Word Definitions

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A history of writing

noun: dissemination; plural noun: disseminations

1. the act of spreading something, especially information, widely; circulation.

1. an authoritative warning or order.
synonyms: order, ruling, directive, command, instruction; More
a judicial order that restrains a person from beginning or continuing an action
threatening or invading the legal right of another, or that compels a person to carry out a
certain act, e.g., to make restitution to an injured party.

1. 1.
the main body or stalk of a plant or shrub, typically rising above ground but occasionally
synonyms: stalk, shoot, trunk, stock, cane, bine
"a plant stem"
2. 2.
a long and thin supportive or main section of something.
"the main stem of the wing feathers"

1. 1.
originate in or be caused by.
"many of the universities' problems stem from rapid expansion"
synonyms: have its origins in, arise from, originate from, spring from, derive from, come
from, emanate from, flow from, proceed from; More
2. 2.
remove the stems from (fruit or tobacco leaves).
adjective: transgressive
1. involving a violation of accepted or imposed boundaries, especially those of social
"her experiences of transgressive love with both sexes"
o relating to fiction, cinematography, or art in which orthodox cultural, moral, and artistic
boundaries are challenged by the representation of unconventional behavior and the
use of experimental forms.

Conceive form or devise (a plan or idea) in the mind.

1. convert (a text written in code, or a coded signal) into normal language.

Ideogram a written character symbolizing the idea of a thing without indicating the sounds
used to say it, e.g., numerals and Chinese characters.

Pictogram a pictorial symbol for a word or phrase. Pictographs were used as the earliest known
form of writing, examples having been discovered in Egypt and Mesopotamia from before 3000

Basin a natural depression on the earth's surface, typically containing water

Cryptogram- a text written in code

Univocal- having only one possible meaning; unambiguous.

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