. Somewhat conflicting results
stated earlier, not only the spinal cord needs have been reported from studies in healthy subjects
necessarily to be involved but also thalamic regions (Chapman and Benedetti 1977, Pertovaara and
(Olausson et al 1994). The most effective block of Kemppainen 1981, Salar et al 1981) and in patients
projecting neurons of the cord is achieved by with different acute (Woolf et al 1978, Hansson et al
activation not only of large myelinated fibres (Aα, 1986) and chronic (Sjölund and Eriksson 1979,
Aβ) but also of Aδ and C fibres (Chung et al 1984, Abrams et al 1981, Freeman et al 1983) painful
Lee et al 1985, Sjölund 1985). In a clinical setting conditions, addressing the question of whether
this implies that painful TENS would be more endogenous opioids mediate at least part of the
effective for pain alleviation, an inconceivable pain-relieving effect of TENS. Such studies have
option from a practical standpoint. been performed either by injecting the non-specific 469
Therapeutic approaches

opioid antagonist naloxone to try to counteract Vibration

TENS-induced pain relief or by analysing
endogenous opioid compounds in the cerebro- Although the literature hints at a pain-relieving
spinal fluid or plasma. Importantly, naloxone in potential for vibration in a small number of painful
physiological doses predominantly blocks μ- conditions, the use of vibratory stimulation in
receptors. The contribution of other opioid clinical practice has been hampered by the lack of
receptors needs to be studied further when specific commercially available, convenient stimulation
antagonists become available. Summarizing these units. The area needs further exploration.
data, it seems that pain relief by HF TENS is not
mediated by an opioid link counteracted by Acupuncture
naloxone. The literature provides some data,
however, supporting an opioid link for pain The bulk of studies on pain relief from acupuncture
alleviation by LF TENS. suffer from methodological shortcomings. Results
from randomized, controlled studies do not accord
with the more enthusiastic conclusions from
Conclusions studies without appropriate controls.
A number of acute and chronic painful conditions References
have been reported to respond favourably to TENS.
Abelson K, Langley GB, Sheppeard H, Vlieg M, Wigley RD 1983
A substantial fraction of reports suffer, however,
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in rheumatoid
from serious methodological shortcomings. Most arthritis. New Zealand Medical Journal 727: 156–158
studies provide short-term outcome/single-trial Abrams SE, Reynold AC, Cusick JF 1981 Failure of naloxone to
results, and long-term follow-up studies of chronic reverse analgesia from transcutaneous electrical stimulation in
patients with chronic pain. Anesthesia and Analgesia 60: 81–84
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The inherent problem of a realistic placebo and
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trials. If available, a gold standard may be used for Borjesson M, Eriksson P, Dellborg M, Eliasson T, Mannheimer C
comparison, i.e., the best available measure for 1997 Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in unstable
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Physical therapies


Ultrasound, shortwave, microwave,

laser, superficial heat and cold in the
treatment of pain
Justus F Lehmann and Barbara J de Lateur

Introduction therapeutic effect on spasticity is achieved and

maintained for a meaningful period of time.
This chapter discusses the use of common physical Another condition that creates a great deal of
modalities to produce pain relief directly and discomfort to the patient is joint or ‘morning’ stiff-
indirectly. The modalities include cold application ness as it is encountered in collagen diseases, most
and heat in the forms of radiant heat, ultrasound, commonly in rheumatoid arthritis. Wright and
shortwave diathermy, microwave, and laser. To Johns (1960) and Bäcklund and Tiselius (1967)
maximize the effectiveness of the modalities, it is showed that the complaint correlated closely with
important to understand how they work and when physical measurements of the viscoelastic properties
and how to use each technique properly. of the joints. Specifically they measured maximal
elasticity in extension and flexion, as well as
resistance to motion due to viscous properties and
Reduction of pain by relieving to friction. There was a 20% decrease in stiffness at
45°C as compared with 33°C when a superficial
painful conditions
joint was treated with infrared radiation (Wright
Both cold and heat are commonly used to reduce and Johns 1961).
painful muscle spasms secondary to underlying A well-documented physiological response to
skeletal or neurological pathology. For example, heat application is the increase in blood flow with a
painful muscle spasm is associated with low back corresponding decrease when cold is applied. In an
pain of various causes such as degenerative joint active organ, local temperature elevation will lead
disease or intervertebral disc disease, with or with- to a marked increase in blood flow (Guy et al 1974;
out resultant nerve root irritation. Lehmann and Lehmann et al 1979; Sekins et al 1980, 1984;
de Lateur (1999) recently reviewed physiological Lehmann and De Lateur 1990b). Reflexly induced
studies on the effects of cold on muscle spasm and changes usually consist of an increase in blood flow
concluded that, to decrease muscle tone, i.e., to the skin and superficial tissues and a decrease in
spasticity, cooling should be applied in such a way blood flow to an inactive organ. Thus, when heat is
that the muscle temperature is lowered. As a result, applied to the skin, blood flow to the underlying
reflex muscle activity is diminished and the musculature is reduced. When the skin is heated, 473
Therapeutic approaches

blood flow to the skin is increased not only in the vations could be explained on the basis of the gate
area heated but also in other areas of the skin not theory (Melzack and Wall 1965). Studies of
heated (consensual reaction; Fischer and Solomon morphine receptors in the central nervous system
1965). On the other hand, cooling produces vaso- and of the role of enkephalins and endorphins
constriction. Vasodilatation in response to cold (Field and Basbaum 1978) suggested that this
occurs only if the temperatures are low enough to mechanism could play a role in explaining the
be potentially destructive to the tissues. The counterirritant effect, especially when the stimulus
increase in vascularity and blood flow due to is applied distant from the site of the pain-
heating may play a role in obtaining relief from producing process (Kerr and Casey 1976). Gammon
painful conditions. and Starr (1941) also showed that heat producing a
Pain in trauma, as it is commonly encountered significant temperature elevation resulted in the
in sports injuries, can be alleviated and to a degree same analgesic effect as cold application. The
prevented by early cold application, often in com- effects produced by this mechanism seem to be on
bination with application of pressure, for instance the same order of magnitude as those obtained
via an elastic bandage. In these cases cold reduces by transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
not only pain perception but also bleeding and (Melzack et al 1980b). Benson and Copp (1974) also
oedema formation as a result of vasoconstriction found that heat and cold both raised the normal
(Nilsson 1983, Derscheid and Brown 1985, Kay 1985). pain threshold significantly. Ice therapy was more
At a later date, heat application with vasodilatation effective than heat but following either form of
may help with the healing and haematoma treatment, the effect declined within 30 min.
resolution (Schmidt et al 1979, Lehmann et al 1983,
Lehmann and De Lateur 1990b). Effects on nerve and nerve endings
Heat and cold applications to the skin of the
abdominal wall have a profound effect on pain Goodgold and Eberstein (1977) and De Jong et al
resulting from spasm of the smooth musculature in (1966) showed that, in general, nerve conduction
the gastrointestinal tract or in the uterus. This pain drops with decreasing temperature and that finally
is commonly associated with gastrointestinal upset (Li 1958) nerve fibres cease conducting. It is
or menstrual cramps. It has been shown (Fischer assumed that pain sensation may be reduced by
and Solomon 1965) that there is a marked reduction local cooling due to an indirect effect on nerve
of peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract with heat fibres and free endings. There is also evidence that
application and an increase of peristalsis with cold heat applied to the peripheral nerve or free nerve
application. This is associated with a decrease in endings reduces pain sensation (Lehmann et al
acid production of the stomach and blanching of 1958).
the mucous membrane when heat is applied to the In a study by Barker et al (1991), administration
abdominal skin. Acid production and blood flow to of cold saline prior to injection of propofol (2,6-di-
the mucous membrane are increased with cold isopropylphenol) anaesthetic increased the amount
application to the abdominal skin. of pain relief obtained as compared with propofol
injection alone. Recently, it has been shown (Hong
1991) that ultrasound therapy may cause a reversible
‘Counterirritant’ effects nerve conduction block and pain relief in patients
Parsons and Goetzl (1945) showed that cold with polyneuropathy.
applied with ethyl chloride spray for 20 s to the
skin covering the tibia increased the pain threshold
of the tooth pulp as measured by electrical stimu-
lation. Similarly, Melzack et al (1980a) reduced In laser therapy, except for surgical purposes, lower
dental pain by ice massage applied to the web of level intensities are used. Unfortunately, most
the thumb and index finger of the hand on the same studies on the use of laser for the relief of pain do
side as the painful region. Melzack et al (1980b) also not have suitable controls.
showed that ice massage and transcutaneous elec- A few studies with control groups found a
trical stimulation are equally effective in relieving significant effect of laser stimulation on pain
low back pain. Murray and Weaver (1975) showed (Walker 1983, Walker et al 1988, Ceccherelli et al
that counterirritation (consisting of 10-s immersion 1989, Johannsen et al 1994) but most found no effect
of the finger into a 28°C water bath) reduced itching on pain (Lundeberg et al 1987; Seibert et al 1987;
significantly more than a control procedure. Waylonis 1988; Haker and Lundeberg 1990, 1991a;
474 Melzack et al (1980a) suggested that the obser- Klein and Eck 1990; Taube et al 1990).
Ultrasound, shortwave, microwave, laser, superficial heat and cold in the treatment of pain
Differences in the effects of heat and The use of heat for pain relief
cold application
Dosimetry and technique of heat
A review of the literature reveals that the effect of application
heat and cold may be similar in many cases. In
others, cold produces effects in the opposite Local temperature elevation at the site of the
direction of heat. Both heat and cold reduce muscle pathology can produce a large number of different
spasm secondary to underlying joint and skeletal responses, including changes in neuromuscular
pathology and nerve root irritation, as in low back activity, blood flow, capillary permeability, enzymatic
syndromes, and therefore relieve the associated activity, and pain threshold. These reactions can be
pain. A vicious cycle consisting of muscle spasm, produced to varying degrees depending on the
ischaemia, pain, and more muscle spasm is condition of heating.
interrupted. In the case of upper motor neuron If the site of temperature elevation is distant
lesions with painful spasticity, the effect of heat is from the painful pathology to be treated, only a
short-lived because the temperature in the muscle limited number of physiological responses, reflexo-
is rapidly restored to its pretreatment level by the genic in nature, can be obtained at the site of the
increase in blood flow. If the reduction in spasticity pathology. These reactions are always milder than
with reduction in pain relief is produced by muscle those produced locally at the site of the tempera-
cooling, this effect lasts much longer. Rewarming ture elevation. These distant reactions include
from the outside is slow because of the insulating blood flow changes in skin and in the mucous
subcutaneous fat layer and rewarming from the membranes of the gastrointestinal tract; reflexo-
inside is retarded because of the vasoconstriction in genic changes in muscle activity, relaxation of both
the muscle. However, neither heat nor cold has a voluntary striated muscle and smooth muscle of
permanent effect on spasticity. the gastrointestinal tract and uterus; and reflex
In the presence of an acute deep-seated inflam- reduction of gastric acidity. When vigorous responses
matory reaction, vigorous heat application is contra- are desired, local heat is strongly preferred. The
indicated. It usually increases hyperaemia and factors that determine the intensity of the physio-
oedema with pain and acceleration of abscess logical reaction locally are, first, the level of tissue
formation. This does not contradict the fact that temperature elevation (approximately 40–45°C)
such heat application is used in superficial boils to and, second, the duration of tissue temperature
bring the abscess to a head with subsequent easy elevation (5–30 min).
evacuation. Mild heat application is used in
superficial thrombophlebitis. In contrast, in an Mild versus vigorous effects
inflammatory reaction it is generally agreed that In order to obtain vigorous responses to heat
cold may reduce oedema, hyperaemia, and pain. therapy, it is necessary to attain the highest tem-
In acute rheumatoid arthritis, vigorous deep perature at the site of the tissue pathology to be
heat application is likely to aggravate the pain and treated and to elevate this temperature close to the
discomfort. On the other hand, painful joint stiff- maximally tolerated level. Dosimetry and proper
ness is improved by heat and aggravated by cold technique of application of the modalities are
application (Wright and Johns 1960, 1961; Bäcklund essential, since the therapeutic range for a given
and Tiselius 1967). However, an intensive cooling effect extends only over a few degrees. If a mild,
may numb pain despite the increase in stiffness. In limited response is desired, one can select a
acute trauma with aggravation of pain resulting modality that produces the highest temperature at
from oedema and bleeding, cold application will the site of the pathology, but then limit the output
reduce both because of vasoconstriction. Heat will of the modality so that only a moderate tempera-
increase both oedema and bleeding tendency. ture rise occurs; this in turn produces a mild effect.
A review by Chapman (1991) cites several studies The alternative to this procedure is to heat the
showing that heat and cold were each effective in superficial tissues and rely on mild limited reflexo-
relieving pain in conditions such as frozen shoulder, genic responses at the site of the pathology in the
chronic low back pain, and rheumatoid arthritic depth of the tissues.
knees and shoulders. In contrast, Finan et al (1993)
studied the effect of cold therapy on postoperative Selection of modality according to
pain in gynaecologic patients in a randomized temperature distribution
prospective study and concluded that cold pack If vigorous heating is indicated, one must select
application does not improve postoperative pain. that type of heating modality that produces the 475
Therapeutic approaches

highest temperature in the distribution at the site of with pulsed ultrasound 1.0 W/cm2 intensity in a 1:4
the treatable pathology. Since the temperature at on–off ratio and 37 were treated with ultrasound
this site is brought to tolerance level, this method placebo in this ‘double-blind’ study, which also
avoids burns elsewhere. This represents the rationale used massage and group gymnastics aimed at im-
for the various deep-heating devices: shortwave proving range of motion. No benefit was found by
diathermy, a high-frequency electromagnetic current adding the ultrasound. Unfortunately, the average
operating at the frequency of 27.12 MHz; micro- intensity of the ultrasound was so low (0.2 W/cm2)
waves, an electromagnetic radiation at the frequency that no therapeutic benefit could have been anti-
of 2456 and 915 MHz; and ultrasound, a high- cipated. The use of a randomized, double-blind
frequency acoustic vibration at a frequency of design does not, in and of itself, ensure a valid
0.8–1.0 MHz. The approach to using these modalities study if the dosage of the intervention is not appro-
primarily as deep-heating agents is justified in the priate. Also, it is difficult to blind the subject to
light of overwhelming experimental evidence that ultrasound usage if the intensity is appropriate,
most of the therapeutically desirable effects are due since the ultrasound will be perceived (although
to heating and not due to non-thermal reactions the evaluator could be blinded). Several of these
(Lehmann and De Lateur 1982, 1990a, b; Kramer modalities are very powerful and, if inappropriately
1985). used, can do severe tissue damage in a short period
The superficial heating agents such as hot packs, of time.
paraffin bath, Fluidotherapy, hydrotherapy, and Non-thermal effects of the diathermy modalities,
radiant heat produce temperature distributions i.e., shortwave, microwave, and ultrasound, have
similar to one another, with the highest tempera- been well documented (Lehmann and De Lateur
ture in the most superficial tissues. Some of these 1990a, b, c). However, none of them is essential for
modalities have non-thermal effects of therapeutic therapeutic effectiveness. Some non-thermal effects
advantage; for instance, hydrotherapy allows exer- may represent potential hazards, but few of them
cise of painful joints with reduced stress because have been documented as being destructive. These
the buoyancy of the water reduces the gravitational can be avoided by use of proper equipment and
forces. Also, the cleansing action of a whirlpool proper technique of application (see review by
bath can be beneficial in wound treatments and the Lehmann and de Lateur 1999).
drying action of radiant heat may be desirable in
weeping lesions.
In order to select the appropriate modality for a
given site of a treatable pathology, one must take
Techniques of cold application
into account the propagation and absorption Melting ice, together with water, is commonly used
characteristics of the tissues for each form of energy for cryotherapy since it ensures a steady tempera-
used for heating. In general, skin and superficial ture of 0°C. Most commonly, a rubber bag contain-
subcutaneous tissues are selectively heated by ing ice cubes with water is applied as a compress. A
infrared, visible light, hot packs, paraffin bath, layer of terry cloth between the ice bag and the skin
Fluidotherapy, and hydrotherapy. Subcutaneous may slow down cooling. Other methods use terry
tissues and superficial musculature are selectively cloth dipped into a mixture of ice shavings with
heated by shortwave diathermy with condenser water. The cloth is wrung out and then applied to
application and by microwaves at a frequency of the body part. This application has to be repeated
2456 MHz. Superficial musculature is heated pref- frequently. Finally, a hand or foot may be treated by
erentially by shortwave diathermy using induction immersion in ice water; this, however, is a poten-
coil applicators. Deep-seated joints and fibrous tially more dangerous method because of the
scars within soft tissues are selectively heated by possible development of necrosis of fingers or toes.
ultrasound, as are myofascial interfaces, tendon If the objective is to cool musculature to relieve
and tendon sheath, and nerve trunks. Pelvic organs muscle spasm or spasticity, it is necessary to apply
are selectively heated by shortwave diathermy the ice for a significant period of time. Even in a
using internal vaginal or rectal electrodes. relatively slender individual with a subcutaneous
In addition, it is most important to realize that fat layer of less than 1 cm, more than 10 min of ice
the desirable temperature distribution can be application is necessary to achieve significant
achieved only if proper technique of application and cooling of the underlying musculature. In many
proper dosimetry are used. Nykanen (1995) used cases 20–30 min may be necessary to achieve the
ultrasound in the treatment of painful shoulders of desired result, which can be gauged by clinical
476 various aetiologies. Thirty-five subjects were treated observation of the resolution of the muscle spasm,
Ultrasound, shortwave, microwave, laser, superficial heat and cold in the treatment of pain

the reduction of spasticity, clonus, and the spindle

thus reduce spindle sensitivity. Therefore, applica-
reflexes (Bierman and Friedlander 1940, Hartviksen tions for a minimum of 10 min (although 20 min
1962). would be better) would be required. Landen (1967)
Ice massage, in which a block of ice is rubbed showed in 117 patients with back pain that heat and
over the skin surface, is also used for the same cold applications were equally effective. In acute
purpose. However, it must be remembered that conditions heat was found to reduce hospital stay
short-term ice massage is more likely just to cool more effectively than ice applications, while in
the skin, with a subsequent increase in muscle tone chronic conditions, ice was more effective than heat
(Hartviksen 1962). application. All these treatments are for sympto-
Evaporative cooling with ethyl chloride spray is matic relief and produce their effects by reduction
done by spraying the skin from a distance of about of the painful muscle spasm.
1 m with a stroking motion. Bierman (1955) sug- In myofibrositis in the presence of so-called
gested a movement of the spray of 4 in./s. Each trigger points, both cold application, often with
area should be exposed only for a few seconds, ethyl chloride spray, and local application of heat
followed by a pause. More recently, chlorofluoro- have been used successfully. Ultrasound in low or
methanes have been used since they are less medium dose applied to the painful area has also
flammable than ethyl chloride (Traherne 1962). This been found to be effective. In this condition heat
method is more frequently used as a ‘counter- application is often followed by deep sedative
irritant’. It is doubtful whether it is suitable for massage. In cases of mild fibrositis more vigorous
cooling a large muscle covered by a significant fat friction massage may also be used.
layer. In tension states with increased EMG activity,
discomfort can be relieved by heat application;
commonly shortwave or superficial heat are used.
These forms of heat application are often followed
Common therapeutic by deep sedative massage. This treatment is usually
applications of heat and cold for combined with relaxation training with biofeed-
back to reduce the muscle tension. In any one of
pain relief these conditions, but specifically in myofibrositis,
It is essential for successful therapeutic application there is also evidence that these modalities represent
of heat and cold that the correct diagnosis be made a ‘counterirritant’ and reduce pain as explained by
first. The local condition to be treated is assessed the gate theory (Parsons and Goetzl 1945, Melzack
and a judgement is made as to whether or not it is and Wall 1965).
treatable with heat or cold. The location of the In gastrointestinal upset, cramping of the smooth
pathological process is clearly identified and the musculature of the tract produces pain. The peristalsis
proper modality is selected. It is equally important and discomfort can be reduced by superficial heat
that the application should be done with appro- application to the abdomen in the form of hot packs
priate technique. Painful skeletal muscle spasms, (Bisgard and Nye 1940, Molander 1941, Fischer
which frequently occur in the back as a result of and Solomon 1965). This reduction of cramps is
nerve root irritation or spinal pathology, may be associated with reduction of blood flow to the
successfully treated with heat or cold to achieve mucous membranes and hydrochloric acid secretion
muscle relaxation and thus abolition of pain. Short- in the stomach. Cold application aggravates the
wave diathermy may be applied with either induc- discomfort. Menstrual cramps seem to respond in
tion coil applicators or condenser pads. Treatment the same fashion.
should occur once or twice daily for 20–30 min. The common complaint of joint stiffness and
Relaxation may be achieved by direct muscle pain in rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid
heating and an effect on the spindle mechanism as arthritis is alleviated measurably by heat applica-
well as reflexly by surface heating. Microwave direct tion (Wright and Johns 1960, 1961; Johns and Wright
contact applicators can be used for this purpose. 1962; Bäcklund and Tiselius 1967). Cold application
Also helpful are superficial heating agents, including aggravates the objective signs. Clinically, superficial
hot packs such as Hydrocollator packs or radiant heat such as radiant heat and a hot tub bath is com-
heat with heat lamp or cradle. Treatment should be monly used for this purpose. Also, the secondary
for 20–30 min. In this case, reflexogenic relaxation is muscle spasms can be treated in this fashion.
achieved. Modalities that selectively heat the joints, such as
As an alternative mode of treatment, ice pack or ultrasound, are not used in this condition because
ice massage may be applied to cool the muscle and the vigorous heating of the inflamed synovium 477
Therapeutic approaches

may produce exacerbation. The whirlpool bath or bination with range of motion exercises and stretch
the dip method of paraffin may be used for mild (Lehmann and De Lateur 1990b).
heating of hands and feet. If the Hubbard tank is In the shoulder–hand syndrome or reflex sym-
used, exercise of the joints can occur at the same pathetic dystrophy, superficial heat and ultrasound
time with elimination of the force of gravity by treatment in combination with a programme to
buoyancy. Furthermore, contrast baths, according increase range of motion may be used as an adjunct
to Martin et al (1946), may be used to relieve to other therapy, including stellate ganglion block.
stiffness. In painful lateral epicondylitis or ‘tennis elbow’,
Contrast baths are often recommended for the the primary treatment should consist of rest, splint-
treatment of stiffness associated with Heberden’s ing, ice application, and possibly also an injection
nodes. If many joints of the upper and lower of hydrocortisone and local anaesthetic. During the
extremity are involved in the rheumatic process, later stage of resolution, superficial heat may be
radiant heat applied with a double baker is a used. Also, ultrasound in low dosage to produce
method of heat application. It has been suggested mild effects could be used at this stage since ultra-
that ice should be used to numb the pain of the sound selectively raises the temperature at the com-
joint, and this application has been advocated on mon tendon of origin and the extensor aponeurosis.
the basis that Harris and McCroskery (1974) found The dosage should be approximately 0.5 W/cm2.
that the activity of destructive enzymes such as Binder et al (1985) treated 76 patients with lateral
collagenase is reduced at lower temperatures. epicondylitis. The patients were randomly allocated
These same experiments have been quoted to to groups such that 38 received ultrasound and 38
indicate that heating of the joint itself is contra- received placebo treatment. A total of 63% of the
indicated. This conclusion exceeds the parameters patients treated with ultrasound were improved,
of the experiment, which investigated the effects on compared with 29% of those given placebo
the collagenase of temperatures only up to 36°C, treatment.
whereas therapeutic temperatures reach or exceed Steinberg and Callies (1992) treated epicondylitis
43°C. At these therapeutic temperatures other with ultrasound and with ultrasound in combination
enzyme systems have shown a markedly reduced with prednisolone ointment (phonophoresis). They
activity (Harris and Krane 1973, Harris and found that ultrasound significantly reduced the
McCroskery 1974). pain. However, there was no difference between the
Joint contractures due to capsular tightness or ultrasound application alone or with phonophoresis;
synovial scarring are frequently painful when Haker and Lundeberg (1991b) did not find pulsed
mobilized by range of motion exercises and stretch. application of ultrasound effective in this
The effectiveness of the treatment can be increased condition.
and the associated pain markedly reduced by using Jan and Lai (1991) treated 94 knees in female
ultrasound in high dosage, which has been shown patients with osteoarthritis of the knees. They
selectively to raise the temperature in the tight randomly assigned subjects to treatment with
structures, which in turn show an increase in ultrasound, shortwave diathermy, ultrasound and
extensibility, rendering the treatment programme exercise, or shortwave diathermy and exercise.
less painful and more effective (Friedland 1975). They found increased functional capacity and
Depending on the soft tissue covering of the joint, torque after all four treatments. More improvement
ultrasound applied with the multiple-field method was obtained when exercise was added to the ultra-
is used at intensities between 2 and 4 W/cm2 with sound or shortwave. There was no significant dif-
a total output between 20 and 40 W. The application ference between the shortwave or ultrasound.
is with a stroking technique. In a retrospective analysis of medical records of
In acute calcific bursitis of the subdeltoid and acute surgical trauma patients, Schaubel (1946)
subacromial bursae, the acute pain is due to found that cold application reduced the need for
swelling and pressure within the content of the recasting due to swelling from 42.3 to only 5.3% of
bursa, resulting in an inflammatory reaction. Ice the cases. Also, he found a marked reduction in the
application may alleviate the acute pain, especially requirement for narcotics for pain relief. Cohen et al
if used in conjunction with removal of bursal con- (1989) found that cooling after surgical repair of the
tent and hydrocortisone injection combined with anterior cruciate ligament reduced the need for
local anaesthetic. At the later stage, the limitation of pain medication. Seino et al (1985) used an inter-
the range of motion of the shoulder joint, which is costal nerve probe to produce cryoanalgesia—a
frequently associated with calcific tendinitis, should nerve-freezing technique—to control pain after
478 be appropriately treated with ultrasound in com- thoracotomy. The cryoanalgesia group had lower
Ultrasound, shortwave, microwave, laser, superficial heat and cold in the treatment of pain

postoperative pain scores and required less than

out exact tissue temperature monitoring since other-
half the analgesia compared with the control group. wise therapeutic temperatures may accelerate tumour
Scarcella and Cohn (1995) assessed the effect of cold growth. Heat should not be applied to the gonads
(50°F) versus normal temperature (70°F) in total hip or the developing fetus because of the possible
arthroplasty (THA) and total knee arthroplasty development of congenital malformations (Dietzel
(TKA). The shortening of hospital stay of 1.4 days and Kern 1971a, b; Dietzel et al 1972; Edwards 1972;
for cold-treated THA patients was statistically Edwards et al 1974; Menser 1978; Smith et al 1978;
significant but the 1.5-day shortening of the cold- Hendrickx et al 1979; Harvey et al 1981).
treated TKA group was not. Cold-treated patients Some specific contraindications also exist for
did not differ significantly in narcotic use, post- specific diathermy modalities. Shortwave diathermy
operative range of motion (ROM), or rate of pro- is contraindicated if an appreciable amount of energy
gression of ROM. can reach the site of a metal implant (Lehmann et al
Moore and Cardea (1977) found that the com- 1979). The dangers involved are caused by shunting
bination of intermittent pressure and ice application of current through the metal implant or by increasing
promptly reduced the compartmental pressures in the current density surrounding the implant. In
the calf that were markedly increased as a result of either case, excessively high temperatures are pro-
tibial and fibular fractures, but Matsen et al (1975) duced. This contraindication includes intrauterine
found in animal experiments that swelling after devices containing copper or other metals until
fracture was not reduced and perhaps even proven otherwise. However, these devices would
increased when cold was applied. In the case of be reached by significant amounts of current only
minor sports injuries, cryotherapy in combination with application with internal vaginal or rectal
with compression, for instance using an elastic electrodes (Sandler 1973). Also, electronic implants
bandage, is usually used (Basur et al 1976). Also, such as cardiac pacemakers and electrophysiological
elevation of the limb and immobilization are orthoses represent contraindications. Contact lenses
recommended. It must be remembered, however, may lead to excessive heating of the eye (Scott 1956).
that ice should be applied just long enough to Some clinicians have suggested that shortwave
prevent swelling and bleeding since prolonged ice diathermy applied to the low back may result in
application may unnecessarily retard healing increased menstrual flow (Lehmann and De Lateur
(Vinger and Hoerner 1981). At a later date resol- 1990c). The use of pelvic diathermy in pregnant
ution can be assisted by heat application. In super- women is contraindicated for the reasons given
ficial thrombophlebitis, one adjunct of therapy may under general contraindications. Safe levels of stray
be application of moist hot packs or the heat cradle radiation have not been worked out for shortwave
to reduce discomfort. diathermy.
Sensitive organs that should not be exposed to
any significant amount of microwave radiation
Contraindications and precautions include the eyes, since in experimental animals
In general, there are conditions when heat should (Carpenter and Van Ummerson 1968, Guy et al
be used with special precautions. These include 1975), cataracts were produced due to a selective
heat application to anaesthetic areas or to an heating effect. The testicles should not be exposed
obtunded patient. Dosimetry, especially in the because of the great sensitivity of these reproduc-
deep-heating modalities, is not developed to the tive organs to temperature elevation. Exposure of
point where the tissue temperatures can be safely the skull and the brain could lead to focusing of the
controlled and destructive temperatures can be intensity inside the skull and produce higher levels
reliably avoided. Therefore pain is an essential of exposure than anticipated from measurement
signal that safe temperature limits are exceeded, outside the body (Johnson and Guy 1972). In the
and it has been documented that if the signal is USA, safety standards proposed by the Food and
heeded, tissue destruction does not occur. Also, Drug Administration for therapeutic application
tissues with inadequate vascular supply should not specify a level of 5 mW/cm2 at a distance of 5 cm
be heated, since the temperature elevation increases from the applicator. Damage during therapeutic
metabolic demand without associated vascular exposure, however, has not been observed under
adaptations. As a result, ischaemic necrosis may 100–150 mW/cm2 (Michaelson 1990) and is clearly
occur. Heat should not be applied if there is a related to the heating effect. Precautions should be
haemophagic diathesis, since the increase in blood used when microwaves are applied over bony
flow and vascularity will produce more bleeding. prominences, since the reflection of the wave at the
Heat should not be applied to malignancies with- bone interface may produce increased absorption 479
Therapeutic approaches

in the tissues superficial to the bone. Burns have group of hypersensitivity is due to the presence of
been observed in these circumstances. cold haemolysins and agglutinins. Renal haemo-
In the case of ultrasound, as mentioned pre- globinuria and skin manifestations of urticaria and
viously, proper equipment and technique of appli- Raynaud’s phenomenon are part of the sympto-
cation must be used to avoid the occurrence and matology. The third group of syndromes is due to
destructive effects of gaseous cavitation. Also, the presence of cryoglobulins. There are severe
exposure of the fluid media of the eye, of the manifestations such as reduced vision, impairment
cerebrospinal fluid, and of effusions should be of hearing, conjunctival haemorrhages, epistaxis,
avoided because in these media with low cellular cold urticaria, Raynaud’s phenomenon, and ulcer-
content and low viscosity, gaseous cavitation can ation and necrosis. Also, gastrointestinal upset
occur even at therapeutic intensities. For the same with melaena and gingival bleeding have been
reason, the amniotic fluid of the pregnant uterus observed. Finally, a marked cold pressor response
should not be exposed and the heating effect of may be observed in some patients with submersion
ultrasound would represent a contraindication of limbs in ice water (Wolf and Hardy 1941, Wolff
when ultrasound is applied to the fetus. However, 1951, Boyer et al 1960, Larson 1961, Shelley and
due to the excellent beaming properties of ultra- Caro 1962).
sound, exposure of the pregnant uterus can easily Some of these responses are severe. Prominent
be avoided. These precautions do not include vasospasm can produce a necrosis of fingers and
imaging of the fetus with ultrasound since the toes in submersion of the limbs. Therefore, careful
intensities are far below the therapeutic level and medical evaluation of the patients is essential, and
therefore cannot produce any harmful effects. Thus, also a trial of localized ice application over a small
ultrasound can be used for other indications. Also, area—for instance, on the thigh—may produce skin
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Physical therapies


Mobilization, manipulation, massage,

and exercise for the relief of
musculoskeletal pain
Paul D Hooper and Scott Haldeman

Introduction Massage and manipulation

Humans are dependent upon the integrity of their techniques
locomotor system for movement, which is essential Massage and manipulation fall into the larger field
for work, entertainment, adventure, and most referred to as manual medicine, manual therapy or
activities of daily living. If the integrity of this manipulative therapy, where the hands are used to
system is compromised through disease, trauma, or touch, massage, or manipulate tissue therapeutically.
the consequences of ageing, the resulting pain and The diversity of methods and techniques of massage
restricted function can have devastating effects on and manipulation is too great to include in a short
the quality of life of an individual. chapter on the topic. There are, however, a number
The primary approach to patients with musculo- of principles that allow for a classification of the
skeletal pain that results in restricted function, various manual therapeutic approaches. The most
therefore, is the restoration of movement and the common classification of manual techniques is
soothing of pain. Any attempt at relieving pain based on a differentiation between massage, passive
without simultaneously improving movement and movement, mobilization, and the manipulative or
mobility will have limited success. The tools to adjustive techniques. These techniques are applied
achieve these ends include massage, active/passive at different positions within a specific range of
mobilization of joints, manipulation, and exercise. motion of a joint, as shown in Fig. 32.1.
These approaches have the additional advantages
of being relatively inexpensive and free of any drug
or medication effects or the necessity for surgery.
Despite recent medical advances, manual therapies Massage is the application of touch or force to soft
and exercise remain the most widely utilized tissues, usually muscles, tendons, or ligaments,
method of treating musculoskeletal pain and without causing movement or change in a position
disability. of a joint. Each massage technique is performed

Therapeutic approaches

Neutral Limit of Physiologic Anatomical

position active R.O.M. barrier barrier

Joint Passive Active Para-

play R.O.M. R.O.M. physiologic
(no movement)


Fig. 32.1 The presumed barriers to motion in a joint and the position or range of motion where the various forms of
manual therapy are performed.

with a specific goal in mind. The most commonly cedures are presumed to aid in the absorption of
applied techniques are as follows. local effusion within these tissues. The direction
of movement of the fingers may be circular, or
Stroking or effleurage transverse across the fibres of the structure being
This is the light movement of the hands over the massaged. It may require several sessions to
skin in a slow, rhythmic fashion. The hands mould achieve this result and the massage should be
to the contour of the area being massaged and are followed by exercise to maintain mobility.
in constant contact with the skin. The hands may
gently stroke the skin or influence deeper tissues Tapotement, percussion, or clapping
depending on the amount of pressure exerted. These techniques consist of a series of gentle taps or
Light stroking tends to be non-painful and soothing blows applied to the patient (Hofkosh 1985). These
and can be either centripetal or centrifugal. Deeper methods have been described as hacking, clapping
pressure techniques can be slightly uncomfortable or cupping, tapping, or beating. These percussive
and are administered in the direction of venous or movements have been used primarily in postural
lymph flow with the stated goal of reducing draining of the lungs, to obtain muscle contraction
oedema. and relaxation or to increase circulation. They are
generally not recommended for the treatment of
Connective tissue massage pathological tissues (Wood 1974) and are com-
This technique uses deeper stroking motions and is monly used on athletes to tone and relax muscles.
presumed to free subcutaneous connective tissue
adhesions. This deep stroking in specifically Shaking and vibration
defined patterns results in a sensation of warmth These massage methods require the clinician to
and hyperaemia of the skin. take hold of a portion of the patient’s body and
apply either a coarse shaking or a fine vibrating
Kneading and petrissage motion. They are not widely used except in
These techniques require the clinician to grasp, lift, postural drainage of the lungs.
squeeze, or push the tissues being massaged. The
skin moves with the hands over the underlying
tissues. This differs from stroking, where the hands
Passive movement
move over the skin. Commonly these techniques The use of the hands to maintain passive motion in
are applied to muscles. a joint falls into the category of manual therapy. The
clinician systematically moves the joint through
Friction and deep massage each of its normal motions, from the neutral point
The theoretical goal of these techniques is the to the point of resistance or pain. No attempt is
loosening of scars or adhesions between deeper made to force the joint but the entire length of the
486 structures (Cyriax 1971, Wood 1974). These pro- range of motion must be traversed and each
Mobilization, manipulation, massage and exercise for the relief of musculoskeletal pain

direction of potential motion must be included. The Neutral Physiologic

goal is to prevent stiffening or shortening of the position barrier
ligamentous structures as well as to maintain
Passive R.O.M.
motion and lubrication in the joint and surround- I III
ing tissues. (B)
The natural progression from passive motion is II IV
to active motion or exercise. Exercise is performed (C)
within the same boundaries of joint motion as is 1 2 3
passive motion, although not all directions of 4
motion that can be achieved passively can be (D)
reproduced by exercise. Exercise has the additional
advantage of including muscle activity and dev-
eloping strength and coordination. Passive move- Fig. 32.2 The different forms of mobilization. Active and
ment is usually discontinued, where possible, in passive ranges of motion are included under ‘passive
favour of active exercise. range of motion’ as all of these mobilizations are
performed passively. (A) Continuous passive range of
motion; (B) graded oscillations; (C) progressive stretch
Mobilization and stretching mobilization; and (D) sustained progressive stretching.

Mobilization includes those manual procedures

that attempt to increase the range of motion beyond
the resistance barrier (Fig. 32.1). Certain mobiliz-
ation methods include stretching of muscles and recommended to stretch shortened periarticular
ligaments while others include movement of joints soft tissues and is performed slowly and carefully
in non-physiologic directions of motion. Mobiliz- to avoid tearing (Fig. 32.2D).
ation differs from manipulation or adjustment by
the absence of a forceful thrust or jerking motion. Spray and stretch
These techniques have been taught widely for the
Graded oscillation or mobilization treatment of painful myofascial trigger points
These techniques were popularized by Maitland (Mennel 1960, Travell 1976). The muscle being
(1973), who proposed four levels or grades of treated is placed in a light stretch and a fluoro-
mobilization. Grade I mobilization is a fine methane spray is applied to the muscle in a specific
oscillation with very little force or depth. Grade II pattern. This results in a cooling of the skin as the
uses a greater depth but remains within the first fluoromethane evaporates. The muscle can then be
half of the range of motion (ROM). Grade III is a stretched further, allowing increased ROM and,
deeper mobilization at the limits of motion, theoretically, the elimination of the trigger point.
whereas Grade IV is a deep, fine oscillation at the
limits of potential motion. The clinician tends to Muscle energy
start at grade I and increase to grade IV as greater These methods (hold–relaxation technique) require
motion becomes possible. Each of these grades is the use of muscle activity and subsequent relax-
illustrated in Fig. 32.2B. ation to set the stage for increasing motion. The clin-
ician places the muscle in light stretch. The patient
Progressive stretch mobilization then contracts the muscle against resistance applied
These techniques require the application of by the clinician. The contraction is held for a brief
successive short-amplitude stretching movements period and the patient then relaxes, at which point
to the joint. The depth of the stretching is increased the muscle is stretched. Certain osteopathic
as permitted by the joint. Again, four grades or physicians (Kimberly 1979, Goodridge 1981) have
depths are described (Nyberg 1985) but in this modified these techniques to allow for specific
situation the grades refer to each quarter of the directional mobilization or manipulation of
potential motion of the joint as illustrated in Fig. vertebrae.
32.2C. These techniques are used primarily to
overcome soft tissue restriction to joint motion.
Sustained progressive stretch The difference between mobilization and mani-
This is a sustained stretching motion with pro- pulation or adjustment is the application of a high-
gressively increasing pressure. This technique is velocity, low-amplitude thrust to the joint. Many 487
Therapeutic approaches

chiropractors feel that there is a difference between table supporting the vertebra being adjusted then
non-specific manipulation and the classic adjust- drops approximately 1 cm, allowing for a con-
ment which has specific direction, force, and cussion or recoil effect. Properly performed, high-
presumed physiologic effects. Others include the velocity forces can be applied very specifically to a
various mobilization and muscle-energy techniques vertebra without the clinician exerting much force
under the heading of manipulation. There is, or effort.
however, fairly clear differentiation between the
previously described non-thrust procedures and the Joint play
thrusting techniques described here. These tech- Most joints have some degree of play at rest
niques force the joint beyond the physiologic ROM, because of ligamentous elasticity. When joints cease
through the paraphysiological space, to the to have this play due to tightening of the ligaments
anatomical limits of motion (Fig. 32.1). The thrust is and especially if the joint is locked in a slightly
commonly followed by a ‘click’ or ‘pop’, which is abnormal position, the joint can be manipulated in
felt to be related to release of gases within the joint specific directions to increase the play.
Traction and distraction
Non-specific long-lever manipulation Manual traction and the combination of mechanical
These techniques are becoming less popular traction or distraction with manipulation tech-
because of the potential to exert large, possibly niques are commonly accompanied by pulling or
harmful forces. Force is applied via a long bone thrusting methods while the patient is in traction
as a lever (e.g., shoulder or leg) to exert force into (Cox 1980) and are widely used by chiropractors
the spine (Cyriax 1971, Coplans 1978). These under the term ‘adjustments’. Manual traction
techniques, in the past, were commonly used under without thrusting is also used as a standard physio-
anaesthesia, allowing for the exertion of strenuous therapeutic technique and could be included under
forces to a joint. In large patients treated by small mobilization methods.
clinicians, the utilization of such long levers with
directed force may be helpful. Mechanically assisted manipulation
Over the years, a number of mechanical devices
Specific spinal adjustment have been developed to assist in the delivery of the
The application of high-velocity, small-amplitude manipulative thrust. These include special tables
thrusting techniques to short levers of the spine with drop-away pieces; manual and motorized
such as a spinous or transverse process has been the tables that move up, down, and sideways; and
mainstay of traditional chiropractic practice. The small, hand-held instruments such as the Activator
goal has been variously described as correcting Adjusting Instrument (AAI). Some of these are
misalignments or subluxations, eliminating fixations promoted as assistive devices that aid the clinician
in intersegmental motion, and bringing about a with the delivery of the necessary force. Others
variety of neural and muscular reflex changes. have been suggested as potential replacements to
Numerous techniques have been described (Logan manual manipulation (Polkinghorn 1998).
1950; Greco 1953; States 1968; Haldeman 1980,
1992). Each vertebra can be adjusted in a number of
different directions and the patient can be placed in
very specific positions prior to the administration
The effectiveness of massage
of an adjustment to allow for control of the depth and manipulation
and direction of the force to be applied. It has yet to By far the majority of people who request massage
be established, however, that such precise applica- or manipulation do so for relief of pain, muscle
tion of force does in fact bring about specific spasm, tension, or stiffness. Surveys reveal that
vertebral movements as claimed. 80–90% of patients do so for the relief of spinal pain
or headaches (Vear 1972, Breen 1977, Nyiendo and
Toggle–recoil Haldeman 1987). A recent study in Sweden demon-
Certain chiropractic techniques (Thompson 1973) strated that most patients sought chiropractic care
require the patient to be placed on a table that is for low back pain of less than 1 month duration and
constructed so that one vertebral segment is locked received 2–3 spinal manipulation treatments (SMT)
or blocked while a rapidly controlled force is (Leboeuf-Yde et al 1997). The anecdotal surveys
488 applied to the adjacent vertebra. The portion of the and descriptive studies demonstrate a very high
Mobilization, manipulation, massage and exercise for the relief of musculoskeletal pain

success or patient satisfaction rate. The success There are now sufficient numbers of well-
rates reported for manipulation in uncontrolled designed trials to perform meta-analyses and to
trials and in various comparative trials are between sort the trials into different subgroups of patients
60 and 100% (Haldeman 1978, Brunarski 1984, (Ottenbacher and DiFabio 1985). This has made it
Bronfort 1992). However, this type of study ignores possible to discuss the effectiveness of manipu-
the problems of spontaneous recovery, placebo lation in more specific forms, such as condition or
effect, difficulty in quantitating pain, and natural diagnosis, and expected outcome measures.
prejudice of practitioners reporting on the success
of their own treatment. In the case of spinal pain,
the problem of different populations of patients
Acute uncomplicated low back pain
and pathological causes of pain also makes it dif- The majority of the controlled clinical trials on
ficult to compare studies. The fact that the majority manipulation have been performed on patients
of patients visiting a practitioner of manipulation with recent onset of symptoms (within 2–4 weeks).
feel better while undergoing treatment is These studies tended to exclude patients with
undoubtedly the primary reason for its popularity. complicating factors such as systemic or metabolic
Despite its universal usage, there have not been diseases, sciatica or disc herniation, workers’ com-
many serious controlled trials. There are, however, pensation, or other psychosocial factors. There are
few clinicians or patients who would deny that many difficulties in reviewing these papers. For
rubbing or massaging sore muscles or stiff joints example, Jayson (1986) found that manipulation
produces a soothing feeling and pain relief. It can was superior to controls when given in an out-
be argued that even if the relief described after patient clinic, but was ineffective in hospitalized
massage and manipulation is due to placebo or patients with back pain who presumably had more
psychological effects, such treatments should not severe pathology. Berquist-Ullman and Larsson
be discarded. Pope et al (1994) found that satisfac- (1977) found manipulation to be more effective
tion rates in patients receiving massage were than placebo but no better than a comprehensive
significantly higher than in those being treated with education programme. Glover et al (1974, 1977)
corsets or transcutaneous muscle stimulation found that manipulation had a significant positive
(TMS). These rates increased with repeated treat- effect in patients with acute pain when assessed
ments, thus demonstrating the high acceptance of immediately after treatment but not in more
this procedure. chronic cases. Doran and Newell (1975), Coxhead et
Manipulation, on the other hand, has been the al (1981), and Sloop et al (1982) each showed non-
subject of increasing clinical research, and the num- statistically significant trends towards improve-
ber of published controlled clinical trials has grown ment in their manipulation groups when compared
rapidly during the past few years. Shekelle et al to controls. Greenland et al (1979) suggest that a
(1992) lists 29 controlled clinical trials on low back different statistical analysis of Doran and Newell’s
pain, and Bronfort (1992) reviewed 47 randomized, data would find manipulation significantly more
comparative trials on the treatment of back pain, effective than controls.
neck pain, and headaches using manipulation. In a Even in the trials where manipulation was
review of criteria-based meta-analyses, Koes et al reported as clearly more effective than controls, the
(1995) identified 69 different randomized, con- picture is not clear. The studies by Coyer and
trolled clinical trials (RCTs), and in a systematic Curwen (1955) and Lewith and Turner (1982) were
review, Van Tulder et al (1997) reported 28 high- not blinded or statistically analysed. The studies by
quality RCTs on acute and 20 on chronic low back Sims-Williams et al (1978, 1979), Buerger (1978,
pain. Many of these studies have shown favourable 1979), and Hoehler et al (1981) were well controlled
results for manipulation (Koes et al 1996). but showed only short-term changes with no long-
In one of the more publicized RCTs, Meade et al lasting results from manipulation. However, one
(1990) demonstrated a short-term favourable out- point is clear: the multiple comparative trials have
come for chiropractic care when compared to shown that no other conservative treatment is
hospital-based outpatient treatment. A 3-year superior to manipulation. Additionally, none of the
follow-up study (Meade et al 1995) confirmed the trials reported any complications from the appli-
earlier findings that patients treated by chiro- cation of manipulation.
practors derive more benefit and long-term satis- Shekelle et al (1992) analysed all the controlled
faction than those treated in hospital. This later trials on manipulation and assigned quality scores.
study also suggested some potential long-term They selected seven papers that had used single-
benefit to the patients treated by chiropractors. outcome measures or assessed outcome measures 489
Therapeutic approaches

Table 32.1 Outcome measures combined in meta-analysis of acute low back pain studiesa

independently (see Table 32.1). They then developed lower drug consumption (Blomberg et al 1994).
differences in probability of recovery from back Andersson et al (1999) also found less medication
pain for each of the studies (Fig. 32.3). The results use in manual therapy patients. Koes et al (1996)
show that manipulation increased the probability identified 36 RCTs comparing SMT with other
of recovery at 2 or 3 weeks, indicating that manipu- treatments for patients with low back pain. Twelve
lation hastens recovery from acute uncomplicated of these included only patients with acute pain.
low back pain. Of these, 5 reported positive results, 4 reported
A prospective randomized trial compared the negative results, and 3 reported positive results in a
effect of SMT, transcutaneous muscle stimulation, subgroup of the population only.
massage, and corset use in patients with subacute Two studies have recently attempted to look at
low back pain (Pope et al 1994). After 3 weeks, the long-term effects. Meade et al (1990) compared the
manipulation group scored the greatest improve- effects of hospital-based, outpatient, physical therapy
ment in flexion and pain. In addition, patient department treatment with office-based chiropractic
confidence was greatest in the manipulation group. treatment and noted a small but detectable (7%)
In a randomized study of manual therapy (i.e., long-term effect on Oswestry scores over a 2-year
manipulation, specific mobilization, and muscle period. Waagen et al (1990) also demonstrated a
stretching) compared with steroid injections for long-term (2 year) higher satisfaction rate with
patients with acute and subacute low back pain, chiropractic care compared with care received from
patients receiving manual therapy had significantly a family physician’s office. The significance of these
less pain and disability both in the early phase as studies, however, is not clear but at least they raise
well as at 90 days follow-up. The manual therapy the possibility that manipulation is of greater benefit
490 group also had a faster rate of recovery and than simple acute pain relief.
Mobilization, manipulation, massage and exercise for the relief of musculoskeletal pain

Fig. 32.3 Difference in probability of recovery in seven trials of manipulation. A difference in probability of greater than
0 represents a beneficial effect of manipulation. For individual studies, 95% confidence intervals are shown; for the
meta-analysis, the 95% probability limits are shown. (From Shekelle et al 1992.)

parison of manipulation and mobilization of the

Chronic low back pain (CLBP) spine with physiotherapy (i.e., exercises, massage,
Until recently there have been only a few studies on heat, electrotherapy, ultrasound, and shortwave
the effect of spinal manipulation therapy in patients diathermy), Koes et al (1993) demonstrated that, for
with chronic low back pain (CLBP) and these are patients with chronic conditions (i.e., duration of 1
more difficult to interpret. Waagen et al (1986), for year or longer), improvement was greater in those
example, showed a statistical benefit from manipu- treated with manual therapy.
lation in patients with recurrent or chronic low back Triano et al (1995) compared SMT with edu-
pain at 2 weeks, whereas Gibson et al (1985) failed cation programmes for patients with CLBP. Greater
to show such an effect. Evans et al (1978) showed improvement was noted in pain and activity
diminished codeine use in patients undergoing tolerance in the manipulation group. Bronfort et al
manipulation, and Ongley et al (1987) demon- (1996) compared trunk exercise combined with
strated that a group that received both rotational SMT or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
manipulation and proliferent injections showed therapy. Each of the three therapeutic regimens was
significant improvement. It may be that, in patients associated with similar and clinically important
with chronic back pain, the support of a physician improvement over time that was considered
and the relief, even if temporary, following superior to the expected natural history. In separate
manipulation serves to make the patients tolerate reviews of the literature, Koes et al (1996) and Van
their pain and thereby reduce pain scores. Tulder et al (1997) have identified a number of
In a blinded randomized trial of patients with RCTs of sufficiently high quality to demonstrate a
chronic back and neck complaints, Koes et al positive effect of SMT. Stig et al (2001) investigated
(1992a) found that manual therapy showed a faster the recovery pattern in chiropractic patients with
and larger improvement in physical functioning chronic or recurrent low back pain. They stated that
than physiotherapy, treatment by a general prac- 50% of patients reported improvement at the 4th
titioner, and a placebo therapy. They also note that visit (within 2 weeks), and 75% improved by the
manipulative therapy was slightly better than 12th visit. Nyiendo et al (2000) showed that patients
physiotherapy after 12 months. And in a com- with CLBP treated by chiropractors showed greater 491
Therapeutic approaches

improvement and satisfaction at 1 month than modified manipulation procedure (Cox et al 1993,
patients treated by family physicians. Giles and Polkinghorn and Colloca 1998, Polkinghorn 1998).
Muller (1999) compared needle acupuncture, However, others conclude that side posture ma-
NSAIDs, and chiropractic spinal manipulation for nipulation is both safe and effective for lumbar disc
patients with CLBP. SMT was the only intervention herniation (Cassidy et al 1993). Burton et al (2000)
that achieved statistically significant improvement compared manipulation with chemonucleolysis for
after 30 days. These studies suggest that spinal symptomatic lumbar disc hernation. Manipulation
manipulation can now be considered a reasonable produced a statistically significant greater improve-
approach to patients with CLBP and that the effect ment in the early weeks, but by 12 months there
might be greater if combined with exercise. was no significant difference between the groups.
Based on the available evidence, it is not yet
possible to unequivocally state that spinal manipu-
Sciatica lation is an effective treatment for disc herniation
A growing number of studies looked specifically at and sciatica. It is, however, a reasonable option that
patients with sciatica. Although Nwuga (1982), can be considered in the conservative management
Coxhead et al (1981), and Edwards (1969) all report of such conditions.
improvement in certain outcome measures following
manipulation in patients with sciatica, the signifi-
cance of these studies is not clear. It appears, how-
Neck pain
ever, that patients with demonstrated disc herniation After low back pain, neck pain and headaches are
and sciatica do less well following manipulation the most common complaints for which SMT has
than patients with back pain alone (Chrisman et al been recommended. This has primarily been based
1964, Cassidy and Kirkaldy-Willis 1985). on descriptive clinical studies and large case series
Several recent case studies have described (see Bronfort 1992). These case series cover an
successful treatment of patients with low back pain extremely broad and often poorly defined group of
and sciatica in the presence of a confirmed disc patients with cervical and thoracic pain and
herniation (Cox et al 1993, Hession and Donald cervicogenic and migraine headaches. These
1993, Zhao and Feng 1997, Bergmann and reports have been universally enthusiastic but
Jongeward 1998, Polkinghorn and Colloca 1998). In without controls or even proper research protocols.
a RCT for patients with low-back-related sciatica, There are, in addition, isolated case reports of
Bronfort et al (2000) compared medical care, patients with confirmed cervical disc herniation
chiropractic care, and epidural steroid injections. that responded to cervical manipulation (Ben
All 3 groups showed substantial improvement at 12 Eliyahu 1994, Polkinghorn 1998).
weeks, with bothersomeness of leg symptoms the The few prospective controlled clinical trials
most responsive outcome. performed have covered a wide variety of con-
In a prospective study of 27 patients with MRI- ditions and outcome parameters. Parker et al (1978)
documented, symptomatic disc herniations of and Hoyt et al (1979) reported significant improve-
either the cervical or lumbar spine, 80% (22) of the ment in headache severity and frequency when
patients reported a good clinical outcome and in compared to controls but not in all parameters.
63% (17), there was either a reduction or complete Brodin (1982) and Howe et al (1983) reported
resorption of the disc (Ben Eliyahu 1996). In a case decreased neck pain following manipulation when
series of consecutive patients, 71 patients presented compared with analgesics or no treatment. In
with low back pain and radiating leg pain clinically addition, Howe et al (1983) described increased
diagnosed as lumbar disc herniations. Subjective cervical rotation following manipulation. Bitterli
improvement reported by the patient, ROM, and (1977), on the other hand, did not show a change in
nerve root tension signs were used to assess headache following mobilization, and Sloop et al
improvement. Of the 59 patients who received a (1982) failed to show improvement in neck pain
course of treatment, 90% reported improvement. following a single manipulation.
The authors conclude that non-operative treatment Several literature reviews have evaluated the
including manipulation may be effective and safe efficacy and complications of cervical spine manual
for the treatment of back and radiating leg pain therapy. Hurwitz et al (1996) concluded that
(Stern et al 1995). cervical SMT and mobilization probably provide at
In studies on the use of manipulation in the least some short-term benefits for some patients
presence of an intervertebral disc herniation, many with neck pain and headaches. Aker et al (1996)
492 of the authors indicate preference for the use of a concluded that there had not been sufficient studies
Mobilization, manipulation, massage and exercise for the relief of musculoskeletal pain

to adequately prove the effectiveness of any treat- group. Finally, headache intensity per episode
ment approach. Gross et al (1996) conclude that the decreased by 36% in the manipulation group, com-
best available evidence supports the use of manual pared with 17% in the soft tissue group. The authors
therapies in combination with other treatments for conclude that SMT has a significant positive effect
short-term relief of neck pain. in cases of cervicogenic headache. In a similar earlier
Cassidy et al (1992) compared the immediate study, Nilsson (1995) demonstrated a reduction in
results of SMT to mobilization in 100 consecutive symptoms in all outcome measures following
outpatients suffering from unilateral neck pain manipulation. However, no statistically significant
with referral to the trapezius muscles. The patients difference was seen between groups.
received either a single high-velocity, low-ampli- Vernon (1995) identified nine studies of manipu-
tude, rotational manipulation (n=52) or mobiliz- lation for tension-type headaches reporting quan-
ation in the form of muscle-energy technique titative outcomes. Of these, four were RCTs and
(n=48). The results show that both treatments five were case series designs. Outcomes ranged
increase range of motion, but manipulation has a from good to excellent. The studies cited indicate
significantly greater effect on pain intensity. Eighty- that manipulation seems to be better than no treat-
five percent of the patients receiving SMT and 69% ment and/or some types of mobilization and ice. It
of the mobilized patients reported pain relief also seems to be equivalent to amitryptiline but
immediately after treatment. However, the de- with greater durability of effect. Only three studies
crease in pain intensity was greater (1.5 times) in on migraine headaches were identified, of which
the manipulated group. A randomized, prospective only one was an RCT. Outcomes ranged from fair to
clinical trial by Jordan et al (1998) included 119 very good. The author states that, although there is
patients with neck pain of greater than 3 months’ a limited number of studies regarding the efficacy
duration. All three treatment interventions (inten- of SMT in the treatment of headache, the overall
sive training of the cervical musculature, a physio- results are encouraging.
therapy regimen, and chiropractic treatment) Boline et al (1995) reported on a RCT comparing
demonstrated meaningful improvement in all SMT to amitryptiline for the treatment of chronic
primary effect parameters. tension-type headaches. A total of 150 patients with
Polkinghorn (1998) also describes the use of the a diagnosis of tension-type headaches of at least 3
Activator Adjusting Instrument (AAI) in the case of months’ duration and a frequency of at least once
a cervical disc herniation that had failed to respond per week were randomized into two groups:
to manual manipulation of the spine. The author 6 weeks of SMT provided by a chiropractor, and
suggests that instrument-delivered adjustments 6 weeks of amitriptyline administered by a medical
may provide benefit in cases in which manual ma- physician. During the treatment period, both
nipulation causes an exacerbation of the symptoms. groups improved at very similar rates in all
Ben Eliyahu (1994) reports on three cases of primary outcomes. Amitryptiline was slightly more
patients with documented cervical disc herniations effective in reducing pain at the end of the
who responded to chiropractic management and treatment period but was associated with more side
manipulative therapy. effects. Four weeks after the cessation of treatment,
however, the patients who received SMT experienced
a sustained therapeutic benefit in all major out-
Headaches comes in contrast to the patients who received
Several recent studies have looked at the efficacy of amitryptiline, who reverted to baseline values.
SMT in the treatment of headaches. In a RCT, 53
patients suffering from frequent headaches were
randomized into two groups (Nilsson et al 1997).
Twenty-eight received high-velocity, low-ampli- Mechanisms of pain relief by
tude cervical manipulation and 25 received low-
level laser in the upper cervical region and deep
massage and manipulation
friction massage in the lower cervical/upper The exact mechanism by which massage and
thoracic region. Results showed a statistically manipulation relieve pain has been the subject of a
significant decrease in the use of analgesics (36%) in great deal of debate but relatively little experimen-
the manipulation groups, with no change in the soft tation. The problem, in part, has been the difficulty
tissue group. In addition, the number of headache of isolating the primary cause of spinal pain. For
hours per day decreased by 69% in the manipu- virtually every theory on the cause of spinal pain,
lation group, compared with 37% in the soft tissue there has been a corresponding theory as to how 493
Therapeutic approaches

manipulation might help. The following are the the role of muscle contraction on lymph flow was
more prominent theories under debate. demonstrated, is often quoted to suggest that
massage, passive motion, and exercise may have
their primary effect on lymphatic drainage. A few
Change in pain threshold researchers (Elkins et al 1953, Wakim et al 1955)
Since many of the effects of manipulation are have demonstrated that massage and compression
immediate (Glover et al 1974, Hoehler et al 1981), of an oedematous extremity can increase lymph
some investigators feel that manipulation may flow and reduce oedema. Extrapolation of these
increase the pain threshold. Terrett and Vernon theories to the massage of areas of tenderness in
(1984) measured tolerance to electrically induced muscles and ligaments, however, has yet to be
pain in paraspinal tissues before and after spinal demonstrated.
manipulation and before and after inducing joint
play. Both groups showed increases in pain
tolerance but the increase was significantly higher
Reduction in disc protrusion
in the manipulation group. Vernon et al (1985) This theory, proposed by Cyriax (1971), was based
reported a small but significant increase in subjects partially on the observations of Matthews and Yates
undergoing spinal manipulation. Christian et al (1969). Many of the traction–distraction techniques
(1988) and Sanders et al (1990), however, were not have also been proposed on the basis of a presumed
able to confirm these results. effect on the intervertebral disc (Cox 1980). There
remains, however, considerable controversy con-
cerning this theory. Clinical studies by Chrisman et
Relief of muscle pain or spasm al (1964) and Cassidy and Kirkaldy-Willis (1985)
Both manipulation and massage are thought to have demonstrated that patients with demon-
reduce muscle spasms. Cyriax (1971) has stated that strated disc herniation respond less favourably to
deep friction separates adhesions and restores manipulation. In contrast, several recent studies
movement between individual muscle fibres. have provided support for the practice of using
Wakim (1980) describes the effects of massage as SMT in cases of intervertebral disc herniation (Cox
relieving muscle fatigue from overexertion by im- et al 1993, Hession and Donald 1993, Ben Eliyahu
proving circulation and removing waste products. 1994, Stern et al 1995, Bergmann and Jongeward
It has been proposed that manipulation results 1998).
in stretch of the muscle and a subsequent reflex
relaxation of the muscle. A number of studies
(Diebert and England 1972, Grice 1974, Grice and
Changes in posterior joint function
Tschumi 1985, Shambaugh 1987) report decreased Pathology of the posterior facets and its relation-
muscle activity following manipulation, however, ship to posture and leg length have been studied
these studies all suffer from small sample size and intensively by Giles and Taylor (1982, 1984, 1985).
methodological problems and are not conclusive. A The discovery of intra-articular synovial protrusions
recent study by Zhu et al (1993) reports normal- with nerve endings containing substance P has led
ization of magnetically induced muscle contraction to the suggestion that protrusions may become
cortical-evoked responses following manipulation entrapped within the joint, resulting in pain. Giles
and suggests that this may reflect changes in (1986) has suggested that manipulation may relieve
muscle spindle activity. Keller and Colloca (2000) this entrapment and any resulting muscle spasm.
suggest that altered muscle function may be a Other anatomists (Bogduk and Jell 1985), however,
short-term therapeutic effect of SMT. are not as yet convinced that such entrapment
occurs. Cramer et al (2000) demonstrated separ-
ation (gapping) of the zygapophyseal joints with
Improved circulation lumbar side-posture spinal manipulation.
The erythema that follows massage is presumed to
be due to an increase in blood flow, which has been
extrapolated to suggest that massage removes
Increased range of motion
waste products and promotes healing. A number of By far the most popular theory regarding the effect
individuals have reported measuring increased of manipulation is that it increases range of motion
circulation from various massage techniques (Skull (see Fig. 32.1). According to this theory, spinal or
1945, Wakim et al 1949). peripheral joint motion can become restricted, and
494 The early research of Starling (1894), in which such restrictions (fixations or blockage) can be
Mobilization, manipulation, massage and exercise for the relief of musculoskeletal pain

detected by palpation and other examination tech- and back pain with its related disability has
niques. In a relationship between pain and ROM in resulted in a closer look at the psychological effects
the cervical spine, 100 consecutive patients with of manipulation. Most patients and their physicians
unilateral neck pain without neurological deficits who offer this modality have a strong, enthusiastic
were studied (Cassidy et al 1992). Fifty-two patients belief in the effectiveness of manipulation. Further-
received a single cervical manipulation, while 48 more, there is confidence in a physician who uses
received mobilization. The results showed an his or her hands to ‘find’ the pain and then apply a
increase in all planes of post-treatment ROM and a treatment directly to the painful area. In addition,
decrease in post-treatment pain scores. The study there is the soothing effect of laying on of hands
suggests a significant relationship between a and the natural empathy and concern commonly
decrease in pain and an increase in cervical motion. found in practitioners of manipulation.
One mechanism by which joint motion may be There are now some data that actually document
restricted is the shortening of ligamentous struc- these changes. Kane et al (1974) were the first to
tures. The goal of treatment in this situation is the demonstrate that patients were more satisfied when
stretching of these tissues. In another mechanism, chiropractors took time to explain their opinions
joints can be restricted through pathology in the and make patients feel welcome. Hsieh et al (1992)
bony elements themselves (e.g., degenerative have furthermore shown that not only are patients’
spondylosis). It is generally assumed that manipu- confidence levels for massage and manipulation
lation will not result in any change in this form of higher than for TMS and corsets, but also that the
restriction but instead is aimed at any concomitant confidence levels increase with ongoing treatment.
ligamentous or muscular changes. Next, limitation Lehman and McGill (2001) suggest that the response
of joint play in the neutral position or at some point to manipulation is variable and dependent upon
in the ROM may restrict movement. Such joint play the individual, with the largest changes seen in
is usually associated with accessory movements felt those patients in the most pain.
to be essential for smooth motion of a joint. Treat-
ment is directed at restoring the joint play. Com-
binations of these methods of restricting ROM of a Exercise
joint are also thought to occur. Exercise has long been a fundamental tool in the
The exact mechanism through which restricted treatment of musculoskeletal pain. While a number
motion can cause pain is not clear and is probably of different exercise approaches are utilized, in
multifactorial. Movement in the joint can stretch general they all target the following objectives:
strained ligaments or pull on contracted muscles, decreasing pain, strengthening weak muscles,
resulting in pain. Restricted motion may also decreasing mechanical stress on spinal structures,
reduce nutrition to the intervertebral disc or joint improving fitness levels, stabilizing hypermobile
cartilage, resulting in breakdown of these tissues segments, improving posture, improving mobility,
and inflammation (Akeson et al 1980, Holm and and ‘when all else fails’ (Jackson and Brown 1983).
Nachemson 1982). Another reason for using exercise, perhaps the
There is a growing body of evidence that most important of all, is to provide patients with
manipulation can increase spinal ROM (Evans et al some control over their situation.
1978, Rasmussen 1979, Nwuga 1982, Waagen et al
1986). Howe et al (1983) demonstrated increased
rotation and lateral flexion of the neck when com-
Exercise techniques
pared to controls. It appears, however, that only There are a number of different schools of thought
certain directions of movement show increased regarding the most appropriate technique or
range after manipulation. Jirout (1972a, b) reported exercise method. Unfortunately, there are very few
changes in ROM. Several authors have noted an studies comparing the techniques and they are
increase in straight leg raising following manipu- often recommended for their theoretical effect. The
lation (Fisk 1979; Buerger 1978, 1979), and Lehman most divisive opinions surround the use of exercise
and McGill (1999) demonstrated changes in spine for low back pain. A discussion of the different
kinematics following manipulation. exercise approaches to this condition is therefore of
Psychological effects of manipulation Flexion vs extension exercises
The growing recognition of the close relationship While the precise mechanism remains unclear, it
between psychosocial and psychological factors has long been assumed that there is a relationship 495
Therapeutic approaches

between posture and back pain. Both Fahrni (1976) et al (1997) demonstrated that fitness walking can
and Williams (1974) felt that back pain was largely improve overall pain management in elderly
due to the lordotic curve in the lumbar spine. Con- patients with chronic musculoskeletal problems.
sequently, Williams developed a series of exercises
to reduce the lumbar lordosis and thereby eliminate
back pain. This was accomplished by increasing the
strength of the abdominal and gluteal muscles. In Recently, a number of studies have attempted to
contrast, McKenzie (1985) attributed the develop- evaluate the effectiveness of various exercise
ment of back pain to a loss of lumbar extension and regimens for specific conditions. The results of this
to frequency of flexion. He introduced a treatment research have been conflicting, certain studies
protocol that involved the use of exercises that showing exercise to be effective while others have
employed extending the back. These exercises not demonstrated any significant effect.
initially were targeted at producing extension of the In a blinded review of RCTs, Koes et al (1992b)
lumbar spine. However, the ultimate goal of the state that no conclusion can be drawn about
McKenzie programme was a full ROM in all whether exercise therapy is any better than any
directions. other form of therapy for back pain or whether any
specific form of exercise therapy is more effective. A
Stabilization exercises recent study of patients with acute back pain com-
In the past few years, the use of stabilization pared the use of bedrest (2 days), back-mobilizing
exercises has become popular (Saal 1992, Robison exercises, and a control group consisting of the
1992). The goal of stabilization exercises (also known continuation of ordinary activities as tolerated
as ‘stabilization training’ and ‘sensory motor stimu- (Malmivera et al 1995). Contrary to expectations,
lation’) is to increase the role of the trunk muscu- continuing with ordinary activities within the
lature in protecting the spine. Hyman and limits permitted by the pain led to a more rapid
Liebenson (1996) state that stabilization exercises recovery.
train a patient to control posturally destabilizing The effect of exercise appears to vary with the
forces. Examples of such basic exercises include chronicity of the symptoms. In a systematic review
pelvic tilts, bridges, trunk curls, and lunges. of RCTs, Van Tulder et al (1997) concluded that
there was strong evidence of the ineffectiveness of
Strength training exercise therapy for acute low back pain and for its
While there is not much agreement on which effectiveness in chronic low back pain. Similarly, in
muscles need to be strengthened, or which training a criteria-based review, Faas (1996) concluded that
method is best, the use of exercises to strengthen exercise therapy is ineffective for acute back pain,
weak muscles is a common approach in the treat- whereas exercise with a graded activity programme
ment of patients with back pain. In recent years, the may benefit those with subacute back pain and
introduction of sophisticated strength-training intensive exercising may be of benefit for those
devices using computer-assisted technology has with chronic pain.
become popular (Mooney 1979, Manniche et al A number of studies have looked at the value of
1991, Timm 1994). Dynamic, strength-training exer- specific exercise programmes. A recent study to
cises use a variety of tools including isotonic evaluate the effectiveness of extension in the
progressive resistance exercise (PRE), isometric treatment of acute low back pain showed no sig-
training, and isokinetic training. While there may nificant benefit over conventional care (Underwood
be no clear winner in terms of the most effective and Morgan 1998). Dettori et al (1995) concluded
form of strength training, it would appear that these that there was no difference for any outcomes
programmes enable patients to regain strength and between flexion or extension exercises, but that
function while providing sufficient feedback to either was more effective than no exercise at all.
encourage compliance. Similarly, Elnaggar et al (1991) concluded that both
flexion and extension exercises were equally
Aerobic exercise effective in relieving back pain severity, but the
Patients with back pain and other complaints often flexion exercises had an advantage in increasing
find that aerobic activities such as walking, cycling, mobility in the sagittal plane.
or swimming improve their conditions and overall Several investigators have attempted to evaluate
health. In a randomized, controlled study of the use the usefulness of stabilization exercises. O’Sullivan
of walking versus other physical methods (heat, et al (1998) demonstrated a beneficial effect from a
496 cold, massage, relaxation, and distraction), Ferrell 10-week programme of specific stabilizing exercises
Mobilization, manipulation, massage and exercise for the relief of musculoskeletal pain

in the treatment of chronic back pain. The benefits massage, and mild exercise. A statistically signi-
were maintained at 30 months. In a study of stabil- ficant difference was found in favour of the
ization exercises, Nelson et al (1995) demonstrated treatment group at 3 months follow-up, and those
that 76% of patients completing the programme patients in the treatment group for at least once a
had excellent or good results. At 1-year follow-up, week for the entire 1-year follow-up period were
94% reported maintaining their improvement. the only patients with any significant improvement.
Results in the control group were significantly The use of exercise in patients with low back
poorer in all areas surveyed except employment. pain requires further study. The literature, so far,
Several studies have attempted to evaluate the suggests that: (1) there is a short-term positive
use of dynamic strength-training programmes. effect from a variety of exercises; (2) those who
Manniche (1996) claims that the most important exercise regularly have a better chance of main-
factor that influences the effect of exercise in taining any derived benefit; (3) there does not
chronic low back patients is the administration of a appear to be one particular form of exercise that is
high training stimulus (number of repetitions of the clearly superior to any other form; (4) intensity and
exercise, exercise resistance, and the total number frequency of exercise are probably more important
of sessions). He states that the poor results seen in than the type of exercise performed; and (5)
many studies may be due to the low dosage or maintaining normal daily work and play activities
short duration of the exercise programme. In a by avoiding debility may be as effective as a formal
study of exercise following first-time lumbar disc exercise programme.
surgery, Manniche (1995) also noted that, while
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effects, high-dosage exercises with training periods References
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Psychological therapies


The placebo response

Patrick D Wall

Introduction it is difficult or impossible to blind the physician’s

expectation (Gracely et al 1985) and this expec-
The placebo response is at the heart of under- tation affects the patient.
standing pain. It is inevitably a complete paradox
to classic theories of pain mechanisms that consider A special example of analgesia Harden et al (1996)
pain to be a reliable sensation signalling injury. The carried out a double-blind, randomized trial of
placebo is, by definition, inactive and yet produces injected ketorolac or meperidine or saline for acute
analgesia (Beecher 1959, 1968). How can that be? headache crises. All three treatments produced a
very significant reduction of pain (P = 0.0001) but
there was no significant difference between the three
Examples of the placebo treatments. The reason for the surprise at these
results is that both active drugs had previously
response been shown superior to a placebo in a number of
Medicine trials. The difference in this paper was that the
patients had presented themselves with an acute
Analgesics headache crisis to a busy urban emergency depart-
Thousands of placebo trials have been carried out ment and were therefore in severe need with a very
on analgesics since they are legally obligatory. The high expectation of powerfully effective therapy.
correct manner of such trials is discussed in Chap. Their pain dropped from a severe level of 3.5 on the
26. In a critical repeat analysis of five of their own pain index to a mild 1.5 for all three treatments.
trials, McQuay et al (1995) describe the problems of This example emphasizes the general problem that
variability in such trials. Individual patient placebo trials are necessarily carried out on a selected
scores varied from 0 to 100% of the maximum restricted sample and that the situation differs par-
possible pain relief. The proportion who obtained ticularly in the patient’s expectation.
more than 50% of the maximum possible pain relief
with placebo varied from 7 to 37% across the trials Narcotics
while, with the active drugs, the variation was from From the time of Lasagna et al (1954), there have
5 to 63%. Although trials are formally double blind, been many comparisons of narcotic analgesia with 503
Therapeutic approaches

placebo effects. The subtlety of the phenomenon of effects after the placebo. There is a certain humour
the placebo reaction and the skill needed to design in these reports when one reads that coffee drinkers
an experiment are shown by Benedetti et al (1998). drinking decaffeinated coffee in a double-blind
They examined 33 patients after the famously pain- crossover study develop a tremor after both drinks,
ful operation of thoracotomy and lobectomy for and in a test for drunkenness, 27–29% of the sub-
lung cancer. After the operation, the patients were jects were intoxicated by flavoured water in a cross-
given 0.1 mg buprenorphine boluses at 30-min over study with flavoured ethanol (0.8 ml/kg body
intervals until the pain was adequately reduced, weight) (O’Boyle et al 1994). These reports are im-
which required up to six injections. The next day portant because the responses have exactly the same
when their pain had returned to a high level, each general structure as analgesic placebo responses
was given a saline injection and the pain dropped and yet can hardly all depend on a single mechan-
an average of 2.5 points over 1 h. ism such as the release of endorphins.
However, this paper included two considerable
advances on previous papers. All patients had
given informed consent. An additional 24 patients Classes of explanation
who had received the same operation and adequate
pain relief from postoperative buprenorphine were
given no treatment when their pain had reached the Gracely et al (1978) originally proposed that the
same level as the group who received a placebo placebo effect works only on the unpleasantness
injection. The pain level of this no-treatment group of pain while leaving the intensity dimension
rose an average of 0.5 points during the 1-h obser- unaffected. However, their experiments represent a
vation period. Therefore, the placebo group had a special case that does not apply across the board,
marked drop of pain while the no-treatment group especially in clinical cases. Evans (1974), in another
experienced a pain increase. The second advance of version of this approach, proposes that the placebo
this paper is that the authors examined the sen- operates by decreasing anxiety. However, the
sitivity of the individual patients to the narcotic and results show that there is a weak and variable
correlated this with their placebo response. Those interaction with various types of anxiety, and it is
patients whose pain was substantially reduced by not clear that anxiety reduction is not a component
small doses of buprenorphine were those who gave of the placebo effect rather than the cause of it.
the largest placebo responses. Similarly, those Montgomery and Kirsch (1996) review and discard
patients relatively insensitive to small doses of emotional theories to explain placebos and favour
buprenorphine gave small placebo responses. In cognitive-expectation mechanisms.
another way of measuring the same effect, it was
shown that the number of buprenorphine doses
needed to establish adequate analgesia related to
the strength of a single placebo response so that the By far the commonest proposal is that the placebo
strongest placebo reactors had required fewer effect depends on the expectation of the subject.
doses of buprenorphine. There is nothing subtle about this. Placebo reactors
can be identified before the trial by simply asking
Placebo responses in conditions other the subject what they expect to be the outcome of
the therapy. Those who doubt that a therapy will
than pain be effective do not respond to the placebo while
There are many examples of placebo responses in those with high expectations do. The very extensive
pathological conditions such as asthma, diabetes, literature on this is reviewed by Bootzin (1985).
emesis, multiple sclerosis, ulcers, and parkinsonism. Lasagna et al (1954) investigated many aspects of
Similarly, mental states such as anxiety, depression, postoperative patients who responded to placebos
and insomnia may respond. These are extensively and to analgesic drugs and conclude: ‘A positive
reviewed in White et al (1985) and Turner et al placebo response indicated a psychological set pre-
(1980). Nocebo (‘I will harm’) responses occur when disposing to anticipation of pain relief’. They add:
unwanted effects are reported after the adminis- ‘It is important to appreciate that this same
tration of an inactive therapy. These even happen in anticipation of pain relief also predisposes to better
trials of analgesics where the subject has been response, to morphine and other pharmaco-
warned of possible side effects such as nausea, logically active drugs’. In a trial of two drugs versus
dizziness, and headache. In 109 double-blind drug placebos on 100 patients, Nash and Zimring (1969)
504 trials, 19% of healthy volunteers reported adverse tested specifically for the role of expectation. The
two drugs had no effect that would differentiate ated with a pattern of other stimuli such as a
The placebo response

them from the placebo but there was a strong hypodermic injection by a man in a white coat. It is
correlation between the measured expectation and proposed that these are the equivalent of uncon-
the placebo effect. Expectation is given a number of ditioned stimuli coupled with the conditioned
related names—belief, faith, confidence, enthusiasm, stimulus. It is then proposed that if these inciden-
response bias, meaning, credibility, transference, tally coupled stimuli are given alone, they will
anticipation, etc.—in 30 of the papers in the provoke the same response as the original drug,
bibliography of Turner et al (1980). just as in the dog, coupling a bell with food
Expectation is a learned state and therefore eventually leads to the ability of the bell by itself to
young children do not respond to placebos as provoke salivation. The similarity goes beyond the
adults do since they have had neither the time nor proposed production of a conditioned response. If
the experience to learn. Similarly in adults, the a placebo is given repeatedly in some but not all
learning of expected effects will depend on culture, trials, the effect declines. This is a characteristic of
background, experience, and personality. A desire Pavlovian responses where simple repeated ringing
to believe, please, and obey the doctor will increase of the bells leads to a steady decline of the sali-
the effect while hostility decreases it. Obviously, vation unless the conditioning is reinforced by
part of the expectation of the patient will depend on occasional coupling of the bell with food.
the expectation, enthusiasm, and charisma of the The question of a decreased effectiveness of
therapist, and therefore there are many reports on placebos on repeated application has an obviously
this doctor–patient interaction. Expectation in a important practical aspect if placebos were to be
laboratory experiment may be more limited than in used in a constructive fashion. They have rarely
a clinical setting, which may explain why rates and been tested in this way. Montgomery and Kirsch
intensities of placebo effects tend to be less in the (1997) show an increasing effectiveness of repeated
laboratory than in the clinic (Beecher 1959). placebo applications in an experimental situation.
Since most patients expect medication to have a
long-term decreasing effect and since the placebo
Conditioning response is locked to patient expectation, this by
There are many reports of drug anticipatory itself could lead to diminishing placebo responses.
responses in animals (Herrnstein 1965, Siegel 1985). All such comparisons between widely differing
These come in two forms. In the first, the animal processes lead to argument about similarities and
has been given one or more trials on an active drug differences, identities and analogies (Wall and
and is then subject to a saline injection and Safran 1986). However, the idea led to a series of
proceeds to mimic the behavioural or physiological clever experiments by Voudouris et al (1989, 1990).
response observed after the active drug. In the The first stage of this work was a repeat of a type of
second type, the animal mimics the counteractions trial that had been reported many times before.
which it mobilizes to neutralize the effect of the Volunteer subjects were given rising electric shocks
active compound. For example, if animals have and the current was established in full view of the
experienced a series of injections of insulin which subject. The experiments determined the level at
lower the blood sugar, a saline injection in the same which the shock became painful and the level at
setting as the insulin injection results in a rise of which it become intolerable. Then a bland cream
blood sugar, which would be one of the animal’s was rubbed on the area, the subjects were assured
reactions to counteract the insulin-induced decrease that it was a powerful anaesthetic, and the shock
(Siegel 1975). In cultures not raised on Winnie the trial was run a second time. A small fraction of the
Pooh, Wind in the Willows, and Watership Down, it is subjects demonstrated a placebo response by
customary to deny animals the luxury of cognitive reporting pain and intolerable pain at a higher
processing and to ascribe such phenomena to shock level than they had on the first trial. This part
classic Pavlovian conditioning. of the experiment is of no general interest but it
This led to the proposal that the human placebo established the placebo response rate in these
response had the characteristics of a conditioned particular circumstances. They then started again
response (Reiss 1980, Wickramasekera 1980). The with a new group of subjects and determined their
idea is that active powerful drugs produce a threshold and tolerance shock levels. The cream
powerful objective physiological response in the was applied and now came the clever and novel
same manner that food produces salivation—the part of the experiment; the strength of the electric
unconditioned stimuli and responses. However, shocks was secretly reduced unknown to the
giving the drug is inevitably inadvertently associ- subject and observer. When the trial was now run, 505
Therapeutic approaches

the subject observed that much higher numbers on placebo is administered in complete secrecy so that
the shock machine were achieved before pain was the patient is unaware that anything has been done,
felt and before the pain reached the tolerance limit. there is no reaction. An example would be the
These subjects believed that they had tested on covert injection by way of a long line from a hidden
themselves the truth of the remarkable anaesthetic source of saline of which the patient has no
properties of the cream. Next, after one such appar- knowledge and to which the patient does not react.
ent demonstration of the efficacy of the cream, a If the placebo is not a stimulus in this sense, what is
trial was run in the original conditions; i.e., the it? In the introduction to the third edition of the
strength of current was returned to its original Textbook of Pain, I proposed that sensation was
level. The cream was put on and the shock level appropriate to the overall situation. In the intro-
raised. On this trial large numbers of the subjects duction to the fourth edition, I extended that idea to
became placebo reactors. The only difference in propose that sensation is not simply a report of a
these newly produced placebo responders was that stimulus but an awareness of possible appropriate
they had ‘experienced’ in some fashion the appar- action. It is proposed that the sensation of pain is an
ently ‘true’ anaesthetic properties of the cream. awareness of a series of need states. The phrase
Clearly, this result can have important practical ‘need state’ is used in contemporary psychology to
implications. Whether the change in the subjects replace the old word ‘drive’. It is used particularly
was cognitive or conditioned must remain an issue for reactions such as hunger and thirst which, like
for debate and further experiment. Brewer (1974) pain, show such a poor correlation with any
concludes that ‘There is no convincing evidence for objective stimulus. The onset of pain is associated
operant or classical conditioning in adult humans’ with active avoidance in an attempt to abolish the
that is free of cognitive awareness of the situation. stimulus. After the avoidance phase, a complex
It may be that the passionately maintained differ- series of events start up to optimize the prevention
ences between cognitive and conditioned responses of further damage. They include muscle contrac-
may collapse on each other. tions to splint the painful area and to guard the
The question of whether the so-called con- area. There follows the phase optimal for recovery,
ditioned placebo response contains a cognitive including rest and immobility and, in the case of
component has been approached in a very clever humans, the seeking of aid and therapy. Therapy
way by Montgomery and Kirsch 1997 (but see also for an animal may be limited to licking the painful
Staats et al 1998 and Kirsch and Montgomery 1998). area but, for us, our personal experience and
They repeated the Voudouris et al (1990) experiment culture have added an elaborate array of potential
with the same results but added a crucial group, actions. It is proposed that pain at this stage is a
who were verbally informed that the applied cream need state in need of appropriate therapy. Need
was not anaesthetic; this group failed to produce states such as hunger, thirst, itching, and nausea are
placebo responses. The importance of this strange terminated by consummatory action. The need
but subtle experiment is that the subjects had state of pain is hopefully terminated by taking the
experienced precisely the same shocks as the group appropriate action, i.e., by seeking and accepting an
who did become placebo responders. There are apparently appropriate therapy. The sensation of
those, such as Price and Fields (1997), and unlike the need state disappears once consummation is
Brewer (1974), who believe that conditioning complete. This places the placebo in the category of
involves subconscious non-cognitive mechanisms. appropriate response rather than as an appropriate
In the Kirsch and Montgomery experiments, the stimulus.
groups who failed to produce a placebo response
had received all the same stimuli during the References
training trials except that they had been verbally Beecher HK 1959 Measurement of subjective responses. Oxford
informed that the cream was inert. Therefore they University Press, New York
conclude that the placebo response was not simply Beecher HK 1968 Placebo effects: a quantitative study of
suggestibility. In: Beecher HK (ed) Non-specific factors in drug
learned by the pairing of stimuli with response but
therapy. Thomas, Springfield, IL, pp 27–39
needed a verbally induced change of expectation. Benedetti F, Amanzio M, Baldi S, Casadio C, Cavallo A 1998 The
specific effects of prior opioid exposure on placebo analgesia
and placebo respiratory depression. Pain 75: 313–319
A new proposal: the placebo is not a Bootzin RR 1985 The role of expectancy in behaviour change. In:
stimulus but an appropriate response White LP, Tursky B, Schwarz GE (eds) Placebo: theory, research
and mechanisms. Guilford Press, New York
It is fatuous to regard a placebo as a stimulus in the Brewer WF 1974 There is no convincing evidence for operant or
506 ordinary sense of that word. By definition, if a classical conditioning in adult humans. In: Weiner WB, Palermo
DS (eds) Cognition and the symbolic processes. Wiley, New
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Price DD, Fields HL 1997 The contribution of desire and

York, pp 1–42 expectation to placebo analgesia. In: Harrington A (ed) The
Evans FJ 1974 The placebo response in pain reduction. In: Bonica JJ placebo effect. An interdisciplinary exploration. Harvard
(ed) Advances in neurology, vol 4. Raven Press, New York, University Press, Cambridge, pp. 117–137
pp 289–296 Reiss S 1980 Pavlovian conditioning and human fear. An
Gracely RH, McGrath P, Dubner R 1978 Validity and sensitivity of expectancy model. Behaviour Therapy 11: 380–396
ratio scales. Manipulation of affect by diazepam. Pain 5: 19–29 Siegel S 1975 Conditioning insulin effects. Journal of Comparative
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Harden RN, Gracely RH, Carter T, Warner G 1996 Placebo effect in Tursky B, Schwarz GE (eds) Placebo: theory, research and
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Herrnstein RJ 1965 Placebo effect in the rat. Science 138: 677–678 Staats PS, Hekmat H, Staats AW 1998 Comment on Montgomery &
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McQuay H, Carroll D, Moore A 1995 Variation in the placebo effect Voudouris NJ, Peck CL, Coleman G 1989 Conditioned response
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Montgomery GH, Kirsch I 1997 Classical conditioning and the Appignanesi L (eds) Science and beyond. Blackwell, Oxford
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Nash MM, Zimring FM 1969 Prediction of reaction of placebo. and mechanisms. Guilford Press, New York
Journal of Abnormal Psychology 74: 569–573 Wickramasekera I 1980 A conditioned response model of the
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placebos in including feelings of intoxication.
Psychopharmacology 115: 229–236

Psychological therapies


Relaxation and biofeedback

Vivienne X Gallegos

Introduction cedures, having as their only common element the

use of biofeedback itself, employing various physio-
Both relaxation and biofeedback are used to treat logical and self-report measures to assess the out-
various types of pain. Relaxation is an integrated come of the intervention.
physiological response characterized by general- This chapter examines relaxation and biofeed-
ized decreases in the sympathetic nervous system back effects for the most frequently treated pain
and metabolic activity (Benson 1975). Relaxation is syndromes. Issues in aetiology, measurement,
a characteristic part of most psychological inter- theory, and research are also considered.
ventions for pain (Turner and Chapman 1982a).
Biofeedback is the presentation to an individual
of a sensory signal (usually visual or auditory) that
changes in proportion to a biological process. The Current status of relaxation and
biological measures ‘fed back’ have included the
electromyogram (EMG) of various muscles in
different parts of the body, skin temperature, skin Relaxation and biofeedback as treatments for pain
resistance, pulse volume, and waveforms of the have been studied extensively and have been
electroencephalogram (EEG). Feedback has been examined in many review articles (e.g., Blanchard
presented under varying conditions of amplifi- and Ahles 1990).
cation and electronic modification. Subjects have Biofeedback has been used to treat a wide
received differing concurrent instruction, including variety of pain syndromes. By far the most frequent
forms of counselling and psychotherapy, have or application has been EMG feedback for muscle-
have not utilized relaxation training and home contraction headaches. Next in frequency has been
practice, and have had the biofeedback sessions the use of vascular feedback (skin temperature or
conducted in a deliberately neutral or encouraging other measures of vascular activity) for migraine. It
manner. In addition, the activity level (passive has also been applied less frequently to other pain
versus active) or position of the body (sitting versus problems such as back pain, paediatric pain,
standing, etc.) has varied. Thus the term ‘biofeed- temporomandibular joint pain, Raynaud’s disease,
back’ has come to refer to a constellation of pro- torticollis, neck problems, gynaecological problems, 509
Therapeutic approaches

arthritis, phantom-limb pain, reflex sympathetic therapeutic modality, hypnosis (Melis et al 1991), or
dystrophy, and other miscellaneous conditions. chamber-restricted environment (Wallbaum et al
In addition, research subjects of all types have 1991). In the other two controlled studies, relax-
varied substantially in their pain-problem histories ation taught in school failed to result in a decrease
and pretreatment pain episodes. Variability in pain of students’ headache activity in comparison to
syndromes, types of subject, and the measures either a wait-list control (Fichtel and Larsson 2001)
recorded should be kept in mind when considering or a placebo group (Passchier et al 1990).
treatment outcome. Despite the preponderance of Nine group outcome studies with no control
noncontrolled studies, enough systematic data group found improvement (as reductions in head-
have accumulated to permit some firm conclusions ache activity or medication intake) after a variety of
about treatment efficacy. treatment conditions, including relaxation training
(Arena et al 1988, Juprelle and Schoenen 1990), GSR
biofeedback (Collet et al 1986), EMG biofeedback
Scalp-muscle-contraction (Grazzi et al 1988, Juprelle and Schoenen 1990,
Schoenen et al 1991a, Grazzi and Bussone 1993),
headache cognitive therapy using relaxation instructions
This pain syndrome is the most widely studied for (Holroyd et al 1991), or both relaxation training and
its responsiveness to relaxation and biofeedback. cognitive therapy (Attanasio et al 1987). One study
The Classification of Chronic Pain published by the found that EMG biofeedback was more effective
International Association for the Study of Pain than relaxation alone or relaxation plus temperature
(IASP; Merskey and Bogduk 1994) defines scalp- biofeedback (Cott et al 1992).
muscle-contraction headache as ‘virtually con- The long-term maintenance of benefits obtained
tinuous dull aching head pain, usually symmetrical after relaxation and biofeedback training was
and frequently global. This headache is frequently, demonstrated in three follow-up studies of up to
but not in all cases, associated with muscle five years after initial treatment (Blanchard et al
‘tension’. The term tension is, nevertheless, retained; 1987a, b; Smith 1987).
tension may also be taken to indicate stress, strain, In a meta-analysis carried out in 1980, Blanchard
anxiety, and emotional tension. There is a frequent et al determined that ‘the apparent effectiveness of
association between these factors and also EMG biofeedback for muscle-contraction headache
depressive states and this headache. In the later varies moderately across the headache measures
stages, exacerbations with a tinge of pounding used. With some exceptions, headache frequency
headache and with nausea (and, less typically, tends to decrease slightly more than duration or
vomiting) may occasionally occur, although less intensity’. These authors found that relaxation
typically and with less intensity than in common training or biofeedback reduced reported muscle-
migraine’ (Merskey and Bogduk 1994). contraction-headache pain by about 60%. Other
The literatures on biofeedback and relaxation early reviews reached a similar figure, or occasion-
treatments for scalp-muscle-contraction headache ally slightly less, of about 50%. This improvement
are intertwined to an extent that they are best was almost always maintained during the follow-
considered together. The studies reviewed here ing months. In contrast, the control comparison
support relaxation training as the treatment of subjects, who received uninstructed self-relaxation,
choice in muscle-contraction headache. As noted placebo medication, or no treatment for their
below, most of the controlled studies used this muscle-contraction headaches consistently did not
technique. improve as much.
Thirteen controlled studies of scalp-muscle- In considering the results for control group
contraction headache compared biofeedback or subjects in the same studies analysed by Blanchard et
relaxation training in any of their forms to a no- al (1980), other early reviewers found variable
treatment control group involving symptom effects. Taking an average of subjects, measures,
monitoring, waiting list, or placebo. Eleven of those and studies, reported pain tends to increase by
studies showed reduction in headache pain after about 8–10% in the control groups and is occasion-
treatment but not in the control condition (Lacroix ally reported to increase much more (Haynes et al
et al 1986; Larsson et al 1987, 1990; Wisniewski et al 1975, Jessup et al 1979). However, the use of a false
1988; Blanchard et al 1990a, 1991a; Melis et al 1991; signal as a control procedure for EMG biofeedback
Schoenen et al 1991b, c; Wallbaum et al 1991; leads more often to a decrease in headache
Rokicki et al 1997). Two of these studies used symptoms of about 15%.
510 relaxation training within the context of another A later meta-analysis by Malone et al (1988)
reviewed 109 studies, of which 48 were used to
Relaxation and biofeedback

(1980). They compared EMG biofeedback training

calculate effect sizes. This sample of studies was for decreasing, increasing, or stabilizing frontalis
called the effect-size sample while the remaining 61 muscle tension with a no-treatment group. The
studies were labelled the percentage-improved three treatment groups showed equivalent substan-
group. In the effect-size sample, ‘All treatments tial improvement in tension headaches at a 3-
were reported as extremely successful when com- month follow-up. All three treatments were equally
pared with the estimated outcome effects of no- superior to the no-treatment group. Andrasik and
treatment control groups’. When type of outcome Holroyd (1980) concluded: ‘These results suggest
measure was examined, the outcome findings that the learned reduction of EMG activity may
varied considerably, except number of symptoms, play only a minor role in outcomes obtained with
EMG recordings, and mood. When these variables biofeedback’.
were taken into account, improvement was Neither treatment duration nor the source of
observed consistently. In contrast to Blanchard et al subjects have been important variables in deter-
(1980), pill placebo was found to be more effective mining treatment outcome. With regard to treat-
than biofeedback or relaxation training. Autogenic ment, a minimum of 3 h of EMG biofeedback training
training was found to be superior to pill placebo, is usually adequate, although most clinicians use
confirming the finding of Blanchard et al (1980). about 6–8 h.
In the percentage-improved sample Malone et al Schoenen et al in a series of studies (Schoenen et
(1988) concluded that ‘only relaxation training is al 1991a, b, c; Juprelle and Schoenen 1990) found
truly effective, biofeedback training is minimally that EMG levels are not related to headache
effective and the other treatments are actually less severity and concluded that EMG activity of the
effective than no treatment at all’. The criterion for pericranial muscles is not the cause of headaches,
considering improvement was a 25% or greater but rather one of the changes associated with
reduction in the outcome measures (activity level, headaches. Their data supported the hypothesis
duration, EMG or temperature recordings, fre- that ‘diffuse disruption of central pain-modulating
quency, etc.). The percentage of improvement systems, possibly due to a modified limbic input to
reported was 84% for biofeedback, 95% for relax- the brain stem, is pivotal in the pathophysiology of
ation, 70% for pill placebo, 72% for treatment muscle contraction headache’ (Schoenen et al
package, and 77% for no treatment. For a critique of 1991c).
Malone et al’s meta-analysis see Holroyd and
Penzien (1989).
Blanchard and Ahles (1990), in a review of the
studies of tension headache, conclude that frontal
EMG biofeedback alone or with adjunctive relax- The Subcommittee on Taxonomy of the IASP
ation training is more effective than placebo and at (Merskey and Bogduk 1994) has defined classic
least as effective as other active psychological treat- migraine as: ‘Throbbing head pain in attacks, often
ments and drug treatments. with a prodromal state and usually preceded by an
Both relaxation training and biofeedback are aura which frequently contains visual phenomena.
effective in reducing tension headache, but relax- The pain is typically unilateral but may be bilateral.
ation is simpler to administer and is more cost- Nausea, vomiting, photophobia and phonophobia
effective. The equivalent benefits of relaxation often accompany the pain’.
training have been repeatedly noted by researchers Migraine headache has been treated with finger-
and reviewers, such as Turner and Chapman temperature biofeedback. Sargent et al (1973)
(1982a). Viewed even more broadly, if EMG bio- suggested that hand-warming biofeedback could
feedback is effective not as a specific muscle- alleviate migraine by reducing sympathetic arousal.
training technique, but as a way of training Overall outcome effectiveness of finger-warming
relaxation, then the key question becomes the feedback for migraine, when objectively evaluated,
relative effectiveness of biofeedback and relaxation has been somewhat weaker than that for EMG bio-
training for generating relaxation. Relaxation- feedback applied to muscle-contraction headaches.
training studies are subject to the same sources of A typical figure for migraine-symptom reduction
variability as noted earlier for EMG biofeedback, during controlled studies of finger-warming bio-
leading to some conflicting findings. feedback is about 30–35%, although occasionally no
What happens during treatment to cause im- improvement has been reported. Virtually the same
provement? One of the most incisive studies of this improvement is found in no-treatment groups, in
question was carried out by Andrasik and Holroyd which subjects simply keep records of their 511
Therapeutic approaches

migraines, and in what should be counter- placebo conditions. If propranolol and psycho-
therapeutic groups, in which the subjects attempt to logical treatment are equally effective, it would
decrease their finger temperature (Kewman and seem that many patients would prefer propranolol
Roberts 1980). than a lengthy and more demanding treatment
In their review article, Blanchard et al (1980) such as biofeedback or relaxation training. Never-
concluded that thermal biofeedback alone leads to theless, it should be noted that individuals may
a 52% improvement in migraine headache index have medication side effects (Wilkinson 1988),
(intensity × duration); thermal feedback with particularly with long-term ingestion of the drug,
autogenic training, a 65% improvement; relaxation and that relaxation has beneficial effects for the
training, 53%; and medication placebo, 17%. Other individual’s health beyond the reduction in
exhaustive reviews (Chapman 1986, Litt 1986, migraine (e.g., in helping cope with stress).
Blanchard and Ahles 1990) all draw similar con-
clusions about treatment outcome when relaxation
or biofeedback is used for migraine: Mixed headache
1. Thermal biofeedback and relaxation training In contrast to the extensive literature on muscle-
are equally effective. contraction headache and migraine headache,
2. Frontalis EMG biofeedback and thermal studies involving patients with combined headache
biofeedback are equally effective in the (migraine and muscle contraction) or cluster
treatment of migraine (Chapman 1986). headache are rather scarce. In some clinics, patients
3. Improvement that occurs during relaxation or with muscle-contraction headache, migraine, or
biofeedback continues at follow-up periods of both are treated with a combined package of treat-
at least up to 1 year. ments, apparently with good results (Schwartz
4. Changes in headache parameters are not 1987). However, research studies of patients with
reliably associated with physiological changes combined headache and cluster headache are
postulated to mediate migraine. needed.
5. To account best for the complex and seemingly In a study involving biofeedback with or with-
contradictory findings in clinical practice, an out home practice (Blanchard et al 1991b), patients
interactional model that considers ‘biochemical, with biofeedback treatment improved more than a
specific vascular, general autonomic, monitoring group. However, there were no signi-
cognitive/affective/behavioural, dyadic and ficant differences between the two feedback groups
social’ processes is apt to be most useful (Litt and migraineurs responded better (64%) than
1986). patients with mixed headaches (28%).
Evidence of the effectiveness of a combined
From 1986 to 2001, 21 studies involving popu-
treatment of relaxation training and biofeedback
lations of migraineurs who had been treated with
was reported by Smith (1987) with 318 mixed
biofeedback or relaxation training or both were
headache (muscle contraction, migraine, or mixed)
published. Seven were controlled studies (Ellersten
patients contacted by telephone. All patients had
et al 1987; Gallegos and Espinoza 1989; Blanchard
received earlier EMG and thermal biofeedback,
et al 1990b, c; Gauthier and Carrier 1991; Ilacqua
relaxation training, psychotherapy, and physical
1994; McGrady et al 1994) and the rest were group
therapy. She found that patients who had had some
outcome studies. The studies show that biofeed-
previous biofeedback treatment reported reduction
back in combination with relaxation or alone is
in headache frequency and associated symptoms.
more effective in the treatment of migraine head-
The reduction was maintained in the majority of
ache than placebo treatment or no treatment (with
the patients for 25 months or more.
the exception of Ilacqua 1994). However, none of
the controlled studies clarified whether tempera-
ture biofeedback was a better treatment per se than
other more cost-effective treatments.
Back pain
Holroyd and Penzien (1990) in a meta-analytic Twelve studies on biofeedback and relaxation for
review of 60 studies reported that relaxation/ back pain were published between 1986 and 2001.
biofeedback training and propranolol medication The studies examined varied syndromes, and most
are equally effective in the prophylactic treatment subjects had recurring or nearly continuous
of migraine. Both treatments greatly reduced head- medium to severe pain for at least 6 months. Pain
ache activity in patients with migraine and differed histories in excess of 10 years have been typical in
512 significantly from patients in non-treatment or both clinical and research volunteer populations.
Degenerative, dysfunctional, structural, inflam-
Relaxation and biofeedback

increased rather than decreased EMG may be

matory, traumatic, postsurgical, and unknown indicated. Diagnosis, patient gender, and EMG
aetiologies are evident. The most frequently technique, including interactions of posture
studied conditions are fibrositis or diffuse myo- (Kravitz et al 1981), movement, and site of EMG
fascial pain syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic electrode placement, as well as location and depth
mechanical low back pain, and muscle-tension pain of placement of electrodes (Wolf et al 1989), are also
of psychological origin. proving to be significant factors affecting muscular
Between 20 and 85% of back pain patients do not activity in normal and painful backs. Although
have differentially diagnostic physical findings. these findings are important and point to a new
The wide range in physical findings depends on direction in biofeedback monitoring and treatment
what consideration one gives to degenerative of low back pain, the small number of studies does
changes that do not reliably produce pain (White not warrant definitive conclusions. Consequently,
and Gordon 1982). Consequently, outcome findings the relationship between EMG measures and back
for relaxation and biofeedback treatments of back pain remains an open question.
pain have varied widely.
Relaxation training has produced some evidence
of being an effective treatment for low back pain. It Paediatric pain
also appears to be an effective component of multi-
Schechter (1985) notes that paediatric pain is a
dimensional treatment packages (e.g., Middaugh et
significant and psychophysiologically complex
al 1991). It produced positive results in four of six
problem, involving the interaction of a neuro-
relaxation studies (Stuckey et al 1986, Petrie and
physiological response with age, cognitive set,
Azariah 1990, Spinhoven and Linssen 1991,
personality, ethnic background, and emotional
Nicholas et al 1992).
The rationale for relaxation training is straight-
Since caution has been advised regarding long-
forward: sustained muscle contraction has been
term drug therapy with children (Duckro and
considered both a cause and an effect of chronic
Cantwell-Simmons 1989), behavioural treatment
back pain, sustaining a cycle of pain–spasm–pain
seems to be a promising alternative and several
(Dolce and Raczynski 1985). Hence reduction of
researchers have studied the use of relaxation and
muscle contraction should be beneficial. However,
biofeedback techniques for pain in children. The
muscle-tension levels in back pain patients have
children’s response to biofeedback and relaxation
been found to be lower than, equal to, or higher
treatments is consistent with that of adults, but
than those in pain-free populations under various
children have shown greater improvement in head-
diagnostic, postural, and movement conditions
ache activity than adults with EMG biofeedback
(Dolce and Raczynski 1985). It is also important to
and temperature feedback (Sarafino and Goehring
consider reports pointing to the fact that relaxation
2000). Duckro and Cantwell-Simmons (1989)
training may not be effective for all patients (e.g.,
reviewed 12 studies that in general supported the
Degner and Barkwell 1991).
assumption that relaxation training with or without
The problem of back pain is probably too com-
biofeedback is an effective treatment in the man-
plex and variable between patients to permit a
agement of chronic headache in children and
simple, single-modality solution. Nonetheless,
adolescents. Other studies in the literature point to
relaxation techniques are non-invasive, inexpen-
the effectiveness of relaxation treatment (Engel et al
sive, portable procedures that enjoy easy patient
1992) and EMG biofeedback with mental imagery
acceptance. They deserve further systematic study.
(Labbe and Ward 1990).
In general, when EMG has been used alone or in
combination with other treatments, the results have
been positive in terms of gains in muscular strength
and physical mobility or reports in pain intensity
Other pain syndromes
(e.g., Hasenbring et al 1999). However, mixed Research on biofeedback treatment of a variety of
results have also been reported (Dolce and pain syndromes other than functional headache
Raczynski 1985). shows outcomes similar to the headache research.
The main aetiological issues relevant to relax- Uncontrolled studies greatly outnumber systematic
ation and biofeedback training for back pain are the studies. Controlled research suggests that, as with
lack of reliable covariation between reported pain headache, generalized relaxation is as effective as
and EMG readings (Bush et al 1985) and evidence biofeedback and may mediate improvement in a
that for some painful back conditions training for number of syndromes. 513
Therapeutic approaches

Biofeedback treatments have been reported for through a β-adrenergic mechanism and vaso-
the following syndromes: temporomandibular joint constriction through the sympathetic nervous
pain, Raynaud’s disease, spasmodic torticollis, neck pathway. This may explain the inconsistencies
injury, menstrual stress, writer’s cramp, duodenal between heart rate, skin conductance, and other
ulcer, pyelonephritis, rheumatoid arthritis, phantom- parameters during temperature biofeedback in
limb pain, anginal pain, and posttraumatic many studies reported so far.
headache. They have also been applied during Spasmodic torticollis is a painful twisting of the
childbirth. head to one side due to abnormal activity of the
In the case of temporomandibular joint pain, sternocleidomastoid muscles. Nine cases reported
anecdotal case reports and group studies (Jessup et by Cleeland (1973) suggest that EMG biofeedback
al 1979) suggest that masseter or temporalis muscle is effective for at least 90% of cases during
EMG biofeedback alone or in conjuction with treatment, including cases with long histories.
cognitive–behavioural treatment is beneficial for Benefit continues for up to 3 years for about two-
temporomandibular joint pain and bruxism. Flor thirds of cases (Cleeland 1973). Not all cases show
and Birbaumer (1993) randomly assigned 78 patients, marked improvement and, even with biofeedback,
including 21 suffering from temporomandibular sternocleidomastoid muscle tension may not
pain, to one of three treatment groups: EMG bio- decline to that of comparable controls (Martin
feedback, cognitive therapy, or traditional medical 1981).
treatment. They found improvement in all patients, Menstrual stress (dysmenorrhoea) improved
with the biofeedback group showing more positive with individual or group relaxation training or a
change than the others. Likewise, only the biofeed- combination of relaxation training and vaginal-
back group showed treatment gains at follow-up in temperature feedback (Heczey 1978), and in a
a number of outcome measures, including pain multiple-baseline study (Vargas et al 1987), 12
severity and interference. women suffering from dysmenorrhoea reported
Three reviews of the literature on the treatment less pain after relaxation training.
of Raynaud’s disease reported contradictory Arthritic pain has been treated with frontalis
findings. Sappington et al (1979) found that the muscle EMG biofeedback or relaxation training
most systematic studies showed that hand- (e.g., Bradley et al 1987) with positive results, but
warming biofeedback was no more effective than negative inconclusive results have also been
relaxation training. Rose and Carlson (1987) also obtained (Noda 1979).
reported inconsistent findings among major treat- Phantom-limb pain was virtually eliminated in
ment studies. Several methodological and cost- 10 of 16 cases and reduced to the point of no longer
effectiveness issues that make it difficult to needing treatment in an additional four in a single-
generalize across studies, settings, and subject group study using relaxation training, EMG bio-
groups are raised. In contrast, Freedman (1985) feedback, and provision of information (Sherman et
reported in a review article that temperature al 1979). These findings are particularly encourag-
biofeedback is an effective treatment for idiopathic ing because 14 of the cases had suffered chronic
Raynaud’s disease. He points to the importance of pain for an average duration of 12 years.
differentiating patients with Raynaud’s disease, Pain associated with reflex sympathetic
which refers to the primary form of the disorder, dystrophy (RSD) has been treated with thermal
and ‘Raynaud’s phenomenon’, which may be biofeedback, relaxation training, psychotherapy,
present with other tissue disorders such as and hypnotherapy, reducing subjective pain levels
scleroderma and rheumatoid arthritis. Treatment (Grunert et al 1990).
with thermal biofeedback when scleroderma is Other types of pain syndrome have been treated
present has not been as effective. The authors with biofeedback or relaxation or both and have
suggested that different aetiologies may be improved to various degrees. Ham and Packard
involved. (1996) reported improvement of posttraumatic
Freedman (1991) reported replications of headache with biofeedback. Olson (1988) reported
controlled investigations that demonstrated that improvement in a sample of 563 psychiatric
temperature biofeedback was effective in the patients suffering from different pain syndromes
treatment of patients suffering Raynaud’s disease. after treatment with biofeedback and relaxation
Findings at the Freedman laboratory supported the training, and a recent NIH Technology Assessment
hypothesis that feedback-induced vasodilatation Panel on Integration of Behavioral and Relaxation
and vasoconstriction are mediated by different Approaches into the Treatment of Chronic Pain and
514 physiological mechanisms, namely, vasodilatation Insomnia (1996) concluded that there is strong
evidence for the use of relaxation in reducing
Relaxation and biofeedback

a headache is occurring during EMG monitoring in

chronic pain in a variety of medical conditions the laboratory (Epstein et al 1978, Gray et al 1980).
(although Carroll and Seers 1998 argue that Nuechterlein and Holroyd (1980) reviewed
evidence for relaxation training reducing chronic some of the complexities behind frontalis EMG–
pain is still insufficient). Relaxation has been pain desynchrony, and emphasized the need for
reported to be effective in the relief of postoperative very discrete diagnosis (i.e., pain taxonomy) to
pain (e.g., Good et al 2001), although Seers and clarify the considerable diversity within the tension
Carroll (1998) recommend caution when using headache population in the extent to which EMG
relaxation for acute pain. Relaxation and imagery alteration can be expected to change headache
training reduced cancer treatment-related pain activity. Also noteworthy is the fact that Andrasik
(Syrjala et al 1995, Wallace 1997). and Holroyd (1980) closely monitored biofeedback
In summary, the studies of biofeedback treat- training that increased frontalis EMG to ensure that
ment of a variety of pain syndromes other than it would not exacerbate headache symptoms.
functional headache suggest that further inquiry is Although opinion is not unanimous (Basmajian
merited. However, as with biofeedback treatment 1976), reductions in frontalis EMG during biofeed-
of headache, relaxation training and other back do not generalize to other, even adjacent
cognitive–behavioural interventions may prove to muscles (Thompson et al 1981). Frontalis EMG level
be at least as effective. may not be reliably related to subjective reports of
relaxation (Shedivy and Kleinman 1977). However,
a generalized reduction in autonomic and cortical
Treatment process arousal, involving changes in heart rate, skin
resistance, and EEG activity, has been found during
considerations extensive frontalis EMG training (Hoffman 1979).
Pain taxonomy Whether the EMG biofeedback caused the general-
ized decrease in arousal could not be determined
The Classification of Chronic Pain (Merskey and by Hoffman’s study. However, the pattern is
Bogduk 1994), by creating a coherent pain taxonomy, congruent with the state of low arousal that Benson
could significantly aid clarification of the processes (1975) termed the ‘relaxation response’. Con-
operating in biofeedback and relaxation treatment ceivably, EMG biofeedback treatment, like relax-
for pain. However, pain taxonomy continues to be ation training, does lead to a generalized reduction
a particularly pressing problem in routine clinical in arousal that is nonetheless not synchronous
practice, particularly in regard to headache patients across muscle systems, nor with self-report of
(Schoenen and Maertens de Noordhout 1994). experienced relaxation.
Furthermore, although generally accepted, the Flor and Turk (1989) carried out an exhaustive
belief that tension of the frontalis muscle reliably research review of the relationship between specific
causes muscle-contraction headache is not entirely symptoms and psychophysiological responses in
supportable (Bakal 1975) and numerous exceptions chronic-pain patients. Detailed evaluation of 60
to the general opinion have been documented. studies against 12 theoretical and methodological
Whereas biofeedback and relaxation research are criteria showed that ‘baseline levels, regardless of
apt to aid further clarification of pain syndromes type of physiological measure, are not generally
and subtypes (Carrobles et al 1981), subtypes of elevated in chronic-pain patients. The presence of
headache for which biofeedback and relaxation are symptom-specific, stress-related psychophysio-
specifically effective may yet be identified. logical responses is more commonly observed and
the evidence on return to baseline is at this time
inconclusive.’ These findings should direct
Pain–physiology desynchrony reseachers towards a more precise evaluation of
Reduction in frontalis EMG is not necessary for biofeedback and relaxation training as methods for
improvement in muscle-contraction headaches. reducing stress-related responses.
Evidence supporting this surprising conclusion
comes from studies of the frontalis EMG–pain
relationship. Muscle tension tends to be higher
Psychosocial processes
during muscle-contraction headaches, but many Other processes that are probably not necessary for
case-by-case exceptions have been observed (e.g., improvement during biofeedback include socio-
Haynes et al 1975). Frontalis EMG does not reliably economic status (Acosta and Yamamoto 1978),
covary with self-reported headache pain, even when hypnotizability (Frischolz and Tryon 1980), and 515
Therapeutic approaches

home practice during biofeedback training (Haynes some refractory cases. Now, however, research
et al 1975). Continued practice after training may must focus on more specific relationships of en-
be related to continued benefit (Reinking and vironmental stimuli, specific physical reactivities,
Hutchings 1976). and clarity of aetiology.
A number of processes have been proposed as 2. Biofeedback started with strong roots in
mediators for improvement during biofeedback psychophysiology and evolved dynamically into
and relaxation treatment, including personality × clinical practice, but interest in research seems to
treatment interactions, anxiety reduction, enhanced have waned in the past decade, at least as reflected
sense of self-control, cognitive changes, behavioural in the decreased number of empirical articles on
changes, therapist contact, instructions to relax, biofeedback and relaxation in the treatment of pain.
somatic manoeuvres, and subtle changes in bio- Further research is needed on basic physiological
logical processes. processes, as exemplified by the work of Flor and
Two features of the list of possible mediators Turk (1989) on the psychophysiology of chronic
should be noted. First, the length and variety of the pain and Freedman’s (1991) research on biofeedback
list suggest that no conclusive mediator has yet to elucidate the different physiological mechanisms
been found. As Turner and Chapman (1982b) note, of finger warming and cooling.
this may reflect ‘the difficulty of carrying out 3. Regrettably, the research underscores the
outcome evaluation research in the chronic-pain limited utility of poorly designed research.
area. The problems are extremely complex, and Aetiologies and syndromes have been confounded.
many treatment packages involve a collage of inter- Research hypotheses have been too simple, and the
ventions rather than single therapy.’ measurement strategies too crude. The addition of
Second, a common theme of many of the further confounding treatments to already
mediators is increased perceived control over equivocal findings has added to the confusion.
bodily processes and social life. Increased self- Biofeedback and relaxation research in the
efficacy (Bandura 1977) may prove to be a potent treatment of pain is still lacking precision and
common element explaining the similar effective- sophistication.
ness of diverse biofeedback, relaxation, and cog-
nitive and behavioural pain treatments.
Personality variables may also be involved in
Acosta FX, Yamamoto J 1978 Application of electromyographic
mediating improvement in biofeedback treatments
biofeedback to the relaxation training of schizophrenic,
of pain (Jessup et al 1979). Qualls and Sheehan neurotic, and tension headache patients. Journal of Consulting
(1981) argued that different relaxation procedures, and Clinical Psychology 46: 383–384
including feedback, interact with certain trait Andrasik F, Holroyd KA 1980 A test of specific and nonspecific
dimensions in different populations to produce effects in the biofeedback treatment of tension headache.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 48: 575–586
reliably different effects. The dimensions put for- Arena JG, Hightower NE, Chong GC 1988 Relaxation therapy for
ward include trait anxiety, locus of control, capacity tension headache in the elderly: a prospective study.
for absorption in mental imagery, and type of Psychology and Aging 3: 96–98
clinical disorder. The construct of a ‘disease-prone Attanasio V, Andrasik F, Blanchard EB 1987 Cognitive therapy and
relaxation training in muscle contraction headache: efficacy and
personality’ which involves ‘depression, anger/
cost-effectiveness. Headache 27: 254–260
hostility and anxiety’ may also prove to be a Bakal DA 1975 Headache: a biophysical perspective. Psychological
relevant process variable in biofeedback and Bulletin 82: 369–382
relaxation treatments of pain (Friedman and Booth- Bandura A 1977 Self efficacy: toward a unifying theory of
Kewley 1987). behavioral change. Psychological Review 84: 191–215
Basmajian JV 1976 Facts vs. myths in EMG biofeedback.
Biofeedback and Self-Regulation 1: 369–372
Benson H 1975 The relaxation response. Morrow, New York
Conclusions Blanchard EB, Ahles TA 1990 Biofeedback therapy. In: Bonica JJ,
Loeser JD, Chapman CR, Fordyce WE (eds) The management of
Three main conclusions follow from the past four pain, 2nd edn. Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia, pp 1722–1732
decades of biofeedback and relaxation research: Blanchard E, Andrasik F, Ahles T, Teders S, O’Keefe D 1980
Migraine and tension headache: a meta-analytic review.
1. Biofeedback and relaxation training have Behavior Therapy 11: 613–631
been established as useful treatment interventions Blanchard EB, Andrasik F, Guarnieri P, Neff DF, Rodichok D 1987a
for a variety of pain conditions. They have been Two-, three-, and four-year follow-up on the self-regulatory
treatment of chronic headache. Journal of Consulting and
incorporated as components of standard treatment Clinical Psychology 55: 257–259
protocols in pain clinics throughout the world. In Blanchard EB, Appelbaum KA, Guarnieri P, Morrill B, Dentinger
516 addition, biofeedback specifically can be helpful in MP 1987b Five year prospective follow-up on the treatment of
chronic headache with biofeedback and/or relaxation.
Relaxation and biofeedback
differential effects on migraine and tension-type headache in
Headache 27: 580–583 adolescents? Headache 41: 290–296
Blanchard EB, Appelbaum KA, Radnitz CL et al 1990a Placebo- Flor H, Birbaumer N 1993 Comparison of the efficacy of
controlled evaluation of abbreviated progressive muscle electromyographic biofeedback, cognitive-behavioral therapy,
relaxation and of relaxation combined with cognitive therapy in and conservative medical interventions in the treatment of
the treatment of tension headache. Journal of Consulting and chronic musculoskeletal pain. Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology 58: 210–215 Clinical Psychology 61: 653–658
Blanchard EB, Appelbaum KA, Radnitz CL et al 1990b A controlled Flor H, Turk DC 1989 Psychophysiology of chronic pain: do chronic
evaluation of thermal biofeedback and thermal biofeedback pain patients exhibit symptom-specific psychophysiological
combined with cognitive therapy in the treatment of vascular responses? Psychological Bulletin 105: 215–259
headache. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 58: Freedman RR 1985 Behavioral treatment of Raynaud’s disease and
216–224 phenomenon. Advances in Microcirculation 12: 138–156
Blanchard EB, Appelbaum KA, Nicholson NL et al 1990c A Freedman RR 1991 Physiological mechanisms of temperature
controlled evaluation of the addition of cognitive therapy to a biofeedback. Biofeedback and Self-Regulation 16: 95–114
home-based biofeedback and relaxation treatment of vascular Friedman H, Booth-Kewley S 1987 The ‘disease-prone personality’:
headache. Headache 30: 371–376 a meta-analytic view of the construct. American Psychologist
Blanchard EB, Nicholson NL, Taylor AE, Steffek BD, Radnitz CL, 42: 539–555
Appelbaum KA 1991a The role of regular home practice in the Frischolz EJ, Tryon WW 1980 Hypnotizability in relation to the
relaxation treatment of tension headache. Journal of Consulting ability to learn thermal biofeedback. American Journal of
and Clinical Psychology 59: 467–470 Clinical Hypnosis 23: 53–56
Blanchard EB, Nicholson NL, Radnitz CL, Steffek BD, Appelbaum Gallegos X, Espinoza E 1989 Retroalimentacion biologica termal
KA, Dentinger MP 1991b The role of home practice in thermal versus entrenamiento autogenico en el tratamiento de la
biofeedback. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 59: migrana. Revista Mexicana de Psicologia 6: 55–63
507–512 Gauthier JG, Carrier S 1991 Long-term effects of biofeedback on
Bradley LA, Young LD, Anderson KO et al 1987 Effects of migraine headache: A prospective follow-up study. Headache
psychological therapy on pain behavior of rheumatoid arthritis 31: 605–612
patients. Arthritis and Rheumatism 30: 1105–1114 Good M, Stanton-Hicks M, Grass JA et al 2001 Relaxation and
Bush C, Ditto B, Feuerstein M 1985 A controlled evaluation of music to reduce postsurgical pain. Journal of Advanced
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Carrobles JA, Cardona A, Santacreu J 1981 Shaping and EMG feedback, and relaxation for tension headaches.
generalization procedures in the EMG–biofeedback treatment Behaviour Research and Therapy 18: 19–23
of tension headaches. British Journal of Clinical Psychology 20: Grazzi L, Bussone G 1993 Effect of biofeedback treatment on
49–56 sympathetic function in common migraine and tension-type
Carroll D, Seers K 1998 Relaxation for the relief of chronic pain: a headache. Cephalalgia 13: 197–200
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Psychological therapies


Hypnotic analgesia
Ann Gamsa

Introduction attention from the usual experience of pain and to

increase comfort.
Attempts to define hypnosis bring to mind St.
Augustine’s remark on the subject of time: ‘If no
one asks me I know what it is. If I wish to explain it
to him who asks me, I do not know’ (1966, p. 343).
Theoretical debate
From a clinical standpoint, hypnosis, however According to proponents of state theory, hypnosis
defined, has a long-standing history of relieving is a special state of consciousness, distinct from the
pain (Barber 1996, Patterson et al 1997). Less clear, normal waking state, characterized by heightened
however, are the mechanisms by which hypnosis responsiveness to suggestions. Once the hypnotic
produces its effects, and whether it is, as tradition- state is induced, responses to suggestions, for
ally believed, a distinct state of consciousness, or as example, relief of pain are experienced as non-
some propose, no more than a normal waking state voluntary and passive or ‘automatic’ (Eastwood et
in which social influence combines with a set of al 1998). In this view, some individuals (‘high
cognitive-behavioural skills to heighten suggest- hypnotizables’) are more able than others to enter
ibility. These are the questions driving current into a deep hypnotic state, or ’trance’, and are more
research and debate. responsive to suggestions.
Despite contentious views about whether Since the 1960s, cognitive-behavioural psycho-
hypnosis is a special state of consciousness, most logists have argued that hypnotic phenomena are
agree on the following essential components: more simply explained by social and cognitive
narrowed focus of attention, reduced awareness of influences normally expected to increase suggest-
external stimuli, absorption in hypnotic sug- ibility in motivated subjects, without need to
gestions, increased responsiveness to hypnotic invoke a special altered state (Spanos and Chaves
suggestions, and usually, though not always, deep 1989, Spanos et al 1994, Alden and Heap 1998).
relaxation (Barber 1996, Alden and Heap 1998, They hold that short non-hypnotic instructions to
Peebles-Kleiger 2000). For relief of pain, hypnotic enhance expectations, motivation, relaxation, and
suggestions and imagery are used to divert the use of imaginative skills are sufficient to heighten
Therapeutic approaches

responsiveness to suggestions for analgesia with- As early as 1966, Duensing proposed multiple
out use of a hypnotic induction, as such (Spanos et sites such as spinal cord, midbrain, and frontal
al 1994). In this view, the subject or patient is an lobes for pain-blocking action during hypno-
active participant who enters an implicit contract to analgesia. Hawkins and LePage (1988) concurred
respond to desirable suggestions, such as reduction that frontal lobes may inhibit upwards trans-
of pain. It has even been suggested that the mission of pain signals at the level of the brain
appearance of an altered state is no more than the stem, and Kissen (1986) suggested the inhibitory
result of social compliance on the part of subjects septal-hippocampus circuit accounted for increased
(Spanos et al 1994). Montgomery and colleagues EEG theta wave activity typically observed in
(2000) argue against this position on grounds that altered states of consciousness. Gruzelier and
studies of hypnosis often show reduced need for Warren (1993) proposed that inhibitory functions of
pain medication during painful procedures the frontal lobe and limbic systems may contribute
(Wakeman and Kaplan 1978, Lang et al 1996), a to observed peripheral nervous system changes
result unlikely to be highly influenced by social associated with hypnosis and pain modulation.
‘role’ or demand characteristics. According to Holroyd (1996), neural inhibition
The debate has spawned a considerable body of likely contributes to hypnotic analgesia since inhi-
theory-driven research. In fact, it has been possible bitory neurons continually down-regulate excitatory
to interpret and reinterpret studies in favour of neurons in the brain and spinal cord to prevent
either point of view (Dixon and Laurence 1992, overload of sensory stimulation. Recent studies of
Spanos et al 1994, Chaves 1997b). For example, in hypnotized subjects have shown changes in both
support of the state view, several experimental excitatory and inhibitory patterns in the brain
studies have shown that highly hypnotizable (Holroyd 1992, Crawford and Gruzelier 1992,
subjects report greater analgesia in response to Crawford 1994).
suggestions in the hypnotized than in the non- Studies by Arendt-Nielsen et al (1990) and
hypnotized state (Stacher et al 1975, Hilgard et al Spiegel et al (1989) showed that amplitudes of EEG
1978, Malone et al 1989). According to Spanos et al event-related potentials (ERPs) were reduced in
(1994) such findings reflect social compliance rather hypnotic analgesia subjects given electric shock,
than a true reduction of pain. indicating less awareness of pain. As well, sug-
Laurence (1997) contends that research unen- gestions to not feel an electric shock were followed
cumbered by theoretical bias would do more to by reductions in skin reflexes on the arm
advance our understanding of hypnosis. In fact, (Hernandez-Peon et al 1960), in muscle response in
there may be no debate to win, only different aspects the ankle (Kiernan et al 1995), and in nerve
of the same phenomena to explore, reminiscent of response in the jaw (Sharav and Tal 1989), sug-
the blind men arguing about the description of an gesting inhibition was occurring at the spinal cord
elephant as each touches a different body-part. For level as well.
example, sociocognitive theorists tend to discuss Research using positron emission tomography
hypnosis in terms of the set of behavioural instruc- and somatosensory event-related potentials indicates
tions given to subjects or patients, while pro- that hypnotic analgesia decreases pain sensation by
ponents of state theory focus more on the subjective inhibiting thalamic-somatosensory cortex path-
experience of the person receiving suggestions. ways and decreases subjective pain unpleasantness
With regard to hypnotic analgesia, the picture is by inhibiting thalamic-frontal cortex-anterior
complicated by the fact that both the experience of cingulate pathways (Crawford et al 1998).
hypnosis and the experience of pain are subjective Taken together, results of neurophysiologic
events, dependent on the subject’s report. Barber research on hypnotic analgesia offer strong
(1996) suggests that interpretations of findings are evidence for the influence of active inhibitory
largely a function of one’s view of psychology, control of incoming stimuli at various levels of the
and possibly, whether one has had a hypnotic central nervous system, and possibly also at
experience. peripheral levels (Holroyd 1996, Peebles-Kleiger
Hilgard’s well-known dissociation model
proposes that in the hypnotic state there can be a
Neurophysiological research dissociation of sensory and affective components of
Recent research in neurophysiology shows central pain, possibly at the medial thalamus level, such
nervous system changes in subjects undergoing that a nociceptive stimulus may be registered as
522 hypnoanalgesia (Holroyd 1996, Hofbauer et al 2001). pain by the body, but the information does not
register in (is dissociated from) higher brain centres 1984), and burn pain (Schafer 1975). However,
Hypnotic analgesia

(Hilgard 1984, Hilgard and Hilgard 1994). other studies failed to show a correlation between
In Chapman’s constructivist model, awareness hypnotizability and responsiveness to suggested
is produced by a massive complex of parallel brain analgesia in conditions such as headache (Nolan et
processes (Chapman and Nakamura 1998). al 1989, Spanos et al 1994), obstetrical pain (Rock et
Building on Melzack’s (1996) neuromatrix model of al 1969, Samko and Schoenfeld 1975, Venn 1987),
pain, Chapman and Nakamura contend that central and dental pain (Gillett and Coe 1984).
processing associated with hypnotic analgesia Results are also variable in research on paediatric
involves much greater complexity than could be populations. For example, Hilgard and LeBaron
accounted for by simple linear information (1982) found that following hypnotic induction,
processing in somatosensory pathways. A process children previously identified as high hypnotiz-
called ‘priming feedback’, which alters the forma- ables showed less reported and observed
tion of schemata in a non-volitional manner during procedural pain during bone marrow aspiration
hypnosis, is proposed, thus producing the ex- (BMA) than low hypnotizables, while no such
perience of effortlessness in response to analgesic relationship was found during BMA in a study by
suggestions. Wall and Womack (1989).
Rainville and colleagues (1999) conducted an Spanos and colleagues (1994) argue that
experimental study to examine neural mechanisms hypnotizability test results influence subjects’
underlying the effects of hypnotic suggestions to responses to suggestion by creating expectations
alter pain during hand immersion in painfully hot about their ability to reduce pain in hypnotic
water. Positron emission tomography was used to situations. In research designed to investigate this
measure regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF), and question, subjects who scored low on the scales but
electroencephalography (EEG) to measure brain did not know that results were expected to predict
electrical activity. The authors concluded that the ability to reduce pain following suggestion, or
observed occipital increases in rCBF and delta EEG who were led to expect they would do well in
activity reflect an alteration of consciousness. responding to suggestions for analgesia despite test
Corroborating evidence came from subjects’ results, reported pain reductions similar to highly
spontaneous reports of an altered state of con- hypnotizable subjects (Spanos and Voorneveld
sciousness, including feelings of deep relaxation, 1987, Spanos et al 1988, Andrews and Hall 1990). As
automatic responding, and a suspension of usual well, several studies found no relationship between
time orientation. hypnotizability and pain relief when hypnotizability
was measured after hypnotic intervention (Spanos
et al 1993, Lang et al 1996). Furthermore, there is
evidence that ability to control pain can improve
Hypnotizability with training in hypnoanalgesia (Lewis 1992,
Early in the scientific study of hypnosis, scales were Crasilneck 1995), indicating that susceptibility to
constructed to predict hypnotic suggestibility. hypnotic suggestions may not be a stable trait.
Commonly used tests are the Hypnotic Induction
Profile (Spiegel 1974), Harvard Group Scale of
Hypnotic Susceptibility (Shor and Orne 1962), Clinical conditions
and the Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility scale
(Weitzenhoffer and Hilgard 1959). In these tests, This section describes the use of hypnotic analgesia
subjects first undergo a hypnotic induction and are in painful clinical conditions, without further
then rated on their responses to a series of be- commentary on theoretical viewpoint or critique of
havioural suggestions. Hypnotizability is assessed published reports. The term hypnosis is used as
by the number of suggestions subjects follow, with authors under discussion use it, and generally
the assumption that responses are involuntary. refers to a process involving focused attention,
The predictive value of these scales in studies of imagery, and suggestions for comfort, with or
hypnotic analgesia has been mixed. Subjects classi- without a formal hypnotic induction.
fied as high hypnotizables have shown greater pain
relief than low hypnotizables in studies of con-
ditions such as headache (Andreychuk and Skriver
Burn pain
1975, Cedercreutz et al 1976, Friedman and Taub Patients with burn injuries suffer not only from the
1985), labour pain (Harmon et al 1990), treatment- severe pain of burn, but also from the excruciating
induced temporomandibular joint pain (Stam et al pain of debridement and frequent dressing changes. 523
Therapeutic approaches

They must often undergo multiple painful pro- to 90% of patients with advanced disease (Portenoy
cedures daily, sometimes for many months 1989, Cleeland et al 1994, Grond et al 1994).
(Patterson 1996). While opioid medications are There are different sources of pain associated
essential during these treatments, the adjunctive with cancer, including for example, post-surgical
use of hypnosis can offer added benefit. pain, chemotherapy-caused pain, bone marrow
Controlled studies have shown that hypnotic aspirations, radiation burns, nociception from
analgesia can reduce pain as well as medication tumour invasion, gastrointestinal distress, and
needs in hospitalized burn patients. For example, neuropathic pain from nerve root invasion (Syrjala
Wakeman and Kaplan (1978) found that burn and Roth-Roemer 1996).
patients in their hypnosis treatment group In a study of patients with hyperthermia-
requested significantly less analgesic medication induced cancer pain, Reeves and colleagues (1983)
than those receiving only attention from a psycho- showed that those receiving a hypnotic inter-
logist. In a study by Patterson and colleagues vention had significantly greater reduction in pain
(1989), a group of 8 patients with burn injuries and than those in the control group. Syrjala and
high baseline levels of pain showed significant colleagues (1987) found hypnotherapy to be more
decreases in pain ratings after hypnotic treatment, effective than cognitive-behavioural treatment in
while 14 historical control patients with high pain reducing oral pain secondary to chemotherapy and
scores did not. radiation.
Several studies by Patterson and his colleagues A substantial body of literature on children with
have shown that patients with high initial pain cancer-related pain shows that hypnosis or
scores benefit more from hypnotic analgesia, hypnosis-like methods can reduce pain and
particularly during intensely painful procedures, augment benefits of medication, especially during
such as wound cleaning and physical therapy procedures (Zeltzer and LeBaron 1982, Katz et al
(Patterson et al 1997). In one study, burn patients 1987, Kuttner et al 1988, Wall and Womack 1989,
were randomly assigned to one of three groups: Syrjala and Roth-Roemer 1996). Liossi and Hatira
hypnotic treatment together with medication, pain (1999) found that both hypnosis and cognitive-
medication only, and attention-control visits from a behavioural skills training alleviated pain and
psychologist. Patients receiving both hypnotic and distress of paediatric patients undergoing bone
chemical anaesthesia showed greater reductions in marrow aspirations, but hypnosis was more effec-
their VAS pain scores than either of the two other tive in decreasing anxiety and behavioural signs of
groups. As well, the effect was consistent with distress.
nurses’ ratings of patients’ pain. The patients in this
study all had high baseline levels of pain (Patterson
et al 1992). These differences were not observed in
Pain in dentistry
a similar study looking at outcome independent of One of the first uses of hypnosis, reported as far
pain levels at baseline (Everett et al 1993). In a back as the early 1800s, was attenuation of pain
subsequent study, Patterson and Ptacek (1997) during tooth extractions (Patel et al 2000).
showed that pain ratings decreased significantly in Currently, hypnosis in dentistry is used as much to
the hypnotic analgesia group and not in the control allay anxiety as it is to manage procedural pain
group when baseline pain measures were high, but (Mulligan 1996, Patel et al 2000). This application is
the distinction disappeared when baseline pain particularly important as 8–16% of the population
ratings were ignored, suggesting that initial pain stay away from the dentist because of fear
level may be an important predictor of the useful- (Gerschman 1988).
ness of hypnotic analgesia in burn pain. Hypnosis in dentistry is typically used as an
For an excellent discussion with examples of the adjunct to local anaesthetics, although in some
use of hypnosis for burn care in the emergency patients with allergies to chemical anaesthesia it
room, the intensive care unit, and during acute care has been used alone (Morse and Wilcko 1979,
procedures, see Patterson (1996). Kleinhauz and Eli 1993). In one study, Barber (1977)
reported the successful use of his rapid induction
analgesia method in 99% of subjects undergoing a
Cancer pain dental procedure without chemical anaesthesia.
Not all cancer patients suffer pain from their Hypnosis has also been effective in modifying
disease, although most have pain related to treat- maladaptive oral habits, such as tongue thrust,
ments or procedures. Pain from cancer occurs in bruxism, and clenching (Hartland 1989, Chaves
524 about 30 to 40% of all cancer patients and from 60 1997a), and improving tolerance for orthodontic or
prosthodontic appliances (Patel et al 2000). Patel analgesic medication. Defechereux et al (2000)
Hypnotic analgesia

and colleagues (2000) discuss use of hypnosis in report that patients sedated by means of hypno-
patients with chronic facial pain syndromes. For anaesthesia preceding thyroid surgery had less
example, Gerschman and colleagues (1978) found postoperative pain than those under general
that 68% of patients with various complaints, anaesthesia. In a study of patients receiving an
including temporomandibular joint dysfunction intravenous drug for anxiety and pain during
and atypical facial pain, showed significant im- interventional radiologic procedures, the self-
provement with the use of hypnosis. hypnosis group had fewer procedural inter-
ruptions, received seven times fewer drug units,
and self-administered less analgesic medication
Headache than the control group. Interestingly, a hypnotiz-
ability measure administered after patients had
Barber (1996) reports several well-documented
recovered showed no correlation between degree of
cases of effective use of hypnosis with problems of
hypnotizability and outcome (Lang et al 1996).
migraine, vascular headache, muscle tension head-
ache, cluster headache, and posttraumatic headache.
Spanos and colleagues (1994) also cite evidence for Paediatric pain
relief of various types of head pain with hypnotic
suggestion, but overall find no difference A substantial body of literature has shown that
between hypnoanalgesia and other psychological hypnotic interventions can alleviate pain and
interventions. anxiety in children. For example, Lambert (1996)
Friedman and Taub (1984) showed equal found that paediatric surgical patients who received
reductions in frequency and intensity of migraine hypnosis with guided imagery had significantly
headaches with thermal biofeedback, relaxation lower postoperative pain ratings and shorter
alone, hypnotic relaxation plus thermal imagery, hospital stays than those in the control group. As
and hypnotic relaxation alone, compared with no well, Iserson (1999) provides evidence for the
treatment. In a study comparing autogenic training usefulness of hypnosis in children during exam-
and training in self-hypnosis, Spinhoven and inations and procedures in the emergency room.
colleagues (1992) found significant improvements Research with pediatric patients undergoing
in chronic tension headache and associated distress bone marrow aspiration lumbar punctures shows
in both groups, but no differences between the greater decreases in pain and distress with
groups. Melis et al (1991) showed that patients with hypnotic treatments combining deep breathing and
chronic tension headache receiving a hypnosis guided imagery than with non-imaginal distraction
treatment reported significantly greater reductions (Zeltzer and LeBaron 1982, Katz et al 1987, Kuttner
in frequency and intensity of headache than those et al 1988, Wall and Womack 1989). For a com-
in a waiting-list control group, but they made no prehensive review of the literature on the use of
comparisons with non-hypnotic intervention. hypnosis for paediatric cancer patients, see Steggles
Hypnosis and similar techniques have also been and colleagues’ annotated bibliography (1997).
shown to improve head pain in children and Anbar (2001) showed that self-hypnosis was
adolescents, and in some cases to reduce medi- effective in resolving functional abdominal pain in
cation requirements (Holden et al 1999, Gysin four out of five paediatric patients, and was also
1999). Hypnosis may be particularly useful when useful in treating pain and other symptoms of
chronic head pain fails to respond to medication, chronic dyspnoea in paediatric patients with normal
but often treatment will need to target emotional lung function at rest, who had not responded to
problems as well as pain. medical treatments.
Barber (1996) emphasizes the need to consider
the child’s stage of development when determining
Postoperative and interventional the method of hypnosis to be used. For example,
younger children are routinely engaged in
pain imaginative play, rendering a hypnotic induction,
In a literature review, Blankfield (1991) found as such, unnecessary. This changes progressively
consistent support for the use of hypnotic treat- between the ages of 9 and 12 as children’s critical
ments in the postsurgical care of patients. Accord- reasoning ability becomes stronger. As well, a
ing to Peebles-Kleiger (2000), hypnotic suggestions child’s coping style must be taken into account
preceding surgery can decrease patients’ post- when planning psychological interventions for
operative ratings of pain and requirements for pain attenuation. The problem is complicated by 525
Therapeutic approaches

the need to also consider parents’ coping style to be sufficient to control pain has created un-
achieve best outcome. necessary suffering. As with other clinical situations,
hypnotic analgesia is only one option amongst
several for reducing pain. It should not be used
Gastrointestinal disorders instead of chemical anaesthesia where that is
There is some indication that hypnosis can relieve indicated.
symptoms of chronic intestinal distress, including
pain. In a study by Whorwell and colleagues (1984),
30 patients suffering from severe irritable bowel Chronic pain
syndrome were randomly assigned to either a To date, there has been a paucity of research on
psychotherapy group or treatment with hypnosis. hypnotic analgesia in chronic pain conditions, but a
The hypnosis group received suggestions for few studies have shown benefits. Haanen et al
control of smooth muscle, gut motility, and im- (1991) reported that patients diagnosed with
proved bowel function. At 12 weeks, the hypnosis fibromyalgia responded to hypnotic suggestions
group had significantly decreased distension and and instructions for relaxation with greater
pain as well as increased well-being by comparison improvements in sleep, muscle pain, fatigue, and
with the psychotherapy group. The results were well-being than those who received relaxation
sustained at 18 months (1987), and were replicated training and massage. As well, patients in the
in a later study using both individual and group hypnosis group reduced their intake of paracetamol
hypnotherapy (Harvey et al 1989). As well, Prior by 80% as opposed to 35% for the comparison
and colleagues (1990) showed that hypnotic sug- group. Studies of other conditions treated effectively
gestions significantly decreased rectal sensitivity in with hypnotic analgesia include chronic pain
patients with irritable bowel syndrome. secondary to peripheral irritation (Spiegel and
Albert 1983) and pain associated with reflex
Obstetrics sympathetic dystrophy (Gainer 1992). Eimer (2000)
describes how clinical applications of hypnosis can
Numerous studies have found reductions in facilitate treatment in goal-oriented pain manage-
reported pain during labour in women who ment programmes.
received hypnoanalgesia (Davidson 1962, Rock et There is pressing need for more research into the
al 1969, Davidson et al 1985, Harmon et al 1990). use of hypnosis for the growing problem of chronic
The study by Harmon and colleagues of 60 pain, a condition that often fails to respond suf-
nulliparous women showed shorter stage-one ficiently to medications or interventional anaesthesia
labour and less medication use in the hypnosis therapies.
group than in the comparison group, which used
only relaxation and breathing techniques. Jenkins
and Pritchard (1993) showed that participants in Application of hypnotic
their hypnosis treatment groups used significantly
less analgesic medication than those in control
groups matched for age and first- or second-time A variety of established hypnotherapy techniques
delivery. By contrast, Freeman and colleagues can be used to treat pain. As important as knowl-
(1986) found that although women with first edge of technique is the therapist’s sensitivity and
pregnancies in a self-hypnosis group reported ability to adapt to the needs, coping styles, and
greater satisfaction with the experience of child- defense patterns of the patient. For example, some
birth, they were in labour for a longer time and patients respond more to an authoritarian
showed no difference in pain ratings by com- approach, while others do better with a permissive
parison with those in the control group who and collaborative approach.
received standard care. The women in this study An essential first step in the use of hypnosis for
were not randomized into groups, but had been pain management is assessment of the patient’s
offered a choice between standard care and self- experience of pain, coping style, capacity for
hypnosis, including suggestions for creating sen- imagery, and assumptions about hypnosis. Barber
sations of warmth and relaxation as well as glove (1996) suggests that hypnosis be tried for relief of
anaesthesia transferred to the abdomen. pain only if patients feel comfortable with its use
While there is good evidence to support the use and are sufficiently motivated to continue to
of hypnotic analgesia for pain during labour in practise on their own. To allay anxiety and gain the
526 some women, the myth that hypnosis alone should necessary trust, patients’ fears and concerns about
hypnosis must be respectfully addressed. Fre- maybe you’ll imagine yourself in a calm com-
Hypnotic analgesia

quently expressed concerns include fears of: (a) fortable place, perhaps a quiet meadow, or maybe
behaving strangely or shamefully as sometimes by the sea, looking at waves. Whatever you see as
witnessed in stage hypnosis, (b) giving up control your calm safe place is fine.’
or being ‘taken over’ by an authority figure, (c) Modulation of voice, phrasing, and rhythm are
being unable to come out of trance, and (d) entering important. Typically the voice is soft, low, and
an unknown state of consciousness. It helps monotonous, with frequent repetitions and pauses
patients to know they will be using skills they between words (without regard to grammar) to
already possess, such as imagination and absorp- make room for the patient’s imaginative process
tion, and that they will not engage in behaviours and response to suggestions. Positive suggestions,
against their will. Examples of absorption familiar such as you will feel calm and comfortable are more
to patients, such as watching a movie, can be use- advisable than negative ones such as ’you won’t
ful. If further assurance is required, they can be told feel pain anymore.’ Use of metaphor engages the
to raise their hand or say ‘stop’ if they feel in any patient’s imaginative process, enhancing suggested
way uncomfortable. imagery to relieve pain.
The following basic steps are common across
hypnotic techniques: (a) the patient’s interest and
cooperation are obtained, (b) the range of attention Case example
is narrowed, (c) attention is directed inwards, and
Mr. B. had severe dysaesthesia and burning pain
usually, (d) a deeply relaxed state is induced. Once
(diagnosed as complex regional pain syndrome,
these steps are complete, the hypnotherapist offers
type II) in the left shoulder and arm, as a result of a
suggestions to increase comfort and creates
work injury. He had not been helped by a variety of
imagery to reduce pain. For example, if the patient
medications including anticonvulsants, opioids,
visualizes the pain as a solid harsh red colour, it can
tricyclic antidepressants, and NSAIDS. Nor did he
gradually be lightened to pale pink, or a burning
benefit from intensive physiotherapy, TENS, or
pain in the hand can be relieved by imagining a
stellate blocks. Celexa had recently offered some
handful of cool water scooped up from the river. In
benefit for anxiety and depression. Preceding the
the method of ‘glove anaesthesia’, the therapist
injury, he had been a healthy, athletic, well-
provides suggestions to create numbness in a pain-
functioning individual. He presented as sad, quiet,
free hand, and may pinch the skin on the back of
and helpless, but talked about an inner rage
the hand to demonstrate absence of sensation. The
associated with his attempt to fight unrelenting
numb-ness can then be transferred by placing the
pain, which he described as a ‘solid wall, thick,
‘anaesthetized’ hand to the painful part of the body.
black, and impenetrable’. We conducted one
Imagery can be used to change the quality of the
session of hypnotherapy enlisting Mr. B.’s own
pain into a more bearable sensation (e.g., from
imagery. The following is an excerpt from the
burning to warmth or tingling) or to transfer the
pain to a different part of the body where it can be
better tolerated. Post-hypnotic suggestions, includ- And now, as you feel the comfort… and
ing reinforcing the patient’s competence to use the calm…maybe in the distance you see the thick
procedure at home, can also be offered. The black wall …far away…just look at it from the
hypnotic session is ended by gradually returning distance... slowly…as the wall comes closer,
the patient’s attention to the immediate surround- you may feel that with each exhalation of
ings while suggesting feelings of comfort and breath, you blow out in the direction of the
alertness upon coming out of hypnosis. wall...As you blow softly towards the wall,
The ‘authoritarian’ approach uses directives, softly but firmly, the colour of the wall may
instructing patients how to feel and what to do, for start to gradually fade from a dark to a lighter
example, ‘I want you to listen to my voice and as shade of black. Gradually, as you continue to
you listen your body will gradually relax.’ The blow in the direction of the wall, the black may
‘permissive’ approach uses softer language, gives become tinged with grey, then all grey, then a
patients options for how they might feel or what lighter…and lighter…and lighter shade of grey
they may experience, and acknowledges the until it gradually becomes a diffuse, vanishing,
therapist’s uncertainty about the patient’s images barely visible grey. And now, with each breath
and subjective experience. For example, the out you may see the pale gray turn into the
therapist might say, ‘As you listen to my voice, you shape of a light grey cloud, and maybe that
may notice a feeling of calm come over you, and cloud will turn white or maybe it will stay 527
Therapeutic approaches

slightly grey, I don’t know, but gradually you effects. For the interested clinician, accredited
might begin blowing gently at the cloud, training programmes are available in many
watching it float, and disperse, until there are countries (see Peebles-Kleiger 2000). The reader is
only a few wisps left. Those few wisps may also referred to the Handbook of Clinical Hypnosis
stay, or they may go, I don’t know…but they (Rhue et al 1993), and the excellent guide by Barber
don’t need to bother you. They’re just up there (1996), Hypnosis and Suggestion in the Treatment of
way off in the distance. You can continue to Pain.
look up into the sky if you want to, and feel
calm and peaceful…enjoy the peace and calm
and comfort… calm… calm... calm….
Posthypnotic suggestion: And as you enjoy the
A recent meta-analysis (Montgomery et al 2000)
ease you feel, you can know that later, if you
of published studies on hypnotically induced
need to, when you want to…maybe it will be
analgesia showed that: (1) 75% of the population
later today or maybe it will be tomorrow or the
obtain substantial pain relief from hypnosis, (2)
day after, I really can’t know…when you need
hypnosis is at least as effective as other psycho-
to, you can use your breath to gradually
logical interventions for pain, and (3) individuals
disperse any discomfort you may feel... blowing
classified as medium and high hypnotizables profit
gently to lighten, loosen and disperse…and to
more from hypnotic analgesia than those who score
feel a sense of comfort and calm. You will only
low on suggestibility scales. From these results the
need to become aware of your easy breathing,
authors conclude that hypnoanalgesia is an
in….and…out…and know you can use your
effective treatment for pain and fits the criteria of
breath to blow away any uneasy feeling and
a ‘well-established treatment’ (Chambless and
restore your comfort and calm.
Hollon 1998).
Upon opening his eyes Mr. B. was calm and Clinicians and researchers have yet to reach a
showed no signs of pain. He expressed surprise at consensus on how hypnosis works (Pinnell and
how easy it had been to use his breath to blow away Covino 2000) and how to define it. While
the wall of pain. In his appointment two weeks theoretical debate persists and laboratory studies
later, he said the ‘wall of pain’ had returned a few continue to search for explanatory mechanisms, the
times, but he was able to ‘blow it away’, even while use of clinical hypnosis for pain continues pretty
walking down a crowded street. There had been much as it has done historically, with a few
no unmanageable episodes of pain, and he was refinements and variations in technique. Despite
generally coping better. The benefit was sustained persisting uncertainties, a large body of convincing
at follow-up three weeks later. In a telephone research shows that hypnosis can help to relieve
follow-up at six months he reported that the pain pain, reduce medication use, and shorten hospital
was not gone, but he was managing to control it stays (Lang et al 1996, Lambert 1996, Montgomery
well most of the time using the same hypnotic et al 2000).
imagery. He was no longer depressed and was now
working in a library. Credit for some of the
improvement in mood and better coping may also References
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Psychological therapies


A cognitive-behavioural approach to
pain management
Dennis C Turk and Akiko Okifuji

Introduction model of pain (Melzack and Wall 1965) emphasize

the important contribution of psychological variables
The cognitive-behavioural (C-B) perspective on pain such as the perception of control, the meaning of
management evolved from research on a number of pain to the patient, and dysphoric affect (Turk and
mental health problems (e.g., anxiety, depression Flor 1999).
and phobias). Following the initial empirical
research on C-B techniques in the early 1970s, there
have been a large number of research and clinical Overview of the cognitive-
applications. The common denominators across
different C-B approaches include:
behavioural perspective
It is important to differentiate the C-B perspective
1. interest in the nature and modification of a
from C-B treatments. The cognitive-behavioural
patient’s thoughts, feelings, and beliefs, as well
perspective is based on five central assumptions
as behaviours; and
(Table 36.1) and can be superimposed upon any
2. some commitment to behaviour therapy
treatment approach used with chronic pain patients.
procedures in promoting change (such as
In many cases the perspective is as important as the
graded practice, homework assignments,
content of the therapeutic modalities employed,
relaxation, relapse prevention training, and
somatic as well as psychological (Turk 1997).
social skills training) (Turk et al 1983).
The application of the C-B perspective to the
In general, the C-B therapist is concerned with treatment of chronic pain involves a complex clinical
using environmental manipulations, as are behav- interaction and makes use of a wide range of tactics
iour (operant conditioning) therapists, but for the and techniques. Despite the specific techniques
C-B therapist such manipulations represent infor- used, all C-B treatment approaches are charac-
mational feedback trials that provide an oppor- terized by being present focused, active, time
tunity for the patient to question, reappraise, and limited, and structured. Therapists are not simply
acquire self-control over maladaptive thoughts, conveyers of information acting on passive patients
feelings, behaviours, and physiological responses. but serve as educators, coaches, and trainers. They
Both the C-B perspective and the gate control work in concert with the patient (and sometimes 533
Therapeutic approaches

Table 36.1 Assumptions of the cognitive-behavioural Table 36.2 Phases in cognitive-behavioural treatment
1. Initial assessment
• Individuals are active processors of information and
not passive reactors. 2. Collaborative reconceptualization of the patient’s
view of pain
• Thoughts (e.g., appraisals, expectancies, beliefs) can
elicit and influence mood, affect physiological 3. Skills acquisition and skills consolidation, including
processes, have social consequences, and can also cognitive and behavioural rehearsal
serve as an impetus for behaviour; conversely, mood,
4. Generalization, maintenance, and relapse prevention
physiology, environmental factors, and behaviour can
influence the nature and content of thought 5. Booster sessions and follow-up

• Behaviour is reciprocally determined by both the

individual and environmental factors. C-B perspective should be considered not merely as
a set of methods designed to address the psycho-
• Individuals can learn more adaptive ways of thinking, logical components of pain and disability, but as
feeling, and behaving.
an organizing strategy for more comprehensive
• Individuals should be active collaborative agents in rehabilitation (Turk 1997). For example, patients’
changing their maladaptive thoughts, feelings, and difficulties arising during physical therapy may be
associated not only with physical limitations but
also with the fear engendered by anticipation of
increased pain or concern about injury. Therefore,
family members) to achieve mutually agreed upon from a C-B perspective, physical therapists need to
goals. address not only the patient’s performance of
A growing body of research has demonstrated physical therapy exercises and the accompanying
the important roles that cognitive factors (appraisals, attention to body mechanics, but also the patient’s
beliefs, expectancies) play in exacerbating pain and expectancies and fears as they will affect the
suffering, contributing to disability, and influencing amount of effort, perseverance in the face of
response to treatment (Turk and Rudy 1992). Thus, difficulties, and adherence with the treatment plan
C-B interventions are designed to help patients (Meichenbaum and Turk 1987). These cognitive and
identify maladaptive patterns and acquire, develop, affective processes, including self-management
and practise more adaptive ways of responding. concerns, may be impediments to rehabilitation
Patients are encouraged to become aware of and to and thus need to be considered and addressed,
monitor the impact that negative pain-engendering along with traditional instructions regarding the
thoughts and feelings play in the maintenance of proper performance of exercise. The attention paid
maladaptive overt and covert behaviours. Addition- to the individual’s thoughts and expectancies by a
ally, patients are taught to recognize the connec- psychologist should be adopted by all members of
tions linking cognitions, affective, behavioural, and the interdisciplinary treatment team.
physiological responses together with their joint The C-B treatment consists of five overlapping
consequences. Finally, patients are encouraged to phases listed in Table 36.2. Although the five treat-
undertake ‘personal experiments’ and to test the ment phases are listed separately, it is important
effects of their appraisals, expectations, and beliefs to appreciate that they overlap. The distinction
by means of selected homework assignments. The between phases is designed to highlight the dif-
C-B therapist is concerned not only with the role ferent components of the multidimensional treat-
that patients’ thoughts play in contributing to their ment. Moreover, although the treatment, as
disorders but, equally important, with the nature presented, follows a logical sequence, it should be
and adequacy of the patients’ behavioural implemented in a flexible, individually tailored
repertoire, since this affects resultant intrapersonal fashion. Patients proceed at varying paces and the
and interpersonal situations. therapist must be sensitive to these individual
In this chapter we will focus only on the differences. In short, treatment should not be
psychological components of the C-B treatment; viewed as totally scripted. Therapists must realize
however, it is important to acknowledge that the that flexibility and clinical skills must be brought to
psychological treatment modalities described need bear throughout the treatment programme.
to be considered within a broader rehabilitation The C-B treatment is not designed to eliminate
model that includes physical and vocational com- patients’ pain per se, although the intensity and fre-
534 ponents and involvement of significant others. The quency of their pain may be reduced as a result of
Table 36.3 Primary objectives of cognitive-behavioural
A cognitive-behavioral approach to pain management

Table 36.4 Functions of assessment

treatment programmes
• To establish the extent of physical impairment.
• To combat demoralization by assisting patients to
change their view of their pain and suffering from • To identify levels and areas of psychological distress.
overwhelming to manageable.
• To establish, collaboratively, behavioural goals
• To teach patients that there are coping techniques covering such areas as activity level, use of the health
and skills that can be used to help them to adapt and care system, patterns of medication use, and response
respond to pain and the resultant problems. of significant others.

• To assist patients to reconceptualize their view of • To provide baseline measures against which the
themselves from being passive, reactive, and helpless progress and success of treatment can be compared.
to being active, resourceful, and competent.
• To provide detailed information about the patient’s
• To help patients learn the associations between perceptions of his or her medical condition, previous
thoughts, feelings, and their behaviour, and treatments, and expectations about current
subsequently to identify and alter automatic, treatment.
maladaptive patterns.
• To detail the patient’s occupational history and goals
• To teach patients specific coping skills and, moreover, vis-à-vis work.
when and how to utilize these more adaptive
• To examine the important role of significant others in
the maintenance and exacerbation of maladaptive
• To bolster self-confidence and to encourage patients behaviours and to determine how they can be
to attribute successful outcomes to their own efforts. positive resources in the change process.

• To help patients anticipate problems proactively and • To begin the reconceptualization process by assisting
generate solutions, thereby facilitating maintenance patients and significant others to become aware of
and generalization. the situational variability of the pain and the
psychological, behavioural, and social factors that
influence the nature and degree of pain.

increased activity, physical reconditioning achieved

during physical therapy, and the acquisition of
various cognitive and behavioural coping skills. evaluated. Attention is given to identification of
Table 36.3 outlines the primary objectives of C-B any factors that might impede rehabilitation. All
treatment. The treatment programme can readily this information is integrated with biomedical
supplement other forms of somatic, pharmaco- information used in treatment planning. There
logical, and psychological treatment. should be a close relationship between the data
The over-riding message of the C-B approach acquired during the assessment phase and the
is that people are not helpless in dealing with nature, focus, and goals of the therapeutic regimen.
their pain and need not view pain as an all-
encompassing determinant of their lives. Rather, a
variety of resources are available for confronting Phase 2: Reconceptualization
pain, and pain should come to be viewed by A central feature of C-B treatment is facilitation of a
patients in a more differentiated manner. The treat- new conceptualization of pain, thereby permitting
ment encourages patients to maintain a problem- the patient’s symptoms to be viewed as circum-
solving orientation and to develop a sense of scribed and addressable problems rather than pain
resourcefulness, instead of the feelings of helpless- as a vague, undifferentiated, overwhelming ex-
ness and withdrawal that revolve around bed, perience. The reconceptualization process prepares
physicians, and pharmacists. the patient for future therapeutic interventions in a
way designed to anticipate and minimize patient
resistance and treatment non-adherence (see
Phase 1: assessment Meichenbaum and Turk 1987 and Turk and Rudy
The assessment and reconceptualization phases are 1991 for discussions of methods available to increase
highly interdependent. The assessment phase treatment adherence).
serves several distinct functions as outlined in
Table 36.4 (see Turk and Okifuji 2002 for a detailed First contact with the patient
review of assessment methods). During the assess- As part of this initial contact, pain questionnaires
ment phase, psychosocial and behavioural factors designed to elicit information regarding patients’
that probably have an impact on disability are thoughts and feelings about their capacity to exert 535
Therapeutic approaches

control over pain and many other aspects of their Finally, the assessment should also focus on the
lives, the impact of pain, and responses by sig- patient’s strengths and resources (e.g., coping
nificant others are administered (see Turk and abilities, competencies, social supports). These can
Melzack 2001, Turk et al 2002). In addition, by be incorporated into subsequent treatment phases
means of a structured interview, questions designed and contribute to the cognitive restructuring
to help patients view their severest pain episodes as process described below.
having a definite beginning, middle, and ending;
to see pain episodes as variable but not life- Preliminary formulation of treatment goals
threatening; to interpret them as responses that can At this point the patient, spouse, and therapist
be controlled; and to view them as responsive to the collaborate in establishing treatment goals that will
passage of time, situational factors, and life cir- return the patient to optimal functioning in light of
cumstances are asked. As part of this assessment, any physical restriction and that are consistent with
the therapist encourages the patient’s spouse or the patient’s wishes. From the C-B perspective,
significant other to identify the impact of the collaboration is essential because it helps patients
patient’s pain on them and the effect of their to feel that they are responsible for what occurs in
behaviour on the patient, as well as providing the treatment and for the outcomes. It is often helpful
family members with an understanding of the self- to use the information obtained from the structured
management approach to rehabilitation. interview, such as ‘How would your life be dif-
The therapist introduces the concept of ‘pain ferent if your pain could be relieved?’, to generate
behaviours’ and ‘operant pain’ (Fordyce 1976, 2001) specific goals. The goals must be specific and
and discusses the important role that significant measurable. For example, a patient’s goal ‘to feel
others may play in unwittingly, inadvertently, and better’ is inadequate. The patient needs to specify
perhaps unknowingly reinforcing and maintaining what they will be doing that will indicate such
the patient’s overt expression of pain and suffering. improvement. We have found it useful to establish
Such behaviours as grimacing, lying down, avoid- short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals in
ing certain activities and moaning, are offered as order that reinforcement by goal achievement can
examples of ‘pain behaviours’. The patient’s sig- occur early in treatment, thus enhancing patients’
nificant other is encouraged to recall examples of self-confidence.
the patient’s specific pain behaviours and how the Towards the end of the reconceptualization
significant other responded to such behaviours. phase it is appropriate to provide a brief descrip-
The spouse or significant other is also asked to tion of what will occur in subsequent sessions such
complete a diary of the patient’s pain behaviours as education and practice of specific cognitive and
and their own responses. This homework assign- behavioural coping skills. It is important that
ment serves to highlight the role pain has come to patients and significant others understand the
have in their lives and the importance of significant kinds of demands and expectancies of the pro-
others in the treatment. The questions put to the gramme and the likely impact their efforts will
spouse or significant other include: ‘How do you have on all phases of their lives. Clarification of the
know when your spouse is experiencing severe treatment demands at the earliest phases of the
pain?’, ‘What do you do in response?’, and ‘What programme helps to circumvent problems that
impact does it have?’ often arise later during therapy.
The patient may be asked to complete a self-
report diary for 1–2 weeks. They are asked to record Graded exercise and activities
episodes each day when they view their pain as Many chronic pain patients have developed a
moderate to severe and also when they are feeling sedentary lifestyle that can exacerbate pain by
particularly upset or distressed. They are also asked reducing endurance, strength, and flexibility. Thus,
to record the circumstances surrounding the the therapist, in collaboration with a physio-
episode, who was present, what they thought, how therapist and the patient’s physician, should
they felt, what they did, and whether what they did develop a graded exercise and activity programme
had any effect on the level of their pain. Diaries are appropriate to the patient’s physical status, age,
designed so that the therapist will use them to and sex. Patients should maintain activity-level
assist patients to identify the links among thoughts, charts of achievable, incremental goals from which
feelings, behaviours, pain intensity, and distress. progress can be gauged by the patient, as well as by
This process illustrates how assessment and treat- the therapist and other family and treatment team
ment are intermixed; an important aspect of the members. Initial goals are set at a level that the
536 learning process. patient should have little trouble achieving to
assure success, with the requirements increasing at
A cognitive-behavioral approach to pain management

phases that are, in part, influenced by their

a gradual rate. reactions. The patient is not the ‘helpless victim’ of
pain nor need they be a passive pawn. The
Medication reduction therapist and patient have collected data to support
Another important issue to discuss with the patient this more differentiated view of pain, thus pro-
is the use of analgesic medication. There is suf- viding the basis for the intervention programme
ficient evidence to indicate that many patients that will follow.
are overmedicated and often are dependent on Examples are offered to show how pain can be
analgesics. Moreover, reduction in pain can subdivided into several steps, each of which is
coincide with medication reduction (Flor et al manageable by the patient. For example, when the
1992). It is advantageous to help patients reduce patient rates his or her pain as 0 or 1 on an 11-point
and eventually eliminate all unnecessary medica- scale (i.e., no pain or fairly low-level intensity), this
tion. Since reduction of some drugs is known to be is an opportunity for the patient to engage in
accompanied by serious side effects, consultation productive coping activities. This period of low-
with the physician is imperative. intensity pain can function as a time when the
Since self-control and responsibility are major patient can plan how to deal with more intense
factors in this approach, the therapist encourages levels of pain by means of employing cognitive and
the patient to systematically reduce their medi- behavioural coping strategies that the patient will
cation, helps the patient design procedures by which learn by the end of the treatment programme.
this can be accomplished, and shares responsibility Similarly, the patient can develop coping skills to
for medication control with the patient. The patient employ at the higher levels of pain intensity. The
is required to record the quantity and time of patient is encouraged to view pain as creating
medication intake. The importance of medication problems to be anticipated and solved. A useful
reduction is stressed and the patient’s medication analogy is the way athletic teams develop game
records are carefully monitored. If the patient does plans. Preplanning lowers the risk of the patient
not follow the guidelines in reducing the dosage, becoming overwhelmed at times of more severe
then this becomes a focus of discussion. The attempt pain, while implicitly fostering an expectation that
to control medication intake is looked upon as a episodes of the most severe pain will fade. Patients
personal responsibility and the reasons for failure are also encouraged to self-reinforce their efforts
are considered in depth. throughout by taking credit for their coping efforts.
Negative thoughts, pain-engendering appraisals,
Translation process and attributions are reviewed in treatment so that
At this time the translation or reconceptualization the patient will not be surprised when and if they
process begins in a more formal manner. A do arise. Rather, the patient is encouraged to use
simplified conceptualization of pain based on the the negatively valenced cognitions and feelings as
gate control model of Melzack and Wall (1965) is reminders or as cues to initiate more adaptive
presented and contrasted with the sensory-physio- coping strategies. The pain diaries described earlier
logical model held by many patients. The inter- can provide information that becomes the focus of
action of thoughts, mood state, and sensory aspects discussion. For example, patients who recorded
of a situation is presented in a clear, understandable thoughts that they felt ‘incompetent’ and ‘helpless’
fashion using the patient’s self-monitored ex- in controlling their pain during a specific episode
periences as illustrations (Turk et al 1983). For should be encouraged to become aware of when
example, the impact of anxiety is briefly considered they engage in such thinking and to appreciate how
and related to the exacerbation of pain. Data from such thoughts may exacerbate their pain and
patient diaries are extremely useful to make this become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Alternative
point more concrete. Patients can review recent thoughts, such as a realistic appraisal of the situ-
stressful episodes and examine the course their ation and of their coping resources, are encouraged
pain followed at that time. and patients reinforced for using one or more of the
To facilitate this reappraisal process, the therapist coping strategies covered during the skills training.
introduces the notion that the patient’s experience The patient is encouraged to divide the situation
of pain can be viewed as consisting of several into stages as described earlier and to acknowledge
manageable phases, rather than one over- that the most severe pain is usually relatively tran-
whelmingly undifferentiated assault. In this way sitory. Such ‘cognitive restructuring’ is incor-
the patient comes to view their pain as composed porated throughout the treatment regimen. The
of several components that go through different therapist also incorporates examples of when the 537
Therapeutic approaches

patient has been resourceful in their life and recreational, and financial, as well as physical. The
considers how these skills can be applied in the therapist assists patients in identifying their
pain situation. problems in these areas and presents a process for
dealing with these problems, namely generating a
set of alternatives, weighing the relative advan-
Phase 3: skills acquisition and skills tages and disadvantages of each of these alterna-
tives, trying different solutions, evaluating the
consolidation outcomes, and recycling the process as needed.
The skills acquisition and skills consolidation phase There are several critical features of problem-
begins once the basic initial goals of the treatment solving skills training. The important first step in
programme have been agreed upon. During this problem solving is to have patients ‘operationalize’
third phase the therapist provides practice in the their problems in behaviourally prescriptive
use of a variety of cognitive and behavioural language (e.g., when X occurs in situation Y, I feel
coping skills geared toward the alteration of the Z). The second step is to help patients identify what
patient’s response to environmental contributors particular situations are associated with pain. The
to pain, to bolstering coping skills (e.g., attention use of self-monitoring in patient diaries can help to
diversion, relaxation skills for dealing with specific identify such problematic situations. Patients need
symptoms), to changing maladaptive interpret- to think of the difficulties that they encounter as
ations, and to changing factors that might con- ‘problems to be solved’. Next, they must try out the
tribute to stress (e.g., maladaptive communication alternative to achieve the desired outcome. Patients
patterns). need to learn that there is usually not a single
In addition to helping the patient develop solution to solving problems and they need to
specific coping skills, this phase is also designed to weigh alternatives. In this way, lack of success with
help patients use skills they already possess and any one attempt will not be taken as a complete
to enhance the patient’s belief in their ability to failure, but rather such setbacks and lapses are
exercise control, further enhancing a sense of self- viewed as learning trials and occasions to consider
efficacy. The point to be underscored is that the C-B alternatives. Patients should be given the home-
approach does not deal exclusively with the pain work task of formally identifying problems, gener-
symptoms per se, but with those self-statements ating alternative solutions, rating the solutions for
and environmental factors that may instigate or likely effectiveness, trying them out, and then
maintain less than optimal functioning and sub- reporting on the outcome.
sequent pain exacerbations. Alterations in lifestyle,
problem solving, communication skills training, Relaxation and controlled breathing
relaxation skills, and homework assignments are Relaxation and controlled breathing exercises are
woven into the fabric of the treatment. especially useful in the skills acquisition phase
As was the case with exercise, skills training because they can be readily learned by almost all
follows a graded sequence. Firstly, the therapist patients and they have a good deal of face validity.
discusses the rationale for using a specific method. Instruction in the use of relaxation and controlled
This is followed by assessing whether the skills are breathing is designed not only to teach an incom-
in the patients’ repertoires, teaching the patients the patible response, but also as a way of helping the
necessary skills, and having them practise in the patients develop a behavioural coping skill that
therapeutic setting. As patients develop proficiency, they can use in any situation in which adaptive
they are encouraged to use the skills in their homes, coping is required. The practice of relaxation and
first in the least difficult circumstance and then controlled breathing strengthens the patients’ belief
building up to more stressful or difficult situations that they can exert control during periods of stress
(when their pain is greater or when they are and pain and that they are not helpless. Patients are
engaged in an interpersonal conflict). encouraged to employ the relaxation skills in
situations where they perceive themselves becoming
Problem solving tense, anxious, or experiencing pain.
A useful way to think about pain is as a set of Relaxation is not achieved by only one method.
sequential problems, rather than simply as the There are many relaxation techniques in the
presence of pain being a single overwhelming literature. There is no evidence that one relaxation
problem. The C-B therapists suggest that chronic approach is any more effective than any other.
pain presents the sufferer with an array of small What is most important is to explain these findings
538 and large problems—familial, occupational, social, to patients and help them determine what relax-
ation technique, or set of techniques, is most effec-
A cognitive-behavioral approach to pain management
sensory modalities (e.g., imagine such scenes as a
tive for them. Thus, in a collaborative mode, the lemon being cut on a plate, a tennis match, or a
therapist will assist patients to learn coping strat- pleasant scene that incorporates all five senses). The
egies that they find acceptable. If the coping effort specifics of the images seem less important than the
proves ineffective, this is not to be viewed as a details of sensory modalities incorporated and the
failure of relaxation nor a reflection of the patient’s patient’s involvement in these images (see Turk
incompetence, but rather an opportunity to seek 1997 for detailed illustrations).
another alternative. As in the case of problem The therapist asks the patient to imagine
solving described above, it is suggested that there circumstances along a continuum of pain and
may not be any one best coping alternative, but encourages the patient to see themselves em-
rather different ones for different people or for the ploying the various images to cope with the pain
same individual in different situations. more effectively. The purpose of the imagery and
relaxation rehearsal is to foster a sense of ‘learned
Attentional training resourcefulness’ as compared to ‘learned helpless-
The role of attention is a major factor in perceptual ness’ that characterizes many pain patients.
activity and therefore of primary concern in Some patients will have difficulty learning
examining and changing behaviour. The act of relaxation or making use of imagery techniques. In
attending has been described as having both such circumstances, it is often helpful to have
selective and amplifying functions. Several types of patients use audiotapes or posters to help them
strategies are considered and the patient is encour- focus their attention and to guide them with
aged to choose those that are most likely to evolve relaxation or imagery.
into personally relevant resources. Patients are also
assisted in generating strategies and techniques
that they believe might be useful. Again, attempts Phase 4: rehearsal and application
to actively involve patients in their own treatment
are made.
The therapist notes that people can focus their After learning different skills, patients are asked to
attention on only one thing at a time and that use them in imaginary situations in the therapist’s
people control, to some extent, what they attend to, office or the clinical setting. For example, after
although at times this may require active effort. learning different relaxation methods, patients can
Examples, metaphors, and analogies are used to be asked to imagine themselves in various stressful
make this point concrete (coming from the patient’s situations and to see themselves employing the
experience whenever possible). For example, the relaxation and coping skills in those situations. For
therapist uses the analogy of the simultaneous example, patients imagine the last time their pain
availability of all channels on a TV ‘but only one intensity was rated between ‘6’ and ‘10’ on the pain
channel can be fully attended to at any one time. intensity rating card and to see themselves using
Attention is like a TV channel tuner: we can control the relaxation and other coping techniques at those
what we attend to, what we avoid, and the channel times. The intent is to have the patients learn that
to which we tune’. With instruction and practice, relaxation can be employed as a general coping
the patient can gain similar control over his or skill in various situations of stress and discomfort
her attention. This discussion prepares the way and to prepare themselves for aversive sensations
for presentation of different cognitive coping as they arise.
strategies. With success, the therapist can follow up with
Both non-imagery and imagery-based strategies specific homework assignments that will consoli-
can be employed. Although imagery-based date the skills in the patient’s natural environment.
strategies (refocusing attention on pleasant pain- For example, patients are asked to practise relax-
incompatible scenes and so forth) have received ation techniques at home at least twice a day for
much attention, the results have not consistently 15 min with one of the practice sessions occurring
demonstrated that any imagery strategies are prior to the times of the most intense pain, if such
uniformly effective for all patients (Fernandez and times have been identified on the pain intensity
Turk 1989). The important component seems to be rating cards. Patients are also asked to anticipate
the patient’s imaginative ability, involvement, and potential problems that might arise in performing
degree of absorption in using specific images. the homework assignment (e.g., they forget, they
Guided imagery training is given to patients in fall asleep) and to generate ways in which these
order to enhance their abilities to employ all obstacles might be addressed should they occur. In 539
Therapeutic approaches

this way, attempts are made to anticipate potential Rather, it is a way of helping patients change their
difficulties before they arise and to convey the views of themselves and their plight. The tech-
message to patients that they are capable of gener- niques are used to help bring about the change
ating alternative solutions to problems. from passivity to active control. The intangibles of
treatment, such as the patient–therapist relation-
ship of collaboration and how information is com-
Phase 5: generalization and municated, are at least as important as any specific
maintenance skills presented and taught.

Generalization and maintenance are fostered

throughout treatment by provision of guided Effectiveness of the cognitive-
exercise, imaginary and behavioural rehearsal, and
homework assignments, each of which is designed behavioural approach
to increase the patient’s sense of self-efficacy. C-B approaches have been evaluated in a number
Following the skills acquisition and rehearsal of clinical pain studies. The results tend to support
phases, patients are encouraged to ‘try out’ the the effectiveness of C-B therapy in reducing pain
various skills that have been covered during the and improving funcitonal activities (Morley et al
treatment in a broad range of situations and to 1999)
identify any difficulties that arise. During these The C-B approach offers promise for use with a
sessions, the patient is encouraged to consider variety of chronic pain syndromes across all devel-
potentially problematic situations and assisted in opmental levels. The American Psychological
generating plans or scripts as to how they could Association Task Force on Treatment Efficacy desig-
handle these difficulties, should they arise. Plans nated cognitive-behavioural therapy for chronic pain
are formulated for what the patient might do if they as one of 20 applications of psychological treat-
begin to lapse. The therapist attempts to anticipate ments for which there was significant empirical
problems and generate solutions, in a sense to support.
‘inoculate’ the patient against difficulties that may Taken as an aggregate, the available evidence
occur. Finally, the patient is encouraged to evaluate suggests that the C-B approach has a good deal of
progress, review homework assignments, and, potential as a treatment modality by itself and in
most importantly, to attribute progress and success conjunction with other treatment approaches. The
to their own efforts. cognitive-behavioural perspective is a reasonable
It is not enough to have patients change—they way for health care providers to think about and
must learn to ‘take credit’ for such changes that deal with their patients regardless of the thera-
they have been able to bring about. The therapist peutic modalities utilized.
asks the patient a series of questions to consolidate
such self-attributions. For example: ‘It worked? What References
did you do? How did you handle the situation this Fernandez E, Turk DC 1989 The utility of cognitive coping
time differently from how you handled it last time? strategies for altering pain perception: a meta-analysis. Pain 38:
When else did you do this? How did that make you 123–135
feel?’ Flor H, Fydrich T, Turk DC 1992 Efficacy of multidisciplinary pain
treatment centers: a meta-analytic review. Pain 49: 221–230
Fordyce WE 1976 Behavioural methods for chronic pain and illness.
Mosby, St Louis
Phase 6: treatment follow-up Fordyce WE 2001 Contingency management. In: Loeser JD, Butler
SD, Chapman CR, Turk DC (eds) Bonica’s management of pain,
At 1 month following termination, the patient is 3rd edn. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia
asked to return to review progress and the main- Meichenbaum D, Turk DC 1987 Faciliating treatment adherence: a
tenance of skills. At 3 and 6 months and 1 year, practitioner’s guidebook. Plenum Press, New York
follow-up appointments are made to consider any Melzack R, Wall PD 1965 Pain mechanisms: a new theory. Science
150: 971–979
difficulties that have arisen. Patients are also
Morley S, Eccleston C, Williams A deC 1999 Systematic review and
encouraged to call for appointments between meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of cognitive
specific follow-up dates if they are having difficulty behaviour therapy and behavior therapy for chronic pain in
with any aspect of the training. Checking in with adults, excluding headache. Pain 80: 1–13
the therapist is not viewed as a sign of failure, but Turk DC 1997 Psychological aspects of pain. In: Bakule P (ed)
Expert pain management Springhouse, Springhouse, PA
rather as an opportunity to re-evaluate coping Turk DC, Flor H 1999 Chronic pain: a biobehavioral perspective. In:
options. It should be obvious that C-B therapy Gatchel RJ, Turk DC (eds) Psychosocial factors in pain. Guilford
540 consists of more than implementing a set of skills. Press, New York
Turk DC, Melzack R (eds) 2001 Handbook of pain assessment, 2nd
A cognitive-behavioral approach to pain management
glimpse into Pandora’s box. Cognitive Therapy and Research
edn. Guilford Press, New York 16: 99–122
Turk DC, Okifuji A 2002 Clinical assessment of the person with Turk DC, Meichenbaum D, Genest M 1983 Pain and behavioural
chronic pain. In: Jensen TS, Wilson PR, Rice ASC (eds) Textbook medicine: a cognitive-behavioral perspective Guilford Press,
of clinical pain management: chronic pain. Arnold, London New York
Turk DC, Rudy TE 1991 Neglected factors in chronic pain treatment Turk DC, Monarch ES, Williams AD 2002 Psychological evaluation
outcome studies—relapse, noncompliance, and adherence of patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia syndrome:
enhancement. Pain 44: 24–43 comprehensive approach. Rheumatic Disease Clinics of North
Turk DC, Rudy TE 1992 Cognitive factors and persistent pain: a America 28: 219–233

Age and sex differences


Pain in children
Charles B Berde and Bruce Masek

Introduction (3) analgesic pharmacology in children,

(4) specific pain syndromes in children,
Nociceptive functions develop during fetal life and (5) psychological factors in the child’s responses
show considerable maturity even in preterm neo- to pain, illness, and the hospital environment,
nates. Infants and children can receive treatment for and
acute and chronic pain with efficacy and safety com- (6) nonpharmacologic methods of pain
parable to adults. Pain assessment and measure- management.
ment in infants and pre-verbal children is more
difficult because of the inability to use self report,
and requires judicious use of behavioural and Developmental neurobiology of
physiologic measures. Fear and anxiety are promi- pain
nent in hospitalized children. An essential aspect of
Pain is a powerful force in learning and neurologic
paediatric pain management and supportive care
development. Behaviour is shaped to a consider-
lies in making medical encounters less terrifying.
able degree by stimuli that evoke pain as well as
Cognitive-behavioural treatments can be used for
pleasure. It would thus be expected that the afferent
children undergoing medical procedures or in treat-
pathways for pain sensation and perception would
ment of a range of acute and chronic pain problems.
develop early: there is considerable adaptive
Analgesic pharmacology differs in neonates be-
significance in avoiding things that hurt. A number
cause of certain pharmacokinetic and pharmaco-
of research groups over the past 20 years have
dynamic factors. Many age-related pharmacologic
characterized the ontogeny of pain pathways in the
differences become less important after the first
peripheral and central nervous system.
year of life.
An important series of studies by Fitzgerald and
In this chapter, we will review:
her coworkers described neurobehavioural, neuro-
(1) the developmental neurobiology of pain anatomic, and neurophysiologic aspects of the
sensation and perception, development of nociceptive systems in infant rats,
(2) methods of pain assessment and measurement with some correlative studies in infant humans
at different ages, (Andrews and Fitzgerald 1997). Sensory nerves
Special problems of assessment and management

project to peripheral targets during mid-gestation perform surgery in neonates without adequate
in rats and in humans. general and/or regional anaesthesia.
The flexion withdrawal reflex is well developed Newborn circumcision is commonly performed
in neonatal rats and humans (Fitzgerald et al 1988). without anaesthesia. Circumcision performed in this
Neonates respond to milder mechanical or thermal manner produces autonomic changes, including
stimuli than older subjects. Human newborns increases in heart rate and blood pressure, and
receiving repeated heel sticks for blood sampling hypoxaemia. Several methods have been studied to
develop secondary hyperalgesia indicative of reduce the pain of circumcision, including dorsal
spinal plasticity. penile nerve block (Stang et al 1988), ring block,
Noxious stimuli evoke stronger responses in and topical anaesthesia with a eutectic mixture of
peripheral and spinal neurons in infant animals lidocaine (lignocaine) and prilocaine known as
than in those in older organisms, and these EMLA (Benini et al 1993, Taddio et al 1997). EMLA
responses are more ‘spread out’ spatially and provides partial suppression of behavioural and
temporally. Myelination of afferent pathways to the physiologic signs of stress with circumcision; it
thalamus is well developed by 30 weeks. Thalamo- appears more effective than placebo but less
cortical projections begin synapse formation with effective than ring block (Lander et al 1997). Non-
cortical neurons by 20–24 weeks, and myelination pharmacologic measures, including oral ingestion
of thalamo-cortical fibres is well developed by of sucrose (Blass and Hoffmeyer 1991), also dimin-
roughly 37 weeks. ish distress with circumcision. The combination of
Some reviewers have suggested, based on these pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic approaches
studies, that the neonate may feel pain more may be optimal for this procedure.
intensely than older subjects. This interpretation Newborns in intensive care units commonly
should be made with caution, since neurophysio- receive opioids and benzodiazepines, both for
logical and molecular studies do not clarify the invasive procedures and for tolerating mechanical
nature of pain, viewed as suffering, in neonatal ventilation via endotracheal tubes. There is wide
humans or animals. We know comparatively little variation in analgesic and sedative use in this
about the supraspinal aspects of nociception in setting (Johnston et al 1997, Kahn et al 1998). A
neonates, and even less about the affective dimen- multicentre trial of ventilated neonates (Anand et al
sion of their pain experiences. 1999) found evidence for improved neurologic out-
Rather than addressing the nature of suffering in comes in a group who received morphine infusions,
the neonate, one can more readily examine whether compared with those receiving midazolam or
there are adverse short- or long-term consequences placebo.
of noxious events in neonates, and whether these
consequences can be ameliorated by analgesics or Potential long-term consequences of
other pain-reducing interventions.
pain in the neonate
Short-term consequences of pain in In a previous era, a common excuse for witholding
analgesia from newborns was infants would not
the neonate remember pain, and that there would be no long-
Noxious events, including needle procedures or term adverse sequelae of unrelieved pain in
surgery, evoke behavioural and physiologic signs infancy. Some recent studies have attempted to
of stress and distress in newborns. Surgery in address this issue. Responses to intramuscular
inadequately anaesthetized newborns evokes a injections for immunization were studied in 4- to 6-
dramatic hormonal and metabolic stress response month-old boys who had participated as neonates
that can be associated with haemodynamic fluc- in a randomized blinded comparison of EMLA
tuations, catabolism, and postsurgical complica- to placebo for circumcision (Taddio et al 1997). In
tions (Anand et al 1987). Opioids (Robinson and addition, there was a group of boys who were
Gregory 1981) and regional anaesthesia can be used uncircumcised. Uncircumcised infants cried less
safely and effectively in neonates. Both may blunt and had lower pain ratings by blinded observers.
hormonal-metabolic and autonomic stress re- For some measures, but not others, the EMLA
sponses. In some cases, blunting of stress responses group had statistically lower pain ratings than the
may improve outcomes (Anand and Hickey 1992). placebo group. The authors could not explain away
With proper expertise, neonates can be safely these group differences on the basis of baseline
anaesthetized for any type of surgery (Berry and temperament or demographic variables. These
546 Gregory 1987, Berde 1998). There is no need to findings are suggestive, but should be interpreted
cautiously in view of a potential for confounding pain. Colour analogue scales (more pain cor-
Pain in children

factors. responds to more intensely red colour) appear

A study of heelstick procedures in preterm acceptable to most children ages 4 and older (Grossi
infants of varying previous histories (Johnston and et al 1983, McGrath et al 1996), and show con-
Stevens 1996) found that neonates who had vergent validity to VAS scales in older children.
previously undergone the largest number of Behavioural scales have been developed pre-
invasive procedures had the least behavioural dominantly in two settings: in the assessment of
responses to the heelstick procedure. This lack of toddlers and pre-school children undergoing brief
responsiveness has been ascribed to interrupted painful procedures or surgery (Katz et al 1980,
neurologic development with critical illness, but McGrath et al 1985) and in the assessment of
may also reflect a degree of ‘learned helplessness’. neonates undergoing procedures or intensive care.
Studies of children who had previously under- Behavioural measures in neonates have examined
gone newborn intensive care have found either facial expression, a range of gross motor behaviours,
fewer parental ratings of pain behaviours or a and analysis of cry acoustic properties. Facial
higher prevalence of somatized complaints in com- expressions appear useful and valid as indicators of
parison to controls (Grunau et al 1994). These results pain in neonates; they appear more robust and sen-
are intriguing, although a range of alternative inter- sitive than measures of crying (Grunau et al 1990,
pretations are possible, related to both a wide range Hadjistavropoulos et al 1994). Multidimensional
of neurologic impairments in the survivors of measures that adjust for developmental stage such
newborn intensive care and effects of early trauma as the PIPP appear to be very appropriate for
and illness on subsequent parent–child interactions. studies of preterm infants of different post-
Overall, the long-term consequences of untreated conceptional and postnatal ages (Johnston et al
pain in infancy remain difficult to quantify, but merit 1993; Stevens et al 1995, 1996).
further study. Since safe and effective treatments Several behavioural scales in toddlers and older
are available for many forms of pain, in our view children have been labelled as ‘distress’ scales,
the burden of proof lies with those who would because they record behaviours that may reflect
withhold treatment, not with those who would combinations of pain, fear, or anxiety, but cannot
treat pain aggressively with analgesics. distinguish among these states. Behavioural scales
may overrate fear instead of pain in the setting of
acute medical procedures, and may under-rate
Pain assessment persistent pain, such as pain following surgery
In adults, self-report is most commonly relied upon (Beyer et al 1990) or pain due to cancer. Many
for pain measurement and assessment. Visual children with persistent pain due to cancer, surgery,
analogue scales have a number of convenient and burns, or sickle cell disease may lie still in bed,
favourable properties. Children ages 8 and above close their eyes, and inhibit their movements, not
can generally apply standard VAS scales success- because they are comfortable or narcotized, but
fully. Several self-report scales have been developed because it hurts too much to move; withdrawal
for children ages 3–8. These have been primarily in from the surroundings is an adaptive response to
3 groups: (1) scales that use pictures or drawings of unrelieved pain. Other behavioural measures
faces, (2) scales that use graded colour intensity, developed for children with cancer incorporate
generally red, and (3) scales that use numbers of assessment of social involvement and inhibition of
objects, e.g., poker chips. movement (Gauvain-Piquard et al 1987). There is a
Faces scales have been quite popular, and these need for additional validation and for modifications
scales differ in several respects, including number of these measures to make them more convenient
of faces presented, the way the faces are drawn or and generalizable to other populations and clinical
photographed (Beyer et al 1992), and how the faces situations. Behavioural pain measures for children
are ordered on the page (Wong and Baker 1988, with developmental disabilities have been developed
Bieri et al 1990). In general, severe pain is depicted (Breau et al 2001).
as a crying face, with eyes closed, brow furrowed, Physiologic measures have seemed attractive
and nasolabial folds contracted. A recent study found because of their presumed objectivity. Pain evokes
that the pain ratings differ according to whether the increases in heart rate, blood pressure, and respir-
‘no pain’ end of the scale shows a neutral face or a atory rate, but these signs can be influenced by
happy face (Chambers and Craig 1998). Some several physiologic conditions unrelated to pain.
children seem to be confused regarding ranking of Several investigators have examined variability
happiness or well-being as opposed to absence of in heart rate using a variety of mathematical 547
Special problems of assessment and management

algorithms in frequency domain or transfer func- Table 37.1 Factors that influence drug action in neonates
tion analyses to reflect sympathetic and para-
sympathetic contributions to the overall variability. Factor Clinical implications
Variability in heart rate has been widely used as an Immature ventilatory Greater potential for
index of physiologic integrity and stress in fetal reflexes hypoventilation from opioids
monitoring. Indices of ‘vagal tone’ have been used
to measure stress and distress in neonates under- Larger percent body Altered volumes of distribution
mass as water, less
going painful procedures (Porter et al 1988, Porter as fat
and Porges 1991), but some of these parameters
may also be sensitive to factors unrelated to pain Immature hepatic Diminished hepatic conjugation
enzyme systems of drugs, accumulation of opioids
(Litvack et al 1995; Oberlander et al 1995, 1996).
and local anaesthetics with
Variability in physiologic parameters, including delayed toxicity during infusions
heart rate, blood pressure, and end-tidal carbon
dioxide, may be more useful than absolute trends in Diminished Diminished renal excretion of
glomerular filtration opioid metabolites, with potential
these physiologic parameters in painful situations and renal tubular for delayed sedation and
(McIntosh et al 1994). Issues of sensitivity and secretion respiratory depression
specificity remain, since critical illness and other
Decreased plasma Decreased protein binding of
processes can also affect beat-to-beat variability of
concentrations of drugs; greater first-pass local
heart rate and blood pressure. albumen and α-1 acid anaesthetic toxicity
Stress hormones, including cortisol and epi- glycoprotein
nephrine, and metabolites, such as glucose, are
Smaller size per se With local anaesthetic blockade,
increased by surgical trauma, and analgesics and the effective dose to block nerves
anaesthetics suppress these increased plasma con- scales weakly with body weight,
centrations, but there is little evidence for the while systemic toxicity scales
specificity of any of these biochemical markers as a directly with body weight, so that
the therapeutic index for local
pain measure per se.
anaesthetics is narrower in
Overall, there is little immediate prospect for a smaller subjects.
unidimensional physiologic measure that is
convenient and specific for pain in neonates.

Developmental pharmacology and 45 mg/kg/day in preterm neonates from 32

weeks onwards (Lin et al 1997). Rectal absorption is
A number of pharmacokinetic and pharmaco- slow, with peak concentrations over 70 min after
dynamic factors modify responses to analgesic administration. Single rectal doses of 35–40 mg/kg
medication in the newborn and young infant, as achieve therapeutic plasma concentrations, with
summarized in Table 37.1. slow clearance (Birmingham et al 1997). Therefore,
following a first dose of 35 mg/kg, subsequent
doses should extend the interval to 6–8 h, and
Analgesic pharmacology should use smaller doses as limited by the daily
Acetaminophen (paracetamol) is useful for treat- maximum guidelines above.
ment of mild pain and fever control. Acetaminophen Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
replaced aspirin as the most commonly used are useful for many forms of pain, including post-
routine analgesic and antipyretic in children in the operative pain, arthritis, and other inflammatory
1970s, when it became apparent that aspirin could conditions, and pain in sickle cell disease. A large
in rare circumstances cause Reye’s hepatic enceph- number of NSAIDs have been examined for peri-
alopathy, especially during viral illnesses. Aceta- operative use in children, including indomethacin
minophen overall appears very safe in children if (Maunuksela et al 1988), ibuprofen, diclofenac, and
dosing guidelines are followed. Children may ketorolac (Rusy et al 1995). They are effective via
receive single doses of 15–20 mg/kg, or repeated oral, intravenous, rectal, and intramuscular routes.
dosing of 10–15 mg/kg every 4 h. Toxicity appears There is no reason to use intramuscular injection
related in part to cumulative dosing. Conservative for most children, as it is painful. The intravenous
daily dose limits based on available pharmaco- route is convenient for administration during or
kinetic data are 90 mg/kg/day in children, 75 mg/ immediately after surgery, although evidence
548 kg/day in infants, 60 mg/kg/day in term neonates, indicates no unique efficacy of this route compared
with oral or rectal administration. NSAIDs reduce
Pain in children

Opioids can be used for infants and children of

the requirement for opioids in many paediatric all ages with proper understanding of age-related
postoperative studies, and in some of these studies, changes in pharmacokinetics (Olkkola et al 1995)
this results in a reduction of opioid-related side and pharmacodynamics. A number of opioids have
effects (Vetter and Heiner 1994). There is little received pharmacokinetic study in infants and
evidence for differences between NSAIDs in children, including morphine (Olkkola et al 1988),
analgesic effectiveness, and many studies do not fentanyl (Gauntlett et al 1988), and sufentanil
compare them at a range of doses that would (Greeley et al 1987). The general pattern emerges
permit proper comparison of analgesia and side that clearances, normalized by body weight, are
effects (Tramer et al 1998). diminished in the first months of life, and reach
When compared with aspirin in children with mature values over the first 3–9 months of age.
rheumatoid arthritis, ibuprofen appeared equally Neonates and young infants are thus susceptible to
effective and better tolerated (Giannini et al 1990). drug accumulation and delayed sedation and
Short-term use of ibuprofen in children in paediatric respiratory depression if infusions are extrapolated
office practice has a very low risk of gastric based on recommended dosing in older children.
irritation or bleeding (Lesko and Mitchell 1995). The time course of maturation may depend in part
Overall, the safety of NSAIDs in children seems on medical condition. For example, infants under-
quite good, although rare cases of gastrointestinal going noncardiac surgery tend to show mature
bleeding and nephropathy have been reported. morphine clearances by 1–3 months of age, while
NSAIDs should be used with caution in types of infants undergoing cardiac surgery show reduced
surgery where bleeding is of major concern. Some clearances through the first 6–9 months of life (Lynn
studies of children undergoing tonsillectomy suggest et al 1998). Recommended opioid dosing is shown
an increased incidence of postoperative bleeding in Table 37.3.
(Judkins et al 1996). The safety and efficacy of Ventilatory reflexes to hypoxia and hypercarbia
NSAIDs used as analgesics in newborns has not are immature in human newborns, and mature
been established. NSAIDs are used in prematures over the first months of life (Cohen et al 1997).
primarily to facilitate closure of the ductus Healthy infants ages 3 months and older in several
arteriosus. postoperative studies show analgesic and respir-
Few data are available at present regarding the atory depressant effects similar to those among
cyclo-oxygenase 2 (COX2) specific inhibitors in adults at comparable plasma opioid concentrations.
children. Available data in adults suggests that Systemic and epidural opioid infusions have shown
their lack of impairment of haemostasis may be generally good analgesia and safety, although
especially useful for paediatric postoperative use opioids via either route produce a fairly high
and for children with cancer pain. frequency of side effects, including itching, nausea,
ileus, and urinary retention (Haberkern et al 1996).
Overall, opioid infusions in younger infants are
useful and generally safe, but their dosing and
Table 37.2 Dosing of non-opioid analgesics in children titration are nontrivial, and they require expertise
and vigilance. Since pain assessment in infants is
Drug Recommended dosing imprecise, titration to clinical effect is more
difficult. There is neither consensus or conclusive
Acetaminophen 10–15 mg/kg orally every 4 h
evidence to say which forms of electronic monitor-
20–30 mg/kg rectally every 6 h
Daily maximum ing are most useful for detecting hypoxaemia or
Children 90 mg/kg hypoventilation. Impedance apnoea monitoring is
Infants 75 mg/kg widely available with telemetry alarms that can
Term neonates 60 mg/kg ring in a hallway or at the nurses’ station on a
Preterm 45 mg/kg
Neonates (>32 weeks
hospital ward. There are case reports of significant
postconceptional age) hypoxaemia in infants receiving opioids despite
normal respiratory rates (Karl et al 1996). For this
Aspirin 10–15 mg/kg orally every 4 h
reason, some clinicians have advocated continuous
Daily maximum 90–120 mg/kg
(children) oximetry as a method of monitoring. Oximetry is
useful for detection of hypoxaemia, but has prac-
Ibuprofen 8–10 mg/kg every 6 h tical limitations related to motion artefacts. More
Naproxen 6–8 mg/kg every 8–12 h importantly, remote telemetry of oximeters is not
widely available. Oximeter alarms may thus go 549
Special problems of assessment and management

Table 37.3 Opioid analgesic initial dosage guidelines

Usual starting IV or
SC doses and intervals
Equianalgesic doses Parenteral/ Usual starting oral doses and intervals
Child Child oral dose
Drug Parenteral Oral < 50 kg > 50 kg ratio Child < 50 kg Child >50 kg

Codeine N/R 200 mg N/R N/R 1:2 0.5–1 mg/kg every 30–60 mg
3–4 h every 3–4 h

Morphine 10 mg 10–15 mg Bolus: Bolus: 1:3 Immediate release: Immediate

0.1 mg/kg 5–8 mg 0.3 mg/kg every 15–20 mg every
every 2–4 h every 2–4 h 3–4 h 3–4 h
Infusion: Infusion: Sustained release: Sustained release:
0.03 mg/kg/h 1.5 mg/h 20–35 kg: 10–15 mg 30–45 mg every
every 8–12 h 8–12 h
35–50 kg: 15–30 mg
every 8–12 h

Oxycodone N/A 10–15 mg N/A N/A N/A 0.1–0.2 mg/kg 5–10 mg every
every 3–4 h 3–4 h

Methadone 10 mg 15 mg 0.1 mg/kg 1:2 1:2 0.2 mg/kg every 10 mg every

every 4–8 h 4–8 h 4–8 h

Methadone requires additional vigilance, because it can accumulate and produce delayed sedation. If
sedation occurs, doses should be withheld until sedation resolves. Thereafter, doses should be
substantially reduced and/or the dosing interval should be extended to 8–12 h.

Fentanyl 100 μg N/A Bolus: Bolus: N/A N/A N/A

(0.1 mg) 0.5–1 μg/kg 25–50 μg
every 1–2 h every 1–2 h
Infusion: Infusion:
0.5–1.5 μg/kg/h 25–75 μg/h

Hydromorphone 1.5–2 mg 6–8 mg Bolus: Bolus: 1:4 0.04–0.08 mg/kg 4 mg every

0.02 mg 1 mg every every 3–4 h 3–4 h
every 2–4 h 2–4 h
Infusion: Infusion:
0.006 mg/kg/h 0.3 mg/hr

Meperidine 75 mg 300 mg Bolus: Bolus: 1:4 2–3 mg/kg every 100–150 mg

(pethidine) 0.8–1 mg/kg 50–75 mg 3–4 h every 3–4 h
every 2–3 h every 2–3 h

Meperidine should generally be avoided if other opioids are available, especially with chronic use,
because its metabolite can cause seizures.

Doses refer to patients > 6 months of age. In infants < 6 months, initial doses/kg should begin at roughly 25% of the doses/kg recommended
here. All doses are approximate and should be adjusted according to clinical circumstances.

undetected in a hospital room and provide a false vides better pain scores, better patient acceptance,
sense of security. Convenient, low-cost, motion- and no increase in opioid use or opioid side effects
insensitive oximetry with telemetry to a central site (Berde et al 1991). Compared with continuous
on a ward would be extremely useful. Electronic opioid infusions, PCA provides either equivalent or
surveillance is not a substitute for clinical assess- better pain scores, but with a reduction of opioid
ment and understanding of factors that modify use and opioid side effects (Mackie et al 1991). PCA
opioid requirements and risk. is generally well used by children ages 6 and above.
Patient-controlled analgesia has been used for Optimal choice of dosing parameters has been
children for the past 14 years with excellent safety, studied. Short lockout intervals (e.g., 5–7 min) are
good efficacy, and excellent patient acceptance. safe, and allow more rapid ‘catch-up’ in the setting
550 Compared with bolus administration, PCA pro- of unrelieved pain. Basal infusions should be
individualized according to medical risk factors, as Excessive doses of local anaesthetics cause con-
Pain in children

well as psychological factors (Wermeling et al vulsions, arrhythmias, and cardiac depression that
1992). They may increase patient satisfaction can be very difficult to treat. Studies using a rat
(Doyle et al 1993), but may result in more episodic model found that infant animals have a narrower
night-time oxygen desaturation (McNeely and therapeutic index for local anaesthetics than adult
Trentadue 1997). animals on the basis of scaling factors, since the
For infants and children who are unable to self- effective dose to block nerves scales comparatively
administer opioids, nurse-controlled analgesia weakly with body size, while toxic doses scale more
appears effective, safe, and convenient (Monitto et directly with body size (Kohane et al 1998).
al 2000). There is greater controversy surrounding Topical local anaesthetics are widely used for
parent-controlled analgesia. With PCA admin- needle procedures and for superficial procedures,
istered by the patient, the inherent safety lies in the including suture of lacerations or removal of skin
fact that when the patient gets narcotized, they fall lesions. For intact skin, the most widely used
asleep, stop dosing, and the plasma concentration preparation is a eutectic mixture of lidocaine
falls, thereby reducing the risk of hypoventilation (lignocaine) and prilocaine known as EMLA
during sleep. There is generally a very good (Maunuksela and Korpela 1986). EMLA has proved
experience with home dosing of PCA pumps by to be extremely safe in infants and children of all
parents for infants and children in palliative care. ages. It requires about 1 h for adequate cutaneous
What is more problematic is having parents push analgesia. Longer application will enhance depth
the button for opioid-naïve children, particularly in and quality of analgesia, and after roughly 2 h it
a postoperative setting. The arguments in favour of will produce cutaneous vasodilatation, which may
parental dosing are that parents are the child’s facilitate venipuncture or venous cannulation.
primary caregivers, and they are in an ideal position Although high systemic concentrations of prilo-
to assess their needs. The counter argument is that caine can produce methaemoglobinaemia, this has
without specific training and monitoring, on rare not been a significant clinical problem in widespread
occasions, their well-meaning efforts may lead to use, even with repeated or prolonged dosing in
overdose. We are aware of several cases around the younger infants. Tetracaine gel (amethocaine) is an
world in which this has occurred, with disastrous alternative preparation with excellent safety and
consequences. Until this has received further study, efficacy, slightly more rapid onset, and early vaso-
it would be prudent to recommend that, if parent- dilatation; it is available in Canada and Europe, but
controlled PCA is to be used in non-palliative not the United States (Lawson et al 1995).
situations, there should be a formal programme of For application to cut skin, especially for suture
parent education, and an increased level of patient of lacerations, combinations of local anaesthetics
observation. with vasoconstrictors are widely used. The com-
bination of tetracaine (amethocaine) with epi-
nephrine (adrenalin) and cocaine is known as TAC.
Several studies have shown that these preparations
Local anaesthetics are effective when used in emergency departments
Local anaesthetics are used increasingly for regional for repair of lacerations (Bonadio 1989). TAC
anaesthesia in children, as well as for topical should be avoided in the vicinity of end-arteries,
analgesia and infiltration. Maximum doses for since ischaemic complications have occurred. Larger
single injection are recommended in Table 37.4. doses applied to mucosal surfaces have produced

Table 37.4 Conservative dosing guidelines for local anaesthetics (mg/kg for single injection; mg/kg/h for infusions)

Drug Single injection Prolonged infusion

0–6 months > 1 year 0–6 months > 1 year
– epi + epi – epi + epi

Lidocaine (lignocaine) 4 5 5 7 0.8 1.6

Bupivacaine 1.8 2 2 2.5 0.2 0.4

Chloroprocaine 20 30 20 30 30 30

Ropivacaine 2 2.5 3 3.5 0.3 0.6

Special problems of assessment and management

convulsions and deaths due to rapid absorption of Wenzel 1999). Propranolol appears minimally
the tetracaine (amethocaine) and cocaine. More recent effective in migraine prophylaxis in children
studies have found equivalent effectiveness using (Olness et al 1987). There is a need for more
preparations with the cocaine omitted, and combina- controlled trials of a range of analgesics in children,
tions of tetracaine (amethocaine) and phenyleph- especially in the setting of chronic or recurrent pain.
rine appear useful in this setting (Smith et al 1997).
Regional anaesthesia in infants and children can
be performed by specific modifications of tech- Management of specific types of
niques used in adults. The reader is referred to pain in children
Dalens’ excellent textbook for an illustrated sum-
mary. A variety of peripheral nerve blocks can Postoperative pain
provide analgesia after surgery with an excellent Amelioration of postoperative pain is best accom-
safety and side effect profile (Dalens et al 1989a, b; plished by coordinated efforts among parents,
Giaufre et al 1996). Regional anaesthesia is generally paediatricians, surgeons, anaesthesiologists, nurses,
performed in children asleep, as a method of pharmacists, psychologists, child-life specialists,
providing postoperative analgesia. and others involved in perioperative care. Proper
For major thoracic, abdominal, pelvic, and lower preoperative preparation can reduce anxiety and
extremity operations, epidural analgesia can pro- fear, which can amplify pain. Children should
vide outstanding analgesia and, when optimally receive explanations that are appropriate to their
managed, may facilitate recovery of high-risk developmental stage. Preoperative education pro-
patients. (Meignier et al 1983, McNeely 1991). grammes are now available at many paediatric
Single-shot caudal blockade with local anaesthetics centres, and these may be helpful in this process.
is generally safe and effective for many minor Techniques of anaesthetic induction should strive
lower-body procedures, although there is a need to to be atraumatic. Parental presence for mask induc-
provide longer duration than is afforded by bupi- tion may reduce distress for many children. EMLA
vacaine alone. α2-Adrenergics, such as clonidine, or other topical anaesthetics may reduce the dis-
prolong local anaesthetic action, and have received tress of intravenous induction. Oral premedication
promising study in children (Mikawa et al 1996, can also reduce anxiety for many children.
Constant et al 1998). Combinations of opioids and Kehlet and others have championed the concept
local anaesthetics have excellent efficacy, and are of multimodal analgesia for adults undergoing
particularly effective when the catheter tip can be surgery (Kehlet 1998). It is likely that this concept
placed in the dermatomes involved in the surgery, applies for children as well. Combinations of
either by direct placement or by cephalad advance- opioids, local anaesthetics, and NSAIDs may be
ment from the caudal route (Bosenberg et al 1988). ideal in many settings.
Placement and cephalad advancement can be Acute pain services can be useful for advocacy
further confirmed by two recent novel techniques and for ensuring that pain management is a
based either on electrical nerve stimulation or on priority. In many paediatric centres, these have been
ECG patterns (Tsui et al 1999). developed and appear to provide extremely useful
services. Standardized protocols are useful to
Other analgesics ensure consistency in management, to ensure that
side effects are treated promptly, and to minimize
There have been comparatively few clinical trials of dosing errors. Decimal point errors are common in
other drug classes for pain in children. Although paediatric hospitals, and protocolized dosing facili-
clinicians widely prescribe tricyclic antidepressants, tates cross-checking for erroneous orders. If children
anticonvulsants, and a range of other medications are to be cared for in general hospitals, it is ideal to
for several chronic pain conditions in children, have paediatric specialists be involved in creation
most dosing is based on anecdote or extrapolation of specific pain management protocols for children.
from adult experience. There are clinical trials of A number of models for pain treatment can be
trazodone (Battistella et al 1993) and calcium used, and the choice of participants and specialists
channel blockers (Sorge and Marano 1985) in child- may depend on local expertise and availability.
hood migraine that show efficacy. Sumatriptan,
which is quite effective in interupting adult
migraine attacks, had equivocal results in one
Trauma and burns
paediatric trial (Hamalainen et al 1997), and more In many respects, children sustaining major trauma
552 positive results in subsequent trials (Ueberall and and burns should be managed according to the
principles set out for postoperative pain. Histori-
Pain in children

analgesics or low-dose ketamine (Marx et al 1997).

cally, these forms of pain have been often under- For higher risk or highly uncooperative children, or
treated in children (Perry and Heidrich 1982). for more extensive procedures, general anaesthesia
Often, the duration of pain may be quite prolonged may be a more effective alternative. There is
(Szyfelbein et al 1985). Particularly with major considerable controversy regarding the appropriate
burns, marked opioid dose escalation is often personnel (i.e., anaesthetist versus non-anaesthetist),
required. As pain subsides, dosing may require choice of agents, depth of sedation required,
gradual tapering to prevent withdrawal. relative risks, benefits, efficacy, costs, and com-
parative safety of conscious sedation versus brief
general anaesthesia (Maxwell and Yaster 1996).
Cancer and palliative care
Cancer pain and palliative care in children are Sickle cell anaemia
discussed in detail in Chap. 44. Many of the
principles outlined in adult palliative care apply to Sickle haemoglobinopathies are genetic disorders
children (Miser et al 1983, Stevens et al 1994, Collins occurring predominantly in people of African and
et al 1995). Pharmacologic management by the Middle Eastern descent. Abnormal haemoglobin
WHO analgesic ladder is effective for most children molecules polymerize under certain conditions,
with pain due to widespread cancer (Kasai et al including hypoxaemia, acidosis, hypothermia, and
1995). Some of the differences in the approach to erythrocycte cell water loss. Haemoglobin poly-
palliative care for children involves consideration merization leads to abnormal erythrocyte shape
of the child’s emotional and cognitive development (sickling) and reduced deformability and impaired
and the family’s roles in support and palliative care rheology of small vessels, leading to vaso-occlusion
(Goldman 1996). and ischaemic pain. Pain in sickle cell disease is
extremely variable in its frequency and severity
(Platt et al 1991). The majority of patients manage
their persistent and episodic pains as outpatients,
Brief diagnostic and therapeutic using oral hydration, NSAIDs, and episodic oral
procedures opioids. A subgroup of patients has more severe
episodes of vaso-occlusive pain that require hos-
Needle procedures are a significant source of
pitalization. Opioids should be given as needed to
distress for children. Healthy infants and children
provide comfort (Benjamin 1989). Opioid titration
receive subcutaneous and intramuscular injections
may require some additional care, since hypoxaemia
for immunizations. Children with acute and chronic
and hypercarbia further exacerbate sickling of
illness may in addition receive more frequent
erythrocytes. Recent studies emphasize home
procedures, including venipuncture, intravenous
management (Shapiro et al 1995), oral opioid
cannulation, lumbar puncture, and bone marrow
dosing, avoidance of a ‘crisis’ model, and teaching
aspiration. Approaches to these procedures must be
of cognitive-behavioural (Thomas et al 1984,
individualized according to the child’s age, cog-
Dinges et al 1997) and coping (Gil et al 1997)
nitive development, coping style, and health status.
Appropriate explanation and support can be
Cognitive-behavioural techniques, including
guided imagery, hypnosis, and relaxation, can
diminish the distress of these procedures for many HIV disease in children is now most commonly
children (Zeltzer and LeBaron 1982, McGrath and acquired by congenital infection. The natural
deVeber 1986, Zeltzer et al 1989, Kuttner 1989, Jay et history of HIV in infants has improved greatly in
al 1995). These techniques are used very widely, developed countries in recent years with multidrug
and can be taught to most children ages 5–7 and treatment regimens. Children with HIV receive a
above. Some experts use them for children ages 3–5 large number of painful diagnostic and therapeutic
as well (McGrath and deVeber 1986). procedures (Hirschfeld et al 1996). Infants with
For children receiving oncology procedures, encephalopathy and severe developmental delay
gastrointestinal endoscopy, or radiologic procedures, sometimes present with persistent irritability and
many do well with ‘conscious sedation’, often using screaming. Many of these infants respond to
sedative-anxiolytics, especially benzodiazepines opioids; in other cases, anticonvulsants may be
(Sievers et al 1991), combined with either opioid helpful, even when clinical seizures are not evident. 553
Special problems of assessment and management

children show a female gender predominance,

Neuropathic pains
particularly among adolescents.
Neuropathic pains in children can be a source of Most children presenting with these complaints
considerable distress and suffering (Ollson and will be determined to be medically well. The
Berde 1993). In our clinic, the most common causes primary paediatrician or general practitioner should
are postsurgical/posttraumatic localized peripheral develop a screening approach that emphasizes a
nerve injuries, complex regional pain syndrome sensitive medical history and physical examination
type 1 (CRPS1)/reflex sympathetic dystrophy that detects the small subset of patients who need
(RSD), pains associated with metabolic neuro- further evaluation (Levine and Rappaport 1984). It
pathies, pain after spinal cord injury, and neuro- is wise to de-emphasize unfocused laboratory
pathic cancer pain. Phantom pain following testing, which is generally of low yield in these
amputation is not rare, and may be persistent and conditions. Lifestyle interventions may be helpful,
severe (Krane et al 1991). We commonly extrapolate and questions regarding family and school circum-
approaches used in adults, including liberal stances, diet, sleep, sports, and a range of activities
prescribing of tricyclic antidepressants and should be included. In some situations, modifica-
anticonvulsants. tions of diet, school stressors, and exercise may
CRPS1/RSD in children and adolescents has have considerable benefit. For example, a subgroup
a marked female predominance (roughly 6:1), a of children with recurrent abdominal pain may
marked lower extremity predominance (roughly improve by treatment of constipation or by treating
6:1), and an apparently high association with lactose intolerance with oral lactase enzyme
competitive sports (Pillemer and Micheli 1988), replacement or avoidance of milk products (Barr et
gynastics, and dance (Wilder et al 1992). The al 1979).
reasons for this association are unclear. Some Physical therapeutic approaches are extremely
clinicians regard this as a psychogenic condition helpful for many chronic painful conditions in
(Sherry and Weisman 1988), although evidence of children. Physical therapists should be integral
causation, as opposed to association, is weak. participants in multidisciplinary chronic pain pro-
Approaches to treatment of CRPS1/RSD have grammes for children. Aerobic conditioning and
been extremely varied, ranging from rehabilitative strength training may have both specific, localized
(Bernstein et al 1978) to more interventionist. In benefits, e.g., for an adolescent with myofascial
our view, physical therapy and biobehavioural pain, and more generalized beneficial effects on
approaches should be emphasized (Lee et al 2002, mood, sleep, and general well-being.
in press), and sympathetic blockade should be used
sparingly and not in isolation.

Chronic ‘benign’ pains of childhood Psychological factors in pain in

Chronic and recurrent pains in children have a
different epidemiology from those in adults. Back As with adults, in children the experience of pain
pain and neck pain are less common in children. is modulated by biologic variation, past pain
Trigeminal neuralgia is extraordinarily rare in experiences, meaning of the pain, context, fear,
children, and herpes zoster is much less likely to anxiety, depression, and a range of other factors. In
produce a postherpetic neuralgia. children, there is the additional aspect of the impact
Children commonly experience recurrent pains of development on the cognitive and emotional
of the head, chest, abdomen, and limbs. These aspects of pain responses.
conditions typically involve painful episodes A number of the recurrent benign pains of child-
alternating with pain-free times in a child who is hood have been commonly regarded as ‘psycho-
otherwise healthy. These conditions are very genic’. The evidence that most children with these
common, and population-based surveys suggest symptoms are psychiatrically ill is generally weak
that between 4 and 10% of children experience (McGrath and Unruh 1987, Walker et al 1993);
these symptoms with some regularity (Apley and many children and adolescents with these symp-
Naish 1958, Oster 1972, Oster and Nielson 1972, toms in fact are well-adjusted and cope well. Barr,
Coleman 1984, Bille 1997). Both migraine and Oberlander, Rappaport, and others have argued
tension-type headaches increase in prevalence against dichotomizing these conditions as purely
during the school age years and into adolescence. A ‘psychogenic’ or purely ‘organic’ (Oberlander and
554 number of chronic and recurrent pain conditions in Rappaport 1993).
Pain in children

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Age and sex differences


Pain in the elderly

Lucia Gagliese and Ronald Melzack

Introduction patients (see review by Gagliese 2001). Increasing

age has been associated with a higher frequency of
As the population ages, health care workers are incomplete or unscorable responses on the VAS but
increasingly called upon to provide effective pain not on the VDS, the behavioural rating scale (BRS),
assessment and management to elderly patients. or the NRS (Kremer et al 1981, Jensen et al 1986,
Fortunately, information regarding age-related Gagliese and Melzack 1997a). Another potential
patterns of pain, disability, and psychological difficulty with the VAS is a lack of agreement with
distress has become more readily available over the other measures, including the VDS and BRS, in
past decade. This chapter presents an overview of estimates of pain intensity (Herr and Mobily 1993,
this rapidly growing area of research. Gagliese and Melzack 1997a). This pattern was not
found in young and middle-aged chronic pain
patients (Gagliese and Melzack 1997a). Further-
Pain assessment more, the elderly report that the VAS is more
difficult to complete and is a poorer description of
Measures of pain intensity
pain than scales made up of verbal descriptors
Appropriate pain assessment is the first step to (Herr and Mobily 1993, Benesh et al 1997). These
effective pain management. However, most pain data raise important problems for the use of the
scales were designed for use with younger adults, VAS with the elderly.
and may have different psychometric properties
when used with elderly people.
The most frequently assessed component of pain
The McGill Pain Questionnaire
is intensity, and the most commonly used measures The McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) measures
of pain intensity are visual analogue scales (VAS), the sensory, affective, evaluative, and miscellaneous
verbal descriptor scales (VDS), and numerical components of pain (Melzack 1975). There is much
rating scales (NRS) (see Jensen and Karoly 2001 for evidence for its validity, reliability, and discrimi-
a review). Although preliminary, the available data native abilities when used with younger adults
support the use of VDSs and NRSs, but suggest that (Melzack and Katz 2001). Recent evidence suggests
caution is necessary when using VASs with elderly that the psychometric properties of the MPQ are 559
Special problems of assessment and management

not age related. Specifically, the latent structure, there are also reports of an age-related decrease in
internal consistency, and pattern of subscale the prevalence of pain problems for all sites other
correlations of the MPQ are very similar in young than the joints (Sternbach 1986).
and elderly chronic pain patients who have been Several reasons for these inconsistent results
matched for pain diagnosis, location, and duration, have been proposed, including increased mortality
and for gender (Gagliese et al 1998). Similarly, in a among the elderly with chronic pain, age differ-
sample of adults with chronic arthritis pain, there ences in the willingness to report painful symp-
were no age differences in error rates on the short toms, and variability in the definitions of chronic
form of the MPQ (SF-MPQ) (Gagliese and Melzack and acute pain (Bressler et al 1999, Helme and
1997a). Although the elderly endorsed fewer words Gibson 1999). Another possibility is that the incon-
than younger subjects, the same adjectives were sistent results reflect actual differences in the
chosen most frequently to describe arthritis pain prevalence of various painful symptoms as a
regardless of age (Gagliese and Melzack 1997a). function of age. There is no a priori reason to expect
Although further studies are needed, these results all types of pain to change in a comparable way
suggest that the MPQ is appropriate for use with with age given that different pathophysiological
older patients. It appears to measure the same con- mechanisms may be involved. Documenting these
structs in the same way across the adult lifespan. pain-specific patterns is fundamental to identifying
It is evident that the assessment of pain in the mechanisms underlying the age differences.
elderly people should include a verbal descriptor Regardless of age-related patterns, these studies
or numeric scale measure of pain intensity and the indicate that a considerable proportion of elderly
MPQ in either its original or short form (Gagliese people experience pain. Approximately 2–27%
2001). Furthermore, pain maps—that is, outlines of report migraine or tension headache (Lipton et al
the human body—have been validated for the 1993), 14–49% report low back pain (Sternbach 1986,
elderly and provide useful information about the Valkenburg 1988), and 24–71% report joint pain
location and spatial distribution of pain (Escalante (Sternbach 1986, Valkenburg 1988). Pain may be
et al 1995). As with younger patients, assessment of even more common among the institutionalized
the elderly person with chronic pain must include elderly with 71–83% of patients reporting at least
more than measures of pain. A comprehensive one current pain problem (Roy and Thomas 1986,
assessment should include, but is certainly not Ferrell et al 1990).
limited to, measures of physical disability, inter- The characteristics and impact of these pain
ference of pain in the performance of daily complaints have not been clarified. Most elderly
activities, and psychological distress. Self-report people report mild to moderate, intermittent pain
and objective measures of many of these constructs (Lavsky-Shulan et al 1985, Roy and Thomas
have been developed and are in frequent use in 1986, Ferrell et al 1990, Cook and Thomas 1994).
both the research and clinical setting (Turk and Although the pain may interfere with activities
Melzack 2001). However, few of these measures (Ferrell et al 1990), the extent of activity restriction
have been validated for elderly pain patients due to pain in the elderly may be as great as that
(Gagliese 2001). reported by middle-aged people (Brattberg et al
1989). Surprisingly, activity levels and use of health
care services among elderly people with and
Clinical pain without chronic pain do not differ (Roy and
Thomas 1987, Cook and Thomas 1994).
Epidemiological studies
Age-related patterns of pain prevalence vary across
studies and may depend on the type of pain
Acute pain
symptom assessed. While the majority of studies The most striking and consistently reported age
report that the prevalence of pain complaints differences are in the experience of acute pain
(Andersson et al 1993), tension headache (Schwartz related to specific, brief injuries or infections. In
et al 1998), migraine (Cook et al 1989), and low back general, the elderly present with few of the
pain (de Zwart et al 1997) peaks in middle age and symptoms typically associated with acute clinical
decreases thereafter, there are also reports of an syndromes, including pain. Pathological conditions
age-related increase in the prevalence of persistent painful to young adults may, in the elderly, produce
(Crook et al 1984) and recurrent (Brattberg et al only behavioural changes such as confusion, rest-
1997) pain, musculoskeletal pain (de Zwart et al lessness, aggression, anorexia, and fatigue (Butler
560 1997), and fibromyalgia (Wolfe et al 1995). Finally, and Gastel 1980). When pain is reported, it may be
referred from the site of origin in an atypical patients in response to a fixed dose of opioids
Pain in the elderly

manner. These features may contribute to delayed (Bellville et al 1971, Kaiko 1980). As well, they self-
seeking of treatment and misdiagnosis in the administer less opioid than young patients but
elderly (Albano et al 1975, Mehta et al 2001). For obtain comparable pain relief using patient-
example, the incidence and prevalence of asymp- controlled analgesia (PCA) (Burns et al 1989,
tomatic and atypical myocardial infarction increases Giuffre et al 1991, Macintyre and Jarvis 1995,
dramatically with age (Sigurdsson et al 1995, Mehta Gagliese et al 2000). In this modality, patients press
et al 2001). Although uncommon in younger patients, a button when they require pain relief to obtain a
up to 30% of elderly survivors of myocardial fixed dose of an analgesic through an intravenous
infarction did not report any acute symptoms, or epidural line (Lehmann 1991). PCA is associated
while another 30% had an atypical presentation with good pain control and high satisfaction among
(see review by Ambepitiya et al 1993). Similar age younger patients (Egan and Ready 1994, Perry et al
differences have been documented in the presen- 1994, Miaskowski et al 1999), and there is growing
tation of duodenal ulcer (Scapa et al 1989), acute evidence that PCA also may provide adequate
intra-abdominal infection (Cooper et al 1994), analgesia in elderly patients (Egbert et al 1990,
appendicitis (Albano et al 1975), and pancreatitis Macintyre and Jarvis 1995, Badaoui et al 1996,
(Gullo et al 1994). Decreased intensity of acute pain Gagliese et al 2000), with fewer adverse effects than
associated with duodenal ulcers and myocardial intramuscular injection of opioids (Egbert et al
infarction with age has also been reported (Scapa et 1990).
al 1992). Mechanisms for the differences in acute Increased analgesic efficacy of opioids with age
pain with age are poorly understood. may be related to slower or altered metabolism of
these drugs (Owen et al 1983, Baillie et al 1989,
Laizure et al 1993). Although it has been suggested
Postoperative pain that the elderly self-administer less opioid using
After surgical procedures, the elderly are at greater PCA than younger patients due to decreased ability
risk than younger patients for unrelieved pain to use the PCA equipment and increased fears of
(Melzack et al 1987), prolonged analgesic use addiction and adverse events (Hofland 1992,
(Gagliese et al 2000), and impaired long-term Pasero and McCaffery 1996), a recent study found
recovery (White et al 1997, Beltrami 1998). Proper that the effective use of PCA by older patients was
assessment and management of acute postoperative not hindered by beliefs about postoperative pain
pain is a priority for both research and clinical and opioid analgesia (Gagliese et al 2000). In fact,
practice because postoperative confusion (Lynch et younger and older patients had similar concerns
al 1998), suppression of the immune and respiratory about PCA equipment failure, opioid-related adverse
systems (Cousins 1994), and high rates of mortality effects, and opioid addiction. Most importantly, the
(Ergina et al 1993) have been associated with in- older patients were able to use the PCA apparatus
adequate pain control. Unfortunately, we have only to attain levels of pain relief comparable to those of
a rudimentary understanding of how postoperative younger patients (Gagliese et al 2000).
pain differs in young and elderly people. Several
studies have suggested that elderly patients report
lower pain intensity than younger patients
Chronic pain
(Bellville et al 1971, Oberle et al 1990), while others Age differences in the experience of chronic pain
have not found age differences (Giuffre et al 1991, remain controversial. Despite occasional reports
Duggleby and Lander 1994). that pain intensity decreases (Parker et al 1988, Turk
Postoperative pain management continues to be et al 1995) or increases (Puder 1988, Wilkieson et al
inadequate in the elderly, even though many of the 1993) with age, most studies have not found age
standard treatment strategies, especially the use of differences in pain intensity (Harkins 1988,
opioids and NSAIDs, are effective (Pasero and Middaugh et al 1988, Sorkin et al 1990, Benbow et
McCaffery 1996). The elderly are more vulnerable al 1995, Harkins et al 1995). However, advancing
to the adverse effects of these drugs, and it has been age may be associated with lower MPQ scores
recommended that initial doses be reduced to (Lichtenberg et al 1984, Corran et al 1997, but see
25–50% of those given to younger patients (Pasero Lichtenberg et al 1986). Interestingly, studies that
and McCaffery 1996). Age-related increases in the employ multiple measures of pain in the same
analgesic efficacy of opioids have been consistently sample have found no age differences in the
reported (Kaiko 1980, Moore et al 1990). Elderly intensity of pain, but that the elderly obtain lower
patients obtain greater analgesia than younger MPQ scores than younger groups (Gagliese and 561
Special problems of assessment and management

Melzack 1997a, Gagliese and Melzack 2001). over their health care (Gagliese et al 2000).
Unfortunately, the large cross-study variability in Although external locus of control has been
age range, pain tools, sample size, and study design associated with increased depression, pain, and
limit conclusions. impairment (Crisson and Keefe 1988), these age
Taken together, however, the results suggest that differences are very subtle, and their implications
age differences in chronic pain are less likely to be for treatment have not been fully explored.
evident on measures of intensity than on the McGill Similarly, subtle differences in the use of coping
Pain Questionnaire. There are several possible strategies have been reported. The elderly are more
explanations for this: one may be that there are age- likely than younger patients to employ externally
related changes in the quality but not the intensity mediated passive coping strategies such as praying
of chronic pain; another is that age differences in and hoping (Keefe and Williams 1990, Sorkin et al
pain language could lead to the lower MPQ scores 1990). These differences, however, are not large,
independent of actual changes in pain. This and their clinical significance is not clear. Overall,
explanation is not likely given that the most the pattern of coping strategies seems more similar
frequently chosen adjectives are the same across than dissimilar across age groups (Sorkin et al
age groups (Gagliese and Melzack 1997a, Gagliese 1990). A lack of significant age differences in
and Melzack 2001). This pattern of word selection perceived effectiveness of coping strategies and in
suggests that, while there may be changes in the perceived ability to control pain has been con-
quality of pain with age, the elderly also adopt a sistently reported (Harkins 1988, Keefe and Williams
more parsimonious response style than younger 1990, Gagliese and Melzack 1997c). This pattern of
subjects. They may be endorsing only the most results implies that the elderly with chronic pain
salient qualities of the experience. This possibility may be more amenable to psychological pain
has yet to be tested. management strategies than has previously been
The cognitive dimension of chronic pain
Cognitive factors, including beliefs about pain and The affective dimension of chronic pain
the use of various coping strategies, have con- Pain and anxiety The affective consequences of
sistently been associated with levels of pain inten- chronic pain are most often conceptualized in terms
sity, disability, and emotional distress (Weisenberg of depression and/or anxiety. Age differences in
1999). It has been proposed that the elderly believe anxiety have received far less empirical attention
that pain is a normal part of ageing and to be than depression. There is evidence that anxiety
tolerated rather than treated (Hofland 1992). In levels do not differ in younger and older patients
addition, the elderly may be more reluctant than (Middaugh et al 1988). Furthermore, anxious
younger people to acknowledge the contribution of elderly individuals report more pain complaints
psychological factors to pain (Blazer and Houpt and pain of greater intensity than those with lower
1979). However, many elderly people do not agree levels of anxiety (Parmelee et al 1991). This relation-
with statements reflecting beliefs that pain is a ship may be independent of concurrent depressive
normal part of ageing (Brockopp et al 1996). In symptomatology (Parmelee et al 1991). These data
fact, Gagliese and Melzack (1997c) found no age suggest that, in elderly chronic pain patients,
differences in pain beliefs in both pain-free adults anxiety may be a significant problem that requires
and in those with arthritis pain. The elderly were assessment and treatment.
not more likely than the younger groups to believe
that pain was normal at their age, nor were they Pain and depression Similar to younger
more likely to associate pain with the normal individuals (Fishbain et al 1997), there is significant
ageing process than with organic factors such as comorbidity of pain and depression in the elderly.
tissue damage. Furthermore, they did not deny In fact, the prevalence and intensity of depression
the importance of psychological factors in pain among chronic pain patients is similar across age
experience. groups (Sorkin et al 1990, Turk et al 1995, Gagliese
Age differences in other aspects of the cognitive and Melzack 1997b). Interestingly, Turk et al
dimension of pain have been reported. Health locus (1995) reported that the relationship between pain
of control may be more external with advancing intensity and depression may differ in young
age. Specifically, the elderly are more likely than and elderly chronic pain patients. Although the
younger patients to relinquish control of their relationship between these variables is mediated by
health to powerful others (Melding 1997) and to perceived life control and the extent to which pain
562 prefer less information and behavioural control interferes with functioning in both age groups, it is
only in elderly patients that the direct relationship chronic pain patients report similar levels of
Pain in the elderly

between depression and pain intensity may be interference of pain in their relationships and
significant. As such, in elderly, but not younger, performance of activities (Brattberg et al 1989,
patients changes in pain intensity may directly Sorkin et al 1990, Corran et al 1997). However, pain-
influence levels of depression and vice versa, related impairment may be more emotionally dis-
independent of other factors. Consistent with this tressing for younger than older people (Williamson
possibility, depressed elderly people report more and Schulz 1995). The limited data suggest that the
intense pain and more pain complaints than do relationship between these variables changes with
non-depressed elderly (Parmelee et al 1991, Casten age and that the overall adaptation made to chronic
et al 1995). In addition, elderly people with chronic pain may be influenced by slightly different factors
pain obtain higher scores on depression scales than in younger and older people (Turk et al 1995,
those who are pain free (Williamson and Schulz Corran et al 1997).
1992, Black et al 1998, but see Ferrell et al 1990).
Clinical differentiation of these states among the
elderly may be difficult (Herr and Mobily 1991)
Pain and dementia
especially since many of the most common symp- Pain in the cognitively impaired elderly has
toms of depression, such as sleep and appetite dis- recently begun to receive empirical attention. The
turbance, may be part of normal ageing (Parmelee relationship of dementia-related neurodegeneration
1997). In addition, the elderly are more likely to to pain prevalence, incidence, intensity, and impair-
have atypical presentation of both pain (see above) ment remains to be elucidated. Differential diag-
and depression (Gallo and Rabins 1999). Impor- nosis between pain and dementia is often necessary
tantly, the suspicion of depression does not reduce in the elderly patient. Pain complaints may be the
the necessity of a comprehensive pain assessment first signs of dementia (Kisely et al 1992), or may be
including an evaluation of psychological well-being. used to explain or hide mild cognitive impairment
Although there are several well-validated (Harkins 1984). Also, acute pathologies, which
instruments for the assessment of depression in the often are associated with pain in younger patients,
elderly (Brink et al 1982), high levels of comorbidity may manifest only as confusion in the elderly (see
and atypical presentation may present significant above). Experimental pain threshold does not differ
problems for these measures. Many of the items between the cognitively impaired and intact elderly
assess the vegetative or somatic symptoms of (Cornu 1975, Jonsson et al 1977). In the clinical
depression that may also be associated with age- setting, the prevalence and intensity of painful
related increases in comorbidity, including pain, conditions (Marzinski 1991, Parmelee et al 1993,
independent of depression. This would inflate the Scherder et al 1999) and administration of analgesic
scores obtained on these scales by the elderly, medications (Scherder and Bouma 2000) decrease
especially those with chronic pain (Irwin et al 1999, as dementia progresses. However, these results
Papassotiropoulos and Heun 1999). Clinicians and must be interpreted with great caution because a
researchers are advised to use only scales validated reliable and valid assessment protocol has yet to be
for younger and older people with chronic pain developed. Among the cognitively impaired
(Gagliese 2001). elderly who are capable of verbal report, memory
and language impairments may confound reports
of pain independent of actual changes in the
Chronic pain and impairment experience of pain (Farrell et al 1996).
Both chronic pain (Brattberg et al 1989) and Consistent with this, several problems have
increasing age (Forbes et al 1991) are associated been identified regarding self-report of pain among
with impairment in functional abilities and the people with mild to moderate cognitive impair-
performance of activities of daily living (ADL). ment. Not surprisingly, many patients are unable to
Elderly people with chronic pain report more complete self-report measures (Ferrell et al 1995,
disability and ADL impairment than pain-free Miller et al 1996, Hadjistavropoulos et al 1997, Feldt
elderly people (March et al 1998, Scudds and et al 1998). Among those who can, the validity and
Robertson 2000). However, several studies have not reliability of the responses remain to be established
found this relationship (Roy and Thomas 1987, (Ferrell et al 1995, Feldt et al 1998, Weiner et al
Ross and Crook 1998, Werner et al 1998). 1999). These studies have not provided evidence
There has been insufficient empirical attention that the cognitively impaired patients understood
to age differences in the relationship between pain, the demands of the task. Specifically, it is not clear
disability, and adaptation. Older and younger that the protocols assessed each patient’s under- 563
Special problems of assessment and management

standing of the concept of pain or of the method dwelling (Roy and Thomas 1987, Woo et al 1994)
used to quantify intensity. The challenge of dev- and 16–27% of institutionalized elderly do not
eloping a reliable, quantitative pain assessment receive any treatment for their pain (Roy and
instrument for use with this population remains. Thomas 1986, Lichtenberg and McGrogan 1987).
An alternative to self-report may be to rely on Although inadequate pain management is not
the observation of pain behaviours or facial limited to the elderly, several unique factors may
expressions. This may be especially important as contribute to the poor treatment of pain in this
dementia progresses and self-report becomes group. These include, but are not limited to,
impossible. At this point, valuable information may increased risks of pharmacotherapy, misconcep-
be obtained from significant others (Werner et al tions regarding the efficacy of non-pharmacological
1998) or through direct observation of behaviour pain management strategies, and a reluctance to
(Weiner et al 1996), especially abrupt changes in offer multidisciplinary treatments to the elderly.
behaviour or disruption in usual functioning
(Marzinski 1991). Several pain behaviour checklists
have been developed for this group (Hurley et al
Pharmacological therapy
1992, Feldt et al 1998), although the full-range of Pharmacotherapy, including the use of opioids, is
their psychometric properties remains to be estab- safe for the elderly when used with appropriate
lished (Gagliese 2001). Interestingly, pain behaviours medical supervision (Popp and Portenoy 1996).
may be more frequent among cognitively impaired Nonetheless, it is well documented that the elderly
than intact patients (Feldt et al 1998). As yet, it is not are more likely than younger patients to develop
clear which behaviours are most important for the adverse reactions to most classes of analgesic drugs
assessment of pain nor how the behaviours change at much lower dosages (Popp and Portenoy 1996).
with the progression of dementia. This may be due to age-associated changes in the
Facial expressions may provide reliable indicators metabolism and clearance rates of drugs which
of painful states among nonverbal populations lead to altered pharmacokinetics and pharmaco-
(Craig et al 2001). However, there is little infor- dynamics (Popp and Portenoy 1996). The AGS
mation regarding the facial expression of pain (American Geriatrics Society) Panel on Chronic
among the demented elderly. In three small studies, Pain in Older Persons (1998) has developed detailed
an increase in the number of facial movements clinical practice guidelines, which are applicable
during exposure to noxious stimuli was found, but to all classes of analgesic medication. Because
the responses were highly variable. Specific facial pharmacotherapy requires special attention in
movements associated with pain could not be this group, it is important to recognize that there
identified, and complex facial expressions were not are alternative, potentially safer, modalities of
seen (Asplund et al 1991, Porter et al 1996, therapy available for chronic pain management.
Hadjistavropoulos et al 1997). Interestingly, in These include both physical and psychological
response to venipuncture, the cognitively impaired treatments.
demonstrated blunted physiological responses
(heart rate) but increased facial expressiveness
during the actual stick (Porter et al 1996). The
Psychological treatment
authors speculate that this may be related to the The efficacy of psychological interventions for the
impaired elderly subjects’ inability to prepare for management of chronic pain has been well
the aversive event leading to greater ‘surprise’ and established for younger patients (Gatchel and Turk
expression during the event than is experienced by 1996). Comparable data from elderly samples are
cognitively intact elderly. On the other hand, the limited yet promising (Gagliese and Melzack
apparent dissociation between physiological and 1997b). The elderly have been shown to benefit
facial responses may be related to generalized from cognitive-behavioural therapy (Puder 1988),
emotional disinhibition rather than pain perception relaxation and biofeedback training (Nicholson and
per se among the cognitively impaired elderly Blanchard 1993), and behaviour therapy (Miller
(Porter et al 1996). and LeLieuvre 1982). In some of these studies, the
elderly made treatment gains comparable to those
Management of pain in the of younger patients (Middaugh et al 1988, Puder
1988), although modifications to the interventions
elderly may be required to maximize compliance and
Many elderly people do not receive adequate pain treatment benefits (Arena et al 1988, 1991). These
564 treatment. Approximately 47–80% of community- modifications have not been tested with younger
patients and may prove to be of equal benefit across
Pain in the elderly

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Age and sex differences


Sex and gender differences in pain

Anita Holdcroft and Karen J Berkley

Introduction epidemiology, disease prevalence, psychophysics,

and reproductive variations.
In the past decade, increasing societal respect for
sex and gender differences has widely influenced
basic and clinical research, from molecular-genetic
to sociocultural, as well as public policy on health,
Epidemiology and sex prevalence in
resulting in an expanding literature (Wisemann and disease
Pardue 2001). In this context, gender is defined as Community epidemiological studies consistently
the sex with which an individual identifies. reveal (Unruh 1996, Berkley 1997a) that women
Evidence for sex and gender differences in pain has compared to men report more severe pain intensity,
developed significantly leading to reviews by more frequent pain, pain in more areas of the body,
Fillingim and Maixner (1995), Jensvold et al (1996), and pain of longer duration.
Unruh (1996), Berkley (1997a), Ciccone and In addition there are many painful diseases that
Holdcroft (1998), Riley et al (1998), and Fillingim have female > male prevalence (Table 39.1, Berkley
(2000). Significant advances have occurred in our and Holdcroft 1999), e.g., those sited in the head
understanding of pain modulation from fetus to and neck, those of musculoskeletal origin, those in
old age, with concomitant development of new the visceral/internal organs, and those of auto-
therapeutic strategies for individuals of either sex immune aetiology. Some authors have attributed
in pain. This chapter summarizes the evidence for this apparent female vulnerability to an increased
sex differences in pain, the mechanisms that might willingness for women to report pain and seek
underlie them, the clinical relevance of this health care. While that may be a factor, it is only one
information, and future directions. of many. Thus, much of the female prevalence can
be accounted for by parturition or gynaecological
problems. In addition, overall prevalence patterns
in both sexes for many types of pain (such as those
What are the differences? of temporomandibular joint disorder, fibromyalgia,
Evidence for sex differences in human pain derives migraine, chest, abdomen, and joints) change
from four main areas of research: community across the lifespan (Von Korff et al 1988, LeResche 569
Special problems of assessment and management

Table 39.1 Sex prevalence of some common painful finally, in the context of major disease or illness, sex
syndromes and potential contributing causesa differences in pain reports disappear (Turk and
Okifuji 1998). Thus, while overall women are more
vulnerable than men to acute, intermittent, and
chronic pain, the pertinent individual circum-
stances vary and there are many exceptions (Unruh

Psychophysical studies
A meta-analysis of experimental psychophysical
studies of healthy individuals on sex differences in
the attribution of somatic stimulation as painful
showed that women have lower pain thresholds,
higher ratings, and less tolerance than men (Riley et
al 1998). Thus, even in safe experimental settings
where the subject experiences brief pain, females
generally report more pain than men. Is this pain
sensitivity a response bias or ‘somatosensory
amplification’ or a greater awareness of potential
harm, or are other factors operative (Berkley
The direction of the sex differences are affected
by stimulus type and presentation. Thus, pressure
and electrical stimuli produce larger sex differences
than thermal or ischaemic stimuli (Riley et al 1998),
but when thermal stimuli are delivered repeatedly
the difference increases (Fillingim et al 1998). Sex
differences are also affected by the testing paradigm
(e.g., thresholds vs tolerance; Riley et al 1998), the
stimulus location (males show greater sensitivity
than females when the stimuli are applied to areas
near the genitalia; Giamberardino et al 1997),
situational variables (e.g., sex and attractiveness of
the experimenter, or whether the setting is a clinic
or science laboratory), and psychological variables,
such as anxiety, or efficacy and control beliefs.
Physiological factors are also important: blood
pressure is inversely related to pain sensitivity, even
for normotensive subjects (Fillingim and Maixner
1996); the presence of stress induces analgesia, the
effects being different in the two sexes (Sternberg
and Liebeskind 1995); nutrition (sugar and fat in-
take) and the presence of certain disease conditions
can significantly increase or decrease pain sensi-
tivity (Berkley 1997a).
et al 1997, LeResche and Von Korff 1998). Thus, the
sex prevalence of some painful disorders can Reproductive biology/gynaecology/
diminish or reverse with age. Further complicating
the issue is that in some disorders, such as irritable
bowel syndrome, acute appendicitis, migraine New data from humans and animals are emerging
headaches, rheumatoid arthritis, and coronary that clinical and experimental pain can vary with
heart disease, the clinical signs differ between the reproductive status, especially at puberty, during
570 sexes (Berkley 1997a, b; Weyand et al 1998). And the reproductive cycle, pregnancy, postpartum,
menopause, and andropause, and in situations
Sex and gender differences in pain

(Sohrabji et al 1994, Scoville et al 1997, Villablanca

where exogenous sex hormones are administered and Hanley 1997).
(Murray and Holdcroft 1989; Fillingim and
Maixner 1995; Marcus 1995; Unruh 1996; Berkley
1997a, b; Jones 1997; Fillingim et al 1998; LeResche Physiology
and Von Korff 1998). Interestingly the reported
Women relative to men have a higher percentage
effects vary but overall the important conclusion is
body fat, smaller muscle mass, lower blood
that there is more variability in women’s pains than
pressure, amd fluctuations associated with repro-
in men.
ductive conditions in gastrointestinal time, urinary
creatinine clearance, metabolism, and thermo-
How might these differences regulation. These differences in body composition
have implications not only for sex prevalence
occur? differences in pain sites (e.g., musculoskeletal), but
The varied and sometimes contradictory findings also for drug pharmacodynamics and pharmaco-
of the many studies of sex differences in both kinetics (Jensvold et al 1996, Ciccone and Holdcroft
experimentally induced and endogenous pain, 1998). Furthermore, pain estimates are inversely
together with fluctuations associated with repro- proportional to resting blood pressure, a situation
ductive and hormonal status, necessitate a con- that, due to higher blood pressure in males, may
sideration of potential mechanisms derived from be one of the contributors to male hypoalgesia
diverse fields of research on animals and humans. relative to silent ischaemia (Fillingim and Maixner
Genetic differences in pain-related traits have been Anatomy
increasingly studied (Mogil et al 1996, 2000). These Differences in pelvic organ structures and arrange-
differences can manifest themselves in several ments create large sex differences in pain (see Chap.
ways: 12). In addition, as argued by Berkley (1997a), sex
(1) Sex-linked genetic diseases associated with differences in the reproductive tract create in
pain syndromes, e.g., haemophilia, porphyria, and females a greater vulnerability to both local and
the X-linked recessive type of peroneal muscular remote central sensitization. This situation could
atrophy (Charcot–Marie–Tooth, Merskey and partly explain the greater vulnerability in women
Bogduk 1994). for multiple referred pains, particularly in muscles
(2) Metabolizing enzyme systems such as sex- and the clinical signs of diseases, e.g., coronary
related genetic variations in the cytochrome P450 heart disease (Douglas and Ginsberg 1996, described
enzyme family (Jensvold et al 1996, Ciccone and later).
Holdcroft 1998).
(3) Differences in both nociception and responses
to manipulations of exogenous and endogenous
analgesics in rodents. Using quantitative trait locus There are enormous sex differences in responses to
(QTL) mapping techniques, Mogil et al (1997a) and the effects of stress in every realm of biology,
localized a male-specific QTL on chromosome 4 including the hypothalamic–pituitary axis, which,
that appears to account for variability between two while most well known for the integration of sexual
strains of mice in δ-opioid associated nociception as and reproductive functions, is differentially
assessed by the hot-plate assay method. This same affected by stress in males and females (Aloisi et al
group also localized, on chromosome 8, a female- 1996; Aloisi 1997, 2000); exercise-induced cardio-
specific QTL that accounts for variability in stress- vascular, respiratory, and pain responses, studied
induced analgesia (SIA; Mogil et al 1997b). They mainly in the context of angina, that differ in males
concluded that it may be part of the basis for a and females (Forslund et al 1998); mechanisms of
female-specific SIA mechanism in rats that is onto- stress-induced analgesia that exhibit sex differences
genetically organized, is non-opioid, varies with in opioid/non-opioid involvement (Sternberg et al
reproductive status, and is oestrogen-dependent. 1995, Sternberg and Liebeskind 1995); and stressful
(4) Oestrogen regulation of gene expression, major life events accompanied by changes in sex
recently discovered in rats for neurofilament steroid hormones (puberty, pregnancy, parturition,
proteins, nerve growth factor, and substance P menopause, andropause; Jones 1997). 571
Special problems of assessment and management

information accumulates, hormone manipulation

Sex steroid hormones
may become a positive adjuvant for the treatment
The influence of gonadal hormones has been of hormone-related painful conditions.
described as having ‘organizing’ or ‘activating’
effects. Organizing effects occur during embryonic
development to set up sex differences in the adult Central nervous system function and
that are either independent of or activated by neuroactive agents
contemporary hormonal conditions. For hormone- Although many would agree that there are sex dif-
dependent situations, three aspects are relevant: ferences in the brain and spinal cord, the evidence
cellular genomic and non-genomic activity, sex for and functional significance of sex differences
hormone concentrations and their dynamics, and in the size of these differences is debatable (e.g.,
changes across the lifespan from embryo to Bishop and Wahlsten 1997). The organizing and
senescence. activating effects of sex steroid hormones on CNS
Sex steroid cellular organizing and activating pain mechanisms (Jensvold et al 1996, Majewska
effects modify the functions of virtually every organ, 1996) is at present largely unknown, mainly because
e.g., metabolism (drug action discussed later); the the relevance and importance of these influences is
immune system (painful autoimmune diseases are only now being appreciated by pain researchers
up to nine times more common in women; Fox (Ruda 1998). It is likely that the relationship will
1995); trauma-induced inflammation (modulated prove to be wide ranging and complex.
by sex hormones, e.g., Ashcroft et al 1997, Roof et al
1997); the hypothalamic–pituitary axis (with inter- Brain imaging studies
actions between stress, pain, and cardiovascular The results of SPECT, PET, or fMRI activation
variables; Fillingim and Maixner 1995, Forslund et studies are consistent in two ways. Firstly, they
al 1998, Aloisi 2000); and neuroactive agents (dis- show surprising activations of widespread regions
cussed later). of the brain, including many not traditionally
As summarized in Table 39.2, it is known that associated with pain. Secondly, they show large
some clinical pains are influenced by changes in sex intersubject variations. Thus, there are multiple
hormones, but the mechanisms have not been CNS ‘targets’ within which sex steroid hormones,
studied intensively. Part of the problem is that until together with sociocultural and lifespan factors (see
recently most studies have not analysed these fac- later), can act in individuals to effect a myriad of
tors. Another reason is the difficulty of measuring sex differences in pain (Derbyshire 1997).
hormones (Stern and McClintock 1996). As more Two recent studies support this conclusion. The
first (Berman et al 2000) used PET to compare brain
Table 39.2 Clinical examples of alterations in pain activation patterns produced by distension of the
associated with alterations in the hormone milieu distal intestine in men and women suffering from
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) with normal sub-
Progesterone ↑ Migraine resolves during jects. There were no sex differences in the normal
pregnancy activation pattern, but in IBS the left prefrontal
Pains reduced midluteal cortex became more active, and the perigenual
(menstrual cycle)
Experimental animal
anterior cingulate cortex less active. Among the IBS
nociception is reduced patients, activation was observed in the right
during lactation premotor cortex and left anterior insula only in the
men. The second study (Becerra et al 1998) used
Oestrogen ↓ Joint pains increase after the
menopause fMRI to compare brain activation patterns induced
by noxious thermal stimulation in men and women
Testosterone ↓ Angina frequency increases in two stages of their menstrual cycle (midfollicular
in older men
stage—low progesterone/oestradiol, high testo-
Testosterone ↑ Cluster headaches in men at sterone, and midluteal stage—high progesterone/
puberty oestradiol, low testosterone). Their results showed
Progesterone, oestrogen, Decreased abdominal pain, similar patterns of activation of multiple regions in
and testosterone ↓ migraine, tension headaches men and women in their midfollicular stage, but
significant reduction of activity in the anterior
Progesterone, oestrogen, Increased
and testosterone ↑ temporomandibular joint
cingulate, insula, and frontal lobes in women
pain during their midluteal phase, despite identical pain
572 ratings in the two phases. These data suggest that if
we are to understand sex differences and other Central sensitization
Sex and gender differences in pain

individual variations in pain mechanisms, it is The now-popular concept of central sensitization is

imperative to adopt some form of an ‘ensemble’ (or an important component of putative neural mech-
‘distributed’) conceptualization of neural mechan- anisms underlying hyperalgesia and persistent
isms for pain in which the brain networks that create pain, and involves changes in gene expression
pain in an individual can vary between individuals related to NMDA, cytokines, growth factors, exci-
and with experience within an individual (Melzack tatory amino acids (e.g., glutamate), and peptides
1989, Berkley and Hubscher 1995). such as substance P and CGRP. As discussed above,
One of the interesting outcomes of imaging all of these agents are potently affected by sex
studies of pain is the activation of regions of areas steroids and some show sex differences, suggesting
normally thought of as ‘motor’, which fits with the that reproductive and/or hormonal status at the
view that pain is a context-dependent experience time of trauma may be important for the
created by the nervous system as a means to subsequent development of chronic pains.
motivate the individual to plan her/his own care
(Wall 1994). As discussed above, some of these CNS opioid sensitivity
regions, for example, cerebellum, striatum, and
There appear to be organizationally determined sex
inferior olive, show potent sex differences in sex
differences in CNS sensitivity to opioids. Studies
steroidal influences on their somatosensory
show that female compared with male rats have
opioid, oestrogen-dependent SIA (see above).
Activating effects of sex steroid hormones Human studies of acute dental pain indicate that κ
opioids may produce greater analgesia in females
Sex steroids exert sex-specific effects on neurones
than males (Gear et al 1996), an observation that
throughout the CNS in regions associated not only
likely relates to the finding that analgesia during
with reproductive but also ‘non-reproductive’
pregnancy in rats involves a κ-opioid mechanism
functions (McEwen and Alves 1999). The pain-
(Dawson-Basoa and Gintzler 1996). These data may
related consequences of such effects are only just
prove to be one of the contributory components for
beginning to be appreciated (Berkley et al 2002).
females seemingly having a wider range of
The effects are exerted directly or via modification
mechanisms than men for alleviating pain.
of the action of other neuroactive agents such
as preproenkephalin, enkephalins, dopamine,
serotonin, galanin, N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA), Lifespan events, lifestyle, and
γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamate, cholecysto- sociocultural roles
kinin, bombesin, substance P, neurokinin A, nitric
oxide, cytokines, and growth factors, located in Individual differences in pain are clearly influenced
‘non-reproductive’ areas (such as the neocortex, by major life events (e.g., associated with repro-
hippocampus, basal forebrain, striatum, central ductive status and ageing), by personal charac-
grey, cerebellum, inferior olive, dorsal column and teristics (termed ‘lifestyle’), and by sociocultural
trigeminal nuclei, and spinal cord) where there are roles. Despite their psychological importance, these
one or more of the following: quantitative sex factors have been only loosely integrated into
differences in their distribution; quantititive varia- our conceptualizations of pain mechanisms and
tions in immunoreactivity, receptors, or function individualized treatment strategies. However, this
with reproductive status; colocalization with sex situation is changing as society moves away from
steroid hormones or their receptors; and modula- disease models. One emerging direction is to
tion by hormones of their gene expression (for explore how the changing characteristics of each
detailed discussion and references see Berkley and stage of development accumulate their potential
Holcroft 1999). influences on sex differences.

Sympathetic nervous system Fetus, childhood, puberty

The organization of the sympathetic nervous sys- Major sex differences in future bodily structure,
tem and neuromodulatory action of its adrenergic physiology, and brain function (including some
and other chemicals (e.g., nitric oxide and purinergic aspects of nociceptive sensitivity and stress modu-
agents) may increase female vulnerability to lation) are organized during fetal life, gradually
neuropathic and ‘sympathetically mediated’ pain manifesting themselves during childhood. These
conditions (Coyle et al 1995, Newton and Hamill factors, together with family lifestyle and schooling,
1996, Berkley 1997a). all influenced by sociocultural sex roles, operate 573
Special problems of assessment and management

uniquely on each child, gradually producing over- strategy of marshalling multiple approaches to
all sex-specific patterns of reported pain sensitivity deal with it. The repetitive pain cycles of dys-
and other behaviours. During puberty and ado- menorrhoea, pregnancy, and parturition exaggerate
lescence, dramatic alterations in hormonal status lifestyle differences. Severe dysmenorrhoea suffered
(Jones 1997) exert their activating effects to produce by a substantial proportion of women induces a
lifelong sex-specific traits. It is at this time that constant and generalized muscle hyperalgesia
some pain-relevant, sex-different lifestyle patterns (Giamberardino et al 1997). During pregnancy and
begin to be established, all influenced by the cul- premenstrually, fluid retention can increase tissue
tural milieu, such as tendency towards risk-taking pressure around nerves, thereby precipitating or
behaviours (smoking, dangerous activities, violent exacerbating painful neuropathies such as carpal
behaviours), occupational goals, social roles, and tunnel syndrome and lateral femoral cutaneous
attitudes towards injury and disease in both oneself nerve pain (Zager et al 1998). The trauma
and others. Sex differences in some painful dis- associated with parturition clearly generates its
orders also emerge at this time (e.g., cluster own extremely severe pain (Melzack 1993), and can
headaches in males, dysmenorrhoea in females). increase the severity of postpartum pain after
subsequent deliveries (Murray and Holdcroft 1989)
Fertile adulthood as well as sensitivity to noxious stimulation in a
It is during the long period of fertile adulthood that manner similar to that in men resulting from
an individual’s occupation, social roles, and life- comparable experiences, such as severe injury
style, while slowly changing, become entrenched. sustained during war or sport, a phenomenon that
Although societal attitudes are evolving in many appears to be associated with long-term changes in
cultures, most women still predominate as care- gene expression induced by injury in animals.
givers and organizers with wide-ranging obligations
and duties spanning family and workplace realms, Menopause, andropause, and senescence
while men still predominate in aggressive and Following the fertile years, there is at first, for
focused, physically demanding occupational and women, a 5- to 10-year period of menopausal
leisure activities with a relatively narrower range alterations in hormone patterns terminating in their
than women of social obligations and duties. Such sharp decline, while in men more complex changes
differences have enormous implications for sex in hormone metabolism occur over a longer period
differences as follows: vulnerability to different between the ages of about 48 and 70 (Vermeulen
types of injury (work- or sport-related for men; 2000). Accompanying these alterations are changes
assault/rape for women); greater female duty, in general metabolism, physiology, and structure.
obligations, and willingness to seek health care; Lifestyle changes also occur relatively rapidly
higher female sensitivity towards the recognition of during this period, as children leave home and both
conditions as being ‘painful’ (i.e., those that occupational duties and leisure activities are
demand tending) both in others and in themselves; altered. An increasing disease burden arises for
greater female freedom to access health care; and, both sexes, with alterations of drug metabolism
finally, sex-specific attitudes of health care givers that while most dramatic for women also occur in
towards the significance of pain in their patients. men, and with modified attitudes towards and
Lifestyle differences present as injury-induced access of health care. While the net result is a
conditions, such as brachial plexus neuropathy, decrease in many sex differences in pain, especially
more commonly in men (e.g., motor bike crashes), as chronic disease burden becomes significant in
and pelvic pains, more commonly in women both sexes (Turk and Okifuju 1998), sex differences
(physical assault; see Chap. 10). Smoking- and in strategic therapeutic approaches by individuals
alcohol-associated disorders are more common in persist.
men, e.g., thromboangiitis obliterans (Buerger’s
disease), which, interestingly, is increasing in What are the clinical
women because more are smoking. Gallbladder
disorders are more common in women, but sex
differences in lifestyle are only part of a complex Clearly, diagnostic and treatment strategies are best
multifactorial aetiology that can be traced to a carried out by focusing on the individual, regard-
combination of nutritional, metabolic pathways, less of sex. However, as more information accumu-
and hormone effects. lates and is classified, sex differences in reported
Sex differences in lifestyle explain in large part pain experience and pain mechanisms will have
574 female vulnerability to pain, with its companion increasingly potent and useful implications for
both diagnosis and treatment as well as for health
Sex and gender differences in pain

adjustments. Often now only one is selected by a

economics. clinician (primarily drugs), but strategies are slowly
changing towards suitable combinations chosen in
partnership with the patient. Each category is
Diagnosis considered with a view to developing strategies for
It is during the first steps of the diagnostic process pain relief that include considerations of the patient’s
(symptoms, signs, and drug usage) that knowledge sex and reproductive condition. Pain therapies
about sex differences will lead clinicians to improve targeted to incorporate management supportive of
their differential diagnoses and treatment decisions. individual variations have implications for health
Details to be obtained include signs and symptoms economics as follows: diagnostic strategies lead to
that are distant as well as focused on the presenting more effective treatments; awareness of simpler
illness; the timing characteristics of those symp- forms of somatic and situational therapies for men
toms (by memory and diary); family history of could reduce costs; recognition of sex differences in
painful disease and how it was dealt with; history pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in the
of major life events; detailed characteristics of the early stages of drug trials could improve safety and
individual’s lifestyle (including such things as risk- effectiveness in the general population; and
taking behaviours, smoking, occupational goals, estimates of quality assurance could be improved if
leisure activities, attitudes towards health care); the results were stratified by sex- and hormone-
and reproductive status. related factors.
For women such details will include knowledge
of parosity, menstrual history, or menopausal status
(possibly with hormone levels) and for both sexes Potential sources of sex differences in drug
usage of supplemental hormones. Other relevant action Body composition and sex hormone-related
details for both sexes include a history of abuse or differences between women and men can modify
other trauma, and assessment of tenderness or pain drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics
symptoms throughout the body, including ‘minor’ (Jensvold et al 1996, Ciccone and Holdcroft 1998).
complaints the patient discounts or fails to report. Potential sources of sex differences in pharmaco-
To examine how this strategy could improve kinetics include drug absorption, protein binding,
diagnosis, let us consider coronary heart disease as volume of distribution, renal excretion, total drug
an example. When a patient presents with chest clearance, and metabolism (Gleiter and Gundert-
pain, it is often difficult to assess whether coronary Remy 1996).
artery disease is present, and whether further Regarding absorption, women are affected by
invasive and expensive testing is necessary. Douglas changes in gastric function during the menstrual
and Ginsberg (1996) have developed a clear set of cycle, leading to decreased absorption during the
sex differential features. periovulatory stage (mid-cycle) of some drugs such
The likelihood of coronary heart disease in as aspirin (and alcohol). Intestinal transit times are
women is higher than men if: (1) pain distribution longer for women in the late luteal phase, as well as
is altered, e.g., chest pain is present at rest, or on during pregnancy and hormone supplementation.
exercise other symptoms such as neck and shoulder Regarding protein binding, levels of α1-acid
pain are present apart from typical angina; (2) glycoprotein are slightly lower in women than in
diabetes or other associated medical conditions men and change with birth control medication and
are present, and (3) in the elderly hypertension is pregnancy, so that free lidocaine (lignocaine) is
present. Thus, when a patient presents with increased if used in nerve blocks.
‘atypical’ chest pain, it might not in the past have Body compositional differences would seem
been considered relevant to ask about other pains. relevant to the volume of distribution, but they
However, by including as diagnostic a detailed appear not to be, even if the drug is highly lipo-
history of pain complaints and their distribution, as philic. They do, however, alter renal excretion. Crea-
well as, particularly for the postmenopausal woman, tinine clearance is higher in men than in women,
observing that she is diabetic and hypertensive, because of a larger muscle mass and glomerular
could be lifesaving. filtration being proportional to body weight. When
total drug clearance is considered, measurements
do not differentiate between the various excretory
Therapy processes. Age is an important factor in this process
There are three broad categories of pain therapies— and clear sex differences have been demonstrated
drugs, somatic manipulations, and situational for the short-acting opioid drug alfentanil (Lemmens 575
Special problems of assessment and management

et al 1990). Thus, in females and males of similar by titrating dosage in women to account for
weight, total median alfentanil clearance was highest variations with age (e.g., alfentanil). Adjustments
in women less than 50 years of age, decreasing of dosage by sex, reproductive status, and
thereafter to rates similar to men at older ages. supplemental hormone use may improve
The sex-specific effects in hepatic metabolism of efficacy for analgesics and their adjuvants.
drugs are, firstly, that some components of the • While a cyclical history of pain may or may not
CYP2 enzyme family display genetic poly- be diagnostic of any particular pain condition,
morphism, and some of the CYP3 family (that its impact could be used to better advantage,
metabolize drugs such as lidocaine (lignocaine) and e.g., increasing the drug dose just before pain is
midazolam) are regulated by androgens. Secondly, expected to increase and reducing it when pain
exogenous sex steroid hormones can have facili- decreases. Such strategies could also be
tatory or inhibitory activity on drug-metabolizing coordinated with other therapies, such as
enzyme systems; e.g., the half-life of prednisolone exercise titrated to cyclical conditions. For
used as an adjunct in pain medication increases when example, in women with rheumatoid arthritis
birth control medication is prescribed. Thirdly, who exhibit exacerbations of their pain and
there are quantitative and qualitative differences mobility perimenstrually, doses of their non-
in enzyme activity; e.g., the metabolic fate of steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
mephobarbital, a chiral anticonvulsant, is sex might be increased perimenstrually and
specific, with its clearance greater and elimination activities requiring dexterity scheduled during
half-life shorter in young men than in women or other menstrual stages (Wetherby 1995).
older men (Hooper and Qing 1990). Thus as chiral • Because of drug interactions, it is important to
drugs are introduced to reduce the side effects of collect information routinely about the patient’s
racemic mixtures or to enhance potency, some may supplemental sex hormone usage (as well as
be metabolized in a sex-specific manner. other medications) and to adjust drug choice
In the developing area of human sex differences and dose appropriately. Safety could be further
in pharmacodynamics, the analgesic effectivess of improved for some drugs by using dosing
partial κ opioids such as nalbuphine, buprenophine, schedules related to body weight.
and pentazocine for postoperative pain relief, • Adjuvant hormones or similar agents are likely
compared with morphine, was significantly better to prove useful as important components of
in young females than in males (Gear et al 1996). pain prevention and management.
Because, as described above, sex hormones have • The speed with which new clinically applicable
been shown in animals to affect the function of many information is being published on sex and
neuroactive agents associated with pain, it is likely hormonal influences on the efficacy and safety
that new drugs with similar mechanisms will also of all drugs (including those used for pain
exhibit sex differences in their pharmacodynamics. management) warrants continuous attention by
Adverse drug events At least two aspects of
drug usage lead to sex differences in adverse Future drug development and clinical trials
effects. Firstly, the prevalence of such effects is Sex differences and hormone interactions in the
twice as much for women than men (Haddi et al specificity of pharmacological action and half-life
1990), probably not a result of differences in body or clearance are likely for some new drugs, par-
composition (e.g., weight), but of drug sensitivity ticularly chiral forms. If such factors were con-
and interactions through increased use by sidered initially at the outset of drug development,
women of all medications including supplemental needless potential adverse drug effects may be
hormones (25% of childbearing women, Jensvold et avoided or differences in effectiveness discovered.
al 1996). Secondly, new evidence is emerging for This same logic applies to phase-one (toxicity)
sex differences in side effects of drugs. For example, trials, which in the United States, but not Europe,
morphine reduces the slope of the ventilatory are now being carried out routinely in both sexes.
response to carbon dioxide more in young adult During all clinical trials, much is to be gained from
women than in men (Dahan et al 1998). analyses stratified by sex, age, menstrual stage, meno-
pause, andropause, and supplemental hormone use.
Implications for drugs currently in use for pain
• The efficacy of some classes of drugs (such as Somatic (physical) interventions
opioids) could be improved by selecting Little is known about sex differences in the
576 different specific agonists for women and men or effectiveness of some of the simpler forms of
somatic therapies. Nevertheless, women are gener-
Sex and gender differences in pain

pations, but whatever the cause(s), it is important

ally more willing to use effective forms such as to consider that males more than females need edu-
relaxation, heat or cold application, massage, and cation and encouragement to consider situational
vibration, suggesting that men might benefit if adjustments, including not only changes in their
encouraged and educated. Interestingly, psycho- personal environment (music, diet, meditation,
physical studies in healthy women show that their etc.), but also in their use of various interactive
sensitivity to some forms of somatic stimuli services. In addition, the clinician should recognize
(pressure, thermal) can change with menstrual that her/his attitudes are also major factors. These
status (see above), which could affect efficacy when attitudes, warranting continual reassessment,
heat, cold, vibration, or massage is used for pain include the clinician’s general beliefs about the
alleviation by women. Regarding exercise and differences between women and men in the
physical therapy, sports medicine studies report validity of their pain reports or responses to treat-
greater risks of injury in women than men (Jones et ment, and about the value of various situational
al 1993), and more problems for women peri- manipulations (Unruh 1996, Berkley 1997a).
menstrually. In addition, the differences in exercise-
induced cardiovascular responses in males and Deliberate combinations of therapies
females may affect pain either by way of the The treatment plan that best serves these objectives
relationship between blood pressure and pain is a design incorporating a flexible combination of
discussed above or by other mechanisms (Fillingim drugs, somatic therapies, and situational manipu-
and Maixner 1996, Forslund et al 1998). For surgical lations. The different approach by men and women
interventions, emerging evidence suggests that to seek and combine therapies should be ration-
hormonal or menstrual status may in some cases alized so that the wide array of strategies is selected
affect surgical outcome through changes in vas- on individual and research evidence (diagnosis,
cular growth factors (Hrushesky 1996). Therapists age, sex, etc) rather than at random.
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Neuropathic and burn pain


Peripheral neuropathic pain: an

approach to management
Howard L Fields

Introduction stimulation with mildly noxious stimuli. Third,

neuropathic pain commonly has a burning and/or
Pain is characteristic of some peripheral neuropathic shooting quality with numbness, tingling, crawling,
diseases (e.g., diabetic and alcohol-deficiency or electrical sensations (dysaesthesiae). When these
neuropathies and herpes zoster). There are two features are present, the diagnosis of neuropathic
broad classes of patients with painful peripheral pain is likely.
nerve disease: focal and multifocal (e.g., traumatic,
ischaemic, inflammatory) or generalized (e.g.,
toxic/metabolic, hereditary, or inflammatory).
Although our knowledge of the mechanisms of
Mechanisms that may contribute
peripheral neuropathic pain has grown, treatment to neuropathic pain (See Chaps. 16–21)
remains largely empirical. This chapter outlines a
systematic approach to management.
Peripheral mechanisms
Sensitization and ectopic impulse
generation in primary afferent nociceptors
Diagnosis Injured peripheral nerves develop spontaneous
Peripheral neuropathic pain has several distinct activity and exquisite mechanical sensitivity (Wall
clinical characteristics. First, there is almost always and Gutnick 1974, Scadding 1981, Kajander and
an area of abnormal sensation and the patient’s Bennett 1992). Primary afferent axons need not be
maximum pain is topographically coextensive with transected to become hyperactive. Intact primary
an area of sensory deficit. The sensory deficit is afferent nociceptors in a partially damaged nerve
usually to noxious and thermal stimuli, indicating become spontaneously active (Bennett 1993, Ali
damage to small-diameter afferent fibres. Second, et al 1999). Furthermore, ectopic impulses may be
there is often a hyperpathic state characterized by generated at sites other than the damaged and
allodynia, summation, and radiation of pain. regenerating distal axon terminals. For example,
Allodynia is present when gentle mechanical when a peripheral nerve is damaged, a region near
stimuli evoke pain. Summation is the progressive the dorsal root ganglion (which is distant from the
worsening of pain evoked by slow repetitive site of injury) becomes capable of generating 581
Special problems of assessment and management

‘spontaneous’ impulses (Devor and Rappaport 1990, Bahns et al 1986, Bove and Light 1995), peripheral
Kajander et al 1992). nerve can be a source of pain in conditions with an
There is evidence that hyperactive nociceptors inflammatory component. Consistent with this
contribute to pain in patients with postherpetic idea, certain diseases are associated with localized
neuralgia (PHN). In some PHN patients pain relief pain and tenderness along the trunk of the nerve,
can be produced by cooling the skin, applying local rather than pain referred to its innervation territory.
anaesthetics or cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors topically The acute pain of a herniated inflamed disc, or that
(De Benedittis and Lorenzetti 1996, Rowbotham seen with brachial neuritis or acute inflammatory
et al 1996), or inactivating C nociceptors by repeated demyelinating neuropathy (Guillain–Barré syn-
application of capsaicin (Watson et al 1993). These drome), probably represents pain mediated by
observations indicate that sensitized C fibres can nociceptive nervi nervorum (Asbury and Fields 1984).
generate an ongoing discharge that contributes to In experimental animals, activation of macro-
neuropathic pain. phages and a proliferation of endoneurial blood
vessels have been demonstrated in injured periph-
Sympathetically maintained pain eral nerve (Sommer and Myers 1996). The cytokine
Causalgia is the classic example of a sympathetically tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) produced by
maintained pain associated with nerve injury. It is activated macrophages is a potential cause of pain
characterized by autonomic changes, severe allo- (Sommer et al 1998, Wagner et al 1998) by inducing
dynia, and a distal burning sensation exacerbated ectopic activity in primary afferent nociceptors
by cold and strong emotions (Mitchell 1865). Early (Sorkin et al 1997). Consistent with this view, the
in the course of the disease, most patients obtain TNFα inhibitor thalidomide is reported to reduce
virtually complete relief with sympathetic blocks. pain in inflammatory lepromatous neuropathy
Damaged primary afferents including nociceptors (Partida-Sanchez et al 1998).
acquire adrenergic sensitivity (Devor and Janig
1981, Scadding 1981, Janig et al 1996). For example, Central mechanisms
electrical stimulation of the sympathetic trunk
can activate C nociceptors that have regenerated Central sensitization
following nerve injury (Habler et al 1987). Further- Prolonged or repeated activation of nociceptive C
more, after partial nerve injury, electrical stimulation fibres produces central sensitization so that
of the sympathetic trunk (Sato and Perl 1991) and innocuous stimuli produce pain (allodynia) and
local application of adrenergic agonists can activate noxious stimuli produce more intense pain
or sensitize intact unmyelinated nociceptors (Ali (hyperalgesia). Central sensitization occurs in any
et al 1999). Sympatholytic procedures can alleviate situation with prolonged or intense C-fibre input.
rodent pain behaviours that develop after partial In neuropathic pains like postherpetic neuralgia,
nerve injury (Shir and Seltzer 1991). where there is evidence of ongoing C-fibre activity,
These animal studies are supported by human central sensitization seems to play a significant role
research demonstrating that adrenaline (epinephrine) in maintaining pain and allodynia (Koltzenburg
applied directly to a neuroma produces severe et al 1992, Petersen et al 2000). Glutamate acting at
burning pain (Chabal et al 1992). Furthermore, the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor con-
intraoperative stimulation of the sympathetic chain tributes to central sensitization, and thus NMDA
increases spontaneous pain in patients with causalgia antagonists are potential therapeutic targets in
(Walker and Nulsen 1948). In post-traumatic some patients with neuropathic pain (Dougherty
neuralgias, intracutaneous application of nora- et al 1994, Dickenson 1997).
drenaline (norepinephrine) into a symptomatic area
rekindles spontaneous pain and mechanical hyper- Deafferentation hyperactivity
algesia after they are relieved by sympathetic Following dorsal rhizotomy or peripheral nerve
blockade (Torebjork et al 1995). Thus, damage to a damage, many dorsal horn cells begin to fire
peripheral nerve induces a novel state of sensitivity spontaneously at high frequencies (Lombard and
to sympathetic activity and noradrenaline (norep- Larabi 1983, Laird and Bennett 1993). Such a
inephrine) in primary afferent nociceptors. mechanism may underlie the pain that occurs
following extensive denervating injuries. For
Inflammation of the nerve trunk example, pain is a characteristic sequela of the
Because the connective tissue sheath surrounding a deafferentation produced by brachial plexus
peripheral nerve is innervated by nociceptive avulsion (Wynn-Parry 1980), and this pain seems
582 primary afferents (nervi nervorum) (Hromada 1963, to respond to surgical procedures that destroy
nociceptive dorsal horn neurons (Nashold and
Peripheral neuropathic pain: an approach to management
Pharmacological approaches
Ostdahl 1979).
Reorganization of the central connections Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs) are currently the
of primary afferents best documented therapy for neuropathic pain
In models of peripheral nerve injury, loss of the (Onghena and Van Houdenhove 1992, McQuay et al
central terminals of unmyelinated primary afferents 1996, Kingery 1997). These compounds are inhibitors
to dorsal horn neurons leads to sprouting of large- of the reuptake of monoaminergic transmitters. They
diameter primary afferents. These afferents, which are believed to potentiate the effects of biogenic
respond maximally to gentle mechanical stimulation, amines in CNS pain-modulating pathways. On the
sprout to directly innervate the deafferented other hand, the effectiveness of TCAs in neuro-
nociceptive dorsal horn neurons (Shortland and pathic pain may depend on their broad range of
Woolf 1993). Although it is difficult to prove that pharmacological actions. In addition to blocking
this is a mechanism of pain in any clinical situation, serotonin and noradrenaline (norepinephrine)
some patients with postherpetic neuralgia have reuptake, these drugs block voltage-dependent
exquisite allodynia in a region of skin that shows a sodium channels (Jett et al 1997) and α-adrenergic
profound nociceptive deficit (Baron and Saguer receptors. All three of these actions could con-
1993). tribute to their analgesic effect.
Of the TCAs, amitriptyline is currently the best
Loss of large-fibre afferent inhibition established for the treatment of chronic pain.
Because selective blockade of large-diameter Amitriptyline produces pain relief in diabetic
myelinated sensory axons increases pain, Melzack neuropathy and postherpetic neuralgia (McQuay et
and Wall (1965) proposed that these axons normally al 1996, Sindrup and Jensen 1999). The mean dose
inhibit pain-transmitting spinal-cord neurons and required for pain reduction (75–150 mg/day) is
that the pain of nerve injury is due to selective usually smaller than the doses necessary to achieve
damage to these large axons. This hypothesis antidepressant effects. Improvement of sleep, mood,
predicts that selective activation of large-diameter, and anxiety are an added benefit of antidepressant
non-nociceptive myelinated primary afferents, for therapy. Amitriptyline and other TCAs have
example by electrical stimulation of a peripheral significant side effects (Richelson 1990). They can
nerve, would decrease pain. In fact, there are cases produce orthostatic hypotension, due largely to an
of dramatic pain relief produced by transcutaneous α-adrenergic blocking action. Because of its histamine
electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) in patients receptor blockade, amitriptyline is also a potent
with painful traumatic mononeuropathies (Meyer sedating drug, which can be a desirable action if
and Fields 1972). Furthermore, there are reports patients are having difficulty sleeping. Other
that dorsal column stimulation, which would significant problems include urinary retention,
selectively activate the central branches of large- memory loss, and cardiac conduction abnormalities
diameter primary afferents, is effective for some (largely due to the muscarinic anticholinergic
patients with neuropathic pain (Broggi et al 1994, actions of the drug). Patients, especially the elderly,
Kumar et al 1996). Thus it seems likely that release who are to be treated with this drug should be
of dorsal horn pain transmission cells from started at a very low dose, even as low as 10 mg,
inhibition by myelinated axons contributes to the and built up slowly by about 25 mg every fourth
pain that occurs in some cases of peripheral nerve day until optimal pain relief is achieved.
injury. Desipramine and nortriptyline, both of which
have predominant noradrenaline (norepinephrine)
reuptake blocking action, appear to be almost as
The treatment of neuropathic effective as amitriptyline in postherpetic neuralgia
and painful diabetic neuropathy. Patients respond
pain to desipramine and nortriptyline at doses compar-
Except for trigeminal neuralgia, which responds able to those of amitriptyline but with fewer anti-
reliably and specifically to anticonvulsant med- cholinergic side effects and significantly less sedation.
ications, the treatment of neuropathic pain is largely All patients undergoing treatment with any
empirical and often unsatisfactory. Fortunately, TCA should have a cardiogram at the onset of
data from clinical trials have led to improvements treatment. Cardiac conduction defects are a contra-
in the medical management of neuropathic pain indication to their use. Plasma drug levels and
(Kingery 1997). repeated cardiograms should be taken if the dose 583
Special problems of assessment and management

is pushed above 100 mg/24 h, especially in elderly compared to TCAs has encouraged many physicians
or cognitively impaired patients. to use it as a first-line drug for nerve injury pain.
There are very few studies of antidepressants The antiarrhythmic drugs lidocaine (lignocaine),
other than TCAs for pain management. Serotonin mexiletine, and tocainide block voltage-dependent
selective reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are currently sodium channels. Caution should be exercised when
the most commonly used drugs for the treatment of administering these compounds. Contraindications
depression. SSRIs may have some efficacy for include electrocardiac abnormalities, reduced left
neuropathic pain but are significantly less effective ventricular function, and coronary heart disease.
than TCAs (Max et al 1992, McQuay et al 1996, Lidocaine (lignocaine) by intravenous infusion
Sindrup and Jensen 1999). Furthermore, there is produces significant relief for patients with post-
evidence that noradrenaline (norepinephrine) herpetic neuralgia (Rowbotham et al 1991), diabetic
reuptake blockade is more effective in producing neuropathy (Kastrup et al 1987), and a variety of
analgesia than pure serotonin reuptake blockade other neuropathic pain syndromes (Glazer and
(Atkinson et al 1999). On the other hand, SSRIs Portenoy 1991). Mexiletine has been shown to be
have virtually none of the serious side effects effective for pain in diabetic neuropathy (Dejgard
common with desipramine or amitriptyline. They et al 1988) and other peripheral neuropathic
are non-sedating, and devoid of the adrenergic-, conditions (Chabal et al 1992, Wallace et al 2000).
histaminergic-, and muscarinic-antagonist-induced A positive response to intravenous lidocaine
side effects. Thus, even if SSRIs are less effective for (lignocaine) significantly predicts longer-term relief
neuropathic pain per se, they are effective anti- with oral mexiletine (Galer et al 1996).
depressants and some patients report an improve-
ment in pain as their depression clears. Thus, when Drugs that affect gamma-aminobutyric
using antidepressants, especially in patients with acid receptors
clinically significant depression, the drug dose Several drugs that enhance or mimic the effects of
should be pushed until limiting side effects ensue the inhibitory transmitter gamma-aminobutyric
or the maximum recommended plasma concentration acid (GABA) are clinically available (Dickenson
is achieved. et al 1997). Baclofen is an agonist of the GABA-B
There are some newer antidepressants that are receptors and in the spinal cord acts presynaptically
neither TCAs nor SSRIs. Venlafaxine is an example to prevent the release of excitatory neurotransmitters.
of such a drug. It blocks both serotonin and Baclofen in useful in trigeminal neuralgia (Fields
noradrenaline (norepinephrine) reuptake (Lang 1996). Some GABA receptor modulating agents
et al 1996). There are some early positive reports on may have a place in the treatment of painful muscle
the usefulness of this drug (Sumpton and Moulin spasms, particularly when these are associated
2001). However, above a daily dose of 300 mg it has with spasticity. In some cases of neuropathic pain
a tendency to elevate blood pressure and to cause clonazepam has been shown to be effective
headaches. (Bartusch et al 1996).

Anticonvulsants and antiarrhythmics Opioid analgesics

In contrast to the antidepressants, anticonvulsants Opioids are clearly effective in postoperative,
such as phenytoin and carbamazepine are helpful inflammatory, and cancer pain. However, the use of
for a more restricted group of neuropathic pain narcotic analgesics for patients with chronic neuro-
patients. Carbamazepine is very effective in pathic pain is highly controversial, even among
trigeminal neuralgia (McQuay et al 1995, Fields experts in the field of pain management. Acute
1996). However, carbamazepine is less helpful in infusions of morphine or fentanyl give significant
other types of neuropathic pain. These anti- relief to patients with postherpetic neuralgia
convulsants are more likely to be helpful if a patient (Rowbotham et al 1991) and a mixed group of
reports pain with a sharp shooting or electric neuropathic pain patients respectively (Dellemijn
shock-like component. and Vanneste 1997). Furthermore, sustained efficacy
Gabapentin is an interesting drug that was has been demonstrated for oral oxycodone (Watson
originally developed and marketed for seizure and Babul 1998) and tramadol (Harati et al 2000) in
control. Its mechanism of action is unknown; postherpetic neuralgia and painful diabetic neuro-
however, recent placebo-controlled trials show that pathy respectively.
it is effective in diabetic neuropathy (Backonja et al Our (anecdotal) experience and that of others
1998) and postherpetic neuralgia (Rowbotham et al (Portenoy et al 1990) is that many patients with
584 1998). Its relatively benign side-effect profile pain due to central and peripheral nerve injury can
Peripheral neuropathic pain: an approach to management

be successfully and safely treated with stable doses

high concentrations (greater than 5%) of capsaicin
of narcotic analgesics. However, the use of opioids can produce prolonged pain relief in some patients
requires caution in patients with a history of with neuropathic pain (Robbins et al 1998).
chemical dependence or pulmonary disease. We This produces burning so severe that spinal
recommend using long-acting opioid analgesics anaesthesia is required for the patients to tolerate
(transdermal fentanyl, levorphanol, or a sustained- the procedure.
release morphine preparation) when alternative A second promising topical medication for
approaches to treatment have failed. neuropathic pain is local anaesthetics. The rationale
is similar to that discussed above in the section on
N-methyl-D-aspartate-receptor antagonists anticonvulsants and antiarrhymics. Efficacy for a 5%
Clinically available substances with N-methyl-D- patch preparation has been established (Rowbotham
aspartate (NMDA) receptor blocking properties et al 1995, 1996). Topical application of aspirin in
include ketamine, dextromethorphan, memantine, either a chloroform or ethyl ether suspension has
and amantadine. Typical side effects include seda- been reported to produce profound pain relief for
tion, nausea, disagreeable psychological disturbances, some patients with postherpetic neuralgia (King
and even frank hallucinations. 1988, De Benedittis and Lorenzetti 1996).
Studies of small cohorts have generally confirmed In summary, the medical management of neuro-
the analgesic effects of ketamine in patients pathic pain consists of four main classes of oral
suffering from post-herpetic neuralgia (Eide et al medication (serotonin/noradrenaline (norepinephrine)
1994, 1995) and other kinds of neuropathic pain reuptake blockers, anticonvulsants, antiarrhythmics,
(Eide et al 1995, Max et al 1995, Mercadante et al opioids) and several categories of topical medications
1995, Felsby et al 1996, Nikolajsen et al 1996). for patients with cutaneous hyperalgesia (cyclo-
Dextromethorphan was effective in painful diabetic oxygenase inhibitors, capsaicin in either 0.025 or
neuralgia (Nelson et al 1997) but was without bene- 0.075% preparations, and local anaesthetics).
ficial effect in postherpetic neuralgia or in a mixed
population of patients with neuropathic pain
(McQuay et al 1994, Nelson et al 1997). Amantadine Non-pharmacological approaches
relieved surgical neuropathic pain in cancer
patients (Pud et al 1998).
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
The advantages of peripheral nerve stimulation
Topical medications techniques are the lack of side effects and com-
Several topical agents have been used for neuro- plications and the fact that the treatment can be
pathic pain, particularly when patients have easily repeated (see Chap. 30). Furthermore, efficacy
cutaneous hypersensitivity. Capsaicin is an agonist can be determined rapidly. Therefore, a trial should
of the vanilloid receptor, VR1, which is present on be performed when feasible (Meyer and Fields
the sensitive peripheral terminal of primary noci- 1972, Kumar and Marshall 1997, Finsen et al 1998).
ceptive afferents (Lynn 1990, Caterina et al 1997). Invasive techniques, i.e., epidural spinal cord
On initial application it has an excitatory action and stimulation (SCS) and deep brain stimulation, may
produces burning pain and hyperalgesia, but with be effective in special cases of neuropathic pain
repeated or prolonged application it inactivates the (Broggi et al 1994, Tasker and Vilela Filho 1995, Kumar
receptive terminals of nociceptors (Bjerring et al et al 1996). Complications include dislocation of the
1990). Therefore, this approach may help patients electrodes, infection of the system, and occasionally
whose pain is maintained by anatomically intact, bleeding.
sensitized primary nociceptors.
Capsaicin extracts are commercially available in Neurosurgical destructive techniques (see
a 0.025 and a 0.075% preparation (Rains and Bryson Chap. 29)
1995). Both preparations have been reported to Techniques such as neurectomy, rhizotomy, dorsal
reduce the pain of postherpetic neuralgia (Bernstein root entry zone lesions (DREZ), cordotomy and
et al 1989, Watson et al 1993) and postmastectomy thalamotomy may provide short-term pain relief.
pain (Watson et al 1992). The 0.075% preparation Because destructive techniques increase the
has also been advocated for pain in diabetic amount of deafferentation, sometimes even more
neuropathy (Group 1991). However, these capsaicin severe pain will result from the procedure. Outside
preparations often produce intolerable burning so of trigeminal neuralgia there are no surgical
that many patients discontinue their use. There is approaches with established efficacy in neuropathic
anecdotal evidence that application of relatively pain (Fields 1996). 585
Special problems of assessment and management

In patients with focal neuropathies, a sympathetic

A systematic approach to patients
with neuropathic pain block can be a useful procedure (Dellemijn et al
1994, Baron and Maier 1996). We use a local
The ideal in medicine is to treat the cause of the anaesthetic block of the sympathetic chain early if
disease rather than the symptom. Since neuropathic there is evidence of a sympathetically maintained
pain is often multifactorial and its causes are component to the patient’s problem (see Chap 18).
usually uncertain, a treatment algorithm is required Such evidence includes unilateral distal extremity
(Fig. 40.1). Entrapment neuropathies can be treated pain, swelling, and vasomotor and sudomotor asym-
by neurolysis, transposition, or decompression metries. Patients with sympathetically maintained
(Dawson et al 1983). If scar-induced mechanical pain may obtain relief from a series of sympathetic
traction is a factor, this approach is particularly blocks combined with vigorous physical therapy,
worthwhile. Transcutaneous electrical stimulation provided this is done early in the course of the
of nerves (TENS) is a viable option for some disease. In general, if sympathetic blocks are going
patients with focal nerve injury, particularly if the to be helpful, they will provide sustained or at least
nerve trunk can be stimulated proximal to the site increasing durations of post-block relief. If local
of injury. The majority of patients, however, require anaesthetic blocks achieve sympatholysis as
medical management. When cutaneous hyperalgesia indicated by skin temperature change or a Horner’s
and/or allodynia are present, topical agents are a syndrome but no relief beyond 6 h, this approach is
good starting point, with either local anaesthetic, not promising. Furthermore, we have seldom
cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor, or capsaicin. found that surgical sympathectomy is helpful.
There are two serious interpretive problems with
sympathetic blocks (Dellemijn et al 1994). The first
is systemic absorption of lidocaine (lignocaine),
antidepressants because even low plasma concentrations can relieve
neuropathic pain independent of a sympathetic
component to the problem. The second is the
production of a somatic block by diffusion of local
Limiting side
effects or
anaesthetic to the nearby nerve plexus.
residual pain* If there is no strong evidence of sympathetically
maintained pain or sympatholytic interventions do
not provide significant relief, we proceed to
Residual Lidocaine systemic medication. General treatment principles
pain* infusion are the individualization of therapy and the titration
of a given drug depending on effect on the one
Relief hand and side effects on the other. Non-response
Mexiletine or should not be accepted unless a sufficient dose has
carbamazepine been given and until a sufficient period of time has
passed to judge the drug’s benefit. A rigorous sys-
tematic sequential approach is useful, if progression
of the disease and pain profile are stationary.
pain* Once the decision is made to pursue systematic
medical management, we currently use the algorithm
illustrated in Fig. 40.1. Because of the extensive
Tramadol Residual Fentanyl literature supporting their use, we usually begin
pain* infusion with TCAs; however, in some patients we begin
therapy with gabapentin, especially in elderly
Relief patients or those with evidence of cardiac conduction
block. With TCAs patients must be warned about
side effects such as drowsiness, dry mouth, and
Consider orthostasis and then therapy should be initiated
Long acting Residual with an appropriately low dose (e.g., 10–25 mg). It
oral opioid pain* treatment is equally important to increase the dose gradually
to optimize pain relief. In some patients it is
Fig. 40.1 Algorhythm for systematic management of necessary to raise the dose into the antidepressant
586 neuropathic pain. See text for explanation. range (over 200 mg/day). It is essential to check
plasma levels of antidepressant medications before
Peripheral neuropathic pain: an approach to management

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Neuropathic and burn pain


Pain of burns
Manon Choinière

Introduction The second component of burn pain—procedural

pain—is related to the multiple therapeutic proce-
Providing optimal analgesia to burn patients dures carried out during the course of treatment.
presents a major challenge. Burn pain is difficult to These procedures, which occur daily or even
control because of its multiple components and several times a day, include dressing changes,
changing pattern over time. It also involves repeated wound cleansing, and physiotherapy sessions.
traumas or manipulations of the injured painful Other sources of pain related to treatment include
sites. The sometimes-excruciating pain, along with the enforced immobilization of limbs in splints or
extreme intra- and inter-individual variability in garments, and multiple surgical interventions (e.g.,
severity, complicates the task of providing analgesia skin grafting, reconstructive surgery).
to burn patients. Finally, the third component of burn pain is
related to the tissue regeneration and the healing
process. When skin grafting is required, the necrotic
Clinical characteristics tissue—i.e., the eschar—is excised until viable
tissue is reached, thereby damaging intact nerves.
Components of burn pain
When these nerves regenerate along with those
Burn pain involves several components that cause destroyed at the time of the injury, pain is
severe pain (Ashburn 1995, Latarjet and Choinière commonly experienced along with intense tingling
1995, Kowalske and Tanelian 1997, Pal et al 1997, or itching sensations. In such a setting, the pain
Henry and Foster 2000, Meyer et al 2002). The may resemble neuropathic pain rather than acute pain
background pain is felt at the wound sites and due to thermal injury (Atchison et al 1991, Latarjet
surrounding areas. This pain is relatively constant and Choinière 1995, Silbert et al 1998, Coderre and
and can be exacerbated (breakthrough pain) by Choinière 2000). The healing process may last for
movements such as changing position, turning in months to years, and pain or paresthesic sensations
bed, walking, or even breathing. Donor sites—areas may persist afterwards (Ward et al 1989, Choinière
of normal skin that have been harvested for skin et al 1991, Malenfant et al 1996, Dauber et al 2002).
grafts—also elicit pain since nerve terminals are Malenfant et al (1996) found that more than 70%
exposed to stimulation. of the 236 burn patients interviewed one year or 591
Special problems of assessment and management

more after their accident reported paraesthesic surrounded by more superficial burns in which
sensations (e.g., itching, tingling, cold sensations, nerve terminals are intact and exposed (Latarjet and
etc) and 36% complained of pain at the burn injury Choinière 1995, Silbert et al 1998, Meyer et al 2002).
site. These problems may persist for many years, be Burn pain is described by many patients as the
present every week, and interfere with daily living worst they had ever experienced. However, it
activities. Weather-related variations in sensations would be erroneous to believe that burn patients
(Ward et al 1989, Malenfant et al 1996) suggest that suffer atrocious pain continuously. Furthermore,
the prevalence of chronic postburn neuralgia may the most severe pain does not appear to be related
vary in different climates. to the injury itself but to intermittent trauma caused
by the various therapeutic procedures. Burn adults
Pain intensity and sources of and children report that the greatest pain is usually
related to therapeutic procedures and can reach
variation excruciating levels (Perry et al 1981, Choinière et al
The depth, size, and location of the burns determine 1989, Atchison et al 1991, Weinberg et al 2000, Byers
the severity of the injury, which, in turn, influences et al 2001).
pain intensity and clinical outcome. More severe Another factor that makes burn pain difficult to
burns usually require longer hospitalizations, and treat is its variability. Pain intensity varies con-
multiple manipulations and surgical interventions, siderably from one burn patient to another, especially
which add to the patient’s pain. In contrast, minor during therapeutic procedures (Choinière et al
burns of less than 10–15% of the body surface 1989, Atchison et al 1991, Everett et al 1994, Jonsson
which do not require skin grafting, can be managed et al 1998, Ptacek et al 2000). Variations in the
on an outpatient basis although they can be as procedures may explain some of the variation in
painful or more painful initially than deeper burns pain scores. Patient’s age, sex, ethnicity, education,
that require hospitalization (Baxter and Wackerie occupation, or socioeconomic status are not
1988, Demling 1990). significant predictors of pain intensity in adults or
The relationship between burn severity and pain children. The interrelationship between pain,
intensity is complex and often inconsistent, even anxiety and depression is complex in burn adults
within the same patient throughout the treatment and children. Several studies indicate that more
course. Some studies (Perry et al 1981, Everett et al anxious and/or depressed patients tend to report
1994, Byers et al 2001) have failed to find any more pain while others failed to find any significant
significant correlation between pain intensity and relationship between these factors (Choinière et al
burn severity. Others (Choinière et al 1989, Atchison 1989, Geisser et al 1995, Ulmer et al 1997, Weinberg
et al 1991, Ptacek et al 2000) have shown that patients et al 2000, Ptacek et al 2000, Byers et al 2001).
with larger burn injuries tend to report more pain at
rest and/or during procedures. Clinically, it is
generally recognized that superficial second-degree
Time course of the pain
burns (which constitute the largest number of burns Burn pain usually begins a few minutes after the
treated on an outpatient basis) are the most painful injury. However, some victims may experience a
initially. As the inflammatory response progresses, pain-free period, which persists from several
the pain increases at the wound site (primary minutes to hours (Choinière et al 1989). Wall (1979)
hyperalgesia) and spreads to surrounding areas has proposed that pain may be inhibited for a
(secondary hyperalgesia). First-degree burns cause period after an injury to permit other behavioural
less pain since they damage only the superficial and physiological responses that have greater
layer of the epidermis, and nerve terminals are not biological priorities for adaptation and survival.
exposed as in superficial second-degree burns. In This may explain why burn victims often perform
deep partial-thickness burns (deep second degree), astonishing actions such as rescuing others, walking
which usually require skin grafting for healing, miles to find help, with apparently little or no pain.
nerve terminals can be damaged or destroyed such Individual differences in pain onset may also be
that some of the areas may show little or no related to a state of stress or psychological shock.
response initially when a sharp stimulus is applied. Finally, pain may be diminished because nerve
The same is true for full-thickness or third-degree endings have been destroyed.
burns in which the dermis is entirely destroyed After hospitalization, pain persists on a daily
along with the rich network of nerve terminals. Yet, basis and, unlike postsurgical pain, does not
a patient may complain of pain in these areas since decline with time because new sources of pain are
592 deep burns are most often intermixed with and/or introduced during treatment (Ashburn 1995, Latarjet
and Choinière 1995, Kowalske and Tanelian 1997, healing process may lead to the formation of
Pain of burns

Meyer et al 2002). For example, the patients may contractures and hypertrophic scars in injured
feel less pain at the injury site as healing progresses areas and donor sites that have been harvested
or when skin grafts are applied, but they now have more than once. It is therefore not surprising that
to endure other pains such as the pain associated burn patients may develop chronic sensory problems
with nerve regeneration or the pain at the donor (pain, paraesthesia) at the site of their injuries.
Choinière et al (1989) found wide fluctuations in
pain intensity ratings from day to day, confirmed Pain management
by Jonsson et al (1998) and Ptacek et al (2000). These Local treatment
findings have important clinical implications in
terms of the patients’ analgesic requirements. Due Covering open wounds with dressings reduces
to the fear of addiction or a misconception about burn-wound pain. However, these dressings must
burn pain, the medical staff may be inclined to be changed frequently, causing considerable dis-
decrease the patient’s medication as times goes on. comfort to the patient. Early excision of the wounds
The intensity of the pain experienced during and skin grafting alleviate the pain and obviates the
therapeutic procedures may also increase rather need for long, painful, and debilitating sessions of
than decrease over time. Rapid escalation of the bedside debridement. Temporary coverage with
patients’ analgesic needs, especially during repetitive cadaver skin represents another option. Application
dressing changes, can be an important problem for of synthetic wound dressings or skin substitutes
the clinician (Wermeling et al 1986, Osgood and can reduce or even eliminate the pain at the wound
Szyfelbein 1989, Williams et al 1998). This problem site or skin donor site. As these dressings also
may result from insufficient analgesics. remain in place for several days, fewer dressing
Towards the end of hospitalization, the pain changes are required.
usually decreases. However, some patients develop
postburn neuralgia at the site of injury, which can Pharmacological treatment
persist for variable periods of time ranging from
weeks to several years (Ward et al 1989, Choinière Deficiencies and problems in analgesic
et al 1991, Malenfant et al 1996, Dauber et al 2002). therapy for burn patients
Several studies in the 1980s documented inade-
quacies in burn pain management and advocated
Pain-generating mechanisms more aggressive analgesic interventions (Perry and
Silbert et al (1998) and Coderre and Choinière (2000) Heidrich 1982, Choinière et al 1989, Atchison et al
have recently reviewed the neural and chemical 1991, Van der Does 1989). What is the situation
mechanisms involved in burn injuries. Several today? Recent literature suggests that it has
authors including Pederson and Kelhet (1998) changed little. The administration of opioids is
studied the persistent hyperalgesia in the injured standard care for burn pain in many facilities
site (primary hyperalgesia) and surrounding areas (Ashburn 1995, Latarjet and Choinière 1995,
(secondary hyperalgesia), and found that they Sheridan et al 1997, Kowalske and Taenelian 1997,
involve peripheral nociceptive and inflammatory Meyer et al 2002), but others avoid opioids because
mechanisms as well as changes in the central of concerns about potential adverse effects
nervous system that facilitate afferent signals and (Foertsch et al 1995). Some burn units continue to
cause spontaneous pain. give patients less than 50% of the prescribed dose
Furthermore, any manipulation of the burn sites (Ulmer 1997), and others give low doses that are
(e.g., movement, dressing changes, debridement) barely in the range required to control much less
can also trigger these neural and chemical intense types of pain (e.g., Geisser et al 1995, Meyer
mechanisms. Recurrent inputs from damaged and et al 1997, Patterson et al 1997, Rae et al 2000).
redamaged tissue contribute to short- and long- Finally, insufficient doses are often prescribed to
term changes in central nervous system (CNS) elderly patients (Honari et al 1997) and to the vast
activity and subsequent pain sensitivity. population (about 95% of all burn injuries) treated
Deficiencies in the reinnervation of the scarred on an outpatient basis (Friedland et al 1997, Smith
tissue and abnormalities of neural excitability of et al 1997).
damaged or regenerated nerve endings and fibres Various factors influence prescribing habits, and
may give rise to abnormal inputs and produce one of these is the fear that patients will develop
persisting neuralgic sensations. Moreover, the addiction and tolerance to opioids. Interestingly, 593
Special problems of assessment and management

not one case of iatrogenic addiction has been high doses of opioids. Although this concern may
documented in a nationwide survey of 93 burn be justified during the immediate postinjury phase
centres, which had treated more than 10 000 (see below), it is not warranted during the later
patients (Perry and Heidrich 1982). With regard to phases of treatment of burn patients, as suggested
the development of opioid tolerance, it can be by several reports on the pharmacokinetics of
treated effectively by increasing the dose (Foley morphine, meperidine, sufentanyl, and methadone
1991). Awareness of this phenomenon should alert (see reviews by Martyn 1990, Meyer et al 2002).
the clinician to make upward adjustments in Burn patients are known to be hypermetabolic and
dosage of opioids. However, the complexity of the resistant to many drugs used in anaesthetic prac-
problem of opioid tolerance must be kept in mind. tice. They are also known to require high doses of
Several studies in cancer pain patients and more opioids to achieve adequate pain relief. Whether
recently in patients suffering chronic, non-malignant this is due to pharmacokinetic or pharmaco-
pain show that even after years of treatment with dynamic alterations in the drug has not been
strong opioids, patients do not necessarily require completely established (Martyn 1990, MacLennan
dose escalation or experience decreased pain relief. et al 1998).
When increases in opioid dosing are required, they
appear to be most often related to disease progression The place of prevention in burn pain
(Cherny and Portenoy 1999, Dertwinkel et al 1999). management
However, distressing paradoxical effects of opioids The need for aggressive analgesic intervention and
have also been described recently (Daeninck and the adverse effects of pain are increasingly
Bruera 1999). Hyperalgesia and allodynia were recognized (Ashburn 1995, Latarjet and Choinière
reported in patients with cancer who receive very 1995, Kowalske and Tanelian 1997, Ulmer 1998,
large doses of opioids for prolonged periods of Henry and Foster 2000, Meyer et al 2002). Severe,
time, generally in association with psychoactive persistent pain can be devastating; it can affect
medication—a situation often encountered in sleep and appetite, and may thus impede recovery
severely burned patients. This phenomenon of from injury, and in a weakened individual like a
‘paradoxical pain’ is of clinical relevance since burn patient, it may make the difference between
clinicians may misinterpret it by not recognizing it life and death (Melzack 1990).
as a neurotoxic adverse effect, and respond by Current research suggests that early, vigorous
further increasing the opioid dose in an attempt to analgesic intervention is crucial to prevent the
control the pain. adverse consequences of uncontrolled pain. For
Anecdotal reports and clinical experience (e.g., example, the burn patient who has learned to
Wermeling et al 1986, Osgood and Szyfelbein 1989, associate dressing changes with agonizing pain will
Williams et al 1998) suggest that dose escalation be extremely difficult to treat, even with massive
may occur in burn patients when opioids are ad- doses of opioids (Watkins et al 1992). Prompt,
ministered over an extended period of time. Sharply aggressive analgesia is critical to prevent the
increasing doses of opioids may be required to establishment of a pain–anxiety–pain cycle and to
maintain pain relief at rest or during dressing minimize other adverse psychological effects of
changes. As mentioned earlier, this problem may pain commonly encountered in burn patients
result from insufficient analgesia, especially at (Patterson et al 1993, Baur et al 1998, Yu and
times of frequent dressing changes. Increased doses Dimsdale 1999, Martin-Herz et al 2000, Thurber et
of opioids may also be needed because true al 2000, Thomas et al 2002).
tolerance occurs or because more pain is felt as a Equally important are the adverse physiological,
result of the healing process (e.g., of third-degree chemical, and neural consequences of pain: the
burns). Burn patients may continue to experience nervous system’s ‘memory’ of pain (Carr 1998).
intense pain despite escalating opioid dosage Recent evidence on postburn hyperalgesia, central
because over time their pain changes to involve hyperexcitability, and opioid sensitivity (Silbert et
different mechanisms. Deep burn injuries can al 1998, Coderre and Choinière 2000), provides
damage or destroy nerve terminals, causing neuro- evidence that burn patients would certainly benefit
pathic pain that responds less well to opioids from an analgesic approach that involves strategies
(Bennett 1999). It is clear that further research is aimed at preventing or reducing the neural
needed to study the effects of long-term opioid ‘memory’ of pain (preemptive analgesia) and
therapy in burn patients. includes the use of more than one treatment
The fear that drug metabolism is altered in burn modality (multimodal analgesia) (Carr 1998, Kehlet
594 patients may make medical staff reluctant to use et al 1999). Introduced to improve analgesic efficacy
and reduce drug side effects in postoperative
Pain of burns

along with strong opioids because the different

patients, the concept of ‘pre-emptive/multimodal’ actions of these drugs enhance analgesia and
analgesia implies a combination of two or more reduce side effects.
drugs with different mechanisms of action (e.g., 7. Monitor anxiety and mood; use anxiolytic
local anaesthetics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and/or antidepressant medication along with
agents (NSAIDS), opioids) applied before, during, psychological interventions to complement, not
and after surgery at different targets (at the replace, analgesics.
periphery or centrally) along with non-pharmaco-
logical techniques to reduce stress and anxiety. The place of opioids in burn pain
The ‘pre-emptive/multimodal’ analgesic approach management (see Chap. 24)
is not fully applicable to burn patients. The risk of Strong opioids are the cornerstone of pain manage-
infection precludes spinal analgesia in most burn ment in burn patients. What must be changed,
patients (Latarjet and Choinière 1995). Topical however, is the way these drugs are used. One of
application of local anaesthetics on burns is often the foremost causes of inadequate pain relief in
of limited usefulness due to their systemic toxicity burn patients is undermedication. Strong opioids
(Pal et al 1997). However, some studies (Brofeldt are effective when administered according to basic
et al 1989, Owen and Dye 1990, Jellish et al 1999) principles such as those outlined above. One of
show interesting results with topically applied the biggest problems when administering opioids
lidocaine (lignocaine) in small burn areas or in skin to burns patients is how to provide sufficient
donor sites. All feasible strategies to reduce medication during painful therapeutic procedures
peripheral and/or central sensitization resulting (e.g., dressing changes) without leaving the patient
from manipulation of painful burn sites should be oversedated afterwards. However, strong opioids
applied, particularly at times of dressing changes. can be used very effectively in burn patients, and
their dosage (as well as side effects) reduced by
Basic considerations in analgesic coadministering agents that block nociceptive or
pharmacotherapy for burn patients inflammatory afferent input, glutamate release,
and/or activation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)
Pharmacotherapy is the mainstay for pain manage-
receptors (Silbert et al 1998, Choinière 2001).
ment in burn patients. The unique characteristics of
With regard to opioid choice, morphine is prob-
burn pain call for specific strategies to maximize
ably the most widely used agent in burn patients: it
pharmacological treatment efficacy. Several key
is effective for moderate to severe pain, and it is not
principles have been outlined in recent review
expensive compared to other opioid agonists (e.g.,
articles (Ashburn 1995, Latarjet and Choinière 1995,
hydromorphone, fentanyl). Meperidine is of limited
Kowalske and Tanelian 1997, Pal et al 1997, Ulmer
usefulness because repeated doses result in the
1998, Henry and Foster 2000, Meyer et al 2002):
accumulation of normeperidine, an active metabolite
1. Evaluate and treat separately the two main of meperidine that produces neurotoxic reactions.
components of burn pain—i.e., the background Methadone, a long-acting opioid, is well suited to
pain and the procedural pain. provide a sustained level of analgesia. In contrast,
2. Administer analgesics regularly (not ‘as synthetic opioid agonists, with a more rapid onset
needed’ or PRN) as long as the pain is present of action and a shorter duration of effect (e.g.,
most of the day. fentanyl, alfentanyl, remifentanil), have gained a
3. Individualize medication dosage, set flexible lot of popularity for alleviating pain at times of
doses, and make frequent dose adjustments to therapeutic procedures. Partial opioid agonists
account for wide variations in patients’ (e.g., buprenorphine, nalbuphine) can also be
analgesic requirements and the changing employed but it should be pointed out that they
condition of their wounds. may precipitate withdrawal symptoms in patients
4. Measure pain and treatment efficacy at regular who have previously received pure agonists (e.g.,
intervals, and chart the information in the morphine). Finally, mild opioids (e.g., codeine)
patient’s file to provide a documented rationale alone or in combination with acetaminophen (e.g.,
for adjusting the medication for background paracetamol) can provide sufficient analgesia when
and procedural pains. the pain is less intense.
5. Carefully monitor opioid side effects and use Opioids are preferentially administered in burn
strategies to prevent or treat them rather than patients by using the intravenous (I.V.) or oral route.
undermedicating the patient. Intramuscular (I.M.) administration is avoided, not
6. Always consider using non-opioid analgesics only on account of poor absorption, but because the 595
Special problems of assessment and management

pain associated with the injections makes this route must be planned to prevent the patient awaking in
impractical for prolonged pain. The I.V. route has pain. This can be done by adding a continuous I.V.
the advantage of rapid effect and ease of titration, infusion of morphine at night. As pointed out by
and repeated injections into the I.V. line does not Lehmann (1995) and Meyer et al (2002), PCA is not
cause any pain. As soon as the I.V. route is no different from any other analgesic regimen; it must
longer required, the oral route should be employed. be highly individualized and frequently adjusted
to be most effective. In patients who can take
Pharmacotherapy for pain at rest medication by mouth, oral opioids with a long
In the immediate postinjury phase, analgesic needs duration of action (e.g., slow-release morphine,
may be reduced or even absent in some burn methadone) are useful in providing stable analgesia
patients who experience variable pain-free periods. when the patient is at rest.
However, most patients require prompt and The finding of opioid receptors on peripheral
effective pain medication. During the emergency or nerve terminals in inflammatory states such as
resuscitative phase of treament (1–2 days after thermal injuries (Stein 1995) suggests that the
injury), small but frequent bolus doses along peripheral administration of morphine may decrease
with a continuous infusion of I.V. opioids are burn pain. Recent reports suggest promising results
recommended. Other routes of administration with this simple mode of treatment for painful skin
should be avoided during this phase because burn ulcers in various medical conditions (Krajnik et al
injuries covering greater than 10% of the total body 1999, Twillman et al 1999) and for small burns (Long
surface may decrease blood flow to organs and et al 2001). The efficacy and safety of peripheral
tissues, and thereby delay drug absorption and opioid administration in burn patients merit
lead to respiratory depression, especially if high evaluation as this mode of treatment constitutes an
dosages have been administered to overcome poor interesting therapeutic avenue to explore, especially
absorption (Martyn 1990). The role of anxiety and as part of a multimodal regimen.
fear must be carefully assessed at this stage since Combination of opioids and non-opioid analgesics
the patient’s agitation may be interpreted as a pain should always be considered for controlling the
response. Reassurance and information may help pain at rest. For example, acetaminophen or NSAIDs
considerably in managing agitation while anxio- in combination with opioids (Meyer et al 1997, 2002;
lytic medication may contribute to reducing the Pal et al 1997; Ulmer 1998; Choinière 2001) could be
analgesic needs. However, anxiolytic medications used as a basic treatment for background pain. Tradi-
must be used with great care because of their tional analgesic regimens usually neglect or com-
possible potentiation of the respiratory depressive pletely ignore the inflammatory component of burn
effects of opioids, especially in patients in shock. pain, but it is extremely important, especially during
Once the initial resuscitation phase is over, early treatment. Traditional NSAIDs are not recom-
sufficient analgesia should be given for the pain felt mended in burn patients who require extensive excision
at rest. The primary goal is to provide adequate and grafting procedures because their antiplatelet
baseline analgesia. This can be achieved with a effects may increase blood loss. However, this class
continuous I.V. infusion of opioids with rescue of drugs might help burn patients who require
boluses (Kealey 1995, Latarjet and Choinière 1995, minimal skin grafts to reduce pain at donor sites
Sheridan et al 2001, Meyer et al 2002). Another (Ulmer 1998, Choinière 2001). The same might be
useful technique for alleviating pain at rest is true for those burn patients with superficial injuries
patient-controlled analgesia (PCA). PCA has been who are treated on an outpatient basis. Also inter-
shown to be safe and effective in burn adults and esting is the new generation of NSAIDs, the cycloxy-
children (Wermeling et al 1986, Kinsella et al 1988, genase-2 (COX2) inhibitors (e.g., rofecoxib, celecoxib)
Gaukrogere et al 1991, Choinière et al 1992). that have been shown to provide efficient analgesia
However, the PCA method may not suffice for the with few side effects, including minimal inhibition
intense pain levels felt during therapeutic of platelet function (Hawkey 1999). These drugs
procedures. Less-than-optimal analgesia with PCA may constitute a major advance in the treatment of
can also be observed at rest simply because patients burn pain and merit further investigation.
do not adequately medicate themselves, preferring NMDA-receptor antagonists may offer specific
to experience pain rather than drug side effects advantages for treating postburn hyperalgesia and
(Lehmann 1995). Another problem with PCA is that lessening opioid dose escalation (Silbert et al 1998,
it requires the patient to be both awake and Wiesenfield-Hallin 1998, Williams et al 1998).
responsive in order to maintain adequate drug Several reports on the use of methadone in burn
596 delivery. Thus, changes in dosing regimens at night adults and children have substantiated the
advantages of this long-acting agent for providing they may also relieve pain and improve sleep and
Pain of burns

stable analgesia for background pain (Concilus et al appetite (Watkins et al 1992, Pal et al 1997, Meyer
1989, Shir et al 1998, Williams et al 1998). Ketamine et al 2002).
at low doses—i.e., at analgesic doses rather than
anaesthetic doses—may be used in combination Pharmacotherapy for pain due to
with an opioid such as morphine to control the therapeutic procedures
pain at rest (Cederholm et al 1990). The usefulness As mentioned earlier, the most intense pain in burn
of a PCA regimen that combines morphine and patients results from therapeutic procedures such
ketamine (Schmid et al 1999) also merits evaluation as dressing changes, wound debridement, and
as it could represent an interesting therapeutic physiotherapy sessions. Strong opioids such as
avenue for burn patients. morphine or fentanyl are typically required to
Two recent case reports (Lyons et al 1996, Kariya bring the pain under control for dressing changes
et al 1998) suggest that clonidine, an α2-adrenoceptor both in adults and children (Ashburn 1995, Latarjet
agonist, could be a useful sedative-analgesic and Choinière 1995, Kowalske and Tanelian 1997,
adjunctive medication in burn pain management. Henry and Foster 2000, Meyer et al 2002). Because
Clonidine could not only reduce opioid require- these procedures are usually performed at the
ments but also drug side effects as it does not cause bedside, the biggest challenge for the clinician is to
pruritus or respiratory depression (Pal et al 1997). provide proper analgesia without interfering with
As mentioned earlier, when persistent burn pain the patient’s awareness during and after the
cannot be adequately controlled despite increasing procedure. Compared to morphine, opioids such as
the dose of opioids, other diagnoses such as the fentanyl or alfentanyl have major advantages in
presence of a neuropathic pain component should that they act rapidly, have short duration, and avoid
be considered. Drugs that are effective for this type oversedation following the procedures. Intravenous
of pain, such as tricyclic antidepressants, anti- morphine, which is less costly, is preferable for
convulsants, and/or membrane-stabilizing drugs, more lengthy procedures for which short-acting
may be indicated for controlling burn pain (Latarjet opioids have no real advantages. When therapeutic
and Choinière 1995, Pal et al 1997, Meyer et al 2002). procedures are less painful, premedication with
Results reported by Jonsson et al (1991) suggest that oral morphine or milder opioids may be sufficient.
continous infusion of low doses of lidocaine Flexible doses of drugs coupled with frequent
(lignocaine), which is known to alleviate neuropathic evaluation of the resulting analgesia are necessary.
pain in other settings, may be a valuable additional The need to administer oral preparation drugs far
option for pain control in burn patients. enough in advance to be maximally effective must
When the background pain is mild and less also be taken into account.
persistent, weak opioids (e.g., codeine), non-opioids Analgesia for procedural pain in burn children
(e.g., acetaminophen), or combined preparations of deserves special comments. Several studies have
analgesics (e.g., codeine plus acetaminophen) may demonstrated that burn children are much less
be sufficient to make the patient comfortable. Finally, likely than adults to receive adequate analgesia for
treatment for painful or paraesthesic sensations in dressing changes despite the fact that a burn is not
healed wounds may involve experimenting with a less painful in a child than in an adult (Osgood and
variety of medications employed for neuropathic Szyfelbein 1989, Latarjet and Choinière 1995, Henry
pain including methadone (Altier et al 2001). and Foster 2000, Meyer et al 2002). In fact, the same
Since fear and anxiety are almost universal therapeutic modalities adjusted for age and size
responses to burn injury, anxiolytics (e.g., benzo- should be used for burn children. However, it is
diazepines) may be useful supplements to the often not the case. Several authors (Osgood and
analgesic medication given to the resting patient. Szyfelbein 1989, Atchison et al 1991) have pointed
Many patients are anxious when they are in pain out the inadequacy of oral preparations such as
but are calm once the pain is relieved. If the anxiety Percocet (oxycodone + acetaminothen) for controlling
persists, for reasons other than anticipation of severe pain during dressing changes. Oral prepa-
painful treatments, anxiolytics may be used. These rations of short-acting morphine or hydromorphone
drugs and/or hypnotics can also be given at are more likely to be effective and can easily be
bedtime to favour optimal sleep. Antidepressant administered in the form of an elixir or tablet.
drugs may also be necessary in burn patients Increasingly popular is the transmucosal fentanyl
hospitalized for prolonged periods of time and who citrate in the form of lollipops that provide a new
develop problems of depression. Antidepressant user-friendly form of treating pain in burn children
drugs are helpful not only in elevating mood but (Henry and Foster 2000, Meyer et al 2002). In a 597
Special problems of assessment and management

recent double-blind study, Sharar et al (1998) of ketamine provide very effective analgesia for
compared fentanyl lollipops and oral hydro- burn dressings and wound debridement. Ketamine
morphone for wound care analgesia in hospitalized often causes dysphoria with unpleasant hallucina-
burn children. They concluded that the fentanyl tions but these reactions can be minimized with
lollipops are safe and effective but they found only benzodiazepine premedication. As mentioned
minor benefits in terms of analgesia and anxiolysis earlier, ketamine also has NMDA-receptor antagonist
over oral hydromorphone pretreatment. However, activity. Therefore, if ketamine is used with an opioid
sample size was small in this study and further such as morphine or fentanyl for relieving pain at
studies involving larger samples of patients are times of therapeutic procedures, this regimen could
needed to assess the benefits of fentanyl lollipops. not only have opioid-sparing actions but also reduce
Depending upon the patient’s anxiety level, opioid-related side effects, including the hyper-
opioids can be administered alone or in com- algesia sometimes seen with high opioid dose
bination with a benzodiazepine before the ther- (Schmid et al 1999).
apeutic procedure. Since undermedication for pain Propofol is another agent that has gained
can escalate anxiety, early optimal control of pain is popularity for providing sedation during prolonged
crucial to minimize anxiety for future procedures painful procedures in burn patients. It is a sedative-
and to prevent the continual use of benzodiazepines hypnotic agent with a very rapid onset of action but
for controlling anticipatory anxiety. As pointed out no analgesic activity. Its dosage can be accurately
by Watkins et al (1992), once the patient has learned titrated for sedation or total anaesthesia; recovery
to associate burn treatment with agonizing pain, after its use is rapid, and emergence after a single
even massive increases in opioids will fail to bolus or short infusion is free of the ‘hangover’
provide adequate pain relief. In such a case, the associated with the use of most other I.V.
addition of a benzodiazepine (e.g., lorazepam, anaesthetic drugs. However, benefits of deep
midazolam) can be most beneficial (Ashburn 1995, sedation with propofol is not without risks (e.g.,
Pal et al 1997, Patterson et al 1997). hypotension) (Bryson et al 1995, Meyer et al 2002).
In some cases, procedures such as extensive
dressing changes and wound debridements can
produce pain so severe that the conscious patient
Other treatment methods
simply cannot tolerate it. Conscious sedation may To be severely burned is a devastating experience,
then be required while deep sedation or general not only from a physical but also from a
anaesthesia may be the only choices (Dimick et al psychological point of view. The injury itself is
1993, Latarjet and Choinière 1995, MacLennan 1998, frightening and, during hospitalization, the patient
Ebach et al 1999). Considering the various adverse must face helplessness, pain, dependency, and the
side effects of anaesthetic agents, there is an possibility of disfigurement, deformity, and death.
obvious reluctance to repeatedly expose burn Many burn patients experience various forms of
patients to general anaesthesia. Furthermore, the psychological distress during their hospitalization.
repeated administration of some anaesthetic agents These reactions can take the form of a normal
requires the withholding of food prior to each process of psychological adaptation to the injury
intervention and for some time afterwards, thereby (e.g., sadness, depression, sleep disturbance, anger,
interrupting the intensive nutritional support so frustration, fear, anxiety, dread) or frank psychiatric
important for the recovery of burn patients. disorders (e.g. delirium, adjustment disorders,
Self-administration of inhalational agents such major depression, posttraumatic stress disorder).
as nitrous oxide with oxygen has been shown to Comprehensive reviews of these reactions are
provide successful analgesia for dressing changes provided by Watkins et al (1988), Patterson et al
in burn adults and children. However, there is some (1993), and Thomas et al (2002).
controversy in the burn literature with respect to That psychological disturbances can influence or
the side effects and potential toxicity of nitrous be influenced by pain in burn patients is well
oxide (with particular concern about bone marrow documented in the literature. Therefore, psycho-
suppression) with repeated exposure over prolonged logical interventions can also be helpful in the
periods of time (Pal et al 1997, MacLennan et al treatment of burn pain, and several techniques
1998, Meyer et al 2002). have been used with varying degrees of success in
Ketamine has been one of the most extensively burn adults and children (see reviews by Patterson
used anaesthetics for burn patients. Several studies et al 1993, Patterson 1995, Martin-Hertz et al 2000,
(see reviews by Kowalske and Tanelian 1997 and Meyer et al 2002). These approaches, which have
598 Meyer et al 2002) indicate that subanaesthetic doses been used alone or in combination, include hypnosis,
relaxation training (breathing exercises, progressive pain relief will improve immune function and
Pain of burns

muscle relaxation), biofeedback, behaviour mod- wound healing, hasten recovery, and decrease
ification (respondant and operant techniques), psychological complications are other important
desensitization, stress inoculation training, cognitive- issues to investigate. But to avoid useless suffering
behavioural strategies (guided imagery, distraction remains the ultimate goal both from the patient’s
techniques, coping skills training), and group or and clinician’s point of view.
individual psychotherapy. Unfortunately, many of
the published reports are anecdotal. Others studies
suffer from methodological deficiencies. Never-
theless, several well-designed studies suggest that
Altier N, Dion D, Boulanger A, Choinière M 2001 Successful use of
burn patients can be helped to control their pain
methadone in the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain arising
and anxiety through hypnosis, cognitive-behavioural, from burn injuries: a case-study. Burns 27: 771–775
and stress reduction techniques. All of these Ashburn MA 1995 Burn pain: the management of procedure-related
techniques can help the patient to relax and pain. Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation 16: 365–371
maintain a sense of control (Patterson 1995, Martin- Atchison NE, Osgood PF, Carr DB, Szylfelbein SK 1991 Pain during
burn dressing change in children: relationship to burn area,
Hertz et al 2000, Thurber et al 2000, Meyer et al depth and analgesic regimens. Pain 47: 41–45
2002). Baur KM, Hardy PE, Van Dorsten B 1998 Postraumatic stress
Considering the severity of burn pain, it is very disorder in burn populations: a critical review of the literature.
unlikely, however, that psychological techniques Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation 19: 230–240
Baxter CR, Wackerie JF 1988 Emergency treatment of burn injury.
alone can provide complete pain relief. Further-
Annals of Emergency Medicine 17: 1305–1315
more, hospitalized burn patients are often too Bennett GJ 1999 Opioids and painful peripheral neuropathy. In:
stressed, fatigued, disoriented, or sick to engage in Kalso E, McQuay HJ, Wiesenfeld-Hallin Z (eds) Opioid
psychological interventions that require time and sensitivity of chronic noncancer pain, progress in pain research
discipline. This does not mean, however, that and management, vol 14. IASP Press, Seattle, pp 319–326
Brofeldt BT, Cornwell P, Doherty D, Batra K, Gunther RA 1989
psychological techniques cannot serve as useful Topical lidocaine in the treatment of partial-thickness burns.
adjuncts to opioids in burn pain control. Coupled Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation 10: 63–68
with adequate and effective medication, psycho- Bryson HM, Fulton BR, Faulds D 1995 Propofol: an update on its
logical interventions can be helpful in optimizing use in anesthesia and conscious sedation. Drugs 50: 513–559
Byers JF, Bridges S, Kijek J, LaBorde P 2001 Burn patient’s pain and
pain relief in selected categories of patients.
anxiety experiences. Journal of Burn Care and Rehabilitation
Additional well-designed studies are needed to 22: 144–149
document which types of burn patients are most Carr DB 1998 Preempting the memory of pain. Journal of the
likely to benefit from one type of intervention or American Medical Association, 278: 114–115
another and at what stages of burn care these Cederholm I, Bengtsson M, Bjorkman S, Choonara I, Rane A 1990
Long-term high dose morphine, ketamine, and midazolam
techniques could be most beneficial. More research infusion in a child with burns. British Journal of Clinical
must also be conducted to determine the practicality Pharmacology 30: 901–905
and cost-effectiveness of some of these techniques Cherny NI, Portenoy RK 1999 Practical issues in the management
(e.g., hypnosis) compared to a combination of drug of cancer pain. In: Wall PD, Melzack R (eds) Textbook of pain,
4th edn. Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, pp 1479–1491
regimens (e.g., use of opioids plus benzodiazepines).
Choinière M 2001 Burn pain: a unique challenge – Pain Clinical
Updates – IASP Press, Seattle, Vol IX, p 1–4
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Cancer pain


Cancer pain syndromes

Nathan I Cherny

Introduction Cancer pain syndromes—

Surveys indicate a pain prevalence of 28% among problems of classification
patients with newly diagnosed cancer (Vuorinen
1993), 50–70% among patients receiving active A woman with breast cancer who presents with
anticancer therapy (Portenoy et al 1992, 1994), and shoulder pain may have any one of a number of
64–80% among patients with far advanced disease pain syndromes including postoperative frozen
(Donnelly and Walsh 1995, Caraceni and Portenoy shoulder, drug-associated proximal myalgias,
1999). Unrelieved pain interferes with physical metastases in the bony structures of the shoulder, or
functioning and social interaction, and is strongly a benign pathology unrelated to the cancer. To
associated with heightened psychological distress arrive at an appropriate therapeutic plan the
(Ferrell and Dean 1995). The high prevalence of treating clinician must be aware of the range of
acute and chronic pain among cancer patients and possible causes of the pain, their distinguishing
the profound psychological and physical burdens clinical features, and efficient diagnostic strategies
engendered by this symptom oblige all treating to isolate the specific cause as quickly and easily as
clinicians to be skilled in pain management possible. Lack of awareness of the range of diagnostic
(Emanuel 1996). Relief of pain in cancer patients is possibilities may result in undertreatment.
an ethical imperative, and it is incumbent upon Since the seminal work of John Bonica (1953a),
clinicians to maximize the knowledge, skill, and various attempts have been made to develop a
diligence needed to attend to this task. taxonomy for cancer pain (Foley 1987b, Cherny and
The undertreatment of cancer pain, which Portenoy 1999). The description of cancer pain
continues to be common (Cherny and Catane 1995, syndromes has facilitated a wider understanding of
Stjernsward et al 1996), has many causes, among the causes of pain among cancer patients and
the most important of which is inadequate enhanced the possibility of specific treatment
assessment (Grossman et al 1991, Von Roenn et al approaches based upon better understanding of the
1993). underlying pathological process.

Special problems of assessment and management

Cancer pain syndromes are defined by the Table 42.1 Cancer-related acute pain syndromes
association of particular pain characteristics and
physical signs with specific consequences of the Acute pain associated with diagnostic and therapeutic
underlying disease or its treatment. Syndromes are
associated with distinct aetiologies and patho- Acute pain associated with diagnostic interventions
Lumbar puncture headache
physiologies, and have important prognostic and
Transthoracic needle biopsy
therapeutic implications. Pain syndromes associated Arterial or venous blood sampling
with cancer can be either acute or chronic. Whereas Bone marrow biopsy
acute pains experienced by cancer patients are Lumbar puncture
usually related to diagnostic and therapeutic inter- Colonoscopy
ventions, chronic pains are most commonly caused
Percutaneous biopsy
by direct tumour infiltration. Adverse consequences Thoracocentesis
of cancer therapy, including surgery, chemotherapy,
Acute postoperative pain
and radiation therapy, account for 15–25% of
chronic cancer pain problems, and a small pro- Acute pain caused by other therapeutic interventions
portion of the chronic pains experienced by cancer Pleurodesis
Tumour embolization
patients are caused by pathology unrelated to Suprapubic catheterization
either the cancer or the cancer therapy. Intercostal catheter
Nephrostomy insertion
Cryosurgery associated pain and cramping
Acute pain syndromes Acute pain associated with analgesic techniques
Local anaesthetic infiltration pain
Cancer-related acute pain syndromes are most Opioid injection pain
commonly due to diagnostic or therapeutic Opioid headache
interventions (Stull et al 1996) (Table 42.1) and they Spinal opioid hyperalgesia syndrome
generally pose little diagnostic difficulty. Although Epidural injection pain
some tumour-related pains have an acute onset Acute pain associated with anticancer therapies
(such as pain from a pathological fracture), most of
Acute pain associated with chemotherapy infusion
these will persist unless effective treatment for the techniques
underlying lesion is provided. A comprehensive pain Intravenous infusion pain
assessment in such patients is usually valuable, Venous spasm
potentially yielding important information about Chemical phlebitis
Vesicant extravasation
the extent of disease or concurrent issues relevant
Anthracycline associated flare reaction
to therapy. Hepatic artery infusion pain
Intraperitoneal chemotherapy abdominal pain

Acute pain associated with chemotherapy toxicity

Acute pain associated with diagnostic Mucositis
and therapeutic interventions Corticosteroid-induced perineal discomfort
Taxol-induced arthralgias
Acute pain associated with diagnostic Steroid pseudorheumatism
interventions Painful peripheral neuropathy
Lumbar puncture headache Lumbar puncture
Intrathecal methotrexate meningitic syndrome
(LP) headache is the best characterized acute pain L-Asparaginase associated dural sinuses thrombosis
syndrome associated with a diagnostic intervention. trans-Retinoic acid headache
This syndrome is characterized by the delayed Diffuse bone pain
development of a positional headache, which is trans-Retinoic acid
Colony-stimulating factors
precipitated or markedly exacerbated by upright
5-Fluorouracil-induced anginal chest pain
posture. The pain is believed to be related to Palmar–plantar erythrodysaesthesia syndrome
reduction in cerebrospinal fluid volume, due to Postchemotherapy gynaecomastia
ongoing leakage through the defect in the dural Chemotherapy-induced acute digital ischaemia
sheath, and compensatory expansion of the pain- Acute pain associated with hormonal therapy
sensitive intracerebral veins (Morewood 1993, Leutenizing hormone releasing factor tumour flare in
Bakshi et al 1999). The incidence of headache is prostate cancer
Hormone-induced pain flare in breast cancer
related to the caliber of the LP needle (0–2% with
27- to 29-gauge, 0.5–7% with 25- to 26-gauge, 5–8% Acute pain associated with immunotherapy
Interferon-induced acute pain
604 with 22-gauge, 10–15% with 20-gauge, and 20–30%
Table 42.1 Cancer-related acute pain syndromes (cont’d)
Cancer pain syndromes

warrant this treatment. Severe headache has also

been reported to respond to treatment with intra-
Acute pain associated with growth factors venous or oral caffeine (Morewood 1993).
Colony-stimulating factor-induced musculoskeletal
Erythropoietin injection pain
Transthoracic needle biopsy Transthoracic
fine-needle aspiration of intrathoracic mass is
Acute pain associated with radiotherapy generally a non-noxious procedure. Severe pain
Incident pains associated with positioning
has, however been associated with this procedure
Oropharyngeal mucositis
Acute radiation enteritis and proctocolitis when the underlying diagnosis was a neurogenic
Early onset brachial plexopathy tumour (Jones et al 1993).
Subacute radiation myelopathy
Strontium-89 induced pain flare
Transrectal prostatic biopsy Transrectal ultra-
Acute pain associated with infection sound-guided prostate biopsy is an essential
Acute herpetic neuralgia procedure in the diagnosis and management of
prostate cancer. In a prospective study 16% of the
Acute pain associated with vascular events patients reported pain of moderate or greater
Acute thrombosis pain severity (PAS PI ≥ 5) and 19% would not agree to
Lower-extremity deep venous thrombosis undergo the procedure again without anaesthesia
Upper-extremity deep venous thrombosis
(Irani et al 1997). Transrectal ultrasound-guided
Superior vena cava obstruction
prostatic nerve blockade is effective in relieving
discomfort associated with this procedure (Nash et
al 1996).

with 18-gauge needles) (Bonica 1953b, McConaha

Mammography pain Breast compression asso-
et al 1996, Lambert et al 1997). Using a regular
ciated with mammography can cause moderate and
bevelled needle, the overall incidence can be
rarely severe pain (Leaney and Martin 1992, Aro et
reduced by the use of a small gauge needle and by
al 1996). Unless patients are adequately counselled
longitudinal insertion of the needle bevel, which
and treated, occasional patients will refuse repeat
presumably induces less trauma to the longitudinal
mammograms because of pain (Leaney and Martin
elastic fibres in the dura (Kempen and Mocek 1997).
Use of a non-traumatic, conical tipped needle with
a lateral opening spreads the dural fibres, and is
associated with a substantially lesser risk of post-
Acute pain associated with therapeutic
lumbar-puncture headaches than regular cannulae
(Prager et al 1996, Corbey et al 1997, Lambert et al Postoperative pain Acute postoperative pain
1997, Vallejo et al 2000). The evidence that is universal unless adequately treated. Unfortu-
recumbency after LP reduces the incidence of this nately, undertreatment is endemic despite the
syndrome is controversial (Gonzalez 2000). availability of adequate analgesic and anaesthetic
LP headache, which usually develops hours to techniques (Marks and Sachar 1973, Edwards 1990,
several days after the procedure, is typically Agency for Health Care Policy and Research: Acute
described as a dull occipital discomfort that may Pain Management Panel 1992). Guidelines for
radiate to the frontal region or to the shoulders. management have been reviewed (Ready 1991,
Pain is commonly associated with nausea and Agency for Health Care Policy and Research: Acute
dizziness. When severe, the pain may be associated Pain Management Panel 1992). Postoperative pain
with diaphoresis and vomitting (Lybecker et al that exceeds the normal duration or severity should
1995, Vilming and Kloster 1998a). The duration of prompt a careful evaluation for the possibility of
the headache is usually 1–7 days (Lybecker et al infection or other complications.
1995, Vilming and Kloster 1998b), and routine
management relies on rest, hydration, and analgesics Cryosurgery-associated pain and cramping
(Evans 1998). Persistent headache may necessitate Cryosurgery of the cervix in the treatment of intra-
application of an epidural blood patch (Evans 1998). epithelial neoplasm commonly produces an acute
Although a recent controlled study suggested that cramping pain syndrome. The severity of the pain
prophylactic administration of a blood patch may is related to the duration of the freeze period, and
reduce this complication (Martin et al 1994), the it is not diminished by the administration of
incidence and severity of the syndrome do not prophylactic NSAIDs (Harper 1994). 605
Special problems of assessment and management

Other interventions Invasive interventions Acute pain associated with anticancer

other than surgery are commonly used in cancer therapies
therapy and may also result in predictable acute
pain syndromes. Examples include the pains Acute pain associated with chemotherapy
associated with tumour embolization techniques infusion techniques
(Chen et al 1997) and chemical pleurodesis (Prevost Intravenous infusion pain Pain at the site of
et al 1998). cytotoxic infusion is a common problem. Four pain
syndromes related to intravenous infusion of
Acute pain associated with analgesic chemotherapeutic agents are recognized: venous
techniques spasm, chemical phlebitis, vesicant extravasation,
Local anaesthetic infiltration pain Intradermal and anthracycline-associated flare. Venous spasm
and subcutaneous infiltration of lidocaine (ligno- causes pain not associated with inflammation or
caine) produces a transient burning sensation phlebitis, and which may be modified by application
before the onset of analgesia. This can be modified of a warm compress or reduction of the rate of
with the use of buffered solutions (Palmon et al infusion. Chemical phlebitis can be caused by cyto-
1998). Other manoeuvres including warming of the toxic medications including amasarcine, decarbazine,
solution (Martin et al 1996) or slowing rate of and carmustine (Hundrieser 1988, Mrozek-Orlowski
injection (Scarfone et al 1998) do not diminish et al 1991), vinorelbine (Rittenberg et al 1995), as well
injection pain. as the infusion of potassium chloride and hyper-
osmolar solutions (Pucino et al 1988). The pain and
Opioid injection pain Intramuscular (IM) and linear erythema associated with chemical phlebitis
subcutaneous (SC) injections are painful. When must be distinguished from the more serious
repetitive dosing is required, the IM route of complication of a vesicant cytotoxic extravasation
administration is not recommended (Agency for (Table 42.2) (Bertelli 1995, Boyle and Engelking
Health Care Policy and Research: Acute Pain 1995). Vesicant extravasation may produce intense
Management Panel 1992, Agency for Health Care pain followed by desquamation and ulceration
Policy and Research 1994). The pain associated (Bertelli 1995, Boyle and Engelking 1995). Finally, a
with subcutaneous injection is influenced by the brief venous flare reaction is often associated with
volume injected and the chemical characteristics of intravenous administration of the anthracycline,
the injectant. doxorubicin. The flare is typically associated with
local urticaria and occasional patients report pain or
stinging (Vogelzang 1979, Curran et al 1990).
Opioid headache Rarely, patients develop a
reproducible generalized headache after opioid
administration. Although its cause is not known, Table 42.2 Commonly used tissue vesicant cytotoxic drugs
speculation suggests that it may be caused by
opioid-induced histamine release. Amasarcine

Spinal opioid hyperalgesia syndrome Intra- cis-Platinum
thecal and epidural injection of high opioid doses is
occasionally complicated by pain (typically perineal,
buttock, or leg), hyperalgesia, and associated Daunorubicin
manifestations including segmental myoclonus, Doxorubicin
piloerection, and priapism. This is an uncommon
phenomenon that remits after discontinuation of Etoposide
the infusion (Glavina and Robertshaw 1988, De Mitomycin-C
Conno et al 1991, Cartwright et al 1993).
Mitoxantrone (mitozantrone)

Epidural injection pain Back, pelvic, or leg
pain may be precipitated by epidural injection or Teniposide
infusion. The incidence of this problem has been Vinblastine
estimated at approximately 20% (De Castro et al
1991). It is speculated that it may be caused by the Vincristine
compression of an adjacent nerve root by the Vindesine
606 injected fluid (De Castro et al 1991).
Hepatic artery infusion pain Cytotoxic infu-
Cancer pain syndromes
complication is most likely in neutropenic patients,
sions into the hepatic artery (for patients with who are also predisposed to systemic sepsis arising
hepatic metastases) are often associated with the from local invasion by aerobic and anaerobic oral
development of a diffuse abdominal pain (Kemeny flora.
1991). Continuous infusions can lead to persistent
pain. In some patients, the pain is due to the Corticosteroid-induced perineal discomfort
development of gastric ulceration or erosions A transient burning sensation in the perineum is
(Shike et al 1986), or cholangitis (Batts 1998). If the described by some patients following rapid infusion
latter complications do not occur, the pain usually of large doses (20–100 mg) of dexamethasone (Bell
resolves with discontinuation of the infusion. A dose 1988). Patients need to be warned that such
relationship is suggested by the observation that symptoms may occur. Clinical experience suggests
some patients will comfortably tolerate reinitiating that this syndrome is prevented by slow infusion.
of the infusion at a lower dose (Kemeny 1992)
Steroid pseudorheumatism The withdrawal
Intraperitoneal chemotherapy pain Abdo- of corticosteroids may produce a pain syndrome
minal pain is a common complication of intra- that manifests as diffuse myalgias, arthralgias, and
peritoneal chemotherapy (IPC). A transient mild tenderness of muscles and joints. These symptoms
abdominal pain, associated with sensations of occur with rapid or slow withdrawal and may occur
fullness or bloating, is reported by approximately in patients taking these drugs for long or short
25% of patients (Almadrones and Yerys 1990). A periods of time. Treatment consists of reinstituting
further 25% of patients report moderate or severe the steroids at a higher dose and withdrawing them
pain, necessitating opioid analgesia or more slowly (Rotstein and Good 1957).
discontinuation of therapy (Almadrones and Yerys
1990). Moderate or severe pain is usually caused by Painful peripheral neuropathy Chemotherapy-
chemical serositis or infection (Markman 1986). induced painful peripheral neuropathy, which is
Drug selection may be a factor in the incidence usually associated with vinca alkaloids, cis-
of chemical serositis; it is a common complication of platinum, and paclitaxel can have an acute course.
intraperitoneal of the anthracycline agents mito- The vinca alkaloids (particularly vincristine) are
xantrone (mitozantrone) and doxorubicin and with also associated with other, presumably neuropathic
taxol, but it is relatively infrequent with 5-fluoro- acute pain syndromes, including pain in the jaw,
uracil or cis-platinum. Abdominal pain associated legs, arms, or abdomen that may last from hours to
with fever and leukocytosis in blood and peritoneal days (Sandler et al 1969, Rosenthal and Kaufman
fluid is suggestive of infectious peritonitis (Kaplan 1974, McCarthy and Skillings 1992). Vincristine-
et al 1985). induced orofacial pain in the distribution of the
trigeminal and glossopharyngeal nerves occurs in
Intravesical chemo or immunotherapy Intra- approximately 50% of patients at the onset of
vesical bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) therapy for vincristine treatment (McCarthy and Skillings
transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder 1992). The pain, which is severe in about half of
usually causes a transient bladder irritability syn- those affected, generally begins 2–3 days after
drome characterized by frequency and/or mictu- vincristine administration and lasts for 1–3 days. It
rition pain (Uekado et al 1994). Rarely, treatment is usually self-limiting and if recurrence occurs, it is
may trigger a painful polyarthritis (Kudo et al 1991). usually mild (McCarthy and Skillings 1992). The
Similarly, intravesical doxorubicin often causes a neuropathy associated with paclitaxel neuropathy
painful chemical cystitis (Matsumura et al 1992). is dose related and is generally subacute in onset
with a tendency to resolution after the completion
Acute pain associated with chemotherapy of therapy (Postma et al 1995).
Mucositis Severe mucositis is an almost inva- Headache Intrathecal methotrexate in the treat-
riable consequence of the myeloablative chemo- ment of leukaemia or leptomeningeal metastases
therapy and radiotherapy that precedes bone produces an acute meningitic syndrome in 5–50%
marrow transplantation, but it is less common of patients (Weiss et al 1974). Headache is the
with standard intensity therapy (Rider 1990, Verdi prominent symptom and may be associated with
1993, Dose 1995). Damaged mucosal surfaces may vomiting, nuchal rigidity, fever, irritability, and
become superinfected with microorganisms, such lethargy. Symptoms usually begin hours after
as candida albicans and herpes simplex. The latter intrathecal treatment and persist for several days. 607
Special problems of assessment and management

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination reveals a speculated that coronary vasospasm may be the
pleocytosis that may mimic bacterial meningitis. underlying mechanism (Freeman and Costanza 1988,
Patients at increased risk for the development of Rezkalla et al 1989, Eskilsson and Albertsson 1990).
this syndrome include those who have received
multiple intrathecal injections and those patients Palmar–plantar erythrodysaesthesia syndrome
undergoing treatment for proven leptomeningeal Protracted infusion of 5-fluorouracil can be
metastases (Weiss et al 1974). The syndrome tends complicated by the development of a tingling or
not to recur with subsequent injections. burning sensation in the palms and soles followed
Systemic administration of L-asparaginase for by the development of an erythematous rash. The
the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia rash is characterized by a painful, sharply
produces thrombosis of cerebral veins or dural demarcated, intense erythema of the palms and/or
sinuses in 1–2% of patients (Priest et al 1982). This soles followed by bulla formation, desquamation,
complication typically occurs after a few weeks of and healing. Continuous low-dose 5-FU infusion
therapy, but its onset may be delayed until after the (200–300 mg/m2/day) will produce this palmar–
completion of treatment. Headache is the most plantar erythrodysaesthesia syndrome in 40–90% of
common initial symptom, and seizures, hemiparesis, patients (Lokich and Moore 1984, Leo et al 1994). It
delirium, vomiting, or cranial nerve palsies may occurs rarely with patients undergoing 96- to 120-h
also occur. The diagnosis may be established by infusions (Bellmunt et al 1988). The pathogenesis is
angiography or by gradient echo sequences on MRI unknown. The eruption is self-limiting in nature
scan (Schick et al 1989). and it does not usually require discontinuation of
trans-Retinoic acid therapy, which may be used therapy. Symptomatic measures are often required
in the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukaemia (Bellmunt et al 1988), and treatment with pyridoxine
(APML), can cause a transient severe headache has been reported to induce resolution of the lesions
(Visani et al 1996). The mechanism may be (Fabian et al 1990). Palmar–plantar erythro-
related to pseudotumour cerebri induced by dysaesthesia caused by capecitabine, an orally
hypervitaminosis A. administered 5-FU prodrug, may warrant discon-
tinuation of therapy if severe (Dooley and Goa
Diffuse bone pain trans-Retinoic acid therapy 1999). A similar syndrome has recently been reported
in patients with APML often produces a syndrome with liposomal doxorubicin, which is thought to be
of diffuse bone pain (Castaigne et al 1990, Ohno et relatively sequestered in skin (Alberts and Garcia
al 1993). The pain is generalized, of variable 1997). As with 5-FU, this is also a dose-related
intensity, and closely associated with a transient adverse effect related to repeated dosing. Uncom-
neutrophilia. The latter observation suggests that the monly, palmar–plantar erythrodysaesthesia has
pain may be due to marrow expansion, a pheno- been observed with paclitaxel (Vukelja et al 1993).
menon that may underlie a similar pain syndrome
that occurs following the administration of colony- Postchemotherapy gynaecomastia Painful
stimulating factors (Hollingshead and Goa 1991). gynaecomastia can occur as a delayed complication
of chemotherapy. Testis cancer is the most common
Taxol-induced arthralgia and myalgia Ad- underlying disorder (Aki et al 1996), but it has been
ministration of paclitaxel generates a syndrome of reported after therapy for other cancers as well
diffuse arthralgias and myalgia in 10–20% of (Glass and Berenberg 1979, Trump et al 1982).
patients (Rowinsky et al 1993, Muggia et al 1995). Gynaecomastia typically develops after a latency of
Diffuse joint and muscle pains generally appear 2–9 months and resolves spontaneously within a
1–4 days after drug administration and persist for few months. Persistent gynaecomastia is occasionally
3–7 days. observed (Trump et al 1982). Cytotoxic-induced
disturbance of androgen secretion is the probable
5-Fluorouracil-induced anginal chest pain cause of this syndrome (Aki et al 1996). In the patient
Patients receiving continuous infusions of 5- with testicular cancer, this syndrome must be
fluorouracil (5-FU) may develop ischaemic chest differentiated from tumour-related gynaecomastia,
pain (Freeman and Costanza 1988). Continuous which may be associated with early recurrence (see
ambulatory electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring below) (Saeter et al 1987, Trump and Anderson 1983).
of patients undergoing 5-FU infusion demonstrated
a near threefold increase in ischaemic episodes over Chemotherapy-induced acute digital ischaemia
pre-treatment recordings (Rezkalla et al 1989); these Raynaud’s phenomenon or transient ischaemia of
ECG changes were more common among patients the toes is a common complication of bleomycin,
608 with known coronary artery disease. It is widely vinblastine, and cisplatin (PVB) treatment for
testicular cancer (Aass et al 1990). Rarely, irreversible
Cancer pain syndromes

all patients treated with IFN experience an acute

digital ischaemia leading to gangrene has been syndrome consisting of fever, chills, myalgias,
reported after bleomycin (Elomaa et al 1984). arthralgias, and headache (Quesada et al 1986). The
syndrome usually begins shortly after initial dosing
Chemotherapy induced tumour pain Pain at and frequently improves with continued admin-
the site of tumour is reported to occur in some istration of the drug (Quesada et al 1986). The
patients (7%) after treatment with vinorelbine. severity of symptoms is related to type of IFN,
Typically, pain begins within a few minutes of the route of administration, schedule, and dose. Doses
vinorelbine infusion, is moderate to severe in of 1–9 million units of α-interferon are usually well
intensity, and requires analgesic therapy. Pre- tolerated, but doses greater than or equal to 18
medication with ketorolac may prevent recurrence million units usually produce moderate to severe
in some cases (Colleoni et al 1995, Kornek et al 1996, toxicity (Quesada et al 1986). Acetaminophen
De Marco et al 1999). pretreatment is often useful in ameliorating these
Acute pain associated with hormonal
Acute pain associated with bisphosphonates
Leutenizing hormone releasing factor (LHRF) Bisphosphonate-induced bone pain Bisphos-
tumour flare in prostate cancer Initiation of phonates are widely used in the care of patients
LHRF hormonal therapy for prostate cancer with bony metastases, especially among patients
produces a transient symptom flare in 5–25% of with breast cancer and myeloma (Hillner et al
patients (Chrisp and Goa 1991, Chrisp and Sorkin 2000). Infusion of bisphosphonates is sometimes
1991). The flare is presumably caused by an initial associated with the development of multifocal bone
stimulation of leutenizing hormone release before pain and/or myalgia. Typically, pain occurs within
suppression is achieved. The syndrome typically 24 h of infusion and may last up to 3 days. Pain
presents as an exacerbation of bone pain or urinary intensity is variable and may be severe. The
retention; spinal cord compression and sudden condition is self-limiting but may require analgesic
death have been reported (Thompson et al 1990). therapy (Coukell and Markham 1998).
Symptom flare is usually observed within the first
week of therapy, and lasts 1–3 weeks in the absence
of androgen antagonist therapy. Coadministration Acute pain associated with growth factors
of an androgen antagonist during the initiation of Colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) are haemato-
LHRF agonist therapy can prevent this phenomenon poietic growth hormones that stimulate the
(Labrie et al 1987). Among patients with prostate production, maturation, and function of white
cancer that is refractory to first-line hormonal blood cells. Granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-
therapy, transient tumour flares have been CSF) and granulocyte CSF (G-CSF) and interleukin-
observed with androstenedione (Shearer et al 1990, 3 commonly produce mild to moderate bone pain
Davies et al 1992) and medroxyprogesterone (Fossa and constitutional symptoms such as fever,
and Urnes 1986). headache, and myalgias during the period of
administration (Veldhuis et al 1995, Vial and
Hormone-induced pain flare in breast cancer Descotes 1995). Subcutaneous administration of r-
Any hormonal therapy for metastatic breast cancer HuEPO alpha is associated with pain at the
can be complicated by a sudden onset of diffuse injection site in about 40% of cases (Frenken et al
musculoskeletal pain commencing within hours to 1991). Subcutaneous injection of r-HuEPO alpha
weeks of the initiation of therapy (Plotkin et al is more painful than r-HuEPO beta (Morris et al
1978). Other manifestations of this syndrome include 1994). Alpha erythropoietin injection pain can be
erythema around cutaneous metastases, changes in reduced by dilution of the vehicle with benzyl
liver function studies, and hypercalcaemia. Although alcohol saline, reduction of the volume of the
the underlying mechanism is not understood, this vehicle to 1.0 to 0.1 ml (Frenken et al 1994) or
does not appear to be caused by tumour stimulation, addition of lidocaine (lignocaine) (Alon et al 1994).
and it is speculated that it may reflect normal tissue
response (Reddel and Sutherland 1984). Acute pain associated with radiotherapy
Acute pain associated with immunotherapy Incident pains can be precipitated by transport and
positioning of the patient for radiotherapy. Other
Interferon (IFN)-induced acute pain Virtually pains can be caused by acute radiation toxicity, 609
Special problems of assessment and management

which is most commonly associated with inflam- that may occur following radiotherapy of extraspi-
mation and ulceration of skin or mucous membranes nal tumours (Ang and Stephens 1994, Schultheiss
within the radiation port. The syndrome produced 1994). It is most frequently observed involving the
is dependent upon the involved field: head and cervical cord after radiation treatment of head and
neck irradiation can cause a stomatitis or pharyngitis neck cancers and Hodgkin’s disease. In the latter
(Rider 1990), treatment of the chest and oesophagus case, patients develop painful, shock-like pains in
can cause an oesophagitis (Vanagunas et al 1990), the neck that are precipitated by neck flexion
and pelvic therapy can cause a proctitis, cystitis- (Lhermitte’s sign); these pains may radiate down
urethritis, vaginal ulceration, or radiation dermatitis. the spine and into one or more extremities. The
syndrome usually begins weeks to months after the
Oropharyngeal mucositis Radiotherapy- completion of radiotherapy, and typically resolves
induced mucositis is invariable with doses above over a period of 3–6 months (Ang and Stephens
1000 cGy, and ulceration is common at doses above 1994).
4000 cGy. Although the severity of the associated
pain is variable, it is often severe enough to Radiopharmaceutical-induced pain flare
interfere with oral alimentation. Painful mucositis Strontium-89, Rhenium-186 hydroxyethylidene
can persist for several weeks after the completion of diphosphonate, and Samarium-153 are systemically
the treatment (Rider 1990, Epstein and Stewart administered beta-emitting calcium analogues
1993). taken up by bone in areas of osteoblastic activity
and which may help relieve pain caused by blastic
Acute radiation enteritis and proctocolitis bony metastases (McEwan 1997). A ‘flare’ response,
Acute radiation enteritis occurs in as many as characterized by transient worsening of pain 1–2
50% of patients receiving abdominal or pelvic days after administration, occurs in 15–20% of
radiotherapy. Involvement of the small intestine can patients (Robinson et al 1995). This flare usually
present with cramping abdominal pain associated resolves after 3–5 days and most affected patients
with nausea and diarrhoea (Yeoh and Horowitz subsequently develop a good analgesic response
1988). Pelvic radiotherapy can cause a painful (Robinson et al 1995).
proctocolitis, with tenesmoid pain associated with
diarrhoea, mucous discharge, and bleeding (Babb
Acute pain associated with infection
1996). These complications typically resolve shortly
after completion of therapy, but may have a slow Acute herpetic neuralgia
resolution over 2–6 months (Yeoh and Horowitz A significantly increased incidence of acute herpetic
1988, Nussbaum et al 1993, Babb 1996). Acute neuralgia occurs among cancer patients, especially
enteritis is associated with an increased risk of late those with haematological or lymphoproliferative
onset radiation enteritis (see below). malignancies and those receiving immuno-
suppressive therapies (Portenoy et al 1986,
Early onset brachial plexopathy A transient Rusthoven et al 1988). Pain or itch usually precedes
brachial plexopathy has been described in breast the development of the rash by several days and
cancer patients immediately following radio- may occasionally occur without the development
therapy to the chest wall and adjacent nodal areas. of skin eruption (Portenoy et al 1986, Galer and
In retrospective studies, the incidence of this Portenoy 1991). The pain, which may be continuous
phenomenon has been variably estimated as or lancinating, usually resolves within 2 months
1.4–20% (Salner et al 1981, Pierce et al 1992); clinical (Galer and Portenoy 1991). Pain persisting beyond
experience suggests that lower estimates are more this interval is referred to as postherpetic neuralgia
accurate. The median latency to the development of (see below). Patients with active tumour are more
symptoms was 4.5 months (3–14 months) in one likely to have a disseminated infection (Rusthoven
survey (Salner et al 1981). Paraesthesias are the et al 1988). In those predisposed by chemotherapy,
most common presenting symptom, and pain and the infection usually develops less than 1 month
weakness occur less frequently. The syndrome is after the completion of treatment. The dermatomal
self-limiting and does not predispose to the sub- location of the infection is often associated with
sequent development of delayed onset, progressive the site of the malignancy (Rusthoven et al 1988).
plexopathy. Patients with primary tumours of gynaecologic and
genitourinary origin have a predilection to lumbar
Subacute radiation myelopathy Subacute radia- and sacral involvement, and those with breast or
610 tion myelopathy is an uncommon phenomenon lung carcinomas tend to present with thoracic
involvement; patients with haematologic tumours is relieved. When possible, optimal therapy is
Cancer pain syndromes

appear to be predisposed to cervical lesions. The anticoagulation and thrombectomy (Perkins et al

infection also occurs twice as frequently in previously 1996). The mortality rate for ischaemic venous
irradiated dermatomes as non-radiated areas. thrombosis is about 40%, the cause of death usually
being the underlying disease or pulmonary emboli
(Hirschmann 1987).
Acute pain associated with vascular
Upper-extremity deep venous thrombosis
Only 2% of all cases of deep venous thrombosis
Acute thrombosis pain involve the upper extremity, and the incidence of
Thrombosis is the most frequent complication and pulmonary embolism related to thrombosis in this
the second cause of death in patients with overt location is approximately 12% (Nemmers et al
malignant disease (Donati 1994). Thrombotic 1990). The three major clinical features of upper-
episodes may precede the diagnosis of cancer by extremity venous thrombosis are oedema, dilated
months or years and represent a potential marker collateral circulation, and pain (Burihan et al 1993).
for occult malignancy (Agnelli 1997). Postoperative Approximately two-thirds of patients have arm pain.
deep vein thrombosis is more frequent in patients Among patients with cancer the most common causes
operated for malignant diseases than for other are central venous catheterization and extrinsic com-
disorders, and both chemotherapy and hormone pression by tumour (Burihan et al 1993). Although
therapy are associated with an increased thrombotic thrombosis secondary to intrinsic damage usually
risk (Agnelli 1997). responds well to anticoagulation alone and rarely
Possible prothrombic factors in cancer include causes persistent symptoms, when extrinsic
the capacity of tumour cells and their products to obstruction is the cause, persistent arm swelling
interact with platelets, clotting and fibrinolytic and pain are commonplace (Donayre et al 1986).
systems, endothelial cells, and tumour-associated
macrophages. Cytokine release, acute phase reaction, Superior vena cava obstruction Superior vena
and neovascularization may contribute to in vivo cava (SVC) obstruction is most commonly caused
clotting activation (Donati 1994, Agnelli 1997). by extrinsic compression by enlarged mediastinal
Patients with pelvic tumours (Clarke-Pearson and lymph nodes (Escalante 1993). In contemporary
Olt 1989), pancreatic cancer (Heinmoller et al 1995), series lung cancer and lymphomas are the most
gastric cancer, advanced breast cancer (Levine et al commonly associated conditions. Increasingly,
1994), and brain tumours (Sawaya and Ligon 1994) thrombosis of the superior vena cava is caused by
are at greatest risk. intravascular devices (Morales et al 1997), par-
ticularly with left-sided ports and when the catheter
Lower-extremity deep venous thrombosis tip lies in the upper part of the vena (Puel et al
Pain and swelling are the commonest presenting 1993). Patient usually present with facial swelling
features of lower-extremity deep vein thrombosis and dilated neck and chest wall veins. Chest pain,
(Criado and Burnham 1997). The pain is variable in headache, and mastalgia are less common
severity and it is often mild. It is commonly presentations.
described as a dull cramp, or diffuse heaviness. The
pain most commonly affects the calf but may Acute mesenteric vein thrombosis Acute mesen-
involve the sole of the foot, the heel, the thigh, the teric vein thrombosis is most commonly associated
groin or pelvis. Pain usually increases on standing with hypercoaguability states. Rarely it has been
and walking. On examination, suggestive features associated with extrinsic venous compression by
include swelling, warmth, dilatation of superficial malignant lymphdenopathy (Traill and Nolan
veins, tenderness along venous tracts, and pain 1997), extension of venous thrombosis (Vigo et al
induced by stretching (Criado and Burnham 1997). 1980), or as a result of iatrogenic hypercoaguable
Rarely patients may develop tissue ischaemia or state (Sahdev et al 1985).
frank gangrene, even without arterial or capillary
occlusion; this syndrome is called phlegmasia cerulea
dolens. It is most commonly seen in patients with
underlying neoplasm (Hirschmann 1987, Lorimer
Chronic pain syndromes
et al 1994) and is characterized by severe pain, Most chronic cancer-related pains are caused
extensive oedema, and cyanosis of the legs. directly by the tumour (Table 42.3). Data from the
Gangrene can occur unless the venous obstruction largest prospective survey of cancer pain syndromes 611
Special problems of assessment and management

Table 42.3 Cancer-related chronic pain syndromes Table 42.3 Cancer-related chronic pain syndromes (cont’d)

Tumour-related pain syndromes

Paraneoplastic nociceptive pain syndromes
Bone pain Tumour-related gynaecomastia
Multifocal or generalized bone pain Paraneoplastic pemphigus
Multiple bony metastases
Marrow expansion Chronic pain syndromes associated with cancer therapy
Vertebral syndromes Postchemotherapy pain syndromes
Atlantoaxial destruction and odontoid fractures Chronic painful peripheral neuropathy
C7–T1 syndrome Avascular necrosis of femoral or humeral head
T12–L1 syndrome Plexopathy associated with intraarterial infusion
Sacral syndrome Raynaud’s phenomenon
Back pain and epidural compression
Pain syndromes of the bony pelvis and hip Chronic pain associated with hormonal therapy
Hip joint syndrome Gynaecomastia with hormonal therapy for prostate
Acrometastases cancer

Arthritides Chronic postsurgical pain syndromes

Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy Postmastectomy pain syndrome
Other polyarthritides Postradical neck dissection pain
Post-thoracotomy pain
Muscle pain Postoperatve frozen shoulder
Muscle cramps Phantom pain syndromes
Skeletal muscle tumours Phantom limb pain
Phantom breast pain
Headache and facial pain
Phantom anus pain
Intracerebral tumour
Phantom bladder pain
Leptomeningeal metastases
Stump pain
Base of skull metastases
Postsurgical pelvic floor myalgia
Orbital syndrome
Parasellar syndrome Chronic postradiation pain syndromes
Middle cranial fossa syndrome Plexopathies
Jugular foramen syndrome Radiation-induced brachial and lumbosacral
Occipital condyle syndrome plexopathies
Clivus syndrome Radiation-induced peripheral nerve tumour
Sphenoid sinus syndrome Chronic radiation myelopathy
Painful cranial neuralgias Chronic radiation enteritis and proctitis
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia Burning perineum syndrome
Trigeminal neuralgia Osteoradionecrosis

Tumour involvement of the peripheral nervous system

Tumour-related radiculopathy
Postherpetic neuralgia
Cervical plexopathy
Brachial plexopathy revealed that almost one-quarter of the patients
Malignant brachial plexopathy experienced two or more pains. Over 90% of the
Idiopathic brachial plexopathy associated with patients had one or more tumour-related pains and
Hodgkin’s disease
Malignant lumbosacral plexopathy
21% had one or more pains caused by cancer
Tumour-related mononeuropathy therapies. Somatic pains (71%) were more common
Paraneoplastic painful peripheral neuropathy than neuropathic (39%) or visceral pains (34%)
Subacute sensory neuropathy (Caraceni and Portenoy 1999). Bone pain and com-
Sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy
pression of neural structures are the two most
Pain syndromes of the viscera and miscellaneous tumour- common causes (Banning et al 1991, Daut and
related syndromes Cleeland 1982, Foley 1987a, Grond et al 1996,
Hepatic distension syndrome Twycross et al 1996).
Midline retroperitoneal syndrome
Chronic intestinal obstruction
Peritoneal carcinomatosis
Malignant perineal pain Bone pain
Malignant pelvic floor myalgia
Bone metastases are the most common cause of
Adrenal pain syndrome
Ureteric obstruction chronic pain in cancer patients (Banning et al 1991,
Ovarian cancer pain Daut and Cleeland 1982, Foley 1987a, Grond et al
Lung cancer pain 1996, Twycross et al 1996). Cancers of the lung,
612 breast, and prostate most often metastasize to bone,
but any tumour type may be complicated by
Cancer pain syndromes

involvement is common, occurring in greater than

painful bony lesions. Although bone pain is usually 85% of patients (Constans et al 1983). The early
associated with direct tumour invasion of bony recognition of pain syndromes due to tumour
structures, more than 25% of patients with bony invasion of vertebral bodies is essential, since pain
metastases are pain-free (Wagner 1984), and patients usually precedes compression of adjacent neural
with multiple bony metastases typically report pain structures and prompt treatment of the lesion may
in only a few sites. The factors that convert a painless prevent the subsequent development of neurologic
lesion to a painful one are unknown. Bone deficits. Several factors often confound accurate
metastases could potentially cause pain by any of diagnosis, referral of pain is common, and the
multiple mechanisms, including endosteal or associated symptoms and signs can mimic a variety
periosteal nociceptor activation (by mechanical of other disorders, both malignant (e.g., paraspinal
distortion or release of chemical mediators) or masses) and non-malignant.
tumour growth into adjacent soft tissues and
nerves (Mercadante 1997). Recent studies have Atlantoaxial destruction and odontoid
demonstrated that tumour osteolysis may be fracture Nuchal or occipital pain is the typical
mediated by a cascade involving the secretion of presentation of destruction of the atlas or fracture
tumour-produced parathyroid hormone-related of the odontoid process. Pain often radiates over
protein (PTHrP), which stimulates osteoclastic bone the posterior aspect of the skull to the vertex and is
resorption, thus releasing transforming growth exacerbated by movement of the neck, particularly
factor beta (TGF-β), which is abundant in bone flexion (Phillips and Levine 1989). Pathologic
matrix. The released TGF-β further promotes fracture may result in secondary subluxation with
osteolysis by stimulating PTHrP production by compression of the spinal cord at the cervico-
tumour cells (Guise 2000). medullary junction. This complication is usually
Bone pain due to metastatic tumour needs to be insidious and may begin with symptoms or signs in
differentiated from less common causes. Non- one or more extremity. Typically, there is early
neoplastic causes in this population include involvement of the upper extremities and the
osteoporotic fractures (including those associated occasional appearance of so-called ‘pseudo-levels’
with multiple myeloma), focal osteonecrosis, which suggestive of more caudal spinal lesions; these
may be idiopathic or related to chemotherapy, deficits can slowly progress to involve sensory,
corticosteroids (Socie et al 1997) or radiotherapy motor, and autonomic functions (Sundaresan et al
(see below) and osteomalacia (Shane et al 1997). 1981). MRI is probably the best method for imaging
this region of the spine (Bosley et al 1985), but
Multifocal or generalized bone pain clinical experience suggests that CT is also sensitive.
Bone pain may be focal, multifocal, or generalized. Plain radiography, tomography, and bone scintig-
Multifocal bone pains are most commonly raphy should be viewed as ancillary procedures.
experienced by patients with multiple bony
metastases. A generalized pain syndrome is also C7–T1 syndrome Invasion of the C7 or T1
rarely produced by replacement of bone marrow vertebra can result in pain referred to the inter-
(Jonsson et al 1990, Wong et al 1993). This bone scapular region. These lesions may be missed if
marrow replacement syndrome has been observed radiographic evaluation is mistakenly targeted to
in haematogenous malignancies (Golembe et al 1979, the painful area caudal to the site of damage. Addi-
Lembersky et al 1988) and, less commonly, solid tionally, visualization of the appropriate region on
tumours (Wong et al 1993). This syndrome can occur routine radiographs may be inadequate due to
in the absence of abnormalities on bone scinti- obscuration by overlying bone and mediastinal
graphy or radiography, increasing the difficulty of shadows. Patients with interscapular pain should
diagnosis. Rarely, a paraneoplastic osteomalacia therefore undergo radiography of both the cervical
can mimic multiple metastases (Shane et al 1997). and the thoracic spine. Bone scintigraphy may
assist in targeting additional diagnostic imaging
Vertebral syndromes procedures, such as CT or MRl. The latter proce-
The vertebrae are the most common sites of bony dures can be useful in assessing the possibility that
metastases. More than two-thirds of vertebral pain is referred from an extraspinal site, such as the
metastases are located in the thoracic spine; paraspinal gutter.
lumbosacral and cervical metastases account for
approximately 20 and 10%, respectively (Gilbert T12–L1 syndrome A T12 or L1 vertebral lesion
et al 1978, Sorensen et al 1990). Multiple-level can refer pain to the ipsilateral iliac crest or the 613
Special problems of assessment and management

sacroiliac joint. Imaging procedures directed at Huddart et al 1997, Milross et al 1997, Razak and
pelvic bones can miss the source of the pain. Sappani 1998, Cowap et al 2000). Despite this, delays
in diagnosis are commonplace (Husband 1998).
Sacral syndrome Severe focal pain radiating to Back pain is the initial symptom in almost all
buttocks, perineum, or posterior thighs may patients with EC (Posner 1987), and in 10% it is the
accompany destruction of the sacrum (Hall and only symptom at the time of diagnosis (Greenberg
Fleming 1970, Feldenzer et al 1989, Porter et al et al 1980) Since pain usually precedes neurologic
1994). The pain is often exacerbated by sitting or signs by a prolonged period, it should be viewed as
lying and is relieved by standing or walking. The a potential indicator of EC, which can lead to treat-
neoplasm can spread laterally to involve muscles ment at a time that a favourable response is most
that rotate the hip (e.g., the pyriformis muscle). likely. Back pain, however, is a non-specific symptom
This may produce severe incident pain induced by that can result from bony or paraspinal metastases
motion of the hip, or a malignant ‘pyriformis without epidural encroachment, from retroperitoneal
syndrome’, characterized by buttock or posterior or leptomeningeal tumour, epidural lipomatosis
leg pain exacerbated by internal rotation of the hip. due to steroid administration (Stranjalis et al 1992),
Local extension of the tumour mass may also or from a large variety of other benign conditions.
involve the sacral plexus. Since it is infeasible to pursue an extensive
evaluation in every cancer patient who develops
Imaging investigations of bone pain back pain, the complaint should impel an eval-
The two most important imaging modalities for the uation that determines the likelihood of EC and
evaluation of bone pain are plain radiography and thereby selects patients appropriate for definitive
nuclear bone scan. In general, CT and MRI scans imaging of the epidural space. The selection process
are reserved for situations when the diagnosis is based on symptoms and signs and the results of
cannot be discerned from clinical information and simple imaging techniques.
these baseline tests or when there are specific
diagnostic issues to be resolved that require special Clinical features of epidural extension Some
techniques. Imaging investigations of bone pain are pain characteristics are particularly suggestive of
discussed in Cherny and Portenoy (1999). epidural extension (Helweg-Larsen and Sorensen
1994). Rapid progression of back pain in a crescendo
Back pain and epidural compression (EC) pattern is an ominous occurrence (Rosenthal et al
Epidural compression of the spinal cord or cauda 1992). Radicular pain, which can be constant or
equina is the second most common neurologic lancinating, has similar implications (Helweg-
complication of cancer, occurring in up to 10% of Larsen and Sorensen 1994). It is usually unilateral
patients (Posner 1987). In the community setting, in the cervical and lumbosacral regions and bilateral
EC is often the first recognized manifestation of in the thorax, where it is often experienced as a
malignancy (Stark et al 1982); at a cancer hospital it tight, belt-like band across the chest or abdomen
is the presenting syndrome in only 8% of cases (Helweg-Larsen and Sorensen 1994). The likelihood
(Posner 1987). Most EC is caused by posterior of EC is also greater when back or radicular pain is
extension of vertebral body metastasis to the epidural exacerbated by recumbency, cough, sneeze, or strain
space. Occasionally, EC is caused by tumour (Ruff and Lanska 1989). Other types of referred
extension from the posterior arch of the vertebra or pain are also suggestive, including Lhermitte’s sign
infiltration of a paravertebral tumour through the (Ventafridda et al 1991) and central pain from spinal
intervertebral foramen. cord compression, which usually is perceived some
Untreated, EC leads inevitably to neurological distance below the site of the compression and is
damage. Effective treatment can potentially prevent typically a poorly localized, non-dermatomal
these complications. The most important determinate dysaesthesia (Posner 1987).
of the efficacy of treatment is the degree of neuro- Weakness, sensory loss, autonomic dysfunction,
logical impairment at the time therapy is initiated. and reflex abnormalities usually occur after a
Seventy-five percent of patients who begin treat- period of progressive pain (Helweg-Larsen and
ment while ambulatory remain so; the efficacy of Sorensen 1994). Weakness may begin segmentally if
treatment declines to 30–50% for those who begin related to nerve root damage or in a multisegmental
treatment while markedly paretic, and is 10–20% or pyramidal distribution if the cauda equina or
for those who are plegic (Gilbert et al 1978, Barcena spinal cord, respectively, is injured. The rate of
et al 1984, Portenoy et al 1989, Ruff and Lanska 1989, progression of weakness is variable; in the absence
614 Rosenthal et al 1992, Maranzano and Latini 1995, of treatment, following the onset of weakness one-
third of patients will develop paralysis within 7 One such algorithm defines both the urgency
Cancer pain syndromes

days (Barron et al 1959). Patients whose weakness and course of the evaluation (Fig. 42.1). Patients
progresses slowly have a better prognosis for with emerging symptoms and signs indicative of
neurologic recovery with treatment than those who spinal cord or cauda equina dysfunction are des-
progress rapidly (Helweg-Larsen et al 1990, ignated Group 1. The evaluation (and if appropriate,
Helweg-Larsen 1996). Without effective treatment, treatment) of these patients should proceed on an
sensory abnormalities, which may also begin emergency basis. In most cases, these patients should
segmentally, may ultimately evolve to a sensory receive an intravenous dose of corticosteroid before
level, with complete loss of all sensory modalities epidural imaging is performed.
below site of injury. The upper level of sensory Patients with symptoms and signs of radiculo-
findings may correspond to the location of the pathy or stable or mild signs of spinal cord or cauda
epidural tumour or be below it by many segments equina dysfunction are designated Group 2. These
(Helweg-Larsen and Sorensen 1994). Ataxia without patients are also usually treated presumptively with
pain is the initial presentation of epidural com- a corticosteroid and are scheduled for definitive
pression in 1% of patients; this finding is presumably imaging of the epidural space as soon as possible.
due to early involvement of the spinocerebellar Group 3 patients have back pain and no symptoms
tracts (Gilbert et al 1978). Bladder and bowel dys- or signs suggesting EC. These patients should be
function occur late, except in patients with a conus evaluated in routine fashion starting with plain
medullaris lesion who may present with acute spine radiographs. The presence at the appropriate
urinary retention and constipation without preceding level of any abnormality consistent with neoplasm
motor or sensory symptoms (Helweg-Larsen and indicates a high probability (60%) of EC (Rodichok
Sorensen 1994). et al 1986, Hill et al 1993). This likelihood varies,
Other features that may be evident on examination however, with the type of radiological abnormality;
of patients with EC include scoliosis, asymmetrical for example, one study noted that EC occurred in
wasting of paravertebral musculature, and a gibbus 87% of patients with greater than 50% vertebral body
(palpable step in the spinous processes). Spinal collapse, 31% with pedicle erosion, and only 7% with
tenderness to percussion, which may be severe, tumour limited to the body of the vertebra without
often accompanies the pain. collapse (Graus et al 1986). Definitive imaging of
the epidural space is thus strongly indicated in
Imaging modalities Definitive imaging of the patients who have > 50% vertebral body collapse,
epidural space confirms the existence of EC (and and is generally recommended for patients with
thereby indicates the necessity and urgency of treat- pedicle erosion. Some patients with neoplasm
ment), defines the appropriate radiation portals, limited to the vertebral body can be followed
and determines the extent of epidural encroachment expectantly; imaging should be performed if pain
(which influences prognosis and may alter the progresses or changes (e.g., become radicular), or if
therapeutic approach) (Portenoy et al 1987). The radiographic evidence of progression is obtained.
options for definitive imaging include MRI, myelo- Among patients with vertebral collapse it is often
graphy, and CT-myelography or spiral CT without difficult to distinguish malignant from non-malignant
myelographic contrast, and are discussed in pathology. Vertebral metastases are suggested by
Cherny and Portenoy (1999). destruction of the anterolateral or posterior cortical
bone of the vertebral body, the cancellous bone or
Algorithm for the investigation of cancer vertebral pedicle, a focal paraspinal soft-tissue
patients with back pain Given the prevalence mass, and an epidural mass. Non-malignant causes
and the potential for dire consequences of EC, and are suggested by cortical fractures of the vertebral
the recognition that back pain is a marker of early body without cortical bone destruction, retropulsion
(and therefore treatable) EC, algorithms to guide of a fragment of the posterior cortex of the vertebral
the evaluation of back pain in the cancer patient body into the spinal canal, fracture lines within the
have been developed. The objective of these cancellous bone of the vertebral body, an intra-
algorithms is to select a subgroup of patients who vertebral vacuum phenomenon, and a thin diffuse
should undergo definitive imaging of the epidural paraspinal soft-tissue mass (Laredo et al 1995). For
space from amongst the large number of patients further details see Cherny and Portenoy (1999).
who develop back pain (Portenoy et al 1987). Effective
treatment of EC before irreversible neurological Pain syndromes of the bony pelvis and hip
compromise occurs is the overriding goal of these The pelvis and hip are common sites of metastatic
approaches. involvement. Lesions may involve any of the three 615
Special problems of assessment and management

Back pain

Clinical evidence Radiculopathy Plexopathy Without

of ED without clinical without clinical neurological
evidence of ED evidence of ED signs or symptoms

New or
progressing No No
Obtain CT scan Obtain spine
signs or symptoms radiograph
Yes Yes

Admit to hospital Bony lesion

Dexamethasone 100 mg or paraspinal
Obtain spine radiographs mass
Yes* No
Emergency myelogram
or MRI

Yes Yes Suspicious


CT scan

Consider admission
Obtain spine radiographs Yes Bony or
If ED strongly suspected, give dexamethasone paraspinal
Myelography or MRI as soon as possible lesion

Results of MRI or myelogram

High grade Low grade No epidural

lesion lesion mass

High dose Low dose

dexamethasone dexamethasone
regimen regimen
Emergency RT Routine RT

Fig. 42.1 Algorithm for the management of back pain in the cancer patient.

anatomic regions of the pelvis (ischiopubic, iliosacral, Hip joint syndrome Tumour involvement of
or periacetabular), the hip joint itself, or the the acetabulum or head of femur typically
proximal femur (Sim 1992). The weight-bearing produces localized hip pain that is aggravated by
function of these structures, essential for normal weight bearing and movement of the hip. The pain
ambulation, contributes to the propensity of disease may radiate to the knee or medial thigh, and
616 at these sites to cause incident pain with ambulation. occasionally, pain is limited to these structures
(Graham 1976, Sim 1992). Medial extension of an
Cancer pain syndromes
Muscle pain
acetabular tumour can involve the lumbosacral
plexus as it traverses the pelvic sidewall. Muscle cramps
Persistent muscle cramps in cancer patients are
usually caused by an identifiable neural, muscular,
Acrometastases or biochemical abnormality (Siegal 1991). In one
Acrometastases, metastases in the hands and feet, series of 50 patients, 22 had peripheral neuropathy,
are rare and often misdiagnosed or overlooked 17 had root or plexus pathology (including 6 with
(Healey et al 1986). In the feet, the larger bones leptomeningeal metastases), 2 had polymyositis,
containing the higher amounts of red marrow, such and 1 had hypomagnesaemia. In this series, muscle
as the os calcis, are usually involved (Freedman and cramps were the presenting symptom of recognizable
Henderson 1995). Symptoms may be vague and can and previously unsuspected neurologic dysfunction
mimic other conditions, such as osteomyelitis, in 64% (27 of 42) of the identified causes (Steiner
gouty rheumatoid arthritis, Reiter’s syndrome, Paget’s and Siegal 1989).
disease, osteochondral lesions, and ligamentous
Skeletal muscle tumours
Soft-tissue sarcomas arising from fat, fibrous tissue,
Arthritides or skeletal muscle are the most common tumours
involving the skeletal muscles. Skeletal muscle is
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy one of the most unusual sites of metastasis from
Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy (HPOA) any malignancy (Sridhar et al 1987, Araki et al
is a paraneoplastic syndrome that incorporates 1994). Lesions are usually painless but they may
clubbing of the fingers, periostitis of long bones, present with persistent ache.
and occasionally a rheumatoid-like polyarthritis
(Martinez-Lavin 1997). Periosteitis and arthritis can
produce pain, tenderness, and swelling in the knees, Headache and facial pain
wrists, and ankles. The onset of symptoms is Headache in the cancer patient results from trac-
usually subacute, and it may proceed the discovery tion, inflammation, or infiltration of pain-sensitive
of the underlying neoplasm by several months. It is structures in the head or neck. Early evaluation
most commonly associated with non-small cell with appropriate imaging techniques may identify
lung cancer. Less commonly it is associated with the lesion and allow prompt treatment, which may
benign mesothelioma (Briselli et al 1981), pulmonary reduce pain and prevent the development of
metastases from other sites (Davies et al 1991), smooth neurological deficits (Vecht et al 1992).
muscle tumours of the oesophagus (Kaymakcalan
et al 1980), breast cancer (Shapiro 1987), and
Intracerebral tumour
metastatic nasopharyngeal cancer (Daly 1995).
Effective antitumour therapy is sometimes associated Among 183 patients with new onset chronic
with symptom regression (Hung et al 2000). HPOA headache, as an isolated symptom, investigation
is diagnosed on the basis of physical findings, revealed underlying tumour in 15 cases (Vazquez-
radiological appearance, and radionuclide bone Barquero et al 1994). The prevalence of headache in
scan (Greenfield et al 1967, Sharma 1995, Martinez- patients with brain metastases or primary brain
Lavin 1997). tumours is 60–90% (Forsyth and Posner 1993,
Suwanwela et al 1994). The headache is presumably
produced by traction on pain-sensitive vascular and
Other polyarthritides dural tissues. Patients with multiple metastases
Rarely, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus ery- and those with posterior fossa metastases are more
thematosus, and an asymmetrical polyarthritis may likely to report this symptom (Forsyth and Posner
occur as paraneoplastic phenomena that resolve 1993). The pain may be focal, overlying the site of
with effective treatment of the underlying disease the lesion, or generalized. Headache has lateralizing
(Pines et al 1984, Rogues et al 1993). A syndrome of value, especially in patients with supratentorial
palmar–plantar fasciitis and polyarthritis, char- lesions (Suwanwela et al 1994). Posterior fossa lesions
acterized by palmar and digital with polyarticular often cause a bifrontal headache. The quality of the
painful capsular contractions, has been associated headache is usually throbbing or steady, and the
with ovarian (Shiel et al 1985) and breast (Saxman intensity is usually mild to moderate (Suwanwela
and Seitz 1997) cancers. et al 1994). 617
Special problems of assessment and management

Among children, clinical features predictive of vomiting, tinnitus, or nuchal rigidity. Pains that
underlying tumour include sleep-related headache, resemble cluster headache (DeAngelis and Payne
headache in the absence of a family history of 1987) or glossopharyngeal neuralgia with syncope
migraine, vomiting, absence of visual symptoms, (Sozzi et al 1987) have also been reported.
headache of less than 6 months duration, confusion, The diagnosis of leptomeningeal metastases is
and abnormal neurologic examination findings confirmed through analysis of the CSF, which may
(Medina et al 1997). reveal elevated pressure, elevated protein, depressed
The headache is often worse in the morning and glucose, and/or lymphocytic pleocytosis. Ninety
is exacerbated by stooping, sudden head movement, percent of patients ultimately show positive cytology,
or valsalva manoeuvres (cough, sneeze, or strain) but multiple evaluations may be required (see
(Suwanwela et al 1994). In patients with increased Cherny and Portenoy 1999).
intracranial pressure, these manoeuvres can also
precipitate transient elevations in intracranial Base of skull metastases
pressure called ‘plateau waves’. These plateau waves, Base of skull metastases are associated with well-
which may also be spontaneous, can be associated described clinical syndromes (Greenberg et al 1981),
with short periods of severe headache, nausea, which are named according to the site of metastatic
vomiting, photophobia, lethargy, and transient involvement: orbital, parasellar, middle fossa, jugular
neurological deficits (Matsuda et al 1979, Hayashi foramen, occipital condyle, clivus, and sphenoid
et al 1991). Occasionally these plateau waves produce sinus. Cancers of the breast, lung, and prostate are
life-threatening herniation syndromes (Matsuda et most commonly associated with this complication
al 1979, Hayashi et al 1991). (Greenberg et al 1981, Hawley et al 1999), but any
tumour type that metastasizes to bone may be
Leptomeningeal metastases responsible. When base of skull metastases are
Leptomeningeal metastases, which are characterized suspected, axial imaging with CT (including bone
by diffuse or multifocal involvement of the sub- window settings) is the usual initial procedure
arachnoid space by metastatic tumour occur in (Greenberg et al 1981). MRI is more sensitive for
1–8% in patients with systemic cancer (Grossman assessing soft-tissue extension, and CSF analysis
and Krabak 1999). Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and may be needed to exclude leptomeningeal
acute lymphocytic leukemia both demonstrate metastases.
predilection for meningeal metastases (Grossman
and Krabak 1999); the incidence is lower for solid Orbital syndrome Orbital metastases usually
tumours alone. Of solid tumours, adenocarcinomas present with progressive pain in the retro-orbital
of the breast and small cell lung cancer predominate and supraorbital area of the affected eye. Blurred
(Jayson and Howell 1996). vision and diplopia may be associated complaints.
Leptomeningeal metastases present with focal Signs may include proptosis, chemosis of the
or multifocal neurological symptoms or signs that involved eye, external ophthalmoparesis, ipsilateral
may involve any level of the neuraxis (Wasserstrom papilloedema, and decreased sensation in the oph-
et al 1982, Grossman and Krabak 1999, van thalmic division of the trigeminal nerve. Imaging
Oostenbrugge and Twijnstra 1999). More than one- with MRI or CT scan can delineate the extent of
third of patients present with evidence of cranial bony damage and orbital infiltration.
nerve damage, including double vision, hearing loss,
facial numbness, and decreased vision (Wasserstrom Parasellar syndrome The parasellar syndrome
et al 1982, van Oostenbrugge and Twijnstra 1999); typically presents as unilateral supraorbital and
this is particularly true among patients with under- frontal headache, which may be associated with
lying haematologic malignancy (van Oostenbrugge diplopia (Bitoh et al 1985). There may be ophthal-
and Twijnstra 1999). Less common features include moparesis or papilloedema, and formal visual field
seizures, papilloedema, hemiparesis, ataxic gait, and testing may demonstrate hemianopsia or
confusion (Balm and Hammack 1996). Generalized quadrantinopsia.
headache and radicular pain in the low back and
buttocks are the most common pains associated Middle cranial fossa syndrome The middle
with leptomeningeal metastases (Wasserstrom et al cranial fossa syndrome presents with facial
1982, Kaplan et al 1990, van Oostenbrugge and numbness, paraesthesias, or pain, which is usually
Twijnstra 1999). The headache is variable and may referred to the cheek or jaw (in the distribution of
be associated with changes in mental status (e.g., second or third divisions of the trigeminal nerve)
618 lethargy, confusion, or loss of memory), nausea, (Lossos and Siegal 1992). The pain is typically
described as a dull continual ache, but may also
Cancer pain syndromes

involvement of sinuses can also eventuate in such

be paroxysmal or lancinating. On examination, lesions. Each of these syndromes has a characteristic
patients may have hypaesthesia in the trigeminal presentation. Early diagnosis may allow effective
nerve distribution and signs of weakness in the treatment of the underlying lesion before progressive
ipsilateral muscles of mastication. Occasional neurologic injury occurs.
patients have other neurological signs, such as
abducens palsy (Greenberg et al 1981, Bullitt et al Glossopharyngeal neuralgia Glossopharyn-
1986). geal neuralgia has been reported in patients with
leptomeningeal metastases (Sozzi et al 1987), the
Jugular foramen syndrome The jugular fora- jugular foramen syndrome (Greenberg et al 1981),
men syndrome usually presents with hoarseness or or head and neck malignancies (Dykman et al 1981,
dysphagia. Pain is usually referred to the ipsilateral Giorgi and Broggi 1984, Metheetrairut and Brown
ear or mastoid region and may occasionally present 1993). This syndrome presents as severe pain in the
as glossopharyngeal neuralgia, with or without throat or neck, which may radiate to the ear or
syncope (Greenberg et al 1981). Pain may also be mastoid region. Pain may be induced by swallowing.
referred to the ipsilateral neck or shoulder. Neurologic In some patients, pain is associated with sudden
signs include ipsilateral Horner’s syndrome, and orthostasis and syncope.
paresis of the palate, vocal cord, sternocleidomastoid,
or trapezius. Ipsilateral paresis of the tongue may Trigeminal neuralgia Trigeminal pains may be
also occur if the tumour extends to the region of the continual, paroxysmal, or lancinating. Pain that
hypoglossal canal. mimics classical trigeminal neuralgia can be induced
by tumours in the middle or posterior fossa (Bullitt
Occipital condyle syndrome The occipital et al 1986, Cheng et al 1993, Barker et al 1996, Hirota
condyle syndrome presents with unilateral et al 1998) or leptomeningeal metastases (DeAngelis
occipital pain that is worsened with neck flexion and Payne 1987). Continual pain in a trigeminal
(Loevner and Yousem 1997, Moris et al 1998). The distribution may be an early sign of acoustic neuroma
patient may complain of neck stiffness. Pain (Payten 1972). All cancer patients who develop
intensity is variable, but can be severe. Examination trigeminal neuralgia should be evaluated for the
may reveal a head tilt, limited movement of the existence of an underlying neoplasm.
neck, and tenderness to palpation over the
occipitonuchal junction. Neurological findings may
include ipsilateral hypoglossal nerve paralysis and Ear and eye pain syndromes
sternocleidomastoid weakness. Otalgia Otalgia is the sensation of pain in the
ear, while referred otalgia is pain felt in the ear but
Clivus syndrome The clivus syndrome is originating from a non-otologic source. The rich
characterized by vertex headache, which is often sensory innervation of the ear derives from four
exacerbated by neck flexion. Lower cranial nerve cranial nerves and two cervical nerves that also
(VI–XII) dysfunction follows and may become supply other areas in the head, neck, thorax, and
bilateral. abdomen. Pain referred to the ear may originate in
areas far removed from the ear itself. Otalgia is
Sphenoid sinus syndrome A sphenoid sinus reported among patients with carcinoma of the
metastasis often presents with bifrontal and/or oropharynx or hypopharynx (Aird et al 1983, Talmi
retro-orbital pain, which may radiate to the et al 1997), acoustic neuroma (Morrison and Sterkers
temporal regions (Lawson and Reino 1997). There 1996), and metastases to the temporal bone or
may be associated features of nasal congestion and infratemporal fossa (Hill and Kohut 1976, Shapshay
diplopia. Physical examination is often unremarkable, et al 1976).
although unilateral or bilateral sixth nerve paresis
can be present. Eye pain Blurring of vision and eye pain are the
two most common symptoms of choridal metastases
Painful cranial neuralgias (Hayreh et al 1982, Servodidio and Abramson 1992,
As noted, specific cranial neuralgias can occur from Swanson 1993). More commonly chronic eye pain is
metastases in the base of skull or leptomeninges. related to metastases to the bony orbit, intraorbital
They are most commonly observed in patients structures such as the rectus muscles (Weiss et al
with prostate and lung cancer (Gupta et al 1990). 1984, Friedman et al 1990), or optic nerve (Laitt et al
Invasion of the soft tissues of the head or neck or 1996). 619
Special problems of assessment and management

Uncommon causes of headache and facial patients with postherpetic neuralgia and cancer,
pain changes in the intensity or pattern of pain, or the
Headache and facial pain in cancer patients may development of new neurologic deficits, may indicate
have many other causes. Unilateral facial pain can the possibility of local neoplasm and should be
be the initial symptom of an ipsilateral lung tumour investigated.
(Bongers et al 1992, Schoenen et al 1992,
Capobianco 1995, Shakespeare and Stevens 1996).
Cervical plexopathy
Presumably, this referred pain is mediated by vagal The ventral rami of the upper four cervical spinal
afferents. Facial squamous cell carcinoma of the nerves join to form the cervical plexus between the
skin may present with facial pain due to extensive deep anterior and lateral muscles of the neck.
perineural invasion (Schroeder et al 1998). Patients Cutaneous branches emerge from the posterior
with Hodgkin’s disease may have transient episodes border of the sternocleidomastoid. In the cancer
of neurological dysfunction that has been likened to population, plexus injury is frequently due to tumour
migraine (Dulli et al 1987). Headache may occur infiltration or treatment (including surgery or
with cerebral infarction or haemorrhage, which may radiotherapy) to neoplasms in this region (Jaeckle
be due to non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis or 1991). Tumour invasion or compression of the
disseminated intravascular coagulation. Headache cervical plexus can be caused by direct extension of
is also the usual presentation of sagittal sinus a primary head and neck malignancy or neoplastic
occlusion, which may be due to tumour infiltration, (metastatic or lymphomatous) involvement of the
hypercoaguable state, or treatment with L- cervical lymph nodes (Jaeckle 1991). Pain may be
asparaginase therapy (Sigsbee et al 1979). Headache experienced in the preauricular (greater auricular
due to pseudotumour cerebri has also been reported nerve) or postauricular (lesser and greater occipital
to be the presentation of superior vena caval nerves) regions, or the anterior neck (transverse
obstruction in a patient with lung cancer (Portenoy cutaneous and supraclavicular nerves). Pain may
et al 1983). Tumours of the sinonasal tract may refer to the lateral aspect of the face or head, or to
present with deep facial or nasal pain (Marshall the ipsilateral shoulder. The overlap in the pain
and Mahanna 1997). referral patterns from the face and neck may relate
to the close anatomic relationship between the
central connections of cervical afferents and the
Neuropathic pains involving the afferents carried in cranial nerves V, VII, IX, and X
peripheral nervous system in the upper cervical spinal cord. The pain may be
aching, burning, or lancinating, and is often
Neuropathic pains involving the peripheral nervous exacerbated by neck movement or swallowing.
system are common. The syndromes include Associated features can include ipsilateral Horner’s
painful radiculopathy, plexopathy, mononeuropathy, syndrome or hemidiaphragmatic paralysis. The
or peripheral neuropathy. diagnosis must be distinguished from epidural
compression of the cervical spinal cord and
Painful radiculopathy leptomeningeal metastases. MRI or CT imaging of
Radiculopathy or polyradiculopathy may be caused the neck and cervical spine is usually required to
by any process that compresses, distorts, or inflames evaluate the etiology of the pain.
nerve roots. Painful radiculopathy is an important
presentation of epidural tumour and leptomeningeal Brachial plexopathy
metastases (see above). The two most common causes of brachial plexopathy
in cancer patients are tumour infiltration and
Postherpetic neuralgia Postherpetic neuralgia radiation injury. Less common causes of painful
is defined solely by the persistence of pain in the brachial plexopathy include trauma during surgery
region of a zoster infection. Although some authors or anaesthesia, radiation-induced second neoplasms,
apply this term if pain continues beyond lesion acute brachial plexus ischaemia, and paraneoplastic
healing, most require a period of weeks to months brachial neuritis.
before this label is used; a criterion of pain
persisting beyond 2 months after lesion healing is Malignant brachial plexopathy Plexus infil-
recommended (Portenoy et al 1986). One study tration by tumour is the most prevalent cause of
suggests that postherpetic neuralgia is two to three brachial plexopathy. Malignant brachial plexopathy
times more frequent in the cancer population than is most common in patients with lymphoma, lung
620 the general population (Rusthoven et al 1988). In cancer, or breast cancer. The invading tumour
usually arises from adjacent axillary, cervical, and
Cancer pain syndromes

Radiation-induced brachial plexopathy Two

supraclavicular lymph nodes (lymphoma and distinct syndromes of radiation-induced brachial
breast cancer) or from the lung (superior sulcus plexopathy have been described: (1) early onset
tumours or so-called Pancoast tumours) (Kori et al transient plexopathy (see above) and (2) delayed
1981, Kori 1995). Pain is nearly universal, occurring onset progressive plexopathy. The latter can occur 6
in 85% of patients, and often precedes neurologic months to 20 years after a course of radiotherapy
signs or symptoms by months (Kori 1995). Lower that included the plexus in the radiation portal. In
plexus involvement (C7, C8, T1 distribution) is contrast to tumour infiltration, pain is a relatively
typical, and is reflected in the pain distribution, uncommon presenting symptom (18%), and when
which usually involves the elbow, medial forearm, present, is usually less severe (Kori et al 1981).
and fourth and fifth fingers. Pain may sometimes Weakness and sensory changes predominate in the
localize to the posterior arm or elbow. Severe distribution of the upper plexus (C5, C6 distribution)
aching is usually reported, but patients may also (Mondrup et al 1990, Olsen et al 1990, Vecht 1990).
experience constant or lancinating dysaesthesias Radiation changes in the skin and lymphoedema
along the ulnar aspect of the forearm or hand. are commonly associated. The CT scan usually
Tumour infiltration of the upper plexus (C5–C6 demonstrates diffuse infiltration that cannot be
distribution) is less common. This lesion is distinguished from tumour infiltration. There is no
characterized by pain in the shoulder girdle, lateral specific advantage to MRI scanning. In particular,
arm, and hand. Seventy-five percent of patients increased T2 signal in or near the brachial plexus is
presenting with upper plexopathy subsequently commonly seen in both radiation plexopathy and
develop a panplexopathy, and 25% of patients tumour infiltration (Thyagarajan et al 1995). Electro-
present with panplexopathy (Kori et al 1981). myography may demonstrate myokymia (Lederman
Cross-sectional imaging is essential in all patients and Wilbourn 1984, Mondrup et al 1990, Esteban
with symptoms or signs compatible with plexopathy. and Traba 1993). Although a careful history, com-
In one study, CT scanning had 80–90% sensitivity in bined with neurologic findings and the results of
detecting tumour infiltration (Cascino et al 1983); CT scanning and electrodiagnostic studies, can
others have demonstrated improved diagnostic yield strongly suggest the diagnosis of radiation-induced
with a multiplanar imaging technique (Fishman et injury, repeated assessments over time may be
al 1991). Although there are no comparative data on needed to confirm the diagnosis. Rare patients
the sensitivity and specificity of CT and MRI in this require surgical exploration of the plexus to exclude
setting, MRI does have the theoretical advantage neoplasm and establish the aetiology. When due to
of reliably assessing the integrity of the adjacent radiation, plexopathy is usually progressive (Killer
epidural space (Thyagarajan et al 1995). and Hess 1990, Jaeckle 1991), although some
Electrodiagnostic studies may be helpful in patients plateau for a variable period of time.
patients with suspected plexopathy, particularly
when neurological examination and imaging studies Uncommon causes of brachial plexopathy
are normal (Synek 1986). Although not specific for Malignant peripheral nerve tumour or a second
tumour, abnormalities on electromyography (EMG) primary tumour in a previously irradiated site can
or somatosensory-evoked potentials may establish account for pain recurring late in the patient’s
the diagnosis of plexopathy, and thereby confirm course (Richardson et al 1979, Gorson et al 1995).
the need for additional evaluation. Pain has been reported to occur as a result of brachial
Patients with malignant brachial plexopathy plexus entrapment in a lymphoedematous shoulder
are at high risk for epidural extension of the (Vecht 1990), and as a consequence of acute ischaemia
tumour (Portenoy et al 1989, Jaeckle 1991). Epidural many years after axillary radiotherapy (Gerard et al
disease can occur as the neoplasm grows medially 1989). An idiopathic brachial plexopathy has also
and invades vertebrae or tracks along nerve been described in patients with Hodgkin’s disease
roots through the intervertebral foramina. In the (Lachance et al 1991).
latter case, there may be no evidence of bony
erosion on imaging studies. The development of Lumbosacral plexopathy
Horner’s syndrome, evidence of panplexopathy, or The lumbar plexus, which lies in the paravertebral
finding of paraspinal tumour or vertebral damage psoas muscle, is formed primarily by the ventral
on CT or MRI are highly associated with epidural rami of L1–4. The sacral plexus forms in the sacroiliac
extension and should lead to definitive imaging notch from the ventral rami of S1–3 and the
of the epidural tumour (Portenoy et al 1989, lumbosacral trunk (L4–5), which courses caudally
Jaeckle 1991). over the sacral ala to join the plexus (Chad and 621
Special problems of assessment and management

Bradley 1987). Lumbosacral plexopathy may be psoas muscle stretch test; this has been termed the
associated with pain in the lower abdomen, inguinal malignant psoas syndrome (Stevens and Gonet
region, buttock, or leg (Jaeckle et al 1985). In the cancer 1990). Similarly, pain in the distribution of the
population, lumbosacral plexopathy is usually caused femoral nerve has been observed in the setting of
by neoplastic infiltration or compression. Radiation- recurrent retroperitoneal sarcoma (Zografos and
induced plexopathy also occurs, and occasional Karakousis 1994), and tumour in the iliac crest can
patients develop the lesion as a result of surgical compress the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh,
trauma, infarction, cytotoxic damage, infection in producing a pain that mimics meralgia parasthetica
the pelvis or psoas muscle, abdominal aneurysm, (Tharion and Bhattacharji 1997).
or idiopathic lumbosacral neuritis. Polyradiculo- A lower plexopathy occurs in just over 50% of
pathy from leptomeningeal metastases or epidural patients with malignant lumbosacral plexopathy
metastases can mimic lumbosacral plexopathy. (Jaeckle et al 1985). This lesion is usually due to
direct extension from a pelvic tumour, most
Malignant lumbosacral plexopathy The frequently rectal cancer, gynaecological tumours, or
primary tumours most frequently associated pelvic sarcoma. Pain may be localized in the buttocks
with malignant lumbosacral plexopathy include and perineum, or referred to the posterolateral thigh
colorectal, cervical, breast, sarcoma, and lymphoma and leg. Associated symptoms and signs conform
(Jaeckle et al 1985, Jaeckle 1991). Most tumours to an L4–S1 distribution. Examination may reveal
involve the plexus by direct extension from intra- weakness or sensory changes in the L5 and S1
pelvic neoplasm; metastases account for only one- dermatomes and a depressed ankle jerk. Other
fourth of the cases. In one study, two-thirds of findings include leg oedema, bladder or bowel
patients developed plexopathy within 3 years of dysfunction, sacral or sciatic notch tenderness, and
their primary diagnosis and one-third presented a positive straight leg-raising test. A pelvic mass
within one year (Jaeckle et al 1985). Pain is, may be palpable. Other, relatively rare plexopathies
typically, the first symptom, it is experienced by are described in Cherny and Portenoy (1999).
almost all patients at some point, and it is the only
symptom in almost 20% of patients. The quality is Painful mononeuropathy
aching, pressure-like, or stabbing; dysaesthesias Tumour-related mononeuropathy Tumour-
are relatively uncommon. Most patients develop related mononeuropathy usually results from
numbness, paraesthesias, or weakness weeks to compression or infiltration of a nerve from tumour
months after the pain begins. Common signs arising in an adjacent bony structure. The most
include leg weakness that involves multiple common example of this phenomenon is intercostal
myotomes, sensory loss that crosses dermatomes, nerve injury in a patient with rib metastases.
reflex asymmetry, focal tenderness, leg oedema, and Constant burning pain and other dysaesthesias in
positive direct or reverse straight leg-raising signs. the area of sensory loss are the typical clinical
An upper plexopathy occurs in almost one-third presentation. Other examples include the cranial
of patients with lumbosacral plexopathy (Jaeckle neuralgias previously described, sciatica associated
et al 1985). This lesion is usually due to direct with tumour invasion of the sciatic notch, and
extension from a low abdominal tumour, most common peroneal nerve palsy associated with
frequently colorectal. Pain may be experienced in primary bone tumours of the proximal fibula and
the back, lower abdomen, flank or iliac crest, or the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh neuralgia
anterolateral thigh. Examination may reveal sensory, associated with iliac crest tumours.
motor, and reflex changes in a L1–4 distribution. A
subgroup of these patients presents with a syndrome Other causes of mononeuropathy Cancer
characterized by pain and paraesthesias limited to patients also develop mononeuropathies from
the lower abdomen or inguinal region, variable many other causes. Postsurgical syndromes are
sensory loss, and no motor findings. CT scan may well described (see below) and radiation injury of a
show tumour adjacent to the L1 vertebra (the L1 peripheral nerve occurs occasionally. Rarely, cancer
syndrome) (Jaeckle et al 1985) or along the pelvic patients develop nerve entrapment syndromes
sidewall, where it presumably damages the (such as carpal tunnel syndrome) related to oedema
ilioinguinal, iliohypogastric, or genitofemoral nerves. or direct compression by tumour (Desta et al 1994).
Another subgroup has neoplastic involvement of
the psoas muscle and presents with a syndrome Painful peripheral neuropathies
characterized by upper lumbosacral plexopathy, Painful peripheral neuropathies have multiple
622 painful flexion of the ipsilateral hip, and positive causes, including nutritional deficiencies, other
metabolic derangements (e.g., diabetes and renal
Cancer pain syndromes

is typically independent. Coexisting autonomic,

dysfunction), neurotoxic effects of chemotherapy, cerebellar, or cerebral abnormalities are common
and, rarely, paraneoplastic syndromes. (Brady 1996). The syndrome, which results from an
inflammatory process involving the dorsal root
Toxic peripheral neuropathy Chemotherapy- ganglia, may be part of a more diffuse autoimmune
induced peripheral neuropathy is a common problem disorder that can affect the limbic region, brainstem,
typically manifested by painful paraesthesias in the and spinal cord (Brady 1996, Dalmau and Posner
hands and/or feet, and signs consistent with an 1997, Toepfer et al 1999). An antineuronal IgG
axonopathy, including ‘stocking-glove’ sensory loss, antibody (‘anti-Hu’), which recognizes a low-
weakness, hyporeflexia, and autonomic dysfunction molecular-weight protein present in most small cell
(McDonald 1991). The pain is usually characterized lung carcinomas, has been associated with the
by continuous burning or lancinating pains, either condition (Dalmau and Posner 1997).
of which may be increased by contact. The drugs A sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy, which
most commonly associated with a peripheral may be painful, has been observed in association
neuropathy are the vinca alkaloids (especially with diverse neoplasms, particularly Hodgkin’s
vincristine) (Rosenthal and Kaufman 1974, Forman disease and paraproteinaemias (Brady 1996, Dalmau
1990), cis-platinum (Mollman et al 1988, Siegal and and Posner 1997). The peripheral neuropathies
Haim 1990), and oxaliplatin (Culy et al 2000). associated with multiple myeloma, Waldenstrom’s
Procarbazine, carboplatinum, misonidazole, and macroglobulinaemia, small-fibre amyloid neuro-
hexamethylmelamine have also been implicated as pathy, and osteosclerotic myeloma, are thought to
causes for this syndrome (Weiss et al 1974a, b). Data be due to antibodies that cross-react with con-
from several studies indicates that the risk of neuro- stituents of peripheral nerves (Kissel and Mendell
pathy associated with cis-platinum can be diminished 1996). Clinically evident peripheral neuropathy
by the coadministration of the radioprotective occurs in approximately 15% of patients with
agent amifostine at the time of treatment (Spencer multiple myeloma, and electrophysiologic evidence
and Goa 1995). of this lesion can be found in 40% (Kissel and
Mendell 1996). The pathophysiology of the neuro-
Paraneoplastic painful peripheral neuropathy pathy is unknown.
Paraneoplastic painful peripheral neuropathy can
be related to injury to the dorsal root ganglion (also Pain syndromes of the viscera and
known as subacute sensory neuronopathy or miscellaneous tumour-related
ganglionopathy) or injury to peripheral nerves
(Grisold and Drlicek 1999). These syndromes may
be the initial manifestation of an underlying Pain may be caused by pathology involving the
malignancy. Except for the neuropathy associated luminal organs of the gastrointestinal or genito-
with myeloma (Kissel and Mendell 1996, Rotta and urinary tracts, the parenchymal organs, the
Bradley 1997) their course is usually independent peritoneum, or the retroperitoneal soft tissues.
of the primary tumour (Dalmau and Posner 1997, Obstruction of hollow viscus, including intestine,
Grisold and Drlicek 1999)]. biliary tract, and ureter, produces visceral nociceptive
Subacute sensory neuronopathy is characterized syndromes that are well described in the surgical
by pain (usually dysaesthetic), paraesthesias, sensory literature (Silen 1983). Pain arising from retro-
loss in the extremities, and severe sensory ataxia peritoneal and pelvic lesions may involve mixed
(Brady 1996). Although it is usually associated with nociceptive and neuropathic mechanisms if both
small cell carcinoma of the lung (van Oosterhout somatic structures and nerves are involved.
et al 1996), other tumour types, including breast
cancer (Peterson et al 1994), Hodgkin’s disease Hepatic distension syndrome
(Plante-Bordeneuve et al 1994), and varied solid Pain-sensitive structures in the region of the liver
tumours, are rarely associated. Both constant and include the liver capsule, blood vessels, and biliary
lancinating dysaesthesias occur and typically predate tract (Coombs 1990). Nociceptive afferents that
other symptoms. Neuropathic symptoms (pain, innervate these structures travel via the celiac plexus,
paraesthesia, sensory loss) were asymmetric at onset, the phrenic nerve, and the lower right intercostal
with a predilection for the upper limbs. Indeed, in nerves. Extensive intrahepatic metastases, or gross
one instance a painful bilateral ulnar neuropathy is hepatomegaly associated with cholestasis, may
described (Sharief et al 1999). The pain usually produce discomfort in the right subcostal region,
develops before the tumour is evident and its course and less commonly in the right mid-back or flank 623
Special problems of assessment and management

(Coombs 1990, Mulholland et al 1990, De Conno be given to careful evaluation of the epidural space
and Polastri 1996). Referred pain may be experienced (Portenoy et al 1989).
in the right neck or shoulder, or in the region of the
right scapula (Mulholland et al 1990). The pain, Chronic intestinal obstruction
usually described as a dull aching, may be exac- Abdominal pain is an almost invariable manifestation
erbated by movement, pressure in the abdomen, of chronic intestinal obstruction, which may occur
and deep inspiration. Pain is commonly accompanied in patients with abdominal or pelvic cancers (Baines
by symptoms of anorexia and nausea. Physical 1994, Ripamonti 1994). The factors that contribute
examination may reveal a hard irregular subcostal to this pain include smooth muscle contractions,
mass that descends with respiration and is dull to mesenteric tension, and mural ischaemia. Obstruc-
percussion. Other features of hepatic failure may be tive symptoms may be due primarily to the tumour,
present. Imaging of the hepatic parenchyma by or more likely, to a combination of mechanical
either ultrasound or CT will usually identify the obstruction and other processes, such as autonomic
presence of space occupying lesions or cholestasis. neuropathy and ileus from metabolic derangements
Occasional patients who experience chronic or drugs. Both continuous and colicky pains, which
pain due to hepatic distension develop an acute may be referred to the dermatomes represented by
intercurrent subcostal pain that may be exacerbated the spinal segments supplying the affected viscera,
by respiration. Physical examination may demon- occur. Vomiting, anorexia, and constipation are
strate a palpable or audible rub. These findings important associated symptoms.
suggest the development of an overlying peritonitis,
which can develop in response to some acute event, Peritoneal carcinomatosis
such as a haemorrhage into a metastasis. Peritoneal carcinomatosis occurs most often by
transcoelomic spread of abdominal or pelvic tumour;
Midline retroperitoneal syndrome excepting breast cancer, haematogenous spread of
Retroperitoneal pathology involving the upper an extra-abdominal neoplasm in this pattern is rare.
abdomen may produce pain by injury to deep Carcinomatosis can cause peritoneal inflammation,
somatic structures of the posterior abdominal wall, mesenteric tethering, malignant adhesions, and
distortion of pain-sensitive connective tissue and ascites, all of which can cause pain. Pain and
vascular and ductal structures, local inflammation, abdominal distension are the most common
and direct infiltration of the celiac plexus. The most presenting symptoms. Mesenteric tethering and
common causes are pancreatic cancer (Kelsen et al tension appears to cause a diffuse abdominal or
1995, 1997; Grahm and Andren-Sandberg 1997) and low back pain. Tense malignant ascites can produce
retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy (Krane and diffuse abdominal discomfort and a distinct
Perrone 1981, Neer et al 1981, Sponseller 1996), stretching pain in the anterior abdominal wall.
particularly coeliac lymphadenopathy (Schonenberg Adhesions can also cause obstruction of hollow
et al 1991). The reasons for the high frequency of viscus, with intermittent colicky pain (Averbach
perineural invasion and the presence of pain in and Sugarbaker 1995). CT scanning may demonstrate
pancreatic cancer may be related to locoregional evidence of ascites, omental infiltration, and
secretion and activation of growth factor (NGF) and peritoneal nodules (Archer et al 1996).
its high-affinity receptor TrkA. These factors are
involved in stimulating epithelial cancer cell Malignant perineal pain
growth and perineural invasion (Zhu et al 1999). In Tumours of the colon or rectum, female repro-
some instances of pancreatic cancer, obstruction of ductive tract, and distal genitourinary system are
the main pancreatic duct with subsequent ductal most commonly responsible for perineal pain
hypertension generates pain that can be relieved by (Stillman 1990, Boas et al 1993, Hagen 1993,
stenting of the pancreatic duct (Tham et al 2000). Miaskowski 1996, Rigor 2000). Severe perineal pain
The pain is experienced in the epigastrium, in the following antineoplastic therapy may precede
low thoracic region of the back, or in both locations. evidence of detectable disease and should be viewed
It is often diffuse and poorly localized. It is usually as a potential harbinger of progressive or recurrent
dull and boring in character, exacerbated with cancer (Stillman 1990, Boas et al 1993, Rigor 2000).
recumbency, and improved by sitting. The lesion There is evidence to suggest that this phenomenon
can usually be demonstrated by CT, MRI, or ultra- is caused by microscopic perineural invasion by
sound scanning of the upper abdomen. If tumour is recurrent disease (Seefeld and Bargen 1943). The
identified in the paravertebral space, or vertebral pain, which is typically described as constant and
624 body destruction is identified, consideration should aching, is often aggravated by sitting or standing,
and may be associated with tenesmus or bladder (Portenoy et al 1994). In patients who have been
Cancer pain syndromes

spasms (Stillman 1990). previously treated it is an important symptom of

Tumour invasion of the musculature of the deep potential recurrence (Portenoy et al 1994).
pelvis can also result in a syndrome that appears
similar to the so-called ‘tension myalgia of the Lung cancer pain
pelvic floor’ (Sinaki et al 1977). The pain is typically Even in the absence of involvement of the chest
described as a constant ache or heaviness that wall or parietal pleura, lung tumours can produce a
exacerbates with upright posture. When due to visceral pain syndrome. In a large case series of
tumour, the pain may be concurrent with other lung cancer patients pain was unilateral in 80% of
types of perineal pain. Digital examination of the the cases and bilateral in 20%. Among patients with
pelvic floor may reveal local tenderness or palpable hilar tumours the pain was reported to the sternum
tumour. or the scapula. Upper and lower lobe tumours
referred to the shoulder and to the lower chest
Adrenal pain syndrome respectively (Marino et al 1986, Marangoni et al
Large adrenal metastases, common in lung cancer, 1993). As previously mentioned, early lung cancers
may produce unilateral flank pain and, less can generate ipsilateral facial pain (Des Prez and
commonly, abdominal pain. Pain is of variable Freemon 1983, Schoenen et al 1992, Capobianco
severity, and it can be severe (Berger et al 1995). 1995, Shakespeare and Stevens 1996). It is postulated
that this pain syndrome is generated via vagal
Ureteric obstruction afferent neurones.
Ureteric obstruction is most frequently caused by
tumour compression or infiltration within the true Other uncommon visceral pain syndromes
pelvis (Kontturi and Kauppila 1982, Harrington Sudden onset severe abdominal or loin pain may be
et al 1995). Less commonly, obstruction can be more caused by non-traumatic rupture of a visceral
proximal, associated with retroperitoneal lymph- tumour. This has been most frequently reported
adenopathy, an isolated retroperitoneal metastasis, with hepatocellular cancer (Miyamoto et al 1991).
mural metastases, or intraluminal metastases. Kidney rupture due to a renal metastasis from an
Cancers of the cervix, ovary, prostate, and rectum adenocarcinoma of the colon (Wolff et al 1994) and
are most commonly associated with this com- metastasis-induced perforated appendicitis (Ende
plication. Non-malignant causes, including retro- et al 1995) have been reported. Torsion of pedun-
peritoneal fibrosis resulting from radiotherapy or culated visceral tumours can produce a cramping
graft versus host disease, occur rarely (Sklaroff et al abdominal pain (Abbott 1990, Reese and Blocker
1978, Muram et al 1981, Goodman and Dalton 1982). 1994, Andreasen and Poulsen 1997).
Pain may or may not accompany ureteric ob-
struction. When present, it is typically a dull chronic Paraneoplastic nociceptive pain syndromes
discomfort in the flank, with radiation into the Tumour-related gynaecomastia Tumours that
inguinal region or genitalia. If pain does not occur, secrete chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), including
ureteric obstruction may be discovered when malignant and benign tumours of the testis (Tseng
hydronephrosis is discerned on abdominal imaging et al 1985, Haas et al 1989, Mellor and McCutchan
procedures or renal failure develops. Ureteric 1989, Cantwell et al 1991) and rarely cancers from
obstruction can be complicated by pyelonephritis other sites (Wurzel et al 1987, Forst et al 1995), may
or pyonephrosis, which often present with features be associated with chronic breast tenderness or
of sepsis, loin pain, and dysuria. Diagnosis of ureteric gynaecomastia. Approximately 10% of patients
obstruction can usually be confirmed by the with testis cancer have gynaecomastia or breast
demonstration of hydronephrosis on renal sono- tenderness at presentation, and the likelihood of
graphy. The level of obstruction can be identified by gynaecomastia is greater with increasing HCG level
pyelography, and CT scanning techniques will (Tseng et al 1985). Breast pain can be the first
usually demonstrate the cause (Greenfield and presentation of an occult tumour (Haas et al 1989,
Resnick 1989). Mellor and McCutchan 1989, Cantwell et al 1991).

Ovarian cancer pain Paraneoplastic pemphigus Paraneoplastic

Moderate to severe chronic abdominopelvic pain is pemphigus is a rare mucocutaneous disorder
the most common symptom of ovarian cancer; it is associated with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: chronic
reported by almost two-thirds of patients in the 2 lymphocytic leukaemia. The condition is charac-
weeks prior to the onset or recurrence of the disease terized by widespread shallow ulcers with 625
Special problems of assessment and management

haemorrhagic crusting of the lips, conjunctival Plexopathy Lumbosacral or brachial plexo-

bullae, and, uncommonly, pulmonary lesions. pathy may follow cis-platinum infusion into the iliac
Characteristically, histopathology reveals intra- artery (Castellanos et al 1987) or axillary artery
epithelial and subepithelial clefting, and immuno- (Kahn et al 1989), respectively. Affected patients
precipitation studies reveal autoantibodies directed develop pain, weakness, and paraesthesias within
against desmoplakins and desmogleins (Camisa et 48 h of the infusion. The mechanism for this
al 1992, Allen and Camisa 2000). syndrome is thought to be due to small vessel
damage and infarction of the plexus or nerve. The
prognosis for neurologic recovery is not known.
Chronic pain syndromes associated
with cancer therapy Raynaud’s phenomenon Among patients with
germ cell tumours treated with cisplatin, vinblastine,
Most treatment-related pains are caused by tissue-
and bleomycin, persistent Raynaud’s phenomenon
damaging procedures. These pains are acute,
is observed in 20–30% (Aass et al 1990, Gerl 1994).
predictable, and self-limited. Chronic treatment-
This effect has also been observed in patients with
related pain syndromes are associated with either a
carcinoma of the head and neck treated with a
persistent nociceptive complication of an invasive
combination of cisplatin, vincristine, and bleomycin
treatment (such as a postsurgical abscess) or, more
(Kukla et al 1982). Pathophysiological studies have
commonly, neural injury. In some cases, these syn-
demonstrated that a hyper-reactivity in the central
dromes occur long after the therapy is completed,
sympathetic nervous system results in a reduced
resulting in a difficult differential diagnosis between
function of the smooth muscle cells in the terminal
recurrent disease and a complication of therapy.
arterioles (Hansen et al 1990).
Postchemotherapy pain syndromes Chronic pain associated with hormonal
Chronic painful peripheral neuropathy therapy
Although most patients who develop painful Gynaecomastia with hormonal therapy for
peripheral neuropathy due to cytotoxic therapy prostate cancer Chronic gynaecomastia and breast
gradually improve, some develop a persistent pain. tenderness are common complications of anti-
In particular, peripheral neuropathy associated with androgen therapies for prostate cancer. The incidence
cis-platinum may continue to progress months after of this syndrome varies among drugs; it is frequently
discontinuation of therapy and may persist for associated with diethylstilbestrol (Srinivasan et al
months to years (Rosenfeld and Broder 1984, 1972) and bicalutamide (Soloway et al 1996), is less
LoMonaco et al 1992). This is less common with common with flutamide (Brogden and Chrisp 1991)
vincristine or paclitaxol (Hilkens et al 1996). The and cyproterone (Goldenberg and Bruchovsky
characteristics of this pain syndrome were 1991), and is uncommon among patients receiving
described previously. LHRF agonist therapy (Chrisp and Goa 1991, Chrisp
and Sorkin 1991). Gynaecomastia in the elderly
Avascular (aseptic) necrosis of femoral or
must be distinguished from primary breast cancer
humeral head Avascular necrosis of the femoral
or a secondary cancer in the breast (Olsson et al
or humeral head may occur either spontaneously or
1984, Ramamurthy and Cooper 1991).
as a complication of intermittent or continuous
corticosteroid therapy (Ratcliffe et al 1995, Thornton Chronic postsurgical pain syndromes
et al 1997). Osteonecrosis may be unilateral or Surgical incision at virtually any location may result
bilateral. Involvement of the femoral head is most in chronic pain. Although persistent pain is
common and typically causes pain in the hip, thigh, occasionally encountered after nephrectomy,
or knee. Involvement of the humeral head usually sternotomy, craniotomy, inguinal dissection, and
presents as pain in the shoulder, upper arm, or elbow. other procedures, these pain syndromes are not
Pain is exacerbated by movement and relieved by well described in the cancer population. In contrast,
rest. There may be local tenderness over the joint, several syndromes are now clearly recognized as
but this is not universal. Pain usually precedes sequelae of specific surgical procedures. The
radiological changes by weeks to months; bone predominant underlying pain mechanism in these
scintigraphy and MRI are sensitive and com- syndromes is neuropathic, resulting from injury to
plementary diagnostic procedures. Early treatment peripheral nerves or plexus.
consists of analgesics, decrease or discontinuation
of steroids, and sometimes surgery. With progressive Breast surgery pain syndromes Chronic pain
626 bone destruction, joint replacement may be necessary. of variable severity is a common sequel of surgery
for breast cancer. In two large surveys pain, persistent neuropathic pain can develop weeks to
Cancer pain syndromes

paraesthesias and strange sensations were reported months after surgical injury to the cervical plexus.
by 30–50% the patients (Tasmuth et al 1995, 1996; Tightness, along with burning or lancinating
Carpenter et al 1998; Smith et al 1999). The most dysaesthesias in the area of the sensory loss, are the
common sites of pain were the breast scar region characteristic symptoms. More commonly, chronic
and the ipsilateral arm. Pain was more common pain can result from musculoskeletal imbalance in
among women who underwent breast conserving the shoulder girdle following surgical removal of
treatments than those who underwent mastectomy. neck muscles (Talmi et al 2000). Similar to the droopy
The highest incidence of pain was reported by shoulder syndrome (Swift and Nichols 1984), this
patients who had had both radio- and chemo- syndrome can be complicated by development of a
therapy (Tasmuth et al 1995). Data from a retro- thoracic outlet syndrome or suprascapular nerve
spective survey of 408 mastectomy patients entrapment, with selective weakness and wasting
revealed that this phenomenon was more common of the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles
among younger patients and that the pain severity (Brown et al 1988). Data from a a large survey
attenuated over time (Smith et al 1999). demonstrated that neck dissections sparing CN XI,
Although chronic pain has been reported to and not dissecting level V of the neck when CN XI
occur after almost any surgical procedure on the is spared, are associated with less shoulder and
breast (from lumpectomy to radical mastectomy), it neck pain (Terrell et al 2000).
is most common after procedures involving axillary Escalating pain in patients who have undergone
dissection (Vecht et al 1989, Vecht 1990, Hladiuk radical neck dissection may signify recurrent
et al 1992, Maunsell et al 1993). Pain may begin tumour or soft-tissue infection. These lesions may
immediately or as late as many months following be difficult to diagnose in tissues damaged by
surgery. The natural history of this condition appears radiation and surgery. Repeated CT or MRI scanning
to be variable, and both subacute and chronic may be needed to exclude tumour recurrence.
courses are possible (International Association for Empiric treatment with antibiotics should be
the Study of Pain: Subcommittee on Taxonomy considered (Bruera and MacDonald 1986, Coyle
1986). The onset of pain later than 18 months and Portenoy 1991).
following surgery is unusual, and a careful
evaluation to exclude recurrent chest wall disease is Post-thoracotomy pain There have been two
recommended in this setting. major studies of post-thoracotomy pain (Kanner
Postmastectomy pain is characterized as a et al 1982, Keller et al 1994). In the first (Kanner
constricting and burning discomfort localized to the et al 1982), three groups were identified: The largest
medial arm, axilla, and anterior chest wall (Wood (63%) had prolonged postoperative pain that abated
1978, Granek et al 1983, Vecht et al 1989, Paredes et within 2 months after surgery. Recurrent pain,
al 1990, van Dam et al 1993); on examination, there following resolution of the postoperative pain, was
is often an area of sensory loss within the region of usually due to neoplasm. A second group (16%)
the pain (van Dam et al 1993). The aetiology is experienced pain that persisted following the
believed to be related to damage to the inter- thoracotomy, then increased in intensity during the
costobrachial nerve, a cutaneous sensory branch of follow-up period. Local recurrence of disease and
T1,2,3 (Vecht et al 1989, van Dam et al 1993). There infection were the most common causes of the
is marked anatomic variation in the size and increasing pain. A final group had a prolonged
distribution of the intercostobrachial nerve, and period of stable or decreasing pain that gradually
this may account for some of the variability in the resolved over a maximum 8-month period. This
distribution of pain observed in patients with this pain was not associated with tumour recurrence.
condition (Assa 1974). Overall, the development of late or increasing post-
In some cases of pain after breast surgery a thoracotomy pain was due to recurrent or persistent
trigger point can be palpated in the axilla or chest tumour in greater than 95% of patients. This finding
wall. The patient may restrict movement of the arm was corroborated in the more recent study, which
leading to frozen shoulder as a secondary evaluated the records of 238 consecutive patients
complication. who underwent thoracotomy and identified
recurrent pain in 20 patients, all of whom were
Postradical neck dissection pain Longstand- found to have tumour regrowth (Keller et al 1994).
ing locoregional pain after radical neck dissection Patients with recurrent or increasing post-
is uncommon (Talmi et al 2000). Several types of thoracotomy pain should be carefully evaluated,
postradical neck dissection pain are recognized. A preferably with a chest CT scan or MRI. Chest 627
Special problems of assessment and management

radiographs are insufficient to evaluate recurrent syndrome described previously, mimics so-called
chest disease. In some patients, post-thoracotomy tension myalgia (Sinaki et al 1977). The risk of
pain appears to be caused by a taut muscular band disease recurrence associated with this condition is
within the scapular region. In such cases, pain may not known, and its natural history has not been
be amenable to trigger point injection of local defined. In patients who have undergone anorectal
anaesthetic (Hamada et al 2000). resection, this condition must be differentiated from
the phantom anus syndrome (see above).
Postoperative frozen shoulder Patients with
post-thoracotomy or postmastectomy pain are at Chronic postradiation pain syndromes
risk for the development of a frozen shoulder Chronic pain complicating radiation therapy tends
(Maunsell et al 1993). This lesion may become an to occur late in the course of a patient’s illness.
independent focus of pain, particularly if compli- These syndromes must always be differentiated
cated by reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Adequate from recurrent tumour.
postoperative analgesia and active mobilization of
the joint soon after surgery are necessary to prevent Radiation-induced brachial and lumbosacral
these problems. plexopathies Radiation-induced brachial and
lumbosacral plexopathies were described previously
Phantom pain syndromes Phantom limb pain (see above).
is perceived to arise from an amputated limb, as
if the limb were still contiguous with the body. Chronic radiation myelopathy Chronic radia-
Phantom pain is experienced by 60 to 80% of patients tion myelopathy is a late complication of spinal
following limb amputation but is only severe in cord irradiation. The latency is highly variable but
about 5 to 10% of cases (Ehde et al 2000, Nikolajsen is most commonly 12–14 months. The most
and Jensen 2000). Phantom pain is more prevalent common presentation is a partial transverse myelo-
after tumour-related than traumatic amputations, pathy at the cervicothoracic level, sometimes in a
and postoperative chemotherapy is an additional Brown–Sequard pattern (Schultheiss and Stephens
risk factor (Smith and Thompson 1995). Some 1992). Sensory symptoms, including pain, typically
patients have spontaneous partial remission of the precede the development of progressive motor and
pain. The recurrence of pain after such a remission, autonomic dysfunction (Schultheiss and Stephens
or the late onset of pain in a previously painless 1992). The pain is characterized as a burning dys-
phantom limb, suggests the appearance of a more aesthesia localized to the area of spinal cord damage
proximal lesion, including recurrent neoplasm or below.
(Chang et al 1997). A phantom anus pain syndrome
occurs in approximately 15% of patients who Chronic radiation enteritis and proctitis
undergo abdominoperineal resection of the rectum Chronic enteritis and proctocolitis occur as a
(Ovesen et al 1991, Boas et al 1993). Phantom anus delayed complication in 2–10% of patients who
pain may develop either in the early postoperative undergo abdominal or pelvic radiation therapy
period or after a latency of months to years. Late (Yeoh and Horowitz 1987, Nussbaum et al 1993).
onset pain is almost always associated with tumour The rectum and rectosigmoid are more commonly
recurrence (Ovesen et al 1991, Boas et al 1993). involved than the small bowel, a pattern that may
Phantom pain after removal of a breast or bladder relate to the retroperitoneal fixation of the former
is described in Cherny and Portenoy (1999). structures. The latency is variable (3 months–30
years) (Yeoh and Horowitz 1987, Nussbaum et al
Stump pain Stump pain occurs at the site of the 1993). Chronic radiation injury to the rectum
surgical scar several months to years following can present as proctitis (with bloody diarrhoea,
amputation (Davis 1993). It is usually the result of tenesmus, and cramping pain), obstruction due to
neuroma development at a site of nerve transection. stricture formation, or fistulae to the bladder or
This pain is characterized by burning or lancinating vagina. Small bowel radiation damage typically
dysaesthesias, which are often exacerbated by causes colicky abdominal pain, which can be
movement or pressure and blocked by an injection associated with chronic nausea or malabsorption.
of a local anaesthetic. Barium studies may demonstrate a narrow tubular
bowel segment resembling Crohn’s disease or
Postsurgical pelvic floor myalgia Surgical ischaemic colitis. Endoscopy and biopsy may be
trauma to the pelvic floor can cause a residual necessary to distinguish suspicious lesions from
628 pelvic floor myalgia, which, like the neoplastic recurrent cancer.
Radiation cystitis Radiation therapy used in
Cancer pain syndromes

cough, or defecation, or by non-volitional events,

the treatment of tumours of the pelvic organs such as bowel distension. Spontaneous fluctuations
(prostate, bladder, colon/rectum, uterus, ovary, in pain intensity can also occur without an
and vagina/vulva) may produce a chronic identifiable precipitant.
radiation cystitis (Pillay et al 1984, Joly et al 1998, Breakthrough pains must be distinguished from
Perez et al 1999). The late sequelae of radiation exacerbations of pain associated with failure of
injury to the bladder can range from minor tempo- analgesia. ‘End-of-dose failure (of analgesia)’ is
rary irritative voiding symptoms and asympto- commonly observed as therapeutic levels of
matic hematuria to more severe complications such analgesic fall. This phenomenon is observed most
as gross haematuria, contracted non-functional commonly when the interval between scheduled
bladder, persistent incontinence, and fistula doses exceeds the known duration of action of
formation. The clinical presentation can include short half-life analgesics. Since there is substantial
frequency, urgency, dysuria, haematuria, inconti- interindividual differences in drug metabolism and
nence, hydronephrosis, pneumaturia, and fecaluria. excretion, some analgesics that may typically have
a 4-h duration of action may be effective for only
Lymphoedema pain One-third of patients with 2–3 h in some individuals. Similarly, variability in
lymphoedema as a complication of breast cancer or the duration of analgesic effect is observed with
its treatment experience pain and tightness in the long-acting formulations such as oral morphine
arm (Newman et al 1996). Some patients develop or transdermal fentanyl. End-of-dose failure is
nerve entrapment syndromes of the carpal tunnel addressed through either dose or schedule
syndrome or brachial plexus (Ganel et al 1979, modification.
Vecht 1990). Severe or increasing pain in a lymph- In a survey by Portenoy and Hagen (1990) of 63
oedematous arm is strongly suggestive of tumour cancer patients with pain requiring opioid
invasion of the brachial plexus (Kori et al 1981, Kori analgesics, 41 (64%) reported breakthrough pain.
1995). Patients had a median of 4 episodes per day, the
duration of which ranged seconds to hours (median/
Burning perineum syndrome Persistent range: 30 min/1–240 min). Pain characteristics were
perineal discomfort is an uncommon delayed extremely varied. Twenty-two (43%) of the pains
complication of pelvic radiotherapy. After a latency were paroxysmal in onset; the remainder were
of 6–18 months, burning pain can develop in the more gradual and 21 (41%) were both paroxysmal
perianal region; the pain may extend anteriorly to and brief (lancinating pain). Fifteen (29%) of the
involve the vagina or scrotum (Minsky and Cohen pains were related to end-of-dose failure from a
1988). In patients who have had abdominoperineal fixed dose of opioid on a regular schedule. Twenty-
resection, phantom anus pain and recurrent tumour eight (55%) of the pains were precipitated; of these,
are major differential diagnoses. 22 were caused by an action of the patient (incident
pain), and 6 were associated with a non-volitional
Osteoradionecrosis Osteoradionecrosis is precipitant, such as flatulence. The pathophysiology
another late complication of radiotherapy. Bone of the pain was believed to be somatic in 17 (33%),
necrosis, which occurs as a result of endarteritis visceral in 10 (20%), neuropathic in 14 (27%), and
obliterans, may produce focal pain. Overlying tissue mixed in 10 (20%). Pain was related to the tumour
breakdown can occur spontaneously or as a result in 42 (82%), the effects of therapy in 7 (14%), and
of trauma, such as dental extraction or denture neither in 2 (4%). Diverse interventions were
trauma (Epstein et al 1987, 1997). Delayed develop- employed to manage these pains, with variable
ment of a painful ulcer must be differentiated from efficacy. In a study of 194 cancer patients with pain,
tumour recurrence. Jacobsen et al (1994) reported that 61% reported one
or more episodes of breakthrough pain. These
episodes were typically paroxysmal (56%),
Breakthrough pain predictable (63%), and precipitated by patient
Transitory exacerbations of severe pain over a action (67%). They had a mean duration of 20 min
baseline of moderate pain or less may be described (range 5 s–1.5 h) and occurred an average of 10
as ‘breakthrough pain’ (Portenoy and Hagen 1990). times/day (range 1–80). In a survey of 22 hospice
Breakthrough pains are common in both acute or patients by Fine and Busch (1998), 86% reported
chronic pain states. These exacerbations may be breakthrough pain, with an average of 2.9 episodes
precipitated by volitional actions of the patient (so- per 24-h period and a mean pain intensity of 7 on a
called incident pains), such as movement, micturition, 10-point scale. These episodes lasted an average of 629
Special problems of assessment and management

52 min (range 1–240). The range of time to relief of Andreasen DA, Poulsen J 1997 [Intra-abdominal torsion of the testis
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Cancer pain


The management of cancer pain

Nathan I Cherny

Introduction by tumour infiltration may respond to antineo-

plastic treatment with surgery, radiotherapy, or
Optimal management of cancer pain requires chemotherapy, and pain caused by infections may
familiarity with a wide range of therapeutic options be relieved with antibiotic therapy or drainage pro-
including antineoplastic therapies, analgesic pharma- cedures. Specific analgesic treatments are usually
cotherapy, and anaesthetic, neurosurgical, psycho- required as an adjunct to the primary therapy.
logical, and rehabilitation techniques. Successful
pain management is characterized by the implemen-
tation of the techniques with the most favourable Radiotherapy
therapeutic index for the prevailing circumstances The analgesic effectiveness of radiotherapy is
along with provision for repeated evaluations so documented by abundant data and a favourable
that a favourable balance between pain relief and clinical experience in the treatment of painful bone
adverse effects is maintained. Currently available metastases (Janjan 1997), epidural neoplasm (Bates
techniques using specific analgesic approaches can 1992), and headache due to cerebral metastases
provide adequate relief to a large majority of (Vermeulen 1998). In other settings, however, there
patients. Anaesthetic and neurosurgical techniques is a lack of data, and the use of radiotherapy is
should be considered for the patient who has not largely anecdotal. For example, the results with
obtained satisfactory pain relief. In all cases, these perineal pain due to low sacral plexopathy appear
treatments must be skilfully integrated with the to be encouraging (Dobrowsky and Schmid 1985),
management of other symptoms. and hepatic radiotherapy (e.g., 2000–3000 cGy) can
be well tolerated and effective for the pain of
hepatic capsular distension in 50–90% of patients
Primary therapy (Leibel et al 1987).
The assessment process may reveal a cause for
the pain that is amenable to primary therapy (i.e.,
therapy that is directed at the aetiology of the pain).
This therapy may improve comfort, function, or Despite a paucity of data concerning the specific
duration of survival. For example, pain generated analgesic benefits of chemotherapy, there is a strong 641
Special problems of assessment and management

clinical impression that tumour shrinkage is Freedom from

generally associated with relief of pain. Although cancer pain
there are some reports of analgesic value even in Opioid for moderate
the absence of significant tumour shrinkage (Thatcher to severe pain 3
et al 1995, Rothenberg 1996), the likelihood of a ± Non-opioid
favourable effect on pain is generally related to the Adjuvant
likelihood of tumour response. In all situations, Pain persisting
the decision to administer chemotherapy solely or increasing
for the treatment of symptoms should be promptly Opioid for mild to
reconsidered unless the patient demonstrates a moderate pain 2
± Non-opioid
clearly favourable balance between relief and
adverse effects.
Pain persisting
or increasing
Surgery Non opioid 1
Surgery may have a role in the relief of symptoms ± Adjuvant
caused by specific problems, such as obstruction
of a hollow viscus, unstable bony structures, and
compression of neural tissues (Harris et al 1996).
Fig. 43.1 WHO analgesic ladder (reprinted with
The potential benefits must be weighed against the permission).
risks of surgery, the anticipated length of hospital-
ization and convalescence, and the predicted
duration of benefit (Boraas 1985). Clinical expe- pain management. Controversy, however, has
rience has generally been most favourable when arisen regarding the validity and application of the
surgery has been used to stabilize pathological ‘three-step analgesic ladder’ of the World Health
fractures (Algan and Horowitz 1996), relieve bowel Organization, which advocated three basic steps of
obstructions, or drain symptomatic ascites. Large therapy according to the severity of the presenting
volume (up to 5–10 L) paracentesis, for example, pain problem (Fig. 43.1) (World Health Organiza-
may provide prompt and prolonged relief from the tion 1986). Despite data from a series of validation
pain and discomfort of tense ascites (Ross et al studies that demonstrated that this approach,
1989), with a small risk of hypotension (Cruikshank combined with appropriate dosing guidelines,
and Buchsbaum 1973, Ross et al 1989) or hypopro- provides adequate relief to 70–90% of patients
teinaemia (Lifshitz and Buchsbaum 1976). Radical (Takeda 1985, Ventafridda et al 1987, Walker et al
surgery to excise locally advanced disease in 1988, Goisis et al 1989, Schug et al 1990, Grond
patients with no evidence of metastatic spread may et al 1991), a review of these studies concluded that
be palliative, and potentially increase the survival there was a lack of evidence for the long-term effi-
of some patients (Estes et al 1993, Avradopoulos et cacy of this approach (Jadad and Browman 1995).
al 1996). Additionally, the recent production of low-dose
formulations of pure opioid agonists traditionally
used for severe pain and the introduction of
Antibiotic therapy other agents, such as tramadol, has blurred the
Antibiotics may be analgesic when the source of distinction between Steps 2 and 3.
the pain involves infection. Illustrative examples
include cellulitis, chronic sinus infections, pelvic
abscess, pyonephrosis, and osteitis pubis. In some Systemic analgesic pharmacotherapy
cases, infection may be occult and confirmed only Non-opioid analgesics
by the symptomatic relief provided by empiric
The non-opioid analgesics (aspirin, acetaminophen,
treatment with these drugs (Coyle and Portenoy
and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs)) are useful alone for mild to moderate
pain (Step 1 of the analgesic ladder) and provide
additive analgesia when combined with opioid
Analgesic drug therapy drugs in the treatment of more severe pain
There is universal agreement that analgesic (Eisenberg et al 1994). They are useful in a broad
642 pharmacotherapy remains the mainstay of cancer range of pain syndromes of diverse mechanisms
Table 43.1 Commonly used non-opioid analgesics
The management of cancer pain

with antihypertensive agents and the potential

to produce renal dysfunction in patients with
Chemical class Generic name compromised renal function, are similar to those of
non-selective NSAIDs (Brooks and Day 2000,
COX2 specific Meloxicam
Nemesulide Perazella and Eras 2000, Eras and Perazella 2001).
Rofecoxib Safely administering non-opioid analgesics
Celecoxib requires familiarity with their potential adverse
Non-acidic Acetaminophen effects (Brooks and Day 1991, Bennett et al 1996,
Acidic Laine 1996, Lehmann et al 1997). Aspirin and the
Salicylates Aspirin other NSAIDs have a broad spectrum of potential
Diflunisal toxicity; bleeding diathesis due to inhibition of plate-
Choline magnesium trisalicylate
let aggregation, gastroduodenopathy (including
Proprionic acids Ibuprofen peptic ulcer disease), and renal impairment are the
Naproxen most common (Lehmann et al 1997). Less common
Fenoprofen adverse effects include confusion, precipitation of
Ketoprofen cardiac failure, and exacerbation of hypertension.
Acetaminophen rarely produces gastrointestinal
Acetic acids Indometacin toxicity and there are no adverse effects on platelet
Tolmentin function; hepatic toxicity is possible, however, and
Sulindac patients with chronic alcoholism and liver disease
can develop severe hepatotoxicity at the usual
Oxicams Piroxicam therapeutic doses (Makin and Williams 1997).
Fenemates Mefenamic acid Particular caution is required in the administra-
Meclofenamic acid tion of these agents to patients at increased risk
of adverse effects, including the elderly and those
with blood clotting disorders, predilection to peptic
ulceration, impaired renal function, and concurrent
but there are no data to support therapeutic supe- corticosteroid therapy. The risk of gastrointestinal
riority to alternative options in a particular setting bleeding can be influenced by drug selection and
other than inflammation (Eisenberg et al 1994). the use of peptic cytoprotective agents (Lanas
Unlike opioid analgesics, the non-opioid analgesics and Hirschowitz 1999, Wolfe et al 1999). Of the
have a ‘ceiling’ effect for analgesia and produce NSAIDs, the relatively selective cyclooxygenase-2
neither tolerance nor physical dependence. inhibitors (nabumetone, nemsulide, and meloxicam)
The non-opioid analgesics constitute a hetero- (Lancaster 1995, Masferrer et al 1996) or the non-
geneous group of compounds that differ in acetylated salicylates (choline magnesium trisali-
chemical structure but share many pharmaco- cylate and salsalate) (Johnson and Miller 1994) are
logical actions (Table 43.1). The NSAID drugs are preferred in patients who have a predilection to
competitive blockers of cyclooxygenase. It has peptic ulceration or bleeding; these drugs have less
recently been found that there are at least two effect on platelet aggregation and no effect on
isoforms of cylooxygenase with distinct roles in bleeding time at the usual clinical doses. Data from
analgesia and toxicity (Vane et al 1998). Cyclo- randomized trials support the use of either ome-
oxygenase-1 is responsible for the synthesis of the prazole (Hawkey 1998), pantoprazole, misoprostol
protective prostaglandins that preserve the inte- (Valentini et al 1995), or high-dose famotidine
grity of the stomach lining and maintain normal (80 mg/day) (Taha et al 1996) as the preferred agent
renal function in a compromised kidney and for the prevention of NSAID-related peptic ulcera-
cyclooxygenase-2 is an inducible enzyme involved tion. In some countries a combined formulation
in inflammation, pain, and fever. Recently a range of diclofenac and misoprostol is available as a
of relatively selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors convenient and cost-effective option (McKenna
including meloxicam, nemesulide, rofecoxib, and 1998, Plosker and Lamb 1999).
celecoxib have been introduced and approved as The optimal administration of non-opioid anal-
analgesics. Early data indicate that these agents are gesics requires an understanding of their clinical
equianalgesic with the non-selective inhibitors and pharmacology. There is no certain knowledge of the
that they are associated with less gastroduodenal minimal effective analgesic dose, ceiling dose, or
morbidity (Brooks and Day 2000, Watson et al toxic dose for any individual patient with cancer
2000). Other adverse effects, such as interference pain. These doses may be higher or lower than the 643
Special problems of assessment and management

usual dose ranges recommended for the drug Table 43.2 Classification of opioid analgesics
involved. Recommended doses are usually derived
from studies performed in relatively healthy Agonists Partial agonists Agonists/
patients who have an inflammatory disease, a antagonists
population clearly dissimilar from those with Morphine Buprenorphine Pentazocine
cancer pain, who often have coexistent organ
Codeine Dezocine Butorphanol
failure and may be receiving multiple other drugs.
Given that the effects of these drugs are (at least Oxycodone Nalbuphine
partially) dose-dependent, in the cancer population
the minimal effective analgesic dose is unknown.
These observations support an approach to the Oxymorphone
administration of NSAIDs that incorporates both
low initial doses and dose titration. Through a
process of gradual dose escalation, it may be Levorphanol
possible to identify the ceiling dose and reduce the
risk of significant toxicity.
Based on clinical experience, an upper limit Methadone
for dose titration is usually set at 1.5–2 times the Fentanyl
standard recommended dose of the drug in
question. Since failure with one NSAID can be Sufentanil
followed by success with another, sequential trials Alfentanil
of several NSAIDs may be useful to identify a drug
with a favourable balance between analgesia and Propoxyphene

side effects.

Opioid analgesics—basic pharmacology play a minor role in the management of cancer pain
A trial of systemic opioid therapy should be admin- because of the existence of a ceiling effect for anal-
istered to all cancer patients with pain of moderate gesia, the potential for precipitation of withdrawal
or greater severity regardless of the pain mechanism. in patients physically dependent on opioid
Although somatic and visceral pain appear to be agonists, and in the case of mixed agonist–
relatively more responsive to opioid analgesics antagonists, the problem of dose-dependent
than neuropathic pain, a neuropathic mechanism psychotomimetic side effects that exceed those of
does not confer ‘opioid resistance’, and appropriate pure agonist drugs (Hanks 1987).
dose escalation will identify many patients with
neuropathic pain who can achieve adequate relief Dose–response relationship The pure agonist
(Portenoy et al 1990, Hanks and Forbes 1997). drugs do not have a ceiling dose; as the dose is
Optimal use of opioid analgesics requires a raised analgesic effects increase in a semi-log–
sound understanding of the general principles of linear function, until either analgesia is achieved or
opioid pharmacology, the pharmacological charac- the patient develops dose-limiting adverse effects
teristics of each of the commonly used drugs, such as nausea, vomiting, confusion, sedation,
and principles of administration, including drug myoclonus, or respiratory depression.
selection, routes of administration, dosing and dose
titration, and the prevention and management of The equianalgesic dose ratio Relative anal-
adverse effects. gesic potency of opioids is commonly expressed in
terms of the equianalgesic dose ratio. This is the
Important principles in opioid drug ratio of the dose of two analgesics required to
therapy produce the same analgesic effect. By convention,
the relative potency of each of the commonly used
Classification Opioid compounds can be opioids is based upon a comparison to 10 mg of
divided into agonist, agonist–antagonist, and parenteral morphine (Houde et al 1966). Equi-
antagonist classes based on their interactions with analgesic dose information (Table 43.3) provides
the various receptor subtypes (Table 43.2). In the guidelines for dose selection when the drug or
management of cancer pain, the pure agonists route of administration is changed.
are most commonly used. The mixed agonist– Several principles are critical in interpreting the
644 antagonist opioids and the partial agonist opioids data presented in equianalgesic dose tables. The
Table 43.3 Opioid agonist drugs
The management of cancer pain
Drug Dose (mg) equianalgesic to
10 mg I.M. morphine Half-life Duration of
I.M. P.O. (h) action (h) Comments

Codeine 130 200 2–3 2–4 Usually combined with a non-opioid.

Oxycodone 7–10 15–20 2–3 2–4

Propoxyphene 100 50 2–3 2–4 Usually combined with non-opioid.

Norpropoxyphene toxicity may cause

Morphine 10 30 2–3 3–4 Multiple routes of administration and

formulations available. M6G accumulation
in renal failure.

Hydromorphone 2–3 7.5 2–3 2–4 Multiple routes of administration and

formulations available.

Methadone 1–3 2–6 15–190 4–8 Plasma accumulation may lead to delayed
toxicity. Dosing should be initiated on a
PRN basis.

Pethidine 75 300 2–3 2–4 Low oral bioavailability. Norpethidine

toxicity limits utility. Contraindicated in
patients with renal failure and those
receiving MAO inhibitors.

Oxymorphone 1 10 (P.R.) 2–3 3–4 No oral formulation available. Less

histamine release.

Fentanyl Empirically transdermal 48–72 Patches available to deliver 25, 50, 75, and
transdermal fentanyl 100 μg/h = 100 μg/h.
system 2–4 mg/h intravenous

commonly quoted values do not reflect the sub- previous adverse effects, and the presence of co-
stantial variability observed in both single-dose existing disease.
and multidose cross-over studies. Numerous Traditionally, patients with moderate pain have
variables may influence the appropriate dose for been conventionally treated with a combination
the individual patient, including pain severity, product containing acetaminophen or aspirin plus
prior opioid exposure (and the degree of cross- codeine, dihydrocodeine, hydrocodone, oxyco-
tolerance this confers), age, route of administration, done, and propoxyphene. The doses of these
level of consciousness, and genetically determined combination products can be increased until the
metabolic or receptor heterogeneity. For most maximum dose of the non-opioid co-analgesic
agents the equianalgesic dose relationship to is attained (e.g., 4000 mg acetaminophen). Recent
morphine is linear; for methadone, however, the years have witnessed the proliferation of new
relationship appears to be curvilinear with the opioid formulations that may improve the conve-
equianalgesic dose ratio falling as the dose of prior nience of drug administration for patients
morphine increases: at low doses of morphine with moderate pain. These include controlled
(30–300 mg oral morphine) the equianalgesic ratio release formulations of codeine, dihydrocodeine,
for oral methadone to oral morphine is 1:4–1:6 and oxycodone, morphine, and tramadol in dosages
at high doses (> 300 mg oral morphine) 1:10–1:12 appropriate for moderate pain.
(Ripamonti et al 1998). Patients who present with strong pain are
usually treated with morphine, hydromorphone,
Selecting an appropriate opioid oxycodone, oxymorphone, fentanyl, or methadone.
The factors that influence opioid selection in Of these, the short half-life opioid agonists
chronic pain states include pain intensity, (morphine, hydromorphone, fentanyl, oxycodone,
pharmacokinetic and formulatory considerations, or oxymorphone) are generally favoured because 645
Special problems of assessment and management

they are easier to titrate than the long half-life drugs Other non-invasive routes are less commonly
which require a longer period to approach steady- used. Rectal suppositories containing oxycodone,
state plasma concentrations. Morphine is generally hydromorphone, oxymorphone, and morphine
preferred since it has a short half-life and is easy to have been formulated, and controlled-release mor-
titrate in its immediate release form, and it is also phine tablets can also be administered per rectum
available as a controlled release preparation that (Maloney et al 1989, Kaiko et al 1992). The potency
allows an 8- to 12-h dosing interval. of opioids administered rectally is approximately
If the patient is currently using an opioid that equivalent to that achieved by the oral route
is well tolerated, it is usually continued unless (European Association for Palliative Care 1996).
difficulties in dose titration occur or the required The sublingual route has limited value due to
dose cannot be administered conveniently. A switch the lack of formulations, poor absorption of most
to an alternative opioid is considered if the patient drugs, and the inability to deliver high doses or
develops dose-limiting toxicity which precludes prevent swallowing of the dose. An oral trans-
adequate relief of pain without excessive side effects mucosal formulation of fentanyl, which incor-
or if a specific formulation, not available with the porates the drug into a candy base, has recently
current drug, either is needed or may substantially been approved for use in the management of
improve the convenience of opioid administration. breakthrough pain (Simmonds 1997).
Some patients will require sequential trials
of several different opioids before a drug that is Invasive routes A parenteral route may be
effective and well tolerated is identified (Cherny considered when the oral route is precluded or
et al 1995, de Stoutz et al 1995). This strategy has there is need for rapid onset of analgesia, or a more
been variably labelled opioid-rotation, or opioid- convenient regimen. Repeated parenteral bolus
switching. The existence of incomplete cross- injections, which may be administered by the intra-
tolerance to various opioid effects (analgesia and venous (I.V.), intramuscular (I.M.) or subcutaneous
side effects) may explain the utility of these (S.C.) routes, provide the most rapid onset and
sequential trials. It is strongly recommended that shortest duration of action. Parenteral boluses are
clinicians be familiar with at least 3 opioid drugs most commonly used to treat very severe pain, in
used in the management of severe pain and have which case doses can be repeated at an interval as
the ability to calculate appropriate starting doses brief as that determined by the time-to-peak effect,
using equianalgesic dosing data when switching until adequate relief is achieved (Hagen et al 1997).
between drugs. Repeated bolus doses without frequent skin
punctures can be accomplished through the use
Selecting the appropriate route of systemic of an indwelling I.V. or S.C. infusion device such
opioid administration as a 25- to 27-gauge infusion device (a ‘butterfly’),
Non-invasive routes Opioids should be which can be left under the skin for up to a week
administered by the least invasive and safest route (Coyle et al 1994).
capable of providing adequate analgesia. Usually, Continuous parenteral infusions are useful for
the oral route is preferred. Alternative routes are many patients who cannot be maintained on oral
necessary for patients who have impaired swallow- opioids. Long-term infusions may be administered
ing or gastrointestinal dysfunction, those who I.V. or S.C. In practice, the major indication for
require a very rapid onset of analgesia, and those continuous infusion occurs among patients who are
who are unable to manage either the logistics or unable to swallow or absorb opioids. Continuous
side effects associated with the oral route. infusion is also used in some patients whose
The development of transdermal fentanyl has high opioid requirement renders oral treatment
provided a convenient and non-invasive alternative impractical. Ambulatory patients can easily use
to oral administration. Transdermal patches capable continuous S.C. infusion. A range of pumps is
of delivering 25, 50, 75, and 100 μg/h are available. available varying in complexity, cost, and ability to
The dosing interval for each patch is usually 72 h provide patient-controlled ‘rescue doses’ as an
(Varvel et al 1989) but some patients require a 48-h adjunct to a continuous basal infusion (Coyle et al
schedule (Jeal and Benfield 1997). Recent data from 1994). Opioids suitable for continuous S.C. infusion
controlled studies indicate that the transdermal must be soluble, well absorbed, and non-irritant.
administration of fentanyl is associated with a Extensive experience has been reported with
lesser incidence of constipation than oral morphine heroin, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, morphine,
and is often preferred (Donner et al 1996, Ahmedzai and fentanyl. Methadone appears to be relatively
646 and Brooks 1997, Payne et al 1998). irritating and is not recommended. To maintain the
comfort of an infusion site, the S.C. infusion rate
The management of cancer pain

the rescue dose is usually identical to that

should not exceed 3–5 cc/h. Patients who require administered on a scheduled basis.
high doses may benefit from the use of concen- This approach provides a method for safe
trated solutions. A high-concentration hydro- and rational stepwise dose escalation, which is
morphone (10 mg/cc) is available commercially and applicable to all routes of opioid administration.
the organic salt of morphine, morphine tartrate, Patients requiring more than 4–6 rescue doses per
is available in some countries as an 80 mg/cc day should generally undergo escalation of the
solution. baseline dose. The quantity of the rescue medica-
tion consumed can be used to guide the dose
Changing routes of administration The switch increment. Alternatively, each dose increment can
between oral and parenteral routes should be be set at 33–50% of the pre-existing dose. In all cases,
guided by knowledge of relative potency (Table escalation of the baseline dose should be accom-
47.3) to avoid subsequent over- or under-dosing. panied by a proportionate increase in the rescue
In calculating the equianalgesic dose, the potencies dose, so that the size of the supplemental dose
of the I.V., S.C., and I.M. routes are considered remains a constant percentage of the fixed dose.
equivalent. In recognition of the imprecision in the
accepted equianalgesic doses and the risk of toxi- ‘As-needed’ (PRN) dosing Opioid administra-
city from potential overdose, a modest reduction in tion on an ‘as needed’ basis, without an ‘around the
the equianalgesic dose is prudent. clock’ dosing regimen, may provide additional
safety during the initiation of opioid therapy,
Scheduling of opioid administration particularly when rapid dose escalation is needed
The schedule of opioid administration should be or therapy with a long half-life opioid such as
individualized to optimize the balance between methadone or levorphanol is begun. ‘As needed’
patient comfort and convenience. ‘Around the dosing may also be appropriate for patients who
clock’ dosing and ‘as needed’ dosing both have a have rapidly decreasing analgesic requirement or
place in clinical practice. intermittent pains separated by pain-free intervals.

‘Around the clock’ dosing with ‘rescue doses’ Patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) Patient-
‘Around the clock’ dosing provides the chronic controlled analgesia (PCA) generally refers to a
pain patient with continuous relief by preventing technique of parenteral drug administration in
the pain from recurring. Controlled release which the patient controls an infusion device that
preparations of opioids can lessen the inconve- delivers a bolus of analgesic drug ‘on demand’
nience associated with the use of ‘around the clock’ according to parameters set by the physician. Long-
administration of drugs with a short duration of term PCA in cancer patients is most commonly
action. Patients should also be provided with a so- accomplished via the subcutaneous route using an
called ‘rescue dose’, which is a supplemental dose ambulatory infusion device (Ripamonti and Bruera
offered on an ‘as needed’ basis to treat pain that 1997). In most cases, PCA is added to a basal
breaks through the regular schedule (Cleary 1997). infusion rate and acts essentially as a rescue dose
The frequency with which the rescue dose can (Ripamonti and Bruera 1997). Rare patients have
be offered depends on the route of administration benefited from PCA alone to manage episodic pains
and the time-to-peak effect for the particular drug. characterized by an onset so rapid that an oral dose
Oral rescue doses are usually offered up to every could not provide sufficiently prompt relief.
1–2 h and parenteral doses can be offered as
frequently as every 15–30 min. Clinical experience Dose selection and titration
suggests that the initial size of the rescue dose Selecting a starting dose A patient who is
should be equivalent to approximately 50–100% of relatively non-tolerant, having had only some
the dose administered every 4 h for oral or paren- exposure to an opioid typically used on the second
teral bolus medications, or 50–100% of the hourly rung of the ‘analgesic ladder’ for moderate pain,
infusion rate for patients receiving continuous should generally begin one of the opioids typically
infusions. Alternatively, this may be calculated as used for severe pain at a dose equivalent to
5–15% of the 24-h baseline dose. The magnitude 5–10 mg morphine I.M. every 4 h (European
of the rescue dose should be individualized and Association for Palliative Care 1996). If morphine is
some patients with low baseline pain but severe used, a P.O.:I.M. relative potency ratio of 2:1–3:1 is
exacerbations may require rescue doses that are conventional (European Association for Palliative
substantially higher (Lyss 1997). The drug used for Care 1996). 647
Special problems of assessment and management

Dose adjustment Inadequate relief should be Among adverse effects there is substantial
addressed through gradual escalation of dose variability in their dose–response relationship. A
until adequate analgesia is reported or excessive dose–response relationship is most commonly
side effects supervene. Because opioid response evident with regards to the central nervous system
increases linearly with the log of the dose, a dose adverse effects of sedation, cognitive impairment,
increment of less than 30–50% is not likely to signi- hallucinations, myoclonus, and respiratory de-
ficantly improve analgesia. The absolute dose is pression. Even among these, however, there is very
immaterial as long as administration is not com- substantial interindividual variability to many of
promised by excessive side effects, inconvenience, these effects. Additionally, as tolerance develops to
discomfort, or cost. some effects, the spectrum of adverse effects varies
with prolonged use. Commonly, patients who have
Rate of dose titration The rate of dose titration had prolonged opioid exposure have a lesser
depends on the severity of the pain, the medical tendency to develop sedation or respiratory depres-
condition of the patient, and the goals of care. sion, and the predominant central nervous system
Patients who present with very severe pain are effects become the neuroexcitatory ones of delirium
sometimes best managed by repeated parenteral and myoclonus. Gastrointestinal adverse effects
administration of a dose every 15–30 min until pain generally have a weaker dose–response relation-
is partially relieved. Patients with moderate pain ship. Some, like nausea and vomiting, are common
may not require a loading dose of the opioid, but with the initiation with therapy but are subse-
rather the initiation of a regular dose with pro- quently unpredictable wth resolution among some
vision for rescue doses and gradual dose titration. patients and persistence among others. Constipa-
In this situation dose increments of 30–50% can be tion is virtually universal and it demonstrates a
administered at intervals greater than that required very weak dose relationship.
to reach steady state following each change.
The dose of morphine (tablets or elixir), hydro- Factors predictive of opioid adverse effects
morphone, or oxycodone can be increased on a Drug related Overall, there is very little repro-
twice daily basis, and the dose of controlled release ducible evidence suggesting that any one pure
oral morphine or transdermal fentanyl can be opioid agonist has a substantially better adverse
increased every 24–48 h. effect profile than any other. Meperidine is not
recommended in the management of chronic cancer
The problem of tolerance When the need for pain because of concerns regarding its side effect
dose escalation arises, disease progression (Paice profile. Recent data from controlled studies indicate
1988, Schug et al 1992), increasing psychological that the transdermal administration of fentanyl is
distress, or changes in the pharmacokinetics of an associated with a lesser incidence of constipation
analgesic drug are much more common than true than oral morphine (Donner et al 1996, Ahmedzai
analgesic tolerance. True analgesic tolerance, which and Brooks 1997, Payne et al 1998).
could compromise the utility of treatment, can only
be said to occur when a patient manifests the need Table 43.4 Common opioid-induced adverse effects
for increasing opioid doses in the absence of other
factors (e.g., progressive disease) that would be Gastrointestinal Nausea
capable of explaining the increase in pain. Vomiting

Autonomic Xerostomia
Urinary retention
Management of opioid adverse Postural hypotension
Central nervous system Drowsiness
Successful opioid therapy requires that the benefits Cognitive impairment
of analgesia clearly outweigh treatment-related Hallucinations
adverse effects. This implies that a detailed
Respiratory depression
understanding of adverse opioid effects and the Myoclonus
strategies used to prevent and manage them are Seizure disorder
essential skills for all involved in cancer pain Hyperalgesia
management. The adverse effects frequently Cutaneous Itch
observed in patients receiving oral morphine and Sweating
648 other opioids are summarized in Table 43.4.
Route related There is very limited evidence to
The management of cancer pain

In a study of morphine use in the management of

suggest differences in adverse effects associated chronic cancer pain in the elderly, overall elderly
with specific routes of systemic administration. patients required lower doses than their younger
Compared to the oral morphine administration, counterparts without exhibiting an enhanced risk
small studies have demonstrated less nausea and for opioid-induced adverse effects (Rapin 1989).
vomiting with rectal (Babul et al 1998) and sub- In patients with impaired renal function there is
cutaneous administration (McDonald et al 1991). delayed clearance of an active metabolite of
Three studies comparing transdermal fentanyl to morphine, morphine-6-glucuronide (Osborne et al
oral morphine demonstrated less constipation 1993). Anecdotally, high concentrations of M6G
among the patients receiving transdermal fentanyl. have been associated with toxicity (Osborne et al
It is not clear as to whether this is a route- or drug- 1986, Hagen et al 1991, Sjogren et al 1993); however,
related effect (Donner et al 1996, Ahmedzai and in a prospective study of patients with opioid-
Brooks 1997, Payne et al 1998). induced delirium or myoclonus no relationship
with renal function was observed (Tiseo et al 1995).
Patient related For reasons that are not well Other patient-related factors that may enhance
explained, there is striking interindividual the risk of adverse effects include the coadminis-
variability in the sensitivity to adverse effects tration of drugs that may have cumulative toxicity
from morphine and other opioid drugs. Genetic or other concurrent comorbidity (Table 43.5).
variability in prelinical studies clearly affect the
sensitivity to opioids, and it is reasonable to assume Opioid initiation and dose escalation Some
that the genetic background plays a similar adverse effects appear transiently and spontan-
important role clinically. eously abate after the initiation of an opioid or after
Some of this variability is related to comorbidity. dose escalation. This phenomenon has been well
Ageing is associated with altered pharmacokinetics demonstrated in a prospective study on the effect of
particularly characterized by diminished clearance morphine dose escalation on cognitive perform-
and volume of distribution. This has been well ance (Bruera et al 1989). This study demonstrated
evaluated for morphine (Baillie et al 1989) and that cognitive impairment commonly improved
fentanyl (Bentley et al 1982, Holdsworth et al 1994). after 7 days. This phenomenon, though often

Table 43.5 Comorbidity that may mimic opioid-induced adverse effects

Cause Adverse effects

Central nervous system Cerebral metastases Drowsiness, cognitive impairment, nausea, vomiting
Leptomeningeal metastases Drowsiness, cognitive impairment, nausea, vomiting
Cerebrovascular event Drowsiness, cognitive impairment
Extradural haemorrhage Drowsiness, cognitive impairment

Metabolic Dehydration Drowsiness, cognitive impairment

Hypercalcaemia Drowsiness, cognitive impairment, nausea, vomiting
Hyponatraemia Drowsiness, cognitive impairment
Renal failure Drowsiness, cognitive impairment, nausea, vomiting, myoclonus
Liver failure Drowsiness, cognitive impairment, nausea, vomiting, myoclonus
Hypoxaemia Drowsiness, cognitive impairment

Sepsis/infection Drowsiness, cognitive impairment, nausea, vomiting

Mechanical Bowel obstruction Nausea, vomiting

Iatrogenic Tricyclics Drowsiness, cognitive impairment, constipation

Benzodiazepines Drowsiness, cognitive impairment
Antibiotics Nausea and vomiting
Vinca alkaloids Constipation
Flutamide Constipation
Steroids Agitated delirium
Non-steroidal Nausea, drowsiness
anti-inflammatory drugs
Chemotherapy Nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, cognitive impairment
Radiotherapy Nausea, vomiting, drowsiness
Special problems of assessment and management

described, has not been formally studied in regards 2. The addition of an adjuvant analgesic that is
to other adverse effects. appropriate to the pain syndrome and
mechanism. Adjuvant analgesics (see below)
Differential diagnosis may be combined with primary analgesics to
Adverse changes in patient well-being among improve the outcome for patients who cannot
patients taking opioids are not always caused by otherwise attain an acceptable balance between
the opioid. Adverse effects must be differentiated relief and side effects (Portenoy 1996). There is
from other causes of comorbidity that may develop great interindividual variability in the response
in the treated patient and from drug interections. to all adjuvant analgesics and, for most, the
Common causes of comorbidity that may mimic likelihood of benefit is limited. Furthermore,
opioid-induced adverse effects are presented in many of the adjuvant analgesics have the poten-
Table 43.5. tial to cause side effects that may be additive to
Indeed, the appearance of a new adverse change the opioid-induced adverse effects already
in patient well-being that occurs in the setting of problematic. In evaluating the utility of an
stable opioid dosing is rarely caused by the opioid, adjuvant agent in a particular patient setting,
and an alternate explanation should be vigorously one must consider the likelihood of benefit, the
sought. Since polypharmacy is common among risk of adverse effects, the ease of administra-
patients with advanced cancer, it is essential to tion, and patient convenience.
scrutinize medication records and patient report of 3. The application of a therapy targetting the cause
medication administration to evauate for possible of the pain. Specific antitumour therapies, such
drug interactions or some other drug-related as radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or surgery
explanation for the reported symptoms. targetting the cause of cancer-related pain can
provide substantial relief and thus lower the
Overview of the alternative approaches to need for opioid analgesia. Radiotherapy is of
treating opioid adverse effects established benefit in the treatment of painful
In general, four different approaches to the bone metastases (Bates 1992, Hoskin 1995, Janjan
management of opioid adverse effects have been 1997), epidural neoplasm (Bates 1992), and
described: headache due to cerebral metastases (Coia 1992,
Sneed et al 1996, Vermeulen 1998). In other
1. Dose reduction of systemic opioid
settings there is a lack of well-established
2. Specific therapy to reduce the adverse effect
supportive data, and the use of radiotherapy is
3. Opioid rotation
largely anecdotal. Despite a paucity of evidence
4. Change route of administration
concerning the specific analgesic benefits of
chemotherapy (Queisser 1984, Rubens et al
Dose reduction of systemic opioid Reducing
1992), there is a strong clinical impression that
the dose of administered opioids usually results in
tumour shrinkage is generally associated with
a reduction in dose-related adverse effects. When
relief of pain. Although there are some reports of
patients have well-controlled pain, gradual reduction
analgesic value even in the absence of significant
in the opioid dose will often result in the resolution
tumour shrinkage (Patt et al 1985, Thatcher et al
of dose-related adverse effeects whilst preserving
1995, Rothenberg 1996), the likelihood of a
adequate pain relief (Fallon and O’Neill 1998).
favourable effect on pain is generally related to
When opioid doses cannot be reduced without
the likelihood of tumour response. Surgery may
the loss of pain control, reduction in dose must be
have a role in the relief of symptoms caused by
accompanied by the addition of an accompanying
specific problems, such as obstruction of a
synergist approach. Extensive experience has been
hollow viscus (Jong et al 1995, Mainar et al 1996,
reported with four accompanying approaches:
Parker and Baines 1996, Barbalias et al 1997),
1. The addition of a non-opioid coanalgesic. The unstable bony structures (Braun and Rohe 1984,
analgesia achieved from non-opioid coanal- Tarn and Lee 1994, Algan and Horowitz 1996),
gesics from the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and compression of neural tissues (Sucher et al
class of agents is additive and often synergistic 1994, Gokaslan 1996, Harris et al 1996).
with that achieved by opioids. This is supported 4. The application of a regional anaesthetic or
from a number of prospective studies (Sevarino neuroablative intervention (see below). The
et al 1992, Bjorkman et al 1993, Joishy and Walsh results of the WHO ‘analgesic ladder’ validation
1998, Minotti et al 1998) and from one retrospec- studies suggest that 10–30% of patients with
650 tive drug utilization survey (Zech et al 1995). cancer pain do not achieve a satisfactory balance
between relief and side effects using systemic
The management of cancer pain

even with prudent use of equianalgesic tables,

pharmacotherapy alone without unacceptable patients are at risk of under- or overdosing by
drug toxicity (Takeda 1985, Ventafridda et al virtue of individual sensitivities.
1987, Walker et al 1988, Goisis et al 1989, Schug The biologic basis for the observed intraindivi-
et al 1990, Grond et al 1991). Anaesthetic and dual variability in sensitivity to opioid analgesia
neurosurgical techniques may reduce or elim- and adverse effects is multifactorial. Preclinical
inate the requirement for systemically admin- studies show that opioids can act on different
istered opioids to achieve adequate analgesia. In receptors or sub-type receptors (de Stoutz et al
general, regional analgesic techniques such as 1995, Pasternak and Standifer 1995, Zadina et al
intraspinal opioid and local anaesthetic admin- 1995, Rossi et al 1997), and individual receptor
istration or intrapleural local anaesthetic admin- profiles may influence the analgesia as well as the
istration are usually considered first because side effects. The genetic makeup of the individual
they can achieve this end without compromising plays an important role in analgesia for some
neurological integrity. Neurodestructive proce- opioids (Brosen et al 1993, Sindrup et al 1993,
dures, however, are valuable in a small subset of Fromm et al 1995, Sindrup and Brosen 1995,
patients, and some of these procedures, such as Poulsen et al 1996, Kirkwood et al 1997, Heiskanen
celiac plexus blockade in patients with pan- et al 1998), and similar phenomena may contribute
creatic cancer, may have a favourable enough to variability in adverse effect sensitivity.
risk:benefit ratio that early treatment is
warranted. Switching route of systemic administration
Limited data indicates that some adverse side
Symptomatic management of the adverse effects among patients receiving oral morphine can
effect Symptomatic drugs used to prevent or be relieved by switching the route of admission
control opioid adverse effects are commonly to the subcutaneous route. In one small study
employed. Most of these approaches are based on this phenomenon was reported for nausea and
cumulative anecdotal experience. With few excep- vomiting (McDonald et al 1991); in another there
tions, the literature describing these approaches is was less constipation, drowsiness, and nausea
anecdotal or ‘expert opinion’. Very few studies (Drexel et al 1989).
have prospectively evaluated efficacy, and no
studies have evaluated the toxicity of these Initial management of the patient
approaches over the long term. In general, this receiving opioids who presents with
approach involves the addition of a new medi- adverse effects
cation, adding to medication burden and with it Among patients receiving opioid analgesic therapy
the associated risks of adverse effects or drug there are two key steps in the initial management
interaction. of adverse effects. Firstly, the clinician must dis-
tinguish between morphine adverse effects from
Opioid rotation Over the past 10 years comorbidity or drug interactions. This step requires
numerous clinicians and cancer pain services have careful evaluation of the patient for factors outlined
reported successful reduction in opioid side effects in Table 43.5. If present, these factors should be
by switching to an alternative opioid (Galer et al redressed. Metabolic disorders, dehydration, or
1992; Bruera et al 1995, 1996; Cherny et al 1995; sepsis should be treated; non-essential drugs that
de Stoutz et al 1995; Paix et al 1995; Thomas and may be producing an adverse interaction should be
Bruera 1995; Maddocks et al 1996; Vigano et al 1996; discontinued. Symptomatic measures may be
Fitzgibbon and Ready 1997; Hagen and Swanson required until effect is observed.
1997; Lawlor et al 1997; Makin and Ellershaw 1998; Secondly, if indeed it seems that there is a true
Ripamonti et al 1998; Ashby et al 1999). Improve- adverse effect of an opioid, consideration should be
ments in cognitive impairment, sedation, halluci- given to reducing the opioid dose. If the patient has
nations, nausea, vomiting, and myoclonus have good pain control, reduce morphine dose by 25%.
been commonly reported. This approach requires
familiarity with a range of opioid agonists and with Adverse drug interactions In patients with
the use of equianalgesic tables to convert doses advanced cancer side effects due to drug combina-
when switching between opioids. While this tions are common. The potential for additive side
approach has the practical advantage of minimiz- effects and serious toxicity from drug combinations
ing polypharmacy, outcomes are variable and must be recognized. The sedative effect of an opioid
unpredictable. When switching between opioids, may add to that produced by numerous other 651
Special problems of assessment and management

centrally acting drugs, such as anxiolytics, neuro- amphetamine and methylphenidate have been
leptics, and antidepressants (Pies 1996). Likewise, widely used in the treatment of opioid-induced
drugs with anticholinergic effects probably worsen sedation (Portenoy 1994). Treatment with methyl-
the constipatory effects of opioids. As noted pre- phenidate or dextroamphetamine is typically
viously, a severe adverse reaction, including begun with 2.5 to 5 mg in the morning, which is
excitation, hyperpyrexia, convulsions, and death, repeated at midday if necessary to maintain effects
has been reported after the administration of until evening. Doses are then increased gradually if
meperidine to patients treated with a monoamine needed. Few patients require more than 40 mg per
oxidase inhibitor (Browne and Linter 1987). day in divided doses. This approach is relatively
contraindicated among patients with cardiac
Gastrointestinal side effects The gastro- arrhythmias, agitated delirium, paranoid persona-
intestinal adverse effects of opioids are common. In lity, and past amphetamine abuse.
general they are characterized by having a weak
dose–response relationship. Constipation is the most Confusion and delirium Mild cognitive
common adverse effect of chronic opioid therapy impairment is common following the initiation
(Fallon and O’Neill 1997). The likelihood of opioid- of opioid therapy or doses. Similar to sedation,
induced constipation is so great that laxative however, pure opioid-induced encephalopathy
medications should be prescribed prophylactically appears to be transient in most patients, persisting
to most patients. Opioids may produce nausea and from days to a week or two. Although persistent
vomiting through both central and peripheral confusion attributable to opioids alone occurs, the
mechanisms. These drugs stimulate the medullary aetiology of persistent delirium is usually related to
chemoreceptor trigger zone, increase vestibular the combined effect of the opioid and other contrib-
sensitivity, and have effects on the gastrointestinal uting factors, including electrolyte disorders,
tract (including increased gastric antral tone, neoplastic involvement of central nervous system,
diminished motility, and delayed gastric sepsis, vital organ failure, and hypoxaemia (Portenoy
emptying). With the initiation of opioid therapy, 1994). A stepwise approach to management (Table
patients should be informed that nausea can occur 43.6) often culminates in a trial of a neuroleptic
and that it is usually transitory and controllable. drug. Haloperidol in low doses (0.5–1.0 mg P.O.
Routine prophylactic administration of an anti- or 0.25–0.5 mg I.V. or I.M.) is most commonly
emetic is not necessary, except in patients with a recommended because of its efficacy and low inci-
history of severe opioid-induced nausea and dence of cardiovascular and anticholinergic effects.
vomiting, but patients should have access to an
antiemetic at the start of therapy if the need for one Respiratory depression When sedation is used
arises. Anecdotally, the use of prochlorperazine and as a clinical indicator of CNS toxicity and appro-
metoclopromide has usually been sufficient. priate steps are taken, respiratory depression is
rare. When, however, it does occur it is always
Central nervous system side effects The CNS accompanied by other signs of central nervous
side effects of opioids are generally dose related. system depression, including sedation and mental
The specific pattern of CNS adverse effects is clouding. Respiratory compromise accompanied by
influenced by individual patient factors, duration
of opioid exposure, and dose.
Table 43.6 Management of opioid-induced delirium
Sedation Initiation of opioid therapy or signi-
ficant dose escalation commonly induces sedation 1) Discontinue non-essential centrally acting medications
that persists until tolerance to this effect develops,
usually in days to weeks. It is useful to forewarn 2) If analgesia is satisfactory, reduce opioid dose by 25%

patients of this potential, and thereby reduce 3) Exclude sepsis or metabolic derangement
anxiety and encourage avoidance of activities, such
4) Exclude CNS involvement by tumour
as driving, that may be dangerous if sedation
occurs (Vainio et al 1995). Some patients have a 5) If delirium persists, consider:
persistent problem with sedation, particularly if • trial of neuroleptic (e.g., haloperidol)
other confounding factors exist. These factors • change to an alternative opioid drug
• a change in opioid route to the intraspinal route
include the use of other sedating drugs or (± local anaesthetic)
coexistent diseases such as dementia, metabolic • a trial of other anaesthetic or neurosurgical options
652 encephalopathy, or brain metastases. Both dextro-
tachypnoea and anxiety is never a primary opioid Other effects
The management of cancer pain
Urinary retention Opioid analgesics increase
With repeated opioid administration, tolerance
smooth muscle tone and can occasionally cause
appears to develop rapidly to the respiratory
bladder spasm or urinary retention (due to an
depressant effects of the opioid drugs; conse-
increase in sphincter tone). This is an infrequent
quently clinically important respiratory depression
problem usually observed in elderly male patients.
is a very rare event in the cancer patient whose
Tolerance can develop rapidly but catheterization
opioid dose has been titrated against pain.
may be necessary to manage transient problems.
The ability to tolerate high doses of opioids is
also related to the stimulus-related effect of pain on
respiration in a manner that is balanced against the Adjuvant analgesics
depressant opioid effect. Opioid-induced respira-
The term ‘adjuvant analgesic’ describes a drug
tory depression can occur, however, if pain is
that has a primary indication other than pain but
suddenly eliminated (such as may occur following
is analgesic in some conditions. In the cancer
neurolytic procedures) and the opioid dose is not
population, these drugs may be combined with
reduced (Wells et al 1984).
primary analgesics in any of the three steps of the
When respiratory depression occurs in patients
‘analgesic ladder’ to improve the outcome for
on chronic opioid therapy, administration of the
patients who cannot otherwise attain an acceptable
specific opioid antagonist, naloxone, usually
balance between relief and side effects. The
improves ventilation. This is true even if the
potential utility of an adjuvant analgesic is usually
primary cause of the respiratory event was not
suggested by the characteristics of the pain or by
the opioid itself, but rather an intercurrent cardiac
the existence of another symptom that may be
or pulmonary process. A response to naloxone,
amenable to a non-analgesic effect of the drug.
therefore, should not be taken as proof that the
There is great interindividual variability in the
event was due to the opioid alone and an
response to all adjuvant analgesics. Although
evaluation for these other processes should ensue.
patient characteristics, such as advanced age or
Naloxone can precipitate a severe abstinence
coexistent major organ failure, may increase the
syndrome and should be administered only if
likelihood of some (usually adverse) responses,
strongly indicated. If the patient is bradypnoeic but
neither favourable effects nor specific side effects
readily arousable, and the peak plasma level of the
can be reliably predicted in the individual patient.
last opioid dose has already been reached, the
Furthermore, there is remarkable intraindividual
opioid should be withheld and the patient moni-
variability in the response to different drugs,
tored until improved. If severe hypoventilation
including those within the same class. These obser-
occurs (regardless of the associated factors that may
vations suggest the potential utility of sequential
be contributing to respiratory compromise), or the
trials of adjuvant analgesics. The process of
patient is bradypnoeic and unarousable, naloxone
sequential drug trials, like the use of low initial
should be administered. To reduce the risk of
doses and dose titration, should be explained to
severe withdrawal following a period of opioid
the patient at the start of therapy to enhance
administration, dilute naloxone (1:10) should be
compliance and reduce the distress that may occur
used in doses titrated to respiratory rate and level
if treatments fail.
of consciousness. In the comatose patient, it may be
In the management of cancer pain, adjuvant
prudent to place an endotracheal tube to prevent
analgesics can be broadly classified based on
aspiration following administration of naloxone.
conventional use. Four groups are distinguished:
Multifocal myoclonus All opioid analgesics 1. Multipurpose adjuvant analgesics.
can produce myoclonus. Mild and infrequent myo- 2. Adjuvant analgesics used for neuropathic pain.
clonus is common. In occasional patients, however, 3. Adjuvant analgesics used for bone pain.
myoclonus can be distressing or contribute to 4. Adjuvant analgesics used for visceral pain.
breakthrough pain that occurs with involuntary
movement. If the dose cannot be reduced due to Multipurpose adjuvant medications
persistent pain, consideration should be given Corticosteroids Corticosteroids are among the
either to switching to an alternative opioid (Cherny most widely used adjuvant analgesics (Watanabe
et al 1995) or to symptomatic treatment with a benzo- and Bruera 1994). They have been demonstrated
diazepine (particularly clonazepam or midazolam), to have analgesic effects, to significantly improve
dantrolene, or an anticonvulsant (Portenoy 1994). quality of life; and to have beneficial effects on 653
Special problems of assessment and management

appetite, nausea, mood, and malaise in the cancer of 2.5% lidocaine (lignocaine) and 2.5% prilocaine
population. Painful conditions that commonly (EMLA) is effective in reducing pain associated
respond to corticosteroids include raised intracra- with venipuncture, lumbar puncture, and arterial
nial pressure headache, acute spinal cord compres- puncture. It has also been used for painful ulcera-
sion, superior vena cava syndrome, metastatic bone ting skin lesions. Viscous lidocaine (lignocaine) is
pain, neuropathic pain due to infiltration or com- frequently used in the management of oropharyn-
pression by tumour, symptomatic lymphoedema, geal ulceration. Although the risk of aspiration
and hepatic capsular distension (Watanabe and appears to be very small, caution with eating is
Bruera 1994). The mechanism of analgesia pro- required after oropharyngeal anaesthesia.
duced by these drugs may involve antioedema
effects, anti-inflammatory effects, and a direct Adjuvants used for neuropathic pain
influence on the electrical activity in damaged Neuropathic pains are generally less responsive to
nerves (Devor et al 1985). The most commonly used opioid therapy than nociceptive pain, and in many
drug is dexamethasone, a choice that gains theore- cases the outcome of pharmacotherapy may be
tical support from the relatively low mineralocorti- improved by the addition of an adjuvant analgesic.
coid effect of this agent. Dexamethasone also has
been conventionally used for raised intracranial Antidepressant drugs Antidepressant drugs
pressure and spinal cord compression. are commonly used to manage continuous neuro-
Patients with advanced cancer who experience pathic pains and the evidence for analgesic efficacy
pain and other symptoms may respond favourably is greatest for the tertiary amine tricyclic drugs,
to a relatively small dose of corticosteroid (e.g., such as amitriptyline, doxepin, and imipramine
dexamethasone 1–2 mg twice daily). In some (McQuay et al 1996). The secondary amine tricyclic
settings, however, a high-dose regimen may be antidepressants (such as desipramine, clomipra-
appropriate. For example, patients with spinal cord mine, and nortryptyline) have fewer side effects
compression, an acute episode of very severe bone and are preferred when concern about sedation,
pain, or neuropathic pain that cannot be promptly anticholinergic effects, or cardiovascular toxicity is
reduced with opioids may respond dramatically high (McQuay et al 1996). The selective serotonin
to a short course of relatively high doses (e.g., uptake inhibitor antidepressants are much less effec-
dexamethasone 100 mg, followed initially by 96 mg tive in the management of neuropathic pain and are
per day in divided doses) (Sorensen et al 1994). generally not recommended for this purpose.
This dose can be tapered over weeks, concurrent The starting dose of a tricyclic antidepressant
with initiation of other analgesic approaches, such should be low, e.g., amitriptyline 10 mg in the
as radiotherapy. elderly and 25 mg in younger patients. Doses can
Although the effects produced by cortico- be increased every few days, and the initial dosing
steroids in patients with advanced cancer are often increments are usually the same size as the starting
very gratifying, side effects are potentially serious dose. When doses have reached the usual effective
and increase with prolonged usage (Twycross range (e.g., amitriptyline 75–150 mg ), it is prudent
1994). The most common adverse effects include to observe effects for a week before continuing
oropharyngeal candidiasis, oedema or cushingoid upward dose titration. It is reasonable to continue
habitus; dyspepsia, weight gain, neuropsycholo- upward dose titration beyond the usual analgesic
gical changes and ecchymoses, hyperglycaemia, and doses in patients who fail to achieve benefit and
myopathy. The risk of peptic ulcer is approximately have no limiting side effects. Plasma drug concen-
doubled in patients chronically treated with cortico- tration, if available, may provide useful information
steroids, and coadministration of corticosteroid and should be followed during the course of therapy.
with aspirin or an NSAID further increases the risk
of gastroduodenopathy and is not recommended Anticonvulsant drugs Selected anticonvulsant
(Ellershaw and Kelly 1994). Active peptic ulcer drugs appear to be analgesic for the lancinating
disease, systemic infection, and unstable diabetes dysaesthesias that characterize diverse types of
are relative contraindications to the use of cortico- neuropathic pain (McQuay et al 1995). Although
steroids as adjuvant analgesics. most practitioners prefer to begin with carbamaze-
pine because of the very good response rate
Topical local anaesthetics Topical local anaes- observed in trigeminal neuralgia (McQuay et al
thetics can be used in the management of painful 1995), this drug must be used cautiously in cancer
cutaneous and mucosal lesions, and as a pre- patients with thrombocytopenia, those at risk for
654 medication prior to skin puncture. Eutectic mixture marrow failure (e.g., following chemotherapy), and
those whose blood counts must be monitored to
The management of cancer pain

Bisphosphonates Bisphosphonates are ana-

determine disease status. If carbamazepine is used, logues of inorganic pyrophosphate that inhibit
a complete blood count should be obtained prior to osteoclast activity and reduce bone resorption in a
the start of therapy, after 2 and 4 weeks, and then variety of illnesses. Controlled and uncontrolled
every 3–4 months thereafter. A leukocyte count trials of intravenous pamidronate in patients with
below 4000 is usually considered to be a contra- advanced cancer have demonstrated significant
indication to treatment, and a decline to less than reduction of bone pain (Strang 1996). The analgesic
3000, or an absolute neutrophil count of less than effect of pamidronate appears to be dose and
1500 during therapy should prompt discontinua- schedule dependent: a dose response is evident at
tion of the drug. Other anticonvulsant drugs may doses between 15 and 30 mg/week and it has been
also be useful, and published reports and clinical noted that 30 mg every 2 weeks is less effective than
experience support trials with gabapentin, pheny- 60 mg every 4 weeks (Strang 1996). Similar effects
toin, clonazepam, and valproate (McQuay et al have been observed with orally administered
1995). When anticonvulsant drugs are used as clodronate (Ernst et al 1997).
adjuvant analgesics it is recommended that dosing
follow the dosing guidelines customarily employed Radiopharmaceuticals Radiolabelled agents
in the treatment of seizures. absorbed into areas of high bone turnover have
been evaluated as potential therapies for metastatic
Oral local anaesthetic drugs Occasionally, bone disease. It has the advantages of addressing
systemically administered local anaesthetic drugs all sites of involvement and relatively selective
may be useful in the management of neuropathic absorption, thus limiting radiation exposure to
pains characterized by either continuous or lanci- normal tissues. Excellent clinical responses with
nating dysaesthesias. It is reasonable to undertake acceptable haematological toxicity have been
a trial with an oral local anaesthetic in patients observed with a range of radiopharmaceuticals.
with continuous dysaesthesias who fail to respond The best studied and most commonly used
adequately, or who cannot tolerate, the tricyclic radionuclide is strontium-89. Large, prospectively
antidepressants, and in patients with lancinating randomized clinical trials have demonstrated its
pains refractory to trials of anticonvulsant drugs efficacy as a first-line therapy (Robinson et al 1995)
and baclofen. Mexiletine is the safest of the oral or as an adjuvant to external-beam radiotherapy
local anaesthetics (CAST Investigators 1989, Ruskin (Porter et al 1993). This approach is contraindicated
1989) and is preferred. Analgesic response to a trial with patients who have a platelet count less than
of intravenous lidocaine (lignocaine; 5 mg/kg, over 60 000 or a WCC < 2.4 and is not advised for patients
45 min) may predict the likelihood of response to with very poor performance status (Schmeler and
oral mexiletine (Galer et al 1996). Dosing with Bastin 1996). Using another approach, bone-
mexiletine should usually be started at 100–150 mg seeking radiopharmaceuticals that link a radio-
per day. If intolerable side effects do not occur, the isotope with a bisphosphonate compound have
dose can be increased by a similar amount every been synthesized. Positive experience has been
few days, until the usual maximum dose of 300 mg reported with samarium-153-ethylenediamine-
three times per day is reached. tetramethylene phosphonic acid, and rhenium-186-
Less compelling data support the use of hydroxyethylidene diphosphonate.
clonidine, baclofen, calcitonin, and subcutaneously
administered ketamine (Lipman 1996). Adjuvant analgesics for visceral pain
There are limited data that support the potential
Adjuvant analgesics used for bone pain efficacy of a range of adjuvant agents for the
The management of bone pain frequently requires management of bladder spasm, tenesmoid pain,
the integration of opioid therapy with multiple and colicky intestinal pain. Oxybutynin chloride, a
ancillary approaches. Although a meta-analysis of tertiary amine with anticholinergic and papaverine-
NSAID therapy in cancer pain that reviewed data like, direct muscular antispasmodic effects, is often
from 1615 patients in 21 trials found no specific helpful for bladder spasm pain (Paulson 1978) as is
efficacy in bone pain and analgesic effects equi- flavoxate (Baert 1974). Based on limited clinical
valent only to ‘weak’ opioids (Eisenberg et al 1994), experience and in vitro evidence that prostaglan-
some patients appear to benefit greatly from the dins play a role in bladder smooth-muscle
addition of such a drug. Corticosteroids are often contraction, a trial of NSAIDs may be justified for
advocated in difficult cases (Watanabe and Bruera patients with painful bladder spasms (Abrams
1994). and Fenely 1976). Limited data support a trial of 655
Special problems of assessment and management

intravesical capsaicin (Barbanti et al 1993, Lazzeri et The use of orthotic devices can immobilize and
al 1996). support painful or weakened structures, and assis-
There is no well-established pharmacotherapy tive devices can be of great value to patients with
for painful rectal spasms. A recent double-blinded pain precipitated by weight bearing or ambulation.
study demonstrated that nebulized salbutamol can
reduce the duration and severity of attacks (Eckardt
et al 1996). There is anecdotal support for trials Transcutaneous electrical nerve
of diltiazem (Boquet et al 1986, Castell 1985), stimulation
clonidine (Swain 1987), chlorpromazine (Patt et al
1994), and benzodiazepines (Hanks 1984). The mechanisms by which transcutaneous elec-
Colicky pain due to inoperable bowel obstruc- trical stimulation reduces pain are not well defined;
tion has been treated empirically with intravenous local neural blockade and activation of a central
scopolamine (hyoscine) butylbromide (Baines 1997, inhibitory system have been proposed as explana-
De Conno et al 1991, Ventafridda et al 1990) and tions. Clinical experience suggests that this modality
sublingual scopolamine (hyoscine) hydrobromide can be a useful adjunct in the management of mild
(Baines 1994). Limited data support the use of to moderate musculoskeletal or neuropathic pain
octreotide for this indication (Mercadante 1994b). (Sykes et al 1997).

Other non-invasive analgesic Invasive analgesic techniques

techniques Anaesthetic and neurosurgical
Psychological therapies in cancer pain techniques
Psychological approaches are an integral part of The results of the WHO ‘analgesic ladder’ valida-
the care of the cancer patient with pain. All patients tion studies suggest that 10–30% of patients with
can benefit from psychological assessment and cancer pain do not achieve a satisfactory balance
support, and some are good candidates for between relief and side effects using systemic
specific psychological interventions including pharmacotherapy alone without unacceptable
those commonly used in the management of pain. drug toxicity (World Health Organization 1996).
Cognitive-behavioural interventions can help Anaesthetic and neurosurgical techniques (Table
some patients decrease the perception of distress 43.7) may reduce or eliminate the requirement for
engendered by the pain through the development systemically administered opioids to achieve
of new coping skills and the modification of adequate analgesia.
thoughts, feelings, and behaviours (Spiegel and Consideration of invasive approaches requires
Moore 1997). Relaxation methods may be able to a word of caution. Interpretation of data regarding
reduce muscular tension and emotional arousal, or the use of alternative analgesic approaches and
enhance pain tolerance (Arathuzik 1994). Other extrapolation to the presenting clinical problem
approaches reduce anticipatory anxiety that may requires care. The literature is characterized by the
lead to avoidant behaviours, or lessen the distress lack of uniformity in patient selection, inadequate
associated with the pain (Turk and Feldman 1992). reporting of previous analgesic therapies, inconsis-
Successful implementation of these approaches in tencies in outcome evaluation, and paucity of long-
the cancer population requires a cognitively intact term follow-up. Furthermore, reported outcomes in
patient and a dedicated, well-trained physician the literature may not predict the outcomes of a
(Fishman 1992). procedure performed on a medically ill patient by
a physician who has more limited experience with
the techniques involved.
Physiatric techniques When indicated, the use of invasive and
Physiatric techniques can be used to optimize neurodestructive procedures should be based on
the function of the patient with chronic cancer or an evaluation of the likelihood and duration of
enhance analgesia through application of modal- analgesic benefit, the immediate and long-term
ities such as electrical stimulation, heat, or cryo- risks, the likely duration of survival, the availability
therapy. The treatment of lymphoedema by use of of local expertise, and the anticipated length of
wraps, pressure stockings, or pneumatic pump hospitalization.
devices can both improve function and relieve pain For most pain syndromes there exists a range
656 and heaviness (Brennan et al 1996, Marcks 1997). of techniques that may theoretically be applied.
Table 43.7 A guide to the selection of invasive analgesic
The management of cancer pain

4. Whenever possible, neurolysis should be

techniques according to the site of pain preceded by the demonstration of effective
analgesia with a local anaesthetic prognostic
Site Procedure block.
Face—unilateral Gasserian gangliolysis 5. Since there is a learning curve with all of the
Trigeminal neurolysis procedures, performance by a physician
Intraventricular opioid experienced in the specific intervention may
Pharyngeal Glossopharyngeal neurolysis
improve the likelihood of a successful outcome.
Intraventricular opioid
In general, regional analgesic techniques such as
Arm/brachial plexus Spinal opioid ± local anaesthetic intraspinal opioid and local anaesthetic administra-
Chemical rhizotomy tion or intrapleural local anaesthetic administration
Surgical rhizotomy are usually considered first because they can
Chest wall Spinal opioid ± local anaesthetic achieve this end without compromising neuro-
Intercostal neurolysis logical integrity. Neurodestructive procedures,
Paravertebral neurolysis however, are valuable in a small subset of patients;
Chemical rhizotomy
and some of these procedures, such as coeliac plexus
Surgical rhizotomy
blockade in patients with pancreatic cancer, may
Abdominal somatic Spinal opioid ± local anaesthetic have a favourable enough risk:benefit ratio that
Chemical rhizotomy early treatment is warranted.
Surgical rhizotomy
Cordotomy (unilateral pain)

Upper abdomen: visceral Celiac plexus neurolysis Regional analgesia

Low abdomen: visceral Hypogastric neurolysis Epidural and intrathecal opioids
Ganglion impar neurolysis
The delivery of low opioid doses near the sites of
Perineum Spinal opioid ± local anaesthetic action in the spinal cord may decrease supra-
Chemical rhizotomy spinally mediated adverse effects. In the absence of
Surgical rhizotomy randomized trials that compare the various intra-
Transsacral S4 neurolysis
spinal techniques with other analgesic approaches,
Pelvis + lower limb Spinal opioid ± local anaesthetic the indications for the spinal route remain
Chemical rhizotomy empirical but they are based on relative therapeutic
Surgical rhizotomy
index. One survey reported that only 16 of 1205
Unilateral lower Cordotomy cancer patients with pain required intraspinal
quadrant therapy (Hogan et al 1991). Compared to neuro-
Multifocal or Pituitary ablation
ablative therapies, spinal opioids have the
generalized pain Cingulotomy advantage of preserving sensation, strength, and
sympathetic function. Contraindications include
bleeding diathesis, profound leukopenia, and
sepsis. A temporary trial of spinal opioid therapy
In choosing between a range of procedures the
should be performed to assess the potential benefits
following principles are salient:
of this approach before implantation of a
1. Ablative procedures are deferred as long as permanent catheter.
pain relief is obtainable by non-ablative Opioid selection for intraspinal delivery is
modalities. influenced by several factors. Hydrophilic drugs,
2. The procedure most likely to be effective such as morphine and hydromorphone, have a
should be selected. If there is a choice, however, prolonged half-life in cerebrospinal fluid and
the one with the fewest and least serious significant rostral redistribution (Brose et al 1991).
adverse effects is preferred. Lipophilic opioids, such as fentanyl and sufentanil,
3. In progressive stages of cancer, pain is likely to have less rostral redistribution and may be
be multifocal, and a procedure aimed at a preferable for segmental analgesia at the level of
single locus of pain, even if completed spinal infusion. The addition of a low concentration
flawlessly, is unlikely to yield complete relief of of a local anaesthetic, such as 0.125–0.25% bupiva-
pain until death. A realistic and sound goal is a caine, to an epidural (Du Pen and Williams 1992) or
lasting decrease in pain to a level manageable intrathecal opioid (Mercadante 1994a, Sjoberg et al
by pharmacotherapy with minimal side effects. 1994, Nitescu et al 1995) has been demonstrated to 657
Special problems of assessment and management

increase analgesic effect without increasing toxicity. plastic infiltration of the upper abdominal viscera,
Other agents have also been coadministered with including the pancreas, upper retroperitoneum,
intraspinal opioids, including clonidine (Eisenach liver, gall bladder, and proximal small bowel
et al 1995), octreotide (Penn et al 1992), ketamine (Eisenberg et al 1995, Caraceni and Portenoy 1996).
(Yaksh 1996, Yang et al 1996), and calcitonin In addition to an extensive anecdotal experience,
(Blanchard et al 1990), but additional studies are this technique is supported by two controlled
required to assess their potential utility. studies of the percutaneous approach (Mercadante
There have been no trials comparing the 1993, Kawamata et al 1996) and a controlled trial of
intrathecal and epidural routes in cancer pain, and intraoperative neurolysis (Lillemoe et al 1993).
extensive experience has been reported with both Reported analgesic response rates in patients with
approaches. Longitudinal studies of epidural or pancreatic cancer are 50–90%, and the reported
intrathecal opioid infusions for cancer pain suggest duration of effect is generally 1–12 months
that the risks associated with these techniques are (Eisenberg et al 1995, Caraceni and Portenoy 1996).
similar (Nitescu et al 1990, Hassenbusch et al 1995, Given the generally favourable response to this
Gestin et al 1997). The potential morbidity for these approach and supportive data from two small
procedures indicates the need for a well-trained studies (Mercadante 1993, Kawamata et al 1996),
clinician and long-term monitoring. some clinicians recommend this intervention at an
early stage; other experts differ and recommend
Intraventricular opioids coeliac plexus block only for patients who do not
A growing international experience suggests that maintain an adequate balance between analgesia
the administration of low doses of an opioid (parti- and side effects from an oral opioid (Caraceni and
cularly morphine) into the cerebral ventricles can Portenoy 1996). Common transient complications
provide long-term analgesia in selected patients include postural hypotension and diarrhoea. Rarely
(Cramond and Stuart 1993, Karavelis et al 1996). the procedure can produce a paraplegia due to an
This technique has been used for patients with acute ischaemic myelopathy (probably caused by
upper body or head pain or severe diffuse pain and involvement of Adamkievicz’s artery) (Wong and
has been generally very well tolerated. Schedules Brown 1995, Hayakawa et al 1997). Posterior spread
have included both intermittent injection via an of neurolytic solution can occasionally lead to
Ommaya reservoir (Cramond and Stuart 1993, involvement of lower thoracic and lumbar somatic
Karavelis et al 1996) and continual infusion using nerves, which can potentially result in a neuro-
an implanted pump (Dennis and DeWitty 1990). pathic pain syndrome. Other uncommon compli-
cations include pneumothorax and retroperitoneal
Regional local anaesthetic haematoma.
Several authors have described the use of intra-
pleural local anaesthetics in the management of Sympathetic blocks for pelvic visceral pain
chronic post-thoracotomy pain (Symreng et al 1989) Limited anecdotal experience has been reported for
and cancer-related pains involving the head, neck, two techniques. Phenol ablation of the superior
chest, arms, and upper abdominal viscera (Dionne hypogastric nerve plexus, which lies anterior to the
1992, Lema et al 1992). Although a single bolus may sacral promontory, has been reported to relieve
provide a prolonged analgesia, continuous infusion chronic cancer pain arising from the descending
of local anaesthetic has been recommended for colon and rectum and the lower genitourinary
patients with chronic pain due to advanced cancer structures in 40–80% of patients (Plancarte et al
(Myers et al 1993). For patients with localized 1990, 1997). Similarly, neurolysis of the ganglion
upper limb pain, intermittent infusion of bupi- impar (ganglion of Walther, a solitary retroperi-
vicaine through an interscalene brachial plexus toneal structure at the sacrococcygeal junction that
catheter may be of benefit (Cooper et al 1994). marks the termination of the paired paravertebral
sympathetic chains) has been reported to relieve
visceral sensations referred to the rectum, perineum,
Anaesthetic techniques for or vagina caused by locally advanced cancers of the
sympathetically maintained pain and pelvic visceral structures (Plancarte et al 1993, Wemm
visceral pain and Saberski 1995, Nebab and Florence 1997).

Celiac plexus block Sympathetic blockade of somatic structures

Neurolytic celiac plexus blockade can be consid- Sympathetically maintained pain syndromes
658 ered in the management of pain caused by neo- may be relieved by interruption of sympathetic
outflow to the affected region of the body. Lumbar
The management of cancer pain
Neurolysis of primary afferent nerves
sympathetic blockade should be considered for or their ganglia
sympathetically maintained pain involving the
legs, and stellate ganglion blockade may be Neurolysis of primary afferent nerves may also
useful for sympathetically maintained pain provide significant relief for selected patients with
involving the face or arms (Lamacraft and Cousins localized pain. The utility of these approaches is
1997). limited by the potential for concurrent motor or
sphincteric dysfunction. Refractory unilateral facial
or pharyngeal pain may be amenable to trigeminal
Neuroablative techniques for somatic neurolysis (gasserian gangliolysis) or glosso-
pharyngeal neurolysis (Rizzi et al 1985, Ischia et al
and neuropathic pain
1990). Unilateral pain involving the tongue or floor
Rhizotomy of mouth may be amenable to blockade of the
Segmental or multisegmental destruction of the sphenopalatine ganglion (Prasanna and Murthy
dorsal sensory roots (rhizotomy), achieved by 1993). Intercostal or paravertebral neurolysis are an
surgical section, chemical neurolysis, or radio- alternative to rhizotomy for patients with chest
frequency lesion, can be an effective method of pain wall pain. Unilateral shoulder pain may be amen-
control for patients with otherwise refractory able to suprascapular neurolysis (Meyer-Witting
localized pain syndromes. These techniques are and Foster 1992). Arm pain that is more extensive
most commonly used in the management of chest may be effectively relieved by brachial plexus
wall pain due to tumour invasion of somatic and neurolysis, but this approach will result in
neural structures (Patt and Reddy 1994). Other weakness (Neill 1979). Anecdotally, refractory leg
indications include refractory upper limb, lower pain has been relieved without compromise of
limb, pelvic, or perineal pain (Saris et al 1986). motor function by injection of 10 ml of 10% phenol
Chemical rhizotomy may be produced by the injected into the psoas muscle sheath (Calava et al
instillation of a neurolytic solution into either the 1996). Severe somatic pain limited to the perineum
epidural or intrathecal space (Patt and Reddy 1994). may be treated by neurolysis of the S4 nerve
Chemical rhizotomies can be performed at any root via the ipsilateral posterior sacral foramen, a
level up to the mid-cervical region, above which the procedure that carries a minimal risk of motor or
spread of the neurolytic agent to the medullary sphincter dysfunction (Robertson 1983).
centres carries unacceptable risk of cardiorespira- Regeneration of peripheral nerves is sometimes
tory collapse. To minimize the risk of excessive accompanied by the development of neuropathic
spread and lysis beyond the target segments, pain; however, the threat of postablative dys-
catheter tip position should be confirmed radio- aesthesia is of limited consequence when life
graphically and phenol should be injected in small expectancy is very limited or intractable pain
volumes (1–2 ml) (Salmon et al 1992). already exceeds the limits of tolerance.
Satisfactory analgesia is achieved in about 50%
of patients (Patt and Reddy 1994), and the average Cordotomy
duration of relief is 3–4 months but with a wide During cordotomy, the anterolateral spinothalamic
range of distribution. Adverse effects can be related tract is ablated to produce contralateral loss of pain
to the injection technique (e.g., spinal headache, and temperature sensibility (Stuart and Cramond
infection, and arachnoiditis) or to the destruction 1993, Sanders and Zuurmond 1995). The patient
of non-nociceptive nerve fibres. Specific complica- with severe unilateral pain arising in the torso or
tions of the procedure depend on the site of lower extremity is most likely to benefit from this
neurolysis. For example, the complications of procedure (Stuart and Cramond 1993, Sanders and
lumbosacral neurolysis include paresis (5–20%), Zuurmond 1995). Impressive results have also been
sphincter dysfunction (5–60%), impairment of touch observed in patients with chest wall pain (Sanders
and proprioception, and dysaesthesias. Although and Zuurmond 1995). The percutaneous technique
neurological deficits are usually transient, the risk is generally preferred (Stuart and Cramond 1993,
of increased disability through weakness, sphincter Sanders and Zuurmond 1995); open cordotomy is
incompetence, and loss of positional sense suggests usually reserved for patients who are unable to
that these techniques should be reserved for lie in the supine position or are not cooperative
patients with limited function and pre-existent enough to undergo a percutaneous procedure.
urinary diversion. Patient counselling regarding Significant pain relief is achieved in more than
the risks involved is essential. 90% of patients during the period immediately 659
Special problems of assessment and management

following cordotomy (Stuart and Cramond 1993, further application of standard interventions is
Sanders and Zuurmond 1995). Fifty percent of sur- either (1) incapable of providing adequate relief, (2)
viving patients have recurrent pain after one year associated with excessive and intolerable acute or
(Cowie and Hitchcock 1982). Repeat cordotomy can chronic morbidity, or (3) unlikely to provide relief
sometimes be effective. The neurological complica- within a tolerable time frame. In this situation,
tions of cordotomy include paresis, ataxia, and sedation may be the only therapeutic option
bladder and ‘mirror-image’ pain (Sanders and capable of providing adequate relief. This approach
Zuurmond 1995). The complications are usually is described as ‘sedation in the management of
transient, but are protracted and disabling in refractory symptoms at the end of life’ (Cherny and
approximately 5% of cases (Sanders and Zuurmond Portenoy 1994).
1995). Rarely, patients with a long duration of The justification of sedation in this setting is that
survival (> 12 months) develop a delayed-onset it is appropriate and proportionate. At the end of
dysaesthetic pain (Cowie and Hitchcock 1982). The life, when the overwhelming goal of care is the
most serious potential complication is respiratory preservation of patient comfort, the provision of
dysfunction, which may occur in the form of adequate relief of symptoms must be pursued even
phrenic nerve paralysis or as sleep-induced in the setting of a narrow therapeutic index for
(Chevrolet et al 1983, Polatty and Cooper 1986). the necessary palliative treatments (President’s
Because of the latter concern, bilateral high cervical Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in
cordotomies or a unilateral cervical cordotomy Medical and Biomedical and Behavioural Research
ipsilateral to the site of the only functioning lung 1983, American Medical Association 1996, Burt
are not recommended. 1997). In this context, sedation is a medically indi-
cated and proportionate therapeutic response to
Pituitary ablation refractory symptoms, which cannot be otherwise
Pituitary ablation by chemical or surgical hypo- relieved. Appeal to patients’ rights also underwrites
physectomy has been reported to relieve diffuse the moral legitimacy of sedation in the manage-
and multifocal pain syndromes that have been ment of otherwise intolerable pain at the end of life.
refractory to opioid therapy and are unsuitable for Patients have a right, recently affirmed by the
any regional neuroablative procedure (Gonski and Supreme Court, to palliative care in response to
Sackelariou 1984, Levin and Ramirez 1984). Relief unrelieved suffering (Burt 1997).
from pain due to both hormone-dependent and Once a clinical consensus exists that pain is
-independent tumours has been observed (Gonski refractory, it is appropriate to present this option to
and Sackelariou 1984, Levin and Ramirez 1984). the patient or their surrogate. When presented to a
patient with refractory symptoms, the offer of
Cingulotomy sedation can demonstrate the clinician’s commit-
Anecdotal reports also support the efficacy of MRI- ment to the relief of suffering. This can enhance
guided stereotactic cingulotomy in the manage- trust in the doctor–patient relationship and
ment of diffuse pain syndromes that have been influence the patient’s appraisal of their capacity to
refractory to opioid therapy (Hassenbusch et al cope. Indeed, patients commonly decline sedation,
1990, Wong et al 1997). Although this appears to be acknowledging that pain will be incompletely
a safe procedure with minimal neurological or relieved but secure in the knowledge that if the
psychological morbidity, the duration of analgesia situation becomes intolerable to them, this option
is often limited (Hassenbusch et al 1990, Wong et al remains available. Other patients reaffirm comfort
1997). The mode of action is unknown and the as the predominating consideration and request the
procedure is rarely considered. initiation of sedation.
The published literature describing the use of
sedation in the management of refractory pain at
Sedation as pain therapy the end of life is anecdotal and refers to the use
Through the vigilant application of analgesic care of opioids, neuroleptics, benzodiazepines, barbitu-
pain is often relieved adequately without com- rates, and propofol (Cherny and Portenoy 1994). In
promising the sentience or function of the patient the absence of relative efficacy data, guidelines
beyond that caused by the natural disease process for drug selection are empirical. Irrespective of the
itself. Occasionally, however, this cannot be agent or agents selected, administration initially
achieved and pain is perceived to be ‘refractory’ requires dose titration to achieve adequate relief,
(Cherny and Portenoy 1994). In deciding that a pain followed subsequently by provision of ongoing
660 is refractory, the clinician must perceive that the therapy to ensure maintenance of effect.
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Cancer pain


Cancer pain and palliative care in

Charles B Berde and John J Collins
efforts to address these broader issues (Wolfe et al
Introduction 2000).
In this chapter, we outline approaches to pain and
symptom management, supportive care, and
palliative care for children with life-threatening Cancer in children: epidemiology
illnesses. Much of the literature on palliative care in
adults and children concerns cancer, and we will
and prognosis
focus in large measure on cancer in this chapter, but The treatment of childhood cancer has seen much
will also address a range of other life-threatening more dramatic improvements in survival than most
conditions, including neurodegenerative disorders, adult cancers. Over 60% of children diagnosed with
AIDS, and more rapidly progressive cases of cystic malignancy in developed countries, who have access
fibrosis. Each of the latter conditions differs from to state-of-the-art treatment, will have long-term
cancer in its natural history, clinical course, patterns disease-free survival. Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia,
of symptoms, and prognosis; these differences the most common childhood cancer, was uniformly
are important to individualized approaches to fatal in the early 1950s; now disease-free long-term
palliative care. survival rates exceed 70%. Prognosis is less optimistic
Curative, supportive, and palliative care should with some of the primary CNS neoplasms, although
be regarded as a continuum. Aspects of a supportive recent advances have improved survival.
care approach should be incorporated in the care Compared with adults, multimodal treatment
of all children with life-threatening illnesses, even with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery
while curative or life-prolonging therapies continue. is performed more commonly with curative intent.
While pain is a prominent symptom in many cases, Cancer therapy in children can be arduous, requiring
it should be emphasized that palliative care efforts a year or longer of repetitive cycles of chemotherapy,
must address the full spectrum of non-painful frequent diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, with
symptoms as well as the emotional and spiritual associated medical complications, pain, nausea, and
suffering of patients at the end of life. A survey of other symptoms.
parents’ impressions following the death of their Many children with widely advanced cancer
child with cancer reinforces the need to improve participate in experimental protocols of chemo- 667
Special problems of assessment and management

therapeutic agents and other novel treatment simple, forthright, and calmly stated. Patients and
approaches. They and their families are often willing parents may not process or remember instructions
to undertake treatments with low a priori probability or descriptions.
of cure. Psychological support should be provided and
The gains in survival in childhood cancer are not individualized with consideration of the child’s
shared worldwide. Many developing countries lack development and coping style, and the family’s
the resources to provide the medications, blood cultural and spiritual values. For many children and
products, radiation therapy, surgical expertise, and families, support by clergy provides great comfort.
intensive medical support required to deliver A range of interventions for emotional and spiritual
curative therapy. It was with recognition of these support should be available. Many children express
economic realities that the WHO Cancer Unit their fears and emotions through play, art, or music.
emphasized straightforward, cost-effective, non- Child life programmes have taken a lead in
technologic methods of palliative care. Regulatory advocating for the emotional support of children
barriers continue to limit access to effective and families facing illness (Brazelton and
analgesics (Joranson and Gilson 1998). Thompson 1988, Anonymous 1993, Ruffin et al
1997) (Table 44.1).

Pain and distress at the time of Pain due to cancer treatment

initial diagnosis of cancer As the treatment progresses, treatment-related rather
At initial diagnosis, many children report tumour- than tumour-related causes of pain predominate
related pain (Miser et al 1987a), commonly involving (Miser et al 1987a, b). These include post-operative
bone, viscera, soft tissues, and nerves. Bone pain may and procedure-related pain, mucositis, phantom
be due to periosteal stretch, as with bone sarcomas. limb pain, infection, and pain due to chemotherapy.
Leukaemias and other malignancies that proliferate
in the bone marrow can cause pain due to filling and Table 44.1 Reasons to view palliative care as a continuum
rather than an abrupt transition of care
compression of bone marrow spaces. Leukaemias,
lymphomas, and neuroblastomas proliferate in
1. Patients at all stages of care, not just end-of-life,
abdominal viscera, especially in liver and spleen,
benefit from psychosocial support and broad-based
and cause pain due to capsular stretch. Headache is symptom management. Kindness should not be
common among children presenting with brain restricted only to the dying patient.
tumours, although others present first with
2. Issues of quality of life and goals of care should be
neurologic deficits. The majority of children with raised at all stages of treatment, not just when
spinal cord tumours have back or neck pain at treatments appear futile.
diagnosis (Hahn and McLone 1984). Metastatic
3. Prediction of longevity is a very inexact science.
spinal cord compression is unusual at diagnosis
and is more likely to occur later in the child’s illness 4. Patients, parents, and health providers often differ
(Lewis et al 1986). Back pain, as a sign of spinal cord among themselves in their views of chances of cure
and futility.
compression in children, usually occurs before
abnormal neurological signs or symptoms (Lewis 5. A child who is terrorized and isolated during the initial
et al 1986). phase of curative treatment will more likely feel
fearful and isolated during late-stage care. In many
Analgesics are often required for short periods
cases, inadequate treatment of symptoms and
of time following initial diagnosis. Initiation of inadequate support during treatment has led to
cancer therapy brings relief of pain in the majority adolescents refusing further treatment with a high
of cases, typically within 2 weeks. Resolution of likelihood of cure.
bone marrow and visceral pain is particularly rapid 6. Conversely, if the child feels safe and cared-for during
for haematologic malignancies, and somewhat curative treatment, they may better face subsequent
slower for children with solid tumours. Headache curative treatments, as well as coping better during
from brain tumours may improve with cortico- end-of-life care.
steroid therapy, or with relief of increased intra- 7. An abrupt shift in the goals of care and therapeutic
cranial pressure, either from surgical resection or approach may make the patient and family feel
from shunting of cerebrospinal fluid. abandoned. Physicians, nurses, psychologists, and child
life specialists who have cared for the child during
Children and their families are ‘shell-shocked’ at
their long illness have formed a unique connection to
the time of diagnosis, and experience fear, anxiety, the child that can continue in palliative care.
668 anger, denial, and panic. Explanations should be
Cancer pain and palliative care in children

cognitive-behavioural interventions include prepara-

Painful diagnostic and therapeutic
procedures tory information, positive coping statements,
modelling, and/or behavioural rehearsal. There are
Needle procedures are a major source of distress for many variations of these methods, and the optimal
children with cancer (Zeltzer et al 1989). Common techniques depend on the experience of the
procedures include venipuncture, venous can- practitioners and the developmental level and
nulation, lumbar puncture, bone marrow aspirate personal style of the child. Training programmes
and biopsy, and removal of central venous lines. are provided by many organizations; the Society for
Radiation therapy is not painful per se, but often Behavioral Pediatrics has taken a lead in this regard
requires sedation or general anaesthesia to facilitate in North America.
cooperation and immobility. Evidence supports the efficacy of psychological
It is crucial to treat the pain and distress of the techniques for managing painful procedures in
initial diagnostic procedures very effectively. children with cancer (Jay et al 1987, 1995). In our
Children need adequate preparation before needle opinion, these should be taught to children with
procedures to minimize their fear and anxiety. This cancer whenever possible. They have several
preparation includes involving the child’s parents, advantages. They are exceedingly safe, and the
to obtain an insight into their child’s coping style, to child can develop a sense of mastery and confidence
explain to them the nature of the procedure, and to that can be generalized to new situations. Conversely,
enlist their support. An age-appropriate explanation hypnosis should not be used as an excuse for
to the child should follow with consideration of a withholding adequate analgesics for moderate to
particular child’s previous experience and coping severe pain. Some children may be too traumatized
style (Zeltzer et al 1989). to use these techniques, or may have developmental
Effective initial treatment will set a pattern of or cognitive limitations that prevent their use.
trust and confidence for patients and families. Cutaneous analgesia can be provided by several
Conversely, if a first bone marrow aspirate or lumbar local anaesthetic formulations and delivery systems,
puncture is a horrific experience, there will be a including a eutectic mixture of the local anaesthetics
carry-over effect of persistent fear and distress over lidocaine (lignocaine) and prilocaine (EMLA),
future procedures. A follow-up study of children in tetracaine gel (amethocaine), and lidocaine
a clinical trial supports this belief. A randomized iontophoresis. EMLA (Maunuksela and Korpela
controlled trial compared a method of rapid opioid 1986, Halperin et al 1989) is available either as a
delivery, oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate (OTFC),
versus placebo for the pain of lumbar puncture and
bone marrow aspirate (Schechter et al 1995). Table 44.2 Common-sense, but frequently forgotten,
(Regulatory agencies insisted on a placebo group, aspects of paediatric procedures
despite objections of some of the investigators.)
Investigators were permitted to give OTFC unblinded 1. Minimize unnecessary procedures, especially repeated
to all patients for subsequent procedures. The group venipuncture.
who had received the active agent for the first pro-
2. Use age-appropriate explanations.
cedure showed less distress and pain for the group
of subsequent procedures, implying a persistent 3. Involve the parents to support the child and be allies,
carry-over effect of inadequately treated pain not to assist or restrain the child.
(Weisman et al 1998). 4. In most cases, use a treatment room rather than the
Management of painful and distressing pro- patient’s room, so that their own room remains a ‘safe’
cedures is best done by a combination of non- place.
pharmacologic and pharmacologic approaches indi- 5. Skilled and expeditious, but not rushed, performance
vidualized to the particular child’s developmental shortens the period of distress. Get all supplies and
level, coping style, medical and psychological equipment prepared beforehand, so that the
condition, and type of procedure (Berde 1995). procedure goes as quickly as possible.
Some aspects of the non-pharmacologic approach 6. Assign practitioners’ pagers (‘beepers’) to other
are common-sense, as outlined in Table 44.2. clinicians during the procedure whenever feasible, to
In addition to these common-sense measures, minimize interruptions.
there are a number of specific psychological tech- 7. Where feasible, trainees should learn first by watching,
niques for managing pain and distress of procedures, by in vitro models, and in some cases by supervised
including hypnosis, relaxation training, and guided performance of procedures on anaesthetized patients.
imagery (Kuttner 1989, Steggles et al 1997). Other 669
Special problems of assessment and management

patch or as a cream, which is applied under an risk. Monitoring with oximetry is widely
occlusive dressing. While the standard recom- recommended.
mendation is to apply EMLA for 60 min, the depth Pure sedatives, such as pentobarbital, chloral
and reliability of analgesia increases with longer hydrate, and midazolam are widely used for
application times, e.g., 90–120 min (Bjerring and painless procedures such as radiation therapy that
Arendt-Nielsen 1993). EMLA has proven safe, with require immobility. Where procedures involve
low plasma local anaesthetic concentrations, and a significant pain that cannot be relieved by local
negligible risk of methaemoglobinaemia. Tetracaine anaesthesia, such as a bone marrow aspirate, we
gel (amethocaine, Ametop) appears similarly generally prefer combining a sedative-anxiolytic,
effective as EMLA, and may have more rapid onset such as midazolam (Sievers et al 1991), with an
(Doyle et al 1993). Tetracaine gel is commercially analgesic, either an opioid or ketamine. The com-
available in much of Europe and Canada, but not in bination of midazolam with either fentanyl or low-
the United States at present. Topical cooling using dose ketamine is generally safe and effective (Marx
ice or fluorocarbon coolant sprays has been used et al 1997, Parker et al 1997). The intravenous route
with some success (Abbott and Fowler-Kerry 1995). is useful because of rapid onset, complete bio-
Both skin cooling and EMLA may produce vaso- availability, and the ability to titrate incremental
constriction, which may make venous cannulation doses to effect.
more difficult. Iontophoresis employs electric current Ketamine has received widespread use because
to accelerate drug penetration through skin. A it produces analgesia, dissociation, and stable
formulation of lidocaine (lignocaine) is marketed as respiration in most children. While ketamine is
‘Numby-Stuff’. Iontophoresis can produce skin
analgesia rapidly and with good depth of penetration
(Zeltzer et al 1991). Table 44.3 Recommendations for conscious sedation in
Topical local anaesthetics are useful, and should children
be widely available, but they are not a panacea. For
a child who has experienced repeated distressing 1. Establish protocols, education programmes, and an
procedures, they will likely remain anxious despite assessment programme to track efficacy and
complications. Efficacy should be judged by patients
use of EMLA, because of their fear and lack of trust. as well as practitioners.
Local anesthetic infiltration can reduce pain
from deeper needle procedures. Prior use of topical 2. Standardize the choice of drugs and doses for the
majority of procedures, so that practitioners are
anaesthesia can reduce the discomfort of the
comfortable with a consistent approach.
infiltrating needle. Neutralizing the commercially
supplied acidic local anaesthetic solutions imme- 3. Reduce doses in patients with risk factors for
diately prior to use with sodium bicarbonate, in the hypoventilation.
following ratios, can also reduce the pain of 4. Observe fasting guidelines for solids and clear liquids
infiltration: sodium bicarbonate (8.4% w/v) 1 part to reduce the risk of aspiration.
to either lidocaine (lignocaine; 1%) 9 parts or bupi-
5. Employ an observer whose only job is to assess level
vacaine (0.25%) 25 parts, respectively (Peterfreund of consciousness and adequacy of respiration.
et al 1989).
6. Use pulse oximetry to assess oxygenation.
‘Conscious’ sedation and general 7. Keep available an oxygen delivery source, suction, a
anaesthesia (Table 44.3) bag and mask, and an airway management cart with
For painful or extensive procedures, or for children a proper range of equipment.
who have limited ability to cope or cooperate, 8. Keep available reversal agents, especially naloxone
conscious sedation or general anaesthesia should and flumazenil.
both be readily available. Conscious sedation refers
9. Recognize that conscious sedation is a continuum,
to administration of anxiolytics and analgesics to and in some patients, standard doses may produce
render the child sedated and comfortable, but able deep sedation.
to respond to stimuli and able to maintain airway
10. Recognize that conscious sedation does not permit
reflexes and ventilation. For both conscious sedation
complete lack of responses to events; it is not general
and general anaesthesia, safe practice necessitates anaesthesia.
administration by practitioners with expertise in
airway management and with knowledge of the 11. Refer higher risk patients and more extensive
procedures for management by paediatric
relevant pharmacology and medical issues. Protocols anaesthesiologists or similar specialists.
670 for monitoring and drug dosing can help reduce
useful, it is not risk-free or devoid of adverse of its sweet smell and extremely rapid onset and
Cancer pain and palliative care in children

reactions. Although respiration is generally well offset. Some children fear the mask or dislike the
maintained, perhaps better than with opioids pungent aroma of volatile anaesthetics, especially
dosed to comparable effect, ketamine has the halothane and isoflurane (Jay et al 1995).
disadvantage of no pharmacologic reversal agent. There is considerable controversy regarding the
Respiratory sequelae have been reported (Mitchell relative risks and benefits of brief deep sedation or
et al 1996, Green and Rothrock 1997, Litman 1997, general anaesthesia, provided by anaesthetists
Roelofse and Roelofse 1997). Ketamine should be (Maunuksela et al 1986), versus conscious sedation
used primarily in a setting where personnel with provided by non-specialists (Cote 1994, Maxwell
advanced airway skills are readily available. The and Yaster 1996). Many paediatric centres employ a
incidence of dysphoria, bad dreams, or prolonged two-tiered approach, with conscious sedation for
sedation remains in dispute (Valentin and Bech 1996). certain procedures by oncologists and other non-
Coadministration of ketamine with benzodiazepines anaesthetists according to protocol guidelines, and
appears to diminish this risk. with a ‘sedation service’ staffed by paediatric
Although many children with cancer have anaesthetists for higher risk patients, for more
indwelling central venous lines or easy peripheral extensive or demanding procedures, or in cases of
venous access, others do not. For these children, failed sedation by non-anaesthetists. It is essential
needle-free routes of administration are helpful. that there be close communication and collaboration
Oral benzodiazepine–opioid or benzodiazepine– between paediatricians and anaesthetists, and
ketamine mixtures can be effective, though recognition of each other’s practice constraints. We
absorption varies, and oral/parenteral ratios are believe that it is important that paediatric residents
only approximations (Hollman and Perloff 1995, receive experience and training in use of conscious
Qureshi et al 1995). If oral sedation is used, sedation in preparation for a wide range of
sufficient time should elapse to give peak drug subsequent practice settings.
effect. Because of variability in onset and offset,
children need to be observed for development of Lumbar puncture
deep sedation or respiratory depression. Some The distress of lumbar puncture is related in part to
children will become restless or will try to get up the required body position and the necessity to
and walk, and may injure themselves if unattended. remain still, as well as pain due to needle contact
Oral-transmucosal fentanyl has rapid absorption with skin, bony spinous processes, or laminae.
and good efficacy for bone marrow aspiration and Topical anaesthesia can facilitate deeper infiltration
lumbar puncture, despite frequent occurrence of (Kapelushnik et al 1990). The distress of lumbar
nausea and itching. puncture may be diminished by using cognitive
Nitrous oxide 30–50% in oxygen can be used for and behavioural techniques, conscious sedation, or
sedation (Gamis et al 1989, Bouffet et al 1996) with in some cases, general anaesthesia.
good safety, rapid onset and offset, no requirement Lumbar puncture may produce a sustained
for intravenous access, and good analgesia. Some cerebrospinal fluid leak, leading to low intracranial
children will resist the mask, will report bothersome pressure headache. The risk of dural-puncture
dreams (particularly with concentrations in excess headache can be reduced by use of smaller gauge
of 50%), or will find nitrous oxide inadequate for needles with non-cutting points. Treatment involves
portions of more painful procedures. Combination simple analgaesics, adequate hydration, and supine
of nitrous oxide with other sedatives or analgesics position. In adults, caffeine (Camann et al 1990) and
requires experience; responses vary greatly (Litman sumatriptan have produced mixed results (Carp
et al 1996, 1997). Scavenging of exhaled gas, and et al 1994, Choi et al 1996, de las Heras-Rosas et al
high flow turnover of room air is recommended to 1997). In refractory cases, an epidural blood patch
reduce environmental exposure for health personnel. (the injection of autologous blood into the epidural
The development of shorter duration general space) may be required. Because of the theoretical
anaesthetic agents has greatly facilitated these pro- concern for injecting circulating malignant cells
cedures, both in operating room areas and in into the neuraxis, we reserve epidural blood patch
remote locations. If intravenous access is available, for prolonged and severe headaches in patients
propofol is widely favoured because of its rapid with no evidence of circulating blast cells.
onset, rapid, pleasant emergence, and antiemetic
effects (Van Gerven et al 1992, Frankville et al 1993). Bone marrow aspiration
If inhalation anaesthesia is required, the vapor Bone marrow aspiration produces pain both with
anaesthetic sevoflurane has become popular because passage of a large needle through periosteum, and 671
Special problems of assessment and management

with application of suction to the marrow space. severity of mucositis (Symonds et al 1996, Larson et
The former pain is only partially relieved by local al 1998). Opioids are generally partially effective,
anaesthetic infiltration near periosteum, the latter but for some patients the pain can preclude talking,
pain is unrelieved by local anaesthetic. Bone marrow eating, and on occasions swallowing. Continuous
aspiration is a source of severe distress in children opioid infusions, patient-controlled analgesia (PCA),
(Katz et al 1980, Jay et al 1983). Guided imagery, and nurse-controlled analgesia via a PCA pump are
relaxation, hypnosis, conscious sedation, and general widely used (Hill et al 1991). PCA appears safe and
anaesthesia have been shown to be effective effective for mucositis pain following bone marrow
modalities for reducing distress in this setting (Jay transplantation in children (Mackie et al 1991,
et al 1987, 1995). Collins et al 1996a). In one comparison, the PCA
group required less morphine and had less sedation,
Removal of central venous lines less difficulty concentrating, but equivalent analgesia
Tunnelled central venous lines require removal, to the group receiving staff-controlled morphine
either electively when treatment courses are continuous infusion; in other comparisons, PCA
completed or more urgently in cases of infection or groups have lower opioid use and side effects, as
occlusion. Brief general anaesthesia and conscious well as lower pain scores (Zucker et al 1998). There
sedation are widely used for these procedures. is a need for further study of optimal methods of
As noted above, choice among treatments depends management.
on the child’s age, temperament, preferences,
previous experience with procedures, and on local
availability of services. For example, a 12 year old Graft versus host disease
who is an excellent hypnotic subject and who
Donor-derived immune cells attack host tissues
experiences severe nausea or dysphoria with
following bone marrow transplantation to create a
sedation or general anaesthesia may prefer hypnosis
multiorgan inflammatory process known as graft
to pharmacologic measures. Conversely, a 3 year
versus host disease. Abdominal pains and limb
old who has had severely traumatic experiences
pains are common. Abdominal pain may arise from
with previous procedures may do better with a
both hepatic and intestinal inflammation and veno-
brief general anaesthetic. Options should be tailored
occlusion. Despite pre-emptive anti-T-cell therapies
to individual needs (Berde 1995). Pharmacological
in transplant protocols, this problem remains
and psychological approaches should be seen as
common, and is a frequent source of pain, which is
complementary, not mutually exclusive.
usually treated with opioids.

Cancer chemotherapy and radiation therapy attack
the rapidly dividing cells of the epithelial lining of Immunocompromised children are susceptible to
the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract. Mucosal painful bacterial, viral, fungal, and protozoal
injury and cell death impairs barrier function, and infections in a range of sites, including mouth sores,
produces pain and inflammation known as mucositis. perirectal abscesses, and skin infection. Analgesics
Topical therapies have been widely used, including may be required until antimicrobial therapies
diphenhydramine, kaolin, sodium bicarbonate, reduce inflammation.
hydrogen peroxide, sucralfate, clotrimazole, nystatin, Acute herpes zoster can be quite painful, and
lidocaine (lignocaine), and diclonine; efficacy data merits use of opioids as needed. Zoster infection in
are limited. Excessive use of topical local anaes- children is less likely to produce prolonged
thetics can occasionally block protective airway postherpetic neuralgia than that in adults; however,
reflexes, resulting in aspiration, or can cause sys- a small subgroup of children may experience long-
temic accumulation, with a risk of seizures. When term postherpetic burning pain, episodic shooting
pain persists despite topical therapies, opioids pain, itching, and skin hypersensitivity. Early
should be used. antiviral therapy should be encouraged (Wood et al
Mucositis following bone marrow transplantation 1996). Therapies for postherpetic neuralgia are
is more intense and prolonged than that associated adapted from those used in adults including tricyclic
with routine chemotherapy. Mucositis in transplant antidepressants (Bowsher et al 1997, Watson et al
patients has a continuous component, with sharp 1998a), anticonvulsants (Rowbotham et al 1998),
exacerbation during mouth care and swallowing. topical, regional, and systemic local anaesthetics,
672 Preventive strategies may reduce the incidence and and opioids (Rowbotham et al 1991).
Cancer pain and palliative care in children

rather than dividing in natural tissue planes, in

Acute abdominal emergencies
order to obtain clear margins.
Oncology patients may have any of the causes of an Epidural analgesia can be used with very good
acute abdomen that afflict other patients, such as effect for cancer surgery in children (Tobias et al
appendicitis, a perforated ulcer, or a bowel ob- 1992). As with systemic opioids, it is our experience
struction. Neutropenic patients may present with that initial dosing of epidural infusions in children
acute bowel inflammation known as tiflitis. with cancer is often too conservative. Rapid and
Although they show the signs of an acute surgical aggressive bedside titration should be used to
abdomen, this condition is usually treated con- relieve their pain. Maximum weight-based local
servatively, and surgical exploration is usually anaesthetic dosing is limited by strict guidelines, as
restricted to cases of overt bowel perforation or outlined in Chap. 25, while dosing of epidural
severe bleeding. Many of these patients are quite ill opioids should be titrated upwards to clinical
and require opioids despite their effects on bowel effect. Placement of the epidural catheter tip at the
motility. level of the dermatomes innervating the surgical field
Pre-emptive treatment of constipation is permits optimal use of local anaesthetic–opioid
important in all patients taking opioids, but it is synergism. If epidural catheter tips are below the
especially important in sick neutropenic patients. level of surgical dermatomes, or if there is in-
Delayed administration of oral laxatives for mild adequate analgesia with combinations of local
ileus and constipation can lead to a difficult anaesthetics with lipid-soluble opioids (e.g.,
situation with severe abdominal distension, emesis, fentanyl), clinicians should not hesitate to switch
and a suspicion for tiflitis. Treatment options then the opioid component of the epidural mixture to a
become limited, since enemas or rectal laxatives are water-soluble drug such as morphine and hydro-
contraindicated because of their risks of producing morphone to achieve adequate neuraxial spread.
bacteraemia or perforation. Clonidine is being used increasingly as a useful
adjunctive medication in epidural infusions. It
Postoperative pain and perioperative enhances analgesia from local anaesthetics and
opioids, and may provide an improved side effect
care profile, because it does not produce ileus, itching,
Postoperative pain management in general is or urinary retention.
discussed in detail in Chap. 1. It is to be expected
that there will be considerable preoperative anxiety Postsurgical neuropathic pains
and fear for children with cancer and their parents. Damage to peripheral nerves is unavoidable in
Heavy premedication may be required, and early many types of tumour resection, particularly with
anticipation of the need for larger-than-average limb sarcomas, and nerve injury may produce
doses for premedication may prevent unpleasant prolonged neuropathic pain. Studies of pre-emptive
scenes and distress in the preoperative waiting area. effects of regional blockade in preventing neuro-
Children who are or have become opioid pathic pain are controversial at best. We favour use
tolerant may have a higher risk of intraoperative of perioperative regional blockade whenever
awareness during anaesthesia, particularly if a feasible for limb sarcoma resections in part because
nitrous oxide–opioid-relaxant-based anaesthetic it may provide very good postoperative analgesia,
technique is used without adjustment for these even if the more prolonged benefits are controversial.
increased opioid requirements. Unless there is If a child shows signs and symptoms of neuropathic
severe haemodynamic instability, we recommend pain following cancer surgery, early use of tricyclic
incorporating either volatile anaesthetic agents or antidepressants and anticonvulsants should be
adequate doses of hypnotics (e.g., propofol made. In many cases, they appear beneficial, and
infusions) to ensure unconsciousness. are required for several weeks to months. For a
Postoperatively, patients who have been receiving tricyclic, we typically begin with nortriptyline in
preoperative opioids should have their daily dose doses of 0.1–0.2 mg/kg at night-time and increase
of opioids calculated, and this dose used as a dosing every few days until either there is relief,
baseline to which additional opioids are added for there are side effects, or full antidepressant levels
the purposes of postoperative pain control. This are achieved, often with addition of a smaller
principle is commonly ignored, leading to under- morning dose.
medication of oncology patients postoperatively. Gabapentin has emerged as the first-line
Cancer resection can be especially painful post- anticonvulsant for treatment of neuropathic pains
operatively because of the need to cut across tissues, (Backonja et al 1998). Paediatric experience is 673
Special problems of assessment and management

limited to case reports or case series (Rusy et al duration of neutropenic episodes. It may produce
2001). Our experience with its use has been very bone marrow pain.
favourable, because of both its efficacy and its
apparent safety. Occasional children will
experience headaches, sedation, abdominal upset, Chronic pains in long-term
and behavioural disturbances.
survivors of childhood cancer
Pain due to antineoplastic therapy Long-term survivors of childhood cancer occasionally
Several chemotherapy drugs can produce local experience chronic pain. Neuropathic pains include
necrosis or irritation when a peripheral vein peripheral neuralgias of the lower extremity,
infiltrates. Some forms of chemotherapy are painful phantom limb pain, postherpetic neuralgia, and
when injected via peripheral veins, even when no central pain after spinal cord tumour resection.
extravasation occurs. Intrathecal chemotherapy can Some patients have chronic lower extremity pain
produce backache, headache, and signs of arach- due to a mechanical problem with an internal
noiditis or meningeal irritation. prosthesis or failure of bony union, or avascular
Vincristine commonly produces peripheral nerve necrosis of multiple joints. Others have longstanding
dysfunction, with hyporeflexia, sensory abnormalities, myofascial pains and chronic abdominal pain of
paraesthesias, and gastrointestinal hypomotility; uncertain aetiology. Some patients treated with
in addition, a small subgroup of children report shunts for brain tumours have recurrent headaches
burning or shooting pains and paraesthesias. These that appear unrelated to intracranial pressure or
are often treated with opioids, tricyclic anti- changes in shunt functioning.
depressants, and anticonvulsants. In the majority of Phantom sensations and phantom limb pain are
patients, these symptoms improve over several common among children following amputation
months, but are likely to recur with repeated cycles for cancer in an extremity (Dangel 1998). Phantom
of chemotherapy. pain in children tends to decrease with time.
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (GCSF) Preamputation pain in the diseased extremity may
accelerates neutrophil production, and shortens the be a predictor for subsequent phantom pain. Krane

Table 44.4 Dosing recommendations for non-opioid analgesics for children

Drug Recommended dosing Comments

Acetaminophen (paracetamol) Single doses of 15–20 mg/kg. Repeated Generally safe. Does not cause gastric irritation
doses of 10–15 mg/kg every 4 h orally, or bleeding.
up to 90 mg/kg/day in children and
60 mg/kg/day in infants.

Choline-magnesium salicylate 10–15 mg/kg every 8–12 h orally Lower gastric and bleeding risk than most

Ibuprofen 8–10 mg/kg every 6–8 h orally Largest paediatric experience among NSAIDs.
Potential for bleeding and gastritis limits use
in children with cancer.

Naproxen 5–7 mg/kg every 8–12 h orally Risks similar to ibuprofen. Longer duration
permits less frequent dosing.

Amitriptyline or nortriptyline Begin at 0.1–0.2 mg/kg at bedtime, Clearance is variable, so that some patients
increase incrementally as limited by will benefit from a small morning dose in
side effects and as needed for efficacy addition. Plasma concentrations may be a
up to 2 mg/kg day. helpful guide at higher dose ranges.

Gabapentin Begin at 100 mg orally at bedtime, or These recommendations are provisional, since
with 50 mg (1/2 of the smallest capsule’s current experience is limited.
contents) in younger children. If
tolerated, advance to twice daily then
three times daily over several days.
If tolerated, escalate as needed and
tolerated up to 60 mg/kg/day, divided
in three times daily dosing.
Table 44.5 General guidelines for opioid use for cancer Many children with pain due to widespread
Cancer pain and palliative care in children

pain in children cancer will lie still, close their eyes, and inhibit
body movements. While sometimes this response is
1. Use sufficient doses to keep the patient comfortable due to oversedation, in other cases a withdrawal
and dose frequently enough to prevent most
from their surroundings is a response to undertreated
recurrences of pain.
pain. When in doubt, a trial of opioid titration may
2. Use the oral route first in most circumstances. be diagnostic. If the child becomes more interactive
3. Use appropriate oral:parenteral conversion ratios.
and moves around more freely after opioid dosing,
then it is likely that they were previously
4. The ‘right’ dose is whatever it takes to relieve the pain. undermedicated, not oversedated.
5. Treat opioid side effects promptly. Trends in physiologic signs, including heart rate
and blood pressure, can provide some information
6. Treat constipation pre-emptively. about pain intensity, but should not be used as
7. If side effects are bothersome with one opioid, isolated measures of pain. Many processes unrelated
consider opioid switching. to pain can alter heart rate and blood pressure.
Autonomic signs may habituate with persistent pain.

Analgesics for pain due to advanced

and Heller suggested that phantom pain was quite cancer
common in children following cancer resection, The WHO analgesic ladder approach outlined for
and was often under-recognized by physicians adults with cancer is in many respects applicable
(Krane et al 1991). Melzack and coworkers reported for children as well. General aspects of paediatric
that phantom sensation and pain can occur in analgesic pharmacology are reviewed in Chap. 37.
children with congenital absence of limbs, although Dosing guidelines for non-opioid and opioid
the prevalence of pain is less than among children analgesics are summarized in Tables 44.4, 44.5, and
who received amputations (Melzack et al 1997). 44.6, respectively.
Survivors of childhood cancer and their families
often worry that pains and other symptoms may Acetaminophen
imply relapse or a second, treatment-induced malig- Acetaminophen is the most commonly used
nancy. Care of these children and young adults nonopioid analgesic in children with cancer,
should be multidisciplinary and should include particularly because it lacks the antiplatelet and
psychological interventions, physical therapy, and gastric effects of NSAIDs and aspirin. Oral dosing
efforts to help these children and young adults of 10–15 mg/kg every 4 h is recommended, with a
return to school and work. A small percentage of daily maximum dose of 90 mg/kg/day in children,
long-term survivors take oral opioid analgesics on 60 mg/kg/day in infants, and 45 mg/kg/day in
a daily basis for long-term treatment of pain as part preterm neonates from 32 weeks to term.
of a multidisciplinary programme.
Aspirin and NSAIDs
Aspirin and NSAIDs are frequently contraindicated
Pain due to tumour progression in paediatric oncology patients because of bleeding
Tumour progression can produce pain, often by concerns. In selected children with adequate platelet
infiltration in or pressure on bone, viscera, soft number and function, NSAIDs may be very useful,
tissues, or nerves. Even where there is no longer both alone and in combination with opioids. The
curative intent, chemotherapy and radiation therapy effectiveness of NSAIDs in cancer is not limited to
may help relieve pain by shrinking the tumour bone pains (Eisenberg et al 1994).
(Stevens et al 1994; Frager 1996; Goldman 1996, Choline magnesium salicylate (Trilisate) and
1998; Liben 1996; Dangel 1998). related non-acetylated salicylates appear in adult
In Chap. 37, we describe the general difficulties studies to produce less gastric irritation and anti-
with pain assessment in preverbal children. Several platelet effects than most NSAIDs. Data are too
points are worth reiterating here. Behavioural signs limited to warrant extrapolating these conclusions
of persistent pain may differ from those in the to patients with severe thrombocytopenia.
setting of acute medical procedures. Behavioural The newer cyclooxygenase-2 (COX2) inhibitors
distress scales developed for acute procedures often are likely to be enormously beneficial for pain
under-rate pain in this setting. management for children with cancer. If initial 675
Special problems of assessment and management

studies in adults are replicated, then they should be is widely used for children in countries with
very safe and effective in many situations, both limited availability of morphine. It is more properly
alone and in combination with opioids. regarded as a strong opioid, and can have very
prolonged duration of action.
Weak opioids: codeine, tramadol, and low-
dose oxycodone Strong opioids: morphine,
The WHO ladder distinguishes between weak hydromorphone, fentanyl, meperidine,
opioids and strong opioids, although this is a methadone
function of dose as well as drug. Codeine is rarely For moderate to severe pain, μ-opioid agonists are
escalated beyond 2 mg/kg because it appears to the cornerstone of treatment. Initial dose recom-
produce more side effects than comparable doses of mendations for opioid prescribing for children with
other opioids. Recommended pediatric oral dosing cancer are outlined in Table 44.6.
is 0.5–1 mg/kg every 4 h. Between 5 and 12% of Morphine is the most widely used strong opioid,
subjects lack the metabolic enzyme that activates and is a proper first choice in most circumstances.
codeine by converting it to morphine; in these Age-related differences in morphine conjugation
subjects, codeine is ineffective. Oxycodone can be and excretion are summarized in Chap. 24. A typical
regarded as either a ‘weak’ or a ‘strong’ opioid starting dose for immediate release oral morphine
depending on the dose used. Dosing of oxycodone in opioid-naïve subjects is 0.3 mg/kg every 4 h.
can be escalated as long as it is not given in a fixed Sustained release preparations of morphine and
preparation with acetaminophen (e.g., Percocet) in oxycodone are widely available. Dosing sustained
doses that would risk acetaminophen toxicity. release morphine three times, rather than twice,
The practical advantage of the so-called weak daily may give more constant plasma concentrations
opioids is that they can be prescribed in some (Hunt et al 1999). Crushing sustained release
locations by telephone more easily than many other morphine tablets produces immediate release of
opioids. In many parts of the United States, there is morphine, which limits their use for children
greater acceptance of telephone prescribing of com- unable to swallow pills.
binations of acetaminophen with either codeine Hydromorphone is similar in many respects to
(e.g., Tylenol #3 or #4) or hydrocodone (e.g., Vicodin). morphine in its actions, but may be used in settings
In some countries, such as Germany, tramadol is where there are dose-limiting side effects from
widely used as an analgesic for pain of moderate morphine. A double-blinded, randomized cross-
severity. over comparison of morphine to hydromorphone
Most available evidence recommends use of using PCA in children and adolescents with
standard μ-opioid agonists for cancer pain in mucositis following bone marrow transplantation
preference to mixed agonist–antagonist opioids or showed that hydromorphone was well tolerated,
opioids acting primarily at κ-receptors. Somnolence and had an approximate potency ratio of 6:1 relative
and dysphoria are common with the latter drugs, to morphine in this setting (Collins et al 1996a).
and they may cause withdrawal symptoms in patients Because of its high potency and high aqueous
receiving μ-opioids. The κ-agonist buprenorphine solubility, hydromorphone is convenient for high-

Table 44.6 Starting doses of commonly used opioids in paediatrics

Drug Usual I.V. starting Usual I.V. starting Usual P.O. starting Usual P.O. starting
dose (< 50 kg) dose (> 50 kg) dose (< 50 kg) dose (> 50 kg)

Morphine 0.1 mg/kg q3–4h 5–10 mg q3–4h 0.3 mg/kg q3–4h 30 mg q3–4h

Hydromorphone 0.015 mg/kg q3–4h 1–1.5 mg q3–4h 0.06 mg/kg q3–4h 4 mg q3–4h
Oxycodone N/A N/A 0.1–0.2 mg/kg q3–4h 5–10 mg/kg q3–4h
Meperidine 0.75 mg/kg q2–3h 75–100 mg q3h 2–3 mg/kg q3–4h 100–150 mg q3–4h

Fentanyl 0.5–1.5 μg/kg q1–2h 25–75 μg/kg q1–2h N/A N/A

N/A = not available; N/R =not recommended. Adapted from Collins and Berde (1997).
Meperidine is not recommended for chronic use because of the accumulation of the toxic metabolite normeperidine.
Smallest tablet size is 5 mg; elixir formulations are available.
dose subcutaneous infusion. Little is known about a useful intermediate technology for parenteral
Cancer pain and palliative care in children

pharmacokinetics in infants or biologic actions of opioid administration for children with poor intra-
metabolites. venous access (Miser et al 1983). A small catheter or
Fentanyl is about 50–100 times as potent as butterfly needle may be placed under the skin of
morphine, depending on whether infusion or I.V. the thorax, abdomen, or thigh, with sites changed
single-dose comparisons are used. It has a rapid every 3–7 days as needed. Solutions are generally
onset and offset following intravenous admin- concentrated so that infusion rates do not exceed
istration, which is convenient for brief painful 1–3 cc/h, although higher rates have been used.
procedures. With infusions, its duration of action Morphine and hydromorphone are commonly
becomes more prolonged. Fentanyl is commonly used, and are well tolerated; methadone should be
used for patients who have excessive pruritus from avoided because it can produce local irritation and
morphine. skin necrosis. Needle placement can be made less
Meperidine should be avoided for ongoing use noxious by prior use of topical local anaesthetic
if other opioids are available because its major preparations as described above. Pain at the injection
metabolite normeperidine can cause dysphoria, site can be diminished by mixing small amounts
excitation, and convulsions, particularly in patients of lidocaine (lignocaine) in the infusion, as long
with impaired renal function. Meperidine can be as cumulative lidocaine dosing does not exceed
used for brief painful procedures, and it has a 1.5 mg/kg/h. Intravenous and subcutaneous
specific indication in low doses (0.25–0.5 mg/kg infusions can be made more convenient for the
I.V.) for treatment of severe shivering or rigors home by use of small portable infusion pumps.
following the infusion of amphotericin and blood Many of the home infusion pumps are equipped
components. with a PCA bolus option as well as a continuous
Methadone is long acting due to its slow hepatic infusion mode. In the United States, there is in
metabolism. In single parenteral doses, it is general no greater operating cost in adding a PCA
equipotent to morphine. Oral absorption is efficient, option. Most children with cancer have fluctuations
with an oral:parenteral ratio of approximately in pain intensity and in opioid requirements. A
1.5–2:1. Elixir preparations are convenient for PCA option is a straightforward method for
prolonged duration in children who are unable to permitting rescue medication via either intravenous
swallow sustained release morphine tablets. Episodic or subcutaneous routes (Bruera et al 1988). It is
intravenous dosing may be convenient for patients more convenient for patients or parents to push a
with intravenous access to maintain sustained button than it is to open vials, draw medication into
analgesia without the requirement for an infusion a syringe, and inject medication into the infusion
pump (Berde et al 1991). line. General discussion of PCA use in children is
Methadone requires careful attention in dose given in Chap. 37. In palliative care, pushing the
titration, both because of variability in its PCA button is often not limited to patients, and
metabolism (Plummer et al 1988) and because of parents and nurses frequently participate in dosing.
incomplete cross-tolerance with other μ-opioids. Transdermal administration of fentanyl via a
Accumulation can produce delayed sedation and patch is a convenient method for providing sustained
hypoventilation several days after a dosing change. analgesia without the need for intravenous access
Once comfort is achieved, it is often necessary to or infusion pumps (Payne 1992, Patt et al 1993).
lower the dose or extend the interval to avoid Initial paediatric studies suggest good efficacy and
subsequent oversedation. safety in a small population of paediatric oncology
patients. These formulations should be used with
Choice among routes of opioid administra- caution in opioid-naïve patients or in patients with
tion The oral route of opioid administration is rapidly changing analgesic requirements. The lowest
convenient, inexpensive, and non-technologic, and delivery rate currently available in the United
therefore to be favoured whenever feasible. Some States is 25 μg/h, which may be excessive for some
children with advanced cancer either refuse to take children. There is a considerable delay to obtaining
oral medications or cannot take them because of steady-state concentrations, and initial titration to
nausea, ileus, painful swallowing, or obtundation. comfort by other routes is required (Zech et al 1992).
Intravenous administration permits rapid, Absorption may be impaired by severe oedema or
titrated dosing and complete bioavailability. Where impaired circulation, which can be a factor in end-
available, indwelling central venous lines obviate of-life care. For patients with fluctuating pain
the need for repeated intravenous cannulation (Miser intensity, another method of opioid administration
et al 1980). Continuous subcutaneous infusions are is required for rescue dosing. These considerations 677
Special problems of assessment and management

are especially important in treatment of terminal individualized dosing and treatment of side effects
symptoms, such as air hunger. (Table 44.7). Constipation should be prevented and
Oral transmucosal fentanyl produces a rapid treated with laxatives. Several classes of antiemetics,
onset of effect and bypasses first-pass hepatic including 5HT-3 antagonists, phenothiazines,
clearance. As noted above, OTFC is effective for butyrophenones, antihistamines, and cannabinoids
painful procedures, but it has also been used have been used effectively for opioid-induced
successfully for adults for breakthrough pain due nausea in children.
to tumour (Fine et al 1991).
Opioid dose escalation Opioid dose require-
Management of opioid side effects As with ments for children with widespread cancer vary
adults, the key to successful use of opioids lies in greatly. Opioids are similar in their population

Table 44.7 Management of opioid side effects

Side-effect Treatment

Constipation 1. Regular use of stimulant and stool softener laxatives (fibre, fruit juices are often insufficient).
2. Ensure adequate water intake.

Sedation 1. If analgesia is adequate, try dose reduction.

2. Unless contraindicated, add non-sedating analgesics, such as acetaminophen or NSAIDs, and reduce
opioid dosing as tolerated.
3. If sedation persists, trymethylphenidate or dextroamphetamine 0.05–0.2 mg/kg P.O. b.i.d. in early am
and midday. Dosing of methylphenidate can be escalated as tolerated up to at least 0.3 mg/kg at
morning and midday, and higher in selected patients.
4. Consider an opioid switch.

Nausea 1. Exclude disease processes (e.g., bowel obstruction, increased intracranial pressure).
2. Antiemetics (phenothiazines, ondansetron, hydroxyzine).
3. Consider an opioid switch.

Urinary retention 1. Exclude disease processes (e.g., bladder neck obstruction by tumour, impending cord compression,
hypovolaemia, renal failure, etc.).
2. Avoid other drugs with anticholinergic effects (e.g., tricyclics, antihistamines).
3. Consider short-term use of bethanechol or Crede manoeuvre.
4. Consider short-term catheterization.
5. Consider opioid dose reduction if analgesia adequate or an opioid switch if analgesia inadequate.

Pruritus 1. Exclude other causes (e.g., drug allergy, cholestasis).

2. Antihistamines (e.g., diphenhydramine hydroxyzine).
3. Consider an opioid dose reduction if analgesia adequate, or an opioid switch. Fentanyl causes less
histamine release.

Respiratory depression:
Mild–moderate 1. Awaken, encourage to breathe.
2. Apply oxygen.
3. Withhold opioid dosing until breathing improves, reduce subsequent dosing by at least 25%.

Severe 1. Awaken if possible, apply oxygen, assist respiration by bag, and mask as needed.
2. Titrate small doses of naloxone (0.02 mg/kg increments as needed) stop when respiratory rate
increases to 8–10/min in older children or 12–16/min in infants; do not try to awaken fully with
3. Consider a low-dose naloxone infusion or repeated incremental dosing.
4. Consider short-term intubation in occasional cases where risk of aspiration is high.

Dysphoria/ 1. Exclude other pathology as a cause for these symptoms before attributing them to opioids.
confusion/ 2. When other causes excluded, change to another opioid.
hallucinations 3. Consider adding a neuroleptic such as haloperidol (0.01–0.1 mg/kg P.O./I.V. every 8 h to a maximum
dose of 15 mg/day).
Myoclonus 1. Usually seen in the setting of high-dose opioids, or alternatively, rapid dose escalation.
2. No treatment may be warranted, if this is infrequent and not distressing to the child.
3. Consider an opioid switch or treat with clonezepam (0.01 mg/kg P.O. every 12 h to a maximum dose
of 0.5 mg/dose) or a parenteral benzodiazepine (e.g., diazepam) if the oral route is not tolerated.

Adapted from Collins and Berde (1997).

prevalence of side effects, but there may be marked comfortable primarily with opioid escalation, but
Cancer pain and palliative care in children

individual variability in these effects. Among the rest required either regional anaesthesia or
opioid-tolerant cancer patients, several studies continuous sedation.
document incomplete cross-tolerance when
switching from one opioid to another, especially Adjunctive medications
when switching from morphine or hydromorphone Tricyclic antidepressants are widely used for neuro-
to methadone. This appears to be a consequence of pathic pain, as well as to facilitate sleep. Paediatric
the NMDA receptor blocking activity of the d- use of tricyclics for pain is largely extrapolated
isomer of methadone in the racemic commercial from adult trials. Reviews of antidepressants in
preparations (Ripamonti et al 1998). children are given elsewhere (Steingard et al 1995,
If intolerable side effects are found with dose Birmaher 1998). We begin with single night-time
escalation with one opioid, a trial of a second dosing of tricyclics in most patients. If dose
opioid should be considered, beginning at 25–50% escalation is tolerated without sedation, a smaller
of the equianalgesic dose in the case of most morning dose can be added. Plasma levels can be
opioids, or 15–25% of the equianalgesic dose if the useful to guide titration. Electrocardiograms are
second opioid is methadone. Tolerance to sedation, recommended for screening for rhythm disturbances
nausea and vomiting, and pruritus often develops and to follow changes on therapy, but little is known
within the first week of commencing opioids. about their predictive value for risk of severe
Patients and parents are often reluctant to arrhythmias or cardiac events due to tricyclics. We
increase dosing because of a fear that tolerance will exercise additional caution with patients who have
make opioids ineffective at a later date. They signs of cardiac dysfunction or ectopy due to
should be reassured that tolerance usually can be anthracyclines. In selected cases where the oral
managed by simple dose escalation, use of adjunctive route is not feasible, an injectable preparation of
medications, or opioid switching. There is no amitriptyline can be used intravenously with slow
justification for withholding opioids to save them infusion and careful monitoring (Collins et al 1995).
for a later time of need. Fears of drug addiction can For children with limiting sedation from
also be a barrier to opioid use. opioids, stimulants such as methylphenidate and
Among adults with cancer, rapid opioid dose dextroamphetamine (Bruera et al 1989, Yee and
escalation is most commonly due to tumour spread, Berde 1994) should be tried. Our impression is that
rather than rapidly progressive tolerance. We adverse reactions are uncommon, and the improve-
reported on patterns of opioid administration ment in alertness may be impressive. Typically,
among 199 children who died of malignancy at methylphenidate is started with morning and
Boston Children’s Hospital and the Dana-Farber noontime dosing of 0.1 mg/kg, with dose escalation
Cancer Institute from 1989 to 1993, a time during as needed up to roughly 0.6 mg/kg/day.
which the WHO programme was more consistently Benzodiazepines are useful for sedation for
applied (Collins et al 1995). Over 90% remained noxious procedures. In our opinion, they are often
comfortable during their terminal course with overused for persistent anxiety. We discourage the
standard opioid dose escalation and side effect prolonged use of benzodiazepines for sleep disturb-
management. ance, since with chronic use they disrupt sleep cycles,
Two subgroups required more intensive produce tolerance and dependence, and can
management. One group of 6 patients had intolerable exacerbate daytime somnolence and confusion.
side effects before reaching dose escalation more Corticosteroids are used in adults in a range of
than 100-fold above standard starting rates (i.e., settings for cancer pain, including headache due to
above 3 mg/kg/h I.V. morphine equivalents). All of brain tumours, for nerve compression, for epidural
these patients could be made comfortable by spinal cord compression, and for metastatic bone
regional anaesthetic approaches (see below). A disease (Watanabe and Bruera 1994). They can be
second group of 12 patients (6% of the overall useful for shorter-term pain relief in children as
group) escalated systemic dosing to greater than well, although a number of sequelae can arise from
3 mg/kg/h I.V. morphine equivalent. Rapid dose prolonged use, including mood disturbances, a
escalation was most common in the final weeks of Cushingoid body habitus, cataracts, immuno-
life. Eleven of these 12 patients had solid tumours suppression, and fractures.
metastatic to the spine, central nervous system, or
major nerve plexus. Maximum opioid dosing Anticonvulsants
ranged from 3.8–518 mg/kg/h I.V. morphine Anticonvulsants should be considered for pain of
equivalent. Among these 12 patients, 4 were neuropathic origin. Gabapentin is commonly chosen 679
Special problems of assessment and management

because of its safety and tolerability. Carbamazepine, Table 44.8 Recommendations for use of epidural and
phenytoin, clonezepam, gabapentin, and valproate spinal infusions for management of pain due to
widespread cancer in children
have all been used, but the evidence is not clear on
the relative risks and benefits among these agents
1. Optimize use of non-pharmacologic approaches,
in children. Sedation, ataxia, and dysphoria are opioids, and adjuvants first.
common symptoms.
2. Do not promise perfect pain relief.
3. Be clear with patients and their parents regarding the
Phenothiazines and butyrophenones can be used as potential for adverse events and side effects. Where
antiemetics. In general, they are not analgesic, but local anaesthetics are used, warn them about the
may reduce reporting of pain. Levomepromazine potential for degrees of motor and sensory blockade
and impairment of bowel or bladder function.
(methotrimeprazine) has been used as an adjuvant
analgesic (Beaver et al 1966), although published 4. Place catheters under general anaesthesia or deep
experience in children is limited. Levomepromazine sedation, not awake.
(methotrimeprazine) is highly sedating, and may 5. Use fluoroscopic guidance whenever available to
diminish acute agitation. ensure proper localization while the child is asleep.

6. We prefer to tunnel catheters with initial placement

for improved skin care.
Interventional approaches to pain
management for children with cancer 7. The key to success is precise dermatomal application
of local anaesthetics; opioids alone are rarely
Epidural and spinal analgesic infusions sufficient to achieve an improved therapeutic index.
Combine opioids with local anaesthetics, and
A percentage of adults with widespread cancer and occasionally add other drugs, such as clonidine.
a difficulty in controlling pain can be made
comfortable by use of spinal analgesic infusions 8. For pain below the umbilicus, we prefer lumbar
subarachnoid catheters; for pain in higher
(Plummer et al 1991, Eisenach et al 1995) and dermatomes, we prefer thoracic epidural placement
neurodestructive procedures (Brown et al 1987, with the catheter tip in the middle of the most
Plancarte et al 1990). Experience with these important dermatomes innervating the painful area.
approaches in children is more limited (Collins et al The subarachnoid route gives the greatest flexibility
1996b), and we approach them with some caution. in escalating local anaesthetic dosing to achieve
deafferentation with a margin of safety. With
It is essential first to optimize pharmacologic prolonged epidural infusions, local anaesthetic dosing
and non-pharmacologic approaches and to consider is restricted by concerns for systemic toxicity.
the wishes of the child and his/her parents in the
9. Epidural tumour may impede placement, or prevent
context of a realistic appraisal of their disease and
drug spread to intended sites. Radiographic
its likely progression. confirmation of spread of contrast helps ensure a
Our recommendations for use of regional likelihood of access of drug to intended target sites.
anaesthetic approaches for management of pain
10. The optimal combination of drugs must be
due to advanced cancer in children is outlined in individualized based on both previous analgesic use,
Table 44.8. the nature and location of the pain, and the patient’s
Spinal infusions can provide excellent analgesia individual preferences in balancing analgesia with
in refractory cases, but they require individualized side effects. Dose escalation is often needed.
attention, and should not be undertaken by
inexperienced practitioners without guidance.
Dose requirements vary dramatically, and the children with severe pain due to massively enlarged
process of converting from systemic to spinal drug upper abdominal viscera due to tumour (Berde et al
is often quite unpredictable, with the potential for 1990, Staats and Kost-Byerly 1995). Many children
either oversedation or withdrawal symptoms. If and parents are reluctant to consider procedures
children with spinal infusions are to be managed at with the potential for irreversible loss of somatic
home, it is essential to have resources available to function. Decompressive operations on the spine
manage new symptoms, such as terminal dyspnoea can in occasional cases produce dramatic relief of
and air hunger. pain. Treatment algorithms for epidural spinal cord
compression depend on a number of issues, and
Neurodestructive procedures may also involve use of high-dose steroids,
As with adults (Mercadante 1993), coeliac plexus chemotherapy, and radiation therapy (Greenberg
680 blockade can provide excellent pain relief for et al 1980).
Cancer pain and palliative care in children

therapies. Access to these treatments is severely

Sedation in end-of-life care
limited in developing countries, and the majority of
Opioids generally relieve pain with a partial infants with AIDS in Africa and Asia continue to
preservation of clarity of sensorium, although suffer cachexia, neurologic devastation, and early
many patients require doses of opioids that make death.
them sedated when undisturbed, but rousable Children with HIV infection with access to
when spoken to (Coyle et al 1990). Patients and sophisticated medical treatment undergo an
their families can be told that comfort can be enormous number of painful diagnostic and
achieved with opioids in most situations (Foley therapeutic procedures (Hirschfeld et al 1996),
1997). Providers need to reassure parents that by which may be treated much like painful oncology
treating pain with opioids they are not causing procedures as outlined above.
their child’s death; that the child’s disease is the In developing countries and in infants in
cause of death. developed countries with less access to care, HIV-
There remains a very small subgroup of patients induced neurologic degeneration can produce
who have intolerable side effects and/or inadequate severe irritability and the appearance of poorly
analgesia despite extremely aggressive use of localized pain. Opioids should be considered as
analgesics as outlined above. While regional first-line agents in preference to sedative hypnotics.
anaesthetic approaches may be chosen by some This experience differs somewhat from the general
patients and families, others will chose continuous impression of treatment of infants with some other
sedation as a means of relieving suffering. neurodegenerative disorders, as outlined below.
The choice of sedation generally assumes there
is no feasible or acceptable means for providing
analgesia with preservation of alertness. We favour Cystic fibrosis
continuing high-dose opioid infusions along with Cystic fibrosis is the most common life-shortening
sedation to reduce the possibility that a patient genetic disorder in Caucasian populations. It is a
might experience unrelieved pain but be too multisystem disorder that arises in different
sedated to report on it. The ethical and practical families from one of a series of similar autosomal
issues around providing sedation in the terminally recessive mutations in a gene encoding a chloride
ill have been discussed (Truog et al 1992, Foley channel. Cystic fibrosis affects a range of organs,
1997). Sedation for terminally ill patients is widely including pancreas, intestines, liver, paranasal
regarded as providing comfort, not euthanasia, sinuses, and sweat glands, but the predominant
according to the principle of double effect (Foley cause of morbidity, mortality, and suffering is due
1997), although others describe some difficult logical to chronic obstructive lung disease. The ion channel
consequences in the use of this ethical justification abnormality leads to viscous pulmonary secretions,
(Quill et al 1997). Clinicians and ethicists with a bronchiectasis, and a particular susceptibility to
range of views regarding assisted suicide and airways colonization or infection with mucoid
euthanasia agree on the following position: no child strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
or parent should chose death because of our Longevity has improved dramatically over the
profession’s inadequate efforts to relieve pain and past 30 years. Median age at death was less than
suffering, to ameliorate depression, fear, and isolation, age 20 in the 1960s. In many centres today, median
or to provide spiritual and emotional support. survival is approaching age 40. There remains a
smaller subgroup of patients with rapidly pro-
gressive lung disease who are in respiratory failure
HIV and AIDS during their teenage years.
Infants now acquire HIV predominantly through Improved survival has been ascribed to better
transplacental infection from their mothers antibiotics, better nutritional support, or use of
(Grossman 1988). Transfusion-acquired HIV is chest physiotherapy, although there is little
declining in prevalence in developed countries, consensus on the relative importance of each of
although new cases of transfusion-acquired disease these therapies.
continue in some developing countries. Adolescents Patients with advanced lung disease suffer
become infected through sexual contact and several types of distressing symptoms. There can be
infected needles. severe near-constant dyspnoea and air hunger. There
In developed countries, the prognosis for is a constant need to cough in an attempt to clear
congenitally acquired HIV infection has improved their airways of tenacious sputum, and often the
dramatically in recent years due to multidrug coughing is extremely intense. The high airways 681
Special problems of assessment and management

resistance and high ratio of alveolar dead space to dramatically altered by the development of lung
tidal volume leads to dramatically increased work transplantation and heart–lung transplantation,
of breathing and fatigue. despite the scarcity of available organs. Robinson
Sleep is often disturbed, and many people with and coworkers in our group (Robinson et al 1997)
cystic fibrosis develop a fear that they will suffocate documented a dramatic increase in the use of
during sleep. This may lead them to stay up much intensive care units for end-of-life care since the
of the night and sleep in daytime. Small evening beginning of a lung transplant programme at our
doses of antidepressants may improve sleep. Some hospital. Previously, the vast majority of patients
tolerate tricyclics, such as nortriptyline. Others are died on the adolescent–young adult unit, not in the
bothered by the peripheral anticholinergic actions intensive care unit. In the current era, the majority
in drying their secretions, and instead prefer the of patients with advanced disease now die on a
tetracyclic, trazodone. waiting list for lung transplantation. Non-invasive
Ravilly and coworkers in our group documented assisted ventilation is frequently tried. Home care
a high prevalence of chronic daily headache and for end-of-life care is rarely chosen by our patients
chest pain in patients with advanced cystic fibrosis with cystic fibrosis. Many patients report fear of
(Ravilly et al 1996). Headache appears multifacto- suffocation; they prefer to be in hospital for end-of-
rial, and is usually poorly characterized. Although life care, to ensure that they will receive adequate
in many cases, hypoxemia and hypercapnia are opioids and sedatives to relieve air hunger. This
present and appear to worsen headache, others pattern of preference for in-hospital care is not
experience daily headache before blood gas universal; in other centres, a greater proportion of
abnormalities can be demonstrated. Constant patients with cystic fibrosis die at home (Westwood
violent coughing may contribute to headache, both 1998).
by associated scalp and neck muscle contraction
and possibly because of marked fluctuations in
intracranial pressure. Nasal polyposis and sinusitis
Neurodegenerative disorders
are ubiquitous, and often contribute to headache. There are a wide range of neurologic or neuro-
Chronic chest pain in cystic fibrosis may be due muscular disorders among infants and children
to intercostal muscle fatigue and overuse, both due that may be associated with suffering (Hunt and
to the work of breathing and due to coughing. Burne 1995) and/or a shortened life span. Although
Acute episodes of chest pain with localized rib any one of these conditions is relatively rare, taken
tenderness may indicate a rib fracture. Acute onset together, they affect considerable numbers of
chest pain with dyspnoea may also herald a children who may require symptom management,
pneumothorax. palliative care, or end-of-life care. These disorders
The prevalence of headache and chest pain vary greatly in their effects on longevity and
increases dramatically in the final year of life, and quality of life, and on their spectrum of cognitive
the majority of patients in their final six months of versus motor impairments. Some disorders, such as
life have chronic daily headache and chest pain. Tay–Sachs disease, may cause profound cognitive
With a genetic disorder such as cystic fibrosis, and motor devastation and death in the first years
the psychological implications for end-of-life and of life. Conversely, patients with spinal muscular
palliative care are different from those for patients atrophy have intact intelligence and a range of
with cancer. Most of these patients are aware of motor impairments according to subtype. At the
their shortened life span from an early age. other end of the spectrum, Duchenne’s muscular
Conversely, as the natural history of the disease has dystrophy leaves cognition intact and produces
changed, patients’ concepts of their illness have slowly progressive weakness, cardiomyopathy, and
changed. restrictive lung disease. Depending on its course
Patients with cystic fibrosis die predominantly and on the use of mechanical ventilation, many
due to respiratory failure, with progressive people with Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy are
hypoxaemia, hypercapnia, fatigue, dyspnoea, severe now living well into their 20s.
coughing, air hunger, and headache. Opioids can Decision making in these disorders is compli-
provide some relief of these symptoms, although cated by several factors. Making a specific diag-
occasionally opioids may exacerbate headache by nosis in some cases is difficult or delayed. Even
worsening hypercapnia. Benzodiazepines are often when a diagnosis is made, the prognosis can be
administered as well for relief of agitation and extremely variable, with the same condition having
anxiety associated with terminal dyspnoea. either a rapidly progressive or slow clinical course
682 Patients’ concepts of their illness have also been (Davies 1996).
Many neurologic and neuromuscular disorders
Cancer pain and palliative care in children
Home has the advantage of a ‘natural’ and ‘safe’
impair cognition and communication abilities. environment where the child may feel loved, more
These factors may make it extremely difficult to in control of his or her surroundings, and less
determine whether the child is experiencing pain, susceptible to the torments of medical intervention.
and if so, to determine what is causing the pain. World-wide experience from well-organized
Some children with neurodegenerative dis- paediatric palliative care teams shows that they are
orders may have persistent screaming or agitation able to provide services effectively, and most
with no apparent cause after extensive medical children and parents appear to feel safe and well-
evaluation to exclude the common treatable causes, cared-for at home (Goldman 1996, Kopecky et al
such as gastro-oesophageal reflux, hip dislocation, or 1997). Conversely, families should not be ‘pushed
otitis media. These children can be extraordinarily out the door’ against their wishes.
distressing to their parents, who want physicians to Optimum home care requires planning for
find what is causing the pain and fix it. Experience contingencies. Support from the local community
with drug trials suggests that many of these including clergy can be extremely beneficial. Home
children remain agitated despite intravenous care requires local solutions to practical problems,
opioid titration to near-apnoea. Even when an including availability of supplies (e.g., medications,
opioid trial is ineffective for relieving pain, it may oxygen, special beds). We cannot overemphasize
comfort the parents that an attempt was made to the importance of anticipatory planning for
relieve distress. In contrast, some of these children adequate opioid availability. Children in remote
with distress of unknown origin have reduced areas may use up all their opioid on a weekend day,
distress with anticonvulsants (especially those with and be left in pain for extended periods of time.
sodium-channel blocking activity), even when Direct contact with home care pharmacies and
there are no clinical or electroencephalographic nurses can anticipate or fix these problems in
signs of seizures. In other cases, the GABA agonist many cases. Some pharmacies will accept faxed
baclofen has appeared effective. There is a need for prescriptions in these situations.
more systematic study of the roles and risk–benefit For some children and families, there is a safety
ratios of anticonvulsants and sedatives in children and security in continued care by physicians,
with unremitting agitation. nurses, psychologists, child life specialists, and
Mechanical ventilation is traditionally regarded others who have guided them through curative
as an invasive, painful, extreme, or extraordinary therapy. Because of this strong connection between
measure for many illnesses. Increasingly, many families and their caregivers in paediatric tertiary
children with myopathies and other disorders centres, in many parts of the world a predominant
characterized predominantly by motor weakness model involves home care with ongoing connection
are now receiving mechanical ventilation both to to tertiary hospital specialist physicians and nurses
prolong survival and to improve quality of life. who had previously been involved in curative care
Improvements in nasal or face-mask non-invasive (Sirkia et al 1997). Another model involves transfer
positive pressure devices have made it possible of care to specific palliative care physicians and
in many cases to support the work of breathing nurses (Goldman 1996, 1998). There are few data to
and maintain lung volumes without the need for recommend one model over another.
tracheotomy. Many children use these devices at Free-standing hospices have been established
night-time only, with sustained improvement in in many parts of the world, both as a place for
their sleep quality and daytime functioning. Non- children to come to for end-of-life care and as site
invasive assisted ventilation may be insufficient for coordinating home care (Aquino and Perszyk
for more severely affected children, particularly 1997, Faulkner 1997, Deeley et al 1998, Thompson
for those who can no longer control bulbar 1998). Paediatric free-standing hospices face
musculature. challenges related to size of appropriate popula-
tions, staffing, finances, and relationship to
paediatric medical centres.
Home, hospice, or hospital care One approach to facilitate staffing and coverage
There is no single ‘correct’ location for end-of-life is to have these centres provide two distinct, but
care. Children and their families should feel free to complementary services: (1) hospice/end-of-life
chose home, a free-standing hospice, a community care and (2) respite care for children with profound
hospital, or a paediatric tertiary hospital for end-of- disabilities. Caring for a child with serious illness or
life care (Stevens et al 1994; Frager 1996; Goldman major disabilities is physically and emotionally
1996, 1998; Liben 1996; Dangel 1998). exhausting for parents. 683
Special problems of assessment and management

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Cancer pain


Cancer pain and AIDS-related pain:

psychiatric and ethical issues
William Breitbart, Steven D Passik, and Barry D Rosenfeld

Introduction psychological issues and psychiatric complications

(e.g., anxiety, depression, delirium) seen in cancer
The cancer patient faces a wide range of pain patients and provides guidelines for their
psychological and physical stressors throughout assessment and management. Finally, the problem
the course of illness. These stressors include fears of of pain in AIDS is addressed with special focus
a painful death, physical disability, disfigurement, on psychiatric issues in pain assessment and
and growing dependency on others. Although such management.
fears exist in most, if not all cancer patients, the
degree of psychological distress experienced varies
greatly between individuals and depends in part Psychological impact of cancer
on the patient’s personality style, coping abilities,
available social supports, and medical factors
and the role of pain
(Holland and Rowland 1989). One of the most A cancer diagnosis is typically followed by a series
feared consequences of cancer, however, is the of emotional responses that appear quite consistent
potential for pain. Pain has a profound impact on a across many studies, settings, and patient popu-
patient’s level of emotional distress, and psycho- lations (Massie and Holland 1987, Breitbart and
logical factors such as mood, anxiety, and the Holland 1988, Breitbart 1989a). The initial responses
meaning attributed to pain can intensify a patient’s usually consist of shock, denial, and disbelief,
experience of cancer pain (Ahles et al 1983). which typically evolve into a period of anxiety
Because of the relationship between psychological and/or depression. Disturbed sleep, diminished
factors and pain experience, clinicians who treat appetite and impaired concentration, irritability,
patients with cancer pain face complex diagnostic pervasive thoughts about cancer, and fears about
and therapeutic challenges. The appropriate man- the future often interfere with normal daily
agement of cancer pain therefore requires a multi- activities. These ‘stress responses’ generally occur
disciplinary approach, recognizing the importance at specific points in the course of cancer and its
of accurate diagnosis and treatment of concurrent treatment: after diagnosis, with relapse, prior to
psychological symptoms and psychiatric syndromes diagnostic tests, surgery, radiation, and chemo-
(Breitbart 1989a). This chapter reviews the common therapy, as well as after treatment has concluded 689
Special problems of assessment and management

and patients enter the phase of survivorship. the pain experience, fear of death, hopelessness,
Distress usually resolves slowly over a period of and anxious or depressed mood all appear to
several weeks, and patients gradually return to contribute to the experience of cancer pain and
their prior level of homeostasis once the patient’s suffering (Bond 1979, Spiegel and Bloom 1983a,
emotional resources have been marshalled and Ahles et al 1983). For example, in a study of women
supports have been rallied, although many patients with metastatic breast cancer, Spiegel and Bloom
require clinical intervention (e.g., anxiolytic or (1983a) found that although the site of metastasis
sedative medications, relaxation techniques) in did not predict the intensity of pain report, greater
order to regain their previous level of functioning. depression and the belief that pain represented the
For most patients, the support of family and spread of disease (e.g., the meaning attributed to
friends, social workers, clergy, and hospital staff are the pain) corresponded to greater levels of pain
sufficient to cope with these brief crisis periods. experienced. Daut and Cleeland (1982) also found
The degree of psychological distress observed in that cancer patients who believed that their pain
cancer patients also varies considerably between represented disease progression reported signifi-
individuals. Some patients experience persistently cantly more interference with their ability to func-
high levels of anxiety and depression for weeks or tion and enjoy daily activities than did patients
months, which significantly impede their ability to who attributed their pain to a benign cause. Other
function, or at times, even comply with cancer research has demonstrated that patients with
treatment. Others experience only mild or transient advanced disease who report high levels of
symptoms that remit rapidly even without inter- emotional distress also report more pain (Bond and
vention. A number of factors influence this varia- Pearson 1969, Bond 1973, McKegney et al 1981).
bility, including the presence and degree of pain, Current models of cancer pain emphasize the
stage of disease, pre-existing psychiatric disorders, multidimensional nature of the pain experience,
coping abilities, and level of social support. When incorporating the contributions of cognitive, motiv-
significant levels of distress do occur in response to ational, behavioural, and affective components in
cancer diagnosis or treatment, these reactions often addition to sensory (nociceptive) phenomena. This
require mental health intervention. For the most multidimensional formulation of cancer pain has
part, however, physicians treating cancer patients opened the door to psychiatric and psychological
are confronted with psychologically healthy indi- participation in pain research, assessment, and
viduals who are reacting to the stresses imposed by treatment (Melzack and Wall 1983, Lindblom et al
cancer and its treatment. Nearly 90% of the psy- 1986). Pain is no longer considered simply a noci-
chiatric disorders observed in cancer patients are ceptive event, but is recognized as a psychological
thought to represent reactions to or manifestations process involving nociception, perception, and
of the disease or treatments rather than an exten- expression. Because of the important role played by
sion of a pre-existing mental disorder (Derogatis et psychological factors in the experience of cancer
al 1983, Massie and Holland 1987). One of the most pain, appropriate and effective management of
distressing elements of a cancer diagnosis is the cancer pain requires a multidisciplinary approach
anticipation of pain, and the lay public typically that incorporates neurology, neurosurgery, anaes-
believes that pain is a common, if not inevitable, thesiology, and rehabilitative medicine in addition
consequence of cancer (Levin et al 1985). Yet only to psychiatrists and/or psychologists (Foley 1975,
about 15% of cancer patients without metastatic 1985; Breitbart 1989a). The challenge of untangling
disease report significant pain (Kanner and Foley and addressing both the physical and psychological
1981, Daut and Cleeland 1982), although this issues involved in cancer pain is essential to
proportion climbs dramatically in the presence of developing a rational and effective management
advanced disease, with between 60 and 90% of all strategy. Psychosocial therapies directed primarily
patients with metastatic disease reporting debilitat- at psychological variables have a profound impact
ing pain and as many as 25% of all cancer patients on nociception, while somatic therapies directed at
die while still experiencing considerable pain nociception have beneficial effects on psychological
(Foley 1975, 1985; Twycross and Lack 1983; sequelae of cancer pain. Ideally such somatic and
Cleeland 1984). psychosocial therapies are used simultaneously in a
Not only does pain have a profound impact on multidisciplinary approach to cancer pain manage-
psychological distress in cancer patients, psycho- ment (Breitbart 1989a, Breitbart and Holland 1990,
logical factors appear to influence the experience Ahles and Martin 1992).
and intensity of cancer pain. Psychological factors Unfortunately, psychological variables are too
690 such as perceived control, meaning attributed to often proposed as the sole explanation for con-
tinued pain reports or lack of response to con-
Cancer pain and AIDS-related pain: psychiatric and ethical issues

psychiatric diagnosis reported significant pain

ventional therapies, when in fact medical factors (Derogatis et al 1983). The most frequent diagnoses
have not been adequately appreciated or examined. included adjustment disorder with depressed or
The psychiatrist or psychologist is often the last anxious mood, major depression, and delirium.
member of the treatment team to be asked to con- However, assessing the mental state of a cancer
sult on a cancer patient with unrelieved pain and, patient is greatly confounded by the presence of
in that role, must be vigilant that an accurate pain pain. Because of the potentially confounding
diagnosis is made. They also must be capable of influence of pain on a patient’s psychological state,
assessing the adequacy of the medical analgesic it is imperative that the patient be reassessed after
management provided. In this context, psycho- pain has been adequately controlled in order to
logical distress in patients with cancer pain should determine whether a psychiatric disorder is indeed
be initially assumed to be the consequence of present. When present, the management of psy-
uncontrolled pain since personality traits may chiatric complications of cancer pain is essential to
appear distorted or exaggerated by the presence of maintaining an optimal quality of life. For cancer
pain and the pain relief often results in the dis- pain patients, interventions that help decrease
appearance of a perceived psychiatric disorder mood disturbance also help to reduce pain. A
(Marks and Sachar 1973, Cleeland 1984). multidisciplinary approach, incorporating psycho-
therapeutic, behavioural, and psychopharmaco-
logical interventions, is the optimal method for
Psychiatric disorders in cancer treating psychiatric complications in cancer pain
pain patients: assessment and patients. Treatment decisions, however, are pre-
dicated on the assumption that a thorough medical
management and psychiatric assessment has led to an accurate
A number of psychiatric disorders are common diagnosis, thus allowing specific and effective
among patients with cancer and the frequency of intervention. The management of specific psy-
most of these disorders increases in the context of chiatric disorders such as depression, delirium, and
pain (e.g., Woodforde and Fielding 1970, Ahles et al anxiety in cancer patients (including those with
1983). The Psychosocial Collaborative Oncology pain) has been reviewed in detail in Handbook of
Group, which described the prevalence of Psychiatry in Palliative Medicine edited by Breitbart
psychiatric disorders in cancer patients (Table 45.1), and Chochinov (2000), Handbook of Psychooncology
noted that 39% of patients with a psychiatric edited by Holland and Rowland (1989), Psycho-
diagnosis also reported experiencing significant oncology edited by Holland et al (1998), and other
pain, while only 19% of patients without a sources (Massie and Holland 1987, 1990; Breitbart

Table 45.1 Rates of DSM-III psychiatric disorders and prevalence of pain observed in 215 cancer patients from three
cancer centresa

Diagnostic category Number in diagnostic class Psychiatric diagnoses (%) Number with significant pain

Adjustment disorders 69 (32%) 68

Major affective disorders 13 (6%) 13

Organic mental disorders 8 (4%) 8

Personality disorders 7 (3%) 7

Anxiety disorders 4 (2%) 4

Total with DSM-III psychiatric

disorder diagnosis 101 (47%) 39 (39%)

Total without DSM-III psychiatric

disorder diagnosis 114 (53%) 21 (19%)

Total patient population 215 (100%) 60 (28%)

Adapted from Derogatis et al (1983).
Score greater than 50 mm on a 100-mm VAS for pain severity.
Special problems of assessment and management

and Holland 1988, Holland 1989). A brief guide to depressive symptoms in cancer pain patients
the diagnosis and management of these disorders is (Spiegel et al 1981; Spiegel and Bloom 1983a, b;
presented below. Massie et al 1989). Cognitive-behavioural inter-
ventions, such as relaxation, distraction with
pleasant imagery, and cognitive restructuring, also
Depression in cancer pain appear to be effective in reducing symptomatology
patients in patients with mild to moderate levels of
depression (Holland et al 1991). Psycho-
Depression occurs in roughly 20–25% of all cancer pharmacological interventions (i.e., antidepressant
patients and the prevalence increases with higher medications), however, are the mainstay of symp-
levels of disability, advanced illness, and pain tom management in cancer patients with severe
(Plumb and Holland 1977, Bukberg et al 1984, depressive symptoms (Massie and Popkin 1998).
Massie and Holland 1990). Because somatic symp- The efficacy of antidepressants in the treatment of
toms of depression (e.g., anorexia, insomnia, depression in cancer patients, including those with
fatigue, and weight loss) are often present in cancer or without pain, has been well established in case
patients, these symptoms are less reliable as observations and clinical trials (Purohit et al 1978;
indicators of depression, and cognitive/affective Costa et al 1985; Popkin et al 1985; Rifkin et al 1985;
symptoms (e.g., dysphoric mood, hopelessness, Massie and Holland 1987, 1990; Breitbart and
worthlessness, guilt, suicidal ideation) are given Holland 1988; Breitbart 1989a). Antidepressant
greater weight (Plumb and Holland 1977, Endicott medications used in cancer pain patients are listed
1983, Bukberg et al 1984, Massie and Holland 1990). in Table 45.2.
In addition, patients with a history of previous
depressive episodes, or a family history of Tricyclic antidepressants
depression, are at greater risk for depression in Although long considered the gold standard for
response to cancer or cancer-related pain. Once the treatment of depression, tricyclic antidepressants
presence of depressive symptomatology has been (TCAs) have gradually lost their preferred status
established, evaluation of potential ‘organic’ for most patients with cancer. When used, TCAs are
etiologies is prudent and, if present, would require often selected because of their side effect profile
treatment before addressing the depression per se. (e.g., when sedation or weight gain is desired),
Among the possible causes of an organic although, as always when implementing pharmaco-
depression include treatment with corticosteroids logical interventions with cancer patients, concerns
(Stiefel et al 1989), chemotherapeutic agents regarding potential drug interactions must be
(vincristine, vinblastine, asparaginase, intrathecal addressed. For example, because some TCAs are
methotrexate, interferon, interleukin) (Holland et al highly anticholinergic, patients receiving multiple
1974, Young 1982, Adams et al 1984, Denicoff et al drugs with anticholinergic properties (e.g.,
1987), amphotericin (Weddington 1982), whole- meperidine, atropine, diphenhydramine, pheno-
brain radiation (DeAngelis et al 1989), central thiazines) are at risk for developing an anti-
nervous system metabolic–endocrinological com- cholinergic delirium. When used with cancer
plications (Breitbart 1989b), and paraneoplastic patients, treatment is typically initiated at low dose
syndromes (Posner 1988, Patchell and Posner 1989). (10–25 mg at bedtime) and slowly increased by
10–25 mg every 1–2 days until a therapeutic effect
has been achieved. Depressed cancer patients often
Treatment of depression respond to doses considerably lower (25–125 mg
Depressed cancer pain patients are usually treated orally) than those typically required by the
with a combination of antidepressant medications, physically healthy (150–300 mg o.d.).
supportive psychotherapy, and cognitive-behavioural
techniques (Massie and Holland 1990, Massie and Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
Popkin 1998). Many of these techniques are useful Since breaking into the antidepressant market in
in the management of psychological distress in the 1980s, the SSRIs have gradually emerged as
cancer patients and have been applied to the the first-line treatment for most patients with
treatment of depressive and anxious symptoms depression, whether or not they are also diagnosed
related to cancer and cancer pain. Psycho- with cancer. In fact, the SSRIs have a number of
therapeutic interventions, in the form of either advantages that often make them a preferred choice
individual or group therapy, have been shown to for the first-line treatment in cancer settings. Not
692 effectively reduce psychological distress and only have SSRIs consistently been demonstrated to
Cancer pain and AIDS-related pain: psychiatric and ethical issues

Table 45.2 Antidepressant medications used in cancer pain patientsa

Generic name Approximate daily dosage range (mg)b Routeb

Tricyclic antidepressants

Amitriptyline 10–150 PO, IM, PR

Doxepin 12.5–150 PO, IM

Imipramine 12.5–150 PO, IM

Desipramine 12.5–150 PO, IM

Nortriptyline 10–125 PO

Clomipramine 10–150 PO

Second-generation antidepressants

Buproprion 200–450 PO

Buproprion SR 150-300 PO

Trazodone 25–300 PO

Serotonin specific reuptake inhibitors

Fluoxetine 20–60 PO

Sertraline 50–200 PO

Paroxetine 10–40 PO

Citalopram 10-60 PO

Fluvoxamine 50-300 PO

Nefazodone 50–500 PO

Serotonin/noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors

Venlafaxine 37.5–450 PO

Heterocyclic antidepressants

Maprotiline 50–75 PO

Amoxapine 100–150 PO

Monoamine oxidase inhibitors

Isocarboxazid 20–40 PO

Phenelzine 30–60 PO

Tranylcypromine 20–40 PO

Dextroamphetamine 2.5–20 b.i.d. PO

Methylphenidate 2.5–20 b.i.d. PO

Pemoline 37.5–75 b.i.d. PO, SLc

Modafinil 100-400 PO


Alprazolam 0.25–2.0 t.i.d. PO

Lithium carbonate 600–1200 PO

Adapted from Massie and Holland (1990).
PO = peroral; IM = intramuscular; PR = per rectum; SL = sublingual; SR = sustained release; b.i.d. = two times a day; t.i.d. = three times a day;
intravenous infusions of a number of tricyclic antidepressants are utilized outside of the USA; this route is, however, not FDA approved.
Available in chewable tablet form that can be absorbed without swallowing.
Special problems of assessment and management

be as effective in the treatment of depression as Psychostimulants

TCAs (e.g., Mendels 1987) but their side effect Psychostimulants (dextroamphetamine, methyl-
profile is often advantageous for those patients phenidate, and pemoline) have recently emerged
with advanced disease. For example, SSRIs have a as yet another alternative in the treatment of
low affinity for adrenergic, cholinergic, and hista- depression in patients with cancer (Katon and
mine receptors, thus accounting for negligible Raskind 1980, Kaufmann et al 1982, Fisch 1985,
orthostatic hypotension, urinary retention, memory Chiarillo and Cole 1987, Fernandez et al 1987). Even
impairment, sedation, or reduced awareness at relatively low dosage levels, psychostimulants
(Popkin et al 1985). They have not been found to can increase appetite, promote a sense of well-
cause clinically significant alterations in cardiac being, and decrease weakness and fatigue in cancer
conduction and are generally favourably tolerated pain patients. These effects can be particularly
along with a wider margin of safety than the TCAs beneficial in patients with cancer pain, who may
in the event of an overdose. While not without feel somewhat sedated from their analgesic
possible side effects (e.g., loose stools, nausea, regimen. More importantly, particularly when
vomiting, insomnia, headaches, and sexual dys- treating terminally ill patients, psychostimulants
function), these side effects tend to be dose related are often effective quite rapidly, with most patients
and may be problematical for patients with experiencing some benefit within the first few days
advanced disease. Moreover, of the available (although often longer for a more full anti-
SSRSs, only fluoxetine has a potent active meta- depressent effect). Treatment is usually initiated
bolite—norfluoxetine—whose elimination half-life at a low dose (e.g., 2.5 mg of methylphenidate at
is 7–14 days, leading many clinicians to try alterna- 8.00 a.m. and noon) and gradually increased over
tive SSRIs first. Fluoxetine and norfluoxetine do not several days until a desired effect is achieved or
reach a steady state for 5–6 weeks, compared with side effects (overstimulation, anxiety, insomnia,
4–14 days for paroxetine, fluvoxamine, and sertra- paranoia, confusion) intervene. Although patients
line. These differences are important, especially for who respond to psychostimulants can be main-
the terminally ill patient in whom a switch from an tained on these drugs for extended periods of time,
SSRI to another antidepressant is being considered. eventually patients will develop a tolerance that
All the SSRIs have the ability to inhibit the hepatic may require periodic dose increases. Pemoline,
isoenzyme P450 11D6, with sertraline (and another psychostimulant that was initially pre-
citalopram) being least potent in this regard. This is ferred over methylphenidate because of its
important with respect to dose/plasma level ratios decreased abuse potential (Chiarillo and Cole 1987,
and drug interactions, because the SSRIs are Breitbart and Mermelstein 1992) and governmental
dependent on hepatic metabolism. For the elderly regulation (in the USA), has recently been
patient with advanced disease, the dose–response questioned in cancer patients because of a number
curve for sertraline appears to be relatively linear. of reports of liver toxicity. Thus, although often
On the other hand, particularly for paroxetine effective and with a milder side effect profile,
(which appears to most potently inhibit cytoch- pemoline requires careful oversight to monitor liver
rome P450 11D6), small dosage increases can result function (Nehra et al 1990, Pizzuti 1999). Several
in dramatic elevations in plasma levels. Paroxetine, case reports of irreversible liver failure have
and to a somewhat lesser extent fluoxetine, appear resulted in a FDA advisory to obtain written formal
to inhibit the hepatic enzymes responsible for their consent from patients when pemoline is prescribed.
own clearance (Preskorn 1993). The coadministra- Modafinil, a novel psychostimulant that has shown
tion of these medications with other drugs that are efficacy in treating excessive daytime sleepiness
dependent on this enzyme system for their cata- associated with narcolepsy, has recently demon-
bolism (e.g., tricyclics, phenothiazines, type IC anti- strated potential for the adjuvant treatment of
arrhythmics, and quinidine) should be carried out depression, fatigue, and opioid-induced sedation
cautiously. Luvox has been shown in some instances (Menza et al 2000).
to elevate the blood levels with propranolol and
warfarin by as much as twofold, and should thus
not be prescribed together with these agents. If Alternative antidepressants
patients experience activating effects on SSRIs, they If a patient does not respond to an SSRI, TCA,
should not be given at bedtime but rather moved or psychostimulant, or cannot tolerate the side
earlier into the day. Gastrointestinal upset can be effects of these agents, a number of alternative
reduced by ensuring the patient does not take antidepressants exist. These include ‘second-
694 medication on an empty stomach. generation’ antidepressants (buproprion, trazodone),
heterocyclic (maprotiline, amoxapine), and
Cancer pain and AIDS-related pain: psychiatric and ethical issues

toxic agents, since lithium carbonate is primarily

serotonin–noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors eliminated through renal excretion.
(SNRIs; venlafaxine). The selection of one of these
antidepressants, like any pharmacological inter- Electroconvulsive therapy
vention under consideration, should be made with Occasionally, it is necessary to consider electro-
careful consideration of the possible side effects convulsive therapy (ECT) for severely depressed
and/or drug interactions. For example, trazodone cancer pain patients such as those whose
is highly sedating and, in low doses (100 mg at depression includes psychotic features or patients
bedtime), is particularly helpful for treating for whom treatment with antidepressants pose
depressed cancer patients with insomnia. Higher unacceptable side effects. The safe, effective use of
doses of trazodone (up to 300 mg/day) are also ECT in depressed cancer patients has been
useful, but can be associated with orthostatic hypo- reviewed by others (Massie et al 1994) and will not
tension and its problematic sequelae (e.g., falls, be elaborated here, although this alternative may
fractures). Trazodone also has been associated with yield secondary analgesic benefits for the depressed
priapism and should therefore be used with patient with otherwise unrelieved pain.
caution in male patients (Sher et al 1983).
Venlafaxine (effexor, a serotonin–noradrenaline
reuptake inhibitor), although often useful in Anxiety in cancer pain patients
treating depression, has been associated with A number of different types of anxiety syndrome
elevated blood pressure, especially at doses above commonly appear in cancer patients with and
the recommended initiating dose, and also there- without pain, including:
fore requires careful monitoring. However, com-
pared with the SSRIs, effexor has lower protein 1. Reactive anxiety related to the stresses of cancer
binding (< 35%) and therefore may have fewer and its treatment,
protein binding-induced drug interactions than the 2. Anxiety that is a manifestation of a medical or
SSRIs. Other drugs, such as buproprion, have been physiological problem related to cancer, such as
used occasionally but with caution, particularly in uncontrolled pain, and
patients with seizure disorders or brain tumours 3. Phobias, panic, and chronic anxiety disorders
and in those who are malnourished (Peck et al that predate the cancer diagnosis but are
1983). Monamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI), once exacerbated during illness (Massie and Holland
popular in the treatment of depression, are rarely 1987, Holland 1989).
recommended for use in patients with cancer
because of the potentially dangerous side effects.
Use of MAOIs entails necessary dietary restrictions
Reactive anxiety
(avoidance of tyramine-containing foods), which Although many, if not all, patients experience
are often bothersome to cancer patients who often some anxiety at critical moments during the
already have diminished appetite. Use of MAOIs in evaluation and treatment of cancer (e.g., while
conjunction with narcotics may also be problematic waiting to hear of diagnosis or possible recurrence,
(or even dangerous) because of the possibility of before procedures, diagnostic tests, surgery, or
myoclonus or delirium (Breitbart and Holland while awaiting test results), intense anxiety may
1988). Thus, these agents are rarely used and disrupt a patient’s ability to function normally,
virtually never recommended in treating cancer interfere with interpersonal relationships and even
patients with depression. Finally, some depressed impact upon the ability to understand or comply
patients with cancer are successfully treated with with cancer treatments. In such cases, anxiety can
lithium carbonate, although this is typically only be effectively treated pharmacologically with
utilized when the patient had utilized this medi- benzodiazepines such as alprazolam, oxazepam, or
cation sucessfully prior to the diagnosis of cancer lorazepam. In patients whose level of anxiety is
illness. Although lithium can be prescribed (and relatively mild, and when sufficient time exists
taken) throughout cancer treatment, close monitor- for the patient to learn a behavioural technique,
ing is nevertheless necessary (especially in pre- relaxation and imagery exercises or cognitive
operative and postoperative periods when fluids restructuring can be useful in reducing levels of
and salt may be restricted and fluid balance shifts distress (Holland et al 1991). The optimal treatment
can occur). Maintenance doses of lithium may also of anxiety generally incorporates both a benzo-
need reduction in seriously ill patients, particularly diazepine and relaxation exercises or other
in patients receiving cis-platinum and other nephro- behavioural interventions. 695
Special problems of assessment and management

of time (days to weeks) and the patient will have

‘Organic’ anxiety
to face the stress (venipunctures, bone marrow
The diagnosis of organic anxiety disorder (renamed aspirations) repeatedly, behavioural interventions
anxiety disorder due to a general medical condition may be advisable in order to enable the patient to
in DSM-IV) assumes that a medical factor is the gain some control over such fear. Often, however,
aetiological agent in the production of anxious the need for anxiety relief is immediate because
symptoms. Cancer patients with pain are exposed of the urgency of many medical procedures and
to multiple potential organic causes of anxiety, benzodiazepines (e.g., alprazolam 0.25–1.0 mg
including medications, uncontrolled pain, infec- P.O.), in addition to providing emotional support,
tion, and metabolic derangements. Patients in acute are used to help the phobic patient undergo
pain and those with acute or chronic respiratory necessary procedures.
distress often appear anxious. The anxiety that
accompanies acute pain is best treated with
analgesics; the anxiety that accompanies severe Pharmacological treatment of anxiety
respiratory distress is usually relieved by oxygen
and the judicious use of morphine and/or anti-
symptoms and disorders
histamines. Many patients receiving corticosteroids The most commonly used drugs for the treatment
experience insomnia and anxiety symptoms that of anxiety are the benzodiazepines (Massie and
vary from mild to severe. Because steroids pre- Holland 1987, Holland 1989). Other medications
scribed as part of cancer therapy usually cannot be used to alleviate anxiety include buspirone,
discontinued, anxiety symptoms are often relieved antipsychotics, antihistamines, beta-blockers, and
with benzodiazepines or low-dose antipsychotics antidepressants (Table 45.3).
(Stiefel et al 1989). Patients developing an
encephalopathy (delirium) or who are in the early Benzodiazepines
stages of dementia can also appear restless or For cancer pain patients, the preferred benzo-
anxious. Symptoms of anxiety are also frequent diazepines are those with shorter half-lives (i.e.,
sequelae of a withdrawal from narcotics, alcohol, alprazolam, lorazepam, and oxazepam). These
benzodiazepines, and barbiturates. Because patients medications are better tolerated and are com-
who abuse alcohol often inaccurately report alcohol plicated less frequently by toxic accumulation of
intake before admission, the physician needs to active metabolites when combined with other
consider alcohol withdrawal in all patients who sedating medications (e.g., analgesics, diphenhy-
develop otherwise unexplained anxiety symptoms dramine). Determining the optimal starting dose
during early days of admission to the hospital. depends on a number of factors, including the
Other medical conditions that may have anxiety as severity of the anxiety, the patient’s physical state
a prominent or presenting symptom include hyper- (respiratory and hepatic impairment), estimated
thyroidism, phaeochromocytoma, carcinoid, primary, tolerance to benzodiazepines, and the concurrent
and metastatic brain tumour, and mitral valve pro- use of other medications (antidepressants, analgesics,
lapse (Breitbart 1989b, Holland 1989). antiemetics). The dose schedule also depends on
the half-life of the drug; shorter-acting benzo-
diazepines must be given three to four times a day,
Phobias and panic while longer-acting diazepam can be used on a
Occasionally, patients have their first episode of twice-daily schedule. Anxiolytic medications are
panic or phobia while in the cancer setting. In one often prescribed only on an as-needed basis for
study, approximately 20% of patients scheduled patients whose anxiety is limited to specific events
to have an MRI developed anxiety (typically such as medical procedures or chemotherapy
claustrophobia) of such intensity that they were treatments. However, patients with chronic anxiety
unable to complete the procedure (Brennan et al should be treated with anxiolytics on an around-
1988). Other anxiety symptoms such as panic the-clock schedule as with analgesics for chronic
attacks, needle phobia, and claustrophobia can pain. The most common side effects of the benzo-
complicate treatment and necessitate mental health diazepines are drowsiness and motor inco-
intervention. The techniques available to treat these ordination, but possible synergistic effects when
disorders include both behavioural interventions they are used with other CNS depressants exist and
(relaxation training, systematic desensitization and the result may be an acute confusional state. In
exposure for specific phobias) and pharmacological patients taking benzodiazepines chronically (for
696 approaches (described below). If there is the luxury periods of several weeks), abrupt discontinuation
Cancer pain and AIDS-related pain: psychiatric and ethical issues

Table 45.3 Anxiolytic medications used in cancer pain patients

Generic name Approximate daily dosage range (mg) Routea


Very short acting

Midazolam 10–60 per 24 h IV, SC

Short acting
Alprazolam 0.25–2.0 t.i.d.–q.i.d. PO, SL
Oxazepam 10–15 t.i.d.–q.i.d. PO
Lorazepam 0.5–2.0 t.i.d.–q.i.d. PO, SL, IV, IM

Intermediate acting
Chlordiazepoxide 10–50 t.i.d.–q.i.d. PO, IM

Long acting
Diazepam 5–10 b.i.d.–b.i.d. PO, IM, IV, PR
Clorazepate 7.5–15 b.i.d.–q.i.d. PO
Clonazepam 0.5–2 b.i.d.–q.i.d. PO


Buspirone 5–20 t.i.d. PO


Haloperidol 0.5–5q 2–12 h PO, IV, SC, IM

Levomepromazine (methotrimeprazine) 10–20q 4–8 h PO, IV, SC

Thioridazine 10–75 t.i.d.–q.i.d. PO

Chlorpromazine 12.5–50q 4–12 h PO, IM, IV

Molindone 10–50q 8–12 h PO

Oroperidal 0.625–2.5q 4–8 h IV, IM

Atypical neuroleptics

Olanzapine 2.5–20q 12–24 h PO

Risperidone 1–3q 12–24 h PO

Quetiapine 25–200q 12–24 h PO


Hydroxyzine 25–50q 4–6 h PO, IV, SC

Tricyclic antidepressants

Imipramine 12.5–150 h PO, IM

Clomipramine 10–150 h PO
PO = per oral; IM = intramuscular; PR = per rectum; IV = intravenous; SC = subcutaneous; SL = sublingual; b.i.d. = two times a day; t.i.d. = three
times a day; q.i.d. = four times a day; q (2–12)h, every (2–12) h.
Parenteral doses are generally twice as potent as oral doses; intravenous bolus injections or infusions should be administered slowly.

can lead to a serious withdrawal syndrome similar delayed relative to a benzodiazepine, taking 5–10
to alcohol withdrawal. days for the relief of anxiety to begin. Because
buspirone is not a benzodiazepine, it is not useful in
Non-benzodiazepine anxiolytics preventing benzodiazepine withdrawal, and so one
Buspirone is a non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic that must be cautious when switching from a benzo-
is useful, along with psychotherapy, in patients diazepine to buspirone. Antipsychotic agents are
with chronic anxiety or anxiety related to adjust- also potentially useful in treating severe anxiety
ment disorders. The onset of anxiolytic action is unresponsive to high doses of benzodiazepines, 697
Special problems of assessment and management

particularly when cognitive impairment (e.g., literature. Aside from the complications for patient
dementia) puts the patient at risk of worsening care and management that result from delirium,
confusion due to benzodiazepines. Antihistamines patients, family members, and nursing staff
are infrequently prescribed for anxiety because of typically find this experience to be extremely
their low efficacy but hydroxyzine can be useful for distressing.
anxious patients with respiratory impairment in Early symptoms of delirium or other ‘organic’
whom benzodiazepines are relatively contra- disorders are often misdiagnosed as anxiety, anger,
indicated. Propranolol can also be a helpful adjunct depression, or psychosis. Because of the potential
in blocking the physiological manifestations of for diagnostic error, the possibility of an aetiology
anxiety in patients with panic disorders (Holland should be considered in any medically ill patient
1989). demonstrating an acute onset of agitation or
uncooperative behaviour, impaired cognitive
function, altered attention span, a fluctuating level
Delirium (cognitive disorders) of consciousness, or intense, uncharacteristic
Delirium and other cognitive disorders occur in anxiety or depression (Lipowski 1987). A common
roughly 15–20% of hospitalized cancer patients error among medical and nursing staff is to
(Levine et al 1978, Posner 1979) and are the second conclude that a new psychological symptom
most common group of psychiatric diagnoses represents a functional psychiatric disorder with-
ascribed to cancer patients. Delirium and other out adequately considering, evaluating, and/or
cognitive disorders are an even more common eliminating possible organic aetiologies. For
occurrence in patients with advanced illness. example, the patient with mood disturbance
Massie et al (1983) found delirium in more than meeting DSM-IV criteria for major depression, who
75% of terminally ill cancer patients they studied. is severely hypothyroid or on high-dose cortico-
Initially termed ‘organic mental disorders’, the steroids, may be more accurately diagnosed as
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, having an organic mood disorder (e.g., mood
4th edn (DSM-IV) (American Psychiatric disorder secondary to thyroid dysfunction) rather
Association 1994), renamed this class of disorders than a major depressive episode. Differentiating
‘cognitive’ disorders and, like its predecessors, between delirium and dementia can also be
divided the various syndromes into the sub- extremely difficult, both because they commonly
categories of delirium, dementia, amnestic dis- occur in elderly, medically ill individuals and
order, and other cognitive disorders. Lipowski because they share a number of clinical features
(1987) has grouped these different disorders into (e.g., impaired memory and judgement, disorienta-
those characterized by general cognitive impair- tion). Dementia, however, typically appears in
ment (i.e., delirium and dementia), and those in relatively alert individuals with little or no
which cognitive impairment is selective, limited, or clouding of consciousness. The temporal onset of
non-existent (e.g., amnestic disorder). symptoms in dementia is also less acute (i.e.,
Delirium has been described as an aetiologically chronically progressive) and the sleep–wake cycle
non-specific, global cerebral dysfunction charac- appears less impaired. Most prominent in dementia
terized by concurrent disturbances in any of a are difficulties in short- and long-term memory,
number of different functions, including level of impaired judgement, and abstract thinking as well
consciousness, attention, thinking, perception, as disturbed higher cortical functions (e.g., aphasia,
emotion, memory, psychomotor behaviour, and apraxia). Occasionally one will encounter delirium
sleep–wake cycle. Disorientation, fluctuation, or superimposed on an underlying dementia, particu-
waxing and waning of the above symptoms, as well larly in elderly patients or patients with AIDS or a
as acute or abrupt onset of such disturbances, are paraneoplastic syndrome.
critical features of a delirium. Delirium is also Organic mental disorders can be caused by
conceptualized as a reversible process (e.g., as either the direct effects of cancer on the central
compared to dementia), even in patients with nervous system (CNS) or the indirect CNS effects of
advanced illness. Delirium, however, may not be the disease or treatments (medications, electrolyte
reversible in the last 24–48 h of life. This is most imbalance, failure of a vital organ or system,
likely to be due to the influence of irreversible infection, vascular complications, and pre-existing
processes such as multiple-organ failure occurring cognitive impairment or dementia). Given the large
in the final hours of life. Delirium in these last days numbers of medications cancer pain patients
of life is often referred to as ‘terminal restlessness’ require, and their fragile physiological state, even
698 or ‘terminal agitation’ in the palliative care routinely ordered hypnotics may engender an
Cancer pain and AIDS-related pain: psychiatric and ethical issues

episode of delirium. Perhaps most relevant to Table 45.4 Neuropsychiatric side effects of
cancer pain management is the role that narcotic chemotherapeutic drugs
analgesics play in the development of delirium.
Many opioid analgesics have been reported to Drug Neuropsychiatric symptoms
cause confusional states, particularly in the elderly Methotrexate Delirium, dementia, lethargy,
cancer patient and in the terminally ill patient (intrathecal) personality change
(Bruera et al 1989, 1990b). For example, the toxic
Vincristine, vinblastine Delirium, hallucinations,
accumulation of meperidine’s metabolite, norm- lethargy, depression
eperidine, is associated with florid delirium
accompanied by myoclonus and possible seizures. Asparaginase Delirium, hallucinations,
lethargy, cognitive dysfunction
Despite this risk, the routine use of stable regimens
of oral narcotic analgesics for the control of cancer BCNU Delirium, dementia
pain is rarely complicated by overt delirium or
Bleomycin Delirium
confusional states (Liepzig et al 1987). On the other
hand, delirium and other forms of cognitive Fluorouracil Delirium
impairment are more likely to occur during periods
cis-Platinum Delirium
of rapid dosage escalation, especially in older
patients receiving intravenous infusions of opioids Hydroxyurea Hallucinations
(Portenoy 1987, Bruera et al 1989, Eller et al 1992). Procarbazine Depression, mania, delirium,
Chemotherapeutic agents known to cause dementia
delirium (Table 45.4) include methotrexate,
Cytosine arabinoside Delirium, lethargy, cognitive
fluorouracil, vincristine, vinblastine, bleomycin,
BCNU, cis-platinum, asparaginase, procarbazine,
and the glucocorticosteroids (Holland et al 1974, Hexylmethylamine Hallucinations
Weddington 1982, Young 1982, Adams et al 1984, Isophosphamide Delirium, lethargy,
Denicoff et al 1987, Stiefel et al 1989). With the hallucinations
exception of steroids, however, most patients
Prednisone Depression, mania, delirium,
receiving chemotherapeutic agents do not develop
prominent CNS effects. The spectrum of mental
disturbances caused by corticosteroids ranges from Interferon Flu-like syndrome, delirium,
minor mood lability to mania or depression, hallucinations, depression
cognitive impairment (reversible dementia) to Interleukin Cognitive dysfunction,
delirium (steroid psychosis). Although these hallucinations
disturbances are most common with higher doses
and usually develop within the first 2 weeks of
steroid use, they can occur at any time, on any dose,
even during the tapering phase (Stiefel et al 1989). high-dose opioid infusion, often the mere reduction
Prior psychiatric illness or prior mental disturbance of dose or infusion rate (if pain is controlled) will
due to steroid use does not predict susceptibility to, begin to resolve symptoms of delirium within
or the nature of, subsequent mental disturbance hours. Other strategies include switching from one
with steroids. These disorders often reverse rapidly opioid to another. Symptomatic treatment measures
upon dose reduction or discontinuation (Stiefel et include support for and communication with the
al 1989). patient and family, reassurance, manipulation of
the environment to provide a reorienting, safe
milieu, and then appropriate use of pharmaco-
Management of delirium therapies. Measures to help reduce anxiety and
The appropriate approach in the management of disorientation (i.e., increased structure and
delirium in the cancer pain patient includes familiarity) may include a quiet, well-lit room with
interventions directed at both the underlying familiar objects, a visible clock or calendar, and the
causes and symptoms of delirium. Identification presence of family. Judicious use of one-to-one
and correction of the underlying cause(s) for nursing observation, or even at times physical
delirium must take place while symptomatic and restraints, may also be necessary and useful. Often,
supportive therapies are initiated (Lipowski 1987, these supportive techniques alone are not adequate
Fleishman and Lesko 1989). In the case of the cancer and symptomatic treatment with neuroleptic or
patient in pain who develops delirium while on a sedative medications is necessary (Table 45.5). 699
Special problems of assessment and management

Table 45.5 Medications useful in managing delirium in cancer pain patients

Generic name Approximate daily dosage range (mg) Routea


Haloperidol 0.5–q2–12 h PO, IV, SC, IM

Thioridazine 10–75q 4–8 h PO

Chlorpromazine 12.5–50q 4–12 h PO, IV, IM

Levomepromazine (methotrimeprazine) 12.5–50q 4–8 h PO, IV, SC

Molindone 10–50q 8–12 h PO

Droperidol 0.5–5q 12 h IV, IM

Novel antipsychotics

Risperidone 1–3q 12–24 h PO

Olanzapine 2.5–20q 12–24 h PO

Quetiapine 25–200q 12–24 h PO


Lorazepam 0.5–20q 1–4 h PO, IV, IM


Propofol 10–50q 1 h IV

Midazolam 30–100 per 24 h IV, SC

Parenteral doses are generally twice as potent as oral doses; IV = intravenous infusions or bolus injections should be administered slowly;
IM = intramuscular injections should be avoided if repeated use becomes necessary; PO = oral forms of medication are preferred;
SC = subcutaneous infusions are generally accepted modes of drug administration in the terminally ill; q (2–12)h = every (2–12) h.

Pharmacological management of delirium recently, however, newer ‘atypical’ antipsychotic

medications have become increasingly utilized in
Neuroleptic medications vary in their sedating managing delirium, including olanzapine and
properties and in their potential for producing risperidone. Unfortunately, as of yet, these medi-
orthostatic hypotension, neurological side effects cations are only available for oral administration.
(acute dystonia, extrapyramidal symptoms), and These atypical antipsychotic medications appear to
anticholinergic effects. The acutely agitated cancer be equally effective in managing the symptoms of
patient requires a sedating medication; the patient delirium but with somewhat lower rates of extra-
with hypotension requires a drug with the least pyramidal side effects and movement disorders
effect on blood pressure; the delirious post- (Singh 1996, Sipahimalani and Masand 1998,
operative patient who has an ileus or urinary Breitbart et al 2002). When extrapyramidal side
retention should receive an antipsychotic with the effects do occur, these symptoms can usually be
least anticholinergic effects. For many years, controlled by the use of antiparkinsonian medi-
haloperidol, a neuroleptic agent that is a potent cations (e.g., diphenhydramine, benztropine,
dopamine blocker, was considered the drug of trihexyphenidyl); akathisia, another common side
choice for the treatment of delirium in the cancer effect from neuroleptic medications, often responds
pain patient because of its useful sedating effects to low doses of propranolol, lorazepam, or
and low incidence of cardiovascular and anti- benztropine. A rare but at times fatal complication
cholinergic effects (Adams et al 1986, Lipowski of antipsychotics is the neuroleptic malignant
1987, Murray 1987). This medication can be given syndrome (NMS). NMS usually occurs after pro-
intramuscularly or subcutanously, if necessary longed high-dose administration of neuroleptics
(and, although not yet FDA-approved, through and is characterized by hyperthermia, increased
intravenous injection), and is usually effective in mental confusion, leucocytosis, muscular rigidity,
700 targeting agitation, paranoia, and fear. More myoglobinuria, and high serum creatine phospho-
Cancer pain and AIDS-related pain: psychiatric and ethical issues

kinase (CPK). Treatment consists of discontinuing versial in some circles. Some have argued that
the neuroleptic and use of dantrolene sodium or pharmacological interventions with neuroleptics or
bromocriptine mesylate (Fleishman and Lesko benzodiazepines are inappropriate in the dying
1989). patient. This approach argues that delirium is a
Another common strategy in the management of natural part of the dying process that should not be
agitated delirium is to add parenteral lorazepam to altered. Another rationale often raised is that these
a regimen of haloperidol (Adams et al 1986, Murray patients are so close to death that aggressive
1987, Fernandez et al 1989). Although lorazepam is treatment is unnecessary. Parenteral neuroleptics or
often effective in rapidly sedating the agitated sedatives may be mistakenly avoided because of
delirious patient, its use should be restricted to that exaggerated fears that they might hasten death
of an adjuvant medication as benzodiazepines through hypotension or respiratory depression.
alone have limited benefit in the treatment of Many clinicians are unnecessarily pessimistic about
delirium. In a double-blind, randomized com- the possible results of neuroleptic treatment for
parison trial of haloperidol versus chlorpromazine delirium. They argue that because the underlying
versus lorazepam, it was demonstrated that pathophysiological process often continues
lorazepam alone was ineffective in the treatment of unabated (such as hepatic or renal failure), no
delirium and in fact contributed to worsening improvement can be expected in the patient’s
delirium and cognitive impairment (Breitbart et al mental status. There is concern that neuroleptics
1996c). Both neuroleptic drugs, however, in low or sedatives may worsen a delirium by making
doses were highly effective in controlling the the patient more confused or sedated. Clinical
symptoms of delirium and improving cognitive experience in managing delirium in dying cancer
function. In addition, haloperidol and chlor- patients suggests that the use of neuroleptics in the
promazine have both been found effective in management of agitation, paranoia, hallucinations,
improving the symptoms of both hypoactive and and altered sensorium is safe, effective, and quite
hyperactive delirium (Platt et al 1994). Perhaps the appropriate. Management of delirium on a case-by-
only setting in which benzodiazepines alone have case basis is always the most logical course of
an established role is in the management of action. The agitated, delirious dying patient should
delirium in the dying patient. probably be given neuroleptics to help restore calm.
A ‘wait-and-see’ approach, prior to using neuro-
Complications in the context of pain and leptics, may be most appropriate with patients who
terminal illness have a lethargic or somnolent presentation of
The treatment of delirium in the dying cancer pain delirium. The consultant must educate staff and
patient is unique for the following reasons: patients and weigh each of these issues in making
the decision about whether to use pharmacological
1. Most often, the aetiology of terminal delirium
interventions for the dying patient who presents
is multifactorial or may not be found; Bruera
with delirium. Among the most commonly used
et al (1990b) reported that an aetiology was
medications for dying cancer patients are levome-
discovered in less than 50% of terminally ill
promazine (methotrimeprazine) (IV or SC), which
patients with cognitive dysfunction.
is often utilized to control confusion and agitation
2. When a distinct cause is found, it is often
in terminal delirium (Oliver 1985) but can lead to
irreversible (such as hepatic failure or brain
hypotension and excessive sedation. Midazolam
(IV or SC) is also used to control agitation related to
3. Work-up may be limited by the setting (home,
delirium in the terminal stages (de Sousa and
Jepson 1988, Bottomley and Hanks 1990) and
4. The consultant’s focus is usually on the patient’s
propofol (IV), a short-acting anaesthetic agent, has
comfort and ordinarily helpful diagnostic
also begun to be utilized primarily as a sedating
procedures that are unpleasant or painful (i.e.,
agent for the control of agitated patients with
CT scan, lumbar puncture) may be avoided.
‘terminal’ delirium (de Sousa and Jepson 1988,
When confronted with a delirium in the Mercandante et al 1995, Moyle 1995). All of these
terminally ill or dying cancer patient, a differential drugs primarily serve to sedate the patient, as
diagnosis should always be formulated; however, opposed to neuroleptic drugs which may help clear
studies should be pursued only when a suspected a delirious patient’s sensorium or improve cog-
factor can be identified easily and treated effec- nition. These clinical differences may be caused by
tively. The use of medications in the management the underlying pathophysiology of delirium. One
of delirium in the dying patient remains contro- hypothesis postulates that an imbalance of central 701
Special problems of assessment and management

cholinergic and adrenergic mechanisms underlies Center (MSKCC) showed that one-third of cancer
delirium and so a dopamine blocking drug may patients who were seen for evaluation of suicide
initiate a rebalancing of these systems (Itil and Fink risk received a diagnosis of major depression;
1966). While neuroleptic drugs such as haloperidol approximately 20% met criteria for delirium and
are most effective in achieving the goals of more than 50% were diagnosed with an adjustment
diminishing agitation, clearing the sensorium, and disorder (Breitbart 1987).
improving cognition in the delirious patient, this is Thoughts of suicide occur quite frequently in
not always possible in the last days of life. patients with advanced cancer, although there is
Processes causing delirium may be ongoing and some dispute as to whether these ‘thoughts’ of
irreversible during the active dying phase. suicide reflect genuine suicidal ideation or serve as
Ventafridda et al (1990) and Fainsinger et al (1991) a ‘steam valve’ for patient distress more generally.
have reported that a significant group (10–20%) of Patients may comment that ‘If things get too bad, I
terminally ill patients experience delirium that can always have a way out’ as a way of coping with
be controlled only by sedation to the point of a their illness and failing health. More importantly,
significantly decreased level of consciousness. these passing thoughts of suicide which may occur
so often appear to be quite different from the active,
overwhelming suicidal thoughts that preoccuppy
Cancer, pain, suicide, and some depressed patients with cancer. A study
conducted at St Boniface Hospice in Winnipeg,
assisted suicide Canada, found that 10 of 44 terminally ill cancer
Uncontrolled pain is a major factor in cancer patients expressed an interest in suicide or an early
suicide (Breitbart 1987, 1990). Cancer is perceived death and all 10 were diagnosed with clinical
by the public as an extremely painful disease com- depression (Brown et al 1986). In fact, although the
pared to other medical conditions. In Wisconsin, a lay public often cite pain as a primary reason for
study revealed that 69% of the public agreed that thoughts of suicide or requests for assisted suicide
cancer pain could cause a person to consider or euthanasia, the scientific literature has not
suicide (Levin et al 1985). The majority of suicides always supported this perception (Breitbart et al
were observed among patients with cancer who 1996d). Chochinov et al (1995) found that of 200
had severe pain, which was often inadequately terminally ill patients in a palliative care facility,
controlled or tolerated poorly (Bolund 1985). 44.5% acknowledged at least a fleeting desire to die.
Although relatively few cancer patients commit However 17 patients (8.5%) reported an unequi-
suicide, they are at increased risk (Farberow et al vocal desire for death to come soon and indicated
1963, Breitbart 1987). Factors associated with an that they held this desire consistently over time.
increased risk of suicide in cancer patients are listed Among this group, 10 (58.8%) met criteria for a
in Box 45.1. Patients with advanced illness are at diagnosis of depression, compared to a prevalence
highest risk and are the most likely to have the of depression of only 7.7% in patients who did not
complications of pain, depression, delirium, and endorse a genuine, consistent desire for death.
deficit symptoms. Psychiatric disorders are fre- Patients with a desire for death were also more
quently present in hospitalized cancer patients who likely to report severe pain and lower levels of
attempt suicide. A review of the psychiatric con- social support than those patients without a desire
sultation data at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer for death. More recent studies, however, have failed
to observe even these weak associations between
pain and desire for hastened death (e.g., Breitbart et
BOX 45.1
al 2000), suggesting that the role of pain may be
Cancer pain suicide vulnerability factors more indirect (e.g., through its influence on mood
and hopelessness). In our own research with ter-
Pain; suffering aspects minally ill cancer patients (Breitbart et al 2000), we
Multiple physical symptoms
have found depression and hopelessness to be the
Advanced illness; poor prognosis
Depression; hopelessness
strongest factors driving desire for hastened death
Delirium; disinhibition with little apparent impact of pain or symptom
Control; helplessness distress. Among patients who were both depressed
Preexisting psychopathology and hopeless, more than 1⁄2 indicated a high desire
Suicide history; family history for hastened death, whereas only 1⁄4 of patients who
Inadequate social support were depressed but not hopeless or hopeless but
702 not depressed had a high desire for hastened death.
Cancer pain and AIDS-related pain: psychiatric and ethical issues

Among patients who were neither depressed nor roughly 40% of cancer pain patients receive
hopeless, none had a high desire for hastened death. inadequate analgesic therapy. A survey of 1177
Perhaps the most relevant data for U.S. oncologists who participate in the Eastern
physicians is the rapidly growing literature from Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) was under-
Oregon, where legalization of physician-assisted taken to assess cancer pain management (von
suicide was officially approved by ballot referen- Roenn et al 1993). Over 85% reported that they felt
dum in 1994 and ultimately legalized by state the majority of cancer patients are undermedicated
statute in 1997. This statute, the Oregon Death with for pain. Only 51.4% believed that pain control in
Dignity Act (ODDA), has received considerable their own setting was good or very good. We found
attention in both the medical and legal literature even more striking rates of undertreatment in a
since its passage. Like the Dutch law, the ODDA study of patients with AIDS, with 84% being
specifies a number of conditions that must be met classified as undertreated based on a comparison of
in order for a request for assisted suicide to be their pain severity and prescribed analgesic
considered valid: the patient must be terminally ill medications. A number of barriers to adequate pain
(less than 6 months to live), the physician must seek management have been recognized, based on the
a second opinion regarding the patient’s medical results of several recent surveys (Ward et al 1993,
condition and prognosis, the patient must be Breitbart et al 1999). These factors include:
capable of making a competent decision (i.e., with-
1. Patient reluctance to report pain,
out gross impairment in his or her decision making
2. Patient reluctance to take medications,
ability), and there must be a 2-week waiting period
3. Physician reluctance to prescribe pain
between the initial written request for assisted
medication (including fears of addiction), and
suicide and the provision of a prescription. Contrary
4. Most importantly, poor pain assessment
to the opinions of some writers, mandatory mental
knowledge and skills.
health consultation was not included in this process
although the law recommends that consultation be Inadequate management of cancer pain is also
sought whenever concerns regarding the patient’s hindered by the frequent unfamiliarity with tech-
ability to make rational decisions exists. Although niques to properly assess pain (Marks and Sachar
challenges to this law have thus far been unsuccess- 1973, Foley 1985, Breitbart 1989a). All too frequently,
ful, many writers have expressed concerns that psychological variables are proposed to explain
legalization of assisted suicide would lead to continued pain or lack of response to therapy, when
widespread abuses, including the possibility that in fact medical factors have not been adequately
terminally ill individuals from around the country appreciated. Other causes of inadequate cancer
would flock to Oregon to receive their fatal pain management include:
prescriptions. These fears, however, have not been
1. Lack of knowledge of current therapeutic
generally realized as several early studies of the
frequency of PAS requests and actions have been
2. Focus on prolonging life and cure versus
far lower than the rates observed in the
alleviating suffering,
Netherlands (Meier et al 1998, Sullivan et al 2000).
3. Inadequate physician–patient relationship,
Regardless of the frequency with which cancer
4. Limited expectations of patients,
patients request assisted suicide or euthanasia,
5. Unavailability of narcotics,
these requests certainly pose many ethical and
6. Fear of respiratory depression, and
practical dilemmas for the clinician who receives
7. Most important, fear of addiction.
them. Whether one approves of assisted suicide or
opposes it, there is little doubt that such requests Fear of addiction affects both patient compliance
should be met with a discussion of the patients’ and physician management of narcotic analgesics,
reasons for making the request and a thorough leading to undermedication of cancer pain (Marks
assessment of any inadequately managed symptoms and Sachar 1973, Macaluso et al 1988, Passik et al
that might be influencing the patient’s request. 2000). Yet studies of the patterns of chronic narcotic
analgesic use in patients with cancer have demon-
Assessment issues in the treatment of strated that, although tolerance and physical de-
cancer pain: obstacles to adequate pendence commonly occur, addiction (psychological
dependence) is rare and almost never occurs in an
pain control individual without a history of drug abuse prior to
Cancer pain is often inadequately managed. cancer illness (Kanner and Foley 1981). Passik
Cleeland and colleagues (1994) estimate that (1992) reviewed the requests for psychiatric 703
Special problems of assessment and management

consultation at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer drug abuse, but none had been actively abusing
Center for a 1-year period. In only 36 of 1200 (3%) drugs in the previous year. All 8 of these patients
requests for psychiatric consultation was substance had inadequate pain control and more than half
abuse cited as the primary reason for the request. were intentionally undermedicated because of con-
Interestingly, in one-third of these cases the psy- cern by staff that drug abuse was active or would
chiatry service consultant did not go on to concur recur. Adequate pain control was ultimately
with the labelling of the patient as a substance achieved in these patients by using appropriate
abuser (usually citing uncontrolled pain as the analgesic dosages and intensive staff education.
reason for the supposedly aberrant behaviour on Refer to the section below on ‘Psychotherapy and
the part of the patient). Fears of iatrogenic addic- cancer pain’ for a more extensive review of the
tion result largely from the erroneous assumption management of substance abuse problems in
that the opioids are highly addictive drugs and that cancer pain patients.
the problem of addiction resides in the drugs them- The risk of inducing respiratory depression is
selves. Cancer patients allowed to self-administer too often overestimated and can limit the appro-
morphine for several weeks during an episode of priate use of narcotic analgesics for pain and symp-
painful mucositis do not demonstrate escalating tom control. Bruera et al (1990a) demonstrated that,
use (Chapman 1989). Of 11 882 inpatients surveyed in a population of terminally ill cancer patients
in the Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance with respiratory failure and dyspnoea, administra-
Project, who had no prior history of addiction and tion of subcutaneous morphine actually improved
were administered opioids, only four cases of dyspnoea without causing a significant deterior-
psychological dependence could be documented ation in respiratory function. The adequacy of
(Porter and Jick 1980). A survey of burn centres cancer pain management can be influenced by the
identified no cases of iatrogenic addiction in a lack of concordance between patient ratings or
sample of over 10 000 patients without prior drug complaints of their pain and those made by
abuse history, who were administered opioids for caregivers. Persistent cancer pain is often ascribed
pain (Perry and Heidrich 1982). A study of opioid to a psychological cause when it does not respond
use in headache patients identified opioid abuse in to treatment attempts. In our clinical experience we
only 3 of 2369 patients prescribed opioids (Medina have noted that patients who report their pain as
and Diamond 1977). These data suggest that ‘severe’ are quite likely to be viewed as having a
patients without a prior history of substance abuse psychological contribution to their complaints.
are highly unlikely to become addicted following Staff members’ ability to empathize with a patient’s
the administration of opioid drugs as part of their pain complaint may be limited by the intensity of
medical treatment. the pain complaint. Grossman et al (1991) found
Escalation of narcotic analgesic use by cancer that while there is a high degree of concordance
pain patients is usually a result of the progression between patient and caregiver ratings of patient
of cancer or the development of tolerance. Toler- pain intensity at the low and moderate levels, this
ance means that a larger dose of narcotic analgesic concordance breaks down at high levels. Thus, a
is required to maintain an original analgesic effect. clinician’s ability to assess a patient’s level of pain
Physical dependence is characterized by the onset becomes unreliable once a patient’s report of pain
of signs and symptoms of withdrawal if the nar- intensity rises above 7 on a visual analogue rating
cotic is suddenly stopped or a narcotic antagonist is scale of 0–10. Physicians must be educated as to the
administered. Tolerance usually occurs in associ- limitations of their ability objectively to assess the
ation with physical dependence, but does not imply severity of a subjective pain experience. Addition-
psychological dependence or addiction, which is ally, patient education is often a useful intervention
not equivalent to physical dependence or tolerance in such cases. Patients are more likely to be believed
and is a behavioural pattern of compulsive drug and adequately treated if they are taught to request
abuse characterized by a craving for the drug and pain relief in a non-hysterical business-like fashion.
overwhelming involvement in obtaining and using The optimal treatment of cancer pain is multi-
it for effects other than pain relief. The cancer pain modal and includes pharmacological, psycho-
patient with a history of intravenous opioid abuse therapeutic, cognitive-behavioural, anaesthetic,
presents an often unnecessarily difficult manage- stimulatory, and rehabilitative approaches. Psy-
ment problem. Macaluso et al (1988) reported on chiatric participation in cancer pain management
their experience in managing cancer pain in such a involves the use of psychotherapeutic, cognitive-
population. Of 468 inpatient cancer pain consul- behavioural, and psychopharmacological interven-
704 tations, only 8 (1.7%) had a history of intravenous tions, which are described below.
Cancer pain and AIDS-related pain: psychiatric and ethical issues

cancer pain patients may have relevance to a subset

Psychotherapy and cancer pain
of cancer pain patients, although the degree of
The goals of psychotherapy with cancer pain overlap between these two populations has
patients are to provide support, knowledge, and received little empirical investigation.
skills. Utilizing short-term supportive psycho- Alexithymia, or the inability to express and
therapy based on a crisis intervention model, the articulate emotional experiences, is thought to be a
therapist can provide emotional support, con- trait associated with chronic pain and somatization.
tinuity of care, and information and assist in overall Research has demonstrated the utility of this
adaptation to the crisis. The therapist has a role in construct in understanding the cancer pain patient
emphasizing past strengths, supporting previously as well. Dalton and Feuerstein (1989), for example,
successful coping strategies, and teaching new demonstrated that patients who reported more
coping skills such as relaxation, cognitive re- prolonged and severe pain also scored higher on
structuring, use of analgesics, self-observation, a measure of alexithymia than did patients experi-
assertiveness, and communication skills. Com- encing sporadic or less intense pain. Given the range
munication skills are of paramount importance for of emotionally charged issues revolving around
both patient and family, particularly around pain loss, disability, disfigurement, and death that arise
and analgesic issues. The patient and family are the in the context of cancer (Massie and Holland 1987),
unit of concern, and often require a more general many patients are faced with intense emotions that
long-term, supportive relationship within the health can be threatening or difficult to articulate.
care system, in addition to specific psychological Therapists can be quite helpful to alexithymic
approaches dealing with pain that a psychiatrist, patients by acknowledging such feelings and
psychologist, social worker, or nurse can provide. allowing for their verbalization. In many instances,
Group interventions with individual patients, the therapist must actually provide the patient with
spouses, couples, and families are a powerful means a lexicon for their expression (Passik and Wilson
of sharing experiences and identifying successful 1987). Analogously, the meaning patients attribute
coping strategies. Utilizing psychotherapy to to their pain can influence the amount of pain they
decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression, report. Therapists can help to correct mispercep-
factors that can intensify pain, has been empirically tions about pain when appropriate and allow for
demonstrated to have beneficial effects on cancer the open discussion of issues and fears that might
pain and overall quality of life. Spiegel and Bloom prolong or intensify a pain experience.
(1983b) demonstrated, in a controlled randomized Increased awareness of the impact of traumatic
prospective study, the effect of both supportive events on psychological functioning and, in par-
group therapy for metastatic breast cancer patients ticular, on the development of dissociative states
in general and, in particular, the effect of hypnotic and disorders (psychogenic amnesia, fugue states,
pain control exercises. Patients were divided into multiple personality disorder, conversion, post-
either a support group focused on the practical and traumatic stress disorder), has led to a growing
existential problems of living with cancer, a self- acknowledgement of the traumatic impact of pain.
hypnosis exercise group, or a control group. Results Patients with dissociative disorders suffer from a
indicated that the patients receiving treatment wide variety of transient physical problems such as
experienced significantly less pain than the control dysaesthesias, anaesthesias, and pain (Terr 1991). In
patients. the chronic non-malignant pain population there
While psychotherapy in the cancer pain setting has also been growing empirical support for the
typically focuses on more current issues around existence of such sequelae of chronic pain. Patients
illness and treatment (rather than psychoanalytic with chronic pelvic pain and premenstrual syn-
or insight-oriented approaches), the exploration of drome, for example (Walker et al 1988, Paddison et
reactions to cancer often facilitates insight into more al 1990), were found to have an unusually high
pervasive life issues. Theoretical constructs derived prevalence of early sexual abuse. The prevalence of
from psychotherapy with chronic non-cancer pain such phenomena in the cancer pain population is
patients can be helpful in guiding psychotherapy unknown. However, the cancer setting, with its life-
with the cancer pain patient. Alexithymia and pain- threatening backdrop, toxic and disfiguring treat-
induced dissociative symptoms (remnants of early ments, and invasive procedures, can reawaken
life trauma) have proven to be relevant constructs long-dormant traumata in even high-functioning
for the psychotherapeutic treatment of many cancer patients with abuse histories. Inquiry into such
pain patients and are discussed in more detail issues can be essential to the evaluation and
below. Psychiatric observations of chronic non- treatment of such patients. Although not generally 705
Special problems of assessment and management

a part of a routine psychiatric assessment in the Patients may directly state that they have lost
medical setting, the recognition of the need to control over their pain medicines or have become
inquire into these areas requires attentive listening overly concerned with acquisition of these drugs.
with the ‘third ear’ (Reik 1948). They may even be aware that their behaviour in
seeking pain medicines has alienated their health
care team and jeopardized their cancer treatment.
The substance-abusing patient Pain, psychological distress, the adequacy and
Substance abuse is increasingly prevalent in the duration of pain relief, and the patient’s prior
population at large and is inevitably encountered in cancer pain experience must be taken into account
the treatment of cancer pain patients. The manage- when assessing the ‘drug-seeking’ patient. What
ment of cancer pain in the active abuser and in the appears to be highly aberrant drug-seeking behaviour
patient with a history of substance abuse is a par- (obsessive preoccupation with the availability of
ticularly difficult and challenging problem (Payne opioids) may simply be a reflection of inadequate
1989, McCaffery and Vourakis 1992). Portenoy and pain control. The term ‘pseudoaddiction’ (Weissman
Payne (1992) have outlined a range of aberrant and Haddox 1989) has been coined to describe the
drug-taking behaviours that help to identify the phenomenon in which the highly preoccupied and
substance-abusing cancer pain patient. When apparently out-of-control patient ceases to act in an
patients obtain and use street drugs, purchase aberrant fashion upon the provision of adequate
opioids from non-medical sources, or engage in pain control. Drug-taking behaviours unsanctioned
illegal behaviours such as forging prescriptions or by the physician and that fall in the less severe end
selling their prescription medications, a diagnosis of the range of these behaviours should be given
of substance abuse is clear. More subtle and the benefit of the doubt and seen as reflections of
difficult to interpret are behaviours such as dose inadequate pain control, especially if the phys-
escalation without contact with the physician, ician’s expectations about the patient’s responsi-
contacting multiple physicians to obtain opioids, bility for communication about dose escalation has
making frequent visits to emergency rooms, not been made explicit. Some patients, such as
hoarding medications and using medications to those with a prior history of drug abuse (but not
relieve symptoms other than pain. What renders actively abusing), may require more explicit
these behaviours difficult to interpret (though discussions of the rules for treatment than that
many physicians might feel that they are uniformly given to other patients being started on opioid
aberrant regardless of mitigating circumstances) is therapy. Paradoxically, such an explicit outline of
that such behaviours usually arise in the setting of the parameters of opioid therapy will provide
an evolving pain complaint with fluctuating structure as well as comfort to patients who are
intensity and degree of relief. Many behaviours concerned about relapsing into active abuse.
used to define addiction in the physically healthy The psychiatrist or psychologist in the oncology
have limited utility when assessing the cancer pain setting who consults in the care of the active
patient. Relapse after withdrawal from a substance substance-abusing patient is faced with many
is a common feature in definitions of addiction obstacles. Foremost among them is the limited
(Jaffe 1985). However, relapse of pain complaints access patients with serious medical illnesses have
after decrease or withdrawal from a particular to traditional modes of treatment for drug and
medication in a cancer pain patient may simply alcohol problems. The demands of cancer treatment
signal the return to the baseline level of the under- are not generally accommodated by inpatient drug
lying pain and may reflect the need for continued treatment centers. Twelve-step and methadone
treatment with opioids. Furthermore, the need for maintenance programmes can be rigid in their
chronic use of an opioid presupposes that the approach to the cancer patient’s use of opioids and
patient will become tolerant and physiologically psychiatric medications for symptom control.
dependent. The fact that the patient develops an Hospital staff members are often resentful and
abstinence syndrome upon abrupt discontinuation frightened of the substance-abusing patient and this
of the drug, or requires higher doses for continued can detract from the psychiatrist’s or psychologist’s
pain control, has little bearing upon the diagnosis ability to create a caretaking environment and
of drug abuse. alliance with the patient. The addict, frightened
Psychological dependence is generally accepted and regressed in the face of potentially life-
as central to the definition of addiction and can be threatening illness, can be tremendously distrustful
inferred from such behaviours as loss of control of the staff and may attempt to cope through drug
706 over the drug, compulsive use, or use despite harm. use, guile, and manipulation rather than trusting in
the staff’s competence and goodwill. Through our
Cancer pain and AIDS-related pain: psychiatric and ethical issues

lightheartedly and allow the patient to talk about

clinical experience working with substance-abusing his life and experiences, rather than focus solely on
patients, we have developed a multifaceted impending death. The dying patient who wishes to
approach to minimize the potential problems talk or ask questions about death and pain and
caused by these individuals. This approach, which suffering should be allowed to do so freely, with the
is usually agreed upon in advance, includes early therapist maintaining an interested interactive
admission to allow stabilization of withdrawal stance. In addition, it is not uncommon for the
symptoms if necessary, restricted access to visitors dying patient to benefit from pastoral counselling.
and possessions (e.g., only allowing drug-free If a chaplaincy service is available, it should be
visitors and limiting the patient’s access to the out- offered to the patient and family. As the dying pro-
side environment), and frequent urine toxicology cess progresses, psychotherapy with the individual
screens. In exchange for these limitations, the patient may become limited by cognitive and
patient is provided frequent pain assessments to speech deficits. It is at this point that the focus of
ensure adequacy of pain control (often complicated supportive psychotherapeutic interventions shifts
by the patient’s tolerance to opioids) and usually primarily to the family. In our experience, a very
managed with around-the-clock dosing to minimize common issue for family members at this point is
staff involvement in PRN dosing. With these steps, the level of alertness of the patient. Attempts to
patients are typically managed with a minimum of control pain are often accompanied by sedation
staff anger and mistrust that might otherwise that can limit communication between patient and
become a self-fulfilling prophecy in which the family. This can sometimes become a source of
undertreated substance-abusing cancer pain conflict, with some family members disagreeing
patient acts in an aberrant fashion that com- among themselves or with the patient about what
promises treatment. Despite the seeming simplicity constitutes an appropriate balance between com-
of these management guidelines, there is little fort and alertness. It can be helpful for the
doubt that active substance abuse can present a physician to clarify the patient’s preferences as they
significant obstacle to both adequate pain manage- relate to these issues early, so that conflict can be
ment and cancer treatment more generally. avoided and work related to bereavement can
The dying cancer pain patient
For many years, psychotherapy with the dying
Cancer pain and the family
patient in pain consisted solely of active listening The many stressors faced by the families of cancer
with supportive verbal interventions (Cassem patients have prompted mental health pro-
1987). More recently, however, active interventions fessionals who work with such patients to refer to
have emerged to help patients cope with their them as ‘second-order patients’ (Rait and Lederberg
rapidly approaching death. Greenstein and 1990). Family members face a difficult and ongoing
Breitbart (2000) described a Meaning-Centered process of adjustment throughout the stages of the
Group Psychotherapy designed to help patients cancer patient’s illness. They are called upon to
with advanced cancer explore their sense of perform the sometimes onerous tasks of providing
meaning and purpose in life, in hopes of decreasing emotional support, meeting basic caretaking needs,
feelings of despair, isolation, and depression. sharing the responsibility for medical decision
Although only preliminary research has been making, weathering financial and social costs, and
conducted using this approach, their early results maintaining stability in the midst of the changes
suggest that this and perhaps other spirituality- caused by cancer. Cancer pain can impact upon the
based interventions might be useful in helping performance of each of these tasks and the presence
patients deal with issues specifically related to death of pain has been found to be associated with
and dying. However, regardless of the specific increased emotional and financial burden in the
approach utilized by the therapist, a number of family (Mor et al 1987). Pain is viewed as a major
structural aspects of psychotherapy also warrant concern by family members of cancer patients and,
note. For example, the therapist’s demeanor in perhaps more than other physical symptoms, it is
dealing with dying patients is of great importance perceived as a powerful threat to the ongoing
in helping the patients themselves feel comfortable ability to manage the disease (Ferrell 1991). Many
discussing their thoughts and feelings. Often, it is studies have documented the concern family
only the psychotherapist, of all the patient’s members have about cancer pain and the priority
caregivers, who is comfortable enough to converse families place upon patient comfort (Hinds 1985, 707
Special problems of assessment and management

Rowat 1985, Kristjanson 1986, Blank et al 1989, Hull enter a new phase of the disease. When cancer pain
1989). Hence, the adequate management of cancer is continually unrelieved, it can confuse such sig-
pain should include educating family members nals and sacrifice family members’ sense of control.
regarding pain management issues (i.e., the assess- The ability to maintain stability and provide the
ment of pain, proper administration and scheduling patient with a safe and supportive family environ-
of medications, addiction), as well as emotional ment can thus be disrupted.
support and stress management skills and struc-
tured opportunities for respite from caregiving
responsibilities (Warner 1992).
Cancer pain and staff stress
As was noted above, cancer patients with pain Those of us who work intensively with cancer
are more likely to develop psychiatric disorders patients have chosen a rewarding but stressful
than are patients without pain. The presence of occupation. The painful nature of cancer and its
serious depression or organic mental syndromes treatment, difficult ethical dilemmas in treatment
can seriously disrupt family–patient relationships decision making, emotional reactions of patients
and further hinder the ability of family members to and staff to cancer pain, and poor staff commu-
provide emotional support for their ill relative. nication or conflict all contribute to the stressful
Family members too are vulnerable to developing cancer work environment. Intense medical involve-
stress-related emotional disorders that can further ment with cancer pain patients tends to elicit
break down the support they can afford the patient. common reactions that are well known to health
Ferrell et al (1991) examined the functioning of care workers in the field. The first is the need to try
caregivers who cared for patients in pain, finding to ‘save’ patients from their cancer illness or death.
that caregivers consistently described the patient’s The health care worker may wish to rescue patients
pain as highly distressing to themselves. Pain from their dreadful plight. Unfortunately, disease
appeared to heighten the burden of caregiving, often progresses and failure to save patients often
especially impacting sleep, physical strain, and leads to feelings of helplessness and a sense of
overall emotional adjustment. In the advanced futility. Low self-esteem and depression may result
cancer patient, whose pain may be difficult to and sometimes engender resentment towards the
relieve without some sacrifice of mental clarity, patient. In an attempt to deal with these feelings of
family members and patients may disagree about helplessness and futility, the physician or nurse
the goals of pain treatment (mental clarity with may become overinvolved in the patient’s medical
residual pain versus greater comfort even if care, encouraging or demanding inappropriately
accompanied by sedation). Thus, discussions of the aggressive or unrealistic interventions. Staff mem-
patient’s and family members’ goals for treatment bers often find the transition from active treatment
should be held early in the disease course, so that to palliative care difficult. Accepting altered treat-
conflicts can be resolved with the full participation ment goals and relinquishing the hope of survival
of the patient. Another issue that can impede family for a special patient can be very painful (Spikes and
support is family misconceptions about drug toler- Holland 1975). The inability to recognize that such
ance, dependence, and addiction. Family members a transition in care is necessary can lead to a delay
often become alarmed at the patient’s increasing in dealing with issues such as DNR orders or other
need for opioids and may withold treatment or practical issues. Unaware of such reactions, a nurse
limit their advocacy for the patient for fear that the or physician with a cancer patient may develop an
patient will become addicted to their medication or adversarial relationship with other health pro-
‘use up’ the drug’s ability to relieve pain. Education fessionals involved in that individual’s care. A
about addiction, tolerance, and the meaning of grandiose or self-serving attitude may develop in
physiological dependence is crucial in avoiding which the nurse or physician feels that only he or
such unnecessary conflicts. she understands the patient and knows how best to
Finally, the family’s ability to provide the patient care for him medically. Such attitudes often reflect
with continuity in the midst of change can be an exaggerated sense of responsibility for the
seriously threatened by the development of or patient’s fate, which can result in enormous guilt
changes in cancer pain. To provide for such con- once the patient’s condition ultimately worsens.
tinuity, family members need to feel as if they are Another common staff reaction is the need to
able to predict or exert some control over the disease ‘protect’ the patient. This often takes the form of an
course. Cancer pain is often viewed as a harbinger avoidance to confront or bring up for discussion,
of disease progression and as such can be a signal even when appropriate, topics that may be painful
708 for the patient and family that they are about to or emotionally distressing to the patient. Con-
sequently, important issues may go unaddressed,
Cancer pain and AIDS-related pain: psychiatric and ethical issues

at both the personal and organizational levels and

such as the patient’s feelings about pain, suffering, can be useful in the prevention and management of
and death, practical issues such as a will, DNR burnout (Hartl 1979, Koocher 1979, Mount 1986).
status, and tying up financial loose ends. It is also One of the most important strategies is to be able to
important for the health professional to confront recognize the physical and psychological symp-
extreme denial and other maladaptive defenses on toms of stress in oneself. It is additionally
the part of the patient, especially when they important to identify them in colleagues and point
interfere with treatment compliance. Recognition of out that such symptoms are common, transient,
our human limitations and personal vulnerabilities and reversible when dealt with early. Discomfort in
to loss are as important as being aware of these pointing out emotional distress in a colleague
common countertransference reactions. Hopefully should not be any greater than suggesting a
such awareness can benefit our patients, colleagues, consultation for a medical symptom. In the cancer
and ourselves. centre, having the support of one’s peers helps to
A third common reaction is the tendency to decrease feelings of demoralization (Kash and
blame the patients for their continued complaints Holland 1990). Providing ongoing staff education
of pain and discomfort. Ignoring the fact that in pain management can help reduce stress and
cancer pain management is complex, this reaction feelings of inadequacy for staff members. Mental
takes the form of interpreting the patients’ failure to health professionals can also provide invaluable
respond to efforts at pain and symptom control as a staff support in oncology settings including pro-
desire on their part to perpetuate their sympto- viding support and backup to unit leaders, and
matology. Patients who have failed to respond to faciliting staff communication (Lederberg 1989).
efforts at pain control are seen as ‘needing their Providing support to colleagues, helping identify
pain’, ‘communicating through pain’, or drug and deal with troubled staff, leading groups and
seeking. In an effort to protect oneself from feelings conferences, or participating in daily rounds are all
of inadequacy, health care workers can displace useful methods of bolstering staff morale and
their anger upon patients and withhold appro- helping avoid burnout. Ideally, an active role on the
priate diagnostic tests or interventions. unit makes the liaison psychiatrist most familiar
The consequences of stress in the cancer work with the problems of the unit but even outside
environment are many, including the development mental health consultants can be useful in pro-
of physical and/or psychological symptoms, viding staff support, albeit often somewhat less
‘burnout’, or even more serious difficulties such as effective than mental health professionals who are
substance abuse or depression. Common physical fully integrated into the mileau.
symptoms of chronic stress include tension head-
ache, exhaustion, fatigue, insomnia, and gastro-
intestinal disturbances with no apparent medical Cognitive-behavioural
cause. Psychological symptoms of stress in cancer
staff include loss of enthusiasm for work, de-
interventions in cancer pain
pression, irritability and frustration, and a cynical Cognitive-behavioural techniques useful in cancer
view of medicine and colleagues (Hall et al 1979, pain (Box 45.2) include passive relaxation with
Maslach 1979, Holland and Holland 1985, Mount mental imagery, cognitive distraction or focusing,
1986). Physicians and nurses can become over- cognitive restructuring, progressive muscle relax-
involved in their work, with excessive dedication ation, biofeedback, hypnosis, systematic desensi-
and commitment, spend longer hours with less tization, and music therapy (Cleeland and Tearnan
productivity, and show decreased sensitivity to the 1986, Cleeland 1987, Fishman and Loscalzo 1987).
emotional needs of patients and others; conversely, Some techniques are primarily cognitive in nature,
they may become detached and disinterested in focusing on perceptual and thought processes, and
medical practice. These two presentations of others are directed at modifying patterns of
burnout in oncologists and oncology nurses have behaviour that help cancer patients cope with pain.
been described as the ‘I must do everything’ Behavioural techniques include methods of
syndrome and the ‘I hate medicine’ syndrome. modifying physiological pain reactions, respondent
Potential outcomes of both of these syndromes, if pain behaviours, and operant pain behaviours. The
allowed to progress, include substance abuse, most fundamental technique is self-monitoring.
depression, and even suicide (Hall et al 1979, The development of the ability to monitor one’s
Holland and Holland 1985, Mount 1986). behaviours allows a person to notice dysfunctional
A variety of coping methods can be introduced reactions and learn to control them. Systematic 709
Special problems of assessment and management

thereby decrease subjective distress (Fishman and

BOX 45.2 Loscalzo 1987).
Cognitive-behavioural techniques used for Most cancer patients with pain are appropriate
cancer pain patients candidates for useful application of cognitive and
Psychoeducation behavioural techniques; the clinician, however,
Preparatory information should take into account the intensity of pain and
Relaxation the mental clarity of the patient. Ideal candidates
Passive breathing have mild to moderate pain and can benefit from
Progressive muscle relaxation these interventions, whereas patients with severe
Distraction pain can expect limited benefit from psychological
Focusing interventions unless somatic therapies can lower
Controlled mental imagery the level of pain to some degree. Confusional states
Cognitive distraction
also interfere dramatically with a patient’s ability to
Behavioural distraction
focus attention and thus limit the usefulness of
Combined relaxation and distraction techniques
Passive relaxation with mental imagery these techniques (Loscalzo and Jacobsen 1990).
Progressive muscle relaxation with imagery Occasionally these techniques can be modified to
Systematic desensitization enable patients with mild cognitive impairments
Meditation to benefit. This often involves the therapist taking
Hypnosis a more active role by orienting the patient, creating
Biofeedback a safe and secure environment, and evoking a
Music therapy conditioned response to the therapist’s voice or
Cognitive therapies presence.
Cognitive restructuring
Cancer patients are usually highly motivated to
Behavioural therapies
learn and practice cognitive-behavioural tech-
Modelling niques because they are often effective not only in
Behavioural rehearsal symptom control, but in restoring a sense of self
Graded task management control, personal efficacy, and active participation
Contingency management in their care. It is important to note that these
techniques must not be used as a substitute for
apropriate analgesic management of cancer pain
but rather as part of a comprehensive multimodal
desensitization is useful in extinguishing anti- approach. The lack of side effects associated with
cipatory anxiety that leads to avoidant behaviours psychological interventions makes them particu-
and in remobilizing inactive patients. Graded task larly attractive in the oncology setting as a sup-
assignment is analogous to in vivo systematic plement to already complicated medication
desensitization, in which patients are encouraged regimens. The successful use of these techniques
to delineate and then execute a series of small steps should never lead to the erroneous conclusion that
towards an ultimate goal. Contingency manage- the pain was of psychogenic origin and therefore
ment, a behavioural intervention in which healthy not ‘real’. Although the specific mechanisms by
or adaptive behaviours are reinforced, has also which these cognitive and behavioural techniques
been applied to the management of chronic pain relieve pain vary, most share the elements of
as a method for modifying dysfunctional operant relaxation and distraction. Distraction or redirec-
pain behaviours associated with secondary gain tion of attention helps reduce awareness of pain and
(Cleeland 1987, Loscalzo and Jacobsen 1990). relaxation reduces muscle tension and sympathetic
Primarily cognitive techniques for coping with pain arousal (Cleeland 1987).
are aimed at increasing relaxation and reducing the
intensity and emotional distress that accompany
the pain experience. Cognitive restructuring, a
Other behavioural interventions
technique often used in the treatment of depression Several techniques are used to achieve a mental and
or anxiety, is an effective method of altering a physical state of relaxation. Muscular tension,
patient’s interpretation of events and bodily autonomic arousal, and mental distress exacerbate
sensations. Because many patients are plagued by pain (Cleeland 1987, Loscalzo and Jacobsen 1990).
disturbing and maladaptive thoughts or beliefs, Some specific relaxation techniques include: (i)
identifying and modifying these beliefs can allow passive relaxation, (ii) progressive muscle relax-
710 for more accurate assessment of the situation and ation, and (iii) meditation. Passive relaxation,
Cancer pain and AIDS-related pain: psychiatric and ethical issues

focused breathing, and passive muscle relaxation

with pain. They also potentiate the analgesic effects
exercises involve the focusing of attention sys- of opioid drugs and often have analgesic properties
tematically on one’s breathing, on sensations of of their own. The most widely studied, and most
warmth and relaxation, or on release of muscular empirically supported adjuvant analgesics are the
tension in various body parts. Verbal suggestions tricyclic antidepressants (Walsh 1983, 1990; Butler
and imagery are used to help promote relaxation. 1986; France 1987; Getto et al 1987; Magni et al 1987;
Muscle relaxation is an important component of the Ventafridda et al 1987). Amitriptyline is the tricyclic
relaxation response and can augment the benefits of antidepressant most studied, and proven effective
simple focused breathing exercises, leading to a as an analgesic, in a large number of clinical trials,
deeper experience of relaxation and self-control. addressing a wide variety of chronic pain
Progressive or active muscle relaxation involves the syndromes (Pilowsky et al 1982; Watson et al 1982;
active tensing and relaxing of various muscle Max et al 1987, 1988; Sharav et al 1987). Other
groups in the body, focusing attention on the tricyclic antidepressants that have been shown to
sensations of tension, and relaxation. Clinically, in have efficacy as analgesics include imipramine
the hospital setting, relaxation is most commonly (Kvindesal et al 1984, Young and Clarke 1985,
achieved through the use of a combination of Sindrup et al 1989), desipramine (Kishore-Kumar et
focused breathing and progressive muscle relax- al 1990, Max et al 1991), nortriptyline (Gomez-Perez
ation exercises. Once patients are in a relaxed state, et al 1985), clomipramine (Langohr et al 1982,
imagery techniques can then be used to induce Tiengo et al 1987), and doxepin (Hammeroff et al
deeper relaxation and facilitate distraction from 1982). Other antidepressents (e.g., heterocyclic,
or manipulation of a variety of cancer-related SSRIs), while possibly effective, have not been as
symptoms. Scripts that can be utilized by therapists clearly supported by empirical research and are not
to aid in teaching patients passive and/or active necessarily first-line choices for adjuvant analgesic
relaxation techniques are available in the literature therapy.
(McCaffery and Beebe 1989, Loscalzo and Jacobsen
1990, Horowitz and Breitbart 1993). Hypnosis has
also been used in the treatment of some cancer pain Psychiatric aspects of pain in
(Barber and Gitelson 1980, Redd et al 1982, Spiegel
and Bloom 1983b, Spiegel 1985), although the
specific efficacy of hypnosis (rather than expectancy Studies conducted between 1990 and 1995 have
effects) has increasingly been questioned. documented that pain in individuals with HIV
infection or AIDS is highly prevalent, diverse, and
varied in syndromal presentation; associated with
Psychotropic adjuvant analgesics significant psychological and functional morbidity;
and alarmingly undertreated (Lebovits et al 1989;
for cancer pain McCormack et al 1993; O’Neill and Sherrard 1993;
While the mainstay of pharmacological management Singer et al 1993; Breitbart 1996, 1997; Breitbart et al
of cancer pain is the aggressive use of narcotic 1996a, b; Rosenfeld et al 1996; Hewitt et al 1997).
analgesics, there is a growing appreciation for the With the introduction of highly active antiretroviral
role of adjuvant analgesic drugs in providing therapies (i.e., combination therapies including
maximal comfort (Breitbart 1989a, Breitbart and protease inhibitors), the face of the AIDS epidemic,
Holland 1990, Walsh 1990). Psychotropic drugs, particularly for those who can avail themselves of
particularly antidepressants, psychostimulants, and/or tolerate these new therapies, is indeed
neuroleptics, and anxiolytics, are useful as adjuvant changing. Death rates from AIDS in the USA have
analgesics in the pharmacological management of dropped dramatically in the past 5 years, and rates
cancer pain. Psychiatrists are often the most of serious opportunistic infections and cancers are
experienced in the clinical use of these drugs and so declining. Despite these hopeful developments, the
can play an important role in assisting pain control. future is still unclear, and millions of patients with
Table 45.6 lists the various psychotropic medi- HIV disease worldwide will continue to die of
cations with their analgesic properties, routes of AIDS and suffer from the enormous burden of
administration, and approximate daily doses. physical and psychological symptoms. Even with
These medications have been shown earlier (see the advances in AIDS therapies, pain continues to
Tables 45.2, 45.3) to be effective in managing be an issue in the care of patients with HIV disease.
symptoms of depression, anxiety, or delirium that As the epidemiology of the AIDS epidemic changes
commonly complicate the course of cancer patients in the USA, managing pain in AIDS patients with a 711
Special problems of assessment and management

Table 45.6 Psychotropic adjuvant analgesic drugs for cancer pain

Generic name Trade name Approximate daily dosage range (mg) Route

Tricyclic antidepressants

Amitriptyline Elavil 10–150 PO, IM, PR

Nortriptyline Pamelor, Aventyl 10–150 PO

Imipramine Tofranil 12.5–150 PO, IM

Desipramine Norpramin 10–150 PO

Clomipramine Anafranil 10–150 PO

Doxepin Sinequan 12.5–150 PO, IM

Heterocyclic and non-cyclic antidepressants

Trazodone Desyrel 25–300 PO

Maprotiline Ludiomil 50–300 PO

Serotonin specific reuptake inhibitors

Fluoxetine Prozac 20–60 PO

Paroxetine Paxil 10–40 PO

Amine precursors

L-Tryptophan 500–3000 PO


Methylphenidate Ritalin 2.5–20 b.i.d. PO

Dextroamphetamine Dexedrine 2.5–20 b.i.d. PO


Fluphenazine Prolixin 1–3 PO, IM

Methotrimeprazine Levoprome 10–20q 6 h IM, IV


Haloperidol Haldol 1–3 PO, IM, IV

Pimozide Orap 2–6 b.i.d. PO


Hydroxyzine Vistaril 50q 4–6 h PO, IM, IV

Dexamethasone Decadron 4–16 PO, IV


Alprazolam Xanax 0.25–2.0 t.i.d. PO

Clonazepam Klonopin 0.5–4 b.i.d. PO

PO = per oral; IM = intramuscular; PR = parenteral; IV = intravenous; q 6 h = every 6 h; b.i.d. = two times a day, t.i.d. = three times a day.

history of substance abuse is becoming an ever-

Prevalence of pain in HIV disease
growing challenge. Pain management needs to be Estimates of the prevalence of pain in HIV-infected
more integrated into the total care of patients with individuals have been reported to range from 30 to
712 HIV disease. over 90%, with the prevalence of pain increasing
as disease progresses (Lebovits et al 1989;
Cancer pain and AIDS-related pain: psychiatric and ethical issues

disease progresses. AIDS patients with pain, like

Schofferman and Brody 1990; Breitbart et al 1991, their counterparts with cancer pain, typically
1996a, b; Singer et al 1993; Kimball and McCormick describe an average of 2.5 to 3 concurrent pains at a
1996; Larue et al 1997), particularly in the latest time (Breitbart et al 1996a, Hewitt et al 1997).
stages of illness.
Studies suggest that approximately 30% of Pain syndromes in HIV/AIDS:
ambulatory HIV-infected patients in the early
stages of HIV disease (pre-AIDS; Category A or B
aetiologies and classification
disease) experience clinically significant pain, and Pain syndromes encountered in AIDS are diverse in
as many as 56% have had episodic painful nature and aetiology. The most common pain
symptoms of less clear clinical significance (Singer syndromes reported in studies to date include
et al 1993, Breitbart et al 1996b, Larue et al 1997). painful sensory peripheral neuropathy, pain due to
In a prospective cross-sectional survey of 438 extensive Karposi’s sarcoma, headache, oral and
ambulatory AIDS patients in New York City, 63% pharyngeal pain, abdominal pain, chest pain,
reported ‘frequent or persistent pain of at least two arthralgias and myalgias, and painful dermato-
weeks duration’ at the time of assessment (Breitbart logical conditions (Lebovits et al 1989; Schofferman
et al 1996b). The prevalence of pain in this large and Brody 1990; Breitbart et al 1991, 1996b; Penfold
sample increased significantly as HIV disease and Clark 1992; O’Neill and Sherrard 1993; Singer
progressed, with 45% of AIDS patients with et al 1993; Larue et al 1994; Hewitt et al 1997). In a
Category A3 disease reporting pain, 55% of those sample of 151 ambulatory AIDS patients who
with Category B3 reporting pain, and 67% of those underwent a research assessment that included a
with Category C1, 2, or 3 disease reporting pain. clinical interview, neurological examination, and
Patients in this sample of ambulatory AIDS patients review of medical records (Hewitt et al 1997), the
also were more likely to report pain if they had most common pain diagnoses included headaches
other concurrent HIV-related symptoms (e.g., (46% of patients; 17% of all pains), joint pains
fatigue, wasting), had received treatment for an (arthritis, arthralgias, etc.—31% of patients; 12% of
AIDS-related opportunistic infection, or had not pains), painful polyneuropathy (distal symmetrical
been receiving antiretroviral medications (e.g., polyneuropathy—28% of patients; 10% of pains),
AZT, ddl, ddC, d4t). and muscle pains (myalgia, myositis—27% of
In a study of pain in hospitalized patients with patients; 12% of pains). Other common pain
AIDS in a public hospital in New York City, over diagnoses included skin pain (Kaposi’s sarcoma,
50% of patients required treatment for pain, with infections—25% of patients; 30% of homosexual
pain being the presenting complaint in 30% and the males in the sample had pain from extensive KS
second most common presenting problem after lesions), bone pain (20% of patients), abdominal
fever (Lebovits et al 1989). In a French multicentre pain (17% of patients), chest pain (13%), and
study, 62% of hospitalized patients with HIV painful radiculopathy (12%). Patients in this
disease had clinically significant pain (Larue et al sample had a total of 405 pains (averaging 3
1997). Schofferman and Brody (1990) reported that concurrent pains), with 46% of patients diagnosed
53% of patients with far-advanced AIDS cared for with neuropathic-type pain, 71% with somatic pain,
in a hospice setting had pain, while Kimball and 29% with visceral pain, and 46% with headache
McCormack (1996) reported that up to 93% of AIDS (classified separately because of controversy as to
patients in their hospice experienced at least one pathophysiology). When pain type was classified
48-h period of pain during the last 2 weeks of life. by pains (as opposed to patients) 25% were neuro-
Larue and colleagues (1994) demonstrated that pathic pains, 44% were nociceptive-somatic,
patients with AIDS being cared for in a hospice or 14% were nociceptive-visceral, and 17% were
at home had prevalence rates and intensity ratings idiopathic-type pains. Patients in this study with
for pain comparable to and even exceeded those of lower CD4+ cell counts were significantly more
cancer patients. Breitbart and colleagues (1996a) likely to be diagnosed with polyneuropathy and
reported that ambulatory AIDS patients in their headache. Hewitt and colleagues (1997) demon-
New York City sample reported a mean pain strated that while pains of a neuropathic nature
intensity ‘on average’ of 5.4 (on the 0–10 numerical (e.g., polyneuropathies, radiculopathies) certainly
rating scale of the Brief Pain Inventory) and a mean compose a large proportion of pain syndromes
pain ‘at its worst’ of 7.4. In addition, as with pain encountered in AIDS patients, pains of a somatic
prevalence, the intensity of pain experienced by and/or visceral nature are also extremely common
patients with HIV disease increases significantly as clinical problems. 713
Special problems of assessment and management

diagnosed with radiculopathy and headache in one

BOX 45.3 survey (Hewitt et al 1997).
Pain syndromes of HIV/AIDS Children with HIV infection also experience
Pain related to HIV/AIDS infection or
pain (Strafford et al 1991). HIV-related conditions in
consequences of infection children observed to cause pain include meningitis
HIV neuropathy and sinusitis (headaches); otitis media; shingles;
HIV myelopathy cellulitis and abscesses; severe candida dermatitis;
Kaposi’s sarcoma dental caries; intestinal infections, such as
Secondary infections (intestines, skin) Mycobacterium avium intracellulare (MAI) and
Organomegaly cryptosporidium; hepatosplenomegaly; oral and
Arthritis/vasculitis oesophageal candidiasis; and spasticity associated
Myopathy/myositis with encephalopathy that causes painful muscle
Pain related to HIV/AIDS therapy
Antiretrovirals, antivirals
Antimycobacterials, pneumocystis carinii
Pneumonia prophylaxis Impact of pain: psychological distress
Chemotherapy (vincristine)
Radiation Pain in patients with HIV disease has a profound
Surgery negative impact on physical and psychological
Procedures (bronchoscopy, biopsies) functioning, as well as overall quality of life
Pain unrelated to AIDS or AIDS therapy (Rosenfeld et al 1996, Larue et al 1997). In a study of
Disc disease the impact of pain on psychological functioning
Diabetic neuropathy and quality of life in ambulatory AIDS patients
(Rosenfeld et al 1996), depression was significantly
correlated with the presence of pain. In addition to
being significantly more distressed, depressed, and
Pain syndromes seen in HIV disease can be hopeless, those with pain were twice as likely to
categorized into three types (Box 45.3): have suicidal ideation (40%) as those without pain
(20%). HIV-infected patients with pain were more
1. Those directly related to HIV infection or
functionally impaired (Rosenfeld et al 1996). Such
consequences of immunosuppression,
functional interference was highly correlated to
2. Those due to AIDS therapies, and
levels of pain intensity and depression. Patients
3. Those unrelated to AIDS or AIDS therapies
with pain were more likely to be unemployed or
(Breitbart 1997, Hewitt et al 1997).
disabled and reported less social support. Larue
In studies to date, approximately 45% of pain and colleagues (1997) reported that HIV-infected
syndromes encountered are directly related to HIV patients with pain intensities greater than 5 (on a
infection or consequences of immunosuppression; 0–10 numerical rating scale (NRS)) reported
15–30% are caused by therapies for HIV- or AIDS- significantly poorer quality of life during the week
related conditions, as well as diagnostic pro- preceding their survey than patients without pain.
cedures; and the remaining 25–40% are unrelated to Pain intensity had an independent negative impact
HIV or its therapies (Hewitt et al 1997). on HIV patients’ quality of life, even after adjust-
Our group at Memorial has reported on the ment for treatment setting, stage of disease, fatigue,
experience of pain in women with AIDS (Breitbart sadness, and depression. Singer and colleagues
et al 1995, Hewitt et al 1997). Our studies suggest (1993) also reported an association between the
that women with HIV disease experience pain frequency of multiple pains, increased disability,
more frequently than men with HIV disease and and higher levels of depression. Psychological
report somewhat higher levels of pain intensity. variables, such as the amount of control people
This may in part be a reflection of the fact that believe they have over pain, emotional associations
women with AIDS-related pain are twice as likely and memories of pain, fears of death, depression,
to be undertreated for their pain compared to men anxiety, and hopelessness, contribute to the
(Breitbart et al 1996a). Women with HIV disease experience of pain in people with AIDS and can
have unique pain syndromes of a gynaecological increase suffering (Breitbart 1993, Rosenfeld et al
nature specifically related to opportunistic infec- 1996). Our group also reported (Payne et al 1994)
tious processes and cancers of the pelvis and that negative thoughts related to pain were
genitourinary tract (Marte and Allen 1991). Women associated with greater pain intensity, psycho-
714 with AIDS were significantly more likely to be logical distress, and disability in ambulatory
Cancer pain and AIDS-related pain: psychiatric and ethical issues

patients with AIDS. Those AIDS patients who felt A number of different factors have been
that pain represented a progression of their HIV proposed as potential influences on the widespread
disease reported more intense pain than those who undertreatment of pain in AIDS, including patient,
did not see pain as a threat. clinician, and health care system-related barriers
(Passik et al 1994; Breitbart et al 1996a, 1998, 1999).
Sociodemographic factors that have been reported
Undertreatment of pain in AIDS to be associated with undertreatment of pain in
Reports of dramatic undertreatment of pain in AIDS include gender, education, and substance
AIDS patients have appeared in the literature abuse history (Breitbart et al 1996b). Women, less
(Lebovits et al 1989, McCormack et al 1993, educated patients, and patients who reported
Breitbart et al 1996a, Larue et al 1997). These studies injection drug use as their HIV risk transmission
suggest that all classes of analgesics, particularly factor are significantly more likely to receive
opioid analgesics, are underutilized in the treat- inadequate analgesic therapy for HIV-related pain.
ment of pain in AIDS. Our group has reported
(Breitbart et al 1996b) that less than 8% of indi- Psychiatric management of pain in
viduals in our cohort of ambulatory AIDS patients
reporting pain in the severe range (8–10 on a NRS
of pain intensity) received a strong opioid, such as The psychiatric management of HIV-related pain
morphine, as recommended by published guide- involves the use of psychotherapeutic, cognitive-
lines (i.e., the WHO Analgesic Ladder). In addition, behavioural, and psychopharmacological tech-
18% of patients with ‘severe’ pain were prescribed niques. Psychotherapists can offer short-term
no analgesics whatsoever, 40% were prescribed a supportive psychotherapy, based on a crisis–
non-opioid analgesic (e.g., NSAID), and only intervention model, and provide emotional
22% were prescribed a ‘weak’ opioid’ (e.g., support, continuity of care, information about pain
acetaminophen in combination with oxycodone). management, and assistance to patients in adapting
Utilizing the Pain Management Index (PMI) to their crises. This often involves working with
(Zelman et al 1987), a measure of adequacy of ‘families’ that are not typical and that may consist
analgesic therapy derived from the Brief Pain of gay partners, estranged spouses or parents, and
Inventory’s (BPI) record of pain intensity and fragmented or extended families. People with HIV
strength of analgesia prescribed, we further disease may also require treatment for substance
examined adequacy of pain treatment. Only 15% of abuse.
our sample received adequate analgesic therapy Cognitive-behavioural techniques for pain
based on the PMI. This degree of undermedication control, such as relaxation, imagery, hypnosis, and
of pain in AIDS (85%) far exceeds published reports biofeedback, are effective as part of a compre-
of undermedication of pain (using the PMI) in hensive multimodal approach, particularly among
cancer populations of 40% (Cleeland et al 1994). patients with HIV disease who may have an
Larue and colleagues (1997) report that in France, increased sensitivity to the side effects of medi-
57% of patients with HIV disease reporting cations. Non-pharmacological interventions, how-
moderate to severe pain did not receive any ever, must never be used as a substitute for
analgesic treatment at all, and only 22% received a the appropriate analgesic management of pain. The
‘weak’ opioid. mechanisms by which these non-pharmacological
While opioid analgesics are underutilized, it is techniques work are not known; however, they all
also clear that adjuvant analgesic agents, such as seem to share the elements of relaxation and
antidepressants, are also dramatically under- distraction. Additionally, patients often feel a sense
utilized (Lebovits et al 1989, McCormack et al 1993, of increased control over their pain and their
Breitbart et al 1996a, Larue et al 1997). Breitbart and bodies. Ideal candidates for the application of these
colleagues (1996a) report that less than 10% of AIDS techniques are mentally alert and have mild to
patients reporting pain received an adjuvant moderate pain. Confusion interferes significantly
analgesic drug (e.g., antidepressants, anticonvul- with a patient’s ability to focus attention and so
sants), despite the fact that approximately 40% of limits the usefulness of cognitive-behavioural
the sample had neuropathic-type pain. This class of interventions.
analgesic agents is a critical component of the Psychiatric disorders, particularly organic men-
WHO Analgesic Ladder, particularly in managing tal disorders such as AIDS–dementia complex, can
neuropathic pain, and is vastly underutilized in the occasionally interfere with adequate pain manage-
management of HIV-related pain. ment in patients with HIV disease. Opiate analgesics, 715
Special problems of assessment and management

the mainstay of treatment for moderate to severe Adams F, Fernandez F, Andersson BS 1986 Emergency
pharmacotherapy of delirium in the critically ill cancer patient.
pain, may worsen dementia or cause treatment-
Psychosomatics 27: 36–37
limiting sedation, confusion, or hallucinations in Ahles TA, Martin JB 1992 Cancer pain: a multidimensional
patients with neurological complications of AIDS. perspective. Hospice Journal 8: 25–48
The judicious use of psychostimulants to diminish Ahles TA, Blanchard EB, Ruckdeschel JC 1983 The
sedation and neuroleptics to clear confusion can be multidimensional nature of cancer related pain. Pain
17: 277–288
quite helpful. American Psychiatric Association 1994 Diagnostic and statistical
Psychotropic drugs, particularly the TCAs and manual of mental disorders, 4th edn (DSM-IV). American
the psychostimulants, are useful in enhancing the Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC
pain-blocking properties of analgesics in pharma- Barber J, Gitelson J 1980 Cancer pain: psychological management
using hypnosis. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians
cological management of HIV-related pain. The
3: 130–136
tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline, nortri- Blank SS, Clark L, Longman AJ, Atwood JR 1989 Perceived home
ptyline, imipramine, desipramine, doxepin) and care needs of cancer patients and their caregivers. Cancer
some of the newer non-cyclic antidepressants Nursing 12: 78–84
(trazodone and fluoxetine) have potent analgesic Bolund C 1985 Suicide and cancer: II. Medical and care factors in
suicide by cancer patients in Sweden, 1973–1976. Journal of
properties and are widely used to treat a variety of Psychosocial Oncology 3: 17–30
chronic pain syndromes. They may have their most Bond MR 1973 Personality studies in patients with pain secondary
beneficial effect in the treatment of neuropathic to organic disease. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 17:
pain, that is, pain due to nerve damage, such as the 257–263
Bond MR 1979 Psychological and emotional aspects of cancer pain.
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Strafford M, Cahill C, Schwartz T et al 1991 Recognition and Zelman D, Cleeland C, Howland EB 1987 Factors in appropriate
treatment of pain in pediatric patients with AIDS. Journal of pharmacological management of cancer pain: a cross-
Pain and Symptom Management 6: 146 (abstract) institutional investigation. Pain (suppl): S136

Cancer pain


Pain and impending death

Cicely Saunders and Michael Platt

The SUPPORT Study (SUPPORT Principal

Introduction Investigators 1995) is the most extensive report
Fear of pain in dying is still common and was the published, with a total of 9105 adults hospitalized
reason for the majority of requests for euthanasia in with one or more of nine life-threatening diagnoses
one study from a hospice in the Netherlands that and an overall six-month mortality rate of 47%. The
not only cares for inpatients but also consults with study documented the results of the intervention of
a large number of family doctors. However, once specially trained nurses in an attempt to improve
reassured by effective consultation and/or treat- communication and care and found that there was
ment, few requests were repeated and the patients no overall improvement, including the level of
died peacefully from their illness (Zylicz 1997). It is reported pain. Half of the patients who died had
commonly thought that heavy sedation is required moderate or severe pain during most of their final
for such an outcome but a recent survey revealed three days of life in the intervention group of 2652
that only a small percentage of ‘61 palliative care patients, and there was no difference in their
experts’ questioned had to induce sedation for experience compared with the control group.
intractable distress in the dying (Chater et al 1998). Communication between physicians and patients
Pain at the end of life can usually be controlled, remained poor; for example, the former failed to
without such sedation by teams experienced in the implement patients’ refusal of cardiopulmonary
multiprofessional practice of palliative medicine resuscitation (CPR) intervention, while they mis-
presented in detail in the Oxford Textbook of Palliative understood patients’ preferences regarding CPR in
Medicine (Doyle et al 1998). However, it is sadly true 80% of cases. A regional study in the UK revealed
that not all patients benefit from this experience. In stories of similar distress. These results have led to
some developing countries, this is due to lack of a number of calls to address education, leading to
resources, but it is not only in such deprived better practice in decision making and the control
conditions that patients suffer relievable terminal of distress (Addington-Hall and McCarthy 1995).
distress. Myths concerning the use of narcotics still The efficacy of the World Health Organization
abound (Wall 1997). Furthermore, some patients Guidelines for Cancer Pain Relief (WHO 1990),
fail to obtain satisfactory pain relief even from large which has been translated into many languages,
doses of narcotics. was examined in 401 dying patients by Grond et al 721
Special problems of assessment and management

(1991). They report that at the time of death, only pharmacology. It is inevitable that pain and death
3% of patients experienced severe or very severe occur frequently, neither of which are handled well
pain, whereas 52% had no pain at all, 24% only in such an environment (Hall et al 1994, Hanson et
mild or moderate pain, and 20% were unable to rate al 1997). Advanced surgical techniques, improved
pain intensity. Forty-four percent of patients resuscitation, and trauma life support, together with
required parenteral drugs. Additional adjuvant greater media and public expectations, result in
drugs were used in 90% of patients. This study was ever-increasing demands for intensive care beds.
carried out by a department of anaesthesiology and The general ageing of the population at one end
a pain clinic with 45% of the patients treated in a and the increasing survival of premature neonates
general ward. at the other are also driving this demand.
The research summarized by the United
Kingdom’s National Council for Hospice and
Specialist Palliative Care Services is available from Deciding on the futility of continuing
the address given at the end of this chapter, and is interventions
the basis of their booklet Changing Gear—Guidelines Perhaps the most difficult decisions are involved in
for Managing the Last Days of Life (National Council triaging patients for intensive therapy. This may
for Hospice and Specialist Palliative Care Services include deciding on the ‘futility of further medical
1997), which gives clear guidance for recognition, management’ in patients during assessment for
assessment, and treatment. It recognizes relatives’ possible admission to intensive care, or during
needs and calls for the collaborative multi- intensive care management, when it is realized that
professional approach that is needed, especially for further therapy is indeed futile (Sanders and Raffin
the rare intractable situation. Rehydration with 1993, Campbell and McHaffie 1995, Robb 1997, Yu
intravenous or subcutaneous fluids has been 1997). Adequate management of pain and suffering
shown not to be of benefit at this stage and may is mandatory in any case. This encompasses a large
cause peripheral and pulmonary oedema in patients age range of patients, from the 20-week-old
with severe hypoalbuminaemia (Ellershaw et al premature neonate to the very elderly.
1995), but this remains a subject of debate and calls
for further work (Sarhill et al 2001).
There is mounting evidence of the way in which Problems associated with sedation
a palliative care consultancy team can alter hospital and analgesia in the ITU patient
practice. Their availability makes an impact on
prescribing, taking shared responsibility in an area The patient in intensive care usually requires
where the usual team is often unsure about opioid artificial ventilation, requiring sedation and some-
and other drug use. They can raise the awareness of times paralysis. However, they may be aware, par-
the importance of psychosocial care for patients ticularly to pain and discomfort, and may also be
whose problems can seem overwhelming. They can very distressed about family, finances, and other
institute and maintain contact with the referring worries (Cherny et al 1994). The normal indications
primary care physician who may later have to offer of pain and distress in a patient who is sedated,
bereavement support to the family. They can also anaesthetized, or paralysed consist of increased
help staff face patients in spiritual need and help in sympathetic activity such as sweating, lacrimation,
making important contacts. Some teams are dev- increased blood pressure, and tachycardia. How-
eloping an integrated care pathway for the dying ever, in the critically ill patient, cardiac support
patient as part of their impact on overall hospital drugs, sedative and anaesthetic drugs, and patho-
policy (Ellershaw et al 1997). Many countries are physiological states such as septic shock and
establishing education programmes in a previously cerebral injury may mask or confuse these signs.
neglected area, underpinned by a growing body of Additionally, use of pharmacological paralysing
research and specialist publications. agents prevent the patient from moving in response
to pain. Paediatric and neonatal patients present
particular problems (Chambliss and Anand 1997).
Therapy in intensive care units
The problem Sources of pain and suffering
The intensive care environment is a place where Sources of pain are often multiple, with com-
aggressive long-term life-saving techniques are binations of chronic neuropathic, inflammatory,
722 used with the latest high-technology medicine and chemical, mechanical, ischaemic, or acute pain.
These may be from the primary pathology, from
Pain and impending death
treated. The use of adequate analgesia does not of
treatment modalities such as radiation, from bed- itself cause death, which should be as pain free and
sores and skin ulcers, from pre-existing concurrent dignified as possible, with the wishes of the patient,
disease such as chronic arthritis, or simply from the who should be as informed as possible (Horton
discomfort of an endotracheal tube or intravenous 1996), and the relatives being respected.
line. Pain may be considered as contributing signifi-
cantly to an overall sense of suffering. Cherny
devised a model of suffering that incorporated pain Withdrawal of artificial ventilation
and the various factors that affect quality of life When life support for a ventilator-dependent
(Cherny et al 1994). This model also includes the patient is to be withdrawn, rather than having to
importance of family and social stresses, emphasiz- cease artificial ventilation prior to death, the
ing the importance of adequate communication reduction of inspired oxygen concentration to that
and counselling with close family and friends— of room air, together with the removal of adjunctive
especially once a decision of futility of further ventilatory support such as PEEP (positive end-
treatment has been made (Jones 1997). Psychosocial expiratory pressure), is usually sufficient before
and spiritual processes strongly influence the death ensues. At all stages, adequate analgesia and
impact and expression of pain, and these need to be sedation for the patient must be provided (Edwards
taken into account in the assessment and treatment and Ueno 1991). A recent study showed that 10% of
of pain in intensive care. This needs a holistic relatives of patients who died in hospital felt that
approach to the patient (Kolcaba and Fisher 1996) pain could have been better managed (Hanson et al
as well as some novel approaches to the treatment 1997). The relatives and close friends must not be
of pain. forgotten, and they should be fully informed on the
decisions that are made and the reasons for them.
How to assess suffering in ITU
The data used by critical care nurses in assessing Harvesting organs for transplantation
pain appear to be a combination of facial appear- after brain death
ances (grimacing, etc), movements of the patient, The diagnosis of brain death and the harvesting of
and the sympathetic activity mentioned above. organs for transplantation are no excuse for
Studies assessing the use of pain measurement inadequate sedation and analgesia. Ultra-short-
scores using this sort of data (behavioural and acting drugs such as the opioid remifentanil and
physiological) suggest that pain is better managed intravenous anaesthetic agents such as propofol
this way (Puntillo et al 1997). Many units are now can be used to prevent accumulation of sedative
using pain and sedation scores to assess the drugs to allow for the diagnosis of brainstem death.
adequacy of pain control in patients on life support The patient should always be appropriately anaes-
in intensive care. The intensive care unit at St. thetized for organ harvest, and good analgesia and
Mary’s Hospital in London uses a scoring system sedation must always be assured. There are many
for pain and sedation (appended to the Glasgow modern potent opioids that can be used to provide
coma scale) with an action flow chart (Fig. 46.1). profound analgesia without affecting cardiac out-
put and help maintain adequate tissue perfusion.

On withdrawal of active medical

management Conclusion
Once a decision, on the grounds of futility, is made Whatever the situation, even at life’s end on a ‘life
to withdraw active treatment from a clinically ill support machine,’ we have the pharmacology and
patient (which should be seen as a positive one), the technology to treat pain and distress (although
adequate pain control and sedation continue to be not always the means to treat spiritual distress),
of paramount importance. The close relatives of the without recourse to euthanasia. Patients and their
patient also need to be properly consulted and relatives should be confident that we as prac-
counselled as necessary and in many cases titioners are always acting in the patient’s best
involved in the decision making process. It should interests, including the relief of suffering. Patients
be noted that a withdrawal of active treatment is should never have to fear that pain will not be
not the same as euthanasia, and patients die of the treated or that their lives will end in undignified
disease processes for which they were being pain and terror. 723
Special problems of assessment and management

If a patient has had recent surgery,

trauma, or has any wound
(e.g. pressure sore) or pre-existing
chronic disease e.g. arthritis

Assess conscious level

Assess pain
Is patient awake Yes
using visual
and orientated? analogue scale

No Yes

Yes Able to
Is patient rousable? use visual
analogue scale

Is patient tachycardic,
hypertensive, sweaty? No
Score 1

Can you exclude hypoxia, No Treat these

hypovolaemia, sepsis? and reassess


Is patient tachycardic, Score 2

hypertensive, mild sweating, Yes Consider analgesia
with/without facial grimacing? and reassess
No No

Is patient tachycardic, Is patient tachycardic,

hypertensive and sweating hypertensive and sweating
with pronounced/accompanied excessively
by dilated pupils and/or with writhing and/or
facial grimacing? distressed moments?
Yes Yes

Score 3 Score 4
Give analgesia or Give analgesia or
↑ dose then reassess ↑ dose then reassess

Fig. 46.1 Action flow charts used for patients in intensive care unit.

Guidelines for managing the last • Indicated for superficial or deep somatic pain
and pain of bone secondaries should be
days of life continued in patients already taking NSAIDs.
The Appendix to the National Council’s booklet • Suppositories, e.g., diclofenac 100 mg b.d.
Changing Gear—Guidelines for Managing the Last • Injections, e.g., ketorolac 30 mg per 24 h.
Days of Life in Adults gives help in the control of all • Gel, e.g., diclofenac, may be used for painful
likely symptoms. The following suggestions are decubitus ulcers.
clear and direct:
1. Pain
• Diamorphine is the drug of choice for
Pain (non-neuropathic) parenteral administration (other opioids of high
724 NSAIDs solubility may be used).
• Regular 4 hourly injections. Breathlessness
Pain and impending death

• Continuous subcutaneous infusion by syringe

• May be more distressing than pain.
• Some patients have a fast respiratory rate but
2. Dose conversion from oral morphine to are not distressed by this.
parenteral diamorphine
1. Calculate total daily dose or oral morphine.
• Diamorphine is the opioid of choice (or another
2. Divide total oral dose by 3 to give equivalent
opioid of high solubility may be used).
daily dose of parenteral diamorphine.
• 2.5–5 mg 4 hourly by SC injection for opioid-
3. Increase diamorphine dose by 50% if pain is
naïve patients.
not controlled.
4. Infuse total daily dose in 24 h by syringe driver. Benzodiazepines
OR • Indicated for breathlessness associated with
Divide total daily dose by 6 to calculate dose anxiety.
for 4 hourly injection. • Lorazepam 0.5–1 mg sublingually.
• Midazolam 2.5–5 mg by SC injection 4 hourly or
3. Use of portable infusion devices via syringe driver.
Portable infusion devices, commonly known as
syringe drivers, allow continuous infusions of Phenothiazines
medications to be given subcutaneously. This • Indicated for breathlessness associated with
prevents the need for multiple injections and anxiety or extreme agitation.
maintains a smooth delivery of medication. There • Less commonly used since introduction of
are a number of such devices currently available. It water-soluble benzodiazepines.
is always important to follow the manufacturers • Levomepromazine (methotrimeprazine)
instructions for safe administration of drugs. 25–50 mg 6–8 hourly.
Drugs commonly given by this method include:
Oxygen therapy
• Several studies have shown that oxygen is more
effective than air at relieving dyspnoea when
Hyoscine hydrobromide or butylbromide
given acutely, even in patients with normal
oxygen saturation.
• Should be administered in least obtrusive way,
Cyclizine (may precipitate in combination with
via nasal prongs.
other drugs)
• Humidification is needed to minimize drying
out mucous membranes.
Levomepromazine (methotrimeprazine)
• Often not needed if dyspnoea is relieved by
Only one of these may be combined with other measures.
diamorphine at one time.
Cough/noisy respirations
4. Management of specific symptoms
• Cough and ‘rattly’ breathing usually herald
Pain (neuropathic) tracheo-bronchitis or bronchopneumonia as a
Anticonvulsants terminal event because the patient is too weak
to clear secretions.
• Indicated for treatment of burning or shooting • Antibiotics are rarely appropriate.
pains when patient unable to take oral • Appropriate positioning of patient by nurse.
• Midazolam 5–10 mg 4 hourly SC Anticholinergics reduce the volume of secretions.
• Clonazepam 0.25–1 mg 4 hourly SC • Hyoscine hydrobromide 0.2–0.4 mg hourly SC.
• Phenothiazines • Indicated if sedation is also required.
• Levomepromazine (methotrimeprazine) • Compatible with diamorphine in syringe driver.
• Also has sedative and antiemetic properties.
This may cause agitated confusion in the elderly, in
• Indicated for pain when sedation is also
which case change to:
• 20–25 mg t.d.s. by SC injection. • Glycopyrronium 0.2 mg 4 hourly.
• Local reaction can occur at the injection site. • Less likely to cause confusion/agitation. 725
Special problems of assessment and management

Local anaesthetics suppress distressing cough Chambliss CR, Anand KJ 1997 Pain management in the pediatric
intensive care unit. Current Opinion in Pediatrics 9(3): 246–253
when patient is too weak to clear secretions:
Chater S, Viola R, Paterson J, Jarvis V 1998 Sedation for intractable
• Bupivacaine 2.5 ml 0.25% via nebulizer 6 hourly. distress in the dying – a survey of experts. Palliative Medicine
12(4): 255–269
Terminal restlessness Cherny NI, Coyle N, Foley KM 1994 Sufferirng in the advanced
cancer patient: a definition and taxonomy. Journal of Palliative
Exclude correctable causes such as urinary reten- Care 10(2): 57–70
tion (catheterize) or steroid therapy (discontinue). Doyle D, Hanks GWC, MacDonald N 1998 Oxford textbook of
palliative medicine, 2nd edn. Oxford University Press, London
Benzodiazepines Edwards BS, Ueno WM 1991 Sedation before ventilator withdrawal
(Case presentation). Journal of Clinical Ethics 2(2): 118–122
• Midazolam 5–20 mg 4 hourly SC or via syringe Ellershaw JE, Sutcliffe JM, Saunders CM 1995 Dehydration and the
driver has become the treatment of choice. dying patient. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management
10(3): 192–197
Agitation/delirium Ellershaw J, Foster A, Murphy D et al 1997 Developing an
integrated care pathway for the dying patient. European
Major tranquillizers Journal of Palliative Care 4(6): 203–208
Grond S, Zech D, Schug A et al 1991 Validation of World Health
• Levomepromazine (methotrimeprazine) Organization guidelines for cancer pain relief during the last
25–50 mg 6–8 hourly by SC injection. days and hours of life. Journal of Pain and Symptom
• Haloperidol 5–20 mg 4–6 hourly by SC Management 6(7): 411–422
injection. Hall Lord ML, Larsson G, Bostrom I 1994 Elderly patients’
experiences of pain and distress in intensive care: a grounded
Benzodiazepines theory study. Intensive Critical Care Nursing 10(2): 133–141
Hanson LC, Danis M, Garrett J 1997 What is wrong with end-of-life
• Midazolam 5–20 mg 4 hourly SC as an adjunct care? Opinions of bereaved family members. Journal of the
to major tranquillizer. American Geriatric Society 45: 1339–1344
Horton S 1996 Imparting the knowledge of impending death to the
Myoclonic jerking intensive care patient who is unable to respond. Nursing
Critical Care 1(5): 250–253
Usually due to rapid escalation of opioid dose. Jones A 1997 Family therapy in a critical care unit. Nursing
Benzodiazepines Standard 11(21): 40–42
Kolcaba KY, Fisher EM 1996 A holistic perspective on comfort care
• Midazolam 5–10 mg SC. as an advance directive. Critical Care in Nursing Quarterly
18(4): 66–76
From Changing Gear—Guidelines for Managing the National Council for Hospice and Specialist Palliative Care Services
Last Days of Life in Adults, published by the National 1997 Changing gear—guidelines for managing the last days of
life in adults. Proceedings of working party on clinical
Council for Hospice and Specialist Palliative Care
guidelines in palliative care. National Council for Hospice and
Services, First Floor, Hospice House, 34–44 Specialist Palliative Care Services, London
Britannia Street, London WC1X 9JG. Puntillo KA, Miaskowski C, Kehrle K et al 1997 Relationship
The selection of these drugs needs to be indi- between behavioural and physiological indicators of pain,
vidualized. A blanket ordering of what may be an critical care patients’ self-reports of pain, and opioid
administration. Critical Care Medicine 25(7): 1159–1166
overdose for a particular patient would hardly Robb YA 1997 Ethical considerations relating to terminal weaning
seem to be the way to end a long-term commitment in intensive care. Intensive Critical Care Nursing 13(3): 156–162
to a patient’s care on the part of his or her doctors Sanders LM, Raffin TA 1993 The ethics of withholding and
and nurses. Drugs are used as fine instruments and withdrawing critical care. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare
Ethics 2(2): 175–184
to turn to their use as a blunderbuss at the end
Sarhill N, Walsh D, Nelson K, Davis M 2001 Evaluation and
would intimate a final attitude tantamount to treatment of cancer-related fluid deficits: volume depletion and
‘writing off the patient’. Clinical assessment and dehydration. Support Cancer 9: 408–419
response to the needs of the patient cease only at ‘SUPPORT’ Principal Investigators 1995 A controlled trial to
death and support for the family afterwards improve care for seriously ill hospitalized patients. The study
to understand prognoses and preferences for outcomes and
depends on the doctor’s presence and interest risks of treatments (SUPPORT). Journal of the American
throughout the illness he has committed himself to Medical Association 274(20): 1591–1598
manage. Wall PD 1997 The generation of yet another myth on the use of
narcotics. Pain 73: 121–122
World Health Organization (WHO) 1990 Cancer pain relief. World
Health Organization, Geneva
Addington-Hall JM, McCarthy M 1995 Dying from cancer: results Yu VY 1997 Ethical decision-making in newborn infants. Acta
of a population based investigation. Palliative Medicine Medica Portuguesa 10(2–3): 197–204
9(4): 295–305 Zylicz Z 1997 Dealing with people who want to die. Palliative Care
Campbell, AGM, McHaffie HE 1995 Prolonging life and allowing Today 6(3): 38
726 death: infants. Journal of Medical Ethics 21(6): 339–344

A Acetaminophen (paracetamol) (cont’d) Acute abdomen (cont’d)

cancer pain regimes, 383 cancer, children, 673
Abdomen children, 548, 549 (Table), 674 (Table), Acute herpetic neuralgia, 610
conditions causing back pain, 70 675 Acute inflammatory polyneuropathy,
heat and cold, 474 metabolism, 349 (Fig.) 268–269
pain, 109–120 migraine, 224 Acute low back pain, 68
chemotherapy, 606–607 Aciclovir physical therapies, 489–490
children, 554 herpes zoster, 207, 208 (Table) Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis,
elderly patients, 561 postherpetic neuralgia, 262, 294 182
graft versus host disease, 672 Acidity Acute pain, 5, 24–26
spinal cord injury, 332 anti-inflammatory analgesics, 341 aetiology, 16
sickle cell disease, 132 local anaesthetics, 670 benzodiazepines, 358–359
see also Gastrointestinal tract Acidosis, labour, 150 cancer-related, 604–611
Abdominal wall, 113 Acoustic neuroma, trigeminal elderly patients, 560–561
entrapment neuropathy, 113, 141–142 neuralgia, 619 epidural blocks, 404–407
Ablative procedures Acromegaly, spondylitis, 69 headache, placebo response, 503
neurosurgical, 316–317, 650–651, Acromioclavicular joint, 80, 83 (Table), management, 17–20
656–657, 659–660 84–85 mechanisms, 13–16
pituitary, 459–460, 660 ACTH, opioids on, 391–392 neuroleptics, 357, 360
see also Thermocoagulation Activator Adjusting Instrument, opioids, 386
Abortive therapy cervical disc disease, 493 unrelieved, 20–24
cluster headaches, 188 Active movement see Exercise Acute Pain Services, paediatrics, 552
vascular orofacial pain, 190 Activities of daily living, elderly Acyclovir see Aciclovir
Abscesses patients, 563 Addiction, 102, 386, 392, 594, 703–704,
brain, toxoplasmosis, 323 Activity programmes, joint pain 706–707
epidural, 293 assessment, 33 Adenomyosis, 139
heat therapy, 475 Activity-related compartment Adenosine
periodontal, 181 syndromes, 59 heart pain, 128
ABT-594 (epibatidine analogue), 416 Acupuncture, 470 muscle pain, 49
Acamprosate, treatment of drug- migraine, 225 Adhesions, pelvic pain, 135–137
induced headache, 238 Acupuncture-like TENS, 466 Adhesive capsulitis, shoulder, 82, 83–84
Accessory articular nerves, 436 central pain, 316 Adjuvant analgesics, 5
Acetaminophen (paracetamol), 341, Acute abdomen, 109–113 cancer pain, 385, 387 (Table), 650,
343, 344 (Table), 348, 643 analgesia, 24–25 653–656, 679, 711 727

Adjuvant analgesics (cont’d) Alprazolam (cont’d) Analgesics (cont’d)

HIV infection, underuse, 715 chronic pain, 359 spondylotic low back pain, 71
psychostimulants, 390 dosage, 697 (Table), 712 (Table) see also Adjuvant analgesics;
Adrenaline premenstrual syndrome, 358–359 Combination analgesics
epidural block, 154, 155, 158, 159 Amantadine, 414, 585 Andropause, 574
levels, labour pain, 150, 151 Ambulation, epidural block, 159 Aneurysms, pseudoradicular
neuroma pain, 582 American College of Rheumatology, on syndromes, 301
Adrenal pain syndrome, 625 fibromyalgia, 95–96, 100 Anger of staff, 709
Adrenergic system, delirium, 702 Amethocaine (tetracaine), topical Angina, abdominal, 112, 129
Adson’s test, 79 anaesthetics, 551–552, 670 Angina pectoris, 123
Aerobic exercise, 35, 496 Amifostine, cis-platinum peripheral 5-fluorouracil, 608
Aerophagy, 116 neuropathy, 623 neuropathy, 128
Affective disorder see Depression Amitriptyline, 364, 365 (Table) syndrome X, 124–125, 127
Affective processing atypical oral and facial pain, 191 TENS, 467–468
limbic system, 460 cancer, 693 (Table), 711, 712 (Table) Angiokeratoma corpus diffusum, 267
placebo response, 504 chronic pain, 355, 359, 583 Angor coeruleus, 126
Africa, rheumatoid arthritis, 39–40 dosage, 365 Angor pallidus, 126
Age, on sex differences, 570 children, 674 Angors coronariens intriqués, 127
Ageing see Elderly patients delirium in cancer, 712 (Table) Anhidrosis, congenital analgesia with,
Agitation facial pain, 186 265
neurodegenerative disorders, 683 fluoxetine with, 368 Ankle, ligament injuries, 59
terminal, 698, 701–702, 726 lithium, shoulder pain, 358 Ankylosing spondylitis, 69
AIDS see HIV infection multiple sclerosis, 321 Anterior cingulate cortex, 460
Akathisia, 700 neuropathic pain, 654 Anterior interosseous nerve syndrome,
Alcohol postherpetic neuralgia, 208 (Table) 89
myopathy, 50 spinal cord injury, 334 Anterior spinal artery syndrome, 331
neuropathy, 268 tension-type headache, 228 Anterior uveitis, 211 (Table)
withdrawal, 696 vs spinal manipulation therapy, Antibiotics
Alcohol (absolute), pituitary ablation, 493 cancer patients, 642
459–460 Amoxapine, cancer patients, 693 prostate pain, 171
Alexithymia, 705 (Table) sinusitis, 210
Alfentanil Amputation, 443 Anticholinergic effects, tricyclic
pharmacokinetics, sex and age see also Postamputation pain; antidepressants, 361, 692
differences, 575–576 Preamputation pain Anticholinergics, rattly breathing, 725
spinal potency, 403 Amylase, acute pancreatitis, 112 Anticoagulants, Dressler’s syndrome
Algodystrophy, 275 Amyloid and, 124
Algorithms multiple myeloma, 133, 268 Anticonvulsants
back pain in cancer, 615 neuropathy, 267 central pain, 313, 314–315
neuropathic pain management, 586 Amyotrophy central poststroke pain, 314, 319
Alkalosis, respiratory, labour pain, 149 diabetes mellitus, 263 complex regional pain syndrome, 286
Allochria, cordotomy, 454 neuralgic, 264 ion channel blockade, 415
Allodynia, 15, 16, 259, 581, 582 Anaemia, rheumatoid arthritis, 42 migraine, 225
central pain, 310 Anaesthesia dolorosa, 305 multiple sclerosis, 321
cold, 419 Analgesic ladder, World Health neuropathic pain, 584, 654–655,
complex regional pain syndrome, Organization, 378, 379 (Fig.), 642 679–680
276–277 Analgesics spinal cord injury, 334
cordotomy, 453 antipyretic, 341–351 terminal care, 725
from opioids, 594 see also Non-steroidal anti- tricyclic antidepressants with, 358,
postherpetic, 207–208, 261 inflammatory drugs 360, 368
prostaglandins, 345 burns, 593–599 trigeminal neuralgia, 202
spinal cord injury, 333 cancer pain, 642–653 Antidepressants, 353–354, 364–369, 371
TENS and, 468 children, 548–551 adverse effects, 361–363
Alosetron, irritable bowel syndrome, 118 migraine, 552 burns, 597
α1-acid glycoprotein, sex differences, complex regional pain syndrome, cancer patients, 692–695, 711
575 285–286 non-tricyclic, 694–695, 711
α2-adrenergic agonists, 102, 315 disc disease, 296 central pain, 313–314
burns, 597 drug-induced headache, 237 central poststroke pain, 319
epidural, 404, 405, 408, 413–414 elderly patients, 564 cystic fibrosis, 682
intrathecal, 413–414 end-of-dose failure, 629 effectiveness, 359–361
α-adrenergic blockers, prostate pain, genetics of response differences, 571 fibromyalgia, 101–102, 103
171 migraine, 224 indications, 355–356
α-adrenoceptors, spinal cord, 15 neuropathic pain, 315 multiple sclerosis, 321
Alpha—delta sleep, 97 osteoarthritis, 36 neuropathic pain, 583–584, 586–587,
α-lipoprotein deficiency, 265 placebos vs, 503–504 654, 673
Alprazolam, 354, 371 reduction, 537 postherpetic neuralgia, 239
cancer patients, 693 (Table), 696 rheumatoid arthritis, 45–46 spinal cord injury, 334
728 dosage for delirium, 712 (Table) serotonin and, 414 tension-type headache, 227–228

Antiemetics, 390, 652 Arthrography Back pain (cont’d)

Antiepileptic drugs see Anticonvulsants shoulder, 83–84 epidural analgesia, 407
Antihistamines, anxiolysis, 698 temporomandibular joint, 186 manual therapies, 488–492
Antimalarial drugs, rheumatoid Arthroplasty multiple sclerosis, 319
arthritis, 46 reconstruction, 443–448 physical therapies, 71, 74–75, 477,
Antipyretic analgesics, 341–351 see also Total joint replacement 489–490, 491–492
see also Non-steroidal anti- Ascites, malignant, 624 relaxation and biofeedback, 512–513
inflammatory drugs paracentesis, 642 see also Lumbar muscles
Antipyrine (phenazone), 341, 343, 344 Aseptic necrosis see Avascular bone Baclofen, 584
(Table), 348–349 necrosis multiple sclerosis, 321
Anus, phantom pain, 628 As-needed dosing, opioids, 647 spasm, 58
Anxiety Asparaginase, neuropsychiatric side trigeminal neuralgia, 202, 203 (Table),
acute pain, 20 effects, 699 (Table) 239
aerophagy, 116 L-Asparaginase, intracranial venous Bacterial colonization, stagnant loop
benzodiazepines, 358 thrombosis, 607 syndrome, 115–116
burns, 596, 597, 598 Aspiration cytology, acute abdomen, Balanced analgesia see Multimodal
cancer pain, 695–698 113 analgesia
elderly patients, 562 Aspirin, 341, 342 (Table), 346, 347–348, Balloon compression, Gasserian
functional chest pain, 125 643 ganglion, 205
osteoarthritis pain, 34 acetaminophen with, 348 Balloon dilatation, transurethral, 171
placebo response and, 504 angina, 128 Basal thalamotomy, 459
Aorta erythromelalgia, 130 Baths
aneurysm, 70, 126 migraine, 224 precautions, 480
dissection, 126 paediatric dosing, 549 (Table) therapy, 477–478
Aortic arch syndrome, 130 topical, 585 BCG, intravesical cancer therapy, 607
Aortic valve disease, 125 Assessment phase, cognitive- BCNU (antineoplastic agent),
Aphthous stomatitis, recurrent, 182 behavioural therapy, 535 neuropsychiatric side effects,
Apical pleurisy, 126 Assisted suicide, 703 699 (Table)
Apnoea, opioids Asthma, antipyretic analgesics, 343 Behavioural pain assessment
epidural, 406 Asymbolia, 264–265 children, 547, 675
paediatric monitoring, 549 Ataxia elderly patients, 559
Appendicitis epidural compression, 615 intensive care units, 723
acute, 24, 109–110 multiple sclerosis, 321 Behavioural processes
grumbling, 115 Atelectasis, 21 headache, 240
Appropriate response, placebo as, 506 epidural opioids on postoperative hypnosis as, 521–522
Arachnoiditis, 73–74, 298–299 incidence, 398 Behavioural therapies
clonidine, 315 Atherosclerosis, 129 cancer pain, 710–711
postoperative, 297, 432 Atlantoaxial destruction, 613 tension-type headache, 228
Arm pain see Neuralgic amyotrophy; Attentional training, 539 see also Cognitive behavioural
Upper extremities, pain Atypical antipsychotics, 700 therapies
Around-the-clock (atc) dosing, 383–384, Atypical deafferent pain, orofacial, 194 Belt-like pain, central pain, 309
647 (Table) Benign cough headache, 231
Arsenic neuropathy, 270 Atypical facial pain (code 12.8), 240 Benign exertional headache, 231
Arteries Aura, migraine, 217, 222 Benign intracranial hypertension, 235
acute pain on, 22 ‘Authoritarian’ approach, hypnosis, Benoxaprofen, 46
injury at lumbar disc surgery, 431 527 Benzodiazepines, 354, 371
pain, 129–131 Auto-antibodies, subacute sensory adverse effects, 363–364
see also Peripheral vascular disease neuronopathy, 623 burns procedures, 598
Arteriolitis, 129–130 Autonomic changes, complex regional cancer patients, 695, 696–697
Arteriovenous malformations, pain syndrome, 277 children, 679
intracranial, 233, 318 Autonomic dysreflexia, 332 effectiveness, 361
Arteritis, 129–130 Autotransplantation, loin indications, 358–359
carotid system, orofacial pain, 193 pain/haematuria syndrome, 165 postamputation pain, 253
headaches, 233–234 Avascular bone necrosis spasm, 58
polyarteritis nodosa, 52 chemotherapy, 626 terminal dyspnoea, 725
Arthralgia, giant cell arteritis, 234 radiotherapy, 629 terminal restlessness, 726
Arthritis Avulsion, nerve roots, 300 Benzoquinones, from acetaminophen,
cancer, 617 Axonal degeneration, diabetic 348
haemophilias, 133 neuropathy, 266 Bereavement, 684
relaxation and biofeedback, 514 Axonopathies, central-peripheral aerophagy, 116
septic, 44, 133 distal, 270 Beriberi neuropathy, 269
shoulder, 83 (Table), 85, 124–125 Bernstein test, 127
steroid-induced, 607 B Beta-adrenergic blockers, migraine, 225
see also Osteoarthritis; Rheumatoid Bacille Calmette-Guerin, intravesical Bicipital groove, 80
arthritis cancer therapy, 607 Bicipital rupture, 84
Arthritis Self-Help Course, 36 Back pain, 67–76, 142 Bicipital subluxation, 84
Arthrodesis, 441–442 cancer, 614–615 Bicipital tendinitis, 81, 82–83, 83 (Table) 729

Bilateral cordotomy, 454–455 Boutonnière deformity, 41 (Fig.) Bursitis

Biliary disease, pain, 25, 111 Brachial neuritis, serum sickness, 264 olecranon bursa, 90
Biodistribution, antipyretic analgesics, Brachial plexus rotator cuff, 81–82
341–343 neurolysis, 659 treatment, 478
Biofeedback, 509–519 neuropathy Bursting cells, surgical destruction, 459
electromyography cancer, 620–621 Buspirone, 354, 364, 697
back pain, 513 chemotherapy, 626 dosage, 697 (Table)
migraine, 512 cryptogenic, 264 tension-type headache, 359, 361
tension-type headache, 228, radiotherapy, 610, 621 Buttonhole deformity, 41 (Fig.)
510–511, 515 root avulsion, 300, 582–583
urethral syndrome, 167 Nashold’s procedure, 456 C
vestibulitis, 168 Brain C7—T1 syndrome, 613
Biopsy fibromyalgia, 99 Caffeine, acetaminophen with, 348
muscle, 52, 54–55 migraine, 222 Calcific tendinitis, rotator cuff, 81
neurogenic tumours, 605 role in pain, 2 Calcitonin
peripheral neuropathy, 271 sex differences, 572–573 complex regional pain syndrome, 285
prostate, 605 stimulation, 316 postamputation pain, 253
temporal artery, 234 surgery, 457–460 Calcitonin gene-related peptide
vestibulitis, 168 see also specific structures bone, 437
Bisphosphonates, 282, 655 Brain and Spine Foundation, muscle, 437
complex regional pain syndrome, 286 trigeminal neuralgia, 206 synovial joints, 436
pain from, 609 Brainstem Calcium channel blockers, 415–416
Bladder migraine, 222 children, 552
cancer therapy, 607 surgery, 458–460 cold intolerance, 104
epidural opioids, 406 Breakthrough pain Calculi, ureter, 26, 111
oxybutynin for spasm, 655–656 burns, 591 Cancer pain, 603–639, 641–666
see also Cystitis cancer, 629–630 adjuvant analgesics, 385, 387 (Table),
Bleomycin, neuropsychiatric side opioid dosing, 384–385 650, 653–656, 679, 711
effects, 699 (Table) Breast children, 553, 667–681
Blink reflex, burning mouth syndrome, cancer assessment, 547
191 hormone-induced pain flare, 609 tumour progression, 675–681
Blood flow surgery pain syndromes, 626–627 chronic pain, 611–629
coronary arteries, TENS on, 467 see also Gynaecomastia cordotomy, 453, 454
diabetic neuropathy, 267 Breathing, controlled, 538–539 hypnosis, 524, 705, 711
heat therapy, 473–474 Breathlessness see Dyspnoea inadequate control, 703–704
massage, 494 Bretylium, regional blocks, 285 neuroleptics, 357
regional cerebral, hypnosis, 523 Bruxism, 184 opioids, 382–386, 644–653
thalamus, fibromyalgia, 99 Budd—Chiari syndrome, 111 epidural, 407–408, 413, 657–658
Blood gases, labour pain, 149 Buerger’s disease, 129–130 psychological factors, 689–711
Blood pressure Bulbar spinothalamic tractotomy, 458 substance abuse, 393, 703–704,
antidepressants, 364 Bupivacaine 706–707
labour pain, 150 cough, terminal care, 726 Cancer phobia, orchialgia, 169–170
pain sensitivity, 570 epidural block, 158, 159, 405 Candidiasis, oral, 182
sex differences, 571 paediatric dosing, 551 (Table) Capecitabine, palmar—plantar
Body-self neuromatrix, 2, 5, 8 Buprenorphine erythrodysaesthesia syndrome,
Bolus doses, parenteral opioids, 646 placebo vs, thoracotomy, 504 608
Bone spinal potency, 402, 403 Caplan syndrome, 44
microwave hyperthermia and, 479–480 Buproprion, cancer patients, 693 Capsaicin, 585
osteoarthritis, 31 (Table), 695 burning mouth syndrome, 193
pain, 50, 436–437 Bürger’s disease, 129–130 loin pain/haematuria syndrome, 165
adjuvant analgesics, 655 Burning feet syndrome, 269–270 osteoarthritis, 36
cancer, 612–617 Burning mouth syndrome, 191–193 Capsaicin receptor, drugs on, 417
trans-retinoic acid, 608 personality disturbance, 190–191 Capsula interna
rheumatoid arthritis, 40 Burning pain obsessive-compulsive disorder, 460
steroids, 47 central pain, 309, 318 pain, 308
tumours, resection, 443 see also Central dysaesthesia Capsular pain, joints, 50
see also Avascular bone necrosis syndrome Capsules, diclofenac, 346
Bone ingrowth arthroplasty, 447, 448 Burning perineum syndrome, 629 Capsulitis, adhesive, shoulder, 82,
Bone marrow Burning sensation, oral, 182–183 83–84
aspiration, 669, 671–672 Burnout, 709 Carbamazepine, 584
expansion, 608 Burns, 591–601 central pain, 314
Felty’s syndrome, 42 children, 552–553 clomipramine with, 360
replacement syndrome, 613 procedural pain, 597–598 haematology, 655
transplantation, 672 drug addiction survey, 704 ion channel blockade, 415
Bonica, J., 6 hyperalgesia, 592, 593, 594 multiple sclerosis, 321
Bornholm disease, 52 ketamine, 414 postamputation pain, 252 (Table)
730 Botulinum toxin, migraine, 225 hypnosis, 523–524 spinal cord injury, 334

Carbamazepine (cont’d) Central nervous system Chemonociceptive receptors, muscle,

tricyclic antidepressants with, 368 complex regional pain syndrome, 283 437
trigeminal neuralgia, 202, 203 (Table), sex differences, 572–573 Chemonucleolysis, lumbar disc
239 see also Neurodegenerative disorders disease, 431
Carbidopa, restless leg syndrome, 103 Central neurosurgery, 453–464 Chemotherapy
Carbohydrates, digestive disorders, Central pain, 305–327 for cancer pain, 641–642, 650
115–116 TENS, 468–469 chronic pain syndromes, 626
Carbon dioxide tension, labour pain, Central pain matrix, 2 neuropsychiatric side effects, 699
149 Central-peripheral distal axonopathies, pain from, 606–608, 674
Carcinoma 270 peripheral neuropathy, 607, 623, 626
colon, 140 Central poststroke pain, 306, 307, 310, Chest pain, 121–129
neuropathies, 264 313–314, 317–319 cystic fibrosis, 682
pancreas, 115, 624 anticonvulsants, 314, 319 5-fluorouracil, 608
stomach, 114 surgery for, 458 sex differences for diagnosis, 575
see also specific organs Central sensitization, 15, 582 sickle cell disease, 132
Carcinomatosis, meningeal, 300 fibromyalgia, 100 Child abuse, chronic pelvic pain, 142,
Cardiac output, labour pain, 150 pre-emptive analgesia, 18 172
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, sex differences, 571, 573 Childbirth pain see Labour pain;
refusal, 721 Central venous lines, removal, 672 Obstetric pain
Cardiovascular system Ceramide trihexoside deficiency, 267 Child life programs, 668
acute pain on, 21–22 Cerebellopontine angle tumour, 191 Children, 545–558
labour pain, 150 Cerebral blood flow, regional, brain tumour headache, 236
rheumatoid arthritis, 44 hypnosis, 523 burns, 552–553
Caregivers Cerebral cortex procedural pain, 597–598
stress, 708–709 migraine, 222 cancer pain, 553, 667–681
see also Staff positron emission tomography, 460 assessment, 547
Caries, dental, 177, 179 postamputation pain, 251 tumour progression, 675–681
Carnitine deficiency, 53 see also Motor cortex complex regional pain syndrome,
Carnitine palmityltransferase Cerebral tumours, 617–618 279, 554
deficiency, 50, 53 Cerebral venous thrombosis, 234 HIV infection, pain, 714
Carotid sinus, TENS hazard, 469 Cerebral ventricles, opioids, cancer hypnosis, 523, 524, 525–526
Carotid system, pain, 234 pain, 407, 658 intracerebral tumours, 618
Carotid system arteritis, orofacial pain, Cerebrospinal fluid irritable bowel syndrome, 117
193 high pressure, 235 migraine, 220
Carotidynia, 234 low pressure, 235–236 analgesics, 552
Carpal tunnel syndrome, 44, 87–88 meningeal metastases, 618 osteotomy, 445
ischaemic neuropathy, 264 substance P, fibromyalgia, 99 palliative care, 553, 667–687
paraplegia, 332 Cerebrovascular disease relaxation and biofeedback, 513
Cartilage epilepsy and pain, 322 Chiral drugs, sex differences, 576
osteoarthritis, 31 ischaemic, 232–233 Chiropractic, 488, 489, 490, 491–492
transplantation, 37 see also Central poststroke pain Chlamydial infection, 141
rheumatoid arthritis, 40 Cervical myelopathy Chlordiazepoxide, 371 (Table), 697
Catabolic state, postoperative, 23 radiotherapy, 610 (Table)
Catecholamines rheumatoid arthritis, 44 Chlorofluoromethanes, cryotherapy,
labour pain, 149–150 spondylosis, 297 477
nerve injury, 281 Cervical nerve root avulsion, 300 see also Spray and stretch
neuromas, 251 Cervical plexopathy, cancer, 620 Chloroprocaine
Cauda equina Cervical radiculopathy, 293 paediatric dosing, 551 (Table)
compression, 429 carpal tunnel syndrome vs, 88–89 sacral analgesia, 159
lumbar spondylosis, 297 muscle pain, 52 Chloroquine, 46
pain, 330 shoulder pain, 77, 79 Chlorpromazine, 357, 369 (Table)
Caudal epidural block, 156 see also Occipital neuralgia cancer patients, 701
children, 552 Cervical spine, tumour involvement, dosage, 697 (Table), 700 (Table)
complication rates, 399 613 hypertensive crises, monoamine
Causalgia, 7, 275–276, 582 Cervical spondylosis, 297 oxidase inhibitors, 362
alcoholic neuropathy, 268 shoulder pain, 79 tricyclic antidepressants with, 368
carcinoma, 264 Cervical sprain, 91–92 Chlorprothixene, 369 (Table)
catecholamines on, 281 fibromyalgia after, 97 Chocolate cysts, ovaries, 137
Cavernous sinus, nerve fibres, cluster Cervicogenic headache, 238 Cholecystitis, acute, 111
headache, 229 Cervix, cryosurgery, 605 Cholecystocoronary syndrome, 127
Celecoxib, 14, 344 (Table) Changing gear (National Council for Choline-magnesium salicylate,
Celiac plexus see Coeliac plexus Hospice Care Services), 722, 724 children, 674 (Table), 675
Central dysaesthesia syndrome, 330–331 Chaplaincies, terminal care, 707 Cholinergic agonists, nicotinic, 416
quantitative sensory testing, 333–334 Chapman, C.R., constructivist model, Cholinergic system, delirium, 702
treatment, 335 523 Chronic daily headache, 226
Central hyperserotonergic syndrome, Charnley hip prostheses, 447–448 Chronic fatigue syndrome see Myalgic
362 Chaussignac’s tubercle, 420 encephalomyelitis 731

Chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, Clomipramine (cont’d) Cognitive dysfunction (cont’d)

114 carbamazepine with, 360 opioids, 649–650, 652
Chronic migraine, 220 for drug-induced headache, 238 tricyclic antidepressants, 361
Chronic pain, 5 tension-type headache, 228 see also Dementia
abdomen, 113–119 Clonazepam, 354, 371 Cognitive placebo response, 504–505
acute pain in, 17 central pain, 314–315 conditioned responses, 506
benzodiazepines, 359 chronic pain, 359 Cognitive restructuring, 710
burns, 592 dosage, 697 (Table) Cold allodynia, 419
cancer pain, 611–629 delirium in cancer, 712 (Table) Cold intolerance, management, 104
children, 554 opioid myoclonus, 678 (Table) Cold stimulus headache, 189, 231
cancer survivors, 674–675 restless leg syndrome, 103 Cold therapy, 473, 474, 475, 476–479
elderly patients, 561–563 terminal care, 725 contraindications, 480
epidural block, 400, 407–408 tricyclic antidepressants with, 368 Colic, 111–112
hypnosis, 526 trigeminal neuralgia, 203 (Table), 239 Collagen, damage and repair, 60
neuroleptics, 357–358, 360 Clonidine Collagenase, heat and cold, 478
opioids, 386 burns, 597 Colles fractures
pelvis, 135–146 epidural complex regional pain syndrome
prostatodynia, 170–171 acute pain, 405 study, 280
after radiotherapy, 628–629 arachnoiditis, 315 osteotomy, 445, 446 (Fig.)
relaxation and biofeedback, 514–515 cancer pain, 413 Colon
TENS, 468–469 chronic pain, 407 acute pain, 112
tricyclic antidepressants, 355, 359, 583 complex regional pain syndrome, carbohydrate maldigestion, 116
see also Back pain; Cancer pain 285 carcinoma, 140
Chronification, headache, 227–228, 232, neuropathic cancer pain, 408 Colony-stimulating factors, pain from,
237 postoperative, 673 608, 609, 674
Chymopapain, back pain treatment, 75 spinal, 404 Colour analogue scales, 547
Ciclosporin, rheumatoid arthritis, 47 Clorazepate, 371 (Table), 697 (Table) Combination analgesics
Cingulotomy, 460, 660 Clozapine, 363 cancer pain, 645
Circumcision, 546 Cluster headache, 187–188, 228–231 drug-induced headache, 237
female, 169 classification, 218 (Table) tension-type headache, 227–228
Cis-platinum lithium, 188, 230, 354, 360–361, 370 Combined operations, discectomy and
neuropsychiatric side effects, 699 vascular orofacial pain vs, 190 fusion, 428
peripheral neuropathy, 623 CNS-5161 (NMDA receptor Commissural myelotomy, 457
plexopathy, 626 antagonist), 414 Community studies, osteoarthritis
Citalopram, cancer patients, 693 (Table) Coagulation disorders pain, 33
Clapping, 486 heat therapy and, 479 Comorbidities, opioid adverse effects
Classification of chronic pain (Merskey see also specific disorders vs, 649, 650
and Bogduk), 515 Coagulation system, nerve block on, 24 Compartment syndromes, 437
Classifications Cocaine, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, activity-related, 59
cancer pain, 603–604 206 Complex regional pain syndrome,
headache, 217, 218–220 (Table) Coccygodynia, 295 275–288, 420–422
low back pain, 67–68 Codeine, 380 (Table), 645 (Table) children, 279, 554
opioids, 644 cancer pain regimes, 383 hypnosis session example, 527–528
pain in AIDS, 713–714 equianalgesic ratio to morphine, 387 Compliance, tricyclic antidepressants,
Parkinson’s disease pain, 322 (Table) 367
paroxysmal hemicrania, 188 (Table), paediatrics, 550 (Table), 676 Compression fractures, vertebrae, 69
218 (Table) Coeliac plexus, 164 Computed tomography
spinal cord injury, 333 block, 418 (Table), 421, 658, 680 acute appendicitis, 110
temporomandibular joint internal Coenzyme Q10, migraine, 225 arachnoiditis, 298–299
derangement, 187 Cognitive behavioural psychology, brachial plexus neuropathy, 621
vulvodynia, 167–168 533–540 disc disease, 296
Claudication children, medical procedures, 553, guided cordotomy, 455
intermittent, 49, 51, 129 669 low back pain, 68
neurogenic, 298 elderly patients, 562 Concussion, 232
spinal stenosis, 71 view of hypnosis, 521–522 Conditioning, placebo response,
Claustrophobia, magnetic resonance Cognitive behavioural therapies, 505–506
imaging, 696 533–541 Confusion
Clicking, temporomandibular joint, 186 cancer pain, 656, 696, 709–711 from opioids, 652, 678 (Table)
Clinics (multidisciplinary pain clinics), children, 555 AIDS, 715–716
6 HIV infection, 715 see also Delirium
Clioquinol poisoning, 270 osteoarthritis, 35–36 Congenital analgesia with anhidrosis,
Clitoris, 169 Cognitive dysfunction 265
Clivus syndrome, 619 cancer patients, 698–702 Conjunctiva, SUNCT syndrome, 189
Clomipramine, 365 (Table) epidural vs general anaesthesia, Connective tissue
cancer patients, 693 (Table) 399–400 diseases
dosage for anxiety, 697 (Table) fibromyalgia, 97, 104 polymyositis, 52
732 dosage for delirium, 712 (Table) migraine, 222 see also named diseases

Connective tissue (cont’d) Creatine kinase, 55 Dependence (drugs), 102, 392

massage, 486 myophosphorylase deficiency, 53, 55 Depression
repair, 60 myositis, 52 atypical oral and facial pain, 190
Constipation, 116 Creatine phosphate, 56 back pain, 70
irritable bowel syndrome, 118 Crepitus, temporomandibular joint, 186 cancer pain, 692–695
opioids, 390–391, 648, 652, 673, 678 Crohn’s disease, acute abdomen, 110 suicide, 702
(Table) Cryoanalgesia, 478–479 central pain, 312
spinal cord injury, 331 Cryoglobulins, 480 elderly patients, 562–563
Constrictive tenosynovitis, 90 Cryosurgery, cervix, 605 fibromyalgia and, 97, 103
Constructivist model (Chapman), 523 Cryotherapy see Cold therapy HIV infection, 714
Contact cathartics, 390–391 Cryptogenic brachial plexus migraine, 222
Contingency management neuropathy, 264 organic mood disorder vs, 698
(behavioural), 710 Cuban neuropathy, 270 osteoarthritis pain, 34
Continuous epidural block, 152, Cubital tunnel syndrome, 89 De Quervain’s disease, 90
156–159 Cutaneous anaesthesia, children see Dermatitis, pinna, 212 (Table)
Contractures, 50, 51 Topical anaesthesia, children Dermatomal charts, 289
ultrasound therapy, 478 Cyclandelate, migraine, 225 Dermatomyositis, 51–52
Contrast baths, 478 Cycle ergometry, 57 Descartes, R., pain model, 2–3
Control, locus of, elderly patients, 562 Cyclic AMP, labour pain, 150 Descending inhibition
Controlled breathing, 538–539 Cyclic pelvic pain, 139, 144 headache, 227
Conus medullaris lesions, 615 Cyclooxygenases, 14, 46, 343–345, 643 spinal cord, 16, 101
Conversion disorder, complex regional see also Selective COX2 inhibitors Desensitization, systematic, 709–710
pain syndrome vs, 277 Cyclophosphamide, rheumatoid Desipramine, 365 (Table), 583
Coping strategies arthritis, 47 cancer patients, 693 (Table), 712
elderly patients, 562 Cyclosporin (ciclosporin), rheumatoid (Table)
see also Cognitive behavioural arthritis, 47 postherpetic neuralgia, 208 (Table)
psychology Cystic fibrosis, 681–682 Despair, central pain, 324
Copper, shortwave diathermy and Cystitis, 141 Desynchrony, frontalis EMG and pain,
intrauterine devices, 479 cancer therapy, 607, 629 515
Cordectomy, 317 Cysts, sacral meningeal, 172, 295–296 Detrusor, epidural opioids, 406
Cordotomy, 317, 453–455, 659–660 Cytokines, 7 Developmental neurobiology, 545–548
Corneal lesions, 211 (Table) Cytology, acute abdomen, 113 sex differences, 573
Coronary angioplasty, 129 Cytomegalovirus radiculopathy, 268 Developmental pharmacology, 548–552
Coronary arteries Cytosine arabinoside, neuropsychiatric Dexamethasone
acute pain on, 21–22 side effects, 699 as adjuvant analgesic, 654
spasm, 127 Cytotoxic drugs see Chemotherapy delirium in cancer, 712 (Table)
TENS on blood flow, 467 myofascial disorders, 86
thrombolysis, 129 D perineal burning sensation, 607
see also Ischaemic heart disease Daily headache, 226 postherpetic neuralgia, 294
Cor pulmonale, 126 Dantrolene sodium, 58 Dexmedetomidine, spinal, 404
Corticosteroids see Steroids Deafferentation pain, 300, 305, 582–583 Dextroamphetamine, 390, 652, 678
Cortisol, 3 Death (Table)
labour pain, 150, 151 children, 684 cancer patients, 693 (Table)
opioids on, 391–392 desire for, cancer, 702 delirium, 712 (Table)
Costen’s syndrome, 239 Deconditioning, 103–104 Dextromethorphan, 102, 414, 585
Cough Decongestants, 210 Dextropropoxyphene, 380 (Table)
headache, 231, 682 Deep massage, 486 Diabetes mellitus
terminal care, 725 Deep vein thrombosis, 611 amyotrophy, 263
Counterirritation, cold, 474 Delayed-onset muscle pain, 49–50, 56 neuropathies, 262–263, 266–267
COX2 inhibitors see Selective COX2 Delirium pseudotabes, 301
inhibitors cancer patients, 698–702 silent myocardial ischaemia, 124
Coxsackie viruses, polymyositis, 52 opioids, 652 Diagnosis
CPP syndrome (chronic pelvic pain), 137 see also Confusion central pain, 323–324
Cracked tooth syndrome, 179 tricyclic antidepressants, 361 complex regional pain syndrome, 280
Cramps, 50, 52 Dementia, 563–564 nerve blocks for
cancer, 617 delirium vs, 698 abdominal wall, 141
drugs for, 58 fibromyalgia and, 104 back pain, 74
Parkinson’s disease, 322 Demerol see Meperidine occipital neuralgia, 292–293
Cranial nerve palsies, diabetes Demyelination, diabetic neuropathy, spinal cord injury, 334
mellitus, 262 266 sex differences, 575
Cranial neuralgias, 219–220 (Table), Denervation, electromyography, 57 Diamorphine, 379–381, 724, 725
239–240 Dental pain, 177, 178 (Table), 179–180, epidural combinations, 405
herpes zoster, 207, 239, 291 194 (Table) Diaphragm
tumours, 619 atypical, 190, 191 pleurisy, 126
Craniocervical junction pain, 292 vascular orofacial pain vs, 190 viscerosomatic reflex, 21
Craniofacial pain, primary Dentinal pain, 178 (Table), 179 Diaries
vascular-type, 187–190 Dentistry, hypnosis, 524–525 chronic pelvic pain, 143 733

Diaries (cont’d) Donepezil, 390 Dysphoria, opioids, 678 (Table)

cognitive-behavioural therapy, 536, 537 Dopamine agonists, restless leg Dyspnoea
Diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome, syndrome, 103 opioids, 704
118 Dorsal column stimulation, 286, 583 terminal care, 725
Diazepam (valium), 371 Dorsal horn Dystonias, Parkinson’s disease, 322
dosage, 697 (Table) acute pain, 15–16 Dystrophic changes, complex regional
spasm, 58 opioids, lipophilicity, 401–402 pain syndrome, 277
spinal cord injury, 335 postamputation pain, 251
temporomandibular pain, 186 prostaglandins, 345 E
Dick-Read, G., natural childbirth, 152, Dorsal root entry zone lesions, 300, Ear pain (otalgia), 212 (Table), 619
153 317, 455–457 Ebb phase, postoperative, 23
Diclofenac, 342 (Table), 346, 643, 724 nucleus caudalis, 458 Eccentric muscle contractions, 49–50
Diencephalon, surgery, 458–460 Dorsal root ganglia, 419 Ectopic pregnancy, 111
Diet nerve injury, 281 Education
alcoholic neuropathy, 268 phantom pain, 251 on dying patients, 722
irritable bowel syndrome, 118, 119 postherpetic neuralgia, 261 fibromyalgia, 100, 101 (Table)
muscle diseases, 58 secondary changes, 437 inadequate pain treatment and, 704
rheumatoid arthritis, 39 Dorsal scapular nerve syndrome, 89 opioids, 385–386
Diffuse noxious inhibitory control Dose-response variability, 648 osteoarthritis, 36
(DNIC), 99 Double-lesion syndrome, spinal cord preoperative, children, 552
Diflunisal, 342 (Table), 347 injury, 331, 335 Effexor see Venlafaxine
Digital ischaemia, chemotherapy, 608 Doxepin, 365 (Table), 693 (Table), 712 Effleurage, 486
Dihydroergotamine (Table) Effusive pleurisy, 126–127
cluster headache, 230 Doxorubicin Elbow disorders, 89–90
for drug-induced headache, 238 palmar—plantar erythrodysaesthesia Elderly patients, 559–568
Dimenhydrinate, 390 syndrome, 608 opioids, 561, 649
Dipyrone, 348, 349 venous flare, 606 psychotropic drugs, 364
Disability Dressings, burns, 593 tricyclic antidepressants, 365–366,
elderly patients, 563 Dressler’s syndrome, 124 583
fibromyalgia, 98 DREZ lesions see Dorsal root entry Electrical stimulation
Disaccharidase deficiencies, 115 zone lesions brain, 316
Disc disease (vertebral), 296–297 Droperidol, dosage, 700 (Table) dorsal column, 286, 583
cervical, Activator Adjusting Dropped fingers, 41 (Fig.) pain perception, sex differences, 570
Instrument, 493 Drowsiness, tricyclic antidepressants, urethral syndrome, 167
lumbosacral, 294 361 see also Spinal cord, electrical
assessment, 429–430 Drug-induced headache, 237, 240 stimulation
non-surgical treatment, 431 Drugs Electric shock experiments, placebo
spondylosis, 71 abuse, 393, 703–704, 706–707 response, 505–506
treatment results, 492 headache, 237–238 Electrocardiography
see also Discectomy dosage 5-fluorouracil, 608
manual therapies on, 494 fibromyalgia, 104 tricyclic antidepressants, 583–584
thoracic, 293 reduction, 537 Electrocoagulation see
Disc displacement, elderly patients, 564 Thermocoagulation
temporomandibular joint, 187 interactions with opioids, 382 Electroconvulsive therapy, 368
Discectomy, 296–297, 427–433 myalgia from, 53–54 cancer patients, 695
amount of tissue removed, 428 sex differences, 575–576 postamputation pain, 253
reoperation, 428 Dry needling, 86 Electroencephalography
techniques, 75 Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy, 682 fibromyalgia, 97
Discitis, after lumbar disc surgery, 432 Duodenal ulcer, 114 hypnosis, 522, 523
Dissection, aorta, 126 elderly patients, 561 Electromyography, 57–58
Dissociation model, hypnosis, 522–523 perforation, 111 biofeedback
Dissociative states, 705 Dura mater back pain, 513
Distal axonopathies, central-peripheral, injury at lumbar disc surgery, 431 migraine, 512
270 permeability, 401 tension-type headache, 228,
Distal iliocecitis, 110 Dysaesthetic pain, 305 510–511, 515
Distal radius fractures see Colles central pain, 309, 311 myositis, 52
fractures cordotomy, 454 radiculopathy vs entrapment
Distraction (physical), 488 multiple sclerosis, 320 syndromes, 88 (Table)
‘Distress’ scales, 547 see also Central dysaesthesia shoulder pain, 81
Diurnal variation syndrome Electrophysiology, central pain, 312
osteoarthritis, 34 Dyskinesia, 316, 363 Eletriptan, migraine, 224
rheumatoid arthritis, 40 Dysmenorrhoea, 139, 574 Emergencies, disc surgery, 429
Diverticulitis, 112, 140 endometriosis, 137 EMLA (topical anaesthetic), 551
Dizziness, fibromyalgia, 104–105 relaxation and biofeedback, 514 cancer patients, 654, 669–670
Doctor—patient interaction on drug TENS, 467 circumcision, 546
effects, 505 Dyspareunia, 168 Enantiomers, ibuprofen, 346
734 Dolorimetry, 98–99 Dyspepsia, non-ulcer, 116–117 Encephalopathy, AIDS, 553

Endarterectomy, headache after, 234 Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Facet joints

Endocrine system, opioids on, 391–392 muscle disease, 55 fractures, 294–295
End-of-dose failure, analgesia, 629 postoperative discitis, 432 lumbosacral, 294
Endometriosis, 70, 137–138 Erythromelalgia, 130 manual therapies on, 494
Endotracheal intubation, general Erythropoietin (r-HuEPO alpha), pain referred pain, 301
anaesthesia for childbirth, 154 from, 609 thermocoagulation
Energy Escalation, opioid doses, 391, 594, 647, cervical, 238
muscles, 56 648, 679, 704 lumbar, 71
Enteritis, radiation, 610, 628 Essential thrombocythaemia, 132 Facet syndrome, 71
Entrapment neuropathies, 88–89, 263 Etanercept, 47 Facial expression, pain and dementia,
abdominal wall, 113, 141–142 Ethics 564
management, 586 physician-assisted suicide, 703 Facial pain, 219 (Table), 238–239
radiculopathy vs, 301–302 sedation for terminal pain, 660, 681 cancer, 620, 625
rheumatoid arthritis, 44 Ethyl chloride spray, 477 hypnosis, 525
Enzyme deficiencies, 53 see also Spray and stretch trigeminal nerve distribution,
see also named enzymes Etodolac, 348 199–214
Epibatidine, 416 Etorphine, spinal potency, 402 see also Orofacial pain
Epicondylitis see Tennis elbow Euthanasia Failed back surgery syndrome, 72–73,
Epidemic myalgia, 52 physician-assisted suicide, 703 299, 428
Epididymis, innervation, 165 requests for, 721 Fallopian tubes, acute abdomen, 111
Epidural abscess, 293 Event-related potentials, hypnosis on, Famciclovir
Epidural block, 398–408 522 herpes zoster, 207, 208 (Table)
adverse effects, 404 Evidence-based medicine, trigeminal postherpetic neuralgia, 294
complication rates, 399 nerve, 199 Familial α-lipoprotein deficiency, 265
cardiovascular system, 21–22 Examination (clinical) Familial hemiplegic migraine, 220
childbirth, 152, 154–155, 156–159 central pain, 323 P/Q-type calcium channel
children, 552, 680 chronic pelvic pain, 143 mutations, 416
complex regional pain syndrome, 285 shoulder pain, 79 Familial prevalence, fibromyalgia, 97
disc disease, 296 spinal cord injury, 333 Families, cancer patients, 707–708
on gut transit time, 22 Excisional arthroplasty, 444–445 Fat
heart pain, 129 Excitatory amino acid receptor grafts, lumbar disc surgery, 429
postoperative, children, 673 antagonists, 414 metabolism, labour, 150
preamputation pain, 253–254 Exercise, 487, 495–497 Fathers, expectant, 151
respiratory system, 21 adhesive shoulder capsulitis, 83 Fatigue, 58
on stress response, 23 fibromyalgia, 103–104 fibromyalgia, 96–97, 102–103, 104
see also α-2 adrenergic agonists, graded programmes, 536–537 irritable bowel syndrome, 117–118
epidural muscle pain, 49–51, 58 see also Myalgic encephalomyelitis
Epidural blood patches, 236, 605, 671 for osteoarthritis, 35 Feet
Epidural catheters, 401 sex differences, 577 footwear for osteoarthritis, 35
implanted, 299, 407 Exercise testing, 56–57 metastases, 617
Epidural compression, cancer, 614–615, Exertional headache, 231 Felty’s syndrome, 42
621 Expectation Female circumcision, 169
Epidural fibrosis, 299 hypnotizability tests on, 523 Femoral nerve, retroperitoneal
postoperative, 428–429 placebo response, 504–505 sarcoma, 622
Epidural haematoma, intracranial, 233 Extension exercises, 496 Femur
Epidural injections, pain from, 606 External auditory meatus, pain, 212 head, avascular necrosis from
Epidural opioids, 388, 400, 401 (Table) chemotherapy, 626
adverse effects, 404, 406–407 External carotid artery, orofacial pain, neck fractures, fixation, 441
cancer pain, 407–408, 413, 657–658 193 proximal osteotomy, 447
hyperalgesia syndrome from, 606 External compression headache, 231 Fenamates, 346
local anaesthetics with, 403–405 Exteroceptive suppression, headache Fentanyl, 381
postoperative, 398, 405 and, 227 drug interactions, 382 (Table)
potency, 402–403 Extra-articular features, rheumatoid labour, 153
Epidural space, 401 arthritis, 41–44 epidural block, 159
Epidural steroids, disc disease, 296 Extraction of teeth, trigeminal nucleus for opioid constipation, 391
Epilepsy, pain, 322 lesions, 191 paediatrics, 550 (Table), 676 (Table),
Episcleritis, 211 (Table) Extrapyramidal side effects, 677
Episodic cluster headache, 187 neuroleptics, 700 spinal potency, 402, 403
Episodic tension-type headache, 225, Extravasation, vesicant, 606 transdermal, 381, 384, 387 (Table),
226 (Table) Eye 388, 645 (Table), 646, 648, 649,
Equianalgesic ratios, opioids, 387 herpes zoster, 207 677
(Table), 644–645 pain, 210–213, 619 transmucosal, 385, 388, 597–598, 646,
Ergot preparations skull base metastases, 618 678
cluster headache, 188, 230 for procedures, 669, 671
drug-induced headache, 238 F Fetus, heat therapy and, 479
migraine, 224 Fabry’s disease, 267 Fibre size distribution, peripheral
Erythermalgia, 130 Faces scales, pain assessment, 547 neuropathy, 271 735

Fibrillations, muscle, 57 Fractures (cont’d) Gastrointestinal tract

Fibroids, 138 immobilization, 438, 439–441 acute pain on, 22
Fibromyalgia, 95–108 internal fixation, 439–441 gas, 115, 116–117
amitriptyline with fluoxetine, 368 malunion, osteotomy, 445 heat therapy, 477
hypnosis, 526 odontoid process, 613 hypnosis for pain, 526
primary, 54 physical therapies, 479 labour, 151
temporomandibular pain, 185 traction, 438–439 menstrual cycle, pharmacokinetics,
Fibrosing alveolitis, lung, 43 vertebrae see Vertebrae, fractures 575
Field block, hernia repair, 397 see also Colles fractures non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
Fingers Free fat grafts, lumbar disc surgery, 429 drugs, 46
ischaemia, chemotherapy, 608 Free radicals, complex regional pain obstruction, 112, 624, 656
rheumatoid arthritis, 40–41 syndrome, 282 pelvic pain, 139–140
Finger-warming biofeedback, migraine, Friction (massage), 486 pseudo-obstruction, 114
511–512 Friction rub, shoulder joint, 80 see also Motility disorders
Fish oil, rheumatoid arthritis, 39 Frontalis electromyography, 510–511, Gastro-oesophageal reflux, 127
5-fluorouracil 512, 515 epigastric pain, 113
chest pain, 608 Frontal lobe, hypnosis, 522 Gastroparesis, 114, 116–117
neuropsychiatric side effects, 699 Frozen shoulder migraine, 224
(Table) adhesive capsulitis, 82, 83–84 see also Gastric stasis
palmar—plantar erythrodysaesthesia cancer surgery, 628 Gate control theory, 1–2, 8, 465
syndrome, 608 left scapulohumeral periarthritis, diffuse noxious inhibitory control
Fixators, failure in back surgery, 73 124–125 (DNIC), 99
Flare Functional chest pain, 125 Gender differences, 569–579
pain, radiopharmaceuticals, 610 Functional magnetic resonance General anaesthesia
prostate cancer, 608–609 imaging, 7 burns procedures, 598
Flare (venous), doxorubicin, 606 sex differences, 572 childbirth, 154
Flexion reflex, central pain, 312 Functional reserve capacity, acute pain, cognitive dysfunction, 399–400
Flexion vs extension exercises, 495–496 21 local anaesthesia vs, 397–398
Flow phase, postoperative, 23 Furunculosis, external auditory neonates, 546
9-α-Fluorohydrocortisone, tricyclic meatus, 212 (Table) opioid tolerance, 673
antidepressants with, 361 Fusion organ harvesting, 723
Fluoromethane spray combined operations, discectomy, paediatric procedures, 671
spray and stretch, 487 428 Generalization, cognitive behavioural
see also Chlorofluoromethanes failure in back surgery, 73 therapy, 540
Fluorouracil see 5-fluorouracil joints, 441–442 Genetics
Fluoxetine, 365 (Table), 368 migraine, 222
adverse effects, 362 G rheumatoid arthritis, 39
amitriptyline with, 368 GABA, pain modulation, 16 sex differences, 571
cancer patients, 693 (Table), 694 GABA agonists, 584 Geniculate neuralgia, 209–210 (Table),
delirium, 712 (Table) spinal cord injury, 335 239, 291
dosage, 369, 712 (Table) Gabapentin, 584, 587 Genitofemoral nerve, orchialgia and,
Flupentixol, 358, 369 (Table) calcium channel binding, 416 169
Fluphenazine, 358, 369 (Table) central pain, 314 Genitourinary pain, 163–177
delirium in cancer, 712 (Table) children, 673–674 Giant cell arteritis, 130, 233–234
tricyclic antidepressants with, 368 doses, 674 (Table) Gingival pain, 178 (Table), 181–182
Fluvoxamine, cancer patients, 693 complex regional pain syndrome, 286 Girdle pain, central pain, 309
(Table), 694 postamputation pain, 252 (Table) Girdlestone excision, hip joint, 444–445
Foerster, O., dermatomal diagrams, 290 postherpetic neuralgia, 208 (Table) Glaucoma, 211 (Table)
(Fig.) trigeminal neuralgia, 203 (Table) Glenohumeral joint
Foetus, heat therapy and, 479 Gallbladder pain, 25 arthritis, 83 (Table)
Folic acid, with methotrexate, 47 Gamma knife surgery, 457 examination, 80
Follow-up, cognitive behavioural medial thalamotomy, 459 Glial cells, 7
therapy, 540 trigeminal neuralgia, 205 Glossopharyngeal neuralgia, 206–207,
Food allergies, 115, 118 Ganglionectomy 220 (Table), 240, 291–292, 619
Food impaction, gingival pain, 181 failed back syndrome, 299 Glottal closure, acute pain, 21
Footwear, osteoarthritis, 35 occipital neuralgia, 293 Glove anaesthesia (hypnosis), 527
Foramenectomy, 296 Ganglion impar, block, 421, 658 Glucosamine, osteoarthritis, 36
Foraminal root compression syndrome, Gas, gastrointestinal, 115, 116–117 Glucose metabolism, hereditary
72 Gasserian ganglion deficiencies, 51
Force measurements, muscle disease, neurolysis, 659 Glucuronides of morphine, 379, 390,
57–58 surgery, 203–205 649
Foreign body, external auditory Gastric stasis Glutamate, 414
meatus, 212 (Table) acute pain, 22 Gluteal muscles, trigger point
Fractures labour, 151 syndromes, 85
hip joint see also Gastroparesis Glycerol injection, retro-Gasserian, 204
arthrodesis, 442 Gastric ulcer, 113–114 (Table), 205
736 fixation, 441 Gastroenteritis, 111 Glycine, pain modulation, 16

Glycopyrronium, terminal care, 725 Headache (cont’d) High frequency TENS, 466
Glycosaminoglycan layer, interstitial cystic fibrosis, 682 Hilgard, E.R., dissociation model,
cystitis, 166 hypnosis, 525 522–523
Goals of treatment, cognitive- lumbar puncture, 236, 604–605, 671 Hip joint
behavioural therapy, 536 neck manipulation, 492–493 avascular necrosis, 626
Gold therapy, 42, 46 from opioids, 606 fractures
Gonads, heat therapy and, 479 post-traumatic, 231 (Table), 232 arthrodesis, 442
Gowers, Sir William, on fibrositis, 95 primary vascular-type craniofacial fixation, 441
Graded exercise programmes, 536–537 pain, 187–190 Girdlestone excision, 444–445
Graded oscillation, 487 relaxation and biofeedback, 510–512, replacements, 447–448
Graded task assignment, cognitive- 513 epidural anaesthesia, 398
behavioural, 710 temporomandibular pain, 185, 186 sacral syndrome, 614
Gradenigo’s syndrome, 212 (Table) tricyclic antidepressants, 359 tumour involvement, 616–617
Grafts, free fat, lumbar disc surgery, see also Cluster headache; Historical aspects, fibromyalgia, 95
429 Tension-type headache History-taking
Graft versus host disease, 672 Health care workers central pain, 323
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, pain mission, 8–9 chronic pelvic pain, 142–143
pain from, 608, 609, 674 see also Staff; Undertreatment of pain shoulder pain, 78–79
Greater occipital nerve, 238, 292 Heart spinal cord injury, 333
Group psychotherapy glossopharyngeal neuralgia, 292 trigeminal neuralgia, 200
cancer pain, 705 pain, 121–129 HIV infection
dying patients, 707 mechanisms, 127–128 neuropathy, 268
fibromyalgia, 105 tricyclic antidepressants, 361 paediatrics, 553, 681
Growth factors, pain from, 609 see also Ischaemic heart disease; pain prevalence, 713–714
Growth hormone, fibromyalgia, 104 Valvular heart disease psychiatric aspects of pain, 711–716
Guanethidine, intravenous regional Heart rate, pain assessment, 547–548 sensory neuropathy, 268
blocks, 284–285, 419, 421 Heat sensibility see Temperature undertreatment, 703
Guidelines, terminal care, 724–726 sensibility HLA-DR4 antigen, rheumatoid
Guillain—Barré syndrome, acute Heat stimulation arthritis, 39
inflammatory polyneuropathy, sex differences in pain perception, 570 Hodgkin’s disease, brachial
268–269 see also Laser stimulation plexopathy, 621
Guyon’s canal syndrome, 89 Heat therapy, 473–474, 475–479 Hold—relaxation technique, 487
Gynaecomastia precautions, 479–480 Home care, end of life, children, 683
chemotherapy, 608 Heberden’s nodes, contrast baths, 478 Homework assignments, cognitive
hormone therapy, 626 Heelstick procedures, responsiveness, behavioural therapy, 539–540
tumour-related, 625 547 Hopelessness, cancer, 702–703
Helicobacter pylori, 113–114, 116 Hormone replacement therapy,
H Hemicrania, paroxysmal, 188, 218 burning mouth syndrome, 192
Haematoma, pinna, 212 (Table) (Table), 230–231 Hormone therapy, tumours, pain,
Haemopathies, 131–133 Hemiplegia, shoulder pain, 85, 318 608–609, 626
Haemophilias, 132–133 Hemiplegic migraine, 220 Hospices, 6
Haemorrhage P/Q-type calcium channel children, 683–684
intracranial, 233 mutations, 416 Hospital care, end of life, children, 683
central pain, 306, 318 Heparin, ischaemic heart disease, 5-HT1B/1D agonists, migraine, 224, 414
lumbar disc surgery, 431 128–129 5-HT3 antagonists
trauma, 60 Hepatic artery, chemotherapy, 606 fibromyalgia, 102, 103
Hallucinations, opioids, 678 (Table) Hepatic distension syndrome, 623–624 irritable bowel syndrome, 118
Haloperidol, 357, 360, 369 (Table) radiotherapy, 641 Hubbard tank, 478
cancer patients, 700, 701, 712 (Table) Hereditary sensory neuropathy, precautions, 480
delirium 267–268 Human chorionic gonadotrophin,
cancer patients, 712 (Table) Hernia tumours secreting, 625
opioids, 652, 678 (Table) lower abdominal pain, 140 Human immunodeficiency virus see
dosage, 697 (Table), 700 (Table), 712 orchialgia, 170 HIV infection
(Table) penile pain, 171 Humeral head, avascular necrosis,
for terminal restlessness, 726 repair, anaesthesia, 397–398 chemotherapy, 626
tricyclic antidepressants with, 368 Herpes simplex, myeloablative Hunner’s ulcer, 166
Hands therapy, 607 Hyaluronic acid, intra-articular, 36
metastases, 617 Herpes zoster, 260–261 Hydrocele, 170
rheumatoid arthritis, 40–41 antiviral agents, 207, 208 (Table) Hydrocephalus, headache, 235
see also Fingers children, 672 Hydrocodone, 380 (Table)
Harvesting, organs for transplantation, cranial neuralgias, 207, 239, 291 equianalgesic ratio to morphine, 387
723 neuroleptics, 360 (Table)
Headache, 217–242 thoracic, 293–294 Hydromorphone, 379, 645 (Table)
acute crisis, placebo response, 503 see also Postherpetic neuralgia cancer pain regimes, 383, 676–677
cancer, 617–619, 620 Herpetic neuralgia, acute, 610 concentrated solutions, 647
from chemotherapy, 607–608 Hexylmethylamine, neuropsychiatric equianalgesic ratio to morphine, 387
cold stimulus, 189, 231 side effects, 699 (Table) 737

Hydromorphone (cont’d) Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis Inflammation

paediatrics, 550 (Table), 676–677 fibromyalgia, 104 back pain, 74
procedural pain, 597, 598 sex differences, 571 burns, 592
Hydrotherapy, 476 Hypothalamotomy, 459 complex regional pain syndrome,
Hydroxycarbamide, sickle cell disease, Hypothalamus, cluster headache, 229 278, 279
132 Hypothyroid neuropathy, 265–266 heat therapy and, 475
Hydroxychloroquine, 46 Hypoxaemia, acute pain, 21 joint pain, 33
Hydroxyurea, neuropsychiatric side Hysterectomy, pelvic pain, 138, 144 nerve trunks, 582
effects, 699 neurogenic, 131
Hydroxyzine, 697 (Table), 698, 712 I pain mechanisms, 281–283
(Table) Ibuprofen, 342 (Table), 346 peripheral sensitization, 13–14, 15
Hyoscine (scopolamine) children, 549, 674 (Table) postherpetic neuralgia, 262
labour, 153 potency, 346 sex hormones on, 572
terminal care, 725 tension-type headache, 227 sympathetic system and, 419
Hyperaesthesia Ice cream headache (cold stimulus synovial joints, 436
central pain, 311 headache), 189, 231 Inflammatory bowel disease, 140
see also Hyperpathia Ice-pick pains, 231 Inflammatory myopathies, 51–52
Hyperalgesia Ice therapy, 474, 476–477 Infliximab, 47
burning mouth syndrome, 191 Idiopathic stabbing headache, 231 Infraorbital nerve, 193
burns, 592, 593, 594 Idoxuridine, postherpetic neuralgia, Infraspinatus, tendinitis, 81
ketamine, 414 262 Infusion pumps
complex regional pain syndrome, Iliac crest tumour, lateral cutaneous epidural block, 159
276–277 nerve of thigh, 622 terminal care, 725
dysmenorrhoea, 574 Iliocecitis, infective distal, 110 Infusions, opioids, 646–647, 677
fibromyalgia, 98, 99 Imagery, 539 Inhalation analgesia
ketamine, 414 Imipramine, 365 (Table) burns procedures, 598
from opioids, 594 anxiety, 697 (Table) childbirth, 152, 153–154
primary, 14 cancer patients, 693 (Table) paediatric procedures, 671
prostaglandins, 345 delirium, 712 (Table) Inhibition, neural, spinal cord, 15–16,
spinal opioid hyperalgesia chronic pain, 355 99, 101, 583
syndrome, 606 Immediate release opioids, 384 Injections
teeth, 179 Immobilization, 438–441 myofascial syndromes, 85–86
Hyperglycaemia, pain sensation, acromioclavicular joint, 85 pain from, 606
266–267 on muscle, 58 Insensitivity to pain, 264–265
Hyperpathia Immune system Instability, spinal, 72
cordotomy, 453 nerve block, 23 Insular cortex, 265
see also Hyperaesthesia opioids, 392 Intensive care units
Hypersensitivity phenomenon pain, 3 cystic fibrosis, 682
irritable bowel syndrome, 118 sex hormones, 572 death of children, 684
see also Sensitization Immunoglobulins, rheumatoid dying patients, 722–723
Hypersensitivity to cold, 480 arthritis, 44 neonatal, 546, 547
Hypertension, headache, 234 Immunosuppression Interferon
Hypertensive crises, monoamine herpes zoster, 207 neuropsychiatric side effects, 699
oxidase inhibitors, 362 iliocecitis, 110 pain, 609
Hypertonic saline injection, 98 Immunosuppressive drugs, Interlaminar approach, lumbar disc
ketamine and, 100 rheumatoid arthritis, 47 surgery, 427
Hypertrophic pulmonary Immunotherapy, pain, 609 Interleukin-1 receptor antagonists,
osteoarthropathy, 617 Impingement syndromes, shoulder, 83, osteoarthritis, 37
Hyperventilation, myalgic 90–91 Interleukin-1 receptor genes,
encephalomyelitis, 54 Implanted epidural catheters, 299, 407 vestibulitis, 168
Hypnosis, 521–531 Incident pain, 26, 629 Interleukin-3, pain from, 609
cancer pain, 524, 705, 711 Incisions, surgical, 26–27 Interleukins, neuropsychiatric side
childbirth, 153 Indometacin, 342 (Table) effects, 699
on cortical function, 460 on cartilage, 46 Intermittent claudication, 49, 51, 129
for medical procedures, children, 669 paroxysmal hemicrania, 189, Internal capsule
suggestibility, 523 230–231 obsessive-compulsive disorder, 460
Hypoaesthesia, central pain, 311 sexual headaches, 231 pain, 308
Hypoalgesia, central pain, 311 Infarction, migrainous, 220 Internal fixation, fractures, 439–441
Hypogastric plexus block, 421, 658 Infections International Headache Society
Hypolactasia, 115 bone, 443 classification, 217
Hyponatraemia, carbamazepine, 202 cancer patients, 610, 642 Interpositional arthroplasty, 445
Hypotension children, 672 Interstitial cystitis, 141, 165–166
antidepressants, 364 lumbar disc surgery, 432 vulvodynia with, 166, 168
epidural block, 405–406 myeloablative therapy, 607 Interstitial fibrosis, lung, 43
management, 105 myositis, 51 Intertrochanteric hip fractures, fixation,
regional analgesia, childbirth, 154 Infective distal iliocecitis, 110 441
738 tricyclic antidepressants, 361 Inferior hypogastric plexus, 164–165 Interventional radiology, hypnosis, 525

Interviews, cognitive-behavioural Ischaemia, 130–131 L

therapy, 536 digital, chemotherapy, 608 Laboratory investigations
Intestinal obstruction, 112, 624, 656 Ischaemic cerebrovascular disease, chronic pelvic pain, 143
Intestinal pseudo-obstruction, chronic, 232–233 lithium therapy, 370
114 Ischaemic colitis, 112 muscle pain, 54–57
Intra-articular opioids, 14 Ischaemic forearm exercise tests, 57 rheumatoid arthritis, 44
Intra-articular steroids, 36, 47 Ischaemic heart disease, 121–125 Labour pain, 149–159
Intracerebral tumours, 617–618 sex differences, 575 hypnosis, 526
Intracerebroventricular opioids, cancer Ischaemic muscle pain, 49, 437 TENS, 467
pain, 407, 658 Ischaemic neuropathy, 263–264, 271 see also Obstetric pain
Intracoronary thrombolysis, heart pain, 128 Lactic acid, 49
myocardial infarction, 129 Isocarboxazid, cancer patients, 693 labour, 150
Intracranial haematoma, 233 (Table) Lactose maldigestion, 115
central pain, 306, 318 Isoniazid neuropathy, 265 Lamina II, postamputation pain, 251
Intracranial hypertension Isophosphamide, neuropsychiatric side Lamotrigine
benign, 235 effects, 699 central poststroke pain, 314
tumours, 618 ion channel blockade, 415
Intracranial hypotension, spontaneous, J postamputation pain, 252 (Table)
236 Jabs and jolts (idiopathic stabbing trigeminal neuralgia, 202, 203 (Table)
Intracranial tumours, 236 headache), 231 Laparoscopy
central pain, 306, 323 Jamaican neuropathy, 269 acute appendicitis, 110
meningeal metastases, 300, 618 Joints pelvis, 137, 144
Intramedullary fixation, 440–441 fusion, 441–442 transection of uterosacral ligaments
Intramuscular injection, opioids, opioid injection, 14 (LUNA), 144
595–596, 606 pain, 32–33, 435–436 Large-fibre afferents, inhibition loss,
Intranasal route, lidocaine, 415 immobilization for, 438 583
Intraperitoneal chemotherapy, 606–607 vs muscle pain, 50 Larynx, TENS hazard, 469
Intrathecal drugs paclitaxel, 608 Laser disc decompression,
α-2 adrenergic agonists, 413–414 physical therapies, 477–479 percutaneous, 431
baclofen, multiple sclerosis, 321 play increase, 488 Laser stimulation, 474
chemotherapy, 607 prostheses see Total joint replacement central pain, 312
complex regional pain syndrome, 285 reconstruction, 443–448 L-asparaginase, intracranial venous
opioids, 388 removal of tissue, 442 thrombosis, 607
cancer pain, 657–658, 680 steroid injection, 36, 47 Latency of sensation, central pain,
hyperalgesia syndrome from, 606 see also Arthritis; Stiffness 312
with local anaesthetics, 408 Jugular foramen syndrome, 619 Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh, iliac
Intrauterine devices, shortwave crest tumour, 622
diathermy and, 479 K Lateral periodontal abscess, 181
Intravenous phentolamine test, 285, Keratitis, 210, 211 (Table) Lavage, osteoarthritis, 37
420 Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, 43 Laxatives, 390–391
Intravenous regional blocks Ketamine, 316, 414, 585 opioids with, 383, 673
guanethidine, 284–285, 419, 421 burns, 597, 598 L-dopa, restless leg syndrome, 104
ketorolac, 419 children, 670–671 Left scapulohumeral periarthritis,
Intravenous route fibromyalgia, 100, 102 124–125
cytotoxic drugs, pain from, 606 postamputation pain, 253 Left ventricular dysfunction,
lidocaine, 415, 584, 587, 597, 655 Ketanserin, regional blocks, 285 misdiagnosis, 56
opioids, 388, 595–596, 677 Ketoprofen, 342 (Table) Leg pain, 69
Intraventricular opioids, cancer pain, Ketorolac, 18, 342 (Table) Leiomyomata, 138
407, 658 intravenous regional blocks, 419 Lemniscal system, central pain, 307
Intravesical cancer therapy, 607 on myocardial ischaemia, 22 Leptomeningeal metastases, 618
Invertebrate toxins, calcium channel terminal care, 724 Leriche’s syndrome, 51, 129
blockade, 416 Kidney, 165 Lesser occipital nerve, 292
Ion channel blockers, 415–416 pain, 25–26 Leucopenia, Felty’s syndrome, 42
Iontophoresis, skin analgesia, 670 rheumatoid arthritis, 44 Leukaemia
Iritis, 210, 211 (Table) see also Renal function meningeal, 300
Iron deficiency anaemia, oral pain, Klonipin see Clonazepam pain at initial diagnosis, 668
182 Kneading, 486 Levamisole, 46
Iron metabolism, rheumatoid arthritis, Knee Levodopa, restless leg syndrome, 104
42 injuries, 59–60 Levomepromazine
Irritable bladder syndrome, treatment hierarchy, 448–449 (methotrimeprazine), 369 (Table)
management, 104 osteoarthritis, 33–34 acute pain, 357
Irritable bowel syndrome, 117–118 physical therapies, 478 children, 680
hypnosis, 526 proximal tibial osteotomy, 445–447 chronic pain, 357–358
management, 104 replacements, 448 dosage, 697 (Table), 700 (Table)
pelvic pain, 140 epidural anaesthesia, 398 delirium in cancer, 712 (Table)
sex differences, brain activation, 572 resection procedures, 442 terminal care, 701, 725, 726
Isaacs’ syndrome, 52 Knockout mice, cyclooxygenases, 345 tricyclic antidepressants with, 368 739

Levorphanol, 377 Local anaesthetics (cont’d) Lymphoedema, 629

equianalgesic ratio to morphine, 387 cough, terminal care, 726 brachial plexopathy, 621
(Table) diagnostic blocks Lymphoma, stomach, 114
Lhermitte’s sign, 79 occipital neuralgia, 292–293
multiple sclerosis, 320 rotator cuff impingement, 83 M
radiotherapy, 610 see also Diagnosis, nerve blocks for Magnesium, migraine, 225
Lidocaine (lignocaine) intra-articular, 33 Magnetic resonance angiography,
on bowel function, 22 neutralizing (pH), 670 trigeminal neuralgia, 201
central pain, 315 opioids with Magnetic resonance imaging
intranasal, 415 epidural block, 403–405, 407–408, arachnoiditis, 298–299
intravenous, 415, 584, 587, 597, 655 657–658 claustrophobia, 696
intravenous regional guanethidine intrathecal block, 408 cluster headache, 229
blocks with, 285 oral route, 655 functional, 7
ion channel blockade, 415 pain from infiltration, 606 sex differences, 572
paediatric dosing, 551 (Table) postherpetic neuralgia, 294 multiple sclerosis, pseudoradicular
pharmacokinetics, sex differences, postoperative pain, 19 (Table), syndromes, 301
575 397–399 muscle diseases, 56
sacral analgesia, in continuous see also Topical anaesthesia shoulder, 81
epidural block, 159 Locus of control, elderly patients, 562 syringomyelia, 331, 332, 333
in subcutaneous opioid infusions, Loin pain/haematuria syndrome, 165 temporomandibular joint, 186, 187
677 Lollipops (transmucosal fentanyl), Magnetic resonance spectroscopy
topical, 670 385, 388, 597–598, 646, 669, fibromyalgia, 98
trigeminal neuralgia, 203 671, 678 muscle disease, 55–56
viscous, 654 Long-acting opioids, 383–384 Maintenance administration, tricyclic
Lifestyle, sex differences, 573, 574 Long-lever manipulation, non-specific, antidepressants, 366
Ligament injuries, 59–60 488 Malabsorption, 115
wrist, 90 Loose bodies, osteochondral, 442 MALT lymphoma, stomach, 114
Lignocaine see Lidocaine Lorazepam, 371 (Table) Mammography, pain, 605
Likert scale, 33 acute pain, 358 Manipulation, 487–495
Limbic surgery, 460 delirium and, 701 Maprotiline, 365 (Table)
Limbic system, hypnosis, 522 dosage, 697 (Table), 700 (Table) cancer patients, 693 (Table)
Limb salvage resections, 443, 444–445 for terminal dyspnoea, 725 delirium, 712 (Table)
(Fig.) Lornoxicam, 342 (Table), 346 Massage, 485–486
Limited contact treatment, tension-type Low frequency TENS, 466 manipulation, 487–495
headache, 228 L-tryptophan, delirium in cancer, 712 mechanisms of pain relief, 493–495
Limited midline myelotomy, 457 (Table) Mastectomy, pain after, 627
Lipase, acute pancreatitis, 112 L-type calcium channel blockers, 416 Mastoiditis, 212 (Table)
Lipid storage myopathies, 53 Lumbar epidural block Maxillary sinus, 193, 194 (Table)
Lipophilicity, spinal opioids, 401–403 childbirth, 152, 154–155, 156–159 sinusitis, 194 (Table), 208–210
Liposomal doxorubicin, palmar— complication rates, 399 MB creatine kinase, 55
plantar erythrodysaesthesia Lumbar muscles McArdle’s syndrome see
syndrome, 608 cervical sprain, 91–92 Myophosphorylase deficiency
Lisinopril, migraine, 225 trigger-point syndromes, 86 McGill Pain Questionnaire, 3–4
Lissauer’s tract, sectioning, 455 Lumbar plexus injury, root avulsion, elderly patients, 559–560
Lithium, 358, 370 300 chronic pain, 561–562
adverse effects, 363 Lumbar puncture joint pain, 33
cancer patients, 693 (Table), 695 headache, 236, 604–605, 671 trigeminal neuralgia, 200
cluster headache, 188, 230, 354, management, 669, 671 McKenzie, R., extension exercises, 496
360–361, 370 Lumbar spondylosis, 297–298 Meaning-centred group therapy, dying
effectiveness, 360–361 Lumbar sympathetic block, 418 (Table), patients, 707
potentiation of tricyclic 421 Mechanically assisted manipulation,
antidepressants, 367 Lumbosacral plexopathy, 621–622, 626 488
Liver Lumbosacral radiculopathy, 294 Mechanonociceptive receptors, muscle,
acute congestion, 111 Lung 437
diclofenac, 346 apex, trauma pain, 25 Medial thalamotomy, 317, 458, 459
drug metabolism, sex differences, 576 carcinoma Median nerve entrapment syndromes,
pain, 25 facial pain, 240, 620, 625 89
pemoline toxicity, 694 pain, 625 see also Carpal tunnel syndrome
rheumatoid arthritis, 44 transplantation, cystic fibrosis, 682 Mediastinum, trauma pain, 25
see also Hepatic distension syndrome Luteinizing hormone releasing factor, Medroxyprogesterone, pelvic
Livingston, W.K., on subjectivity of prostate cancer flare, 608–609 congestion, 138
pain, 3 Luvox (fluvoxamine), cancer patients, Medulla oblongata, central pain, 309
L-methadone, 381 693 (Table), 694 Mefenamic acid, 342 (Table)
Local anaesthetics, 397–411 Lyell’s syndrome, antipyretic Meloxicam, 342 (Table), 346–347, 348
adhesive shoulder capsulitis, 84 analgesics, 349 Memantine, 414
central pain, 315 Lymphatic drainage, manual therapies, postamputation pain, 253
740 children, 551–552 494 Memory see Mnemonic processes

Meningeal carcinomatosis, 300 Methylphenidate, 390, 652, 678 (Table), Mobilization, 487
Meningeal cysts, sacral, 295–296 679 neck pain, 492–493
perineal pain, 172 cancer patients, 693 (Table), 694 Modafinil, 103, 390
Meningeal metastases, 300, 618 delirium, 712 (Table) cancer patients, 693 (Table), 694
Meningiomas, pain, 323 Methylprednisolone, optic neuritis, 213 Modulation of pain, 15–16
Meningitis, from chemotherapy, 607 Methysergide, cluster headache fibromyalgia, 99
Meniscal tears, 442 prophylaxis, 188, 230 phantom pain, 248–249
Menopause, 574 Metoclopramide, 390 Molecular size, epidural opioids, 401
burning mouth syndrome, 192 Mexiletine, 584 Molindone, dosage, 697 (Table), 700
Menstrual cycle central pain, 315 (Table)
brain activation changes, 572 oral, 655 Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, 353,
drug prescribing, 576 Mianserin, chronic pain, 355 356, 365 (Table), 368, 369
pharmacokinetics, 575 Microcompression, Gasserian ganglion, adverse effects, 362–363
physical therapies, 577 204 (Table), 205 meperidine interaction, 381, 652
Meperidine (pethidine), 381, 645 (Table) Micromovement back pain, 74 cancer patients, 693 (Table), 695
burns, 595 Microsurgery effectiveness, 359–360
drug interactions, 382 (Table) lumbar disc disease, 428 Mononeuritis multiplex, rheumatoid
monoamine oxidase inhibitors, spermatic cord denervation, 170 arthritis, 44
381, 652 see also Microvascular surgery Mononeuropathies, 260–264
equianalgesic ratio to morphine, 387 Microtrauma, fibromyalgia, 98 malignant, 622
(Table) Microvascular surgery Morphine, 379, 645 (Table)
labour, 153 geniculate neuralgia, 291 burns, 595
paediatrics, 550 (Table), 676 (Table), glossopharyngeal neuralgia, 292 cancer pain, 646
677 posterior fossa, 204 (Table), 205, 292 children, 676
spinal potency, 402 see also Microsurgery regimes, 383
see also Normeperidine Microvessel dysfunction, 131 on cerebral cortex, postamputation
Merskey report on pain, 3 Microwave hyperthermia, 476 pain, 251
Mesencephalic tractotomy, 317, 457, contraindications, 479 children, 550 (Table)
458–459 prostate pain, 171 cancer pain, 676
Mesenteric lymphadenitis, 110 Micturition control concentrated solutions, 647
Mesenteric veins, acute thrombosis, 611 cordotomy, 454 drug interactions, 382 (Table)
Metabolism see also Urinary retention epidural combinations, 405
labour, 150 Midazolam equianalgesic ratios to other opioids,
morphine, 379 dosage, 697 (Table) 387 (Table)
Metal implants delirium, 700 (Table) glucuronides, 379, 390, 649
orthopaedic plating, 440 spinal, 404, 405, 407 labour, 153
shortwave diathermy and, 479 terminal care, 701, 725 myocardial infarction, 129
Metalloproteinase inhibitors, Middle cranial fossa syndrome, postherpetic neuralgia, 315
osteoarthritis, 37 618–619 spinal potency, 402, 403
Metamizole sodium, 344 (Table) Midline myelotomy, 457 suppositories, 388
Metastases Midline retroperitoneal syndrome, 624 topical, 14
back pain, 70 Migraine, 187, 217–225, 240 burns, 596
to bone, 612–614 children, 220 Mortality
radiopharmaceuticals for, 655 analgesics, 552 epidural block and, 398
extremities, 617 5-HT1B/1D agonists, 224, 414 lumbar disc surgery, 431
meningeal, 300, 618 hypnosis, 525 Morton’s neuralgia, 263
skull base, 618–619 neck manipulation, 493 Motility disorders, gastrointestinal, 114
Meteorism, 117 post-traumatic, 232 irritable bowel syndrome, 118
Methadone, 381, 645 (Table) prophylaxis, 225, 237 see also Gastric stasis; Gastroparesis
burns, 595, 596–597 relaxation and biofeedback, 511–512 Motor block, epidural block, 405
drug interactions, 382 (Table) stroke and, 232 Motor cortex
equianalgesic ratio to morphine, 645 temporomandibular pain, 185 activation by pain, 573
for opioid constipation, 391 see also Familial hemiplegic migraine; stimulation, 316
opioid rotation, 385, 679 Vascular headache Motor nerve stimulation, 57–58
respiratory depression, 389 Migrainous infarction, 220 Motor unit potentials, 57
paediatrics, 550 (Table), 677 Minor trauma, acute pain, 24 Movement disorder, stump, 249
rectal route, 388 Miosis, cluster headache, 188 Movement-related cancer pain,
spinal potency, 402 Mirror pain, cordotomy, 454 epidural combinations, 408
Methotrexate Misoprostol, 643 Mucosal pain, oral, 178 (Table), 182–183
intrathecal, 607 Mitchell, S.W., nerve-injury pain, 7–8 Mucositis, cancer therapy, 607, 609–610,
neuropsychiatric side effects, 699 Mitochondrial myopathies, 53 672
(Table) magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 55 Multidisciplinary management
rheumatoid arthritis, 47 vitamin therapy, 58 cancer pain, 690
Methotrimeprazine see Mitral valve disease, 125 elderly patients, 565
Levomepromazine Mnemonic processes fibromyalgia, 105
3-Methylhistidine, 55 burn pain, 594–595 pelvic pain, 144–145
Methylnaltrexone, for constipation, 391 heart pain, 128 rheumatoid arthritis, 45 741

Multidisciplinary pain clinics, 6 Myelotomy procedures, 457 Nerve blocks (cont’d)

Multimodal analgesia, 18–20 Myenteric plexus disorders, 114 for diagnosis see Diagnosis, nerve
postoperative, 399 Myocardial infarction blocks for
pre-emptive, 594–595 complications, 124–125 at limb amputation, 254
Multiple mononeuropathies, 260–264 elderly patients, 561 postoperative, metabolic effects,
Multiple myeloma, 133 management, 129 23–24
neuropathy, 268 pain from, 24, 122 Nerve conduction studies
Multiple sclerosis painless, 124 radiculopathy vs entrapment
central pain, 307, 310, 313, 319–321 Myocardial ischaemia, from acute pain, syndromes, 88 (Table)
pseudoradicular syndromes, 300–301 21–22 temperature, 474
Multisegmental root syndromes, Myoclonus, opioids, 653, 678 (Table), Nerve fibres
297–300 726 joints, 32–33
Muscle-contraction headache see Myofascial pain, 69–70 size distribution, peripheral
Tension-type headache headache, 226 neuropathy, 271
Muscle energy techniques, 487 pelvis, 142 Nerve growth factor
Muscle relaxants physical therapies, 477 fibromyalgia, 99
disc disease, 296 postphlebitic, 131 midline retroperitoneal syndrome,
tension-type headache and, 228 shoulder, 85–86 624
urethral syndrome, 167 temporomandibular, 183–186 Nerve injury see Peripheral nerve
Muscles Myoglobinuria, 55 injury
back pain, 69–70 Myomata, 138 Nerve root levels
dermatomal supply, 291 Myophosphorylase deficiency, 49, 51, 53 pelvis, 136 (Table)
energy, 56 creatine kinase, 53, 55 upper extremity pain, 79
fibromyalgia and, 98 electromyography, 57, 58 Nerve roots
giant cell arteritis, 130 ischaemic forearm exercise tests, 57 avulsion, 300
haemophilias, 133 Myositis, infections, 51 cancer involvement, 614
incisions, 27 Myositis ossificans, 59 disorders, 289–304
myocardial infarction, tenderness, magnetic resonance imaging, 56 cytomegalovirus, 268
122 Nabumeton, 348 entrapment syndromes vs, 88
pain, 49–59, 437 Nailfold haemorrhages, 42 see also Cervical radiculopathy
cancer, 617 Nalbuphine, labour, 153 lumbar disc surgery, injury, 431
manipulation on, 494 Naloxone, 381–382, 389, 390 pain, 67
paclitaxel, 608 for constipation, 391 foraminal root compression
physical therapies, 58, 477 for respiratory depression, 653, 678 syndrome, 72
Parkinson’s disease, 322 (Table) see also Cervical radiculopathy
relaxation, 711 Naproxen, 342 (Table), 347 postherpetic neuralgia, 261
trauma, 58–59 paediatric dosing, 549 (Table), 674 segmental injury, 291
see also Spasm (Table) Nerve storms, stump pain, 249–250
Musculoskeletal pain, 435–449 tension-type headache, 227 Nervi nervorum, 262, 582
multiple sclerosis, 319 vascular orofacial pain, 190 Nervus intermedius neuralgia, 240,
physical therapies, 485–501 Naratriptan, migraine, 224 291
see also specific treatments Nasal route, lidocaine, 415 Neuralgias
spinal cord injury, 332, 335 Nashold’s procedure, 455, 456–457 acute herpetic, 610
Musculo-tendinous junctions, 59 National Council for Hospice Care burns, 593
Mutilation, congenital analgesia, 265 Services, guidelines, 722, 724 cranial, 219–220 (Table), 239–240
Myalgia see Muscles, pain; Trigger Natural childbirth, 152–153 herpes zoster, 207, 239, 291
points Nausea, opioids, 390, 652, 678 (Table) tumours, 619
Myalgic encephalomyelitis, 54 Neck geniculate, 209–210 (Table), 239, 291
fibromyalgia and, 96–97 manipulation therapies, 492–493 glossopharyngeal, 206–207, 220
treatment, 58 occipital condyle syndrome, 619 (Table), 240, 291–292, 619
Myelinated fibre sprouts, diabetic pain after radical dissection, 627 herpes zoster, 207, 239, 291
neuropathy, 266 TENS hazard, 469 see also Postherpetic neuralgia
Myelination, 546 Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, 182 Morton’s, 263
Myelitis, zoster, 261 Needle procedures nervus intermedius, 240, 291
Myeloablative therapy, 317, 453–455, children, 553, 669–670 occipital, 292–293
607, 659–660 dementia, 564 postoperative, 26
Myelography, arachnoiditis, 73 Needles, lumbar puncture, 605 pretrigeminal, 209–210 (Table)
Myeloma, 133 Needling, dry, 86 trigeminal see Trigeminal neuralgia
neuropathy, 268 Need states, appropriate responses, 506 Neuralgic amyotrophy, 264
Myelopathy Nefazodone, cancer patients, 693 Neurodegenerative disorders, children,
cervical (Table) 682–683
radiotherapy, 610 Neonates, 546–547 AIDS, 681
rheumatoid arthritis, 44 pain assessment, 547 Neurogenic claudication, 298
spondylosis, 297 Neoplasms see Tumours Neurogenic inflammation, 131
progressive post-traumatic Nerve blocks Neurogenic tumours, biopsy, 605
myelomalacic, 332 on cerebral cortex, postamputation Neuroleptic malignant syndrome,
742 radiotherapy, 610, 628 pain, 251 700–701

Neuroleptics, 316, 354, 369–370, 371 Nimodipine, 416 Nortriptyline, 365 (Table), 583
acute pain, 357, 360 Nitric oxide, migraine, 223 cancer patients, 693 (Table)
adverse effects, 363 Nitrous oxide delirium, 712 (Table)
cancer patients, 357, 697–698, 700–701 burns procedures, 598 children, 673, 674 (Table)
children, 680 childbirth, 154 Nubain, labour, 153
dosage, 697 (Table) paediatric procedures, 671 Nucleolysis, lumbar disc disease, 431
effectiveness, 360 NK1 receptor antagonists (substance P Nucleus caudalis DREZ lesions, 458
indications, 356–358 antagonists), 102, 414–415 Numbness, central pain, 311
opioid delirium, 652 NMDA receptor antagonists, 316, 414 ‘Numby-Stuff’, 670
tricyclic antidepressants with, 354, burns, 596 Nutritional neuropathies, 269–270
358, 360, 368 fibromyalgia, 99–100, 102
Neurological deficits, lumbar disc methadone as, 381 O
disease, 430 neuropathic pain, 585 Obesity, osteoarthritis, 35
Neurolytic coeliac plexus block, 421 postamputation pain, 253 Observation period, acute appendicitis,
Neuromas, 26 spinal cord injury, 335 110
adrenaline, pain, 582 NMDA receptors, 582 Obstetric pain, 147–161
phantom pain, 249, 251 postamputation pain, 251 see also Labour pain
stump pain, 628 Nocebo responses, 504 Occipital condyle syndrome, 619
Neuromuscular blocking drugs, 722 Nociception, heart, 127–128 Occipital neuralgia, 292–293
Neuromyotonia, 52 Nociceptive impulses, temporal Occlusal derangement, 184
Neuropathic pain, 26, 259, 581–589 summation, fibromyalgia, 100 Occlusal splint therapy, 186, 187, 228
analgesics, 315 Nociceptive receptors, musculoskeletal, Oculomotor palsy, 262
anticonvulsants, 584, 654–655, 436 Odontoid process fracture, 613
679–680 Nocturnal bruxism, 184 Odynophagia, 127
antidepressants, 583–584, 586–587, Nodules see Rheumatoid nodules Oedema, complex regional pain
654, 673 Non-acidic antipyretic analgesics, syndrome, 277
back pain, 74 348 Oesophagogastrectomy, nerve blocks,
burns, 597 Non-cardiogenic pulmonary oedema, 17
central neurosurgery, 458 391 Oesophagus, 127
children, 554 Non-invasive assisted ventilation, see also Gastro-oesophageal reflux
postoperative, 673–674 683 Oestrogens
epidural combinations, 408 Non-organic abdominal pain, 116–117 gene regulation, 571
gabapentin, 416 Non-paroxysmal pain, multiple level changes on pain, 572 (Table)
medial thalamotomy, 459 sclerosis, 320–321 OFTC (oral transmucosal fentanyl
opioids, 315, 584–585, 587 Non-restorative sleep, 97 citrate), 385, 388, 597–598, 646,
oral local anaesthetics, 655 Non-specific long-lever manipulation, 669, 671, 678
orofacial, 195 488 Olanzapine, dosage, 697 (Table), 700
spinal cord surgery for, 453 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (Table)
TENS, 468–469 drugs, 346–347 Olecranon bursa, 90
terminal care, 725 bone pain, 655 Opioid receptors, 377–378
time of onset, 15 burns, 596 antidepressants, 354
topical anaesthesia, 585 cancer pain, 643, 644 dorsal horn, 15
see also Central pain children, 548–549, 675–676 peripheral migration, 14
Neuropathies gastrointestinal tract, 46 Opioids, 377–396
ischaemic, 263–264, 271 on inflammatory response, 14 adverse effects, 389–393, 648–650, 699
heart pain, 128 migraine, 224 delirium, 652, 678 (Table), 715–716
see also Entrapment neuropathies; on myocardial ischaemia, 22 drug interactions, 382
Peripheral neuropathies; opioids with, 650 headache, 606
Sensory neuropathy osteoarthritis, 36 myoclonus, 653, 678 (Table), 726
Neuropeptide Y, nerve fibres, bone, 437 postoperative pain, 19 (Table) neurotoxicity, 379, 391, 594
Neurophysiology, hypnosis, 522–523 rheumatoid arthritis, 45–46 pain from administration, 606
Neuroplasticity, 13, 15 suppositories, 46 burns, 593–594, 595–596
Neurosis scores tension-type headache, 227 ketamine with, 598
irritable bowel syndrome, 118 terminal care, 724 cancer pain, 382–386, 644–653
trigeminal neuralgia, 201 treatment of drug-induced headache, epidural, 407–408, 413, 657–658
Neurosurgery, central, 453–464 237 children, 549–551, 675 (Table),
Neurosurgical ablative procedures, ureteric calculi, 26 676–679
316–317, 650–651, 656–657, Non-ulcer dyspepsia, 116–117 sedation, 670, 681
659–660 Noradrenaline disc disease, 296
Neurotoxicity, opioid-induced, 379, labour pain, 150 dose escalation, 391, 594, 647, 648,
391, 594 neuromas, 251 679, 704
Neurotransmitters, central, sex pain provocation, 582 dose reduction, 650–651
differences, 573 Noradrenergic system, antidepressants fibromyalgia, 102
Niacin deficiency, 269 on, 314 labour, 153
Nicotinic cholinergic agonists, 416 Norfluoxetine, cancer patients, 694 respiratory function, 149
Nifedipine, complex regional pain Normeperidine, 381, 699 mucositis, 672
syndrome, 286 Normorphine, spinal potency, 402 neonates, 546 743

Opioids (cont’d) Osteitis pubis, 171 Pain behaviours, 536

neurodegenerative disorders, 683 Osteoarthritis, 31–38 dementia, 564
neuropathic pain, 315, 584–585, 587 acromioclavicular joint, 85 Pain diaries, chronic pelvic pain, 143
organ harvesting, 723 knee, 33–34 Pain-drawing system, lumbar disc
peripheral action, 14 physical therapies, 478 disease, 429–430
placebos vs, 503–504 Osteochondral loose bodies, 442 Painful proximal diabetic neuropathy,
postamputation pain, 253 Osteoid osteoma, orofacial pain, 193 263
postoperative pain, 19 (Table) Osteomalacia, paraneoplastic, 613 Painful TENS, 469
elderly patients, 561 Osteonecrosis see Avascular bone Painful tonic seizures, multiple
procedural pain, 595, 597 necrosis sclerosis, 320
sex differences Osteoporosis Pain maps, elderly patients, 560
pharmacodynamics, 576 back pain, 69 Pain mission, health professions, 8–9
postoperative, 577 complex regional pain syndrome, Pain theory, 1–10
sensitivity, 573 277 Pain threshold, manipulation on, 494
sickle cell disease, 553 Osteotomy, 445–447 Palliative care
sparing by multimodal analgesia, Otalgia, 212 (Table), 619 children, 553, 667–687
18–20 Otitis externa, 212 (Table) consultancy teams, 722
spinal cord injury, 334–335 Otitis media, 212 (Table) services, 6
spondylotic low back pain, 71 Ovaries, 138–139 see also Cancer pain; Terminal care
terminal care, 724–725 acute abdomen, 111 Palmar—plantar erythrodysaesthesia
tolerance see Tolerance, opioids cancer pain, 625 syndrome, 608
underuse, 377, 378 (Table), 593–594, chocolate cysts, 137 Palmar—plantar fasciitis and
703–704 remnant syndrome, 138–139 polyarthritis, 617
see also Epidural opioids Overdoses Pancreas, carcinoma, 115, 624
Opioids (endogenous), TENS, 469–470 parent-controlled analgesia, 551 Pancreatitis
Optic nerve sheath fenestration, 235 tricyclic antidepressants, 361 acute, 24, 25, 112
Optic neuritis, 211–213 Overtraining syndrome, 104 chronic, 114–115
Optic neuropathy, nutritional, 270 Overuse Panic
Oral contraceptives, dysmenorrhoea, musculoskeletal, 60 cancer patients, 696
139 upper limb, 87 propranolol, 698
Oral pain, 177–183 Oxazepam, 371 (Table), 697 (Table) Pannus, 40
Oral route Oxcarbazepine Papilloedema, benign intracranial
ketamine, 414 postamputation pain, 252 (Table) hypertension, 235
local anaesthetics, 655 trigeminal neuralgia, 203 (Table) Paracentesis, malignant ascites, 642
opioids, 383, 386, 387–388 Oxicams, 342 (Table), 346–347 Paracervical blocks, 155
children, 671, 677 Oximetry, paediatric monitoring, Paracetamol see Acetaminophen
procedural pain, 597, 598 549–550 Paradoxical pain, 594
sedation, children, 671 Oxybutynin, bladder spasm, 655–656 see also Neurotoxicity
Oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate Oxycodone, 379, 645 (Table) Paraesthesiae
(OFTC), 385, 388, 598, 646, 669, cancer pain regimes, 383 central pain, 311
671, 678 equianalgesic ratio to morphine, 387 entrapment neuropathies, 263
Orbital syndrome, 618 (Table) lumbosacral radiculopathy, 294
Orchialgia, 169–170 paediatrics, 550 (Table), 676 Paraneoplastic nociceptive pain
Oregon Death with Dignity Act, 703 Oxygen consumption, labour, 150 syndromes, 625–626
‘Organic’ anxiety, cancer patients, 696 Oxygen therapy Paraneoplastic osteomalacia, 613
Orgasm, headache, 231 cluster headache, 188, 229 Paraneoplastic peripheral neuropathy,
Orofacial pain, 177–198 terminal dyspnoea, 725 623
differential diagnosis, 193–195, 200 Oxymorphone, 379, 645 (Table) Parasellar syndrome, 618
(Table) Parasites, muscles, 51
radiotherapy, 193, 609 P Parasympathetic nucleus, sacral, 164
TENS, 466–467 Pacemakers (cardiac), TENS, 469 Parathyroid hormone-related peptide,
trigeminal nerve distribution, Pacing, stomach, 114 bone metastases, 613
199–214 Paclitaxel Paratrigeminal syndrome, 209–210
vascular, 188 (Table), 189–190 arthralgia, myalgia, 608 (Table)
vincristine, 607 neuropathy, 607 Parent-controlled analgesia, 551
viscous lidocaine, 654 Pain Parenteral routes
Oromandibular treatment, tension-type assessment, 559 opioids, 383, 386, 387 (Table), 388,
headache, 228 elderly patients, 560 646–647
Oroperidal, dosage, 697 (Table) faces scales, 547 tricyclic antidepressants, 366
Orthopaedic surgery, 435–451 lumbar disc disease, 429–430 Parkinson’s disease, pain, 306, 322
treatment hierarchies, 448–449 see also Behavioural pain Parotitis, 193
Orthostatic headache, 235 assessment; Visual analogue Paroxetine, 365 (Table), 368
Orthotics, osteoarthritis, 35 scales cancer patients, 693 (Table), 694
Oscillation, graded, 487 insensitivity to, 264–265 delirium, 712 (Table)
Osseous soft-tissue tumour, intensive care, 722–723 dosage, 369, 712 (Table)
pseudomalignant see Myositis refractory, 660 Paroxysmal hemicrania, 188, 218
744 ossificans see also Undertreatment of pain (Table), 230–231

Partial sensory rhizotomy, trigeminal Pericarditis, 124, 125–126 Phantom pain

nerve, 205 Perichondritis, pinna, 212 (Table) anus, 628
Passive movement (therapy), 486–487 Pericoronitis, 181–182 cancer, 628
Pastoral counselling, end of life, 707 Pericyazine, 369 (Table) dental, 191
Patella, osteoarthritis treatment, 35 tricyclic antidepressants with, 368 dorsal root ganglia, 251
Patient-controlled analgesia, 20 Perineoplasty, vestibulitis, 169 eye, 213
burns, 596 Perineum limb, 2–3, 7, 247–249, 254–255
ketamine, 597 burning perineum syndrome, 629 children, 674–675
cancer pain, 647 burning sensation from DREZ operation, 457
children, 550–551, 677 dexamethasone, 607 prevention, 253–254
elderly patients, 561 innervation, 148, 149, 165 relaxation and biofeedback, 514
epidural systems, 159 pain, 171–172 stump pain related, 249
mucositis, 672 malignant, 624–625 treatment, 252 (Table)
sex differences, 577 S4 nerve root neurolysis, 659 neuromas, 249, 251
Pavlovian responses, placebo effect, 505 Periodic limb movement disorder, 103 Phantom sensation
Pellagra neuropathy, 269 Periodontal pain, 177, 178 (Table), limb, 250
Pelvic bones 180–181 spinal cord injury, 333
pain, 615–617 Periodontitis, periapical, 180–181 Pharmacology
Pelvic floor Periosteum, 436–437 advances, 5–6
postsurgical myalgia, 628 stimulation for myofascial pain, 86 elderly patients, 564
tension myalgia, 625 Peripheral nerve injury, 14–15 sex differences, 575–576
Pelvic viscera, 163–164 abdominal wall, 141–142 Phenazone, 341, 343, 344 (Table),
back pain, 70 for central pain, 316 348–349
childbirth pain, 148–149 complex regional pain syndrome, Phenelzine, 356, 362, 365 (Table)
chronic pain, 135–146 276 cancer patients, 693 (Table)
child abuse, 172, 705 debridement, 591 Phenothiazines
prostatodynia, 170–171 pain from, 7–8 tension-type headache, 358
congestion, 138 mechanisms, 581–582 terminal dyspnoea, 725
irritable bowel syndrome, 117 sympathetic fibres, 419 see also specific drugs
pseudoradicular syndromes, 301 Peripheral nerves, neurolysis, 659 Phenoxybenzamine, complex regional
radiotherapy, proctocolitis, 610, 628 Peripheral neuropathies, 88–89, pain syndrome, 286
sex differences, 571 259–274 Phentolamine, hypertensive crises,
sympathetic blocks, 658 cancer, 622–623 monoamine oxidase inhibitors,
sympathetic innervation, 165 central pain vs, 308 362
visceral pain, 135 chemotherapy, 607, 623, 626 Phentolamine test, intravenous, 285,
see also Prostatodynia muscle pain, 52 420
Pemoline, 390 rheumatoid arthritis, 44 Phenytoin
cancer patients, 693 (Table) vincristine, 674 complex regional pain syndrome, 286
liver toxicity, 694 Peripheral pain generators, ion channel blockade, 415
Pemphigus, paraneoplastic, 625–626 fibromyalgia, 101 trigeminal neuralgia, 203 (Table), 239
Penicillamine therapy, 42, 46 Peripheral sensitization, 13–14, 15 Phlebitis, chemotherapy, 606
myalgia from, 53 Peripheral surgery, trigeminal Phlegmasia cerulea dolens, 611
Penis, pain, 171 neuralgia, 203 Phobias, cancer patients, 696
Pentosanpolysulphate sodium, Peripheral vascular disease, 129–131 Phonophoresis, 478
interstitial cystitis, 166 acute pain, 22 Phosphodiester peaks, muscle MRS, 98
Peptic ulcer, 113–114 ischaemic neuropathy, 263 Phosphofructokinase deficiency, 51, 53
analgesic selection, 643 magnetic resonance spectroscopy, 56 ischaemic forearm exercise tests, 57
elderly patients, 561 orofacial pain, 193 Phosphorylases, ischaemic forearm
perforation, 111 Peritoneum exercise tests, 57
steroids, 654 carcinomatosis, 624 Photopsia, phantom, 213
Peptide blockers, P-type calcium chemotherapy, 606–607 Physical therapies, 6, 473–501
channels, 416 Peritonitis, 112–113, 607 back pain, 71, 74–75, 477, 489–490,
Percocet, 597 Periventricular grey region, 491–492
Percussion, 486 stimulation, 316 cancer pain, 656
Percutaneous laser disc decompression, ‘Permissive’ approach, hypnosis, 527 cognitive-behavioural aspects, 534
431 Perphenazine, 369 (Table) elderly patients, 565
Percutaneous lumbar discectomy, 428 tricyclic antidepressants with, 368 muscle pain, 58, 477
Perforation, duodenal ulcer, 111 Persistent low back pain, 68 sex differences, 576–577
Periapical periodontal pain, 177, 178 Personality tension-type headache, 229
(Table), 180–181 biofeedback and, 516 trauma, 60
Periapical periodontitis, 180–181 burning mouth syndrome, 190–191 Physician-assisted suicide, 703
Periaqueductal grey region, osteoarthritis pain, 34 Physicians, inadequate pain
stimulation, 316 Petasites hybridus, migraine, 225 management, 704
Periarthritis, left scapulohumeral, Pethidine see Meperidine Pimozide
124–125 Petrissage, 486 dosage for delirium in cancer, 712
Pericardial effusions, rheumatoid Petrositis, 212 (Table) (Table)
arthritis, 44 Phalen’s wrist flexion test, 88 trigeminal neuralgia, 202 745

Pinna, pain, 212 (Table) Postoperative pain (cont’d) Primary vascular-type headaches,
Piriformis syndrome, 302 cold therapy, 475, 478–479 vascular orofacial pain vs, 190
Piroxicam, 342 (Table), 346–347 elderly patients, 561 Priming feedback, neurophysiology, 523
Pituitary ablation, 459–460, 660 epidural opioid and local anaesthetic Prinzmetal’s angina, 123
Pituitary adenomas, headache, 230 combinations, 405 PRN dosing (as-needed dosing),
Placebo response, 503–507 hypnosis, 525 opioids, 647
Placebos local anaesthetics, 19 (Table), 397–399 Problem solving, 538
analgesic trials, 503–504 lumbar surgery, 72–74 Procarbazine, neuropsychiatric side
back pain diagnosis, 74 multimodal analgesia, 18–20 effects, 699
rheumatoid arthritis, 468 pharmacology, 19 (Table) Procedural pain
Plasticity (neuroplasticity), 13, 15 sex differences, 577 burns, 591, 592, 593, 597–599
Plateau waves, intracranial pressure, TENS, 467 cancer, 604–610
618 Postoperative respiratory function, children, 669–672
Platelets, aspirin, 347 cordotomy, 454, 660 heelstick procedures, responsiveness,
Plating, orthopaedic, 440 Postphlebitic myofascial pain, 131 547
Pleura, rheumatoid arthritis, 43 Postsurgical pain syndromes, 626–628 opioids, 595, 597
Pleurisy, 126–127 Postsyndromes see also Needle procedures
Pneumonia, from acute pain, 21 migraine, 220 Proctocolitis, pelvic radiotherapy, 610,
Pneumothorax, thoracic sympathetic Post-traumatic headache, 231 (Table), 628
chain block, 420 232 Prodromes
Point tenderness, shoulder, 80 Post-traumatic myelomalacic migraine, 220
Poliomyelitis, 57 myelopathy, 332 Prodrugs, 46
Polyarteritis nodosa, 52 Post-traumatic stress disorder, 97 Progesterone, level changes on pain,
Polymyalgia rheumatica, 52 Posture 572 (Table)
Polymyositis, 51–52 childbirth, 150, 154 Progressive post-traumatic
creatine kinase, 55 spinal cord injury, 332 myelomalacic myelopathy, 332
Polyneuropathies, 264–270 Potassium, muscle pain, 49 Progressive stretch mobilization, 487
central pain vs, 308 Potency Prokinetic agents, 383, 390, 391
Pontine spinothalamic tractotomy, 458 ibuprofen, 346 Prolonged analgesia, local anaesthetics,
Portable infusion pumps, terminal care, opioids 400
725 equianalgesic ratios, 387 (Table), Prolonged exercise test, 57
Positron emission tomography, 7, 460 644–645 Prolonged latency of sensation, central
cluster headache, 229 spinal cord, 401–403 pain, 312
hypnosis, 522, 523 Preamputation pain, 248, 253–254 Pronator teres syndrome, 89
sex differences, 572 Precentral gyrectomy, 460 Proparacaine, trigeminal neuralgia, 202
Postamputation pain, 247–257 Prednisone Prophylaxis
DREZ operation, 456–457 giant cell arteritis, 234 cluster headaches, 188, 230
Postcentral gyrectomy, 460 neuropsychiatric side effects, 699 migraine, 225
Postendarterectomy headache, 234 Pre-emptive analgesia, 18, 594–595 treatment of drug-induced
Posterior fossa Pregabalin, 416 headache, 237
surgery Pregnancy postherpetic neuralgia, 262, 294
glossopharyngeal neuralgia, 292 shortwave diathermy and, 479 pre-emptive analgesia, 18, 594–595
trigeminal neuralgia, 204 (Table), TENS, 469 tension-type headache, 227–228
205 Premedication, surgery in paediatric Propofol
tumours, 617 cancer, 673 burns procedures, 598
Posterior inferior cerebellar artery Premenstrual syndrome, alprazolam, dosage for delirium, 700 (Table)
territory lesions, 318 358–359 dying patient, 701
Posterior interosseous syndrome, 89 Preoperative education, children, 552 paediatrics, 671
Postherpetic neuralgia, 207–208, 239, Preoperative pain, 27 Propoxyphene, 645 (Table)
260–262, 582 Preparatory information, on labour Propranolol
cancer, 620 pain, 151–152 biofeedback vs, migraine, 512
children, 672 Presacral neurectomy, 144 children, 552
catecholamine injection, 281 Presacral sympathetic block panic, 698
DREZ operation, 456 (hypogastric plexus block), 421, Proprioceptive dysfunction,
ketamine, 414 658 fibromyalgia, 104–105
opioids, 584 Pressure and cold therapy, 479 Proprioceptive receptors, 436
morphine, 315 Pressure pain thresholds, headache, Propyphenazone, 348, 349
thoracic, 293–294 226 Prostaglandins
Postmyocardial infarction syndrome, Pressure stimuli, pain perception, sex hyperalgesia, 345
124 differences, 570 sensitization, 282
Postoperative arachnoiditis, 297, 432 Pretrigeminal neuralgia, 209–210 Prostaglandin synthetase inhibitors,
Postoperative discitis, ESR, 432 (Table) dysmenorrhoea, 139
Postoperative epidural fibrosis, Primary articular nerves, 436 Prostate
428–429 Primary fibromyalgia, 54 cancer
Postoperative pain, 17–24, 26–27, 605 Primary therapy, cancer pain, 641–642 flares, 608–609
children, 552 Primary vascular-type craniofacial gynaecomastia from hormone
746 cancer, 673–674 pain, 187–190 therapy, 626

Prostate (cont’d) Psychological assessment Radioisotope scanning

pain, 170–171 chronic pelvic pain, 143 Budd—Chiari syndrome, 111
interstitial cystitis with, 166 spinal cord injury, 334 muscle diseases, 56
transrectal biopsy, 605 Psychological therapies/techniques, 6 Radiopharmaceuticals
Prostatitis, 170 burns, 598–599 for bone metastases, 655
Prostatodynia, 170–171 cancer pain, 656, 705–709 pain flare, 610
Prostheses children, medical procedures, 669 Radiosurgery see Gamma knife surgery
penile pain, 171 complex regional pain syndrome, Radiotherapy
on phantom limb pain, 249 286 acute pain from, 609–610
see also Total joint replacement elderly patients, 564–565 brachial plexus neuropathy, 610, 621
Protein binding, sex differences, 575 HIV infection pain, 715–716 cancer pain, 641, 650
Provigil see Modafinil tension-type headache, 228–229 chronic pain from, 628–629
Proximal femoral osteotomy, 447 terminal care, 707 orofacial pain, 193, 609
Proximal tibial osteotomy, 445–447 see also Cognitive behavioural stomatitis, 182, 609
Pruritus, opioids, 391, 678 (Table) therapies; Group psychotherapy Radius, fractures see Colles fractures
epidural, 406–407 Psychosis, neuroleptics, 356–357 Raeder’s syndrome, 209–210 (Table)
Pseudo-addiction, 102, 706 Psychostimulants Ramsay Hunt syndrome (geniculate
Pseudomalignant osseous soft-tissue cancer patients, 693 (Table), 694 neuralgia), 209–210 (Table), 239,
tumour see Myositis ossificans HIV infection, 716 291
Pseudoneuropathy, 278 opioid sedation, 390, 652 Range of motion, manual therapies on,
Pseudo-obstruction, chronic intestinal, Psychotropic drugs, 353–376 494–495
114 therapeutic sequence, 366 (Fig.), 367 Rattly breathing, management, 725
Pseudoradicular syndromes, 300–302 (Fig.) Raynaud’s phenomenon, 130, 131
Pseudorheumatism, steroids, 607 see also specific drugs chemotherapy, 608, 626
Pseudothalamic pain, 305 Ptosis, cluster headache, 188 relaxation and biofeedback, 514
Pseudotumor cerebri, 608, 620 P-type calcium channels, peptide Reciprocal click, temporomandibular
Psoas muscle blockers, 416 joint, 186
phenol injection, 659 Pudendal nerve, 165 Reconceptualization, cognitive-
tumour involvement, 622 blocks, 155 behavioural therapy, 535–538
Psoriatic arthritis, spine, 69 injury, 171, 172 Rectal route
Psychiatric disorders Pulmonary function see Respiratory acetaminophen, 548
AIDS patients, 715–716 dysfunction opioids, 388, 646, 649
cancer patients, 691–702 Pulmonary hypertension, 126 Rectum
Psychogenic pain Pulmonary oedema, non-cardiogenic, carcinoma, 140
abdominal, 116–117 391 spasm, 656
chest, 125 Pulpal pain, dental, 177, 178 (Table), Recurrent aphthous stomatitis, 182
orofacial, 195 179–180 Recurrent appendicitis, 109
Psychological analgesia, childbirth, Pulvinarotomy, 459 Referred pain, 16, 25–26, 122
152–153 Punctate midline myelotomy, 457 elderly patients, 560–561
Psychological aspects Pyridoxine, isoniazid neuropathy, 265 facet joints, 301
acute pain, 18, 20 Pyriformis syndrome, 614 musculoskeletal, 50
back pain, 70 myocardial infarction, 122
biofeedback, 515–516 Q nerve root disorders, 289, 291
burning mouth syndrome, 192 Quadriceps weakness, 33, 35 oral, 182, 195
burns, 594–595 Quantitative sensory tests, 311 osteoarthritis, 34
cancer pain, 689–711 spinal cord injury, 333–334 pelvis, 135
central pain, 308, 310, 312 Quantitative trait locus mapping, 571 pericarditis, 126
childbirth pain, 151–152 Questionnaires on pain, 535–536 shoulder, 77–78
children, 554 Quetiapine, dosage, 697 (Table), 700 Reflex dystrophy-like syndromes,
cancer, 668 (Table) 86–87
complex regional pain syndrome, Quinine sulphate, 58 Reflexes, heat therapy, 475
277–278 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, 86–87,
elderly patients, 562–563 R 131, 275–276, 277
fibromyalgia, 97, 103 R III reflex (flexion reflex), central pain, children, 554
genitourinary pain, 172 312 erythromelalgia as, 130
HIV infection, pain, 714–715 Radial nerve entrapment syndromes, relaxation and biofeedback, 514
irritable bowel syndrome, 117–118 89 treatment, 478
manipulation, 495 Radiation, central pain, 311–312 Refractive errors, 210
myalgic encephalomyelitis, 54 Radiculopathy see Cervical Refractory pain, 660
osteoarthritis pain, 34 radiculopathy; Nerve roots, Regional anaesthesia
pelvic pain, 142 disorders cancer pain, 651, 656–658
sex differences, 570 Radiofrequency therapy see children, 552
temporomandibular disorders, 184–185 Thermocoagulation limb sarcoma resection, 673
temporomandibular pain, 186 Radiography general anaesthesia vs, 397
trigeminal neuralgia, 201, 206 bone pain, 614 neonates, 546
see also Cognitive behavioural osteoarthritis, 32 vascular surgery, 398
psychology shoulder, 81 Regional analgesia, childbirth, 154–159 747

Regional cerebral blood flow, hypnosis, Rhizotomy (cont’d) Secretory otitis media, 212 (Table)
523 occipital neuralgia, 293 Sedating effects
Regional guanethidine blocks, 284–285, partial sensory, trigeminal nerve, 205 antidepressants, 364–365
419, 421 postherpetic neuralgia, 294 opioids, 389–390, 652, 678 (Table)
Rehabilitation, complex regional pain r-HuEPO alpha (erythropoietin), pain Sedation
syndrome, 286 from, 609 children, 553, 670–671
Rehearsal, coping strategies, 539–540 Riboflavin, migraine, 225 intensive care, 722
Rehydration, 722 Risperidone, 363, 697 (Table), 700 (Table) organ harvesting and, 723
Reinnervation, electromyography, 57 Ritanserin, 365 (Table) terminal care, 660, 721
Relaxation (training), 509–519, 538–539 Rizatriptan, migraine, 225 children, 681
cancer pain, 656, 710–711 Rofecoxib, 14, 344 (Table) Segmental epidural block, 157 (Fig.)
tension-type headache, 228 Rome II criteria, irritable bowel Segmental nerve root injury, 291
Relaxation response, frontalis EMG syndrome, 117, 140 (Table) Selective COX2 inhibitors, 14, 46, 344
biofeedback, 515 Ropivacaine, paediatric dosing, 551 (Table), 348, 643
Renal colic, 25–26, 111 (Table) burns, 596
Renal function Rotation of opioids, 385, 646, 651, 679 children, 549, 675–676
opioids, 383, 649 respiratory depression, 389 Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors,
sex differences, 575–576 Rotator cuff 365 (Table), 368–369, 584
R-enantiomer, ibuprofen, 346 impingement syndromes, 83, 90–91 adverse effects, 362
Repetitive strain injury, 54 injuries, 60, 81–84 chronic pain, 355
see also Overuse signs, 80 depression in cancer, 692–694
Reproductive status, 570–571 Rural Africa, rheumatoid arthritis, effectiveness, 359
Rescue doses, 647, 677 39–40 tricyclic antidepressants vs, 314
see also Breakthrough pain tricyclic antidepressants with, 368
Research streams, 7 S Self, sense of, 2
Resection procedures, orthopaedic, Sacral analgesia, in continuous Self-help groups, trigeminal neuralgia,
442–443 epidural block, 159 206
Respiratory depression, opioids, 389, Sacral meningeal cysts, 295–296 Self-monitoring, 709
652–653, 704 perineal pain, 172 S-enantiomer, ibuprofen, 346
children, 549–550, 678 (Table) Sacral parasympathetic nucleus, 164 Sensitization, 281–282
epidural, 406 Sacral plexus, 165 peripheral, 13–14, 15
Respiratory distress, cancer patients, cancer, 621–622 synovial joints, 436
696 Sacral syndrome, 614 trigger-point syndromes, 85
Respiratory dysfunction Sacrococcygeal radiculopathy, 295–296 see also Central sensitization;
cystic fibrosis, 681–682 Sagittal sinus occlusion, 620 Hypersensitivity phenomenon
postoperative Salicylates, 346, 643 Sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy,
cordotomy, 454, 660 choline-magnesium salicylate, neoplasms, 623
epidural opioids on, 398 children, 674 (Table), 675 Sensory abnormalities
Respiratory system Salicylic acid, 341, 342 (Table) burns, 593
acute pain on, 20–21 Saliva, burning mouth syndrome, 192 central pain, 307, 310–312, 319, 324
labour pain, 148–149 Salivary glands, 193, 194 (Table) multiple sclerosis, 320–321
rheumatoid arthritis, 43–44 Salpingitis, 111, 138 syringomyelia, 321, 322
Responsibility, cognitive behavioural Sarcomas, soft tissues, 617 Sensory levels, epidural compression,
therapy, 537 Saunders, C., 6 615
Restless leg syndrome, 103, 104 Scalenus anticus, trigger points, 90 Sensory motor stimulation
Restlessness see Agitation Scalp-muscle-contraction headache see (stabilization exercise), 496–497
Resuscitation, refusal, 721 Tension-type headache Sensory neuronopathy, subacute, 623
Retro-bulbar neuritis, 211 Scapulohumeral dysrhythm, 82–83 Sensory neuropathy
Retroperitoneal sarcoma, femoral Scapulohumeral periarthritis, 124–125 AIDS-associated, 268
nerve, 622 Scarring, back surgery, 73 central pain vs, 308
Retroperitoneal syndrome, midline, 624 Schirmer tear test, 43 diabetes mellitus, 266
Reversible inhibitors of MAO type A School avoidance, 555 hereditary, 267–268
(RIMA), 362–363 Sciatica, 294 rheumatoid arthritis, 44
Rhabdomyolysis, drug-induced, 54 failed back syndrome, 299 spinal stenosis vs, 71
Rheumatoid arthritis, 39–48 treatment results, 492 Sensory rhizotomy, partial, trigeminal
back pain, 69 Sciatic nerve, piriformis syndrome, 302 nerve, 205
cold and heat therapies, 475 Scleritis, 43, 211 (Table) Sensory tests, quantitative, 311
ischaemic neuropathy, 263 Scopolamine (hyoscine) spinal cord injury, 333–334
placebos, 468 labour, 153 Sentinel headache, 232
synovectomy, 443 terminal care, 725 Septic arthritis, 44, 133
TENS, 468 Secondary hyperalgesia, 99 Serotonin, analgesics and, 414
Rheumatoid nodules, 41 Secondary sensitization, 15 Serotonin-adrenaline reuptake
lung, 44 Second-line antirheumatic drugs, 46 inhibitors (SNRI), 356, 359, 584
Rhizotomy Second-order patients, 707–708 adverse effects, 362
cancer pain, 659 ‘Second wind’ phenomenon, see also Venlafaxine
central pain, 316 myophosphorylase deficiency, Serotonin reuptake antagonists
748 failed back syndrome and, 299 53 irritable bowel syndrome, 118

Serotonin reuptake antagonists (cont’d) Sleep (cont’d) Spinal—epidural combination,

see also Selective serotonin reuptake bruxism, 184 obstetric analgesia, 159
inhibitors fibromyalgia, 97, 103 Spinal opioid hyperalgesia syndrome,
Sertraline, cancer patients, 693 (Table), paroxysmal hemicrania, 189 606
694 Slow release opioids, 383–384, 676 Spinal stenosis, 71–72, 427
Serum sickness, brachial neuritis, 264 Small intestine, colic, 111–112 Spine
Sex differences, 569–579 Sodium bicarbonate, local anaesthetics, exercise, 495–497
pain in HIV disease, 714 670 fractures, 69, 294–295, 615
Sex hormones, 572 Sodium channel blockade, 415 instability, 72
on central nervous system activation, Sodium naproxen see Naproxen manipulation techniques, 488–495
573 Soft-tissue sarcomas, 617 tumours
on hepatic drug metabolism, 576 Somaticovisceral reflexes, 16 metastatic, 613–614
pain sensitivity, 571 Somatic therapies see Physical pain at initial diagnosis, 668
Sexual abuse, chronic pelvic pain, 142, therapies thoracic, 293
172, 705 Somatosensory abnormalities see also Back pain; Facet joints
Sexual function central pain, 310–312, 324 Spinothalamic pathways, central pain,
chronic pelvic pain, 143 syringomyelia, 322 307
tricyclic antidepressants, 361 Somatosensory evoked potentials Spinothalamic tractotomy, 458
Sexual headaches, 231 central pain, 312 Splanchnic nerves, thermocoagulation,
Shaking (physical therapy), 486 hyper-responsive, 99 421
Shock reactions, antipyretic analgesics, Spasm, 20, 22, 50, 437 Spleen
349 bladder, oxybutynin, 655–656 pain, 112
Shortwave diathermy, 476 coronary arteries, 127 torn, 25
contraindications, 479 rectal, 656 Splenectomy, Felty’s syndrome, 42
Shoulder spinal cord injury, 332 Splinting
arthritis, 83 (Table), 85, 124–125 torticollis, biofeedback, 514 occlusal
injuries, 60 treatment, 58, 473, 475, 477, 494 temporomandibular disorders,
left scapulohumeral periarthritis, Specific serotonin uptake inhibitors see 186, 187
124–125 Selective serotonin reuptake tension-type headache, 228
pain, 77–87, 90–91 inhibitors orthopaedic, 438
amitriptyline and lithium, 358 Specific spinal adjustment, 488 Splinting effect, acute pain, 21
cancer surgery, 627, 628 Spermatic cord, microsurgical Spondylitis, 69
hemiplegia, 85, 318 denervation, 170 Spondylolisthesis, 72, 294
neuralgic amyotrophy, 264 Spermatocele, 170 Spondylosis, 70–71, 297–298
spinal cord injury, 332 Sphenoid sinus syndrome, 619 Spontaneous intracranial hypotension,
ultrasound therapy, 476, 478 Sphenopalatine ganglion block, 418 236
Shoulder-hand syndrome, 87, 125, 478 (Table), 420 Sports injuries, musculoskeletal pain,
Siblings, children in terminal care, 684 Sphincter dyssynergia, 332 58–60
Sickle cell disease, 132, 553 Spigelian hernia, 140 Spouses, cognitive behavioural
Sigmoidoscopy, irritable bowel Spinal anaesthesia therapy, 536
syndrome, 117 accidental total, 155 osteoarthritis, 35–36
Significant others, cognitive- complication rates, 399 Spray and stretch, 487
behavioural therapies, 536 diagnostic, spinal cord injury, 334 Sprouts
Silent myocardial ischaemia, 124 Spinal cord myelinated fibres, diabetic
Silent nociceptors, 345 ablative surgery, 317, 453–455, 607, neuropathy, 266
Sindou procedure, 455–456 659–660 primary afferents, 583
Sinemet, restless leg syndrome, 103, compression, 614, 680 Squints, 211
104 electrical stimulation, 299 SSRI see Selective serotonin reuptake
Single photon emission computed central pain, 316 inhibitors
tomography dorsal column stimulation, 286, Stabbing headache, idiopathic, 231
fibromyalgia, 99 583 Stabilization exercise, 496–497
temporomandibular joint, 187 multiple sclerosis, 321 Stable angina, 123
Sinusitis, 194 (Table), 208–210 postherpetic neuralgia, 294 Staff
Situational manipulation, sex TENS vs, 466 stress, 708–709
differences, 577 injury, 329–337 substance-abusing patients and,
6MNA, 342 (Table) central pain, 306, 308, 309, 313 706–707
Sjögren’s syndrome, 43 quantitative sensory tests, 333–334 see also Undertreatment of pain
Skills, cognitive-behavioural, 538–539 Nashold’s procedure, 456 Staging, complex regional pain
Skin neural inhibition, 15–16, 99, 101, 583 syndrome, 278–279
complex regional pain syndrome, 277 neurosurgery, 453–457 Stagnant loop syndrome, 115–116
grafting, burns, 591, 593 opioids, potency, 401–403 Starting doses, opioids, cancer pain,
see also Topical anaesthesia, children pain modulation, 15–16 647
Skull pellagra, 269 State theory, hypnosis, 521–522
base, metastases, 618–619 postamputation pain, 251 Status migrainosus, 220
microwave hyperthermia and, 479 Strachan’s syndrome, 269 Stellate ganglion block, 418 (Table), 420
Sleep Spinal drug administration, 18 Stereotactic surgery, 457–459
apnoea, 103 pain from opioids, 606 C1 myelotomy, 457 749

Stereotactic surgery (cont’d) Subacute myelo-optic neuropathy, 270 Surgery (cont’d)

mesencephalic tractotomy, 317, Subacute sensory neuronopathy, 623 incisions, 26–27
458–459 Subarachnoid haemorrhage, headache, pain syndromes after, 626–628
posterior fossa, 204 (Table), 205 233 pelvic pain, 144
Steroids Subarachnoid opioids, cancer pain, 407 for postamputation pain, 252 (Table)
as adjuvant analgesics, 653–654, 679 Subcostal pain, hepatic distension, 624 rheumatoid arthritis, 47–48
anxiety symptoms from, 696 Subcutaneous route sex differences, 577
back pain, local injections, 75 opioids, 388, 649, 651 spinal stenosis, 72
bicipital tendinitis and, 82 infusions, 646–647, 677 trigeminal neuralgia, 202–206
cluster headache prophylaxis, 230 pain from injections, 606 urethral syndrome, 167
complex regional pain syndrome, 285 Subdeltoid bursitis, 82 vascular, regional anaesthesia, 398
disc disease, 296 treatment, 478 vertebral fractures from, 294–295
giant cell arteritis, 234 Subdural haematoma, headache, 233 see also Microsurgery; Microvascular
inflammatory myopathies, 52 Subjectivity, pain, 3 surgery; Orthopaedic surgery
intra-articular, 36, 47 Sublingual route, opioids, 646 Sustained progressive stretch, 487
neuropsychiatric side effects, 696, 699 Submaximal exercise tests, 57 Sustained release opioids, 383–384, 676
opioid emesis, 390 Subscapularis, tendinitis, 81 Swab test, vestibulitis, 168
painful syndromes from, 607 Substance abuse, cancer pain Swelling, muscles, 50
postherpetic neuralgia, 262 management and, 393, 703–704, Swim-goggle headache, 231
rheumatoid arthritis, 47 706–707 Switching see Rotation
see also Dexamethasone Substance P Sympathectomy, 276, 285
Stevens—Johnson’s syndrome, bone, 437 pain after (sympathalgia), 282–283
antipyretic analgesics, 349 cerebrospinal fluid, fibromyalgia, 99 Sympathetically independent pain,
Stiff man syndrome, 52 synovial joints, 436 279–280
Stiffness, 50 Substance P antagonists, 102, 414–415 Sympathetically maintained pain,
fibromyalgia, 96 Substances, headache, 236–238 279–280, 281, 582
heat therapy, 473 Succinylcholine, sex differences, 577 diagnosis and treatment, 419–420,
physical therapies, 477–478 Sucrase deficiency, 115 586, 658–659
Stimulants see Psychostimulants Sudeck’s atrophy, 275, 277 Sympathetic blockade, 417–422
Stimulation Sufentanil, epidural cancer pain, 658–659
brain, 316 labour, 159 central pain, 317
dorsal column, 286, 583 respiratory depression, 406 ganglia, 285
motor nerves, 57–58 Suffering, intensive care, 723 neuropathic pain, 586
pain perception, sex differences, 570 Suicide see also Sympatholytic procedures
see also Electrical stimulation; Heat cancer, 702 Sympathetic dystrophy
stimulation; Laser stimulation; HIV infection, 714 reflex dystrophy-like syndromes,
Stabilization exercise; physician-assisted, 703 86–87
Transcutaneous electrical nerve Sulfasalazine, rheumatoid arthritis, 46 see also Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
stimulation Sumatriptan Sympathetic ganglia
Stockman, Ralph, on myalgic nodules, children, 552 blockade, 285
95 cluster headache, 229–230 upper thoracic, 129
Stomach, 113–114 migraine, 224 Sympathetic nervous system, 417–419
aspirin, 348 Summation, 581 acute pain, 15, 22
Stomatitis SUNCT syndrome, 189, 209–210 complex regional pain syndrome,
radiotherapy, 182, 609 (Table), 230 275–276, 281–282
recurrent aphthous, 182 Superinfections, myeloablative therapy, erythromelalgia, 130
see also Mucosal pain; Mucositis 607 nerve injury and, 280
Strachan’s syndrome, 269 Superior facet syndrome, lumbosacral, pelvic innervation, 164–165
Straight leg raising, lumbar root 294 sex differences, 573
lesions, 294, 297 Superior hypogastric plexus, 164 testicular pain treatment, 170
Stratified management, migraine, 223 block, 421, 658 Sympatholytic procedures, 283–284
Strength training, 496, 497 Superior vena cava obstruction, 611 see also Sympathectomy; Sympathetic
Streptomycin, trigeminal neuralgia, 203 Support groups, trigeminal neuralgia, blockade
Stress, 3, 23–24 206 Symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia, 239
caregivers, 708–709 SUPPORT study, 721 Syndrome X, 123–124, 127
drugs vs, 5–6 Suppositories Synergy
neonates, 546 methadone, 388 local anaesthetics and opioids,
non-organic abdominal pain, 116 non-steroidal anti-inflammatory 403–404
sex differences, 570, 571 drugs, 46 non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
Stretching, 487 Suprascapular nerve compression, 89 drugs and opioids, 650
Stroking, massage, 486 Supraspinatus Synovectomy, 47, 442–443
Strontium-89, 655 injuries, 60 Synovial joints, 435–436
Stump pain, 249–250, 628 tendinitis, 80, 81, 83 (Table) Synovium
DREZ operation, 457 Surgery innervation, 436
prevention, 253–254 cancer pain, 642, 650 rheumatoid arthritis, 40
treatment, 252 (Table) disc disease, 296–297, 427–433 Syphilis, pseudoradicular syndromes,
750 Subacromial bursitis, treatment, 478 failure in back pain, 72–74, 299, 428 301

Syringe drivers see Infusion pumps Tension myalgia of pelvic floor, 625 Thoracotomy
Syringobulbia, 321–322 Tension-type headache, 225–229, 240 cryoanalgesia, 478–479
Syringomyelia, 321–322 antianxiety drugs, 359, 361 pain after, 627–628
central pain, 307, 309 classification, 218 (Table) placebo response, 504
spinal cord injury, 331–332 EMG biofeedback, 228, 510–511, 515 Thromboangiitis obliterans, 129–130
treatment, 335 hypnosis, 525 Thrombocytosis
Systematic desensitization, 709–710 migraine and, 224 essential thrombocythaemia, 132
Systemic lupus erythematosus, neck manipulation, 493 rheumatoid arthritis, 42
ischaemic neuropathy, 263 phenothiazines, 358 Thromboembolism, lumbar disc
temporomandibular pain, 185 surgery, 432
T Teres minor, tendinitis, 81 Thrombolysis, myocardial infarction,
T12—L1 syndrome, 613–614 Terminal agitation, 698, 701–702, 726 129
Tabetic neurosyphilis, 301 Terminal care, 721–726 Thrombophlebitis, 131
TAC (topical anaesthetic), 551–552 children, 681, 683–684 Thrombosis, 131
Takayasu’s syndrome, 130 cystic fibrosis, 682 acute pain on, 22
Tangier disease, 265 psychological techniques, 707 cancer patients, 610–611
Tanzanian neuropathy, 270 sedation, 660, 721 intracranial venous, 234, 607
Tapotement, 486 children, 681 superior vena cava, 611
Tardive dyskinesia, 316, 363 see also Palliative care Thunderclap headaches, 233
Tarsal tunnel syndrome, 44 Testis Tiapride, treatment of drug-induced
Taste, burning mouth syndrome, 191 cancer, gynaecomastia, 608 headache, 238
Taxols see Paclitaxel innervation, 165 Tibia, proximal osteotomy, 445–447
Tear secretion, 43 pain, 169–170 Tic douloureux see Trigeminal
Tegaserod, irritable bowel syndrome, Testosterone, level changes on pain, neuralgia
118 572 (Table) Tidal lavage, osteoarthritis, 37
Telencephalon, surgery, 460 Tetany, 50 Tietze’s syndrome, 121
Telephone counselling, osteoarthritis, Tetracaine, topical anaesthetics, Tiflitis, 673
36 551–552, 670 Titration
Telescoping, phantom sensation, 250 Thalamic pain, 305 non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
Temperature rise, sympathetic block, Thalamostriate artery territory lesions, drugs, cancer pain, 644
420 318 opioid dosing, 384, 385, 648
Temperature sensibility Thalamotomy Tizanidine, 102
central poststroke pain, 319 basal, 459 spinal, 413
syringomyelia, 322 medial, 317, 458, 459 trigeminal neuralgia, 202, 203 (Table)
Temporal arteritis (giant cell arteritis), Thalamus Tocainide, trigeminal neuralgia, 202
130, 233–234 blood flow, fibromyalgia, 99 Toggle—recoil technique, 488
Temporal summation, nociceptive central poststroke pain, 306, 318 Tolerance, opioids, 26, 386, 392,
impulses, fibromyalgia, 100 postamputation pain, 251 593–594, 648, 704
Temporomandibular disorders, Thalidomide, 582 general anaesthesia, 673
183–187 Therapeutic trials, psychotropic drugs, from pain stimulus, 653
Temporomandibular joint 364 Tolosa—Hunt syndrome, 209–210
disease (code 11.7), 238–239 Thermal sensation, diabetic (Table)
effect of lesions, 185 neuropathy, 266 Tonic seizures, multiple sclerosis, 320
internal derangement, 186–187, 194 Thermocoagulation Topical anaesthesia
(Table) facet joints burning mouth syndrome, 192–193
painful lesions, 193 cervical, 238 burns, 595
Temporomandibular pain, 194 (Table) lumbar, 71 cancer patients, 654
biofeedback, 514 Gasserian ganglion, 204 (Table), 205 children, 551–552, 669–670
Tender points splanchnic nerves, 421 see also EMLA
fibromyalgia sympathetic ganglion blocks, 420 neuropathic pain, 585
definition, 96 see also Ablative procedures Topical aspirin, neuropathic pain, 585
diagnosis, 100 Thiamine Topical morphine, 14
see also Trigger points alcoholic neuropathy, 268 burns, 596
Tendinitis, rotator cuff, 81 beriberi neuropathy, 269 Topical non-steroidal anti-
Tendon reflexes, lumbar spondylosis, Thioridazine, dosages, 697 (Table), 700 inflammatory drugs,
297 (Table) osteoarthritis, 36
Tendons Third nerve palsy, 262 Topiramate
extensor carpi radialis, 90 Thoracic outlet syndrome, 91 ion channel blockade, 415
injuries, 59–60 Thoracic radiculopathy, 293–294 trigeminal neuralgia, 203 (Table)
rheumatoid arthritis, 41 Thoracic sympathetic chain block, 418 Torticollis, biofeedback, 514
Tennis elbow, 89–90 (Table), 420–421 Total joint replacement, 447–448
treatment, 478 Thoracoabdominal nerve, anterior cold therapy, 479
Tenosynovectomy, 47 cutaneous branch, entrapment osteoarthritis, 37
Tenosynovitis, constrictive, 90 neuropathy, 113 rheumatoid arthritis, 47
Tenoxicam, 342 (Table), 346–347 Thoracoabdominal Total spinal anaesthesia, accidental, 155
TENS see Transcutaneous electrical oesophagogastrectomy, nerve Tourniquets
nerve stimulation blocks, 17 complex regional pain syndrome, 285 751

Tourniquets (cont’d) Trazodone (cont’d) Triiodothyronine, tricyclic

pain, 437 cystic fibrosis, 682 antidepressants with, 368
TENS on, 469 sexual function, 361 Trilisate (choline-magnesium
Toxic megacolon, 112 Triage, intensive care, 722 salicylate), children, 674 (Table),
Toxins, calcium channel blockade, 416 Trichinella spiralis, 51 675
Toxoplasmosis, brain abscesses, 323 Tricyclic antidepressants, 353–354, Trimipramine, 365 (Table)
Traction, 438–439 364–368 Triptans
manipulation, 488 adverse effects, 361–362 cluster headache, 229–230
Tramadol, 102, 380 (Table), 587 alternation and combinations, migraine, 224–225
Transcutaneous electrical nerve 367–368 Tropical myositis, 51
stimulation, 465–472, 656 anticonvulsants with, 358, 360, 368 Tropisetron, 103
central pain, 313, 316 atypical oral and facial pain, 191 Trypsinogen-2 dipstick test, acute
central poststroke pain, 319 cancer pancreatitis, 112
complex regional pain syndrome, 286 depression, 692 L-Tryptophan, 368
multiple sclerosis, 321 pain, 711 monoamine oxidase inhibitors with,
neuropathic pain, 585, 586 complex regional pain syndrome, 286 369
postamputation pain, 253 cystic fibrosis, 682 Tumour necrosis factor-α, 582
Transdermal fentanyl, 381, 384, 387 effectiveness, 359 Tumour necrosis factor-α inhibitors,
(Table), 388, 645 (Table), 646, HIV infection, pain, 716 582
648, 649, 677 indications, 355 rheumatoid arthritis, 47
Transferred pain see Referred pain ion channel blockade, 415 Tumours
Transforming growth factor beta, bone irritable bowel syndrome, 118 central pain, 306
metastases, 613 neuroleptics with, 354, 358, 360, 368 ear, 212 (Table)
Transient low back pain, 67–68 neuropathic pain, 583–584, 586–587, heat therapy and, 479
Transitional zone pain 654, 673 intracranial see Intracranial tumours
spinal cord injury, 330 children, 679 orofacial pain, 193
treatment, 335 postamputation pain, 252–253 orthopaedic resection, 443
Transit time, gut, epidural block, 22 postherpetic neuralgia, 208 (Table) pelvis, 138
Translation (reconceptualization), selective serotonin reuptake spine see Spine, tumours
535–538 inhibitors vs, 314 Twilight sleep, 153
Transmucosal fentanyl, 385, 388, spinal cord injury, 334 Typhlitis (tiflitis), 673
597–598, 646, 669, 671, 678 tension-type headache, 227–228
Transplantation Trigeminal nerve, 194 (Table) U
bone marrow, management of side- anaesthesia dolorosa, 305 Ulcerative colitis, 112
effects, 672 distribution, pain, 199–214 Ulcerative gingivitis, acute necrotizing,
cartilage, osteoarthritis, 37 herpes zoster, 207 182
kidney (autologous), loin involvement in third nerve palsy, 262 Ulnar collateral ligament sprain, 90
pain/haematuria syndrome, 165 middle cranial fossa syndrome, Ulnar deviation of fingers, 41 (Fig.)
lung, cystic fibrosis, 682 618–619 Ulnar nerve entrapment syndromes, 89
organ harvesting, 723 temporomandibular pain, 186 Ulnar neuritis, 44
Transrectal prostate biopsy, 605 Trigeminal neuralgia, 194 (Table), 195, Ultram (tramadol), 102, 380 (Table), 587
Trans-retinoic acid 199–206, 239 Ultrasound (diagnostic)
bone pain, 608 classification, 219–220 (Table) acute appendicitis, 110
headache, 608 glossopharyngeal neuralgia vs, 292 shoulder, 81
Transurethral balloon dilatation, multiple sclerosis, 320 Ultrasound therapy, 476
prostate, 171 tumours, 619 contractures, 478
Tranylcypromine, 365 (Table) vascular orofacial pain vs, 190 on nerve conduction, 474
cancer patients, 693 (Table) Trigeminal nucleus lesions, extraction precautions, 480
Trauma of teeth, 191 tennis elbow, 478
acute pain, 24 Trigeminovascular system, migraine, Undertreatment of pain
children, 552–553 222–223 cancer, 703–704
cluster headache, 229 Trigger finger, 90 HIV infection, 703, 715, 716
cold therapy, 474 Triggering opioid underuse, 377, 378 (Table),
headache, 218 (Table), 228 (Table), glossopharyngeal neuralgia, 291 593–594, 703–704
231–232 migraine, 220–221 Unstable angina, 123
long-term effects, 27 SUNCT syndrome, 189 TENS, 467–468
stress disorder, 97 trigeminal neuralgia, 201 Upper extremities
musculoskeletal pain, 58–60 Trigger points deep vein thrombosis, 611
progressive myelomalacic cervical sprain, 91–92 experimental ischaemia, 128
myelopathy, 332 fibromyalgia, 98, 101 multiple lesions, 92
thorax, 25 ischaemic pain, 131 myocardial infarction, 122
Trauma (psychological), 705–706 muscle pain, 50 pain, 77–93
Trazodone, 365 (Table) pelvic pain, 142, 144 neuralgic amyotrophy, 264
cancer patients, 693 (Table), 695 physical therapies, 477 Ureter, 165
delirium, 712 (Table) shoulder pain, 77, 85–86, 87 calculi, 26, 111
central pain, 313 tennis elbow, 90 malignant obstruction, 625
752 children, 552 see also Tender points Urethral syndrome, 141, 166–167

Urgency/frequency syndrome, 141 Venous pain, 131 Visual loss, giant cell arteritis, 233–234
Urgent disc surgery, 429 chemotherapy, 606 Vitamin D deficiency, muscle pain, 50
Urinary retention, 22–23 Venous thrombosis Vitamin E deficiency, 270
epidural block, 406 acute pain on, 22 Vitamin therapy, mitochondrial
opioids, 391, 653, 678 (Table) extremities, 611 myopathies, 58
spinal cord injury, 331 intracranial Voltage-gated ion channels, blockers,
see also Micturition control L-asparaginase, 607 415–416
Urinary system cerebral, 234 Voluntary contraction,
labour, 151 Venous varicosities, pelvis, 138 electromyography, 58
pelvic pain, 140–141 Ventilation (mechanical) Vomiting, opioids, 390, 652
Urodynamics neonates, 546 VR-1 receptor (capsaicin receptor),
prostatodynia, 170–171 neurodegenerative disorders, 683 drugs on, 417
spinal cord injury, 333 withdrawal of, 723 Vulvodynia, 167–169
urethral syndrome, 167 Ventroposterior thalamic region, pain, interstitial cystitis, 166, 168
Uterus 306, 308
blood extrusion, 150 Verapamil, 416 W
innervation, 147–148 cluster headache prophylaxis, 230 ‘Walking epidural’, 159
labour pain on, 151 muscle pain, 58 Walther’s ganglion (ganglion impar),
Uveitis, anterior, 211 (Table) Vertebrae block, 421, 658
fractures, 294–295 Wasting, electromyography, 57
V compression, 69 Wax impaction, 212 (Table)
Vagina malignant, 615 Weakness, 57–58
innervation, 149 see also Facet joints cervical spondylosis, 297
vulvodynia, 168 Vertebral artery, pain, 234 epidural compression, 614–615
Vagus nerve Vertebral syndromes see Spine, lumbar spondylosis, 297
glossopharyngeal neuralgia, 291, 292 tumours Weak opioids, 378
lung carcinoma, facial pain, 240 Vertebrocoronary syndrome, 127 cancer pain, 382
myocardial infarction, 24 Vertebroplasty, 69 children, 676
tone, pain assessment, 548 Vertigo, episodic, 221 Web sites, trigeminal neuralgia, 206
Valaciclovir, herpes zoster, 207, 208 Vesicant extravasation, 606 Weight reduction, osteoarthritis, 35
(Table) Vestibulitis, biopsy, 168 Whiplash injury see Cervical sprain
Valium see Diazepam Vibration sensation Widespread pain, definition, 96
Valproic acid, trigeminal neuralgia, 203 central poststroke pain, 319 Withdrawal (drugs)
(Table) diabetic neuropathy, 266 alcohol, 696
Valsalva manoeuvre, shoulder pain, 79 multiple sclerosis, 320 benzodiazepines, 696–697
Valvular heart disease, 125 Vibration therapy, 470, 486 treatment of drug-induced headache,
rheumatoid arthritis, 44 Vinca alkaloids 237
Variant angina, 123 neuropsychiatric side effects, 699 Withdrawal (pain behaviour), 547
Varicocele, scrotum, 170 (Table) Withdrawal of active treatment, 723
Vascular headache, 218 (Table), 232–234 pain syndromes, 607, 674 World Health Organization
temporomandibular pain, 185, 186 peripheral neuropathies, 674 analgesic ladder, 378, 379 (Fig.), 642
see also Migraine Vinorelbine, tumour pain, 608 Guidelines for Cancer Pain Relief,
Vascular malformations Viral polymyositis, 52 721–722
central pain, 318 see also Myalgic encephalomyelitis Wrist
headache, 233 Viscera arthrodesis, 442
Vascular pain, 129–131 cancer, 623–626 ligament injuries, 90
orofacial, 188 (Table), 189–190 injury at lumbar disc surgery, 431
Vascular surgery, regional anaesthesia, nociceptive nerve supply, 16 (Fig.), X
398 17 (Table) Xerostomia, 43
Vascular-type craniofacial pain, Visceral pain, 16, 17 (Table), 25–26, 122 spinal cord injury, 331
187–190 adjuvant analgesics, 655–656
Vascular-type headaches, vascular pelvis, 135, 658 Y
orofacial pain vs, 190 spinal cord injury, 332 Yergason’s test, 80, 82
Vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, 41–42 sympathetic blocks, 658 Yersinia, iliocecitis, 110
Vasectomy, orchialgia, 169 Viscerosomatic reflex, diaphragm, 21
Vasoactive intestinal peptide, nerve Viscerotomes, 16, 25 Z
fibres, bone, 437 Viscous lidocaine, 654 Zanaflex see Tizanidine
Vasodilatation, epidural block, 405–406 Visual analogue scales Zebra bodies, 267
Venlafaxine, 362, 365, 371, 584 children, 547 Zimelidine, 362
cancer patients, 693 (Table), 695 elderly patients, 559 Zinc, burning mouth syndrome, 192
trials, 356 Visual descriptor scales, elderly Zygapophyseal joints see Facet joints;
Venous flare, doxorubicin, 606 patients, 559 Facet syndrome


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