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1. Choose the below option in terms of ascending order of band gap energy

(A)Diamond, Graphite, Silicon (B)Graphite, Silicon, Diamond

(C)Silicon, Graphite, Diamond (D)Silicon, Diamond, Graphite

2. Band Gap Energy for Silicon and Germanium at Room Temperature (300°K) are ____ & ____
respectively: –

(A)56eV, 1.1Ev (B) 72eV, 1.2Ev (C) 1eV, 0.72Ev (D)1eV, 0.56eV

3. Electrical characteristics of a semiconductor depends on concentration of free electrons

and holes.

(A)True (B)False

4. Transport of charge carriers in semiconductor is achieved through: –

(A)Conduction and Diffusion (B)Conduction (C)Diffusion (D)None of the above

5. The electron mobility of Germanium at room temperature (in Kelvins), for an electron
diffusion constant of 99 is approximately: –

(A)3200 cm2/V-sec (B)4500 cm2/V-sec (C)3800 cm2/V-sec (D)2000 cm2/V-sec

6. Carrier lifetime for holes and electrons in a semiconductor ranges from –

(A)Milliseconds to hundreds of nanoseconds (B)Microseconds to seconds (C)Nanoseconds to

hundreds of microseconds (D)Nanoseconds to thousands of milliseconds

7.Which metal among these is widely used as a recombination agent by semiconductor

manufacturers to obtain desired carrier lifetime of charge carriers?

(A)Silver (B)Gold (C)Iron (D)Aluminum

8. . The Hall effect is used to determine the

(A)Only the carrier concentration of semiconductors (B)Current flowing across a semiconductor (C)Type
of semiconductor and carrier concentration (D)None of the above

9. : The thickness of space charge region for a P-N junction diode is of the order of :-

(A)10-4 cm (B)10-2 cm (C)10 cm (D)100 cm

10. . Formation of a junction between a sample of P-type and N-type material causes _______ action
(A)Rectifying (B)Conducting (C)Insulating (D)None of the above

11. Cut-In or breakdown voltage of Silicon diode is greater than that of Germanium diode because

(A)Reverse saturation current in a Silicon diode is lesser than that in Germanium diode (B)Reverse
saturation current in Germanium diode is lesser than that in Silicon diode (C)The current is initially less
dependent on voltage for a Silicon diode (D)None of the above

12. For intrinsic Germanium, the change in conductivity per degree rise in temperature is: –

(A)Increases approximately by 6% (B)Decrease approximately by 8% (C)Increases approximately by

5% (D)Remains unchanged

13.What is the color code for a 220 5% resistor?

(A)Red, Red, Brown, Gold (B)Orange, Orange, Black, Gold

(C)Red, Red, Black, Gold (D)Red, Red, Brown, Silver

14. If 60 J of energy are available for every 15 C of charge, what is the voltage?

A.4 V B.60 V C.15 V D.0.25 V

15. An atom's atomic number is determined by the number of:

A.neutrons minus protons B.protons C.electrons D.neutrons

16. A voltage will influence current only if the circuit is: B.insulated C.high resistance D.closed

17. Which resistive component is designed to be temperature sensitive?

A.Thermistor B.Rheostat C.Potentiometer D.Photoconductive cell

18.The battery symbol is:

A. B. C. D.

19.What type of switch is this?

(A.)push button (B.)SPST (C.)DPDT (D.)SPDT

20.Primary batteries, unlike secondary batteries, may be:

(A.)charged once (B.)used once (C.)recharged over and over (D.)stored indefinitely

1.In practical applications, battery voltage:

(A).is restored as soon as disconnect occurs (B.)is lowered as the load increases (C).may be stored
indefinitely (D.)will be reduced to zero as power is drawn

2. The negative and positive charge symbols are assigned (in that order) to the:

(A.)proton and electron (B.)electron and proton (C.)atom and nucleus (D).electron and element

3. A voltmeter is used:

(A)to measure current (B.)in series with the circuit (C.)in parallel with the circuit (D).to measure

4.If the current in a circuit equals 0 A, it is likely that the

(A).voltage is too high (B.)resistance is too low (C.)circuit has a short (D.)circuit is open

5.Current equals:

(A)coulomb/time .(B).coulombs × time (C)voltage/time .(D).voltage × time

6.What are the unit and symbol for current?

A).Ampere, A B).Coulomb, C C).Ampere, Q D).Ampere, i

7.Which part of an atom has no electrical charge?

A).Electron B).Neutron C).Proton D).All of the above

8.Which voltage source converts chemical energy to electrical energy?

A.)Electrical generator B).Battery C.)Solar cell D).Electronic power supply

9.An example of potential energy is:

A.)tea-kettle steam B.)a moving vehicle C.)the sun D.)a battery

10. If 40 C of charge flow past a point in 20 s, what is the current?

A.)2 A B.)0.5 A C.)20 A D.)40 A

11. Batteries differ from fuel cells in that

A.)a battery is a closed system B).a battery uses hydrogen and oxygen to create electricity

C).a battery uses a polymer electrolyte membrane D.)none of the above

12. The removal of a non-neutral subatomic particle converts the atom into a:

A.)charged ion B.)nucleus C.)heavier element D.)compound

13. One coulomb passing a point in one second is one:

A).ampere B.)volt C.)ohm D.)charge

14.In which states may matter may be found?

A.)solid, liquid, or mineral B.)solid, gas, or liquid C.)mineral, gas, or liquid D.)plastic, solid, or gas

15. Material that consists of a mixture of elements is considered to be:

A.)an element B.)an ion C.)a compound D.)a molecule

16. How many valence shell electrons are there in semiconductor atoms?

A.)16 B.)8 C)4 D.)2

17. When considering conventional current versus electron current flow:

A.)electron current flow came first B.)protons move in conventional current flow

C.)conventional current flow came first D.)the direction of current is the same in both methods

18.Which unit of charge contains 6.25 × 1018electrons?

A.)An ampere B.)A coulomb C.)A volt D.)A joule

19. A switch is a device that:

A.)short circuits complex circuits B.)holds a fuse

C.)has double poles D.)opens or completes a current path

20. The term used to designate electrical pressure is:

A.)voltage B.)current C.)resistance D.)conductance


1. Which electronics material opposes the movement of free electrons?

A.)Conductor B.)Insulator C.)Semiconductor D.)Element

2. Current is considered as the movement of:

A.)electrons B.)protons C.)charge D.)nuclei

3.A lead-acid battery is an example of a

A.)solar cell B.)fuel cell C.)primary battery D.)secondary battery

4.The charge of one coulomb is equal to:

A.)6.24 x 10−18 electrons B.)one ampere C.)one second D.)6.24 x 1018 electrons

5. A basic electric circuit is made up of what components?

A.)A load, a resistor, and a conductive path for current B.)A voltage source, a load, and a conductive path
for current C.)A voltage source, a conductive path for current, and a battery D.)A conductive path
for current, a battery, and a copper wire

6.An ammeter is used to measure

A.)voltage B.)current C.)resistance D.)All of the above

7.What is the name of the pressure that moves electrons in a closed circuit?

A.)amperes B.)ohms C.)voltage D.)coulombs

8.What is a characteristic of a secondary cell?

A.)rechargeability B.)not rechargeable C.)a dry cell D.)non-liquid

9.What are the basic building blocks that all matter is composed of?

A.)electrons, neutrons, and protons B.)two protons for each neutron C.)two protons for each electron
D.)electrons, neutrons, and charged ions

10.If a fluid system is compared to an electrical system, the fluid pump will correspond to a:

A.)conductor B.)lamp C.)battery D.)insulator

11.An element is a substance that is:

A.)varied throughout the entire piece B.)used only in electronics C.)electrically charged D.)found only
in its pure form

12. Current is:

A.)the presence of a positive charge B.)the abundance of electrons C.)the movement of electrons
D.)the repulsion of electrons

13.. What do you call a diagram that shows the electrical connections of a circuit's components?

A.)A schematic diagram B.)A pictorial diagram C.)A block diagram D.)An electrical diagram

14. A short circuit will have:

A.)a small current flow B.)a large current flow C.)no current flow D.)some current flow

15. The basic difference between a fuse and a circuit breaker is

A.)a fuse is slower B.)a fuse is reusable C.)a circuit breaker is reusable D.)a circuit breaker is more

16.. Which is the smallest?

A.)atom B.)proton C.)neutron D.)electron

17. A secondary cell generates dc via chemical activity; a primary cell generates dc:

A.)electrically B.)thermally C.)optically D.)chemically

18. Which of the following statements is true?

A.)Unlike charges repel and like charges attract. B.)Like charges repel and unlike charges attract.
C.)Unlike charges attract and like charges attract. D.)Like charges repel and unlike charges repel.

19. If an electrical system is compared to a fluid system, the electrical current corresponds to the:

A.)pressure B.)pump C.)water wheel D.)water flow

20.Which part of a induction motor is moving mechanically?

A.)stator B.)rotor C.)commutator D.)windings

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