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CP: Advantage Cybersecurity


Counterplan: The USFG should establish a cyber-vulnerability purchasing program

1 Solves cybercrime and internet governance
a. Ben Brake, Fellow at CFR argues that it would restructure the market for software
vulnerabilities. Currently there is no stable buyer for info, meaning grey hat hackers may
sell either way, CP solves. Also a no solvency argument for the aff.
b. Would decrease economic impact of cybercrime by at least 10 percent.
c. Sets frameowrk for multilateral efforts -- k2 solve cyber warfare. US leadership on this
provides the most funding and important precedent because of the ability of State to
push US agendas abroad.
d. Creates the best

2 Solves internet freedom

a. Danielle Kehl, Policy analyst at New America’s Open Tech Inst. argues that this ensures
software is easy to access. CP leads to a process of disclosure.

3 Avoids politics
a. Market based solution easily marketable
b. Seen as good for US businesses
c. Let’s face it, old folks who are bad with computers -- a huge voting block -- are appeased
by a simple sounding mechanism that makes their computers get less viruses.

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