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1- "SHAME"

a) Your behaviour was absolutely ........ and you should apologise.

b) He walked into the room looking very ........ and guilty.

c) You have nothing to feel ........ about as you did nothing wrong.


a) The cult had quite a large ........ and had been in the public eye on several occasions before.

b) Many of her ........ claimed she had mystical powers.

c) I think we are going to need a ........ meeting to discuss these matters further.


a) Sarah was ........ quiet at the meeting, wasn't she? She's usually quite outspoken.

b) I've been asked to list the ........ of the species.

c) The book was superb and the author's ........ of the hero was brilliant.


a) The delegates were very ........ of the speaker's contribution and gave her a round of applause.

b) The increased investment in the health service does not seem to have had an ........ effect on the
service it delivers

c) I bought Karen a present to show my ........ of all the kindness she has shown me.

5- "FRAUD"

a) He was a well-known ........ and had spent a number of years in prison for deception.

b) She was arrested for making a ........ claim for unemployment benefit.

c) He claimed he had not acted ........ and that he would defend himself against any such

a) There's no ........ betweeen them even though they plan to divorce.

b) He became ........ following the manager's decision not to consider him for promotion.

c) Commuters have been complaining ........ about the poor service on the trains this week.


a) The company decided to ........ into computer software.

b) There is tremendous ethnic ........ in London.

c) It took longer to get into work today due to a ........ in the town centre.


a) The business is ........ healthy and has a promising future.

b) Once you've picked up the ........ you'll race through the course.

c) A religious ........ is someone who believes in following the rules of their religion strictly.

9- "WORTH"

a) I'm afraid this painting is a copy and is .........

b) Do you think it's ........ calling the theatre to see if they have any spare tickets?

c) It was a very interesting idea and certainly ........ of attention.

10- "ENDEAR"

a) 'Darling' is a term of ......... .

b) One of her ........ qualities was the way she joked about everything.
c) He remembered her ......... as the love of his life.

11- "SIGHT"
a) She finds the scar on her leg ........ and wants to have plastic surgery.
b) The bank claims that the error was due to an ........ and will be rectified immediately.
c) The novel gives us a wonderful ........ into life for the poor in 19th Century England.
12- "SETTLE"
a) The weather continues to be ........ with sunshine and showers predicted for the rest of the week.

b) It was a really ........ experience and not something that I'd like to go through again.

c) Archeologists claim to have discovered the earliest ........ ever found in this country.

13- "ROOM"
a) We were all ........ at university and have kept in touch ever since.
b) It was a very large, ........ office that was great to work in.
c) When I walked into the lounge there was a ........ of people all sitting around chatting and

a) The product has been ........ and is now no longer available.
b) If there is a ........ of your attitude we will have to consider your position with the company.
c) The satellite orbits the Earth ........ sending messages back to the control centre.

15- "FRUIT"
a) His attempt to meet with the chairman was ........ and he finally gave up.
b) A spokesperson said the leaders had had a very positive and ........ discussion.
c) When we saw our business plans come to ........ we were overjoyed.

16- "LIKE"
a) Actually, they're related and if you look carefully you can see the ........

b) Can you tidy your bedroom and ........ the living room.
c) While I was living in Greece I developed a ........ for the local wine.

a) He works as a medical ........ at the local hospital.
b) You need to think of all the ........ before making the decision to emigrate.
c) I'm sorry but you'll have to stay at home. It's just not ........ for you to come with me.

18- "COMPEL"
a) You are under no ........ to buy the product if you don't want it.
b) You have a choice whether you do Question 2 but Question 1 is .........
c) Frank is a ........ gambler and has got himself into serious financial difficulties.

19- "SINGLE"

a) She was a wonderful tennis player and won the women's ......... 3 years in a row.

b) Don't bother buying a whole pack. They sell them .........

c) Once she decides to do something she works towards it in a very ........ fashion.

20- "FAVOUR"

1. He didn't want to be accused of ........ by giving his daughter the best job.

2. Many people stayed away from the resort because of the ........ weather.

3. Hopefully the company will look ........ at my application.

21- "UNION"

a) I've got a school ........ to go to next month.

b) The ........ of East and West Germany was one of the most momentous events of the 20th

c) The family showed a great deal of ........ during the troubles they faced.

22- "GUIDE"

a) The student received ........ about a possible career from the college's student services

b) There are strict ........ on what to do in case of an emergency.

c) Her parents' negative attitude towards her friends was completely ........ as they were all very nice


a) Can't you think of anything more ........ to say than that? You're not helping at all.

b) There are plans to ........ the damaged building and return it to its former glory.

c) After spending several years working in the ........ industry, he decided to have a change of career.

a) It was a bit ........ of you to expect them to invite you to the wedding ceremony.
b) I disagree with the ......... that nothing can be done about the rising levels of crime.
c) Sharon hasn't called to cancel so ........ she's still coming.

25- "RESIST"

a) The government are facing ........ from the trade unions over their plans to privatise the industry.

b) Scientists are working on a drug that will make people more ........ to the common cold.

c) The more he tried to forget her the more ........ she became. he just couldn't get her out of his
26- "EQUAL"




a) Have there been any ........ developments in the discussions today?
b) Politically, it was a minor event and regarded as being of relative ......... .
c) Share prices have risen ........ on today's markets and further dramatic increases are expected

28- "MIND"
a) When you go swimming in the sea you have to be ........ of the tide and make sure you don't get in
b) The police are warning troublemakers that they are going to be very strict with anyone seen
committing ........ vandalism.
c) I spent the afternoon ........ watching a lot of rubbish on TV.

29- "MORAL"

a) I wish you would stop ...... about life and actually do something!
b) I find fox hunting really ...... . I think they should ban it! c) He is acting ...... for somebody
in his position. He should be suspended from his duties.

a) It was such an ........ speech and left everyone feeling enthusiastic.
b) She was an ........ figure who had many followers.
c) It was during his time in France that he got the ........ for his new book.
a) He has the ........ to do well at college. He's just not very motivated.
b) The revolution was supported by the nation's ........ .
c) You behaved very ........ by deciding to report the incident to the police.


a) He's getting married to a property ........ from New York. b) There has been a very
interesting ........ in the missing person case. c) The land around the house we're thinking of
buying is completely ........; no houses, no roads, nothing.


a) There were a number of grammatical ........... in his essay, which lost him valuable marks in the

b) We hope that the new payroll system will improve the ........... of our employees' wage
c) The film star claimed that the comments he made to a journalist had been reported ........ in the

34- "ACTIVE"

a) He was well known as a political ........ during his time as a factory worker and was a leading
member of the Trade Unions.
b) The school are organising lots of ........ for the summer holidays.
c)The burglar alarm will be ........ by the slightest movement.

35- "HAPPY"
a) I'm really ........ about the service I received at that garage. I might phone up and complain.
b) The children had a wonderful time at the party. I've never seen such scenes of ........ before.
c) The last time I saw Tom he was playing ........ in the garden. He seemed to be enjoying himself.

36- "RELY"
a) The company was criticised for being over-........ on orders from a limited number of
b) I don't use the buses normally as they are so .........
c) One of the main considerations when buying a car is .........

a) Those chairs are really ........ nowadays. They are regarded as being at the height of fashion.
b) There will be several ........ this week as some members of staff are leaving work.
c) Those present at the meeting agreed ........ to raise the matter with the director.


a) He's getting married to a property ........ from New York.

b) There has been a very interesting ........ in the missing person case.
c) The land around the house we're thinking of buying is completely ........; no houses, no roads,

39- "DIVIDE"

a) If you can wait until I've finished this job I'll give you my ........ attention.
b) Employees feel that the new system for dealing with promotion is ........, and is bad for staff
c) The ........ between the north and south of the country is very noticeable.

a) The ........ on TV said the game was very exciting but I didn't enjoy it all.
b) You don't have to give me a ........ of everything she said. I get the picture.
c) I'm being sent to the competition to ........ on the opening game.

41- "ADD"
a) In ......... to pollution, cars are also the cause of a large number of deaths.
b) If there are any ........ expenses please let us know.
c) This food is supposed to be healthy yet it's full of .........


1- a) shameful; b) shamefaced; c) ashamed

2- a) following; b) followers; c) follow-up

3- a) uncharacteristically; b) characteristics; c) characterization

4- a) appreciative; b) appreciable; c) appreciation

5- a) fraudster; b) fraudulent; c) fraudulently

6- a) bitterness; b) embittered; c) bitterly 7- a) diversify; b) diversity; c) diversion

8- a) fundamentally; b) fundamentals; c) fundamentalist

9- a) worthless; b) worthwhile; c) worthy

10- a) endearment; b) endearing; c) endearingly

11- a) unsightly; b) oversight; c) insight.

12- a) unsettled ; b) unsettling; c) settlement

13- a)roommates; b) roomy; c) roomful

14- a) discontinued; b) continuation; c) continuously

15- a) fruitless; b) fruitful; c) fruition

16- a) likeness; b) likewise; c) liking

17- a) practitioner;b) practicalities; c) practical

18- a) compulsion; b) compulsory; c) compulsive

19- a) singles; b) singly; c) single-minded

20- a) favouritism; b) unfavourable; c) favourably

21- a) reunion; b) reunification; c) unity

22- a) guidance; b) guidelines; c) misguided

23- a) constructive; b) reconstruct c) construction

24- a) presumptuous; b) presumption; c) presumably

25- a) resistance; b) resistant; c) irresistible

26- a) equally; b) equality; c) unequal

27- a) significant; b) insignificance; c) significantly

28- a) mindful; b) mindless; c) mindlessly
29- a) moralizing; b) immoral; c) immorally

30- a) inspiring; b) inspirational; c) inspiration

31- a) intelligence; b) intelligentsia; c) intelligently
32- a) developer; b) development; c) undeveloped

33- a) inaccuracies; b) accuracy; c) inaccurately

34- a) activist; b) activities; c) activated
35- a) unhappy; b) happiness; c) happily
36- a) reliant; b) unreliable; c) reliability
37- a) collectable; b) collections; c) collectively
38- a) developer; b) development; c) undeveloped
39- a) undivided; b) divisive; c) division
40- a) commentator; b) commentary; c) commentate
41- a) addition; b) additional; c) additives

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