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KEY COSTING DATA re ee Z ine aa 20,0%. Wh capitatservices 127% 1D) maintenance ane repairs 1% 47,496 435% WIPCO,/Air 260A Airplasma /0_ 100A CT eee eed Cutting costs (DM/m) L 1 L L 0 5 10 8 20 25 Plate thickness (mm) wIPCO. Ai 1008, Ova 2004 KEY COSTING DATA. Cost breakdown : 87,2% y A ins sa 15098 . ities cost (Oxy-fuel gas a: aia ma Biseroos a oe 3% Wi castssnice e : term Cl mamenenceeerepae sox se wae eam WIPCO:/AW2608 ——Arpiar/ 0,104 oe Ee gee ae eee ray ° 5 10 6 20 25 Plate thickness (mm) Ony-fuel gas wco, Air 100A, OA 2004 SYSTEMS FOR PLASMA PROCESSES. isostari’ Power, Plate thicknesses [om] | ' im plasma gases 5 to 15 29 35 9 35 40% 60 70,80 90 100 120, mt ms i PAS 40 ENC ra TV deel I plasma | Gitar gone age, cutting system erprssdak angen ‘ pas 75 CNC rcp SOK t Tyme! plasma 1 te agen hygen mcgen a cutting system compre! at ogo PA-S 150 CNC ‘rc per: 100 LAW iil i ie plasma liter 09S anes pk) u La Eutting system Sate aigon tone ' @ “cou - 4 sini ste” n fine jet plasma ‘eet a0 omps eles) cutting system Sat cma HD - 1070 srcpowee 9.1 fine jet plasma Corner 15-79 ws eps) cutting system Sexe Ory conor st HT49¢ ‘sc ponee aoe) alr plasma | ee 00 a ele cutting system Ges Conic | MAX 100/. MAX 100 D* | power: 1540 | alr plasma Sercompencser cutting system Sehepom tein, tga MAX 200/HT 2000 Acco s0hn plasma SmerOmgen compas cutting system feet ain ong gt @ | 74500 pius net G0 45 ay ees | iting system are Riiwccanes | \ Sy | Grose be 4001 ait H6ot | Covert S030 ames atk plasma | ge ee Lene | autting systern | Ribulednsetcs OU KWAOOD as re we Nonalicystee's og, 5737-2 me 2 three types of material Recommended cutting range oe Aloysteeb 0g. €r Neasan Underwater cutting —— jee Aluminium, eg. ALG 3 Mirirum Maximurn Range of Products The pulsed laser ‘The pulsed Ht solid-state lasers from 50.W t0 650 W are ideal for spot welding, seam ‘welding and for cutting, Regardless of the application HAAS-LASER offers a laser for the job with laser power on the workpiece ranging between 40 W and $00 W. Laser work cells For 2D and 30 laser processing laser ce with up te 5 axis are available. All HL lasers from 40 W to 4,000 W can be integrated to meet any demand. TRUMPF ‘The HL cwlasers from 400 WY to 5,400 W ‘are continuous-wave sol state lasers for seam welding and cutting, & wide range of lasers are available that deliver guaranteed powers to the workpiece between 350 W ‘and 4,000 W. PowerWeld The laser workstation Fowerweld is parti- culatty well suted for manual and partly automatic welding operations, With aid of the air-custioned worksable, lage and small workpieces can be welded etfartessly ‘with the greatest redsion HAAS-LASER GmbH + Co. KG Aichhalder StraBe 39 10-7873 Sehramberg A company of the TRUMPE group Macking laser Marking lasers from HAAS-LASER are ideal tools for industrial, commercial marking 28 well as surface modification of wtually all materials end surfaces. The open architecture interface allows online- programming of variable marking-data, PFO. Using the Programmable Focusing Optics (FO) tis possible to weld spots end seams ‘within the working area without work piace ar ecusing optics having to'be moved atall Tel: 409 74225159 Fax: +49 74.22 515-108 Mal: sales@de.heasaser com, Internet: enor haaselasercom eoirapast Range of Products ‘The pulsed laser ‘The pulsed HL solid-state lasers from $0 W to 650 Ware ideal for spot welding, seam ‘we'cing and for cutting, Regardless of the application HAAS.LASER offers laser for the job with laser power on the workpiece ranging between 40 W and 500 W. ewlaser “The HL cw-lasers from 400 W to 5,800 Ww are continuous-wave solid-state lasers foe seam welding and cutting, & wide range of lasers are avaliable thet delwer guaranteed pawers ta the workpiece between 350 \W and 4,000 W. e ‘Marking lasers frosn HAAS-LASER are ideal tools for industrial, commercial marking as well as surface mod fication of virtually all materials and surfaces, The open architecture interface allows online: programming of veriable marking-data Marking laser Laser work cells For 2D and 3D laser processing ever cel eth Up to 5 axis are aveilable, All HU lasers from 40 W ta 4,000 W can be integrated to meet any demand. TRUMPF PowerWeld ‘The laser workstation Powvertleldi parts ‘ularly well suited for manual and partiy automatic welding operations. With aid of the aiscushioned worktable, large and small workpieces can be welded effortlessly with the greatest preasion. HAAS-LASER Gmbid 4 Co. KG Aichnalder StraBe 39 0-78713 Sehvamberg A company of the TRUMPF group PFO Using the Programmable Focusing Cptics (FO) nis possible to weld spats and sears within the working area without wark- piace or facusing apis having to be moved! atall Tel: 449 7422 515.0 Fox 449 74.22 915-108 E-Mail: soleste has laser.corn Internet: Technical Data CO Laser unit HL 2006 D HL 3006 D HL 4006 D Max, output power wl 2,800 4,000 5,400 Laser pewer* iw) 2,900 3.000 4,000 Beam aualty {rowrsmrad as 23 25 Laser fight cable ur 600 800 600 *at the workpiece, controlled over entire e of lamps; the difference af the max. output power si line with the regulatory reserve Connection and consumption HL. 2006 0 HL 3006 D HL 4006 D Electrical connection 400, 3P + PE, 50 oF 60 Hz 160.8 200A 315A Power consumption kw) «0 2 125 Max. cooling water consumption {nmi/h] 5 7 22 at 15°C (59°F inlet temperature [eu.ftJmiat 298 an 1294 Cooling water ra 6-7 6-7 6-17 tema. range 43-63 43-63 43-63 Protection sa Psa Sa Installation HL 2006 D HL 3006 HL 4006 D ‘Weight kel 1,200 2,200 #.500 [bs] 2,646 3,968 3,307 Dimensions WiktO mat) 2,610 « 1,800 770 3,850 1,630 770 3.200% 1,700x 1,250 find] 102.7 x63 x 303 151.6 x 642 «303 126 x 67 «49.2 Anibient temperature rel 10- 40 19-40 10 40 rl 50-104 50-104, 50-100 o Technical Data Laser unit HL 1006 D Ht 1003 HL 15040 Max. outout power iw 1,400 1,400 2,000 Laser power (wh 1,000 1,000 1,500 Beam quality nmenadt 25 2 16 Laser light cable (unt 600 300 400 ‘at the workpiece, contealled aver anti Ife of lamps; the ciference of the max. outout power isi line with the regulatary reserve . @ Connection and consumption HL 1006 D HL 1003 D HL 1504 9 Electrical connection 400 V, 3° + PE, 50.0F 60 He BOA 5A 160.8 Power consumption svt 322 4a © ‘Max, cooling water consumption [mth] 28 a3 5 at 15°C (59°0) inlet temperature feu,ftdmin| 1.43 196 299 Cooling water rel 6-17 6-17 6-17 temp. range Pal 3-8 43-63 43-63 Protection Psa IPs4 Psa Installation HL 1006 > HL 1003 © HL 15080 Weight ‘sal 800 1,060 1200 (bs) 1,764 2.205 2.646 Dimensions Wato nen] 1,608 x 1,600%770 2,220 1,600%770 2,610 x 1,600x 770 fin 633.163 x303 87.4 63x303 102.7 x63 x 303 Ambient temperature re] 19-40 to- 40 1o- 40 Cr 50-104 50-104 50-106 Technical Data ‘ oO Laser unit HL 1006 D HL 1003 D HL 15040 Mex. ourput power wl 1,400 1.400 2,000 Laser power* ww 1,000 1,000 4,590 eam quality [mm-mvad) 3 2 6 Laser light cable lure) 600 300 400 “at the warkpiece, controled over enti lite of lamps; the difference of the max. output power isn ine with the regulatory reserve. e Connection and consumption HL 1006 D HL, 1003 D HL 1504 Electrical connection 400 ¥, 3° + PE, 50.0F 60 He 808 25a 160 Power consumption tow) 2 48 60 Max. cocting water consumption [mh 25 33 5 at 15°C (59°F) inlet temperature feu.ft min} 149 1.96 298 Cooling water rel 6-0 6-7 6-17 temp, range ca 3-8 43-63 43-63 Protection P54 Psa Psa Installation HL 1906 D HL 1003 D HL 1504 D Weight tka) 800 1,000 1,200 bbs.) 1.764 2.208 2,646 Dimensions Watt Irom} 1,808. 1,600% 770 2,220 1,600x 770 2,610 1,600x 770 fing 63.3.«63.x 303 87.4x63 x 303 102.7 63x 30.3 Ambient temperature rel 1o- 40 10- 49 10- 40 cal 50-104 50-108 50-104 Technical Data o Laser unit Max. output power Laser power* Beam quality Laser light cable ™ m™ [mm-nrad] lure) HL 2006 D HL 3006 0 HL 4006 D 2,800 4,000 5.400 2,000 3,000 4.000 2 8 25 600 600 600 “at the workciace, contolled over entire life of lamps, the ulference of the max. output power isin ine with the regulatory reserve Connection and consumption Electrical connection Power consumtion Max. cooling water consumption at 15°C (59°F) inlet temperature Cooling water temp. range Protection ® Installation Weight Dimensions WittxD Ambient temperature te) (omen) (eustsmin) rel rr (kal (ibs. fmmt find eel Al HL 2006 D HL 3008 D HL 4006 © ‘400 V, 3P 4 PE, 50 or 60 Hz 160.0 200.4, BISA 60 2 125 5 7 2 298 an 12.94 6-17 6-17 6-17 43-63 3-68 3-6 Psa Psa IPse HL 2006 D HL 3006 D HL 4006 D 1,200 2,200 1,500 2846 3,968 3,307 2,610 ¥ 1.600770 3,850 1,630.x 770 2,200 1.700% 1,280 102.7 x 63x 303 181.6 x682"303 126 x67 x 49.2 10- 40 10- 40 t0- 40 50-104 50-104 50-194, Technical Data oO Laser unit Max. output power Laser pawer* Beam quaity Laser light cable HL 3530 i 00 owl 380 tram-mrad} 2 (pm 300 HL 506 D 700 500) 28 600 HL703D 1,000 700 R 300 “at the workpiece, controled over ene life of lamps; the difference of the max, output power in ling with the regulatory reserve, Connection and consumption Electrical connection Power consumption Max. cooling water consumption at 15°C (59°F inlet temperature Cooling water temp. range Protection Installation Weight Dimensions Wik Ambient temperature HLas3D soa tev 2 (mt 1s (cuftémin| 089 rel o-17 Pr 3-68 Psa HL 353 D [kal 700 bs 1,543 [mm 1.808 x 1.600.770 Jin. 633x635 303 re) 10-40 tr 50-108 HL 506 D 400 V, 3° + FE, $0 oF 60 He SDA 23 15 089 6-17 43-63 pst HL506 D 700 1543 1,808 x 1,600 « 779 63.3 x63 x 303 1o- a0 5-104 HL 7030 BOA 2 25 13 6-17 43-8 Pst HL703D 500 76 5,608 x 1,600% 770 63.3¥63x303 10-40 50-14 Beam Delivery to the Workpiece ‘ The laser light cable The laser beam i brought to the work Piece via laser ligt cables, with core fiber ‘rameters of 300 pm, 400 pm or 600 pm. Up to ix laser light cables can be connie ted to any one bse, each celnatng the beer 1 different workstations. The HL laser ight cable can be plugged in without any adjust- iments. By means of beam sites or beam syetchas with switching mes of 4S ms, or byacombination ofthe two, tie besa can be passed simultaneously or successively ‘through several cables. HL laser ight cables are avaliable up to 50 meters (180 ft long, Focussing aptics for welding, ‘and are not subject to wear Furthermore igh back-refiecton, in the case of alum ‘eum of copper for exemele, does not cause damage, Safety ‘The taser light cable is monitored over its enti length. The laser unit is shut down Irnmechately fault in the fiber is detec ted or ifthe laser light cable plug is found 10 be incorvectly connected to the cou pling or the processing optics, The processing optics HAASLASER offers a wide range of welding and cutting optics. Far highly veflective materials, water-cooled opts are avaiable. With focal lengths of 70 mm to 300 mm, itis possible to achieve focusing clameters from 150 ym and working distances up 10 300mm, This provides good accessbilty 10 the workpiece, snes the Focusing angle is no more than 23°, even with minimum focus spot sue Cutting head with capacitive height segulation The options ‘The follwing components are available 10 match the laser with any application: 30° beam deflection Monocular eyepiece CcD-camera Crossret Capacitive autofocus Cutting nozzles Bifocal optics Technical Data 6) Laser unit Max. output power Laser powert Beam quality Laser light cable a iw [mm-mrad) {ue} HL 353 500 350 2 309 HL 506.0 709 $00 2s 600 HL 7030 1900 700 2 300 “at the workpiece, controled aver enti lfe of lamps; the difference of the mex. output power isin ine with the iagulatory ceserve. ® Connection and consumption Bectrical connection Power consumption Max, cooling water consumption at 15°C (59°F inlet temperature Cooling water tems. range Protection Installation Weight Dimensions WaHx Ambient temperature eww) [mn lew.ftamin} rel FL (kg! (bs) (mm find red Fl HL353D SOA 20 18 oes 6-17 43-53 Psa HL353D 700 1,543 1,808 x 1,600 «770, 53.3x63 303 10- 40 50-104 HL 506 D 400 v, 3° + PE, 50 oF 60 He 50a B 1s 039 6-17 43-63 psa HL 506 D 700 1,543 4,608 x 1,800 x70 63,3 x63 x 303 10- 40 50-104 HL 703 D BDA 32 25 1.49 6-17 4362 Psa HL703 > 00 L764 1,608 x 1,600x 770 633163303 10-40 50-108 a Technical Data Laser unit Mos, output comer Laser power* Seem guaity Laser light cable Connection and consumption Hlectical connection Power consumption ‘Max. cooling water consumption at 15°C (59°F inlet temperature Coating water temp. range Protection ® Installation Weight Dimensions Wiad Ambient temperature my Mt Imvmrrad} few toa [eu.ftymin) rey er tka] libs.) im find rel cA L353 HL 506 © HL 7030 00 700 1000 350 soo 700 R 2 2 300 600 300 HL3530 HL 506 D HL 703 > 900 3° + PE, 50 or 60 He SOA SOA 80a 20 2B 32 15 15 25 088 a9 149 6-17 6-17 6-17 43-63 43-63 43-63 Psa Psa ps4 HL3530 HL 506 D HL 703 D 700. 700) 800 1.543 1,883 1.764 1,608. 1.600% 770 1,608 « 1.600770 1,608 x 1,600" 770 683 «63x303 63.3 x63» 302 63.3 x63 303 10-40 w- 40 10 40 50-104 50~ 108 50~ 104 Beam Del ‘ The laser light cable The laser beam is brought to the work piece via laser light cables, with core fiber diameters of 300 ym, 400 ym or 600 um. Up to six laser light cables can be eonnac- ‘td 1 any oe laser ech delving the beam ‘0 different workstations. The HI laser light ‘able can be plugged in without any agus iments, By means of beara spliters or beam switches with switching zimes oF 45 ms, er bya combmation ofthe two, the bearn can be passed simultaneously or successrly through several cables, HL laser light cables are avalable up to 50 meters(150+. long, Focussing opts for welding, ivery to the Workpiece and are not subject to wear, Furthermore, high backereflection. in the case of alum num er copper for example, does nat cause damage Safety The laser ght cable is monitored over is entire length. The laser unit is shut dows immeciately fa fault inthe fiber is detec ted oF if the laser light cable plugs found to be inconectly connected to the cau pling othe processing optics The processing optics HAAS-LASER offers a vide range af weleing and cutting optics. For highiy reflective materia, water-cooled optics ate avaliable ‘With focal lengths a 70 man #0 500 mm, itis possible to achieve focusing diameters {rom 150m andhivarking distances up 10 200 ren, Ths premides good accessity 19 the workpiece, since the focusing angle s no more than 23°, even with minimum focus spot size Cutting head with capacitive height regulation, The options ‘The following components are available 10 match the laser with any application 90° beam datlection Monscular eyepiece CCD-camera Crass.jet Capacitive autofocus Cutting nozzles Bifocal opts The Benefits of State-of-the-Art Control Technology ‘The laser control system Operating interface af the high-power These high-power lasers ernpoy the vary/atest laser {generation of HAAS-LASER control unis the LCU. The heart of the system is 3 central computer module that performs theinter- nal laser monitoring and contrel functions, 2 well as those of the external bear {guiding and rranitoxing components. A PC Is used as the display and control unit. The ‘operation of the PC is menu-crven, The laser programs ®,. lases power has aa unlimited module: tion capably, It follows @ power curve ether graphically generated on a PC or cliven by an external aga, Pre- programmed ramp cycles or speed-dependent power control are available, as are application specific pulse shapes, ‘As many 25 79 programs with laser para- meters and the appropriate bearn control forthe individual epclicatons can be stored and actnated externally Graphical generation of any desired laser pulse shapes, The telepresence Up to 600 actual system pararraters can be monitored and accessed at any time 5 Connecting with a rmedem permits the Femote transmission of all operating and contol cata, 50 that engjnaers at HAAS LASER cendlagnase a problem quick and resove Itwith minimum downtime Permanent access te system parameters and data The HL cw High-Power Lasers The laser power The HL high-power asa ae continvous-Have solid-state losers, The lor power is configure se that the optimal laser is aveilebie for zach application. The maximum output power of the lasers are between 500 W {nd 5,400 W, the contol system quarantees ‘rom 350.W to 4,000 W respectively at the workpiece throughout the Ife ofthe lamps, The beam quality The HL 506 0, HL 1006 D, HL 2006 ©, HL 3006 D and HL 4006 D cw-acers all have a bearn quality of 25 mammiad which is outstanding for hs power range. This beern quality permits high working speeds and prevents contamination of the optics by ‘maintaining 2 substantial clearance be- twaen the processing optics and the ‘workpiece, ensunng process relay. The HL353 D, HL 703 D and HL 1003 D prec The ow high-power laser HL 4006 0. an excellent beam qually of 12 mmeanrad, the HL 1504 D of 16 mm mrad, perfect for cutting. The focal diameter and pasition remain constant, even when the laser power is changed, for consistent processing results every time, The laser device ‘The high-power lasers are of modular ean struction, Each laser cavity has its own ower sunply, which, like the cooling and control systems, are designed as siden modules for easy service and maintenance, ‘The basic version In addition to the laser power central, the high power lasers feature an interface which faciitatas comfortable commmuni= Cation with allconto systems. An integrated visible pilot laser makes pesitioning of external optics and tracing of the pra: ‘grammed path easier. The interfaces Ethernet (TCPAP), OPC interface, 8S 232 Parallel PLC- = 2 Roughness 3 aa oO 2 4 6 Sheet thicknass in mm A separating cut is a cut with which a separation is just possible without consideration of the cut surface quality, A quality cut nas no burs. ‘The cutting speed is about 20 % slower than for the separating cut ‘The cutting gas pressure hes to be adapted to the sheet thickness. Increasing sheet thickness increases ~ the laser power absorption = the heating-up of the kerf ~ the released exothermal energy ‘The heating-up of the kerf is reduced with lower cutting gas. pressure, ‘The maximum cutting speed is 12 mimin, Faster cutting speeds result in incomplete chemical reactions. Less energy supporting the cutting process is released. 2 Laser cutting Ow-SOUE TT ena 000 TRUMPF Laser Cutting Cut surface: Measuring records: unalloyed steel; 40 mm thick Measuring distance: 5 x 0,8 mm, 1 unit = 10 pm ez Ret4oHe .8um Ry t2eum Ry-148i0n Characteristics: + ‘The focal position must be below the surface to achieve a good ‘outting result in thicker material (here 10 mm). e + For a sheet thickness >10 mm the power density is too low on the lower cutting edge ‘+The laser beam determines the roughness only in the upper part of the cut surface. ‘+ Inthe other area of the cut surface the roughness is determined by: = the flowing characteristics of the material = the used cutting gas ~ the set cutting gas pressure OW-6050- erg 1000 Laser eutting 23 TRUMPF Laser Cutting E8 Enefot the cutingNBezle adistfienkyy, Oft-center Gutting nozzle Focused laser — <« beam Cutting direction Cutting gas: ‘One-sided burr pesmi Gas speed Point acrass the ker! Effect: + The distribution of the gas velocity in the keris unsymmetrical ‘+ Sheltered area on the side with the low gas velocity by coming- off of the gas jet ‘+The expulsion of the molten material is differant at both cutting surfaces. The roughness of both cutting surfaces is diferent 24 Laser culting Cowanae-t org 02000 TRUMPF Laser Cutting Cutting nozzle Laser beam 120 + tl g 100 4 = £0 z aotl\ [ g 60 v T & 40 V = 20 pL o | | 2 01 0 Of o2 Off-center in mm Effect: + For a centricaliy located cutting nozzie the roughness of the two cutting surfaces is identical ‘+The quailty of the cutting surfaces depends on the direction the cutting nozzle is out of center, ‘+ In-order to keep the roughness low on beth cutting surfaces the ‘cutting nozzle must rot be out af center by more than 0,1 mm, eweoe tery 192000 ‘Laser cutting 25 TRUMPF Flame Cutting Characteristics of CW Lasers 14 HLAGOED 12 # HLIS0KD g 4 HL10039 = 10 za 2 8 3 4 2 0 8 2 4 6 8 10 12 1 ‘Shoet thickness in mm Characteristics: +The maximum cutting speed for quality culs is 12 m/min independent on power (i enough laser power is available), +The cutting speed does not differ significantly for sheets with a thickness of 2 mm. + The effect of the laser power on the cutting speed increases with increasing sheet thickness. + The maximum sheet thickness is essentially determined by the beam quality focal depth). 26 Laser cutting CH 80GET ong 100 Flame Cutting Characteristics of CW Lasers fens eee ee 14 = © HL40060) 12 HL15060 zi 4 110090 = 10) gz 8 e 6 54 2 0 9 2 4 6 8 10 12 1 ‘Sheet thickness in rm Characteristics: +The maximum cutting speed for qualily culs is 12 m/min independent on power (if enough aser power is available}, +The cutting speed does not differ significantly for sheets with = thickness of 2 mm, ‘+ The effect of the laser power on the cutting speed increases with increasing sheet thickness. +The maximum sheet thickness is essentially determines by the beam quality {focat depth). YOUR COSTING: an ek een ee ees 7000 Material ‘$037.2 boayiye 4000 ‘3000 2000 1900 TOIT ttt 1 10 15 20 25 dtm) + Paso Max 100. HTAg Alri. 2508 A700 xy fuolges. Aron, en ee ee Ee tee ep reeet ed SS eee Summer te 7 ae [oa fe a Type of machine 4 | Machine pice - DM c - 2 [Areitary costs om] 01 | Connactedioad kya 3” Taotng - DM 2 [average consumption wim __| 4 nvestrantaphal wee Tow 03 | Energy unitcost “ DeikWh| 8 | Depreciation K,_ | S44) OMvyear| | 04 | Floorepacerequremant wf _ [6 [lnierest “Ke [56063005 | orarveae © [Sypris Die | 7 pune pane” —— Ke otis — "on [ee [Businesscoste Years | 8 | Goptalcosts=focsdconihyear | ()s(viT) | omvyenr oF [ enantio ‘gr | 3 [eels nan ae io” [ewavenns | eager | oes Cateulation basis 3s per VOI 2268 | Matsirence/sit Kast) 2 Beet Estimated mosting ons KM. 8_[Masne iG [rrmon s 1a arene — Hoc naa ROBEN hy, Se ee oe on STi pce ls Be Tia Tees coroanetin - rm) 7 Tasso pain DRctemiyrauiton-Aetumeninesinantand || Wa ean 18.2 | Warkstationcostsimin | (87100 | OMmin.

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