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English Daily Lesson Plan

Day : Monday Subject : English

Date : 2 July 2018 Year :2
Duration : 1 Hour Theme : World of self, family and friends
Time : 0840 - 0940 Topics : 8 – The Robot)
Language /Grammar : Can and can’t for ability, touch, skip, dance, crawl, fly, jump, sing
focus Recycled language: The body
Main skill(s) Writing (Integrated with Listening and Reading)
Content standard / Main: 4.2 – Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of purposes in print and
Complementary digital media.
standard Complementary: 3.2 – Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
texts by
using appropriate reading strategies.
Learning standard /
Main: 4.2.2 – Express simple ability.
standard Complimentary: 3.2.1 – Understand the main idea of simple sentences.

Learning outcomes Main: By the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to:
a). write and get at least 5 actions they can / can’t do correctly.
b). write with neat and legible print with minimal spelling errors.
Complementary: By the end of the lesson,most pupils will be able to:
a). read with correct stress and intonation.
b). tell the main ideas in a simple sentence correctly with guidance.
Learning Outlines Pre-lesson:
1. A pupil points to one of the part of the body and the rest of the class take a guess.
2. Pupils take turn to do some action (jump, run, skip, swim, dance) and the rest of the
guess the action being carried out.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils read the keywords introduced to them one at a time.
2. Teacher associates each keyword with picture and give simple explanations.
3. Pupils listen to an audio and answer simple questions.
4. Pupils are guided to read simple sentence after teacher.
5. Pupils listen to teacher’s explanation one sentence at a time.
6. Teacher distributes worksheet to pupils and explains the task.
7. Pupils do the listening task by listening to the audio.
Post lesson
1. Pupils sing the I can / I can’t action song.
Materials / References Year 2 Superminds teacher guide book p.g 95, Year 2 Superminds textbook p.g 95, Year 2
Superminds workbook p.g 95, powerpoint slides, Audio CD
Cross-currcular : Values (eat healthily)
Differentiation Tick and write worksheet, choose the correct sentence associate with each picture.
Teacher’s reflection

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