Puritan Bennett Bi Level Breath Mode White Paper

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Bi-Level Breath Mode on the Puritan Bennett™

840 Ventilator: Definitions, Sample Case Studies and

Selected Protocols
David J. Howell, PhD, RRT

Introduction In the Bi-Level breath mode, the patient can breathe at both
In the years since the introduction of the Puritan lower and upper levels of positive end expiratory pressure
Bennett™ MA-1 Ventilator in the late 1960s, clinicians have (PEEP). The waveform for the ventilatory option resem-
longed for ventilatory modalities that more closely mimic bles that of pressure control ventilation (PCV). Unlike PCV,
human ventilatory patterns. Intermittent mandatory ven- however, the Bi-Level option allows spontaneous breathing
tilation (IMV), for example, long ago ceded its position of at the upper pressure level (PEEPH) and at the lower pres-
clinician preference to synchronized IMV (SIMV). SIMV sure level (PEEPL).
remains a favored treatment option for many clinicians. Different Approaches in the Bi-Level Breath Mode
However, respiratory care practitioners are often eager to The two approaches for Bi-Level breath mode, based on the
encourage as much synchronized spontaneous breathing as desired inspiration to expiration (I:E) ratio and the clinical
possible in intubated patients. Continuous positive airway needs of the patients, are conventional I:E ratios and inverse
pressure (CPAP) is one example of ventilation that, strictly I:E ratios.
speaking, is not “mandatory” ventilation at all. Another Conventional I:E ratios
approach to synchronized spontaneous breathing is through The first approach is through the use of a normal I:E ratio.
a new ventilator option known as the breath mode. The clinician begins by setting an inspiratory time (TI)—
for example, 0.8 to 1.6 seconds. In this approach with the
The Bi-Level Breath Mode Bi-Level breath mode, the Time High and Time Low—TI in
The Bi-Level option is a feature of the Puritan Bennett™ 840 PCV—is not restricted to any specific ratio. When the time
Ventilator System. This breath mode is a form of augmented
Figure 1. Conventional I:E Ratio Ventilation
pressure ventilation. It allows unrestricted spontaneous
breathing at any moment of the mandatory breath cycle,
during either the inspiratory or expiratory phase. Use of the
Bi-Level breath mode can result in improved patient-ven-
tilator synchrony, as the case studies included in this paper
help show.

spent at the upper and lower levels of PEEP is protracted user, the distinction nevertheless is between conventional
enough for spontaneous breathing, the breath mode is com- and inverse I:E ratios, regardless of the proportion.
monly referred to as “biphasic” in the literature. The Bi-Level PCIRV and APRV involve an inverse ratio by 1) requir-
term is a trademarked name for breathing in a biphasic ing that all spontaneous breathing takes place during the TH
fashion, as well as in another approach described in the fol- period and 2) using a TL that is less than one second. APRV
lowing paragraph. Figure 1 shows the ventilatory waveform implies a shortened TL, where all spontaneous breathing
of a patient being treated with conventional I:E ratios in the takes place at the upper PEEP (PEEPH) level. The pressure
Bi-Level breath mode. is then “released” to a lower PEEP (PEEPL) level just long
An alternative strategy using conventional I:E ratios is to enough for the lung volume to decrease. The objective is to
set the desired I:E ratio the clinician desires the patient to manage the patient through a short release time (time at
receive, for example, 1:1, 1:2 and so forth. The approach PEEPL) in order to release some trapped gas, but not long
allows the patient to have a “normal” TI. At least equally enough to allow de-recruitment of the alveoli. Pressure
important, it helps the clinician maintain control of the immediately returns to the PEEPH level.
patient’s mean airway pressure while allowing the patient to The principle of releasing rather than increasing volume to
breathe freely during any phase of the breath. augment ventilation is a differentiating feature of APRV. The
Inverse I:E ratios ventilator cycles between high and low levels, depending on
The second approach utilizes an inverse I:E ratio. Longer the TH and TL settings, and synchronizes with the patient’s
Time High (TH) periods and concomitantly shorter Time own respiratory pattern. Figure 2 shows the ventilatory
Low (TL) periods can be helpful in improving gas distribu- waveform of a patient being treated with an inverse I:E ratio
tion and promoting alveolar recruitment while improving in the Bi-Level breath mode.
oxygenation by elevating the mean airway pressure. Bi- Advantages of APRV for certain patients have been doc-
Level ventilation uses I:E ratios in which the TL intervals are umented in the literature. They include lower airway
too brief to permit complete alveolar emptying. pressures, lower minute ventilation, fewer adverse effects on
Clinicians may sometimes refer to two subsets of cardiac function, less sedation and neuromuscular block-
inverse I:E ratio use: pressure control inverse ratio ade and the ability to breathe spontaneously throughout the
ventilation (PCIRV) and airway pressure release entire ventilatory cycle.1
ventilation (APRV). In PCIRV, the ratio is inverse, but In both conventional I:E ratio and inverse I:E ratio
not decidedly so. In APRV, the I:E ratio can be quite pro- approaches, ongoing monitoring of total respiratory rate,
nounced. Although the definitions may vary from user to tidal volumes and minute volumes in the Puritan Bennett
Figure 2. Inverse I:E Ratio Ventilation 840 Ventilator allows all spontaneous breaths to be dis-
played and counted—at PEEPH and at PEEPL levels.

Case Studies of Patients Ventilated in the

Bi-Level Breath Mode
The following two case studies offer slightly different ratio-
nales for use and management of the patient in the Bi-Level
breath mode. The first case study describes a patient being
ventilated with conventional I:E ratios; the second case

TABLE 1. Days, Times, Ventilator Settings, ABGs and CI

ABG in
Bi-Level Mode pH PaCO2 (mm Hg) PaO2 (mm Hg) HCO-3 (mEq/L) SaO2 (%) CI
Day 1/ 1110 7.35 49 86 96 5.7
RR 18 bpm
PEEPH 30 cm H2O
PEEPL 16 cm H2O
PSV 16 cm H2O
TI 1.55 sec
I:E 1:1.5
FiO2 0.9

ABG After
Chemical Paralysis
Day 1/ 1215 7.26 62 75 4.3
CI After Chemical
Paralysis Reversal
Day 1/ 1400 5.5
Day 2/ 0500 7.37 44 99
RR 18 bpm
PEEPH 30 cm H2O
PEEPL 16 cm H2O
PSV 16 cm H2O
TI 1.55 sec
I:E 1:1.5
FiO2 0.7

Bi-Level Mode D/Cd

on Day 7

study describes a patient being ventilated with inverse I:E The chemical paralysis had a profound effect on the patient’s
ratios. hemodynamic and pulmonary parameters and was reversed
Case Study One: two hours later.
Perforated Duodenal Ulcer and Sepsis There was also reason to suspect that the loss of spontane-
A 57-year-old male was admitted to the hospital with gas- ous breathing and an inhibitory thoracic pump effect, as a
trointestinal bleeding. An exploratory laparoscopy revealed result of the paralysis, may have contributed to the patient’s
a perforated duodenal ulcer. The patient subsequently poor cardiac and pulmonary performance. When the paral-
experienced respiratory failure secondary to sepsis. As his ysis was reversed and the patient was allowed to contribute
condition worsened, he was intubated and transferred to the to ventilation, his condition improved. Days, Times, Venti-
ICU. In the ICU, the clinician placed the patient on ventila- lator Settings, ABGs and Cardiac Index (CI) are shown in
tion with the Bi-Level breath mode. An hour after the first Table 1.
arterial blood gas (ABG), the physician administered chem- Comments on Case Study One
ical paralysis with vecuronium to manage the patient’s work In earlier ventilator technology, patients often required con-
of breathing. siderable amounts of sedation and/or chemical paralysis

TABLE 2. Days, Times, Ventilator Settings, ABGs and P/F Ratios

ABG Post-Extubation
(NIV) pH PaCO2 (mm Hg) PaO2 (mm Hg) HCO-3 (mEq/L) SaO2 (%) P/F Ratio
Day 1/ 0400 7.35 49 86 96 5.7

NIV 18/5
FiO2 0.6

ABG After
Reintubation (VC)
Day 1/ 1215 7.26 62 75 4.3
A/C 12
Vt 750 mL
FiO2 0.6
PEEP 5 cm H2O

Day 1/ 1030 7.37 43 91 24 96 130

A/C 12
Vt 750 mL
FiO2 0.7
PEEP 5 cm H2O

ABG 30 Minutes
After Initiation of
Bi-Level Mode
Day 1/ 1100 7.34 46 133 25 98 220
F 10
TH 4.8 sec
TL 1.2 sec
PEEPH 30 cm H2O
PEEPL 10 cm H2O
PSV 5 cm H2O
FiO2 0.6

Day 3/ 0500 7.36 40 106 23 98 265

F 10 bpm
TH 4.8 sec
TL 1.2 sec
PEEPH 28 cm H2O
PEEPL 10 cm H2O
PSV 5 cm H2O
FiO2 0.4

Bi-Level Mode D/Cd

Day 5/ 0500 7.37 43 99 24 97 247

CPAP 7.5 cm H2O
PSV 20 cm H2O
FiO2 0.4

for optimal oxygenation and ventilation and for improved Case Study Two:
patient-ventilator synchrony. When one is paralyzed during Altered mental status and substance abuse
mechanical ventilation, as in this case, pharmaceutical A 52-year-old male patient with a history of alcohol abuse
management is more likely to reduce patient-ventilator was admitted to the hospital due to an apparent suicide
asynchrony rather than to improve patient-ventilator syn- attempt with amphetamines and then benzodiazepines.
chrony. Paralysis requires controlled ventilation. The patient was intubated secondary to a decrease in
With newer technology, such as the Bi-Level breath mode, mental status and transferred to the ICU, where he was vol-
clinicians have a wider choice of ventilatory options than ume-ventilated by the Puritan Bennett™ 840 Ventilator. He
were available in the past. In this patient, chemical paral- required considerable sedation during his period of detox-
ysis was clearly not the best way to manage his ventilatory ification, but was extubated after two days and placed on a
course. This is apparent in the reversal of the paralysis and nasal cannula. When oxygen desaturation followed place-
the nearly immediate improvement in cardiac index and ment on the cannula, the patient was placed on noninvasive
oxygen saturation parameters. ventilation (NIV).

Using less sedation and chemical paralysis is not only The patient remained on NIV for three days. He was rein-
a welcome change for some patients, it is also financially tubated on the third day, due to respiratory failure from
beneficial to the institution caring for the patients. aspiration pneumonia, and was once again supported with
Critical Care Medicine published an article in the mid-1990s volume control ventilation (VCV) for two days. At that
that reported quadrupled healthcare expense in caring for time, clinicians changed from VCV to
patients who had suffered from prolonged muscle weakness Bi-Level breath mode secondary to poor PaO2/FiO2 (P/F)
after the use of paralyzing agents.2 In this case, for exam- ratios post extubation and again during reintubation and
ple, elimination of the vecuronium regimen resulted in an VC ventilation. Days, Times, Ventilator Settings, ABGs and
estimated savings of approximately $3,500. Depending on P/F Ratios are shown in Table 2.
the patient’s respiratory status, use of the Bi-Level mode can Comments on Case Study Two
often reduce medication requirements without compromis- The decision to use the Bi-Level breath mode was prompted
ing oxygenation and ventilation. by decreased P/F ratios with both conventional VC ven-
tilation and noninvasive ventilation. The Bi-Level option
allowed clinicians to increase mean airway pressure and
simultaneously employ lung protective strategies with a pro-
tracted PEEPH and a shortened PEEPL. The patient’s P/F
ratios rose markedly with Bi-Level ventilation. The patient
was extubated without incident and required no further
ventilatory assistance during his course of stay. More-
over, the Bi-Level breath mode improved patient-ventilator
synchrony to the degree that neither deep sedation nor par-
alytic agents were necessary.

Bi-Level Basics
In this breath mode, clinicians may select from several • The Bi-Level breath mode counts and measures sponta-
ventilatory strategies, depending on the clinical condition neous breaths taken during either breath phase.
of the patient. These strategies are ventilation with conven-
• Pressure support of 1.5 cm H2O is applied at TH, or can
tional inspiratory to expiratory (I:E) ratios and with inverse
be operator adjusted.
I:E ratios.
• An exhalation synchronization window is present in the
There may be some patients who are not optimal candi-
Bi-Level option, similar to the window in PCV and
dates for ventilation with the Bi-Level breath mode. These
other modes. If the ventilator detects an inspiratory effort
patients may include individuals with increased airway
near the end of the proposed time or ratio, the TI will
resistance that significantly impedes exhalation of all gas
float to help synchronize exhalation.
A prolonged expiratory time and an audible expiratory
wheeze are two characteristics to consider before utilizing Keeping Up With Best Clinical Practices
the Bi-Level breath mode to a patient. However, clinicians
may elect to use Bi-Level ventilation on their patients on a ARDS Clinical Trials Network
trial basis—contrary to the patient’s airway characteristics—
Clinicians may wish to explore discussions in clinical
before choosing other conventional modes of ventilation.
forums on the Internet. One group that addresses clini-
Characteristics of the Bi-Level Breath Mode
cal care issues in patients with Acute Respiratory Distress
Clinicians should be familiar with several character–istics of
Syndrome (ARDS) is the ARDS Clinical Trials Network.
the Bi-Level mode before selecting it for use
The ARDS Clinical Trials Network is a group of more than
with their patients. These characteristics include the
a dozen clinical centers, created by the National Heart,
Lung and Blood Institute in 1994.3 ARDS Network mem-
• Pressure and TH parameters are set by the operator.
bers help develop and execute multicenter clinical trials of
• Frequency is set by the operator. novel therapeutic agents for ARDS. As part of its mission,
• Volume and flow are variable according to patient the group publishes results from researchers who explore
needs, compliance and resistance. Volume depends the ways to best manage ventilated patients with ARDS.
on compliance and resistance; flow is variable and For example, one article on the website concerns a well-
patient determined. known, large-scale clinical trial of larger versus smaller
tidal volumes in mechanical ventilation.4 ARDS Clini-
• Patients can breathe spontaneously during TL and TH.
cal Trials Network has also recently published an article
• The active expiratory valve is the hardware that
exploring higher versus lower PEEP levels in patients with
allows spontaneous breathing during any phase of breath
ARDS.5 Clinicians can access the ARDS Network online at

Bi-Level Settings Two Sample Protocols Using the Bi-Level
• Mode = Bi-Level Breath Mode
• PEEPH = High PEEP (similar to inspiratory pressure [PI] For purposes of illustration, this paper includes two
in PCV; sets actual peak inspiratory pressure [PIP], not protocols using the Bi-Level option. The protocols repro-
the pressure above PEEP) duced here may be useful to clinicians who are selecting
the Bi-Level mode for the first time as well as to clinicians
• PEEPL = Low PEEP (same as PEEP in PCV)
well-versed in setup of the ventilatory option. Inclusion
• TH = Time at PEEPH (same as inspiratory time in PCV) of the two protocols does not constitute endorsement by
• Clinician can set TL (Time at PEEPL) or TH:TL Ratio Puritan Bennett. The protocols are reprinted as examples
(same as I:E ratio in PCV) of how the Bi-Level option has been used, and is cur-
rently being used, in some ICU environments. (Please
• Frequency = RR
note: These protocols should only be followed if deter-
• Rise Time Percent mined appropriate by a treating clinician.)
• PS = Above PEEP

One Example of a Bi-Level Setting

• Mode Bi-Level

• PEEPH 20 cm H2O

• TH 1.0 sec

• PEEPL 5 cm H2O

• Frequency 15

• PS 20 cm H2O

Protocol One

Standard Protocol for the Postoperative CABG Patient at United Medical Center
(Cheyenne, Wyoming)

Initial Setup If patient meets initial weaning parameters, initiate CPAP wean per guidelines:

Rate 12-14 bpm – CPAP 5 cm H2O

– Pressure support 15 cm H2O
PEEPL 5 cm H2O
– Hemodynamics, RR and SpO2 stable for 30 minutes
PEEPH 22 cm H2O
If the patient does not meet the CPAP guidelines go to Bi-Level SIMV wean:
Titrate PEEPH to maintain a minute ventilation of 1.5 L per
10 kg (± 1 L). PEEPH is not to be set above 32 cm H2O Decrease Bi-Level rate Q 30 minutes, monitor SpO2, RR,
without a physician’s order. minute ventilation, and hemodynamics until stable at
Bi-Level rate of 4 bpm. When the patient is stable, continue
PSV 15 cm H2O
with CPAP.
FiO2 0.8
Document in chart the initial ventilator setup and any changes that are made as a
TH 1.5 seconds protocol order. ABGs can be drawn at any time during the weaning process. ABGs
must also be documented in the chart as a protocol order.
%P 80% (May be patient specific and not dictated by protocol)

ABG Guidelines

pH 7.35 to 7.50

PaCO2 <45 mm Hg

PaO2 >60 mm Hg (FiO2 <0.55)

SaO2 >88% (FiO2 <0.55)

Weaning Parameters

NIF >20 cm H2O

Vt >4 mL/kg

RR <35 bpm

VC >10 mL/kg

Protocol courtesy of Steve Carlson, RRT, Cardiopulmonary Education, United Medical Center, Cheyenne, Wyoming

Protocol Two

Bi-Level Lung Protection Ventilator Management

Determine Critical Opening Pressure of Lung by Doing Slow Flow Inflection Maneuver

Initial ventilator setup criteria • Set rate 10 bpm

• Set Pressure Support so sum of PEEPL and PSV does not exceed PEEPH
• Adjust PEEPL 2 cm H2O above lower inflection point (Caution above 15 H2O)
• Adjust FiO2 to achieve saturation of 92% or PaO2 of 65 mm Hg
• Adjust PEEPH to achieve Vt of 7 cc/kg IBW
• Reduce sedation to allow spontaneous breathing
Maximum PEEPH 40 cm H2O
• Set TimeH 1.5 seconds

Determine if AutoPEEP is present as indicated by expiratory flow trace not returning to zero
YES Decrease rate to 8

Obtain ABG NO AutoPEEP present

PaO2 >65 mm Hg PCO2 <35 mm Hg
Decrease rate to 6

pH <7.20
Increase FiO2 Titrate FiO2 to maintain Decrease rate
SpO2 >92% but <96%
Increase timeH in increments
of 0.25 seconds. Observe
for AutoPEEP. Maintain Increase rate
settings but prevent
If AutoPEEP develops, regardless AutoPEEP.
decrease rate so long as of elevated
pH >7.25 Decrease
timeH if
1.5 sec)

Ventilator Maintenance

• Continually adjust PEEPH to maintain Vt of 7 cc/kg IBW • Q72hr if PO2/FiO2 >200

• Perform inflection maneuver based on PaO2/FiO2 or acute change in patient status • Reduce FiO2 as tolerated to keep SpO2 >92%
• Daily if PO2/FiO2 <100 • When FiO2 <0.4, decrease TimeH if > than 1.5 sec; otherwise, decrease rate.
• Q48hr if PO2/FiO2 100-200 • Maintain PSV to deliver Vt 7 cc/kg

Protocol courtesy of Ken Hargett, RRT, Director of Respiratory Care Services, The Methodist Hospital, Texas Medical Center, Houston, Texas

Newer breath modes and ventilatory strategies are per- Several types of patients for whom the Bi-Level breath
tinent to conversations about EBM. In a recent issue of mode is a welcome ventilatory option are described in the
Respiratory Care, Branson and Johannigman observe that cases studies and the protocols contained within this paper.
ventilator technology “advances at an alarming rate.” They
These are intended only as sample applications of the Bi-Level
add that a thorough understanding by the clinician of how breath mode on the Puritan Bennett 840 Ventilator. There
each ventilator mode functions is essential to good practice. are in all likelihood many other patients with different dis-
Moreover, they encourage clinicians to be “good con- ease processes who may also benefit from this breath mode.
sumers,” using EBM to make the best-informed decisions There are probably other protocols as well, developed based
possible. Ongoing conversations among clinicians will help on clinician preferences at the particular healthcare institu-
identify the best uses—and modes—of mechanical ventila- tion. There may even be approaches in the Bi-Level breath
tion. mode that have yet to be identified. Clinicians will undoubt-
One option for clinicians is the Bi-Level breath mode, a fea- edly confer with their attending physicians to determine
ture in the Puritan Bennett™ 840 Ventilator. The which patients are good candidates for ventilation in the Bi-
Bi-Level option allows clinicians to select from two ventila- Level breath mode.
tory strategies: Conventional I:E ratio ventilation to simplify
the patient’s transition from controlled to spontaneous
breathing and inverse I:E ratio to support therapeutic goals
for the patient living with ARDS.

Keeping Up With Best Clinical Practices

Respiratory Care

Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is a growing topic of inter-

est for clinicians throughout the country. A range
of EBM topics is covered in the July 2004 issue of
Respiratory Care.6 In the issue’s foreword, Dr. Dean Hess
explores knowledge tree development and the clinical
practice paths that most clinicians have historically trod.
The issue includes, among others, articles on the definition
of EBM, a review of “newer” ventilation modes,
EBM and respiratory care protocols, EBM and ventilator
weaning and the 2003 Donald F. Egan Scientific Lecture on
clinical research and clinical practice in respiratory inten-
sive care.

About the author

Dr. Howell is a registered respiratory therapist and a freelance medical writer in the
Bay Area, with a particular interest in biomedical devices. He has received financial
support from Covidien in preparation of this manuscript.


1. Frawley PM, Habashi NM. Airway pressure release ventilation: Theory and practice. AACN Clinical Issues.

2. Rudis MI, Guslits BJ, Peterson EL, et al. Economic impact of prolonged motor weakness complicating neuro-
muscular blockade in the intensive care unit. Crit Care Med. 1996; 24:1749-1756.

3. http://www.ARDSNet.org

4. The Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Network: Ventilation with lower tidal volumes as compared with
traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med.

5. The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute ARDS Clinical Trials Network. Higher versus lower posi-
tive end-expiratory pressures in patients with the acute respiratory distress syndrome. N Engl J Med.

6. Hess DR, ed. 19th Annual New Horizons Symposium: Integrating evidence-based respiratory care into clini-
cal practice. Respir Care. 2003;49(7).

7. Branson RD, Johannigman JA. What is the evidence for newer ventilation modes? Respir Care.

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