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BIM Handbook 3rd Edition

Rafael Sacks Chuck Eastman Ghang Lee Paul Teicholz

Case Study Synopsis

Medina Airport
Ahmet Çıtıpıtıoğlu, Ph.D., P.E.
Daniel Kazado, MSME

Established through the public-private

partnership (PPP) model, Prince Mohammad
Bin Abdulaziz International Airport in Medina
is the first airport privatization in Saudi
Arabia. It is the main entry point for visitors
to the Kaaba and those arriving on
pilgrimage to the two Holy Cities of the
Islamic World.
Developing the BIM models and integration
with FM systems required a collaborative
effort with several different contributors
dispersed around the world. The use of a
web based project management platform for
coherent communication and cloud base file
sharing for keeping all stakeholders on track
with update information was essential to the The key principles of the architectural design
success of this effort. are integration with existing airport facilities, a
simple, coherent layout with well-defined
routes for passenger circulation, safety and
security, as well as operational efficiency,
flexibility, adaptability and expansion potential.
The design and construction of the new
terminal and airside infrastructure were
completed during July, 2012 - February, 2015.

The BIM-FM platform developed combines all

design and construction information and
integrates with Facilities Management (FM)
workflow and systems that will be actively used
during the life time of the facility

Medina Airport aerial view above,

mechanical systems in BIM model below.
© 2017 Rafael Sacks, Chuck Eastman, Ghang Lee, Paul Teicholz

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