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Education Portfolio Self-Assessment Matrix

Developing Competency Minimally Competent Competent Proficient

A simplified knowledge for the Developing knowledge of Adequate knowledge with Thorough knowledge of
Artifacts purposes of orientation and concepts and recognition of the the ability to apply concepts & theories for
Program (Not all students will recognition of general decision-making process, concepts and decision- purpose of critical analysis &
Goals/Competencies/ have all of the principles. Recognition of including recognition of writing making with coherent synthesis of complete
Level of Knowledge artifacts listed writing components. strategies. writing ability. understanding. Consistent
below.) demonstration of coherent,
accurate, and effective
writing ability.

Exhibits developing Exhibits adequate application of Exhibits good Exhibits thorough application
Apply the dimensions
application of multicultural multicultural dimensions to application of m/c of multicultural dimensions to
of multicultural
Multicultural dimensions to support support appropriate pedagogical dimensions to support support appropriate
education to support
Lesson Plan, appropriate pedagogical practices. appropriate pedagogical pedagogical practices.
Individual Cultural practices. practices.
pedagogical practices
for teaching diverse
7 points 8 points 10 points
9 points

Demonstrates developing Demonstrates adequate selection Demonstrates good Demonstrates thorough

Select technology selection of technology tools of technology tools for integration selection of technology selection of technology
tools for integration Student created for integration across the across the curriculum. tools for integration tools
across the curriculum. technology artifacts curriculum. across the curriculum. for integration across the
7 points 8 points 9 points curriculum.
10 points
Synthesize education
psychology major Shows developing synthesis Shows adequate synthesis of Shows good synthesis Shows thorough synthesis of
theoretical of major theoretical major theoretical perspectives and of major theoretical major theoretical
perspectives & Case Study perspectives and methods of methods of educational perspectives & methods perspectives and methods of
methods to teaching, educational psychology. psychology. of educational psych. educational psychology.
learning, and
schooling. 7 points 8 points 9 points 10 points
Choose formative and
summative Shows developing application Shows adequate application of Shows good application Shows thorough application
techniques for Lesson Plans, of formative and summative formative and summative of formative & summative of formative and summative
evaluation & Field Observations, techniques for evaluation and techniques for evaluation and techniques for evaluation techniques for evaluation and
modification with Classroom modification with group and modification with group and & modification with group modification with group and
group & individual Management Plan individual instruction and individual instruction and & individual instruction & individual instruction and
instruction & learning learning strategies. learning strategies. learning strategies. learning strategies.
strategies. 7 points 8 points 9 points 10 points
Evaluate the
Illustrates developing Illustrates adequate evaluation of Illustrates good Illustrates thorough
historical, legal, &
evaluation of historical, legal, historical, legal, and philosophical evaluation of historical, evaluation of historical, legal,
philosophical Philosophy, Court
and philosophical foundations foundations and issues related to legal, and philosophical & philosophical foundations
foundations & issues Case, History
and issues related to contemporary education. foundations and issues & issues related to
related to Timeline
contemporary education. related to contemporary contemporary education.
7 points 8 points education. 10 points
9 points
8 27 10
Add up each column 9+10+9+8+9
Add column totals
Final Total 45

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