Unit # 07 - Using The STOP System PDF

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Y= TRAINING OBSERVATION PROGRAM TABLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY TRAINING OBSERVATION -ProcRam STOP Sy for SUPERVISION UNIT 7 USING THE STOP SYSTEM aq ‘Rowntn nnn fens aeandetpioae srl erase Unk is bothan ending and a egining Is he end of on pest of yourfonnal SOF tang fa yout bah cogratle youre on cing Ins efor isso bop. Now oot help fo incrgaate The STOP System i is ene nto our erancation, r INTRODUCTION — Byte time you rsh this workbook, youl ave ered alt all STOP Principles nd techniques. You wl ave inl shoo! STOP on apie it ‘the jb, Afterall your practi, you wil be sie abeerver of people anda song sey comet has nex? From new an your efforts inane willbe bth she ugha! ld themes rewarding oa During his STOP ning youve been contnaly rd pt ‘STOP principles and techniques to wark. But when waning ort You ‘ng other members of your ergnizton wil eed o make spi ef ‘okeep STOPIn pcie, Youll ned to remind youre tht sei hy ring, ‘Now is these you con more fly implant The STOP System. Your [STOP tesining as given youth servation kllsand knnege you nest cond formal safety audits. Az you haep om using and develop Ing your sis and knowledge your sft prernance wil canine te inpeow. Objectives Unt, Using The STOP System, wl ep you review what you've Ica and stat thinking abou how 0 use STOP in he fate In is un you wi + entity ways contin to encourage safe performance. + Dest how to use your judgment in addressing une bebo 1+ entiy ey elamersin STOP that you wil apy ae his raining RECAP You'veleemed mary principles and techniques ‘halle eto continue apply what youre learn your day rating Taco hetnkes repetition and prac “An employees preparing to uses able saw when the ts lender e tered the workave, The em ender wa om anit sera tor. He ad Die to make sey apron. Ase Stop ‘ind Obs the plays the tenn leader hep she Sty (Observation Cele on ‘Re Ssfey Oberon ‘ng tools a equipment he relied he gud was musing fram thes. Tet leader stopped the jb immesinely and asked the employe to um lecture the emplayse abou the hazards ofthe ure tat with the employe unite understand why the unsafe 2. The team lender wil gt utr rts and cooperation rom he eploye fe ees ‘eam Linder, Good point The procedures be mor speci abt 1D the Wat fad How uentons {he pude Maye we ao ned ober pee not ‘spent. heck ih sore ote pple he, Doyauhave any ote nggetont! 1G. snangry tone of vice. sig nsown woe the tear lade asked Se Wilf questo “What ‘ul fave happened if you had us thea without the gua” Employee: Norah Lan nko Team Leader lyouthinkefany eter waysta make he bene et me om. Oy? mplayer Wl tm atau gues the bow wate osm cou vest cen i memo oulfare en at te 4 These lender ued a questioning tne an inte he Temtender: Youre rig employe. Ths wil probably result in the employees working more ‘Then hee ener eked the Ha queso: How cn we safely nto Fate ‘mate sire his one more flyin eat? 1D Twe [Employee Well! hink we ned sane ester pce, Here eck oe ‘hi book ai sysin he procedures “Cunt shoul be inp whe ig etna dv oy mah Inthe nest section yout explore some ways to encourage le ‘aah jb figures ane cats go shed. The poe. lee ‘Gore doin any what ganrata ue orbs os 3. What was the underiing couse ofthis unseat? {The procedures wer pine becnue hey wave nat specie 2. Theempioye id nat ed he procedure ENCOURAGING SAFE i PERFORMANCE ‘You knw nw tat you achieve exellent safety Peformance by encouraging ae werk protces fre eliminating sek behaviors among tployer. THs aceon wil beip you ed new ‘apn excourage ae prtornte Listening to Employees ‘Suppose you observe fori operator wo is driving 10 est. You also note hat oes aot the er whl beng ‘hear 5, You ned to stp the unsafe ete 0 9 ne eb jared This why you fit ae Alter you shit op fra momen, the Iori opertor says, “Talayscriveat his sped don always lec behind me when fy backing up. but ve never a an accldet. [dot hin wil ve one, citer t's god diver with god refines” 6, Whaterethe undesting cases of he operators unsafe ns? (hac tat apply) a Habit bale hat went appen ome” Forges Not knowing the rales nao 27 Ifyouconvine he aera low sl practi, wil teensy fer bento change his bit ane ble? a Yes Ne. takes intend flor change atte xn als, Changing tabs and bets kes time and lit. Suppose the nest time you arin the ars, you serve the frit operator diving fly Wha showa you do? 1D. Keep going You should ony talk with people win art working una. 1D. Stop fora moment tlk wi the operator about sob encouraging ho 1 eep up the good werk. 9, Whois repos for helping employs change habit an bits Phar can dt incidents one? Imagine tat you've stopp to cberves packing Iachineoperatr feeding cardstock nto Pap for momen tak wth he opera {encouraging her a keep up the good work, 10, What inane fhe questions you could ak his operator? 10 Doyou have ny det about hm hsb canbe done even sores? 1 Are you sre you're working ney? Suppose you ak the operator frien bout how her sb ane done ven mae aly She answers, “Yes. This new ghse were wing MAS strong odor when fs heated up. Could we get an exhaust hood ota oe ‘hemchine? hin ha woulé ct down om the aor. Tcheckd the S06, ad eames re tsi "Now youhavea esponsibilly: You ned 1 folw up on what the opertor has told you, You need o ook into ew exhaust otk wth the pear bout lke sep you ae aking about her suggestion 1, Once you akan employe fora svggstion, you ree to 1 donething, us skin for the suggestion i enough [Dt action, keping he employee informe about heats syouare ting, ‘You dow need to do everything employees cuggest, But you do need to follow up on employes suggesons by ooking it ther as or proporingateratver. Ofcourse, you nett ie your judgment in folowing any ggestons. The next scion loka using your gent, JUDGMENT —— vonsoyoniepstorswanton ar |. STOP trelenng rear terse Sie eden he lgprclanate SOT teenies epee iar” Ce Examining Safety lasues Using your udgment involves aking stuton ashy in ight your ergniatin’s policies fa argu unsafe ac osu n your ae2—or ‘Funafe behaviors ar inerasng-yul ee obs tps toads the ‘Looking into the behavior a ean teunderyng cts 1+ Taking appropiate action Alar your immediate supervision othe tomer -Amanager pully reviewed the information she ceive out these and unsafe cs observed by her supervisors. During fourmonth pid sherotied «tend in ursafebebavtrs invlung eye poston, 12. What hau this manager do nent? 12 Tithe superstars inher arent scipine all employes who do ot wear ee protection 12. oneint the mater to find the undering cose fhe vend “The manage tad withthe superiors whoreprteiohe, —|*f Shetoidtemabonte | 4 teed, They dlc thestution and fa \ ae posers forthe Sehavior. Then the supervisors ha imi sessions with he eplayees HUA ‘sho reported totem. Within vo days the manager learned tha re vendor forsale glasses had not he gees propery, People were no wearing trae acre they were uncomfortable 15. Wat shou the managerdo next? (Checkall hat apply) 1D Work withthe vendorto make sure the gles are propery ‘i, 1D. Encourage peopl to tak with their supervisors about ety so problems ike ths wil no! osu ain, 1 Nott the plan manager bout the situnion nase a similar problem sould are the fre, 0 Allon above [Neath en of STOP raining none pat plan ger was examining th Safty Obsvstion Clyés he had eevee sk (Oneatthe cass ito her, | V8, exten $f ewan ae fem sitet Bocce | Seen ee ne ‘| 24, What should the pnt manager do? Wi tse whether more ats behaviors occur invaving 2_Lookint thestntion ight ay by aking with he = 1S When a ttethratening behvor occur in your are, you should (Chel ehat apy) 1D Waltosee wheter ite part of tend (D_nvestigt toler the underlying cause) fhe unsafe ac 12 tke propriate action, which may invove ening the STOP. roan an using your progr dpi sytem, notify your immediate supervision, spartan to respond appropiate a serous unsafe ats ends in nts ets. You ned tad! wth soe type of ure behaviors before rmoresesous problem occurs. At yOu need t keep STOP separate fom your progressive dsiplie system, ‘ual need show an ongeing commitment asset every dy or satiny sey performance. The next section dts with his [Your ongoING COMMITMENT STOP Yoursrongcommimen testy eseeinio (fr Sety Ceo cece doing tobe vton tours ana conduc SSOPEES aah ors ene Keep STOP Working for You ‘What happens when his phase of your STOP taining ends? The ey to ‘he sucess the program continuing with STOP stv, incaing daly observing ard STOP sey suis ‘You'veseedy developed he hai of btrving and ting wth people sou se and urate behaviers. Now you'lcominueusngthe ars ion shila tecnigues you lending STOP trising om sm everyy esi. During your abervations youl ake immediate corecve action snd action to prevent recurence when you ee an uneafesc.And youl reinforce hese behaviors you obser, ‘Tase diy safety observations ae nt planned evens. Once hie pias of ‘STOP taining ends, you will ns nee ol out a Salety Ceervtion Cad 16 Once his phase of STOP tning ends you wll 2 continueto make daly ney oberon. sop meking dally sey observations. 17, Once this STOP taining ene, you will make dy safety stervaons without completing Safely Observation Ca D Tue Fie Day fy aberaton wl be a important pt of the aucess of STOP In your ergsiznton. So will STOP safety ats, whch re explained in STOP Satety Aucite ‘The next phase of STOP invoves ming formal safety audits, Whst ex safety ni? Ifa planed, 30-minute observation af a spec work es, ‘Tha ays to moking elective ney susie re the asereton ski techniques you lames and practied during STOP taining, 18 Asley spestieworkaren ‘Ss planned, S0-minsteabeeration oft Yu shoul allow at eat 3 minutes on regular bss to conduc formal safey ai. Fisbline supervisors and team leader should conser dang dis wae, Plnt managers no to achat thir sul 9th they adit very aes ofthe plont na eur bai. ‘See pa syst tat ts you da ais on your own, 8 well a with hate \whoreport a you, An the tn you report shuld al cond on ud ith yo, Tse coins a develop your suing sills nines ines of communication 1B. Theat nuit yet isbsed on 1 ding audi on your own 1 bing uit wit hoe who reper you. 1D. deing uci with the perzan to whom yo report 1D sllofthestore, + ‘You doa formal ney aut hy using thetachiques yu lend ding STOP raining. Usethe fl Safety Oservation Cycle, beginning with your Drain todo the sud Review the Observation Check a ceind youre ofthe behaviors tober, [As aways put he Safty servation Crain before yu Sg a9 employee nd Ole him or her working, Act telat nee ae or reinforce safe work paces by talking withthe employee, Finally complete he Rey sep of th Seley Observation Cycle ling ‘tbh sides of Safely Observation Cars, Asa generale you wat to Flot one card for eck person with wham you Ine 20. When you do formal aft suis you should (Chckall that py) 1 sehedte ther on a regular bis 1 setae est 30 inte, 19 follow the steps in the STOP Suet Cy. single ‘beeralon and commenicion ile ylanned STOP tinny Jn STOP tring you ured the Sey Observation Cano reparon your safe observations. Now you'll use the SaetyOerton Can repr ‘formal STOP safety audits. Then you wil am nthe cr acarsing 0 your orgnizaton’s procedures. Yop orgeiznton wil se completed Slety Observation Card to track reblsinsaey, ning ass Snmprverent and ares tht need ston eo, Aan fit these manager ict Involee in romating ety He pcsraly makes safety sis ona rostine basi. He expects cher ‘managers and supervisors to make audits and complete Safty Observation Cinds Heiss member ofthe te sfety commie, The safety commitor met uly torevew eft performance, dacues tends and make Pan neds safety ple and develping new safely programs Raps ofthe austere pbliced throughout thea 2, Do you think this site wit nv nsectory safety performance? a Ye Ne 22 These manager wne sending he signal ha 1 he was commit tothe say ofa employers. 1D. sealety Randers were tove 2. Arethiemanageesnety ohhodeand (sy ae == ee Ean? EB ou (EE STOP taining, you wit te demansisting yor omnniimentt ate Inthe next sectin you review what you have teamed about The STOP Sytem, OBSERVATION CARD STOP [ THE SAFETY — < 4 tty No uray oust esa Oration \* Se Rweln . J a — REVIEW — ‘Teiaisyour fin review forthe STOP progam. — STOP for Sty 24, Your bectve in STOP raining sto Besomea safety supecvzor By fess on © unlecondtons © injuries complains ‘Twoaperstorsnta exile mil an. proses that wee a concent toxic avd corvsive ps The proveures sad tha hey detect ek, he ‘operators shold leave there mmediatly- If aerk occurred noone ‘was tener the aren without persona protective equipment, whieh incised elf contained breathing pps, Inthe past the operators hd stopped ino ks ater han leaving the 2en imme. Theta lender knw this Instn of correcting the stiskbehavir he et ender dunked them for keplng downtime niu, 25, Check hoe esponsliy out ofthe aang fie ts you simran ede Safe © Outi © Movie 0 Cost © Prucion 26 Is thisten ender responsi forgiving equ stanton ost, quality morale, costa production? a No 2, Because then lender didnot comet reve! hr nse tehavions thse eo operators probly 1 continu ang neal bce thay Blew ht is 1 began working safely seavingightaway one the copertrs ried oir ofthe Ty valvetostop helen, He collapsed and wns eemove fromthe area bya person wenring prsoralprotecive ‘iuipmen. Theepertr survived but wns haspitalizs! fo ong tine 28. Could his injury have been prevented? (Des Allinures and occpatons esses can be prevented, 12 No, Some injures ne ecspatonl nese cannot be prevented er wn intrested in hespng venti to mim, but thsingry uray 1b td no eect on cots 1 nerasd cos Suppose contactor was asked to come ta your arta of responsi to ‘len the piping wit high-premure equipment. The contactor needs personal protive equipment forthe ph. Thisincudesa hard ha splash root goggles n ce shi apg, rubber gloves, fll ody sul,and 20, The personal proetive eipmen wil patel the entrar am unoeeiayexpesure lo ery ‘You ate thet the contactor ius the igh pressure cleaning spent ut isnot waning face shield 2. What shoud you do? 11 Nothing, The contactors esponsible for personal safety. 1. Thelma coretive ation, £32, Whois responsible frst in your ares ineludig th ster of conrctons working thre? response {2. Youraren of reaponibilty inde (Chek al tat p94) 1D. thephjscl aren you supeice nd everyone whe ner {G_thepeople who pt to you omer where they ae rong Sties have shown that unefe ehavins cause or contbuteto abou 96 parcen of al seus inure. 2, Ifyou and ther neers fie management innate unsale Lehavors fom your mes the number a ries wi ecrasence 5, The highs level of peslormance you can expt om any psn inyour are of responsibly ncading uti concer 5 determined byte {rein iim standards you exabiah and mann “The president fa conseuction fm wae iting rok the it 9 nearly completed hghiae buildin, The preside! decided 10 goon 8 Safety oberon tT wth the construction ste supernendet. 5 What shold they da on hse observation fu? 1D Observe popleoseeif they ae working es 1D. Leok or people who ae nat working ‘Ashe pasion andthe superinenent wed rund the bling they save a rane being used titan arcontoning ui tthe wo a the bling, The observed a person standing onthe ond sng the crane as neler, [, Chechhe mein ppl itis xa Positions of People ‘Unjury Causes} 1 Sting Aatnst Objects ng tues By Objet Caught in On oF Batwnan Obes ‘nnaing, Absorbing rough the ki, oF “The president andthe superintendent ke tat a et hae people were lnvalved in his nik ehavior—the crane oper thesia person Stopping Jb ‘aching Grounds Performing Lockout noaooa ‘ou cover that the employee ha tara ing he tank without thegiound 18, Now you neato vo prevent the unl rome surg. 49, When you tke ston to preven! eurrence, you should 1) ithe person who acted uns 1G. givethe person “alking ‘ler yout ith the perm an take action to prevent euerence YOu take the laste in the ety GnerentionCytes Ret your ebsrtons a ation by filing out Sey Obsereton Card ‘A uperior was walking down ll ina mine Dulin athe to thediy. Ase passed iy ee Sa Wis opervisor reriemtrs tose Tetat Ott es aacinanemate PS ico {Check apply a ome fla “Te supervisor new that this ws an unusual sound for the are a this Simo diy. Heals knew tht x pers using compress air without proper potion cv be nr. The compress ai could get inthe fers’ lcs ofa hip nae eyo sk. 5, Tolan snc othe sun he hen the supersize shoul use ABB a Wok Above, and “The supervisor went ino te wily ron. Heol behind some shelves eared here a mint ws sing the compres aie clean Sis of himself. Te superar tok nadie oemcve tony ‘sling the ier our of the competed i 52, Thesupervisr should (atk/argue with the rinr anil the miner underiande ys behaviors hazards 52, Tesuperlsor shouldbe ler forthe underiing cus of his snk behvior bec 2. thesupervaarcan cet the underlying ue, heat prevent scurenset the rane net underlying eng ne ecu for arisk behavior ‘The supervisor earned the mine wa sing the compressed iro remove ust bch its faster thi sing brut or wacuurclaner The supervisor al lred that th ir dd ot know the dangers of wing compre ir thi way ‘4, Once he miner understands the stds sing compressed ae this way, ia motivation for working a} should 1D teres, 1 decrease Pure yourself as snes manager or acompany: You have ced 3 meting ofthe stlespeople wh rept to you. As yu eter the room, you note oe spill the le Boor. You sso see hat papers and cafe cups are Tirng the mestng abe 58, The luorderines ofthe meting eam 1 anadvertementofoursandards 13 anevarple of normal onions when people ge togeter 56, The performance ofthe people who report to you witb srsesatry when (Check lth app) 1 yourstandars aretow 1D your sandr oe not known and rderstood 1D youhave nl made sure your andar are followed 1p your sandar ar bigh ‘Te cle pls zandous because somone could slip on and fl S57, Should you sy anything abou tis hazaed? 1 Yo. Sale ct of youre dally Work 1D. No, Safety isthe esponsbiy ofthe safety connie, 58. When aking with your group two questions that are the ke 8 uentioning atitude ae 1, Wel____eanaecrif the wnexpectea happens? 2, Howean hej be done more? Suppae you ea supervior ina manuacarng plot where several ‘arndous materi oe handled, You oulnlyabearve employees 2 rank ure they are working ey. “Today you Die to Ore the wy in which materi are hand inthe rectivng aren by aking the folowing tps 58 Step. Make ure the procedures for handling the matrls are (adequateinadequte Step. Make ut the procedures ae = (hoon unknown) and understoo by al concerned 1. Step. Make sue the proces re__ (lone /igcce) aa ies ‘You gino the recelvng aren and oteerve an employe, Hes viewing the MSDS andthe be fra chemi. Aa you watch, the employee com rues taser up the equipment he neds transl he chemi fom 8 lage drum to several smaller containers ‘You otc that he employee asset up spill XI nanby so he ca ls “pany cident spi, Hele patiog onthe regule personal protective equipment, Histol and eelpmet er 0 Bein goad candor andthe resis ode, According 1 your abervaon hes working sly 2 Wetshould youdo? + 10. Keep going, You should oni tk wth people who are working une 12. Stop to nk with he employe about is ab. Encourge him to oep up the gos work, nd sk hi fr suggestions about howto make the ob even ser. (6, When he ows tha you april hissafe work, the employe will probably 1D continue working sly and help improve the ares sey performance 1D. iovand quit ying work sly ae ct © omen ae oF 7 ec dies V8, onenicoronmim 14 Complete the Salty Obseraton Cad on he fing ager this safey observation. (6, Once you complete thi par of STOP rnin, yo wil (Check al Ut ppl) contin ta do dali sfty oberon 2. forma safety suis om rele as, comping» Saety (beret Cad ar every parson with ehom you (© schedule its wih thse whe rept 0 you and tote you porto 1D allofthestove nats Next? ‘our superior oF STOP lender wil chal ime for yu mae a nent bservaton using the Sey Obeersndon Crd fr Unt? Make asian observations se pose on your a, using he Safe Obse Hon Cad. Bring the compleed cards tothe deusson msting, Your supervisor or STOP leider wile the card to make surehe ing reac yor need "Now turn othe net section to rae your present sey pfema nce. You nny want compare your score wth the score you had the ist ine yu Aid he selrevaluation. 38 pert of your opening STOP meg rally complete the Dscsson Preperon Seino this workbook 0 felp you preparer yur roupciscuson i Unit 7 tenn, ;— YOUR SAFETY — PERFORMANCE ‘You kno tha eliotn unsafe acs and Whats great your oss How well ae ‘Symorlngone sewer bo pr question Ovestions ‘Do you follow safe work practceson and a he 2 Wien assigning work, do you ciscus the tafe oats ued for tea? ‘hen your employees ee You approach Inge do they canna her sual ork Do you rmemberto be particularly alert for enonso popl in the fist 1040 SO steonds ater you entra are? Do you ue a quetonngatitude onthe Jpeking yours! Wha ijn cul Tear nenpecedappens and se Sn hs be dane mores? ‘When you observe do you use 00" ens Teal bere and do you temenberto look Azove, Below, Being tnd Inside? _o you ta wth people wha ae working Sly to inlrce ste wark pracice? Singh Flow comyoulmprove? Use he 1S crnk ests at yor ely perma STOP Kacy SE ooo ooooe ooceo ooooo goooo poooo noooo ‘Do youtake immediate eamecve ation ‘oben ou serve am saa? when you dbrere an unsafe at? ‘bo you routinely review job procedures {omake sure they sresdeqonte 007 ndundersood nd followed? ‘re you stifind weth the erties in Youre ea pico of ‘Do yousbserve each przan fom end to (oe mating ceriin each prt ofthe boy Sprowcted? 1 you make sre people aes fom ote iney corey ooking at heir Boxtonsa they work? ‘ter serving people's psitons, do So check be ose ne egspmen tha hen preventing curece do you use uestonng atte sh Teen 96 the person aance tote you wane ‘Dou use your gent and stay alert fer he uncelyingemses of Ursa 2 you actin fie bth the uation Sour rgmizain’s plies? pel LEIS aoooo ooo05 ooo00 soooo ogooo ooooo ooooo nocao oocoo PERFORMANCE ANSWER CHART ie cor yauraeverta ncqvesion. Tented our Bl coe by adding pepo rena Yeguetons Compare yours score othe [ YOUR SAFETY sToP| ~Y) oom S| i J | ___ DISCUSSION PREPARATION Soon you wl be prtisipating in anther Group ateason! ou tnd ober meres of Sour prop wl ave ux oppor oa {bool your own gone and neds, You wil be ~ eilectan ew ihe stor Ssemcar hp To prepare or the discussion, answer the questions on this sheet. Beare tobring this workbook with ou tothe dieusin 1. List wa or thee ways tha you bieve your om barr s hanged since you began STOP tiring. 2. What pee problems have you had or do you antipate in ‘conning to sae the Sfaty Observation Cae? 5. What reid wend in sft have you dscvers on which ow hak your egarantion should se? ‘Yu have nw finishes the workbook forthe ls nit of you formal STOP or Supervision taining! [ ANSWER KEY UNIT 7, ae sith teempoye nt he Sndenande hy teu ‘Scnove ‘he Wh fan Hoe qunor. prea Sop tora moet ota with ‘oper {his abcan be done even mare ‘eked owe ‘ndepng cue thet sony oping whe ae nce ene a eit erp ning te STOP proc end tok ly ey ‘slaw testes inthe StGrmnyoyoe ong Ihe obeewation se oun Frornnicg staiteployes il bts of pope's Shans ne ‘Tue DuPont Training Teno, chu ey eed ‘2. Yes. Allnjuries and occupational ‘Snot yaa nd 3 hamarés ‘35 an advertisement of your rea _ 7 N Betinecmieniin aradeae ein 3 epee yeosurtie de =r macryererocnen te iyur snore led Exerc Peng, 57. Ym Stuy ea olor ome 36 Omer: prope tose they re euate or ‘wens cringe @. inom ein take immediate corrective action 62, Sop to talk with the employee ae aE inert peca 2 geo ‘ft mugen at oto ‘orwemaee a 2 Mlottenbore $9. contin wang lig. an lp a ve Sectcaay 4 nena improve ear ey Sram Sp ‘he Ohnvs wrt "Otured te sa Some ‘Stoney. Bcsnnd ad ‘eee ey a (, sete tat ans taba ‘sprenedepprecaon oe ‘Sey oom Eng ‘maybe ar ‘Sues Sk wo pcs ene ‘Re worl Bi you 48, tal with the person wh acted ne : 5, atte stove om 0. sero ls Dia Sanne

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