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use shall be prosecuted in the full extent of the Philippine Laws. For

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1. “We listened to a LOQUACIOUS speaker.” The

capitalized word means___________.

A. Quiet C. Verbose

B. Simple D. Lousy

2. “Because of PROFANITY the program was suspended

from television.” The capitalized word means?

A. Obscenity C. Decency

B. History D. Falsehood

3. Vanessa has not forgotten that she was betrayed by her

best friend and carried such _________in her deeply

offended heart for a long time.

a. Rancor c. Souvenir

b. offense d. Doubt

4. Even when her friends betray her. Perla bears no rancor

in her heart because she is not_________.

a. Embarrassed. c. Bitter

b. Insulter d. Consoled

5. The _____________ lesson of the story is that honesty is

the best policy.

a. Morality c. Moralism

b. Moral d. Morale

6. What figure of speech is: “O wild west wind!”

a. Irony c. apostrophe

b. hyperbole. d. Metaphor

7. What is the figure of speech in the sentence: “The sun

was a ball of fire over the mountain”?

a. Personification c. Metaphor

b. Hyperbole d. Simile

8. “If you want the moon I will get it for you” is an example of


a. hyperbole c. irony

b. personification. d.synecdoche

9. For the synecdoche figurative expression “It was a black

tie affair” what is the equivalent meaning?

a. Party for men only

b. costume party

c. senior citizen’s meeting

d. Formal gathering

10. For the synecdoche figurative expression “My mother has

a green thumb. I can’t wait to show you her garden.” What

is the equivalent meaning?

a. She grows a vegetable garden

b. She is good at gardening

c. She takes care of flowering plants

d. She cultivates a garden

11. Which of the following is a style of novel written as a

series of records that might include letters, newspaper

articles, or diary entries?

A. Fictional diaries

B. Epistolary novels

C. Stream of consciousness

D. First-person narration

12. Imprisoned for 27 years, Nelson Mandela realized his

dream of a free and non-racial South Africa by forgiving

his oppressors and negotiating in good faith for the

peaceful transition to democracy. Nelson Mandela

demonstrated his trait of ________________.

a. Friendliness c. Forgiving

b. Loyalty d. Determination

13. Read the paragraph and answer the item that follows:

Nelson Mandela sacrificed so much in his life-family,

friends and a big chunk of his life for thing he believed in

democratic south Africa, with equal rights and beacon of

hope for the rest of the world. Nelson Mandela’s dream for

South Africa, which was realized was______________,

a. Cooperation c. Democracy

b. Supremacy. d. Unity

14. Tis mightier than the mightiest... and one is likened to God

when mercy seasons justice.” The main thought of the

excerpt it that ___________________

a. Mercy is only for deserving

b. Mercy comes from the rain.

c. Mercy is spontaneous and freely given.

d. Mercy is limited in extent

15. The public school teacher gives much importance to her

pupils’ _________________________.

a. Cleanliness c. Absence

b. posture d. Study
16. Select the most appropriate heading for the paragraph:

“Stephen Crane was born in 1971 in New Jersey, but his

family settled in New York. His father, a Methodist

minister, died when Stephen was nine years old. He came

to know New York through its slum and street life,

particularly in Bowery.”

a. Stephen’s family and boyhood

b. Stephen’s genealogy

c. Stephen as an Orphan

d. The New York Slums

17. He wrote ‘The Open Boat’ as a result of a shipwreck he

experienced on his way to Cuba to report a war in

progress there”?

a. A shipwreck

b. Stephen’s Writings

c. The Open Boat

d. Stephen’s educational experience

18. Read the paragraph and answer the item that follows: “As

far back as I can remember, our family had always been

an extended one. Our grandmother was the mainstay in

the family the silent strength behind our mother who is her

daughter.” The informal guide and honorary household

chief in the extended family is the________

a. Grandmother c. father

b. aunt d. Mother

19. What emotion or feeling is expressed in the following line?

To be or not to be, that is the question. Whether this

nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of

outrageous Fortune, or to take arms against a Sea of

Troubles, and by opposing end them?

a. Sadness c. Joy

b. Indecision d. Anger

20. Filipino writer whose stories and poems depict Filipino-

Spanish cultural beliefs and traditions.

a. Edilberto Tiempo c. N.V.M. Gonzales

b. Nick Joaquin. d. Bienvenido Santos

21. During the Hispanic era, native and Chinese male

mestizos 16-60 years old are obligated to do forced labor

for forty days. How can exemption be made?

a. Getting a cedula personal

b. Give santorum tax to the church

c. paying the bandala

d. paying the falla (exemption fee)

22. Which Spanish policy provided the resettlement of Filipino

communities to form town centers of cabeceras?

A. Assimilation C. reduccion

B. Encomienda system D. bandala

23. How can Dr. Jose Rizal’s La Liga organization be likened

according to present-day social groups/movements?

A. National political party like LP, NP, Lakas

B. Shadow government

C. National socio-civic organization

D. Street parliamentarian movement

24. During the Spanish period, it refers to the privilege of the

provincial governor to engage in trade.

a. corregimientos c. alcalde mayor

b. alcaldia d. indulto de comercio

25. The Philippine president who was known as “the man of

the masses” was

A. Fidel Ramos C. Manuel Quezon

B. Ramon Magsaysay D. Manuel Roxas

26. One of the pledges of the President of the Philippines is to

defend its:

A. Constitution. C. Citizens

B. Land. D. Islands
27. A recently awarded national artist for sculpture was

A. Blaco C. Alcantara

B. Abueva D. Luna

28. The stage actress who brought fame to her country

through her international awards for her stage

performance was:

A. Isay Alvarez. C. Lea Salonga

B. Geneva Cruz D. Sharon Cuneta

29. Art is product of man’s need to express himself with a high

degree of sensitivity towards his environment. Who is the

painter of fisherfolks and farmers of his hometown in


A. Vicente Manansala C. Anita Magsaysay

B. Carlos V. Francisco. D. Fernando Amorsolo

30. Which enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1916 established

a bicameral legislature in the Philippines with the senator

(upper house) and House of Representative (lower house)

to be composed of elected Filipinos?

A. Philippine Legislative Law C. Cooper Act

B. Mckinley Law D. Jones Law

31. What contained the concrete promise of the Americans to

Filipinos independence “as soon as stable government

can be established”?

A. Preamble of the Jones Law

B. Fairfield Bill of 1924

C. Preamble of the Commonwealth Government

D. First 1919 Parliamentary Mission to the U.S.

32. Which power of the state enables it to impose charge of

burden upon persons, property or property of rights for the

use and support of the government in its discharge of

appropriate functions?

A. Eminent domain. C. Value added tax

B. Expropriation. D. Taxation

33. Which condition contradicts the social justice mandate in

the 1987 Constitution?

A. Creation of economic opportunities for all

B. Sense of dependency among citizens

C. Elimination of cultural inequalities

D. Equitable distribution of wealth

34. Which state policy provides for preferential attention to the

welfare of the less fortunate members of the Philippine


A. Bill of Rights C. Distributive Justice

B. Social Justice D. Criminal Justice

35. Which best describes the division of the legislature into the

Senate and the House of Representatives?

A. Bicameralism C. Unicameralism

B. Bipartisanship D. Co-legislative powers

36. Participation in governance, including the right to vote and

seek public office is secured within the citizenry’s


A. Political rights. C. Socio-civic rights

B. Right of suffrage D. Right to due process

37. The right invoked in the “writ of habeas data” is


A. The right to information privacy.

B. Right to gather information data.

C. The right to search for information.

D. Right to transmit data.

38. The fundamental right invoked by filling the “writ of

amparo” is ________________.

A. The right to due process

B. The right to self-defense

C. The right to be defended by a public attorney

D. The right to life, liberty and security

39. Which is the fundamental law of the Philippines?

A. Bill of Rights. C. Civil Criminal Code

B. Constitution D. Ten Commandments

40. The economic policy that good action is one that helps the

greatest number of peoples called:

a. Mercantilism

b. Colonialism

c. Capitalism

d. Utilitarianism

41. What kind of cooperative system sells farmer’s agricultural


a. Service cooperative

b. Producers cooperative

c. Marketing cooperative

d. Multi-purpose cooperative

42. What are the small hair-like structures that serve a

sensory function in eukaryotic cells?

A. Cilia C. actin filaments

B. Centromere. D. plasma membrane

43. What are the thin structure essential for cytokinesis,

amoeboid movement and changes in cell shape?

A. Myosin filaments C. Monofilaments

B. Pseudo filaments D. Microfilaments

44. What is the pressure exerting on the plasma membrane

against the cell wall of bacteria, fungi and plant cells?

A. Osmotic pressure. C. turgor pressure

B. Wall pressure. D. plasma pressure

45. The protein shell of a virus is called____________.

A. Capsid C. Virions

B. lambda bacteriophage D. Capsomeres

46. Polysaccharides, triglycerides, polypeptides and nucleic

acids are classified as _______.

A. Carbohydrates C. Phospholipids

B. Acids and bases D. Macromolecular

47. This is true of recessive genes:

a. Will only have phenotypic expression if present as a

homozygous phenotype

b. Should be paired with a dominant gene for it to be


c. Will prevent a dominant gene from expressing its


d. Have more superior phenotypic traits

48. Because it will adversely affect the populations’ food

supplies, the most disadvantageous source of energy is

A. Wind C. geo-thermal

B. Sun D. plants

49. Which of the following is the lowest rank of coal and is

otherwise called brown coal?

A. Bituminous C. anthracite

B. Lignite D. charcoal

50. Iron is what type of magnetic material?

A. Non-magnetic. C.Paramagnetic

B. Ferromagnetic D. Diamagnetic




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use shall be prosecuted in the full extent of the Philippine Laws. For

exclusive use of CBRC reviewees only.

1. Besides solids, liquids, and gas, what is the fourth form of


A. Gel C. Plasma

B. Colloid D. Foam

2. You won the jackpot prize in lottery. The prize money

cannot be paid in currency but only in gold. Applying your

knowledge in chemistry, select the largest amount of gold

from the choices below. (au = 197)

a. 297 grams of gold

b. 40.0 kilograms of gold

c. Avogadro’s number of atoms gold

d. 22.4 moles of gold

3. Which of the following statements is true about textbook

laid on the table?

A. No force is acting on it.

B. The textbook undergoes acceleration.

C. The sum of the forces acting upon it is zero.

D. The textbook undergoes deceleration.

4. An atom of silicon has a mass number of 28 and an

atomic number of 14. How many protons are in the atom?

a. 14 C. 7

b. 12 D. 28

5. What is the maximum number of electrons that can

occupy a p orbital?

A. 6 C. 18

B. 10 D. 14

6. Element X has an electron configuration of 1S2 2S2 2p2.

Based on information, element X belongs to an/an

__________ family.

A. Alkali metal C. Halogen

B. Inert gas D. Conage

7. Which element has Te as its symbol?

A. Terbium C. Tellurium

B. Titanium D. Technetium

8. Which of the following criterion is used to

distinguish between two species?

A. Physical traits

B. Time

C. Geography

D. Reproduction

9. Mountain climbers use oxygen equipment at the

top of high mountains because there is _____.

A. Less oxygen in the air at great heights

B. No air at the top of high mountains

C. A hole in the ozone layer above

D. Less nitrogen in the air at great heights

10. Which part of our body serves as a lever, a kind of simple machine?

A. Spinal cord

B. Ligament

C. Tendon
D. Bone

11. Arm & leg muscles are arranged in antagonistic

pairs. How does this affect their functioning?

A. One muscle of the pair pushes while the other


B. The muscles are allowed to produce opposing


C. A back-up is provided if one of the muscles is


D. The strength of contraction is doubled

12. Perform the indicated operation


÷ 27 xy

4xy4 8x2y3

A. 80x3


13. Simplify (3x – 9) / (x2 – 9)

A. 3 / (x – 3) C. 3 / (x + 1)

B. 3 / (x + 3) D. 3 / (x – 1)

14. Simplify: 5 – (2 – (-4) + 11 – 8

A. 4 C. -4

B. 9 D. 6

15. Simplify (3x – 9) / (x2 – 9)

A. 3 / (x + 3) C. (x + 3) / 3

B. 3 / (9 – 3) D. (x – 3) / 3

16. Simplify (8x – 24) / (2x2 – x – 15)

A. (x – 4) / (x + 4) C. 8 / (2x + 5)

B. 4 / (x – 13) D. 5 / (2x – 5)

17. A room is 30ft long, 25ft wide and 14ft high. If 42 balloons

are inside the room, how many cubic feet of space does

this allow for each ballon?

a. 11 c. 12.5

b. 12 d. 11. 9

18. All right angles are

a. Parallel c. supplementary

b. Oblique d. equal

19. The sum of the sides of a polygon is the __________.

A. Area C. legs

B. Volume D. perimeter
20. The altitude of a triangle is 5 meters and the base is 20

meters. What is the area of the triangle?

A. 50 square meters C. 20 square meters

B. 60 square meters D. 24 square meters

21. The measure of an angle is 25 more than its supplement.

What is the measure of the larger angle?

A. 110. 5 degrees C. 102. 5 degrees

B. 95. 5 degrees D. 77. 5 degrees

22. If a die is rolled, what is the probability of getting a number

divisible by 2?

A. ½ C. ¼

B. 1/3 D. 1/6

23. If a die is rolled, what is the probability of getting a number

divisible by 2?

A. ½ C. ¼

B. 1/3 D. 1/6

24. In how many ways can 5 girls be seated in a row of 5


A. 95 C. 105

B. 120 D. 100

25. A ball is drawn at random from a box containing 6 red

balls, 4 white balls and 5 blue balls. Find the probability

that is it blue.

A. 1/3 C. 4/15

B. 2/5 D. 4/5

26. How many seconds are there in a 24-hour day?

A. 86, 400 C. 1, 779

B. 1, 590 D. 84, 600

27. It can be used to show the progress in academic grades over four quarters.
A. Circle graph C. Pie graph

B. Line graph D. Bar graph

28. It is the process of storing, recovering and disseminating

recorded data through the computer

a. Information technology

b. Information utilization

c. Information retrieval

d. Information science

29. This means the graphics will be displayed more than once

a. Texting

b. Tagging

c. Timing

d. Tiling

30. Messages are easily transported anywhere in the world

through the _____________.

A. E-shopping. C. E-mail

B. E-registry. D. E-learning

31. CTRL is a symbol for ________________.

A. Control key C. backspace

B. Entry key D. alter key

32. The acronym HTML mean Hyper Text Mark-up


A. Line. C. Language

B. Letter D. Label

33. Dulog pampanitikan na nagbibigay ng diin ng sariling

panlasa ng bumabasa. Kilala rin ito bilang reader-

response theory.

A. Antropolohiya. C. Patalambuhay

B. Impresyonista. D. Pansikolohiya

34. Anong paraan ng pagkuha ng Balangkas ang ginagamitan

ng sunud-sunod na tatlong tuldok para ipakita na may

mga bahaging hindi na sinipi sa talata?

A. Synopsis C. abstrak

B. Ellipsis D. sintesis

35. Ang pagpapalitan ng mga ideya, opinion, salaysay sa

pamamagitan ng mga sagisag ay tinatawag na


A. Pagtuklas C. Talastasan

B. Paglalahad. D. Pakikinig

36. Kalabang mortal ng pakikinig.

A. Ingay C. Oras

B. Okasyon D. Salita

37. Nakikipag-away ka sa speaker. Ito ay pakikinig na


a. Pasibo c. may lugod

b. Masusi d. kombatib

38. Ano ang kahulugan ng “Neneng is the apple of Daddy’s


a. Paborito ni daddy ang mansanas.

b. Mahal ni daddy si Neneng.

c. Si Neneng ay tulad ng mansanas.

d. Tawag-pansin ang mansanas.

39. Ang wastong kahulugan ng : The present problem is only

a storm in a teacup.

a. Bale-wala c. may galit

b. Buong puso d. matagumpay

40. Nakapandidiri ang asong kalye na _______.

A. Dumihan C. madumi
B. Ma-dumi D. dumumi

41. Ito ang rutang dinaraanan ng mensahe ng tagapagsalita

a. Konteksto c. participant

b. Tsanel d. pidbak

42. Ang katumbas na bigkas ng titik Q sa kasalukuyan ay


A. Ku C. kuyu

B. Kuya D. kyu

43. Uri ng pagsulat na ang pokus ay ang imahinasyon ng

manunulat upang pukawin ang damdamin.

A. Jornalistik C. malikhain

B. Akademiko D. teknikal

44. Nagpapahayag na ang wika ay nauunawaan ng lahat at

napagkasunduan ng isang lahi/pangkat.

A. Dinamiko C. Arbitrary

B. Likas D. Masistema

45. Saan kabilang na uri ng tayutay ang pahayag na.

“Kapalaran, huwag ka sanang mailap.”

A. Pagtawag

B. Palit-saklaw

C. Pagmamalabis

D. Palit-tawag
46. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang di-mahalagang salik sa


A. Paksa C. Tagapakinig

B. Okasyon D. Pagyayabang

47. Ang proseso ng paghahatid ng saloobin, opinion,

karunungan sa pamamagitan ng makabuluhang tunog ay

tinatawa na ____________

a. Pagtatala c. pagsasalita

b. Pakikinig d. pagbabasa

48. Paraan ng pagbasa na ginagamit kung ang akda ay

mahirap unawain.

A. Preview C. masusi

B. Muling basa D. kaswal

49. Ito ay pagbasa ng pansamatala o di palagian. Ginagawa

ito kung nais magpalipas ng oras.

A. Scanning C. Kaswal

B. Pre-viewing D. Masusi

50. Proseso ng paghahatid ng saloobin, opinion, karunungan

sa pamamagitan ng makabuluhang tunog.

A. Pakikinig C. pagsasalita

B. Pagbabasa D. pagtatala

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