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Stylistics Assist.

Lecturer: Aram Kamil

Gricean Maxims
The philosopher Paul Grice proposed a cooperative principle of
conversation which can be elaborated in four sub-principles, called
conversational maxims or Gricean Maxims.
Speakers and hearers have to comply with a basic co-operative principle.
This principle demands that participants should make an important
contribution to the success of the conversation. Compliance with this
principle helps to reduce misunderstanding in conversation and achieve
rational interaction in communication. This principle is divided into four
sub-principles, referred to as maxims, basic rules which participants
should adhere to in any ordinary conversation.
1. Maxim of quantity. Speakers should be economical and informative;
should say neither too little nor too much. For example, when asked
about one's age, one should simply give the years. It is a violation of
the maxim of quantity to give further details like the months, days or
minutes. The reason is that the answer is too much.
Example of following the rule:
A: What time do you work tomorrow?
B: Tomorrow I work at 2pm.
In the example, B responds to A’s question without adding other information.

Example of violating the rule:

A: Do you have school tomorrow?
B: I have classes all day but I must go to the doctor when I’m finished.
In the example, B violates the maxim because too much information, rather than
providing a yes or no answer.

Stylistics Assist. Lecturer: Aram Kamil

2. Maxim of quality. Speakers should be truthful; they should not say

what they believe to be false or for which they lack adequate
evidence. For example, when asked about one's financial state, one
should tell the truth and say penniless. It is a violation of the maxim
of quality to say millionaire. The reason is that the answer is untrue.
Example of following the rule:
A: Why were you late last night?
B: My car broke down.
In the example, B gives truthful information that the car broke down and that’s
why they were late.

Example of violating the rule:

A: Is Reno in Mexico?
B: Sure, and Philadelphia is in Florida.
In the example B provides incorrect information to A, violating the maxim.

3. Maxim of relevance. Speakers should be relevant; what they say

must connect suitably with the rest of the conversation. For example,
when asked about somebody's hairstyle, one's response should be on
it. It is a violation of the maxim of relevance to say What is on TV
tonight? The reason is that the answer is irrelevant.
Example of following the rule:
A: How is the weather today?
B: It is rainy and cloudy.
In the example, B provides accurate information that is relevant to A’s question.

Stylistics Assist. Lecturer: Aram Kamil

Example of violating the rule:

A: Where is my Halloween candy?
B: Mine is missing too.
In the example, B does not provide a relevant answer to A’s question, instead
something completely unrelated is said.

4. Maxim of manner. Speakers should be brief, clear and orderly. For

example, it is a violation of the maxim of manner to utter the sentence
He left her in tears. The reason is that the sentence is not clear. It
means either 'He was in tears when he left her', or 'She was in tears
when he left her'.
Example of following the rule:
A: Where was the professor when class ended?
B: She left class and went to her office.
In the example, B responds with orderly information to the question posed by A.

Example of violating the rule:

A: How is Kate today?
B: She’s the usual.
In the example, B violates the maxim by responding with a statement that is
ambiguous; the 2 perceptions of Kate could be different.

Stylistics Assist. Lecturer: Aram Kamil

In the following conversations, the answers violate the co-operative
principle. Decide which maxim is violated, and then explain why.

1. What should I do to get rid of this headache, Doctor? Take some

2. When am I going to get back the money I lent you? Boy, it's very hot
3. Mr. Murphy got his Ph.D. in 1986, his BA in 1982, and his MA in
4. How many hours do you work a week? 80 with no vacation.

Answer keys:
1. Quantity. The speaker has not provided enough information.
2. Relevance. The speaker's answer is not related to the question.
3. Manner. The speaker's answer is not orderly. B.A. should be 1980
and M.A. 1982.
4. Quality. The speaker has failed to tell the truth.

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