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Unified Life Sciences

A Scientifically Proven Multidimensional Approach to the Health of

Body, Mind, and Spirit

A Multidimensional Perspective of Venus, The Empress (Tarot Key 3), the Tree of
Life, I-Ching Hexagrams, and Noble Sciences Sacred Synthesis

By Eleanor Haspel Portner, Ph.D.

Venus, often associated with Love, relates in Noble Sciences Body Energy Maps to the
Throat Center. Astrologically, Venus rules Libra and Taurus; in Tarot terms, Key 3, The
Empress represents Venus. Venus symbolizes creative imagination and authentic loving
affection. In the zodiac, developing relationships, shown in the 7th house astrologically,
are associated with Venus. The 7th House represents the house of marriage and
partnerships ruled by Libra.

At this point, because of Venus’ association with relationships and with caring, it is
important to note that an emotional aspect of living derives from the capacity to love.
Love is an integrating force compatible with life. What you feel deeply, you experience.
The mind follows emotional life not the other way around. Desire is a root source of all
creation. When desire becomes refined and discriminatory, it brings joy. Desire is also
the impetus of action. The feeling nature of being gives energy to the mind. Furthermore,
when internal desire disappears or wanes with respect to a person or object, energy is
withdrawn from that object and depression often follows.

The Empress Key 3

The Venus vibration enters the body as a whirling vortex of energy in the Throat area of
the body. This area includes the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Thyroid problems can
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result in an inability to control emotions and also mental sluggishness or agitation. When
balanced, emotions and intellect bring harmony to the body and to its other centers. The
Throat Center is necessary for directing desire energy into appropriate creative channels.
Through the desire nature of being, you are driven toward experiencing completion and

Key 3, The Empress, is assigned to wisdom and folly, opposites related to the desire
nature. Through mistakes of your desire nature you evolve through self-reflection and
experiences. Through this evolution you grow and evolve both individually and

The Venus energy of love maintains the order of the universe. Strong desire sets up
mental and physical responses relating collectively to the creation of the mental images.
The want to be loved, the desire to be loved, or the fear of not receiving that love,
interferes with your natural loving nature and its experience.

Venus, as the lesser Benefic in astrology, second to Jupiter, brings good fortune as she
transits your chart and as she makes aspects with planets or angles in your chart. Venus,
while the dominant force in the Throat Center and related to the thyroid and parathyroid
glands, also is a dominant force in the region of the kidneys. Venus has a great deal to do
with producing the hormones that regulate the chemical equilibrium of the blood. It is,
thus, that Venus is a factor in the mental and physical balance of the emotions through
the body chemistry responsible for mental and physical equilibrium.

Social psychological studies demonstrate the importance of touch in the mental and
physical health of infants Maternal bonding; this aspect of Venus comes through in her
symbolism of Key 3 through the Empress as the maternal aspect responsible for sub
consciousness in its association to positive symbolism of mind, imagination, and
temperament. Through the Empress’ garden you can see the fruitfulness of Venus’
energizing mental imagery. Through Gate 20, in the Throat Center, the Venus force
shows her power. Through Gate 20, the Generative power of the Sacral Center finds its
link to the Mental Energy empowering manifestation.

I hypothesize that the physiological energy enters the body through a flow into the Throat
Center through Gate 20; I also hypothesize, at this point, that the outflow of the desire
nature energy moves from Gate 35 through to the Solar Plexus Center. In looking at the
trigram associations of lower and upper trigrams, you can see the flow of the patterning
energy throughout the body graph. All Manifestation has its base in imagination. Without
imagination, no action is possible. In Key 3, The Empress, you see roses as well as wheat
showing the range of human activity that helps feed the imagination in both utilitarian as
well as aesthetics. All senses are involved.

Gate 8 in the Throat Center is next to Gate 20 in the Hexagram/Zodiac wheel although
Gate 8 is astrologically Taurus and Gate 20 begins the Gemini House. Gate 8 has an all
yin lower trigram (earth) and an upper trigram (water) that relates to Leo. In Gate 20 the
lower trigram is also all yin (earth) but the upper trigram (wind) relates Libra. You see

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through astrological trigram correspondences the logic in the design of the symbolic
aspects pointing us in the direction of the function of the body/mind/instinct axis.
Regardless of the time frame (past, present, future) as well as right/left brain dominance
in the task, the Venus creative intelligence represented by Key 3, The Empress is present.

In interfacing with the environment, Venus is the mediator. Venus shows that the inner
and outer stimulation facilitates living out your nature in its true interactive form of
manifestation. Manifestation originates through someone else in relation to you or from
within. Through Venus, you find motivation to focus on the more pleasant aspects and
outcomes of a situation or relationship. Any creative endeavor thus benefits under the
influence of Venus. When Venus is in adverse astrological aspect the tendency becomes
negative rather than positive in slant, and when you meditate on Key 3, the Empress, you
magnetize your creative energies in a positive direction toward manifestation.

An essential core of Venus energy is desire. Desire gives impetus to imagination

multiplying images into future events in your life. Multiplication is the result of
repetition. Mental images must be repeated in order to multiply enough to have the life
needed to manifest, seemingly, with no effort. Self-consciousness produces the seed idea,
but subconscious multiplication gathers the forces that give rise to the living entity in life.

Tarot, Key 3 combined with the meanings of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life corresponds to
the path called the path of Luminous Intelligence. The Solar Energy focused in Tiphareth
in the Tree of Life is also creative imagination. It is the use of the creative imagination of
Venus controlled to conform to your mental images in response to the environment that
provides the energy of manifestation. Without that interactive part of Solar Fire (as in
Leo) the manifestation process could not occur.

In fact, in looking deeper into the Gate 20 and Gate 8, it is apparent that these two Gates
are both Gates in the Sleep Layer of Consciousness. In fact, of the four Gates in the
Throat Center present in the Solar and Lunar Sleep Layer, three of the four have the same
lower trigram, all yin (earth) (corresponding to Taurus) Gate 2; the fourth Gate in the
Sleep Layer, Gate 62, has a lower trigram (mountain) that falls within Cancer but is
initiated with the Gemini/Cancer cusp. Thus, in the four Gates of the Throat Center,
Venus rules all three yin (earth) lower trigrams and one Gate with the same lower trigram
shows a Gemini/Cancer relationship. Gemini is a mutable air sign ruled by Mercury, and
Cancer is a cardinal Water sign ruled by the Moon. The upper trigrams are equally telling
in the nature of this Venus Center and of its nature, especially when taken in the
integrated field of the Multidimensional Synthesis.

You can see through the hexagram structure of the upper and lower trigrams that the
pathways of the Venus energy and of mental imagery are related to the emotional desire
nature. You know from astrological correspondence that the Lower trigram of Hexagram
13 (fire) corresponds to the Aquarian energy of the Zodiac. Aquarius rules Uranus, planet
of innovation and invention. It is a planet that brings about sudden change and unique
perspectives on things. It relates in Gate 13 to memory. It has the all yang (heaven) upper
trigram, which corresponds to Scorpio in the body graph. Also, it is in a trine in the

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Wheel or is at a 120° angle to Aquarius. This aspect enhances the relationship formed
between the two hexagrams.

It is interesting to note that in the pathway of flow in the body graph between the two
hexagrams both are in the Throat Center, which has the Aquarius related Trigram, are
Hexagram 56 and Hexagram 35. These have an all yin lower trigram and an Aquarius
related upper trigram (fire). Interestingly, in the Solar Plexus Center itself, all the lower
trigrams of the Hexagram Gates are the Aquarius (fire) related lower trigram. Only the
Hexagram 6 has a different lower trigram and that trigram relates to Leo (water) energies.
Also, it is of note that all 8 of the Lower trigrams of the Self (Identity) Center are present
as either a lower or as an upper trigram in the Solar Plexus Center. Only the Throat
Center also has all 8 of the Lower trigrams of the Self (Identity) Center within all its

Of note also in terms of structure within the body graph is the observation that the 50th
Hexagram has a Libra (Wind) related lower trigram and an Aquarius (fire) related upper
trigram. The 50th Gate deals with what is called: “The Cauldron: The value of historical
continuity whose traditional values serve to enrich the present and the future” (The Rave
I-Ching, Ra Uru Hu, 1992). It is a hexagram also present in the Sleep Layer Matrices
where it appears in the Division of the Matrix related to the Earth Plane, the integrative
field dealing with the manifestation and expression of the energies of sleep and
consciousness and which in the Earth Plane is termed “Sex”. It is not sex in the Sleep
Layer as you know it, but rather it is the awareness of the need for the continuity of the
species and the values related to that continuity and survival. Through the trigram
correspondences you can see the path of the mental energies through the Aquarius (fire)
related trigrams in the Crown Center through their related flow in the body graph and
with their primary focus being the desire nature as expressed emotionally. In the Solar
Plexus Center, and through the Splenic Center connection, these emotions translate into
immune function related physiology.

When energy coming into the body is looked at for its pattern, you see that of the
hexagrams in the entire body graph these are the ones that relate to mental imagery and to
creative imagination. It is my belief that it is only in the integrated field of the Sleep
Layer Matrices that you can understand the true nature of the planetary influences on the
consciousness of the individual as a whole. After all, you function in an integrated unified
consciousness that combines the sub consciousness, the super consciousness, and the
self-consciousness. These fields are parallel to the major states of consciousness through
which you move daily in the circadian cycle and to which health and wellbeing are tied.

Emotions often surface out through the Throat Center, the Center through which you find
expression for your feelings through your images and ideas. Each of the seven pearls
shows a Center within the person through which the nerve pathways in the body
communicate emotions. Through the Venus energy of love these energies are balanced
and controlled.

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It is extremely telling that only 2 Hexagrams with the Aquarius/Pisces lower trigram
(fire) occur outside of the Solar Plexus Center. One of these trigrams is in the Crown
Center in Hexagram 63 and the other is in the Self (Identity) Center in Hexagram 13.
What is so telling in this analysis is that it seems to show that the mental imagery which
courses through the body is only able to be translated into energy of manifestation
through the transformation of the Solar Plexus Center Energy related to the Mental plane
of existence. It requires a basis of desire and of awareness for transformation to be
manifested in a way that allows you to feel the connectedness of yourself with your
environment, the true source of all your mental imagery and conditions.

It has been said (BOTA Esoteric Astrology, 18) that to arouse the Venus Center or Throat
Center to full activity develops “the depth of feeling required to give our creations the
necessary force (p. 2). In looking at the body graph it is apparent that the Channel 48,
Gate of Depth linked to Gate 16, Gate of Skills both have combinations of trigrams
related to Air and Fire. The Hexagram of the 48th Gate has a lower Libra (wind) related
trigram and an upper Leo (water) related Trigram. Gate 48 falls in the Libra
segment/house of the Zodiac wheel. Gate 16, which is in the Gemini segment/house of
the Zodiac wheel, has a lower trigram related to Taurus and an upper trigram that is
related to Aries (thunder). In both instances, thus, are hexagrams that combine air
elements and fire elements as defined in the Zodiac classification. It makes sense that
since for the Throat Center to have full force a fiery aspect must be involved in the
bringing of this energy into its full power. It is the fire element that brings the
transformational aspect to this Channel and that then may result in manifesting energy.

Venus is called “our copper” in alchemy. It comes in formlessness through the Venus or
Throat Center via mental images that gain access to the cancer Moon energy by way of
memories. It is the 13th Gate that is the Gate in the Body Graph of memories and it is this
hexagram in the Self Center that carries the Aquarian lower trigram (fire). When mental
images are built up from this storehouse of memories they may be turned into “visible
coins” or into manifesting activities. The Mars force or the fire gives redness and energy
that provides drive and power to these images. In order to bring mental images to
manifestation you must take some initiating action.

It is rather telling in terms of this statement that examination of the elemental signature of
the astrological correspondences to the trigrams of the body graph and their gates gives
great insight into the mechanism of the alchemy of manifestation or action within the
human physiology and hormonal system. It also tells a great deal about the nature of the
Multidimensional Layers and their capacity to communicate and function. The Venus
nature which attracts or magnetizes one thing to another creates the very nature of the
Universal order itself. It is thus that the Venus desire forms the basis of all order within
the manifesting process of life. And at the base of this force is the image at the base of

As you work with Key 3, the Empress, you begin to see the movement of the Venus force
through all aspects of being. As this is the balancing, coordinating force underlying all of
your chemistry, you can see that the understanding and potential imbalances within your

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own being, seen through any of the facets through which you can enter awareness
through the body graph or other means allow you to transcend the attractions and
repulsions of your environmentally influenced images and come back into perfect
alignment and balance as set up in the human organism itself.

Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck, known also as the Rider
Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U.S. Games
Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright 1971 by U.S. Games
Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot
Deck is a registered trademark of U.S.Games Systems, Inc.

B.O.T.A. Lessons on Esoteric Astrology

Note: This paper, first published in 2002 by Unified Life Sciences, shows the origins and
development of work that evolved into Noble Sciences Sacred Synthesis. It is published
in its original form with a few minor edits to preserve the integrity of the material and so
readers have a sense of the roots and complexity of Noble Sciences Sacred Synthesis.
Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D.
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
August 4, 2009

About the Author

Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D. passionately synthesizes esoteric wisdom and scientific
discovery. With her Ph.D. from The University of Chicago, Department of Comparative
Human Development, Eleanor is uniquely qualified to integrate Social Sciences
(psychology, biology, anthropology, sociology) Research with a wide array of esoteric

Leading the research team at Unified Life Sciences

(, Eleanor vastly expanded the Human Design System
based on her scientific research into a multidimensional verifiable personality theory of
functioning consciousness. She verified her work on the Multidimensional Human
Design System on over 45,000 cases. Much of Noble Sciences Sacred Synthesis is
presented in practical terms and tools through Noble Sciences, LLC.

Through the principles and tools she developed and validated at,
Eleanor helps people transform their lives. Throughout thirty-five years of private
practice work as a coach and clinical psychologist, Eleanor worked with thousands of
individuals, couples, and groups to synthesize life experiences in practical ways for living
healthy, successful, and creatively fulfilling lives.

Contact Eleanor at: (310) 230-7787

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