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Project 7: Email Marketing

Email Part 1
Plan Your Email Content
Target Persona Summary
Target Persona
Background & Demographics Needs
1. Male 22 Sahil,Viren,Shaman 1. Want to change career path
2. B.Tech,BBA,BMS 2. New skill that acts as a passive
income apart from engineering
3. Lives in Mumbai background
4. Live with parents 3. To start a freelance career
5. No salary based on digital marketing
4. Backup plan if something
doesn’t worked as planned

Hobbies Goals Barriers

1. Football 1. Wants to have a steady source 1. Time has been the great
2. Netflix bingwatchers of Income barrier
2. Start a business based on
3. Photography 2. Lack of disposable
digital marketing services
4. Fillm Making 3. Getting Financially income
Independent as early as 3. High cost emi interests
4. Better quality of life
Email Content:

Email Content Plan

Email Topic Marketing Objective KPI

Thanks for your

Email #1 Engagement CTR

What’s more in Number of opens

Email #2 Engagement

Conversion Rate
Email #3 7 Day trial Conversion
Email #1
Email Content Plan

Subject Line Body Summary Visual CTA Link

• Confirmation mail that An interview

would establish a long- video of a http://dmnd.u
,Thanks for Confirm
term relation with the lead digital
your interests.
for future updates marketer.
Email #2

Email Content Plan

Marketing Objective Subject Line CTA

Engagement Get the DMND preview Access the preview

Email #3

Email Content Plan

Marketing Objective Subject Line CTA

7 Days Trial with full

Conversion Enroll Now
Email Part 2
Email Campaign Calendar
Now that you have made a content plan for your three touch email campaign, you will want to map
that to a campaign calendar to help organize your activities throughout the campaign.

Using the campaign calendar template below, plan your email campaign calendar. Remember to set
aside time to plan each email in your sequence, some time to A/B test that communication prior to
the send and ultimately denote your delivery date and when you will analyze results.
Email Campaign Calendar Key
Use the following colors to represent the stages in your email campaign calendar.

a. Yellow - Planning Phase

b. Orange - Testing Phase
c. Green - Send Phase Planning Phase
d. Red - Analyze Phase
Testing Phase

Send Phase

Analyze Phase
Email Campaign Calendar
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

M T W Th F M T W Th F M T W Th F






Planning Tests Send Analyze

Email Part 2
Craft Your Email
Writing Your Email
Now that you have completed the planning phase of your three touch email campaign, it’s time to
craft your first email!

1. Use the campaign content plan you created above to create Email #1 in MailChimp.
2. Follow the steps in the Project Prep Guide to help you setup your first campaign in Mailchimp.
3. When you complete Email #1 send yourself a test email. Please take a screenshot of your email
and include the screenshot in your project submission deck. (Please note: this could require
more than one slide)
Email Copy: Email #1
Subject Line: Thanks for your Interests.

• Body: Thank you for joining us for a better future!

We at Udacity makes everything to make your time worth .
We’ll be happy to send you about our future updates once your confirm your

CTA: Confirm

Link for CTA:

Email Screenshot: Email #1
A/B Testing Email
A/B Testing Email
Testing is an important component of any part of digital marketing. By A/B Testing various
components of your email you can optimize open rates, and conversion rates on your call to action.

1. A/B Test the Subject Line and Call to Action in Email #1 by writing an alternative for each.
2. Explain why A/B testing is important and how you might A/B test each of these two
components of your email in an email campaign.

A/B Testing

Subject Line CTA

Udacity DMND is built with Industry

Email #1 Free Trial for 7 days
leaders like Google,Facebook.
Explain why A/B testing is important and how you might A/B test each of these two components of
your email in an email campaign.

● A/B testing will help me to experiment with different approach that might
get clicked with user mindset and makes the move.
● For A/B testing I would change the subject line as “Udacity DMND is built
with Industry leaders like Google,Facebook” and will offer 7 days trial
● The trial offer might make the conversion faster as it comes with deadline.
Sending and Analyzing
Calculation Formulas
Open Rate =

# of emails opened/(# of emails successfully delivered)

Click through Rate =

# of clicks on CTA /(# of emails successfully delivered)

Overall Conversion Rate =

# of actions taken/(# of emails successfully delivered)

Sending and Analyzing Results
After you have hit send on the first email of your campaign, you can spend
some time analyzing the results. Results can be monitored within the first 24
hours of an email send, or after a couple days or even after a week.

Assume your results for Email #1 send are below. Calculate the following:

1. Open Rate
2. Click through Rate
3. Conversion Rate
Results Email #1
After you have hit send on the first email of your campaign, you can spend
some time analyzing the results.

1. Calculate the Open Rate

Results and Analysis

Sent Delivered Opened Opened Rate Bounced

2500 2250 495 0.22 225

Results Continued Email #1
Results can be monitored within the first 24 hours of an email send, after a
couple days or even after a week.

1. Calculate the CTR and the Conversion Rate

Results and Analysis

Clicked CTR Take Action Conversion Unsubscribed

180 0.08 75 0.033 30

Final Recommendations
Based on the work you did throughout this project, what would you do for
Emails #2 & 3.

● After sending Email#1 ,I will wait for response on it and in the mean time I would send Email #2 if
response takes bit longer and after a month will send Email #3 for promotional deal to make a
lucrative offer .

● I would try A/B testing with different visuals and formats for better response

● CTA option would be experimented with new visual after every email send without losing
uniformity from objective.

● If somebody unsubscribe from the list ,this might shows as profit indirectly because this would
help to save money and time by not targeting wrong customers. Therefore I would remove such
email ids from my mailing list in 10 days to avoid being sent as spam.

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