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Math 130C "Probability & Stochastic Processes"


Lecture meets: MWF 10:00-10:50, ET 202

Discussion section meets ?? See SOC for details.

The text for the course is "Intro to Probability Models", 8th Ed., by
Sheldon Ross. The information regarding the text can be found at

The textbook will also be on 2-hour reserve in the Science Library.

Here is a description of the Spring quarter.

We shall cover Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 10 of Ross. This covers The Exponential
Distribution, Poisson Processes,
Continuous-Time Markov Chains, Renewal Theory, Brownian
Motion, the Arbitrage Theorem, the Black-Scholes Options Pricing Model.
The material in Chapters 1-4 were covered in the
prerequesite courses and you are expected to be familiar with this material.

There will be two midterm exams, in approximately the 4th and 7th weeks. The
midterms will count for approximately 25% of the grade EACH. If we get a grader,
homework will be graded. If not, homework will be turned in and a record kept
of homework submissions, which will count 10% of the grade. Homework will be
in lecture, and due in discussion section on Tuesday in the week following its
At this time there are no plans for weekly quizzes.
Attendance is not taken either in discussion
section or in lecture. The final will count for 40% of the grade.

My office is MSTB, Room 245. I will hold office hours MWF 9-10, and by appt.
My telephone is 949-824-5538. My website is:

Homework assignments will be posted at

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