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502 General Knowledge m2: 1000 1026 1026: 1030 1035, 1192 1196: 1208: 210 1200: 1200: 1320: 1380 via wast 1451 494 1498: 1526 1927 1530 1539 1545: 1555, 1586 1864: 1976 1582 1800 $605: 1616, 028 1604 PAKISTAN STUDIES HISTORY OF SUB-CONTINENT/ FREEDOM STRUGGLE & IMPORTANT EVENTS FROM 712 TO 2012 Muhammad Bin Qasim, the frat. Musi Commande entered ia a canqere First invasion of Suan’ Muhammad of zzn in subcontinent ‘7th attack of Stan Mubarmood Ghazni on In tomple estoyed by Sonat Munammecs Ghazni Dean of Sultan Mahmood Ghazni ‘Al Mathdum Hajwer! popularly known 35 Hazrat Data Ganj Bathsh came Yo India: Sultan Masud of Gxzni Sutan Mohammed Ghorldeleated Prahw Ra fat the second battle of Taran and founded the Msn le in Ici, Death of Sutan Mohammad Gh ‘The save Dynasty was found in Inda Fist Islamic state was eslabished in India and Gaubsidin Aibek became the fre rer of Islam tate of ng. Death of Gatud-us:bin Abek ding playing pot. End of Save Dynasty ia nia “The Krill Dynasty was founded in Inia End of Kh Dynasty in nda ‘The Thughig Dynasty was founded nina, ‘Taimorane mvased Ins End of Tuglag Dynasty in nd ‘Begining of Sadat Dynasty iin, End of Saddat Dnast in nai. ‘The Loan Dynasty was founded ia nda ‘Accession of Babu ia Fraghane Fist voyage of Vasco. da Gama to Inia (Glscovey of seas route to nda via te Cape 31 Good Hope) Fest Batle of Panipat; Babu detested Tera Lodhi foundation of Mughal ynasty by Babur atte of Khanwe—Sabur defeated Rana Senge Death of Babur and accession of Humayun ‘Sher Shah ‘Sun defeated Humayun and became lnia's emperor eatn of Sher Shah Sur omayon reeaptred the tone of Delhi Secand Bate of Panipat was fought between Hemubkal and Akbar Hacrat Mujadd AN San whose real name was Shed Ahad Siting was bom Batte of Haldghat-Rana Parab defeated by ‘iba Dire founded by Akbar al incia Company established Death of Akbar and secession of Jahangir First Ambassadar of England Sir Thomas Roe vsts Jahangir ‘Shah Jahan becomes emperor of Inia ‘The Engiah permited To Uade in Inca (0 Benga ‘Shalimar Bagh was constructed by Shah ‘lenan ‘Construction of Tj Mahal in Agra ‘Aczassion of Aurangzeb, imprisoned Death of Shahjahan Consiuction f Badshahi Mosque in Lahore ‘Shan Wallan was bor Death of Aurangzed ‘Nadir Shah invades Inca Battle of Plassey, establishment of tah political ren Sangal atthe hands of Loe ive ‘hed Bate of Panipat; Shah Alam becomes inda's emperor ‘Deatn of Shah Wat-lah Bate of Buxar was fought between Biishers ‘and Mir Gasim, 1765:_Cive appointed Companys Govern in nda 1767-6 First Mysore War was fot. 1768. Haji"SharatUah the Tounder of Farazi avert was bom 1790-64, Second Mysore War was fought 1784. Pat's India at 1785 _Syes Atmed Shaheed was bom 1790.92. "Third Mysore. War was fought between ‘Engleh men and Tipu Stan Furth mysore War-— Death of Tipu Sutan ‘Sans conguored the Pura May. Fort Witam Couege eas estabisned at Cale Si Syed Anmad Khan was born Syed Anmad Shaheed wrote Sirat-Mustagin Fra Movernent was started in Banga 1831, Syed Ahmad Shaheed wat marred at Balakot 1832: Urdu declared as ofcial language tea2 Fret afghan Wer {e458 Ft Anglos War ‘Si'Syed Atmad Khan became Chit Judge Bish Governemnt 4014 Kashmir {2 Gab Siogh Sir Syed wrote his famous book ‘Asar 38 ‘Sanadié Doctrine of Lapse under which adoption of son by rulers nthe absence of her natural her "was. banaed was snodvced Subcontinent East incia Company occupied Puna ‘War of independence was fought ‘The Bish ascended the Indian throne snd te det Brits rule was mposed on nda Brash East nia Company was abolshed, Sir Syed. Ahmed set up fst school at Muradabad. Indian Lopslatve Councis Act was Inroduced: which envisaged association of Indiana wi tne adrnatvaton at her vel 1602, seer 1658 Shabjahan 1008: 1674 1703: 07 136 157 176 763: 1184 1800 1000: sar ia16 1328 i sear: 1048 1849 1887 1088: 1858: 1859, 1061 Pakistan Studies £03 ee __Prtn se apie Gna a 81 ee Syed st up 2 Sane Sooty m Canoe SS anssed tie mace won Tom Engianto es and Pesan ExzerMeonesOeavend beg tuntoning emalimonge at Deoband ‘an nan Aoscetion was founes by Si ‘armas Kran ‘Rv au Conroversy bogan when us “Sovoneted agora Us and doar acer ela oe He Gandhi was bom, 'Sr3yed Arma rey Yo Londen wih i Foy Sy ee eto Fe at Pee aaa 8 oe =e ESE «umn ci SE anes won cimine #40 eon ste wt bm esa we net nt Aen ie isteentan sls See ees EUS Noa me on 0 a Ea oammnengowcris seinem we Semen sont aan aan atonal Cones PY ornare, OH aye nee ofS 1 SH Jet ane Bas pare Aca el A ares Mees? Piri Se ee tanner Rite rane Sosa agement Deano Qveet Ve proines MOH Sree an spe Sev tm ‘ee sats 2 ve a ye Area tbs Msi Leap Cro am Ina Counc At ited ‘GuadeArom tecare. the member of {egatsive Come rom Borbay (bob tar Rng ard oven en vt i: Paro f Berga rule ‘a arany Mane hare AK bt (tee Comade. Engst newpaper fom ott See nea mas (ad eazem ono asin Lege ees comps cred 133 Mass wae ‘et nov eet “Namaar Uru rename Wor Wor eae SoC Bec Desh of Maeno Atal Dest eitasang St Noma Becenoe uly League ara Coes Sees nae asst or eka sigma oy Muse Levase ane eyes arash yy en ace Sarntecent onnesm asecetnert Steams Bagh Ma! OY SER L Them toms moons Meer FEET ge ewsciray pow Row capper bm ee age Sa due escam msanes Hom Be conges Serta sso, sein alana we of Ano aot he las ot ener. Hecate was nmtnes fa egress Cormson, beads od nai Eee in came to nae eno. Seuag ote worms FIST Movement war esalsted by ‘Sine anata Mesto 504 General Knowledge 1931, 932 1993: 1933: 1934 1995: 1935 1938 1838 1940 1902 1902 1942 ros 14s; 1046 1946; 1946: 947 1947 ser 1907 947 $947 soar 1947 947 1048 ioe 1940: 1008 sos Ca ens coma ee ee eas SSSR son noe Eo SESS nr verano eines pear BSE “iene he seine Seen ae Seetenaterseey Seger crater pore Siac io rhaace aha oma teatro teense sar ln Satie inate aarti Se Pe ee oa EE TE tance co ne Kmeciaesg Soprano Sn a Sctuariescotrec Seecaroes Re Se coos eae Sse e es Speier me Shas SE comes we hy teens fie, Teena At ited Cae way Bln cama ar ee a ae ee eSpace as ce eset Bee oon oo er Bi cement Scenes teat nue ai HAS i tty rata Shee ke cnc neat rt ene aes See eae Seer caen scr we 0 Ses on rr oo eam 2n ee ee ‘tenn fist Se te as Roos 1949 130 1380 1950: iss 1951 1951 fest 351 1982 1955, 1908 1968 1988 1956 1956; 1956 1950: 1958: 1958; 1989, 1900: 1900: 1 1982 1963 1965: 1985: 1966 1988 1966 1967 ‘st January cease fren Kashi Pakistan became the member of 1LO Colombo pan saved Nawab Linqaut Al Khan's tours of USA tanFebruay. Choudhry Rema A dag fth'SeptLlogatNenry Pact was sited fr Sealing minortes prion {6 Oat Llaquat Au Khan was asassinatac ‘eats of Maulana Haart Monon Fret cansus was heldn Pakistan Pakistan became of nonpemanent member lf Securty Counel of UNO fat be Marenal law was enforced Lahore Naren) 2ath Octoberfest constiventassembiy was fiesones {on August Ch Muhammad Al became Bre March Paxstan became Wmic epuoie 25rd March Sakindar Mirza became he fat fesidet of Pakistan Berd. Maren. The, frst consttston of the ‘aunty was enforces. rm Novemebr Desh of Maulana Zafar Ai ‘Tn Getober. Skandar Miza abrogated the 1996 Conattuton and dissolved Astarsies Bh Ocober, Marta Caw was imposed by ‘Shanda aa Brn" October Ayo Khan became the besidet of Pakistan oth December a eduction commision was ‘Beat of Sarsar Abr Rub Nistor ‘Gandar port was bought em Oman ‘greta! eto was inouces ‘Seaton at commasion for new constuton of Death of Li. Chandrigar. Pamiy In ordnance was intoduces ‘Ayo. “Khan announces. the second ‘ansttton of Patan inva constuent assembly came to istince to Maren Pakistan Chine borer treaty was Snes Indl and Pakistan fought second war over ashe ‘Tanvary presidental etecton in Pain our content assembly ErOUN to ‘exstonce by Ayub Ka, Sn January Tashgand Treaty was sires between Pakistan and Inia Compton of conarvton of tamabad Ganong Shaky MujeurRenman introduces ns se pons BID (Pakatan Democratic Movement wos fetal : ‘at December Pakistan People's Party wo tomes vy 2 But. Mangia dams constuction complete. se i cs ar i pd Sun yp oe ae - —— | ee sey ae on ‘Satan Cnet Poin. Docamber Frat Genera ellon under he UFO ‘Bonar vata Khan rcticed 0 ‘Krew province Baecian no crt tea deaion fone re ‘on December Eau Patton was sepa tom 5 Dacor Bato sapped in se preset tn oon CWA Pa Pert lected represen ‘e fil, Canon o 173 was roves tan arnnamenty aan . ‘ruse Zaariog ak oot a8 Presor, ‘rmnaid"sabammos Krone» PATS iocser ‘orf cao Nato! Assen wee Mt EE B88 g PEER R Ee Pokistan Studies 505 ‘tn Outer css for constuent assert ER" Aopist_ Geraci govenmont asatved by nr norembe’ waz Shai! eecled os Pre Patan wont Crctet Wo Cu. Bo reer tar Chtoges ord isonties wren ncomaonay ered DY Stee cost al ooh ine Mnater aod Present Aerie second bre - {er Sener the, gre ccne Pe 1 ou Ab somes sar ast Benet pees Facog ened Kha Leora 8 {eh U8A Ke at te deca Patan Zan ne. Pre Miler Zeer Utah mat Minato Patton SS 1K Ost a6 Pre ition SE SMM 8 22nd Poe sin pt a remo 3 Sta am ana Se ac nes Cl oe se 1 Sr tases One Moret ote a0 ee any oa sor Pibetber Peseta ection of Pass poet iad suiowa_povec i ! | i ‘mor fan oupee ee ery et ace or erbber erste bck Pabst ate 8 emer edt om on ot toon or res an Wownmed Sonar ot 1 Menta oP a eae iaereae sem sor Parte ren Seah ond Sachin ie te oe one a Erocafen sear Soe rc takin sts own Bere dpe nan hy ee crea ann Pave oe on Nels rover asl a oh Pesorcrraucan tte oonsiom aor Peete Bon Consors of Patstn Ser oat Sut es ot be Bt sooo 07 sor SeGremer 37 dlges 9h Cos ard Se woe ord by be ar SES ate cam wet We PCO ond iereroe'20? oor NOs Enc at ed a es gree Goat od nh Cov a ab wee | enon | sot ‘Sp tecamer FB Ho} out Pain we eradicate Sorcerer a etme Prine iaerand staan Peat Pay (PP ‘areas wt ston nanos or Esto Bohn Rap ‘3h Decanter oval Blt Zan becae be Palison Peoples pry and Aa A 4 EEREREE a ‘mos 02: 00 Ee Bete ar Pe an ‘aru ws 1 eames ovata ean nt Meet et Er ws, Fa na net ern sens = sher Fahamecda Mirza ta er mee inh te 2a 04 Sr (rnb feces Greer PAS game intake cage cars Blropat Try (20) 1 geMRe ean bean he 81 ‘ints of ce prosnna corre, ae rar Paver ar terest ot Paksn Me penberAet A Zari wo 8 = Prado tPatstn Pee ceroe hol A Zar, Pci ¢ 2 ced UNO ssc ad mat bass Pe mes i sare sein oS Pe Soyer axon was Pon wi A mer a. coer®, SS (eg san FATA, Re: Pave eatin ie Te UN Haran Ra OE, ostonousy > Bera BT fant apa nL Se Feary. Or Onder wat st masn Panes me a roe March 5 ran ese ea OP wa Seton = Flee a So ete ners teh Hs ayn 8D eta a ac oe i te corm Day Crarnan reget Scots ‘perenne al ou on nee sont Govt aaa Rel ye anal assent - gs ge a g Income Spor Porenne Ordnanen exons fo whe ot Pokaan oor ee fo foree sronce Septrber "Ci" Kiyoer Panna catint (oed o sat the hay meth of Rana sieraeti Sad a 08 The Nana! Edison Poy 2008 ‘2 at achieving 00% ay ves Seta Mo COP tr auctor ty ets Scoomber 28 Natonl Ding We Posy ans ‘ensure accesso ste ning ete Sab November 1 The frat elens er he 2 set of [iottesan Lega sony wr 2 R eon tops fr Sepa me a ca ws ‘spect eigen Non! son nd Sona ‘s ena Naonal Asanti acted te Pte Daten an Lega A Onc i do npent pope oo Mor ! z@ 8 Match The Prsecson Agant Harsret ot (rena Worcs Spd he Peart 18 March Present Ast Ai Zoran snes me Seven atonal France Canmsson var for Ssaton of resources among the cee a Pe Prooes Yor ve years wih eet fom Jay 1 ano 18 Gccoe” Famer presen of Patan tom Noveber 193 Decent 1097 Facey ADAG zs ir 12 2o12 2012 Janay Presser Aad A Zé gave assent 0 {7 cortserl Ameria Bt {tansy Saman Taner. governor of the bomen ot Pros was saat anabod ‘y' pinay of Pung Ete Force Mak Murat Man Goa 2 etary. New fcr caine! tok oth. The ‘umber of ters hat een Tate fom 34 2 Mechs Fetes Mister fo Morty anaes JB Ao eal Lm, hater and Pasonerary ‘aa Mit Orato ‘apse ‘maton ter be Spree Gout pes re ean erence ore Topanga ion case 2 Al rewdrt Ast A Zaran Wesnesdy Seem Sra “bah Fete ae 2 aya den wen Abeta ty ‘ety Patan aes econ descsbng US {Reston Aron an scones Sipe an ete even oes 15 fy Ha Patou arto ont ae 26° Moat a Aa ote te 2 Sperone pate! kadersip ot Pain inet tutana oto A Parcs Coon oy ‘ata ny 12 Gator The’ gownnert_apparies Yan ‘evar ah be Gown’ Sate Bane aoe, a (2 Wlowmber Patsans. cabet vanousiy ‘toed © gmt na Mt Five Nato Ta te 12-Mara Nayar At Buthan and SaB6 Bacon became ehaiman and‘sepay Channon fe Soate resbesrey 17 March A thet marta Tate Rate out. {may bined Gare cnt ot akan 7 Apt 135 Pati eke ned by eters ‘Gayman base, Schon Gc eg [508 General Knowledge 31 FN ene ners bina arpsseaes. oz Hp Pe unr Youu Raza Glo wis eons of corte cu an sere ‘SSaemet cota the Yang of eu 212; $iny hoor Ase std ern Pee Promnca nS Pans 42012. iy Sire Co sued eae et one tnt opst Pre Ss YO fie Cian ora: Say Pan Assent unnoty passes ‘esctkns fr the enatlsnmert of Sah PS ‘oven taney pone 012 Tye Fedws pelo baie ee yx [atta nun toon aouwed by Fase West zo12 S"August The Supreme Gout stuck down te ent o Cour Ac 2042, or deca € ‘ecoraon! van on et ore Te Aust Spear Nasr Asertiy Fetch Mizar dete of Pri Aa A Za Sete i imontr eommeson sete new powres nae Pons 2oi2 Agate Medal ond Deis! Comal Amerie {202 nau ogre ao ow terest ore "2 agus The Spocal Eoreme Zones A, 2012 ‘ovate ast he Posse zor October Masa Youatea year ot eh ‘icon tom be town 9 Mogos i Seat Ost ype Patrkins proveee, know fo he SiS and women's ips scene Sat tcp wos, ent fe ead and neck 3} ‘seeatee stone aore Eirember De Font Hussar Restor Supers Gebrt ar Paitan ved ot te eed vert zoi2{oMovenber, Und Nabon Dedaed Noenbe {asc ‘012. 12 Noverber rien As At Zara sed Org Wa Sook Camponshe, zarz. 03 December Present Aa At Zara sgned he fener of Royoor Patra Lock ‘act "2012. he Prova ‘oi2 10 Deconber Paton coed # enbasy i Damascus a tf oie {S deconber Tero stack PAF bate inde Peshawar aot, aoe December Tax arnesty il todd ator Aer | ore re 2013: 2013: 2013 2018 2018: 2013: 2018: 2013: 2018 2013: 2a 2018 2013: 2 beconber Nao Asanby pase Fi an BF ecerter_ rer Paktankits Senor Hows vt nt Py ese! ie Sr tance ee a Asse (btedeoer Puna ranted At texas fegonas ‘be Seater Crome Berea pedo fal At Zr sored te Fc Sermon Ac ‘Sta Ti area PATAL "er Senber Pac ‘coved #8 enbsty 0 Donasan ard eacaed De sa QP pecan Torres tack PAF tae nie TP ocamoe Tex amnesty bil iaotced in enon Aen teen hr sey pes Ft Te ton 2 Decent Matron Atmed Mahmood ok ‘Sans Gower Pane 2" Tanoary. Balochistan placed under ‘overnors re fora period of two months 1" Fearary Engineer Shavkatlan Khan wos appointed. the “Governor of Khyber Pustwoontra Prownce, (5 March The bil seeking creation of new povnce in Punjab wat passed by the Senate 4 Match: Present Ast Al Zardari and is Iranian counterpart Or Mahmoud ‘Armatingjad performed. groundbreaking of the Iran Pakistan gas pene poi. 2 March. Mie Hazar Khan Khas took oath of caretaker Pre Mins. ‘pn lustice Shaukat Azle Sieigul of he Islamabad High Cout rejected Musharal’s ‘bal ple and ordered his arest 11 May, General Elections for National and Provingal Assembles of Pakistan were hel ‘across the county. ‘4 May. Pakistan Musim League (Newa:) PHLN won 125 National Assembly seats May 11 pos, 3 dune. Sardar Ayaz Sadiq was elected ‘Speaker of the Natonal Assembly of Pakistan, 5 June. Muhammad Nawaz Shai tok oath arin Mailer of akan Februay 18 The government ‘varied a mul-iion dotars contact f% ‘eonstuction and operation of Gwadar Pott © China May & Imran Khan fractures spine. ‘rama fall am a stage during his election ‘campaign. March 11: Present Asit AB Zardari and Iranian President Matus Pakistan Studies 509 asta Stu _ 509 ais 2013: 2019: aos: 2013 ors ams 2013: 2013: 2013 2019: 2013: 2013 as Atmedinjad ofciaty ‘augurated constriction work of $75 tion 2s pelne. Tine "15, the historical Quai-e-Azam Residency was targeted with rockets by imitats.” belonging to ™ the Balochistan {eration Army. It was” completly burt down a8 fest of tho intense attack ‘hun"23: ‘Gunmen have. hited 10. people including atleast nine Yorign tours. The {saul happened at he base carn of Nags PParbat, the works ninth highest mountain Gipt-Satstan Ju 30 Talban attacked Dera mail Khan son and read 248 prisoners ug.t9. Prime minster” Nawaz Shact aderessed the ration Tor the frst time after ‘ssuming. offco In which he showed (overment inclination to hold tak wih ‘aloan ‘Aig, 27 Alghan president . Hams Kazi ‘fats Paxstan for Ney ta ‘Sep. 5 Intemational Monetary Fund's Board ‘approves $6.7 bon loan package for Pakistan 10. help nation reve isang economy ‘Sep. Marnoon Hussain, Patisans new Dresdent. is sworn it in Islamabad Asif Al Zardan "eps, down 2s. present ate omplting hs term Sep 21. Pine "Miistor Nawaz, Shant ‘announces six schemes forthe youth wort 20.iton 2 September — Christan targeted sectaran Stack, More than 80 people are Klled in 2 ovble ‘ulee bombing at 2 church In Peshawar unis ‘Sep 24 Magntude 7.7 carhauake stk Saran. ang’ Kruzda’ ates of Baluchistan Province of Paxistan, Kling at least S28 ‘people as also prompled ie appearance Sta emalleans off ine coat, Sep "27. Prime” Minster Nawaz Shar [addressed the 68! session of the General ‘some ‘Sep. 20 Prime Minster Nawaz Sharif met his ‘counterpart Prime. Minster of India Man Mohan Singh in New York Oct 9 Gamar uz Zaman nominates 9s Ghaiman ‘NAB by the. government and opposition deesion $D'Oct. The Sindh government imposed & Complete ban on display ana branding of Si kings of weapons, reams, frecrackers. fc, wih inmedite effect througrout the Province’ The government has imposed the ban under Secon 144 (power fo ave order absolute at once In urgent cases of nuisance apprehended danger). 11 Get Thity two more union councis added {othe number of ural area UCs of Guat by the ditt adminstraton, making & 120 for ‘BE inthe enn delmitation of te dst 2019 20a 2013 2013 2013 2013 20a 2013 2019 2018 2019 zona 2018 2018 2018 2018: 20131 2018 2013: 42 Oct. 5.1 magnaude earthquake struck Balochistan 20" Oct.” President approves Pakistan Protecton Ordnance “snr O24. Prime Ministor Nawaz O'S. Present Obama in Washington DC, 29.0e1 Prine Minister Nawaz Shar adres the, World slanse” Economie Forum i SoS pre Minister Nawaz Shart mets tegen Mar area and Pov eweeeratoan” Pakistan (TTP) 2ne anmutan Maudie by @ ore Ste n Norn Wazistan Ageney ES Nov. Patstan conductod a successful test fre o Snot Range Surface to Surface Massie aw Was 8 Nov. The TebriiTalban Pakistan (TTP) have eloed parcine Swat alban leader Mutoh Faciolan as he now chit BiNov. Jail Abbas” ian’ appointed fmaseagoto US {t'Nov. Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Shan "and Rawal, Prine Minter Shey aber AraMbarak AlHomd ALSabah eld icra tas "Now, Pakistan wins Asian Champions Trophy Hockey TetT Nov. Bokstan Prime Minister Nawaz Short “atends. the 23rd Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM), ren Colombo Si arka. Nov, 18: Pakistan's government says i Intting a ressongrosecton of formar Tle Gen PoverMusharat.. groundbreaking stein of eilan supremacy over powerful Patan! mitay. Musheraf a accused of ‘hovering Consituion in. 2007 when he Imposed mitary fue” and fred much ot jsiay Nov. 23: Stik by pot! pay PT), against the. grone.atacre in. KhyoerPaktiuratwa Stars, NATO supply Blocked Nov, 26" Pakistan! mitary deploys ts frat feet of domesicaly developed cranes, Nov, 2 The. consnucton of the. county’s Dggest Nuclear power projet iitateg by fre Mater Nowat Shar wor S850 Nov. 27; Lt Gen Rahee! Shar has been ‘sppolied asthe new Chet of Amy Sta Nov, 27-Li Gen Rashed Mahmood has been ‘appointed the Chaiman Joint Chats ot taf Commitee ae Now, 30, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif meets ‘AMghan Prasident Hamid Karzai Kavu te revive the peace process inthe region ‘bec, 12. The European Union (EU) granted rated. System of Proterences (Gee, ius status to Pakistan wi or improccee count 408 tet) grning "Pain product access to the European $10 Genera Knowledge _ 2013; Dec, 12: Jie Tasadua Hussain Jian ook fat os the new Chel Justice of Pakistan (cory 2013: Dee '50. Fit $1 milion Capiow Chiron's Pace is won by Or Anta Za, Pakistan pedatnean who hopes fo save hundreds of ewoome ia poor Kavach nexhborncod of Rene Gain 2014 Sar’ ain” -Taiban suicide car bom suassinaes senior police oes Chaudhry ‘sion and hae thee ‘ers im Parisian 2018: Fen Sth» Genera Rabes! (COAS Pakistan ‘wos awarded the King Abdul Aziz medal of Excelence byte crown pace. pore Feb eth The. Tasban and Patistan (government begin peace negations 2014: Feb th” Znéa Bhap. a Paktan fi won the ‘Special Jury Award the Jaipur Fin festa 2014 Feb'12"10 14 The th Alghanitan Pakistan- “Feey Titra! Summ was held Ankara tusey 2014: Apr 6th-2014: the Secunty cooperation act ‘nae approved by the Fann patiamet. the Bit intended to. 'stergtnen cooperation betwoon "Pakistan and ran combating tert groups operating in bode areas. 2014: Apr sinePaketan secure ed postion by ‘eating USA in the Sect chid fox word up eld at Rie De Janero Brack 2014 Ape “fon-Prne Minster Nawaz Sant “pressed the Boas Forum Asan China 2014: Apr ath Chung Hongwon vstod Patan “Vis was fat Sout Korean Pre Minster ih Ditonto wit Patan. 2016 2018 "ban I Peshawar dectared 2 {ne argestresew of pal by WHO (ors Heats Organization). 2014: May Sth Wiors Heath Orpanzation (WHO) "poses sive ravelresticbons on Pakistan, ‘Troe to prevent he spread of Pos Vrs fo ‘iner counties 2014: May Sine The. Jinnah Inlemationl Aiport, Karachi Pakistan was stacked by Talban 2014 May "T1th-Prme Minister Nawaz Shan Wieted iran fo dacs about the ers Sta Su erate atthe iranian baer 2014 May Sand. Pakinan Became te fst foreign "Covet 10 use China bases GPS. stor ‘rave by BeBou, GPS can hep wth Uber Danning. surveying and. mapping Enuronmentalsuperison,dsastet rele ‘tons, tate montoing and other els. 2014 May 21th Prime Minar Nawaz Shar! met ‘he new idan Prime Mister Narencra Mod ‘nben India 2014 und. Russia ied the arm embargo of 2014: Jun T8th- The Operation Zarb-e-Azb was TGunched bythe Pakitan Amat Forces SPNoah Warten againe! sed insurgent ‘ours 201 2014 pore 2014 2014 2018 2014 2014 2018 2014 2014 Sep tat - Reema Abbasi, Pakistan uraat Was aware the Dest rary persnaiy of the year atte Fith Rajv Gandhi Ecelenoy ‘wards eid in New Deh Sep th = Pakstan Bowler, Sabed Ang was banned de To wrong bowing action by thelce Sep 26m - Prime Mrisier Nawaz Shari ‘addressod the Goth UN General Assent ‘making. an empnalic eal for resolten of ‘Tomme and Kashi conti 35 imperative or sehen sea ad econo wit of Ss Oat tot Malla Yousa Satya wa the 2014 Nobel ct Toth” Malia. Yousatza!" became ne SJoungest person ever at he age of 17's Teoewe the Nobel Pre, forthe sige pais the suppression of caren and yours people and forthe ight of al chien te ‘eveatonin Get Zan Malla Yousatel was awarded the Zora Workts Chicren Prise st Maret Sweden Nov 2nd -Misoah-UL-Hag soared the tases fy into htoy fest eee wth ony 21 bal tao Furr equated the eco fone faetstcemaury i the story of est ere, wth ony 36 bale faced agaiatAusaia Nov 20th =Patstn and” Russia signed 2 “etenge ana milary cooperation apieeren ‘med to bing peace and stably De ‘ego Nov 2tet ~The US Mitary avard Legion o Wort was confered upon the Cel ofA Sia of Pakstan, General Raneo! Sra Ir Tecognion of ha brave lesaeran, sage Vion and elon for peace and saith region ae 26" to 27" Tne 187 SAARC surmt helm Kaman Nepal. bearing th tee Of Deopar Integration for" Peace aS Prosperty ‘ec ith” Germany teats Palisa athe 2014 Mec's Hockey Champions Trophy fal held in ubaneoway, ina Bee tah (Peshawar ashe! Imassace/Talban mataris ack the Ar) Punic. School and_Degyee Colaoe Pesnawar, Patton. They hited more Mer ‘45 people neuding. 152 schol Dac Som -Pakitan Became he fst s8023 ‘CERN. (European Genser” of NUDED! Research) member om Asa Get fon Malan, Yousatei 8 Katas? ‘Sivan wn the 2074 Noba Peace Pree Gat tain" Maia Yeusatzal became. te Youngest person evel at the age of 17 © Treewe the Note! Pr, forthe 50 rte suppression ot haar a0 YO Faople and tor tne night of at csron © aoe 2018: 2018: 2015 2018 2015: 2015: 2016; 2018: 2015; 2018 2015, 2018; 2015 2018 2016 2018 2018: oo Oct 200 Malsla Youssteai was 2014 Worlds “Chisren Pras ie meee zw ae in'Maneted Bins er te Pane eee Bienen “a SSR erahtaeo nth = Pakistan and Srianka abstained from voting for he Ba ‘eel Zand" Panatan since tea ay son fange_balste mace nat sea (Ghazan “ate ange suo cae ballaie mse wnch can ew necat éovertonal waheass te Yanga a a Smet sanuary 31st - The fist toe tanegendered Beople were empoyed in Pauisan ‘Apel 13th = Me Chung ‘Hongwon, Prime Minster of South Korea vite Patisian The fist ever vist of South Korean’ Pare Minister made to Pakistan rs Koen scat ten Scatter geen soraiha Se at a BE 20 wn coro BS war cree Sore emcees aor Prime. minster of Pakistan fo atend the Sree teas erga ee Panto tae wa ae cure Se era conte erat psec ts ys Sei cathe Ri hla isla ate ad Sccegnenen oooma ee a Mee gta she meatier ante at eri iota on wa Sencha rea 2018 aos 2018: 2018 2018 2018: 2016 2018 2016: 2015 2016: 2015: 2018 2016 Pakistan Studkes 511 ith the county. powerul Inter Senices Ineiigones spy agony une tha tan sense anced which was ames Aer fameus poet of Pakistan. Fas ftmed a May 22nd ~ Pakistan becomes fest foreign county oso. China based GPS. sytem made by Boideu. GPS can help wih cian Blaming, surveying and” "mapping Srucrmentasupension "dsaster, ret ‘es, Wate montrng and ote els dhe into Jy 13h Pasian produced the Baracica Bal, soa otal be used m Ine FIFA Wet cop 20187 ctor a 22 Pot cases ware ported in Pekan on, nic surpassed te county ‘hyeaccld ror foto canes whch was 128 eave resorted n 00, September 26m How the shot range Sufac-o-sface arms capsis masie wit 4 mata range of €0 klometcs es Fre by Patan ‘te 18" Operation Zab 0-Atb nated by Pahtan Any Noh Wochatan, PATA etover 7h” Aart Zaoui charge 2 the new chal of Patton Navy oer Be ‘stern o Aaa Sandie September tsi =Th Intemational day of Democracy cbrenod Patton and st er epove Seplter 13h - Tebeok-Talban Pun, {etorat group m Pats anreurend tt tad deca fo soandon teamed sruggie tis county aha inte would foes on “Besetl sug for te plementation ct ‘Aig "TB - Mangia Oar, water teservoit in Pakistan was recorded a8 tne ligest mo county 2016, surpassing Tatbela Dam ‘eservor a8 fatamed ae maximum water storage level 1242 feet above mean tea icet Jy 2nd ~ The Protection of Pakistan Ae, 2016 was passes, atoning the secury forces of Palistan to snct suspects on sigh. rest Suspeclswiheu! a. warant and” wie inlrmation about where delanees are bog he or what hey at beng charged wth January 25 ~ Army Chit Gen Rahee! Shar ineets the Chinese Army Chet “Gen Gh ‘Tanguo at the eadquaters of he Popes Useraton my {PUA} January 6th The 2Yet amendment bi to the ‘onstition “of Pakistan “passed. by beak Natonal Assembly o and Senate of Pause January 2th Governor of Puna Crautiy Svat signe ‘in March - Phme Mister Nawaz Shand met the King of Saucla arabe "Satnan ‘pat ‘Abdulaza Alin Riyadh 17 Feburary - Tukey agreed to work towards a Free Trade Agroemert fo enheres bisa trade to US 3 biion dolore mene year ans paving he way to boost to Use 512 General Knowiodge 8 ——— ————————— 10 bon doa inthe next few years wih 2016: Sth March - wo churches atacked in Lahore

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