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Mother Mays

May 2018 by Heather

Mays, you had finished your lunch today

and looked at the other children and what they had to
eat still. You gave me some food belonging to some of
the other children who had finished eating to put away.
Then you got to Ali and discovered that he had opened his
yoghurt but wasn’t eating it. You asked him if you could
help and he said yes.
Carefully you filed the spoon and put it in Ali’s mouth.
This you repeated over and over until the pottle was
empty. You even managed to scrape all the yoghurt out
from the edges and bottom of the container. At one stage,
you were too slow for Ali and he sat there with his
mouth wide open in anticipation of the next spoonful.
I was amazed at how cleanly you were able to feed Ali
and also that you never tried to sneak a spoonful fore
I love watching how helpful you are with the ‘babies’
who are nearly the same age as you. Caring for
others is something I have written about in your
profile at other times and I hope you always keep
this adorable characteristic. I would like to set up a tea
party where you are the hostess and serve all your guests.

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