The Current State of Housing in Canada As A Social Determinant of Health

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Toba Bryant

Despite growing evidence as to their effect upon health outcomes, housing issues
have not been high on the agenda of most health researchers in Canada and the
federal government and many provincial governments have withdrawn from the
provision of social housing over the last decade. Despite the housing agreements
signed in November 2001 by the federal and provincial governments to build more
social housing units, less than 200 new units have been built since then, if we
exclude Quebec. To end the current housing crisis and insecurity, governments have
to increase their spending on housing by 1 per cent of overall spending and adopt
a national housing strategy that recognizes that housing affects the population's
health and other social determinants of health.

Malgré ses effets de plus en plus documentés sur l'état de santé des gens, le
problème du logement n'a que trop peu attiré l'attention des chercheurs en santé et
des gouvernements au Canada. Depuis une dizaine d'années, Ottawa et plusieurs
provinces ont tout simplement cessé de subventionner le logement social. Malgré les
accords signés par les gouvernements fédéral et provinciaux pour augmenter la
construction d'unités de logement en novembre 2001, moins de 200 nouveaux
logements sociaux ont été construits depuis, si on fait exception du Québec. Pour
mettre fin à la crise du logement et à l'insécurité qui en découle, nos gouvernements
doivent augmenter de 1 p. cent les fonds alloués au logement dans leurs dépenses
globales et adopter une stratégie nationale qui tienne compte des répercussions de
ce problème sur la santé publique et les autres déterminants sociaux de la santé.

hile there is increasing awareness of a housing Policy changes that have led to the crisis in housing will be
crisis in Canada, there is little discussion of how reviewed, and new ways of thinking about how housing
housing issues—especially housing insecurity— insecurity is related to health and to a number of other
are related to the health of Canadians. As documented by social determinants of health will be presented. Finally, a
federal NDP leader Jack Layton in his book Homelessness: model of policy change that identifies means by which
The Making and Unmaking of a Crisis (2000), according to these kinds of issues can be considered within the context
many indicators—the number of Canadians who sleep in of government policy-making will be outlined and policy
the streets, who use temporary shelters and who spend solutions offered.
more than 30 or 50 percent of their income on housing—
Canada’s housing policy has clearly failed to meet the needs
of a significant proportion of Canadians.
The purpose of this article is to consider how housing
T he current housing crisis and associated housing inse-
curity being experienced by Canadians are the results of
radical changes in housing policy over the last two decades.
insecurity in Canada can be conceptualized as a social deter- The problem of affordability in the private rental housing
minant of health. In 1986, the World Health Organization’s market first emerged as a major issue in the early 1980s, and
Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion recognized shelter as a it remained for the most part not addressed through the
basic prerequisite for health, but it is only recently that 1990s. Housing is now seen as a national disaster. The fed-
researchers have focused on housing as an important deter- eral government has even appointed a Co-ordinator of
minant of health. Reasons for the neglect of housing as a Homelessness. Layton’s book outlines the dimensions of the
health issue will be considered, and studies that demon- housing crisis in Canada, and J. David Hulchanski’s
strate the link between housing and health will be reviewed. December 2002 report for the Canadian Policy Research

MARS 2003
The current state of housing in canada as a social determinant of health

Network provides a history and analy- has increased significantly. Layton musculo-skeletal and chronic breath-
sis of the current status of Canadian reports that 1998 saw 1,000,000 ing problems, headaches, skin ulcers,
housing policy. overnight stays in emergency shelters seizures and other complaints. Those
Many analysts attribute the grow- in Ontario communities alone. sleeping in the streets had the most
ing number of homeless and insecure- Shelter use is up across Canada. severe health profiles.
ly housed Canadians to reduced state National data are not available, since The 1992 Street Health Report, a
involvement in housing. Indeed, J. not every province collects data on survey of the homeless population in
David Hulchanski notes that Canada shelter use. In his book on homeless- Toronto, found that homeless people
now has the most private-sector- ness, Layton reports that on an average were at much greater risk than the
dominated, market-based system and night shelter use is approximately 300 general population for a variety of
the smallest social housing sector of people in Vancouver, 1,200 in Calgary, chronic conditions including respira-
any Western nation, with the excep- 460 in Ottawa, and about 4,000 in tory diseases, arthritis or rheumatism,
tion of the USA. Other factors include Toronto. The numbers have increased high blood pressure, asthma, epilepsy
continuing high levels of and diabetes. Despite this
unemployment and lack of The Federation of Canadian evidence, housing issues
affordable rental accommo-
dation. The result is increas-
Municipalities reported that in 1996, have not been high on the
agenda of most health
ing numbers of families and 43 percent of households across researchers in Canada. One
individuals who are under- Canada spent more than 30 percent reason may be the difficulties
housed, living in motels, of their income on rent. That same presented by this area of
dependent on the shelter study for those trained in tra-
system or living on the street.
year, over 21 percent of Canadian ditional epidemiological
The 1990s marked the households spent more than 50 methods.
withdrawal of the federal percent of their income on rent, an Epidemiology is defined
government and many increase of 43 percent since 1991. as the distribution and deter-
provincial governments from minants of diseases and
the provision of social hous- injuries in human popula-
ing. Social housing reflects a commit- in Toronto, Calgary, Edmonton, tions. Epidemiologists aim to identify
ment by the state to support affordable Hamilton and Mississauga. The the unique causal effects of single vari-
housing for all. One illustration of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities ables upon health outcomes through
process of governments’ withdrawal reported that in 1996, 43 percent of various experimental and correlational
from the provision of housing for households across Canada spent more procedures. The identification of the
Canadians is the Ontario Progressive than 30 percent of their income on health effects of housing does not easi-
Conservative government’s reversal in rent. That same year, over 21 percent of ly lend itself to such a model. Living in
1995 of 25 years of commitment by Canadian households spent more than disadvantaged housing circumstances
Ontario to providing housing for its 50 percent of their income on rent, an clusters with a variety of other indica-
citizens. As shown in figure 1, there has increase of 43 percent since 1991. tors of disadvantage. Indeed, Mary
not been a single social housing start in Shaw and her colleagues argue in The
Ontario since that time, with the not
surprising result that the use of shelters I
t hardly seems necessary to argue
the case that housing is a health
issue, yet surprisingly few Canadian
Widening Gap: Health Inequalities and
Policy in Britain (1999) that “Health
inequalities are produced by the clus-
Figure 1 studies have considered it as such. In tering of disadvantage—in opportuni-
Social Housing Starts in Ontario the UK, where the housing and health ty, material circumstances, and behav-
(Mostly Co-ops, Nonprofits) tradition is more established, numer- iours related to health—across people’s
1970-2000 ous studies have shown strikingly high lives.”
18 000 incidences of physical and mental When epidemiological research
16 000
14 000 health problems among homeless peo- has considered housing, it has tended
12 000 ple compared with the general popula- to focus on aspects of housing and
10 000
8 000 tion. Wendy Bines, in The Health of health that can be isolated for meas-
6 000 Single Homeless People (1994) reported urement such as the presence of
4 000
2 000 on the health problems of 1,280 mould and the impact on respiratory
homeless people in the UK. People infections in children, or overcrowd-









who used hostels, bed and breakfast ing and its impact on mental health.
Source: Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and
accommodation, day centres and soup But it has used models that attempt to
Housing, 2001 runs were much more likely to have identify the effects of these factors

MARCH 2003
Toba Bryant

independently of the contextual vari- vantage is a unique predictor of poor health status, Dunn states “Housing, as
ables associated with disadvantage in health outcomes. Alex Marsh and col- a central locus of everyday life patterns,
general. Figure 2 is an example of a tra- leagues reported on these issues in the is likely to be a crucial component in
ditional epidemiological model that 1999 UK report Home Sweet Home: The the ways in which socio-economic fac-
could be deployed to examine the rela- Impact of Poor Housing on Health. They tors shape health” (see Housing as a
tionship between housing and health. drew upon the very large longitudinal Socio-Economic Determinant of Population
The model identifies the material database from the National Child Health: A Research Framework, 2002).
conditions of housing, such as mould Development Study to study the link The authors outline three aspects of
and drafts, as areas of prime interest. between housing and health in more housing that are especially relevant to
Studies attempt to control for the than 13,000 citizens. They found population health.
effects of research partici-
pants’ personal characteris-
tics. They then distill the The availability and affordability of housing plays an
unique effects of housing important role in relationship to other social determinants
conditions from other poten-
tial variables that may influ-
of health. People can go without many things, but going
ence health. The approach without housing is potentially catastrophic.
searches for the association
between the material aspects of hous- housing played a significant and inde- ● Material dimensions of housing are
ing independent of personal character- pendent role in health outcomes. concerned with the physical
istics and other health determinants. Greater housing deprivation dur- integrity of the home such as state
Unless studies are longitudinal ing childhood and adulthood each of repair; physical, biological, and
and are based on very large numbers, contributed to severe/moderate ill chemical exposure; and housing
the results produced by these analyses health at age 33 years. Overcrowding costs. Dunn notes that housing
are frequently exercises in ambiguity. was related to respiratory and infec- costs are critical because they are
They usually say little about how life tious diseases. For those who experi- one of the largest monthly expen-
situations interact with policy envi- enced overcrowding in childhood to ditures most people face. When
ronments to create these situations of age 11, there was an increased likeli- housing costs eat up the majority
disadvantaged housing. They also say hood of experiencing infectious dis- of a person’s income, it affects
little about the relationship between ease. In adulthood, housing depriva- other aspects of their lives, an
housing and other social determinants tion is linked to an increased likeli- issue considered below.
of health. Research that attempts to hood of respiratory disease. ● Meaningful dimensions of housing
isolate the effect of poor housing is Such studies, while identifying refer to one’s sense of belonging
unable to measure or capture the com- potential relationships, focus on indi- and control in one’s own home.
plexity of and interaction among the vidual characteristics rather than the Home is also an expression of
determinants of health. broader factors that influence health social status—prestige, status,
Nevertheless, when extensive and well-being. They oversimplify the pride and identity—all of which
studies are carried out, housing disad- relationship between housing and are enhanced by home ownership.
health and other social determinants These dimensions provide surface
of health. New ways of thinking about for the expression of self-identity,
Figure 2
Traditional Epidemiological Model of housing and its relationship to health and represent permanence, stabili-
the Housing and Health Relationship are needed. ty and continuity in everyday life.
One would expect living in crowd-

Material aspects of
housing: mould,
draft, crowding,
G eographer James Dunn of the
University of Calgary and
leagues are identifying—with funding
ed or substandard housing to have
profound health effects, as one
would the worse case of being
particles, etc.
from the CIHR Institute of Population housed in a shelter or living on
and Public Health—gaps in Canadian the streets.
Control for effects of Isolate unique effects
personal characteristics of housing conditions understanding of the housing and ● Spatial dimensions of housing refer
health relationship. They have devel- to a home and its immediate envi-
oped a thoughtful population health ronment, for example, the prox-
Personal framework of housing as a socio- imity of a home to services,
Health status:
morbidity and economic determinant of health. Since schools, public recreation, health
health determinants:
income, age, etc. studies have demonstrated a positive services and employment. While
association between social status and these include systematic exposure

MARS 2003
The current state of housing in canada as a social determinant of health

to health hazards—toxins in the Figure 3 We need to understand how these

environment and asbestos insula- Model Incorporating Additional developments have come about and to
tion—they are also about the geo- Factors develop some means to new policy
graphic availability of resources approaches toward housing. The policy
and services in relation to one’s ideology framework in figure 5 was used to con-
abode. This consideration intro- Policies that reduce
Policies that reduce
duces the need for understanding availability of
availability of Figure 5
affordable quality
the policy dimensions associated housing
financial resources Model Informing the Policy Change
with the availability of resources Process
and services in communities.
These concepts should stimulate Stress associated with Civil society
new ways of Canadian thinking housing insecurity Direct
about and studying the role that effects of
Professional policy
low income Citizen activists
housing plays in health. analysts
Direct material
effects of poor

T he availability and affordability of

housing plays an important role
in relationship to other social deter-
quality housing
Health status:
increased morbidity
Different ways of knowing about a social
issue: instrumental/interactive/critical
and mortality
minants of health. People can go
without many things, but going with- Different ways of using knowledge about a
out housing is potentially catastroph- ence the availability and affordability social issue: legal/public relations/personal
ic. If citizens are required to spend of housing and other social determi-
increasing proportions of available nants of health. The availability and
State and
resources on maintaining a roof over cost of housing has direct material its institutions
their head, the resources available to effects on health. Policy decisions can
support social determinants of health also reduce financial resources, with
Policy changes
such as food and educational direct material effects on health. Both
resources are diminished. types of policy decisions contribute to
The Daily Bread Food Bank 2002 housing insecurity, increased stress
fact sheet, “Turning our Backs on Our and increased incidence of social sider how the Ontario government used
Children,” showed that social assis- exclusion, illness and disease. This information to remove rent control.
tance rates have not kept up with rents model identifies neoliberal ideology as I devised this conceptual frame-
in Toronto. In 2001, a single parent, being responsible for the declining work as part of my dissertation
usually female, with one child, received availability of affordable housing and research at the University of Toronto
59 percent of Statistics Canada’s low- financial resources for many citizens. to guide case studies on housing policy
income cut-offs. The average monthly and health policy change in Ontario
welfare income of such a single parent Figure 4 since 1995. It incorporates elements of
would be $957, while rent for an aver- How Housing Affects Other Health different forms of knowledge, the
age one-bedroom apartment was $866 Determinants means by which this knowledge can be
and for a two-bedroom, $1027. applied, and those who are likely to
It is difficult to imagine how it Policies that reduce apply such knowledge. This framework
Policies that reduce
availability of
would be possible for such a family to availability of can serve as a template for analyzing
affordable quality
financial resources
cover other important expenses such as housing the policy change process on a case-by-
food with that after-rent income. case basis. It also provides insights into
Plentiful evidence is available to indi- Less resources available to support a government's general approach to
cate that lack of material resources con- other social determinants of health policy change over time. It was used to
tributes to illness and disease, a situa- consider how the Ontario government
tion made worse by the stress and Food formulated its housing policies.
Early Life Education Recreation
uncertainty of living in such condi- In Ontario, the government’s polit-
tions. This process is shown in Figure 3. ical ideology emerged as a significant
Social exclusion barrier to progressive housing policy

U naffordable housing and housing

insecurity do not occur in a vac-
uum. Figure 4 shows how policy deci- Health status
change. Housing policy was found to be
especially sensitive to political ideology,
as the government’s strong pro-privati-
sions create the conditions that influ- zation and pro-market agenda made

MARCH 2003
Toba Bryant

housing a ripe area for such activity. argues that if all governments on tobacco use, diet and exercise. The
The Harris-Eves government perceived increased their spending on housing reduction or dismantling of public
rent control and social housing as by 1 per cent of overall spending, the programs that in the past responded to
unfair impediments to private rental homelessness crisis could be eliminat- the needs of Canadians continues.
housing construction and considered ed in five years. The solution consists
the market to be the best allocator of
rental housing.
The government’s strong ideologi-
of three recommendations:
● Annual funding for housing of $2
billion from the federal govern-
I n spite of the ample evidence
regarding the relationship between
housing and health, government
cal bent predisposed it to ignore voices ment and another $2 billion from actions are frequently at odds with a
that opposed its policies. As a result of the provinces and territories social determinants approach to
these policies, homelessness and
housing insecurity in Ontario The Harris-Eves government perceived rent control and
have exploded, while the govern-
ment’s predictions that the incen-
social housing as unfair impediments to private rental
tives of the removal of rent con- housing construction and considered the market to be
trol would spur the construction the best allocator of rental housing.
of affordable housing have been
found to be pathetically false.
● Restoration and renewal of health. Governments are not seriously

T he housing situation in Canada

requires a national housing strate-
gy that recognizes that housing affects
national, provincial and territorial
programs aimed at resolving the
housing crisis and homelessness
addressing social and health inequali-
ties and the role played by housing
policy in widening these inequalities.
the population’s health and other disaster Political strategies are needed to high-
social determinants of health. By defi- ● Extension of the federal home- light how these health and social
nition, the social determinants of lessness strategy (Supporting inequalities threaten the health of all
health require intervention by all Community Partnerships Initiative) Canadians. To illustrate the difficulties
three levels of government. Risks asso- with immediate funding for new to be surmounted, in 1991 Paul
ciated with basic human needs require and expanded shelter and services Martin—in all likelihood the next
institutional or collective responses to across the country prime minister of Canada—authored a
social provision. We cannot rely on the Governments must be pressured Liberal Opposition task force on hous-
market to concern itself with the deter- to consider the social determinants of ing, in which he stated:
minants of health. health in general and housing in par- The federal role in housing must
Housing advocacy groups have ticular as essential components of the not be a residual one. The con-
brought forward solutions to the hous- policy-making process. nection between housing and
The federal and provincial other aspects of both social and
governments have signed hous- economic policy means that the
As a result of these policies, ing agreements that commit federal government must take a
homelessness and housing them to building more social lead role…Our market housing
insecurity in Ontario have housing units. Nevertheless, in system has not responded ade-
exploded, while the December of 2002 the National quately to all of society’s
Housing and Homeless Network needs…The Task Force believes
government’s predictions that reported that outside Quebec, that all Canadians have the
the incentives of the removal less than 200 new housing units right to decent housing, in
of rent control would spur the have been built since the hous- decent surroundings at afford-
construction of affordable ing agreement was signed in able prices.
November, 2001. After becoming finance minister,
housing have been found to Indeed, Canadians see little where he was well positioned to take
be pathetically false. governmental activity to address action on the housing crisis, Martin
these social determinants of chose not to implement the recom-
ing crisis, in particular, to increase the health besides policy proclamations mendations of his own task force.
availability of affordable housing and on housing and the other social deter-
eradicate homelessness. The Toronto minants of health. Instead, emphasis Toba Bryant is a post-doctoral fellow at
Disaster Relief Committee (TDRC) pro- continues to be placed on individual the Centre for Health Studies at York
posed the “One Per Cent Solution” to responsibility for health and the mar- University in Toronto. Her E-mail address
end the housing crisis. The TDRC keting of lifestyle approaches focused is

MARS 2003

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