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1. Client log in ........................................................................................................................ 2

2. Dynamic Management....................................................................................................... 4

3. Mutex right ........................................................................................................................ 6

4. For TDD cells ...................................................................................................................... 8

5. For FDD cells ...................................................................................................................... 9

6. Quickly start up all sites (TDD&FDD) ............................................................................... 11

7. Query cell status (TDD&FDD)........................................................................................... 12

8. RS power modification (TDD&FDD) ................................................................................. 14

9. Data batch configuration ................................................................................................. 17

10. Modification data import ............................................................................................. 19

11. Planning data import ................................................................................................... 21

12. Performance management .......................................................................................... 24

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1. Client log in

We have to apply for a user name first if we are going to use EMS. Just

contact your team leader and he will help you apply for that.

After getting authentication, log in EMS like below. At first, we have to

add one bureau, the server address is, bureau name can be


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After logging in, choose NE Management under Configuration. Then

select the EMS server in which the site is, right click start NE

management. (We can see different cities belong to different servers.)

Right click again and we can choose Configuration Management or

Dynamic Management based on our purpose. Configuration mangement

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is to check the configuration/parameters of the sites and Dynamatic

configuration is for checking the site status, etc.

2. Dynamic Management

To check the status under each site, we use query cell status command.

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Please pay attention that many sites have two modes, TDD&FDD. While

the DT engineers are testing, please make sure the mode you are

checking is the same with the one they are testing.

To manually shut down cell, we use immediate shut down cell

command. Also, please pay attention to mode, and choose the cell

which needs to be shut down and click run.

To start up the cells which are manually shut down before, we use start

up cell command. Similar like shutting down cells, choose the correct

mode, correct cell and click run.

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3. Mutex right

We need to apply for mutex right to prevent two users are modifying the

same site at the same time.

Under Configuration Management, there is Mutex Right Management.

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We can manage mutex right here.

It’s better if we apply for mutex right before we do some modification.

Just choose the site and right click. Select Apply for Mutex Right.

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If this symbol appears in front of eNodeB, it means that the Mutex

Right is given.

4. For TDD cells

During our Single Site Validation, we need to test CA performance for

TDD cells, which means in each site there will be 6 TDD cells. Totally SF

has 30MHz bandwidth for TDD frequency, from 2330MHz to 2360MHz.

Due to CA, we configured our cells as 20MHz+10MHz.

20MHz cells (Cell ID=11/12/13): 2330MHz to 2350MHz, centre carrier


10MHz cells (Cell ID=21/22/23): 2350MHz to 2360MHz, centre carrier

frequency=2354.4MHz (It has to be 2354.4MHz)

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Cell 11&21 are a pair. Cell 12&22 are a pair. Cell 13&23 are a pair. They

together make the downlink throughput higher than 20MHz only.

Now not all sites have CA configuration but soon we will configure CA for

all TDD sites. Please remember, 10MHz cells can only be up during our

test, which means before and after SSV, we need to manually shut down

10MHz cells.

5. For FDD cells

Before the bandwidth for FDD cells is 3MHz. Now we need to modify it

to 5MHz before testing. Also, the parameter Band Indicator for

Frequency (set to 5) need to be double checked.

Below is the correct configuration for 5MHz (6 parameters):

Uplink center carrier frequency, Downlink center carrier frequency,

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Uplink System Bandwidth, Downlink System Bandwidth, Maximum RBs

allocated for Uplink UE, Maximum RBs allocated for Downlink UE

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If we find any site different from the above configuration, we need to

modify it exactly as the above pictures.

6. Quickly start up all sites (TDD&FDD)

Before doing the drive test, sometimes we are not sure if all sites are up.

Also, we may don’t know which sites are shut down. So if we want to

start up all sites, we can do the following steps:

Click NE Filter and select Link OK.

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Select all sites and then start up all sites.

7. Query cell status (TDD&FDD)

For example, if there is a site list and we need to check the site status for

these sites, it will be difficult for us to check them one by one. Here we

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can export them in excel file and use vlookup.

Choose all link ok sites and query cell status.

Export it as the following picture.

In the exported excel file, we better use below formula to make it

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unique for each cell. Then we can use vlookup formula.

8. RS power modification (TDD&FDD)

Sometimes after analyzing the drive test log, there are some

requirements for RS power adjustment. The way to modify RS power is

as below.

This parameter is under Baseband Resource

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Double click the Baseband Resource List and we can find the

parameter RS Power of BP resource as below:

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Modify it to the expected value and save it. After that, synchronize

and this new value will work.


Similar like RS Power, we can modify PA value like below.

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Please pay attention that we only modify Power Offset between PDSCH

and Cell RS (P_A_DTCH) as marked in the above picture.


Also similar like PA

9. Data batch configuration

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Sometimes for one parameter, we need to modify not only one site. If

we do it one by one, it will take a long time. Here using data batch

configuration can make it easier.

Data batch configuration is under Configuration Management. Click

the marked area as shown below.

Select the sites. You can search it one by one if not too many sites.

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Choose the parameters you need to modify. (RS Power for example)

After modification, save first and then synchronize modified data.

10. Modification data import

If there is a list of sites we need to modify, we can use data import to

make the modification faster using data batch configuration.

Select all sites, and find the parameter you want to modify. Let’s take

PA for example.

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Then click export. Choose one File path and export it.

Open the exported Excel file. Using Vlookup to find the sites/cells

which need to be modified and change the value paForDTCH. For the

sites which need to be modified, use M in the column MODIND.

Leave the rest blank.

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Then delete the rows which don’t need to make any change (Delete the

selected rows in the above picture) and save it.

Import the updated excel file and remember to synchronize.

11. Planning data import

Planning data in optimization part usually means the original planned

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PCI/Neighbor Relation/PRACH parameters. After the site status is okay

from eNodeB engineer, we need to import our planned neighbor

relations and PRACH parameters based on the specific format of excel


For TDD&FDD, we better separately import it. Only 3 sheets are

needed to fill in. Take FDD for example: ExternalEUtranCellFDD,

EUtranRelation and PrachFDD.

I already finished the whole excel file for all sites. Before importing,

we just need to do vlookup to find the on-air sites and import it

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through the following methods:

Click Add, and choose the excel file you just made and import.

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After importing, please do remember to synchronize.

12. Performance management

Since we are now in rollout phase, KPIs now are only a reference for our

site performance. Here I only introduce the way to fetch KPIs in EMS. At

first, we need to create our template. With template, we can query the

KPIs we want.

During our SSV, one KPI is important which can help us observe the

uplink NI (noise and interference) of this site.

We can query performance through the following way:

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After clicking Query Template Management, there shows a list of

templates we created. For us, the NI templates are shown as below,


Right click the name, and choose query by template. (Take NI_FDD

for example, NI_TDD is the same)

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In the below dialog box, we only need to fill in Object Selection and

Time Selection. In Objection Selection, choose the sites you want to

query or just select all sites depending on the requirements.

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In Time Selection, we have to choose one Query Granularity and

select the Time settings on the right, then click OK.

The results are shown here. We can click export to save in .csv file.

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