An Iterative Finite Difference Scheme For Buckling of Graphene Beam Subject To Axial Compressive Load

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2014 Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering (MECBME)

February 17-20, 2014, Hilton Hotel, Doha, Qatar

An Iterative Finite Difference Scheme for Buckling of

Graphene Beam Subject to Axial Compressive Load

Mohamed B. Elgindi1 , Dongming Wei2

Mohammed A. Ghazy3∗†‡§

Abstract mathematically implementing these models into dif-

ferent applications arose. These properties necessitate
In this paper buckling loads and modes of an Eu- some challenges when solving mathematical models of
ler beam made of graphene are considered. An eigen- a graphene structural element under different loading
value problem is formulated with an additional param- conditions [13]. In this sense this work helps in quanti-
eter representing material’s elastoplasticity. Analytical tatively study the mechanical properties of graphene.
approximate solution using the perturbation method is In this paper the eigenvalue problem related to the
presented. This approximate solution is used as a ba- buckling of a graphene beam subject to axial compres-
sis for an iterative finite difference scheme to develop a sive force will be solved numerically for the deflections
more accurate solution. Deflection at points along the and the buckling loads. In the second section an ap-
beam are calculated using this iterative finite difference proximate analytical solution will be introduced using
scheme. Convergence with good accuracy is achieved. the perturbation method. In the third section the ap-
proximate analytical solution will be used as a basis for
an iterative finite difference numerical scheme. Conclu-
1. INTRODUCTION sions are drawn in the fourth section.

Graphene material has unique properties for poten- 2. SIMPLY SUPPORTED ELASTIC
tial applications in engineering, industry, and biomed-
ical fields [1-6]. Experiments on a single, of atomic
thickness, graphene layer showed that graphene is the
Figure 1 shows a simply supported elastic beam
strongest, stiffest, and toughest material [7]. One of its
with length L and an axial compressive load P. If I and
properties is the nonlinear stress strain relation which
E are the moment of inertia and Young’e modulus of
leads to different buckling or failure behavior when ma-
the beam’s material, the equilibrium differential equa-
terials or products made of graphene are under loading
tion can be written as
conditions. Thus, research focus on quantitatively pre-
dicting geometrical and mechanical properties of prod-
ucts made from graphene, and more importantly pre- EIv′′′′ + Pv′′ = 0 (1.a)
dicting failure of such materials, is required. 0<x<L (1.b)
Modeling the mechanical properties of graphene
was emphasized in the literature [2-12]. One of these where v is the deflection at a distance x measured along
models is deformable tension-shear model (DTS) de- the longitudinal axis of the beam. We notice that at the
veloped by Yilun Liu et al to express the mechani- two boundary points both the deflection and the bending
cal properties of graphene papers [6]. Sound model moment vanish. Thus,
should represent the microstructue of graphene and
matches the experimental data. Then, the problem of
∗1 Professor,
v(0) = v′′ (0) = 0, v(L) = v′′ (L) = 0 (1.c)
Texas A & M University-Qatar
†2 Professor, University of New Orleans Integrating (1.a) twice and using the boundary condi-
‡3 Associate Post Doctor, Texas A & M University at Qata, tions yields,
§3 Assistant Professor, Department of Engineering Mathematics
and Physics, Alexandria University, Egypt. v′′ + λ0 v = 0, λ0 = . (2)

978-1-4799-4799-7/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 79

2 |D|I3
where α = PL EI2 , λ = EI2 L and I2 , I3 are the second and
third moments of the beam’s cross-sectional area re-
spectively , with boundary conditions

w(0) = w′′ (0) = 0, w(1) = w′′ (1) = 0 (6.b)

Integrating (6.a) twice and using the boundary condi-

tions one obtains

Figure 1. Simply Supported Elastic Beam un- w′′ − α (|w′′ |w′′ ) + λ w = 0 (7.a)
der Compressive Axial Load

w(0) = w(1) = 0 (7.b)

The general solution of (2) takes the form
To solve (7.a) for the eigen-pairs (λ ,w) a feasible way is
(√ ) (√ ) to build on the solution of (1.a), in case of a small α , to
v(x) = Acos λ0 x + Bsin λ0 x , (3) analytically continue (3) using an asymptotic expansion
of w and λ in terms of α . To this end we write
where A and B are arbitrary constants. Using the bound-
ary conditions in (1.c), the deflection and the corre- w(z; α ) = wi (z)α i , λ (α ) = λi α i (8)
sponding buckling load take the forms
where i = 0, 1, 2, ... is a summation index. Substituting
(8) into (7.a)-(7.b) and equating coefficients of powers
( nπ ) ( nπ )2
of α yields for α 0
vn (x) = sin x , Pn = EI, n = 1, 2, 3... (4)
w′′0 + λ w0 = 0 (9.a)
n = 1 gives the first nontrivial solution known as the first
buckling mode and its corresponding load known as the w0 (0) = w0 (1) = 0 (9.b)
( )2
critical buckling load Pcrit = πL EI.
whose solution is the same as that for the Euler elastic
beam given by (3). For α 1 , we have
3. Buckling of Graphene Beam
w′′1 + λ0 w1 = −w′′2
0 − λ1 w 0 (10.a)
The previous section uses the stress-strain relation
given by Hook’e law σ = E εx and assumes that during w1 (0) = w1 (1) = 0 (10.b)
deformation the cross section of the beam remains per-
pendicular to its axis. Using atomic force microscope and for α 2, we have
(AFM), it is noticed that deflection due to applied force
of graphene materials obeys a nonlinear stress strain re-
w′′2 + λ0 w2 = −2w′′0 w′′1 − λ1 w1 − λ2 w0 (11.a)
lation [5,10-11]
w2 (0) = w2 (1) = 0 (11.b)
σ = E εx + D|εx |εx (5.a)
Solution of (9.a)-(9.b) is the unperturbed solution given
where by
D=− (5.b)
λ0 = π 2 , w0 (z) = sin(π z) (12)
is a negative elastic modulus and σmax is the maximum
or failure stress of graphene. (5.b) can be derived by Substituting (12) into (10.a) and using the bound-
setting ddσε = 0 giving the strain value ε = − 2DE
. When ary conditions one obtains
substituting this value in (5.a) it gives the unique value
of the stress σmax . 2π 2 4π π2 π2
Using (5.a) and introducing new dimensionless w1 = (1−2z)cos(π z)+ sin(π z)− cos(2π z)−
3 3 6 2
variables z = Lx , w = Lv the equilibrium equation of the (13.a)
graphene beam can be written as [13] provided that
8π 3
w′′′′ − α (|w′′ |w′′ )′′ + λ w′′ = 0 (6.a) λ1 = − (13.b)

Substituting (12), (13.a), and (13.b) into (8) one obtains
a two terms perturbation solution

w = w0 + α w1 + O(α 2 ), λ = λ0 + αλ1 + O(α 2 ) (14)

If the amplitude of the unperturbed solution w0 is taken

as unity, it is noteworthy that max|w1 | = 0.8989 and the
second term in the expansion in (8) has the amplitude
0.8989α . Thus, for sufficiently small α the expansion
in (8) converges.

4. Numerical Solution

In this section a finite difference scheme will be

introduced to solve (7.a)-(7.b). The domain z ∈ [0, 1]
will be discretized into m intervals of size h = m1 giving Figure 2. Finite Difference Solution of Euler
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mated using the central differencing as 0, 0.04, 0.08, 0.12.

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