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Tropical Medicine and International Health doi:10.1111/j.1365-3156.2012.03093.

volume 17 no 12 pp 1492–1505 december 2012

Non-specific effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles

vaccinations? An analysis of surveillance data from Navrongo,
Paul Welaga1, Jens Nielsen2, Martin Adjuik1, Cornelius Debpuur1, David A. Ross3, Henrik Ravn2,
Christine S. Benn2 and Peter Aaby4

1 Navrongo Health Research Centre, Navrongo, Ghana

2 Bandim Health Project, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark
3 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK
4 Bandim Health Project, Indepth Network, Bissau, Guinea-Bissau

Abstract objectives Studies from low-income countries have suggested that routine vaccinations may have non-
specific effects on child mortality; measles vaccine (MV) is associated with lower mortality and
diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) with relatively higher mortality. We used data from Navrongo,
Ghana, to examine the impact of vaccinations on child mortality.
methods Vaccination status was assessed at the initiation of a trial of vitamin A supplementation and
after 12 and 24 months of follow-up. Within the placebo group, we compared the mortality over the first
4 months and the full 2 years of follow-up for different vaccination status groups with different like-
lihoods of additional vaccinations during follow-up. The frequency of additional vaccinations was
assessed among children whose vaccination card was seen at 12 and 24 months of follow-up.
results Among children with a vaccination card, more than 75% received missing DTP or MV during
the first 12 months of follow-up, whereas only 25% received these vaccines among children with no
vaccination card at enrolment. Children without a card at enrolment had a significant threefold
higher mortality over the 2-year follow-up period than those fully vaccinated. The small group of
children with DTP3-4 but no MV at enrolment had lower mortality than children without a card and
had the same mortality as fully vaccinated children. In contrast, children with 1–2 DTP doses but no MV
had a higher mortality during the first 4 months than children without a card [MRR = 1.65 (0.95,
2.87)]; compared with the fully vaccinated children, they had significantly higher mortality after
4 months [MRR = 2.38 (1.07, 5.30)] and after 2 years [MRR = 2.41 (1.41, 4.15)]. Children with 0–2
DTP doses at enrolment had higher mortality after 4 months (MRR = 1.67 (0.82, 3.43) and after 2 years
[MRR = 1.85 (1.16, 2.95)] than children who had all three doses of DTP at enrolment.
conclusions As hypothesised, DTP vaccination was associated with higher child mortality than
measles vaccination. To optimise vaccination policies, routine vaccinations need to be evaluated in
randomised trials measuring the impact on survival.

keywords non-specific effects, vaccines, measles, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis, mortality

2003b). Such NSE are presumably owing to modulation of

the immune system. The experience with HTMV suggested
Routine childhood vaccinations may have non-specific that NSE could have major effects on child survival. This
effects (NSE) on morbidity and mortality in low-income finding made us investigate whether other vaccines could
countries with a high burden of infectious diseases (Aaby have NSE.
et al. 1995, 2003b; Kristensen et al. 2000). The best Using a landmark approach to survival analysis (Aaby
known example is the studies of high-titre measles vaccine et al. 2007; Jensen et al. 2007), studies showed that the
(HTMV), which was associated with twofold higher common vaccinations used in infancy had differential
mortality for girls than the standard measles vaccine (MV). NSEs; BCG (Roth et al. 2006a,b) and MV were associated
HTMV was fully protective against measles infection, and with lower subsequent mortality (Aaby et al. 1995) and
the effect was therefore a non-specific effect (Aaby et al. diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) with relatively higher

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Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 17 no 12 pp 1492–1505 december 2012

P. Welaga et al. Non-specific effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles vaccinations

subsequent mortality (Kristensen et al. 2000; Aaby et al. tion visits was not updated. Comparing information from
2004a,b; Veirum et al. 2005). These results have been rounds 1 and 4 for the same children, there were minor
controversial because they question basic assumptions of inconsistencies (Appendix).
the current vaccination programme and suggest that
changes in the programme might be needed (Fine & Smith
Follow-up and verbal autopsies
More data sets from other countries are therefore needed All children in the study were visited every 4 months.
to assess the magnitude of NSE and whether different Deaths were identified through these visits and indepen-
routine vaccinations have different NSE. Surprisingly, few dently by key informants based in the community. With the
longitudinal studies in low-income countries have collected intensive follow-up and the need to report, the status of all
routine information on vaccinations. The Ghana vitamin A children in the study it is unlikely that deaths were missed.
supplementation trial (Ghana VAST)’s Survival Study in The verbal autopsy procedure for all deaths makes it
Kassena-Nankana District, Ghana, in 1989–1991 assessed unlikely that surviving children were erroneously classified
vaccination status at the initiation of the trial. Previously, as dead. The follow-up procedures were independent of the
we have demonstrated that the impact of vitamin A vaccination status of the child.
supplementation (VAS) may be modified by interaction When a child had died an attempt was made to complete
with vaccines (Benn et al. 2009). In the present analysis, we a verbal autopsy questionnaire with the mother ⁄ guardian
have focused on the impact of vaccines on child mortality to ascertain the circumstances of the death and the
among children who received placebo to study the impact symptoms associated with the final illness. No information
of vaccines in the absence of VAS. on vaccines was collected. Questionnaires were read and
classified by two physicians (DAR, Fred Binka). If any of
the physicians classified a death as because of measles
Methods and subjects infection, the death has been classified as measles in the
Ghana VAST Survival Study present analysis.

VAST was conducted between 1989 and 1991 (Ghana

VAST Study Team 1993; Binka et al. 1995; Ross et al. Background factors and nutritional status
1995; Benn et al. 2009). The details of this cluster Information on a number of socio-economic (SES) and
randomised trial of vitamin A supplementation (VAS) have demographical background factors, feeding mode, vacci-
been described in the previous publications and the nation history, recent and past morbidity and anthropom-
Appendix. Dosing was every 4th month. Over the 2 years, etry were collected at the beginning of the study. Weight
21 906 children were enrolled in the trial by receiving at and arm circumference (MUAC) was assessed in the same
least one dose of either VAS or placebo, 13 462 being rounds as vaccination information. We calculated weight-
enrolled in Round 1. VAS was associated with a 19% for-age (WAZ) and MUAC z-scores using the WHO
(95%CI 2–32%) reduction in mortality. standards (
We used a z-score cut-off of < )2 in analyses controlling
for malnutrition.
Information on vaccinations
Vaccination information was collected systematically for
Analysis of vaccinations
the children enrolled in Round 1. One year and 2 years
later, in Rounds 4 and 7, vaccination information was Information from Rounds 1, 4 and 7 was used to calculate
collected again. Owing to an archiving error, dates of the proportion of children who received vaccinations in the
measles vaccination from Round 7 were not saved in the years following enrolment. This proportion was estimated
stored data files. The present analysis has been restricted to among children whose health card had been seen at
children enrolled in Round 1 for whom there was follow- enrolment and again 1 year or 2 years later, that is, among
up for the whole 2-year period; we only included children surviving children. The incidence of vaccination was very
who had received placebo since this group would not be high in the first months after enrolment, because of a major
subject to vaccine ⁄ vitamin A interactions. intensification of the vaccination programme before and
Data on vaccinations were collected de novo each time immediately after 1990, the year when the Expanded
without taking previous information into consideration Programme on Immunisation had targeted achieving 80%
and only for children being alive at the visit. Thus, the coverage of vaccination globally (Kim-Farley 1992).
vaccination status of children who died between vaccina- Therefore, a certain vaccination status in Round 1 or

ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1493

Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 17 no 12 pp 1492–1505 december 2012

P. Welaga et al. Non-specific effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles vaccinations

Round 4 not only reflected which vaccines the child had of vaccine status because children who survive have better
already received, but also which vaccines they were likely information than dead children because health cards for
to receive in the coming months. Hence, any vaccination dead children were often not available for vaccination
effects on mortality are likely to be a product of both information to be updated. This makes vaccine informa-
vaccination status at enrolment and the vaccines likely to tion for the dead children incomplete making vaccination
be received during follow-up. We have particularly focused to be automatically associated with a strong beneficial
on the impact on survival in the first 4 months when the effect.
information on immunisation status would be most valid.
However, we have also reported the mortality effect for the
full 2 years duration of the trial. For the present analyses,
children who had no health card at Round 1 have been Study population
assumed to be ‘unvaccinated’.
A total of 6882 children were enrolled in the placebo group
We have emphasised two aspects of vaccination status:
in Round 1; 49% had a health card seen, 13% were said to
first, children who had not yet received MV were likely to
have a card but it was not seen, 37% did not have a card,
receive MV during follow-up; second, children who had
and 0.4% had no information recorded on their health
not received all doses of DTP were likely to receive
card status. The present analysis is restricted to children
additional doses of DTP during follow-up. We have
whose card was seen (3397) or who had no card (2577).
therefore distinguished between children who had received
Within the first 4 months 91 (1.5%) of these children died
0–2 doses (DTP0-2) or 3 or more doses of DTP (DTP3-4)
and over the 2 years of the trial, 274 (4.6%) children died;
at enrolment. As indicated in Table 2, vaccination status at
51 ⁄ 274 (19%) were because of measles and the two
enrolment was categorised into 6 groups.
physicians agreed on 47 of 51 diagnoses of measles.

Statistical analyses
Vaccination coverage
Comparisons of background factors for children with and
without a health card were carried out using logistic Fewer than 50% of the children had received BCG, DTP
regression, linear regression or nonparametric tests. For the and MV (Table 1). For those with a health card seen,
assessment of the risk of dying within 4 months or 2 years, however, the coverage continued to increase until around
the period at risk was defined as the time period between 24 months of age. Most children had received their routine
the enrolment date and either the date the child died or was vaccinations out-of-sequence; 76% had received BCG and
censored or 4 months ⁄ 2 years later, whatever came first. DTP simultaneously, and 86% (1771 ⁄ 2057) of those who
The survival data were analysed in Cox-proportional had received both MV and DTP had received MV and
hazards models with age as the underlying time and DTP simultaneously or at least one DTP after MV.
reported as mortality rate ratios (MMRs) with 95% Among children aged 3 years or older at enrolment,
confidence interval (CI). We also analysed the data using subsequent vaccination intensity was limited. In the
time since visit as the timescale in a Cox model and following analysis, we have therefore focused on children
controlled for age as a categorised variable (6–11, 12–23 under 3 years of age in the placebo group (N = 3082;
and 24–35 months). The results are essentially the same as Figure 1).
in the Cox model using age as the timescale (see Appendix).
Cox-proportional hazard assumptions were tested and
Vaccinations during follow-up
were not violated. Background factors associated with a
P < 0.10 were included in the final model using backward The vaccination intensity in the first 4 months after
selection. The study area was divided into four geograph- enrolment was high for children with a health card
ical Zones: North, South, East and West. As the WAZ (Table 2). During the first 4 months, 50% (408 ⁄ 817)
score was better for children who did not have a vaccina- received additional doses of DTP if they had a vaccination
tion card – possibly due to less accurate age assessment (see card but had not received DTP3 at enrolment (Table 2,
Appendix) – we also controlled for WAZ in all analyses. Group 2, 3 and 5); 76% (621 ⁄ 817) received DTP within
Data were analysed in Stata 11. 12 months. Among children who had not had MV at
To minimise the effect of survival bias, we used a enrolment, 50% (276 ⁄ 549) received this vaccine during the
landmark approach with vaccinations status at enrolment next 4 months (Table 2, Group 2, 3 and 4); 79%
being a fixed time variable during follow-up (Jensen et al. (431 ⁄ 549) received MV within 12 months. In contrast,
2007). Survival bias leads to differential misclassification children who had received DTP3-4 before enrolment

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Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 17 no 12 pp 1492–1505 december 2012

P. Welaga et al. Non-specific effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles vaccinations

Table 1 Vaccination coverage at enrolment into the trial according to age in the placebo group

Coverage of vaccines

Vaccine All children with card Coverage by age among children with a health card n (%)

5–11 months 12–17 months 18–23 months 24–35 months 36+ months
5974 3397 N = 358 N = 484 N = 409 N = 738 N = 1408
All n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)

BCG 2639 (44) 2639 (78) 305 (85) 409 (85) 353 (86) 589 (80) 983 (70)
BCG with DTP* 2003 (76)* 258 (85) 341 (83) 291 (82) 466 (79) 647 (66)
Any DTP 2795 (47) 2795 (82) 308 (86) 436 (90) 368 (90) 636 (86) 1047 (74)
DTP3 ⁄ DTP4 1503 (25) 1503 (44) 87 (24) 183 (38) 191 (47) 378 (51) 664 (47)
Any OPV 2781 (47) 2781 (82) 312 (87) 424 (88) 369 (90) 629 (85) 1047 (74)
OPV3-5 1426 (24) 1426 (42) 80 (22) 165 (34) 180 (44) 366 (50) 635 (45)
MV 2208 (37) 2208 (65) 86 (24) 266 (55) 307 (75) 556 (75) 993 (71)
MV with DTP* 1352 (66)* 64 (76) 179 (70) 206 (69) 374 (71) 529 (60)
DTP after MV* 1096 (53)* 8 (10) 73 (28) 132 (44) 294 (55) 589 (66)

*Percentage only among children with a vaccine.

13 462 recruited in first round and vacci-

nation information collected

6580 received vitamin A 6882 received placebo

3330 were aged 6 – 35

months at enrolment

237 had health cards 1093 did not have 1989 had health 11 had no information
but were not seen health cards cards seen on health card

3082 children included

in analysis

207 deaths recorded at 2727 were alive 148 moved out of the
end of 2 years follow-up study area

Figure 1 Study population of children aged 6–35 months at enrolment into the placebo group.

(Table 2, Group 4 and 6) were unlikely to receive

Background factors
additional doses of DTP during follow-up [6% (39 ⁄ 663)].
Among children not having a health card at enrolment, The children with and without a health card were different
only 25% received at least one dose of DTP or MV during in several respects (Table 3). Controlling for age, the
the first 12 month of follow-up (Table 2, Group 1). children with a vaccination card were more likely to still be

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Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 17 no 12 pp 1492–1505 december 2012

P. Welaga et al. Non-specific effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles vaccinations

Table 2 Proportion of children receiving vaccination during follow-up, according to vaccination status at enrolment, among children
<36 months of age at enrolment into the placebo group

Age (months)
at entry n (%) % Received DTP (N) % Received MV (N)

Vaccination status at 12–23
enrolment 24–35 First 4 months First year 2 years First 4 months First year

1 No health card 265 (24.3) 18 (152 ⁄ 863) 25 (214 ⁄ 863) 24 (169 ⁄ 714) 14 (124 ⁄ 863) 25 (218 ⁄ 863)
409 (37.4)
419 (38.3)
2 Health card 48 (24.5) 59 (73 ⁄ 123) 78 (96 ⁄ 123) 81 (87 ⁄ 108) 45 (55 ⁄ 123) 77 (95 ⁄ 123)
(no DTP, no MV) 72 (36.7)
76 (38.8)
3 Health card + DTP1 ⁄ 2 182 (38.8) 57 (191 ⁄ 335) 81 (271 ⁄ 335) 83 (250 ⁄ 301) 47 (158 ⁄ 335) 78 (262 ⁄ 335)
(no MV) 201 (42.9)
86 (18.3)
4 Health card + DTP3 ⁄ 4 42 (38.5) 10 (9 ⁄ 91) 11 (10 ⁄ 91) 13 (10 ⁄ 80) 69 (63 ⁄ 91) 81 (74 ⁄ 91)
(no MV) 47 (43.1)
20 (18.4)
5 Health card + MV 41 (8.5) 40 (144 ⁄ 359)* 71 (254 ⁄ 359)* 74 (233 ⁄ 315)* NA NA
and DTP0-2 246 (50.7)
198 (40.8)
6 Health card + MV 45 (6.2) 5 (30 ⁄ 572)* 6 (33 ⁄ 572)* 5 (28 ⁄ 514)* NA NA
and DTP3-4 327 (44.8)
358 (49.0)

Group 1 consisted of those with no health card and was considered ‘unvaccinated’. Groups 2–6 all had health cards at Round 1.
Group 2 had not received DTP or MV (some of these children had, however, received BCG); Group 3 had received DTP1-2 but not
MV; Group 4 had received DTP3-4, but not MV; Group 5 had received DTP1-2 and MV; and Group 6 had received DTP3-4 and MV
(fully vaccinated).
*DTP vaccinations after MV.

Table 3 Background characteristics of children with and without a health card, among children <36 months of age at enrolment into
the placebo group

Odds ratio ⁄ mean difference

by background
Health card No health card characteristics (95% CI)

N = 1989 (65%) N = 1093 (35%) N = 3082

Sex (Males ⁄ N) 49.5% (984 ⁄ 1989) 50.9% (557 ⁄ 1093) 0.94 (0.81, 1.09)
Median age (months) 20.0 [IQR 13.6; 27.5] 19.6 [IQR 12.3; 28.0] P = 0.163*
Ever breastfed 100% (1989 ⁄ 1989) 99.9% (1092 ⁄ 1093) P = 0.164*
Still breastfeeding 81.0% (1612 ⁄ 1989) 75.4% (824 ⁄ 1093) 1.40 (1.16, 1.67)
Mean arm circumference MUAC z-scores )1.47 ()1.52; )1.41) )1.40 ()1.47; )1.33) )0.07 ()0.16, )0.02)
Mean weight-for-age z-score )1.94 ()2.00; )1.88) )1.67 ()1.76; )1.58) )0.27 ()0.37, )0.16)
BCG scar 80.9% (1609 ⁄ 1988) 15.0% (164 ⁄ 1093) 24.0 (19.6, 29.5)
Ever had measles before enrolment 2.0% (39 ⁄ 1989) 1.9% (21 ⁄ 1091) 1.02 (0.58, 1.83)
Previously admitted to hospital 4.6% (92 ⁄ 1989) 2.5% (27 ⁄ 1093) 1.91 (1.23, 3.08)
Radio in compound 31.3% (622 ⁄ 1985) 18.6% (202 ⁄ 1089) 2.0 (1.67, 2.41)

IQR, Inter Quartile Range.

*Kruskal–Wallis test.

breastfed. The children with a health card had lower children without a health card having been underesti-
weight-for-age z-scores (WAZ) than children with no card. mated. Also, children with a card were more likely to have
The difference in WAZ could be due to current age of the been hospitalised, presumably indicating that communities

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Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 17 no 12 pp 1492–1505 december 2012

P. Welaga et al. Non-specific effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles vaccinations

with high coverage had better contact with health services. DTP3-4 but no MV at enrolment (Group 4) had similar
Fifteen per cent of the children without a health card had a mortality as fully vaccinated children (Group 6), and
BCG scar. These children may have lost the card or never roughly half the mortality rate compared with the children
been issued with one. without a card both after 4 months and 2 years, though
neither of these differences were statistically significant
(Table 5). Hence, missing vaccines was not per se a risk
Mortality of different vaccination groups
factor for child mortality. The prevention of measles deaths
In the first 4 months, the MRR for children with a did not appear to explain the lower mortality among the
health card compared with children without a card and measles-vaccinated children and the children with DTP3-4
adjusted for zone, WAZ and ownership of a radio was but no MV (Table 5).
0.97 (95%CI 0.61, 1.56); 1.10 (95%CI 0.56, 2.16) for In contrast, children with 1–2 doses of DTP but no MV
vaccinated girls and 0.86 (95%CI 0.44, 1.69) for vacci- at enrolment (Table 5, Group 3) had a higher overall
nated boys. Over the 2 years of follow-up, the children mortality than children without a card (Group 1) during
with a card had significantly lower mortality than children the first 4 months of follow-up [MRR = 1.65 (95%CI
without a card [MRR = 0.61 (0.46, 0.82)]. 0.95, 2.87)], with mortality being significantly higher for
Children who had received MV by enrolment had deaths that were not attributed to measles [MRR = 1.74
slightly better WAZ than children who had received at (95%CI 1.00, 3.05)]. The DTP1-2-vaccinated children
least one dose of DTP but not MV (DTP-vaccinated (Group 3) also had a twofold higher mortality rate than the
children), the RR of WAZ < )2 being 0.93 (95%CI 0.88, fully vaccinated children (Group 6) in the first 4 months
1.00) for MV children. Controlled for WAZ, over the first [MRR = 2.38 (95%CI 1.07, 5.30)] and over the 2 years
4 months, the children who were MV-vaccinated at [MRR = 2.41 (95%CI 1.41, 4.15)].
enrolment had half the mortality of the children who were Controlling for MV status (Table 6), we compared
initially only DTP-vaccinated [MRR = 0.51 (95%CI 0.27, children with missing doses of DTP (Table 5, Groups 2, 3
0.97)] (Table 4). The reduction in mortality could not be and 5) with children who had already received DTP3-4 at
explained by protection against measles deaths, as defined enrolment (Table 5, Groups 4 and 6). Those missing doses
by the verbal autopsies, since the MRR was 0.46 (95%CI of DTP tended to have higher mortality during the first
0.23, 0.89) when measles deaths were excluded from the 4 months [MRR = 1.67 (95%CI 0.82, 3.43)] and had
analysis (Table 4). significantly higher mortality over the full duration of the
As vaccination status group at enrolment influenced the study [(MRR = 1.85 (95%CI 1.16, 2.95)] than those with
likelihood of receiving additional vaccinations during DTP3-4 at enrolment (Table 6).
follow-up (Table 2), we also assessed the relative mortality
of these different vaccination status groups (Table 5). Fully
vaccinated children (Group 6) had lower mortality than
children without a card (Group 1), and this effect was The data from Navrongo provided several indications that
significant for the 2-year follow-up period [MRR = 0.37 vaccines may have important NSE on child survival. The
(95%CI 0.23, 0.62)]. The small group of children with children who had received MV at enrolment had twofold

Table 4 Mortality rate ratio during the first 4 months of follow-up for children with MV at enrolment vs. children with DTP without MV
at enrolment among children aged 6–35 months at enrolment into the placebo group

MR per 1000 years (Deaths ⁄ person-years) [children enrolled] {measles deaths}

Vaccination status
at enrolment Boys Girls All

MV at enrolment 33 (7 ⁄ 209) [593] {1} 45 (10 ⁄ 220) [622] {1} 40 (17 ⁄ 429) [1215] {2}
(Table 2, Group 5 and 6)
DTP (No MV at enrolment) 127 (13 ⁄ 102) [289] 139 (14 ⁄ 101) [289] 133 (27 ⁄ 203) [578]
(Table 2, Group 3 and 4)
MRR MV ⁄ DTP 0.50 (0.19, 1.31) 0.52 (0.22, 1.23) 0.51 (0.29, 0.97)
(No MV at enrolment)*
MRR* (measles deaths excluded) 0.44 (0.16, 1.22) 0.48 (0.20, 1.16) 0.46 (0.23, 0.89)

MRR, Mortality Rate Ratio.

*Adjusted for age, zone, weight-for-age and ownership of radio.

ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1497

Table 5 Mortality rate (MR) per 1000 person-years (pyrs) and mortality rate ratio (MRR) for vaccinated compared with unvaccinated children, among children <36 months
by enrolment into the placebo group

Within 4-month follow-up Within 24-month follow-up:

MRR* (95% CI) MRR* (95% CI)

Median MR per Unadjusted (Vaccinated ⁄ Unadjusted (Vaccinated ⁄ No
Tropical Medicine and International Health

weight-for-age 1000 years MRR (95% CI) No heath card) MR per 1000 years MRR (95% CI) health card)
Group: Vaccination z-score at (deaths ⁄ pyrs) {MRR – without {MRR – without (deaths ⁄ pyrs) {MRR – without {MRR – without
status at enrolment N enrolment {measles deaths} measles deaths) measles deaths} {measles deaths} measles deaths) measles deaths}

1. No card 1093 )1.7 [)2.6; )0.8] 80 (31 ⁄ 389) {2} 1.0 (Reference) 1.0 (Reference) 51 (101 ⁄ 1998) {23} 1.0 (Reference) 1.0 (Reference)
2. Health card: 196 )1.9 [)2.9; )1.0] 58 (4 ⁄ 69) 0.72 (0.25, 2.05) 0.69 (0.24, 1.97) 30 (11 ⁄ 370) {2} 0.59 (0.32, 1.10) 0.55 (0.29, 1.02)
noDTP, noMV {0.77 (0.27, 2.19)} {0.75 (0.26, 2.13)} {0.63 {0.59 (0.29, 1.17)}
(0.31, 1.25)}
3. DTP1-2, no MV 469 )2.0 [)3.0; )1.2] 152 (25 ⁄ 164) 1.90 (1.12, 3.22) 1.65 (0.95, 2.87) 54 (46 ⁄ 854) {6} 1.07 (0.75, 1.51) 0.90 (0.63, 1.30)
{2.03 (1.19, 3.47)} {1.74 (1.00, 3.05)} {1.19 {1.03 (0.69, 1.52)}
(0.82, 1.75)}
4. DTP3-4, no MV 109 )1.8 [)3.0; )1.2] 52 (2 ⁄ 38) 0.66 (0.16, 2.74) 0.57 (0.13, 2.42) 24 (5 ⁄ 207) {1} 0.48 (0.20, 1.19) 0.44 (0.18, 1.08)
{0.70 (0.17, 2.94)} {0.61 (0.14, 2.61)} {0.50 {0.46 (0.17, 1.28)}
(0.18, 1.36)}
5. MV, DTP0-2 485 )1.9 [)2.8; )1.1] 47 (8 ⁄ 171){2} 0.58 (0.27, 1.27) 0.80 (0.36, 1.78) 26 (24 ⁄ 923) {3} 0.52 (0.33, 0.81) 0.62 (0.39, 0.97)
{0.47 (0.19, 1.23)} {0.66 (0.27, 1.61)} {0.58 {0.75 (0.46, 1.23)}
(0.36, 0.94)}
6. MV, DTP3-4 730 )1.8 [)2.6; )1.0] 35 (9 ⁄ 257) 0.44 (0.21, 0.92) 0.70 (0.32, 1.53) 14 (20 ⁄ 1408) 0.28 (0.18, 0.46) 0.37 (0.23, 0.62)
{0.47 (0.22, 0.98)} {0.76 (0.34, 1.69)} {0.36 {0.51 (0.30, 0.85)}
(0.22, 0.60)}
P. Welaga et al. Non-specific effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles vaccinations

Total 3082 )1.8 [)2.7; )1.0] 73 (79 ⁄ 1090){4} 36 (207 ⁄ 5760){35}

*Adjusted for age, zone, weight-for-age and ownership of radio (N = 3082).

ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

volume 17 no 12 pp 1492–1505 december 2012
Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 17 no 12 pp 1492–1505 december 2012

P. Welaga et al. Non-specific effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles vaccinations

Table 6 Mortality during follow-up according to number of doses of DTP received before enrolment, among children aged 6-35 months
who had a health card at enrolment into the placebo group

No MV at enrolment Had received MV at enrolment

(Table 2, Group 2, 3 and 4) (Table 2, Group 5 and 6) MR
Number of doses of MR per 1000 (Deaths ⁄ pyrs) per 1000 (Deaths ⁄ pyrs)
DTP at enrolment [children enrolled] {measles deaths} [children enrolled] {measles deaths}

4 months of follow-up
DTP0-2 124 (29 ⁄ 234) [665] {0} 47 (8 ⁄ 171) [485] {2}
DTP3-4 53 (2 ⁄ 38) [109] 35 (9 ⁄ 257) [730]
MRR (DTP0-2 ⁄ DTP3-4)* 2.29 (0.53, 9.78) 1.08 (0.38, 3.06)
[without measles deaths] [2.29 (0.53, 9.78)] [0.88 (0.30, 2.59)]
MRR (DTP0-2 ⁄ DTP3-4)* 1.67 (0.82, 3.43)
[without measles deaths] [1.60 (0.78, 3.28)]

24 months of follow-up
DTP0-2 47 (57 ⁄ 1224) [665] {8} 26 (24 ⁄ 923) [485] {3}
DTP3-4 24 (5 ⁄ 207) [109] {1} 14 (20 ⁄ 1408) [730]
MRR (DTP0-2 ⁄ DTP3-4)* 1.89 (0.75, 4.77) 1.70 (0.91, 3.17)
[without measles deaths] [1.93 (0.69, 5.41] [1.53 (0.81, 2.90]
MRR (DTP0-2 ⁄ DTP3-4)* 1.85 (1.16, 2.95)
[without measles deaths] [1.68 (1.03, 2.73)]

*Adjusted for age, zone, weight-for-age and ownership of radio and MV status at enrolment.

lower mortality than children who had received only relevant for assessing the impact of the primary series of
DTP and this difference was not explained by the DTP vaccinations administered before 9 months of age.
prevention of measles deaths. Furthermore, adjusted for Second, in Navrongo a large part of the population
MV vaccination status at enrolment, those with incomplete remained unvaccinated at that time, and therefore, it
doses of DTP had higher mortality than the children was possible to compare vaccinated with unvaccinated
who had already received DTP3 before enrolment. These children over a wide age range; the unvaccinated chil-
trends are consistent with observations made in several dren were not merely a small particularly frail subgroup,
other studies from Africa (Aaby et al. 1995, 2006a,b,c; which had been too weak to get vaccinated. Third, in
Kristensen et al. 2000). other studies, we have analysed the impact of a vaccine,
while it was presumed to be the latest vaccine received
(Aaby et al. 2004b,c, 2006a,b,c; Veirum et al. 2005).
Strengths and weaknesses
This was not possible in this study because the time interval
This was an observational study of the effects of vaccina- for collection of vaccination data was too long. Hence,
tion. Misclassification of vaccination status did occur. A vaccinations were evaluated as risk factors for mortality
small proportion of vaccinated children were probably taking into consideration the initial vaccination status and
wrongly classified as unvaccinated. Information on vacci- whether additional vaccines may have been given during
nation dates may also have been missed or noted wrongly follow-up.
for a few of the children. Assuming these misclassifications It could be speculated that the increased mortality
to be random, such errors should tend to make the associated with DTP merely represented poor social
estimated differences more conservative. conditions, disorganised parenting, differential ascertain-
The Navrongo data set is special in several ways. First, ment of vaccinations or differential access to the EPI
the study only included children older than 6 months and programme. However, the DTP-vaccinated children would
there was very little follow-up time and only three deaths have had better families or more compliant parents than
before 9 months of age when BCG and DTP will usually the unvaccinated children. Nonetheless, the DTP-
have their strongest NSE. Hence, the DTP vaccines vaccinated children had higher mortality than the unvac-
administered in the present study were likely to have been cinated children. The late 1980s when these data were
given out-of-sequence, that is, DTP co-administered with collected was the introduction period for the EPI
MV or DTP given after MV. The study is therefore less programme, and many vaccines were given in campaigns

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Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 17 no 12 pp 1492–1505 december 2012

P. Welaga et al. Non-specific effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles vaccinations

and out-of-sequence. The process of who got vaccinated NSE of vaccines should be interpreted with caution.
when are likely to have been much more random depend- Furthermore, selection biases may have explained some
ing on when there was a drive to organise vaccinations; for of the mortality differentials, but are unlikely to explain
example, the incidence of vaccinations was very high just all of them because the mortality effect of different
after the initiation of the trial. vaccines went in opposite directions. Specifically, the
Navrongo data set documented similar differential
effects of DTP and MV as have been reported in several
Interpretation: differential mortality impact of DTP and
previous studies (Velema et al. 1991 Aaby et al. 1995,
MV vaccinations
2002, 2006c, 2012; Veirum et al. 2005).
Compared with children who were MV-vaccinated at Following studies suggesting a possible negative effect
enrolment, the DTP-vaccinated but MV-unvaccinated of DTP on survival (Aaby et al. 1995; Kristensen et al.
children had twofold higher mortality. Using vaccination 2000), several WHO-sponsored studies from Africa
status as a predictor of subsequent vaccinations we found (Nyarko et al. 2001; Vaugelade et al. 2004; Elguero
that the DTP0-2-vaccinated children had the highest et al. 2005) have argued that DTP had strong beneficial
mortality, whereas those who had already received MV effects, including a study from Navrongo based on data
and DTP3 had the lowest mortality, the difference being collected in 1996–2000 (Nyarko et al. 2001). However,
2.5-fold. these studies had survival bias, with the information on
Interestingly, the prevention of deaths attributed to vaccinations received being better for children who
measles by verbal autopsy explained little of this reduction survived (Aaby et al. 2007; Fine & Smith 2007; Jensen
in mortality. Similar observations have been made in et al. 2007) because health cards for dead children were
previous studies from Guinea-Bissau (Aaby et al. 1996b), often not inspected for vaccination information after the
Senegal (Aaby et al. 1996a) and Bangladesh (Aaby et al. death of a child. The family often destroys the card after
2003a). MV-vaccinated children had worse WAZ z-score the child’s death making vaccine status information for
than the unvaccinated children, and it seems unlikely that the dead children incomplete. With survival bias, vacci-
the beneficial effect of MV is merely owing to a positive nation will automatically be associated with a strong
selection bias. As supported by previous studies (Aaby beneficial effect.
et al. 1995), MV may have a beneficial effect which is not These data were collected 20 years ago when most
explained by the prevention of measles infection. children received vaccinations out-of-sequence and most
On the other hand, being only DTP-vaccinated at had DTP as the last vaccination, and it could be
enrolment was associated with higher mortality than the speculated whether they had any relevance in the current
rates of both unvaccinated and fully vaccinated children. situation. However, it needs to be emphasised that there
These children were likely to receive both MV and DTP are still many children getting vaccines out-of-sequence
during follow-up and usually administered simultaneously. in rural Africa, particularly in states with less well-
Previous research has suggested that children who had had organised EPI (Aaby & Benn 2009b). Furthermore, the
simultaneous administration of MV and DTP had higher problem of having DTP as the last vaccination may
subsequent mortality than children who had received MV become more common again. WHO’s SAGE (the Stra-
on its own as the most recent vaccine (Aaby & Benn tegic Advisory Group of Experts on immunisation) has
2009b). Also, in a small randomised study, girls rando- recently recommended a booster dose of pertussis vaccine
mised to receive MV and DTP simultaneously had signif- given in the second year of life (WHO 2010), which
icantly poorer growth than children randomised to receive would again make DTP the last vaccination through
MV only (Agergaard et al. 2011). In the present study, the most of childhood.
small group of DTP3-vaccinated children who were likely
to receive only MV during follow-up also had low
Differences between sexes
mortality. Control for baseline nutritional status did not
substantially reduce the mortality differences between the In most studies of NSE of vaccines, we have emphasised
various vaccination groups. The possibility that additional that they tend to differ for boys and girls (Aaby et al. 1995,
DTP vaccinations during follow-up may have had a 2002, 2004b, 2006a,c, 2007, 2012; Benn et al. 2009). The
negative effect was strengthened by the fact that children data set in this study was too small to have been able to
with incomplete DTP doses tended to have higher mortality detect anything but very large differences. There may be
than children with complete DTP doses at enrolment. other reasons that the sex-differential pattern was less clear
Given the uncertainty regarding who received additional in the present study. Firstly, because of the infrequent
vaccinations during follow-up, the Navrongo data on the collection of vaccination status data, we could not evaluate

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Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 17 no 12 pp 1492–1505 december 2012

P. Welaga et al. Non-specific effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles vaccinations

the NSE of the last known vaccine that the child received Aaby P, Bhuyia A, Nahar L, Knudsen K, Francisco A & Strong M
with certainty. During follow-up, the children may have (2003a) The survival benefit of measles immunisation may not
received different vaccines with opposite sex-differential be explained entirely by the prevention of measles disease.
effects, for example, MV after DTP or DTP after MV. International Journal of Epidemiology 32, 106–115.
Aaby P, Jensen H, Samb B et al. (2003b) Differences in female-
Secondly, the majority of children in Navrongo received a
male mortality after high-titre measles vaccine and association
live and inactivated vaccine simultaneously, that is, BCG
with subsequent vaccination with diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis
and DTP or DTP and MV together. We have previously and inactivated poliovirus: a re-analysis of the West African
reported that a combined live and inactivated vaccine may studies. Lancet 361, 2183–2188.
be better for girls than for boys (Aaby et al. 2004a, 2009a). Aaby P, Jensen H, Rodrigues A et al. (2004a) Divergent female-
male mortality ratios associated with different routine vaccina-
tions among female-male twin pairs. International Journal of
Epidemiology 33, 367–373.
The present study adds to the growing evidence that the Aaby P, Jensen H, Gomes J, Fernandes M & Lisse IM (2004b) The
impact of routine vaccinations cannot be explained merely introduction of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine and child
mortality in rural Guinea-Bissau: an observational study.
by prevention of targeted diseases or selection biases (Aaby
International Journal of Epidemiology 33, 374–380.
et al. 2007) and that DTP and MV may have different
Aaby P, Rodrigues A, Biai S et al. (2004c) Oral polio vaccination
effects for child survival (Velema et al. 1991; Kristensen and low case fatality at the paediatric ward in Bissau, Guinea-
et al. 2000; Aaby et al. 2002, 2004a, 2006a,c, 2009a, Bissau. Vaccine 22, 3014–3017.
2012; Veirum et al. 2005; Benn et al. 2009). Randomised Aaby P, Jensen H & Walraven G (2006a) Age-specific changes in
controlled trials have documented that BCG and MV have female-male mortality ratio related to the pattern of vaccina-
non-specific beneficial effects (Aaby et al. 2010, 2011; tions: an observational study from rural Gambia. Vaccine 24,
Roth et al. 2010). There is a need for others to assess the 4701–4708.
impact of routine vaccinations in further randomised trials Aaby P, Ibrahim S, Libman M & Jensen H (2006b) The sequence
measuring mortality to improve the vaccination policy of vaccinations and increased female mortality after high-titre
currently implemented in high-mortality low-income measles vaccine: trials from rural Sudan and Kinshasa. Vaccine
24, 2764–2771.
Aaby P, Vessari H & Nielsen J et al. (2006c) Non-specific and sex-
differential effects of routine immunizations in rural Malawi.
Acknowledgements The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 25, 721–727.
Aaby P, Benn CS, Nielsen J, Lisse IM, Rodrigues A & Jensen H
Funding was provided by grants from DANIDA and
(2007) Estimating the effect of DTP vaccination on mortality
European Union FP7 support for OPTIMUNISE. CB is in observational studies with incomplete vaccination data.
funded through an ERC Starting Grant. Tropical Medicine and International Health 12, 15–24.
Aaby P, Benn CS, Nielsen J & Ravn H (2009a) Sex-differential
References non-specific effects of BCG and DTP in Cebu, The Philippines.
International Journal of Epidemiology 38, 320–323.
Aaby P & Benn CS (2009b) Assessment of childhood immunisa- Aaby P, Martins CL, Garly ML et al. (2010) Non-specific effects
tion coverage? Lancet 373, 1428. of standard measles vaccine at 4.5 and 9 months of age on
Aaby P, Samb B, Simondon F, Coll Seck AM, Knudsen K & childhood mortality: randomised controlled trial. BMJ 341,
Whittle H (1995) Non-specific beneficial effect of measles c6495.
immunisation: analysis of mortality studies from developing Aaby P, Roth A, Ravn H et al. (2011) Randomised trial of BCG
countries. British Medical Journal 311, 481–485. vaccination at birth to low-birth-weight children: beneficial non-
Aaby P, Samb B, Andersen M & Simondon F (1996a) No long- specific effects in the neonatal period? The Journal of Infectious
term excess mortality after measles infection: a community Diseases 204, 245–252.
study from Senegal. American Journal of Epidemiology 143, Aaby P, Benn CS, Nielsen J, Lisse IM, Rodrigues A & Ravn H
1035–1041. (2012) Testing the hypothesis that diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis
Aaby P, Lisse I, Mølbak K, Knudsen K & Whittle H (1996b) vaccine has negative non-specific and sex-differential effects on
No persistent T lymphocyte immunosuppression or increased child survival in high-mortality countries. BMJ Open 2,
mortality after measles infection: a community study from e000707.
Guinea-Bissau. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 15, Agergaard J, Nante E, Poulstrup G et al. (2011) Diphtheria-teta-
39–44. nus-pertussis vaccine administered simultaneously with measles
Aaby P, Garly ML, Balé C, Martins C, Lisse I & Jensen H (2002) vaccine is associated with increased morbidity and poor growth
Routine vaccinations and child survival in war situation with in girls. A randomised trial from Guinea-Bissau. Vaccine 29,
high mortality: effect of gender. Vaccine 21, 15–20. 487–500.

ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1501

Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 17 no 12 pp 1492–1505 december 2012

P. Welaga et al. Non-specific effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles vaccinations

Benn CS, Aaby P, Nielsen J, Binka FN & Ross DA (2009) Does WHO (2010) Meeting of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts
vitamin A supplementation interact with routine vaccinations? on immunization, April 2010 – conclusions and recommenda-
An analysis of the Ghana vitamin A supplementation trial. The tions. Weekly Epidemiological Record 85, 197–212.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 90, 629–639.
Binka FN, Ross DA, Morris SS et al. (1995) Vitamin A supple-
mentation and childhood malaria in northern Ghana. The Appendix
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 61, 853–859. Ghana VAST Survival Study
Elguero E, Simondon F, Simondon K & Vaugelade J (2005) Non-
specific effects of vaccination on survival: a prospective study in The GhanaVAST Survival Study was conducted between
Senegal. Tropical Medicine and International Health 10, 1989 and 1991 (Ghana VAST Study Team 1993; Binka et al.
956–960. 1995; Ross et al. 1995; Benn et al. 2009). A census was
Fine PEM & Smith PG (2007) ‘Non-specific effects of vaccines’ – carried out shortly before the trial started. The study area
an important analytical insight, and a call for a workshop.
was exclusively rural and extended families lived in com-
Tropical Medicine and International Health 12, 1–4.
pounds. The area was divided in 185 clusters, which were
Ghana VAST Study Team (1993) Vitamin A supplementation in
northern Ghana: effects on clinic attendances, hospital admis-
randomised to vitamin A supplementation (VAS) or placebo
sions, and child mortality. Lancet 342, 7–12. http:// within a double-blind trial. Children aged 6–90 months of age were enrolled into an open cohort and were visited at
Jensen H, Benn CS, Nielsen J et al. (2007) Survival bias in home every 4 months by trained fieldworkers, in a total of 7
observational studies of the impact of routine vaccinations on rounds. They were dosed with vitamin A or placebo at each
childhood survival. Tropical Medicine and International Health round. Over the 2 years, 21 906 children were enrolled in
12, 5–14. the trial by receiving at least one dose of either VAS or
Kim-Farley RJ (1992) EPI for the 1990s. The Expanded Pro- placebo; 13 462 being enrolled in Round 1. Children who
gramme on Immunization Team. Vaccine 10, 940–948. moved out of the area were censored in the analysis at the
Kristensen I, Aaby P & Jensen H (2000) Routine vaccinations and
time of moving; children who moved from a cluster with one
child survival: follow up study in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa.
treatment to a cluster with the opposite treatment were
BMJ 321, 1435–1438.
Nyarko P, Pence B & Debpuur C (2001) Immunization Status and censored at the time of receiving the new treatment. Children
Child Survival in Rural Ghana. Population Council: Working who developed xerophthalmia were censored at the time of
papers No. 147, New York. diagnosis and received special intensive vitamin A treatment.
Ross DA, Kirkwood BR, Binka FN et al. (1995) Child morbidity VAS was associated with a 19% (95%CI, 2–32%) reduction
and mortality following vitamin A supplementation in Ghana: in mortality (Ghana VAST Study Team 1993).
time since dosing, number of doses and time of the year.
American Journal of Public Health 85, 1246–1251.
Roth A, Sodemann M, Jensen H et al. (2006a) Tuberculin reac- Age determination
tion, BCG scar and lower female mortality. Epidemiology 17, At enrolment, the date of birth of the child was determined
from the health card if available. Otherwise, the date of
Roth AE, Garly ML, Jensen H, Nielsen J & Aaby P (2006b) Bacille
Calmette Guerin vaccination and infant mortality. Expert
birth was assessed by means of detailed local events
Review of Vaccines 5, 277–293. calendars. If no exact date could be obtained, the date were
Roth A, Benn CB, Ravn H et al. (2010) A randomised trial of the set to day 15 of the month of birth. The date of birth may
effect of revaccination with BCG in early childhood and have been determined more precisely among children with
mortality. BMJ 340, c671. a health card. For example, in Round 1, there were more
Vaugelade J, Pinchinat S, Guielle G, Elguero E & Simondon F children who had day 15 in a month as date of birth among
(2004) Lower mortality in vaccinated children: follow up study children without a health card (3772 ⁄ 5066, 74.5%) than
in Burkina Faso. BMJ 329, 1309–1311. among those with a card (2764 ⁄ 6656, 41.5%) [Prevalence
Veirum JE, Sodemann M, Biai S et al. (2005) Diphtheria-tetanus- ratio 1.79 (1.69, 1.91)], and the month of birth was
pertussis and measles vaccinations associated with divergent
grouped close to the date of the enrolment month or
effects on female and male mortality at the paediatric ward in
6 months earlier (P = 0.003), suggesting that the children
Bissau, Guinea-Bissau. Vaccine 23, 1197–1203.
Velema JP, Alihonou EJ, Gandaho T & Hounye FH (1991) had been reported to be for instance 1 year or 1½ year,
Childhood mortality among users and non- users of primary rather than a year and some months. This may have made
health care in a rural West African community. International the children in the group with no health card appear to
Journal of Epidemiology 20, 474–479. have been slightly younger than they truly were.

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Tropical Medicine and International Health volume 17 no 12 pp 1492–1505 december 2012

P. Welaga et al. Non-specific effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles vaccinations

Information on vaccinations vaccination programme before and immediately after

1990, the year when the Expanded Programme on Immu-
Vaccination information was collected systematically for
nisation had targeted achieving 80% coverage of vaccina-
the children enrolled in Round 1. One year and 2 years
tion globally (Kim-Farley 1992). Therefore, a certain
later, in Rounds 4 and 7, vaccination information was
vaccination status in Round 1 or Round 4 not only
collected again. Owing to an archiving error, dates of
reflected which vaccines the child had already received, but
measles vaccination from Round 7 were not saved in the
also which vaccines they were likely to receive in the
stored data files.
coming months. Hence, any vaccination effects on
The collection of data on vaccinations was carried out
mortality are likely to be a product of both vaccination
de novo each time without taking previous information
status at enrolment and the vaccines likely to be received
into consideration and only for children being alive at the
during follow-up. We have particularly focused on the
visit. Thus, the vaccination status of children who died
impact on survival in the first 4 months when the infor-
between vaccination visits was not updated. Comparing
mation on immunisation status would be most valid.
information from rounds 1 and 4 for the same children (see
However, we have also reported the mortality effect for the
Appendix table), it is clear that some children made
full 2 years duration of the trial. Although some children
changes that should not have been possible, as all children
who did not have a vaccination card may have had one but
in Round 4 should have had the same status or have
lost it, it is likely that most had never had a card and had
received additional vaccinations since Round 1. However,
never received any vaccination. Furthermore, data from
8% (122 ⁄ 1602) who originally had a vaccination card
subsequent rounds showed that the uptake of vaccination
no longer had a card; 3% (30 ⁄ 931) of children who still
was low among children who initially had no health cards.
had a health card and who were originally reported as
For the present analyses, children who had no health card
having MV no longer had MV reported, and 3% (18 ⁄ 663)
at Round 1 have been assumed to be ‘unvaccinated’.
of children who still had a health card and who were
Information from Rounds 1, 4 and 7 was used to
originally fully DTP-vaccinated no longer had all three
calculate the proportion of children who received vacci-
DTP vaccinations noted. Such errors presumably came
nations in the years following enrolment. This proportion
from the field worker confusing the health cards of
was estimated as the proportion of children who had
different children, or the field worker noting that the child
received vaccination among children whose health card
had a card but forgetting to write the dates of some or all
had been seen at enrolment and again 1 year or 2 years
later, that is among surviving children. Censored children
The main analysis of the impact of vaccinations has been
were excluded in calculating these proportions.
restricted to children enrolled in Round 1 for whom there
Among the vaccinated children, we have emphasised two
was follow-up for the whole 2-year period. We have
aspects of vaccination status: first, children who had not
elsewhere analysed the impact of VAS on survival and the
yet received MV were likely to receive MV during follow-
interactions with vaccinations (Benn et al. 2009). In the
up; second, children who had not received all doses of DTP
present analysis, we only included children who had
were likely to receive additional doses of DTP during
received placebo as this group would not be subject to
follow-up. We have therefore distinguished between
vaccine ⁄ vitamin A interactions.
children who had received 0-2 doses (DTP0-2) or three or
more doses of DTP (DTP3-4) at enrolment. Vaccination
status at enrolment was categorised into six groups. Group
Analysis of vaccinations
1 consisted of those with no health card and was
Vaccination information was only fully available with considered ‘unvaccinated’. Groups 2–6 all had health cards
intervals of 1 year. Hence, it was difficult to analyse the at Round 1. Group 2 had not received DTP or MV (some
mortality effect of the latest vaccines received until of these children had, however, received BCG); Group 3
receiving the next vaccination as we have performed in had received DTP1-2 but not MV; Group 4 had received
previous studies. Furthermore, the incidence of vaccination DTP3-4, but not MV; Group 5 had received DTP1-2 and
was very high, particularly in the first months after MV; and Group 6 had received DTP3-4 and MV (fully
enrolment, because of a major intensification of the vaccinated).

ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd 1503

Appendix Table 1 Vaccination status at Rounds 1 and 4 for children who had a health card seen or had no card on both occasions. Navrongo, Ghana, 1989–1990
Tropical Medicine and International Health

Vaccination status at Round 4

4. Health
Vaccination status at 2. Health card, 3. Health card, card, DTP3-4, 5. Health card, 6. Health card,
enrolment (Round 1) 1. No card no DTP, no MV DTP1-2, no MV no MV MV, DTP 0-2 MV, DTP3-4 Total

1 No card 606 17 20 2 132 86 863

2 Health card, 29 21 7 0 40 55 152
no DTP, no MV
3 Health card, 31 7 56 10 58 204 366
DTP1-2, no MV
4 Health card, 3 2 0 10 0 79 94
DTP3-4, no MV
5 Health card, 35 2 7 2 142 206 394
MV, DTP0-2
6 Health card, 24 3 2 14 11 542 596
MV, DTP3-4
Total 728 52 92 38 383 1172 2465
P. Welaga et al. Non-specific effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles vaccinations

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volume 17 no 12 pp 1492–1505 december 2012
Appendix Table 2 Mortality rate (MR) per 1000 person-years (pyrs) and mortality rate ratio (MRR) for vaccinated compared with unvaccinated children, among children
<36 months at enrolment into the placebo group

Within 4 months follow-up Within 24 months follow-up

MRR* (95% CI)

ª 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Median (Vaccinated ⁄ No MR per 1000
Group: weight- MR per Unadjusted MRR heath card) years Unadjusted MRR* (95% CI)
Vaccination for-age 1000 years (95% CI) {MRR – {MRR – (deaths ⁄ pyrs) MRR (95% CI) (Vaccinated ⁄ No
status at z-score at (deaths ⁄ pyrs) without measles without {measles {MRR – without health card) {MRR –
enrolment N enrolment {measles deaths} deaths) measles deaths} deaths} measles deaths) without measles deaths}
Tropical Medicine and International Health

1. No card 1093 )1.7 80 (31 ⁄ 389) {2} 1.0 (Reference) 1.0 (Reference) 51 (101 ⁄ 1.0 1.0 (Reference)
[)2.6; )0.8] 1998) {23} (Reference)
2. Health card: 196 )1.9 58 (4 ⁄ 69) 0.72 (0.25, 2.05) 0.65 (0.23, 1.84) 30 (11 ⁄ 0.59 0.53 (0.28, 0.99)
noDTP, noMV [)2.9; )1.0] {0.77 (0.27, 2.19)} {0.71 (0.25, 2.04)} 370) {2} (0.32, 1.10) 0.63 {0.57 (0.28, 1.13)}
(0.31, 1.25)}
3. DTP1-2, 469 )2.0 152 (25 ⁄ 164) 1.90 (1.12, 3.22) 1.79 (1.03, 3.11) 54 (46 ⁄ 1.07 0.93 (0.65, 1.33)
no MV [)3.0; )1.2] {2.03 (1.19, 3.47)} {1.87 (1.07, 3.26)} 854) {6} (0.75, 1.51) {1.05 (0.71, 1.56)}
{1.19 (0.82, 1.75)}
4. DTP3-4, 109 )1.8 52 (2 ⁄ 38) 0.66 (0.16, 2.74) 0.65 (0.15, 2.74) 24 (5 ⁄ 0.48 0.45 (0.18, 1.11)
no MV [)3.0; )1.2] {0.70 (0.17, 2.94)} {0.68 (0.16, 2.90)} 207) {1} (0.20, 1.19) {0.47 (0.17, 1.30)}
{0.50 (0.18, 1.36)}
5. MV, DTP0-2 485 )1.9 47 (8 ⁄ 171){2} 0.58 (0.27, 1.27) 0.74 (0.34, 1.65) 26 (24 ⁄ 0.52 0.58 (0.37, 0.91)
[)2.8; )1.1] {0.47 (0.19, 1.23)} {0.60 (0.24, 1.47)} 923) {3} (0.33, 0.81) {0.70 (0.42, 1.14)}
{0.58 (0.36, 0.94)}
6. MV, DTP3-4 730 )1.8 35 (9 ⁄ 257) 0.44 (0.21, 0.92) 0.61 (0.28, 1.35) 14 (20 ⁄ 0.28 0.35 (0.21, 0.57)
[)2.6; )1.0] {0.47 (0.22, 0.98)} {0.67 (0.31, 1.48)} 1408) (0.18, 0.46) {0.47 (0.28, 0.79)}
{0.36 (0.22, 0.60)}
Total 3082 )1.8 73 (79 ⁄ 1090){4} 36 (207 ⁄
[)2.7; )1.0] 5760){35}
P. Welaga et al. Non-specific effects of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and measles vaccinations

*Adjusted for age, zone, WAZ and ownership of radio (N = 3082).

Corresponding Author Paul Welaga, Navrongo Health Research Centre, PO Box 114, Navrongo, Ghana. E-mail:

volume 17 no 12 pp 1492–1505 december 2012

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