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United States Patent (19) 11) 4,065,421

Allyn et al. 45) Dec. 27, 1977

(54) CONTINUOUS PROCESS FOR THE Primary Examiner-Theodore E. Pertilla
75 Inventors: Charles L. Allyn, Tacoma; James C. This invention relates to a process for the continuous
Manlove, Federal Way; Gerald M. production of aqueous urea-formaldehyde solutions
Chang, Orting; Robert C. Burmark, having a mol ratio of formaldehyde to urea ranging
Tacoma, all of Wash. from about 4.0 to about 6.0 and having a total solids
73) Assignee: Reichhold Chemicals, Inc., White content ranging from about 60% to about 85% by
Plains, N.Y. weight. This process utilizes a single multiple tray ab
sorption column through which is passed the gaseous
21 Appl. No.: 667,702 product from a formaldehyde converter counter cur
22 Filed: Mar. 17, 1976 rent to a flow of aqueous urea solution. The column is
maintained at a temperature ranging from about 40' C
51) Int. Cl’.............................................. CO8L 61/24 to about 80 C and dilute aqueous base is added at sev
52 U.S.C. ............................ 260/29.4 R; 260/69 R; eral points along the tower. Formaldehyde combines
260/95 C with the urea in the solution during their respective
58) Field of Search ............... 260/29.4 R, 69 R, 95 C passages through the column to form the final product.
56) References Cited A portion of the final product is circulated through the
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS lower portion of the column.
2,946,403 7/1960, Krueger et al. ................... 260/72 R.
3,067,177 12/1962 Greco et al........................ 260/69 R 11 Claims, 3 Drawing Figures


50%. UREA


U.S. Patent Dec. 27, 1977 Sheet 1 of 3 4,065,421

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U.S. Patent Dec. 27, 1977 Sheet 2 of 3 4,065,421

GAS A/6 2
50%. UREA
- - - - - -

25 I
5% -------
NOOH ---
T a -- - - -

I a - or a HEAT

5% - - -

NqOH ". TO 5th TRAY

(f 5 Il 8 WATER
/\ Ii --


U.S. Patent Dec. 27, 1977 Sheet 3 of 3 4,065,421


1. 2
formaldehyde addition products from the bottom of
CONTINUOUS PROCESS FOR THE said column back into said column at a point above the
PRODUCTION OF AquEOUS last point where the dilute aqueous base is being fed into
UREAFORMALDEHYDE SOLUTIONS said column and above the point where said gases are
Our invention is directed to a continuous process for being introduced but below the top stage of said column
the production of high solids urea-formaldehyde solu (H) continuously removing the remainder of said aque
tions, i.e., also known as urea-formaldehyde concen ous solution of urea formaldehyde addition products
trate and U-F concentrate. This process involves only a from the bottom of the said column (I) while continuing
single formaldehyde absorber column normally used in to feed said aqueous solution of urea into the top stage
conjunction with a methanol oxidation process for the O of said column while (J) continuing to introduce said
production of formaldehyde and does not require exten gases into the bottom of said column.
sive modification of the column. It is possible to switch More specifically my improved process comprises a
from the production of urea-formaldehyde solution to continuous process for the production of aqueous urea
the production of aqueous formaldehyde solution in a formaldehyde solutions having a mol ratio of formalde
relatively short period of time. 15 hyde to urea ranging from about 4.0 to about 5.0 and
Urea-formaldehyde concentrate is a clear liquid, sta having a total solids content ranging from about 72% to
ble at room temperature, comprising a mixture of water, about 78% by weight comprising (A) continuously
urea, formaldehyde and low molecular weight urea-for introducing the gases coming from a methanol oxida
maldehyde addition products. The use of this concen tion converter for the production of formaldehyde into
trate in place of or in addition to aqueous formaldehyde 20 the bottom of a single formaldehyde absorber column
solutions for the production of urea-formaldehyde res containing from about 20 bubble-cap trays to about 30
ins is well known. It provides many operating advan bubble-cap trays numbered from 1 beginning with the
tages over the conventional method of making urea-for bottom tray and equipped with internal cooling coils on
maldehyde resins from urea and 50% aqueous formalde each tray (B) allowing said gases to pass upwardly from
hyde solution including elimination of distillation of 25 below the first tray through said column while (C)
excess water from each batch (thus shortening the batch simultaneously feeding an aqueous solution of urea con
cycle), using less energy, and eliminating a particularly taining from about 45% to about 60% by weight of urea
dirty waste stream which requires treatment. U-F con and from about 55% to about 40% by weight of water
centrate has become a valuable raw material and is an at a temperature ranging from about 25 C to about 70
important commercial commodity. The urea-formalde 30 C continuously into the top tray of said column and (D)
hyde concentrate produced by the practice of this in allowing said aqueous solution of urea to at least par
vention may be used in all currently practiced processes tially react with the CHO in said gases on each tray to
requiring the use of urea-formaldehyde concentrate. form an aqueous solution of low molecular weight
Urea-formaldehyde concentrate may be described methylol ureas solution while flowing down said col
chemically as a solution of low molecular weight urea 35 umn from tray to tray while maintaining a tray tempera
formaldehyde addition products in water resulting from ture ranging from about 50 C to about 70° C for the
the reaction of urea with formaldehyde. It is most con bottom tray and from about 25 C to about 50° C for the
venient to define urea-formaldehyde concentrate by its top tray while (E) simultaneously feeding a dilute aque
equivalent compositions of urea, formaldehyde and ous solution of base into said column at a multiple of
water. In practice, it is common to characterize urea points such that the pH of said aqueous solution of urea
formaldehyde concentrate by the mol ratio of formalde formaldehyde addition products is maintained at a pH
hyde to urea and the total solids content which is equiv ranging from about 7.0 to about 8.5 (F) collecting said
alent to the total weight percents of the urea and for aqueous solution of urea formaldehyde addition prod
maldehyde. ucts in the bottom of said column (G) circulating a
Preferably our invention comprises a continuous pro 45 portion of said aqueous solution of urea formaldehyde
cess for the production of aqueous urea-formaldehyde addition products from the bottom of said column back
solutions having a mol ratio of formaldehyde to urea into said column at a single point ranging from tray 4 to
ranging from about 4.0 to about 6.0 and having a total tray 8 (H) continuously removing the remainder of said
solids content ranging from about 65% to about 85% by aqueous solution of urea formaldehyde addition prod
weight comprising (A) introducing the gases from a 50 ucts from the bottom of said column while () continu
formaldehyde converter into the bottom of a single ing to feed said aqueous solution of urea onto the top
formaldehyde absorber column and (B) allowing said tray of said column while (J) continuing to introduce
gases to pass upwardly through said column while (C) said gases into the bottom of said column.
simultaneously feeding an aqueous solution of urea con In the above process the temperature of the bottom
taining from about 40% to about 80% by weight of urea 55 tray is preferably about 55° C to about 70° C and the
into the top stage of said column and (D) allowing said temperature of the top tray ranges from about 35° C to
aqueous solution of urea to at least partially react with about 55 C.
the CHO in said gases to form an aqueous solution of If desired, the absorber may contain sieve trays in
low molecular weight urea-formaldehyde addition stead of bubble-cap trays.
products while flowing down said column from stage to 60 In the above process, the total solids content of the
stage at a temperature ranging from about 25 C to aqueous urea-formaldehyde solution preferably ranges
about 80 C while (E) simultaneously feeding a dilute from about 75% to 77% by weight.
aqueous solution of base into said column at a multiple THE PROR ART
of points such that the pH of said aqueous solution of
methylol-ureas is maintained at a pH ranging from The prior art discloses a continuous process in U.S.
about 6.0 to 9.0 and (F) collecting said aqueous solution Pat. No. 3,067,177, patented Dec. 4, 1962 and assigned
of methylol-ureas in the bottom of said column (G) to Montecatini, Milan, Italy. In this process, the gas
circulating a portion of said aqueous solution of urea stream from a formaldehyde converter is first scrubbed
3 4.
in a packed column with a recirculating solution con normal operation for the production of aqueous formal
taining formaldehyde, urea and water and then passed dehyde solution. The product stream, i.e., urea-for
through a second bubble-cap-plate column fed from the maldehyde concentrate, is pumped from the bottom of
top with a separate aqueous urea solution. A portion of the absorber to a storage tank as in normal formalde
the stream collected in the bottom of the first column is 5 hyde production except that a portion is also recircu
withdrawn as product while the remainder as well as lated to one of the lower trays of the absorber. This has
the material collected from the second column is com the effect of making the bottom and the first several
bined and is recirculated to the top of the first column. trays of the absorber a completely mixed reactor in
This process suffers from the disadvantage of requiring which the urea solution, cascading from the trays
two columns, a mixing tank and a recirculation pump to 10 above, react with the formaldehyde containing gases
accommodate the process. It will be shown that the from the converters to form the UF concentrate. This
process can be accomplished in far less equipment than technique provides sufficient residence time for the
indicated by their process. Additionally, the process can reaction to reach equilibrium. Some formaldehyde
be accomplished in equipment normally designed for passes this zone as a vapor but it is absorbed in the urea
formaldehyde absorption with very little modification. 15 solution on the trays above. UF concentrate is not stable
for long periods when the mol ratio of formaldehyde to
urea is between about 4.0 to 1.0 and 1.0 to 1.0. These
FIG. 1 is a simplified diagram illustrating my inven unstable mixtures exist on the upper trays above the
tion; circulating mixture, but because most of the formalde
FIG. 2 is a diagrammatic view of a urea formalde 20 hyde is being absorbed at the bottom where the concen
hyde absorbtion system embodying my invention; and tration of formaldehyde is the greatest, these conditions
FIG. 3 is a process flow diagram illustrating the in only exist on a few trays. The residence time is short
vention. enough on these upper trays so that precipitates are not
DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION 25 One of the conditions necessary to the manufacture of
What has now been disclosed is a simple continuous UF concentrate is that the contents of the absorber must
process for the production of aqueous urea-formalde be maintained at a slightly alkaline pH. Acidic condi
hyde solutions which have a mol ratio of formaldehyde tions in UF concentrate production favor the formation
to urea of about 4.0 to about 6.0 with a total solids of insoluble products such as those formed during resin
content ranging from about 60% to about 85%. This 30 production with the result that precipitates are formed
process consists of taking the gases from a formalde instead of a stable concentrate. For this reason the aque
hyde converter and feeding them into a single absorber ous caustic solution is fed at multiple locations in the
column in a conventional manner while at the same time column to maintain a pH in excess of 6.5 and preferably
feeding an aqueous solution of urea into the top tray of in the range from 7.0 to 8.5, at all locations in the ab
the column. The urea solution will flow from tray to 35 sorber. The most important point of measurement is in
tray down the column while at least partially reacting the bottom of the absorber.
with the formaldehyde in the gases passing up through The additional water introduced into the process
the column to form an aqueous solution of low molecu with the 50% urea solution and the excess water from
lar weight formaldehyde-urea addition products. The the methanol oxidation reaction must be removed if a
concentration of the urea-formaldehyde addition prod 40 high solids concentrate is to be produced. This is done
ucts will increase as the solution continues down the by adjusting the cooling water flow to the absorber
column and as the concentration of formaldehyde de coils, and operating the column at a temperature at
creases in the gases passing up the column. As the solu which the excess water is lost out the top of the ab
tion flows down the column, dilute aqueous base is fed sorber as a vapor. The controlling temperature is that
into the column at a number of points so as to maintain 45 on the top tray of the absorber. This should be between
the pH of the solution in the column at 6.5 to 9.5. The 40°C and 55' C depending on the strength of the prod
final product is collected at the bottom of the absorber uct desired.
column and a portion is recirculated back into the col The UF concentrate made in the absorber is pumped
umn a few trays above the bottom. Product is continu to storage through the product cooler. The product
ously removed to storage while the aqueous solution of 50 should be stored near ambient temperature for maxi
urea is fed into the top tray and the formaldehyde con mum product stability as higher storage temperatures
taining gases are fed into the bottom of the column. tend to cause the pH to drift down with time toward the
This new continuous process provides for an efficient unstable region. By this process, the amount of formal
means of making urea-formaldehyde concentrate using dehyde in the absorber off gas is reduced to about 10 to
only a single formaldehyde absorber column. Further 55 100 parts per million as compared to amounts ranging
more, formaldehyde losses in the absorber off gases are from about 200 to 400 ppm on a normal formaldehyde
reduced. These and other advantages will become ap absorber. This demonstrates the efficiency of the pro
parent through the following detailed description and cess. Also, air contamination is reduced since normally
examples. Reference will be made to FIG. 1 the accom this amount of formaldehyde is merely lost to the atmo
panying drawing. Typically, a 50-60% by weight aque sphere.
ous urea solution is made up in a urea solution kettle and An important feature of this invention is the addition
then transferred in a large storage tank. The urea solu of dilute aqueous base at multiple points along the col
tion is metered out of this tank into the top of the ab umn. Improved absorption efficiency throughout the
sorber. The flow of the urea solution is controlled at a column depends in large part upon the pH of the solu
rate equal to the amount required to make the product 65 tion. Maintaining a constant pH between 7.0 and 8.5
desired. The solution is allowed to flow down the col throughout the absorber column with multiple caustic
umn from tray to tray while gases from the formalde addition points helps to obtain a high absorption effi
hyde converter enter the bottom of the absorber as in ciency and good process solution stability. In the prior
5 6
art, with only one addition point of caustic solution, the Normal formaldehyde storage tanks were used for
absorption efficiency is probably not as great through product storage. For the purposes of this test run, prod
out the columns, because the pH would tend to decrease uct was not cooled in a heat exchanger before storage.
from the top to the bottom of the columns. FIG. II is a diagram of the equipment used during the
The formaldehyde column design may be any one of 5 test.
those currently in service but preferably of the bubble The UF concentrate run was started with the formal
cap or sieve plate type. It has been found that about 25 dehyde plant running normally. The formaldehyde
bubble-cap trays are adequate for this process, although product stream was recycled to the 5th tray throughout
a smaller or greater number could be used. Ballast ab the run. Caustic was started at a high rate to trays 1, 5,
sorbertrays or sieve trays may be used in place of bub- 10 15 and 24 and monitoring of the tray pH's was started.
ble-cap absorber trays as long as their total absorption When all points in the column showed pH levels above
capacity is equal to that of the bubble-cap tray design. 7, urea solution was started to the top of the column.
Trays should be equipped with cooling coils. The temperature of the top tray was adjusted to 48 C.
Column temperatures may range from about 25 Cat Simultaneously, bottoms product, which had been
the top tray to about 50° C while the bottom tray tem- 15 going to the normal formaldehyde tank, was diverted to
perature should range from about 50 C to about 80° C. the UF concentrate product tank. Samples of the prod
Aqueous urea solution is prepared and fed onto the uct during this period turned to paraformaldehyde
top tray of the absorber. The concentration of urea, by when cooled, an effect promoted by the high pH. As
weight, ranges from about 45% to about 80% with urea began to increase in the product bottom, however,
about 50% preferred. The temperature of the urea solu- 20 the product cleared. The startup portion of the run
tion as fed ranges from about 35 C to about 50 C. required about 32 hours from start of urea feed to nor
As previously stated, aqueous base is fed into the mal operations, a much longer period than ordinarily
column at multiple points. The exact number of points required because of equipment problems. The process
will depend upon the number and type of trays. For was maintained at steady state conditions for 72 hours.
instance, in a 30 bubble-cap tray absorber column, base 25 During this portion of the run, product was targeted for
is fed onto trays 1, 11, 15 and 22. In a 25 bubble-cap tray 75% solids and a formaldehyde-urea mol ratio of 4.2 to
column, base is fed onto trays 3, 15 and 25. The exact 1.0.
trays onto which base will be fed must be determined on pH control in the column was satisfactory using the
the individual column, but the important fact is that the four metering pumps for caustic feed. The absorber
pH throughout the column must range from about 6.5 30 trays were surveyed for pH about twice per shift during
to about 8.5 and preferably between 7.0 and 8.5. This is normal operation. The technique used was to sample
important in order to use just a single absorber column. the liquid on the tray immediately above the trays on
The aqueous base may be sodium hydroxide, potassium which caustic was being fed and adjusting the caustic
hydroxide or the like and the aqueous solution may flows accordingly to maintain these points at a pH
range from about 1% to about 20% by weight of the 35 about 7. During the run, it became desirable to shift the
caustic material.
Finished product is recirculated from the bottom of feed locations of the caustic to equalize the pH in the
column as much as practical. The final feed location at
the column back up into the column to a tray above the equilibrium conditions were on trays 1, 11, 15 and 22.
lowest point of addition of the aqueous base, preferably Once steady conditions were achieved, very little
between trays 4 and 8. In addition, finished product is 40 change in tray pH was noted. A typical absorber pH
recirculated to a point in the column immediately above profile was:
the level of liquid in the bottom, the purpose of which
is to cool and absorb the hot gases entering from the
converter. The majority of the finished product is recir Tray
pH 8,
8 9 14 18 22 24, 26 28
8.3 8.5 9.3 8.6 11.3 6.7 6.9 6.5
culated to the column. A lesser amount is drawn off 45
from the bottom and transferred to storage, maintaining
a constant level in the bottom of the absorber. During the run, specific gravity and percent formal
This invention will be more readily understood by dehyde were the control tests. Urea analyses were run
reference to the accompanying specific examples which daily on retained samples from the previous 24 hours of
are intended as illustrations only rather than as limiting 50 operation as another check.
the invention except as defined in the accompanying A tray-to-tray analysis was made on the absorber
claims. approximately 36 hours after normal operation began to
EXAMPLE 1. determine absorption efficiency. Additional checks
were made 24 hours after the first set to be sure the
Urea-formaldehyde concentrate was made in a 5-day 55 column conditions had come to complete equilibrium.
test run in the absorber of a conventional formaldehyde The two sets agreed closely. Table I presents the data
plant. The absorber was a 30 bubble-cap tray absorber, from this analysis with comparison data to normal for
6 ft. in diameter equipped with internal cooling coils on maldehyde absorption data. The high formaldehyde
each tray. The equipment added to the absorber for the concentrate on trays 1-5 is due to the product recycle.
test Was: The superior absorption of aqueous urea solution in the
1. 4 metering pumps for supplying 5% sodium hy upper trays over normal formaldehyde production is
droxide to the absorber. apparent. Stack samples of the vapors leaving the top of
2. A large urea prill bin, variable rate screw feeder, the absorber were also taken. The formaldehyde con
urea dissolving tank, urea solutions pump, heat centration of this stream averaged 10.5 ppm during the
exchanger, flow meter and transfer line to the top 65 normal operating period. This stream typically analyzes
of the absorber. 300 ppm during normal formaldehyde production.
3. A recirculating line from the bottom take-off line The formaldehyde yield over the entire run was 15.67
to tray 5 of the absorber. lbs. equivalent 37% formaldehyde per gallon of metha
7 8
nol consumed. This compares well with the pre-run product cooler. The process was run at steady state for
average yield of 15.59 lbs./gal and post-run yield of 101 hours, during which time 1,008,000 lbs. of product
15.29 lbs/gal during normal formaldehyde production. was collected. During the test analyses were made of
The yield on methanol was 93.3% recovered as formal the principal variables. The process was fairly stable.
dehyde. The product remained stable in storage for 5 The only significant control problem was in control of
approximately 4 weeks before being processed into the product specific gravity. This was caused by the
resin with no significant pH drift from 7.5. long dead time in the system between adjustment of the
Table 1 column temperature and the resulting change in prod
A Comparative Tray Profile of Absorber uct specific gravity. This led to overcontrol and a cy
Normal 10 cling product specific gravity, a condition which was
CHO Production corrected by limiting the frequency and magnitude of
Liquid Gas Liquid Gas temperature changes. The process was shut down by
Tray CHO Urea F/U CHO CHO CHO shutting down the formaldehyde converters, and then
Off Gas
washing the contents of the absorber to tankage. By this
28 0.15 49.2
0.04 0.70
technique, losses of product and amount of diluted
26 0.16 43.7 0.03 product were minimized. The final product tank analy
34.3 o
4.08 0.07
sis was 53.9% formaldehyde and 24.2% urea, or 4.45
20 0.05 28.6 o 0.24 urea-formaldehyde and 78.1% total solids. The yield on
33.8 o
8.68 0.31
0.42 20
urea was 96.7% and the formaldehyde yield was 15.3
15 0.04 0.39 lbs. 37% equivalent formaldehyde per gallon of metha
0.96 25.8 0.09 0.06
15.47 0.63
nol consumed. Both are acceptable results.
9 6.25 22. 0.49 0.14 26,10 1.71 What is claimed is:
30.89 2.88
1.88 1. A continuous process for the production of aque
4. o 0.98 33.67 2.82 25 ous urea-formaldehyde solutions having a mol ratio of
48.52 23.4 4.10
formaldehyde to urea ranging from about 4.0 to about
1 49,41 23.3 420 2.17 43.65 4.60 6.0 and having a total solids content ranging from about
Bot. 50.5 5.08 51.25 6.24 65% to about 85% by weight comprising (A) introduc
ing the gases from a formaldehyde converter into the
30 bottom of a single formaldehyde absorber column and
EXAMPLE OF UFC PRODUCTION FOR (B) allowing said gases to pass upwardly through said
PATENT APPLICATION column while (C) simultaneously feeding an aqueous
EXAMPLE 2 solution of urea containing from about 40% to about
Urea-formaldehyde concentrate was made in another
80% by weight of urea into the top stage of said column
35 and (D) allowing said aqueous solution of urea to at
test run in the absorber of a larger conventional formal least partially react with the CHO in said gases to form
dehyde plant. This absorber was 16 ft. in diameter and an aqueous solution of low molecular weight urea-for
contained 25 bubble-cap trays, each equipped with in maldehyde addition products while flowing down said
ternal cooling coils. For the test, urea solution was column from stage to stage at a temperature ranging
made up at 52% concentration batchwise in an agitated, 40 from about 25 C to about 80° C while (E) simulta
steam heated vessel and then transferred to a storage neously feeding a dilute aqueous solution of base into
tank from which it was continuously pumped to the top said column at a multiple of points such that the pH of
of the absorber for normal operation. Caustic solution said aqueous solution of methylol-ureas is maintained at
for the purposes of pH adjustment in the tower was a pH ranging from about 6.0 to 9.0 and (F) collecting
prepared and then transferred to two vessels from said aqueous solution of methylol-ureas in the bottom of
which it was pumped to 3 locations in the tower by 3 45 said column (G) circulating a portion of said aqueous
variable rate diaphragm pumps. A recirculating line solution of urea-formaldehyde addition products from
was installed from the bottom take-off line to tray 5 of the bottom of said column back into said column at a
the absorber. The product was pumped through a water point above the last point where the dilute aqueous base
cooler heat exchanger on the way to final storage. FIG.
III is a diagram of the equipment used in the test. 50 is being fed into said column and above the point where
The process was started up in a manner similar to said gases are being introduced but below the top stage
Example 1. The product was recirculated to tray 5, and of said column (H) continuously removing the remain
left this way throughout the run. Caustic feed was der of said aqueous solution of urea formaldehyde addi
started at maximum rate to trays 3, 15 and 25, until the tion products from the bottom of the said column (I)
pH in the entire absorber was above 7. Urea solution 55 while continuing to feed said aqueous solution of urea
was then started to the absorber at a high controlled into the top stage of said column while (J) continuing to
rate until sufficient urea had been added to equal the introduce said gases into the bottom of said column.
approximate steady state urea inventory of the absorber. 2. A continuous process for the production of aque
During this time, product was directed to a separate ous urea formaldehyde solutions having a mol ratio of
storage tank to avoid diluting the final product. The 60 formaldehyde to urea ranging from about 4.0 to about
temperature within the absorber was slowly increased 5.0 and having a total solids content ranging from about
to near the final operating temperature. The product 72% to about 78% by weight comprising (A) continu
specific gravity slowly increased to the final steady ously introducing the gases coming from a methanol
state level of 1.285 and was controlled there by temper oxidation converter for the production of formaldehyde
ature adjustment for the remainder of the run. The 65 into the bottom of a single formaldehyde absorber col
startup phase, from initial pH adjustment to the start of umn containing from about 20 bubble-cap trays to about
product collection in the final storage tank required 10 30 bubble-cap trays numbered from 1 beginning with
hours. The product stream was cooled to 25 C in the the bottom tray and equipped with internal cooling
9 10
coils on each tray (B) allowing said gases to pass up 3. The process according to claim 2 wherein the
wardly from below the first tray through said column aqueous solution of urea is prepared in a separate reac
while (C) simultaneously feeding an aqueous solution of tion vessel and stored at a temperature ranging from
urea containing from about 45% to about 60% by about 35° C to about 70° C until introduced onto the top
weight of urea and from about 55% to about 40% by 5 tray of said column.
weight of water at a temperature ranging from about 4. The process according to claim 2 wherein said
25° C to about 70 C continuously into the top tray of column contains 25 to 30 bubble-cap trays.
said column and (D) allowing said aqueous solution of 5. The process according to claim 2 wherein the
urea to at least partially react with the CHO in said temperature of the bottom tray is about 55° C to about
gases on each tray to form an aqueous solution of low 10 70° C and the temperature of the top tray ranges from
molecular weight methylol ureas solution while flowing about 35 C to about 55 C.
down said column from tray to tray while maintaining a 6. The process according to claim 2 wherein the
tray temperature ranging from about 50° C to about 70 dilute aqueous solution of base is a 5% to 18% by
C for the bottom tray and from about 25°C to about 50 weight solution of sodium hydroxide.
C for the top tray while (E) simultaneously feeding a 15 7. The process according to claim 2 wherein the
dilute aqueous solution of base into said column at a dilute aqueous solution of base is fed onto trays 3, 15 and
multiple of points such that the pH of said aqueous the top tray.
solution of urea formaldehyde addition products is 8. The process according to claim 2 wherein a portion
maintained at a pH ranging from about 7.0 to about 8.5 of said aqueous solution of urea formaldehyde addition
(F) collecting said aqueous solution of urea formalde 20 products is circulated from the bottom of said column
hyde addition products in the bottom of said column back into said column onto tray 5.
(G) circulating a portion of said aqueous solution of 9. The process according to claim 2 wherein the
urea formaldehyde addition products from the bottom absorber contains ballast trays instead of bubble-cap
of said column back into said column at a single point trays.
ranging from tray 4 to tray 8 (H) continuously remov 25 10. The process according to claim 2 wherein the
ing the remainder of said aqueous solution of urea for absorber contains sieve trays instead of bubble-cap
maldehyde addition products from the bottom of said trays.
column while (I) continuing to feed said aqueous solu 11. The process according to claim 2 wherein the
tion of urea onto the top tray of said column while (J) total solids content of the aqueous urea-formaldehyde
continuing to introduce said gases into the bottom of 30 solution ranges fromsk about k75%k tok 77% by weight.
said column.





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