Water Programme Reading List

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Surface and Groundwater Hydrology

Essential reading:
 Kay, M.G. Practical Hydraulics. E. & F.N. Spon Ltd. 1998 and 2008 (ISBN:
 Price, M. Introducing Groundwater. 2nd ed. George Allen & Unwin. 1996
 Shaw E. M. Hydrology in Practice. Chapman & Hall. 1994 and 2010 (ISBN:

Additional reading:
 Fetter, C.W. Applied Hydrogeology. 4th ed. Macmillan. 2001 (ISBN:
 Hiscock, K. Hydrogeology Principles and Practice. Blackwell. 2005 and 2014 (ISBN:
9781118738474 ).
 Mansell, M.G. Rural and Urban Hydrology. Thomas Telford, London. 2003 (ISBN:
 Todd, D. K. Groundwater Hydrology, 3rd ed. John Wiley & Sons. 2004 (ISBN:
 Wilson E. M. Engineering hydrology. 4th ed. Macmillan. 1990 (ISBN: 0333517164).
Younger, P.L. Groundwater in the Environment. Blackwell. 2007 (ISBN:

Electronic versions of many of these are available via


Water and Wastewater Treatment for Development

Essential reading:
 Bartram, J. & Ballance, R. Water quality monitoring. E. & F.N. Spon. 1996
 Tebbutt, H. Principles of water quality control. 2nd ed Longman. 1998
 Tchobanoglous, G. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse. Metcalf and Eddy,
 Olschewski, A. Technologies for Development: What is Essential?, Springer, 2015
 Trace, S. Rethink, Retool, Reboot: Technology as if People and Planet Mattered.
Practical Action Publishing, 2016.

Management and Governance for Water and Sanitation

Essential reading:
 Franceys, R. & Hutchings, P. (2017) “Governance and Regulation for Water, Sanitation
and Hygiene” In. Routledge handbook of Water Law and Policy. [Manuscript to be
shared with class]
 Rosenqvist, T. Mitchell, C. and Juliet Willietts. (2016). A short history of how we think
and talk about sanitation services and why it matters. Journal of Water, Sanitation and
Hygiene for Development. 6-2. Pp 298-312.
 Franceys, R. and Gerlach, E. (2008). Regulating Water and Sanitation for the Poor:
Economic Regulation for Private and Public Partnerships. Earthscan: London.
 Harris D, Kooy M and Jones L, (2011), Analysing the governance and political economy
of water and sanitation service delivery, ODI Working Paper 334.
Additional reading:
To be circulated in module.

Health, Hygiene and Sanitation

Essential reading:
 Cairncross, S. & Feachem, R.G. Environmental health engineering in the tropics.
Wiley & Sons. 1993.
 Winblad, U. & Kilama, W. Sanitation without water. Macmillan. 1985.
 Franceys et al. A guide to the development of on-site sanitation. WHO. 1992.
 Ferron et al. Hygiene promotion a practical manual for relief and development. IT
publications. 2000.
 Black and Fawcett. The Last Taboo. Earthscan. 2008.

Communities and Development

Essential reading:
 Lockwood, H. and Smit, S. (2011), Supporting Rural Water Supply: Moving Towards
a Service Delivery Approach, Practical Action Publishing Ltd., Warwickshire, UK.
 Hutchings, P., Chan, M.Y., Cuadrado, L., Ezbakhe, F., Mesa, B., Tamekawa, C.,
Franceys, R. (2015). A systematic review of success factors in the community
management of rural water supplies over the past 30 years. Water Policy. Vol 17, Iss
5, P 963-983.
 Harvey, P.A. & Reed, R.A. (2006). Community-managed water supplies in Africa:
sustainable or dispensable? Community Development Journal. 42 (3). pp. 365–378.
 Aunger, R. & Curtis, V. (In-press). The Evo-Eco Approach to Behaviour Change. In.
Lawson, D. & Gibson, M. (Eds.). Applied Evolutionary Anthropology. Springer Verlag
(available on Blackboard)
 Cleaver, F. (2012), Development through bricolage: rethinking institutions for natural
resource management, 1st ed, Routledge, Oxford.
 Andrews, M. 2013. The Limits of Institutional Reform in Development. New York:
Cambridge University Press.

Water Source Engineering

Essential reading:
 Kay, M. (2008) Practical Hydraulics. Taylor & Francis, London. Ch 4 & 8
 Fitts, C. R. (2002). Groundwater science. Academic press
 Chin, D.A. (2000) Water-Resources Engineering. Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Ch 3 &

Additional reading:
 Clark, L. (1988). Field guide to water wells and boreholes. Open University Press
 Fraenkel P. and Thake J. (2006). Water-lifting devices: a handbook for user and
choosers. ITP
 Stephens T. (1991). Handbook on small earth dams and weirs. Cranfield University
 Twort A. C. et al. (2000). Water Supply. 5th Edition. Edward Arnold.
 USBR (1987) Design of small dams. US Bureau of Reclamation
Water in Cities

Essential reading:
 Material on Blackboard

Additional reading:
 Bell, S. (2018) Urban Water Sustainability: Constructing Infrastructure for Cities and
Nature, Routledge, Abingdon.
 OECD (2015), Water and Cities: Ensuring Sustainable Futures, OECD Studies on
Water, OECD Publishing, Paris.
 Marsalek, J. et al. (2007), Urban Water Cycle Processes and Interactions, UNESCO-
IHP Urban Water Series, Taylor & Francis, Amsterdam.

Emergency Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation

Essential reading:
 J. Davis & R. Lambert (2002). Engineering in emergencies a practical guide for
relief workers.
 S. House & B. Reed (1997). Emergency water sources: guidelines for selection &
 P. Harvey, S. Baghri & B. Reed (2002). Emergency sanitation: assessment &
programme design.
 C. Lacarin & B. Reed (1999). Emergency vector control using chemicals
 M. Buttle & M. Smith (2001). Out in the cold: emergency water supply &
sanitation for cold regions.
 T. Laverick (2001). Disaster planning and management.
 Handmer, J. & Dovers, S. (2007). The Handbook of Disaster and Emergency
Policies and Institutions. Earthscan.

Catchment Water Quality

Essential reading:
 Bartram, J. & Ballance, R. Water quality monitoring. E. & F.N. Spon. 1996. ISBN 0-
 Howarth, W. & McGillivray, D. Water pollution and water quality law. Shaw & Sons.
2001. ISBN 0-7219-1102-1
 Mason, C.F. Biology of freshwater pollution. 4th ed. Longman. 2002. ISBN 0-13-
 Chapman, D. (ed). Water quality assessments. E. & F.N. Spon. 1996. ISBN 0-419-
 Tebbutt, H. Principles of water quality control. 2nd ed Longman. 1998. ISBN 978-0-
 N. F. Gray Drinking Water Quality: Problems and Solutions. Cambridge University
Press. 2008. ISBN 978-0-521-70253-9
 Howard, A.G. Water quality surveillance – a practical guide. WEDC. 2002. ISBN 1-
 ISO 5667-1:2006. Water quality -- Sampling -- Part 1: Guidance on the design of
sampling programmes and sampling techniques.
Aquatic Ecosystems

 Boon, P.J. & Raven, P (eds). (2012) River conservation and management. John
Wiley & Sons, 448pp.
 Calow, P & Petts, G.E. (eds) (1992, 1994). The Rivers Handbook - Hydrological and
Ecological Principles. Volumes 1 & 2, Blackwell Scientific.
 Dobson, M. & Frid, C. (2008). Ecology of Aquatic Systems, 2nd Edition, Oxford
University Press
 Moss, B. (2010) Ecology of freshwaters – a view for the twenty-first century (4th
Edition). Wiley, Blackwell.
 Naiman, R.J., Décamps, H. & McClain, M.E. (2005). Riparia: ecology, conservation,
and management of streamside communities. Elsevier Academic Press.
 Perotto-Baldivieso H.L., Wu X.B., Peterson M.J., Smeins, F.E., Silvy N.J. &
Schwertner TW. (2011). Flooding-induced landscape changes along dendritic stream
networks and implications for wildlife habitat. Landscape and Urban Planning 99:
 Plotnick J.B. & Muller-Landau H.C. (2002). Sampling the species composition of a
landscape. Ecology 83:3344-3356.
 Sutherland, W.J. Ecological census techniques: a handbook. Cambridge University
Press. (ebook). ISBN: 9780511567636
 Thorp, J.H., Thoms, M.C. & Delong, M.D. (2008). The Riverine Ecosystem Synthesis:
Towards Conceptual Cohesiveness in River Science. Elsevier Academic Press.

Modelling Environmental Processes

Essential reading:
 Handbook of ecological models used in ecosystem and environmental management.
Eds; Jørgensen, S.V., Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2011.
ISBN: 9781439818121
 Environmental modeling: an uncertain future? An introduction to techniques for
uncertainty estimation in environmental prediction. Beven, K. London: Routledge,
2009. ISBN: 9780415457590
 Environmental modeling: a practical introduction. Barnsley, M.J., 2007.
 Introduction to environmental modelling. Smith, J. and Smith, Pete. Oxford University
Press, 2007. ISBN: 9780415300544
 Environmental modeling: finding simplicity in complexity. Eds,Wainwright, J. and
Mulligan, M. Chichester : Wiley, c2004. ISBN: 9780470749111
 On Systems Analysis and Simulation of Ecological Processes. Leffelaar, P.A.,
Kluwer, 2nd ed., 1999 ISBN: 9780792355250

Drought and Water Scarcity

Essential reading:
 Bachmair, S., Kohn, I., and Stahl, K.: Exploring the link between drought indicators
and impacts, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 15: 1381-1397. doi:10.5194/nhess-15-
1381-2015, 2015.
 House of Parliament (2012). Water Resource Resilience. POSTNOTE number 419,
2012. http://researchbriefings.parliament.uk/ResearchBriefing/Summary/POST-PN-
 Iglesias A., Garrote L., Cancelliere A., Cubillo F. and Wilthite D. (2009). Coping with
Drought Risk in Agriculture and Water Supply Systems. Springer, 322 pp.
 Luis Santos Pereira,Theib Oweis, Abdelaziz Zairi (2002) Irrigation management
under water scarcity. Agricultural Water Management 57(3): 175–206.
 Mishra, A.K. and Singh, VP. (2011) Drought modeling–A review. Journal of
Hydrology 403(1): 157-175.
 Van Lanen, HAJ, Wanders, N., Tallaksen, LM, and Van Loon, AF. (2013).
Hydrological drought across the world: impact of climate and physical catchment
structure. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17: 1715-1732.
 Van Loon, A. F., Gleeson, T., Clark, J., Van Dijk, A. I., Stahl, K., Hannaford, J., and
Hannah, D. M. (2016). Drought in the Anthropocene. Nature Geoscience 9(2): 89-91.
 Wanders, N., and Van Lanen, HAJ (2013) Future discharge drought across climate
regions around the world modelled with a synthetic hydrological modelling approach
forced by three General Circulation Models. Natural Hazards and Earth System
Sciences Discussions 1(6): 7701-7738.
 Water resources across Europe: confronting water scarcity and drought. EEA Report
No 2/2009. ISSN 1725-9177. http://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/water-
 Wilhite, D (2012) Drought Assessment, Management, and Planning: Theory and
Case Studies: Theory and Case Studies.

Flood Risk Management

Essential reading:
 Begum, S.; Stive, M.J.F. & Hall, J. W. (2007) Flood Risk Management in Europe.
Innovation in Policy and Practice. Springer. Pp534. ISBN: 9781402041990.
 Fleming, G. (Ed) Flood risk management: learning to live with rivers. Thomas
Telford, London. 2002. ISBN: 0727731122
 Kjeldsen, T.R., Stewart, E.J., Packman, J.C., Folwell, S.S. & Bayliss, A.C. (2005)
Revitalisation of the FSR/FEU rainfall-runoff method. R&D Technical Report
FD1913/TR. Defra/ EA Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management R&D
 Parker, D.J. (Ed) Floods (Hazards & Disasters). Routledge, London. 2000. ISBN:
 Pender, G. & Faulkner, H (eds.) (2010) Flood Risk Science and Management.
John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-1-4051-8657-5.
 Reed, D. Flood Estimation Handbook. Vol. 1. Procedures for flood frequency
estimation. Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, UK. 1999.

Integrated River Basin Management

 Chubb, C., Griffiths, M., & Spooner, S. Regulation for water quality: how to safeguard
the water environment. FWR. 2014.
 Grafton, R.Q. & Hussey, K. Water resources planning and management. Cambridge
2011. ISBM 9780521762588
 Gregersen, H.M. Integrated watershed management: connecting people to their land.
CABI. 2007. ISBM 9781845932817
 Hooper, B.P. Integrated river basin governance: learning from internal experiences.
IWA. 2005. ISBM 1 843390 88 4
 Morgan, R.P.C. Soil erosion and conservation. 3rd ed. 2004.ISBN 9781405144674
 Newson, M.D. Land, water and development: sustainable management of river basin
systems. 3rd ed. Routledge. 2009. ISBN 9780203443521
Water and Wastewater Treatment Principles

Essential reading:
 Droste, R.L. (1997), “Theory and Practice of Water and Wastewater Treatment”, John
 Gray, N.F. (2005) “Water Technology: An introduction for Environmental Scientists
and Engineers”, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd
 Parsons, S.A. & Jefferson, B. (2006), “Introduction to Potable Water Treatment
Processes”, Blackwell Publishing – DO NOT PURCHASE AS THIS TEXT WILL BE
 Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F.L., Stensel, H.D. (2008), “Wastewater Engineering;
Treatment and Re-use / Metcalf & Eddy, Inc.”, McGraw-Hill

Process Science and Engineering

Essential reading:
This module is taught using dedicated lecture notes and online material delivered to the
students at the start of the module.

Hydraulics and Pumping Systems

Essential reading:
 Kaye, M. Practical Hydraulics. Taylor & Francis; 2 edition (2007)
 Hamill, L. Understanding Hydraulics. Palgrave Macmillan; 2nd Revised Ed edition (2011)
 Rishel, J. R. Water Pumps and Pumping Systems: Water/wastewater Treatment
Applications. McGraw-Hill Professional (2002)

Additional reading:
None specified

Risk Management and Reliability Engineering

Essential reading:
 Pollard, S.J.T. (ed.) (2008) Risk management for the water and wastewater utility sector,
Water and Wastewater Process Technology Series (ed. T. Stephenson), IWA Publishing,
London, ISBN 1843391376 (provided).
 MacGillivray, B.H., Hamilton, P.D., Strutt, J.E. and Pollard, S.J.T. (2006) Risk analysis
strategies in the water utility sector: an inventory of applications for better and more
credible decision making, Crit. Rev. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36: 85-139.
 Hrudey, S.E., Hrudey, E. and Pollard, S.J.T. (2006) Risk management for assuring safe
drinking water Environ. Intl. 32: 948-957.
 Luís, A., Lickorish, F. and Pollard, S. (2015) Assessing interdependent operational,
tactical and strategic risks for improved utility master plans, Wat. Res. 74: 213-226.
 Various sector focused risk management journal papers discussing context and
illustrating water, wastewater and waste management examples (supplied).

Additional reading: None specified

Chemical Processes

Essential reading:
 Parsons, S.A. & Jefferson, B. (2006), “Introduction to Potable Water Treatment
Processes”, Blackwell Publishing – DO NOT PURCHASE AS THIS TEXT WILL BE
 Droste, R.L. (1997), “Theory and Practice of Water and Wastewater Treatment”, John
 Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F.L., Stensel, H.D. (2003), “Wastewater Engineering;
Treatment and Re-use / Metcalf & Eddy, Inc.”, McGraw-Hill
 Langlais, B., Reckhow, D.A. & Brink, D.R. (1991), “Ozone In Water Treatment:
Application And Engineering”, CRC Press
 Faust, S.D. (1987), “Absorption processes for water treatment”, Butterworth-Heinemann
 American Water Works Association. (1990), “Water quality and treatment: a handbook of
community water supplies”, 4th ed.

Physical Processes

Essential reading:
 Metcalf and Eddy Inc., " Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse", 5th Edition,
McGraw Hill (2016). (Good general text.)
 MWH, “Water Treatment: Principles and Design”, 3rd Edition, Wiley (2012).
 Bache, D and Gregory, R., “Flocs in water treatment” IWA Publishing (2007).
 Gregory, J. “Particles in Water Treatment, IWA Publishing (2005)
 Bratby, J., “Coagulation and Flocculation in Water and Wastewater Treatment”, 2nd
Edition, IWA Publishing (2006)
 Logsdon et al., “Filter maintenance and operation guidance manual”, AWWA Publishing

Biological Processes

Essential reading:
 Lema J, Suarez, S. 2017 “Innovative Wastewater Treatment & Resource
Recovery Technologies: Impacts on Energy, Economy and Environment” IWA
 van Haandel, A., van der Lubbe, J. (2012), “Wastewater Treatment Design and
Optimisation of Activated Sludge Systems”, IWA
 Wang, L.K., Shammas N.K., Hung Y.T. (2009), “Advanced Biological Treatment
Processes”, Humana Press
 Baily, R.E., (2009), “Sludge: Types, Treatment Processes & Disposal” Nova
Science Publishers
 Henze, M., van Loosdrecht M.C.M., Ekama G.A, Brdjanovic D. (2008), “Biological
Wastewater Treatment: Principles, Modeling, and Design”, IWA.
 Tchobanoglous, G., Burton, F.L., Stensel, H.D. (2008), “Wastewater Engineering;
Treatment and Re-use / Metcalf & Eddy, Inc.”, McGraw-Hill

Water Reuse and Resource Recovery

Essential reading:
 All material provided on Blackboard
Additional reading:
 Metcalf & Eddy (2007) Water Reuse. McGraw-Hill.
 Lazarova et al. (2013) Milestones in Water Reuse. IWA Publishing.
 IWA (2018) The Reuse Opportunity: Cities seizing the reuse opportunity in circular
economy. Wastewater Report 2018, IWA publishing.

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