$12,000 Housewife

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The SI Secret

of an Ohio Housewife
Ha\e you tried 10 make an honest dollar at gross income of over SI4.000.00—all earned at
home latelv?
My wife and I did. And. we found ourselves
Obviously, this isexceptional income. What you
1. When your materials arrive, select just one
flooded with bogus envelope stuffing schemes, make will be largely up to you. But the income money project . . . the one you like be.si.
"party plans'", and a variety of other non-profit porcniia! frorr: sorr.e cf :hese project can be 2. Try it for six months. Remember to begin
balderdash. It was a sour experience. staggering! For example, a California couple using slow K.
Then, several years ago at a bridge party, one the same project we used made S 14.870.00 in just 3. At the end of this trial period examine
of the guests began discussing a very different and five months. your income. If you're not satisfied with the
special home "money project". The secret was. results, return the book and we will
literally whispered across the table. Again, these data are accurate or we couldn't - REFUND YOUR FULL PURCHASE
We discussed the idea as we were driving home. and wouldn't - print them. PRICE-
We decided to try it.
The project kept it. busy about four hours a SIX-MONTH
week. We used our dining room as an "office". At
first our income was small - about 565.00 to MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE
S75.00 per week. But as the weeks passed we began
making hundreds of dollars each week — all To prove that you can make extra money at
at home. home, vou have our positive 100^7 money-back
guarantee. Order your guide. Keep it for up to siv
Let me emphasize one thing. Tnis is very im- months. This give* vou time to actually try u pro-
portant. Our "money project" is moral, honest ject yourself. If you're not satisfied just return
and downright enjoyable. And. it's IOOC? your
own. It doesn't involve working for anvone else. it. We'll send you a full refund within three working
days — no nonsense - no excuses — no hassles.
1 explained the project to my mother in Akron. If you're still skeptical feel free to post date your
Ohio. She was 71 years old and lived bv herself check 45 days. That way it's not cashable fora month
in an apartment on W. Market St. But within and a half. I'll send your Guide right away. Read
the first 90 days she made over S3.000.00. AH by everything. Try a pro]cct. Again, if you're not
satisfied, return the materials and I'll return your
As our curiosity grew, we discovered a v ariety ot original UNCASHFD check. This way there is
other people making money but with somewhat absolutely no risk to vou!
different projects . ..
I talked with an Ohio housewife who's been Our offices are located on Temple Road in
earning thousands of dollars for over six years.
• She provides a needed service to her neighbor-
HOW TO START Dunkirk. N.Y We belong to the Dunkirk
Chamber of Commerce and our telephone
number is 716-366-8300. We're there from
• No one comes to her home - nor does she go This isn't a "get rich quick" scheme. These 9 am - 5 pm weekdays. Our bank reference
to anyone else's. money projects will require time and effort on is Liberty National Bank and Trust Co..
• She uses only her telephone, a spiral notebook your pan. Dunkirk." N.Y. 14048.
and a small filing box. But you won't need "money" to begin. Most of
• She makes up to S 100.00 per week, spare time. the projects can be started on less than S25.00...
• Her service requires no technical skill of any many on less than SI0.00.
kind. Some states require a simple license. You won't need a car... in a few cases it would Erncsi Wccr.Cbscr
• Mary works for no one else. She does no selling be helpful, but not necessary. c o The Cirecn Tree Press In-.
You won't need youth. Maturity and experience 10576 lemplc Road. IX-pi 439
whatsoever. Most of herclients call her at home. Dunkirk. New >ork 1404*
• Herservice is so sim pie that almost anyone could arc excellent assets. Send me m> euaraniced cop-, of \ o u r M.irtcr uuide
stan the same project in just 9 days! You won't need an "office". Just one comer of er.ntlcd THE SliOOO.00 HOI SK\MFK lor j >.i>.
a spare room is usually sufficient. nionlhlrijlpsnod li ji.iriv [micduriniMhjiM\month
A v» oman in Pennsylvania uses a similar project Best of all. you won't have to wait. Most of period I jm no; satisfied. l m a > r e t u r n i ; ^ omilNcnJ
to make up to 5300.00 per week —all in cash —all these projects can be started in just 9 days! me j (uii refund ol the purchase price minin ihrcc
earned at home. We've put everything . . . everv secret . . . in a working da}s... no dcla\ s A No. 1 ma> poM d.ne mv
simple Guide. It's entitled THE SIZOOO HOUSE- check 45 da>s !rom now II I return the materials
An Oregon husband-wife team started the same vLiihin 45 davs vou uill relurn m> original check -
project we did. In a recent letter they reported WIFE. uncashrd. On ihai basis I am enclosing 59.95
D Check or Mone\ Order enclosed
O Charce to Visa or Master Charge (please include
\our account number and expiration dalel
Acci.= _ L \pircs_
All data presented here are supported by correspondence and bank records on file. All the
money projects described are independent They do not involve you in any commercial "work-at-
home" schemes or businesses in which you must deal in any way with a parent company. z,P
AH money you may receive wil be your own. FOH F..XTRA FASTSHIVK t > O t M\1 ORDF.R BV
Yoursatisfaction with our Guide is absolutely guaranteed oryour money wiH be promptly refunded. PHOM-..JI STC M1.716-3M-HMK)\MTH MM R V 1 S V
OR M4STKM C H A R G E \(CO1 NT M M B r H .
Green Tree Press, Inc.

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