Suffix in Urdu Language

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Suffix in urdu language 

ksh ‫ = ﮐﺶ‬NOUN (masculine) = pull, puff 
SUFFIX = enduring 
ex ‫ = ﺳﺮﮐﺶ‬IDIOMATIC = headstrong, rebellious, obstinate 
ex ‫ = ﺳﺮﮐﺸﯽ‬NOUN (feminine) = insurrection 
Kush ‫ = ُﮐﺶ‬SUFFIX = killing, destroying 
ex: ‫ = ﺟﺮاﺛﯿﻢ ﮐﺶ‬antiseptic, substance which kills harmful micro-organisms, 
Kashi = ‫ = ﮐﺸﯽ‬SUFFIX = drawing, pulling 
enduring, suffering 
ex ‫ = ﺑﺎدﮦ ﮐﺸﯽ‬IDIOMATIC = wine-drinking 
kushi ‫ = ُﮐﺸﯽ‬SUFFIX = killing  
ُ ‫ = ﺧﻮد‬suicide 
ex : ‫ُﮐﺸﯽ‬
kusha ‫ = ُﮐﺸﺎ‬ADJECTIVE = opening, revealing, displaying 
loosening, expanding 
ex ‫ = دل ﮐﺸﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = blissful, pleasing, delightful, exhilarating 
heart-expanding, exhilarating 
sra ‫ = ﺳﺮا‬FEMININE NOUN 
denoting house, palace, mansion 
ex ‫ = ﺣﺮم ﺳﺮا‬PHRASE 
harem, seraglio 
singing, modulating 
ex ‫ = ﻧﻐﻢﮦ ﺳﺮا‬PHRASE 
one who sings a song, singing a song 
niyamah sarayi ‫ = ﻧﻐﻢﮦ ﺳﺮاﺋﯽ‬PHRASE 
singing a song 
sira = ‫ ِﺳﺮا‬MASCULINE NOUN 
end, extremity 
sirran ‫ = ً ِﺳ ّﺮا‬ADVERB 
secretly, clandestinely 
zar or zaar ‫ = زار‬ADVERB = in tears 
ADJECTIVE = afflicted, aggrieved, wounded 
weak, feeble, emaciated  
NOUN (masculine) = groan, lamentation 
desire, wish 
SUFFIX = place 
ex ‫ = ﺳﺒﺰه زار‬IDIOMATIC = meadow, meadow, lawn, greensward 
NOUN (masculine) = tsar, king, ruler (appellation of former rulers of Russia) 
zari ‫ = زاری‬NOUN (feminine) = crying, groaning, lamentation, supplication, 
entreaty, plight, predicament 
ex ‫ و ﻗﻄﺎر‬/‫ = زار زار‬IDIOMATIC = (weeping) bitterly 
ex ‫ = زار ِﯾﻦﮦ‬NOUN (feminine) tsarina, an empress of Russia before 1917  
ex ‫ = زار و زﺑﻮں‬IDIOMATIC = miserable condition, pitiable plight 
ex ‫ = زار و ﻧﺰار‬IDIOMATIC = weak, emaciated 
ex ‫ = زار و ﻗﻄﺎر روﻧﺎ‬VERB = To weep bitterly 
saar ‫( ﺳﺎر‬khaaq saar), = SUFFIX = denoting magnitude, similitude or 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎﮐﺴﺎر‬IDIOMATIC = humble 
literary = this humble person, used by a speaker or writer when referring to 
himself or herself 
SUFFIX = top, summit, head 
ex ‫ = ﻧﮕﻮں ﺳﺎر‬IDIOMATIC = head-downward 
IDIOMATIC = upside down, inverted 
submissive, abashed 
NOUN (masculine) = ironic =  
best or choicest part of a thing, substance, essence, pith, heart 
ironic = Juice, extract 
ironic = manure 
ironic = worth, value 
sara ‫ = ﺳﺎرا‬ADJECTIVE = all, entire, whole, complete 
ADVERB = entirely, completely 
NOUN (masculine)= pile (of wood) on which Hindus cremate their dead 
SUFFIX = pure, good 
sari ‫ = ﺳﺎری‬ADJECTIVE = whole, entire 
NOUN (feminine) = sari, a kind of dress worn by women of Indian 
ADJECTIVE= passing, percolating, penetrating, flowing, all pervasive 
saroo(n) ‫ = ﺳﺎروں‬plural  
nasheen ‫( = ﻧﺸﯿﻦ‬adj and suffix) sitting 
also nasheeni ‫ﻧﺸﯿﻨﯽ‬ 
kan ‫( = ﮐﻦ‬noun,m) digger, excavator  
kan‫ ﮐﻦ‬used as suffix as digger for ex  
ex ‫( = ﮐﺎن ﮐﻦ‬idi)miner , mineworker, quarryman 
kan ‫( = ﮐﻦ‬noun,m) grain, a single grain 
minute particle 
sparkle of a gem 
strength, power 
blossom, bud 
side, corner, half 
(noun m)ear 
kun ‫( = ُﮐﻦ‬suffix) maker or doer  
ex ‫( = ﺣﯿﺮان ﮐﻦ‬idi) surprising, amazing 
(particle) be! let it be! let there be! 
ّ ‫پ‬ 
‫ھﻻ‬ ُ
waan ‫ = وان‬SUFFIX 
endowed with 
used as:‫ = دھن وان‬phrase = possessing wealth 
kosha(n) ‫ = ﮐﻮﺷﺎں‬ADJECTIVE = struggling, attempting 
ex ‫ = ﮐﻮﺷﺎں ﮦوﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = try 
kosh ‫ = ﮐﻮش‬NOUN (masculine) = dictionary, lexicon 
store, treasury, depository 
SUFFIX = endeavouring, attempting, labouring 
ex ‫ = ﺳﺨﺖ ﮐﻮش‬IDIOMATIC = hard-working 
NOUN (feminine) = a kind of slipper without heels 
kazayi ‫ = ﮐﺬاﺋﯽ‬ADJECTIVE = as, as that, like that, known, existing, perceived 
SUFFIX = used as suffix as well 
ex ‫ = ﮦﯾﺌﺖ ﮐﺬاﺋﯽ‬despicable or ludicrous looks 
IDIOMATIC such or that appearance, the perceived form, the known or seen 
state (usu. uncomely or laughable) 
kaza ‫ = ﮐﺬا‬literal = like this, such, sic (after a quoted/copied word or narration) 
kaza o kaza ‫ = ﮐﺬا و ﮐﺬا‬IDIOMATIC 
so and so 
posh ‫( ﭘﻮش‬suffix) = covering, wearing, dressed in 
ex ‫ = ﺑﺮف ﭘﻮش‬snow-covered, snow-capped 
poshah ‫ = ﭘﻮشﮦ‬the sepals of a flower that usually form a whorl, calyx 
poshak ‫ = ﭘﻮﺷﺎک‬clothes, dress, garment, attire, vestment 
posheedah ‫( = ﭘﻮﺷﯿﺪﮦ‬adj) hidden, concealed, secret, covered, veiled 
(ad)secretly, covertly 
(noun) hunter's trap 
posheedah akhraaat ‫ﺼﺮف‬ َ ‫ َﻣ‬/‫ = ﭘﻮﺷﯿﺪﮦ اﺧﺮاﺟﺎت‬Secret expenditure; underhand 
posheedah chashm ‫ = ﭘﻮﺷﯿﺪﮦ ﭼﺸﻢ‬Blind, visually impaired, sightless. 
posheedagi ‫ = ﭘﻮﺷﯿﺪﮔﯽ‬secrecy, concealment 
dubiousness, ambiguity 
push ‫ = ﭘُﻮش‬a kind of mulberry, Morus indica 
‫ﺷﻤﺎر‬ ُ
Shumaar = ‫ = ُﺷﻤﺎر‬NOUN (masculine) counting, numbering, calculation, 
account, estimation 
shumari ‫ = ُﺷﻤﺎری‬NOUN (feminine) act of counting 
SUFFIX = numbering, counting 
ex ‫ = ﻣﺮدم ﺷﻤﺎری‬IDIOMATIC census 
shumarah ‫ = ُﺷﻤﺎرﮦ‬NOUN (masculine) issue (of a periodical), number (of a 
shumariyaat ‫ﻤﺎرﯾﺎت‬ ُ
ِ ‫ = ﺷ‬statistics 
shumariyaat daan ‫ =ﺷﻤﺎرﯾﺎت دان‬statistician 
alood ‫ = آﻟﻮد‬SUFFIX = forming adjectives: full of, daubed, contaminated, 
covered with, smeared with 
ex ‫ ﮔﺮد آﻟﻮد‬/‫ = ﻏﺒﺎر‬IDIOMATIC =covered with dust 
aloodah ‫ = آﻟﻮدﮦ‬ADJECTIVE = unclean, foul, immersed, soiled, filthy, grimy, 
sullied, smeared, contaminated, polluted  
aalodgi ‫ = آﻟﻮدﮔﯽ‬NOUN (feminine) = nastiness, uncleanliness, foulness, taint, 
contamination, pollution, defilement, impurity 
yaab ‫ = ﯾﺎب‬suffix = finding, discovering, getting, receiving 
example = ‫ = ﻇﻔﺮﯾﺎب‬victorious (‫ = ﻇﻔﺮ‬triumph, victory, conquest, gain) 
yabandah = ‫ﯾﺎﺑﻨﺪﮦ‬ ِ = recipient, finder, discoverer 
- yabandayi handi = ‫( = ﯾﺎﺑﻨﺪئﮦ ﮦنڈی‬idi) recipient of draft or bill 
yaab (dastyaab) ‫ = ﯾﺎب‬SUFFIX 
finding, discovering 
getting, receiving 
zafaryaab ‫ = ﻇﻔﺮﯾﺎب‬PHRASE 
victorious, Successful 
dastyaab ‫ = دﺳﺘﯿﺎب‬ADJECTIVE 
yabandah ‫ﯾﺎﺑﻨﺪﮦ‬ ِ = MASCULINE NOUN 
finder, discoverer 
yabanda e hundi ‫ = ﯾﺎﺑﻨﺪئﮦ ﮦنڈی‬PHRASE 
recipient of draft or bill 
yabu ‫ = ﯾﺎﺑُﻮ‬pony  
sooz ‫ = ﺳﻮز‬NOUN (masculine) = burning 
passion, depth of feeling, pathos 
sorrow, heart-burning 
an elegy especially a dirge for the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (r.a) and his 
companions at Karbala 
ADJECTIVE = inflaming, burning 
SUFFIX = something that burns, agonizes, etc. 
ex ‫ دل ﺳﻮز‬/‫ = ﺟﮕﺮ‬IDIOMATIC self-immolation 
Soozi = ‫ = ﺳﻮزی‬SUFFIX = burning 
ex ‫ = ﺧﻮد ﺳﻮزی‬IDIOMATIC self-immolation 
Soozaan = ‫ = ﺳﻮزاں‬ADJECTIVE = burning 
ex ‫ =ﺳﻮز اﻧﺘﻈﺎر‬NOUN = pain of waiting, esp. grief caused by waiting of dear 
ex ‫ زﻧﺪﮔﯽ‬/‫ﺳﻮز ﺣﯿﺎت‬
ِ = IDIOMATIC warmth of life 
ex ‫ =ﺳﻮز ﺧﻮاں‬IDIOMATIC one who chants a dirge 
Soozish ‫ﺳﻮزش‬ ِ = NOUN (feminine) = burning sensation 
Soozan ‫ = ﺳﻮزن‬NOUN (feminine) = needle 
Sooozani ‫ = ﺳﻮزﻧﯽ‬NOUN (feminine) = embroidered spread for floor or bed, a 
kind of ornamented cloth 
aamooz ‫ = آﻣﻮز‬NOUN (masculine) = teaching, learning 
SUFFIX = teaching 
ex ‫ = دﺳﺖ آﻣﻮز‬IDIOMATIC = familiarized 
tame, trained (bird) 
gentle, tractable, handy 
skilful, dexterous 
IDIOMATIC = taught by hand  
ex ‫ = آﻣﻮز ﺗﺎک‬An instructor; a teacher. 
Aamezish ‫ = آﻣﻮزش‬NOUN (feminine) education, teaching, learning 
ex ‫ = آﻣﻮزش ﮔﺎﮦ‬IDIOMATIC = school 
ex ‫ = آﻣﻮزﮔﺎﮦ‬IDIOMATIC school, madrasa 
ex ‫ = آﻣﻮز ﮔﺎر‬IDIOMATIC instructor, teacher 
kadah ‫ﮐﺪﮦ‬  
habitation, house, abode 
used in comp. as:‫ = آﺗﺶ ﮐﺪﮦ‬PHRASE 
the Fire Temple 
Zoroastrian fire-temple 
temple of the Magi 
‫ﮔﻮں‬ ُ
‫ ِﻓﺸﺎﻧﯽ‬ 
go ‫ = ﮔﻮ‬NOUN (masculine) = sayer, speaker, teller 
SUFFIX = telling, saying, relating 
ex ‫ = دﮔﺮﮔﻮں‬IDIOMATIC = of another complexion or colour 
altered or changed for the worse, miserable, deteriorated 
ex ‫ = ﻗﺺﮦ ﮔﻮ‬story-teller 
ADJECTIVE = though, although 
guu ‫=ﮔﻮ‬ ُ NOUN (feminine) 
human excrement, ordure, dung 
goh = ‫ = ﮔﻮﮦ‬NOUN (feminine) = a kind of lizard, a species of iguana 
NOUN (masculine) = faeces, dung 
go(n) ‫ = ﮔﻮں‬MASCULINE NOUN 
colour, tint 
kind, species 
used in comp. as:‫ = ﮔﻞ ﮔﻮں‬PHRASE 
‫ ِدﮦﻧﺪﮦ‬ 
parast, parastish ‫ = ﭘﺮﺳﺖ ﭘﺮﺳﺘﺶ‬SUFFIX = forming nouns and adjectives: adorer, 
worshipper, devoted to 
parasti ‫ = ﭘﺮﺳﺘﯽ‬NOUN (feminine) = adoration, worship 
parastar = ‫ = ﭘﺮﺳﺘﺎر‬NOUN (masculine) = adorer, worshipper 
a person who has a great admiration for a particular activity or person, fan 
parastaan ‫ = ﭘﺮﺳﺘﺎن‬worshippers 
NOUN (masculine) = fairyland, wonderland 
parastish ‫ = ﭘﺮﺳﺘﺶ‬NOUN (feminine) = devotion, worship 
extreme love, adoration, great admiration 
pirastaan ‫ = ِﭘﺮﺳﺘﺎن‬NOUN (masculine) = wild sorrel, an acid-leaved herb of the 
genus Rumex, used in salad 
paristaish khana = ‫ ﮔﺎﮦ‬/‫ ﮐﺪﮦ‬/‫ = ﭘﺮﺳﺘﺶ ﺧﺎنﮦ‬IDIOMATIC = place of worship 
ex ‫ﭘﺮﺳﺘﺎن ﺧﯿﺎل‬
ِ = IDIOMATIC = poets, authors 
ex ‫ﭘﺮﺳﺘﺎن زﻣﺎنﮦ‬
ِ = IDIOMATIC= worshippers of world, worldly-minded people 
dali ‫ = دﻟﯽ‬FEMININE NOUN 
a lump of clay or earth 
dili ‫ = ِدﻟﯽ‬ADJECTIVE 
heartfelt, cordial, sincere 
used in comp. as:‫ = ﺧﻮش دﻟﯽ‬happiness , rejoicing 
ru ‫ = رو‬VERB = weep, cry 
roo ‫ = َرو‬NOUN (feminine) = current, stream, torrent 
train of thought 
passion, ardour, desire 
SUFFIX = growing, germinating 
ex ‫ = ﭘﯿﺶ رو‬IDIOMATIC preceding, going before 
IDIOMATIC one who is earlier, forerunner, a predecessor 
advanced guard 
commencement, beginning, preface, preamble 
ruu ‫ = ُرو‬NOUN (masculine) 
face, countenance, surface 
mode, manner 
cause, basis, reason 
ravi ‫ = روی‬NOUN (masculine) = the sun 
NOUN (feminine) = churning rod 
rawwiyah ‫رویﮦ‬ ّ = NOUN (masculine) = attitude, manner, behaviour, conduct 
dar ‫ = دار‬PREFIX = having, possessing, holding, keeping 
ex ‫ = جﮦاں دار‬IDIOMATIC = king, world-ruler, IDIOMATIC = possessor or ruler of 
the world, formal mode of addressing the king 
NOUN (masculine) = wood, piece of wood 
gallows, gibbet 
death by hanging, capital punishment 
NOUN (feminine) = dwelling, abode, habitation, house, mansion, seat 
door, gate, threshold 
country, district 
dari ‫ = دری‬NOUN (feminine) woman captured in battle 
slave girl 
harlot, strumpet 
SUFFIX = the act of having or holding 
ex ‫ = اﯾﻤﺎن داری‬IDIOMATIC = honesty 
dara ‫ = دارا‬NOUN (masculine) holder, possessor 
lord, king, sovereign 
NOUN (masculine) king Darius of Persia 
darabi ‫ = داراﺑﯽ‬NOUN (feminine) gun carriage 
rope with which gun is carried 
sovereignty, kingship, monarchy 
ex ‫ ﻧﺸﺎن‬/‫ ﺷﮑﻮﮦ‬/‫ = دارا در‬IDIOMATIC as powerful and majestic as king Darius 
ex dara shikan = ‫ = داراﺷﮑﻦ‬IDIOMATIC = overthrower of king Darius, i.e. 
Alexander the Great 
dar ul asaar ‫دار اﻵﺛﺎر‬ُ = IDIOMATIC = museum 
dar ul bawar ‫دار اﻟﺒﻮار‬ُ = abode of perdition, the hell 
dar ul taba' ‫دار اﻟﻄﺒﻊ‬
ُ = printing press 
khwani ‫ = ﺧﻮاﻧﯽ‬SUFFIX 
used in comp. as:‫ = ﻗﺮآن ﺧﻮاﻧﯽ‬PHRASE 
recitation of the Holy Qur'an 
khwaneen ‫ = ﺧﻮاﻧﯿﻦ‬MASCULINE PLURAL NOUN 
khans, lords 
kardah ‫ = ﮐﺮدﮦ‬ADJECTIVE = done, made, accomplished 
(of a crime) committed, perpetrated 
SUFFIX = done, made, accomplished 
(of a crime) committed, perpetrated 
NOUN (masculine) = act, deed 
ex ‫ = ﮐﺮدﮦ ﮐﺎر‬IDIOMATIC = experienced 
khwah ‫ = ﺧﻮاﮦ‬ADVERB = either, or, whether 
SUFFIX = desiring, wishing, willing 
requiring, wanting 
ex ‫ = بﮦی ﺧﻮاﮦ‬IDIOMATIC = well-wisher 
khawahaan ‫ = ﺧﻮاﮦاں‬ADJECTIVE = desirous, seeking 
ex ‫ = ﺧﻮاﮦاں ﮦوﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC =desire, be desirous (of) 
khwah ‫ = ﺧﻮاﮦ‬ADVERB 
either, or 
desiring, wishing, willing 
requiring, wanting 
ex ‫ = بﮦی ﺧﻮاﮦ‬PHRASE 
khwahaan ‫ = ﺧﻮاﮦاں‬ADJECTIVE 
desirous, seeking 
khwahaan hona ‫ = ﺧﻮاﮦاں ﮦوﻧﺎ‬PHRASE 
desire, be desirous (of) 
bose ‫ = ﺑﻮس‬SUFFIX 
forming adjectives 
bus ‫ = ﺑُﻮس‬FEMININE NOUN 
poverty and hunger 
sorrow, grief 
bosah ‫ = ﺑﻮسﮦ‬kiss 
bosi ‫ = ﺑﻮﺳﯽ‬FEMININE NOUN 
forming nouns 
bos bazi ‫ = ﺑﻮسﮦ ﺑﺎزی‬kissing 
bosah ba paghigham ‫ = ﺑﻮسﮦ بﮦ ﭘﯿﻐﺎم‬expression of love from afar 
relationship only for show 
biwasta ‫ = ِﺑﻮﺳﺘﺎ‬MASCULINE NOUN 
legal decision or ruling according to the shastras 
bostan ‫ = ﺑﻮﺳﺘﺎن‬MASCULINE NOUN 
flower garden 
place of fragrance 
Sheikh Saadi's collection of Persian poems 
‫ﮔﺴﺘﺮی‬ ُ
nawees ‫ = ﻧﻮﯾﺲ‬SUFFIX 
naweesi = SUFFIX 
naweesandah ‫ = ﻧﻮﯾﺴﻨﺪﮦ‬MASCULINE NOUN 
fisha(n) ‫( = ﻓِﺸﺎں‬suffix) diffusing, strewing, spreading, throwing, scattering  
ex aatish fisha ‫ = آﺗﺶ ﻓﺸﺎں‬scattering fire, volcano 
dazzling, glowing 
- fishani ‫( = ﻓِﺸﺎﻧﯽ‬suffix) spreading, scattering 
ex jaan fishani ‫ = ﺟﺎں ﻓﺸﺎﻧﯽ‬devoted work, hard labour, extreme diligence, 
working hard  
- fishandah ‫ = ﻓﺸﺎﻧﺪﮦ‬Scattered, shed, spread,diffused. 
aasham ‫ = آﺷﺎم‬SUFFIX 
drinker, quaffer 
ex ‫ = ﺧﻮن آﺷﺎم‬PHRASE 
bloodthirsty, bloodsucking, bloodsucker 
cruel, ferocious 
boiled rice, night-meal 
aashimi ‫ = آﺷﺎﻣﯽ‬SUFFIX 
drinking, quaffing, imbibing 
khana(h) ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ‬NOUN (masculine) house, dwelling, nest 
space created by partitioning, compartment 
place, receptacle, drawer, socket 
niche, recess 
pigeonhole (of a desk) 
column (of a tabular statement, etc.), head (in an account or statement) 
division, class 
cell (in honeycomb) 
square of chessboard 
SUFFIX = place  
ex ‫ﺑﺎورﭼﯽ ﺧﺎن‬  
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ آﺑﺎد‬IDIOMATIC may your house flourish! 
flourishing, prosperous 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ آﺑﺎدی‬IDIOMATIC = setting up one's house, marriage 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﺑﺎغ‬IDIOMATIC = garden adjoining a house, kitchen garden 
ex ‫ بﮦ ﺧﺎنﮦ‬/ ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﺑﺨﺎنﮦ‬IDIOMATIC house to house, in detail 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﺑﺮ اﻧﺪاز‬IDIOMATIC destroyer, prodigal, spendthrift 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﺑﺮﺑﺎدی‬IDIOMATIC = destruction of a house or family, breaking up of a 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﺑﺮدازی‬NOUN = Domesstic management. 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﺗﻼﺷﯽ‬IDIOMATIC = house-search, searching a house (for stolen 
property, etc.) 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﺗﻮڑ‬IDIOMATIC embroidery on net or muslin  
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ٔبے ﭼﺮاغ‬IDIOMATIC = literal = house without light 
figurative = man without education 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﭘُﺮی‬IDIOMATIC =filling up the blanks or columns, an empty formality, 
IDIOMATIC = filling in (a form) 
perfunctory work, mere formality 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﭼﺸﻢ‬NOUN The socket of eye. 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﺧﺎنﮦ‬IDIOMATIC cellular 
IDIOMATIC = from the bottom of (one's) heart 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ٔﺧﺪا‬IDIOMATIC = mosque 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﺧﺮاب‬IDIOMATIC wretch, good-for-nothing fellow 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﺧﺮاﺑﯽ‬IDIOMATIC ruination, destruction 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ٔﺧﻤﺎر‬IDIOMATIC pub, bar 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﺟﻨﮕﯽ‬IDIOMATIC = civil war, insurgency 
domestic or family quarrels 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ داﻣﺎد‬IDIOMATIC man living with in-laws 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ دﻣﺎﻏﯽ‬NOUN Son-in-law-ship. 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ دوﺳﺖ‬IDIOMATIC stay-at-home person 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ زاد‬IDIOMATIC = person brought up in the house 
child of a servant or slave, captive 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ زﻧﺠﯿﺮ‬IDIOMATIC = link of a chain 
figurative = prison 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﺳﺎز‬IDIOMATIC = home-made, local 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﺷﻤﺎری‬IDIOMATIC census 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﻋﻨﮑﺒﻮت‬NOUN Cobweb of a spider. 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﻣﺎﮦی‬water 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺎنﮦ ﻧﺸﯿﻦ‬DIOMATIC = recluse, idle, unemployed (person) 
a retired officer, pensioner 
war ‫ = ور‬ADJECTIVE = superior, dominant, desirable 
SUFFIX = possessing, having 
ex ‫داﻧﺶ ور‬ 
NOUN (masculine) = lover, beloved, husband 
marriage proposal 
desire, request 
gift, benefit 
wara ٰ ‫ = وری‬NOUN (masculine) = men, mortals, creation 
wara ‫ = ورا‬ADVERB = beyond, behind, besides 
pash (‫ ﺿﯿﺎ‬pash) = SUFFIX = forming adjectives, scattering, sprinkling, 
pashi ‫ = ﭘﺎﺷﯽ‬SUFFIX = diffusion, scattering, sprinkling, irrigation 
pasha ‫ = ﭘﺎﺷﺎ‬NOUN (masculine) = highest title in the Ottoman Turkish civil and 
military hierarchy, the governor of a province, councillor of state, great lord, 
NOUN (masculine) = a form of address used for both sexes in the former 
princely state of Hyderabad (Deccan), my dear, sir or madam 
pashan ‫ = ﭘﺎﺷﺎن‬NOUN (masculine) = stone 
an insignificant object 
ADJECTIVE = expansive, spacious, wide and open, scattered 
NOUN (masculine) = scattering, diffusing, dispersion 
pashani ‫ = ﭘﺎﺷﺎﻧﯽ‬NOUN (feminine) = multiplicity, prolificacy, abundance, 
sprinkling, expansion, scattering, spaciousness 
NOUN (feminine) = a small stone used as a weight, make-weight 
a cutter's chisel 
pash pash ‫ = ﭘﺎش ﭘﺎش‬ADJECTIVE = broken to pieces, shattered, scattered about 
severely wounded 
pash pash karna ‫ = ﭘﺎش ﭘﺎش ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = shatter, break into pieces 
pash pash hona ‫ = ﭘﺎش ﭘﺎش ﮦوﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = be broken into pieces 
aafreen، aafreeni ‫= آﻓﺮﯾﻦ‬  
‫ﮐﻠﻢﮦ ﺗﺤﺴﯿﻦ‬ 
‫واﮦ وا‬ 
‫)از )آﻓﺮﯾﺪن‬ 
‫ﮐﯿﺎ کﮦﻧﺎ ﮨﮯ‬ 
‫ﮐﻠﻢﮦ ﺗﺤﺴﯿﻦ و ﺳﺘﺎﺋﺶ‬ 
aafreeni ‫ = آﻓﺮﯾﻨﯽ‬SUFFIX 
forming nouns 
creating or producing 
aafreenish ‫ = آﻓﺮﯾﻨﺶ‬FEMININE NOUN 
creation of the universe 
aafreendah ‫ = آﻓﺮﯾﻨﻨﺪﮦ‬ADJECTIVE 
the Creator 
afgan ‫ = اﻓﮕﻦ‬SUFFIX = hurling, overthrowing, ejecting, casting 
ex ‫ = ﺷﯿﺮ اﻓﮕﻦ‬IDIOMATIC = overthrower of a lion, brave, daring, intrepid, 
afkandah ‫ = اﻓﮕﻨﺪﮦ‬ADJECTIVE = humble, downtrodden, thrown, cast 
afkandagi ‫ = اﻓﮕﻨﺪﮔﯽ‬NOUN (feminine) = flinging, ejecting, state of dejection or 
‫ ِدﮦ‬ 
dih(h) ‫ = ِدﮦ‬SUFFIX 
used in comp. as:‫ = آرام دﮦ‬comfortable 
dah ‫دﮦ‬ 
very deep water 
deep pool 
dahi‫ = ِدﮦی‬SUFFIX 
used in comp. as:‫ = ﺟﺎں دﮦی‬PHRASE 
giving life 
dahi, yogurt 
daha ‫ = دﮦا‬MASCULINE NOUn 
decade, a period of ten days 
tenth day of a month 
the first ten days of Moharram 
farooz (dil farooz) ‫ = ﻓﺮوز‬ADJECTIVE = illumining, radiant, enlightening, 
kindling, inflaming 
ex ‫ = دل ﻓﺮوز‬IDIOMATIC = heart-cheering, delightful 
furozaan = ‫ = ﻓُﺮوزاں‬ADJECTIVE = shining, luminous, radiant, lighted  
furozidah ‫ﺮوزﻧﺪﮦ‬ ِ ُ‫ = ﻓ‬ADJECTIVE = illuminating 
NOUN (masculine) = one who illuminates 
khoor ‫ = ﺧﻮر‬FEMININE NOUN 
making noun eater 
ex ‫ ﻣﺮدم ﺧﻮر‬/‫آدم‬ 
making noun eater 
khur ‫ = ُﺧﻮر‬MASCULINE NOUN 
khurah ‫ = ﺧﻮرﮦ‬Suffix 
anything that eats or corrodes, as: rust, moth, gangrene, etc. 
mug or tumbler of baked clay, drinking vessel 
khori ‫ = ﺧﻮری‬SUFFIX 
act of eating 
enduring, suffering 
khorjin ‫ = ﺧﻮرﺟﯿﻦ‬NOUN 
khurd = ADJECTIVE 
little, small 
ruined figurative 
khwaar ‫ = ﺧﻮار‬ADJECTIVE = wretched, miserable, ruined, distressed 
perplexed, worried, confounded 
SUFFIX = eating, drinking 
ex ‫ = ﺷﺮاب ﺧﻮار‬IDIOMATIC = drunkard 
khwari ‫ = ﺧﻮاری‬NOUN (feminine) = disgrace 
distress, misery 
ex ‫ = ﺧﻮاری اﭨﮫاﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = be disgraced or dishonoured, suffer ignominy 
ex ‫ = ﺧﻮاری ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = disgrace, humiliate 
baash ‫ = ﺑﺎش‬PREFIX = stay! stop! hold! be patient! 
SUFFIX = being, staying, living 
ex ‫ = ﺧﻮش ﺑﺎش‬IDIOMATIC= happy and satisfied, at ease, comfortable, cheerful, 
bon vivant, bouncy, breezy, carefree, one who lives in comfort or at ease, 
happy and satisfied, quite at ease 
bashah ‫ = ﺑﺎشﮦ‬NOUN (masculine) a bird of prey, hawk, sparrowhawk, falcon 
bashi ‫ = ﺑﺎﺷﯽ‬NOUN (masculine) = chief, commander 
‫ ِﮔﯽں‬ 
andesh ‫ = اﻧﺪﯾﺶ‬NOUN (masculine) = apprehension, anxiety, troubling thought 
SUFFIX = thinking, considering, meditating, reflecting 
andeshah ‫ = اﻧﺪﯾﺶﮦ‬NOUN (masculine) apprehension, anxious or troubling 
thought, anxiety 
concern, care 
misgiving, doubt, suspicion 
andeshana ‫ = اﻧﺪﯾﺸﻨﺎ‬VERB = (rare) think, ponder 
ex ‫ = اﻧﺪﯾﺶ ﻧﺎک‬IDIOMATIC = causing anxiety or fear, causing apprehension, 
ex ‫ = اﻧﺪﯾﺶ ﻧﺎﮐﯽ‬IDIOMATIC 
anxiety, fear, alarm 
- saaz ‫( ﺳﺎز‬khanah saaz) = (suffix) preparing, making, feigning, creator, 
moulder, maker, one who makes 
example ‫ گﮬﮍی ﺳﺎز‬watchmaker 
(noun masculine) = luggage, baggage, articles, goods 
musical instrument 
(horses') bridle, harness 
weapons, arms 
(noun feminine) 
understanding, communication, harmony 
intrigue, plot 
(adjective) suitable, favourable, propitious 
- saaziyaa(n) ‫( ﺳﺎزﯾﺎں‬plural of saaz) 
- saaz baaz ‫( = ﺳﺎز ﺑﺎز‬idi) intrigue, plot, conspiracy, collusion 
- saaz baaz karna ‫ = ﺳﺎز ﺑﺎز ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬plot, intrigue, conspire 
arrange, manage, make preparation 
- Saazish = ‫ﺳﺎزش‬ ِ = plot, conspiracy, collusion 
combination, confederacy 
Saazgaar = ‫( = ﺳﺎزﮔﺎر‬idi) agreeable, favourable, helpful, supportive 
naak ‫( = ﻧﺎک‬noun, f) the nose 
prominent person or thing 
honour, dignity, pride 
(suffix) added to verbal roots and nouns to form adjective of quality 
effected, inflamed (with) 
full (of), laden (with) 
ex ‫ = اﻓﺴﻮس ﻧﺎک‬sorrowful, regretful 
sad, unfortunate, lamentable, deplorable, distressing 
naka ‫( = ﻧﺎﮐﺎ‬noun, m) extremity or end of a road 
avenue, lane 
naka, police picket, check-post 
eye of needle 
(noun,m)alligator, crocodile 
naka...‫ = ﻧﺎک اِدھر کﮦ ﻧﺎک اُدھر‬change either way would make little difference 
nakarah = ‫( = ﻧﺎﮐﺎرﮦ‬adj) useless, worthless, good-for-nothing, worthless, 
zan ‫ = زن‬NOUN (feminine) = female, woman, wife 
SUFFIX = beater, doer 
NOUN (feminine) the sound of something passing by quickly, whoosh 
ex ‫ = ﺧﻨﺪﮦ زن‬IDIOMATIC laughing, deriding, ridiculing, one who laughs 
zani ‫ = زﻧﯽ‬SUFFIX = doing 
beating, striking 
ex ‫ = آﺗﺶ زﻧﯽ‬IDIOMATIC = arson, gunfire in a battle, act of striking fire, act of 
striking fire, arson 
also ‫ = زاﻧﯽﮦ‬NOUN (feminine) adulteress, fornicator, whore, strumpet, loose 
zana ‫ = زﻧﺎ‬Fornication, Adultery 
zina bil jabar ‫ = زﻧﺎ ﺑﺎِﻟﺠﺒﺮ‬IDIOMATIC rape, ravishment 
zinhar ‫ = زنﮦار‬never, by no means, on no account, 
baan ‫ = ﺑﺎن‬MASCULINE NOUN 
rope made of twisted grass used in making bedstead 
sky-rocket (firework) 
high tidal wave in an estuary, bore 
temper, disposition, nature, character 
conduct, manners 
habit, custom 
quality, property 
Hinduism a marriage rite which prescribes a certain number of bath 
(generally from three to eleven) for the bride and bridegroom 
(used with nouns) 
signifying agent, doer or keeper 
tree which yields benzoin 
trade, business 
gawaar ‫ = ﮔﻮار‬guar, the plant of guar 
(suffix) agreeable, pleasing, ex khush gawaar 
warzi ‫ = ورزی‬SUFFIX 
used in comp. as:‫ = ﺧﻼف ورزی‬PHRASE 
breach, violation 
breach, infringement, contravention, violation (of law, etc.) 
khilaaf warzi ba sarkar ‫ = ﺧﻼف ورزی ﺑﺎ ﺳﺮﮐﺎر‬PHRASE 
act against the state 
khilaf warzi karna = PHRASE 
act against or violate rule or law, oppose 
tareen ‫ = ﺗﺮﯾﻦ‬forming the superlatives of adjactives 
a tribe of pathan 
(adj, taken from platt) moist, fresh etc 
mand ‫( ﻣﻨﺪ‬suffix) = -able, -ible, -ful, having some quality 
example aqal mand = ‫ = ﻋﻘﻞ ﻣﻨﺪ‬wise, sensible, intelligent 
mandi ‫ = ﻣﻨﺪی‬slow, dull 
mundi ‫ = ﻣُﻨﺪی‬closed (esp. eye), half-opened 
Manda = ‫( = ﻣﻨﺪا‬adj) slump 
abated, dull, slack, relaxed, slow, sluggish, flat 
faint (light or sound), dim, mild, gentle 
low price, cheap 
bad, ill 
Munda ‫ = ﻣُﻨﺪا‬closed 
manda tara = ‫( = ﻣﻨﺪا ﺗﺎرا‬idi) the planet Saturn 
sanj ‫ = ﺳﻨﺞ‬SUFFIX 
used in comp. as:‫ = ﺑﺬلﮦ ﺳﻨﺞ‬PHRASE 
ex ‫ ﮔﻮ‬/‫ = ﺑﺬلﮦ ﺳﻨﺞ‬humorous or witty person 
sanjaaf ‫ = ﺳﻨﺠﺎف‬FEMININE NOUN 
hem, fringe, frill, broad 
border of a garment 
sanjafi ‫ = ﺳﻨﺠﺎﻓﯽ‬ADJECTIVE 
having a border, fringed, frilled 
sanjad ‫ = ﺳﻨﺠﺪ‬MASCULINE NOUN 
jujube, berry-like fruit of jujube bush 
andoz ‫ = اﻧﺪوز‬SUFFIX 
gaining, acquiring, gathering, collecting 
one who gets, acquires, collects 
used in comp. as:‫ = ﻏﻢ اﻧﺪوز‬gathering or collecting sorrow (sorrowful) 
ex ‫ = ﻟﻄﻒ اﻧﺪوز‬PHRASE 
one who collects joy, one who enjoys 
nosh ‫ = ﻧﻮش‬NOUN (masculine) a drink (esp. sweet, agreeable and 
wholesome), draught 
water of life, elixir 
present, reward 
SUFFIX = drinker 
ex ‫ = ﺑﺎدﮦ ﻧﻮش‬DIOMATIC = wine drinker 
noshah ‫ =ﻧﻮشﮦ‬ADJECTIVE = fortunate, happy, cheerful, sweet 
nawashah ‫ = َﻧﻮشﮦ‬NOUN (masculine) = bridegroom, groom 
noshi ‫ = ﻧﻮﺷﯽ‬SUFFIX = act of drinking 
ex ‫ﺑﺎدﮦ ﻧﻮﺷﯽ‬ 
noshishi ‫ = َﻧﻮشﮦی‬NOUN (feminine) marriage, state or situation of becoming a 
noshayanah ‫ = َﻧﻮشﮦانﮦ‬ADJECTIVE = like a bridegroom, after the manner of a 
noshaab ‫ = َﻧﻮﺷﺎب‬NOUN (masculine) = elixir, water giving immortality 
noshanosh = ‫ = ﻧﻮﺷﺎﻧﻮش‬NOUN (masculine) = repeated drinking, carousing 
ex ‫ = ﻧﻮش بے ﻧﯿﺶ ﺣﺎﺻﻞ ﻧﻤﯽ ﺷﻮد‬No pain, no gain; There are no shortcuts to any place 
worth going; Work is the key to success. 
digaar (parwardigaar) ‫ = دﮔﺎر‬no meaning  
gaar ‫ = ﮔﺎر‬SUFFIX  
doer, agent 
ex ‫ﭘﺮﮦﯾﺰ ﮔﺎر‬  
a kind of white shining stone 
gari ‫ = ﮔﺎری‬SUFFIX  
ex ‫ = ﭘﺮﮦﯾﺰ ﮔﺎری‬doing the ,... 
gara ‫ = ﮔﺎرا‬MASCULINE NOUN 
mud, kneaded clay 
Hunting animal used to entice tiger or other animals as prey  
gara banana ‫ ﮐﺮن‬/‫ = ﮔﺎرا ﺑﻨﺎﻧﺎ‬PHRASE  
knead clay or mud 
prepare mortar 
gard ‫ = ﮔﺮد‬FEMININE NOUN 
insignificant thing, trifle figurative 
going round, revolving 
traversing, travelling or wandering 
sending back, returning 
tar ‫ = ﺗﺮ‬adjective , wet, moist, damp, soggy, watery, juicy 
refreshed, fresh, rich 
(suffix forming adjective ) 
tur ‫( = ُﺗﺮ‬noun, m) weaver's brush 
shuttle, loom 
turhi ‫ = ُﺗﺮﮦی‬trumpet 
tari ‫ = ﺗﺮی‬moisture, dampness, wetness, marsh, swamp 
moist soil 
gravy in a dish of meat 
ocean, hydrosphere 
tarah ‫ = ﺗﺮﮦ‬greens, garden herbs 
malice; jealousy. 
‫ ِدﮦی‬ 
parwar (ruman parwar) ‫ = ﭘﺮور‬SUFFIX = forming nouns: protector, supporter, 
cherisher, nourisher, patron 
ex ‫ = ﺑﻨﺪﮦ ﭘﺮور‬IDIOMATIC = sir, a term of respect used in addressing a superior 
cherisher of servants 
IDIOMATIC = cherisher of servants, a form of address for an older, richer or 
powerful man 
parwari ‫ = ﭘﺮوری‬SUFFIX = making nouns, fostering, nourishing 
ex ‫ = ﻋﻠﻢ ﭘﺮوری‬IDIOMATIC = love for or devotion to learning 
parwardah ‫ = ﭘﺮوردﮦ‬ADJECTIVE = bred, reared, supported, patronized, brought 
NOUN (masculine) = servant, a child fostered as a servant 
ex ‫ = ﭘﺮور ِدﮔﺎر‬NOUN (masculine) = the Cherisher, Providence, God 
ex ‫ = ﭘﺮور ِدﮔﺎری‬quality or power of being the Cherisher 
ras ‫ = رس‬NOUN (masculine) = juice, syrup, essence 
body fluid, humour, serum, sap 
melodiousness, sweetness or richness of voice 
lusciousness (of body) 
the best or prime part of anything 
SUFFIX = reaching, arriving, dispensing, administering 
ex ‫ = داد رس‬IDIOMATIC = one who dispenses justice, redresser of grievances 
ris ‫ = ِرس‬NOUN (feminine) = passion, anger, huff, vexation, displeasure, offence 
rasa ‫ = رﺳﺎ‬ADJECTIVE = arriving 
quick of apprehension, of keen understanding, sharp 
capable, skilful, amiable 
rassi ‫ = رﺳّﯽ‬NOUN (feminine) = rope, cord, reins 
rasi ‫ = رﺳﯽ‬SUFFIX = approaching, arriving  
ex ‫ = داد رﺳﯽ‬IDIOMATIC = deliverance from oppression or wrongdoing, 
deliverance from oppression 
rassa = ‫ = رﺳّﺎ‬thick rope 
ex ‫ = رﺳﺎ ﮔﯿﺮ‬IDIOMATIC = cattle thief 
afza ‫ = اﻓﺰا‬SUFFIX = adding, augmenting, increasing 
ex ‫ = اﻣﯿﺪ اﻓﺰا‬IDIOMATIC = promising 
afzaish ‫ = اﻓﺰاﺋﺶ‬NOUN (feminine) = increase, amplification, addition, growth, 
afzaish nasl ‫اﻓﺰاﺋﺶ ﻧﺴﻞ‬
ِ = IDIOMATIC = breeding, reproduction 
shaar (sharmshaar) ‫ = ﺷﺎر‬NOUN (feminine) = myna, starling 
SUFFIX = denoting fall of water 
NOUN (masculine) = city, town 
high edifice 
tall building 
sharah ‫ = ﺷﺎرﮦ‬a kind of embroidered turban. 
sharib = ‫ﺷﺎرب‬ ِ = NOUN (masculine) = one who drinks, drinker 
whiskers, moustache 
sharih ‫ﺷﺎرح‬ ِ = NOUN (masculine) = commentator, exegete, interpreter, 
explainer, a person who explains and interprets texts, especially religious ones 
sharistan ‫ﺷﺎرﺳﺘﺎن‬ ِ = NOUN (masculine) = city 
a villa surrounded by gardens 
tall building 
a country abounding in towns 
shari'' ‫ﺷﺎرع‬
ِ = NOUN (masculine) = highway, road 
announcer of the law, law-giver, legislator 
zadan ‫ = زدن‬striking, beating 
ex ‫ = ﭼﺸﻢ زدن‬IDIOMATIC wink of an eye, hardly a moment 
zadni ‫ = زدﻧﯽ‬ADJECTIVE = fit or deserving to be beaten, stricken or killed 
ex ‫ = ﮔﺮدن زدﻧﯽ‬IDIOMATIC = deserving to be beheaded 
bardaar ‫ = ﺑﺮدار‬SUFFIX = bearer, carrier 
ex ‫ = ﺑﻨﺪوق ﺑﺮدار‬IDIOMATIC = gun bearer 
bardari = SUFFIX = bearing, carrying 
waa(n) ‫ = واں‬there (poetic) 
(suffix) used with cardinal numbers to form the ordinal numbers, as: ‫ﭘﺎﻧﭽﻮاں‬ 
from ‫ دﺳﻮاں‬,‫ ﭘﺎﻧﭻ‬from ‫دس‬, also used for forming adjectives, as: ‫ﮔﯽﮦواں‬from ‫ﮔﯽﮦوں‬ 
rawa ‫( روا‬suffix) = issuing, driving 
(noun masculine) coarse ground wheat, grains or particles of sand, dust, 
wheat, etc. 
gold and silver filing 
bit, small piece 
(adjective) right, proper, lawful, permissible, allowable, approved 
worthy, suitable 
rawabit = ‫ = روا ِﺑﻂ‬relations, connections, ties, bonds 
aara ‫ = آرا‬NOUN (masculine) = saw 
spoke of a wheel 
cobbler's knife or awl 
SUFFIX = forming figurative nouns, person or thing that decorates or 
ex ‫ = جﮦاں آرا‬IDIOMATIC = adorner of the world 
NOUN (feminine) = opinions, views 
arra ‫ارا‬
ّ = NOUN (masculine) = the spoke of a wheel 
rod with a hook for taking roti out of a tandoor 
aarastah ‫ = آراﺳﺖﮦ‬ADJECTIVE = adorned, decorated, bedecked, embellished 
prepared, arranged 
tarash ‫ = ﺗﺮاش‬FEMININE NOUN 
cut, cutting 
process of cutting 
style of cutting 
shape, form, make, build 
fashion, style 
shaving, trimming, cutting 
used in comp. as:‫ﺑﺖ ﺗﺮاش‬ 
tarashah ‫ = ﺗﺮاشﮦ‬MASCULINE NOUN 
cutting or clipping from a newspaper or magazine 
chip, splinter, shred 
tarashi ‫ = ﺗﺮاﺷﯽ‬FEMININE NOUN 
shaping, forming 
used in comp. as:‫ = اﻟﺰام ﺗﺮاﺷﯽ‬PHRASE 
act of accusing blaming 
tarash dalna ‫ = ﺗﺮاش ڈاﻟﻨﺎ‬PHRASE 
pare, trim, clip 
tarashna ‫ = ﺗﺮاﺷﻨﺎ‬VERB 
cut, slice, carve 
clip, trim 
pareer ‫ = ﭘﺬﯾﺮ‬SUFFIX = forming adjectives: admitting, accepting, receiving, 
taking, liable to  
ex ‫ = اﺻﻼح ﭘﺬﯾﺮ‬IDIOMATIC = remediable, capable of correction or amendment, 
being reformed or cured, reformable, remediable 
pazeeri ‫ = ﭘﺬﯾﺮی‬SUFFIX = forming nouns: the state of being accepted, capacity 
for, acceptance of, taking 
ex ‫ = اﺛﺮ ﭘﺬﯾﺮی‬IDIOMATIC = impressionability 
pazeera = ‫ = ﭘﺬﯾﺮا‬ADJECTIVE = agreeable, acceptable, accepted, approved 
pazeerayi ‫ = ﭘﺬﯾﺮاﺋﯽ‬NOUN (feminine) = the act of accepting, acceptance 
welcome, reception, ovation 
pazeeryafta ‫ﭘﺬﯾﺮﻓﺖﮦ‬ ُ = ADJECTIVE = accepted, approved 
Taaz ‫( = ﺗﺎز‬noun) running, race 
assault, invasion 
(suffix) used in suffix with running, race 
asault, attack, invasion 
taaz o tag = Labour and exertion, toil and trouble (daudh dhoop) 
Taazi ‫ = ﺗﺎزی‬Arabian, Arabic 
fast running Arabian horse or dog 
afrooz ‫ = اﻓﺮوز‬SUFFIX = enlightening, igniting, enkindling 
ex ‫ = آﺗﺶ اﻓﺮوز‬IDIOMATIC = incendiary, incendiary material or fuel 
instigator, rioter 
sar ‫ = ﺳﺮ‬NOUN (masculine) = the head, skull, crown 
the top, highest part, summit 
beginning, commencement 
tip, point, end 
main, major, principal 
desire, inclination, intention 
ADVERB = expressing place or time 
at the beginning 
SUFFIX= expressing supremacy, intensity or emphasis 
NOUN (masculine) = head, skull 
beginning, commencement 
top, summit, crown 
chief, lord, master 
Sur ‫ = ُﺳﺮ‬NOUN (masculine) = note, tune, tone, melody 
air breathed through the nostrils 
each of the nostrils 
NOUN (masculine)= god, deity (in polythiesm) 
an angel 
Sirr ‫ = ِﺳﺮ‬NOUN (masculine) = secret, mystery 
the act of reciting the holy Qur'an quietly during prayers 
sari ‫ = ﺳﺮی‬NOUN (masculine) = chieftainship, chiefdom  
sirri ‫ = ِﺳ ّﺮی‬ADJECTIVE = secret, occult, mysterious 
siri ‫ = ِﺳﺮی‬NOUN (feminine) = head (of slaughtered animal) as food 
another name of Lakshmi, a female deity of wealth 
name of a raga 
an honorific title used before the names of deities and eminent personalities 
ADJECTIVE = mad, insane 
sarriyah ‫ﺳﺮیﮦ‬ ّ = NOUN (masculine) = a group of soldiers deployed to spy on 
enemy troops movement  
a battle which Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) himself did not fight but sent a 
companion as chief instead (as opposed to ‫)ﻏﺰوﮦ‬ 
surriyah ‫ = ُﺳ ﱢﺮیﮦ‬NOUN (feminine) = slave-girl with whom one can cohabit 
sara ‫ = ﺳﺮا‬NOUN (feminine) = inn 
SUFFIX = denoting house, palace, mansion 
ex :‫ = ﺣﺮم ﺳﺮا‬IDIOMATIC = harem, seraglio 
SUFFIX = singing, modulating 
ex ‫ = ﻧﻐﻢﮦ ﺳﺮا‬IDIOMATIC = one who sings a song, singing a song 
sira ‫ = ِﺳﺮا‬NOUN (masculine) = beginning 
end, extremity 
tip, point 
sirra n ‫ = ِﺳ ّﺮا‬ADVERB = secretly, clandestinely 
aawar ‫ = آور‬SUFFIX = bringing, bearing, possessing, endowed with 
ex ‫ = ﺣﻤﻞﮦ آور‬IDIOMATIC = attacker, assailant, invader, attacker, assailant 
aoor ‫ = اور‬NOUN (feminine) direction, side, way 
source, origin 
ّ ‫پ‬ 
‫ھﻻ‬ ُ
andaaz ‫ = اﻧﺪاز‬NOUN (masculine) = mannerism, manner 
way or mode of behaviour, attitude 
style, pose 
state, condition 
coquetry, loving gestures 
SUFFIX = caster or thrower 
andazah ‫ = اﻧﺪازﮦ‬NOUN (masculine) = estimate, guess, assessment, evaluation 
measurement, calculation, valuation 
manner, style 
andazan ‫ = اﻧﺪازا‬ADVERB = by guess, about, approximately, nearly 
ex ‫ = اﻧﺪازاُڑاﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = copy someone's style or mannerism 
ex ‫ = اﻧﺪاز ﭘﯽٹی‬IDIOMATIC = a coquettish woman 
ex ‫ = اﻧﺪاز دکھاﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = be a coquette 
ex ‫ = اﻧﺪازﮤ ذﮦاﻧﺖ‬IDIOMATIC = intelligence quotient, IQ  
ex ‫ = اﻧﺪازﮤ ﻓﺼﻞ‬IDIOMATIC = crop forecast 
ex ‫ = اﻧﺪاز ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = to guess or estimate 
be a coquette, put on airs 
barah ‫ = ﺑﺎرﮦ‬twelve 
NOUN (masculine) = city wall, walls of a fort 
NOUN (masculine) = concern, topic, respect 
SUFFIX times (as in ‫ سﮦ ﺑﺎرﮦ‬،‫)دوﺑﺎرﮦ‬ 
baarha ‫ = ﺑﺎرﮦا‬often, often, many times 
ex ‫ = ﺑﺎرﮦ اﻣﺎم‬IDIOMATIC = the twelve Imams (religious leaders) of the Shiite sect 
ex ‫ = ﺑﺎرﮦ ﺑﺎٹ ﮦوﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = become homeless or a vagabond 
be scattered or dispersed, be abandoned 
be ruined 
ex ‫ = ﺑﺎرﮦ ﺑﺎﻧﯽ )ﮐﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = perfect, faultless, expert, experienced 
healthy, strong 
pure, genuine 
ex ‫ = ﺑﺎرﮦ ﺑﺮج‬twelve signs of the zodiac 
ex ‫ = ﺑﺎرﮦ ﺑﺠﻨﺎ‬be dismayed, be lost 
bu ‫( = ﺑﻮ‬verb) sow (a seed, etc.) 
boo ‫ = َﺑﻮ‬NOUN (feminine) the fee customarily paid to a landlord when a 
daughter of a cultivator in his village is married 
sprout, shoot 
buu ‫ = ﺑُﻮ‬NOUN (feminine) smell, odour, scent, stink 
SUFFIX = scented 
NOUN (masculine) father 
ju ‫ = ﺟﻮ‬NOUN (masculine) = space, atmosphere 
PRONOUN = who, what, which, that 
CONJUNCTION = if, in case  
Joo ‫=ﺟﻮ‬َ NOUN (masculine) = barley, a grain of barley 
something with a weight of a grain 
something very little or minute, small quantity or size 
one-third of an inch 
ju ‫ = ُﺟﻮ‬NOUN (feminine) = river, stream, rivulet 
SUFFIX = seeking, seeker  
ex ‫ = داﻧﺶ ﺟﻮ‬student 
ex ‫ = ﺟﻨﮓ ﺟﻮ‬IDIOMATIC = warrior, quarrelsome, bellicose, violent 
joh ‫ = ُﺟﻮﮦ‬NOUN (feminine) flock, bevy 
juhi ‫ = ُﺟﻮﮦی‬NOUN (feminine) = kind of creepers bearing tiny and delicate 
flowers having jasmine-like fragrance, Jasminum auriculatum 
a kind of fireworks 
Jawa ‫ = ﺟﻮا‬NOUN (masculine) = clove of garlic 
a kind of stitch in needlework 
Juwa ‫ = ُﺟﻮا‬NOUN (masculine) = betting, wagering, gambling, gaming, 
bar ‫ ﺑﺮ‬and bir ‫( ﺑﺮ‬bar aks) 
bar ‫ = ﺑﺮ‬land  
(noun,m) fiance, suitor, wooer 
husband, bridegroom 
width, breadth, breadth of a sword 
donation, gift 
desire, wish, request 
boon, blessing 
(adj) superior, excellent 
(noun,m )body 
breast, chest, bosom, lap 
memory, recall 
(noun, feminine) young woman 
(adj) kind, compassionate, pious 
(prefix) above, on, upon, up, at, in, with, forth, away, against 
(prep) above, on, upon, up, at, in, with, forth, away, against 
(adverb) openly, publicly 
(noun, m)bearer, carrier 
(suffix)carrying, bearing, taking away 
ex ‫ = ﭘﯿﻐﺎم ﺑﺮ‬messenger 
bur ‫ = ﺑُﺮ‬fine and soft hair, fluff, fuzz 
bir ‫ = ِﺑﺮ‬virtue, purity, truthfulness, piety 
a fox-cub 
barrah ‫ﺑﺮﮦ‬ ّ = lamb, kid, fawn 
birah ‫( = ِﺑﺮﮦ‬noun, f) separation  
barri ‫ﺑﺮی‬ ّ (adj) of or relating to land  
acquitted, absolved, discharged, released, free, exonerated, clear, exempt 
(noun,f) bridegroom's wedding gift for bride comprising dresses, jewellery, 
‫ﮔﺴﺘﺮی‬  ُ
‫ﭼﻮس‬  َ
zad ‫ = زد‬NOUN (feminine) = blow, stroke 
damage, loss 
object of an aim, range 
zadah ‫ = زدﮦ‬ADJECTIVE = beaten, oppressed, afflicted 
ex ‫ = آﻓﺖ زدﮦ‬distressed 
zda ‫ = زدا‬NOUN = A purifier; a cleanser. 

ex ‫ = زد ﭘﺮ ﮦوﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC be within the range or striking distance 
zadgi ‫ = زدﮔﯽ‬NOUN (feminine)= SUFFIX = stroke, blow 
ex ‫ = ﮦوا زدﮔﯽ‬cold (in the head), rheum, defluxion, IDIOMATIC = cold, catarrh  
zadan ‫ = زدن‬SUFFIX = striking, beating  
ex ‫ = ﭼﺸﻢ زدن‬IDIOMATIC = wink of an eye, hardly a moment 
zadni = ‫ = زدَﻧﯽ‬ADJECTIVE = fit or deserving to be beaten, stricken or killed 
ex ‫ = ﮔﺮدن زدﻧﯽ‬IDIOMATIC = deserving to be beheaded 
ex ‫ ﮐﻮب‬/‫ = زد و ﺿﺮب‬IDIOMATIC = beating, assault and battery 
ex ‫ = زد و ﮐﻮب‬beating, thrashing 
gari ‫ = ﮔﺮی‬SUFFIX = work, profession, making, doing, marking, working 
ex ‫ = آﮦن ﮔﺮی‬IDIOMATIC = the work or trade of blacksmith, black-smith's trade 
‫ﺷﮑﻨﯽ‬ ِ
baaf ‫ = ﺑﺎف‬SUFFIX = weaver 
ex ‫ = دروغ ﺑﺎف‬liar, fabulist 
baft = ‫ = ﺑﺎﻓﺖ‬NOUN (feminine) = weaving, texture, warp and weft 
profession of weaving 
bafta ‫ = ﺑﺎﻓﺖﮦ‬ADJECTIVE = bafta, woven, knitted 
NOUN (masculine) a kind of silk cloth 
a colour in pigeons 
‫ﺟﻨﺒﺎﻧﯽ‬ ُ
‫ﻻ ِﺣﻖﮦ‬ 
‫ﻻ ِﺣﻖ‬ 
‫ ُدوارا‬ 
shanaas ‫ = ﺷﻨﺎس‬NOUN (feminine) = explanation, notification, identity, 
SUFFIX = knowing, acquainted 
ex ‫ = رﻣﺰ ﺷﻨﺎس‬IDIOMATIC = one who recognizes signs or understands hints 
shanashi ‫ = ﺷﻨﺎﺳﯽ‬NOUN (feminine) = knowledge, acquaintance, the act of 
SUFFIX = the act of knowing, knowledge 
ex ‫ = ﺣﺮف ﺷﻨﺎﺳﯽ‬knowing the letters (words), being literate, literacy 
shanasa = ‫ = ﺷﻨﺎﺳﺎ‬NOUN (masculine) = acquaintance, person who knows 
shanasayi = ‫ = ﺷﻨﺎﺳﺎﺋﯽ‬NOUN (feminine)= acquaintance, the state of being 
ex ‫ = ﺷﻨﺎﺳﺎﺋﯽ ﭘﯿﺪا ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC= make acquaintance with 
ex ‫ = ﺷﻨﺎس ﻧﺎمﮦ‬paper explaining identity, genealogical tree 
nashanaash ‫ = ﻧﺎﺷﻨﺎس‬IDIOMATIC = ignorant, incognizant, not recognizing 
‫ﮔ ِﺴﻞ‬ ُ
‫چﮦ‬ ِ
numa numayi ‫ﻧﻤﺎ ﻧﻤﺎں ﻧﻤﺎﺋﯽ‬ 
nama ‫ = ﻧﻤﺎ‬growth, increase, augmentation 
numa ‫( = ُﻧﻤﺎ‬suffix) like, resembling 
showing, exhibiting, pointing out, appearing 
example jazeerah numa ‫ = ﺟﺰﯾﺮﮦ ﻧﻤﺎ‬peninsula 
Numayaan ‫( = ُﻧﻤﺎﯾﺎں‬adj) prominent, conspicuous, salient 
Guzaar ‫( = ﮔﺰار‬noun masculine) performer 
exit, a way or passage out 
(suffix) passing 
performing, executing 
paying, remitting 
example shukr guzaar ‫ = ﺷﮑﺮ ﮔﺰار‬thankful, grateful 
guzzaar ‫ = ﮔﺰار‬NOUN (masculine) performer 
exit, a way or passage out 
SUFFIX = passing 
performing, executing 
paying, remitting 
ex ‫ﺷﮑﺮ ﮔﺰار‬ 
guzari ‫= ﮔﺰاری‬  
guzarish ‫ = ُﮔﺰارش‬NOUN (feminine) petition, request, application 
kar ‫( = ﮐﺎر‬noun,m) operation, action 
business, work, function, profession, duty 
matter, affair 
kaar aagah = ‫( = ﮐﺎرآﮔﺎﮦ‬one) having know-how, experienced 
kaar amad = ‫ = ﮐﺎر آﻣﺪ‬useful, conducive, serviceable 
kaar aamayz ‫ = ﮐﺎر آﻣﻮز‬learner, apprentice, novice, beginner 
kaar baraari ‫ = ﮐﺎر ﺑﺮآری‬getting one's desire fulfilled 
kar bardari ‫ = ﮐﺎرﺑﺮداری‬undertaking a business 
kaar band hona ‫ = ﮐﺎر ﺑﻨﺪ ﮦوﻧﺎ‬act in accordance with some rule, law, advice or 
principle, comply with 
kaar pardaaz ‫ = ﮐﺎر ﭘﺮداز‬agent, worker, one who carries out some work, 
kar toos = ‫ = ﮐﺎر ُﺗﻮس‬casing containing a charge and a bullet for small arms, 
cartridge (‫= ﺗﻮس‬toast, slice of bread, ‫ = ﺗﻮﺳﺪان‬cartridge or cartouche box, tiffin 
karaj ‫ = ﮐﺎرج‬business, profession, vocation 
kaarchoob = ‫ = ﮐﺎرﭼﻮب‬a frame for embroidery work 
kaar khanah ‫ﮐﺎرﺧﺎنﮦ‬, = workshop  
kaar khanah e ilahi ‫ٰﮦی‬ ‫ ﮐﺎرﺧﺎنﮦ ٔ ال‬kaar khana e qudrat ‫ = ﮐﺎرﺧﺎنﮤ ﻗﺪرت‬nature 
kaardaar ‫ = ﮐﺎردار‬a person in charge of an office, etc., manager 
kaardaan = ‫ ﮐﺎردان‬Experienced in business; skilled; skillful; expert; an expert 
worker; an adept; a connoisseur. 
kaardan i‫ = ﮐﺎرداﻧﯽ‬efficiency, know-how 
kaarzaar ‫ = ﮐﺎرزار‬battle 
kaarrawayi ‫ = ﮐﺎررواﺋﯽ‬the act of carrying on a work, management 
procedure, conduct, action, process, proceeding 
(noun,f) action 
karrowayi sarsari ‫ = ﮐﺎررواﺋﯽ ﺳﺮﺳﺮی‬summary of procedure or trial. 
karrawayi karna ‫ = ﮐﺎررواﺋﯽ ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬discharge a duty, take action, hold proceedings 
kaarsaaz ‫ = ﮐﺎرﺳﺎز‬doer, one who manages affairs, doer 
kaarsaaz e haqeeqi ‫ﮐﺎرﺳﺎزﺣﻘﯿﻘﯽ‬ ِ = the Real Doer, Allah 
kaaristani ‫ = ﮐﺎرﺳﺘﺎﻧﯽ‬mischief 
kaaristani karna ‫ = ﮐﺎرﺳﺘﺎﻧﯽ ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬make mischief 
kaarfarma ‫ = ﮐﺎرﻓﺮﻣﺎ‬ruler, controller, authority, one wielding power, 
superintendent, someone or something that affects the working 
kar gar ‫ = ﮐﺎرﮔﺮ‬effective, efficacious, moving, stirring (as speech or talk) 
(f) successful (in producing the desired effect) 
(adj) effective, ‫ = ﮐﺎرﮔﺮ ﮦوﻧﺎ‬be effective 
kaargardgi ‫ = ﮐﺎرﮐﺮدﮔﯽ‬performance, output, work, efficiency 
kaarkusha ‫ﮐﺎرﮐﺸﺎ‬ ُ = doer, one who manages affairs 
kaarkunan ‫ = ﮐﺎرﮐﻨﺎن‬workers 
kaar,,,,,‫ﮐﺎرﮐﻨﺎن ﻗﻀﺎ و ﻗﺪر‬
ِ = agents implementing the Divine decree, angels 
kaar sahafi ‫ = ﮐﺎرﮐﻦ ﺻﺤﺎﻓﯽ‬working journalist 
kaarnamah ‫ = ﮐﺎرﻧﺎمﮦ‬stupendous or glorious work done, monumental work, 
great achievement, great or heroic deed 
karindah ‫ﮐﺎرﻧﺪﮦ‬ ِ = agent, worker, official deputed for some work 
kaar waan = ‫ = ﮐﺎرواں‬caravan, company of travellers 
kaarwaan sara ‫ = ﮐﺎرواں ﺳﺮا‬caravanserai, inn 
kar ‫ = ﮐﺎر‬MASCULINE NOUN 
matter, affair 
mullah ali kari ‫ = ﮐﺎری‬ADJECTIVE 
mortal, lethal 
act of making, doing 
used in comp. as:‫ = ﭘﯿﻮﻧﺪ ﮐﺎری‬PHRASE 
transplanting (of organs) 
grafting (of plants) 
denoting work or skill 
used in comp. as:‫ = ﮐﺎری ﮔﺮ‬PHRASE 
skilled worker, artisan 
technician, one who is versed in some technique 
skilful, ingenious 
kaar aamad ‫ = ﮐﺎر آﻣﺪ‬PHRASE 
useful, conducive, serviceable 
kaar aamoz = ‫ = ﮐﺎر آﻣﻮز‬PHRASE 
learner, apprentice, novice, beginner 
kaar bardari ‫ = ﮐﺎر ﺑﺮآری‬PHRASE 
getting one's desire fulfilled 
kar bar aari ‫= ﮐﺎرﺑﺮداری‬  
undertaking a business 
kar band hona ‫ = ﮐﺎر ﺑﻨﺪ ﮦوﻧﺎ‬PHRASE 
act in accordance with some rule, law, advice or principle 
comply with 
kar pardaz ‫ = ﮐﺎر ﭘﺮداز‬PHRASE 
one who carries out some work 
kartoos ‫ = ﮐﺎر ُﺗﻮس‬MASCULINE NOUN 
casing containing a charge and a bullet for small arms, cartridge 
cheat sheet, acrib slang 
tos ‫ = ﺗﻮس‬MASCULINE NOUN 
toast, slice of bread  
kari ‫( = ﮐﺎری‬adj)penetrating 
mortal, lethal 
(suffix) act of making doing , ex ‫ = ﭘﯿﻮﻧﺪ ﮐﺎری‬patching 
transplanting (of organs) 
grafting (of plants 
paiwand ‫( = َﭘﯿﻮﻧﺪ‬noun)patch, junction, join, something that joins things 
relationship, connection 
a piece cut from a living plant and fixed into a slit on another plant, graft, the 
process of doing so 
an animal born as a result of a cross between two different animals, 
(prefix ) denoting work or skill ex ‫ﮐﺎری ﮔﺮ‬ 
kareez = ‫ = ﮐﺎرﯾﺰ‬subterranean canal or watercourse 
shad ‫ = ﺷﺪ‬doubling of a letter's sound, spelling a letter with tashdeed (‫)ﺗﺸﺪﯾﺪ‬ 
intensifying, emphasising 
Shud ‫( = ُﺷﺪ‬noun feminine) start, beginning (of some work) 
(adj) happened 
passed, gone 
(verb) it was, it became ex ‫ ﺧﺘﻢ ﺷﺪ‬/‫ﺗﻤﺎم‬ 
shadda ‫ = ﺷ ّﺪا‬banners carried with the ta'ziya (‫ )ﺗﻌﺰیﮦ‬in the month of Moharram 
shaddad = ‫( = ﺷ ّﺪاد‬adj )severe, violent, vehement, cruel 
(noun) Shaddad, an impious king who is said to have built a paradise 
(figurative) oppressor 
Shudah ‫( = ُﺷﺪﮦ‬verb) to be done, to become  
(suffix) having become, done, ex ‫ = طے ﺷﺪﮦ‬decided 
shudah shudah ‫ = ﺷﺪﮦ ﺷﺪﮦ‬going on (from one thing to another), slowly, 
Shud amad = ‫ = ُﺷﺪ آﻣﺪ‬going and coming 
beginning, start 
shudbad ‫ = ﺷﺪ ﺑﺪ‬a little nodding acquaintance, know-how, superficial 
shadied ‫ = ﺷﺪاﺋﺪ‬hardships, tribulations 
ham ‫( = ﮦم‬pronoun) we, us, (sometimes) I 
(ad) also, likewise, in the same manner, together 
(pre) fellow, co- 
(noun) anxious thought, anxiety 
intention, desire 
him ‫( = ﮦِم‬noun, m)snow, hail, winter 
hamah ‫( = ﮦمﮦ‬adj)all, every, everyone, the whole 
huma ‫ = ﮦُﻣﺎ‬phoenix 
a bird of happy omen in Persian mythology 
ham ja ‫( = ﮦم ﺟﺎ‬idi) together, with, (chem) isotope 
ham jayi ‫( = ﮦم ﺟﺎﺋﯽ‬idi) gathering 
ham jad ‫ = ﮦم ﺟﺪ‬of same genealogy 
ham jalees ‫ = ﮦم ﺟﻠﯿﺲ‬constant companion 
ham jamat ‫ درس‬/‫ = ﮦم ﺟﻤﺎﻋﺖ‬class-fellow, classmate, studying in the same class 
ham jins ‫ = ﮦم ﺟﻨﺲ‬of the same kind or species, uniform, homogeneous, 
fellow-creature, congenial, having the same mental horizon 
ham jins parast ‫ = ﮦم ﺟﻨﺲ ﭘﺮﺳﺖ‬homosexual, gay, lesbian, sapphic, ‫= ﮦم ﺟﻨﺲ ﭘﺮﺳﺘﯽ‬ 
homosexuality, lesbianism, ‫ = ﮦم ﺟﻨﺴﯿﺖ‬homosexuality 
ham jawaar ‫ = ﮦم ﺟﻮار‬of the same neighbourhood, neighbour 
ham chashm ‫ = ﮦم ﭼﺸﻢ‬equal, coequal, peer 
ham chashmi ‫ = ﮦم ﭼﺸﻤﯽ‬equality, rivalry 
ham khayal ‫ = ﮦم ﺧﯿﺎل‬like-minded, having same opinion 
ham khanah ‫ = ﮦم ﺧﺎنﮦ‬residing together, living in the same house, 
inmate, companion, partner, comrade, chum 
spouse, husband and wife 
keep, kept woman 
ham khanagi ‫ = ﮦم ﺧﺎﻧﮕﯽ‬residing together, cohabitation 
ham ,,,‫ = ﮦم ﺧﺮﻣﺎ و ﮦم ﺛﻮاب‬twain advantages, the best of both worlds, this world 
and the world hereafter 
ham khawaab ‫( = ﮦم ﺧﻮاب‬idi)bedfellow, (f) spouse 
ham khwabah ‫ = ﮦم ﺧﻮابﮦ‬wife, keep 
ham daastaan ‫ = ﮦم داﺳﺘﺎن‬of the same advice, telling the same story 
intimate friend, inseparable companion 
ham dabastaan ‫ = ﮦم دﺑﺴﺘﺎں‬schoolfellow 
hamdard ‫ = ﮦم درد‬sympathetic, empathetic , sympathiser, fellow sufferer, 
hamdast ‫ = ﮦم دﺳﺖ‬companion, accomplice 
of equal rank or power 
available, obtainable, received 
ham digar = ‫ = ﮦم ِدﮔﺮ‬together, mutual, reciprocal, one with another 
ham dil = ‫ = ﮦم دل‬of the same inclination or mind, unanimous 
sympathetic, loving, cordial friend 
ham dili ‫ = ﮦم دﻟﯽ‬unanimity 
ham zaat ‫ = ﮦم ذات‬of the same caste 
ham aaghoshi ‫ = ﮦم آﻏﻮﺷﯽ‬embrace 
ham aaghosh /baghal ‫ ﺑﻐﻞ‬/‫ = ﮦم آﻏﻮش‬embracing, locked in each other's arms 
ham rah ‫ = ﮦم راﮦ‬with, along with, together with, ‫ = ﮦم راﮦی‬fellow-travelling, 
companionship, companion 
ham,,...‫راﮦﯾﺎن ﻟﺸﮑﺮ‬
ِ ‫ = ﮦم‬camp followers 
ham raaz = confidant, sharer of secret(s), confidant, conspirator 
ham rutbah ‫ ﻣﺮﺗﺐﮦ‬/‫ == ﮦم رﺗﺐﮦ‬equal in status 
hamrakab ‫ = ﮦم رﮐﺎب‬attending, along with, in company with 
fellow-rider, companion 
hamrang = ‫ = ﮦم رﻧﮓ‬of the same colour 
of similar disposition 
hamaad = ‫ = ﮦم زاد‬fetch, one's familiar spirit, the double, doppelgänger, a 
familiar spirit to be born at the moment of the birth of every child to 
accompany him through life 
of the same age, born together, play fellow 
ham zabaan ‫ = ﮦم زﺑﺎن‬of the same tongue, speaking the same language 
of one voice, unanimous, conversing together 
hamzabaan hona ‫ = ﮦم زﺑﺎن ﮦوﮐﺮ‬with one voice, unanimously 
ham zulf ‫ = ﮦم زﻟﻒ‬husband of wife's sister, sister in law 's (wife's sister) husband 
ham zamaa(n) ‫ زﻣﺎنﮦ‬/‫ = ﮦم زﻣﺎں‬contemporary 
ham zamzamah ‫ = ﮦم زﻣﺰمﮦ‬fellow singer 
hamsaya ‫ = ﮦم ﺳﺎیﮦ‬neighbour, neighbouring 
ham saaz = ‫ = ﮦم ﺳﺎز‬accordant, unanimous, concordant, friendly 
friend, confederate 
ham saayigi ‫ = ﮦم ﺳﺎﺋﯿﮕﯽ‬neighbourship 
hamsabaq = ‫ = ﮦم ﺳﺒﻖ‬class-fellow, schoolfellow, fellow-student 
ham sukhan ‫ = ﮦم ﺳﺨﻦ‬interlocutor, conversing or talking together 
hamsar ‫ = ﮦم ﺳﺮ‬equal, peer 
consort, spouse, wife, husband,  
hamsari ‫ = ﮦم ﺳﺮی‬equality, similarity of status, matching 
ham sarhad ‫ = ﮦم ﺳﺮﺣﺪ‬sharing a boundary 
ham safar ‫ = ﮦم ﺳﻔﺮ‬travelling companion, fellow-traveller, (f) spouse, husband or 
ham sufrah ‫ = ﮦم ُﺳﻔﺮﮦ‬sitting at the same table, companion of the table, 
messing together, messmate 
hamshahri ‫ = ﮦم شﮦری‬fellow citizen, of the same town 
hamsohbat ‫ = ﮦم ﺻﺤﺒﺖ‬associate 
hamsafeer ‫ = ﮦم ﺻﻔﯿﺮ‬fellow-songster, (f) comrade, companion 
ham tali = ‫ = ﮦم ﻃﺎﻟﻊ‬of same fortune 
ham tabaq ‫ = ﮦم ﻃﺒﻖ‬messmate , (f) boon companion 
ham ahad ‫ = ﮦم عﮦد‬contemporary, coeval 
ham asar ‫ وﻗﺖ‬/‫ = ﮦم ﻋﺼﺮ‬coeval, contemporary, contemporaneous 
ham inaan ‫= ﮦم ِﻋﻨﺎن‬riding alongside, companion 
peer, equal  
ham kaar ‫ = ﮦم ﮐﺎر‬colleague, of the same business or craft, fellow workman, 
kam kasah ‫ = ﮦم ﮐﺎسﮦ‬convivial or table friend, cup-companion, 
ham kash ‫ = ﮦم ﮐﺶ‬of the same business, trade or profession 
ham kafu ‫ = ﮦم ﮐﻔﻮ‬of the same family, tribe or caste 
ham kalam ‫ = ﮦم ﮐﻼم‬engaged in conversation, conversing together 
converser, ‫ = ﮦم ﮐﻼﻣﯽ‬mutual discourse, conversation, conversation, intercourse, 
dialogue, consultation. 
ham kalam hona = ‫ = ﮦم ﮐﻼم ﮦوﻧﺎ‬converse (with) 
ham kinaar ‫ = ﮦم ﮐﻨﺎر‬embracing 
ham kinar ‫ =ﮦم ﮐﻨﺎر ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬embrace 
ham majlis = of the same assembly or party, companion 
ham madrasa ‫ ﻣﮑﺘﺐ‬/‫ = ﮦم ﻣﺪرسﮦ‬schoolfellow, schoolmate 
ham mazhab ‫ = ﮦم ﻣﺬﮦب‬of the same religion or creed, co-religionist 
ham mazkar ‫ = ﮦم ﻣﺮﮐﺰ‬having the same or common centre, concentric 
ham mashrab ‫ = ﮦم ﻣﺸﺮب‬of the same temper, disposition or belief, 
like-tempered, co-religionist 
drinking companion 
ham mashq ‫ = ﮦم ﻣﺸﻖ‬fellow-labourer 
ham mashroot ‫ ﻣﺼﻠﺤﺖ‬/‫ = ﮦم ﻣﺸﻮرت‬of the same counsel, having the same object 
or end in view, confederated 
confederate, an accomplice 
ham mani ‫ = ﮦم ﻣﻌﻨﯽ‬of the same meaning, synonymous, synonym 
ham naam ‫ = ﮦم ﻧﺎم‬namesake  
ham nida ‫ = ﮦم ِﻧﺪا‬singing in concord or concert, singing together 
ham nasal ‫ = ﮦم ﻧﺴﻞ‬of the same breed 
ham nasheen ‫ = ﮦم ﻧﺸﯿﻦ‬companion 
ham nafs ‫ = ﮦم ﻧﻔَﺲ‬friend, intimate companion 
ham nama k‫ ﻧﻮالﮦ‬/‫ =ﮦم ﻧﻤﮏ‬eating the same morsel, eating together, messmate 
ham nawa ‫ = ﮦم ﻧﻮا‬fellow-songster 
having same opinion 
(f) friend, companion 
ham aahang ‫ = ﮦم آﮦﻧﮓ‬harmonious, concordant, compatible, in accord or tune  
agreeing, of the same mind or inclination 
ham aahangi ‫ = ﮦم آﮦﻧﮕﯽ‬agreement, harmony, concord 
ham aawaaz ‫ = ﮦم آواز‬speaking in the same tone of voice, of the same tone, 
voice or note 
harmonious, in unison or harmony (with) 
at one (with), agreeing together, consonant (with), ham aawazi ‫= ﮦم آوازی‬ 
harmony, concord, accordance 
ham aaward ‫ = ﮦم آورد‬fighting against  
ham asal ‫ = ﮦم اﺻﻞ‬of common origin or ancestry 
ham bazm ‫ = ﮦم ﺑﺰم‬of the same society, associating together 
convivial companion or associate 
ham bistar ‫ = ﮦم ﺑﺴﺘﺮ‬bedfellow, sharing the same bed, lying on the same bed 
(f) copulating, sleeping together 
ham batan ‫ = ﮦم ﺑﻄﻦ‬related by blood, akin, intimate 
ham pa ‫ = ﮦم ﭘﺎ‬companion  
(f) attendant, protector 
ham payah ‫ = ﮦم ﭘﺎیﮦ‬of the same status or scale, equal in rank or dignity 
ham,...‫ = ﮦم ﭘﯿﺎلﮦ ﮦم ﻧﻮالﮦ‬very intimate friends, bosom friends 
ham,,...‫ = ﮦم ﭘﯿﺎلﮦ و ﮦم ﻧﻮالﮦ‬eating together 
(f) boon companion, bosom friend, very close or intimate friend, chum 
ham peshah ‫ = ﮦم ﭘﯿﺶﮦ‬of the same trade, of the same profession, colleague 
ham pallah = ‫ﭘﻞﮦ‬ ّ /‫ﭘﻼ‬
ّ ‫ = ﮦم‬equal, match 
ham pehlu ‫ = ﮦم پﮦﻟﻮ‬adjacent, side by side 
equal in dignity or rank 
gardi ‫ = ﮔﺮدی‬NOUN (feminine) change, revolution 
ex : ‫ = ﭘﺎدﺷﺎﮦ ﮔﺮدی‬IDIOMATIC = dethroning of king, revolution, anarchy 
Gardeedah ‫ = ﮔﺮدﯾﺪﮦ‬ADJECTIVE = turned, tumbled down, revolved 
gardi ‫ = ﮔﺮدی‬FEMININE NOUN 
change, revolution 
used in comp. as:‫ﭘﺎدﺷﺎﮦ ﮔﺮدی‬ 
gardeedah ‫ = ﮔﺮدﯾﺪﮦ‬ADJECTIVE 
turned, tumbled down 
kushaad ‫ = ُﮐﺸﺎد‬NOUN (feminine)= opening, revealing, loosening 
success, achievement  
ADJECTIVE = open, expansive 
kushadah ‫ = ُﮐﺸﺎدﮦ‬ADJECTIVE = open, uncovered, displayed 
wide, extensive, spacious, ample 
free, frank 
ex ‫ = ﮐﺸﺎدﮦ اﺑﺮو‬IDIOMATIC = wide-spaced eyebrows 
figurative = cheerful 
ex ‫ ﺟﺒﯽں‬/‫ = ﮐﺸﺎدﮦ ﭘﯿﺸﺎﻧﯽ‬DIOMATIC = having an open countenance 
figurative = fortunate 
blithe, cheerful 
ex ‫ ﻗﻠﺐ‬/‫ = ُﮐﮑﺸﺎدﮦ دل‬IDIOMATIC = generous, open-hearted, frank 
ex ‫ ﻗﻠﺒﯽ‬/‫ = ﮐﺸﺎدﮦ دﻟﯽ‬IDIOMATIC = generosity 
ex ‫ = ﮐﺸﺎدﮦ ُرو‬IDIOMATIC having an open countenance, frank 
ex ‫ = ﮐﺸﺎدﮦ ُروﺋﯽ‬IDIOMATIC = openness of countenance, cheerfulness 
ex ‫ = ُﮐﺸﺎدﮦ ﮐﻒ‬ADJECTIVE = Generous; benevolent; philanthropic 
ex ‫ = ُﮐﺸﺎدﮦ ﻧﻔﺲ‬ADJECTIVE Loquacious; garrulous; prating; talkative. 
angayz ‫اﻧﮕﯿﺰ‬ 
Aamezi ‫ = آﻣﯿﺰ‬NOUN (feminine) mixed, fraught with 
composition, compound 
SUFFIX = forming adjectives: mixed, compounded 
ex ‫ = ﺟﺮأت آﻣﯿﺰ‬IDIOMATIC brave, fearless 
aameyz karna ‫ = آﻣﯿﺰ ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC admix, amalgamate 
aamayzah ‫ = آﻣﯿﺰﮦ‬NOUN (masculine) mixture, blend, alloy, amalgam 
aamayzsish ‫ = آﻣﯿﺰش‬NOUN (feminine) mixture, mixing, temperament 
aamezish karna ‫ = آﻣﯿﺰش ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC adulterate, alloy 
angayz ‫ = اﻧﮕﯿﺰ‬NOUN (masculine) bearing, endurance 
SUFFIX = rousing, exciting, causing, fomenting, stirring up, raising 
ex ‫ = ﻓﺘﻦﮦ اﻧﮕﯿﺰ‬IDIOMATIC = mischievous, seditious, mischievous, turbulent, 
mischief-maker, miscreant, seditious person 
angayz karna ‫ = اﻧﮕﯿﺰ ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = incite, urge, excite 
angayzish ‫ = اﻧﮕﯿﺰش‬NOUN (feminine) commotion, tumult, rise, excitement 
khaar ‫ = ﺧﺎر‬NOUN (masculine) thorn, prickle 
figurative = mental prick, dissatisfaction 
khara ‫ = ﺧﺎرا‬NOUN (masculine) = flint, hard stone 
kharasang ‫ = ﺧﺎرا ﺳﻨﮓ‬IDIOMATIC granite 
kharashigaag ‫ = ﺧﺎرا ﺷﮕﺎف‬IDIOMATIC stone-splitting, very strong and sharp 
(that can split stones) 
khaar aan ‫ کھاﻧﺎ‬/‫ = ﺧﺎر آﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC be jealous or envious, hate 
be angry 
khaar bast/ band ‫ ﺑﻨﺪ‬/‫ = ﺧﺎرﺑﺴﺖ‬IDIOMATIC 
fence of thorns 
gar ‫ = ﮔﺮ‬CONJUNCTION = if, in case, in the event of 
SUFFIX = maker, workman, worker  
gur ‫ = ُﮔﺮ‬NOUN (masculine) rule, principle 
trick, skill 
fine point, point of wit, unusual manner or method, sure-fire way, artful 
gar ‫ = ﮔﺮ‬CONJUNCTION 
if, in case 
in the event of 
workman, worker 
band ‫ = ﺑﻨﺪ‬NOUN (masculine) = bond, bandage, fastening, string 
bund, embankment, dam 
verse or stanza 
a trick in wrestling 
slip or piece of paper 
fetters, chain 
ADJECTIVE = locked up, barred, under arrest, shut, closed 
quiet, hushed 
NOUN (masculine) joint, knot, knuckle 
bandi ‫ = ﺑﻨﺪی‬NOUN (feminine) imprisonment 
binding, tying, fastening 
settlement, arrangement 
obstacle, prohibition, stopping, shutting 
NOUN (masculine) = slave, prisoner 
ADJECTIVE = imprisoned 
ex ‫ = ﺟﻠﺪ ﺑﻨﺪی‬IDIOMATIC binding 
bundi ‫ = ﺑُﻨﺪی‬NOUN (feminine) a kind of sweetmeat 
bindi ‫ = ِﺑﻨﺪی‬NOUN (feminine) bindi, ornamental mark worn on the forehead 
dot, spot, mark, point 
bandah ‫ = ﺑﻨﺪﮦ‬NOUN (masculine) slave 
bondsman, servant 
worshipper, adorer 
human being 
I, this humble person, used when referring to oneself or addressing a superior 
banda ‫ = ﺑﻨﺪا‬NOUN (feminine) mistletoe 
NOUN (masculine) granary above ground 
NOUN (masculine) person 
bunda ‫ = ﺑُﻨﺪا‬NOUN (masculine) pendants worn in ears 
binda ‫ = ِﺑﻨﺪا‬NOUN (masculine) decorative mark worn in the middle of the 
forehead by Hindus before worship 
khayz ‫ = ﺧﯿﺰ‬NOUN (feminine) = rising, bound, leap 
SUFFIX = springing up 
giving rise to, causing, exciting 
ex ‫ = آﻓﺖ ﺧﯿﺰ‬IDIOMATIC = disastrous, calamitous 
khezi ‫ = ﺧﯿﺰی‬NOUN (feminine) = rising, rousing  
khezaa‫ = ﺧﯿﺰاں‬rising 
khezraa ‫ = َﺧﯿﺰراں‬NOUN (masculine) myrrh, cane 
kheezaish ‫ = ﺧﯿﺰش‬NOUN (feminine) rising, springing up 
erection (of the penis) 
bakhsh ‫ = ﺑﺨﺶ‬NOUN (masculine) granter 
ADJECTIVE = granting, giving, bestowing, forgiving 
ex ‫ = اﻃﻤﯿﻨﺎن ﺑﺨﺶ‬satisfactory 
ex ‫ = اﻃﻤﯿﻨﺎن ﺑﺨﺸﻨﺎ‬satisfy 
eex ‫ = اﻃﻤﯿﻨﺎن ﺑﺨﺶ ﻃﻮر ﭘﺮ‬satisfactorily 
bakhshi ‫ = ﺑﺨﺸﯽ‬NOUN (masculine) = bukshi, bukshee, paymaster 
commander-in-chief, adjutant, a Mogul military rank 
ex ‫ = ﺑﺨﺸﯽ اﻟﻤﻤﺎﻟﮏ‬Paymaster and commander-in-chief. 
bakhshaish ‫ = ﺑﺨﺸﺎﺋﺶ‬NOUN (feminine) pardon, forgiveness 
favour, bounty, gift, (usu. royal) munificence 
baksh khana ‫ = ﺑﺨﺸﯽ ﺧﺎنﮦ‬IDIOMATIC pay office, adjutant or paymasters office 
bakshsh ‫ = ﺑﺨﺸﺶ‬NOUN (feminine) = baksheesh or bakhsheesh, tip, gift 
pardon, forgiveness 
bakshish nama ‫ = ﺑﺨﺸﺶ ﻧﺎمﮦ‬IDIOMATIC = deed-of-gift 
pazeed ‫ ﭘﺰﯾﺪ‬pazeedi, pazeeda 
geer ‫ = ﮔﯿﺮ‬SUFFIX = taking, holding 
taker, catcher 
ex ‫ =ﺧﺒﺮ ﮔﯿﺮ‬IDIOMATIC = spy 
protector, guardian, helper 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺒﺮ ﮔﯿﺮی‬IDIOMATIC = support 
care, looking after, attention 
ex ‫ = ﺧﺒﺮ ﮔﯿﺮاں‬IDIOMATIC = guardian, helper 
Girayii ‫ = ِﮔﯿﺮاﺋﯽ‬NOUN (feminine) = grasp, hold, seizure 
baaz ‫ = ﺑﺎز‬NOUN (masculine) = baza, hawk, harrier 
ADVERB = again, back 
open, vast 
abstaining, refusing 
ADJECTIVE = again, back 
open, vast 
abstaining, refusing 
SUFFIX = actor, agent, doer, person 
bazi = ‫ = ﺑﺎزی‬NOUN (feminine) sport, game, play, trick, hazard 
bet, wager 
game of chess/ cards 
stake, money bet 
deceit, deception 
baaz yaab = ‫ = ﺑﺎزﯾﺎب‬IDIOMATIC = regaining, recovering 
baazyabi ‫ = ﺑﺎزﯾﺎﺑﯽ‬IDIOMATIC = recovery, getting back 
pa ‫ = ﭘﺎ‬NOUN (masculine) = the foot, the leg 
root, stem 
Music = fifth note of the octave 
SUFFIX = denoting an abstract quality 
ex ‫ = ُبڑھاﭘﺎ‬old age 
SUFFIX = denoting lasting, standing, continuing 
ex ‫ = دﯾﺮﭘﺎ‬ADJECTIVE = durable, permanent, lasting 
verb = ‫ = ﭘﺎﺟﺎﻧﺎ‬milna  
NOUN (masculine) = one fourth, a quarter 
pah ‫ = ﭘﺎﮦ‬NOUN (feminine) by-path, track 
NOUN (feminine) land untilled and left fallow for three years 
NOUN (feminine) material used by dyers to make fast colour 
pahi ‫ = ﭘﺎﮦی‬NOUN (masculine) a tenant at will, a non-resident cultivator, a 
temporary tenant 
ex ‫ = ﺳﻮﺧﺖﮦ ﭘﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = restless, agitated 
waar ‫ = وار‬NOUN (masculine) = blow, stroke, knock, attack, assault 
wound, cut, sore 
heavy load 
SUFFIX = forming adjectives, nouns and adverbs in the meaning of having, 
worthy of, befitting 
resembling, like, according to 
ex ‫ = اﻣﯿﺪوار‬IDIOMATIC = hopeful, expecting 
candidate, applicant 
NOUN (masculine) = sacrifice, offering 
NOUN (masculine) = opportunity, time, turn, occasion 
any day of a week 
NOUN (masculine) = lateness 
ADVERB = on this side (of the river) 
wari ‫ = واری‬ADJECTIVE = sacrificed 
NOUN (feminine) = sacrifice (as offering or sacrifice for someone's welfare) 
INTERJECTION= my dear! my life! 
wara ‫ = وارا‬NOUN (masculine) = benefit, gain 
saving, thrift 
offering, sacrifice 
NOUN (masculine) turn, opportunity 
aarayi ‫ = آراﺋﯽ‬SUFFIX = forming nouns meaning adornment, arrangement 
ruba ‫ = رﺑﺎ‬SUFFIX = taking, attracting 
ex ‫دل رﺑﺎ‬ 
riba ‫ = ِرﺑﺎ‬NOUN (masculine) interest, usury 
something over-extended or enlarged, manifold 
rabba ‫ = رﺑّﺎ‬INTERJECTION O God! God preserve us! 
daraaz ‫ = دراز‬NOUN (feminine) = drawer of table, chest or cupboard, etc.  
ADJECTIVE = extended, long, tall, lengthy  
daraazi ‫ = درازی‬NOUN (feminine) = length, height 
ex ‫ = دراز دﺳﺖ‬IDIOMATIC = oppressive, tyrannical 
ex ‫ = دراز دﺳﺘﯽ‬IDIOMATIC = oppression, tyranny 
ex ‫ = درازیٔ ﻋﻤﺮ‬IDIOMATIC = longevity, length of life 
ex ‫ ﻗﺪ‬/‫ = دراز ﻗﺎﻣﺖ‬IDIOMATIC tall 
ex ‫ = دراز ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = lengthen, extend, stretch out, let loose, sprawl 
make free use of (the tongue) 
ex ‫ = دراز ﮔﻮش‬IDIOMATIC long-eared 
za ‫ = زا‬SUFFIX = born of, offspring of, scion of, as 
giving birth to, producing, giving rise to 
ex ‫ = ﺑﺮق زا‬IDIOMATIC = electricity generating 
ex ‫ = زا ِﺟﺮ‬NOUN (masculine) person who rebukes, scolds, berates 
‫ﺑﯿﻦ‬ ِ
bayn ‫ = َﺑﯿﻦ‬NOUN (masculine) = lamentation, wailing 
NOUN (masculine) = interval 
PREPOSITION = between, among 
Been ‫ = ِﺑﯿﻦ‬NOUN (feminine) wind instrument, flute, snake-charmer's flute 
SUFFIX = seeing, beholding, looking 
ex ‫ = ﺧﻮردﺑﯿﻦ‬microscope 
bayyan ‫ = ﺑﯿّﻦ‬ADJECTIVE clear, vivid, lucid, evident 
beeni ‫ = َﺑﯿﻨﯽ‬ADJECTIVE = central 
NOUN (feminine) = nose 
sense of smell 
NOUN (feminine) act of seeing or regarding 
ex ‫ = ﮐﺘﺐ ﺑﯿﻨﯽ‬book reading 
beena = ADJECTIVE = having sight 
discerning, clear-sighted, observant 
NOUN (masculine) a fragrant grass, Andropogon muricatus 
bayyinaat ‫ = ﺑﯿّﻨﺎت‬clear facts that need no explanation 
gustar ‫ = ﮔﺴﺘﺮ‬SUFFIX = spreading, scattering, dispensing, diffusing 
gustari ‫ = ﮔﺴﺘﺮی‬SUFFIX = the act of spreading, dispensing, scattering 
ex ‫ = ﺳﺨﻦ ﮔﺴﺘﺮی‬poetry 
gustardah ‫ = ﮔﺴﺘﺮدﮦ‬ADJECTIVE = spread out (as bed) 
gaah ‫ = ﮔﺎﮦ‬NOUN (feminine) = time, occasion, place 
ADVERB = sometimes 
SUFFIX = place, centre 
ex ‫ = ﺷﮑﺎر ﮔﺎﮦ‬IDIOMATIC = hunting ground 
gahi ‫ = ﮔﺎﮦی‬total of five 
gah b gah ‫ = ﮔﺎﮦ )بﮦ( ﮔﺎﮦ‬occasionally, now and then, from time to time, 
gaahe ‫ = ﮔﺎﮨﮯ‬ADVERB = often, sometimes 
gahe b gahe = ‫ = ﮔﺎﮨﮯ )بﮦ(ﮔﺎﮨﮯ‬IDIOMATIC = at times, sometimes, from time to 
time, not often, occasionally 
yaft ‫ = ﯾﺎﻓﺖ‬NOUN (feminine) = earning, income, gains, profit, perquisite 
accessibility, availability 
yaftah ‫ = ﯾﺎﻓﺖﮦ‬ADJECTIVE = got, found, discovered 
SUFFIX = making adjective 
ex‫ = ﯾﺎﻓﺖ ﮐﯽ ﻧﻮﮐﺮی‬IDIOMATIC = lucrative appointment 
yaftani ‫ = ﯾﺎﻓﺘﻨﯽ‬ADJECTIVE = receivable 
NOUN (feminine) = dues, bills, credits 
zaad ‫ = زاد‬NOUN (masculine) = provision, food, victuals 
ex ‫ = آدم زاد‬IDIOMATIC = human being (as opposed to other species), the 
human race, IDIOMATIC , man 
ex ‫ = زاد ﺑﻮم‬IDIOMATIC = birthplace, native land 
kunindah ‫ = ﮐﻨﻨﺪﮦ‬SUFFIX = doer, maker 
ex ‫ = ﭘﯿﺪا ﮐﻨﻨﺪﮦ‬IDIOMATIC = creator, maker 
kas ‫ = ﮐﺲ‬NOUN (masculine) = extract, essence 
decoction of colouring substance 
strength, tenacity, power 
NOUN (masculine) = individual, man, anyone, person 
PRONOUN = individual, man, anyone, person 
kus ‫ = ُﮐﺲ‬offensive vulgar slang = vulva, vagina 
kassi ‫ = ﮐﺴّﯽ‬NOUN (feminine) = hoe, mattock, spade 
a measure equal to two paces 
kisi ‫ = ِﮐﺴﯽ‬PRONOUN = any, someone, somebody, anybody 
kasa ‫ = ﮐﺴﺎ‬ADJECTIVE = compressed, tight, tightened, tightly bound or 
kassa ‫ = ﮐﺴّﺎ‬NOUN (masculine) = the bark of acacia tree 
spirit extracted from it 
kasad = ‫ = ﮐﺴﺎد‬NOUN (feminine) = slump, fall in prices, not being in demand, 
fareeb (dil farayb) ‫ = ﻓﺮﯾﺐ‬NOUN (masculine) = cheating, fraud, deceit, 
ex ‫ = ﻓﺮﯾﺐ آﻣﯿﺰ‬IDIOMATIC = cunning, deceitful 
ex ‫ = ﻓﺮﯾﺐ ﺧﻮردﮦ‬IDIOMATIC = duped, gulled, defrauded, swindled, beguiled, 
ex ‫ = ﻓﺮﯾﺐ دﮦی‬IDIOMATIC = swindling, cheating, defrauding, beguiling  
ex ‫ = ﻓﺮﯾﺐ دﯾﻨﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = cheat, defraud, deceive, dupe 
ex ‫ ﮐﺎر‬/‫ = ﻓﺮﯾﺐ ﺳﺎز‬IDIOMATIC = cheat, swindler 
ex ‫ ﮐﺎری‬/‫ = ﻓﺮﯾﺐ ﺳﺎزی‬fraud 
ex ‫ ﻣﯽں آﻧﺎ‬/‫ = ﻓﺮﯾﺐ کھاﻧﺎ‬DIOMATIC = be cheated, deceived, etc. 
ex ‫ = ﻓﺮﯾﺒﻨﺪﮦ‬NOUN (masculine) = deceiver, cheater  
nigar = NOUN (masculine) = painting, picture, portrait 
effigy, idol 
beautiful woman, beloved 
lovely pattern, decoration 
picture gallery 
SUFFIX = doer 
ex ‫ = ﻧﺜﺮ ﻧﮕﺎر‬IDIOMATIC prose writer 
nigaari ‫ = ِﻧﮕﺎری‬NOUN (feminine) = work (of a painter or writer, etc.) 
suffix =  
ex ‫ = ﻣﻀﻤﻮن ﻧﮕﺎری‬IDIOMATIC = essay writing 
nigaarish ‫ﮕﺎرش‬ ِ ‫ = ِﻧ‬NOUN (feminine) = writing, description, literary writing, 
nigareen ‫ = ﻧﮕﺎرﯾﻦ‬NOUN = beautiful; lovely. 
ex ‫ﻧﮕﺎر ارﻣﻨﯽ‬
ِ = IDIOMATIC = appellation of Farhad's beloved Shirin 
ex ‫ = ﻧﮕﺎر آﻟﻮدﮦ‬IDIOMATIC = painted, as beautiful as a work of art 
ex ‫ = ِﻧﮕﺎرﺧﺎنﮦ‬NOUN (masculine) = studio, picture or art gallery 
ex ‫ = ﻧﮕﺎر ﺧﺎنﮤ ﭼﯿﻦ‬IDIOMATIC = beautiful and decorated picture gallery or house  
ex ‫ﻧﮕﺎر ﺳﺤﺮ‬ِ = IDIOMATIC = beauty of the morning 
ex ‫ﮕﺎر ﻋﺎﻟﻢ‬
ِ ‫ = ِﻧ‬ADJECTIVE = very beautiful. 
khazri (khabar e khazri) ‫ﺧﻀﺮی‬ 
Khizr (as) ‫ = ِﺧﻀﺮ‬NOUN (masculine) = name of a legendary prophet who is 
supposedly immortal 
khazra = ‫ = ﺧﻀﺮا‬green 
ex ‫ﺧﻀﺮ راﮦ‬
ِ = IDIOMATIC = guide, leader 
ex ‫ = ﺧﻀﺮا ﺧﺎنﮦ اﺛﺮ‬Greenhouse effect. 
ex ‫ = ﺧﻀﺮا ﺧﺎنﮦ‬Greenhouse.  
ex ‫ = ﺧﻀﺮا ُء اﻟ ِﺪﻣﻦ‬IDIOMATIC = grass growing on dunghill 
(a person) mean though outwardly pretty 
zadah ‫ = زدﮦ‬ADJECTIVE = suffix =  
beaten, oppressed, afflicted 
ex ‫ = آﻓﺖ زدﮦ‬distressed 
shahi (nadirshahi) ‫ = ﺷﺎﮦی‬NOUN (feminine) = rule, reign 
name of a small coin 
ADJECTIVE = royal, imperial, regal, kingly 
shahi tukday ‫ = ﺷﺎﮦی ٹکڑے‬IDIOMATIC = a kind of sweet made of bread-slices, 
milk and sugar 
shahi farman ‫ = ﺷﺎﮦی ﻓﺮﻣﺎن‬IDIOMATIC = royal decree 
shaheen ‫ = ﺷﺎﮦِﯾﻦ‬NOUN (masculine) = shaheen, falcon 
shaheen zadah ‫ = ﺷﺎﮦﯾﻦ زادﮦ‬IDIOMATIC = a young falcon, eyas 
paima(n) ‫ = ﭘﯿﻤﺎ‬SUFFIX = measuring, weighing, measurer 
ex ‫ = ﺑﺎد ﭘﯿﻤﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = anemometer, barometer 
swift, fast 
figurative = swift horse 
paimaan ‫ َﭘﯿﻤﺎن‬or ‫ = َﭘﯿﻤﺎں‬NOUN (masculine) = promise, commitment 
treaty, pledge, stipulation 
paimanah ‫ = َﭘﯿﻤﺎنﮦ‬NOUN (masculine) = goblet, cup, bowl 
measure, standard, yardstick, plane scale 
ex ‫ = ﭘﯿﻤﺎنﮤ ﺑﺎرش‬IDIOMATIC = rain gauge 
ex‫ = ﭘﯿﻤﺎنﮦ بھرﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = figurative = to die 
ex ‫ = ﭘﯿﻤﺎن ﺗﻮڑﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = break a promise 
ex ‫ = ﭘﯿﻤﺎنﮦ چڑھاﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = drink a cup of wine 
ex ‫ = ﭘﯿﻤﺎنﮦ چھﻟﮑﻨﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = (of a goblet) to be full to the brim 
not be able to tolerate any more, start weeping 
ex ‫ = ﭘﯿﻤﺎن ﺷﮑﻦ‬IDIOMATIC = one who breaks promises 
ex ‫ = ﭘﯿﻤﺎن ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = to promise, make a promise, pledge 
pasari ‫ = ﭘﺴﺎری‬NOUN (masculine) = grocer 
pasara ‫ = ﭘﺴﺎرا‬NOUN (masculine) = expansion 
pasarna ‫ = ﭘﺴﺎرﻧﺎ‬VERB = stretch, spread, extend, expand 
ifsha ‫ = ِاﻓﺸﺎ‬NOUN (masculine) = divulgence, disclosure 
afsha ‫ = اﻓﺸﺎ‬NOUN = Reveal، open, appear, 
ex ‫ = اﻓﺸﺎ ﺷﺪﮦ‬ADJECTIVE = declassified 
ex ‫ = اﻓﺸﺎ ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬VERB = declassify  
ex ‫ = اﻓﺸﺎﻧﯽ‬strewed with glittering powder 
SUFFIX = dispersal, scattering, strewing 
ex ‫ = اﻓﺸﺎﻧﯽ ﮐﺎﻏﺬ‬IDIOMATIC = paper impregnated with colours or sprinkled with 
colourful dust 
afsha ‫ = اﻓﺸﺎں‬NOUN (feminine) = glittering golden powder for embellishing 
clothes, hair, body, paper, etc. 
SUFFIX = strewing, dispersing, scattering, sprinkling, shedding 
ex ‫ = ﮔﻞ اﻓﺸﺎں‬IDIOMATIC = scattering flowers 
ex ‫ ﻟﮕﺎﻧﺎ‬/‫ ﭼﻨﻨﺎ‬/‫ = اﻓﺸﺎں ﺟﻤﺎﻧﺎ‬IDIOMATIC = apply golden powder to head 
ex ‫ = اﻓﺸﺎئے راز‬IDIOMATIC = divulging or disclosure of a secret 
aashna (aashna yaaz) ‫ = آﺷﻨﺎ‬MASCULINE NOUN 
friend, companion, acquaintance, associate, someone personally known 
aware, acquainted 
paramour, illicit lover 
aashna parast ‫ = آﺷﻨﺎ ﭘﺮﺳﺖ‬PHRASE  
familiar, sociable, social, friendly 
aashna parwar = ‫ = آﺷﻨﺎ ﭘﺮور‬PHRASE 
aashna hona ‫ = آﺷﻨﺎ ﮦوﻧﺎ‬PHRASE 
become friendly or tame  
aashnayi ‫ = آﺷﻨﺎﺋﯽ‬FEMININE NOUN 
acquaintance, friendship 
amour, illicit relationship, affair 
aashnayi paida karna ‫= آﺷﻨﺎﺋﯽ )ﭘﯿﺪا( ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬  
become acquainted, develop an acquaintance with 
form an illicit relationship 
aashnayi mullata sabak ‫ُﻼﺗﺎ ﺳﺒﻖ‬ ّ ‫= آﺷﻨﺎﺋﯽ ﻣ‬  
aashna yana ‫ = آﺷﻨﺎﯾﺎنﮦ‬ADVERB 
in an amorous or familiar way, as or like a friend or acquaintance 
basri (ro'yat basri) ‫= ﺑﺴﺮی‬  
basar ‫ = ﺑﺴﺮ‬FEMININE NOUN 
course of life 
bisar = ‫ = ِﺑﺴﺮ‬MASCULINE NOUN 
forgetfulness, oblivion, oversight, omission 
bisra ‫ = ِﺑﺴﺮا‬ADJECTIVE 
used in comp. as:‫بھوﻻ ﺑﺴﺮا‬ 
bisram ‫ = ِﺑﺴﺮام‬MASCULINE NOUN 
pause, stop 
comfort, ease, repose 
easily, comfortingly 
bisrahat ‫ = ِﺑﺴﺮاﮨﭧ‬FEMININE NOUN 
mistake, oversight, forgetfulness  
bisar aana ‫ = ﺑﺴﺮ آﻧﺎ‬PHRASE 
succeed, deal, complete 
bsirana ‫ = ِﺑﺴﺮاﻧﺎ‬VERB  
mislead, beguile, distract 
basranat ‫ = ﺑﺴﺮاﻧﺖ‬FEMININE NOUN 
riverside that has wide stairs for rest 
bisranat = FEMININE NOUN  
rest, repose 
awqaat basri ‫= اوﻗﺎت ﺑﺴﺮی‬   
‫روٹی ﮐﺎ سﮦارا‬ 
‫رﻓﻊ ﺿﺮورت‬ 
‫وجﮦ ﻣﻌﯿﺸﺖ‬ 
‫ﮔﺰر اوﻗﺎت‬ 
‫ﮔﺬر ﺑﺴﺮ‬ 
waqt basri  
guzishth ‫ = ُﮔﺰﺷﺖﮦ‬ADJECTIVE 
guzishtgaan ‫ = ُﮔﺰﺷﺘﮕﺎن‬MASCULINE PLURAL NOUN 
people of the past, the dead 
guzishtani ‫ = ُﮔﺰﺷﺘﻨﯽ‬ADJECTIVE  
gusaar ‫ = ﮔﺴﺎر‬SUFFIX 
taking down 
ex ‫ مےﮔﺴﺎر‬/ ‫ﺑﺎدﮦ‬ 
badah ‫ = ﺑﺎدﮦ‬MASCULINE NOUN 
wine, spirits, liquor 
badah parast ‫ = ﺑﺎدﮦ ﭘﺮﺳﺖ‬PHRASE 
addicted to wine, drunkard 
wine drinker ‫ ﻧﻮش‬/‫ ﮔﺴﺎر‬/‫ ﮐﺶ‬/‫ ﺧﻮار‬/‫ = ﺑﺎدﮦ ﭘﯿﻤﺎ‬PHRASE 
wine-drinker, imbiber of wine 
badah e gulrang = ‫ = ﺑﺎدﮦ ﮔﻠﺮﻧﮓ‬Red wine. 
(another word for it) = ‫ ﮔﻠﮕﻮں‬/ ‫ ﮔﻠﻔﺎم‬/‫= ﺑﺎدﮤ ﮔﻠﺮﻧﮓ‬  
badah goyi ‫ = ﺑﺎدﮦ ﮔﻮﺋﯽ‬PHRASE 
talking big or foolishly like an intoxicated man 
badah shabanah ‫ ﺷﺒﯿﻦﮦ‬/‫ = ﺑﺎدﮤ ﺷﺒﺎنﮦ‬PHRASE 
liqueur drunk at night 
badah doshinah ‫ = ﺑﺎدﮤ دوﺷﯿﻦﮦ‬PHRASE 
yesterday's unconsumed wine 
(Words for wine drinking ) ‫ ﻧﻮﺷﯽ‬/ ‫ ﮐﺸﯽ‬/ ‫ ﺧﻮاری‬/ ‫= ﺑﺎدﮦ ﭘﯿﻤﺎﺋﯽ‬  
wine drinking 
khoor ‫ = ﺧﻮر‬FEMININE NOUN 
making noun eater 
ex ‫ ﻣﺮدم ﺧﻮر‬/‫آدم‬ 
making noun eater 
khur ‫ = ُﺧﻮر‬MASCULINE NOUN 
khurah ‫ = ﺧﻮرﮦ‬Suffix 
anything that eats or corrodes, as: rust, moth, gangrene, etc. 
mug or tumbler of baked clay, drinking vessel 
khori ‫ = ﺧﻮری‬SUFFIX 
act of eating 
enduring, suffering 
khorjin ‫ = ﺧﻮرﺟﯿﻦ‬NOUN 
khurd = ADJECTIVE 
little, small 
ruined figurative 
‫ ِﮔﺮاں‬ 
giraa(n) ‫ = ِﮔﺮاں‬ADJECTIVE 
dear, expensive, costly 
unpalatable, unpleasant 
giraan baha ‫ = ﮔﺮاں بﮦا‬PHRASE 
costly, precious 
giraan baar ‫ = ﮔﺮاں ﺑﺎر‬PHRASE 
heavy, burdened, laden with weight 
giraan khatir ‫ = ﮔﺮاں ﺧﺎﻃﺮ‬PHRASE 
Giraan khwaab ‫ = ﮔﺮاں ﺧﻮاب‬PHRASE 
in deep sleep 
(Same as ‫)ﮔﺮاں ﺧﻮاﺑﯽ‬ 
giraan farosh ‫ = ﮔﺮاں ﻓﺮوش‬PHRASE 
one who sells at higher rates 
giraan faroshi ‫ = ﮔﺮاں ﻓﺮوﺷﯽ‬NOUN 
selling goods at higher prices 
giraan fadr ‫ = ﮔﺮاں ﻗﺪر‬PHRASE 
invaluable, of high value, rank or dignity 
giraan karna ‫= ﮔﺮاں ﮐﺮن‬  
raise the price 
giraan maya ‫ = ﮔﺮاں ﻣﺎیﮦ‬PHRASE 
of great value, valuable 
girani ‫ = ِﮔﺮاﻧﯽ‬FEMININE NOUN 
dearness, rise in price 
scarcity, dearth 
baar ‫ = ﺑﺎر‬MASCULINE NOUN 
burden, load 
weight, heaviness 
occasion, opportunity 
blossom, fruit 
leave, admittance 
day of the week 
difficult, arduous 
door, entrance, portal 
fully irrigated region in the Punjab 
bara ‫ = ﺑﺎرا‬MASCULINE NOUN 
lifting with a lever of irrigation water in buckets from a well 
lever-lift irrigation 
bucket used for this purpose 
wind, storm 
process of wire-drawing using a perforated plate of steel 
big leech 
barha ‫ = ﺑﺎرﮦا‬ADVERB 
often, often, many times 
baaryaab ‫ = ﺑﺎرﯾﺎب‬PHRASE 
admitted or accepted in a court or in a company, granted audience 
baaryabi ‫ = ﺑﺎرﯾﺎﺑﯽ‬FEMININE NOUN 
access, admission 
baar baari ‫ = ﺑﺎر ﯾﺎری‬PHRASE  
mutual help, sharing a load 
numaiyaa(n) ‫ = ﻧﻤﺎﯾﺎں‬ADJECTIVE 
prominent, conspicuous, salient 
numaya tareen ‫ = ﻧﻤﺎﯾﺎں ﺗﺮﯾﻦ‬PHRASE 
most prominent 
nama ‫ = ﻧﻤﺎ‬FEMININE NOUN 
growth, increase, augmentation 
numa ‫= ُﻧﻤﺎ‬  
like, resembling 
exhibiting, pointing out 
ex ‫ = ﺟﺰﯾﺮﮦ ﻧﻤﺎ‬PHRASE 
hairaan ya hairaa(n) = ‫= ﺣﯿﺮاں‬  
hairaan ‫ = َﺣﯿﺮان‬ADJECTIVE 
surprised, astonished, confounded, perplexed, bewildered, flabbergasted 
worried, distressed, disturbed 
hairan kun ‫ = ﺣﯿﺮان ﮐﻦ‬PHRASE 
surprising, amazing 
hairaan sar gardaan = ‫ﺣﯿﺮان و ﺳﺮﮔﺮداں‬ 
confused, bewildered 
naaz ‫ = ﻧﺎز‬MASCULINE NOUN 
coquetry, amorous playfulness, feigned disdain, dalliance 
elegance, gracefulness 
naaz aafreen ‫ = ﻧﺎز آﻓﺮیں‬PHRASE 
naaz uthana ‫ =ﻧﺎز اﭨﮫاﻧﺎ‬PHRASE 
indulge, pamper, spoil, yield to the wishes or whims (of) 
nazaan ‫ = ﻧﺎزاں‬ADJECTIVE 
proud, conceited 
toying, sporting, strutting, swaggering 
nazeba ‫ = ﻧﺎزﯾﺒﺎ‬ADJECTIVE 
ugly, immoral, ungraceful 
unseemly, unsuitable, unfit, unbecoming 
immoral, lewd 
nazeba harkat ‫= ﻧﺎزﯾﺒﺎ ﺣﺮﮐﺖ‬  
Gaffe, blunder, something infra dignity 
naaz bardar ‫ = ﻧﺎز ﺑﺮدار‬PHRASE 
flatterer, pamperer 
(same as naaz bardari just add ing)  
naaz bu ‫ = ﻧﺎزﺑُﻮ‬NOUN 
Name of a herb; basil; wild rue. 
basil (Ocimum) or wild rue, Ruta graveolens 
naaz parwardah ‫ = ﻧﺎز ﭘﺮوردﮦ‬PHRASE 
delicately or tenderly nurtured 
naaz peshah ‫ = ﻧﺎز ﭘﯿﺶﮦ‬PHRASE 
naaz eishwah ,,...‫ ﻧﺨﺮﮦ‬/‫ ﻏﻤﺰﮦ‬/‫= ﻧﺎز و ﻋﺸﻮﮦ‬  
coquetry, dalliance, blandishment 
naaz o niyaaz ‫ = ﻧﺎز و ﻧﯿﺎز‬PHRASE 
coquetry and gallantry, airs and graces 
a loving couple's mutual relations 
naaz niaym ‫ ﻧﻌﻤﺖ ﻣﯽں ﭘﻠﻨﺎ‬/‫= ﻧﺎز و ﻧﻌﻢ‬  
be brought up in comfort 
naaz karna ‫ = ﻧﺎز ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬take on airs, be proud of, act coquettishly 
wa ‫ = وا‬ADJECTIVE 
open, wide 
back, behind 
expression of pain 
ah! oh! o! alas! 
denoting diminution or contempt 
ex :‫ = ﻣﻨﻮا‬PHRASE 
munwa ‫ =ﻣُﻨﻮا‬MASCULINE NOUN 
child, baby 
wah ,..‫ = وا ِﮦیﮦ‬DJECTIVE 
useless, nonsensical 
wallahi uloom ,.. = ‫ﻋﻠﻢ ﺑﺎِﻟﺼﻮاب‬ ُ ‫وااﻟﻠﻬﺎ‬ 
God knows the truth 
wallahi ilm ‫ = وااﻟﻠﻬﺎﻋﻠﻢ‬PHRASE 
God knows, God knows best 
wah e hib ‫ = وا ِﮦب‬MASCULINE NOUN 
bequeather, donor, giver 
liberal, generous, munificent 
farosh ‫ = ﻓﺮوش‬SUFFIX 
selling, seller 
ex ‫ = ﻣﯿﻮﮦ ﻓﺮوش‬PHRASE 
fruit-seller, fruiterer 
furuush = ‫ = ﻓُﺮوش‬MASCULINE PLURAL NOUN 
floor-spreads, etc. 
furooshandah ‫ = ﻓﺮوﺷﻨﺪﮦ‬MASCULINE NOUN 
seller, vendor 
furooshanda e mijazi ‫ = ﻓﺮوﺷﻨﺪﮤ ﻣﺠﺎزی‬PHRASE 
authorized vendor 
Virtual vendor 
nawaaz ‫ = ﻧﻮاز‬SUFFIX 
forming adjectives and nouns, cherishing, soothing 
playing on music, performer 
ex ‫ = ﻏﺮﯾﺐ ﻧﻮاز‬PHRASE 
helper of the poor 
nawazi ‫ ﻧﻮازی‬SUFFIX 
forming nouns 
ex ‫ﻏﺮﯾﺐ ﻧﻮازی‬ 
nawazish ‫ﻧﻮازش‬ ِ = FEMININE NOUN 
courtesy, politeness 
favour, kindness, patronage 
nawazish e khusranama = ‫ﻧﻮازش ﺧﺴﺮوانﮦ‬  ِ
Favours of kings. 
nawazish karna ‫ = ﻧﻮازش ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬PHRASE 
nawazish nama ‫= ﻧﻮازش ﻧﺎمﮦ‬  
nawazna ‫ = ﻧﻮازﻧﺎ‬VERB 
give, bestow 
show kindness 
pardaz ‫ = ﭘﺮداز‬FEMININE NOUN 
performing, completing, finishing 
style, manner 
finish, accomplishment, perfection 
frame (of a picture or mirror) 
decoration around a picture 
doer, performer 
ex ‫ = ﻓﺘﻦﮦ ﭘﺮداز‬PHRASE 
f ‫ ﮔﺮی‬/‫ ﺳﺎزی‬/‫ = ﻓﺘﻦﮦ ﭘﺮدازی‬PHRASE 
pardazi ‫ = ﭘﺮدازی‬FEMININE NOUN 
decoration, perfection, elegance 
insha pardazi ‫ = اﻧﺸﺎ ﭘﺮدازی‬PHRASE 
art of elegant writing 
writing, art of elegant writing 
composition, elegance of composition 
pardaz uthana ‫ = ﭘﺮداز اُڑاﻧﺎ‬PHRASE 
follow the style of, imitate 
rani ‫ = راﻧﯽ‬FEMININE NOUN 
rani, queen, princess 
reproductive female in a colony of ants, bees or termites 
most valuable piece in game of carrom 
Cards card bearing a representation of a queen 
driving, wielding 
used in comp. as:‫ = جﮦاز راﻧﯽ‬PHRASE 
sailing, boating 
navigation, piloting a ship 
rani khan ka saala ‫ = راﻧﯽ )ﺧﺎں( ﮐﺎ ﺳﺎﻻ‬PHRASE 
braggart, arrogant, haughty 
rani khet ‫ = راﻧﯽ کھﯾﺖ‬PHRASE 
fatal disease of poultry and bird 
rani ghahan ‫ = راﻧﯽ گﮦن‬PHRASE 
outcry, hue and cry, lamentation 
goyii ‫ ﮔﻮﺋﯽ‬goyiiyoo(n) 
the act of speaking, uttering 
used in comp. as:‫ﺻﺎف ﮔﻮﺋﯽ‬/‫ راﺳﺖ‬/‫ = ﺣﻖ‬PHRASE 
telling the truth, truthfulness 
aarazi ‫ = آزاری‬MASCULINE NOUN 
an ailing person 
torture, cruelty 
used in comp. as:‫ = دل آزاری‬torment of the heart, vexation of spirit 
aazar ‫ = آزار‬MASCULINE NOUN 
illness or ailment 
hardship, trouble 
apparition, appearance of a supernatural being 
used in comp. as:‫دل آزار‬ 
izar ‫ = ِازار‬FEMININE NOUN 
trousers, pyjamas 
one of the three sheets of Muslim shroud used to cover the lower part of a 
dead body 
azar ‫= ازار‬  
Belt, the string with which trousers are tied 
aazaardah ‫ = آزاردﮦ‬PHRASE 
annoying, irksome, vexatious, troublesome 
aazaardahi ‫ = آزار دﮦی‬PHRASE 
tormenting, injuring 
aazaar dena ‫ = آزار دﯾﻨﺎ‬PHRASE 
torment, annoy, trouble, afflict, agonize 
sitan ‫ = ﺳﺘﺎن‬SUFFIX 
a place where anything dwells 
used in comp. as:‫ﻗﺒﺮﺳﺘﺎن‬ 
rayz ‫ = رﯾﺰ‬FEMININE NOUN 
chirp, chirping of birds  
pouring, dropping, shedding, scattering 
used in comp. as:‫ = اﺷﮏ رﯾﺰ‬PHRASE 
shedding tears 
rezaan ‫ = رﯾﺰاں‬ADJECTIVE 
pouring, dropping 
razeh rezah ‫ = رﯾﺰﮦ‬MASCULINE NOUN 
crumb, piece, bit, scrap 
a kind of cock 
rezah cheeni ‫ ﺧﻮری‬/‫ = رﯾﺰﮦ ﭼﯿﻨﯽ‬PHRASE 
picking up crumbs 
plagiarism, drawing inspiration (from) 
reza reza karna ‫= رﯾﺰﮦ رﯾﺰﮦ ﮐﺮﻧﺎ‬  
break into pieces, shatter 
rezish ‫ = رﯾﺰش‬FEMININE NOUN 
nasal discharge associated with cold and flu 
flowing in small quantities 
rezish hona = nose to run 
rezgari ‫ = رﯾﺰﮔﺎری‬FEMININE NOUN 
small coin or change 
a bit, scrap 
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danish kadah ‫ = داﻧﺶ ﮐﺪﮦ‬IDIOMATIC 
faculty, college 
danish war ‫داﻧﺶ ور‬ 

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