Homework - Indirect Speech

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Jl. Taruna Pahlawan Revolusi, Pondok Bambu – Jakarta (13430)
Telepon : 8617255, Fax : 86609538


1. The boy said, “I like chocolate”.

2. The teacher said, “It rained very hard yesterday”.
3. My friend asked me, “What are you going to do today?”
4. “I’ll do it,” the girl said.
5. “Brush your teeth now”, Mum said.
6. My new teacher asked me, “Do you live near the school?”
7. “Pull over to one side”, the policeman said to the driver.
8. “Have you done your homework yet?” Dad asked.
9. “Don’t forget to turn off the lights”, my brother said.
10. “I want you to practice your scales every day,” my piano teacher said.
11. The advert said, “Everything selling for half price!”
12. “Can you turn off the air conditioner?” the lady asked the attendant.
13. “It’s past my bed time”, the boy told the maid.
14. “Can I help you?” the shop assistant asked.
15. “This is a delicious meal” Dad said to Mum.
16. “What channel is it on?” my brother asked.
17. “Don’t forget to brush your teeth after every meal,” the dentist said.
18. The receptionist said, “The doctor will be with you in a moment”.
19. “Would you mind if I sat here?” the lady asked.
20. “It will be cloudy with occasional showers, the weatherman said.
21. “I think you need a new school bag” Mum said.
22. The lecturer stated, “The force of gravity pulls us towards the earth’s core”.
23. “I want to ask her if I may go home now,” said Henry.
24. “I have to join that club to lose my weight, said Saifah.
25. “They are giving away a house”! said Ali.
26. “I want a glass of milk”, said the little boy.
27. “Jo said she had done it yesterday”, Alicia told Stephen.
28. “Shall I leave the cordless telephone on the hook?’ he asked.
29. “Go away Ben!” Nadia asked.
30. Jessie asked, “How do I solve this Mathematics problem, Mr. Tan?”

Answer !!
1. The boy said that he liked chocolate.
2. The teacher said that it had rained very hard the previous day.
3. My friend asked me what I was going to do that day.
4. The girl said that she would do it.
5. Mum said to brush my teeth right away.
6. My new Teacher asked me if I lived near the school.
7. The policeman told the driver to pull over to one side.
8. Dad asked me if I had done my homework yet.
9. My brother told me not to forget to turn off the lights.
10. My piano teacher said that she wanted me to practice my scales every day.
11. The advert said that everything was selling for half price.
12. The lady asked the attendant if he could turn off the air-conditioner.
13. The lady asked the attendant if he could turn-off the air conditioner.
14. The boy told the maid that it was past his bed time.
15. The shop assistant asked if she could help me.
16. Dad told Mum that it was a delicious meal.
17. My brother asked what channel it was on.
18. The dentist told me not to forget to brush my teeth after every meal.
19. The receptionist said that the doctor would be with me in a moment.
20. The lady asked if I would mind if she sat there.
21. The weatherman said that it would be cloudy with occasional showers.
22. Mum said she thought I needed a new schoolbag.
23. Saifah said that she had to join that club to lose weight.
24. Ali exclaimed that they were giving away the house.
25. The lecturer stated that the force of gravity pulled them towards the earth’s core”.
26. The little boy said he wanted a glass of Milk.
27. Alicia told Stephen that Jo had said that she had done it the day before yesterday.
28. He asked, “If he should leave the cordless telephone on the hook?
29. Nadia told Ben to go away.
30. Jessie asked Mr. Tan how to solve that Mathematic problem?

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