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Why do people go on diet?

People go on diet because of many reasons. Some people feel that their body gaining
weight, so they go on diet to have nice figure. Some people go on diet to be healthy . In this way
they avoid meat, or certain fats or food to stay healthy. A correct diet may help us to a nice body
and fit. But too much diet may also cause health problems and is not good for our health. It will
cause vitamin/nutrions deficieney too.

Nowadays almost every woman is very concern of being fat or gaining weight. They search
and try all kinds of supplements or medicine too, hust to get rid of the fats in their body. They want
to have a very slim body and beautiful figure, too.

Some people also do diet because of certain disease or sickness they have. They must
follow certain instructions on proteins diet, fats diet or salt diet. This depends on the sickness or
precautions the doctor gives them. To conclude, diets are good if we follow the instructions or to
diet on a purpose with a proper way and not to cut our meals time.

1. Paul Jaminet, Shou-Ching Jaminet. 2012. Perfect Health Diet. Download from, 01 december 2017.
2. Brad Schoenfeld. 2004. Look great naked diet. Download from
=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjU67egiOnXAhWLOo8KHRa1Bb84ChDoAQgkMAA#v= ,
01 december 2017

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