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Oqueriza, Crystal May D.

Library Work 1 - June 19, 2018


1.) What are the strongest 5 recorded international earthquake (in terms of magnitude)? Record
the date when it happened, the magnitude, and the location of the epicenter.
a) Valdivia Earthquake
- Date: May 22, 1960
- Magnitude: 9.5
- Epicenter: 38.24°S 73.05°W / near Lumaco, approximately 570 kilometres (350 mi)
south of Santiago.
b) Great Alaska Earthquake
- Date: March 28, 1964
- Magnitude: 9.2
- Epicenter: 60.908°N 147.339°W / 12.4 mi (20 km) north of Prince William Sound, 78
miles (125 km) east of Anchorage and 40 miles (64 km) west of Valdez.
c) Sumatra Earthquake
- Date: December 26, 2004
- Magnitude: 9.1
- 3.316° N 95.854° E / off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia
d) Tohoku Earthquake
- Date: March 11, 2011
- Magnitude: 9.1
- Epicenter: 38.322°N 142.369°E / 72 km (45 mi) east of the Oshika Peninsula of
Tōhoku, Ja a .
e) Kamchatka, Russia Earthquake
- Date: November 4, 1952
- Magnitude: 9.0
- Epicenter: 52.8° N, 159.5° E / southeastern coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula.

2.) Are they the 5 most deadly earthquakes? If not, please state the 5 most deadly earthquakes and
kindly explain the differences between a strong, and a deadly earthquake. Record the date
when it happened, the magnitude, and the location of the epicenter.

Th s o g s a hquak s w ’ always the deadliest earthquakes in the history because some

lo a o s wh h s s o g a hquak s ook la w ’ ha o ula d o h a v y f w
settlements in that area, or maybe the country where the earthquake took place is much more prepared
as compared to others. It can be said that a strong earthquake is defined by their magnitude, while a
d adly a hquak s d f d by h a hquak ’s asual s. The 5 most deadly earthquake in the
history were:
i. 1202 Syria Earthquke
- Date: May 20, 1202
- Magnitude: 7.5
- Epicenter: 33.5°N 36.0°E / Southwestern Syria
ii. Shaanxi, China Earthquake
- Date: January 53, 1556
- Magnitude: 8.0
- Epicenter: 34°30′01″N 109°18′00″ / at Wei River Valley in Shaanxi Province
iii. Tangshan, China Earthquake
- Date: July 27,1976
- Magnitude: 7.5
- Epicenter: 39°36′N 118°12′ / near Tangshan City
iv. Aleppo, Syria Earthquake
- Date: August 9, 1138
- Magnitude: unknown
- Epicenter: 36°13′N 37°10′ / Syrian City of Aleppo (Halab)
v. Sumatra Earthquake
- Date: December 26, 2004
- Magnitude: 9.1
- 3.316° N 95.854° E / off the west coast of Sumatra, Indonesia

3.) Answer questions 1 and 2 again, but this time focusing on earthquakes that happened in the
The 5 most powerful and most deadly earthquake in the Philippines were:
Mindanao Earthquake
- Date: August 17, 1976
- Magnitude: 8.0
- Epicenter: 6.29°N 124.09°E / in the Celebes Sea between the islands of Mindanao
and Borneo.
Northern and Central Luzon Earthquake
- Date: July 16, 1990
- Magnitude: 7.8
- Epicenter: 15.679°N 121.172°E / near the town of Rizal, Nueva Ecija, northeast of
Cabanatuan City.
Luzon Earthquake
- Date: November 30, 1645
- Magnitude: 7.5
- 16.741428°N 121.750488°E / northern part of Luzon.
Casiguran Earthquake
- Date: August 2, 1968
- Magnitude: 7.3
- Epicenter: 16.316°N 122.067°E / in Casiguran, Quezon.
Bohol Earthquake
- Date: October 15, 2013
- Magnitude: 7.2
- Epicenter: 9.880°N 124.117°E / 6 kilometres (3.7 mi) S 24° W of Sagbayan.

4.) What do you think is the relevance of understanding these tragedies in relation to the Civil
Engineering profession?
- These casualties caused by earthqaukes is important to be understood by every civil
engineers so that they can learn how to avoid or minimize the damages made by this natural
calamity through proper design of buildings.


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