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How Does Yoga Help To Improve Concentration?

Practicing yoga quiets your mind and keeps distracting thoughts at bay.
Patanjali, the sage who compiled Yoga Sutras said, ‘yoga chitta vritti nirodha’,
which means yoga reduces the fluctuations of your mind. It flushes out the
emotional clutter in your head and helps you concentrate better.
The ancient yogis believed in the magical powers of yoga and its potential to
improve concentration. Later, research added authenticity to their claim with
science and logic. In a recent experiment at the University of Illinois, a group
of people was made to practice yoga daily for 20 minutes. And, viola! The
results showed that the brain function had improved. Guess that’s enough to
prove the claim, and now, it’s time to begin the actual practice. Following are
some asanas in yoga to improve concentration

the word “chaturanga,” which comes from the Sanskrit chatur (four)
and anga (limbs), was also the name of an earlier version of chess, which was
based upon the four divisions of a Vedic army: elephants, chariots, horse
cavalry, and foot soldiers.

Yoga can also serve tournament chess players in numerous ways. She
suggests yoga postures for relief from sitting at a chess board for long periods
of time (Ardha Matseyendrasana will relieve players' low-back tightness, she
says), balance postures to help build concentration, and Savasana to relieve
post-tournament stress.
both are generally solitary practices that help you learn focus, deep inner
listening, and non-attachment.

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