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Activity Report



At : Gam h andia Ne w Col ony, P.O. : Buxi Baz ar,
Dis t. & City : Cuttack - 753 001, O ris s a, India
Ph one : 0671-2414810, E-m ail: w cw s _ m inati@ s
E-m ail: ge ns e cyw cw s 1@ h otm ail
Pre face :

S om e tim e s , th ings are com pre h e nde d diffe re ntl y in th is w orl d. W e th ink u p
rou nd th e cl ock to e xpl ore ne w s trate gie s for finding ou tth e b righ te r s ide ofa th ing
and to e nab l e pe opl e to adopt th at for th e ir grow th and gl ory. Th e m il ie u of
ph ilanth ropic e nde avor h as e xpande d in th e firm am e nt of h u m an civil iz ation. Th e
lim e l
igh t of civil iz ation h as b e com e m ore b righ te r th an b e fore bu t th e s u ffocation
at u rb an w ing h as de ve l ope d du e to G l ob alW arm ing, M an M ade dis l ocations and
ru th l
e s s act tow ards e nvironm e nt. S cie ntis ts are s pe nding u ncou ntabl e sl e e pl ess
nigh ts to cu rb th e m e nace ge ne rate d in th e gl ob e . S ide by s ide th e s ocials tigm as
and h e inou s practice s are ide ntifie d day b y day w ith th e e ffort of s ocialactivis ts .
Crim e and cru e l ty is e l ab orate d b y m e dia. Al lth e s e are b u s y s ch e du l e s of
m ode rniz ation. G one are th e days , poor w as onl y crying for food and cl oth ing not
for h e al th h az ards . Now days b oth poor and rich are s u ffe ring s trange dis e as e s
and forge tting th e dis parity in th e dying b e d in a h os pital . As s is tance is re q u ire d by
th e m to ge t b ack th e ir h e ath and s ou nd m ind. O u r cu l tu ralh e ritage h as good
de m and. O u r m oth e r tongue is b e ing obs ol e te and th e ne w ge ne ration is ne gl e cting
ou r pas th idde n tre as u re s . W rite rs are b e com ing aggre s s ive and th e l ite ratu re h as
b e com e profe s s ional . W h o are th e re alm as te rs to te ach th e h u m an s pe cie s to
ch oos e th e righ tpath in th e confou nde d s itu ation?Al lth e ab ove q u e s tions are not
ans w e rabl e . In th is probl e m atic s tage w e h ave to pl ay ou r rol e th at is s e rvice to th e
de prive d and dis tre s s e d.
Aw ard and appre ciation tow ards ou r nobl e w ork is th e ins piration and th at is
ou r as s e t. Le t's figh t agains t th e m is doings and h e inou s practice s not agains t th e
m is cre ants and cu l prits . M oth e r Te re s a w as s e rving th e m ank ind in a diffe re nt
m anne r w ith ou t any inte re s t. Fre e dom figh te rs w e re im m ol ating th e ir l ive s for l ong
ch e ris h e d fre e dom .
I h ope al las s ociate s of W om e n & Ch il dWel fare S ocie ty w il lfol low th e foot
prints ofou r fore fath e rs to bring ch ange and w onde r in th e e ns uing criticals itu ations
and s trive h ard to w ork w ith de votion and l ove th e m w h o are in trou b l e.
Th ank s
M inati Bindh ani
G e ne ralS e cre tary
W om e n & Ch il dWel fare S ocie ty

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY field-oriented exercise, teachers make their

teaching more effective and understandable.
PROBE-Orissa Programme: It is the joint collaborative venture of DST &
and Women & Child Welfare Society to make
Participation of Youth in Real-time/Field the science education, the teaching and
Observations to Benefit Education (PROBE) learning process an interesting and joyful
is an innovative project conceived by the experience for both students and teachers.
Department of Science & Technology (DST), The specific goals and objectives of PROBE-
Government of India under its Inter-Sectoral Orissa programme are as follows: To provide
Science and Technology Advisory Committee an opportunity for participatory and interactive
(IS-STAC) on participation of youth in schools learning for school children. To shift emphasis
in acqu isit ion, gene rati on, use and for a student from being a passive recipient
dissemination of field data. It aims at making of inf or mati on an d kno wled ge (i .e.
science education more interesting and downloading) than to become an active author
useful. In 2008, WOMEN & CHILD WELFARE of relevant and usef ul information (i.e.
SOCIETY was appointed by the Department upl oadi ng). To gener ate data /gat her
of Science & Technology (DST) as a Technical
Resource Centre (TRC) to facilitate PROBE-
Orissa activities in 15 identified schools. The

information and convert such information

gathering as a means of generating interest
in science. To bring schools, institutions of
programme aims at linking students, teachers, higher learning and grass-root community
and scientif ic research community. The organizations into networking relationship. To
process is participative data collection and create database on meteorology, climate,
observation by school children as a part of natural resources and related fields for
their science learning. It is envisaged that, bui ldin g vil lage /wate rshe d lev el d ata
involving various stakeholders in the process infrastructure. To help students in schools
of data collection, analysis, observation and reach higher levels of achievement in science
interpretation helps them more particularly the education. The TRC has also been equipped
youth/students in understanding adverse with necessary infrastructural facilities like
impacts of climate change. Through such student data server and meteorological
inst ruments . 15 Se condary school s of


Kendrapada and Jajpur districts have been heights, leaf & bark prints, leaf outlines, leaves
sel ecte d an d th ey ar e su ppli ed w ith preservation, herbarium making, building of
Computers and Meteorological observatories. green house, making garden in a jar, setting
up terrarium, leaf zoo, ph measurement, water
FORMATION OF SCIENCE CLUB & soil testing, paper craft, potter making,
nat ure game etc . wer e ta ught to the
The spirit of science is the spirit of discovering. participants. The main objective of the camp
Experience teachers ensure that one of the was to provide the children and opportunity
most exciting and effective ways to impart to for clear understanding of the complexity of
the school children the joy and adventure of nature, to enhance the children's fascination
scientific discovery is through formation of for things around them, and to explore nature
science clubs. In order to provide the students in a guided manner through a variety of fun
with the organizational facilities that are filled hands on activities. The special sessions
usually necessary to carry on science projects were also conducted on wild orchids, bonsai
and for other science clubs activities. Women and cactus plants etc. during the camp. After
& Child Welfare Society is facilitating this completion of the camps they are now
process after f orming science clubs in promoting similar activities with other children,
different school of Cuttack, Kendrapada, which are spreading conservation awareness
Jajpur & Mayurbhanj districts on behalf of the in very effective manner. The nature study
Vigyan Prasar. camps not only formatted a bond between
young children and environment but also
NATURE STUDY PROGRAMME developed internal love towards biodiversity
around us. All the participants were supplied
This year Women & Child Welfare Society wit h th e ki t bag s co nsist ing of m ini
organized one Nature Study Camp for School microscope, reading leans, tripod glass,
notebook, local forest & wildlife map etc. to
organize similar activities in future. Dr. Kishore
Chandra Mohanty, Science Expert, Secondary
Board Office, Cuttack, Dr. Asutosh Debata,
Secretary, District Environment Society,
Cuttack etc. attended the programme as
Resource Person.




Teachers & Students at Maha Vinayak, Lately there has been tremendous increase
Cha ndik hol. Duri ng t he ca mp m any in the number of vehicles, which has increased
experiments relating to living process, nature the traffic density on roads. Thus, keeping this
walk, sample collection, measuring of tree in view, it is emphasized that voluntary


were awarded Prizes & Certificates by the

Chief Guest. A Rally was organized from
Tulasipur Govt. High School, Gorakabar,
Tulasipur Cuttack to Biju Pattnaik Chhak,
Tulasipur, Cuttack & return to School. The rally
was flagged by Dr. Arjun Kumar Biswal, Head
Master, Tulasipur Govt. High School.



participation of people as essential to tackle Thousands of precious lives are lost every day
the problem related to violation of traffic rules. due to Road Accident in Indian roads. In India
more than 1.15 lakh people are meeting their
The 20th National Road Safety Week has fatal end in every year on roads. Realizing the
been observed by Women & Child Welfare gravity and seriousness of the problem, the
Society on 3rd January 2009 at Tulasipur onl y wa y to pre vent more haz ards is
Govt. High School, Gorakabar, Tulasipur, developing awareness on road safety. In order
Cuttack in collaboration with Petroleum to disseminate the ethics of road safety, the
Conservation Research Association (PCRA). organization is resorting to some innovative
The Programme was graced by Dr. Sarat methods to reach out to the road users. In
Kumar Biswal, Circle Inspector of Schools,
Cuttack Circle, Mr. Subhendu Kanango (OAS)
RTO , Cu ttac k, Mr. Bi kash Moh apat ra,
Secretary, Suprativa, Mr.Srikrushna Samal,
ACP, Traffic, Cuttack, Mr.Amulya Kumar
Mohini, Deputy Director, PCRA, Dr. Arjun
Kumar Biswal, Head Master, Tulasipur Govt.
High School and other dignitaries graced the
occasion in a Inter school Debate Competition
organized and the winners of the competition
the last few years Women & Child Welfare
Soc iety org aniz ed Se mina r, Train ing
Programme for Drivers, Orientation Training
Programme for Students & Teachers , Folk
Per f orma nce, Essa y, De bate , Pos ter
Competition among the students to spread the
message. The efforts of the organization paid
off in the project operational area where
people are more aware and educated on road
saf ety aspe cts. Thes e aw aren ess
programmes organized in collaboration with


the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, TRAINING PROGRAMME FOR DRIVERS
Govt. of India, New Delhi and State Transport
Authority, Orissa, Cuttack. Training Programmes f or Drivers were
conducted at Rajabagicha U.G.M.E.School,
This year the organization had organized this Rajabagicha, Cuttack on 15th Feb., 2009,
campaign in an extensive manner covering in Baramunda, Bhubaneswar on 22nd Feb.,
different areas of 5 Districts i.e.Cuttack, 2009, Charchika U.G.M.E.School, Banki on
Khu rda, Jaj pur, Puri & Ba leso re. Our 26t h Fe b 20 09, N ilag ir Tr uck Owne r's
organization could mobilize expert Resource
Persons who extended their co-operation
throughout the campaign.


Seminar at Govt. Women's Collage, Puri, dt-

12.01.09, Madanpur High School Madanpur,
Janla, Khurda on 22nd January 2009, at Kunja
Bihari Collage, Baranga, Cuttack on 29th Jan.
2009, Raghunathjew Collage, Cuttack on 12th
Feb., 2009 & Panchapalli Bauti Vidya Pitha, Association, Nilagir, Balesore on 23rd Feb.,
Sarua-Jaymangal, Khurda on 24th Feb., 2009. 2009 & Nehru Institute of Youth Affairs,
Sj. Narayan Chandra Jena, IAS, Collector, Bhubaneswar on 24th Feb.,09.
Khurda, Dr.Dillip Ray, District Statistical
Officer, Puri, Mr.Bijay Kumar Nayak, RTO, Mr. Sricharan Patra, Rtd. Instructor, State
Puri, Dr.Manidra Natha Dutta, Principal, Police Academy, Bhubaneswar, Mr. Bikash
Women;s Collage, Puri, Dr.Priti Prativa Mohapatra, Secretary, Suprativa, Sailen Ku.
Bhola,C.I.of Schools, Khurda Circle, Mr. Dhal, Advocate, Surendr Sahu, Reporter,
Kulamani Nathsharma, D.I,of Schools, Nabakishore Mohanty, Advocate, Nirmal
Khurda, Mr.Tapan Kumar Mishra, Asst. Satpathy, ACP,Traffic, Bhubaneswar, Sisir
Director, S.T.A, Orissa, Mr.Sricharan Patra, Ku.Rout, President, Nilagir Truck Owners
Rtd.Instructor, Mr. Laxmi Prasad Sahu, Head Association, Chandrakanta Birabara, Prafulla
Master, Jankia High School, Bijay Kumar Kum ar Je na, Baiku ntha Nath Mish ra,
Nayak, Vice-President, Kunja Bihari Collage, Min aketan Sr icha ndan , Sam aren dra
Dr.J.M.Rathor, Principal, RaghunathJew Mohapatra ,Reporter, Gouranga Ch, Rout,
Collage, Srikrushna Samal, ACP,Traffic, Rep orter att ended the prog ramme as
Cut tack , As hok Ku. D ash, Dis t.Yo uth honorable guests.
Coordinator, Nehru Yuba Kendra Sangathan,
Lax mi N aray an,Pa nda, Vice -Pri ncipal, ORIENTATION TRAINING PROGRAMME
Raghunathjew Collage, Prafulla Kumar Jena, FOR STUDENTS & TEACHER
Road Safety Expert, Santilata Baliarsingh,
Head Master, Panchpalli Bauti Vidya Pitha etc. Orientation Training Programme for Students
attended as honorable guests. were conducted at:


Commandant of Police, Mr. Tapan Ku. Mishra,

Asst.Director, STA, Orissa, Mr.Brahmananda
Rout, Statistical Officer, STA, Dr. Dillip Ray,
District Statistical Officer, Puri, Dr. Arjun
Kumar Biswal, Head Master, Tulasipur Govt.
High School, Prithiviraj Rout, Head Master
Sidheswar Vidya Pitha, Prof.T.Dutta, IMS,
Dr.Gayatri Baral, Faculty Member, IMS Laxmi
Prsad Sahu, Secretary, Junior Red-Cross,
Khurda, Jawahar Subudhi, Head Master,
Badatota-Belapada High School, Prsanta Ch.
Mishra, Principal, Nigamananda Mahila
Mahavidyalaya, Charichhak, Dr.Minaskhee
1 28th Jan, 09 Biren Mitra Memorial Panda, Vice-Principal, BMMCW Collage, Mr.
City Women's Collage, Cuttack Prafulla Ku. Jena, Road Safety Expert etc.
2 2nd Feb.,09 Nigamananda Mahila attended the training programme as Resource
Mahavidyalaya, Charichhak, Puri Persons.
3 9th Feb 09 Sri Loknath Dev Vidya
Pitha, Kumarbasta, Khurda POSTER COMPETITION
4 14th Feb., 09 Ins titute of Me dia
Studies, Bhubaneswar Poster Competition at St. Xavier's High
5 16th Feb., 09 Netaji Subh ash School,Potapokhari,Nayabazar, Cuttack,dt-
Memorial City Collage, Rajabagicha, 07. 02.0 9, S arasw ati Sish u Vi dya
Cuttack Man dir, Gandh i Ch hak, Choud war, dt-
6 17th Feb., 09 Ori ssa Po lice H igh 08. 02.0 9,Ven kate swar Scho ol,C DA,
School, Tulasipur, Cuttack Cuttack,dt-14.02.09.
7 19th Feb., 09 Sidheswar Vidya Pitha,
Naraj, Cuttack

Sricharan Patra, Rtd.Instructor, State Police

Academy, Bhubaneswar, Mr. N. N. Dash, Rtd.


Essay Competition at- Chitala High School,

Chirala,Jajpur,dt-04.02.09,Maha Vinayak


Vidyayana, Badachana, Jajpur, dt-04.02.09,

Dha balesw ar Vi dya
Mangala Bidya Pitha, Patrasahi, Cuttack, dt-

different places of Cuttack like Tulasipur

Govt.High School,Gorakabar,Tulasipur,
Raghunathjew Bidya Pitha,Deulasahi,Christ
Colligiate School, Hadibandhu Ucha Vidya
Pitha,Manisahu Chhak, Cuttack, Sanat Nalini
Girls High School,Sheltary Chhak & Jobra
Municipal High School,dt-16.02.09. PALA is
Deb ate C ompet ition at-Munici pal H igh
one of a powerful media enternment as well
School,Choudwar, dt-06.02.09, Sanat Nalini
as communication. The group of Jogendra
Girls High School, Cuttack,dt-07.02.09,Maa!
Martha promoted the awreness through
Tareni Vidya Pitha, Gopalpur,Cuttack,dt-
popular music & song among the common



Serious accidents occurring on road is a

matter of great concern for all of us. The
number of deaths per year per 10000 motor


Women & Child Welfare Society organized

Folk Performance(PALA)on the theme of
Road Safety & Environment Awareness at


vehicle in India is 10 to 15 times more than places. The Training dealth with indispensable
that in advance countries. The number of and fundamental topics for Heavy Motor
motor vehicle is increasing day by day that Vehicle Drivers such as essential quality of a
adds to accidents on roads. Statistics for the driver, causes of accidents and their remedies,
last few years show that there is a large Traffic Rules, Traffic Control measures, Road
increase in the number of accidents from year Signals, Lane Discipline, Overtaking, Parking
to year. The f igu res indic ate t hat the zone usages along with Test Check on roads.
proportion of those dying in the prime of their
life is quite large. It is clear that unless urgent The organization has also taken special
remedial measures are taken, the occurrence session on AIDS Awareness among the
of these accidents and resultant casualties will Drivers with Health Checkup, Blood Grouping,
go on rising. The imperative of the day is to Eye Testing etc. The participating drivers have
rescue the victims of road accidents along the been facilitated with Free Personal Insurance
highway. Road users are to be urgently of Rs. 1.00 Lakh and cash inc enti ve,
educated on the imminent dangers of road participation certificate etc. Resource Persons
accidents. and Guests were invited from Transport
Departments, Police Department, Automobile
Women & Child Welfare Society has been Department etc. for success of the above
working in the field of Road Safety Awareness programmes like Mr. Ramesh Ch. Saha, RTO,
& Education in the state of Orissa since long. Sambalpur, Dr. Dillip Ray, Ex-Asst. Director,
The organization having been supported by STA, Mr.Bik ash Moh apatra, Secretary,
Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport & Suprativa, Mr. Santosh Ku. Routray, President
Highways, Govt. of India, has organized Bolangir Zilla Truck Chalak Sangha, Mr.
Refresher Training Programmes for Heavy Prafulla Ku..Jena, Road Safety Expert, Mr.Ajit
Motor Vehicle Drivers at PWD, Dak Bunglow, Panigrahi, Sr. Depot Manager, Indian Oil
Bolangir in collaboration with Bolangir Zilla Depot, Mr. David Toppo, Divisional Retail
Truck Chalak Sangha, Bolangir from 1st to Sales Manager, Mr. T. Haque, Manager,
4th March' 2009, at Indian Oil Deport campus, Consumer, Mr. Ramesh Ch. Sahu, President,
Khetrajpur, Sambalpur from 3rd to 6th March' Dumper Owners Association, Mr.R. N. Murmu,
200 9 at Dump er Ow ners Asso ciati on, Add.Traffic Manager, Paradeep Port, Mr.
Atharbanki, Paradeep, Jagatsinghpur from 6th Sricharan Patra, Rtd. Instructor, Biju Pattnaik
to 9th March' 2009, Mitrapur, Remuna, State Police Academy, Bhubaneswar, Mr.
Balesore in collaboration with Nilagir Truck Akhaya Sutar, Asst, Manager, ACE, Mr.
Owners Association from 10th to 13th March Subash Acharya, Asst. General Manager,
'2009 & at Udala Motor Karmachari Sangha, OSL, Mr.Dillip Ku. Behera, Mr.Harekrushna
Udala, Mayurbhanj from 16th to 19th March, Behera, Mr.Rasananda Sahu. Dr. C.K.
2009, during this year. In this endeavour, total Pradhan, Dr. Chakradhar, Dash, Dr. Bishnu
500 HMV Drivers of Unorganized Sectors Prasad Mishra, Dr. Ramesh Ch. Hota, Asst.
have been benefited by Women & Child Surgeon, Dr. B. K. Pattaink, Dr. Bholeswar
W el f are Soci ety. The q uali f ied and Mohapatra,
experienced staff members of the organization
have conducted the training in the above



A healthy mind develops in a healthy body.

Healthy citizens sculpt a healthy nation. Many
factors contribute to a healthy body such as
good exercise regime, eating a balanced diet,
keeping mind stress free and lot more. The
United Nations commemorates 7th April as
World Health Day to create awareness of a students, general public and women Self Help
specific health theme to highlight a priority Group (SHG) members. The mass rally
are a of con cern f or the W orld Hea lth participated by a large cross section of public
Organization (WHO). This year, World Health started from Gopabandhu Bhawan and ended
Day commemorates and draws worldwide at the City Hospital. In the public meeting,
attention on the theme: Protecting Health many eminent personalities such as Dr. B. N.
From Climate Change. The theme puts health Jagdev, Ex-CDMO; Dr. B. Jayram Patra,
at the core of the global dialogue recognizing CDMO; Dr. P. C. Rath, ADMO (Medical); Dr.
the ever-growing perils to the global public T. Pradh an, A dd.CD MO;
health due to serious issues like global Dr.S.N.Satpathy,;ADMO;(FW); Mr. P. P. Pati,
warming, natural disasters, heat waves, DPM, NRHM; and Mrs. Basanti Dei, Mass
growing rate in food borne, waterborne, and Education Information Officer were invited as
vector-borne illness, diseases due to air honorable guests and speakers by Mrs. Minati
pollution and so on... Bindhani, General Secretary, WCWS. These
dignitaries as honorable guests and speakers
created a significant impact on the audience
by commemorating the day as immensely
valuable to a society envisioning good health
and disease free society. There was an active
and schola rly in teract ion am ongst the
resource persons and others on issues of vital
health aspects and finally charting a strategic
recommendation to ensure elimination of
impending short falls coming on the process
of dissemination of health education and
Women & Child Welfare Society organised the awareness issues. Chief Guest distributed the
'World Health Day-2008' on 7th April 2008 at prizes and certificates to the winners of the
the City Hospital Conference Hall, Cuttack in Inter School Quiz & Essay Competition held
collaboration with Zilla Swasthya Samiti, at Mansingh Patna High School, Mansingh
Cuttack. On this occasion, activities like mass Patna, Cuttack on 5th April 2008.
rally, competitions and public awareness
meetings were arranged involving school


CARE FOR NEW BORN WEEK-2008 W om en & Chil d W e lf ar e Soc iety in

collaboration with Zilla Swasthya Samiti,
By the time a new born baby is held in arms Cuttack has successfully organized the 'New
by the parents, chances are they've already Born Care Week-2008' on 21st November
chosen one of the most important people in 2008 at Anganwadi Centre, Tanlasahi,
your little one's early life - a doctor. Parents Tulasipur, Cuttack. During this week, mass
and the baby will probably visit the doctor rally, competitions and public meetings were
more often during the first year than at any organized. The mass rally started from
other time. Parental responsibility to forge a Anganwadi Centre up to Mathasahi and
relationship with the baby's doctor could serve thereafter returned to Tanlasahi. Dedicated
better through the bumps, bruises, and personalities on the relevant subject were
midnight fevers to come. In fact, new born invited such Dr. Sisir Ku. Swain, CDMO; Dr.
baby care is a vast subject more particularly S. N. Satpathy, ADMO (F&W); Dr. Chandan
for the parents. Therefore, a lot has to Gadnayak, Pediatric Specialist, Berhampur
percolate on baby care to the caring parents CHC; Mr. N. K. Sethi, Mass Education &
and the knowledge must disseminate through Information Officer, Mrs. Minati Bindhani,
public activities empowering more the mother General Secretary, WCWS; Mrs.Geetanjali
to adopt a healthy regime of do's and don'ts Praharaj, Community Organiser etc. and
as the growth phase of the baby progresses spoke on vital issues related to the new born
over time. child care. The learned speakers appraised
their expertise on New Born Care, Janani
Surakhya Yojana, Inf ant Mortality Rate,
Maternity Mortality Rate, Aims & Objectives
of the programme etc. More than hundred
women participants were highly enlightened
by the awareness programme.



Every year in India, 2.4 million children and

about 136,000 women die gratuitously and it
represents about one fifth of the global total.
Thus, necessarily India hopes to reach the
Millennium Development Goals on maternal
and child mortality. RCH programme was
launched in India on 15th October 1997
envisaging integrated services with a strong
commitment to reduce maternal and infant
mortality and provide access to public health
services. Under the RCH program all aspects


services. The organization of camp activities

was scheduled with detailed planning relating
to publicity, advocacy, manpower deployment,
camp arrangements, and post-camp services
including transportation, availability of
consumables and medical equipment etc. This
integrated approach of providing Maternal,
Child Health and family planning services
were found to be more cost effective as well
as convenient to clients. Women & Child
W el f are Soci ety w as su ppor ted w ith
of women's reproductive health across their necessary funding by the Zilla Swasthya
reproductive cycle from puberty to menopause Samiti, Cuttack for holding this camp. More
are covered. It aims to be more in tune with than, 250 patients attended the camp and
the ground realities concerning women, about half of these had access to integrated
children, health workers, demographic needs MCH services. Assured availability of services
and their conditions, control of reproductive at the camp along with orientation on spot
tra ct i nf ec tion, gen der i ssue s, m ale training of the village leaders to these services
participation and adolescent health situations was also elevating the community awareness
etc. about the reproductive health and helped in
mobilizing proper institutional support to them.
A camp of Reproductive and Child Health
(RCH) was organized at Telengapentha CHC WORKSHOP ON SAFE MOTHERHOOD
on 27th March 2009 to provided an opportunity
to integrate the efforts of service providers and Every minute of every day, somewhere in the
augment strategic access to reproductive world and most often in a developing country,
health services. The camp included activities a woman dies from complications related to
of a Gynaecological check-up camp, Child pregnancy or childbirth. That is 515,000
health checkup and immunization, Family women, at a minimum, dying every year and
Planning counseling and services, free mostly in developing countries. Most of them
medicine distribution and other clinical


suffer injury, infection, or disease while PROMOTION OF YOGA & NATUROPATHY

pregnancy related complications are among
the leading causes of death and disability for Naturopathy is the multi disciplinary approach,
women in developing countries. When a which uses the healing power of natural
mother dies, children lose their primary resources like foods, herbs, earth, water and
caregiver which is more than a personal air to allow the body to heal itself. It also lays
tragedy and also a tremendous loss to the an emphasis on the importance of positive
nation, her community, and her family. More attitude in determining the state of one's
than a decade of research has shown that
sma ll a nd af f orda ble measu res can
significantly reduce the health risks that
women face when they become pregnant.
Most maternal deaths could be prevented if
women had access to appropriate health care
during pregnancy, childbirth, and immediately

White Ribbon Alliance for Safe Motherhood,

Cuttack Chapter is an appeal to general public
f or edu cati on a nd aw aren ess on s af e existence. Naturopathy believes that unless
motherhood and safe pre-natal care along there is harmony between body, mind and
with safe delivery. In this context Women & spirit, one cannot enjoy healthy life. Yoga is
Child Welfare Society, Cuttack in association best known as a type of exercise system that
with Suprativa and White Ribbon Alliance for stretches and strengthens the body through
Safe Motherhood, Cuttack Chapter organized various poses known as asanas. Yoga is
a workshop on Safe Motherhood on 26th mainly looked upon as a set of techniques
November, 2008 at Cuttack Sadar Block useful for achieving fitness in daily life and
Conference Hall. Mr. Sadhu Charan Jena, prevention and cure of some specific diseases
Chairman, Cuttack Sadar Block, Mr. Bishnu or disorders through a disciplines life style.
Charan Swain, OAS, BDO, Dr.Sachida Nanda
Satpathy, ADMO (F&W), Mr. Ramesh Ch. W om en & Chil d W e lf ar e Soc iety is
Swain, Coordinator, White Ribbon Alliance for strengthening Awareness Programme on
Safe Motherhood, Bhubaneswar, Mrs.Arati Yoga and Naturopathy among the Women &
Ratha, CDPO, Cuttack Sadar Block, Mr. Student beneficiaries in the state of Orissa.
Bikash Mohaptra, Secretary, Suprativa, People are being motivated to adopt natural
Mrs.Minati Bindhani, General Secretary, care and nature served methods for health
Women & Child Welfare Society etc. attended and hygiene. In this context, a series of
as honorable guests. PRI Members, Media Awareness Programmes have been organized
Persons, ASHA SHG Members Anganwadi in different places of Cuttack district. On 15th
Workers etc. attendd as participants. and 16t h Jun e'20 08, an Aw aren ess
Programme on Yoga and Naturopathy for
women was organized at School of Nursing,


SCB Medical Collage & Hospital Campus,

Cut tack, Dr. Ra bi Nar ayan D as, Ch ief
Physiotherapist, Spinal Injury Centre, SCB
Med ical , Dr. Bij ay K umar Prus ty,
Nat uropathi st, Dr.Su rend ra P radh an,
Naturopathist, Yogacharya Rina Sahoo, Mr.
Srikanta Mohanty, District Social Welfare
Officer, Mrs Nagaratna Nanda, Principal,
School Of Nursing, Mrs Minati Bindhani etc.
were invited as resource persons and as
Honorable Guests. Similarly another
Awa renes s Pr ogram me on Yog a & environment and enhance political attention
Naturopathy for Women was organized at Dr. and public action. The theme for this year's
Keshab Chandra Sahu Women's Collage, event is 'Your Planet Needs You- Unite to
Professorpada, Cuttack on 16th & 17th Combat Climate Change' and reflects the
January, 2009. Eminent Naturopathists were importance of the climate convention meeting
invited as Resource Persons like Dr. Bijay in Copenhagen later in this year.
Kuma r Prust y, Natur opathis t, Dr. Rabi
Narayan Das, Chief Physiotherapist, Dr. W om en & Chil d W e lf ar e Soc iety In
Surendra. Nath Pradhan, Naturopathist, Dr. collaboration with State Pollution Control
Ritanjali Pradhan, Naturopathis, Mr.Ashok Board, Regional Office, Cuttack observed the
Kumar Dash, Dist. Youth Coordinator, Nehru World Environment Week from 5th to11th
Yuba Kendra Sangathan, Cuttack, Mrs. Minati June-2008. On 7th June, 2008 on the theme
bindhani etc. to the above programmes in of CARBON DIOXIDE - KICK THE HABIT !
ord er t o edu cate the bene f icia ries on TOWARDS A LOW CARBON ECONOMY, at
Naturopathy and Yoga. This programme was Mahisalunda U.P School premises, Tangi,
sponsored by National Institute of Naturopathy Choudwar, Cuttack in cooperation with
(NIN), Pune. SUPRATIVA, Fakirpada, Cuttack and on 11th
June 2008, at Sevak Club premises, SCB
ENVIRONMENT Medical Canal Road, Invited esteemed guests
were Mr. Bikash Mohapatra, Secretary,
OBSERVATION OF WORLD ENVIRONMENT Suprativa, Mr. Sanjeeb Kumar Mohapatra,
WEEK-2008 Coordinator, RCH projects, Suprativa, Mr.
Manaranjan Pradhan, Mr.Pankaj Lochan
W or ld E nvir onmen t Da y (W ED) was Sahu, Pollution Control Board, Mrs. Minati
established by the United Nations General Bindhani, General Secretary, Women & Child
Assembly in 1972 and it is hosted every year Welfare Society, J. Kameswar Rao, Anil
by a different city and commemorated with an Madgul etc. who graced the functions as
international exposition through the week of honorable Guests and resource persons. The
June 5. The United Nations Environment participants from different SHG both Urban &
Programme (UNEP), also created in 1972, Rural attended the programme.
uses WED to stimulate awareness of the


NATIONAL ENVIRONMENT AWARENESS social activists also participated in the said

CAMPAIGN (NEAC) p r o g r a m m e . D r . A s u t o s h
Deb ata, Secre tary,Dist rict Envi ronm ent
NEAC was launched by the Ministry of Society,Cuttack, Dr. Jaykrushna Panigrahi,
Environment and Forests, Government of Secretary, Orissa Environment Society,
India in 1986, is a multi-media campaign which Bhu bane swar, Dr. Kis hore Chan dra
utilizes conventional and non-conventional Mohanty,Science Expert,Secondary Board
methods of communication for disseminating Off ice,D r. A rjun Kumar Bis wal,H ead
environmental messages to a wide range of Mas ter,Tulasi pur G ovt.H igh
target groups. The campaign is conducted on School,Mr.Amulya Kumar Mohini,Deputy
specific themes selected by the Ministry every Director,Petroleum Conservation Research
year. The programme is being implemented Association, Smt. Usha Dey, Head Mistress,
through the designated Regional Resource Sanat Nalini Girls High school, Smt. Minati
Agencies (RRAs) for specific states/regions Bindhani, General Secretary etc. attended as
of the country. Honorable Guest. Medicinal Plant Planted in
the School Premises and other School
premises. A PALA also arranged in the
pro gram me at Tul asip ur Go vt.H igh


Women & Child Welfare Society planted 500

nos. of plants of Champa, Krishnachuda,
Rad hach uda, Baul a, A shoka , Ra kta
Chandana, Doli Chandana, Karanja, Nima,
etc. at Sanat Nalini Girls High School,
Satsanga High School, Nimpur High School,
Women & Child Welfare Society arranged the
Jayantee High School, St.Xavier's High
National Environment Awareness Campaign
Sch ool, Nava jeeba n Vi dya N iketan,
on "CLIMATE CHANGE "under National
Venkateswar School, Tulasipur High School
Environment Awareness Campaign(NEAC) in
City Hospital Campus etc. under NEAC
collaboration with Ministry of Environment and
Forest, Govt. of India, New Delhi and Centre
for Environmental Studies, Department of
Forest & Environment, Govt. of Orissa,
Bhubaneswar on 10th January'2009 at Sanat
Nalini Girls High School,Sheltary Chhak,
Women & Child Welfare Society, Cuttack
Cuttack City. The main objective of the
observed the Vanamahotsaba Week-2008 at
programme was to sensitize the School
Tulasipur Govt. High School, Gorakabar,
Students on Climate Change, Effects & their
Tulasipur, Cuttack. Dr. Ashutosh Debata,
Mitigation & for taking care of environment .
Secretary, District Environment Society, Sr.
Eminent Personalities, Govt. Officials and


Sarat Kumar Biswal, Circle Inspector of

School, Cuttack Circle, Mr. Pitambar Swain,
Rtd. Head Master, Lakheswar High School,
Dr. Arjun Kumar Bi swal, Head Master,
Tulasipur Govt. High School, Mrs. Minati
Bindhani, General Secretary, women & child
welfare society, etc. attended as honorable
guest. All guests planted Medicinal Plant in
the school premises.

wards the child labour problems is still

persisting in the state of Orissa.

In view of the above, Women & Child Welfare

Society has been managing one Special
School at Medical Sweeper Colony under
Cuttack City which is exclusively meant for
child labours. The inmates were withdrawn
from hazardous occupations like rag picking,
construction work and other allied activities.
The organization is obtaining funds from
National Child Labour Project Society, Cuttack
for the purpose. The funds are being extended
EDUCATION by the Ministry of Labour, Govt. of India. After
completion of 1st phase, in the second time
SPECIAL SCHOOL FOR CHILD LABOURS the District Administration has preferred to
entrust the management of the special school.
Elimination of Child Labour is at present a The target of the scheme is to mainstream
global phenomenon. Many children are found these children into formal schools after
collecting Wastes and Polythene from road completion of special school education. These
side and engaged in Rag Picking in Cuttack chi ldre n are pro vided wit h Nut riti on,
district. These children are declared as school Education, Health Care, Vocational Training,
dropouts and even the parents are unable to Student Safety Insurance and many other
take care of their education and nourishment. welfare services what is observed at higher
These children are found deprived of their level. The organization has mainstreamed all
basic requirements, education as well as apt 50 children to Govt. School who are continuing
nourishment rather encouraged for earning their education. Follow up action is also being
something and supplementing the family taken up by the volunteers of WCWS for
income. The magnitude of child labours in our tracking of mainstreamed students.
state is sizeable as revealed from the fresh
survey conducted in the district. Due to
poverty of the concerned parents and their



Women & Child Welfare Society is having a

library at the registered office at Gamhandia
New Col ony, Cuttack. This lib rary is
incessantly rendering remarkable services to
the knowledge seekers of the locality. Total
2456 Nos. of books are available in the library.
All kinds of books including legal hand books
are available which are so educative in nature.
Besides, monthly magazines, periodicals and
daily news papers are conveniently facilitated
to the readers. In addition to this, let- YOUTH PROGRAMME:
somebody-borrow library is running by the our organization women & child welfare
organization for poor students like a book society organized 5 nos.Youth Programme in
bank. The organization is striving to open a different places like- Balakrushna Vidya
child library in the succeeding days. We Niketan, Jiginipur, Cuttack, dt-05.11.08, Bapuji
appeal to donate more books to strengthen Vidya Pitha,Patapur, Cuttack,dt-06.11.08,
the potency of the library and which will be Tulasipur Govt,High School, Tulasipur,
advantageous for local people and poor Cuttack,dt-08.11.08 Bhagabat Dev Vidya
beneficiaries to avail very many information. Pitha, Jankia, Khurda,dt-07.11.08 Badatota-
The Books received from Raja Ram Mohan Bel apad a Hi gh Sc hool , Ba dato ta,
Ray Lib rary Fou ndati on, Kolk ota and Jat ni,K hurda ,dt-1 0.11 .08. Thro ugh
Department of Culture, Govt. of Orissa. Essay,Debate,Poster & Quiz Competition. The
Winners of these competition falicited with
Prize & Certificate.The main objective of the
said programme is to strengthen the youths
in the society on conservation of Petrol,Diesel
Women & Child Welfare Society has been
etc. in daily life with Film show.
appointed as External Faculty to conduct the
different activities on petroleum conservation
thr ough Yout h Pro gram me, D omes tic
Workshop & Agricultural Workshop by the
Pet role um C onser vati on R esea rch
Association, Eastern Region, Kolkatta under
the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas,
Govt.of India, New Delhi.this year our
org aniz atio n or ganiz ed 5 nos . Yo uth
Programme, Domestic Workshop & 5 nos. of
Agricultural Workshop at different places of
Cuttack & Khurda district.


DOMESTICWORKSHOPS: NSS Unit at Maa! Tareni Bidya Pitha,Gopalpur,

Cuttack. From 23.05.2008 to 25.05.2008. The
The W om en & Child W el f are Soci ety participants took part in the said integration
organized 5nos. of Domestic Workshops in camp. All the participants were youngsters and
collaboration with Petroleum Conservation energetic both students male and female.
Research Association, Eastern Region, Resource Persons from various departments
Kolkatta. To create awareness among women were invited to the said camp. The main
& girls on conservation of LPG Birakishorepur, objective of the camp was to keep communal
Athagargh dt-16.11.2008, Tulasipur, Banki, dt- harmony and encourage the youth mass for
23.11.2008, Nargang, Banki,dt-24.11.2008, promotion of National Integration through
Kusumbi, Salipur, dt-25.11.2008, Karapada, var ious cult ural and socia l act ivit ies
Kandarpur,dt-28.11.2008. emphasized in the evening hour. Interactive
and other emulative activities like yoga,
OTHERS pranayam, prayer, national anthem/song,
spir itual di scussion , nation al f eeli ngs,
NATIONAL INTEGRATION CAMP sramadana, discussion, interaction etc. The
act ivit ies durin g th e cam p we re w ell
The Pro motion of Na tional Integ ration organized, methodical and disciplined one. Dr.
provides the framework for greater exchange Arjun Ku. Biswal, Head Master, Tulasipur High
and und ersta nding amo ng th e yo uth School. Mr. Surendra Nath Samantaray, Rtd.
belonging to different regions of the country. Culture Officer, Mr. Arun Ku. Panda, Sr.
It aims to foster national integration and Journalist, Mr.Bikash Mohapatra, Secretary,
communal harmony. It aims to provide the Suprativa, Mr. Madhusudan Das, State
youth from different parts of the country and Coordinator, National Yubabahini, Mr. Asok
f ro m di vers e re ligio us a nd c ultu ral Ku. Dash, Dist. Youth Coordinator, NYKS, Dr.
backgrounds a common platform to interact Dillip Ray, Environmentalist, Mr. Bikash Das,
with each other, know each other's customs Executive Vice-President, CLAP, Mr. Hussein
and life styles, to work together in community Rabi Gandhi, Dr. B.N.Jagdev, Rtd. CDMO etc.
welfare projects and in the process make them attended. In the closing ceremony Mr.
aware of the underlying unity amidst diversity. Pitamba r Swa in, R td. Head Mast er,
By living together in a camp, albeit for a limited Lakheswar High School, Mr. Surendra Nath
period, the youth would develop better Samantaray, Rtd. Culture Officer attend the
understanding of diff erent perceptions, pro gram me as hono rabl e gue st. Dr.
beliefs, faiths and life - styles, which in turn A.K.Biswal, Head Master Presided over the
would strengthen a secular and eclectic programme. All participants were falicited with
outlook on their part. participation certificate with Lodging &
Women & Child Welfare Society is working
for promotion of National Integration in the COMMUNAL HARMONY CAMPAIGN
sta te. The orga nizat ion orga nize d a
Residential Nationa l Integration Camp The spirit of tolerance and assimilation are
involving youth mass from Different Collages the hallmarks of this civilization. Never has


the question of communal harmony and social School,Gorakabar,Tulasipur,Cuttack.

integration raised such a wide range of
emotions as today. The gradual and painful CONSUMER'S AWARENESS PROGRAMME
change of each man's allegiance from his own
ethnic group to a wider circle of the entire As the consumer protection Act-1976 is a
social milieu constitutes one of the great developing Act and it provides security to the
revolutions of our time. Fear, suspicion and consumers in the society. This Act has clearly
hatred are the fuels which further ignite the mentioned about the various rights of a
flame of communal disharmony and conflict. consumer in the civil society such as Right to
Though the Indian masses would prefer security, Right to know, Right to choice and
harmony between various communities, it Right to appeal and allege. When a product
can not be es tabli shed thro ugh the purchased by a consumer lacks with quality
accommodation principle. Separate but equal and value and even the consumer incurs loss
to come through the convergence of minority by rece ivin g ina dequ ate s ervi ce, the
culture into majority cultures. The present concerned consumer can appeal to the
milieu offers no lasting cure. Though some Con sumer Pro tecti on Co unci l, State
benefits result from political action, until hearts Government or Govt. of India. The Consumer
are changed there is, at best, the outward is to be well aware about their rights and
form of equality without the spirit. Lasting privileges mention ed in the Consumer
har mony betw een h etero gene ous Protection Act for their safety and security.
communities can only come through a Sometimes the consumer although pays the
recognition of the? Oneness of mankind?, a actual cost of a product and fails to receive
realization that differences that divide us along the services as assigned to the product and
ethnic and religious lines have no foundation. avails extreme loss and deprived of getting
Just as there are no boundaries drawn on the adequate quality. Even most of the consumers
earth to separate nations, distinctions of get loss due to their ignorance and indolence.
social, economic, ethnic and religious identity But now the time has been changed, the
imposed by peoples are artificial; they have consumers are being empowered to receive
only benefited those with vested interests. On the appropriate quality and good service which
the other hand, naturally occurring diverse is just right of the consumer. When he suffers
regions of the planet, or the country, such as from various casuaities, the need of consumer
mountain and plains, each have unique law is required to solve the predicaments. The
benefits. The diversity created by God has Consumer Protection Act extends a lot of
infinite value, while distinctions imposed by facilities for the general growth and safety of
man have no substance. Within the people of the consumers in the society. There are
each ethnic group or culture lies an important specific procedures for allegation and appeal
piece of the human experience. Each has for any inconvenience.
something to contribute to the larger society.
WCWS is promoting communal harmony for Consumer education among the urban slum,
the above cause in the state of Orissa. The rural and remote inhabitants is no doubt
organization observed the Flag Day on 25th essential which may bring their satisfaction
November,2008 at Tulasipur Govt.High in day to day life. In this context, Women &


Child Welfare Society has been organized

different activities on Consumer Awareness Women & Child Welfare Society started a free
Programme in Cuttack City. One Awareness legal advice cell and provides legal advice to
programme organized on Consumer Day at the people who are very poor & needy and
Tulasipur Govt. High School, Gorakabar, can not afford legal assistance from outsides.
Tulasipur on 26th December 2008 by involving We have a panel of advocate to perform such
emi nent reso urce perso ns a nd le gal programmes. We have filed some such cases
practitioners to educate the general public in the court by the cooperation of CLAP
about the need of institutional support (Committee for Legal Aid to Poor) Cuttack free
mechanisms for reinforcing the consumer of cost.
movement. Printed materials prepared by the
organization are distributed in each participant PROGRAMME ON UNTOUCHABILITY
for effectual motivation Dr. Arjun Kumar
Biswal, Head Master, Tulasipur High School, In the Indian society people who worked in
Mrs. Minati Bindhani, General Secretary, ign omini ous, poll uting and uncl ean
Women & Child Welfare Society etc. attended occupations were seen as culprits polluting
as honorable guest. people and were therefore considered as
untouchables. Caste system is the bane of
LEGAL AWARENESS & HUMAN RIGHTS the Indian society. It divides and keeps the
PROGRAMME Indian society into sectarian groups and
classes. The roots of the caste system are
The primary mandate of the WCWS is to seek traced back to time immemorial days. While
justice for women, safeguard their rights, and one view discriminates between the castes as
pro mote wome n's empo werme nt. The upper and lower castes on the basis of their
Org aniz ation mon itor s the pro per origin, another view traces the origin of the
implementation of all the legislations enacted castes to varnas which classifies the caste
to protect the rights of women so as to enable system on the basis of their functions.
them to achieve equality of life in all spheres
of life. W CW S recognizing the need to It is an irony despite of the growth of culture
educate legal awareness to women and girls and civilization in the modern India still the
regarding their rights and has initiated a .novel cas te s ystem prev ails and play s a
Leg al Aw arene ss & Huma n Rig hts predominant role in the Indian politics and
Programme f or W omen and Girls. The society The untouchables had almost no rights
awareness programme is being linked with in the society. In different parts of India they
Community based organizations like SHG and are treated in different ways. In some regions
aims to empower women and girls with the the attitude towards the untouchables was
appropriate knowledge and duties, ultimately harsh and strict. The untouchables were not
to enable them to share the rights, gain full allowed to touch people from the four Varnas.
access to the means of development and to They were not allowed to enter houses of the
inspire a whole generation of women to work higher Varnas. They were not allowed to enter
together towards achieving equality and the temples. They were not allowed to use
justice. the same wells used by the Varnas. In public


occasions they were compelled to sit at a preserve the seasonal fruits in Cuttack district
distance from the four Varnas. In regions by extending the training and requisite support
where the attitude towards the untouchables mechanism. The main objective of the
were more severe, not only touching them was organization is growth of agriculture and allied
seen polluting, but also even a contact with sector and economic prosperity of rural
their shadow was seen as polluting. farmers and to establish effective integration
and synergy between agriculture and agro-
Against such a ghastly backdrop, the Women based industries. Food processing adds
& Child Welfare Society is striving to make value, enhances shelf live of the perishable
dif f ere nt p rogra mmes to w ipe out the agr o-f o od p rodu cts, enco urag es c rop
dogmatic impression from the mind of people diversification and ensures remunerative
at grass root level. In this context Women & market price of the agricultural produce by
Child Welfare Society organized a Awareness mak ing i t mo re ma rketa ble. W CW S is
programme at Malhasahi, Jobra,Cuttack on promoting food preservation and have
7th March,2009. con duct ed a Train ing Progr amme at
Choudwar,Cuttack during the year.


The problem of rural as well as slum in Cuttack
Our country is having varied agro-climatic city is precarious and it is observed at higher
zones favouring her farmers to grow a large level. In this context WCWS has developed
number of horticultural crops such as fruits, doc uments f o r sli de sh ow o n gen der
veg etab les incl uding roo t tu ber and edu cati on, u nwan ted pregn ancy of
ornamental crops, medicinal and aromatic adolescents and formation of peer groups for
plants, spices and plantation crops like their safe growth and consciousness. The
coconut, cashew, cocoa. At present 8.5 period of adolescence is so vital that during
percent of country's gross cropped area is which a revolutionary physical and cerebral
under horticulture crops. The increase in changes are manifested. The organization has
production of fruits and vegetables indicates conducted camps in Cuttack City Slum areas
that there is a dire need for development of this year 2008. Adolescent girls are well
app ropri ate proce ss te chno logy and exposed to hazards of unwanted pregnancy
manufacturing of quality processed food when they are not at all emotionally and
items. The overall installed capacity of fruits physically fit for child bearing although they
and vegetables processing industry, in 2005 are sexually active by the time. Due to lack of
marked an increase of 73 percent over that in awareness, these teen aged girls f ace
1993. Agriculture sector of the country is difficulties as the period is highly prone to teen
incurring huge post harvest loss annually due age pregnancy as well as incidence of high
to unplanned and haphazard collection and risk of child bearing with tragic socio-
preservation of a number of food grains. economic tragedies along with ill health etc.
This compels to resort to abortion and other
The Organization is making attempt to complications and demise after suffering from


disabilities and inf ertility etc. Maternity AGRICULTURAL WORKSHOPS :

Mortality Rate is high among the adolescents
in comparison to older women. Beyond early The W om en & Child W el f are Soci ety
marriage, adolescents encounter variety of organized 5 nos.of Agricultural Workshop in
reproducing health hazards. They indulge different places of Cuttack district in to create
sexual myths and many misconceptions on awareness on petroleum conservation in
health and hygiene. They also encounter the Agricultute sector, at Chanduli, Bayalish
pro blem s of gend er d epri vati on, Mouza, Dist-Cuttack, dt-17.11.2008, Pikol
discrimination, violence and treated as Gram Panchayat, Salipur, Dist-Cuttack, dt-
vulnerable for sexual transmitted diseases. 30.11.2008, BanraU.G.M.E.School, Banra,
HIV positive cases are found intense among Mundali, Dist-Cuttack, dt-07.12.2008, Sofa,
the teen aged adolescents. Prevention of Tangi-Choudwar, Dist-Cuttack, dt13.12.2008,
substance use is another factor for the Tentola, Salipur, Dist-Cuttack, dt-14.12.2008
guardians and all concerned. It is the
responsibility of the conscious mass to build
up self confidence among the adolescents
whereby they can motivate their peers and
reduce the victimization of difficult situations.



Investors education is so essential which

required to be propagated through seminars
and awareness campaign at the grass root
level. The most important activities are
systematic investor's education programme PROMOTION OF URDU LANGUAGE
through media, organization of seminars and
symposia, programmes through the registered The Women & Child Welfare Society is
voluntary associations working in the field of working for the overall development of the
investor's education and protection activities, Minority community. Special learning centres
coordination with institutions engaged in for minority children have been running in the
Investor education, awareness and protection minority patches of Cuttack city. The Urdu
activities in Cuttack district. The main knowing teachers are being engaged for
objectives are to facilitate various information promotion of Urdu language in addition to the
on investments, promote investors education Primary education. Children living in difficult
through both electronic and print media, circumstances are being withdrawn from their
coordinate the institutions engaged in hazardous sector and are enrolled in these
investors education, disseminate the message special learning centres. Later, they are
of the department among the investors and properly mainstreamed to different Govt.
strengthen the awareness and protection drive Schools with proper track records.
among the general public.

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