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Aspen SCM and Aspen SCM

Aspen SCM
Aspen Plant Scheduler
Aspen Supply Chain Planner
Aspen Demand Manager
Aspen Inventory Planner
Aspen Distribution Scheduler

Release Notes for V9

Version Number: V9
May 2016
Copyright (c) 1984-2016 by Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.

Aspen SCM, Plant Scheduler, Supply Chain Manager, Distribution Scheduler, Inventory Planner, the Aspen leaf
logo, aspenONE, and Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization are trademarks or registered trademarks of Aspen
Technology, Inc., Bedford, MA.

All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

This document is a guide for using AspenTech's software. This documentation contains AspenTech proprietary and
confidential information and may not be disclosed, used, or copied without the prior consent of AspenTech or as set
forth in the applicable license agreement. Users are solely responsible for the proper use of the software and the
application of the results obtained.

Although AspenTech has tested the software and reviewed the documentation, the sole warranty for the software
may be found in the applicable license agreement between AspenTech and the user. ASPENTECH MAKES NO

Aspen Technology, Inc.

20 Crosby Drive
Bedford, MA 01730
Phone: (781) 221-6400
Toll Free: 888-996-7100

About these Release Notes......................................................................................1

Related Documentation .....................................................................................1

What’s New in Aspen SCM and Aspen SCM Applications V9? ...................................2
What’s New in Aspen SCM .................................................................................2
Double Precision Option for the AGGR Command........................................2
Specifying the Color of the Activity Border.................................................2
Controlling the Color Gradient of Activities ................................................3
Specifying the Color of the Gantt Chart’s Horizontal Grid Line ......................3
FACHT, FACTOP, and FACHW options for the CNTLS Table ...........................3
S EXPOSE CENTER [ind] command ...........................................................3
New parameters (PERCENT, FACTOR, and SKIPZERO) for the Aggregation
Control Table .........................................................................................4
FACTOR ................................................................................................4
SKIPZERO .............................................................................................5
New ASSIGN Control Statement for FMTDATA............................................5
Specifying Screens to Open After Running $LOAD$ While Loading a Case......8
New UFACLEV Switch and M SIM FACLEV Option ........................................9
New DURATION Column Type for Time Span Data in Grid Cells ....................9
Exporting grid screens to Excel ................................................................9
Option to Remove the Grid Bottom Toolbar ...............................................9
Display Grid Cell Total.............................................................................9
Specifying the Location of the Window Screen ...........................................9
New TreeGrid Control Supporting Multiple Hierarchies............................... 10
Additional Columns Supported for Catalog Window ................................... 10
Bulk Formatting ................................................................................... 10
Changing Gantt Dimensions from the Planning Board Ribbon ..................... 11
Configuring Planning Board Action Buttons .............................................. 11
Context Menu for Exception Map ............................................................ 12
Sorting for the AGGR Command ............................................................. 12
New XPRESS Version ............................................................................ 12
Maximum Count for a Set...................................................................... 12
New CHKSCHED SAVE Command ........................................................... 12
Saving a Scenario on a Remote Computer ............................................... 13
Filtering Products on the Exception Map .................................................. 13
DATAFMT and EDITINDEX Rows for the Column Format Table.................... 13
New GLIDER Option for the CNTLS Table................................................. 13
New OLSIGN Entry for the SYSCOL Table ................................................ 13
New NOVERLAP Option for the CNTLS's Table's LBLEN Parameter............... 14
Grid Custom Context Menu.................................................................... 14

Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes iii

New VMACTION !ClearRefresh Option to clear refresh icon ........................ 14
Font and Color Settings for WINFO Windows............................................ 14
Using the Gantt Chart when Displaying Multiple Facilities .......................... 14
What's New in SCM Applications: Demand Manager ............................................ 15
Specifying the Year Attribute to Use ....................................................... 15
Distributing Sales Forecasts Uniformly Throughout a Month ....................... 15
Displaying Demand Data as a Percentage................................................ 16
Specifying Demand per Day as Unit of Measure ....................................... 16
Improved Interaction with Forecast Pro................................................... 16
Improvements to Filtering ..................................................................... 16

What’s Fixed in V9 ................................................................................................17

Known Issues for Release V9 ................................................................................25

SCM ............................................................................................................. 25
All SCM Applications (Plant Scheduler, Supply Chain Planner, Demand Manager,
Distribution Scheduler, Inventory Planner) ........................................................ 25
Online Help ................................................................................................... 26

iv Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes

Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes v
About these Release Notes

These Release Notes describe Aspen SCM and the Aspen SCM Applications
(formerly known as CAPs) V9.

Related Documentation
In addition to these Release Notes, AspenTech provides the following
documentation for Aspen SCM and Aspen SCM Applications V9:
• Aspen SCM and Aspen SCM Applications V9 Installation Guide
• Aspen SCM Help
• Help for each SCM Application
• Implementation Guide for each SCM Application

Note: You can now access the SCM help topics from SCM Technical Help
under the File tab. You can now access all SCM Application Help topics from
SCM Application Help under the File tab. (Previously you could only open
the Help for the SCM Application in which you were working.)

SCM Technical Help is always available; SCM Application Help is available only
when you are working in an Aspen SCM Application.

Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes 1

What’s New in Aspen SCM
and Aspen SCM Applications

Aspen SCM V9 contains the following major changes in this release. Please
also reference the help topics for all the details.

What’s New in Aspen SCM

The following new features added to the SCM database engine:

Double Precision Option for the AGGR

The AGGR command now includes a double-precision option, available when
you set AGGCNTL(DOUBLE,1) = Y. Previously, this was only available to
use with the primary output AGGCNTL(OUTPUT,1).
Additionally, AGGR's EXTRA output now recognizes the AGGCNTL(DOUBLE,1)

Specifying the Color of the Activity Border

Use the new ABORDER entry to specify the color of the activity border in the
SYSCOL table.
1 In the SYSCOL table’s SSYSC rowset, add ABORDER (Activity Border
Color) as a new entry.
2 In the SYSCOL table, specify the color number for the ABORDER entry.
Note: The default activity border color is light blue.

2 Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes

Controlling the Color Gradient of Activities
You can now control the color gradient of activities using the COLGRAD
(Using Color Gradient for Activities) option in the CNTLS table. Specify
whether to use (ON) or not use (OFF) color gradient to paint activity color.

Note: The default setting for CNTLS(COLGRAD) is ON.

Specifying the Color of the Gantt Chart’s

Horizontal Grid Line

1. Use the new HGLINE entry to specify the color of the Gantt chart’s
horizontal grid line in the SYSCOL table. In the rowset SSYSC of the
SYSCOL table, add HGLINE (Horizontal Grid Line Color) as a new entry.
2. In the SYSCOL table, specify the color number for the HGLINE entry.
Note: To make the horizontal grid line invisible, specify the same color as
the Gantt chart’s background color.

FACHT, FACTOP, and FACHW options for the

Using the following options in the CNTLS table, you can now control the
geometry of the Gantt display:
• FACHT (Facility Height in Pixels): Specify the number of pixels used as
the facility height for drawing the Gantt rows.
• FACTOP (Facility Top Blank Space in Pixels): Specify the number of
pixels to use as the blank space reserved for overlapping indicator at the
top of the facility.
Note: You can only use this option in conjunction with the FACHT option.
If the FACTOP option is missing, then three pixels are reserved as blank
space for the overlapping indicator by default.
• FACHW (Facility Header Width in Chars): Specify the number of
characters to use as the approximate width of the facility header.

S EXPOSE CENTER [ind] command

Use the new S EXPOSE CENTER command to place the selected activity in
the middle (horizontally) of the Gantt view.

Note: You can also specify the index of the activity you want to center to the
middle (horizontally) of the Gantt view.

Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes 3

New parameters (PERCENT, FACTOR, and
SKIPZERO) for the Aggregation Control

Possible Values
• No: (Default) normal volume output
• Yes: everything below the top level output should be in the form of

For example:
12-Jan 12-Feb 12-Mar 12-Apr 12-May
CHEMZ 397 367 378 133 267
__CHEMZ 10 Grade 40 lb Package 181 115 47 0 0
__CHEMZ 10 Grade 50 lb Package 0 0 0 0 0
__CHEMZ 10 Grade Bulk Package 0 183 20 0 127
__CHEMZ 20 Grade 40 lb Package 84 0 240 0 83
__CHEMZ 20 Grade 50 lb Package 132 69 71 133 57

12-Jan 12-Feb 12-Mar 12-Apr 12-May
CHEMZ 397 367 378 133 267
__CHEMZ 10 Grade 40 lb Package 45.59 31.34 12.43 0.00 0.00
__CHEMZ 10 Grade 50 lb Package 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
__CHEMZ 10 Grade Bulk Package 0.00 49.86 5.29 0.00 47.57
__CHEMZ 20 Grade 40 lb Package 21.16 0.00 63.49 0.00 31.09
__CHEMZ 20 Grade 50 lb Package 33.25 18.80 18.78 100.00 21.35

This is an optional second input to AGGCNTL, and is used by both AGGR and
DISAGGR. The value entered into AGGCNTL(FACTOR,1) is the same form as
the input as AGGCNTL(INPUT,1). In other words, AGGCNTL(FACTOR,1) may
be one of the following:
• Table name
• Hierarchical Table name
• NLF Function name

4 Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes

If AGGCNTL(FACTOR,1) is specified, then the aggregation takes the
product of AGGCNTL(INPUT,1) and AGGCNTL(FACTOR,1) as the input.

You use this input to improve performance. For example, in Demand

Manager, AGGNLF is the normal input for a different unit of measure,
where AGGNLF points to an NLF that is DATAHIER * UOMCONV
This may be transformed as follows:
This transformation can increase the speed of an aggregation by a factor of 5
times, since it is avoiding the overhead of the NLF evaluation.

Note: If AGGR uses FACTOR, then DISAGGR must also use it.

Specifies whether you want to include data with a value of zero in the
aggregation output.
For example, if SKIPZERO is set to Yes, then an aggregation from product to
family level would only include those families with non-zero product data in
the output.
Possible Values
• No: (Default) Include all data in the aggregation output
• Yes: Do not include zero values in the aggregation output
• ROW: Do not include zero values in the aggregation rows but do include
all columns
• COL: Do not include zero values in the aggregation cols but do include
all rows

Note: In support of this new functionality, the AGGR command now always
creates/updates two new tables, $ROWUSED and $COLUSED, and
automatically re-dimensions them as 1 x 1 tables. Doing so enables you to
run SCM V8.8 and earlier versions of the SCM Application models using V8.8.2
or above.

New ASSIGN Control Statement for

Use the new ASSIGN control statement to null out the source before assigning a set
or table.

For Set Assignments:


Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes 5

Where DESTSET is a variable setname or a table name

If DESTSET points to a set, then

SOURCE is a variable with one of the following values:
o A setname
o (NULL, ZERO or 0)

NULL is an optional argument.

Use it to Null out the source before assigning sets.
This is equivalent to the following database commands:
SPRO = 0

For Table Assignments:


Where DESTTABLE is a variable setname or a table name

If DESTTABLE points to a table, then

SOURCE is a variable with one of the following values:
o A tablename
o (NULL, ZERO or 0)

MATCH is an optional argument.

This is equivalent to the database command DEST = SOURCE MATCH
NULL is an optional argument.
This is equivalent to the database command DEST = 0. This may be used
before a MATCH assignment.


Then the following command:


Is equivalent to these database commands:


6 Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes


RFILT1A /* Reset Attribute Filter Tables */


RFILT1B /* Reset Attribute Filter Tables for given Filter Tab */


RFILT2A /* Reset Attribute Filter Tables */


RFILT3 /* Populate Sub Attribute Sets from Attribute Filters Tabs */


Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes 7

------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------
------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------
------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------
------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------

Specifying Screens to Open After Running

$LOAD$ While Loading a Case
You cannot open a screen, such as the Planning Board, within the $LOAD$
macro when loading a case. Use the new $SCRN$ macro to specify different
screens to be opened immediately after loading a case. The $SCRN$ macro
will run after the $LOAD$ macro at the end of case loading process.
For example, you can bring up the Planning Board and other screens after
loading a case by specifying the following commands in the $SCRN$ macro:


8 Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes

Because it caused performance issues for some existing applications, the
existing CMAN(FLEVCALC) switch has been disabled.
Use the new CMAN(UFACLEV) switch to turn the FACLEV table calculation on
(YES) and off (NO). The default setting is NO. Use the new M SIM FACLEV
option to update the FACLEV table when running the simulator at the same
time, regardless of the CMAN(UFACLEV) setting.

New DURATION Column Type for Time Span

Data in Grid Cells
Using the new DURATION column TYPE, you can specify the duration for
time span grid table data. DATAFMT can be in HOURS, MINUTES or
SECONDS. The DISPFMT can be dd, hh, mm and ss, separated by colons (e.g.

Exporting grid screens to Excel

Use the new Export to Excel button in the grid bottom toolbar export the
screen contents, exactly as they are displayed in the grid, to Excel, while also
maintaining any custom formatting.

Option to Remove the Grid Bottom Toolbar

Use the new ShowToolBar XML configuration option to either hide or display
the grid bottom toolbar. Set it to "FALSE" to hide the grid bottom tool bar; set
it to “TRUE” to display it.

Display Grid Cell Total

Enable the selection summary in the grid by either adding

ShowSummary="TRUE" or by using ShowSummarySource for a data
expression in the xml configuration. The status bar will display the total for
the selected cells.

Specifying the Location of the Window

Use the new POS(x,y) parameter to specify the absolute screen location from
the SHOWSCRN command.

For example:

Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes 9

New TreeGrid Control Supporting Multiple
Use the new TreeGrid control to support multiple hierarchies by specifying a
property Type=”TreeGrid” in xml. You can specify a ValueSource and
EditOperationsTable, just as you can with the Table property type.
Unlike the regular table grid, the treeGrid requires that you specify a
hierarchy definitions set.

In this set, the codes are the value source row set codes and the descriptions
are the hierarchy depths. For additional details and examples, please refer to
the UI Configuration Reference Manual.

Additional Columns Supported for Catalog


You can now select and display the following newly added in the Catalog
• Index
• Used Storage
• Reserved Storage
• Load Case
• Before Procedure
• After Procedure
• Security Level
You can sort each of these columns.

Bulk Formatting
You can now specify a formatting table which has the same rowset and colset
as the display table.
In the following example, TDISPLAY and DVTFMT would have the same
For example:

10 Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes

Note: You can add a new row with code HFORMAT to this table. This specifies the header
formatting for each column.

where the dimensions are the same as TDISPLAY, each cell gives format for
corresponding TDISPLAY cell – integer (index of system format table row) – takes
precedence over any ColumnFormats

where the column codes are equivalent to the row codes in TDISPLAY. A row with code
HFORMAT specifies the header format for each row.


It also supports the new system table for formatting.

$FMT table = $FMTR x $FMTC, contains format setting, character table
$FMTC needs to contain one of the following possible formatting options –
$FMTR could have some pre-populated standards in it for the Application, but
is completely configurable
For additional information and examples, please refer to the UI Configuration
Reference Manual.

Changing Gantt Dimensions from the

Planning Board Ribbon
Use the Gantt Dimension controls, on the Planning Board ribbon’s Format
tab, to dynamically adjust the Gantt Dimension.

Configuring Planning Board Action Buttons

l. Use the new ENABLED column of the specified table (e.g. PBRBCTL) in xml
Action to enable (TRUE) or disable (FALSE) buttons from the Planning Board
ribbon’s Schedule tab.

Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes 11

Context Menu for Exception Map
You can now right-click on the product list to bring up the Exception Map
context menu. Right-clicking the Exception Map itself will now only activate
the action if it is being specified in CNTLS(IPFRAME).

Sorting for the AGGR Command

While you could previously sort AGGR only by Index, Code, or Desc portions,
you can now sort based on the sequence specified in an Integer table called
SRTATTn (any table name that is dimensioned by ATTn x 1) with integer
numbers in the table to represent the sorting order.
After running the AGGR command, the output table’s Rowset will be re-
sequenced based on the order specified in the SRTATTn table.

New XPRESS Version

The XPRESS optimization solver has been upgraded to 27.01.06.

Maximum Count for a Set

The Maximum Count (MAXCT) allowed for a Set has been increased from 10
million to 20 million. This is especially useful when solving planning model
with a large number of variables and time periods. Note that AspenTech does
not allow a table with more than 2G in memory size by itself.


Use the CHKSCHED SAVE command to save an internal snapshot of a
schedule; then, use the CHKSCHED COMPARE command to compare if the
current schedule has any differences with the previous saved version. The

12 Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes

result will be stored in &RETURN. The &RETURN will be 0 if no changes,1 if
they are different.

Saving a Scenario on a Remote Computer

Previously, saving a LP scenario on a remote machine through a WAN could
be very slow. You can now set the SAVSCN entry to FBTRAN in the SYSTEM
set, which saves each entire file in a buffer first and then transfers them.

Filtering Products on the Exception Map

You can now keep the entire product list on the Exception Map by setting
CNTLS(FILTEREM) to NO. By default (the YES setting), only product lists
with Problems will be displayed.

DATAFMT and EDITINDEX Rows for the

Column Format Table

Use the DATAFMT row for ENUM column types to indicate whether the raw
data is stored in codes, descriptions, or indices, which you indicate by setting
the value to “C”, “D”, or “I,” respectively.
The EDITINDEX row is a flag, indicating whether the table will write back
indices to the edit operations table, regardless of the raw data storage
format. This is indicated by setting the value to any of the following: “TRUE”,
“FALSE”, “Y”, “N”, “1”, “0”, “YES”, “NO”, “ON”, “OFF”.

New GLIDER Option for the CNTLS Table

Use the new CNTLS(GLIDER) switch to specify whether to display (ON) or
not display (OFF) the glider line together with the mouse on the Planning

New OLSIGN Entry for the SYSCOL Table

You can now specify the color of the Overlapping Indicator in the SYSCOL
• In the SSYSC rowset of the SYSCOL table, add OLSIGN (Overlapping
Indicator Color) as a new entry.
• In the SYSCOL table, specify the color number for the OLSIGN entry.

Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes 13

New NOVERLAP Option for the CNTLS's
Table's LBLEN Parameter
Use the CNTLS(LBLEN) entry’s new NOVERLAP option to control the display
of activity labels. Setting it to NOVERLAP displays the label displayed beyond
the activity width and truncates it at the beginning of the next label.

Grid Custom Context Menu

You can configure operations in the pop-up menu by right-clicking on a grid
cell. The pop-up menu will list the available operations (to fire the
rules/macros) that correspond to the information for that cell. The Grid
Operation will only apply to the grids of application screens, not to Set/Table
For additional details, please refer to SCM Help and UI Configuration
Reference Manual.

New VMACTION !ClearRefresh Option to

clear refresh icon
The new !ClearRefresh VM action works similarly to the !NeedsRefresh
action. The !NeedsRefresh action sets a flag in each state group of the view
model, indicating that a refresh is required and places a refresh icon in the
tab header until each state is reset. The !ClearRefresh action forcibly clears
the needs refresh flag on each state group and will remove the refresh icon
from the screen tab header.

Font and Color Settings for WINFO

The WINFO window's contents now use the font set for Dialog Windows from
the System Options dialog box's Window Attributes tab.
You can also specify the text color using the command's new optional [color]
WINFO name title xpos ypos stringtab [CONT] [width height] [color]
The color can be the SCM's 3-digit color number format (e.g. #FF0), the
HTML 6-digit color number format (e.g. #FF0000) or the colors defined in
RGB.dat (e.g. RED).

Using the Gantt Chart when Displaying

Multiple Facilities
The following two CNTLS parameters improve the Gantt chart’s performance
when displaying a number of facilities:

14 Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes

EVIRT: Specifies whether to enable virtualization when rendering the Gantt
chart. Enabling virtualization reduces the time needed to load data on the
Gantt chart.
DRAWSA: Simplifies the drawing of small activities on the Planning Board.

Note: Both parameters are enabled by default.

What's New in SCM

Applications: Demand Manager
The following new features are added to the Demand Manager application:

Specifying the Year Attribute to Use

Demand Manager’s Budget Analysis screen uses “year” in two ways: first, to
aggregate time on a column, and second, for year over year graphs.
To eliminate confusion between the two, you can now use two new
attributes/sets: one for columns and one for year over year graphs.
After upgrading the DML to V9:
1. In the ATTDEF table, enter and save the following changes:

2. In the ATTCFG table, enter and save the following changes:

Distributing Sales Forecasts Uniformly

Throughout a Month
Use the Uniform Distribution method on the Day of Week Profile screen in
Demand Manager to distribute sales forecasts evenly throughout a month.
There are three Day of Week Profile Methods:
• Import: Retrieves the data from an external source.
• History: Uses history to determine the percentage distributed to each day
of the week.
• Uniform: Distributes uniformly across the days of the week.

Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes 15

Typically, Demand Manager calculates a product's weekly distribution pattern
throughout a month using either the Import or History method. For some
products, however, such as heating oil, you may want to disaggregate
uniformly, independent of volume. For those products, you use the Uniform
Distribution method to do the following:
• Override a product's historical distribution pattern.
• Change the product's weekly distribution at the material-location level to
distribute sales evenly, by price increase or decrease and/or by high or
low price.

Displaying Demand Data as a Percentage

Use the PERCENT parameter, in the AGGNCTL table, to specify whether to
show volume output below the top level output as a percentage. The default
is to display normal volume output.

Specifying Demand per Day as Unit of

Demand per Day is now available as a unit of measure from the Active Unit
of Measure screen (Modeling | Unit of Measure | Active Unit of
Measure). Barrels per day is one example of daily rated demand.

Improved Interaction with Forecast Pro

The interaction and configuration between Demand Manager and ForecastPro,
the statistical forecasting engine used by Demand Manager, has been
improved in V9, particularly when generating forecasts and analyzing

Improvements to Filtering
Demand Manager includes improvements to global filters, cross filters, and
text filters for data viewer screens in the Advanced Filter panel.

16 Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes

What’s Fixed in V9

Aspen SCM version V9 includes a significant number of software fixes that

further improve the product.
Because the number of defects fixed is large, the sections below contain a
select subset of all defect fixes. If you are interested in a particular defect
that you do not see listed here or want to see a more comprehensive list,
contact your support representative.
The sections below summarize the fixed defects, highlighting particular areas
of interest.
CQ Issue Description

694053 The Planning Board failed to open for the leap year date in February.
610072 The model stopped working when renewing the working forecast.
Today’s Date in the calendar widget was not in the same format as the
585257 SCM date format.
The DD.MM.YY date format now works properly on the Planning Board
582826 contextual ribbon.
The Planning Board performed very slowly when displaying a number of
600375 small duration activities packed together.
The AFTLEAVE routine ran twice when moving from any field to a date
584356 field.
The grid performance was performing slowly when copying and pasting
681636 large amount of data.
Data viewer advanced filters were not working if they had the same
565979 description in DMLNGATT.
DataGrid Printing was not working when using Landscaping in Page
593057 Orientation.
684656 SCM was crashing with when using the GEN command to display messages.
686996 SCM was crashing when APPENDIF displayed an error message.
663889 &NEWCASE was not handling case names with 14 characters properly.
The Exception Map performed slowly if it had a large number of time
613604 slices.
The Exception Map was not in sync with the Inventory Profile displayed
614628 in certain situations.
615007 The Bar Chart did not display properly with duplicated x-axis labels.
The label and combo box in property grids did not display on the same line
687753 properly.
677369 S SHOWINV did not get called properly to display Inventory Profile.

Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes 17

M RESET and M SIM did not respect the LTLOCK setting in MAKF under
642860 certain situation.
682636 The Replicate action did not work for the Data Viewer.
673555 Some locations did not display properly when first opening a Map.
595026 The CNTLS(GRIDST) and CNTLS(GRIDINT) options were not working.
586804 When displaying Activity Editor, the focus was not on the OK button.
609358 The ColumnFormats table was causing cells to use a black background.
595696 Pressing the Escape key was not closing the Activity Editor.
595323 Pressing the Alt+A key was not applying changes for the Activity Editor.
Columns containing numeric values were not applying the system setting
610252 that displays zeros as blanks.
606607 The Trace line was not aligning properly with the source activity.
605224 The Auto Complete was not working for Combo Boxes.
The float numbers in the table editor were not using the specified table
595175 format.
604276 The M PLAN report's blank lines were missing.
The glider line showing inventory value became invisible when a black
595024 background color was being used.
593768 The Exception Map window could not be resized.
Right-clicking the Exception Map displayed the pop-up menu and the user-
593774 configured dialog box simultaneously.
599312 The M SETLEV command did not update the schedule properly.
603191 The CNTLS(DSFX) option was not working properly.
Clicking on the top cell of the Exception Map did not sort the column as
594162 expected.
583073 Column Filtering was not working properly on the Realignment screen.
592076 Duplicate entries from Set Intersection caused crashing.
593117 XLWRITE was not working properly in batch mode using mimias.exe.
593535 Deleting rows in Set editor affected other lines unexpectedly.
593933 Clicking Bring to Top in the Planning Board ribbon did not persist.
SCM was crashing when you clicked the Composite Settings dialog box’s
597693 Preview button without data.
600324 The Campaign Management had slow performance.
602648 The MAX Storage line was not displayed properly in some instances.
606665 SCM crashed when displaying messages from the M SIM command.
585255 Generating a forecast would cause crashes in certain situations.
586287 Using the EXTRA option with AGGR did not work properly.
582801 Using Ctrl+R to repeat a Set row did not work properly.
Entering a large number to a grid’s row indicator would cause an
597079 exception.
The ISELECT table did not maintain the order in which activities were being
594236 selected.
Chart did not work properly when configuring the View Positive or Negative
595136 option.
Increasing the Campaign Manager’s production cycle did not work
593806 properly.
590777 Loading a case would cause memory issues in certain situations.

18 Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes

Using the Shift+Insert shortcut to add new activities on Planning Board
588236 did not work.
592714 S SELECT did not bring selected activities to the view.
592887 Different zooming options were not working well together.
The scheduling Next/Previous material buttons on the Planning Board
592379 ribbon’s Schedule tab buttons were not working with Planning Board filters.
After selecting View Negative for the Composite chart type, the line
591876 incorrectly displayed as zero.
587423 The splash screen went away before the SCM window was open.
587453 The EDIT command was not restoring minimized windows.
593777 It was difficult to activate actions on the Inventory Line by right-clicking.
587577 The Enum option of a table did not work properly.
Using Ctrl+M to move an activity did not work when clicking on scroll bars
585565 of the Planning Board.
585899 The bottom toolbar of a table screen sometimes did not display.
Under certain circumstances, some table columns of a screen were being
585283 hidden.
Activities located at the boundary of the Planning Board were not being
587219 displayed when you clicked the Next button.
The maximum entry of a Set had a limit of 10 million; however, a limit of
583656 20 million is preferable.
571930 The scrolling graphs displayed incorrectly with duplicate labels.
586035 The Activity Editor was not being refreshed for new changes.
Demand Manager
The DESC setting in the EXPEXCEL table is now correctly labeled DESCR;
the column header now appears as expected in the Excel spreadsheet to
585267 which you have exported forecasts.
Set APPDATA(WFCT_AS_HIST,1) = YES to set the history of the
Working Forecast to be the Actual History, rather than the statistically fitted
591952 curve.
Use the AGGCNTL table's FACTOR parameter to specify the multiplicative
598112 factor(s) to use when aggregating data.
CF Publish now works as expected after updates to RCFPUB, RCFPUBC1,
608342 and RCFPUBX4.
ROVRELEM calls ROVRELCH, an additional rule, to collect invalid override
608936 IDs for pruning.
The installation process now correctly configures the new Unit of Measure
613351 daily demand and initializes the data as expected.
An error message now appears, indicating that the Demand per Day
calculation you are running is incorrect (because the Row Setup Level must
685328 contain Years) and is not allowed.
650313 Changes to switch view settings weren’t being retained when multiple
screens were open.
685328 Demand per Day calculations were incorrect when Years wasn’t specified
as a Row Setup level.
686765 Changing View settings or filter options resulted in unapplied changes in
Forecast Review table entries being retained.
690037 Changes made using the revised AGGR command were not compatible
with Demand Manager V8.8 CP2 or earlier.

Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes 19

605332 After upgrading Demand Manager from V8.8 to V8.8 CP2, it was necessary
to manually run the RAVGD rule.
An error was occurring when running the Define Inactive Elements
screen in multi-screen mode.
There were performance issues when creating forecast overrides in
Demand Manager V8.8.
610254 DM V8.8 CP2 New Feature: Uniform distribution
Incorrect data was appearing when you switched from a yearly view to a
monthly view.
608936 ROVRELEMS is not correctly building OVRELEMS set for pruning logic
607202 The FAVVIEW2 table was not processing data correctly.
The Forecast Overrides screen was not providing information on partial
errors, making it difficult to search for the overrides containing errors.
605929 Columns on the History Overrides screen could not be adjusted.
The UOM daily demand was not being initialized properly during
There were issues with the logic that discards bad overrides between
frozen overrides and frozen override conflicts.
Invalid exceptions causing the CF publish process to fail were not being
returned to CF.
608340 The realignment applied time field was incorrect.
615357 The renew working forecast was experiencing performance issues.
612778 All data sets were being displayed, rather than only the selected data sets.
CCDUYN1 and CCDUYN2 were not being initialized for the Calculate
Demand Uncertainty screen.
The Create Demand Plan - General Controls screen was not allowing
users to update all fields.
The Forecast Overrides screen was experiencing issues in a multi-screen
604349 The progress meter stopped at 75% after clicking Reapply All on the
Realign History screen.
590419 The Forecast Overrides screen’s performance was slow.
593294 There was an issue displaying more than one screen when working with the
Net Forecast Analysis screen.
602333 The RDHSEL.8A_FORMAT_TDISPLAY_ROWS rule was performing a
numeric test, rather than searching for integers, to verify whether it is an
600506 The Forecast Category Filters screen was now working correctly.
605623 Adjusted history was not being displayed correctly on the History
Overrides screen, although there were no changes to the overrides on the
599495 The final row was not visible in the Process CF Overrides screen's bottom
frame, nor were you able to scroll to it or use the row widget.
599431 Rolling forward to a new horizon that has no overlap with current horizon
was causing errors.
598949 An error occurred in some instances when an existing realignment row was
selected on the Realign History screen.
593847 The RSAVHFC1 rule was assuming that MONTH and PRD were the same
value, but in some instances they differed, such as when time periods were
being telescoped.

20 Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes

593171 The list of views available when you click Switch View on the SCM Ribbon’s
View tab was not being updated when multiple screens were open.
592399 Errors occurred when publishing files for CF configuration with no
exceptions defined.
590165 Lag Analysis Lagtype rules in LAGRULE set were not supported properly.
497151 Barrels per day was not available as a unit of measure.
598449 Demand Manager was experiencing performance issues in certain
598112 Demand Manager was experiencing performance issues when
aggregating data in certain situations.
597799 The time stamp for newly-created history realignments was not being
retained when you closed and then re-opened the History Review screen.
597398 Opening the Time Periods Configuration screen changed the date format
of any cases not using the MM/DD/YY format.
596735 The Advanced Filter was experiencing performance issues.
596730 When disaggregating data, an issue with the YEAR attribute led to data
mistakenly being filtered by year, rather than at the product level.
596066 After specifying that SKIPZERO was on resulted in nothing being displayed,
an ERROR was occurring.
593776 Forecast elements could potentially be removed inadvertently.
593399 Clicking Find Next to search for a string was bypassing the first instance of
that string.
593391 The string you entered in the Find field was being carried over when you
used Find on another screen.
593380 An error message was appearing when you searched for a string on
override screen with no overrides.
593174 Errors were occurring in some scenarios when trying to use the Save
Versions functionality.
593041 The ALGNROWS table was being neither installed nor updated by the
standard shared libraries.
592035 There were issues when upgrading from SCM V.3 to V8.8.
591821 A warning message was appearing after navigating to the Forecast vs.
Actuals screen from the History Review screen when it was using the Bar
Chart view.
589185 Adding a new forecast element was not working correctly.
585904 An element’s active or inactive status was being reset inconsistently.
Inventory Planner
664979 An error in the RBLDGEN rule was causing location categories imported to
the LOCCAT table to be mis-numbered.
Plant Scheduler
The RDVBG routine, which enables the data viewer to run in the
background, now runs the DVSETUP rule, allowing the data viewer to run
586680 correctly.
Plant Scheduler now verifies in advance whether DVTBALE(@,D) is blank,
592028 instantiating the TITLE global variable and enabling you to open DVTABLE.

Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes 21

To configure when the Scorecard recalculates, and whether it refreshes to
reflect the current status, set the SC_SWITCH in the APPDATA table to
one of the following:
MANUAL: Scorecard updates only when you click on it (default).
AUTO: Scorecard updates automatically when you make any changes to
the schedule.
OFF: Scorecard does not update. Scorecard will be hidden when the case is
597758 saved and re-opened.
Click Re-Apply after adding or moving an activity to or from the frozen
time zone range to refresh the activity colors. The colors are updated
according to the color scheme associated with selected Frozen Activities
highlight scheme (Planning Board ribbon | Color section | Highlight |
605277 Frozen Activities).
• Updates to RCPBFM31, RCPBFM41, and RCPBFM51 ensure that the
PBLBSTA, PBLBSTB, and PBLBSTC indexes are retained even after
looping is complete.
• RCPBMS10 now saves and restores the most recently selected index. As
a result, the index is set correctly, and the error message no longer
605842 appears.
Planning Board and Schedule Analysis reports now behave correctly in a
689550 multi-screen layout.
609318 Because of an issue with the schedule horizon, dates and amounts were not
being sorted properly in the Inventory Problems report. The Inventory
Problems screen now incorporates a new “DURATION” column type,
enabling it to accurately display and sort time span data.
611321 Entering downtimes that occur beyond the schedule horizon were
sometimes causing issues with downtimes occurring in the schedule
607204 Plant Scheduler was experiencing issues when viewing Data Viewer
screens in a multi-screen environment.
Data Viewer screens were experiencing performance issues when
605204 attempting to filter an inventory report to remove with products with no
Data in an underlying table was not being refreshed after the table data
The Data Viewer was declaring some characters in a character table as
invalid, such as attempting to define a letter in a table of integers.
The Exception Filter on the Planning Board ribbon’s Schedule tab was not
The PRO, FAC, and TIM values were being adjusted dynamically in
590644 calculation routines because of a flaw in the way Scorecard metrics are
The S CONTROLS UAP = GANI SAVE routine was causing performance
issues in some instances.
Re-applying a data override was not refreshing the screen(s) that were
being updated.
593810 An error message was appearing when Campaign Manager encountered
an undefined policy (or one it did not recognize).
593806 The Campaign Manager was encountering problems when increasing the
length of a production cycle in some instances.
590859 The Planning Board was experiencing performance issues after clicking on
an activity.

22 Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes

590650 Multiple instances of an error message were appearing after using the
Scorecard Filter on the Planning Board in some instances.
585838 The Regression Testing Log was not appearing after clicking Apply on
the Regression Testing screen.
584558 The value of %On Time Demand for the Scorecard was inconsistent after
filtering demand using Demand Selection on the Planning Board ribbon’s
Schedule tab.
Supply Chain Planner
Numbers in tables are now being processed correctly as numbers, rather
591228 than as text.
The REMOVEIF command replaces the REMOVE command, which was
605466 returning an ERROR condition under certain conditions.
The following APPDATA entries replace a number of SCM Application rules
and address the RCNV issues:
CNVEFFDAYTIM: Set effective times from model start time [Y|N]
610183 CNVBNDSPORSM: Bound in SPORSUM* entries in days in span [Y|N]
673635 Arrows on the Distribution Flows screen now appear correctly.
The Advanced Filter panel now displays all filters, including all aggregate
673732 attributes.
673754 Map functionality now works as expected.
The MAPOPTSI setting is now stored locally, ensuring that the user’s
683986 choice is stored in the case.
You can now update APPDATA(FLOW_NODE_SIZE,1)
APPDATA(FLOW_TEXT_SIZE,1) to change the size of nodes and text on
683992 the Distribution Flows screen.
609853 The Flow by Location dialog box was not appearing after selecting and
then right-clicking a location on the Distribution Flows screen.
615402 Calendar downtimes with a length of zero were not being processed
673635 Because of a rendering error, arrows in the Distribution Flows screen
weren't appearing for smaller distribution flows.
673732 Only five levels were appearing in the Distribution Flows screen’s
Advanced Filter panel.
673754 The performance of several SP screens was slow.
683992 The default size used for text and node symbols was too large, making
it difficult when displaying a large number of locations.
614383 The View Settings panel was not displaying the dropdown list with the
UOM settings.
614380 Data Viewer screens were displaying “Unassigned” when a base UOM had
not been specified.
614169 UOM settings were displaying incorrect results when you selected a
different UOM in a Table view and switched to a Datalist view.
610183 There were performance issues with RCNV time conversions.
Aspen Configured Applications
Previously-created custom patterns were not working as expected in the
534270 current SCM application.
684560 After automatically upgrading the GML library, the navigation bar no
longer appeared correctly.

Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes 23

686548 The INIT_VAR statement was being replicated in multiple FMTDATA
sets, leading to scheduling problems.
No error message appeared after changing the file path in
FMTFDEF(APPLOG) to a location that does not exist or to which you do
611792 not have permission.
Stored overrides in the PS, SP, and IP data viewer were being corrupted
because of an error clearing the DVOVRDT2 table.
Aspen Configured Applications
288029 The parsing utility in RUTILSTR needed to be updated to use the new
FMTDATA PARSE function for better performance.

24 Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes

Known Issues for
Release V9

Known issues are listed by functional area, issue, and internal tracking codes
(indicated by []). We have provided workarounds where possible.
If you are calling us about any of these issues, please refer to the tracking
code. It will enable us to provide you with better support.

There are no known issues with SCM V9.

All SCM Applications (Plant

Scheduler, Supply Chain
Planner, Demand Manager,
Distribution Scheduler,
Inventory Planner)
ID Issue Description Comments
In some instances, an error As a workaround, point the
occurs while upgrading the RUTILST loading case in the
GML from V8.8.4 to V9, V8.8.4 case to GML V8.8,
697593 causing the upgrade to fail. rather than SHB_V8-8-
4.cas. Next, save the V8.8.4
case and re-open it. You can
then upgrade to V9.

Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes 25

When you click Edit on the To replace the standard Edit
Planning Board ribbon's Activity dialog box, update
Schedule tab after selecting the PBRBCTL configuration
an activity, the Edit Activity table with a rule that opens
dialog box opens. In previous your preferred pop-up dialog
699067 releases, the Edit Loads dialog box or screen. You can
box would open. replace the Edit Activity
dialog box with either the
Edit Loads dialog box or a
custom dialog box that you

Online Help
Some screen help may refer to V7.3 style User Interface where content
specifies “tabs” instead of “panels”. For these screens, the content remains

26 Aspen SCM V9 Release Notes

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