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Augu st 13, 2018

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Hello, I wanted to welcome you to 2018-2019 school year at Joe l. C. Harr is M iddle School. My
name is Caitlin Lara and I have the pleasure of serving as your student' s Special Edu cation te acher. 1 will
be co -teaching 7th grad e writing alongside Ms. Blank and Mrs. Blankety.

As your child' s parent/guardian you serve as your child ' s expert! I am looking fo rwa rd to using my
skills in educatio n paired with the knowledge you have of your ch ild to work toward s an excellent school

I want us to all be on the same page so below I have outl ined 3 classroom proce du res th at are
expected to be followed by each student.

• Each student should have their binder, spiral notebook, a pencil and red pen w ith them for each
class period . If they do not have these suppl ies they may use from a shared supply bank .
• All assignments are to be turned in at the beginning of class or 10 po ints w ill be deducted from
the final grade.
• Every student is expected to pick up after themselves in an effort to keep the classroom tidy and

I believe communication will be an important key in promoting the success of your student. The
best way to reach me is through email. I check my email daily and can usually get back to you w ithin 24
hours. You can also call me at work and leave a voicemail. My email is CALara@SAISD .net and my phone
number is 000-000-0000 ext 123 . Feel free to contact me anytime!

Warm regards,
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Caitlin Lara

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