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Kaitlyn Luchette

EDU 299

18 June 2018

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

To be admitted into your bachelor degree program for Education in Nevada you must

pass the Praxis Core exam. Taking and passing the math, reading, and writing exams that are the

content of the Praxis Core exam are vital to my career as a future teacher. The passing scores for

these exams are 150 for Math; 156 for Reading; 162 for Writing. I must get these scores or above

to achieve my ultimate goal of becoming a teacher.

Exam Preparation

I’ve been slowly preparing for My Praxis core exam through my whole college career

thus far. I’ve gotten study guides, books, and many tools from my education classes that help

push me in the right direction. For this assignment in particular I printed out the study guides for

each subject and briefly went over them, did practice questions that were available to me, and

took the one time free practice tests on Mometrix.

Exam Results

As I took these test and received my scores I realized that I am a little unprepared for the

Praxis core Exam. In Math I received 42% which indicated Improvement needed. This wasn’t a
huge surprise to me because I have never done well with Math. In Reading I received a 43 %,

and in writing I received 53% which indicated improvement needed. I think with better

preparation, studying and a little more knowledge of the questions that I have now just received

by taking these practice exams I will be better prepared when I go to take my Praxis Core Exam.

Taking these practice exams were very helpful and have now pushed me to get to studying and

prepared for that Praxis Core Exam in the Fall.

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