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CHE412 Assignment 1

To be returned by 8th Oct, 2015

1) Liquid A decomposes by second-order kinetics, and in a batch reactor 50% of A is

converted in a 5-minute run. How much longer would it take to reach 75% conversion?
2) The first-order reversible liquid reaction A B takes place in a batch reactor. After 8
minutes, conversion of A is 33.3% while equilibrium conversion is 66.7%. Find the rate
equation for this reaction. CAo = 0.5 mol/L
3) At room temperature sucrose is hydrolyzed by the catalytic action of the enzyme sucrase
as follows: Sucrose Products
Starting with a sucrose concentration CAo = 1.0 millimol/liter and an enzyme
concentration CEo = 0.01 millimol/liter, the following kinetic data are obtained in a batch
reactor (concentrations calculated from optical rotation measurements):

(a) Determine whether these data can be reasonably fitted by a kinetic equation of the
Michaelis-Menten type,

(b) If the fit is reasonable, evaluate the constants k3 and CM. Solve by the integral
method. Repeat the above problem, except this time solve by the differential method

4) Consider a gas-phase reaction 2A R + 2S with unknown kinetic. If a space

velocity of 1 min-1 is needed for 90% conversion of A in a plug flow reactor, find the
corresponding space-time and mean residence time or holding time of fluid in a PFR.
5) A gaseous feed of pure A (1 mol/L) enters a mixed flow reactor (2 litres) and react as

Find what feed rate (litre/min) will give an outlet concentration CA = 0.5mol/litre.

6) The off gas from a boiling water nuclear power reactor contains a whole variety of
radioactive trash, one of the most troublesome being Xenon- 133 (half-life = 5.2
days). This off gas flows continuously through a large holdup tank in which its mean
residence time is 30 days and where it can be assumed that the contents are well
mixed. Find the fraction of activity removed in the tank.

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